Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/utility_functions.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/utility_functions.js (revision 13539) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/utility_functions.js (revision 13540) @@ -1,549 +1,549 @@ const GEOLOGY = "geology"; const FLORA = "flora"; const FAUNA = "fauna"; const SPECIAL = "special"; const COST_DISPLAY_NAMES = { "food": "[icon=\"iconFood\"]", "wood": "[icon=\"iconWood\"]", "stone": "[icon=\"iconStone\"]", "metal": "[icon=\"iconMetal\"]", "population": "[icon=\"iconPopulation\"]", "time": "[icon=\"iconTime\"]" }; //-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- // Utility functions //-------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- function toTitleCase(word) { if (word.length > 0) { var titleCased = word.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(); if (word.length > 1) { titleCased += word.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } return titleCased; } return word; } // Get the basic player data function getPlayerData(playerAssignments) { var players = []; var simState = GetSimState(); if (!simState) return players; for (var i = 0; i < simState.players.length; i++) { var playerState = simState.players[i]; var name =; var civ = playerState.civ; var color = { "r": playerState.colour.r*255, "g": playerState.colour.g*255, "b": playerState.colour.b*255, "a": playerState.colour.a*255 }; var player = { "name": name, "civ": civ, "color": color, "team":, "teamsLocked": playerState.teamsLocked, "state": playerState.state, "isAlly": playerState.isAlly, "isMutualAlly": playerState.isMutualAlly, "isNeutral": playerState.isNeutral, "isEnemy": playerState.isEnemy, "guid": undefined, // network guid for players controlled by hosts "disconnected": false // flag for host-controlled players who have left the game }; players.push(player); } // Overwrite default player names with multiplayer names if (playerAssignments) { for (var playerGuid in playerAssignments) { var playerAssignment = playerAssignments[playerGuid]; if (players[playerAssignment.player]) { players[playerAssignment.player].guid = playerGuid; players[playerAssignment.player].name =; } } } return players; } // Returns whether a player has physical allies. function hasAllies(playerID, playerData) { if (playerData[playerID] && playerData[playerID].team != -1) { for (var i = 0; i < playerData.length; i++) if (playerData[i].team == playerData[playerID].team) return true; } return false; } function findGuidForPlayerID(playerAssignments, player) { for (var playerGuid in playerAssignments) { var playerAssignment = playerAssignments[playerGuid]; if (playerAssignment.player == player) return playerGuid; } return undefined; } // Update player data when a host has connected function updatePlayerDataAdd(players, hostGuid, playerAssignment) { if (players[playerAssignment.player]) { players[playerAssignment.player].guid = hostGuid; players[playerAssignment.player].name =; players[playerAssignment.player].offline = false; } } // Update player data when a host has disconnected function updatePlayerDataRemove(players, hostGuid) { for each (var player in players) if (player.guid == hostGuid) player.offline = true; } function hasClass(entState, className) { if (entState.identity) { var classes = entState.identity.classes; if (classes && classes.length) return (classes.indexOf(className) != -1); } return false; } // For the unit details panel function damageValues(dmg) { if (dmg) { var dmgArray = []; dmg.hack? dmgArray.push(dmg.hack) : dmgArray.push(0); dmg.pierce? dmgArray.push(dmg.pierce) : dmgArray.push(0); dmg.crush? dmgArray.push(dmg.crush) : dmgArray.push(0); return dmgArray; } else { return [0, 0, 0]; } } // For the unit details panel function damageTypeDetails(dmg) { if (dmg) { var dmgArray = []; if (dmg.hack) dmgArray.push(dmg.hack + "[font=\"sans-10\"][color=\"orange\"] Hack[/color][/font]"); if (dmg.pierce) dmgArray.push(dmg.pierce + "[font=\"sans-10\"][color=\"orange\"] Pierce[/color][/font]"); if (dmg.crush) dmgArray.push(dmg.crush + "[font=\"sans-10\"][color=\"orange\"] Crush[/color][/font]"); return dmgArray.join(", "); } else { return "[font=\"serif-12\"](None)[/font]"; } } // Converts an armor level into the actual reduction percentage function armorLevelToPercentage(level) { return 100 - Math.round(Math.pow(0.9, level) * 100); } // Also for the unit details panel function armorTypeDetails(dmg) { if (dmg) { var dmgArray = []; if (dmg.hack) { dmgArray.push(dmg.hack + "[font=\"sans-10\"][color=\"orange\"] Hack[/color][/font] " + " [font=\"sans-10\"](" + armorLevelToPercentage(dmg.hack) + "%)[/font]"); } if (dmg.pierce) { dmgArray.push(dmg.pierce + "[font=\"sans-10\"][color=\"orange\"] Pierce[/color][/font] " + " [font=\"sans-10\"](" + armorLevelToPercentage(dmg.pierce) + "%)[/font]"); } if (dmg.crush) { dmgArray.push(dmg.crush + "[font=\"sans-10\"][color=\"orange\"] Crush[/color][/font] " + " [font=\"sans-10\"](" + armorLevelToPercentage(dmg.crush) + "%)[/font]"); } return dmgArray.join(", "); } else { return "[font=\"serif-12\"](None)[/font]"; } } // For the training tooltip function damageTypesToText(dmg) { if (!dmg) return "[font=\"serif-12\"](None)[/font]"; var hackLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Hack[/font]"; var pierceLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Pierce[/font]"; var crushLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Crush[/font]"; var