Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/menu.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/menu.js (revision 17552) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/menu.js (revision 17553) @@ -1,715 +1,736 @@ // Menu / panel border size const MARGIN = 4; // Includes the main menu button const NUM_BUTTONS = 9; // Regular menu buttons const BUTTON_HEIGHT = 32; // The position where the bottom of the menu will end up (currently 228) const END_MENU_POSITION = (BUTTON_HEIGHT * NUM_BUTTONS) + MARGIN; // Menu starting position: bottom const MENU_BOTTOM = 0; // Menu starting position: top const MENU_TOP = MENU_BOTTOM - END_MENU_POSITION; // Menu starting position: overall const INITIAL_MENU_POSITION = "100%-164 " + MENU_TOP + " 100% " + MENU_BOTTOM; // Number of pixels per millisecond to move const MENU_SPEED = 1.2; // Available resources in trade and tribute menu const RESOURCES = ["food", "wood", "stone", "metal"]; // Trade menu: step for probability changes const STEP = 5; +// Shown in the trade dialog. +const g_IdleTraderTextColor = "orange"; + var g_IsMenuOpen = false; var g_IsDiplomacyOpen = false; var g_IsTradeOpen = false; // Redefined every time someone makes a tribute (so we can save some data in a closure). Called in input.js handleInputBeforeGui. var g_FlushTributing = function() {}; // Ignore size defined in XML and set the actual menu size here function initMenuPosition() { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("menu").size = INITIAL_MENU_POSITION; } function updateMenuPosition(dt) { let menu = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("menu"); let maxOffset = g_IsMenuOpen ? (END_MENU_POSITION - menu.size.bottom) : ( - MENU_TOP); if (maxOffset <= 0) return; let offset = Math.min(MENU_SPEED * dt, maxOffset) * (g_IsMenuOpen ? +1 : -1); let size = menu.size; += offset; size.bottom += offset; menu.size = size; } // Opens the menu by revealing the screen which contains the menu function openMenu() { g_IsMenuOpen = true; } // Closes the menu and resets position function closeMenu() { g_IsMenuOpen = false; } function toggleMenu() { g_IsMenuOpen = !g_IsMenuOpen; } function optionsMenuButton() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); openOptions(); } function chatMenuButton() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); openChat(); } function diplomacyMenuButton() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); openDiplomacy(); } function pauseMenuButton() { togglePause(); } function resignMenuButton() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); pauseGame(); messageBox( 400, 200, translate("Are you sure you want to resign?"), translate("Confirmation"), 0, [translate("No"), translate("Yes")], [resumeGame, resignGame] ); } function exitMenuButton() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); pauseGame(); let messageTypes = { "host": { "caption": translate("Are you sure you want to quit? Leaving will disconnect all other players."), "buttons": [resumeGame, leaveGame] }, "client": { "caption": translate("Are you sure you want to quit?"), "buttons": [resumeGame, networkReturnQuestion] }, "singleplayer": { "caption": translate("Are you sure you want to quit?"), "buttons": [resumeGame, leaveGame] } }; let messageType = g_IsNetworked && g_IsController ? "host" : (g_IsNetworked && !g_GameEnded && !g_IsObserver ? "client" : "singleplayer"); messageBox( 400, 200, messageTypes[messageType].caption, translate("Confirmation"), 0, [translate("No"), translate("Yes")], messageTypes[messageType].buttons ); } function networkReturnQuestion() { messageBox( 400, 200, translate("Do you want to resign or will you return soon?"), translate("Confirmation"), 0, [translate("I will return"), translate("I resign")], [leaveGame, resignGame], [true, false] ); } function openDeleteDialog(selection) { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); let deleteSelectedEntities = function (selectionArg) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "delete-entities", "entities": selectionArg }); }; messageBox( 400, 200, translate("Destroy everything currently selected?"), translate("Delete"), 0, [translate("No"), translate("Yes")], [resumeGame, deleteSelectedEntities], [null, selection] ); } function openSave() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); pauseGame(); Engine.PushGuiPage("page_savegame.xml", { "savedGameData": getSavedGameData(), "callback": "resumeGame" }); } function openOptions() { pauseGame(); Engine.PushGuiPage("page_options.xml", { "callback": "resumeGame" }); } function openChat() { if (g_Disconnected) return; updateTeamCheckbox(false); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput").focus(); // Grant focus to the input area Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatDialogPanel").hidden = false; } function closeChat() { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput").caption = ""; // Clear chat input Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput").blur(); // Remove focus Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatDialogPanel").hidden = true; } function updateTeamCheckbox(check) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("toggleTeamChatLabel").hidden = g_IsObserver; let toggleTeamChat = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("toggleTeamChat"); toggleTeamChat.hidden = g_IsObserver; toggleTeamChat.checked = !g_IsObserver && check; } function toggleChatWindow(teamChat) { if (g_Disconnected) return; let chatWindow = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatDialogPanel"); let chatInput = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput"); if (chatWindow.hidden) chatInput.focus(); // Grant focus to the input area else { if (chatInput.caption.length) { submitChatInput(); return; } chatInput.caption = ""; // Clear chat input } updateTeamCheckbox(teamChat); chatWindow.hidden = !chatWindow.hidden; } function setDiplomacy(data) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "diplomacy", "to":, "player": data.player }); } function tributeResource(data) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "tribute", "player": data.player, "amounts": data.amounts }); } function openDiplomacy() { if (g_IsTradeOpen) closeTrade(); g_IsDiplomacyOpen = true; let we = Engine.GetPlayerID(); // Get offset for one line let onesize = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayer[0]").size; let rowsize = onesize.bottom -; // We don't include gaia for (let i = 1; i < g_Players.length; ++i) { // Apply offset let row = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayer["+(i-1)+"]"); let size = row.size; = rowsize*(i-1); size.bottom = rowsize*i; row.size = size; // Set background color let playerColor = rgbToGuiColor(g_Players[i].color); row.sprite = "color: "+playerColor + " 32"; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayerName["+(i-1)+"]").caption = "[color=\"" + playerColor + "\"]" + g_Players[i].name + "[/color]"; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayerCiv["+(i-1)+"]").caption = g_CivData[g_Players[i].civ].Name; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayerTeam["+(i-1)+"]").caption = (g_Players[i].team < 0) ? translateWithContext("team", "None") : g_Players[i].team+1; if (i != we) Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayerTheirs["+(i-1)+"]").caption = (g_Players[i].isAlly[we] ? translate("Ally") : (g_Players[i].isNeutral[we] ? translate("Neutral") : translate("Enemy"))); // Don't display the options for ourself, or if we or the other player aren't active anymore if (i == we || g_Players[we].state != "active" || g_Players[i].state != "active") { // Hide the unused/unselectable options for (let a of ["TributeFood", "TributeWood", "TributeStone", "TributeMetal", "Ally", "Neutral", "Enemy"]) Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayer"+a+"["+(i-1)+"]").hidden = true; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyAttackRequest["+(i-1)+"]").hidden = true; continue; } // Tribute for (let resource of RESOURCES) { let button = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayerTribute"+resource[0].toUpperCase()+resource.substring(1)+"["+(i-1)+"]"); button.onpress = (function(player, resource, button){ // Implement something like how unit batch training works. Shift+click to send 500, shift+click+click to send 1000, etc. // Also see input.js (searching for "INPUT_MASSTRIBUTING" should get all the relevant parts). let multiplier = 1; return function() { let isBatchTrainPressed = Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.masstribute"); if (isBatchTrainPressed) { inputState = INPUT_MASSTRIBUTING; multiplier += multiplier == 1 ? 4 : 5; } let amounts = { "food": (resource == "food" ? 100 : 0) * multiplier, "wood": (resource == "wood" ? 100 : 0) * multiplier, "stone": (resource == "stone" ? 100 : 0) * multiplier, "metal": (resource == "metal" ? 100 : 0) * multiplier }; button.tooltip = formatTributeTooltip(g_Players[player], resource, amounts[resource]); // This is in a closure so that we have access to `player`, `amounts`, and `multiplier` without some // evil global variable hackery. g_FlushTributing = function() { tributeResource({ "player": player, "amounts": amounts }); multiplier = 1; button.tooltip = formatTributeTooltip(g_Players[player], resource, 100); }; if (!isBatchTrainPressed) g_FlushTributing(); }; })(i, resource, button); button.hidden = false; button.tooltip = formatTributeTooltip(g_Players[i], resource, 100); } // Attack Request let simState = GetSimState(); let button = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyAttackRequest["+(i-1)+"]"); button.hidden = simState.ceasefireActive || !