Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/pyrenean_sierra.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/pyrenean_sierra.js (revision 20703) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/pyrenean_sierra.js (revision 20704) @@ -1,630 +1,613 @@ Engine.LoadLibrary("rmgen"); TILE_CENTERED_HEIGHT_MAP = true; const tGrassSpecific = ["new_alpine_grass_d","new_alpine_grass_d", "new_alpine_grass_e"]; const tGrass = ["new_alpine_grass_d", "new_alpine_grass_b", "new_alpine_grass_e"]; const tGrassMidRange = ["new_alpine_grass_b", "alpine_grass_a"]; const tGrassHighRange = ["new_alpine_grass_a", "alpine_grass_a", "alpine_grass_rocky"]; const tHighRocks = ["alpine_cliff_b", "alpine_cliff_c","alpine_cliff_c", "alpine_grass_rocky"]; const tSnowedRocks = ["alpine_cliff_b", "alpine_cliff_snow"]; const tTopSnow = ["alpine_snow_rocky","alpine_snow_a"]; const tTopSnowOnly = ["alpine_snow_a"]; const tDirtyGrass = ["new_alpine_grass_d","alpine_grass_d","alpine_grass_c", "alpine_grass_b"]; const tLushGrass = ["new_alpine_grass_a","new_alpine_grass_d"]; const tMidRangeCliffs = ["alpine_cliff_b","alpine_cliff_c"]; const tHighRangeCliffs = ["alpine_mountainside","alpine_cliff_snow" ]; const tPass = ["alpine_cliff_b", "alpine_cliff_c", "alpine_grass_rocky", "alpine_grass_rocky", "alpine_grass_rocky"]; const tSand = ["beach_c", "beach_d"]; const tSandTransition = ["beach_scrub_50_"]; const tWater = ["sand_wet_a","sand_wet_b","sand_wet_b","sand_wet_b"]; const tGrassLandForest = "alpine_forrestfloor"; const tGrassLandForest2 = "alpine_grass_d"; const tForestTransition = ["new_alpine_grass_d", "new_alpine_grass_b","alpine_grass_d"]; const tRoad = "new_alpine_citytile"; const tRoadWild = "new_alpine_citytile"; const oBeech = "gaia/flora_tree_euro_beech"; const oPine = "gaia/flora_tree_aleppo_pine"; const oBerryBush = "gaia/flora_bush_berry"; const oDeer = "gaia/fauna_deer"; const oFish = "gaia/fauna_fish"; const oRabbit = "gaia/fauna_rabbit"; const oStoneLarge = "gaia/geology_stonemine_alpine_quarry"; const oStoneSmall = "gaia/geology_stone_alpine_a"; const oMetalLarge = "gaia/geology_metal_alpine_slabs"; const aGrass = "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_small_tall.xml"; const aGrassShort = "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_large.xml"; const aRockLarge = "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml"; const aRockMedium = "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml"; const aBushMedium = "actor|props/flora/bush_medit_me.xml"; const aBushSmall = "actor|props/flora/bush_medit_sm.xml"; const pForestLand = [tGrassLandForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oPine,tGrassLandForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oBeech, tGrassLandForest2 + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oPine,tGrassLandForest2 + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oBeech, tGrassLandForest,tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2]; const pForestLandLight = [tGrassLandForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oPine,tGrassLandForest + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oBeech, tGrassLandForest2 + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oPine,tGrassLandForest2 + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oBeech, tGrassLandForest,tGrassLandForest2,tForestTransition,tGrassLandForest2, tGrassLandForest,tForestTransition,tGrassLandForest2,tForestTransition, tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2]; const pForestLandVeryLight = [ tGrassLandForest2 + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oPine,tGrassLandForest2 + TERRAIN_SEPARATOR + oBeech, tForestTransition,tGrassLandForest2,tForestTransition,tForestTransition,tForestTransition, tGrassLandForest,tForestTransition,tGrassLandForest2,tForestTransition, tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2,tGrassLandForest2]; InitMap(); const numPlayers = getNumPlayers(); const mapSize = getMapSize(); const mapCenter = getMapCenter(); var clDirt = createTileClass(); var clLush = createTileClass(); var clRock = createTileClass(); var clMetal = createTileClass(); var clFood = createTileClass(); var clBaseResource = createTileClass(); var clPass = createTileClass(); var clPyrenneans = createTileClass(); var clPass = createTileClass(); var clPlayer = createTileClass(); var clHill = createTileClass(); var clForest = createTileClass(); var clWater = createTileClass(); // Initial Terrain Creation // I'll use very basic noised sinusoidal functions to give the terrain a way aspect // It looks like we can't go higher than ≈ 75. Given this I'll lower the ground const baseHeight = -6; setWaterHeight(8); var MoutainAngle = randFloat(0,TWO_PI); var oceanAngle = MoutainAngle + randFloat(-1, 1) * Math.PI / 12; var baseHeights = []; for (var ix = 0; ix < mapSize; ix++) { baseHeights.push([]); for (var iz = 0; iz < mapSize; iz++) { if (g_Map.inMapBounds(ix,iz)) { placeTerrain(ix, iz, tGrass); setHeight(ix,iz,baseHeight +randFloat(-1,1) + scaleByMapSize(1,3)*(cos(ix/scaleByMapSize(5,30))+sin(iz/scaleByMapSize(5,30)))); baseHeights[ix].push( baseHeight +randFloat(-1,1) + scaleByMapSize(1,3)*(cos(ix/scaleByMapSize(5,30))+sin(iz/scaleByMapSize(5,30))) ); } else baseHeights[ix].push(-100); } } var playerIDs = primeSortAllPlayers(); var [playerX, playerZ] = playerPlacementCustomAngle( 0.35, tilesToFraction(mapCenter.x), tilesToFraction(mapCenter.y), i => oceanAngle + Math.PI * (i % 2 ? 1 : -1) * ((1/2 + 1/3 * (2/numPlayers * (i + 1 - i % 2) - 1)))); for (var i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) { var id = playerIDs[i]; log("Creating base for player " + id + "..."); var radius = scaleByMapSize(15,25); var cliffRadius = 2; var elevation = 20; // get the x and z in tiles var fx = fractionToTiles(playerX[i]); var fz = fractionToTiles(playerZ[i]); ix = round(fx); iz = round(fz); addCivicCenterAreaToClass(ix, iz, clPlayer); // create the city patch var cityRadius = radius/3; var placer = new ClumpPlacer(PI*cityRadius*cityRadius, 0.6, 0.3, 10, ix, iz); var painter = new LayeredPainter([tRoadWild, tRoad], [1]); createArea(placer, painter, null); placeCivDefaultEntities(fx, fz, id); placeDefaultChicken(fx, fz, clBaseResource); // create berry bushes var bbAngle = randFloat(0, TWO_PI); var bbDist = 12; var bbX = round(fx + bbDist * cos(bbAngle)); var bbZ = round(fz + bbDist * sin(bbAngle)); var group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oBerryBush, 5,5, 0,3)], true, clBaseResource, bbX, bbZ ); createObjectGroup(group, 0); // create metal mine var mAngle = bbAngle; while(abs(mAngle - bbAngle) < PI/3) { mAngle = randFloat(0, TWO_PI); } var mDist = 12; var mX = round(fx + mDist * cos(mAngle)); var mZ = round(fz + mDist * sin(mAngle)); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oMetalLarge, 1,1, 0,0)], true, clBaseResource, mX, mZ ); createObjectGroup(group, 0); // create stone mines mAngle += randFloat(PI/8, PI/4); mX = round(fx + mDist * cos(mAngle)); mZ = round(fz + mDist * sin(mAngle)); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oStoneLarge, 1,1, 0,2)], true, clBaseResource, mX, mZ ); createObjectGroup(group, 0); var hillSize = PI * radius * radius; // create