Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/common-api/gamestate.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/common-api/gamestate.js (revision 20142) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/common-api/gamestate.js (revision 20143) @@ -1,955 +1,966 @@ var API3 = function(m) { /** * Provides an API for the rest of the AI scripts to query the world state at a * higher level than the raw data. */ m.GameState = function() { = null; // must be updated by the AIs. }; m.GameState.prototype.init = function(SharedScript, state, player) { this.sharedScript = SharedScript; this.EntCollecNames = SharedScript._entityCollectionsName; this.timeElapsed = SharedScript.timeElapsed; this.circularMap = SharedScript.circularMap; this.templates = SharedScript._templates; this.techTemplates = SharedScript._techTemplates; this.entities = SharedScript.entities; this.player = player; this.playerData = SharedScript.playersData[this.player]; this.gameType = SharedScript.gameType; this.alliedVictory = SharedScript.alliedVictory; this.ceasefireActive = SharedScript.ceasefireActive; // get the list of possible phases for this civ: // we assume all of them are researchable from the civil centre this.phases = [{ name: "phase_village" }, { name: "phase_town" }, { name: "phase_city" }]; let cctemplate = this.getTemplate(this.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_civil_centre")); if (!cctemplate) return; let civ = this.getPlayerCiv(); let techs = cctemplate.researchableTechs(civ); for (let phase of this.phases) { phase.requirements = []; let k = techs.indexOf(; if (k !== -1) { let reqs = DeriveTechnologyRequirements(this.getTemplate(techs[k])._template, civ); if (reqs) { phase.requirements = reqs; continue; } } for (let tech of techs) { let template = this.getTemplate(tech)._template; if (template.replaces && template.replaces.indexOf( != -1) { let reqs = DeriveTechnologyRequirements(template, civ); if (reqs) { = tech; phase.requirements = reqs; break; } } } } // Then check if this mod has an additionnal phase for (let tech of techs) { let template = this.getTemplate(tech)._template; if (!template.supersedes || template.supersedes != this.phases[2].name) continue; let reqs = DeriveTechnologyRequirements(template, civ); if (reqs) this.phases.push({ "name": tech, "requirements": reqs }); break; } }; m.GameState.prototype.update = function(SharedScript) { this.timeElapsed = SharedScript.timeElapsed; this.playerData = SharedScript.playersData[this.player]; this.ceasefireActive = SharedScript.ceasefireActive; }; m.GameState.prototype.updatingCollection = function(id, filter, parentCollection) { let gid = "player-" + this.player + "-" + id; // automatically add the player ID return this.updatingGlobalCollection(gid, filter, parentCollection); }; m.GameState.prototype.destroyCollection = function(id) { let gid = "player-" + this.player + "-" + id; // automatically add the player ID this.destroyGlobalCollection(gid); }; m.GameState.prototype.updatingGlobalCollection = function(gid, filter, parentCollection) { if (this.EntCollecNames.has(gid)) return this.EntCollecNames.get(gid); let collection = parentCollection ? parentCollection.filter(filter) : this.entities.filter(filter); collection.registerUpdates(); this.EntCollecNames.set(gid, collection); return collection; }; m.GameState.prototype.destroyGlobalCollection = function(gid) { if (!this.EntCollecNames.has(gid)) return; this.sharedScript.removeUpdatingEntityCollection(this.EntCollecNames.get(gid)); this.EntCollecNames.delete(gid); }; /** * Reset the entities collections which depend on diplomacy */ m.GameState.prototype.resetOnDiplomacyChanged = function() { for (let name of this.EntCollecNames.keys()) if (name.startsWith("player-" + this.player + "-diplo")) this.destroyGlobalCollection(name); }; m.GameState.prototype.getTimeElapsed = function() { return this.timeElapsed; }; m.GameState.prototype.getBarterPrices = function() { return this.playerData.barterPrices; }; m.GameState.prototype.getGameType = function() { return this.gameType; }; m.GameState.prototype.getAlliedVictory = function() { return this.alliedVictory; }; m.GameState.prototype.isCeasefireActive = function() { return this.ceasefireActive; }; m.GameState.prototype.getTemplate = function(type) { if (this.techTemplates[type] !== undefined) return new m.Technology(this.techTemplates, type); if (!this.templates[type]) return null; return new m.Template(this.sharedScript, type, this.templates[type]); }; +/** Return the template of the structure built from this foundation */ +m.GameState.prototype.getBuiltTemplate = function(foundationName) +{ + if (!foundationName.startsWith("foundation|")) + { + warn("Foundation " + foundationName + " not recognised as a foundation."); + return null; + } + return this.getTemplate(foundationName.substr(11)); +}; + m.GameState.prototype.applyCiv = function(str) { return str.replace(/\{civ\}/g, this.playerData.civ); }; m.GameState.prototype.getPlayerCiv = function(player) { return player !== undefined ? this.sharedScript.playersData[player].civ : this.playerData.civ; }; m.GameState.prototype.currentPhase = function() { for (let i = this.phases.length; i > 0; --i) if (this.isResearched(this.phases[i-1].name)) return i; return 0; }; m.GameState.prototype.getNumberOfPhases = function() { return this.phases.length; }; m.GameState.prototype.getPhaseName = function(i) { return this.phases[i-1] ? this.phases[i-1].name : undefined; }; m.GameState.prototype.getPhaseEntityRequirements = function(i) { let entityReqs = []; for (let requirement of this.phases[i-1].requirements) { if (!requirement.entities) continue; for (let entity of requirement.entities) if (entity.check == "count") entityReqs.push({ "class": entity.class, "count": entity.number }); } return entityReqs; }; m.GameState.prototype.isResearched = function(template) { return this.playerData.researchedTechs[template] !== undefined; }; /** true if started or queued */ m.GameState.prototype.isResearching = function(template) { return this.playerData.researchStarted[template] !== undefined || this.playerData.researchQueued[template] !