Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/config.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/config.js (revision 20398) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/config.js (revision 20399) @@ -1,230 +1,230 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { m.Config = function(difficulty) { // 0 is sandbox, 1 is very easy, 2 is easy, 3 is medium, 4 is hard and 5 is very hard. this.difficulty = difficulty !== undefined ? difficulty : 3; // debug level: 0=none, 1=sanity checks, 2=debug, 3=detailed debug, -100=serializatio debug this.debug = 0; = true; // false to prevent AI's chats this.popScaling = 1; // scale factor depending on the max population this.Military = { "towerLapseTime" : 90, // Time to wait between building 2 towers "fortressLapseTime" : 390, // Time to wait between building 2 fortresses "popForBarracks1" : 25, "popForBarracks2" : 95, "popForBlacksmith" : 65, "numSentryTowers" : 1 }; this.Economy = { "popPhase2" : 38, // How many units we want before aging to phase2. "workPhase3" : 65, // How many workers we want before aging to phase3. "workPhase4" : 80, // How many workers we want before aging to phase4 or higher. "popForMarket" : 50, "popForDock" : 25, "targetNumWorkers" : 40,// dummy, will be changed later "targetNumTraders" : 5, // Target number of traders "targetNumFishers" : 1, // Target number of fishers per sea "supportRatio" : 0.35, // fraction of support workers among the workforce "provisionFields" : 2 }; // Note: attack settings are set directly in attack_plan.js // defense this.Defense = { "defenseRatio" : 2, // ratio of defenders/attackers. "armyCompactSize" : 2000, // squared. Half-diameter of an army. "armyBreakawaySize" : 3500, // squared. "armyMergeSize" : 1400 // squared. }; this.buildings = { "advanced": { "default": [], "athen": [ "structures/{civ}_gymnasion", "structures/{civ}_prytaneion", "structures/{civ}_theatron", "structures/{civ}_royal_stoa" ], "brit": [ "structures/{civ}_rotarymill" ], "cart": [ "structures/{civ}_embassy_celtic", "structures/{civ}_embassy_iberian", "structures/{civ}_embassy_italiote" ], "gaul": [ "structures/{civ}_rotarymill", "structures/{civ}_tavern" ], "iber": [ "structures/{civ}_monument" ], "mace": [ "structures/{civ}_library", "structures/{civ}_theatron" ], - "maur": [ "structures/{civ}_elephant_stables", "structures/{civ}_pillar_ashoka" ], + "maur": [ "structures/{civ}_pillar_ashoka" ], "pers": [ "structures/{civ}_apadana", "structures/{civ}_hall"], "ptol": [ "structures/{civ}_library" ], "rome": [ "structures/{civ}_army_camp" ], "sele": [ "structures/{civ}_library" ], "spart": [ "structures/{civ}_syssiton", "structures/{civ}_theatron", "structures/{civ}_royal_stoa" ] } }; this.priorities = { "villager": 30, // should be slightly lower than the citizen soldier one to not get all the food "citizenSoldier": 60, "trader": 50, "healer": 20, "ships": 70, "house": 350, "dropsites": 200, "field": 400, "dock": 90, "corral": 60, "economicBuilding": 90, "militaryBuilding": 130, "defenseBuilding": 70, "civilCentre": 950, "majorTech": 700, "minorTech": 40, "wonder": 1000, "emergency": 1000 // used only in emergency situations, should be the highest one }; this.personality = { "aggressive": 0.5, "cooperative": 0.5, "defensive": 0.5 }; // See m.QueueManager.prototype.wantedGatherRates() this.queues = { "firstTurn": { "food": 10, "wood": 10, "default": 0 }, "short": { "food": 200, "wood": 200, "default": 100 }, "medium": { "default": 0 }, "long": { "default": 0 } }; this.garrisonHealthLevel = { "low": 0.4, "medium": 0.55, "high": 0.7 }; }; m.Config.prototype.setConfig = function(gameState) { // initialize personality traits if (this.difficulty > 1) { this.personality.aggressive = randFloat(0, 1); this.personality.cooperative = randFloat(0, 1); this.personality.defensive = randFloat(0, 1); } else { this.personality.aggressive = 0.1; this.personality.cooperative = 0.9; } if (gameState.getAlliedVictory()) this.personality.cooperative = Math.min(1, this.personality.cooperative + 0.15); // changing settings based on difficulty or personality if (this.difficulty < 2) { this.Economy.supportRatio = 0.5; this.Economy.provisionFields = 1; this.Military.numSentryTowers = this.personality.defensive > 0.66 ? 1 : 0; } else if (this.difficulty < 3) { this.Economy.supportRatio = 0.4; this.Economy.provisionFields = 1; this.Military.numSentryTowers = this.personality.defensive > 0.66 ? 1 : 0; } else { this.Military.towerLapseTime += Math.round(20*(this.personality.defensive - 0.5)); this.Military.fortressLapseTime += Math.round(60*(this.personality.defensive - 0.5)); if (this.difficulty == 3) this.Military.numSentryTowers = 1; else this.Military.numSentryTowers = 2; if (this.personality.defensive > 0.66) ++this.Military.numSentryTowers; else if (this.personality.defensive < 0.33) --this.Military.numSentryTowers; if (this.personality.aggressive > 0.7) { this.Military.popForBarracks1 = 12; this.Economy.popPhase2 = 50; this.Economy.popForMarket = 60; this.priorities.defenseBuilding = 60; this.priorities.healer = 10; } } let maxPop = gameState.getPopulationMax(); if (this.difficulty < 2) this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(1, Math.min(40, maxPop)); else if (this.difficulty < 3) this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(1, Math.min(60, Math.floor(maxPop/2))); else this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(1, Math.min(120, Math.floor(maxPop/3))); this.Economy.targetNumTraders = 2 + this.difficulty; if (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder") { this.Economy.workPhase3 = Math.floor(0.9 * this.Economy.workPhase3); this.Economy.workPhase4 = Math.floor(0.9 * this.Economy.workPhase4); } if (maxPop < 300) { this.popScaling = Math.sqrt(maxPop / 300); this.Military.popForBarracks1 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Military.popForBarracks1 * this.popScaling), 12), Math.floor(maxPop/5)); this.Military.popForBarracks2 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Military.popForBarracks2 * this.popScaling), 45), Math.floor(maxPop*2/3)); this.Military.popForBlacksmith = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Military.popForBlacksmith * this.popScaling), 30), Math.floor(maxPop/2)); this.Economy.popPhase2 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.popPhase2 * this.popScaling), 20), Math.floor(maxPop/2)); this.Economy.workPhase3 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.workPhase3 * this.popScaling), 40), Math.floor(maxPop*2/3)); this.Economy.workPhase4 = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.workPhase4 * this.popScaling), 45), Math.floor(maxPop*2/3)); this.Economy.popForMarket = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.Economy.popForMarket * this.popScaling), 25), Math.floor(maxPop/2)); this.Economy.targetNumTraders = Math.round(this.Economy.targetNumTraders * this.popScaling); } this.Economy.targetNumWorkers = Math.max(this.Economy.targetNumWorkers, this.Economy.popPhase2); this.Economy.workPhase3 = Math.min(this.Economy.workPhase3, this.Economy.targetNumWorkers); this.Economy.workPhase4 = Math.min(this.Economy.workPhase4, this.Economy.targetNumWorkers); if (this.difficulty < 2) this.Economy.workPhase3 = Infinity; // prevent the phasing to city phase if (this.debug < 2) return; API3.warn(" >>> Petra bot: personality = " + uneval(this.personality)); }; m.Config.prototype.Serialize = function() { var data = {}; for (let key in this) if (this.hasOwnProperty(key) && key != "debug") data[key] = this[key]; return data; }; m.Config.prototype.Deserialize = function(data) { for (let key in data) this[key] = data[key]; }; return m; }(PETRA); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js (revision 20398) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js (revision 20399) @@ -1,2591 +1,2596 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Headquarters * Deal with high level logic for the AI. Most of the interesting stuff gets done here. * Some tasks: * -defining RESS needs * -BO decisions. * > training workers * > building stuff (though we'll send that to bases) * -picking strategy (specific manager?) * -diplomacy -> diplomacyManager * -planning attacks -> attackManager * -picking new CC locations. */ m.HQ = function(Config) { this.Config = Config; this.phasing = 0; // existing values: 0 means no, i > 0 means phasing towards phase i // Cache the rates. this.turnCache = {}; // Some resources objects (will be filled in init) this.wantedRates = {}; this.currentRates = {}; this.lastFailedGather = {}; // workers configuration this.targetNumWorkers = this.Config.Economy.targetNumWorkers; this.supportRatio = this.Config.Economy.supportRatio; this.stopBuilding = new Map(); // list of buildings to stop (temporarily) production because no room this.fortStartTime = 180; // sentry defense towers, will start at fortStartTime + towerLapseTime this.towerStartTime = 0; // stone defense towers, will start as soon as available this.towerLapseTime = this.Config.Military.towerLapseTime; this.fortressStartTime = 0; // will start as soon as available this.fortressLapseTime = this.Config.Military.fortressLapseTime; this.extraTowers = Math.round(Math.min(this.Config.difficulty, 3) * this.Config.personality.defensive); this.extraFortresses = Math.round(Math.max(Math.min(this.Config.difficulty - 1, 2), 0) * this.Config.personality.defensive); this.baseManagers = []; this.attackManager = new m.AttackManager(this.Config); this.defenseManager = new m.DefenseManager(this.Config); this.tradeManager = new m.TradeManager(this.Config); this.navalManager = new m.NavalManager(this.Config); this.researchManager = new m.ResearchManager(this.Config); this.diplomacyManager = new m.DiplomacyManager(this.Config); this.garrisonManager = new m.GarrisonManager(this.Config); this.gameTypeManager = new m.GameTypeManager(this.Config); this.capturableTargets = new Map(); this.capturableTargetsTime = 0; }; /** More initialisation for stuff that needs the gameState */ m.HQ.prototype.init = function(gameState, queues) { this.territoryMap = m.createTerritoryMap(gameState); // initialize base map. Each pixel is a base ID, or 0 if not or not accessible this.basesMap = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory"); // create borderMap: flag cells on the border of the map // then this map will be completed with our frontier in updateTerritories this.borderMap = m.createBorderMap(gameState); // list of allowed regions this.landRegions = {}; // try to determine if we have a water map this.navalMap = false; this.navalRegions = {}; for (let res of { this.wantedRates[res] = 0; this.currentRates[res] = 0; } this.treasures = gameState.getEntities().filter(function (ent) { let type = ent.resourceSupplyType(); return type && type.generic === "treasure"; }); this.treasures.registerUpdates(); this.currentPhase = gameState.currentPhase(); this.decayingStructures = new Set(); }; /** * initialization needed after deserialization (only called when deserialization) */ m.HQ.prototype.postinit = function(gameState) { // Rebuild the base maps from the territory indices of each base this.basesMap = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory"); for (let base of this.baseManagers) for (let j of base.territoryIndices)[j] = base.ID; for (let ent of gameState.getOwnEntities().values()) { if (!ent.resourceDropsiteTypes() || ent.hasClass("Elephant")) continue; // Entities which have been built or have changed ownership after the last AI turn have no base. // they will be dealt with in the next checkEvents let baseID = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"); if (baseID === undefined) continue; let base = this.getBaseByID(baseID); base.assignResourceToDropsite(gameState, ent); } this.updateTerritories(gameState); }; /** * returns the sea index linking regions 1 and region 2 (supposed to be different land region) * otherwise return undefined * for the moment, only the case land-sea-land is supported */ m.HQ.prototype.getSeaBetweenIndices = function (gameState, index1, index2) { let path =, index2); if (path && path.length == 3 &&[path[1]] === "water") return path[1]; if (this.Config.debug > 1) { API3.warn("bad path from " + index1 + " to " + index2 + " ??? " + uneval(path)); API3.warn(" regionLinks start " + uneval([index1])); API3.warn(" regionLinks end " + uneval([index2])); } return undefined; }; m.HQ.prototype.checkEvents = function (gameState, events, queues) { if (events.TerritoriesChanged.length || events.DiplomacyChanged.length) this.updateTerritories(gameState); for (let evt of events.DiplomacyChanged) { if (evt.player !== PlayerID && evt.otherPlayer !== PlayerID) continue; // Reset the entities collections which depend on diplomacy gameState.resetOnDiplomacyChanged(); break; } for (let evt of events.Create) { // Let's check if we have a valuable foundation needing builders quickly // (normal foundations are taken care in baseManager.assignToFoundations) let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || ent.foundationProgress() === undefined) continue; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") == -1) { // Okay so let's try to create a new base around this. let newbase = new m.BaseManager(gameState, this.Config); newbase.init(gameState, "unconstructed"); newbase.setAnchor(gameState, ent); this.baseManagers.push(newbase); // Let's get a few units from other bases there to build this. let builders = this.bulkPickWorkers(gameState, newbase, 10); if (builders !== false) { builders.forEach(function (worker) { worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", newbase.ID); worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "builder"); worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation",; }); } } } for (let evt of events.ConstructionFinished) { // Let's check if we have a building set to create a new base. // TODO: move to the base manager. if (evt.newentity) { if (evt.newentity === evt.entity) // repaired building continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.newentity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) continue; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor") === true) { let base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base")); if (base.constructing) base.constructing = false; base.anchor = ent; base.anchorId = evt.newentity; base.buildings.updateEnt(ent); if (base.ID === this.baseManagers[1].ID) { // this is our first base, let us configure our starting resources this.configFirstBase(gameState); } else { // let us hope this new base will fix our possible resource shortage this.saveResources = undefined; this.saveSpace = undefined; } } } } for (let evt of events.OwnershipChanged) // capture events { if ( !