(g_Players[i].isEnemy[we]); button.tooltip = translate("Request your allies to attack this enemy"); button.onpress = (function(i, we){ return function() { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "attack-request", "source": we, "target": i }); }; })(i, we); // Skip our own teams on teams locked if (g_Players[we].teamsLocked && g_Players[we].team != -1 && g_Players[we].team == g_Players[i].team) continue; // Diplomacy settings // Set up the buttons for (let setting of ["Ally", "Neutral", "Enemy"]) { let button = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyPlayer"+setting+"["+(i-1)+"]"); button.caption = g_Players[we]["is"+setting][i] ? translate("x") : ""; button.onpress = (function(e){ return function() { setDiplomacy(e); }; })({ "player": i, "to": setting.toLowerCase() }); button.hidden = simState.ceasefireActive; } } Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyDialogPanel").hidden = false; } function closeDiplomacy() { g_IsDiplomacyOpen = false; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("diplomacyDialogPanel").hidden = true; } function toggleDiplomacy() { if (g_IsDiplomacyOpen) closeDiplomacy(); else openDiplomacy(); } function openTrade() { if (g_IsDiplomacyOpen) closeDiplomacy(); g_IsTradeOpen = true; var updateButtons = function() { for (var res in button) { button[res].label.caption = proba[res] + "%"; if (res == selec) { button[res].sel.hidden = false; button[res].up.hidden = true; button[res].dn.hidden = true; } else { button[res].sel.hidden = true; button[res].up.hidden = (proba[res] == 100 || proba[selec] == 0); button[res].dn.hidden = (proba[res] == 0 || proba[selec] == 100); } } }; var proba = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTradingGoods"); var button = {}; var selec = RESOURCES[0]; for (var i = 0; i < RESOURCES.length; ++i) { var buttonResource = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeResource["+i+"]"); if (i > 0) { var size = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeResource["+(i-1)+"]").size; var width = size.right - size.left; size.left += width; size.right += width; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeResource["+i+"]").size = size; } var resource = RESOURCES[i]; proba[resource] = (proba[resource] ? proba[resource] : 0); var buttonResource = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeResourceButton["+i+"]"); var icon = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeResourceIcon["+i+"]"); icon.sprite = "stretched:session/icons/resources/" + resource + ".png"; var label = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeResourceText["+i+"]"); var buttonUp = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeArrowUp["+i+"]"); var buttonDn = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeArrowDn["+i+"]"); var iconSel = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeResourceSelection["+i+"]"); button[resource] = { "up": buttonUp, "dn": buttonDn, "label": label, "sel": iconSel }; buttonResource.onpress = (function(resource){ return function() { if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.fulltradeswap")) { for (var ress of RESOURCES) proba[ress] = 0; proba[resource] = 100; Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "set-trading-goods", "tradingGoods": proba}); } selec = resource; updateButtons(); }; })(resource); buttonUp.onpress = (function(resource){ return function() { proba[resource] += Math.min(STEP, proba[selec]); proba[selec] -= Math.min(STEP, proba[selec]); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "set-trading-goods", "tradingGoods": proba}); updateButtons(); }; })(resource); buttonDn.onpress = (function(resource){ return function() { proba[selec] += Math.min(STEP, proba[resource]); proba[resource] -= Math.min(STEP, proba[resource]); Engine.PostNetworkCommand({"type": "set-trading-goods", "tradingGoods": proba}); updateButtons(); }; })(resource); } updateButtons(); - var traderNumber = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTraderNumber"); - var caption = ""; - if ( == 0) - caption = translate("There are no land traders."); - else - { - var inactive = - - traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned; - var inactiveString = ""; - if (inactive > 0) - inactiveString = "[color=\"orange\"]" + sprintf(translatePlural("%(numberOfLandTraders)s inactive", "%(numberOfLandTraders)s inactive", inactive), { numberOfLandTraders: inactive }) + "[/color]"; + let traderNumber = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTraderNumber"); + Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("landTraders").caption = getIdleLandTradersText(traderNumber); + Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("shipTraders").caption = getIdleShipTradersText(traderNumber); - if ( > 0) - { - var openingTradingString = sprintf(translatePlural("There is %(numberTrading)s land trader trading", "There are %(numberTrading)s land traders trading",, { numberTrading: }); - if (traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned > 0) - { - var garrisonedString = sprintf(translatePlural("%(numberGarrisoned)s garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", "%(numberGarrisoned)s garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned), { numberGarrisoned: traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned }); - if (inactive > 0) - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingTradingString)s, %(garrisonedString)s, and %(inactiveString)s."), { - openingTradingString: openingTradingString, - garrisonedString: garrisonedString, - inactiveString: inactiveString - }); - else - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingTradingString)s, and %(garrisonedString)s."), { - openingTradingString: openingTradingString, - garrisonedString: garrisonedString - }); - } - else - { - if (inactive > 0) - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingTradingString)s, and %(inactiveString)s."), { - openingTradingString: openingTradingString, - inactiveString: inactiveString - }); - else - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingTradingString)s."), { - openingTradingString: openingTradingString, - }); - } - } - else - { - if (traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned > 0) - { - var openingGarrisonedString = sprintf(translatePlural("There is %(numberGarrisoned)s land trader garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", "There are %(numberGarrisoned)s land traders garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned), { numberGarrisoned: traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned }); - if (inactive > 0) - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingGarrisonedString)s, and %(inactiveString)s."), { - openingGarrisonedString: openingGarrisonedString, - inactiveString: inactiveString - }); - else - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingGarrisonedString)s."), { - openingGarrisonedString: openingGarrisonedString - }); + Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeDialogPanel").hidden = false; +} + +function getIdleLandTradersText(traderNumber) +{ + let active =; + let garrisoned = traderNumber.landTrader.garrisoned; + let inactive = - active - garrisoned; + + let messageTypes = { + "active": { + "garrisoned": { + "no-inactive": translate("%(openingTradingString)s, and %(garrisonedString)s."), + "inactive": translate("%(openingTradingString)s, %(garrisonedString)s, and %(inactiveString)s.") + }, + "no-garrisoned": { + "no-inactive": translate("%(openingTradingString)s."), + "inactive": translate("%(openingTradingString)s, and %(inactiveString)s.") } - else - { - if (inactive > 0) - { - inactiveString = "[color=\"orange\"]" + sprintf(translatePlural("%(numberOfLandTraders)s land trader inactive", "%(numberOfLandTraders)s land traders inactive", inactive), { numberOfLandTraders: inactive }) + "[/color]"; - caption = sprintf(translatePlural("There is %(inactiveString)s.", "There are %(inactiveString)s.", inactive), { - inactiveString: inactiveString - }); - } - // The “else” here is already handled by “if ( == 0)” above. + }, + "no-active": { + "garrisoned": { + "no-inactive": translate("%(openingGarrisonedString)s."), + "inactive": translate("%(openingGarrisonedString)s, and %(inactiveString)s.") + }, + "no-garrisoned": { + "inactive": translatePlural("There is %(inactiveString)s.", "There are %(inactiveString)s.", inactive), + "no-inactive": translate("There are no land traders.") } } - } - Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("landTraders").caption = caption; + }; - caption = ""; - if ( == 0) - caption = translate("There are no merchant ships."); - else - { - var inactive = -; - var inactiveString = ""; - if (inactive > 0) - inactiveString = "[color=\"orange\"]" + sprintf(translatePlural("%(numberOfShipTraders)s inactive", "%(numberOfShipTraders)s inactive", inactive), { numberOfShipTraders: inactive }) + "[/color]"; + let message = messageTypes[active ? "active" : "no-active"][garrisoned ? "garrisoned" : "no-garrisoned"][inactive ? "inactive" : "no-inactive"]; - if ( > 0) - { - var openingTradingString = sprintf(translatePlural("There is %(numberTrading)s merchant ship trading", "There are %(numberTrading)s merchant ships trading",, { numberTrading: }); - if (inactive > 0) - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingTradingString)s, and %(inactiveString)s."), { - openingTradingString: openingTradingString, - inactiveString: inactiveString - }); - else - caption = sprintf(translate("%(openingTradingString)s."), { - openingTradingString: openingTradingString, - }); - } - else - { - if (inactive > 0) - { - inactiveString = "[color=\"orange\"]" + sprintf(translatePlural("%(numberOfShipTraders)s merchant ship inactive", "%(numberOfShipTraders)s merchant ships inactive", inactive), { numberOfShipTraders: inactive }) + "[/color]"; - caption = sprintf(translatePlural("There is %(inactiveString)s.", "There are %(inactiveString)s.", inactive), { - inactiveString: inactiveString - }); - } - // The “else” here is already handled by “if ( == 0)” above. + let activeString = sprintf( + translatePlural( + "There is %(numberTrading)s land trader trading", + "There are %(numberTrading)s land traders trading", + active + ), + { "numberTrading": active } + ); + + let inactiveString = sprintf(active || garrisoned ? + translatePlural( + "%(numberOfLandTraders)s inactive", + "%(numberOfLandTraders)s inactive", + inactive + ) : + translatePlural( + "%(numberOfLandTraders)s land trader inactive", + "%(numberOfLandTraders)s land traders inactive", + inactive + ), + { "numberOfLandTraders": inactive } + ); + + let garrisonedString = sprintf(active || inactive ? + translatePlural( + "%(numberGarrisoned)s garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", + "%(numberGarrisoned)s garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", + garrisoned + ) : + translatePlural( + "There is %(numberGarrisoned)s land trader garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", + "There are %(numberGarrisoned)s land traders garrisoned on a trading merchant ship", + garrisoned + ), + { "numberGarrisoned": garrisoned } + ); + + return sprintf(message, { + "openingTradingString": activeString, + "openingGarrisonedString": garrisonedString, + "garrisonedString": garrisonedString, + "inactiveString": "[color=\"" + g_IdleTraderTextColor + "\"]" + inactiveString + "[/color]" + }); +} + +function getIdleShipTradersText(traderNumber) +{ + let active =; + let inactive = - active; + + let messageTypes = { + "active": { + "inactive": translate("%(openingTradingString)s, and %(inactiveString)s."), + "no-inactive": translate("%(openingTradingString)s.") + }, + "no-active": { + "inactive": translatePlural("There is %(inactiveString)s.", "There are %(inactiveString)s.", inactive), + "no-inactive": translate("There are no merchant ships.") } - } - Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("shipTraders").caption = caption; + }; - Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeDialogPanel").hidden = false; + let message = messageTypes[active ? "active" : "no-active"][inactive ? "inactive" : "no-inactive"]; + + let activeString = sprintf( + translatePlural( + "There is %(numberTrading)s merchant ship trading", + "There are %(numberTrading)s merchant ships trading", + active + ), + { "numberTrading": active } + ); + + let inactiveString = sprintf(active ? + translatePlural( + "%(numberOfShipTraders)s inactive", + "%(numberOfShipTraders)s inactive", + inactive + ) : + translatePlural( + "%(numberOfShipTraders)s merchant ship inactive", + "%(numberOfShipTraders)s merchant ships inactive", + inactive + ), + { "numberOfShipTraders": inactive } + ); + + return sprintf(message, { + "openingTradingString": activeString, + "inactiveString": "[color=\"" + g_IdleTraderTextColor + "\"]" + inactiveString + "[/color]" + }); } function closeTrade() { g_IsTradeOpen = false; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tradeDialogPanel").hidden = true; } function toggleTrade() { if (g_IsTradeOpen) closeTrade(); else openTrade(); } function toggleGameSpeed() { let gameSpeed = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameSpeed"); gameSpeed.hidden = !gameSpeed.hidden; } function openGameSummary() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); pauseGame(); let extendedSimState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetExtendedSimulationState"); Engine.PushGuiPage("page_summary.xml", { "timeElapsed" : extendedSimState.timeElapsed, "playerStates": extendedSimState.players, "players": g_Players, "mapSettings": Engine.GetMapSettings(), "isInGame": true, "gameResult": translate("Current Scores"), "callback": "resumeGame" }); } function openStrucTree() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); pauseGame(); // TODO add info about researched techs and unlocked entities Engine.PushGuiPage("page_structree.xml", { "civ" : g_Players[Engine.GetPlayerID()].civ, "callback": "resumeGame", }); } /** * Pause the game in single player mode. */ function pauseGame() { if (g_IsNetworked) return; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("pauseButtonText").caption = translate("Resume"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("pauseOverlay").hidden = false; Engine.SetPaused(true); } function resumeGame() { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("pauseButtonText").caption = translate("Pause"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("pauseOverlay").hidden = true; Engine.SetPaused(false); } function togglePause() { if (!Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("pauseButton").enabled) return; closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); let pauseOverlay = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("pauseOverlay"); Engine.SetPaused(pauseOverlay.hidden); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("pauseButtonText").caption = pauseOverlay.hidden ? translate("Resume") : translate("Pause"); pauseOverlay.hidden = !pauseOverlay.hidden; } function openManual() { closeMenu(); closeOpenDialogs(); pauseGame(); Engine.PushGuiPage("page_manual.xml", { "page": "manual/intro", "title": translate("Manual"), "url": "", "callback": "resumeGame" }); } function toggleDeveloperOverlay() { // The developer overlay is disabled in ranked games if (Engine.HasXmppClient() && Engine.IsRankedGame()) return; let devCommands = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("devCommands"); if (devCommands.hidden) submitChatDirectly(translate("The Developer Overlay was opened.")); else submitChatDirectly(translate("The Developer Overlay was closed.")); devCommands.hidden = !devCommands.hidden; } function closeOpenDialogs() { closeMenu(); closeChat(); closeDiplomacy(); closeTrade(); } function formatTributeTooltip(player, resource, amount) { return sprintf(translate("Tribute %(resourceAmount)s %(resourceType)s to %(playerName)s. Shift-click to tribute %(greaterAmount)s."), { "resourceAmount": amount, "resourceType": getLocalizedResourceName(resource, "withinSentence"), "playerName": "[color=\"" + rgbToGuiColor(player.color) + "\"]" + + "[/color]", "greaterAmount": (amount < 500 ? 500 : amount + 500) }); }