hackDamage = dmg.hack; var pierceDamage = dmg.pierce; var crushDamage = dmg.crush; var dmgArray = []; - if (hackDamage) dmgArray.push(hackDamage + hackLabel); - if (pierceDamage) dmgArray.push(pierceDamage + pierceLabel); - if (crushDamage) dmgArray.push(crushDamage + crushLabel); + if (hackDamage) dmgArray.push(Math.round(hackDamage) + hackLabel); + if (pierceDamage) dmgArray.push(Math.round(pierceDamage) + pierceLabel); + if (crushDamage) dmgArray.push(Math.round(crushDamage) + crushLabel); return dmgArray.join("[font=\"serif-12\"], [/font]"); } // Also for the training tooltip function armorTypesToText(dmg) { if (!dmg) return "[font=\"serif-12\"](None)[/font]"; var hackDamage = dmg.hack; var pierceDamage = dmg.pierce; var crushDamage = dmg.crush; var hackLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Hack (" + armorLevelToPercentage(hackDamage) + "%)[/font]"; var pierceLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Pierce (" + armorLevelToPercentage(pierceDamage) + "%)[/font]"; var crushLabel = "[font=\"serif-12\"] Crush (" + armorLevelToPercentage(crushDamage) + "%)[/font]"; var dmgArray = []; if (hackDamage) dmgArray.push(hackDamage + hackLabel); if (pierceDamage) dmgArray.push(pierceDamage + pierceLabel); if (crushDamage) dmgArray.push(crushDamage + crushLabel); return dmgArray.join("[font=\"serif-12\"], [/font]"); } function getEntityCommandsList(entState) { var commands = []; if (entState.garrisonHolder) { commands.push({ "name": "unload-all", "tooltip": "Unload All", "icon": "garrison-out.png" }); } commands.push({ "name": "delete", "tooltip": "Delete", "icon": "kill_small.png" }); if (hasClass(entState, "Unit")) { commands.push({ "name": "stop", "tooltip": "Stop", "icon": "stop.png" }); commands.push({ "name": "garrison", "tooltip": "Garrison", "icon": "garrison.png" }); } if (entState.buildEntities) { commands.push({ "name": "repair", "tooltip": "Repair", "icon": "repair.png" }); } if (entState.rallyPoint) { commands.push({ "name": "focus-rally", "tooltip": "Focus on Rally Point", "icon": "focus-rally.png" }); } return commands; } /** * Translates a cost component identifier as they are used internally (e.g. "population", "food", etc.) to proper * display names. */ function getCostComponentDisplayName(costComponentName) { return COST_DISPLAY_NAMES[costComponentName]; } /** * Multiplies the costs for a template by a given batch size. */ function multiplyEntityCosts(template, trainNum) { var totalCosts = {}; for (var r in template.cost) totalCosts[r] = Math.floor(template.cost[r] * trainNum); return totalCosts; } /** * Helper function for getEntityCostTooltip. */ function getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, trainNum, entity) { if (!trainNum) trainNum = 1; var totalCosts = multiplyEntityCosts(template, trainNum); totalCosts.time = Math.ceil(template.cost.time * (entity ? Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetBatchTime", {"entity": entity, "batchSize": trainNum}) : 1)); var costs = []; if ( costs.push(getCostComponentDisplayName("food") + " " +; if (totalCosts.wood) costs.push(getCostComponentDisplayName("wood") + " " + totalCosts.wood); if (totalCosts.metal) costs.push(getCostComponentDisplayName("metal") + " " + totalCosts.metal); if (totalCosts.stone) costs.push(getCostComponentDisplayName("stone") + " " + totalCosts.stone); if (totalCosts.population) costs.push(getCostComponentDisplayName("population") + " " + totalCosts.population); if (totalCosts.time) costs.push(getCostComponentDisplayName("time") + " " + totalCosts.time); return costs; } /** * Returns an array of strings for a set of wall pieces. If the pieces share * resource type requirements, output will be of the form '10 to 30 Stone', * otherwise output will be, e.g. '10 Stone, 20 Stone, 30 Stone'. */ function getWallPieceTooltip(wallTypes) { var out = []; var resourceCount = {}; // Initialize the acceptable types for '$x to $y $resource' mode. for (var resource in wallTypes[0].cost) if (wallTypes[0].cost[resource]) resourceCount[resource] = [wallTypes[0].cost[resource]]; var sameTypes = true; for (var i = 1; i < wallTypes.length; ++i) { for (var resource in wallTypes[i].cost) { // Break out of the same-type mode if this wall requires // resource types that the first didn't. if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource] && !resourceCount[resource]) { sameTypes = false; break; } } for (var resource in resourceCount) { if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource]) resourceCount[resource].push(wallTypes[i].cost[resource]); else { sameTypes = false; break; } } } if (sameTypes) { for (var resource in resourceCount) { var resourceMin = Math.min.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]); var resourceMax = Math.max.