Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/functions_utility.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/functions_utility.js (revision 21826) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/functions_utility.js (revision 21827) @@ -1,228 +1,235 @@ /** * Used for acoustic GUI notifications. * Define the soundfile paths and specific time thresholds (avoid spam). * And store the timestamp of last interaction for each notification. */ var g_SoundNotifications = { "nick": { "soundfile": "audio/interface/ui/chat_alert.ogg", "threshold": 3000 } }; /** * Save setting for current instance and write setting to the user config file. */ function saveSettingAndWriteToUserConfig(setting, value) { Engine.ConfigDB_CreateValue("user", setting, value); Engine.ConfigDB_WriteValueToFile("user", setting, value, "config/user.cfg"); } /** * Returns translated history and gameplay data of all civs, optionally including a mock gaia civ. */ function loadCivData(selectableOnly, gaia) { let civData = loadCivFiles(selectableOnly); translateObjectKeys(civData, ["Name", "Description", "History", "Special"]); if (gaia) civData.gaia = { "Code": "gaia", "Name": translate("Gaia") }; return deepfreeze(civData); } // A sorting function for arrays of objects with 'name' properties, ignoring case function sortNameIgnoreCase(x, y) { let lowerX =; let lowerY =; if (lowerX < lowerY) return -1; if (lowerX > lowerY) return 1; return 0; } /** * Escape tag start and escape characters, so users cannot use special formatting. * Also limit string length to 256 characters (not counting escape characters). */ function escapeText(text, limitLength = true) { if (!text) return text; if (limitLength) text = text.substr(0, 255); return text.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/\[/g, "\\["); } function unescapeText(text) { if (!text) return text; return text.replace(/\\\\/g, "\\").replace(/\\\[/g, "\["); } /** * Merge players by team to remove duplicate Team entries, thus reducing the packet size of the lobby report. */ function playerDataToStringifiedTeamList(playerData) { let teamList = {}; for (let pData of playerData) { let team = pData.Team === undefined ? -1 : pData.Team; if (!teamList[team]) teamList[team] = []; teamList[team].push(pData); delete teamList[team].Team; } return escapeText(JSON.stringify(teamList), false); } function stringifiedTeamListToPlayerData(stringifiedTeamList) { - let teamList = JSON.parse(unescapeText(stringifiedTeamList)); + let teamList = {}; + try + { + teamList = JSON.parse(unescapeText(stringifiedTeamList)); + } + catch (e) {} + let playerData = []; for (let team in teamList) for (let pData of teamList[team]) { pData.Team = team; playerData.push(pData); } return playerData; } function translateMapTitle(mapTitle) { return mapTitle == "random" ? translateWithContext("map selection", "Random") : translate(mapTitle); } function removeDupes(array) { // loop backwards to make splice operations cheaper let i = array.length; while (i--) if (array.indexOf(array[i]) != i) array.splice(i, 1); } function singleplayerName() { return Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "playername.singleplayer") || Engine.GetSystemUsername(); } function multiplayerName() { return Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "playername.multiplayer") || Engine.GetSystemUsername(); } function tryAutoComplete(text, autoCompleteList) { if (!text.length) return text; var wordSplit = text.split(/\s/g); if (!wordSplit.length) return text; var lastWord = wordSplit.pop(); if (!lastWord.length) return text; for (var word of autoCompleteList) { if (word.toLowerCase().indexOf(lastWord.toLowerCase()) != 0) continue; text = wordSplit.join(" "); if (text.length > 0) text += " "; text += word; break; } return text; } function autoCompleteNick(guiObject, playernames) { let text = guiObject.caption; if (!text.length) return; let bufferPosition = guiObject.buffer_position; let textTillBufferPosition = text.substring(0, bufferPosition); let newText = tryAutoComplete(textTillBufferPosition, playernames); guiObject.caption = newText + text.substring(bufferPosition); guiObject.buffer_position = bufferPosition + (newText.length - textTillBufferPosition.length); } function clearChatMessages() { g_ChatMessages.length = 0; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatText").caption = ""; - try { + try + { for (let timer of g_ChatTimers) clearTimeout(timer); g_ChatTimers.length = 0; - } catch (e) { } + catch (e) {} } /** * Manage acoustic GUI notifications. * * @param {string} type - Notification type. */ function soundNotification(type) { if (Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "sound.notify." + type) != "true") return; let notificationType = g_SoundNotifications[type]; let timeNow =; if (!notificationType.lastInteractionTime || timeNow > notificationType.lastInteractionTime + notificationType.threshold) Engine.PlayUISound(notificationType.soundfile, false); notificationType.lastInteractionTime = timeNow; } /** * Horizontally spaces objects within a parent * * @param margin The gap, in px, between the objects */ function horizontallySpaceObjects(parentName, margin = 0) { let objects = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(parentName).children; for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i) { let size = objects[i].size; let width = size.right - size.left; size.left = i * (width + margin) + margin; size.right = (i + 1) * (width + margin); objects[i].size = size; } } /** * Hide all children after a certain index */ function hideRemaining(parentName, start = 0) { let objects = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(parentName).children; for (let i = start; i < objects.length; ++i) objects[i].hidden = true; } Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/lobby/lobby.