Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/attackManager.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/attackManager.js (revision 20233) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/attackManager.js (revision 20234) @@ -1,647 +1,647 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { /** Attack Manager */ m.AttackManager = function(Config) { this.Config = Config; this.totalNumber = 0; this.attackNumber = 0; this.rushNumber = 0; this.raidNumber = 0; this.upcomingAttacks = { "Rush": [], "Raid": [], "Attack": [], "HugeAttack": [] }; this.startedAttacks = { "Rush": [], "Raid": [], "Attack": [], "HugeAttack": [] }; this.debugTime = 0; this.maxRushes = 0; this.rushSize = []; this.currentEnemyPlayer = undefined; // enemy player we are currently targeting this.defeated = {}; }; /** More initialisation for stuff that needs the gameState */ m.AttackManager.prototype.init = function(gameState) { this.outOfPlan = gameState.getOwnUnits().filter(API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1)); this.outOfPlan.registerUpdates(); }; m.AttackManager.prototype.setRushes = function(allowed) { if (this.Config.personality.aggressive > 0.8 && allowed > 2) { this.maxRushes = 3; this.rushSize = [ 16, 20, 24 ]; } else if (this.Config.personality.aggressive > 0.6 && allowed > 1) { this.maxRushes = 2; this.rushSize = [ 18, 22 ]; } else if (this.Config.personality.aggressive > 0.3 && allowed > 0) { this.maxRushes = 1; this.rushSize = [ 20 ]; } }; m.AttackManager.prototype.checkEvents = function(gameState, events) { for (let evt of events.PlayerDefeated) this.defeated[evt.playerId] = true; let answer = "decline"; let other; let targetPlayer; for (let evt of events.AttackRequest) { if (evt.source === PlayerID || !gameState.isPlayerAlly(evt.source) || !gameState.isPlayerEnemy(evt.player)) continue; targetPlayer = evt.player; let available = 0; for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) { for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) { if (attack.state === "completing") { if (attack.targetPlayer === targetPlayer) available += attack.unitCollection.length; else if (attack.targetPlayer !== undefined && attack.targetPlayer !== targetPlayer) other = attack.targetPlayer; continue; } attack.targetPlayer = targetPlayer; if (attack.unitCollection.length > 2) available += attack.unitCollection.length; } } if (available > 12) // launch the attack immediately { for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) { for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) { if (attack.state === "completing" || attack.targetPlayer !== targetPlayer || attack.unitCollection.length < 3) continue; attack.forceStart(); attack.requested = true; } } answer = "join"; } else if (other !== undefined) answer = "other"; break; // take only the first attack request into account } if (targetPlayer !== undefined) m.chatAnswerRequestAttack(gameState, targetPlayer, answer, other); }; /** * Some functions are run every turn * Others once in a while */ m.AttackManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues, events) { if (this.Config.debug > 2 && > this.debugTime + 60) { this.debugTime =; API3.warn(" upcoming attacks ================="); for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) API3.warn(" plan " + + " type " + attackType + " state " + attack.state + " units " + attack.unitCollection.length); API3.warn(" started attacks =================="); for (let attackType in this.startedAttacks) for (let attack of this.startedAttacks[attackType]) API3.warn(" plan " + + " type " + attackType + " state " + attack.state + " units " + attack.unitCollection.length); API3.warn(" =================================="); } this.checkEvents(gameState, events); let unexecutedAttacks = {"Rush": 0, "Raid": 0, "Attack": 0, "HugeAttack": 0}; for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) { for (let i = 0; i < this.upcomingAttacks[attackType].length; ++i) { let attack = this.upcomingAttacks[attackType][i]; attack.checkEvents(gameState, events); if (attack.isStarted()) API3.warn("Petra problem in attackManager: attack in preparation has already started ???"); let updateStep = attack.updatePreparation(gameState); // now we're gonna check if the preparation time is over if (updateStep === 1 || attack.isPaused() ) { // just chillin' if (attack.state === "unexecuted") ++unexecutedAttacks[attackType]; } else if (updateStep === 0) { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("Attack Manager: " + attack.getType() + " plan " + attack.getName() + " aborted."); attack.Abort(gameState); this.upcomingAttacks[attackType].splice(i--,1); } else if (updateStep === 2) { if (attack.StartAttack(gameState)) { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("Attack Manager: Starting " + attack.getType() + " plan " + attack.getName()); if ( m.chatLaunchAttack(gameState, attack.targetPlayer, attack.getType()); this.startedAttacks[attackType].push(attack); } else attack.Abort(gameState); this.upcomingAttacks[attackType].splice(i--,1); } } } for (let attackType in this.startedAttacks) { for (let i = 0; i < this.startedAttacks[attackType].length; ++i) { let attack = this.startedAttacks[attackType][i]; attack.checkEvents(gameState, events); // okay so then we'll update the attack. if (attack.isPaused()) continue; let remaining = attack.update(gameState, events); if (!remaining) { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("Military Manager: " + attack.getType() + " plan " + attack.getName() + " is finished with remaining " + remaining); attack.Abort(gameState); this.startedAttacks[attackType].splice(i--,1); } } } // creating plans after updating because an aborted plan might be reused in that case. let barracksNb = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Barracks", true).filter(API3.Filters.isBuilt()).length; if (this.rushNumber < this.maxRushes && barracksNb >= 1) { if (unexecutedAttacks.Rush === 0) { // we have a barracks and we want to rush, rush. let data = { "targetSize": this.rushSize[this.rushNumber] }; let attackPlan = new m.AttackPlan(gameState, this.Config, this.totalNumber, "Rush", data); if (!attackPlan.failed) { if (this.Config.debug > 1) - API3.warn("Headquarters: Rushing plan " + this.totalNumber + " with maxRushes " + this.maxRushes); + API3.warn("Military Manager: Rushing plan " + this.totalNumber + " with maxRushes " + this.maxRushes); this.totalNumber++; attackPlan.init(gameState); this.upcomingAttacks.Rush.push(attackPlan); } this.rushNumber++; } } else if (unexecutedAttacks.Attack === 0 && unexecutedAttacks.HugeAttack === 0 && this.startedAttacks.Attack.length + this.startedAttacks.HugeAttack.length < Math.min(2, 1 + Math.round(gameState.getPopulationMax()/100))) { if (barracksNb >= 1 && (gameState.currentPhase() > 1 || gameState.isResearching(gameState.getPhaseName(2))) || ![1]) // if we have no base ... nothing else to do than attack { let type = this.attackNumber < 2 || this.startedAttacks.HugeAttack.length > 0 ? "Attack" : "HugeAttack"; let attackPlan = new m.AttackPlan(gameState, this.Config, this.totalNumber, type); if (attackPlan.failed) this.attackPlansEncounteredWater = true; // hack else { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("Military Manager: Creating the plan " + type + " " + this.totalNumber); this.totalNumber++; attackPlan.init(gameState); this.upcomingAttacks[type].push(attackPlan); } this.attackNumber++; } } if (unexecutedAttacks.Raid === 0 && { let target; for (let targetId of { target = gameState.getEntityById(targetId); if (!target) continue; if (gameState.isPlayerEnemy(target.owner())) break; target = undefined; } if (target) // prepare a raid against this target this.raidTargetEntity(gameState, target); } }; m.AttackManager.prototype.getPlan = function(planName) { for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) { for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) if (attack.getName() == planName) return attack; } for (let attackType in this.startedAttacks) { for (let attack of this.startedAttacks[attackType]) if (attack.getName() == planName) return attack; } return undefined; }; m.AttackManager.prototype.pausePlan = function(planName) { let attack = this.getPlan(planName); if (attack) attack.setPaused(true); }; m.AttackManager.prototype.unpausePlan = function(planName) { let attack = this.getPlan(planName); if (attack) attack.setPaused(false); }; m.AttackManager.prototype.pauseAllPlans = function() { for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) attack.setPaused(true); for (let attackType in this.startedAttacks) for (let attack of this.startedAttacks[attackType]) attack.setPaused(true); }; m.AttackManager.prototype.unpauseAllPlans = function() { for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) attack.setPaused(false); for (let attackType in this.startedAttacks) for (let attack of this.startedAttacks[attackType]) attack.setPaused(false); }; m.AttackManager.prototype.getAttackInPreparation = function(type) { if (!this.upcomingAttacks[type].length) return undefined; return this.upcomingAttacks[type][0]; }; /** * determine which player should be attacked: when called when starting the attack, * attack.targetPlayer is undefined and in that case, we keep track of the chosen target * for future attacks. */ m.AttackManager.prototype.getEnemyPlayer = function(gameState, attack) { let enemyPlayer; // first check if there is a preferred enemy based on our victory conditions if (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder") { let moreAdvanced; let enemyWonder; let wonders = gameState.getEnemyStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Wonder")); for (let wonder of wonders.values()) { if (wonder.owner() === 0) continue; let progress = wonder.foundationProgress(); if (progress === undefined) { enemyWonder = wonder; break; } if (enemyWonder && moreAdvanced > progress) continue; enemyWonder = wonder; moreAdvanced = progress; } if (enemyWonder) { enemyPlayer = enemyWonder.owner(); if (attack.targetPlayer === undefined) this.currentEnemyPlayer = enemyPlayer; return enemyPlayer; } } else if (gameState.getGameType() === "capture_the_relic") { // Target the player with the most relics (including gaia) let allRelics = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allRelics", API3.Filters.byClass("Relic")); let maxRelicsOwned = 0; for (let i = 0; i < gameState.sharedScript.playersData.length; ++i) { if (!gameState.isPlayerEnemy(i) || this.defeated[i] || i === 0 && ! continue; let relicsCount = allRelics.filter(relic => relic.owner() === i).length; if (relicsCount <= maxRelicsOwned) continue; maxRelicsOwned = relicsCount; enemyPlayer = i; } if (enemyPlayer !== undefined) { if (attack.targetPlayer === undefined) this.currentEnemyPlayer = enemyPlayer; if (enemyPlayer === 0); return enemyPlayer; } } let veto = {}; for (let i in this.defeated) veto[i] = true; // No rush if enemy too well defended (i.e. iberians) if (attack.type === "Rush") { for (let i = 1; i < gameState.sharedScript.playersData.length; ++i) { if (!gameState.isPlayerEnemy(i) || veto[i]) continue; if (this.defeated[i]) continue; let enemyDefense = 0; for (let ent of gameState.getEnemyStructures(i).values()) if (ent.hasClass("Tower") || ent.hasClass("Fortress")) enemyDefense++; if (enemyDefense > 6) veto[i] = true; } } // then if not a huge attack, continue attacking our previous target as long as it has some entities, // otherwise target the most accessible one if (attack.type !== "HugeAttack") { if (attack.targetPlayer === undefined && this.currentEnemyPlayer !== undefined && !this.defeated[this.currentEnemyPlayer] && gameState.isPlayerEnemy(this.currentEnemyPlayer) && gameState.getEntities(this.currentEnemyPlayer).hasEntities()) return this.currentEnemyPlayer; let distmin; let ccmin; let ccEnts = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")); for (let ourcc of ccEnts.values()) { if (ourcc.owner() !== PlayerID) continue; let ourPos = ourcc.position(); let access =; for (let enemycc of ccEnts.values()) { if (veto[enemycc.owner()]) continue; if (!gameState.isPlayerEnemy(enemycc.owner())) continue; let enemyPos = enemycc.position(); if (access !== continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(ourPos, enemyPos); if (distmin && dist > distmin) continue; ccmin = enemycc; distmin = dist; } } if (ccmin) { enemyPlayer = ccmin.owner(); if (attack.targetPlayer === undefined) this.currentEnemyPlayer = enemyPlayer; return enemyPlayer; } } // then let's target our strongest enemy (basically counting enemies units) // with priority to enemies with civ center let max = 0; for (let i = 1; i < gameState.sharedScript.playersData.length; ++i) { if (veto[i]) continue; if (!gameState.isPlayerEnemy(i)) continue; let enemyCount = 0; let enemyCivCentre = false; for (let ent of gameState.getEntities(i).values()) { enemyCount++; if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre")) enemyCivCentre = true; } if (enemyCivCentre) enemyCount += 500; - if (enemyCount < max) + if (!enemyCount || enemyCount < max) continue; max = enemyCount; enemyPlayer = i; } if (attack.targetPlayer === undefined) this.currentEnemyPlayer = enemyPlayer; return enemyPlayer; }; /** f.e. if we have changed diplomacy with another player. */ m.AttackManager.prototype.cancelAttacksAgainstPlayer = function(gameState, player) { for (let attackType in this.upcomingAttacks) for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[attackType]) if (attack.targetPlayer === player) attack.targetPlayer = undefined; for (let attackType in this.startedAttacks) for (let i = 0; i < this.startedAttacks[attackType].length; ++i) { let attack = this.startedAttacks[attackType][i]; if (attack.targetPlayer === player) { attack.Abort(gameState); this.startedAttacks[attackType].splice(i--, 1); } } }; m.AttackManager.prototype.raidTargetEntity = function(gameState, ent) { let data = { "target": ent }; let attackPlan = new m.AttackPlan(gameState, this.Config, this.totalNumber, "Raid", data); if (!attackPlan.failed) { if (this.Config.debug > 1) - API3.warn("Headquarters: Raiding plan " + this.totalNumber); + API3.warn("Military Manager: Raiding plan " + this.totalNumber); this.totalNumber++; attackPlan.init(gameState); this.upcomingAttacks.Raid.push(attackPlan); } this.raidNumber++; }; /** * Return the number of units from any of our attacking armies around this position */ m.AttackManager.prototype.numAttackingUnitsAround = function(pos, dist) { let num = 0; for (let attackType in this.startedAttacks) for (let attack of this.startedAttacks[attackType]) if (API3.SquareVectorDistance(pos, attack.position) < dist*dist) num += attack.unitCollection.length; return num; }; /** * Switch defense armies into an attack one against the given target * data.range: transform all defense armies inside range of the target into a new attack * data.armyID: transform only the defense army ID into a new attack * data.uniqueTarget: the attack will stop when the target is destroyed or captured */ m.AttackManager.prototype.switchDefenseToAttack = function(gameState, target, data) { if (!target || !target.position()) return false; if (!data.range && !data.armyID) { API3.warn(" attackManager.switchDefenseToAttack inconsistent data " + uneval(data)); return false; } let attackData = data.uniqueTarget ? { "uniqueTargetId": } : undefined; let pos = target.position(); let attackType = "Attack"; let attackPlan = new m.AttackPlan(gameState, this.Config, this.totalNumber, attackType, attackData); if (attackPlan.failed) return false; this.totalNumber++; attackPlan.init(gameState); this.startedAttacks[attackType].push(attackPlan); for (let army of { if (data.range) { army.recalculatePosition(gameState); if (API3.SquareVectorDistance(pos, army.foePosition) > data.range * data.range) continue; } else if (army.ID != +data.armyID) continue; while (army.foeEntities.length > 0) army.removeFoe(gameState, army.foeEntities[0]); while (army.ownEntities.length > 0) { let unitId = army.ownEntities[0]; army.removeOwn(gameState, unitId); let unit = gameState.getEntityById(unitId); if (unit && attackPlan.isAvailableUnit(gameState, unit)) { unit.