starting trees var num = floor(hillSize / 100); var tAngle = randFloat(-PI/3, 4*PI/3); var tDist = randFloat(11, 13); var tX = round(fx + tDist * cos(tAngle)); var tZ = round(fz + tDist * sin(tAngle)); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oPine, num, num, 0,5)], false, clBaseResource, tX, tZ ); createObjectGroup(group, 0, avoidClasses(clBaseResource,2)); placeDefaultDecoratives(fx, fz, aGrassShort, clBaseResource, radius); } Engine.SetProgress(30); log ("Creating the pyreneans..."); var MountainStartX = mapCenter.x + Math.cos(MoutainAngle) * fractionToTiles(0.34); var MountainStartZ = mapCenter.y + Math.sin(MoutainAngle) * fractionToTiles(0.34); var MountainEndX = mapCenter.x - Math.cos(MoutainAngle) * fractionToTiles(0.34); var MountainEndZ = mapCenter.y - Math.sin(MoutainAngle) * fractionToTiles(0.34); var MountainHeight = scaleByMapSize(50,65); // Number of peaks var NumOfIterations = scaleByMapSize(100,1000); var randomNess = randFloat(-scaleByMapSize(1,12),scaleByMapSize(1,12)); for (var i = 0; i < NumOfIterations; i++) { Engine.SetProgress(45 * i/NumOfIterations + 30 * (1-i/NumOfIterations)); var position = i/NumOfIterations; var width = scaleByMapSize(15,55); var randHeight2 = randFloat(0,10) + MountainHeight; for (var dist = 0; dist < width*3; dist++) { var okDist = dist/3; var S1x = round((MountainStartX * (1-position) + MountainEndX*position) + randomNess*cos(position*3.14*4) + cos(MoutainAngle+PI/2)*okDist); var S1z = round((MountainStartZ * (1-position) + MountainEndZ*position) + randomNess*sin(position*3.14*4) + sin(MoutainAngle+PI/2)*okDist); var S2x = round((MountainStartX * (1-position) + MountainEndX*position) + randomNess*cos(position*3.14*4) + cos(MoutainAngle-PI/2)*okDist); var S2z = round((MountainStartZ * (1-position) + MountainEndZ*position) + randomNess*sin(position*3.14*4) + sin(MoutainAngle-PI/2)*okDist); // complicated sigmoid // Ranges is 0-1, FormX is 0-1 too. var FormX = (-2*(1-okDist/width)+1.9) - 4*(2*(1-okDist/width)-randFloat(0.9,1.1))*(2*(1-okDist/width)-randFloat(0.9,1.1))*(2*(1-okDist/width)-randFloat(0.9,1.1)); var Formula = (1/(1 + Math.exp(FormX))); // If we're too far from the border, we flatten Formula *= (0.2 - Math.max(0,abs(0.5 - position) - 0.3)) * 5; var randHeight = randFloat(-9,9) * Formula; var height = baseHeights[S1x][S1z]; setHeight(S1x,S1z, height + randHeight2 * Formula + randHeight ); var height = baseHeights[S2x][S2z]; setHeight(S2x,S2z, height + randHeight2 * Formula + randHeight ); if (getHeight(S1x,S1z) > 15) addToClass(S1x,S1z, clPyrenneans); if (getHeight(S2x,S2z) > 15) addToClass(S2x,S2z, clPyrenneans); } } // Allright now slight smoothing (decreasing with height) for (var ix = 1; ix < mapSize-1; ix++) { for (var iz = 1; iz < mapSize-1; iz++) { if (g_Map.inMapBounds(ix,iz) && checkIfInClass(ix,iz,clPyrenneans) ) { var NB = getNeighborsHeight(ix,iz); var index = 9/(1 + Math.max(0,getHeight(ix,iz)/7)); setHeight(ix,iz, (getHeight(ix,iz)*(9-index) + NB*index)/9 ); } } } Engine.SetProgress(48); // Okay so the mountains are pretty much here. // Making the passes var passWidth = scaleByMapSize(15,100) /1.8; var S1x = round((MountainStartX * (0.35) + MountainEndX*0.65) + cos(MoutainAngle+PI/2)*passWidth); var S1z = round((MountainStartZ * (0.35) + MountainEndZ*0.65) + sin(MoutainAngle+PI/2)*passWidth); var S2x = round((MountainStartX * (0.35) + MountainEndX*0.65) + cos(MoutainAngle-PI/2)*passWidth); var S2z = round((MountainStartZ * (0.35) + MountainEndZ*0.65) + sin(MoutainAngle-PI/2)*passWidth); PassMaker(S1x, S1z, S2x, S2z, 4, 7, (getHeight(S1x,S1z) + getHeight(S2x,S2z))/2.0, MountainHeight-25, 