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/lobby/lobby.js (revision 21826) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/lobby/lobby.js (revision 21827) @@ -1,1582 +1,1591 @@ /** * Used for the gamelist-filtering. */ const g_MapSizes = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.MapSizes); /** * Used for the gamelist-filtering. */ const g_MapTypes = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.MapTypes); /** * Used for civ settings display of the selected game. */ const g_CivData = loadCivData(false, false); /** * A symbol which is prepended to the username of moderators. */ var g_ModeratorPrefix = "@"; /** * Current username. Cannot contain whitespace. */ const g_Username = Engine.LobbyGetNick(); /** * Lobby server address to construct host JID. */ const g_LobbyServer = Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "lobby.server"); /** * Current games will be listed in these colors. */ var g_GameColors = { "init": "0 219 0", "waiting": "255 127 0", "running": "219 0 0", "incompatible": "gray" }; /** * Initial sorting order of the gamelist. */ var g_GameStatusOrder = ["init", "waiting", "running", "incompatible"]; /** * The playerlist will be assembled using these values. */ var g_PlayerStatuses = { "available": { "color": "0 219 0", "status": translate("Online") }, "away": { "color": "229 76 13", "status": translate("Away") }, "playing": { "color": "200 0 0", "status": translate("Busy") }, "offline": { "color": "0 0 0", "status": translate("Offline") }, "unknown": { "color": "178 178 178", "status": translateWithContext("lobby presence", "Unknown") } }; var g_RoleNames = { "moderator": translate("Moderator"), "participant": translate("Player"), "visitor": translate("Muted Player") }; /** * Color for error messages in the chat. */ var g_SystemColor = "150 0 0"; /** * Color for private messages in the chat. */ var g_PrivateMessageColor = "0 150 0"; /** * Used for highlighting the sender of chat messages. */ var g_SenderFont = "sans-bold-13"; /** * Color to highlight chat commands in the explanation. */ var g_ChatCommandColor = "200 200 255"; /** * Indicates if the lobby is opened as a dialog or window. */ var g_Dialog = false; /** * All chat messages received since init (i.e. after lobby join and after returning from a game). */ var g_ChatMessages = []; /** * Rating of the current user. * Contains the number or an empty string in case the user has no rating. */ var g_UserRating = ""; /** * All games currently running. */ var g_GameList = []; /** * Used to restore the selection after updating the playerlist. */ var g_SelectedPlayer = ""; /** * Used to restore the selection after updating the gamelist. */ var g_SelectedGameIP = ""; /** * Used to restore the selection after updating the gamelist. */ var g_SelectedGamePort = ""; /** * Whether the current user has been kicked or banned. */ var g_Kicked = false; /** * Whether the player was already asked to reconnect to the lobby. * Ensures that no more than one message box is opened at a time. */ var g_AskedReconnect = false; /** * Processing of notifications sent by XmppClient.cpp. * * @returns true if the playerlist GUI must be updated. */ var g_NetMessageTypes = { "system": { // Three cases are handled in prelobby.js "registered": msg => false, "connected": msg => { g_AskedReconnect = false; updateConnectedState(); return false; }, "disconnected": msg => { updateGameList(); updateLeaderboard(); updateConnectedState(); if (!g_Kicked) { addChatMessage({ "from": "system", "time": msg.time, "text": translate("Disconnected.") + " " + msg.reason }); reconnectMessageBox(); } return true; }, "error": msg => { addChatMessage({ "from": "system", "time": msg.time, "text": msg.text }); return false; } }, "chat": { "subject": msg => { updateSubject(msg.subject); if (msg.nick) addChatMessage({ "text": "/special " + sprintf(translate("%(nick)s changed the lobby subject to %(subject)s"), { "nick": msg.nick, "subject": msg.subject }), "time": msg.time, "isSpecial": true }); return false; }, "join": msg => { addChatMessage({ "text": "/special " + sprintf(translate("%(nick)s has joined."), { "nick": msg.nick }), "time": msg.time, "isSpecial": true }); return true; }, "leave": msg => { addChatMessage({ "text": "/special " + sprintf(translate("%(nick)s has left."), { "nick": msg.nick }), "time": msg.time, "isSpecial": true }); if (msg.nick == g_Username) Engine.DisconnectXmppClient(); return true; }, "presence": msg => true, "role": msg => { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput").hidden = Engine.LobbyGetPlayerRole(g_Username) == "visitor"; let me = g_Username == msg.nick; let newrole = Engine.LobbyGetPlayerRole(msg.nick); let txt = newrole == "visitor" ? me ? translate("You have been muted.") : translate("%(nick)s has been muted.") : newrole == "moderator" ? me ? translate("You are now a moderator.") : translate("%(nick)s is now a moderator.") : msg.oldrole == "visitor" ? me ? translate("You have been unmuted.") : translate("%(nick)s has been unmuted.") : me ? translate("You are not a moderator anymore.") : translate("%(nick)s is not a moderator anymore."); addChatMessage({ "text": "/special " + sprintf(txt, { "nick": msg.nick }), "time": msg.time, "isSpecial": true }); if (g_SelectedPlayer == msg.nick) updateUserRoleText(g_SelectedPlayer); return false; }, "nick": msg => { addChatMessage({ "text": "/special " + sprintf(translate("%(oldnick)s is now known as %(newnick)s."), { "oldnick": msg.oldnick, "newnick": msg.newnick }), "time": msg.time, "isSpecial": true }); return true; }, "kicked": msg => { handleKick(false, msg.nick, msg.reason, msg.time, msg.historic); return true; }, "banned": msg => { handleKick(true, msg.nick, msg.reason, msg.time, msg.historic); return true; }, "room-message": msg => { addChatMessage({ "from": escapeText(msg.from), "text": escapeText(msg.text), "time": msg.time, "historic": msg.historic }); return false; }, "private-message": msg => { // Announcements and the Message of the Day are sent by the server directly if (!msg.from) messageBox( 400, 250, msg.text.trim(), translate("Notice") ); // We intend to not support