== PlayerID) continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent) continue; if (ent.position()) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "access",; if (ent.hasClass("Unit")) { m.getBestBase(gameState, ent).assignEntity(gameState, ent); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", undefined); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", undefined); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", undefined); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "PartOfArmy", undefined); if (ent.hasClass("Trader")) { ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", "trader"); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "route", undefined); } if (ent.hasClass("Worker")) { ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", "worker"); ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "idle"); } if (ent.hasClass("Ship")) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "sea",, true)); if (!ent.hasClass("Support") && !ent.hasClass("Ship") && ent.attackTypes() !== undefined) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1); continue; } if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre")) // build a new base around it { let newbase = new m.BaseManager(gameState, this.Config); if (ent.foundationProgress() !== undefined) newbase.init(gameState, "unconstructed"); else newbase.init(gameState, "captured"); newbase.setAnchor(gameState, ent); this.baseManagers.push(newbase); newbase.assignEntity(gameState, ent); } else { // TODO should be reassigned later if a better base is captured m.getBestBase(gameState, ent).assignEntity(gameState, ent); if (ent.decaying()) { if (ent.isGarrisonHolder() && this.garrisonManager.addDecayingStructure(gameState, evt.entity, true)) continue; if (!this.decayingStructures.has(evt.entity)) this.decayingStructures.add(evt.entity); } } } // deal with the different rally points of training units: the rally point is set when the training starts // for the time being, only autogarrison is used for (let evt of events.TrainingStarted) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) continue; if (!ent._entity.trainingQueue || !ent._entity.trainingQueue.length) continue; let metadata = ent._entity.trainingQueue[0].metadata; if (metadata && metadata.garrisonType) ent.setRallyPoint(ent, "garrison"); // trained units will autogarrison else ent.unsetRallyPoint(); } for (let evt of events.TrainingFinished) { for (let entId of evt.entities) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) continue; if (!ent.position()) { // we are autogarrisoned, check that the holder is registered in the garrisonManager let holderId = ent.unitAIOrderData()[0].target; let holder = gameState.getEntityById(holderId); if (holder) this.garrisonManager.registerHolder(gameState, holder); } else if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType")) { // we were supposed to be autogarrisoned, but this has failed (may-be full) ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "garrisonType", undefined); } // Check if this unit is no more needed in its attack plan // (happen when the training ends after the attack is started or aborted) let plan = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan"); if (plan !== undefined && plan >= 0) { let attack = this.attackManager.getPlan(plan); if (!attack || attack.state !== "unexecuted") ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1); } // Assign it immediately to something useful to do if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "worker") { let base; if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") === undefined) { base = m.getBestBase(gameState, ent); base.assignEntity(gameState, ent); } else base = this.getBaseByID(ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base")); base.reassignIdleWorkers(gameState, [ent]); base.workerObject.update(gameState, ent); } else if (ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.position()) { let type = ent.resourceSupplyType(); if (!type.generic) continue; let dropsites = gameState.getOwnDropsites(type.generic); let pos = ent.position(); let access =; let distmin = Math.min(); let goal; for (let dropsite of dropsites.values()) { if (!dropsite.position() || dropsite.getMetadata(PlayerID, "access") !== access) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(pos, dropsite.position()); if (dist > distmin) continue; distmin = dist; goal = dropsite.position(); } if (goal) ent.moveToRange(goal[0], goal[1]); } } } for (let evt of events.TerritoryDecayChanged) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || ent.foundationProgress() !== undefined) continue; if ( { if (ent.isGarrisonHolder() && this.garrisonManager.addDecayingStructure(gameState, evt.entity)) continue; if (!this.decayingStructures.has(evt.entity)) this.decayingStructures.add(evt.entity); } else if (ent.isGarrisonHolder()) this.garrisonManager.removeDecayingStructure(evt.entity); } // Then deals with decaying structures: destroy them if being lost to enemy (except in easier difficulties) if (this.Config.difficulty < 2) return; for (let entId of this.decayingStructures) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (ent && ent.decaying() && ent.isOwn(PlayerID)) { let capture = ent.capturePoints(); if (!capture) continue; let captureRatio = capture[PlayerID] / capture.reduce((a, b) => a + b); if (captureRatio < 0.50) continue; let decayToGaia = true; for (let i = 1; i < capture.length; ++i) { if (gameState.isPlayerAlly(i) || !capture[i]) continue; decayToGaia = false; break; } if (decayToGaia) continue; let ratioMax = 0.70 + randFloat(0., 0.1); for (let evt of events.Attacked) { if ( != continue; ratioMax = 0.85 + randFloat(0., 0.1); break; } if (captureRatio > ratioMax) continue; ent.destroy(); } this.decayingStructures.delete(entId); } }; /** Ensure that all requirements are met when phasing up*/ m.HQ.prototype.checkPhaseRequirements = function(gameState, queues) { if (gameState.getNumberOfPhases() == this.currentPhase) return; let requirements = gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.currentPhase + 1); let plan; let queue; for (let entityReq of requirements) { // Village requirements are met elsewhere by constructing more houses if (entityReq.class === "Village" || entityReq.class === "NotField") continue; if (gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass(entityReq.class, true).length >= entityReq.count) continue; switch (entityReq.class) { case "Town": if (!queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() && !queues.militaryBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() && !queues.defenseBuilding.hasQueuedUnits()) { if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities() && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market"); queue = "economicBuilding"; break; } if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Temple", true).hasEntities() && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple"); queue = "economicBuilding"; break; } if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Blacksmith", true).hasEntities() && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith"); queue = "militaryBuilding"; break; } if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower")) { plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower"); queue = "defenseBuilding"; break; } } break; default: // All classes not dealt with inside vanilla game. // We put them for the time being on the economic queue, except if wonder queue = entityReq.class === "Wonder" ? "wonder" : "economicBuilding"; if (!queues[queue].hasQueuedUnits()) { let structure = gameState.findStructureWithClass([entityReq.class]); if (structure && this.canBuild(gameState, structure)) plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, structure); } } if (plan) { if (queue == "wonder") {"majorTech", 400); plan.queueToReset = "majorTech"; } else {, 1000); plan.queueToReset = queue; } queues[queue].addPlan(plan); return; } } }; /** Called by any "phase" research plan once it's started */ m.HQ.prototype.OnPhaseUp = function(gameState, phase) { }; /** This code trains citizen workers, trying to keep close to a ratio of worker/soldiers */ m.HQ.prototype.trainMoreWorkers = function(gameState, queues) { // default template let requirementsDef = [ ["costsResource", 1, "food"] ]; let classesDef = ["Support", "Worker"]; let templateDef = this.findBestTrainableUnit(gameState, classesDef, requirementsDef); // counting the workers that aren't part of a plan let numberOfWorkers = 0; // all workers let numberOfSupports = 0; // only support workers (i.e. non fighting) gameState.getOwnUnits().forEach (function (ent) { if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "worker" && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") === undefined) { ++numberOfWorkers; if (ent.hasClass("Support")) ++numberOfSupports; } }); let numberInTraining = 0; gameState.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) { for (let item of ent.trainingQueue()) { numberInTraining += item.count; if (item.metadata && item.metadata.role && item.metadata.role === "worker" && item.metadata.plan === undefined) { numberOfWorkers += item.count; if ( numberOfSupports += item.count; } } }); // Anticipate the optimal batch size when this queue will start // and adapt the batch size of the first and second queued workers to the present population // to ease a possible recovery if our population was drastically reduced by an attack // (need to go up to second queued as it is accounted in queueManager) let size = numberOfWorkers < 12 ? 1 : Math.min(5, Math.ceil(numberOfWorkers / 10)); if (queues.villager.plans[0]) { queues.villager.plans[0].number = Math.min(queues.villager.plans[0].number, size); if (queues.villager.plans[1]) queues.villager.plans[1].number = Math.min(queues.villager.plans[1].number, size); } if (queues.citizenSoldier.plans[0]) { queues.citizenSoldier.plans[0].number = Math.min(queues.citizenSoldier.plans[0].number, size); if (queues.citizenSoldier.plans[1]) queues.citizenSoldier.plans[1].number = Math.min(queues.citizenSoldier.plans[1].number, size); } let numberOfQueuedSupports = queues.villager.countQueuedUnits(); let numberOfQueuedSoldiers = queues.citizenSoldier.countQueuedUnits(); let numberQueued = numberOfQueuedSupports + numberOfQueuedSoldiers; let numberTotal = numberOfWorkers + numberQueued; if (this.saveResources && numberTotal > this.Config.Economy.popPhase2 + 10) return; if (numberTotal > this.targetNumWorkers || (numberTotal >= this.Config.Economy.popPhase2 && this.currentPhase == 1 && !gameState.isResearching(gameState.getPhaseName(2)))) return; if (numberQueued > 50 || (numberOfQueuedSupports > 20 && numberOfQueuedSoldiers > 20) || numberInTraining > 15) return; // Choose whether we want soldiers or support units. let supportRatio = this.supportRatio; if (!gameState.isTemplateAvailable(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_field"))) supportRatio = Math.min(this.supportRatio, 0.1); else if (this.attackManager.upcomingAttacks.Rush.length) supportRatio = Math.min(this.supportRatio, 0.2); let supportMax = supportRatio * this.targetNumWorkers; let supportNum = supportMax * (1 - Math.exp(-numberTotal/supportMax)); let template; if (numberOfSupports + numberOfQueuedSupports > supportNum) { let requirements; if (numberTotal < 45) requirements = [ ["speed", 0.5], ["costsResource", 0.5, "stone"], ["costsResource", 0.5, "metal"] ]; else requirements = [ ["strength", 1] ]; let classes = ["CitizenSoldier", "Infantry"]; // We want at least 33% ranged and 33% melee classes.push(pickRandom(["Ranged", "Melee", "Infantry"])); template = this.findBestTrainableUnit(gameState, classes, requirements); } // If the template variable is empty, the default unit (Support unit) will be used // base "0" means automatic choice of base if (!template && templateDef) queues.villager.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, templateDef, { "role": "worker", "base": 0, "support": true }, size, size)); else if (template) queues.citizenSoldier.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, template, { "role": "worker", "base": 0 }, size, size)); }; /** picks the best template based on parameters and classes */ m.HQ.prototype.findBestTrainableUnit = function(gameState, classes, requirements) { let units; if (classes.indexOf("Hero") !== -1) units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes, []); else if (classes.indexOf("Siege") !== -1) // We do not want siege tower as AI does not know how to use it units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes, ["SiegeTower"]); else // We do not want hero when not explicitely specified units = gameState.findTrainableUnits(classes, ["Hero"]); if (units.length === 0) return undefined; let parameters = requirements.slice(); let remainingResources = this.getTotalResourceLevel(gameState); // resources (estimation) still gatherable in our territory let availableResources =; // available (gathered) resources for (let type in remainingResources) { if (availableResources[type] > 800) continue; if (remainingResources[type] > 800) continue; let costsResource = remainingResources[type] > 400 ? 0.6 : 0.2; let toAdd = true; for (let param of parameters) { if (param[0] !== "costsResource" || param[2] !