2, clPass); S1x = round((MountainStartX * (0.65) + MountainEndX*0.35) + cos(MoutainAngle+PI/2)*passWidth); S1z = round((MountainStartZ * (0.65) + MountainEndZ*0.35) + sin(MoutainAngle+PI/2)*passWidth); S2x = round((MountainStartX * (0.65) + MountainEndX*0.35) + cos(MoutainAngle-PI/2)*passWidth); S2z = round((MountainStartZ * (0.65) + MountainEndZ*0.35) + sin(MoutainAngle-PI/2)*passWidth); PassMaker(S1x, S1z, S2x, S2z, 4, 7, (getHeight(S1x,S1z) + getHeight(S2x,S2z))/2.0, MountainHeight-25, 2, clPass); Engine.SetProgress(50); // Smoothing the mountains for (var ix = 1; ix < mapSize-1; ix++) for (var iz = 1; iz < mapSize-1; iz++) { if ( g_Map.inMapBounds(ix,iz) && checkIfInClass(ix,iz,clPyrenneans) ) { var NB = getNeighborsHeight(ix,iz); var index = 9/(1 + Math.max(0,(getHeight(ix,iz)-10)/7)); setHeight(ix,iz, (getHeight(ix,iz)*(9-index) + NB*index)/9 ); baseHeights[ix][iz] = (getHeight(ix,iz)*(9-index) + NB*index)/9; } } log("Creating oceans..."); let [oceanX, oceanZ] = distributePointsOnCircle(2, oceanAngle, fractionToTiles(0.48), mapCenter.x, mapCenter.y); for (let i in oceanX) createArea( new ClumpPlacer(diskArea(fractionToTiles(0.18)), 0.9, 0.05, 10, oceanX[i], oceanZ[i]), [ new ElevationPainter(-22), paintClass(clWater) ]); // Smoothing around the water, then going a bit random for (var ix = 1; ix < mapSize-1; ix++) { for (var iz = 1; iz < mapSize-1; iz++) { if ( g_Map.inMapBounds(ix,iz) && getTileClass(clWater).countInRadius(ix,iz,5,true) > 0 ) { var averageHeight = 0; var size = 5; if (getTileClass(clPyrenneans).countInRadius(ix,iz,1,true) > 0) size = 1; else if (getTileClass(clPyrenneans).countInRadius(ix,iz,2,true) > 0) size = 2; else if (getTileClass(clPyrenneans).countInRadius(ix,iz,3,true) > 0) size = 3; else if (getTileClass(clPyrenneans).countInRadius(ix,iz,4,true) > 0) size = 4; var todivide = 0; for (var xx = -size; xx <= size;xx++) for (var yy = -size; yy <= size;yy++) { if (g_Map.inMapBounds(ix + xx,iz + yy) && (xx != 0 || yy != 0)){ averageHeight += getHeight(ix + xx,iz + yy) / (abs(xx)+abs(yy)); todivide += 1/(abs(xx)+abs(yy)); } } averageHeight += getHeight(ix,iz)*2; averageHeight /= (todivide+2); setHeight(ix,iz, averageHeight ); //baseHeights[ix][iz] = averageHeight; } if ( g_Map.inMapBounds(ix,iz) && getTileClass(clWater).countInRadius(ix,iz,4,true) > 0 && getTileClass(clWater).countInRadius(ix,iz,4) > 0 ) setHeight(ix,iz, getHeight(ix,iz) + randFloat(-1,1)); } } Engine.SetProgress(55); log ("Creating hills..."); createAreas( new ClumpPlacer(scaleByMapSize(60, 120), 0.3, 0.06, 5), [ new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, 7, 4, 2), new TerrainPainter(tGrassSpecific), paintClass(clHill) ], avoidClasses(clWater, 5, clPlayer, 20, clBaseResource, 6, clPyrenneans, 2), scaleByMapSize(5, 35)); log("Creating forests..."); var types = [[tForestTransition, pForestLandVeryLight, pForestLandLight, pForestLand]]; var size = scaleByMapSize(40,115)*PI; var num = floor(scaleByMapSize(8,40) / types.length); for (let type of types) createAreas( new ClumpPlacer(size, 0.2, 0.1, 1), [ new LayeredPainter(type, [scaleByMapSize(1, 2), scaleByMapSize(3, 6), scaleByMapSize(3, 6)]), paintClass(clForest) ], avoidClasses(clPlayer, 20, clPyrenneans,0, clForest, 7, clWater, 2), num); Engine.SetProgress(60); log("Creating lone trees..."); var num = scaleByMapSize(80,400); var group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oPine, 1,2, 1,3),new SimpleObject(oBeech, 1,2, 1,3)], true, clForest); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 1, clPlayer, 8,clPyrenneans, 1), num, 20 ); -log("Painting the map"); +log("Painting