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan",; attackPlan.unitCollection.updateEnt(unit); } } } if (!attackPlan.unitCollection.hasEntities()) { attackPlan.Abort(gameState); return false; } attackPlan.targetPlayer = target.owner(); attackPlan.targetPos = pos; = target; attackPlan.state = "arrived"; return true; }; m.AttackManager.prototype.Serialize = function() { let properties = { "totalNumber": this.totalNumber, "attackNumber": this.attackNumber, "rushNumber": this.rushNumber, "raidNumber": this.raidNumber, "debugTime": this.debugTime, "maxRushes": this.maxRushes, "rushSize": this.rushSize, "currentEnemyPlayer": this.currentEnemyPlayer, "defeated": this.defeated }; let upcomingAttacks = {}; for (let key in this.upcomingAttacks) { upcomingAttacks[key] = []; for (let attack of this.upcomingAttacks[key]) upcomingAttacks[key].push(attack.Serialize()); } let startedAttacks = {}; for (let key in this.startedAttacks) { startedAttacks[key] = []; for (let attack of this.startedAttacks[key]) startedAttacks[key].push(attack.Serialize()); } return { "properties": properties, "upcomingAttacks": upcomingAttacks, "startedAttacks": startedAttacks }; }; m.AttackManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(gameState, data) { for (let key in this[key] =[key]; this.upcomingAttacks = {}; for (let key in data.upcomingAttacks) { this.upcomingAttacks[key] = []; for (let dataAttack of data.upcomingAttacks[key]) { let attack = new m.AttackPlan(gameState, this.Config,; attack.Deserialize(gameState, dataAttack); attack.init(gameState); this.upcomingAttacks[key].push(attack); } } this.startedAttacks = {}; for (let key in data.startedAttacks) { this.startedAttacks[key] = []; for (let dataAttack of data.startedAttacks[key]) { let attack = new m.AttackPlan(gameState, this.Config,; attack.Deserialize(gameState, dataAttack); attack.init(gameState); this.startedAttacks[key].push(attack); } } }; return m; }(PETRA); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/config.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/config.js (revision 20233) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/config.js (revision 20234) @@ -1,230 +1,230 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { m.Config = function(difficulty) { // 0 is sandbox, 1 is very easy, 2 is easy, 3 is medium, 4 is hard and 5 is very hard. this.difficulty = difficulty !== undefined ? difficulty : 3; // debug level: 0=none, 1=sanity checks, 2=debug, 3=detailed debug, -100=serializatio debug this.debug = 0; = true; // false to prevent AI's chats this.popScaling = 1; // scale factor depending on the max population this.Military = { "towerLapseTime" : 90, // Time to wait between building 2 towers "fortressLapseTime" : 390, // Time to wait between building 2 fortresses "popForBarracks1" : 25, "popForBarracks2" : 95, "popForBlacksmith" : 65, "numSentryTowers" : 1 }; this.Economy = { "popPhase2" : 35, // How many units we want before aging to phase2. "workPhase3" : 65, // How many workers we want before aging to phase3. "workPhase4" : 80, // How many workers we want before aging to phase4 or higher. "popForMarket" : 50, "popForDock" : 25, "targetNumWorkers" : 40,// dummy, will be changed later "targetNumTraders" : 5, // Target number of traders "targetNumFishers" : 1, // Target number of fishers per sea "supportRatio" : 0.3, // fraction of support workers among the workforce "provisionFields" : 2 }; // Note: attack settings are set directly in attack_plan.js // defense this.Defense = { "defenseRatio" : 2, // ratio of defenders/attackers. "armyCompactSize" : 2000, // squared. Half-diameter of an army. "armyBreakawaySize" : 3500, // squared. "armyMergeSize" : 1400 // squared. }; this.buildings = { "advanced": { "default": [], "athen": [ "structures/{civ}_gymnasion", "structures/{civ}_prytaneion", "structures/{civ}_theatron" ], "brit": [ "structures/{civ}_rotarymill" ], "cart": [ "structures/{civ}_embassy_celtic", "structures/{civ}_embassy_iberian", "structures/{civ}_embassy_italiote" ], "gaul": [ "structures/{civ}_rotarymill", "structures/{civ}_tavern" ], "iber": [ "structures/{civ}_monument" ], "mace": [ "structures/{civ}_siege_workshop", "structures/{civ}_library", "structures/{civ}_theatron" ], "maur": [ "structures/{civ}_elephant_stables", "structures/{civ}_pillar_ashoka" ], "pers": [ "structures/{civ}_stables", "structures/{civ}_apadana", "structures/{civ}_hall"], "ptol": [ "structures/{civ}_library" ], "rome": [ "structures/{civ}_army_camp" ], "sele": [ "structures/{civ}_library" ], "spart": [ "structures/{civ}_syssiton", "structures/{civ}_theatron" ] } }; this.priorities = { "villager": 30, // should be slightly lower than the citizen soldier one to not get all the food "citizenSoldier": 60, "trader": 50, "healer": 20, "ships": 70, "house": 350, "dropsites": 200, "field": 400, "dock": 90, "corral": 60, "economicBuilding": 90, "militaryBuilding": 130, "defenseBuilding": 70, "civilCentre": 950, "majorTech": 700, "minorTech": 40, "wonder": 1000, "emergency": 1000 // used only in emergency situations, should be the highest one }; this.personality = { "aggressive": 0.5, "cooperative": 0.5, "defensive": 0.5 }; // See m.QueueManager.prototype.wantedGatherRates() this.queues = { "firstTurn": { "food": 10, "wood": 10, "default": 0 }, "short": { "food": 200, "wood": 200, "default": 100 }, "medium": { "default": 0 }, "long": { "default": 0 } }; this.garrisonHealthLevel = { "low": 0.4, "medium": 0.55, "high": 0.7 }; }; m.Config.prototype.setConfig = function(gameState) { // initialize personality traits if (this.difficulty > 1) { this.personality.aggressive = randFloat(0, 1); this.personality.cooperative = randFloat(0, 1); this.personality.defensive = randFloat(0, 1); } else { this.personality.aggressive = 0.1; this.personality.cooperative = 0.9; } if (gameState.getAlliedVictory()) this.personality.cooperative = Math.min(1, this.personality.cooperative + 0.15); // changing settings based on difficulty or personality if (this.difficulty < 2) { - this.Economy.cityPhase = 240000; this.Economy.supportRatio = 0.5; this.Economy.provisionFields = 1; this.Military.numSentryTowers = this.personality.defensive > 0.66 ? 1 : 0; } else if (this.difficulty < 3) { - this.Economy.cityPhase = 1800; this.Economy.supportRatio = 0.4; this.Economy.provisionFields = 1; this.Military.numSentryTowers = this.personality.defensive > 0.66 ? 1 : 0; } else { this.Military.towerLapseTime += Math.round(20*(this.personality.defensive - 0.5)); this.Military.fortressLapseTime += Math.round(60*(this.personality.defensive - 0.5)); if (this.difficulty == 3) this.Military.numSentryTowers = 1; else this.Military.numSentryTowers = 2; if (this.personality.defensive > 0.66) ++this.Military.numSentryTowers; else if (this.personality.defensive < 0.33) --this.Military.numSentryTowers; if (this.personality.aggressive > 0.7) { this.Military.popForBarracks1 = 12; this.Economy.popPhase2 = 50; this.Economy.popForMarket = 60; this.priorities.defenseBuilding = 60; this.priorities.healer = 10; } } let maxPop = gameState.getPopulationMax(); if (this.difficulty < 2) this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(1, Math.min(40, maxPop)); else if (this.difficulty < 3) this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(1, Math.min(60, Math.floor(maxPop/2))); else this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(1, Math.min(120, Math.floor(maxPop/3))); this.Economy.targetNumTraders = 2 + this.difficulty; if (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder") { this.Economy.workPhase3 = Math.floor(0.9 * this.Economy.workPhase3); this.Economy.workPhase4 = Math.floor(0.9 * this.Economy.workPhase4); } if (maxPop < 300) { this.popScaling = Math.sqrt(maxPop / 300); this.Military.popForBarracks1 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Military.popForBarracks1 * this.popScaling), 12), Math.floor(maxPop/5)); this.Military.popForBarracks2 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Military.popForBarracks2 * this.popScaling), 45), Math.floor(maxPop*2/3)); this.Military.popForBlacksmith = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Military.popForBlacksmith * this.popScaling), 30), Math.floor(maxPop/2)); this.Economy.popPhase2 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.popPhase2 * this.popScaling), 20), Math.floor(maxPop/2)); this.Economy.workPhase3 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.workPhase3 * this.popScaling), 40), Math.floor(maxPop*2/3)); this.Economy.workPhase4 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.workPhase4 * this.popScaling), 45), Math.floor(maxPop*2/3)); this.Economy.popForMarket = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.popForMarket * this.popScaling), 25), Math.floor(maxPop/2)); this.Economy.targetNumTraders = Math.round(this.Economy.targetNumTraders * this.popScaling); } this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(this.Economy.targetNumWorkers, this.Economy.popPhase2); this.Economy.workPhase3 = Math.min(this.Economy.workPhase3, this.Economy.targetNumWorkers); this.Economy.workPhase4 = Math.min(this.Economy.workPhase4, this.Economy.targetNumWorkers); + if (this.difficulty < 2) + this.Economy.workPhase3 = Infinity; // prevent the phasing to city phase if (this.debug < 2) return; API3.warn(" >>> Petra bot: personality = " + uneval(this.personality)); }; m.Config.prototype.Serialize = function() { var data = {}; for (let key in this) if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && key != "debug") data[key] = this[key]; return data; }; m.Config.prototype.Deserialize = function(data) { for (let key in data) this[key] = data[key]; }; return m; }(PETRA); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/garrisonManager.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/garrisonManager.js (revision 20233) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/garrisonManager.js (revision 20234) @@ -1,347 +1,353 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Manage the garrisonHolders * When a unit is ordered to garrison, it must be done through this.garrison() function so that * an object in this.holders is created. This object contains an array with the entities * in the process of being garrisoned. To have all garrisoned units, we must add those in holder.garrisoned(). * Futhermore garrison units have a metadata garrisonType describing its reason (protection, transport, ...) */ m.GarrisonManager = function(Config) { this.Config = Config; this.holders = new Map(); this.decayingStructures = new Map(); }; m.GarrisonManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, events) { // First check for possible upgrade of a structure for (let evt of events.EntityRenamed) { for (let id of this.holders.keys()) { if (id !== evt.entity) continue; let data = this.holders.get(id); this.holders.delete(id); this.holders.set(evt.newentity, data); } for (let id of this.decayingStructures.keys()) { if (id !== evt.entity) continue; this.decayingStructures.delete(id); if (this.decayingStructures.has(evt.newentity)) continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.newentity); if (!ent || !ent.territoryDecayRate() || !ent.garrisonRegenRate()) continue; let gmin = Math.ceil((ent.territoryDecayRate() - ent.defaultRegenRate()) / ent.garrisonRegenRate()); this.decayingStructures.set(evt.newentity, gmin); } } for (let [id, data] of this.holders.entries()) { let list = data.list; let holder = gameState.getEntityById(id); if (!holder || !gameState.isPlayerAlly(holder.owner())) { // this holder was certainly destroyed or captured. Let's remove it for (let entId of list) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (ent && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonHolder") == id) { this.leaveGarrison(ent); ent.stopMoving(); } } this.holders.delete(id); continue; } // Update the list of garrisoned units for (let j = 0; j < list.length; ++j) { for (let evt of events.EntityRenamed) if (evt.entity === list[j]) list[j] = evt.newentity; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(list[j]); if (!ent) // unit must have been killed while garrisoning list.splice(j--, 1); else if (holder.garrisoned().indexOf(list[j]) !