== type) continue; param[1] = Math.min( param[1], costsResource ); toAdd = false; break; } if (toAdd) parameters.push( [ "costsResource", costsResource, type ] ); } units.sort(function(a, b) { let aCost = 1 + a[1].costSum(); let bCost = 1 + b[1].costSum(); let aValue = 0.1; let bValue = 0.1; for (let param of parameters) { if (param[0] == "strength") { aValue += m.getMaxStrength(a[1]) * param[1]; bValue += m.getMaxStrength(b[1]) * param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "siegeStrength") { aValue += m.getMaxStrength(a[1], "Structure") * param[1]; bValue += m.getMaxStrength(b[1], "Structure") * param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "speed") { aValue += a[1].walkSpeed() * param[1]; bValue += b[1].walkSpeed() * param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "costsResource") { // requires a third parameter which is the resource if (a[1].cost()[param[2]]) aValue *= param[1]; if (b[1].cost()[param[2]]) bValue *= param[1]; } else if (param[0] == "canGather") { // checking against wood, could be anything else really. if (a[1].resourceGatherRates() && a[1].resourceGatherRates()["wood.tree"]) aValue *= param[1]; if (b[1].resourceGatherRates() && b[1].resourceGatherRates()["wood.tree"]) bValue *= param[1]; } else API3.warn(" trainMoreUnits avec non prevu " + uneval(param)); } return -aValue/aCost + bValue/bCost; }); return units[0][0]; }; /** * returns an entity collection of workers through BaseManager.pickBuilders * TODO: when same accessIndex, sort by distance */ m.HQ.prototype.bulkPickWorkers = function(gameState, baseRef, number) { let accessIndex = baseRef.accessIndex; if (!accessIndex) return false; // sorting bases by whether they are on the same accessindex or not. let baseBest = this.baseManagers.slice().sort(function (a,b) { if (a.accessIndex == accessIndex && b.accessIndex != accessIndex) return -1; else if (b.accessIndex == accessIndex && a.accessIndex != accessIndex) return 1; return 0; }); let needed = number; let workers = new API3.EntityCollection(gameState.sharedScript); for (let base of baseBest) { if (base.ID === baseRef.ID) continue; base.pickBuilders(gameState, workers, needed); if (workers.length < number) needed = number - workers.length; else break; } if (!workers.length) return false; return workers; }; m.HQ.prototype.getTotalResourceLevel = function(gameState) { let total = {}; for (let res of total[res] = 0; for (let base of this.baseManagers) for (let res in total) total[res] += base.getResourceLevel(gameState, res); return total; }; /** * returns the current gather rate * This is not per-se exact, it performs a few adjustments ad-hoc to account for travel distance, stuffs like that. */ m.HQ.prototype.GetCurrentGatherRates = function(gameState) { if (!this.turnCache.gatherRates) { for (let res in this.currentRates) this.currentRates[res] = 0.5 * this.GetTCResGatherer(res); for (let base of this.baseManagers) base.getGatherRates(gameState, this.currentRates); for (let res in this.currentRates) { if (this.currentRates[res] < 0) { if (this.Config.debug > 0) API3.warn("Petra: current rate for " + res + " < 0 with " + this.GetTCResGatherer(res) + " moved gatherers"); this.currentRates[res] = 0; } } this.turnCache.gatherRates = true; } return this.currentRates; }; /** * Pick the resource which most needs another worker * How this works: * We get the rates we would want to have to be able to deal with our plans * We get our current rates * We compare; we pick the one where the discrepancy is highest. * Need to balance long-term needs and possible short-term needs. */ m.HQ.prototype.pickMostNeededResources = function(gameState) { this.wantedRates =; let currentRates = this.GetCurrentGatherRates(gameState); let needed = []; for (let res in this.wantedRates) needed.push({ "type": res, "wanted": this.wantedRates[res], "current": currentRates[res] }); needed.sort((a, b) => { let va = Math.max(0, a.wanted - a.current) / (a.current + 1); let vb = Math.max(0, b.wanted - b.current) / (b.current + 1); // If they happen to be equal (generally this means "0" aka no need), make it fair. if (va === vb) return a.current - b.current; return vb - va; }); return needed; }; /** * Returns the best position to build a new Civil Centre * Whose primary function would be to reach new resources of type "resource". */ m.HQ.prototype.findEconomicCCLocation = function(gameState, template, resource, proximity, fromStrategic) { // This builds a map. The procedure is fairly simple. It adds the resource maps // (which are dynamically updated and are made so that they will facilitate DP placement) // Then look for a good spot. Engine.ProfileStart("findEconomicCCLocation"); // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let ccEnts = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")); let dpEnts = gameState.getOwnDropsites().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Elephant"]))); let ccList = []; for (let cc of ccEnts.values()) ccList.push({"pos": cc.position(), "ally": gameState.isPlayerAlly(cc.owner())}); let dpList = []; for (let dp of dpEnts.values()) dpList.push({"pos": dp.position()}); let bestIdx; let bestVal; let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let scale = 250 * 250; let proxyAccess; let nbShips = this.navalManager.transportShips.length; if (proximity) // this is our first base { // if our first base, ensure room around radius = Math.ceil((template.obstructionRadius().max + 8) / obstructions.cellSize); // scale is the typical scale at which we want to find a location for our first base // look for bigger scale if we start from a ship (access < 2) or from a small island let cellArea = gameState.getPassabilityMap().cellSize * gameState.getPassabilityMap().cellSize; proxyAccess =; if (proxyAccess < 2 || cellArea*[proxyAccess] < 24000) scale = 400 * 400; } let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j) !== 0) continue; // with enough room around to build the cc let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; // we require that it is accessible let index =[i]; if (!this.landRegions[index]) continue; if (proxyAccess && nbShips === 0 && proxyAccess !== index) continue; let norm = 0.5; // TODO adjust it, knowing that we will sum 5 maps // checking distance to other cc let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; if (proximity) // this is our first cc, let's do it near our units norm /= 1 + API3.SquareVectorDistance(proximity, pos) / scale; else { let minDist = Math.min(); for (let cc of ccList) { let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(cc.pos, pos); if (dist < 14000) // Reject if too near from any cc { norm = 0; break; } if (! continue; if (dist < 40000) // Reject if too near from an allied cc { norm = 0; break; } if (dist < 62000) // Disfavor if quite near an allied cc norm *= 0.5; if (dist < minDist) minDist = dist; } if (norm === 0) continue; if (minDist > 170000 && !this.navalMap) // Reject if too far from any allied cc (not connected) continue; if (minDist > 130000) // Disfavor if quite far from any allied cc { if (this.navalMap) { if (minDist > 250000) norm *= 0.5; else norm *= 0.8; } else norm *= 0.5; } for (let dp of dpList) { let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(dp.pos, pos); if (dist < 3600) { norm = 0; break; } else if (dist < 6400) norm *= 0.5; } if (norm === 0) continue; } if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) // disfavor the borders of the map norm *= 0.5; let val = 2*gameState.sharedScript.ccResourceMaps[resource].map[j]; for (let res in gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps) if (res !== "food") val += gameState.sharedScript.ccResourceMaps[res].map[j]; val *= norm; if (bestVal !== undefined && val < bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = val; bestIdx = i; } Engine.ProfileStop(); if (bestVal === undefined) return false; let cut = 60; if (fromStrategic || proximity) // be less restrictive cut = 30; if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("we have found a base for " + resource + " with best (cut=" + cut + ") = " + bestVal); // not good enough. if (bestVal < cut) return false; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; // Define a minimal number of wanted ships in the seas reaching this new base let indexIdx =[bestIdx]; for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || base.accessIndex === indexIdx) continue; let sea = this.getSeaBetweenIndices(gameState, base.accessIndex, indexIdx); if (sea !== undefined) this.navalManager.setMinimalTransportShips(gameState, sea, 1); } return [x, z]; }; /** * Returns the best position to build a new Civil Centre * Whose primary function would be to assure territorial continuity with our allies */ m.HQ.prototype.findStrategicCCLocation = function(gameState, template) { // This builds a map. The procedure is fairly simple. // We minimize the Sum((dist-300)**2) where the sum is on the three nearest allied CC // with the constraints that all CC have dist > 200 and at least one have dist < 400 // This needs at least 2 CC. Otherwise, go back to economic CC. let ccEnts = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")); let ccList = []; let numAllyCC = 0; for (let cc of ccEnts.values()) { let ally = gameState.isPlayerAlly(cc.owner()); ccList.push({"pos": cc.position(), "ally": ally}); if (ally) ++numAllyCC; } if (numAllyCC < 2) return this.findEconomicCCLocation(gameState, template, "wood", undefined, true); Engine.ProfileStart("findStrategicCCLocation"); // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let bestIdx; let bestVal; let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let currentVal, delta; let distcc0, distcc1, distcc2; for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j) !== 0) continue; // with enough room around to build the cc let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; // we require that it is accessible let index =[i]; if (!this.landRegions[index]) continue; // checking distances to other cc let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; let minDist = Math.min(); distcc0 = undefined; for (let cc of ccList) { let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(cc.pos, pos); if (dist < 14000) // Reject if too near from any cc { minDist = 0; break; } if (! continue; if (dist < 62000) // Reject if quite near from ally cc { minDist = 0; break; } if (dist < minDist) minDist = dist; if (!distcc0 || dist < distcc0) { distcc2 = distcc1; distcc1 = distcc0; distcc0 = dist; } else if (!distcc1 || dist < distcc1) { distcc2 = distcc1; distcc1 = dist; } else if (!distcc2 || dist < distcc2) distcc2 = dist; } if (minDist < 1 || minDist > 170000 && !this.navalMap) continue; delta = Math.sqrt(distcc0) - 300; // favor a distance of 300 currentVal = delta*delta; delta = Math.sqrt(distcc1) - 300; currentVal += delta*delta; if (distcc2) { delta = Math.sqrt(distcc2) - 300; currentVal += delta*delta; } // disfavor border of the map if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) currentVal += 10000; if (bestVal !== undefined && currentVal > bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = currentVal; bestIdx = i; } if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("We've found a strategic base with bestVal = " + bestVal); Engine.ProfileStop(); if (bestVal === undefined) return undefined; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; // Define a minimal number of wanted ships in the seas reaching this new base let indexIdx =[bestIdx]; for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || base.accessIndex === indexIdx) continue; let sea = this.getSeaBetweenIndices(gameState, base.accessIndex, indexIdx); if (sea !== undefined) this.navalManager.setMinimalTransportShips(gameState, sea, 1); } return [x, z]; }; /** * Returns the best position to build a new market: if the allies already have a market, build it as far as possible * from it, although not in our border to be able to defend it easily. If no allied market, our second market will * follow the same logic. * To do so, we suppose that the gain/distance is an increasing function of distance and look for the max distance * for performance reasons. */ m.HQ.prototype.findMarketLocation = function(gameState, template) { let markets = gameState.updatingCollection("diplo-ExclusiveAllyMarkets", API3.Filters.byClass("Market"), gameState.getExclusiveAllyEntities()).toEntityArray(); if (!markets.length) markets = gameState.updatingCollection("OwnMarkets", API3.Filters.byClass("Market"), gameState.getOwnStructures()).toEntityArray(); if (!markets.length) // this is the first market. For the time being, place it arbitrarily by the ConstructionPlan return [-1, -1, -1, 0]; // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let bestIdx; let bestJdx; let bestVal; let bestDistSq; let bestGainMult; let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let isNavalMarket = template.hasClass("NavalMarket"); let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let traderTemplatesGains = gameState.getTraderTemplatesGains(); for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { // do not try on the narrow border of our territory if ([j] & m.narrowFrontier_Mask) continue; if ([j] === 0) // only in our territory continue; // with enough room around to build the market let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; let index =[i]; if (!this.landRegions[index]) continue; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; // checking distances to other markets let maxVal = 0; let maxDistSq; let maxGainMult; let gainMultiplier; for (let market of markets) { if (isNavalMarket && market.hasClass("NavalMarket")) { if (m.getSeaAccess(gameState, market) !==, true)) continue; gainMultiplier = traderTemplatesGains.navalGainMultiplier; } else if (m.getLandAccess(gameState, market) === index && !m.isLineInsideEnemyTerritory(gameState, market.position(), pos)) gainMultiplier = traderTemplatesGains.landGainMultiplier; else continue; if (!gainMultiplier) continue; let distSq = API3.SquareVectorDistance(market.position(), pos); if (gainMultiplier * distSq > maxVal) { maxVal = gainMultiplier * distSq; maxDistSq = distSq; maxGainMult = gainMultiplier; } } if (maxVal === 0) continue; if (bestVal !