african_plains.json - Absorb into mainland.json anatolian_plateau.json - Just plain boring, literal disk. bahrain.json - Somewhat unplayable and unfair terrain. I do not like these large scale real world maps because the scale just destroys immersion. belgian_uplands.json - belgian_bog.json is better and represent the same geography, the High Fens botswanan_haven.json - Somewhat meh, nothing really original and doesn't look too aesthetically nice either. continent.json - Mainland with ocean. Original concept and should just be updated instead. dodecanese.json - Unplayable. Too many islands. Gap between water too small for ships as well. frontier.json - Nothing special, existing concept. gear.json - More of a novelty I suppose. harbor.json - Currently buggy, needs fixing. Original concept, should keep. hyrcanian_shores.json - Just mainland. india.json - In favor of lake.json, needs a unique concept, kerala.json - Identical to hyrcanian_shores.json latium.json - Not that good looking. lions_den.json - Labyrinth type map. A better more natural looking one already exists. mediterranean.json - Same as bahrain.json oasis.json - Unique concept, updated and keep. polynesia.json - Extremely out of place, better island maps exist. pompeii.json - Keep either this or volcanic_lands.json red_sea.json - Very good looking. The same problem as other heightmaps of broad geographical regions, but aesthetically worth keeping. rivers.json - A similiar map exists, but this concept is unique. rhine_marshlands.json - Similar to belgian_bog.json even though different area, could be kept if the river is included, otherwise remove. saharan_oases.json - Original concept, update and keep. sahel.json - Absorb into mainland.json sahel_watering_holes.json - Essentially rivers with a land center. Undecided. volcanic_lands.json - Keep either this or pompeii.json