Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/gameTypeManager.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/gameTypeManager.js (revision 21015) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/petra/gameTypeManager.js (revision 21016) @@ -1,608 +1,618 @@ var PETRA = function(m) { /** * Handle events that are important to specific gameTypes * In regicide, train and manage healer guards and military guards for the hero. */ m.GameTypeManager = function(Config) { this.Config = Config; this.criticalEnts = new Map(); // Holds ids of all ents who are (or can be) guarding and if the ent is currently guarding this.guardEnts = new Map(); this.healersPerCriticalEnt = 2 + Math.round(this.Config.personality.defensive * 2); this.tryCaptureGaiaRelic = false; this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLapseTime = -1; this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocal = false; this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocalLapseTime = -1; // Gaia relics which we are targeting currently and have not captured yet this.targetedGaiaRelics = new Set(); }; /** * Cache the ids of any inital gameType-critical entities. * In regicide, these are the inital heroes that the player starts with. */ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.init = function(gameState) { if (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder") { for (let wonder of gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Wonder", true).values()) this.criticalEnts.set(, { "guardsAssigned": 0, "guards": new Map() }); } if (gameState.getGameType() === "regicide") { for (let hero of gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Hero", true).values()) { let defaultStance = hero.hasClass("Soldier") ? "aggressive" : "passive"; if (hero.getStance() !== defaultStance) hero.setStance(defaultStance); this.criticalEnts.set(, { "garrisonEmergency": false, "healersAssigned": 0, "guardsAssigned": 0, // for non-healer guards "guards": new Map() // ids of ents who are currently guarding this hero }); } } }; /** * In regicide mode, if the hero has less than 70% health, try to garrison it in a healing structure * If it is less than 40%, try to garrison in the closest possible structure * If the hero cannot garrison, retreat it to the closest base */ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.checkEvents = function(gameState, events) { if (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder") { for (let evt of events.Create) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent || !ent.isOwn(PlayerID) || ent.foundationProgress() === undefined || !ent.hasClass("Wonder")) continue; // Let's get a few units from other bases to build the wonder. let base =, "base")); let builders =, base, 10); if (builders) for (let worker of builders.values()) { worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", base.ID); worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "builder"); worker.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation",; } } for (let evt of events.ConstructionFinished) { if (!evt || !evt.newentity) continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.newentity); if (ent && ent.isOwn(PlayerID) && ent.hasClass("Wonder")) this.criticalEnts.set(, { "guardsAssigned": 0, "guards": new Map() }); } } if (gameState.getGameType() === "regicide") { for (let evt of events.Attacked) { if (!this.criticalEnts.has( continue; let target = gameState.getEntityById(; if (!target || !target.position() || target.healthLevel() > this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.high) continue; let plan = target.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan"); let hero = this.criticalEnts.get(; if (plan !== -2 && plan !== -3) { target.stopMoving(); if (plan >= 0) { let attackPlan =; if (attackPlan) attackPlan.removeUnit(target, true); } if (target.getMetadata(PlayerID, "PartOfArmy")) { let army =, "PartOfArmy")); if (army) army.removeOwn(gameState,; } hero.garrisonEmergency = target.healthLevel() < this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.low; this.pickCriticalEntRetreatLocation(gameState, target, hero.garrisonEmergency); } else if (target.healthLevel() < this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.low && !hero.garrisonEmergency) { // the hero is severely wounded, try to retreat/garrison quicker; this.pickCriticalEntRetreatLocation(gameState, target, true); hero.garrisonEmergency = true; } } for (let evt of events.TrainingFinished) for (let entId of evt.entities) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(entId); if (ent && ent.isOwn(PlayerID) && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "criticalEntHealer") this.assignGuardToCriticalEnt(gameState, ent); } for (let evt of events.Garrison) { if (!this.criticalEnts.has(evt.entity)) continue; let hero = this.criticalEnts.get(evt.entity); if (hero.garrisonEmergency) hero.garrisonEmergency = false; let holderEnt = gameState.getEntityById(evt.holder); if (!holderEnt) continue; if (holderEnt.hasClass("Ship")) { // If the hero is garrisoned on a ship, remove its guards for (let guardId of hero.guards.keys()) { let guardEnt = gameState.getEntityById(guardId); if (!guardEnt) continue; guardEnt.removeGuard(); this.guardEnts.set(guardId, false); } hero.guards.clear(); continue; } // Move the current guards to the garrison location. // TODO: try to garrison them with the critical ent. for (let guardId of hero.guards.keys()) { let guardEnt = gameState.getEntityById(guardId); if (!guardEnt) continue; let plan = guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan"); // Current military guards (with Soldier class) will have been assigned plan metadata, but healer guards // are not assigned a plan, and so they could be already moving to garrison somewhere due to low health. if (!guardEnt.hasClass("Soldier") && (plan === -2 || plan === -3)) continue; let pos = holderEnt.position(); let radius = holderEnt.obstructionRadius().max; if (pos) guardEnt.moveToRange(pos[0], pos[1], radius, radius + 5); } } } // Check if new healers/guards need to be assigned to an ent for (let evt of events.Destroy) { if (!evt.entityObj || evt.entityObj.owner() !== PlayerID) continue; let entId =; if (this.criticalEnts.has(entId)) { this.removeGuardsFromCriticalEnt(gameState, entId); continue; } if (!this.guardEnts.has(entId)) continue; for (let data of this.criticalEnts.values()) if (data.guards.has(entId)) { data.guards.delete(entId); if (evt.entityObj.hasClass("Healer")) --data.healersAssigned; else --data.guardsAssigned; break; } this.guardEnts.delete(entId); } for (let evt of events.UnGarrison) { if (!this.guardEnts.has(evt.entity) && !this.criticalEnts.has(evt.entity)) continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (!ent) continue; // If this ent travelled to a criticalEnt's accessValue, try again to assign as a guard if ((ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "criticalEntHealer" || ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "criticalEntGuard") && !this.guardEnts.get(evt.entity)) { this.assignGuardToCriticalEnt(gameState, ent, ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt")); continue; } if (!this.criticalEnts.has(evt.entity)) continue; // If this is a hero, try to assign ents that should be guarding it, but couldn't previously let criticalEnt = this.criticalEnts.get(evt.entity); for (let [id, isGuarding] of this.guardEnts) { if (criticalEnt.guards.size >= this.healersPerCriticalEnt) break; if (!isGuarding) { let guardEnt = gameState.getEntityById(id); if (guardEnt) this.assignGuardToCriticalEnt(gameState, guardEnt, evt.entity); } } } for (let evt of events.OwnershipChanged) { if (evt.from === PlayerID && this.criticalEnts.has(evt.entity)) { this.removeGuardsFromCriticalEnt(gameState, evt.entity); continue; } if (evt.from === 0 && this.targetedGaiaRelics.has(evt.entity)) this.targetedGaiaRelics.delete(evt.entity); if ( !== PlayerID) continue; let ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.entity); if (ent && (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder" && ent.hasClass("Wonder") || gameState.getGameType() === "capture_the_relic" && ent.hasClass("Relic"))) { this.criticalEnts.set(, { "guardsAssigned": 0, "guards": new Map() }); // Move captured relics to the closest base if (ent.hasClass("Unit")) { this.pickCriticalEntRetreatLocation(gameState, ent, false); if (evt.from === 0), evt.from); } if (ent.hasClass("Relic")) this.targetedGaiaRelics.delete(; } } }; m.GameTypeManager.prototype.removeGuardsFromCriticalEnt = function(gameState, criticalEntId) { for (let [guardId, role] of this.criticalEnts.get(criticalEntId).guards) { let guardEnt = gameState.getEntityById(guardId); if (!guardEnt) continue; if (role === "healer") this.guardEnts.set(guardId, false); else { guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1); guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", undefined); this.guardEnts.delete(guardId); } if (guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt")) guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt", undefined); } this.criticalEnts.delete(criticalEntId); }; /** * Try to keep some military units guarding any criticalEnts, if we can afford it. * If we have too low a population and require units for other needs, remove guards so they can be reassigned. * TODO: Swap citizen soldier guards with champions if they become available. */ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.manageCriticalEntGuards = function(gameState) { let numWorkers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker", true).length; if (numWorkers < 20) { for (let data of this.criticalEnts.values()) { for (let guardId of data.guards.keys()) { let guardEnt = gameState.getEntityById(guardId); if (!guardEnt || !guardEnt.hasClass("CitizenSoldier") || guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") !