== undefined && maxVal < bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = maxVal; bestDistSq = maxDistSq; bestGainMult = maxGainMult; bestIdx = i; bestJdx = j; } if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("We found a market position with bestVal = " + bestVal); if (bestVal === undefined) // no constraints. For the time being, place it arbitrarily by the ConstructionPlan return [-1, -1, -1, 0]; let expectedGain = Math.round(bestGainMult * TradeGain(bestDistSq, gameState.sharedScript.mapSize)); if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("this would give a trading gain of " + expectedGain); // do not keep it if gain is too small, except if this is our first BarterMarket if (expectedGain < this.tradeManager.minimalGain || expectedGain < 8 && (!template.hasClass("BarterMarket") || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities())) return false; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; return [x, z,[bestJdx], expectedGain]; }; /** * Returns the best position to build defensive buildings (fortress and towers) * Whose primary function is to defend our borders */ m.HQ.prototype.findDefensiveLocation = function(gameState, template) { // We take the point in our territory which is the nearest to any enemy cc // but requiring a minimal distance with our other defensive structures // and not in range of any enemy defensive structure to avoid building under fire. let ownStructures = gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["Fortress", "Tower"])).toEntityArray(); let enemyStructures = gameState.getEnemyStructures().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(0))). filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Fortress", "Tower"])); if (!enemyStructures.hasEntities()) // we may be in cease fire mode, build defense against neutrals { enemyStructures = gameState.getNeutralStructures().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(0))). filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Fortress", "Tower"])); if (!enemyStructures.hasEntities() && !gameState.getAlliedVictory()) enemyStructures = gameState.getAllyStructures().filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byOwner(PlayerID))). filter(API3.Filters.byClassesOr(["CivCentre", "Fortress", "Tower"])); if (!enemyStructures.hasEntities()) return undefined; } enemyStructures = enemyStructures.toEntityArray(); let wonderMode = gameState.getGameType() === "wonder"; let wonderDistmin; let wonders; if (wonderMode) { wonders = gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Wonder")).toEntityArray(); wonderMode = wonders.length !== 0; if (wonderMode) wonderDistmin = (50 + wonders[0].footprintRadius()) * (50 + wonders[0].footprintRadius()); } // obstruction map let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); let halfSize = 0; if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); let bestIdx; let bestJdx; let bestVal; let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let isTower = template.hasClass("Tower"); let isFortress = template.hasClass("Fortress"); let radius; if (isFortress) radius = Math.floor((template.obstructionRadius().max + 8) / obstructions.cellSize); else radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (!wonderMode) { // do not try if well inside or outside territory if (!([j] & m.fullFrontier_Mask)) continue; if ([j] & m.largeFrontier_Mask && isTower) continue; } if ([j] === 0) // inaccessible cell continue; // with enough room around to build the cc let i = this.territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; // checking distances to other structures let minDist = Math.min(); let dista = 0; if (wonderMode) { dista = API3.SquareVectorDistance(wonders[0].position(), pos); if (dista < wonderDistmin) continue; dista *= 200; // empirical factor (TODO should depend on map size) to stay near the wonder } for (let str of enemyStructures) { if (str.foundationProgress() !== undefined) continue; let strPos = str.position(); if (!strPos) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(strPos, pos); if (dist < 6400) // TODO check on true attack range instead of this 80*80 { minDist = -1; break; } if (str.hasClass("CivCentre") && dist + dista < minDist) minDist = dist + dista; } if (minDist < 0) continue; let cutDist = 900; // 30*30 TODO maybe increase it for (let str of ownStructures) { let strPos = str.position(); if (!strPos) continue; if (API3.SquareVectorDistance(strPos, pos) < cutDist) { minDist = -1; break; } } if (minDist < 0 || minDist === Math.min()) continue; if (bestVal !== undefined && minDist > bestVal) continue; if (this.isDangerousLocation(gameState, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = minDist; bestIdx = i; bestJdx = j; } if (bestVal === undefined) return undefined; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; return [x, z,[bestJdx]]; }; m.HQ.prototype.buildTemple = function(gameState, queues) { // at least one market (which have the same queue) should be build before any temple if (queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Temple", true).hasEntities() || !gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities()) return; // Try to build a temple earlier if in regicide to recruit healer guards if (this.currentPhase < 3 && gameState.getGameType() !== "regicide") return; if (!this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple")) return; queues.economicBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_temple")); }; m.HQ.prototype.buildMarket = function(gameState, queues) { if (gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities() || !this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market")) return; if (queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnitsWithClass("BarterMarket")) { if (!this.navalMap && !queues.economicBuilding.paused) { // Put available resources in this market when not a naval map let queueManager =; let cost = queues.economicBuilding.plans[0].getCost(); queueManager.setAccounts(gameState, cost, "economicBuilding"); if (!queueManager.canAfford("economicBuilding", cost)) { for (let q in queueManager.queues) { if (q === "economicBuilding") continue; queueManager.transferAccounts(cost, q, "economicBuilding"); if (queueManager.canAfford("economicBuilding", cost)) break; } } } return; } if (gameState.getPopulation() < this.Config.Economy.popForMarket) return;"economicBuilding", 3*this.Config.priorities.economicBuilding); let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_market"); plan.queueToReset = "economicBuilding"; queues.economicBuilding.addPlan(plan); }; /** Build a farmstead */ m.HQ.prototype.buildFarmstead = function(gameState, queues) { // Only build one farmstead for the time being ("DropsiteFood" does not refer to CCs) if (gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Farmstead", true).hasEntities()) return; // Wait to have at least one dropsite and house before the farmstead if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Storehouse", true).hasEntities()) return; if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("House", true).hasEntities()) return; if (queues.economicBuilding.hasQueuedUnitsWithClass("DropsiteFood")) return; if (!this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_farmstead")) return; queues.economicBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_farmstead")); }; /** * Try to build a wonder when required * force = true when called from the gameTypeManager in case of Wonder mode */ m.HQ.prototype.buildWonder = function(gameState, queues, force = false) { if (queues.wonder && queues.wonder.hasQueuedUnits() || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Wonder", true).hasEntities() || !this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_wonder")) return; if (!force) { let templateName = gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_wonder"); if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(templateName)) return; let template = gameState.getTemplate(templateName); if (!template) return; // Check that we have enough resources to start thinking to build a wonder let cost = template.cost(); let resources = gameState.getResources(); let highLevel = 0; let lowLevel = 0; for (let res in cost) { if (resources[res] && resources[res] > 0.7 * cost[res]) ++highLevel; else if (!resources[res] || resources[res] < 0.3 * cost[res]) ++lowLevel; } if (highLevel == 0 || lowLevel > 1) return; } queues.wonder.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_wonder")); }; /** Build a corral, and train animals there */ m.HQ.prototype.manageCorral = function(gameState, queues) { if (queues.corral.hasQueuedUnits()) return; let nCorral = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Corral", true).length; if (!nCorral || !gameState.isTemplateAvailable(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_field")) && nCorral < this.currentPhase && gameState.getPopulation() > 30*nCorral) { if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_corral")) { queues.corral.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_corral")); return; } if (!nCorral) return; } // And train some animals for (let corral of gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Corral", true).values()) { if (corral.foundationProgress() !== undefined) continue; let trainables = corral.trainableEntities(); for (let trainable of trainables) { if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(trainable)) continue; let template = gameState.getTemplate(trainable); if (!template || !template.isHuntable()) continue; let count = gameState.countEntitiesByType(trainable, true); for (let item of corral.trainingQueue()) count += item.count; if (count > nCorral) continue; queues.corral.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, trainable, { "trainer": })); return; } } }; /** * build more houses if needed. * kinda ugly, lots of special cases to both build enough houses but not tooo many… */ m.HQ.prototype.buildMoreHouses = function(gameState, queues) { if (!gameState.isTemplateAvailable(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house")) || gameState.getPopulationMax() <= gameState.getPopulationLimit()) return; let numPlanned =; if (numPlanned < 3 || numPlanned < 5 && gameState.getPopulation() > 80) { let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_house"); // change the starting condition according to the situation. plan.goRequirement = "houseNeeded";; } if (numPlanned > 0 && this.phasing && gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.phasing).length) { let houseTemplateName = gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house"); let houseTemplate = gameState.getTemplate(houseTemplateName); let needed = 0; for (let entityReq of gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.phasing)) { if (!houseTemplate.hasClass(entityReq.class)) continue; let count = gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass(entityReq.class)).length; if (count < entityReq.count && this.stopBuilding.has(houseTemplateName)) { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("no room to place a house ... try to be less restrictive"); this.stopBuilding.delete(houseTemplateName); this.requireHouses = true; } needed = Math.max(needed, entityReq.count - count); } let houseQueue =; for (let i = 0; i < numPlanned; ++i) if (houseQueue[i].isGo(gameState)) --needed; else if (needed > 0) { houseQueue[i].goRequirement = undefined; --needed; } } if (this.requireHouses) { let houseTemplate = gameState.getTemplate(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house")); if (!this.phasing || gameState.getPhaseEntityRequirements(this.phasing).every(req => !houseTemplate.hasClass(req.class) || gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass(req.class)).length >= req.count)) this.requireHouses = undefined; } // When population limit too tight // - if no room to build, try to improve with technology // - otherwise increase temporarily the priority of houses let house = gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_house"); let HouseNb = gameState.getOwnFoundations().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("House")).length; let popBonus = gameState.getTemplate(house).getPopulationBonus(); let freeSlots = gameState.getPopulationLimit() + HouseNb*popBonus - gameState.getPopulation(); let priority; if (freeSlots < 5) { if (this.stopBuilding.has(house)) { if (this.stopBuilding.get(house) > { if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("no room to place a house ... try to improve with technology"); this.researchManager.researchPopulationBonus(gameState, queues); } else { this.stopBuilding.delete(house); priority = 2*; } } else priority = 2*; } else priority =; if (priority && priority !="house"))"house", priority); }; /** Checks the status of the territory expansion. If no new economic bases created, build some strategic ones. */ m.HQ.prototype.checkBaseExpansion = function(gameState, queues) { if (queues.civilCentre.hasQueuedUnits()) return; // First build one cc if all have been destroyed let activeBases = this.numActiveBase(); if (activeBases === 0) { this.buildFirstBase(gameState); return; } // Then expand if we have not enough room available for buildings let nstopped = 0; for (let stopTime of this.stopBuilding.values()) { if (stopTime === Infinity || stopTime < || ++nstopped < 2) continue; if (this.Config.debug > 2) API3.warn("try to build a new base because not enough room to build " + uneval(this.stopBuilding)); this.buildNewBase(gameState, queues); return; } // If we've already planned to phase up, wait a bit before trying to expand if (this.phasing) return; // Finally expand if we have lots of units (threshold depending on the aggressivity value) let numUnits = gameState.getOwnUnits().length; let numvar = 10 * (1 - this.Config.personality.aggressive); if (numUnits > activeBases * (65 + numvar + (10 + numvar)*(activeBases-1)) || this.saveResources && numUnits > 50) { if (this.Config.debug > 2) API3.warn("try to build a new base because of population " + numUnits + " for " + activeBases + " CCs"); this.buildNewBase(gameState, queues); } }; m.HQ.prototype.buildNewBase = function(gameState, queues, resource) { if (this.numActiveBase() > 0 && this.currentPhase == 1 && !gameState.isResearching(gameState.getPhaseName(2))) return false; if (gameState.getOwnFoundations().