Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/tooltips.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/tooltips.js (revision 17782) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/tooltips.js (revision 17783) @@ -1,540 +1,543 @@ const g_CostDisplayNames = { "food": '[icon="iconFood"]', "wood": '[icon="iconWood"]', "stone": '[icon="iconStone"]', "metal": '[icon="iconMetal"]', "population": '[icon="iconPopulation"]', "time": '[icon="iconTime"]' }; const g_TooltipTextFormats = { "unit": ['[font="sans-10"][color="orange"]', '[/color][/font]'], "header": ['[font="sans-bold-13"]', '[/font]'], "body": ['[font="sans-13"]', '[/font]'] }; function damageValues(dmg) { if (!dmg) return [0, 0, 0]; return [dmg.hack || 0, dmg.pierce || 0, dmg.crush || 0]; } function damageTypeDetails(dmg) { if (!dmg) return '[font="sans-12"]' + translate("(None)") + '[/font]'; let dmgArray = []; if (dmg.hack) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), { "damage": dmg.hack.toFixed(1), "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Hack") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); if (dmg.pierce) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), { "damage": dmg.pierce.toFixed(1), "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Pierce") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); if (dmg.crush) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), { "damage": dmg.crush.toFixed(1), "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Crush") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); return dmgArray.join(translate(", ")); } function attackRateDetails(entState, type) { + // Either one arrow shot by UnitAI, let time = entState.attack[type].repeatTime / 1000; let timeString = sprintf(translatePlural("%(time)s %(second)s", "%(time)s %(second)s", time), { "time": time, "second": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("second", "seconds", time) + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] }); + // or multiple arrows shot by BuildingAI if (!entState.buildingAI) return timeString; - let arrows = Math.max(entState.buildingAI.arrowCount, entState.buildingAI.defaultArrowCount); + let arrows = entState.buildingAI.arrowCount; let arrowString = sprintf(translatePlural("%(arrowcount)s %(arrow)s", "%(arrowcount)s %(arrow)s", arrows), { "arrowcount": arrows, "arrow": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("arrow", "arrows", arrows) + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] }); + return sprintf(translate("%(arrowString)s / %(timeString)s"), { "arrowString": arrowString, "timeString": timeString }); } // Converts an armor level into the actual reduction percentage function armorLevelToPercentageString(level) { return (100 - Math.round(Math.pow(0.9, level) * 100)) + "%"; // return sprintf(translate("%(armorPercentage)s%"), { armorPercentage: (100 - Math.round(Math.pow(0.9, level) * 100)) }); // Not supported by our sprintf implementation. } function getArmorTooltip(dmg) { let label = g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Armor:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1]; if (!dmg) return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": label, "details": '[font="sans-12"]' + translate("(None)") + '[/font]' }); let dmgArray = []; if (dmg.hack) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(armorPercentage)s"), { "damage": dmg.hack, "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Hack") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1], "armorPercentage": '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(armorPercentage)s)"), { "armorPercentage": armorLevelToPercentageString(dmg.hack) }) + '[/font]' })); if (dmg.pierce) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(armorPercentage)s"), { "damage": dmg.pierce, "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Pierce") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1], "armorPercentage": '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(armorPercentage)s)"), { "armorPercentage": armorLevelToPercentageString(dmg.pierce) }) + '[/font]' })); if (dmg.crush) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(armorPercentage)s"), { "damage": dmg.crush, "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Crush") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1], "armorPercentage": '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(armorPercentage)s)"), { "armorPercentage": armorLevelToPercentageString(dmg.crush) }) + '[/font]' })); return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": label, "details": dmgArray.join('[font="sans-12"]' + translate(", ") + '[/font]') }); } function damageTypesToText(dmg) { if (!dmg) return '[font="sans-12"]' + translate("(None)") + '[/font]'; let dmgArray = []; if (dmg.hack) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), { "damage": dmg.hack.toFixed(1), "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Hack") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); if (dmg.pierce) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), { "damage": dmg.pierce.toFixed(1), "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Pierce") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); if (dmg.crush) dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), { "damage": dmg.crush.toFixed(1), "damageType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Crush") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); return