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Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by phosit on Mar 24 2024, 7:54 PM.


Trac Tickets

When the RL::Interface is destroied but the engine isn't completely shoutdown there was a dangling pointer. The duration the dangling pointer is accessable got expanded with rP27908.
Whith this patch there no dangling pointer (in that regard).

Test Plan

Run with the rl-interface.
Restart the engine while the rl-interface runs (from the mod selector). The rl-interface should also restart

Event Timeline

phosit created this revision.Mar 24 2024, 7:54 PM
phosit published this revision for review.Mar 24 2024, 9:12 PM
phosit retitled this revision from Shutdown rl-interface gracefully to Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully.Mar 27 2024, 12:52 PM
In D5254#223622, @Stan wrote:

Yea... fixing a bug while not noticing it ^^

phosit edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)Mar 27 2024, 5:25 PM
phosit updated the Trac tickets for this revision.
phosit edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)Mar 27 2024, 5:41 PM
sera added inline comments.Mar 27 2024, 9:00 PM

Maybe keep the mg in the variable name? Also why a unique pointer instead of just using the destructor to clean up?

phosit added inline comments.Mar 27 2024, 9:41 PM

Adding a "mg" feels redundant. Propably something like httpServerContext.

sera added inline comments.Mar 27 2024, 10:04 PM

Here the pointer is private and no copy can be obtained, therefore the Interface already serves as "unique pointer" or in other words is unmistakably the owner. Basically this feels like double wrapping.

phosit marked an inline comment as done.Mar 28 2024, 6:30 PM
phosit added inline comments.

Externaly yes. But inside of RL::Interface member functions thous things are possible.

Stoping the context is the responsibility of the object. (If I would redesign mongoose in C++ you wouldn't have to manually stop the context.)

I'd like to use the destructor only for things where you need multiple member variables.

sera added inline comments.Mar 30 2024, 3:08 PM

Well, guarding against internal misuses seems somewhat futile an undertaking in the first place, at least I find increasing size to achieve it questionable. Guess would be nice if one or two more people could voice there take.

phosit marked an inline comment as done.Mar 30 2024, 6:37 PM
phosit added inline comments.

This patch is there to solve an internal misuse.
"Size increase" of what?

sera added inline comments.Mar 31 2024, 5:20 PM

Source size obviously but that can be ignored for all intent and purpose. Binary size should increase while the worst case of size on the stack/heap with how you crafted it (empty deleter) should have been avoided.

Guess the binary size increase could be more than you expect.

phosit marked 2 inline comments as done.Apr 1 2024, 5:03 PM
phosit added inline comments.

Since std::default_delete is an empty class implementations should optimize std::unique_ptr for empty deleter.
Binary size doesn't matter in parts where it's seldomly called (loaded in to cache).
To reduce source size i could use a function reference as deleter but that would increase stack usage.

sera added inline comments.Fri, May 24, 2:21 PM

Doesn't look like someone else wants to skim in, so just go with what you prefer. I brought it up not as an objection per se, just wanted to highlight that you add a couple kb to the binary unneeded for the fix. The merit and demerit of either approach isn't that obvious to weight against each other, however, such a debate shouldn't block a legitimate bugfix indefinitely.

Stan added inline comments.Fri, May 24, 3:34 PM

Maybe we should actually profile it? Ideally with MSVC which is the ideal annoying culprit here.

Stan added a comment.Fri, May 24, 3:34 PM

Also how does the other code that uses mongoose use it ? That would be profiler2 not sure if there is something else.

phosit marked 2 inline comments as done.Sun, Jun 2, 4:21 PM
In D5254#224728, @Stan wrote:

Also how does the other code that uses mongoose use it ? That would be profiler2 not sure if there is something else.

It does call mg_stop. (explicitly not via std::unique_ptr)


The rl-interface doesn't start and stop that frequently. So performance doesn't matter.

Stan added a comment.Sun, Jun 2, 5:44 PM

By the way I could not find any drop in replacement for that lib, and the new version of it is significantly bigger and also under GPL3 and not 2 which sucks.

vladislavbelov added inline comments.Mon, Jun 3, 8:06 PM

I agree that the change conforms the R.3 guideline. But it comes at a price of reducing readability. The main point of R.3. (as I interpret) is to guarantee a lifetime of a pointer. And that can be solved not only by using unique_ptr, but also explicit wrappers/holders (like MGContextHolder or something like that).

phosit marked an inline comment as done.Mon, Jun 3, 8:35 PM
phosit added inline comments.

"reducing readability" I don't agree with that.
Yes it doesn't has to be std::unique_ptr. R.3 even suggests to use owner<T*>.

Im not sure what you want to say with this comment. Do you want to say std::unique_ptr is the wrong tool to solve this problem?

vladislavbelov added inline comments.Mon, Jun 3, 9:34 PM

In that particular case I think the 1) code is easier to read than 2).


Interface::Interface(const char* server_address)
	LOGMESSAGERENDER("Starting RL interface HTTP server");
	const char *options[] = {
		"listening_ports", server_address,
		"num_threads", "1",
	m_Context = mg_start(MgCallback, this, options);

void Interface::~Interface()


Interface::Interface(const char* server_address) :
			LOGMESSAGERENDER("Starting RL interface HTTP server");
			const char *options[] = {
				"listening_ports", server_address,
				"num_threads", "1",
			return mg_start(MgCallback, this, options);

void Interface::ContextDeleter::operator()(mg_context* context) noexcept

// plus header changes.

Yes, I think std::unique_ptr isn't the best tool for that kind of problems. We use it only because it already exists and we have no other tools available. Ideally I'd like to use some symmetric solution, like wrapper/holder or:

Interface::Interface(const char* server_address) :
			LOGMESSAGERENDER("Starting RL interface HTTP server");
			const char *options[] = {
				"listening_ports", server_address,
				"num_threads", "1",
			return mg_start(MgCallback, this, options);