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")).hasEntities() || queues.civilCentre.hasQueuedUnits()) return false; let template; // We require at least one of this civ civCentre as they may allow specific units or techs let hasOwnCC = false; for (let ent of gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")).values()) { if (ent.owner() !== PlayerID || ent.templateName() !== gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_civil_centre")) continue; hasOwnCC = true; break; } if (hasOwnCC && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_military_colony")) template = "structures/{civ}_military_colony"; else if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_civil_centre")) template = "structures/{civ}_civil_centre"; else if (!hasOwnCC && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_military_colony")) template = "structures/{civ}_military_colony"; else return false; // base "-1" means new base. if (this.Config.debug > 1) API3.warn("new base " + gameState.applyCiv(template) + " planned with resource " + resource); queues.civilCentre.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, template, { "base": -1, "resource": resource })); return true; }; /** Deals with building fortresses and towers along our border with enemies. */ m.HQ.prototype.buildDefenses = function(gameState, queues) { if (this.saveResources && !this.canBarter || queues.defenseBuilding.hasQueuedUnits()) return; if (!this.saveResources && (this.currentPhase > 2 || gameState.isResearching(gameState.getPhaseName(3)))) { // try to build fortresses if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_fortress")) { let numFortresses = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Fortress", true).length; if ((!numFortresses || > (1 + 0.10*numFortresses)*this.fortressLapseTime + this.fortressStartTime) && numFortresses < this.numActiveBase() + 1 + this.extraFortresses && numFortresses < Math.floor(gameState.getPopulation() / 25) && gameState.getOwnFoundationsByClass("Fortress").length < 2) { this.fortressStartTime =; if (!numFortresses)"defenseBuilding", 2*this.Config.priorities.defenseBuilding); let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_fortress"); plan.queueToReset = "defenseBuilding"; queues.defenseBuilding.addPlan(plan); return; } } } if (this.Config.Military.numSentryTowers && this.currentPhase < 2 && this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_sentry_tower")) { let numTowers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Tower", true).length; // we count all towers, including wall towers let towerLapseTime = this.saveResource ? (1 + 0.5*numTowers) * this.towerLapseTime : this.towerLapseTime; if (numTowers < this.Config.Military.numSentryTowers && > towerLapseTime + this.fortStartTime) { this.fortStartTime =; queues.defenseBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_sentry_tower")); } return; } if (this.currentPhase < 2 || !this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower")) return; let numTowers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("DefenseTower", true).filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byClass("SentryTower"))).length; let towerLapseTime = this.saveResource ? (1 + numTowers) * this.towerLapseTime : this.towerLapseTime; if ((!numTowers || > (1 + 0.1*numTowers)*towerLapseTime + this.towerStartTime) && numTowers < 2 * this.numActiveBase() + 3 + this.extraTowers && numTowers < Math.floor(gameState.getPopulation() / 8) && gameState.getOwnFoundationsByClass("DefenseTower").length < 3) { this.towerStartTime =; if (numTowers > 2 * this.numActiveBase() + 3)"defenseBuilding", Math.round(0.7*this.Config.priorities.defenseBuilding)); let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_defense_tower"); plan.queueToReset = "defenseBuilding"; queues.defenseBuilding.addPlan(plan); } }; m.HQ.prototype.buildBlacksmith = function(gameState, queues) { if (gameState.getPopulation() < this.Config.Military.popForBlacksmith || queues.militaryBuilding.hasQueuedUnits() || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Blacksmith", true).length) return; // build a market before the blacksmith if (!gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).hasEntities()) return; if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith")) queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_blacksmith")); }; /** * Deals with constructing military buildings (barracks, stables…) * They are mostly defined by Config.js. This is unreliable since changes could be done easily. */ m.HQ.prototype.constructTrainingBuildings = function(gameState, queues) { if (this.saveResources && !this.canBarter || queues.militaryBuilding.hasQueuedUnits()) return; let numBarracks = this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks") ? gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Barracks", true).length : -1; let numStables = this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_stables") ? gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Stables", true).length : -1; if (this.saveResources && numBarracks != 0) return; if (gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks1 || this.phasing == 2 && gameState.getOwnStructures().filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Village")).length < 5) { // first barracks and stables. if (numBarracks == 0) {"militaryBuilding", 2*this.Config.priorities.militaryBuilding); - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", metadata); + let plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", { "militaryBase": true }); plan.queueToReset = "militaryBuilding"; queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(plan); return; } if (numStables == 0) { - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_stables", metadata)); + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_stables", { "militaryBase": true })); return; } // Second barracks and stables if (numBarracks == 1 && gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks2) { - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", metadata)); + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", { "militaryBase": true })); return; } if (numStables == 1 && gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks2) { - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_stables", metadata)); + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_stables", { "militaryBase": true })); return; } // Then 3rd barracks/stables if needed if (numBarracks == 2 && numStables == -1 && gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks2 + 30) { - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", metadata)); + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_barracks", { "militaryBase": true })); return; } if (numBarracks == -1 && numStables == 2 && gameState.getPopulation() > this.Config.Military.popForBarracks2 + 30) { - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_stables", metadata)); + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_stables", { "militaryBase": true })); return; } } if (this.saveResources) return; if (this.currentPhase < 3) return; - let numWorkshop = this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_siege_workshop") ? gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Workshop", true).length : -1; - if (numWorkshop == 0) + if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_elephant_stables") && !gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("ElephantStables", true).hasEntities()) { - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_siege_workshop", metadata)); + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_elephant_stables", { "militaryBase": true })); + return; + } + + if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_siege_workshop") && !gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Workshop", true).hasEntities()) + { + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_siege_workshop", { "militaryBase": true })); return; } if (gameState.getPopulation() < 80 || !this.bAdvanced.length) return; //build advanced military buildings let nAdvanced = 0; for (let advanced of this.bAdvanced) nAdvanced += gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(advanced, true); if (!nAdvanced || nAdvanced < this.bAdvanced.length && gameState.getPopulation() > 110) { for (let advanced of this.bAdvanced) { if (gameState.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType(advanced, true) > 0 || !this.canBuild(gameState, advanced)) continue; let template = gameState.getTemplate(advanced); if (!template) continue; if (template.hasDefensiveFire() || template.trainableEntities()) - { - let metadata = { "preferredBase": this.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) }; - queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, advanced, metadata)); - } + queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, advanced, { "militaryBase": true })); else // not a military building, but still use this queue queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, advanced)); return; } } }; /** - * Construct military building in bases nearest to the ennemies TODO revisit as the nearest one may not be accessible + * Find base nearest to ennemies for military buildings. */ m.HQ.prototype.findBestBaseForMilitary = function(gameState) { let ccEnts = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allCCs", API3.Filters.byClass("CivCentre")).toEntityArray(); - let bestBase = 1; + let bestBase; + let enemyFound = false; let distMin = Math.min(); for (let cce of ccEnts) { if (gameState.isPlayerAlly(cce.owner())) continue; + if (enemyFound && !gameState.isPlayerEnemy(cce.owner())) + continue; + let access = m.getLandAccess(gameState, cce); + let isEnemy = gameState.isPlayerEnemy(cce.owner()); for (let cc of ccEnts) { if (cc.owner() != PlayerID) continue; + if (m.getLandAccess(gameState, cc) != access) + continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(cc.position(), cce.position()); - if (dist > distMin) + if (!enemyFound && isEnemy) + enemyFound = true; + else if (dist > distMin) continue; bestBase = cc.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"); distMin = dist; } } return bestBase; }; /** * train with highest priority ranged infantry in the nearest civil centre from a given set of positions * and garrison them there for defense */ m.HQ.prototype.trainEmergencyUnits = function(gameState, positions) { if ( return false; let civ = gameState.getPlayerCiv(); // find nearest base anchor let distcut = 20000; let nearestAnchor; let distmin; for (let pos of positions) { let access =; // check nearest base anchor for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position()) continue; if (base.anchor.getMetadata(PlayerID, "access") !== access) continue; if (!base.anchor.trainableEntities(civ)) // base still in construction continue; let queue = base.anchor._entity.trainingQueue; if (queue) { let time = 0; for (let item of queue) if (item.progress > 0 || item.metadata && item.metadata.garrisonType) time += item.timeRemaining; if (time/1000 > 5) continue; } let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(base.anchor.position(), pos); if (nearestAnchor && dist > distmin) continue; distmin = dist; nearestAnchor = base.anchor; } } if (!nearestAnchor || distmin > distcut) return false; // We will choose randomly ranged and melee units, except when garrisonHolder is full // in which case we prefer melee units let numGarrisoned = this.garrisonManager.numberOfGarrisonedUnits(nearestAnchor); if (nearestAnchor._entity.trainingQueue) { for (let item of nearestAnchor._entity.trainingQueue) { if (item.metadata && item.metadata.garrisonType) numGarrisoned += item.count; else if (!item.progress && (!item.metadata || !item.metadata.trainer)) nearestAnchor.stopProduction(; } } let autogarrison = numGarrisoned < nearestAnchor.garrisonMax() && nearestAnchor.hitpoints() > nearestAnchor.garrisonEjectHealth() * nearestAnchor.maxHitpoints(); let rangedWanted = randBool() && autogarrison; let total = gameState.getResources(); let templateFound; let trainables = nearestAnchor.trainableEntities(civ); let garrisonArrowClasses = nearestAnchor.getGarrisonArrowClasses(); for (let trainable of trainables) { if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(trainable)) continue; let template = gameState.getTemplate(trainable); if (!template || !template.hasClass("Infantry") || !template.hasClass("CitizenSoldier")) continue; if (autogarrison && !MatchesClassList(template.classes(), garrisonArrowClasses)) continue; if (!total.canAfford(new API3.Resources(template.cost()))) continue; templateFound = [trainable, template]; if (template.hasClass("Ranged") === rangedWanted) break; } if (!templateFound) return false; // Check first if we can afford it without touching the other accounts // and if not, take some of other accounted resources // TODO sort the queues to be substracted let queueManager =; let cost = new API3.Resources(templateFound[1].cost()); queueManager.setAccounts(gameState, cost, "emergency"); if (!queueManager.canAfford("emergency", cost)) { for (let q in queueManager.queues) { if (q === "emergency") continue; queueManager.transferAccounts(cost, q, "emergency"); if (queueManager.canAfford("emergency", cost)) break; } } let metadata = { "role": "worker", "base": nearestAnchor.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base"), "plan": -1, "trainer": }; if (autogarrison) metadata.garrisonType = "protection"; m.TrainingPlan(gameState, templateFound[0], metadata, 1, 1)); return true; }; m.HQ.prototype.canBuild = function(gameState, structure, debug = false) { let type = gameState.applyCiv(structure); // available room to build it if (this.stopBuilding.has(type)) { if (this.stopBuilding.get(type) > return false; this.stopBuilding.delete(type); } if (gameState.isTemplateDisabled(type)) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, Infinity); return false; } let template = gameState.getTemplate(type); if (!template) this.stopBuilding.set(type, Infinity); if (!template || !template.available(gameState)) return false; if (!gameState.findBuilder(type)) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, + 120); return false; } if (this.numActiveBase() < 1) { // if no base, check that we can build outside our territory let buildTerritories = template.buildTerritories(); if (buildTerritories && (!buildTerritories.length || buildTerritories.length === 1 && buildTerritories[0] === "own")) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, + 180); return false; } } // build limits let limits = gameState.getEntityLimits(); let category = template.buildCategory(); if (category && limits[category] !