== undefined; }; /** this is an "in-absolute" check that doesn't check if we have a building to research from. */ m.GameState.prototype.canResearch = function(techTemplateName, noRequirementCheck) { if (this.playerData.disabledTechnologies[techTemplateName]) return false; let template = this.getTemplate(techTemplateName); if (!template) return false; // researching or already researched: NOO. if (this.playerData.researchQueued[techTemplateName] || this.playerData.researchStarted[techTemplateName] || this.playerData.researchedTechs[techTemplateName]) return false; if (noRequirementCheck) return true; // if this is a pair, we must check that the pair tech is not being researched if (template.pair()) { let other = template.pairedWith(); if (this.playerData.researchQueued[other] || this.playerData.researchStarted[other] || this.playerData.researchedTechs[other]) return false; } return this.checkTechRequirements(template.requirements(this.playerData.civ)); }; /** * Private function for checking a set of requirements is met. * Basically copies TechnologyManager, but compares against * variables only available within the AI */ m.GameState.prototype.checkTechRequirements = function(reqs) { if (!reqs) return false; if (!reqs.length) return true; function doesEntitySpecPass(entity) { switch (entity.check) { case "count": if (!this.playerData.classCounts[entity.class] || this.playerData.classCounts[entity.class] < entity.number) return false; break; case "variants": if (!this.playerData.typeCountsByClass[entity.class] || Object.keys(this.playerData.typeCountsByClass[entity.class]).length < entity.number) return false; break; } return true; } return reqs.some(req => { return Object.keys(req).every(type => { switch (type) { case "techs": return req[type].every(tech => !!this.playerData.researchedTechs[tech]); case "entities": return req[type].every(doesEntitySpecPass, this); } return false; }); }); }; m.GameState.prototype.getPassabilityMap = function() { return this.sharedScript.passabilityMap; }; m.GameState.prototype.getPassabilityClassMask = function(name) { if (!this.sharedScript.passabilityClasses[name]) error("Tried to use invalid passability class name '" + name + "'"); return this.sharedScript.passabilityClasses[name]; }; m.GameState.prototype.getResources = function() { return new m.Resources(this.playerData.resourceCounts); }; m.GameState.prototype.getPopulation = function() { return this.playerData.popCount; }; m.GameState.prototype.getPopulationLimit = function() { return this.playerData.popLimit; }; m.GameState.prototype.getPopulationMax = function() { return this.playerData.popMax; }; m.GameState.prototype.getPlayerID = function() { return this.player; }; m.GameState.prototype.hasAllies = function() { for (let i in this.playerData.isAlly) if (this.playerData.isAlly[i] && +i !== this.player && this.sharedScript.playersData[i].state !== "defeated") return true; return false; }; m.GameState.prototype.hasEnemies = function() { for (let i in this.playerData.isEnemy) if (this.playerData.isEnemy[i] && +i !== 0 && this.sharedScript.playersData[i].state !== "defeated") return true; return false; }; m.GameState.prototype.hasNeutrals = function() { for (let i in this.playerData.isNeutral) if (this.playerData.isNeutral[i] && this.sharedScript.playersData[i].state !== "defeated") return true; return false; }; m.GameState.prototype.isPlayerNeutral = function(id) { return this.playerData.isNeutral[id]; }; m.GameState.prototype.isPlayerAlly = function(id) { return this.playerData.isAlly[id]; }; m.GameState.prototype.isPlayerMutualAlly = function(id) { return this.playerData.isMutualAlly[id]; }; m.GameState.prototype.isPlayerEnemy = function(id) { return this.playerData.isEnemy[id]; }; m.GameState.prototype.getEnemies = function() { let ret = []; for (let i in this.playerData.isEnemy) if (this.playerData.isEnemy[i]) ret.push(+i); return ret; }; m.GameState.prototype.getNeutrals = function() { let ret = []; for (let i in this.playerData.isNeutral) if (this.playerData.isNeutral[i]) ret.push(+i); return ret; }; m.GameState.prototype.getAllies = function() { let ret = []; for (let i in this.playerData.isAlly) if (this.playerData.isAlly[i]) ret.push(+i); return ret; }; m.GameState.prototype.getExclusiveAllies = function() { // Player is not included let ret = []; for (let i in this.playerData.isAlly) if (this.playerData.isAlly[i] && +i !== this.player) ret.push(+i); return ret; }; m.GameState.prototype.getMutualAllies = function() { let ret = []; for (let i in this.playerData.isMutualAlly) if (this.playerData.isMutualAlly[i] && this.sharedScript.playersData[i].isMutualAlly[this.player]) ret.push(+i); return ret; }; m.GameState.prototype.isEntityAlly = function(ent) { if (!ent) return false; return this.playerData.isAlly[ent.owner()]; }; m.GameState.prototype.isEntityExclusiveAlly = function(ent) { if (!ent) return false; return this.playerData.isAlly[ent.owner()] && ent.owner() !== this.player; }; m.GameState.prototype.isEntityEnemy = function(ent) { if (!ent) return false; return this.playerData.isEnemy[ent.owner()]; }; m.GameState.prototype.isEntityOwn = function(ent) { if (!ent) return false; return ent.owner() === this.player; }; m.GameState.prototype.getEntityById = function(id) { if (this.entities._entities.has(+id)) return this.entities._entities.get(+id); return undefined; }; m.GameState.prototype.getEntities = function(id) { if (id === undefined) return this.entities; return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + id + "-entities", m.Filters.byOwner(id)); }; m.GameState.prototype.getStructures = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("structures", m.Filters.byClass("Structure"), this.entities); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntities = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + this.player + "-entities", m.Filters.byOwner(this.player)); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnStructures = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + this.player + "-structures", m.Filters.byClass("Structure"), this.getOwnEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnUnits = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + this.player + "-units", m.Filters.byClass("Unit"), this.getOwnEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getAllyEntities = function() { return this.entities.filter(m.Filters.byOwners(this.getAllies())); }; m.GameState.prototype.getExclusiveAllyEntities = function() { return this.entities.filter(m.Filters.byOwners(this.getExclusiveAllies())); }; m.GameState.prototype.getAllyStructures = function() { return this.updatingCollection("diplo-ally-structures", m.Filters.byClass("Structure"), this.getAllyEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getNeutralStructures = function() { return this.getStructures().filter(m.Filters.byOwners(this.getNeutrals())); }; m.GameState.prototype.getEnemyEntities = function() { return this.entities.filter(m.Filters.byOwners(this.getEnemies())); }; m.GameState.prototype.getEnemyStructures = function(enemyID) { if (enemyID === undefined) return this.updatingCollection("diplo-enemy-structures", m.Filters.byClass("Structure"), this.getEnemyEntities()); return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + enemyID + "-structures", m.Filters.byClass("Structure"), this.getEntities(enemyID)); }; m.GameState.prototype.getEnemyUnits = function(enemyID) { if (enemyID === undefined) return this.getEnemyEntities().filter(m.Filters.byClass("Unit")); return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + enemyID + "-units", m.Filters.byClass("Unit"), this.getEntities(enemyID)); }; /** if maintain is true, this will be stored. Otherwise it's one-shot. */ m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata = function(key, value, maintain) { if (maintain === true) return this.updatingCollection(key + "-" + value, m.Filters.byMetadata(this.player, key, value),this.getOwnEntities()); return this.getOwnEntities().filter(m.Filters.byMetadata(this.player, key, value)); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByRole = function(role, maintain) { return this.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata("role", role, maintain); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByType = function(type, maintain) { let filter = m.Filters.byType(type); if (maintain === true) return this.updatingCollection("type-" + type, filter, this.getOwnEntities()); return this.getOwnEntities().filter(filter); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByClass = function(cls, maintain) { let filter = m.Filters.byClass(cls); if (maintain) return this.updatingCollection("class-" + cls, filter, this.getOwnEntities()); return this.getOwnEntities().filter(filter); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnFoundationsByClass = function(cls, maintain) { let filter = m.Filters.byClass(cls); if (maintain) return this.updatingCollection("foundations-class-" + cls, filter, this.getOwnFoundations()); return this.getOwnFoundations().filter(filter); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnTrainingFacilities = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + this.player + "-training-facilities", m.Filters.byTrainingQueue(), this.getOwnEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnResearchFacilities = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + this.player + "-research-facilities", m.Filters.byResearchAvailable(this.playerData.civ), this.getOwnEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.countEntitiesByType = function(type, maintain) { return this.getOwnEntitiesByType(type, maintain).length; }; m.GameState.prototype.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType = function(type, maintain) { let template = this.getTemplate(type); if (!template) return 0; let count = this.countEntitiesByType(type, maintain); // Count building foundations if (template.hasClass("Structure") === true) count += this.countFoundationsByType(type, true); else if (template.resourceSupplyType() !== undefined) // animal resources count += this.countEntitiesByType("resource|" + type, true); else { // Count entities in building production queues // TODO: maybe this fails for corrals. this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) { for (let item of ent.trainingQueue()) if (item.unitTemplate == type) count += item.count; }); } return count; }; m.GameState.prototype.countFoundationsByType = function(type, maintain) { let foundationType = "foundation|" + type; if (maintain === true) return this.updatingCollection("foundation-type-" + type, m.Filters.byType(foundationType), this.getOwnFoundations()).length; let count = 0; this.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) { if (ent.templateName() == foundationType) ++count; }); return count; }; m.GameState.prototype.countOwnEntitiesByRole = function(role) { return this.getOwnEntitiesByRole(role, "true").length; }; m.GameState.prototype.countOwnEntitiesAndQueuedWithRole = function(role) { let count = this.countOwnEntitiesByRole(role); // Count entities in building production queues this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) { for (let item of ent.trainingQueue()) if (item.metadata && item.metadata.role && item.metadata.role == role) count += item.count; }); return count; }; m.GameState.prototype.countOwnQueuedEntitiesWithMetadata = function(data, value) { // Count entities in building production queues let count = 0; this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) { for (let item of ent.trainingQueue()) if (item.metadata && item.metadata[data] && item.metadata[data] == value) count += item.count; }); return count; }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnFoundations = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("player-" + this.player + "-foundations", m.Filters.isFoundation(), this.getOwnStructures()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getOwnDropsites = function(resource) { if (resource) return this.updatingCollection("ownDropsite-" + resource, m.Filters.isDropsite(resource), this.getOwnEntities()); return this.updatingCollection("ownDropsite-all", m.Filters.isDropsite(), this.getOwnEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getAnyDropsites = function(resource) { if (resource) return this.updatingGlobalCollection("anyDropsite-" + resource, m.Filters.isDropsite(resource), this.getEntities()); return this.updatingGlobalCollection("anyDropsite-all", m.Filters.isDropsite(), this.getEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getResourceSupplies = function(resource) { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("resource-" + resource, m.Filters.byResource(resource), this.getEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getHuntableSupplies = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("resource-hunt", m.Filters.isHuntable(), this.getEntities()); }; m.GameState.prototype.getFishableSupplies = function() { return this.updatingGlobalCollection("resource-fish", m.Filters.isFishable(), this.getEntities()); }; /** This returns only units from buildings. */ m.GameState.prototype.findTrainableUnits = function(classes, anticlasses) { let allTrainable = []; let civ = this.playerData.civ; this.