== -1) // unit is garrisoned { this.leaveGarrison(ent); list.splice(j--, 1); } else { if (ent.unitAIOrderData().some(order => && == id)) continue; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonHolder") == id) { // The garrison order must have failed this.leaveGarrison(ent); list.splice(j--, 1); } else { if ( > 0) { API3.warn("Petra garrison error: unit " + + " (" + ent.genericName() + ") is expected to garrison in " + id + " (" + holder.genericName() + "), but has no such garrison order " + uneval(ent.unitAIOrderData())); m.dumpEntity(ent); } list.splice(j--, 1); } } } if (!holder.position()) // could happen with siege unit inside a ship continue; if ( - holder.getMetadata(PlayerID, "holderTimeUpdate") > 3) { let range = holder.attackRange("Ranged") ? holder.attackRange("Ranged").max : 80; let around = { "defenseStructure": false, "meleeSiege": false, "rangeSiege": false, "unit": false }; for (let ent of gameState.getEnemyEntities().values()) { - if (!ent.position()) + if (ent.hasClass("Structure")) + if (!ent.attackRange("Ranged")) + continue; + else if (ent.hasClass("Unit")) + if (ent.owner() == 0 && (!ent.unitAIState() || ent.unitAIState().split(".")[1] != "COMBAT")) + continue; + else continue; - if (ent.owner() === 0 && (!ent.unitAIState() || ent.unitAIState().split(".")[1] !== "COMBAT")) + if (!ent.position()) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), holder.position()); if (dist > range*range) continue; if (ent.hasClass("Structure")) - { - if (ent.attackRange("Ranged")) // TODO units on wall are not taken into account - around.defenseStructure = true; - } + around.defenseStructure = true; else if (m.isSiegeUnit(ent)) { if (ent.attackTypes().indexOf("Melee") !== -1) around.meleeSiege = true; else around.rangeSiege = true; } else { around.unit = true; break; } } // Keep defenseManager.garrisonUnitsInside in sync to avoid garrisoning-ungarrisoning some units data.allowMelee = around.defenseStructure || around.unit; for (let entId of holder.garrisoned()) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (ent.owner() === PlayerID && !this.keepGarrisoned(ent, holder, around)) holder.unload(entId); } for (let j = 0; j < list.length; ++j) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(list[j]); if (this.keepGarrisoned(ent, holder, around)) continue; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonHolder") == id) { this.leaveGarrison(ent); ent.stopMoving(); } list.splice(j--, 1); } if (this.numberOfGarrisonedUnits(holder) === 0) this.holders.delete(id); else holder.setMetadata(PlayerID, "holderTimeUpdate",; } } // Warning new garrison orders (as in the following lines) should be done after having updated the holders // (or TODO we should add a test that the garrison order is from a previous turn when updating) for (let [id, gmin] of this.decayingStructures.entries()) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(id); if (!ent || ent.owner() !== PlayerID) this.decayingStructures.delete(id); else if (this.numberOfGarrisonedUnits(ent) < gmin), ent, {"min": gmin, "type": "decay"}); } }; /** TODO should add the units garrisoned inside garrisoned units */ m.GarrisonManager.prototype.numberOfGarrisonedUnits = function(holder) { if (!this.holders.has( return holder.garrisoned().length; return holder.garrisoned().length + this.holders.get(; }; m.GarrisonManager.prototype.allowMelee = function(holder) { if (!this.holders.has( return undefined; return this.holders.get(; }; /** This is just a pre-garrison state, while the entity walk to the garrison holder */ m.GarrisonManager.prototype.garrison = function(gameState, ent, holder, type) { if (this.numberOfGarrisonedUnits(holder) >= holder.garrisonMax() || !ent.canGarrison()) return; this.registerHolder(gameState, holder); this.holders.get(; if ( > 2) { warn("garrison unit " + ent.genericName() + " in " + holder.genericName() + " with type " + type); warn(" we try to garrison a unit with plan " + ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") + " and role " + ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") + " and subrole " + ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole") + " and transport " + ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport")); } if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") !== undefined) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -2); else ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -3); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "garrisoning"); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonHolder",; ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType", type); ent.garrison(holder); }; /** This is the end of the pre-garrison state, either because the entity is really garrisoned or because it has changed its order (i.e. because the garrisonHolder was destroyed) This function is for internal use inside garrisonManager. From outside, you should also update the holder and then using cancelGarrison should be the preferred solution */ m.GarrisonManager.prototype.leaveGarrison = function(ent) { ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", undefined); if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") === -2) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1); else ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", undefined); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonHolder", undefined); }; /** Cancel a pre-garrison state */ m.GarrisonManager.prototype.cancelGarrison = function(ent) { ent.stopMoving(); this.leaveGarrison(ent); let holderId = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonHolder"); if (!holderId || !this.holders.has(holderId)) return; let list = this.holders.get(holderId).list; let index = list.indexOf(; if (index !== -1) list.splice(index, 1); }; m.GarrisonManager.prototype.keepGarrisoned = function(ent, holder, around) { switch (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType")) { case 'force': // force the ungarrisoning return false; case 'trade': // trader garrisoned in ship return true; case 'protection': // hurt unit for healing or infantry for defense if (holder.buffHeal() && ent.isHealable() && ent.healthLevel() < this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.high) return true; + let capture = ent.capturePoints(); + if (capture && capture[PlayerID] / capture.reduce((a, b) => a + b) < 0.8) + return true; if (MatchesClassList(ent.classes(), holder.getGarrisonArrowClasses())) { if (around.unit || around.defenseStructure) return true; if (around.meleeSiege || around.rangeSiege) return ent.attackTypes().indexOf("Melee") === -1 || ent.healthLevel() < this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.low; return false; } if (ent.attackTypes() && ent.attackTypes().indexOf("Melee") !== -1) return false; if (around.unit) return ent.hasClass("Support") || m.isSiegeUnit(ent); // only ranged siege here and below as melee siege already released above if (m.isSiegeUnit(ent)) return around.meleeSiege; return holder.buffHeal() && ent.needsHeal(); case 'decay': return this.decayingStructures.has(; case 'emergency': // f.e. hero in regicide mode if (holder.buffHeal() && ent.isHealable() && ent.healthLevel() < this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.high) return true; if (around.unit || around.defenseStructure || around.meleeSiege || around.rangeSiege && ent.healthLevel() < this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.high) return true; return holder.buffHeal() && ent.needsHeal(); default: if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "onBoard") === "onBoard") // transport is not (yet ?) managed by garrisonManager return true; API3.warn("unknown type in garrisonManager " + ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType") + " for " + ent.genericName() + " id " + + " inside " + holder.genericName() + " id " +; ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType", "protection"); return true; } }; /** Add this holder in the list managed by the garrisonManager */ m.GarrisonManager.prototype.registerHolder = function(gameState, holder) { if (this.holders.has( // already registered return; this.holders.set(, { "list": [], "allowMelee": true }); holder.setMetadata(PlayerID, "holderTimeUpdate",; }; /** * Garrison units in decaying structures to stop their decay * do it only for structures useful for defense, except if we are expanding (justCaptured=true) * in which case we also do it for structures useful for unit trainings (TODO only Barracks are done) */ m.GarrisonManager.prototype.addDecayingStructure = function(gameState, entId, justCaptured) { if (this.decayingStructures.has(entId)) return true; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (!ent || !(ent.hasClass("Barracks") && justCaptured) && !ent.hasDefensiveFire()) return false; if (!ent.territoryDecayRate() || !ent.garrisonRegenRate()) return false; let gmin = Math.ceil((ent.territoryDecayRate() - ent.defaultRegenRate()) / ent.garrisonRegenRate()); this.decayingStructures.set(entId, gmin); return true; }; m.GarrisonManager.prototype.removeDecayingStructure = function(entId) { if (!this.decayingStructures.has(entId)) return; this.decayingStructures.delete(entId); }; m.GarrisonManager.prototype.Serialize = function() { return { "holders": this.holders, "decayingStructures": this.decayingStructures }; }; m.GarrisonManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(data) { for (let key in data) this[key] = data[key]; }; return m; }(PETRA); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js (revision 20233) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js (revision 20234) @@ -1,2549 +1,2548 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Headquarters * Deal with high level logic for the AI. Most of the interesting stuff gets done here. * Some tasks: * -defining RESS needs * -BO decisions. * > training workers * > building stuff (though we'll send that to bases) * -picking strategy (specific manager?) * -diplomacy -> diplomacyManager * -planning attacks -> attackManager * -picking new CC locations. */ m.HQ = function(Config) { this.Config = Config; this.phasing = 0; // existing values: 0 means no, i > 0 means phasing towards phase i // Cache the rates. this.turnCache = {}; // Some resources objects (will be filled in init) this.wantedRates = {}; this.currentRates = {}; this.lastFailedGather = {}; // workers configuration this.targetNumWorkers = this.Config.Economy.targetNumWorkers; this.supportRatio = this.Config.Economy.supportRatio; this.stopBuilding = new Map(); // list of buildings to stop (temporarily) production because no room this.fortStartTime = 180; // sentry defense towers, will start at fortStartTime + towerLapseTime this.towerStartTime = 0; // stone defense towers, will start as soon as available this.towerLapseTime = this.Config.Military.towerLapseTime; this.fortressStartTime = 0; // will start as soon as available this.fortressLapseTime = this.Config.Military.fortressLapseTime; this.extraTowers = Math.round(Math.min(this.Config.difficulty, 3) * this.Config.personality.defensive); this.extraFortresses = Math.round(Math.max(Math.min(this.Config.difficulty - 1, 2), 0) * this.Config.personality.defensive); this.baseManagers = []; this.attackManager = new m.AttackManager(this.Config); this.defenseManager = new m.DefenseManager(this.Config); this.tradeManager = new m.TradeManager(this.Config); this.navalManager = new m.NavalManager(this.Config); this.researchManager = new m.ResearchManager(this.Config); this.diplomacyManager = new m.DiplomacyManager(this.Config); this.garrisonManager = new m.GarrisonManager(this.Config); this.gameTypeManager = new m.GameTypeManager(this.Config); this.capturableTargets = new Map(); this.capturableTargetsTime = 0; }; /** More initialisation for stuff that needs the gameState */ m.HQ.prototype.init = function(gameState, queues) { this.territoryMap = m.createTerritoryMap(gameState); // initialize base map. Each pixel is a base ID, or 0 if not or not accessible this.basesMap = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory"); // create borderMap: flag cells on the border of the map // then this map will be completed with our frontier in updateTerritories this.borderMap = m.createBorderMap(gameState); // list of allowed regions this.landRegions = {}; // try to determine if we have a water map this.navalMap = false; this.navalRegions = {}; for (let res of { this.wantedRates[res] = 0; this.currentRates[res] = 0; } this.treasures = gameState.getEntities().filter(function (ent) { let type = ent.resourceSupplyType(); return type && type.generic === "treasure"; }); this.treasures.registerUpdates(); this.currentPhase = gameState.currentPhase(); this.decayingStructures = new Set(); }; /** * initialization needed after deserialization (only called when deserialization) */ m.HQ.prototype.postinit = function(gameState) { // Rebuild the base maps from the territory indices of each base this.basesMap = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory"); for (let base of this.baseManagers) for (let j of base.territoryIndices)[j] = base.ID; for (let ent of gameState.getOwnEntities().values()) { if (!ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() || ent.hasClass("Elephant")) continue; // Entities which have been built or have changed ownership after the last AI turn have no base. // they will be dealt with in the next checkEvents let baseID = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"); if (baseID === undefined) continue; let base = this.getBaseByID(baseID); base.assignResourceToDropsite(gameState, ent); } this.updateTerritories(gameState); }; /** * returns the sea index linking regions 1 and region 2 (supposed to be different land region) * otherwise return undefined * for the moment, only the case land-sea-land is supported */ m.HQ.prototype.getSeaBetweenIndices = function (gameState, index1, index2) { let path =, index2); if (path && path.length == 3 &&[path[1]] === "water") return path[1]; if (this.Config.debug > 1) { API3.warn("bad path from " + index1 + " to " + index2 + " ??? " + uneval(path)); API3.warn(" regionLinks start " + uneval([index1])); API3.warn(" regionLinks end " + uneval([index2])); } return undefined; }; m.HQ.prototype.checkEvents = function (gameState, events, queues) { if (events.TerritoriesChanged.length || events.DiplomacyChanged.length) this.updateTerritories(gameState); for (let evt of events.DiplomacyChanged) { if (evt.player !== PlayerID && evt.otherPlayer !== PlayerID) continue; // Reset the entities collections which depend on diplomacy gameState.resetOnDiplomacyChanged(); break; } for (let evt of events.Create) { // Let's check if we have a valuable foundation needing builders quickly // (normal foundations are taken care in baseManager.assignToFoundations) let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || ent.foundationProgress() === undefined) continue; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") == -1) { // Okay so let's try to create a new base around this. let newbase = new m.BaseManager(gameState, this.Config); newbase.init(gameState, "unconstructed"); newbase.setAnchor(gameState, ent); this.baseManagers.push(newbase); // Let's get a few units from other bases there to build this. let builders = this.bulkPickWorkers(gameState, newbase, 10); if (builders !