== undefined && gameState.getEntityCounts()[category] >= limits[category]) { this.stopBuilding.set(type, + 60); return false; } return true; }; m.HQ.prototype.stopBuild = function(gameState, structure, time=180) { let type = gameState.applyCiv(structure); if (this.stopBuilding.has(type)) this.stopBuilding.set(type, Math.max(this.stopBuilding.get(type), + time)); else this.stopBuilding.set(type, + time); }; m.HQ.prototype.restartBuild = function(gameState, structure) { let type = gameState.applyCiv(structure); if (this.stopBuilding.has(type)) this.stopBuilding.delete(type); }; m.HQ.prototype.updateTerritories = function(gameState) { const around = [ [-0.7,0.7], [0,1], [0.7,0.7], [1,0], [0.7,-0.7], [0,-1], [-0.7,-0.7], [-1,0] ]; let alliedVictory = gameState.getAlliedVictory(); let passabilityMap = gameState.getPassabilityMap(); let width = this.territoryMap.width; let cellSize = this.territoryMap.cellSize; let insideSmall = Math.round(45 / cellSize); let insideLarge = Math.round(80 / cellSize); // should be about the range of towers let expansion = 0; for (let j = 0; j < this.territoryMap.length; ++j) { if ([j] & m.outside_Mask) continue; if ([j] & m.fullFrontier_Mask)[j] &= ~m.fullFrontier_Mask; // reset the frontier if (this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j) != PlayerID) { // If this tile was already accounted, remove it if ([j] === 0) continue; let base = this.getBaseByID([j]); let index = base.territoryIndices.indexOf(j); if (index == -1) { API3.warn(" problem in headquarters::updateTerritories for base " +[j]); continue; } base.territoryIndices.splice(index, 1);[j] = 0; } else { // Update the frontier let ix = j%width; let iz = Math.floor(j/width); let onFrontier = false; for (let a of around) { let jx = ix + Math.round(insideSmall*a[0]); if (jx < 0 || jx >= width) continue; let jz = iz + Math.round(insideSmall*a[1]); if (jz < 0 || jz >= width) continue; if ([jx+width*jz] & m.outside_Mask) continue; let territoryOwner = this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(jx+width*jz); if (territoryOwner !== PlayerID && !(alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner))) {[j] |= m.narrowFrontier_Mask; break; } jx = ix + Math.round(insideLarge*a[0]); if (jx < 0 || jx >= width) continue; jz = iz + Math.round(insideLarge*a[1]); if (jz < 0 || jz >= width) continue; if ([jx+width*jz] & m.outside_Mask) continue; territoryOwner = this.territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(jx+width*jz); if (territoryOwner !== PlayerID && !(alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner))) onFrontier = true; } if (onFrontier && !([j] & m.narrowFrontier_Mask))[j] |= m.largeFrontier_Mask; // If this tile was not already accounted, add it if ([j] !== 0) continue; let landPassable = false; let ind = API3.getMapIndices(j, this.territoryMap, passabilityMap); let access; for (let k of ind) { if (!this.landRegions[[k]]) continue; landPassable = true; access =[k]; break; } if (!landPassable) continue; let distmin = Math.min(); let baseID; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; for (let base of this.baseManagers) { if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position()) continue; if (base.accessIndex != access) continue; let dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(base.anchor.position(), pos); if (dist >= distmin) continue; distmin = dist; baseID = base.ID; } if (!baseID) continue; this.getBaseByID(baseID).territoryIndices.push(j);[j] = baseID; expansion++; } } if (!expansion) return; // We've increased our territory, so we may have some new room to build for (let [type, stopTime] of this.stopBuilding) if (stopTime !== Infinity) this.stopBuilding.delete(type); // And if sufficient expansion, check if building a new market would improve our present trade routes let cellArea = this.territoryMap.cellSize * this.territoryMap.cellSize; if (expansion * cellArea > 960) this.tradeManager.routeProspection = true; }; /** * returns the base corresponding to baseID */ m.HQ.prototype.getBaseByID = function(baseID) { for (let base of this.baseManagers) if (base.ID === baseID) return base; API3.warn("Petra error: no base found with ID " + baseID); return undefined; }; /** * returns the number of active (i.e. with one cc) bases */ m.HQ.prototype.numActiveBase = function() { if (!this.turnCache.activeBase) { let num = 0; for (let base of this.baseManagers) if (base.anchor) ++num; this.turnCache.activeBase = num; } return this.turnCache.activeBase; }; m.HQ.prototype.resetActiveBase = function() { this.turnCache.activeBase = undefined; }; /** * Count gatherers returning resources in the number of gatherers of resourceSupplies * to prevent the AI always reaffecting idle workers to these resourceSupplies (specially in naval maps). */ m.HQ.prototype.assignGatherers = function() { for (let base of this.baseManagers) { for (let worker of base.workers.values()) { if (worker.unitAIState().split(".")[1] !== "RETURNRESOURCE") continue; let orders = worker.unitAIOrderData(); if (orders.length < 2 || !orders[1].target || orders[1].target !== worker.getMetadata(PlayerID, "supply")) continue; this.AddTCGatherer(orders[1].target); } } }; m.HQ.prototype.isDangerousLocation = function(gameState, pos, radius) { return this.isNearInvadingArmy(pos) || this.isUnderEnemyFire(gameState, pos, radius); }; /** Check that the chosen position is not too near from an invading army */ m.HQ.prototype.isNearInvadingArmy = function(pos) { for (let army of this.defenseManager.armies) if (army.foePosition && API3.SquareVectorDistance(army.foePosition, pos) < 12000) return true; return false; }; m.HQ.prototype.isUnderEnemyFire = function(gameState, pos, radius = 0) { if (!this.turnCache.firingStructures) this.turnCache.firingStructures = gameState.updatingCollection("diplo-FiringStructures", API3.Filters.hasDefensiveFire(), gameState.getEnemyStructures()); for (let ent of this.turnCache.firingStructures.values()) { let range = radius + ent.attackRange("Ranged").max; if (API3.SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), pos) < range*range) return true; } return false; }; /** Compute the capture strength of all units attacking a capturable target */ m.HQ.prototype.updateCaptureStrength = function(gameState) { this.capturableTargets.clear(); for (let ent of gameState.getOwnUnits().values()) { if (!ent.canCapture()) continue; let state = ent.unitAIState(); if (!state || !state.split(".")[1] || state.split(".")[1] !== "COMBAT") continue; let orderData = ent.unitAIOrderData(); if (!orderData || !orderData.length || !orderData[0].target) continue; let targetId = orderData[0].target; let target = gameState.getEntityById(targetId); if (!target || !target.isCapturable() || !ent.canCapture(target)) continue; if (!this.capturableTargets.has(targetId)) this.capturableTargets.set(targetId, { "strength": ent.captureStrength() * m.getAttackBonus(ent, target, "Capture"), "ents": new Set([]) }); else { let capturableTarget = this.capturableTargets.get(; capturableTarget.strength += ent.captureStrength() * m.getAttackBonus(ent, target, "Capture"); capturableTarget.ents.add(; } } for (let [targetId, capturableTarget] of this.capturableTargets) { let target = gameState.getEntityById(targetId); let allowCapture; for (let entId of capturableTarget.ents) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (allowCapture === undefined) allowCapture = m.allowCapture(gameState, ent, target); let orderData = ent.unitAIOrderData(); if (!orderData || !orderData.length || !orderData[0].attackType) continue; if ((orderData[0].attackType === "Capture") !== allowCapture) ent.attack(targetId, allowCapture); } } this.capturableTargetsTime =; }; /** Some functions that register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn */ /** add a gatherer to the turn cache for this supply. */ m.HQ.prototype.AddTCGatherer = function(supplyID) { if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] !== undefined) ++this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]; else { if (!this.turnCache.resourceGatherer) this.turnCache.resourceGatherer = {}; this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] = 1; } }; /** remove a gatherer to the turn cache for this supply. */ m.HQ.prototype.RemoveTCGatherer = function(supplyID) { if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]) --this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]; else { if (!this.turnCache.resourceGatherer) this.turnCache.resourceGatherer = {}; this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID] = -1; } }; m.HQ.prototype.GetTCGatherer = function(supplyID) { if (this.turnCache.resourceGatherer && this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]) return this.turnCache.resourceGatherer[supplyID]; return 0; }; /** The next two are to register that we assigned a gatherer to a resource this turn. */ m.HQ.prototype.AddTCResGatherer = function(resource) { if (this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]) ++this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]; else this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource] = 1; this.turnCache.gatherRates = false; }; m.HQ.prototype.GetTCResGatherer = function(resource) { if (this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]) return this.turnCache["resourceGatherer-" + resource]; return 0; }; /** * Check if a structure in blinking territory should/can be defended (currently if it has some attacking armies around) */ m.HQ.prototype.isDefendable = function(ent) { if (!this.turnCache.numAround) this.turnCache.numAround = {}; if (this.turnCache.numAround[] === undefined) this.turnCache.numAround[] = this.attackManager.numAttackingUnitsAround(ent.position(), 130); return +this.turnCache.numAround[] > 8; }; /** * Some functions are run every turn * Others once in a while */ m.HQ.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues, events) { Engine.ProfileStart("Headquarters update"); this.turnCache = {}; this.territoryMap = m.createTerritoryMap(gameState); this.canBarter = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("BarterMarket", true).filter(API3.Filters.isBuilt()).hasEntities(); // TODO find a better way to update if (this.currentPhase != gameState.currentPhase()) { if (this.Config.debug > 0) API3.warn(" civ " + gameState.getPlayerCiv() + " has phasedUp from " + this.currentPhase + " to " + gameState.currentPhase() + " at time " + + " phasing " + this.phasing); this.currentPhase = gameState.currentPhase(); // In principle, this.phasing should be already reset to 0 when starting the research // but this does not work in case of an autoResearch tech if (this.phasing) this.phasing = 0; } /* if (this.Config.debug > 1) { gameState.getOwnUnits().forEach (function (ent) { if (!ent.position()) return; m.dumpEntity(ent); }); } */ this.checkEvents(gameState, events, queues); if (this.phasing) this.checkPhaseRequirements(gameState, queues); else this.researchManager.checkPhase(gameState, queues); if (this.numActiveBase() > 0) { if ( % 4 == 0) this.trainMoreWorkers(gameState, queues); if ( % 4 == 1) this.buildMoreHouses(gameState,queues); if ((!this.saveResources || this.canBarter) && % 4 == 2) this.buildFarmstead(gameState, queues); if (this.needCorral && % 4 == 3) this.manageCorral(gameState, queues); if (!queues.minorTech.hasQueuedUnits() && % 5 == 1) this.researchManager.update(gameState, queues); } if (this.numActiveBase() < 1 || this.canExpand && % 10 == 7 && this.currentPhase > 1) this.checkBaseExpansion(gameState, queues); if (this.currentPhase > 1) { if (!this.canBarter) this.buildMarket(gameState, queues); if (!this.saveResources) { this.buildBlacksmith(gameState, queues); this.buildTemple(gameState, queues); } if ( % 30 === 0 && gameState.getPopulation() > 0.9 * gameState.getPopulationMax()) this.buildWonder(gameState, queues, false); } this.tradeManager.update(gameState, events, queues); this.garrisonManager.update(gameState, events); this.defenseManager.update(gameState, events); - this.constructTrainingBuildings(gameState, queues); + if ( % 3 == 0) + this.constructTrainingBuildings(gameState, queues); if (this.Config.difficulty > 0) this.buildDefenses(gameState, queues); this.assignGatherers(); for (let i = 0; i < this.baseManagers.length; ++i) { this.baseManagers[i].checkEvents(gameState, events, queues); if ((i + === 0) this.baseManagers[i].update(gameState, queues, events); } this.navalManager.update(gameState, queues, events); if (this.Config.difficulty > 0 && (this.numActiveBase() > 0 || !this.canBuildUnits)) this.attackManager.update(gameState, queues, events); this.diplomacyManager.update(gameState, events); this.gameTypeManager.update(gameState, events, queues); // We update the capture strength at the end as it can change attack orders if ( - this.capturableTargetsTime > 3) this.updateCaptureStrength(gameState); Engine.ProfileStop(); }; m.HQ.prototype.Serialize = function() { let properties = { "phasing": this.phasing, "wantedRates": this.wantedRates, "currentRates": this.currentRates, "lastFailedGather": this.lastFailedGather, "supportRatio": this.supportRatio, "targetNumWorkers": this.targetNumWorkers, "stopBuilding": this.stopBuilding, "fortStartTime": this.fortStartTime, "towerStartTime": this.towerStartTime, "fortressStartTime": this.fortressStartTime, "bAdvanced": this.bAdvanced, "saveResources": this.saveResources, "saveSpace": this.saveSpace, "needCorral": this.needCorral, "needFarm": this.needFarm, "needFish": this.needFish, "canExpand": this.canExpand, "canBuildUnits": this.canBuildUnits, "navalMap": this.navalMap, "landRegions": this.landRegions, "navalRegions": this.navalRegions, "decayingStructures": this.decayingStructures, "capturableTargets": this.capturableTargets, "capturableTargetsTime": this.capturableTargetsTime }; let baseManagers = []; for (let base of