== "criticalEntGuard") continue; guardEnt.removeGuard(); guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -1); guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", undefined); this.guardEnts.delete(guardId); --data.guardsAssigned; if (guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt")) guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt", undefined); if (++numWorkers >= 20) break; } if (numWorkers >= 20) break; } } for (let [id, data] of this.criticalEnts) { let criticalEnt = gameState.getEntityById(id); if (!criticalEnt) continue; let militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt = (criticalEnt.hasClass("Wonder") ? 10 : 4) + Math.round(this.Config.personality.defensive * 5); if (data.guardsAssigned >= militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt) continue; // First try to pick guards in the criticalEnt's accessIndex, to avoid unnecessary transports for (let checkForSameAccess of [true, false]) { // First try to assign any Champion units we might have for (let entity of gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Champion", true).values()) { if (!this.tryAssignMilitaryGuard(gameState, entity, criticalEnt, checkForSameAccess)) continue; if (++data.guardsAssigned >= militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt) break; } if (data.guardsAssigned >= militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt || numWorkers <= 25) break; for (let entity of { if (!this.tryAssignMilitaryGuard(gameState, entity, criticalEnt, checkForSameAccess)) continue; --numWorkers; if (++data.guardsAssigned >= militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt || numWorkers <= 25) break; } if (data.guardsAssigned >= militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt || numWorkers <= 25) break; for (let entity of gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Soldier", true).values()) { if (!this.tryAssignMilitaryGuard(gameState, entity, criticalEnt, checkForSameAccess)) continue; --numWorkers; if (++data.guardsAssigned >= militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt || numWorkers <= 25) break; } if (data.guardsAssigned >= militaryGuardsPerCriticalEnt || numWorkers <= 25) break; } } }; m.GameTypeManager.prototype.tryAssignMilitaryGuard = function(gameState, guardEnt, criticalEnt, checkForSameAccess) { if (guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") !== undefined || guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined || this.criticalEnts.has( || checkForSameAccess && (!guardEnt.position() || !criticalEnt.position() || m.getLandAccess(gameState, criticalEnt) !== m.getLandAccess(gameState, guardEnt))) return false; if (!this.assignGuardToCriticalEnt(gameState, guardEnt, return false; guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "plan", -2); guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", "criticalEntGuard"); return true; }; m.GameTypeManager.prototype.pickCriticalEntRetreatLocation = function(gameState, criticalEnt, emergency) {, criticalEnt, emergency); let plan = criticalEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan"); if (plan === -2 || plan === -3) return; if (this.criticalEnts.get( this.criticalEnts.get( = false; // Couldn't find a place to garrison, so the ent will flee from attacks if (!criticalEnt.hasClass("Relic") && criticalEnt.getStance() !== "passive") criticalEnt.setStance("passive"); let accessIndex =; let bestBase = m.getBestBase(gameState, criticalEnt, true); if (bestBase.accessIndex == accessIndex) { let bestBasePos = bestBase.anchor.position(); criticalEnt.move(bestBasePos[0], bestBasePos[1]); } }; /** * The number of healers trained per critical ent (dependent on the defensive trait) * may not be the number of healers actually guarding an ent at any one time. */ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.trainCriticalEntHealer = function(gameState, queues, id) { if ( || !gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Temple", true).hasEntities()) return; let template = gameState.applyCiv("units/{civ}_support_healer_b"); queues.healer.addPlan(new m.TrainingPlan(gameState, template, { "role": "criticalEntHealer", "base": 0 }, 1, 1)); ++this.criticalEnts.get(id).healersAssigned; }; /** * Only send the guard command if the guard's accessIndex is the same as the critical ent * and the critical ent has a position (i.e. not garrisoned). * Request a transport if the accessIndex value is different, and if a transport is needed, * the guardEnt will be given metadata describing which entity it is being sent to guard, * which will be used once its transport has finished. * Return false if the guardEnt is not a valid guard unit (i.e. cannot guard or is being transported). */ m.GameTypeManager.prototype.assignGuardToCriticalEnt = function(gameState, guardEnt, criticalEntId) { if (guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "transport") !