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) { let trainable = ent.trainableEntities(civ); if (!trainable) return; for (let unit of trainable) if (allTrainable.indexOf(unit) === -1) allTrainable.push(unit); }); let ret = []; let limits = this.getEntityLimits(); let current = this.getEntityCounts(); for (let trainable of allTrainable) { if (this.isTemplateDisabled(trainable)) continue; let template = this.getTemplate(trainable); if (!template || !template.available(this)) continue; let okay = true; for (let clas of classes) { if (template.hasClass(clas)) continue; okay = false; break; } if (!okay) continue; for (let clas of anticlasses) { if (!template.hasClass(clas)) continue; okay = false; break; } if (!okay) continue; let category = template.trainingCategory(); if (category && limits[category] && current[category] >= limits[category]) continue; ret.push( [trainable, template] ); } return ret; }; /** * Return all techs which can currently be researched * Does not factor cost. * If there are pairs, both techs are returned. */ m.GameState.prototype.findAvailableTech = function() { let allResearchable = []; let civ = this.playerData.civ; for (let ent of this.getOwnEntities().values()) { let searchable = ent.researchableTechs(civ); if (!searchable) continue; for (let tech of searchable) if (!this.playerData.disabledTechnologies[tech] && allResearchable.indexOf(tech) === -1) allResearchable.push(tech); } let ret = []; for (let tech of allResearchable) { let template = this.getTemplate(tech); if (template.pairDef()) { let techs = template.getPairedTechs(); if (this.canResearch(techs[0]._templateName)) ret.push([techs[0]._templateName, techs[0]] ); if (this.canResearch(techs[1]._templateName)) ret.push([techs[1]._templateName, techs[1]] ); } else if (this.canResearch(tech)) { // Phases are treated separately if (this.phases.every(phase => template._templateName != ret.push( [tech, template] ); } } return ret; }; /** * Return true if we have a building able to train that template */ m.GameState.prototype.hasTrainer = function(template) { let civ = this.playerData.civ; for (let ent of this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().values()) { let trainable = ent.trainableEntities(civ); if (trainable && trainable.indexOf(template) !== -1) return true; } return false; }; /** * Find buildings able to train that template. */ m.GameState.prototype.findTrainers = function(template) { let civ = this.playerData.civ; return this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().filter(function(ent) { let trainable = ent.trainableEntities(civ); return trainable && trainable.indexOf(template) !== -1; }); }; /** * Get any unit that is capable of constructing the given building type. */ m.GameState.prototype.findBuilder = function(template) { for (let ent of this.getOwnUnits().values()) { let buildable = ent.buildableEntities(); if (buildable && buildable.indexOf(template) !== -1) return ent; } return undefined; }; /** Return true if one of our buildings is capable of researching the given tech */ m.GameState.prototype.hasResearchers = function(templateName, noRequirementCheck) { // let's check we can research the tech. if (!this.canResearch(templateName, noRequirementCheck)) return false; let civ = this.playerData.civ; for (let ent of this.getOwnResearchFacilities().values()) { let techs = ent.researchableTechs(civ); for (let tech of techs) { let temp = this.getTemplate(tech); if (temp.pairDef()) { let pairedTechs = temp.getPairedTechs(); if (pairedTechs[0]._templateName == templateName || pairedTechs[1]._templateName == templateName) return true; } else if (tech == templateName) return true; } } return false; }; /** Find buildings that are capable of researching the given tech */ m.GameState.prototype.findResearchers = function(templateName, noRequirementCheck) { // let's check we can research the tech. if (!this.canResearch(templateName, noRequirementCheck)) return undefined; let self = this; let civ = this.playerData.civ; return this.getOwnResearchFacilities().filter(function(ent) { let techs = ent.researchableTechs(civ); for (let tech of techs) { let thisTemp = self.getTemplate(tech); if (thisTemp.pairDef()) { let pairedTechs = thisTemp.getPairedTechs(); if (pairedTechs[0]._templateName == templateName || pairedTechs[1]._templateName == templateName) return true; } else if (tech == templateName) return true; } return false; }); }; /** * Get any buildable structure with a given class * TODO when several available, choose the best one */ m.GameState.prototype.findStructureWithClass = function(classes) { let entTemplates = new Set(); for (let ent of this.getOwnUnits().values()) { if (entTemplates.has(ent.templateName())) continue; let buildables = ent.buildableEntities(); for (let buildable of buildables) { if (this.isTemplateDisabled(buildable)) continue; let template = this.getTemplate(buildable); if (!template || !template.available(this)) continue; if (MatchesClassList(template.classes(), classes)) return buildable; } entTemplates.add(ent.templateName()); } return undefined; }; m.GameState.prototype.getEntityLimits = function() { return this.playerData.entityLimits; }; m.GameState.prototype.getEntityCounts = function() { return this.playerData.entityCounts; }; m.GameState.prototype.isTemplateAvailable = function(templateName) { return this.templates[templateName] && !this.isTemplateDisabled(templateName); }; m.GameState.prototype.isTemplateDisabled = function(templateName) { if (!this.playerData.disabledTemplates[templateName]) return false; return this.playerData.disabledTemplates[templateName]; }; /** Checks whether the maximum number of buildings have been constructed for a certain catergory */ m.GameState.prototype.isEntityLimitReached = function(category) { if (this.playerData.entityLimits[category] === undefined || this.playerData.entityCounts[category] === undefined) return false; return this.playerData.entityCounts[category] >= this.playerData.entityLimits[category]; }; m.GameState.prototype.getTraderTemplatesGains = function() { let shipMechantTemplateName = this.applyCiv("units/{civ}_ship_merchant"); let supportTraderTemplateName = this.