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]); out.push(getCostComponentDisplayName(resource) + " " + resourceMin + " to " + getCostComponentDisplayName(resource) + " " + resourceMax); } } else for (var i = 0; i < wallTypes.length; ++i) out.push(getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(wallTypes[i]).join(", ")); return out; } /** * Returns the cost information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip. */ function getEntityCostTooltip(template, trainNum, entity) { var cost = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Costs:[/font] "; // Entities with a wallset component are proxies for initiating wall placement and as such do not have a cost of // their own; the individual wall pieces within it do. if (template.wallSet) { var templateLong = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.long); var templateMedium = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.medium); var templateShort = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.short); var templateTower = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.tower); var wallCosts = getWallPieceTooltip([templateShort, templateMedium, templateLong]); var towerCosts = getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(templateTower); cost += "\n"; cost += " Walls: " + wallCosts.join(" ") + "\n"; cost += " Towers: " + towerCosts.join(" "); } else if (template.cost) { var costs = getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, trainNum, entity); cost += costs.join(" "); } else { cost = ""; // cleaner than duplicating the serif-bold-13 stuff } return cost; } /** * Returns the population bonus information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip. */ function getPopulationBonusTooltip(template) { var popBonus = ""; if (template.cost && template.cost.populationBonus) popBonus = "\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Population Bonus:[/font] " + template.cost.populationBonus; return popBonus; } /** * Returns a message with the amount of each resource needed to create an entity. */ function getNeededResourcesTooltip(resources) { var formatted = []; for (var resource in resources) formatted.push("[font=\"serif-12\"]" + getCostComponentDisplayName(resource) + "[/font] " + resources[resource]); return "\n\n[font=\"serif-bold-13\"][color=\"red\"]Insufficient resources:[/color][/font]\n" + formatted.join(" "); } function getEntitySpeed(template) { var speed = ""; if (template.speed) { speed += "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Speed:[/font] "; var speeds = []; if (template.speed.walk) speeds.push(template.speed.walk + " [font=\"serif-12\"]Walk[/font]"); if ( speeds.push( + " [font=\"serif-12\"]Run[/font]"); speed += speeds.join(", "); } return speed; } function getEntityAttack(template) { var attacks = []; if (template.attack) { // Don't show slaughter attack delete template.attack['Slaughter']; for (var type in template.attack) { var attack = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]" + type + " Attack:[/font] " + damageTypesToText(template.attack[type]); // Show max attack range if ranged attack, also convert to tiles (4m per tile) if (type == "Ranged") attack += ", [font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Range:[/font] "+Math.round(template.attack[type].maxRange/4); attacks.push(attack); } } return attacks.join("\n"); } function getEntityName(template) { return || || "???"; } function getEntityNames(template) { var names = []; if ( { names.push(; if ( && names[0] != names.push("(" + + ")"); } else if ( names.push(; return (names.length) ? names.join(" ") : "???"; } function getEntityNamesFormatted(template) { return '[font="serif-bold-16"]' + getEntityNames(template) + "[/font]"; } function getEntityRankedName(entState) { var template = GetTemplateData(entState.template) var rank = entState.identity.rank; if (rank) return rank + " " +; else return; } function getRankIconSprite(entState) { if ("Elite" == entState.identity.rank) return "stretched:session/icons/rank3.png"; else if ("Advanced" == entState.identity.rank) return "stretched:session/icons/rank2.png"; else if (entState.identity.classes && entState.identity.classes.length && -1 != entState.identity.classes.indexOf("CitizenSoldier")) return "stretched:session/icons/rank1.png"; return ""; } Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/siege_armor.json =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/siege_armor.json (revision 13539) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/siege_armor.json (revision 13540) @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "genericName": "Armour plating", "description": "Increased armour on siege weapons", "cost": {"food": 0, "wood": 300, "stone": 0, "metal": 350}, "requirements": {"tech": "phase_city"}, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in City Phase.", "icon": "armor_plates_gold.png", "researchTime": 30, "tooltip": "All Siege weapons +2 Hack armor levels.", - "modifications": [{"value": "Armour/Hack", "add": 5.0}], + "modifications": [{"value": "Armour/Hack", "add": 2.0}], "affects": ["Siege"] -} \ No newline at end of file +} Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/siege_attack.json =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/siege_attack.json (revision 13539) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/siege_attack.json (revision 13540) @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "genericName": "Advanced Siege", "description": "Advanced technologies improve siege efficiency", "cost": {"food": 0, "wood": 200, "stone": 0, "metal": 250}, "requirements": {"tech": "phase_city"}, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in City Phase.", "icon": "siege_ram.png", "researchTime": 30, - "tooltip": "Siege crush damage increased 20%", + "tooltip": "All siege weapons +3 Crush damage.", "modifications": [ - {"value": "Attack/Melee/Crush", "multiplier": 1.2}, - {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Crush", "multiplier": 1.2}], + {"value": "Attack/Melee/Crush", "add": 3}, + {"value": "Attack/Ranged/Crush", "add": 3}], "affects": ["Siege"] -} \ No newline at end of file +}