dmgArray.join('[font="sans-12"]' + translate(", ") + '[/font]'); } function getAttackTypeLabel(type) { if (type === "Charge") return translate("Charge Attack:"); if (type === "Melee") return translate("Melee Attack:"); if (type === "Ranged") return translate("Ranged Attack:"); if (type === "Capture") return translate("Capture Attack:"); warn(sprintf("Internationalization: Unexpected attack type found with code ā€˜%(attackType)sā€™. This attack type must be internationalized.", { "attackType": type })); return translate("Attack:"); } function getAttackTooltip(template) { let attacks = []; if (!template.attack) return ""; let rateLabel = g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + (template.buildingAI ? translate("Interval:") : translate("Rate:")) + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1]; for (let type in template.attack) { if (type == "Slaughter") continue; // Slaughter is not a real attack, so do not show it. if (type == "Charge") continue; // Charging isn't implemented yet and shouldn't be displayed. let rate = sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": rateLabel, "details": attackRateDetails(template, type) }); let attackLabel = g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + getAttackTypeLabel(type) + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1]; if (type == "Capture") { attacks.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s %(details)s, %(rate)s"), { "attackLabel": attackLabel, "details": template.attack[type].value, "rate": rate })); continue; } if (type != "Ranged") { attacks.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s %(details)s, %(rate)s"), { "attackLabel": attackLabel, "details": damageTypesToText(template.attack[type]), "rate": rate })); continue; } let realRange = template.attack[type].elevationAdaptedRange; let range = Math.round(template.attack[type].maxRange); let rangeLabel = g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Range:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1]; let relativeRange = Math.round((realRange - range)); let meters = g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("meter", "meters", range) + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1]; if (relativeRange) // show if it is non-zero attacks.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s %(details)s, %(rangeLabel)s %(rangeString)s (%(relative)s), %(rate)s"), { "attackLabel": attackLabel, "details": damageTypesToText(template.attack[type]), "rangeLabel": rangeLabel, "rangeString": sprintf( translatePlural("%(range)s %(meters)s", "%(range)s %(meters)s", range), { "range": range, "meters": meters }), "relative": relativeRange > 0 ? "+" + relativeRange : relativeRange, "rate": rate })); else attacks.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s %(damageTypes)s, %(rangeLabel)s %(rangeString)s, %(rate)s"), { "attackLabel": attackLabel, "damageTypes": damageTypesToText(template.attack[type]), "rangeLabel": rangeLabel, "rangeString": sprintf( translatePlural("%(range)s %(meters)s", "%(range)s %(meters)s", range), { "range": range, "meters": meters }), rate: rate })); } return attacks.join("\n"); } function getRepairRateTooltip(rate) { return "\n" + sprintf(translate("%(repairRateLabel)s %(value)s %(health)s / %(second)s / %(worker)s"), { "repairRateLabel": g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Repair Rate:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1], "value": Math.round(rate * 10) / 10, "health": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("health") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1], "second": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("second") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1], "worker": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("worker") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] }); } function getBuildRateTooltip(rate) { return "\n" + sprintf(translate("%(buildRateLabel)s %(value)s %(health)s / %(second)s / %(worker)s"), { "buildRateLabel": g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Build Rate:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1], "value": Math.round(rate * 10) / 10, "health": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("health") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1], "second": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("second") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1], "worker": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("worker") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] }); } /** * Translates a cost component identifier as they are used internally * (e.g. "population", "food", etc.) to proper display names. */ function getCostComponentDisplayName(costComponentName) { if (costComponentName in g_CostDisplayNames) return g_CostDisplayNames[costComponentName]; warn(sprintf("The specified cost component, ā€˜%(component)sā€™, is not currently supported.", { "component": costComponentName })); return ""; } /** * Multiplies the costs for a template by a given batch size. */ function multiplyEntityCosts(template, trainNum) { let totalCosts = {}; for (let r in template.cost) totalCosts[r] = Math.floor(template.cost[r] * trainNum); return totalCosts; } /** * Helper function for getEntityCostTooltip. */ function getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, trainNum, entity) { if (!trainNum) trainNum = 1; let totalCosts = multiplyEntityCosts(template, trainNum); totalCosts.time = Math.ceil(template.cost.time * (entity ? Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetBatchTime", { "entity": entity, "batchSize": trainNum }) : 1)); let costs = []; if ( costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": getCostComponentDisplayName("food"), "cost": })); if (totalCosts.wood) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": getCostComponentDisplayName("wood"), "cost": totalCosts.wood })); if (totalCosts.metal) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": getCostComponentDisplayName("metal"), "cost": totalCosts.metal })); if (totalCosts.stone) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": getCostComponentDisplayName("stone"), "cost": totalCosts.stone })); if (totalCosts.population) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": getCostComponentDisplayName("population"), "cost": totalCosts.population })); if (totalCosts.time) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": getCostComponentDisplayName("time"), "cost": totalCosts.time })); return costs; } /** * Returns an array of strings for a set of wall pieces. If the pieces share * resource type requirements, output will be of the form '10 to 30 Stone', * otherwise output will be, e.g. '10 Stone, 20 Stone, 30 Stone'. */ function getWallPieceTooltip(wallTypes) { let out = []; let resourceCount = {}; // Initialize the acceptable types for '$x to $y $resource' mode. for (let resource in wallTypes[0].cost) if (wallTypes[0].cost[resource]) resourceCount[resource] = [wallTypes[0].cost[resource]]; let sameTypes = true; for (let i = 1; i < wallTypes.length; ++i) { for (let resource in wallTypes[i].cost) { // Break out of the same-type mode if this wall requires // resource types that the first didn't. if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource] && !resourceCount[resource]) { sameTypes = false; break; } } for (let resource in resourceCount) { if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource]) resourceCount[resource].push(wallTypes[i].cost[resource]); else { sameTypes = false; break; } } } if (sameTypes) { for (let resource in resourceCount) { let resourceMin = Math.min.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]); let resourceMax = Math.max.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]); // Translation: This string is part of the resources cost string on // the tooltip for wall structures. out.push(sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(minimum)s to %(resourceIcon)s %(maximum)s"), { "resourceIcon": getCostComponentDisplayName(resource), "minimum": resourceMin, "maximum": resourceMax })); } } else for (let i = 0; i < wallTypes.length; ++i) out.push(getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(wallTypes[i]).join(", ")); return out; } /** * Returns the cost information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip. */ function getEntityCostTooltip(template, trainNum, entity) { // Entities with a wallset component are proxies for initiating wall placement and as such do not have a cost of // their own; the individual wall pieces within it do. if (template.wallSet) { let templateLong = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.long); let templateMedium = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.medium); let templateShort = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.short); let templateTower = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.tower); let wallCosts = getWallPieceTooltip([templateShort, templateMedium, templateLong]); let towerCosts = getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(templateTower); return sprintf(translate("Walls: %(costs)s"), { "costs": wallCosts.join(" ") }) + "\n" + sprintf(translate("Towers: %(costs)s"), { "costs": towerCosts.join(" ") }); } if (template.cost) return getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, trainNum, entity).join(" "); return ""; } /** * Returns the population bonus information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip. */ function getPopulationBonusTooltip(template) { let popBonus = ""; if (template.cost && template.cost.populationBonus) popBonus = "\n" + sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(populationBonus)s"), { "label": g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Population Bonus:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1], "populationBonus": template.cost.populationBonus }); return popBonus; } /** * Returns a message with the amount of each resource needed to create an entity. */ function getNeededResourcesTooltip(resources) { let formatted = []; for (let resource in resources) formatted.