private messages between users if (!msg.from || Engine.LobbyGetPlayerRole(msg.from) == "moderator") // some XMPP clients send trailing whitespace addChatMessage({ "from": escapeText(msg.from || "system"), "text": escapeText(msg.text.trim()), "time": msg.time, "historic": msg.historic, "private": true }); return false; } }, "game": { "gamelist": msg => { updateGameList(); return false; }, "profile": msg => { updateProfile(); return false; }, "leaderboard": msg => { updateLeaderboard(); return false; }, "ratinglist": msg => { return true; } } }; /** * Commands that can be entered by clients via chat input. * A handler returns true if the user input should be sent as a chat message. */ var g_ChatCommands = { "away": { "description": translate("Set your state to 'Away'."), "handler": args => { Engine.LobbySetPlayerPresence("away"); return false; } }, "back": { "description": translate("Set your state to 'Online'."), "handler": args => { Engine.LobbySetPlayerPresence("available"); return false; } }, "kick": { "description": translate("Kick a specified user from the lobby. Usage: /kick nick reason"), "handler": args => { Engine.LobbyKick(args[0] || "", args[1] || ""); return false; }, "moderatorOnly": true }, "ban": { "description": translate("Ban a specified user from the lobby. Usage: /ban nick reason"), "handler": args => { Engine.LobbyBan(args[0] || "", args[1] || ""); return false; }, "moderatorOnly": true }, "help": { "description": translate("Show this help."), "handler": args => { let isModerator = Engine.LobbyGetPlayerRole(g_Username) == "moderator"; let text = translate("Chat commands:"); for (let command in g_ChatCommands) if (!g_ChatCommands[command].moderatorOnly || isModerator) // Translation: Chat command help format text += "\n" + sprintf(translate("%(command)s - %(description)s"), { "command": coloredText(command, g_ChatCommandColor), "description": g_ChatCommands[command].description }); addChatMessage({ "from": "system", "text": text }); return false; } }, "me": { "description": translate("Send a chat message about yourself. Example: /me goes swimming."), "handler": args => true }, "say": { "description": translate("Send text as a chat message (even if it starts with slash). Example: /say /help is a great command."), "handler": args => true }, "clear": { "description": translate("Clear all chat scrollback."), "handler": args => { clearChatMessages(); return false; } }, "quit": { "description": translate("Return to the main menu."), "handler": args => { leaveLobby(); return false; } } }; /** * Called after the XmppConnection succeeded and when returning from a game. * * @param {Object} attribs */ function init(attribs) { g_Dialog = attribs && attribs.dialog; if (!g_Settings) { leaveLobby(); return; } initMusic();; initDialogStyle(); initGameFilters(); updateConnectedState(); Engine.LobbySetPlayerPresence("available"); // When rejoining the lobby after a game, we don't need to process presence changes Engine.LobbyClearPresenceUpdates(); updatePlayerList(); updateSubject(Engine.LobbyGetRoomSubject()); updateLobbyColumns(); updateToggleBuddy(); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput").tooltip = colorizeAutocompleteHotkey(); // Get all messages since the login for (let msg of Engine.LobbyGuiPollHistoricMessages()) g_NetMessageTypes[msg.type][msg.level](msg); if (!Engine.IsXmppClientConnected()) reconnectMessageBox(); } function reconnectMessageBox() { if (g_AskedReconnect) return; g_AskedReconnect = true; messageBox( 400, 200, translate("You have been disconnected from the lobby. Do you want to reconnect?"), translate("Confirmation"), [translate("No"), translate("Yes")], [null, Engine.ConnectXmppClient]); } /** * Set style of GUI elements and the window style. */ function initDialogStyle() { let lobbyWindow = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("lobbyWindow"); lobbyWindow.sprite = g_Dialog ? "ModernDialog" : "ModernWindow"; lobbyWindow.size = g_Dialog ? "42 42 100%-42 100%-42" : "0 0 100% 100%"; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("lobbyWindowTitle").size = g_Dialog ? "50%-128 -16 50%+128 16" : "50%-128 4 50%+128 36"; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("leaveButton").caption = g_Dialog ? translateWithContext("previous page", "Back") : translateWithContext("previous page", "Main Menu"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("hostButton").hidden = g_Dialog; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("joinGameButton").hidden = g_Dialog; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameInfoEmpty").size = "0 0 100% 100%-24" + (g_Dialog ? "" : "-30"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameInfo").size = "0 0 100% 100%-24" + (g_Dialog ? "" : "-60"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("middlePanel").size = "20%+5 " + (g_Dialog ? "18" : "40") + " 100%-255 100%-20"; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("rightPanel").size = "100%-250 " + (g_Dialog ? "18" : "40") + " 100%-20 100%-20"; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("leftPanel").size = "20 " + (g_Dialog ? "18" : "40") + " 20% 100%-315"; if (g_Dialog) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("lobbyDialogToggle").onPress = leaveLobby; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("cancelDialog").onPress = leaveLobby; } } /** * Set style of GUI elements according to the connection state of the lobby. */ function updateConnectedState() { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput").hidden = !Engine.IsXmppClientConnected(); for (let button of ["host", "leaderboard", "userprofile", "toggleBuddy"]) Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(button + "Button").enabled = Engine.IsXmppClientConnected(); } function updateLobbyColumns() { let gameRating = Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "lobby.columns.gamerating") == "true"; // Only show the selected columns let gamesBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gamesBox"); gamesBox.hidden_mapType = gameRating; gamesBox.hidden_gameRating = !gameRating; // Only show the filters of selected columns let mapTypeFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapTypeFilter"); mapTypeFilter.hidden = gameRating; let gameRatingFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameRatingFilter"); gameRatingFilter.hidden = !gameRating; // Keep filters right above the according column let playersNumberFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersNumberFilter"); let size = playersNumberFilter.size; size.rleft = gameRating ? 