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_trader"); let shipMerchantTemplate = !this.isTemplateDisabled(shipMechantTemplateName) && this.getTemplate(shipMechantTemplateName); let supportTraderTemplate = !this.isTemplateDisabled(supportTraderTemplateName) && this.getTemplate(supportTraderTemplateName); return { "navalGainMultiplier": shipMerchantTemplate && shipMerchantTemplate.gainMultiplier(), "landGainMultiplier": supportTraderTemplate && supportTraderTemplate.gainMultiplier() }; }; return m; }(API3); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/queueplanBuilding.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/queueplanBuilding.js (revision 20142) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/queueplanBuilding.js (revision 20143) @@ -1,820 +1,824 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Defines a construction plan, ie a building. * We'll try to fing a good position if non has been provided */ m.ConstructionPlan = function(gameState, type, metadata, position) { if (!, gameState, type, metadata)) return false; this.position = position ? position : 0; this.category = "building"; return true; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype = Object.create(m.QueuePlan.prototype); m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.canStart = function(gameState) { if ( // do not start another building if already one this turn return false; if (!this.isGo(gameState)) return false; if (this.template.requiredTech() && !gameState.isResearched(this.template.requiredTech())) return false; return gameState.findBuilder(this.type) !== undefined; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.start = function(gameState) { Engine.ProfileStart("Building construction start"); // We don't care which builder we assign, since they won't actually // do the building themselves - all we care about is that there is // at least one unit that can start the foundation let builder = gameState.findBuilder(this.type); let pos = this.findGoodPosition(gameState); if (!pos) {, this.type); Engine.ProfileStop(); return; } if (this.metadata && this.metadata.expectedGain) { // Check if this market is still worth building (others may have been built making it useless) let tradeManager =; tradeManager.checkRoutes(gameState); if (!tradeManager.isNewMarketWorth(this.metadata.expectedGain)) { Engine.ProfileStop(); return; } } = true; if (this.metadata === undefined) this.metadata = { "base": pos.base }; else if (this.metadata.base === undefined) this.metadata.base = pos.base; if (pos.access) this.metadata.access = pos.access; // needed for Docks whose position is on water else this.metadata.access =[pos.x, pos.z]); if (this.template.buildPlacementType() === "shore") { // adjust a bit the position if needed let cosa = Math.cos(pos.angle); let sina = Math.sin(pos.angle); let shiftMax =; for (let shift = 0; shift <= shiftMax; shift += 2) { builder.construct(this.type, pos.x-shift*sina, pos.z-shift*cosa, pos.angle, this.metadata); if (shift > 0) builder.construct(this.type, pos.x+shift*sina, pos.z+shift*cosa, pos.angle, this.metadata); } } else if (pos.xx === undefined || pos.x == pos.xx && pos.z == pos.zz) builder.construct(this.type, pos.x, pos.z, pos.angle, this.metadata); else // try with the lowest, move towards us unless we're same { for (let step = 0; step <= 1; step += 0.2) builder.construct(this.type, step*pos.x + (1-step)*pos.xx, step*pos.z + (1-step)*pos.zz, pos.angle, this.metadata); } this.onStart(gameState); Engine.ProfileStop(); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.proximity), this.metadata.proximity, [pos.x, pos.z], this.metadata.access); }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.findGoodPosition = function(gameState) { let template = this.template; if (template.buildPlacementType() === "shore") return this.findDockPosition(gameState); if (template.hasClass("Storehouse") && this.metadata.base) { // recompute the best dropsite location in case some conditions have changed let base =; let type = this.metadata.type ? this.metadata.type : "wood"; let newpos = base.findBestDropsiteLocation(gameState, type); if (newpos && newpos.quality > 0) { let pos = newpos.pos; return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": this.metadata.base }; } } if (!this.position) { if (template.hasClass("CivCentre")) { let pos; if (this.metadata && this.metadata.resource) { let proximity = this.metadata.proximity ? this.metadata.proximity : undefined; pos =, template, this.metadata.resource, proximity); } else pos =, template); if (pos) return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": 0 }; return false; } else if (template.hasClass("DefenseTower") || template.hasClass("Fortress") || template.hasClass("ArmyCamp")) { let pos =, template); if (pos) return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": pos[2] }; if (template.hasClass("DefenseTower") || gameState.getPlayerCiv() === "mace" || gameState.getPlayerCiv() === "maur" || gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_fortress"), true) > 0 || gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_army_camp"), true) > 0) return false; // if this fortress is our first siege unit builder, just try the standard placement as we want siege units } else if (template.hasClass("Market")) // Docks (i.e. NavalMarket) are done before { let pos =, template); if (pos && pos[2] > 0) { if (!this.metadata) this.metadata = {}; this.metadata.expectedGain = pos[3]; return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": pos[2] }; } else if (!pos) return false; } } // Compute each tile's closeness to friendly structures: let placement = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory"); let cellSize = placement.cellSize; // size of each tile let alreadyHasHouses = false; if (this.position) // If a position was specified then place the building as close to it as possible { let x = Math.floor(this.position[0] / cellSize); let z = Math.floor(this.position[1] / cellSize); placement.addInfluence(x, z, 255); } else // No position was specified so try and find a sensible place to build { // give a small > 0 level as the result of addInfluence is constrained to be > 0 // if we really need houses (i.e. Phasing without enough village building), do not apply these constraints if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { let base = this.metadata.base; for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) if ([j] == base)[j] = 45; } else { for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) if ([j] !