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": '[font="sans-12"]' + getCostComponentDisplayName(resource) + '[/font]', "cost": resources[resource] })); return '\n\n[font="sans-bold-13"][color="red"]' + translate("Insufficient resources:") + '[/color][/font]\n' + formatted.join(" "); } function getSpeedTooltip(template) { if (!template.speed) return ""; let label = g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Speed:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1]; let speeds = []; if (template.speed.walk) speeds.push(sprintf(translate("%(speed)s %(movementType)s"), { "speed": Math.round(template.speed.walk), "movementType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Walk") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); if ( speeds.push(sprintf(translate("%(speed)s %(movementType)s"), { "speed": Math.round(, "movementType": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translate("Run") + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] })); return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(speeds)s"), { "label": label, "speeds": speeds.join(translate(", ")) }); } function getHealerTooltip(template) { if (!template.healer) return ""; let healer = [ sprintf(translatePlural("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", "%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", template.healer.HP), { "label": g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Heal:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1], "val": template.healer.HP, // Translation: Short for Health Points (that are healed in one healing action) "unit": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("HP", "HP", template.healer.HP) + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] }), sprintf(translatePlural("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", "%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", template.healer.Range), { "label": g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Range:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1], "val": template.healer.Range, "unit": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("meter", "meters", template.healer.Range) + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] }), sprintf(translatePlural("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", "%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", template.healer.Rate/1000), { "label": g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Rate:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1], "val": template.healer.Rate/1000, "unit": g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("second", "seconds", template.healer.Rate/1000) + g_TooltipTextFormats.unit[1] }) ]; return healer.join(translate(", ")); } function getAurasTooltip(template) { if (!template.auras) return ""; let txt = ""; for (let aura in template.auras) txt += '\n' + sprintf(translate("%(auralabel)s %(aurainfo)s"), { "auralabel": g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + sprintf(translate("%(auraname)s:"), { "auraname": translate(template.auras[aura].name) }) + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1], "aurainfo": g_TooltipTextFormats.body[0] + translate(template.auras[aura].description) + g_TooltipTextFormats.body[1] }); return txt; } function getEntityNames(template) { if ( { if ( && != return sprintf(translate("%(specificName)s (%(genericName)s)"), { "specificName":, "genericName": }); return; } if ( return; warn("Entity name requested on an entity without a name, specific or generic."); return translate("???"); } function getEntityNamesFormatted(template) { let names = ""; let generic =; let specific =; if (specific) { // drop caps for specific name names += '[font="sans-bold-16"]' + specific[0] + '[/font]' + '[font="sans-bold-12"]' + specific.slice(1).toUpperCase() + '[/font]'; if (generic) names += '[font="sans-bold-16"] (' + generic + ')[/font]'; } else if (generic) names = '[font="sans-bold-16"]' + generic + "[/font]"; else names = "???"; return names; } function getVisibleEntityClassesFormatted(template) { let r = ""; if (template.visibleIdentityClasses && template.visibleIdentityClasses.length) { r += '\n' + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[0] + translate("Classes:") + g_TooltipTextFormats.header[1]; let classes = []; for (let c of template.visibleIdentityClasses) classes.push(translate(c)); r += ' ' + g_TooltipTextFormats.body[0] + classes.join(translate(", ")) + g_TooltipTextFormats.body[1]; } return r; } Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/BuildingAI.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/BuildingAI.js (revision 17782) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/BuildingAI.js (revision 17783) @@ -1,375 +1,345 @@ //Number of rounds of firing per 2 seconds const roundCount = 10; const attackType = "Ranged"; function BuildingAI() {} BuildingAI.prototype.Schema = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; BuildingAI.prototype.MAX_PREFERENCE_BONUS = 2; -/** - * Initialize BuildingAI Component - */ BuildingAI.prototype.Init = function() { this.currentRound = 0; - //Arrows left to fire this.arrowsLeft = 0; this.targetUnits = []; }; BuildingAI.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { - // Remove current targets, to prevent them from being added twice this.targetUnits = []; - this.SetupRangeQuery(); this.SetupGaiaRangeQuery(); }; BuildingAI.prototype.OnDiplomacyChanged = function(msg) { if (!IsOwnedByPlayer(msg.player, this.entity)) return; // Remove maybe now allied/neutral units this.targetUnits = []; this.SetupRangeQuery(); this.SetupGaiaRangeQuery(); }; -/** - * Cleanup on destroy - */ BuildingAI.prototype.OnDestroy = function() { if (this.timer) { - var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); + let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.timer); this.timer = undefined; } // Clean up range queries - var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); + let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.enemyUnitsQuery) cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.enemyUnitsQuery); if (this.gaiaUnitsQuery) cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.gaiaUnitsQuery); }; /** * React on Attack value modifications, as it might influence the range */ BuildingAI.prototype.OnValueModification = function(msg) { if (msg.component != "Attack") return; this.targetUnits = []; this.SetupRangeQuery(); this.SetupGaiaRangeQuery(); }; /** * Setup the Range Query to detect units coming in & out of range */ BuildingAI.prototype.SetupRangeQuery = function() { var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return; var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.enemyUnitsQuery) { cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.enemyUnitsQuery); this.enemyUnitsQuery = undefined; } var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (!cmpPlayer) return; - var players = []; + var enemies = []; var numPlayers = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager).GetNumPlayers(); - for (var i = 1; i < numPlayers; ++i) - { // Exclude gaia, allies, and self - // TODO: How to handle neutral players - Special query to attack military only? + for (let i = 1; i < numPlayers; ++i) if (cmpPlayer.IsEnemy(i)) - players.push(i); - } + enemies.push(i); - if (!players.length) + if (!enemies.length) return; var range = cmpAttack.GetRange(attackType); - this.enemyUnitsQuery = cmpRangeManager.CreateActiveParabolicQuery(this.entity, range.min, range.max, range.elevationBonus, players, IID_DamageReceiver, cmpRangeManager.GetEntityFlagMask("normal")); + this.enemyUnitsQuery = cmpRangeManager.CreateActiveParabolicQuery( + this.entity, range.min, range.max, range.elevationBonus, + enemies, IID_DamageReceiver, cmpRangeManager.GetEntityFlagMask("normal")); + cmpRangeManager.EnableActiveQuery(this.enemyUnitsQuery); }; // Set up a range query for Gaia units within LOS range which can be attacked. // This should be called whenever our ownership changes. BuildingAI.prototype.SetupGaiaRangeQuery = function() { var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return; var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.gaiaUnitsQuery) { cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.gaiaUnitsQuery); this.gaiaUnitsQuery = undefined; } var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (!cmpPlayer || !cmpPlayer.IsEnemy(0)) return; var range = cmpAttack.GetRange(attackType); // This query is only interested in Gaia entities that can attack. - this.gaiaUnitsQuery = cmpRangeManager.CreateActiveParabolicQuery(this.entity, range.min, range.max, range.elevationBonus, [0], IID_Attack, cmpRangeManager.GetEntityFlagMask("normal")); + this.gaiaUnitsQuery = cmpRangeManager.CreateActiveParabolicQuery( + this.entity, range.min, range.max, range.elevationBonus, + [0], IID_Attack, cmpRangeManager.GetEntityFlagMask("normal")); + cmpRangeManager.EnableActiveQuery(this.gaiaUnitsQuery); }; /** * Called when units enter or leave range */ BuildingAI.prototype.OnRangeUpdate = function(msg) { var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return; + // Target enemy units except non-dangerous animals if (msg.tag == this.gaiaUnitsQuery) { - const filter = function(e) { - var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(e, IID_UnitAI); - return (cmpUnitAI && (!cmpUnitAI.IsAnimal() || cmpUnitAI.IsDangerousAnimal())); - }; - - if (msg.added.length) - msg.added = msg.added.filter(filter); - - // Removed entities may not have cmpUnitAI. - for (var i = 0; i < msg.removed.length; ++i) - if (this.targetUnits.indexOf(msg.removed[i]) == -1) - msg.removed.splice(i--, 1); + msg.added = msg.added.filter(e => { + let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(e, IID_UnitAI); + return cmpUnitAI && (!cmpUnitAI.IsAnimal() || cmpUnitAI.IsDangerousAnimal()); + }); } else if (msg.tag != this.enemyUnitsQuery) return; - if (msg.added.length > 0) - { - for each (var entity in msg.added) - { - if (cmpAttack.CanAttack(entity)) - this.targetUnits.push(entity); - } - } - if (msg.removed.length > 0) - { - for each (var entity in msg.removed) - { - var index = this.targetUnits.indexOf(entity); - if (index > -1) - this.targetUnits.splice(index, 1); - } + // Add new targets + for (let entity of msg.added) + if (cmpAttack.CanAttack(entity)) + this.targetUnits.push(entity); + + // Remove targets outside of vision-range + for (let entity of msg.removed) + { + let index = this.targetUnits.indexOf(entity); + if (index > -1) + this.targetUnits.splice(index, 1); } if (this.targetUnits.length) this.StartTimer(); }; BuildingAI.prototype.StartTimer = function() { if (this.timer) return; var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return; var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); var attackTimers = cmpAttack.GetTimers(attackType); - this.timer = cmpTimer.SetInterval(this.entity, IID_BuildingAI, "FireArrows", attackTimers.prepare, attackTimers.repeat / roundCount, null); + + this.timer = cmpTimer.SetInterval(this.entity, IID_BuildingAI, "FireArrows", + attackTimers.prepare, attackTimers.repeat / roundCount, null); }; BuildingAI.prototype.GetDefaultArrowCount = function() { var arrowCount = +this.template.DefaultArrowCount; return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("BuildingAI/DefaultArrowCount", arrowCount, this.entity); }; BuildingAI.prototype.GetGarrisonArrowMultiplier = function() { var arrowMult = +this.template.GarrisonArrowMultiplier; return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("BuildingAI/GarrisonArrowMultiplier", arrowMult, this.entity); }; BuildingAI.prototype.GetGarrisonArrowClasses = function() { var string = this.template.GarrisonArrowClasses; if (string) return string.split(/\s+/); return []; }; /** * Returns the number of arrows which needs to be fired. * DefaultArrowCount + Garrisoned Archers(ie., any unit capable * of shooting arrows from inside buildings) */ BuildingAI.prototype.GetArrowCount = function() { - var count = this.GetDefaultArrowCount(); - var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_GarrisonHolder); + let count = this.GetDefaultArrowCount(); + + let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (cmpGarrisonHolder) - { count += Math.round(cmpGarrisonHolder.GetGarrisonedArcherCount(this.GetGarrisonArrowClasses()) * this.GetGarrisonArrowMultiplier()); - } + return count; }; BuildingAI.prototype.SetUnitAITarget = function(ent) { this.unitAITarget = ent; if (ent) this.StartTimer(); }; /** - * Fires arrows. Called 'roundCount' times every 'RepeatTime' seconds when there are units in the range + * Fire arrows with random temporal distribution on prefered targets. + * Called 'roundCount' times every 'RepeatTime' seconds when there are units in the range. */ BuildingAI.prototype.FireArrows = function() { if (!this.targetUnits.length && !this.unitAITarget) { if (!this.timer) return; - // stop the timer - var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); + let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.timer); this.timer = undefined; return; } - var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); + let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return; - var arrowsToFire = 0; - if (this.currentRound > (roundCount - 1)) - { - //Reached end of rounds. Reset count + if (this.currentRound > roundCount - 1) this.currentRound = 0; - } if (this.currentRound == 0) - { - //First round. Calculate arrows to fire this.arrowsLeft = this.GetArrowCount(); - } - if (this.currentRound == (roundCount - 1)) - { - //Last round. Need to fire all left-over arrows + let arrowsToFire = 0; + if (this.currentRound == roundCount - 1) arrowsToFire = this.arrowsLeft; - } else - { - //Fire N arrows, 0 <= N <= Number of arrows left arrowsToFire = Math.min( - Math.round(2*Math.random() * this.GetArrowCount()/roundCount), + Math.round(2 * Math.random() * this.GetArrowCount() / roundCount), this.arrowsLeft ); - } + if (arrowsToFire <= 0) { - this.currentRound++; + ++this.currentRound; return; } - // add targets to a weighted list, to allow preferences - var targets = new WeightedList(); - var maxPreferenceBonus = this.MAX_PREFERENCE_BONUS; - var addTarget = function(target) + // Add targets to a weighted list, to allow preferences + let targets = new WeightedList(); + let addTarget = function(target) { - var preference = cmpAttack.GetPreference(target); - var weight = 1; + let preference = cmpAttack.GetPreference(target); + let weight = 1; + if (preference !== null && preference !== undefined) - { - // Lower preference scores indicate a higher preference so they - // should result in a higher weight. - weight = 1 + maxPreferenceBonus / (1 + preference); - } - targets.push(target, weight); + weight += this.MAX_PREFERENCE_BONUS / (1 + preference); + targets.push(target, weight); }; - // add the unit ai target separately, as the UnitMotion and RangeManager - // implementations differ + + // Add the UnitAI target separately, as the UnitMotion and RangeManager implementations differ if (this.unitAITarget && this.targetUnits.indexOf(this.unitAITarget) == -1) addTarget(this.unitAITarget); for (let target of this.targetUnits) addTarget(target); - for (var i = 0;i < arrowsToFire;i++) + for (let i = 0; i < arrowsToFire; ++i) { - var selectedIndex = targets.randomIndex(); - var selectedTarget = targets.itemAt(selectedIndex); + let selectedIndex = targets.randomIndex(); + let selectedTarget = targets.itemAt(selectedIndex); + if (selectedTarget && this.CheckTargetVisible(selectedTarget)) { cmpAttack.PerformAttack(attackType, selectedTarget); PlaySound("attack", this.entity); + continue; } - else + + // Could not attack target, retry + targets.removeAt(selectedIndex); + --i; + + if (!targets.length()) { - targets.removeAt(selectedIndex); - i--; // one extra arrow left to fire - if(targets.length() < 1) - { - this.arrowsLeft += arrowsToFire; - // no targets found in this round, save arrows and go to next round - break; - } + this.arrowsLeft += arrowsToFire; + break; } } this.arrowsLeft -= arrowsToFire; this.currentRound++; }; /** * Returns true if the target entity is visible through the FoW/SoD. */ BuildingAI.prototype.CheckTargetVisible = function(target) { var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpOwnership) return false; // Entities that are hidden and miraged are considered visible var cmpFogging = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Fogging); if (cmpFogging && cmpFogging.IsMiraged(cmpOwnership.GetOwner())) return true; - var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); // Either visible directly, or visible in fog + let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); return cmpRangeManager.GetLosVisibility(target, cmpOwnership.GetOwner()) != "hidden"; }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_BuildingAI, "BuildingAI", BuildingAI);