the map..."); +for (let x = 0; x < mapSize; ++x) + for (let z = 0; z < mapSize; ++z) + { + let height = getHeight(x, z); + let heightDiff = getHeightDifference(x, z); -var terrainGrass = createTerrain(tGrass); -var terrainGrassMidRange = createTerrain(tGrassMidRange); -var terrainGrassHighRange = createTerrain(tGrassHighRange); -var terrainRocks = createTerrain(tHighRocks); -var terrainRocksSnow = createTerrain(tSnowedRocks); -var terrainTopSnow = createTerrain(tTopSnow); -var terrainTopSnowOnly = createTerrain(tTopSnowOnly); -var terrainMidRangeCliff = createTerrain(tMidRangeCliffs); -var terrainHighRangeCliff = createTerrain(tHighRangeCliffs); -var terrainPass = createTerrain(tPass); -var terrainSand = createTerrain(tSand); -var terrainSandTransition = createTerrain(tSandTransition); -var terrainWater = createTerrain(tWater); - -for (var x = 0; x < mapSize; x++) { - for (var z = 0; z < mapSize; z++) { - var height = getHeight(x,z); - var heightDiff = getHeightDifference(x,z); - if (getTileClass(clPyrenneans).countInRadius(x,z,2,true) > 0) { - if (height < 6) { - if (heightDiff < 5) -,z); - else -,z); - } else if (height >= 6 && height < 18) { - if (heightDiff < 8) -,z); - else -,z); - } else if (height >= 18 && height < 30) { - if (heightDiff < 8) -,z); - else -,z); - } else if (height >= 30 && height < MountainHeight-20) { - if (heightDiff < 8) -,z); - else -,z); - } else if (height >= MountainHeight-20 && height < MountainHeight-10) { - if (heightDiff < 7) -,z); - else -,z); - } else if (height >= MountainHeight-10) { - if (heightDiff < 6) -,z); - else -,z); - } - if (height >= 30 && getTileClass(clPass).countInRadius(x,z,2,true) > 0) - if (heightDiff < 5) -,z); - } - if (height > -14 && height <= -2 && getTileClass(clWater).countInRadius(x,z,2,true) > 0) { - if (heightDiff < 2.5) -,z); - else -,z); - } else if (height > -14 && height <= 0 && getTileClass(clWater).countInRadius(x,z,3,true) > 0) { - if (heightDiff < 2.5) -,z); - else -,z); - } else if (height <= -14) { -,z); + if (getTileClass(clPyrenneans).countInRadius(x, z, 2, true)) + { + createTerrain(getPyreneansTerrain(height, heightDiff)).place(x, z); + + if (height >= 30 && heightDiff < 5 && getTileClass(clPass).countInRadius(x, z, 2, true)) + createTerrain(tPass).place(x,z); } + + let terrainShore = getShoreTerrain(height, heightDiff, x, z); + if (terrainShore) + createTerrain(terrainShore).place(x, z); } + +function getPyreneansTerrain(height, heightDiff) +{ + if (height < 6) + return heightDiff < 5 ? tGrass : tMidRangeCliffs; + + if (height < 18) + return heightDiff < 8 ? tGrassMidRange : tMidRangeCliffs; + + if (height < 30) + return heightDiff < 8 ? tGrassHighRange : tMidRangeCliffs; + + if (height < MountainHeight - 20) + return heightDiff < 8 ? tHighRocks : tHighRangeCliffs; + + if (height < MountainHeight - 10) + return heightDiff < 7 ? tSnowedRocks : tHighRangeCliffs; + + return heightDiff < 6 ? tTopSnowOnly : tTopSnow; } + +function getShoreTerrain(height, heightDiff, x, z) +{ + if (height <= -14) + return tWater; + + if (height <= -2 && getTileClass(clWater).countInRadius(x, z, 2, true)) + return heightDiff < 2.5 ? tSand : tMidRangeCliffs; + + if (height <= 0 && getTileClass(clWater).countInRadius(x, z, 3, true)) + return heightDiff < 2.5 ? tSandTransition : tMidRangeCliffs; + + return undefined; +} + log("Creating dirt patches..."); for (let size of [scaleByMapSize(3, 20), scaleByMapSize(5, 40), scaleByMapSize(8, 60)]) createAreas( new ClumpPlacer(size, 0.3, 0.06, 0.5), [ new TerrainPainter(tDirtyGrass), paintClass(clDirt) ], avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 