== undefined || !guardEnt.canGuard()) return false; if (!criticalEntId) { // Assign to the critical ent with the fewest guards let min = Math.min(); for (let [id, data] of this.criticalEnts) { + if (guardEnt.hasClass("Healer") && data.healersAssigned === undefined) + continue; if (data.guards.size > min) continue; criticalEntId = id; min = data.guards.size; } + if (criticalEntId) + { + let data = this.criticalEnts.get(criticalEntId); + if (guardEnt.hasClass("Healer")) + ++data.healersAssigned; + else + ++data.guardsAssigned; + } } if (!criticalEntId) { if (guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt")) guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt", undefined); return false; } let criticalEnt = gameState.getEntityById(criticalEntId); if (!criticalEnt || !criticalEnt.position() || !guardEnt.position()) { this.guardEnts.set(, false); return false; } if (guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt") !== criticalEntId) guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "guardedEnt", criticalEntId); let guardEntAccess =; let criticalEntAccess =; if (guardEntAccess === criticalEntAccess) { let queued = m.returnResources(gameState, guardEnt); guardEnt.guard(criticalEnt, queued); let guardRole = guardEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "role") === "criticalEntHealer" ? "healer" : "guard"; this.criticalEnts.get(criticalEntId).guards.set(, guardRole); // Switch this guard ent to the criticalEnt's base if (criticalEnt.hasClass("Structure") && criticalEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base") !== undefined) guardEnt.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", criticalEnt.getMetadata(PlayerID, "base")); } else, guardEnt, guardEntAccess, criticalEntAccess, criticalEnt.position()); this.guardEnts.set(, guardEntAccess === criticalEntAccess); return true; }; m.GameTypeManager.prototype.resetCaptureGaiaRelic = function(gameState) { // Do not capture gaia relics too frequently as the ai has access to the entire map this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLapseTime = + 300 - 30 * (this.Config.difficulty - 3); this.tryCaptureGaiaRelic = false; }; m.GameTypeManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, events, queues) { // Wait a turn for trigger scripts to spawn any critical ents (i.e. in regicide) if ( === 1) this.init(gameState); this.checkEvents(gameState, events); if (gameState.getGameType() === "wonder" && % 10 === 0) {, queues, true); this.manageCriticalEntGuards(gameState); } if (gameState.getGameType() === "regicide" && % 10 === 0) { for (let [id, data] of this.criticalEnts) { let ent = gameState.getEntityById(id); if (ent && ent.healthLevel() > this.Config.garrisonHealthLevel.high && ent.hasClass("Soldier") && ent.getStance() !== "aggressive") ent.setStance("aggressive"); if (data.healersAssigned < this.healersPerCriticalEnt && this.guardEnts.size < Math.min(gameState.getPopulationMax() / 10, gameState.getPopulation() / 4)) this.trainCriticalEntHealer(gameState, queues, id); } this.manageCriticalEntGuards(gameState); } if (gameState.getGameType() === "capture_the_relic" && % 10 === 0) { this.manageCriticalEntGuards(gameState); if (!this.tryCaptureGaiaRelic && > this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLapseTime) this.tryCaptureGaiaRelic = true; // Look for some relic that may be on our territory at game-start or if our territory boundaries change if (!this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocal && > this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocalLapseTime) { let allRelics = gameState.updatingGlobalCollection("allRelics", API3.Filters.byClass("Relic")); for (let relic of allRelics.values()) { let relicPosition = relic.position(); if (this.targetedGaiaRelics.has( || relic.owner() !== 0 || !relicPosition || !== PlayerID) continue;, relic); this.targetedGaiaRelics.add(; this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocal = false; this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocalLapseTime = + 60 - 30 * (this.Config.difficulty - 3); break; } } } }; m.GameTypeManager.prototype.Serialize = function() { return { "criticalEnts": this.criticalEnts, "guardEnts": this.guardEnts, "healersPerCriticalEnt": this.healersPerCriticalEnt, "tryCaptureGaiaRelic": this.tryCaptureGaiaRelic, "tryCaptureGaiaRelicLapseTime": this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLapseTime, "tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocal": this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocal, "tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocalLapseTime": this.tryCaptureGaiaRelicLocalLapseTime, "targetedGaiaRelics": this.targetedGaiaRelics }; }; m.GameTypeManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(data) { for (let key in data) this[key] = data[key]; }; return m; }(PETRA);