this.baseManagers) baseManagers.push(base.Serialize()); if (this.Config.debug == -100) { API3.warn(" HQ serialization ---------------------"); API3.warn(" properties " + uneval(properties)); API3.warn(" baseManagers " + uneval(baseManagers)); API3.warn(" attackManager " + uneval(this.attackManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" defenseManager " + uneval(this.defenseManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" tradeManager " + uneval(this.tradeManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" navalManager " + uneval(this.navalManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" researchManager " + uneval(this.researchManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" diplomacyManager " + uneval(this.diplomacyManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" garrisonManager " + uneval(this.garrisonManager.Serialize())); API3.warn(" gameTypeManager " + uneval(this.gameTypeManager.Serialize())); } return { "properties": properties, "baseManagers": baseManagers, "attackManager": this.attackManager.Serialize(), "defenseManager": this.defenseManager.Serialize(), "tradeManager": this.tradeManager.Serialize(), "navalManager": this.navalManager.Serialize(), "researchManager": this.researchManager.Serialize(), "diplomacyManager": this.diplomacyManager.Serialize(), "garrisonManager": this.garrisonManager.Serialize(), "gameTypeManager": this.gameTypeManager.Serialize(), }; }; m.HQ.prototype.Deserialize = function(gameState, data) { for (let key in this[key] =[key]; this.baseManagers = []; for (let base of data.baseManagers) { // the first call to deserialize set the ID base needed by entitycollections let newbase = new m.BaseManager(gameState, this.Config); newbase.Deserialize(gameState, base); newbase.init(gameState); newbase.Deserialize(gameState, base); this.baseManagers.push(newbase); } this.navalManager = new m.NavalManager(this.Config); this.navalManager.init(gameState, true); this.navalManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.navalManager); this.attackManager = new m.AttackManager(this.Config); this.attackManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.attackManager); this.attackManager.init(gameState); this.attackManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.attackManager); this.defenseManager = new m.DefenseManager(this.Config); this.defenseManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.defenseManager); this.tradeManager = new m.TradeManager(this.Config); this.tradeManager.init(gameState); this.tradeManager.Deserialize(gameState, data.tradeManager); this.researchManager = new m.ResearchManager(this.Config); this.researchManager.Deserialize(data.researchManager); this.diplomacyManager = new m.DiplomacyManager(this.Config); this.diplomacyManager.Deserialize(data.diplomacyManager); this.garrisonManager = new m.GarrisonManager(this.Config); this.garrisonManager.Deserialize(data.garrisonManager); this.gameTypeManager = new m.GameTypeManager(this.Config); this.gameTypeManager.Deserialize(data.gameTypeManager); }; return m; }(PETRA); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/queueplanBuilding.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/queueplanBuilding.js (revision 20398) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/queueplanBuilding.js (revision 20399) @@ -1,812 +1,812 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Defines a construction plan, ie a building. * We'll try to fing a good position if non has been provided */ m.ConstructionPlan = function(gameState, type, metadata, position) { if (!, gameState, type, metadata)) return false; this.position = position ? position : 0; this.category = "building"; return true; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype = Object.create(m.QueuePlan.prototype); m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.canStart = function(gameState) { if ( // do not start another building if already one this turn return false; if (!this.isGo(gameState)) return false; if (this.template.requiredTech() && !gameState.isResearched(this.template.requiredTech())) return false; return gameState.findBuilder(this.type) !== undefined; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.start = function(gameState) { Engine.ProfileStart("Building construction start"); // We don't care which builder we assign, since they won't actually // do the building themselves - all we care about is that there is // at least one unit that can start the foundation let builder = gameState.findBuilder(this.type); let pos = this.findGoodPosition(gameState); if (!pos) {, this.type); Engine.ProfileStop(); return; } if (this.metadata && this.metadata.expectedGain) { // Check if this market is still worth building (others may have been built making it useless) let tradeManager =; tradeManager.checkRoutes(gameState); if (!tradeManager.isNewMarketWorth(this.metadata.expectedGain)) { Engine.ProfileStop(); return; } } = true; if (this.metadata === undefined) this.metadata = { "base": pos.base }; else if (this.metadata.base === undefined) this.metadata.base = pos.base; if (pos.access) this.metadata.access = pos.access; // needed for Docks whose position is on water else this.metadata.access =[pos.x, pos.z]); if (this.template.buildPlacementType() === "shore") { // adjust a bit the position if needed let cosa = Math.cos(pos.angle); let sina = Math.sin(pos.angle); let shiftMax =; for (let shift = 0; shift <= shiftMax; shift += 2) { builder.construct(this.type, pos.x-shift*sina, pos.z-shift*cosa, pos.angle, this.metadata); if (shift > 0) builder.construct(this.type, pos.x+shift*sina, pos.z+shift*cosa, pos.angle, this.metadata); } } else if (pos.xx === undefined || pos.x == pos.xx && pos.z == pos.zz) builder.construct(this.type, pos.x, pos.z, pos.angle, this.metadata); else // try with the lowest, move towards us unless we're same { for (let step = 0; step <= 1; step += 0.2) builder.construct(this.type, step*pos.x + (1-step)*pos.xx, step*pos.z + (1-step)*pos.zz, pos.angle, this.metadata); } this.onStart(gameState); Engine.ProfileStop(); if (this.metadata && this.metadata.proximity), this.metadata.proximity, [pos.x, pos.z], this.metadata.access); }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.findGoodPosition = function(gameState) { let template = this.template; if (template.buildPlacementType() === "shore") return this.findDockPosition(gameState); + let HQ =; if (template.hasClass("Storehouse") && this.metadata.base) { // recompute the best dropsite location in case some conditions have changed - let base =; + let base = HQ.getBaseByID(this.metadata.base); let type = this.metadata.type ? this.metadata.type : "wood"; let newpos = base.findBestDropsiteLocation(gameState, type); if (newpos && newpos.quality > 0) { let pos = newpos.pos; return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": this.metadata.base }; } } if (!this.position) { if (template.hasClass("CivCentre")) { let pos; if (this.metadata && this.metadata.resource) { let proximity = this.metadata.proximity ? this.metadata.proximity : undefined; - pos =, template, this.metadata.resource, proximity); + pos = HQ.findEconomicCCLocation(gameState, template, this.metadata.resource, proximity); } else - pos =, template); + pos = HQ.findStrategicCCLocation(gameState, template); if (pos) return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": 0 }; return false; } else if (template.hasClass("DefenseTower") || template.hasClass("Fortress") || template.hasClass("ArmyCamp")) { - let pos =, template); + let pos = HQ.findDefensiveLocation(gameState, template); if (pos) return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": pos[2] }; // if this fortress is our first one, just try the standard placement if (!template.hasClass("Fortress") || gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Fortress", true).hasEntities()) return false; } else if (template.hasClass("Market")) // Docks (i.e. NavalMarket) are done before { - let pos =, template); + let pos = HQ.findMarketLocation(gameState, template); if (pos && pos[2] > 0) { if (!this.metadata) this.metadata = {}; this.metadata.expectedGain = pos[3]; return { "x": pos[0], "z": pos[1], "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base": pos[2] }; } else if (!pos) return false; } } // Compute each tile's closeness to friendly structures: let placement = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, "territory"); let cellSize = placement.cellSize; // size of each tile let alreadyHasHouses = false; if (this.position) // If a position was specified then place the building as close to it as possible { let x = Math.floor(this.position[0] / cellSize); let z = Math.floor(this.position[1] / cellSize); placement.addInfluence(x, z, 255); } else // No position was specified so try and find a sensible place to build { // give a small > 0 level as the result of addInfluence is constrained to be > 0 // if we really need houses (i.e. Phasing without enough village building), do not apply these constraints if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { let base = this.metadata.base; for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) - if ([j] == base) + if ([j] == base)[j] = 45; } else { for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) - if ([j] !== 0) + if ([j] != 0)[j] = 45; } - if (! || !template.hasClass("House")) + if (!HQ.requireHouses || !template.hasClass("House")) { gameState.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) { let pos = ent.position(); let x = Math.round(pos[0] / cellSize); let z = Math.round(pos[1] / cellSize); let struct = ent.foundationProgress() === undefined ? ent : gameState.getBuiltTemplate(ent.templateName()); if (struct.resourceDropsiteTypes() && struct.resourceDropsiteTypes().indexOf("food") !== -1) { if (template.hasClass("Field") || template.hasClass("Corral")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 80/cellSize, 50); else // If this is not a field add a negative influence because we want to leave this area for fields placement.addInfluence(x, z, 80/cellSize, -20); } else if (template.hasClass("House")) { if (ent.hasClass("House")) { placement.addInfluence(x, z, 60/cellSize, 40); // houses are close to other houses alreadyHasHouses = true; } else if (!ent.hasClass("StoneWall") || ent.hasClass("Gates")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 60/cellSize, -40); // and further away from other stuffs } else if (template.hasClass("Farmstead") && (!ent.hasClass("Field") && !ent.hasClass("Corral") && (!ent.hasClass("StoneWall") || ent.hasClass("Gates")))) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 100/cellSize, -25); // move farmsteads away to make room (StoneWall test needed for iber) else if (template.hasClass("GarrisonFortress") && ent.hasClass("House")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 120/cellSize, -50); else if (template.hasClass("Military")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 40/cellSize, -40); else if (template.genericName() === "Rotary Mill" && ent.hasClass("Field")) placement.addInfluence(x, z, 60/cellSize, 40); }); } if (template.hasClass("Farmstead")) { for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) { let value =[j] -[j]/3;[j] = value >= 0 ? value : 0; - if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) + if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask)[j] /= 2; // we need space around farmstead, so disfavor map border } } } // Requires to be inside our territory, and inside our base territory if required // and if our first market, put it on border if possible to maximize distance with next market let favorBorder = template.hasClass("BarterMarket"); let disfavorBorder = gameState.currentPhase() > 1 && !template.hasDefensiveFire(); - let preferredBase = this.metadata && this.metadata.preferredBase; + let militaryBase = this.metadata && this.metadata.militaryBase ? HQ.findBestBaseForMilitary(gameState) : undefined; if (this.metadata && this.metadata.base !== undefined) { let base = this.metadata.base; for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) { - if ([j] != base) + if ([j] != base)[j] = 0; - else if (favorBorder &&[j] & m.border_Mask) -[j] += 50; - else if (disfavorBorder && !([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) &&[j] > 0) -[j] += 10; - - if ([j] > 0) + else if ([j] > 0) { + if (favorBorder &&[j] & m.border_Mask) +[j] += 50; + else if (disfavorBorder && !([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask)) +[j] += 10; + let x = (j % placement.width + 0.5) * cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(j / placement.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; - if ([x, z])) + if (HQ.isNearInvadingArmy([x, z]))[j] = 0; } } } else { for (let j = 0; j <; ++j) { - if ([j] === 0) + if ([j] == 0)[j] = 0; - else if (favorBorder &&[j] & m.border_Mask) -[j] += 50; - else if (disfavorBorder && !([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) &&[j] > 0) -[j] += 10; - - if (preferredBase &&[j] == this.metadata.preferredBase) -[j] += 200; - - if ([j] > 0) + else if ([j] > 0) { + if (favorBorder &&[j] & m.border_Mask) +[j] += 50; + else if (disfavorBorder && !