== false) { builders.forEach(function (worker) { worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", newbase.ID); worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "builder"); worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation",; }); } } } for (let evt of events.ConstructionFinished) { // Let's check if we have a building set to create a new base. // TODO: move to the base manager. if (evt.newentity) { if (evt.newentity === evt.entity) // repaired building continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.newentity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) continue; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor") === true) { let base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base")); if (base.constructing) base.constructing = false; base.anchor = ent; base.anchorId = evt.newentity; base.buildings.updateEnt(ent); if (base.ID === this.baseManagers[1].ID) { // this is our first base, let us configure our starting resources this.configFirstBase(gameState); } else { // let us hope this new base will fix our possible resource shortage this.saveResources = undefined; this.saveSpace = undefined; } } } } for (let evt of events.OwnershipChanged) // capture events { if ( !== PlayerID) continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent) continue; if (ent.position()) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "access",; if (ent.hasClass("Unit")) { m.getBestBase(gameState, ent).assignEntity(gameState, ent); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", undefined); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", undefined); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", undefined); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "PartOfArmy", undefined); if (ent.hasClass("Trader")) { ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", "trader"); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "route", undefined); } if (ent.hasClass("Worker")) { ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", "worker"); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "idle"); } if (ent.hasClass("Ship")) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "sea",, true)); if (!ent.hasClass("Support") && !ent.hasClass("Ship") && ent.attackTypes() !== undefined) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1); continue; } if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre")) // build a new base around it { let newbase = new m.BaseManager(gameState, this.Config); if (ent.foundationProgress() !== undefined) newbase.init(gameState, "unconstructed"); else newbase.init(gameState, "captured"); newbase.setAnchor(gameState, ent); this.baseManagers.push(newbase); newbase.assignEntity(gameState, ent); } else { // TODO should be reassigned later if a better base is captured m.getBestBase(gameState, ent).assignEntity(gameState, ent); if (ent.decaying()) { if (ent.isGarrisonHolder() && this.garrisonManager.addDecayingStructure(gameState, evt.entity, true)) continue; if (!this.decayingStructures.has(evt.entity)) this.decayingStructures.add(evt.entity); } } } // deal with the different rally points of training units: the rally point is set when the training starts // for the time being, only autogarrison is used for (let evt of events.TrainingStarted) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) continue; if (!ent._entity.trainingQueue || !ent._entity.trainingQueue.length) continue; let metadata = ent._entity.trainingQueue[0].metadata; if (metadata && metadata.garrisonType) ent.setRallyPoint(ent, "garrison"); // trained units will autogarrison else ent.unsetRallyPoint(); } for (let evt of events.TrainingFinished) { for (let entId of evt.entities) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) continue; if (!ent.position()) { // we are autogarrisoned, check that the holder is registered in the garrisonManager let holderId = ent.unitAIOrderData()[0].target; let holder = gameState.getEntityById(holderId); if (holder) this.garrisonManager.registerHolder(gameState, holder); } else if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType")) { // we were supposed to be autogarrisoned, but this has failed (may-be full) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType", undefined); } // Check if this unit is no more needed in its attack plan // (happen when the training ends after the attack is started or aborted) let plan = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan"); if (plan !== undefined && plan >= 0) { let attack = this.attackManager.getPlan(plan); if (!attack || attack.state !== "unexecuted") ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1); } // Assign it immediately to something useful to do if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "worker") { let base; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") === undefined) { base = m.getBestBase(gameState, ent); base.assignEntity(gameState, ent); } else base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base")); base.reassignIdleWorkers(gameState, [ent]); base.workerObject.update(gameState, ent); } else if (ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.position()) { let type = ent.resourceSupplyType(); if (!type.generic) continue; let dropsites = gameState.getOwnDropsites(type.generic); let pos = ent.position(); let access =; let distmin = Math.min(); let goal; for (let dropsite of dropsites.values()) { if (!dropsite.position() || dropsite.getMetadata(PlayerID, "access") !== access) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(pos, dropsite.position()); if (dist > distmin) continue; distmin = dist; goal = dropsite.position(); } if (goal) ent.moveToRange(goal[0], goal[1]); } } } for (let evt of events.TerritoryDecayChanged) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || ent.foundationProgress() !== undefined) continue; if ( { if (ent.isGarrisonHolder() && this.garrisonManager.addDecayingStructure(gameState, evt.entity)) continue; if (!this.decayingStructures.has(evt.entity)) this.decayingStructures.add(evt.entity); } else if (ent.isGarrisonHolder()) this.garrisonManager.removeDecayingStructure(evt.entity); } // Then deals with decaying structures: destroy them if being lost to enemy (except in easier difficulties) if (this.Config.difficulty < 2) return; for (let entId of this.decayingStructures) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (ent && ent.decaying() && ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) { let capture = ent.capturePoints(); if (!capture) continue; let captureRatio = capture[PlayerID] / capture.reduce((a, b) => a + b); if (captureRatio < 0.50) continue; let decayToGaia = true; for (let i = 1; i < capture.length; ++i) { if (gameState.isPlayerAlly(i) || !capture[i]) continue; decayToGaia = false; break; } if (decayToGaia) continue; let ratioMax = 0.70 + randFloat(0., 0.1); for (let evt of events.Attacked) { if ( != continue; ratioMax = 0.85 + randFloat(0., 0.1); break; } if (captureRatio > ratioMax) continue; ent.destroy(); } this.decayingStructures.delete(entId); } }; /** Ensure that all requirements are met when phasing up*/ m.HQ.prototype.checkPhaseRequirements = function(gameState, queues) { if (gameState.getNumberOfPhases() == this.currentPhase) return; let requirements = gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.currentPhase + 1); let plan; let queue; for (let entityReq of requirements) { // Village requirements are met elsewhere by constructing more houses if (entityReq.class === "Village" || entityReq.class === "NotField") continue; if (gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass(entityReq.class, true).length >= entityReq.count) continue; switch (entityReq.class) { case "Town": if (!queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() && !queues.militaryBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() && !queues.defenseBuilding.hasQueuedUnits()) { if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities() && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market"); queue = "economicBuilding"; break; } if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Temple", true).hasEntities() && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple"); queue = "economicBuilding"; break; } if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Blacksmith", true).hasEntities() && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith"); queue = "militaryBuilding"; break; } if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower"); queue = "defenseBuilding"; break; } } break; default: // All classes not dealt with inside vanilla game. // We put them for the time being on the economic queue, except if wonder queue = entityReq.class === "Wonder" ? "wonder" : "economicBuilding"; if (!queues[queue].hasQueuedUnits()) { let structure = gameState.findStructureWithClass([entityReq.class]); if (structure && this.canBuild(gameState, structure)) plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, structure); } } if (plan) { if (queue == "wonder") {"majorTech", 400); plan.queueToReset = "majorTech"; } else {, 1000); plan.queueToReset = queue; } queues[queue].addPlan(plan); return; } } }; /** Called by any "phase" research plan once it's started */ m.HQ.prototype.OnPhaseUp = function(gameState, phase) { }; /** This code trains citizen workers, trying to keep close to a ratio of worker/soldiers */ m.HQ.prototype.trainMoreWorkers = function(gameState, queues) { // default template let requirementsDef = [ ["costsResource", 1, "food"] ]; let classesDef = ["Support", "Worker"]; let templateDef = this.findBestTrainableUnit(gameState, classesDef, requirementsDef); // counting the workers that aren't part of a plan let numberOfWorkers = 0; // all workers let numberOfSupports = 0; // only support workers (i.e. non fighting) gameState.getOwnUnits().forEach (function (ent) { if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "worker" && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") === undefined) { ++numberOfWorkers; if (ent.hasClass("Support")) ++numberOfSupports; } }); let numberInTraining = 0; gameState.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) { for (let item of ent.trainingQueue()) { numberInTraining += item.count; if (item.metadata && item.metadata.role && item.metadata.role === "worker" && item.metadata.plan === undefined) { numberOfWorkers += item.count; if ( numberOfSupports += item.count; } } }); // Anticipate the optimal batch size when this queue will start // and adapt the batch size of the first and second queued workers to the present population // to ease a possible recovery if our population was drastically reduced by an attack // (need to go up to second queued as it is accounted in queueManager) let size = numberOfWorkers < 12 ? 1 : Math.min(5, Math.ceil(numberOfWorkers / 10)); if (queues.villager.plans[0]) { queues.villager.plans[0].number = Math.min(queues.villager.plans[0].number, size); if (queues.villager.plans[1]) queues.villager.plans[1].number = Math.min(queues.villager.plans[1].number, size); } if (queues.citizenSoldier.plans[0]) { queues.citizenSoldier.plans[0].number = Math.min(queues.citizenSoldier.plans[0].number, size); if (queues.citizenSoldier.plans[1]) queues.citizenSoldier.plans[1].number = Math.min(queues.citizenSoldier.plans[1].number, size); } let numberOfQueuedSupports = queues.villager.countQueuedUnits(); let numberOfQueuedSoldiers = queues.citizenSoldier.countQueuedUnits(); let numberQueued = numberOfQueuedSupports + numberOfQueuedSoldiers; let numberTotal = numberOfWorkers + numberQueued; if (this.saveResources && numberTotal > this.Config.Economy.popPhase2 + 10) return; if (numberTotal > this.targetNumWorkers || (numberTotal >= this.Config.Economy.popPhase2 && this.currentPhase == 1 && !gameState.isResearching(gameState.getPhaseName(2)))) return; if (numberQueued > 50 || (numberOfQueuedSupports > 20 && numberOfQueuedSoldiers > 20) || numberInTraining > 15) return; // Choose whether we want soldiers or support units. let supportRatio = gameState.isTemplateAvailable(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_field")) ? this.supportRatio : Math.min(this.supportRatio, 0.1); let supportMax = supportRatio * this.targetNumWorkers; let supportNum = supportMax * Math.atan(numberTotal/supportMax) / 1.570796; let template; if (numberOfSupports + numberOfQueuedSupports > supportNum) { let requirements; if (numberTotal < 45) requirements = [ ["speed", 0.5], ["costsResource", 0.5, "stone"], ["costsResource", 0.5, "metal"] ]; else requirements = [ ["strength", 1] ]; let classes = ["CitizenSoldier", "Infantry"]; // We want at least 33% ranged and 33% melee classes.push(pickRandom(["Ranged", "Melee", "Infantry"])); template = this.findBestTrainableUnit(gameState, classes, requirements); } // If the template variable is empty, the default unit (Support unit) will be used // base "0" means automatic choice of base if (!template && templateDef) queues.villager.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, templateDef, { "role": "worker", "base": 0, "support": true }, size, size)); else if (template) queues.citizenSoldier.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, template, { "role": "worker", "base": 0 }, size, size)); }; /** picks the best template based on parameters and classes */ m.HQ.prototype.findBestTrainableUnit = function(gameState, classes, requirements) { let units; if (classes.indexOf("Hero") !== -1) units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes, []); else if (classes.indexOf("Siege") !== -1) // We do not want siege tower as AI does not know how to use it units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes, ["SiegeTower"]); else // We do not want hero when not explicitely specified units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes, ["Hero"]); if (units.length === 0) return undefined; let parameters = requirements.slice(); let remainingResources = this.getTotalResourceLevel(gameState); // resources (estimation) still gatherable in our territory let availableResources =; // available (gathered) resources for (let type in remainingResources) { if (availableResources[type] > 800) continue; if (remainingResources[type] > 800) continue; let costsResource = remainingResources[type] > 400 ? 