0, clPyrenneans,5, clHill, 0, clDirt, 5, clPlayer, 6), scaleByMapSize(15, 45)); log("Creating grass patches..."); for (let size of [scaleByMapSize(2, 32), scaleByMapSize(3, 48), scaleByMapSize(5, 80)]) createAreas( new ClumpPlacer(size, 0.3, 0.06, 0.5), [ new TerrainPainter(tLushGrass), paintClass(clLush) ], avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 0, clPyrenneans,5, clHill, 0, clDirt, 5, clPlayer, 6), scaleByMapSize(15, 45)); Engine.SetProgress(70); // making more in dirt areas so as to appear different log("Creating small grass tufts..."); var group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(aGrassShort, 1,2, 0,1, -PI/8,PI/8)] ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 2, clHill, 2, clPlayer, 5, clDirt, 0, clPyrenneans,2), scaleByMapSize(13, 200) ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, stayClasses(clDirt,1), scaleByMapSize(13, 200),10); log("Creating large grass tufts..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(aGrass, 2,4, 0,1.8, -PI/8,PI/8), new SimpleObject(aGrassShort, 3,6, 1.2,2.5, -PI/8,PI/8)] ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clHill, 2, clPlayer, 5, clDirt, 1, clForest, 0, clPyrenneans,2), scaleByMapSize(13, 200) ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, stayClasses(clDirt,1), scaleByMapSize(13, 200),10); Engine.SetProgress(75); log("Creating bushes..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(aBushMedium, 1,2, 0,2), new SimpleObject(aBushSmall, 2,4, 0,2)] ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 2, clPlayer, 1, clPyrenneans, 1), scaleByMapSize(13, 200), 50 ); Engine.SetProgress(80); log("Creating stone mines..."); group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oStoneSmall, 0,2, 0,4), new SimpleObject(oStoneLarge, 1,1, 0,4)], true, clRock); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 1, clPlayer, 20, clRock, 8, clPyrenneans, 1), scaleByMapSize(4,16), 100 ); log("Creating small stone quarries..."); group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oStoneSmall, 2,5, 1,3)], true, clRock); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 1, clPlayer, 20, clRock, 8, clPyrenneans, 1), scaleByMapSize(4,16), 100 ); log("Creating metal mines..."); group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oMetalLarge, 1,1, 0,4)], true, clMetal); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 1, clPlayer, 20, clMetal, 8, clRock, 5, clPyrenneans, 1), scaleByMapSize(4,16), 100 ); Engine.SetProgress(85); log("Creating small decorative rocks..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(aRockMedium, 1,3, 0,1)], true ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated( group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0), scaleByMapSize(16, 262), 50 ); log("Creating large decorative rocks..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(aRockLarge, 1,2, 0,1), new SimpleObject(aRockMedium, 1,3, 0,2)], true ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated( group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0), scaleByMapSize(8, 131), 50 ); Engine.SetProgress(90); log("Creating deer..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oDeer, 5,7, 0,4)], true, clFood ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 20, clPyrenneans, 1, clFood, 15), 3 * numPlayers, 50 ); log("Creating rabbit..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oRabbit, 2,3, 0,2)], true, clFood ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 20, clPyrenneans, 1, clFood,15), 3 * numPlayers, 50 ); log("Creating berry bush..