([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask)) +[j] += 10; + let x = (j % placement.width + 0.5) * cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(j / placement.width) + 0.5) * cellSize; - if ([x, z])) + if (HQ.isNearInvadingArmy([x, z]))[j] = 0; + else if (militaryBase &&[j] == militaryBase) +[j] += 200; } } } // Find the best non-obstructed: // Find target building's approximate obstruction radius, and expand by a bit to make sure we're not too close, // this allows room for units to walk between buildings. // note: not for houses and dropsites who ought to be closer to either each other or a resource. // also not for fields who can be stacked quite a bit let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); //obstructions.dumpIm(template.buildPlacementType() + "_obstructions.png"); let radius = 0; if (template.hasClass("Fortress") || this.type === gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_siege_workshop") || this.type === gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_elephant_stables")) radius = Math.floor((template.obstructionRadius().max + 12) / obstructions.cellSize); else if (template.resourceDropsiteTypes() === undefined && !template.hasClass("House") && !template.hasClass("Field")) radius = Math.ceil((template.obstructionRadius().max + 4) / obstructions.cellSize); else radius = Math.ceil((template.obstructionRadius().max + 0.5) / obstructions.cellSize); let bestTile; if (template.hasClass("House") && !alreadyHasHouses) { // try to get some space to place several houses first bestTile = placement.findBestTile(3*radius, obstructions); if (!bestTile.val) bestTile = undefined; } if (!bestTile) bestTile = placement.findBestTile(radius, obstructions); if (!bestTile.val) return false; let bestIdx = bestTile.idx; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let territorypos = placement.gamePosToMapPos([x, z]); let territoryIndex = territorypos[0] + territorypos[1]*placement.width; // default angle = 3*Math.PI/4; - return { "x": x, "z": z, "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base":[territoryIndex] }; + return { "x": x, "z": z, "angle": 3*Math.PI/4, "base":[territoryIndex] }; }; /** * Placement of buildings with Dock build category * metadata.proximity is defined when first dock without any territory */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.findDockPosition = function(gameState) { let template = this.template; let territoryMap =; let obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState, 0, template); //obstructions.dumpIm(template.buildPlacementType() + "_obstructions.png"); let bestIdx; let bestJdx; let bestAngle; let bestLand; let bestWater; let bestVal = -1; let navalPassMap =; let width =; let cellSize =; let nbShips =; let wantedLand = this.metadata && ? : null; let wantedSea = this.metadata && this.metadata.sea ? this.metadata.sea : null; let proxyAccess = this.metadata && this.metadata.proximity ? : null; if (nbShips === 0 && proxyAccess && proxyAccess > 1) { wantedLand = {}; wantedLand[proxyAccess] = true; } let dropsiteTypes = template.resourceDropsiteTypes(); let radius = Math.ceil(template.obstructionRadius().max / obstructions.cellSize); let halfSize = 0; // used for dock angle let halfDepth = 0; // used by checkPlacement let halfWidth = 0; // used by checkPlacement if (template.get("Footprint/Square")) { halfSize = Math.max(+template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"), +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width")) / 2; halfDepth = +template.get("Footprint/Square/@depth") / 2; halfWidth = +template.get("Footprint/Square/@width") / 2; } else if (template.get("Footprint/Circle")) { halfSize = +template.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); halfDepth = halfSize; halfWidth = halfSize; } // res is a measure of the amount of resources around, and maxRes is the max value taken into account // water is a measure of the water space around, and maxWater is the max value that can be returned by checkDockPlacement const maxRes = 10; const maxWater = 16; for (let j = 0; j < territoryMap.length; ++j) { if (!this.isDockLocation(gameState, j, halfDepth, wantedLand, wantedSea)) continue; let dist; if (!proxyAccess) { // if not in our (or allied) territory, we do not want it too far to be able to defend it dist = this.getFrontierProximity(gameState, j); if (dist > 4) continue; } let i = territoryMap.getNonObstructedTile(j, radius, obstructions); if (i < 0) continue; if (wantedSea && navalPassMap[i] !== wantedSea) continue; let res = dropsiteTypes ? Math.min(maxRes, this.getResourcesAround(gameState, dropsiteTypes, j, 80)) : maxRes; let pos = [cellSize * (j%width+0.5), cellSize * (Math.floor(j/width)+0.5)]; if (proxyAccess) { // if proximity is given, we look for the nearest point dist = API3.SquareVectorDistance(this.metadata.proximity, pos); dist = Math.sqrt(dist) + 20 * (maxRes - res); } else dist += 0.6 * (maxRes - res); // Add a penalty if on the map border as ship movement will be difficult if ([j] & m.fullBorder_Mask) dist += 2; // do a pre-selection, supposing we will have the best possible water if (bestIdx !== undefined && dist > bestVal + maxWater) continue; let x = (i % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(i / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let angle = this.getDockAngle(gameState, x, z, halfSize); if (angle === false) continue; let ret = this.checkDockPlacement(gameState, x, z, halfDepth, halfWidth, angle); if (!ret || ![]) continue; // final selection now that the checkDockPlacement water is known if (bestIdx !== undefined && dist + maxWater - ret.water > bestVal) continue; if (this.metadata.proximity &&[] < 4000) continue; if (, pos, halfSize)) continue; bestVal = dist + maxWater - ret.water; bestIdx = i; bestJdx = j; bestAngle = angle; bestLand =; bestWater = ret.water; } if (bestVal < 0) return false; // if no good place with enough water around and still in first phase, wait for expansion at the next phase if (!this.metadata.proximity && bestWater < 10 && gameState.currentPhase() == 1) return false; let x = (bestIdx % obstructions.width + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / obstructions.width) + 0.5) * obstructions.cellSize; // Assign this dock to a base let baseIndex =[bestJdx]; if (!baseIndex) { for (let base of { if (!base.anchor || !base.anchor.position()) continue; if (base.accessIndex !== bestLand) continue; baseIndex = base.ID; break; } if (!baseIndex) { if ( > 0) API3.warn("Petra: dock constructed without base index " + baseIndex); else baseIndex =[0].ID; } } return { "x": x, "z": z, "angle": bestAngle, "base": baseIndex, "access": bestLand }; }; /** Algorithm taken from the function GetDockAngle in simulation/helpers/Commands.js */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.getDockAngle = function(gameState, x, z, size) { let pos =[x, z]); let k = pos[0] + pos[1]*; let seaRef =[k]; if (seaRef < 2) return false; const numPoints = 16; for (let dist = 0; dist < 4; ++dist) { let waterPoints = []; for (let i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { let angle = 2 * Math.PI * i / numPoints; pos = [x - (1+dist)*size*Math.sin(angle), z + (1+dist)*size*Math.cos(angle)]; pos =; if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= continue; let j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] === seaRef) waterPoints.push(i); } let length = waterPoints.length; if (!length) continue; let consec = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { let count = 0; for (let j = 0; j < length-1; ++j) { if ((waterPoints[(i + j) % length]+1) % numPoints == waterPoints[(i + j + 1) % length]) ++count; else break; } consec[i] = count; } let start = 0; let count = 0; for (let c in consec) { if (consec[c] > count) { start = c; count = consec[c]; } } // If we've found a shoreline, stop searching if (count != numPoints-1) return -((waterPoints[start] + consec[start]/2) % numPoints)/numPoints*2*Math.PI; } return false; }; /** * Algorithm taken from checkPlacement in simulation/components/BuildRestriction.js * to determine the special dock requirements * returns {"land": land index for this dock, "water": amount of water around this spot} */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.checkDockPlacement = function(gameState, x, z, halfDepth, halfWidth, angle) { let sz = halfDepth * Math.sin(angle); let cz = halfDepth * Math.cos(angle); // center back position let pos =[x - sz, z - cz]); let j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; let land =[j]; if (land < 2) return null; // center front position pos =[x + sz, z + cz]); j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) return null; // additional constraints compared to BuildRestriction.js to assure we have enough place to build let sw = halfWidth * Math.cos(angle) * 3 / 4; let cw = halfWidth * Math.sin(angle) * 3 / 4; pos =[x - sz + sw, z - cz - cw]); j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] != land) return null; pos =[x - sz - sw, z - cz + cw]); j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] != land) return null; let water = 0; let sp = 15 * Math.sin(angle); let cp = 15 * Math.cos(angle); for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { pos =[x + sz + i*(sp+sw), z + cz + i*(cp-cw)]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= break; j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) break; pos =[x + sz + i*sp, z + cz + i*cp]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= break; j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) break; pos =[x + sz + i*(sp-sw), z + cz + i*(cp+cw)]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= || pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= break; j = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if ([j] > 1 ||[j] < 2) break; water += 4; } return {"land": land, "water": water}; }; /** * fast check if we can build a dock: returns false if nearest land is farther than the dock dimension * if the (object) wantedLand is given, this nearest land should have one of these accessibility * if wantedSea is given, this tile should be inside this sea */ const around = [ [ 1.0, 0.0], [ 0.87, 0.50], [ 0.50, 0.87], [ 0.0, 1.0], [-0.50, 0.87], [-0.87, 0.50], [-1.0, 0.0], [-0.87,-0.50], [-0.50,-0.87], [ 0.0,-1.0], [ 0.50,-0.87], [ 0.87,-0.50] ]; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.isDockLocation = function(gameState, j, dimension, wantedLand, wantedSea) { let width =; let cellSize =; let dist = dimension + 2*cellSize; let x = (j%width + 0.5) * cellSize; let z = (Math.floor(j/width) + 0.5) * cellSize; for (let a of around) { let pos =[x + dist*a[0], z + dist*a[1]]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= continue; if (pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= continue; let k = pos[0] + pos[1]*; let landPass =[k]; if (landPass < 2 || wantedLand && !wantedLand[landPass]) continue; pos =[x - dist*a[0], z - dist*a[1]]); if (pos[0] < 0 || pos[0] >= continue; if (pos[1] < 0 || pos[1] >= continue; k = pos[0] + pos[1]*; if (wantedSea &&[k] !== wantedSea) continue; else if (!wantedSea &&[k] < 2) continue; return true; } return false; }; /** * return a measure of the proximity to our frontier (including our allies) * 0=inside, 1=less than 24m, 2= less than 48m, 3= less than 72m, 4=less than 96m, 5=above 96m */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.getFrontierProximity = function(gameState, j) { let alliedVictory = gameState.getAlliedVictory(); let territoryMap =; let territoryOwner = territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(j); if (territoryOwner === PlayerID || alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner)) return 0; let borderMap =; let width = territoryMap.width; let step = Math.round(24 / territoryMap.cellSize); let ix = j % width; let iz = Math.floor(j / width); let best = 5; for (let a of around) { for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) { let jx = ix + Math.round(i*step*a[0]); if (jx < 0 || jx >= width) continue; let jz = iz + Math.round(i*step*a[1]); if (jz < 0 || jz >= width) continue; if ([jx+width*jz] & m.outside_Mask) continue; territoryOwner = territoryMap.getOwnerIndex(jx+width*jz); if (alliedVictory && gameState.isPlayerAlly(territoryOwner) || territoryOwner === PlayerID) { best = Math.min(best, i); break; } } if (best === 1) break; } return best; }; /** * get the sum of the resources (except food) around, inside a given radius * resources have a weight (1 if dist=0 and 0 if dist=size) doubled for wood */ m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.getResourcesAround = function(gameState, types, i, radius) { let resourceMaps = gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps; let w = resourceMaps.wood.width; let cellSize = resourceMaps.wood.cellSize; let size = Math.floor(radius / cellSize); let ix = i % w; let iy = Math.floor(i / w); let total = 0; let nbcell = 0; for (let k of types) { if (k === "food" || !resourceMaps[k]) continue; let weigh0 = k === "wood" ? 2 : 1; for (let dy = 0; dy <= size; ++dy) { let dxmax = size - dy; let ky = iy + dy; if (ky >= 0 && ky < w) { for (let dx = -dxmax; dx <= dxmax; ++dx) { let kx = ix + dx; if (kx < 0 || kx >= w) continue; let ddx = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx; let weight = weigh0 * (dxmax - ddx) / size; total += weight * resourceMaps[k].map[kx + w * ky]; nbcell += weight; } } if (dy === 0) continue; ky = iy - dy; if (ky >= 0 && ky < w) { for (let dx = -dxmax; dx <= dxmax; ++dx) { let kx = ix + dx; if (kx < 0 || kx >= w) continue; let ddx = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx; let weight = weigh0 * (dxmax - ddx) / size; total += weight * resourceMaps[k].map[kx + w * ky]; nbcell += weight; } } } } return nbcell ? total / nbcell : 0; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.isGo = function(gameState) { if (this.goRequirement && this.goRequirement === "houseNeeded") { if (!, "structures/{civ}_house")) return false; if (gameState.getPopulationMax() <= gameState.getPopulationLimit()) return false; let freeSlots = gameState.getPopulationLimit() - gameState.getPopulation(); for (let ent of gameState.getOwnFoundations().values()) { let template = gameState.getBuiltTemplate(ent.templateName()); if (template) freeSlots += template.getPopulationBonus(); } if ( return freeSlots <= 10; if (gameState.getPopulation() > 55) return freeSlots <= 21; if (gameState.getPopulation() > 30) return freeSlots <= 15; return freeSlots <= 10; } return true; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.onStart = function(gameState) { if (this.queueToReset),[this.queueToReset]); }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.Serialize = function() { return { "category": this.category, "type": this.type, "ID": this.ID, "metadata": this.metadata, "cost": this.cost.Serialize(), "number": this.number, "position": this.position, "goRequirement": this.goRequirement || undefined, "queueToReset": this.queueToReset || undefined }; }; m.ConstructionPlan.prototype.Deserialize = function(gameState, data) { for (let key in data) this[key] = data[key]; let cost = new API3.Resources(); cost.Deserialize(data.cost); this.cost = cost; }; return m; }(PETRA);