0.6 : 0.2; let toAdd = true; for (let param of parameters) { if (param[0] !== "costsResource" || param[2] !== type) continue; param[1] = Math.min( param[1], costsResource ); toAdd = false; break; } if (toAdd) parameters.push( [ "costsResource", costsResource, type ] ); } units.sort(function(a, b) { let aCost = 1 + a[1].costSum(); let bCost = 1 + b[1].costSum(); let aValue = 0.1; let bValue = 0.1; for (let param of parameters) { if (param[0] == "strength") { aValue += m.getMaxStrength(a[1]) * param[1]; bValue += m.getMaxStrength(b[1]) * param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "siegeStrength") { aValue += m.getMaxStrength(a[1], "Structure") * param[1]; bValue += m.getMaxStrength(b[1], "Structure") * param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "speed") { aValue += a[1].walkSpeed() * param[1]; bValue += b[1].walkSpeed() * param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "costsResource") { // requires a third parameter which is the resource if (a[1].cost()[param[2]]) aValue *= param[1]; if (b[1].cost()[param[2]]) bValue *= param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "canGather") { // checking against wood, could be anything else really. if (a[1].resourceGatherRates() && a[1].resourceGatherRates()["wood.tree"]) aValue *= param[1]; if (b[1].resourceGatherRates() && b[1].resourceGatherRates()["wood.tree"]) bValue *= param[1]; } else API3.warn(" trainMoreUnits avec non prevu " + uneval(param)); } return -aValue/aCost + bValue/bCost; }); return units[0][0]; }; /** * returns an entity collection of workers through BaseManager.pickBuilders * TODO: when same accessIndex, sort by distance */ m.HQ.prototype.bulkPickWorkers = function(gameState, baseRef, number) { let accessIndex = baseRef.accessIndex; if (!accessIndex) return false; // sorting bases by whether they are on the same accessindex or not. let baseBest = this.baseManagers.slice().sort(function (a,b) { if (a.accessIndex == accessIndex && b.accessIndex != accessIndex) return -1; else if (b.accessIndex == accessIndex && a.accessIndex != accessIndex) return 1; return 0; }); let needed = number; let workers = new API3.EntityCollection(gameState.sharedScript); for (let base of baseBest) { if (base.ID === baseRef.ID) continue; base.pickBuilders(gameState, workers, needed); if (workers.length < number) needed = number - workers.length; else break; } if (!workers.length) return false; return workers; }; m.HQ.prototype.getTotalResourceLevel = function(gameState) { let total = {}; for (let res of total[res] = 0; for (let base of this.baseManagers) for (let res in total) total[res] += base.getResourceLevel(gameState, res); return total; }; /** * returns the current gather rate * This is not per-se exact, it performs a few adjustments ad-hoc to account for travel distance, stuffs like that. */ m.HQ.prototype.GetCurrentGatherRates = function(gameState) { if (!this.turnCache.gatherRates) { for (let res in this.currentRates) this.currentRates[res] = 0.5 * this.GetTCResGatherer(res); for (let base of this.baseManagers) base.getGatherRates(gameState, this.currentRates); for (let res in this.currentRates) { if (this.currentRates[res] < 0) { if (this.Config.debug > 0) API3.warn("Petra: current rate for " + res + " < 0 with " + this.GetTCResGatherer(res) + " moved gatherers"); this.currentRates[res] = 0; } } this.turnCache.gatherRates = true; } return this.currentRates; }; /** * Pick the resource which most needs another worker * How this works: * We get the rates we would want to have to be able to deal with our plans * We get our current rates * We compare; we pick the one where the discrepancy is highest. * Need to balance long-term needs and possible short-term needs. */ m.HQ.prototype.pickMostNeededResources = function(gameState) { this.wantedRates =; let currentRates = this.GetCurrentGatherRates(gameState); let needed = []; for (let res in this.wantedRates) needed.push({ "type": res, "wanted": this.wantedRates[res], "current": currentRates[res] }); needed.sort((a, b) => { let va = Math.max(0, a.wanted - a.current) / (a.current + 1); let vb = Math.max(0, b.wanted - b.current) / (b.current + 1); // If they happen to be equal (generally this means "0" aka no need), make it fair. if (va === vb) return a.current - b.current; return vb - va; }); return needed; }; /** * Returns the best position to build a new Civil Centre * Whose primary function would be to reach new resources of type "resource". */ m.HQ.prototype.findEconomicCCLocation = function(gameState, template, resource, proximity, fromStrategic) { // This builds a map. The procedure is fairly simple. It adds the resource maps // (which are dynamically updated and are made so that they will facilitate DP placement) - // Then checks for a good spot in the territory. If none, and town/city phase, checks outside - // The AI will currently not build a CC if it wouldn't connect with an existing CC. + // Then look for a good spot. Engine.ProfileStart("findEconomicCCLocation"); // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let ccEnts = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")); let dpEnts = gameState.getOwnDropsites().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Elephant"]))); let ccList = []; for (let cc of ccEnts.values()) ccList.push({"pos": cc.position(), "ally": gameState.isPlayerAlly(cc.owner())}); let dpList = []; for (let dp of dpEnts.values()) dpList.push({"pos": dp.position()}); let bestIdx; let bestVal; let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let scale = 250 * 250; let proxyAccess; let nbShips = this.navalManager.transportShips.length; if (proximity) // this is our first base { // if our first base, ensure room around radius = Math.ceil((template.obstructionRadius().max + 8) / obstructions.cellSize); // scale is the typical scale at which we want to find a location for our first base // look for bigger scale if we start from a ship (access < 2) or from a small island let cellArea = gameState.getPassabilityMap().cellSize * gameState.getPassabilityMap().cellSize; proxyAccess =; if (proxyAccess < 2 || cellArea*[proxyAccess] < 24000) scale = 400 * 400; } let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j) !== 0) continue; // with enough room around to build the cc let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; // we require that it is accessible let index =[i]; if (!this.landRegions[index]) continue; if (proxyAccess && nbShips === 0 && proxyAccess !== index) continue; let norm = 0.5; // TODO adjust it, knowing that we will sum 5 maps // checking distance to other cc let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; if (proximity) // this is our first cc, let's do it near our units norm /= 1 + API3.SquareVectorDistance(proximity, pos) / scale; else { let minDist = Math.min(); for (let cc of ccList) { let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(cc.pos, pos); if (dist < 14000) // Reject if too near from any cc { norm = 0; break; } if (! continue; if (dist < 40000) // Reject if too near from an allied cc { norm = 0; break; } if (dist < 62000) // Disfavor if quite near an allied cc norm *= 0.5; if (dist < minDist) minDist = dist; } if (norm === 0) continue; if (minDist > 170000 && !this.navalMap) // Reject if too far from any allied cc (not connected) continue; if (minDist > 130000) // Disfavor if quite far from any allied cc { if (this.navalMap) { if (minDist > 250000) norm *= 0.5; else norm *= 0.8; } else norm *= 0.5; } for (let dp of dpList) { let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(dp.pos, pos); if (dist < 3600) { norm = 0; break; } else if (dist < 6400) norm *= 0.5; } if (norm === 0) continue; } if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) // disfavor the borders of the map norm *= 0.5; let val = 2*gameState.sharedScript.ccResourceMaps[resource].map[j]; for (let res in gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps) if (res !== "food") val += gameState.sharedScript.ccResourceMaps[res].map[j]; val *= norm; if (bestVal !== undefined && val < bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = val; bestIdx = i; } Engine.ProfileStop(); if (bestVal === undefined) return false; let cut = 60; if (fromStrategic || proximity) // be less restrictive cut = 30; if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("we have found a base for " + resource + " with best (cut=" + cut + ") = " + bestVal); // not good enough. if (bestVal < cut) return false; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; // Define a minimal number of wanted ships in the seas reaching this new base let indexIdx =[bestIdx]; for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || base.accessIndex === indexIdx) continue; let sea = this.getSeaBetweenIndices(gameState, base.accessIndex, indexIdx); if (sea !== undefined) this.navalManager.setMinimalTransportShips(gameState, sea, 1); } return [x, z]; }; /** * Returns the best position to build a new Civil Centre * Whose primary function would be to assure territorial continuity with our allies */ m.HQ.prototype.findStrategicCCLocation = function(gameState, template) { // This builds a map. The procedure is fairly simple. // We minimize the Sum((dist-300)**2) where the sum is on the three nearest allied CC // with the constraints that all CC have dist > 200 and at least one have dist < 400 // This needs at least 2 CC. Otherwise, go back to economic CC. let ccEnts = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")); let ccList = []; let numAllyCC = 0; for (let cc of ccEnts.values()) { let ally = gameState.isPlayerAlly(cc.owner()); ccList.push({"pos": cc.position(), "ally": ally}); if (ally) ++numAllyCC; } if (numAllyCC < 2) return this.findEconomicCCLocation(gameState, template, "wood", undefined, true); Engine.ProfileStart("findStrategicCCLocation"); // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let bestIdx; let bestVal; let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let currentVal, delta; let distcc0, distcc1, distcc2; for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j) !== 0) continue; // with enough room around to build the cc let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; // we require that it is accessible let index =[i]; if (!this.landRegions[index]) continue; // checking distances to other cc let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; let minDist = Math.min(); distcc0 = undefined; for (let cc of ccList) { let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(cc.pos, pos); if (dist < 14000) // Reject if too near from any cc { minDist = 0; break; } if (! continue; if (dist < 62000) // Reject if quite near from ally cc { minDist = 0; break; } if (dist < minDist) minDist = dist; if (!distcc0 || dist < distcc0) { distcc2 = distcc1; distcc1 = distcc0; distcc0 = dist; } else if (!distcc1 || dist < distcc1) { distcc2 = distcc1; distcc1 = dist; } else if (!distcc2 || dist < distcc2) distcc2 = dist; } if (minDist < 1 || minDist > 170000 && !this.navalMap) continue; delta = Math.sqrt(distcc0) - 300; // favor a distance of 300 currentVal = delta*delta; delta = Math.sqrt(distcc1) - 300; currentVal += delta*delta; if (distcc2) { delta = Math.sqrt(distcc2) - 300; currentVal += delta*delta; } // disfavor border of the map if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) currentVal += 10000; if (bestVal !== undefined && currentVal > bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = currentVal; bestIdx = i; } if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("We've found a strategic base with bestVal = " + bestVal); Engine.ProfileStop(); if (bestVal === undefined) return undefined; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; // Define a minimal number of wanted ships in the seas reaching this new base let indexIdx =[bestIdx]; for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || base.accessIndex === indexIdx) continue; let sea = this.getSeaBetweenIndices(gameState, base.accessIndex, indexIdx); if (sea !== undefined) this.navalManager.setMinimalTransportShips(gameState, sea, 1); } return [x, z]; }; /** * Returns the best position to build a new market: if the allies already have a market, build it as far as possible * from it, although not in our border to be able to defend it easily. If no allied market, our second market will * follow the same logic * TODO check that it is on same accessIndex */ m.HQ.prototype.findMarketLocation = function(gameState, template) { let markets = gameState.updatingCollection("diplo-ExclusiveAllyMarkets", API3.Filters.byClass("Market"), gameState.getExclusiveAllyEntities()).toEntityArray(); if (!markets.length) markets = gameState.updatingCollection("OwnMarkets", API3.Filters.byClass("Market"), gameState.getOwnStructures()).toEntityArray(); if (!markets.length) // this is the first market. For the time being, place it arbitrarily by the ConstructionPlan return [-1, -1, -1, 0]; // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let bestIdx; let bestJdx; let bestVal; let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let isNavalMarket = template.hasClass("NavalMarket"); let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let traderTemplatesGains = gameState.getTraderTemplatesGains(); for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { // do not try on the narrow border of our territory if ([j] & m.narrowFrontier_Mask) continue; if ([j] === 0) // only in our territory continue; // with enough room around to build the market let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; let index =[i]; if (!this.landRegions[index]) continue; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; // checking distances to other markets let maxVal = 0; let gainMultiplier; for (let market of markets) { if (isNavalMarket && market.hasClass("NavalMarket")) { if (m.getSeaAccess(gameState, market) !==, true)) continue; gainMultiplier = traderTemplatesGains.navalGainMultiplier; } else if (m.getLandAccess(gameState, market) === index && !m.isLineInsideEnemyTerritory(gameState, market.position(), pos)) gainMultiplier = traderTemplatesGains.landGainMultiplier; else continue; if (!gainMultiplier) continue; let val = API3.SquareVectorDistance(market.position(), pos) * gainMultiplier; if (val > maxVal) maxVal = val; } if (maxVal === 0) continue; if (bestVal !