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oBerryBush, 5,7, 0,4)],true, clFood ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 20, clPyrenneans, 1, clFood, 10), randIntInclusive(1, 4) * numPlayers + 2, 50); log("Creating fish..."); group = new SimpleGroup( [new SimpleObject(oFish, 2,3, 0,2)], true, clFood ); createObjectGroupsDeprecated(group, 0, [avoidClasses(clFood, 15), stayClasses(clWater, 6)], 20 * numPlayers, 60 ); setSunElevation(randFloat(PI/5, PI / 3)); setSunRotation(randFloat(0, TWO_PI)); setSkySet("cumulus"); setSunColor(0.73,0.73,0.65); setTerrainAmbientColor(0.45,0.45,0.50); setUnitsAmbientColor(0.4,0.4,0.4); setWaterColor(0.263, 0.353, 0.616); setWaterTint(0.104, 0.172, 0.563); setWaterWaviness(5.0); setWaterType("ocean"); setWaterMurkiness(0.83); ExportMap(); function getNeighborsHeight(x1, z1) { var toCheck = [ [-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,1], [1,1], [1,0], [1,-1], [0,-1] ]; var height = 0; for (var i in toCheck) { var xx = x1 + toCheck[i][0]; var zz = z1 + toCheck[i][1]; height += getHeight(round(xx),round(zz)); } height /= 8; return height; } // Taken from Corsica vs Sardinia with tweaks function PassMaker(x1, z1, x2, z2, startWidth, centerWidth, startElevation, centerElevation, smooth, tileclass, terrain) { var mapSize = g_Map.size; var stepNB = sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (z2-z1)*(z2-z1)) + 2; var startHeight = startElevation; var finishHeight = centerElevation; for (var step = 0; step <= stepNB; step+=0.5) { var ix = ((stepNB-step)*x1 + x2*step) / stepNB; var iz = ((stepNB-step)*z1 + z2*step) / stepNB; var width = (abs(step - stepNB/2.0) *startWidth + (stepNB/2 - abs(step - stepNB/2.0)) * centerWidth ) / (stepNB/2); var oldDirection = [x2-x1, z2-z1]; // let's get the perpendicular direction var direction = [ -oldDirection[1],oldDirection[0] ]; if (abs(direction[0]) > abs(direction[1])) { direction[1] = direction[1] / abs(direction[0]); if (direction[0] > 0) direction[0] = 1; else direction[0] = -1; } else { direction[0] = direction[0] / abs(direction[1]); if (direction[1] > 0) direction[1] = 1; else direction[1] = -1; } for (var po = -Math.floor(width/2.0); po <= Math.floor(width/2.0); po+=0.5) { var rx = po*direction[0]; var rz = po*direction[1]; var targetHeight = (abs(step - stepNB/2.0) *startHeight + (stepNB/2 - abs(step - stepNB/2.0)) * finishHeight ) / (stepNB/2); if (round(ix + rx) < mapSize && round(iz + rz) < mapSize && round(ix + rx) >= 0 && round(iz + rz) >= 0) { // smoothing the sides if ( abs(abs(po) - abs(Math.floor(width/2.0))) < smooth) { var localHeight = getHeight(round(ix + rx), round(iz + rz)); var localPart = smooth - abs(abs(po) - abs(Math.floor(width/2.0))); var targetHeight = (localHeight * localPart + targetHeight * (1/localPart) )/ (localPart + 1/localPart); } g_Map.setHeight(round(ix + rx), round(iz + rz), targetHeight); if (tileclass != null) addToClass(round(ix + rx), round(iz + rz), tileclass); if (terrain != null) placeTerrain(round(ix + rx), round(iz + rz), terrain); } } } } // no need for preliminary rounding function getHeightDifference(x1, z1) { x1 = round(x1); z1 = round(z1); var height = getHeight(x1,z1); if (!g_Map.inMapBounds(x1,z1)) return 0; // I wanna store the height difference with any neighbor var toCheck = [ [-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1,1], [0,1], [1,1], [1,0], [1,-1], [0,-1] ]; var diff = 0; var todiv = 0; for (var i in toCheck) { var xx = round(x1 + toCheck[i][0]); var zz = round(z1 + toCheck[i][1]); if (g_Map.inMapBounds(xx,zz)) { diff += abs(getHeight(xx,zz) - height); todiv++; } } if (todiv > 0) diff /= todiv; return diff; }