== 0)[j] = 45; } if (! || !template.hasClass("House")) { gameState.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) { let pos = ent.position(); let x = Math.round(pos[0] / cellSize); let z = Math.round(pos[1] / cellSize); if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() && ent.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf("food") !== -1) { if (template.hasClass("Field") || template.hasClass("Corral")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 80/cellSize, 50); else // If this is not a field add a negative influence because we want to leave this area for fields placement.addInfluence(x, z, 80/cellSize, -20); } else if (template.hasClass("House")) { if (ent.hasClass("House")) { placement.addInfluence(x, z, 60/cellSize, 40); // houses are close to other houses alreadyHasHouses = true; } else if (!ent.hasClass("StoneWall") || ent.hasClass("Gates")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 60/cellSize, -40); // and further away from other stuffs } else if (template.hasClass("Farmstead") && (!ent.hasClass("Field") && !ent.hasClass("Corral") && (!ent.hasClass("StoneWall") || ent.hasClass("Gates")))) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 100/cellSize, -25); // move farmsteads away to make room (StoneWall test needed for iber) else if (template.hasClass("GarrisonFortress") && ent.genericName() == "House") placement.addInfluence(x, z, 120/cellSize, -50); else if (template.hasClass("Military")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 40/cellSize, -40); else if (template.genericName() === "Rotary Mill" && ent.hasClass("Field")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 60/cellSize, 40); }); } if (template.hasClass("Farmstead")) { for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) { let value =[j] -[j]/3;[j] = value >= 0 ? value : 0; if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask)[j] /= 2; // we need space around farmstead, so disfavor map border } } } // Requires to be inside our territory, and inside our base territory if required // and if our first market, put it on border if possible to maximize distance with next market let favorBorder = template.hasClass("BarterMarket"); let disfavorBorder = gameState.currentPhase() > 1 && !template.hasDefensiveFire(); let preferredBase = this.metadata && this.metadata.preferredBase; if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { let base = this.metadata.base; for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) { if ([j] != base)[j] = 0; else if (favorBorder &&[j] & m.border_Mask)[j] += 50; else if (disfavorBorder && !([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) &&[j] > 0)[j] += 10; if ([j] > 0) { let x = (j % placement.width + 0.5) * cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(j / placement.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; if ([x, z]))[j] = 0; } } } else { for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) { if ([j] === 0)[j] = 0; else if (favorBorder &&[j] & m.border_Mask)[j] += 50; else if (disfavorBorder && !([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) &&[j] > 0)[j] += 10; if (preferredBase &&[j] == this.metadata.preferredBase)[j] += 200; if ([j] > 0) { let x = (j % placement.width + 0.5) * cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(j / placement.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; if ([x, z]))[j] = 0; } } } // Find the best non-obstructed: // Find target building's approximate obstruction radius, and expand by a bit to make sure we're not too close, // this allows room for units to walk between buildings. // note: not for houses and dropsites who ought to be closer to either each other or a resource. // also not for fields who can be stacked quite a bit let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); //obstructions.dumpIm(template.buildPlacementType() + "_obstructions.png"); let radius = 0; if (template.hasClass("Fortress") || this.type === gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_siege_workshop") || this.type === gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_elephant_stables")) radius = Math.floor((template.obstructionRadius().max + 12) / obstructions.cellSize); else if (template.resourceDropsiteTypes() === undefined && !template.hasClass("House") && !template.hasClass("Field")) radius = Math.ceil((template.obstructionRadius().max + 4) / obstructions.cellSize); else radius = Math.ceil((template.obstructionRadius().max + 0.5) / obstructions.cellSize); let bestTile; if (template.hasClass("House") && !alreadyHasHouses) { // try to get some space to place several houses first bestTile = placement.findBestTile(3*radius, obstructions); if (!bestTile.val) bestTile = undefined; } if (!bestTile) bestTile = placement.findBestTile(radius, obstructions); if (!bestTile.val) return false; let bestIdx = bestTile.idx; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; if (template.hasClass("House") || template.hasClass("Field") || template.resourceDropsiteTypes() !