== undefined && maxVal < bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = maxVal; bestIdx = i; bestJdx = j; } if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("We found a market position with bestVal = " + bestVal); if (bestVal === undefined) // no constraints. For the time being, place it arbitrarily by the ConstructionPlan return [-1, -1, -1, 0]; let expectedGain = Math.round(bestVal / 10000); if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("this would give a trading gain of " + expectedGain); // do not keep it if gain is too small, except if this is our first BarterMarket if (expectedGain < this.tradeManager.minimalGain || expectedGain < 8 && (!template.hasClass("BarterMarket") || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities())) return false; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; return [x, z,[bestJdx], expectedGain]; }; /** * Returns the best position to build defensive buildings (fortress and towers) * Whose primary function is to defend our borders */ m.HQ.prototype.findDefensiveLocation = function(gameState, template) { // We take the point in our territory which is the nearest to any enemy cc // but requiring a minimal distance with our other defensive structures // and not in range of any enemy defensive structure to avoid building under fire. let ownStructures = gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["Fortress", "Tower"])).toEntityArray(); let enemyStructures = gameState.getEnemyStructures().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(0))). filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Fortress", "Tower"])); if (!enemyStructures.hasEntities()) // we may be in cease fire mode, build defense against neutrals { enemyStructures = gameState.getNeutralStructures().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(0))). filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Fortress", "Tower"])); if (!enemyStructures.hasEntities() && !gameState.getAlliedVictory()) enemyStructures = gameState.getAllyStructures().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(PlayerID))). filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Fortress", "Tower"])); if (!enemyStructures.hasEntities()) return undefined; } enemyStructures = enemyStructures.toEntityArray(); let wonderMode = gameState.getGameType() === "wonder"; let wonderDistmin; let wonders; if (wonderMode) { wonders = gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Wonder")).toEntityArray(); wonderMode = wonders.length !== 0; if (wonderMode) wonderDistmin = (50 + wonders[0].footprintRadius()) * (50 + wonders[0].footprintRadius()); } // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let bestIdx; let bestJdx; let bestVal; let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let isTower = template.hasClass("Tower"); let isFortress = template.hasClass("Fortress"); let radius; if (isFortress) radius = Math.floor((template.obstructionRadius().max + 8) / obstructions.cellSize); else radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (!wonderMode) { // do not try if well inside or outside territory if (!([j] & m.fullFrontier_Mask)) continue; if ([j] & m.largeFrontier_Mask && isTower) continue; } if ([j] === 0) // inaccessible cell continue; // with enough room around to build the cc let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; // checking distances to other structures let minDist = Math.min(); let dista = 0; if (wonderMode) { dista = API3.SquareVectorDistance(wonders[0].position(), pos); if (dista < wonderDistmin) continue; dista *= 200; // empirical factor (TODO should depend on map size) to stay near the wonder } for (let str of enemyStructures) { if (str.foundationProgress() !== undefined) continue; let strPos = str.position(); if (!strPos) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(strPos, pos); if (dist < 6400) // TODO check on true attack range instead of this 80*80 { minDist = -1; break; } if (str.hasClass("CivCentre") && dist + dista < minDist) minDist = dist + dista; } if (minDist < 0) continue; let cutDist = 900; // 30*30 TODO maybe increase it for (let str of ownStructures) { let strPos = str.position(); if (!strPos) continue; if (API3.SquareVectorDistance(strPos, pos) < cutDist) { minDist = -1; break; } } if (minDist < 0 || minDist === Math.min()) continue; if (bestVal !== undefined && minDist > bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = minDist; bestIdx = i; bestJdx = j; } if (bestVal === undefined) return undefined; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; return [x, z,[bestJdx]]; }; m.HQ.prototype.buildTemple = function(gameState, queues) { // at least one market (which have the same queue) should be build before any temple if (queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Temple", true).hasEntities() || !gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities()) return; // Try to build a temple earlier if in regicide to recruit healer guards if (this.currentPhase < 3 && gameState.getGameType() !== "regicide") return; if (!this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple")) return; queues.economicBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple")); }; m.HQ.prototype.buildMarket = function(gameState, queues) { if (gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities() || !this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market")) return; if (queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnitsWithClass("BarterMarket")) { if (!this.navalMap && !queues.economicBuilding.paused) { // Put available resources in this market when not a naval map let queueManager =; let cost = queues.economicBuilding.plans[0].getCost(); queueManager.setAccounts(gameState, cost, "economicBuilding"); if (!queueManager.canAfford("economicBuilding", cost)) { for (let q in queueManager.queues) { if (q === "economicBuilding") continue; queueManager.transferAccounts(cost, q, "economicBuilding"); if (queueManager.canAfford("economicBuilding", cost)) break; } } } return; } if (gameState.getPopulation() < this.Config.Economy.popForMarket) return;"economicBuilding", 3*this.Config.priorities.economicBuilding); let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market"); plan.queueToReset = "economicBuilding"; queues.economicBuilding.addPlan(plan); }; /** Build a farmstead */ m.HQ.prototype.buildFarmstead = function(gameState, queues) { // Only build one farmstead for the time being ("DropsiteFood" does not refer to CCs) if (gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Farmstead", true).hasEntities()) return; // Wait to have at least one dropsite and house before the farmstead if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Storehouse", true).hasEntities()) return; if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("House", true).hasEntities()) return; if (queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnitsWithClass("DropsiteFood")) return; if (!this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_farmstead")) return; queues.economicBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_farmstead")); }; /** * Try to build a wonder when required * force = true when called from the gameTypeManager in case of Wonder mode */ m.HQ.prototype.buildWonder = function(gameState, queues, force = false) { if (queues.wonder && queues.wonder.hasQueuedUnits() || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Wonder", true).hasEntities() || !this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_wonder")) return; if (!force) { let templateName = gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_wonder"); if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(templateName)) return; let template = gameState.getTemplate(templateName); if (!template) return; // Check that we have enough resources to start thinking to build a wonder let cost = template.cost(); let resources = gameState.getResources(); let highLevel = 0; let lowLevel = 0; for (let res in cost) { if (resources[res] && resources[res] > 0.7 * cost[res]) ++highLevel; else if (!resources[res] || resources[res] < 0.3 * cost[res]) ++lowLevel; } if (highLevel == 0 || lowLevel > 1) return; } queues.wonder.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_wonder")); }; /** Build a corral, and train animals there */ m.HQ.prototype.manageCorral = function(gameState, queues) { if (queues.corral.hasQueuedUnits()) return; let nCorral = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Corral", true).length; if (!nCorral || !gameState.isTemplateAvailable(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_field")) && nCorral < this.currentPhase && gameState.getPopulation() > 30*nCorral) { if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_corral")) { queues.corral.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_corral")); return; } if (!nCorral) return; } // And train some animals for (let corral of gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Corral", true).values()) { if (corral.foundationProgress() !== undefined) continue; let trainables = corral.trainableEntities(); for (let trainable of trainables) { if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(trainable)) continue; let template = gameState.getTemplate(trainable); if (!template || !template.isHuntable()) continue; let count = gameState.countEntitiesByType(trainable, true); for (let item of corral.trainingQueue()) count += item.count; if (count > nCorral) continue; queues.corral.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, trainable, { "trainer": })); return; } } }; /** * build more houses if needed. * kinda ugly, lots of special cases to both build enough houses but not tooo many… */ m.HQ.prototype.buildMoreHouses = function(gameState, queues) { if (!gameState.isTemplateAvailable(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house")) || gameState.getPopulationMax() <= gameState.getPopulationLimit()) return; let numPlanned =; if (numPlanned < 3 || numPlanned < 5 && gameState.getPopulation() > 80) { let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_house"); // change the starting condition according to the situation. plan.goRequirement = "houseNeeded";; } if (numPlanned > 0 && this.phasing && gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.phasing).length) { let houseTemplateName = gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house"); let houseTemplate = gameState.getTemplate(houseTemplateName); let needed = 0; for (let entityReq of gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.phasing)) { if (!houseTemplate.hasClass(entityReq.class)) continue; let count = gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass(entityReq.class)).length; if (count < entityReq.count && this.stopBuilding.has(houseTemplateName)) { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("no room to place a house ... try to be less restrictive"); this.stopBuilding.delete(houseTemplateName); this.requireHouses = true; } needed = Math.max(needed, entityReq.count - count); } let houseQueue =; for (let i = 0; i < numPlanned; ++i) if (houseQueue[i].isGo(gameState)) --needed; else if (needed > 0) { houseQueue[i].goRequirement = undefined; --needed; } } if (this.requireHouses) { let houseTemplate = gameState.getTemplate(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house")); if (!this.phasing || gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.phasing).every(req => !houseTemplate.hasClass(req.class) || gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass(req.class)).length >= req.count)) this.requireHouses = undefined; } // When population limit too tight // - if no room to build, try to improve with technology // - otherwise increase temporarily the priority of houses let house = gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house"); let HouseNb = gameState.getOwnFoundations().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("House")).length; let popBonus = gameState.getTemplate(house).getPopulationBonus(); let freeSlots = gameState.getPopulationLimit() + HouseNb*popBonus - gameState.getPopulation(); let priority; if (freeSlots < 5) { if (this.stopBuilding.has(house)) { if (this.stopBuilding.get(house) > { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("no room to place a house ... try to improve with technology"); this.researchManager.researchPopulationBonus(gameState, queues); } else { this.stopBuilding.delete(house); priority = 2*; } } else priority = 2*; } else priority =; if (priority && priority !="house"))"house", priority); }; /** Checks the status of the territory expansion. If no new economic bases created, build some strategic ones. */ m.HQ.prototype.checkBaseExpansion = function(gameState, queues) { if (queues.civilCentre.hasQueuedUnits()) return; // First build one cc if all have been destroyed let activeBases = this.numActiveBase(); if (activeBases === 0) { this.buildFirstBase(gameState); return; } // Then expand if we have not enough room available for buildings let nstopped = 0; for (let stopTime of this.stopBuilding.values()) { if (stopTime === Infinity || stopTime < || ++nstopped < 2) continue; if (this.Config.debug > 2) API3.warn("try to build a new base because not enough room to build " + uneval(this.stopBuilding)); this.buildNewBase(gameState, queues); return; } // If we've already planned to phase up, wait a bit before trying to expand if (this.phasing) return; // Finally expand if we have lots of units (threshold depending on the aggressivity value) let numUnits = gameState.getOwnUnits().length; let numvar = 10 * (1 - this.Config.personality.aggressive); if (numUnits > activeBases * (65 + numvar + (10 + numvar)*(activeBases-1)) || this.saveResources && numUnits > 50) { if (this.Config.debug > 2) API3.warn("try to build a new base because of population " + numUnits + " for " + activeBases + " CCs"); this.buildNewBase(gameState, queues); } }; m.HQ.prototype.buildNewBase = function(gameState, queues, resource) { if (this.numActiveBase() > 0 && this.currentPhase == 1 && !gameState.isResearching(gameState.getPhaseName(2))) return false; if (gameState.getOwnFoundations().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")).hasEntities() || queues.civilCentre.hasQueuedUnits()) return false; let template; // We require at least one of this civ civCentre as they may allow specific units or techs let hasOwnCC = false; for (let ent of gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")).values()) { if (ent.owner() !== PlayerID || ent.templateName() !== gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_civil_centre")) continue; hasOwnCC = true; break; } if (hasOwnCC && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_military_colony")) template = "structures/{civ}_military_colony"; else if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_civil_centre")) template = "structures/{civ}_civil_centre"; else if (!hasOwnCC && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_military_colony")) template = "structures/{civ}_military_colony"; else return false; // base "-1" means new base. if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("new base " + gameState.applyCiv(template) + " planned with resource " + resource); queues.civilCentre.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, template, { "base": -1, "resource": resource })); return true; }; /** Deals with building fortresses and towers along our border with enemies. */ m.HQ.prototype.buildDefenses = function(gameState, queues) { if (this.saveResources && !this.canBarter || queues.defenseBuilding.hasQueuedUnits()) return; if (!this.saveResources && (this.currentPhase > 2 || gameState.isResearching(gameState.getPhaseName(3)))) { // try to build fortresses if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_fortress")) { let numFortresses = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Fortress", true).length; if ((!numFortresses || > (1 + 0.10*numFortresses)*this.fortressLapseTime + this.fortressStartTime) && numFortresses < this.numActiveBase() + 1 + this.extraFortresses && gameState.getOwnFoundationsByClass("Fortress").length < 2) { this.fortressStartTime =; if (!numFortresses)"defenseBuilding", 2*this.Config.priorities.defenseBuilding); let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_fortress"); plan.queueToReset = "defenseBuilding"; queues.defenseBuilding.addPlan(plan); return; } } } if (this.Config.Military.numSentryTowers && this.currentPhase < 2 && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_sentry_tower")) { let numTowers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Tower", true).length; // we count all towers, including wall towers let towerLapseTime = this.saveResource ? (1 + 0.5*numTowers) * this.towerLapseTime : this.towerLapseTime; if (numTowers < this.Config.Military.numSentryTowers && > towerLapseTime + this.fortStartTime) { this.fortStartTime =; queues.defenseBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_sentry_tower")); } return; } if (this.currentPhase < 2 || !this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower")) return; let numTowers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("DefenseTower", true).filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Town")).length; let towerLapseTime = this.saveResource ? (1 + numTowers) * this.towerLapseTime : this.towerLapseTime; if ((!numTowers || > (1 + 0.1*numTowers)*towerLapseTime + this.towerStartTime) && numTowers < 2 * this.numActiveBase() + 3 + this.extraTowers && gameState.getOwnFoundationsByClass("DefenseTower").length < 3) { this.towerStartTime =; if (numTowers > 2 * this.numActiveBase() + 3)"defenseBuilding", Math.round(0.7*this.Config.priorities.defenseBuilding)); let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower"); plan.queueToReset = "defenseBuilding"; queues.defenseBuilding.addPlan(plan); } }; m.HQ.prototype.buildBlacksmith = function(gameState, queues) { if (gameState.getPopulation() < this.Config.Military.popForBlacksmith || queues.militaryBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Blacksmith", true).length) return; // build a market before the blacksmith if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities()) return; if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith")) queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith")); }; /** * Deals with constructing military buildings (barracks, stables…) * They are mostly defined by Config.js. This is unreliable since changes could be done easily. */ m.HQ.prototype.constructTrainingBuildings = function(gameState, queues) { if (this.saveResources && !this.canBarter || queues.militaryBuilding.hasQueuedUnits()) return; if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks")) { let barrackNb = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Barracks", true).length; if (this.saveResources && barrackNb > 0) return; // first barracks. if (!barrackNb && (gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks1 || this.phasing == 2 && gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Village")).length < 5)) {"militaryBuilding", 2*this.Config.priorities.militaryBuilding); let preferredBase = this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState); let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", { "preferredBase": preferredBase }); plan.queueToReset = "militaryBuilding"; queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(plan); return; } // second barracks, then 3rd barrack, and optional 4th for some civs as they rely on barracks more. if (barrackNb == 1 && gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks2) { let preferredBase = this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState); queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", { "preferredBase": preferredBase })); return; } if (barrackNb == 2 && gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks2 + 20) { let preferredBase = this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState); queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", { "preferredBase": preferredBase })); return; } if (barrackNb == 3 && gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks2 + 50 && (gameState.getPlayerCiv() === "gaul" || gameState.getPlayerCiv() === "brit" || gameState.getPlayerCiv() === "iber")) { let preferredBase = this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState); queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", { "preferredBase": preferredBase })); return; } } if (this.saveResources) return; if (this.currentPhase < 3 || gameState.getPopulation() < 80 || !this.bAdvanced.length) return; //build advanced military buildings let nAdvanced = 0; for (let advanced of this.bAdvanced) nAdvanced += gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(advanced, true); if (!nAdvanced || nAdvanced < this.bAdvanced.length && gameState.getPopulation() > 110) { for (let advanced of this.bAdvanced) { if (gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(advanced, true) > 0 || !this.canBuild(gameState, advanced)) continue; let template = gameState.getTemplate(advanced); if (!template) continue; if (template.hasDefensiveFire() || template.trainableEntities()) { let preferredBase = this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState); queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, advanced, { "preferredBase": preferredBase })); } else // not a military building, but still use this queue queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, advanced)); return; } } }; /** * Construct military building in bases nearest to the ennemies TODO revisit as the nearest one may not be accessible */ m.HQ.prototype.findBestBaseForMilitary = function(gameState) { let ccEnts = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")).toEntityArray(); let bestBase = 1; let distMin = Math.min(); for (let cce of ccEnts) { if (gameState.isPlayerAlly(cce.owner())) continue; for (let cc of ccEnts) { if (cc.owner() != PlayerID) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(cc.position(), cce.position()); if (dist > distMin) continue; bestBase = cc.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"); distMin = dist; } } return bestBase; }; /** * train with highest priority ranged infantry in the nearest civil centre from a given set of positions * and garrison them there for defense */ m.HQ.prototype.trainEmergencyUnits = function(gameState, positions) { if ( return false; let civ = gameState.getPlayerCiv(); // find nearest base anchor let distcut = 20000; let nearestAnchor; let distmin; for (let pos of positions) { let access =; // check nearest base anchor for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position()) continue; if (base.anchor.getMetadata(PlayerID, "access") !== access) continue; if (!base.anchor.trainableEntities(civ)) // base still in construction continue; let queue = base.anchor._entity.trainingQueue; if (queue) { let time = 0; for (let item of queue) if (item.progress > 0 || item.metadata && item.metadata.garrisonType) time += item.timeRemaining; if (time/1000 > 5) continue; } let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(base.anchor.position(), pos); if (nearestAnchor && dist > distmin) continue; distmin = dist; nearestAnchor = base.anchor; } } if (!nearestAnchor || distmin > distcut) return false; // We will choose randomly ranged and melee units, except when garrisonHolder is full // in which case we prefer melee units let numGarrisoned = this.garrisonManager.numberOfGarrisonedUnits(nearestAnchor); if (nearestAnchor._entity.trainingQueue) { for (let item of nearestAnchor._entity.trainingQueue) { if (item.metadata && item.metadata.garrisonType) numGarrisoned += item.count; else if (!item.progress && (!item.metadata || !item.metadata.trainer)) nearestAnchor.stopProduction(; } } let autogarrison = numGarrisoned < nearestAnchor.garrisonMax() && nearestAnchor.hitpoints() > nearestAnchor.garrisonEjectHealth() * nearestAnchor.maxHitpoints(); let rangedWanted = randBool() && autogarrison; let total = gameState.getResources(); let templateFound; let trainables = nearestAnchor.trainableEntities(civ); let garrisonArrowClasses = nearestAnchor.getGarrisonArrowClasses(); for (let trainable of trainables) { if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(trainable)) continue; let template = gameState.getTemplate(trainable); if (!template || !template.hasClass("Infantry") || !template.hasClass("CitizenSoldier")) continue; if (autogarrison && !MatchesClassList(template.classes(), garrisonArrowClasses)) continue; if (!total.canAfford(new API3.Resources(template.cost()))) continue; templateFound = [trainable, template]; if (template.hasClass("Ranged") === rangedWanted) break; } if (!templateFound) return false; // Check first if we can afford it without touching the other accounts // and if not, take some of other accounted resources // TODO sort the queues to be substracted let queueManager =; let cost = new API3.Resources(templateFound[1].cost()); queueManager.setAccounts(gameState, cost, "emergency"); if (!queueManager.canAfford("emergency", cost)) { for (let q in queueManager.queues) { if (q === "emergency") continue; queueManager.transferAccounts(cost, q, "emergency"); if (queueManager.canAfford("emergency", cost)) break; } } let metadata = { "role": "worker", "base": nearestAnchor.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"), "plan": -1, "trainer": }; if (autogarrison) metadata.garrisonType = "protection"; m.TrainingPlan(gameState, templateFound[0], metadata, 1, 1)); return true; }; m.HQ.prototype.canBuild = function(gameState, structure, debug = false) { let type = gameState.applyCiv(structure); // available room to build it if (this.stopBuilding.has(type)) { if (this.stopBuilding.get(type) > return false; this.stopBuilding.delete(type); } if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(type)) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, Infinity); return false; } let template = gameState.getTemplate(type); if (!template) this.stopBuilding.set(type, Infinity); if (!template || !template.available(gameState)) return false; if (!gameState.findBuilder(type)) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, + 120); return false; } if (this.numActiveBase() < 1) { // if no base, check that we can build outside our territory let buildTerritories = template.buildTerritories(); if (buildTerritories && (!buildTerritories.length || buildTerritories.length === 1 && buildTerritories[0] === "own")) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, + 180); return false; } } // build limits let limits = gameState.getEntityLimits(); let category = template.buildCategory(); if (category && limits[category] !== undefined && gameState.getEntityCounts()[category] >= limits[category]) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, + 60); return false; } return true; }; m.HQ.prototype.stopBuild = function(gameState, structure, time=180) { let type = gameState.applyCiv(structure); if (this.stopBuilding.has(type)) this.stopBuilding.set(type, Math.max(this.stopBuilding.get(type), + time)); else this.stopBuilding.set(type, + time); }; m.HQ.prototype.restartBuild = function(gameState, structure) { let type = gameState.applyCiv(structure); if (this.stopBuilding.has(type)) this.stopBuilding.delete(type); }; m.HQ.prototype.updateTerritories = function(gameState) { const around = [ [-0.7,0.7], [0,1], [0.7,0.7], [1,0], [0.7,-0.7], [0,-1], [-0.7,-0.7], [-1,0] ]; let alliedVictory = gameState.getAlliedVictory(); let passabilityMap = gameState.getPassabilityMap(); let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let insideSmall = Math.round(45 / cellSize); let insideLarge = Math.round(80 / cellSize); // should be about the range of towers let expansion = 0; for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if ([j] & m.outside_Mask) continue; if ([j] & m.fullFrontier_Mask)[j] &= ~m.fullFrontier_Mask; // reset the frontier if (this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j) != PlayerID) { // If this tile was already accounted, remove it if ([j] === 0) continue; let base = this.getBaseByID([j]); let index = base.territoryIndices.indexOf(j); if (index == -1) { API3.warn(" problem in headquarters::updateTerritories for base " +[j]); continue; } base.territoryIndices.splice(index, 1);[j] = 0; } else { // Update the frontier let ix = j%width; let iz = Math.floor(j/width); let onFrontier = false; for (let a of around) { let jx = ix + Math.round(insideSmall*a[0]); if (jx < 0 || jx >= width) continue; let jz = iz + Math.round(insideSmall*a[1]); if (jz < 0 || jz >= width) continue; if ([jx+width*jz] & m.outside_Mask) continue; let territoryOwner = this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(jx+width*jz); if (territoryOwner !== PlayerID && !(alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner))) {[j] |= m.narrowFrontier_Mask; break; } jx = ix + Math.round(insideLarge*a[0]); if (jx < 0 || jx >= width) continue; jz = iz + Math.round(insideLarge*a[1]); if (jz < 0 || jz >= width) continue; if ([jx+width*jz] & m.outside_Mask) continue; territoryOwner = this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(jx+width*jz); if (territoryOwner !== PlayerID && !(alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner))) onFrontier = true; } if (onFrontier && !([j] & m.narrowFrontier_Mask))[j] |= m.largeFrontier_Mask; // If this tile was not already accounted, add it if ([j] !== 0) continue; let landPassable = false; let ind = API3.getMapIndices(j, this.territoryMap, passabilityMap); let access; for (let k of ind) { if (!this.landRegions[[k]]) continue; landPassable = true; access =[k]; break; } if (!landPassable) continue; let distmin = Math.min(); let baseID; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position()) continue; if (base.accessIndex != access) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(base.anchor.position(), pos); if (dist >= distmin) continue; distmin = dist; baseID = base.ID; } if (!baseID) continue; this.getBaseByID(baseID).territoryIndices.push(j);[j] = baseID; expansion++; } } if (!expansion) return; // We've increased our territory, so we may have some new room to build for (let [type, stopTime] of this.stopBuilding) if (stopTime !== Infinity) this.stopBuilding.delete(type); // And if sufficient expansion, check if building a new market would improve our present trade routes let cellArea = this.territoryMap.cellSize * this.territoryMap.cellSize; if (expansion * cellArea > 960) this.tradeManager.routeProspection = true; }; /** * returns the base corresponding to baseID */ m.HQ.prototype.getBaseByID = function(baseID) { for (let base of this.baseManagers) if (base.ID === baseID) return base; API3.warn("Petra error: no base found with ID " + baseID); return undefined; }; /** * returns the number of active (i.e. with one cc) bases */ m.HQ.prototype.numActiveBase = function() { if (!this.turnCache.activeBase) { let num = 0; for (let base of this.baseManagers) if (base.anchor) ++num; this.turnCache.activeBase = num; } return this.turnCache.activeBase; }; m.HQ.prototype.resetActiveBase = function() { this.turnCache.activeBase = undefined; }; /** * Count gatherers returning resources in the number of gatherers of resourceSupplies * to prevent the AI always reaffecting idle workers to these resourceSupplies (specially in naval maps). */ m.HQ.prototype.assignGatherers = function() { for (let base of this.baseManagers) { for (let worker of base.workers.values()) { if (worker.unitAIState().split(".")[1] !== "RETURNRESOURCE") continue; let orders = worker.unitAIOrderData(); if (orders.length < 2 || !orders[1].target || orders[1].target !== worker.getMetadata(PlayerID, "supply")) continue; this.AddTCGatherer(orders[1].target); } } }; m.HQ.prototype.isDangerousLocation = function(gameState, pos, radius) { return this.isNearInvadingArmy(pos) || this.isUnderEnemyFire(gameState, pos, radius); }; /** Check that the chosen position is not too near from an invading army */ m.HQ.prototype.isNearInvadingArmy = function(pos) { for (let army of this.defenseManager.armies) if (army.foePosition && API3.SquareVectorDistance(army.foePosition, pos) < 12000) return true; return false; }; m.HQ.prototype.isUnderEnemyFire = function(gameState, pos, radius = 0) { if (!this.turnCache.firingStructures) this.turnCache.firingStructures = gameState.updatingCollection("diplo-FiringStructures", API3.Filters.hasDefensiveFire(), gameState.getEnemyStructures()); for (let ent of this.turnCache.firingStructures.values()) { let range = radius + ent.attackRange("Ranged").max; if (API3.SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), pos) < range*range) return true; } return false; }; /** Compute the capture strength of all units attacking a capturable target */ m.HQ.prototype.updateCaptureStrength = function(gameState) { this.capturableTargets.clear(); for (let ent of gameState.getOwnUnits().values()) { if (!ent.canCapture()) continue; let state = ent.unitAIState(); if (!state || !state.split(".")[1] || state.split(".")[1] !== "COMBAT") continue; let orderData = ent.unitAIOrderData(); if (!orderData || !orderData.length || !orderData[0].target) continue; let targetId = orderData[0].target; let target = gameState.getEntityById(targetId); if (!target || !target.isCapturable() || !ent.canCapture(target)) continue; if (!this.capturableTargets.has(targetId)) this.capturableTargets.set(targetId, { "strength": ent.captureStrength() * m.getAttackBonus(ent, target, "Capture"), "ents": new Set([]) }); else { let capturableTarget = this.capturableTargets.get(; capturableTarget.strength += ent.captureStrength() * m.getAttackBonus(ent, target, "Capture"); capturableTarget.ents.add(; } } for (let [targetId, capturableTarget] of this.capturableTargets) { let target = gameState.getEntityById(targetId); let allowCapture; for (let entId of capturableTarget.ents) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (allowCapture === undefined) allowCapture = m.allowCapture(gameState, ent, target); let orderData = ent.unitAIOrderData(); if (!orderData || !orderData.length || !orderData[0].attackType) continue; if ((orderData[0].attackType === "Capture") !== allowCapture) ent.attack(targetId, allowCapture); } } this.capturableTargetsTime =; }; /** Some functions that register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn */ /** add a gatherer to the turn cache for this supply. */ m.HQ.prototype.AddTCGatherer = function(supplyID) { if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] !== undefined) ++this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]; else { if (!this.turnCache.resourceGatherer) this.turnCache.resourceGatherer = {}; this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] = 1; } }; /** remove a gatherer to the turn cache for this supply. */ m.HQ.prototype.RemoveTCGatherer = function(supplyID) { if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]) --this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]; else { if (!this.turnCache.resourceGatherer) this.turnCache.resourceGatherer = {}; this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] = -1; } }; m.HQ.prototype.GetTCGatherer = function(supplyID) { if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]) return this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]; return 0; }; /** The next two are to register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn. */ m.HQ.prototype.AddTCResGatherer = function(resource) { if (this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]) ++this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]; else this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource] = 1; this.turnCache.gatherRates = false; }; m.HQ.prototype.GetTCResGatherer = function(resource) { if (this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]) return this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]; return 0; }; /** * Check if a structure in blinking territory should/can be defended (currently if it has some attacking armies around) */ m.HQ.prototype.isDefendable = function(ent) { if (!this.turnCache.numAround) this.turnCache.numAround = {}; if (this.turnCache.numAround[] === undefined) this.turnCache.numAround[] = this.attackManager.numAttackingUnitsAround(ent.position(), 130); return +this.turnCache.numAround[] > 8; }; /** * Some functions are run every turn * Others once in a while */ m.HQ.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues, events) { Engine.ProfileStart("Headquarters update"); this.turnCache = {}; this.territoryMap = m.createTerritoryMap(gameState); this.canBarter = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).filter(API3.Filters.isBuilt()).hasEntities(); // TODO find a better way to update if (this.currentPhase != gameState.currentPhase()) { if (this.Config.debug > 0) API3.warn(" civ " + gameState.getPlayerCiv() + " has phasedUp from " + this.currentPhase + " to " + gameState.currentPhase() + " at time " + + " phasing " + this.phasing); this.currentPhase = gameState.currentPhase(); // In principle, this.phasing should be already reset to 0 when starting the research // but this does not work in case of an autoResearch tech if (this.phasing) this.phasing = 0; } /* if (this.Config.debug > 1) { gameState.getOwnUnits().forEach (function (ent) { if (!ent.position()) return; m.dumpEntity(ent); }); } */ this.checkEvents(gameState, events, queues); if (this.phasing) this.checkPhaseRequirements(gameState, queues); else this.researchManager.checkPhase(gameState, queues); if (this.numActiveBase() > 0) { if ( % 4 == 0) this.trainMoreWorkers(gameState, queues); if ( % 4 == 1) this.buildMoreHouses(gameState,queues); if ((!this.saveResources || this.canBarter) && % 4 == 2) this.buildFarmstead(gameState, queues); if (this.needCorral && % 4 == 3) this.manageCorral(gameState, queues); if (!queues.minorTech.hasQueuedUnits() && % 5 == 1) this.researchManager.update(gameState, queues); } if (this.numActiveBase() < 1 || this.canExpand && % 10 == 7 && this.currentPhase > 1) this.checkBaseExpansion(gameState, queues); if (this.currentPhase > 1) { if (!this.canBarter) this.buildMarket(gameState, queues); if (!this.saveResources) { this.buildBlacksmith(gameState, queues); this.buildTemple(gameState, queues); } if ( % 30 === 0 && gameState.getPopulation() > 0.9 * gameState.getPopulationMax()) this.buildWonder(gameState, queues, false); } this.tradeManager.update(gameState, events, queues); this.garrisonManager.update(gameState, events); this.defenseManager.update(gameState, events); this.constructTrainingBuildings(gameState, queues); if (this.Config.difficulty > 0) this.buildDefenses(gameState, queues); this.assignGatherers(); for (let i = 0; i < this.baseManagers.length; ++i) { this.baseManagers[i].checkEvents(gameState, events, queues); if ((i + === 0) this.baseManagers[i].update(gameState, queues, events); } this.navalManager.update(gameState, queues, events); if (this.Config.difficulty > 0 && (this.numActiveBase() > 0 || !this.canBuildUnits)) this.attackManager.update(gameState, queues, events); this.diplomacyManager.update(gameState, events); this.gameTypeManager.update(gameState, events, queues); // We update the capture strength at the end as it can change attack orders if ( - this.capturableTargetsTime > 3) this.updateCaptureStrength(gameState); Engine.ProfileStop(); }; m.HQ.prototype.Serialize = function() { let properties = { "phasing": this.phasing, "wantedRates": this.wantedRates, "currentRates": this.currentRates, "lastFailedGather": this.lastFailedGather, "supportRatio": this.supportRatio, "targetNumWorkers": this.targetNumWorkers, "stopBuilding": this.stopBuilding, "fortStartTime": this.fortStartTime, "towerStartTime": this.towerStartTime, "fortressStartTime": this.fortressStartTime, "bAdvanced": this.bAdvanced, "saveResources": this.saveResources, "saveSpace": this.saveSpace, "needCorral": this.needCorral, "needFarm": this.needFarm, "needFish": this.needFish, "canExpand": this.canExpand, "canBuildUnits": this.canBuildUnits, "navalMap": this.navalMap, "landRegions": this.landRegions, "navalRegions": this.navalRegions, "decayingStructures": this.decayingStructures, "capturableTargets": this.capturableTargets, "capturableTargetsTime": this.capturableTargetsTime }; let baseManagers = []; for (let base of this.baseManagers) baseManagers.push(base.Serialize()); if (this.Config.debug == -100) { API3.warn(" HQ serialization ---------------------"); API3.warn(" properties " + uneval(properties)); API3.warn(" baseManagers " + uneval(baseManagers)); API3.warn(" attackManager " + uneval(this.attackManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" defenseManager " + uneval(this.defenseManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" tradeManager " + uneval(this.tradeManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" navalManager " + uneval(this.navalManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" researchManager " + uneval(this.researchManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" diplomacyManager " + uneval(this.diplomacyManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" garrisonManager " + uneval(this.garrisonManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" gameTypeManager " + uneval(this.gameTypeManager.Serialize())); } return { "properties": properties, "baseManagers": baseManagers, "attackManager": this.attackManager.Serialize(), "defenseManager": this.defenseManager.Serialize(), "tradeManager": this.tradeManager.Serialize(), "navalManager": this.navalManager.Serialize(), "researchManager": this.researchManager.Serialize(), "diplomacyManager": this.diplomacyManager.Serialize(), "garrisonManager": this.garrisonManager.Serialize(), "gameTypeManager": this.gameTypeManager.Serialize(), }; }; m.HQ.prototype.Deserialize = function(gameState, data) { for (let key in this[key] =[key]; this.baseManagers = []; for (let base of data.baseManagers) { // the first call to deserialize set the ID base needed by entitycollections let newbase = new m.BaseManager(gameState, this.Config); newbase.Deserialize(gameState, base); newbase.init(gameState); newbase.Deserialize(gameState, base); this.baseManagers.push(newbase); } this.navalManager = new m.NavalManager(this.Config); this.navalManager.init(gameState, true); this.navalManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.navalManager); this.attackManager = new m.AttackManager(this.Config); this.attackManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.attackManager); this.attackManager.init(gameState); this.attackManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.attackManager); this.defenseManager = new m.DefenseManager(this.Config); this.defenseManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.defenseManager); this.tradeManager = new m.TradeManager(this.Config); this.tradeManager.init(gameState); this.tradeManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.tradeManager); this.researchManager = new m.ResearchManager(this.Config); this.researchManager.Deserialize(data.researchManager); this.diplomacyManager = new m.DiplomacyManager(this.Config); this.diplomacyManager.Deserialize(data.diplomacyManager); this.garrisonManager = new m.GarrisonManager(this.Config); this.garrisonManager.Deserialize(data.garrisonManager); this.gameTypeManager = new m.GameTypeManager(this.Config); this.gameTypeManager.Deserialize(data.gameTypeManager); }; return m; }(PETRA);