== undefined) { let secondBest = obstructions.findNearestObstructed(bestIdx, radius); if (secondBest >= 0) { x = (secondBest % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; z = (Math.floor(secondBest / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; } } let territorypos = placement.gamePosToMapPos([x, z]); let territoryIndex = territorypos[0] + territorypos[1]*placement.width; // default angle = 3*Math.PI/4; return { "x": x, "z": z, "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base":[territoryIndex] }; }; /** * Placement of buildings with Dock build category * metadata.proximity is defined when first dock without any territory */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.findDockPosition = function(gameState) { let template = this.template; let territoryMap =; let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); //obstructions.dumpIm(template.buildPlacementType() + "_obstructions.png"); let bestIdx; let bestJdx; let bestAngle; let bestLand; let bestWater; let bestVal = -1; let navalPassMap =; let width =; let cellSize =; let nbShips =; let wantedLand = this.metadata && ? : null; let wantedSea = this.metadata && this.metadata.sea ? this.metadata.sea : null; let proxyAccess = this.metadata && this.metadata.proximity ? : null; if (nbShips === 0 && proxyAccess && proxyAccess > 1) { wantedLand = {}; wantedLand[proxyAccess] = true; } let dropsiteTypes = template.resourceDropsiteTypes(); let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let halfSize = 0; // used for dock angle let halfDepth = 0; // used by checkPlacement let halfWidth = 0; // used by checkPlacement if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) { halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; halfDepth = +template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth") / 2; halfWidth = +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width") / 2; } else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) { halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); halfDepth = halfSize; halfWidth = halfSize; } // res is a measure of the amount of resources around, and maxRes is the max value taken into account // water is a measure of the water space around, and maxWater is the max value that can be returned by checkDockPlacement const maxRes = 10; const maxWater = 16; for (let j = 0; j < territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (!this.isDockLocation(gameState, j, halfDepth, wantedLand, wantedSea)) continue; let dist; if (!proxyAccess) { // if not in our (or allied) territory, we do not want it too far to be able to defend it dist = this.getFrontierProximity(gameState, j); if (dist > 4) continue; } let i = territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; if (wantedSea && navalPassMap[i] !== wantedSea) continue; let res = dropsiteTypes ? Math.min(maxRes, this.getResourcesAround(gameState, dropsiteTypes, j, 80)) : maxRes; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; if (proxyAccess) { // if proximity is given, we look for the nearest point dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(this.metadata.proximity, pos); dist = Math.sqrt(dist) + 20 * (maxRes - res); } else dist += 0.6 * (maxRes - res); // Add a penalty if on the map border as ship movement will be difficult if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) dist += 2; // do a pre-selection, supposing we will have the best possible water if (bestIdx !== undefined && dist > bestVal + maxWater) continue; let x = (i % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(i / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let angle = this.getDockAngle(gameState, x, z, halfSize); if (angle === false) continue; let ret = this.checkDockPlacement(gameState, x, z, halfDepth, halfWidth, angle); if (!ret || ![]) continue; // final selection now that the checkDockPlacement water is known if (bestIdx !== undefined && dist + maxWater - ret.water > bestVal) continue; if (this.metadata.proximity &&[] < 4000) continue; if (, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = dist + maxWater - ret.water; bestIdx = i; bestJdx = j; bestAngle = angle; bestLand =; bestWater = ret.water; } if (bestVal < 0) return false; // if no good place with enough water around and still in first phase, wait for expansion at the next phase if (!this.metadata.proximity && bestWater < 10 && gameState.currentPhase() == 1) return false; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; // Assign this dock to a base let baseIndex =[bestJdx]; if (!baseIndex) { for (let base of { if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position()) continue; if (base.accessIndex !== bestLand) continue; baseIndex = base.ID; break; } if (!baseIndex) { if ( > 0) API3.warn("Petra: dock constructed without base index " + baseIndex); else baseIndex =[0].ID; } } return { "x": x, "z": z, "angle": bestAngle, "base": baseIndex, "access": bestLand }; }; /** Algorithm taken from the function GetDockAngle in simulation/helpers/Commands.js */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.getDockAngle = function(gameState, x, z, size) { let pos =[x, z]); let k = pos[0] + pos[1]*; let seaRef =[k]; if (seaRef < 2) return false; const numPoints = 16; for (let dist = 0; dist < 4; ++dist) { let waterPoints = []; for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { let angle = 2 * Math.PI * i / numPoints; pos = [x - (1+dist)*size*Math.sin(angle), z + (1+dist)*size*Math.cos(angle)]; pos =; if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= continue; let j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] === seaRef) waterPoints.push(i); } let length = waterPoints.length; if (!length) continue; let consec = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { let count = 0; for (let j = 0; j < length-1; ++j) { if ((waterPoints[(i + j) % length]+1) % numPoints == waterPoints[(i + j + 1) % length]) ++count; else break; } consec[i] = count; } let start = 0; let count = 0; for (let c in consec) { if (consec[c] > count) { start = c; count = consec[c]; } } // If we've found a shoreline, stop searching if (count != numPoints-1) return -((waterPoints[start] + consec[start]/2) % numPoints)/numPoints*2*Math.PI; } return false; }; /** * Algorithm taken from checkPlacement in simulation/components/BuildRestriction.js * to determine the special dock requirements * returns {"land": land index for this dock, "water": amount of water around this spot} */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.checkDockPlacement = function(gameState, x, z, halfDepth, halfWidth, angle) { let sz = halfDepth * Math.sin(angle); let cz = halfDepth * Math.cos(angle); // center back position let pos =[x - sz, z - cz]); let j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; let land =[j]; if (land < 2) return null; // center front position pos =[x + sz, z + cz]); j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) return null; // additional constraints compared to BuildRestriction.js to assure we have enough place to build let sw = halfWidth * Math.cos(angle) * 3 / 4; let cw = halfWidth * Math.sin(angle) * 3 / 4; pos =[x - sz + sw, z - cz - cw]); j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] != land) return null; pos =[x - sz - sw, z - cz + cw]); j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] != land) return null; let water = 0; let sp = 15 * Math.sin(angle); let cp = 15 * Math.cos(angle); for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { pos =[x + sz + i*(sp+sw), z + cz + i*(cp-cw)]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= break; j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) break; pos =[x + sz + i*sp, z + cz + i*cp]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= break; j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) break; pos =[x + sz + i*(sp-sw), z + cz + i*(cp+cw)]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= break; j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) break; water += 4; } return {"land": land, "water": water}; }; /** * fast check if we can build a dock: returns false if nearest land is farther than the dock dimension * if the (object) wantedLand is given, this nearest land should have one of these accessibility * if wantedSea is given, this tile should be inside this sea */ const around = [ [ 1.0, 0.0], [ 0.87, 0.50], [ 0.50, 0.87], [ 0.0, 1.0], [-0.50, 0.87], [-0.87, 0.50], [-1.0, 0.0], [-0.87,-0.50], [-0.50,-0.87], [ 0.0,-1.0], [ 0.50,-0.87], [ 0.87,-0.50] ]; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.isDockLocation = function(gameState, j, dimension, wantedLand, wantedSea) { let width =; let cellSize =; let dist = dimension + 2*cellSize; let x = (j%width + 0.5) * cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(j/width) + 0.5) * cellSize; for (let a of around) { let pos =[x + dist*a[0], z + dist*a[1]]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= continue; if (pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= continue; let k = pos[0] + pos[1]*; let landPass =[k]; if (landPass < 2 || wantedLand && !wantedLand[landPass]) continue; pos =[x - dist*a[0], z - dist*a[1]]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= continue; if (pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= continue; k = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if (wantedSea &&[k] !== wantedSea) continue; else if (!wantedSea &&[k] < 2) continue; return true; } return false; }; /** * return a measure of the proximity to our frontier (including our allies) * 0=inside, 1=less than 24m, 2= less than 48m, 3= less than 72m, 4=less than 96m, 5=above 96m */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.getFrontierProximity = function(gameState, j) { let alliedVictory = gameState.getAlliedVictory(); let territoryMap =; let territoryOwner = territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j); if (territoryOwner === PlayerID || alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner)) return 0; let borderMap =; let width = territoryMap.width; let step = Math.round(24 / territoryMap.cellSize); let ix = j % width; let iz = Math.floor(j / width); let best = 5; for (let a of around) { for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { let jx = ix + Math.round(i*step*a[0]); if (jx < 0 || jx >= width) continue; let jz = iz + Math.round(i*step*a[1]); if (jz < 0 || jz >= width) continue; if ([jx+width*jz] & m.outside_Mask) continue; territoryOwner = territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(jx+width*jz); if (alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner) || territoryOwner === PlayerID) { best = Math.min(best, i); break; } } if (best === 1) break; } return best; }; /** * get the sum of the resources (except food) around, inside a given radius * resources have a weight (1 if dist=0 and 0 if dist=size) doubled for wood */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.getResourcesAround = function(gameState, types, i, radius) { let resourceMaps = gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps; let w = resourceMaps.wood.width; let cellSize = resourceMaps.wood.cellSize; let size = Math.floor(radius / cellSize); let ix = i % w; let iy = Math.floor(i / w); let total = 0; let nbcell = 0; for (let k of types) { if (k === "food" || !resourceMaps[k]) continue; let weigh0 = k === "wood" ? 2 : 1; for (let dy = 0; dy <= size; ++dy) { let dxmax = size - dy; let ky = iy + dy; if (ky >= 0 && ky < w) { for (let dx = -dxmax; dx <= dxmax; ++dx) { let kx = ix + dx; if (kx < 0 || kx >= w) continue; let ddx = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx; let weight = weigh0 * (dxmax - ddx) / size; total += weight * resourceMaps[k].map[kx + w * ky]; nbcell += weight; } } if (dy === 0) continue; ky = iy - dy; if (ky >= 0 && ky < w) { for (let dx = -dxmax; dx <= dxmax; ++dx) { let kx = ix + dx; if (kx < 0 || kx >= w) continue; let ddx = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx; let weight = weigh0 * (dxmax - ddx) / size; total += weight * resourceMaps[k].map[kx + w * ky]; nbcell += weight; } } } } return nbcell ? total / nbcell : 0; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.isGo = function(gameState) { if (this.goRequirement && this.goRequirement === "houseNeeded") { if (!, "structures/{civ}_house")) return false; if (gameState.getPopulationMax() <= gameState.getPopulationLimit()) return false; let freeSlots = gameState.getPopulationLimit() - gameState.getPopulation(); for (let ent of gameState.getOwnFoundations().values()) - freeSlots += ent.getPopulationBonus(); + { + let template = gameState.getBuiltTemplate(ent.templateName()); + if (template) + freeSlots += template.getPopulationBonus(); + } if ( return freeSlots <= 10; if (gameState.getPopulation() > 55) return freeSlots <= 21; if (gameState.getPopulation() > 30) return freeSlots <= 15; return freeSlots <= 10; } return true; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.onStart = function(gameState) { if (this.queueToReset),[this.queueToReset]); }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.Serialize = function() { return { "category": this.category, "type": this.type, "ID": this.ID, "metadata": this.metadata, "cost": this.cost.Serialize(), "number": this.number, "position": this.position, "goRequirement": this.goRequirement || undefined, "queueToReset": this.queueToReset || undefined }; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.Deserialize = function(gameState, data) { for (let key in data) this[key] = data[key]; let cost = new API3.Resources(); cost.Deserialize(data.cost); this.cost = cost; }; return m; }(PETRA);