74 : 90; size.rright = gameRating ? 84 : 100; playersNumberFilter.size = size; } function leaveLobby() { if (g_Dialog) { Engine.LobbySetPlayerPresence("playing"); Engine.PopGuiPage(); } else { Engine.StopXmppClient(); Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_pregame.xml"); } } function initGameFilters() { let mapSizeFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapSizeFilter"); mapSizeFilter.list = [translateWithContext("map size", "Any")].concat(g_MapSizes.Name); mapSizeFilter.list_data = [""].concat(g_MapSizes.Tiles); let playersArray = Array(g_MaxPlayers).fill(0).map((v, i) => i + 1); // 1, 2, ... MaxPlayers let playersNumberFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersNumberFilter"); playersNumberFilter.list = [translateWithContext("player number", "Any")].concat(playersArray); playersNumberFilter.list_data = [""].concat(playersArray); let mapTypeFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapTypeFilter"); mapTypeFilter.list = [translateWithContext("map", "Any")].concat(g_MapTypes.Title); mapTypeFilter.list_data = [""].concat(g_MapTypes.Name); let gameRatingOptions = [">1500", ">1400", ">1300", ">1200", "<1200", "<1100", "<1000"]; gameRatingOptions = prepareForDropdown( => ({ "value": r, "label": sprintf( r[0] == ">" ? translateWithContext("gamelist filter", "> %(rating)s") : translateWithContext("gamelist filter", "< %(rating)s"), { "rating": r.substr(1) }) }))); let gameRatingFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameRatingFilter"); gameRatingFilter.list = [translateWithContext("map", "Any")].concat(gameRatingOptions.label); gameRatingFilter.list_data = [""].concat(gameRatingOptions.value); resetFilters(); } function resetFilters() { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapSizeFilter").selected = 0; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersNumberFilter").selected = 0; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapTypeFilter").selected = g_MapTypes.Default; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameRatingFilter").selected = 0; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("filterOpenGames").checked = false; applyFilters(); } function applyFilters() { updateGameList(); updateGameSelection(); } /** * Filter a game based on the status of the filter dropdowns. * * @param {Object} game * @returns {boolean} - True if game should not be displayed. */ function filterGame(game) { let mapSizeFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapSizeFilter"); let playersNumberFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersNumberFilter"); let mapTypeFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapTypeFilter"); let gameRatingFilter = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameRatingFilter"); let filterOpenGames = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("filterOpenGames"); // We assume index 0 means display all for any given filter. if (mapSizeFilter.selected != 0 && game.mapSize != mapSizeFilter.list_data[mapSizeFilter.selected]) return true; if (playersNumberFilter.selected != 0 && game.maxnbp != playersNumberFilter.list_data[playersNumberFilter.selected]) return true; if (mapTypeFilter.selected != 0 && game.mapType != mapTypeFilter.list_data[mapTypeFilter.selected]) return true; if (filterOpenGames.checked && (game.nbp >= game.maxnbp || game.state != "init")) return true; if (gameRatingFilter.selected > 0) { let selected = gameRatingFilter.list_data[gameRatingFilter.selected]; if (selected.startsWith(">") && +selected.substr(1) >= game.gameRating || selected.startsWith("<") && +selected.substr(1) <= game.gameRating) return true; } return false; } function handleKick(banned, nick, reason, time, historic) { let kickString = nick == g_Username ? banned ? translate("You have been banned from the lobby!") : translate("You have been kicked from the lobby!") : banned ? translate("%(nick)s has been banned from the lobby.") : translate("%(nick)s has been kicked from the lobby."); if (reason) reason = sprintf(translateWithContext("lobby kick", "Reason: %(reason)s"), { "reason": reason }); if (nick != g_Username) { addChatMessage({ "text": "/special " + sprintf(kickString, { "nick": nick }) + " " + reason, "time": time, "historic": historic, "isSpecial": true }); return; } addChatMessage({ "from": "system", "time": time, "text": kickString + " " + reason, }); g_Kicked = true; Engine.DisconnectXmppClient(); messageBox( 400, 250, kickString + "\n" + reason, banned ? translate("BANNED") : translate("KICKED") ); } /** * Update the subject GUI object. */ function updateSubject(newSubject) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("subject").caption = newSubject; // If the subject is only whitespace, hide it and reposition the logo. let subjectBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("subjectBox"); subjectBox.hidden = !newSubject.trim(); let logo = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("logo"); if (subjectBox.hidden) logo.size = "50%-110 50%-50 50%+110 50%+50"; else logo.size = "50%-110 40 50%+110 140"; } /** * Update the caption of the toggle buddy button. */ function updateToggleBuddy() { let playerList = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersBox"); let playerName = playerList.list[playerList.selected]; let toggleBuddyButton = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("toggleBuddyButton"); toggleBuddyButton.caption = g_Buddies.indexOf(playerName) != -1 ? translate("Unmark as Buddy") : translate("Mark as Buddy"); toggleBuddyButton.enabled = playerName && playerName != g_Username; } /** * Do a full update of the player listing, including ratings from cached C++ information. */ function updatePlayerList() { let playersBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersBox"); let sortBy = playersBox.selected_column || "name"; let sortOrder = playersBox.selected_column_order || 1; let buddyStatusList = []; let playerList = []; let presenceList = []; let nickList = []; let ratingList = []; let cleanPlayerList = Engine.GetPlayerList().map(player => { player.isBuddy = g_Buddies.indexOf( != -1; return player; }).sort((a, b) => { let sortA, sortB; let statusOrder = Object.keys(g_PlayerStatuses); let statusA = statusOrder.indexOf(a.presence) +; let statusB = statusOrder.indexOf(b.presence) +; switch (sortBy) { case 'buddy': sortA = (a.isBuddy ? 1 : 2) + statusA; sortB = (b.isBuddy ? 1 : 2) + statusB; break; case 'rating': sortA = +a.rating; sortB = +b.rating; break; case 'status': sortA = statusA; sortB = statusB; break; case 'name': default: sortA =; sortB =; break; } if (sortA < sortB) return -sortOrder; if (sortA > sortB) return +sortOrder; return 0; }); // Colorize list entries for (let player of cleanPlayerList) { if (player.rating && == g_Username) g_UserRating = player.rating; let rating = player.rating ? (" " + player.rating).substr(-5) : " -"; let presence = g_PlayerStatuses[player.presence] ? player.presence : "unknown"; if (presence == "unknown") warn("Unknown presence:" + player.presence); let statusColor = g_PlayerStatuses[presence].color; buddyStatusList.push(player.isBuddy ? coloredText(g_BuddySymbol, statusColor) : ""); playerList.push(colorPlayerName((player.role == "moderator" ? g_ModeratorPrefix : "") +; presenceList.push(coloredText(g_PlayerStatuses[presence].status, statusColor)); ratingList.push(coloredText(rating, statusColor)); nickList.push(; } playersBox.list_buddy = buddyStatusList; playersBox.list_name = playerList; playersBox.list_status = presenceList; playersBox.list_rating = ratingList; playersBox.list = nickList; playersBox.selected = playersBox.list.indexOf(g_SelectedPlayer); } /** * Toggle buddy state for a player in playerlist within the user config */ function toggleBuddy() { let playerList = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersBox"); let name = playerList.list[playerList.selected]; if (!name || name == g_Username || name.indexOf(g_BuddyListDelimiter) != -1) return; let index = g_Buddies.indexOf(name); if (index != -1) g_Buddies.splice(index, 1); else g_Buddies.push(name); updateToggleBuddy(); saveSettingAndWriteToUserConfig("lobby.buddies", g_Buddies.filter(nick => nick).join(g_BuddyListDelimiter) || g_BuddyListDelimiter); updatePlayerList(); updateGameList(); } /** * Select the game where the selected player is currently playing, observing or offline. * Selects in that order to account for players that occur in multiple games. */ function selectGameFromPlayername() { if (!g_SelectedPlayer) return; let gameList = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gamesBox"); let foundAsObserver = false; for (let i = 0; i < g_GameList.length; ++i) for (let player of stringifiedTeamListToPlayerData(g_GameList[i].players)) { if (g_SelectedPlayer != splitRatingFromNick(player.Name).nick) continue; gameList.auto_scroll = true; if (player.Team == "observer") { foundAsObserver = true; gameList.selected = i; } else if (!player.Offline) { gameList.selected = i; return; } else if (!foundAsObserver) gameList.selected = i; } } function onPlayerListSelection() { let playerList = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersBox"); if (playerList.selected == playerList.list.indexOf(g_SelectedPlayer)) return; g_SelectedPlayer = playerList.list[playerList.selected]; lookupSelectedUserProfile("playersBox"); updateToggleBuddy(); selectGameFromPlayername(); } function setLeaderboardVisibility(visible) { if (visible) Engine.SendGetBoardList(); lookupSelectedUserProfile(visible ? "leaderboardBox" : "playersBox"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("leaderboard").hidden = !visible; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("fade").hidden = !visible; } function setUserProfileVisibility(visible) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileFetch").hidden = !visible; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("fade").hidden = !visible; } /** * Display the profile of the player in the user profile window. */ function lookupUserProfile() { Engine.SendGetProfile(Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("fetchInput").caption); } /** * Display the profile of the selected player in the main window. * Displays N/A for all stats until updateProfile is called when the stats * are actually received from the bot. */ function lookupSelectedUserProfile(guiObjectName) { let playerList = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(guiObjectName); let playerName = playerList.list[playerList.selected]; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileArea").hidden = !playerName && !Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("usernameText").caption; if (!playerName) return; Engine.SendGetProfile(playerName); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("usernameText").caption = playerName; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("rankText").caption = translate("N/A"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("highestRatingText").caption = translate("N/A"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("totalGamesText").caption = translate("N/A"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("winsText").caption = translate("N/A"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("lossesText").caption = translate("N/A"); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("ratioText").caption = translate("N/A"); updateUserRoleText(playerName); } function updateUserRoleText(playerName) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("roleText").caption = g_RoleNames[Engine.LobbyGetPlayerRole(playerName) || "participant"]; } /** * Update the profile of the selected player with data from the bot. */ function updateProfile() { let attributes = Engine.GetProfile()[0]; let user = colorPlayerName(attributes.player, attributes.rating); if (!Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileFetch").hidden) { let profileFound = attributes.rating != "-2"; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileWindowArea").hidden = !profileFound; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileErrorText").hidden = profileFound; if (!profileFound) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileErrorText").caption = sprintf( translate("Player \"%(nick)s\" not found."), { "nick": attributes.player } ); return; } Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileUsernameText").caption = user; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileRankText").caption = attributes.rank; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileHighestRatingText").caption = attributes.highestRating; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileTotalGamesText").caption = attributes.totalGamesPlayed; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileWinsText").caption = attributes.wins; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileLossesText").caption = attributes.losses; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("profileRatioText").caption = formatWinRate(attributes); return; } let playerList; if (!Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("leaderboard").hidden) playerList = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("leaderboardBox"); else playerList = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playersBox"); if (attributes.rating == "-2") return; // Make sure the stats we have received coincide with the selected player. if (attributes.player != playerList.list[playerList.selected]) return; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("usernameText").caption = user; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("rankText").caption = attributes.rank; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("highestRatingText").caption = attributes.highestRating; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("totalGamesText").caption = attributes.totalGamesPlayed; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("winsText").caption = attributes.wins; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("lossesText").caption = attributes.losses; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("ratioText").caption = formatWinRate(attributes); } /** * Update the leaderboard from data cached in C++. */ function updateLeaderboard() { let leaderboard = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("leaderboardBox"); let boardList = Engine.GetBoardList().sort((a, b) => b.rating - a.rating); let list = []; let list_name = []; let list_rank = []; let list_rating = []; for (let i in boardList) { list_name.push(boardList[i].name); list_rating.push(boardList[i].rating); list_rank.push(+i + 1); list.push(boardList[i].name); } leaderboard.list_name = list_name; leaderboard.list_rating = list_rating; leaderboard.list_rank = list_rank; leaderboard.list = list; if (leaderboard.selected >= leaderboard.list.length) leaderboard.selected = -1; } /** * Update the game listing from data cached in C++. */ function updateGameList() { let gamesBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gamesBox"); let sortBy = gamesBox.selected_column; let sortOrder = gamesBox.selected_column_order; if (gamesBox.selected > -1) { g_SelectedGameIP = g_GameList[gamesBox.selected].ip; g_SelectedGamePort = g_GameList[gamesBox.selected].port; } g_GameList = Engine.GetGameList().map(game => { game.hasBuddies = 0; // Compute average rating of participating players let playerRatings = []; for (let player of stringifiedTeamListToPlayerData(game.players)) { let playerNickRating = splitRatingFromNick(player.Name); if (player.Team != "observer") playerRatings.push(playerNickRating.rating || g_DefaultLobbyRating); // Sort games with playing buddies above games with spectating buddies if (game.hasBuddies < 2 && g_Buddies.indexOf(playerNickRating.nick) != -1) game.hasBuddies = player.Team == "observer" ? 1 : 2; } game.gameRating = playerRatings.length ? Math.round(playerRatings.reduce((sum, current) => sum + current) / playerRatings.length) : g_DefaultLobbyRating; - if (!hasSameMods(JSON.parse(game.mods), Engine.GetEngineInfo().mods)) + try + { + game.mods = JSON.parse(game.mods); + } + catch (e) + { + game.mods = []; + } + + if (!hasSameMods(game.mods, Engine.GetEngineInfo().mods)) game.state = "incompatible"; return game; }).filter(game => !filterGame(game)).sort((a, b) => { let sortA, sortB; switch (sortBy) { case 'name': sortA = g_GameStatusOrder.indexOf(a.state) +; sortB = g_GameStatusOrder.indexOf(b.state) +; break; case 'gameRating': case 'mapSize': case 'mapType': sortA = a[sortBy]; sortB = b[sortBy]; break; case 'buddy': sortA = String(b.hasBuddies) + g_GameStatusOrder.indexOf(a.state) +; sortB = String(a.hasBuddies) + g_GameStatusOrder.indexOf(b.state) +; break; case 'mapName': sortA = translate(a.niceMapName); sortB = translate(b.niceMapName); break; case 'nPlayers': sortA = a.maxnbp; sortB = b.maxnbp; break; } if (sortA < sortB) return -sortOrder; if (sortA > sortB) return +sortOrder; return 0; }); let list_buddy = []; let list_name = []; let list_mapName = []; let list_mapSize = []; let list_mapType = []; let list_nPlayers = []; let list_gameRating = []; let list = []; let list_data = []; let selectedGameIndex = -1; for (let i in g_GameList) { let game = g_GameList[i]; let gameName = escapeText(; let mapTypeIdx = g_MapTypes.Name.indexOf(game.mapType); if (game.ip == g_SelectedGameIP && game.port == g_SelectedGamePort) selectedGameIndex = +i; list_buddy.push(game.hasBuddies ? coloredText(g_BuddySymbol, g_GameColors[game.state]) : ""); list_name.push(coloredText(gameName, g_GameColors[game.state])); list_mapName.push(translateMapTitle(game.niceMapName)); list_mapSize.push(translateMapSize(game.mapSize)); list_mapType.push(g_MapTypes.Title[mapTypeIdx] || ""); list_nPlayers.push(game.nbp + "/" + game.maxnbp); list_gameRating.push(game.gameRating); list.push(gameName); list_data.push(i); } gamesBox.list_buddy = list_buddy; gamesBox.list_name = list_name; gamesBox.list_mapName = list_mapName; gamesBox.list_mapSize = list_mapSize; gamesBox.list_mapType = list_mapType; gamesBox.list_nPlayers = list_nPlayers; gamesBox.list_gameRating = list_gameRating; // Change these last, otherwise crash gamesBox.list = list; gamesBox.list_data = list_data; gamesBox.auto_scroll = false; gamesBox.selected = selectedGameIndex; updateGameSelection(); } /** * Populate the game info area with information on the current game selection. */ function updateGameSelection() { let game = selectedGame(); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameInfo").hidden = !game; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("joinGameButton").hidden = g_Dialog || !game; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gameInfoEmpty").hidden = game; if (!game) return; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("sgMapName").caption = translateMapTitle(game.niceMapName); let sgGameStartTime = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("sgGameStartTime"); let sgNbPlayers = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("sgNbPlayers"); let sgPlayersNames = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("sgPlayersNames"); let playersNamesSize = sgPlayersNames.size; = game.startTime ? sgGameStartTime.size.bottom : sgNbPlayers.size.bottom; playersNamesSize.rtop = game.startTime ? sgGameStartTime.size.rbottom : sgNbPlayers.size.rbottom; sgPlayersNames.size = playersNamesSize; sgGameStartTime.hidden = !game.startTime; if (game.startTime) sgGameStartTime.caption = sprintf( // Translation: %(time)s is the hour and minute here. translate("Game started at %(time)s"), { "time": Engine.FormatMillisecondsIntoDateStringLocal(+game.startTime * 1000, translate("HH:mm")) }); sgNbPlayers.caption = sprintf( translate("Players: %(current)s/%(total)s"), { "current": game.nbp, "total": game.maxnbp }); sgPlayersNames.caption = formatPlayerInfo(stringifiedTeamListToPlayerData(game.players)); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("sgMapSize").caption = translateMapSize(game.mapSize); let mapTypeIdx = g_MapTypes.Name.indexOf(game.mapType); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("sgMapType").caption = g_MapTypes.Title[mapTypeIdx] || ""; let mapData = getMapDescriptionAndPreview(game.mapType, game.mapName); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("sgMapDescription").caption = mapData.description; setMapPreviewImage("sgMapPreview", mapData.preview); } function selectedGame() { let gamesBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("gamesBox"); if (gamesBox.selected < 0) return undefined; return g_GameList[gamesBox.list_data[gamesBox.selected]]; } /** * Immediately rejoin and join gamesetups. Otherwise confirm late-observer join attempt. */ function joinButton() { let game = selectedGame(); if (!game || g_Dialog) return; let rating = getRejoinRating(game); let username = rating ? g_Username + " (" + rating + ")" : g_Username; if (game.state == "incompatible") messageBox( 400, 200, translate("Your active mods do not match the mods of this game.") + "\n\n" + - comparedModsString(JSON.parse(game.mods), Engine.GetEngineInfo().mods) + "\n\n" + + comparedModsString(game.mods, Engine.GetEngineInfo().mods) + "\n\n" + translate("Do you want to switch to the mod selection page?"), translate("Incompatible mods"), [translate("No"), translate("Yes")], [ null, () => { Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_modmod.xml", { "cancelbutton": true }); } ] ); else if (game.state == "init" || stringifiedTeamListToPlayerData(game.players).some(player => player.Name == username)) joinSelectedGame(); else messageBox( 400, 200, translate("The game has already started. Do you want to join as observer?"), translate("Confirmation"), [translate("No"), translate("Yes")], [null, joinSelectedGame] ); } /** * Attempt to join the selected game without asking for confirmation. */ function joinSelectedGame() { let game = selectedGame(); if (!game) return; let ip; let port; if (game.stunIP) { ip = game.stunIP; port = game.stunPort; } else { ip = game.ip; port = game.port; } if (ip.split('.').length != 4) { addChatMessage({ "from": "system", "text": sprintf( translate("This game's address '%(ip)s' does not appear to be valid."), { "ip": game.ip } ) }); return; } Engine.PushGuiPage("page_gamesetup_mp.xml", { "multiplayerGameType": "join", "ip": ip, "port": port, "name": g_Username, "rating": getRejoinRating(game), "useSTUN": !!game.stunIP, "hostJID": game.hostUsername + "@" + g_LobbyServer + "/0ad" }); } /** * Rejoin games with the original playername, even if the rating changed meanwhile. */ function getRejoinRating(game) { for (let player of stringifiedTeamListToPlayerData(game.players)) { let playerNickRating = splitRatingFromNick(player.Name); if (playerNickRating.nick == g_Username) return playerNickRating.rating; } return g_UserRating; } /** * Open the dialog box to enter the game name. */ function hostGame() { Engine.PushGuiPage("page_gamesetup_mp.xml", { "multiplayerGameType": "host", "name": g_Username, "rating": g_UserRating }); } /** * Processes GUI messages sent by the XmppClient. */ function onTick() { updateTimers(); let updateList = false; while (true) { let msg = Engine.LobbyGuiPollNewMessage(); if (!msg) break; if (!g_NetMessageTypes[msg.type]) { warn("Unrecognised message type: " + msg.type); continue; } if (!g_NetMessageTypes[msg.type][msg.level]) { warn("Unrecognised message level: " + msg.level); continue; } if (g_NetMessageTypes[msg.type][msg.level](msg)) updateList = true; } // To improve performance, only update the playerlist GUI when // the last update in the current stack is processed if (updateList) updatePlayerList(); } /** * Executes a lobby command or sends GUI input directly as chat. */ function submitChatInput() { let input = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatInput"); let text = input.caption; if (!text.length) return; if (handleChatCommand(text)) Engine.LobbySendMessage(text); input.caption = ""; } /** * Handle all '/' commands. * * @param {string} text - Text to be checked for commands. * @returns {boolean} true if the text should be sent via chat. */ function handleChatCommand(text) { if (text[0] != '/') return true; let [cmd, args] = ircSplit(text); args = ircSplit("/" + args); if (!g_ChatCommands[cmd]) { addChatMessage({ "from": "system", "text": sprintf( translate("The command '%(cmd)s' is not supported."), { "cmd": coloredText(cmd, g_ChatCommandColor) }) }); return false; } if (g_ChatCommands[cmd].moderatorOnly && Engine.LobbyGetPlayerRole(g_Username) != "moderator") { addChatMessage({ "from": "system", "text": sprintf( translate("The command '%(cmd)s' is restricted to moderators."), { "cmd": coloredText(cmd, g_ChatCommandColor) }) }); return false; } return g_ChatCommands[cmd].handler(args); } /** * Process and if appropriate, display a formatted message. * * @param {Object} msg - The message to be processed. */ function addChatMessage(msg) { if (msg.from) { if (Engine.LobbyGetPlayerRole(msg.from) == "moderator") msg.from = g_ModeratorPrefix + msg.from; // Highlight local user's nick if (g_Username != msg.from) { msg.text = msg.text.replace(g_Username, colorPlayerName(g_Username)); if (!msg.historic && msg.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(g_Username.toLowerCase()) != -1) soundNotification("nick"); } } let formatted = ircFormat(msg); if (!formatted) return; g_ChatMessages.push(formatted); Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("chatText").caption = g_ChatMessages.join("\n"); } /** * Splits given input into command and argument. */ function ircSplit(string) { let idx = string.indexOf(' '); if (idx != -1) return [string.substr(1, idx - 1), string.substr(idx + 1)]; return [string.substr(1), ""]; } /** * Format text in an IRC-like way. * * @param {Object} msg - Received chat message. * @returns {string} - Formatted text. */ function ircFormat(msg) { let formattedMessage = ""; let coloredFrom = msg.from && colorPlayerName(msg.from); // Handle commands allowed past handleChatCommand. if (msg.text[0] == '/') { let [command, message] = ircSplit(msg.text); switch (command) { case "me": { // Translation: IRC message prefix when the sender uses the /me command. let senderString = sprintf(translate("* %(sender)s"), { "sender": coloredFrom }); // Translation: IRC message issued using the ‘/me’ command. formattedMessage = sprintf(translate("%(sender)s %(action)s"), { "sender": senderFont(senderString), "action": message }); break; } case "say": { // Translation: IRC message prefix. let senderString = sprintf(translate("<%(sender)s>"), { "sender": coloredFrom }); // Translation: IRC message. formattedMessage = sprintf(translate("%(sender)s %(message)s"), { "sender": senderFont(senderString), "message": message }); break; } case "special": { if (msg.isSpecial) // Translation: IRC system message. formattedMessage = senderFont(sprintf(translate("== %(message)s"), { "message": message })); else { // Translation: IRC message prefix. let senderString = sprintf(translate("<%(sender)s>"), { "sender": coloredFrom }); // Translation: IRC message. formattedMessage = sprintf(translate("%(sender)s %(message)s"), { "sender": senderFont(senderString), "message": message }); } break; } default: return ""; } } else { let senderString; // Translation: IRC message prefix. if (msg.private) senderString = sprintf(translateWithContext("lobby private message", "(%(private)s) <%(sender)s>"), { "private": coloredText(translate("Private"), g_PrivateMessageColor), "sender": coloredFrom }); else senderString = sprintf(translate("<%(sender)s>"), { "sender": coloredFrom }); // Translation: IRC message. formattedMessage = sprintf(translate("%(sender)s %(message)s"), { "sender": senderFont(senderString), "message": msg.text }); } // Add chat message timestamp if (Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "chat.timestamp") != "true") return formattedMessage; // Translation: Time as shown in the multiplayer lobby (when you enable it in the options page). // For a list of symbols that you can use, see: // let timeString = Engine.FormatMillisecondsIntoDateStringLocal(msg.time ? msg.time * 1000 :, translate("HH:mm")); // Translation: Time prefix as shown in the multiplayer lobby (when you enable it in the options page). let timePrefixString = sprintf(translate("\\[%(time)s]"), { "time": timeString }); // Translation: IRC message format when there is a time prefix. return sprintf(translate("%(time)s %(message)s"), { "time": timePrefixString, "message": formattedMessage }); } /** * Generate a (mostly) unique color for this player based on their name. * @see * @param {string} playername */ function getPlayerColor(playername) { if (playername == "system") return g_SystemColor; // Generate a probably-unique hash for the player name and use that to create a color. let hash = 0; for (let i in playername) hash = playername.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 5) - hash); // First create the color in RGB then HSL, clamp the lightness so it's not too dark to read, and then convert back to RGB to display. // The reason for this roundabout method is this algorithm can generate values from 0 to 255 for RGB but only 0 to 100 for HSL; this gives // us much more variety if we generate in RGB. Unfortunately, enforcing that RGB values are a certain lightness is very difficult, so // we convert to HSL to do the computation. Since our GUI code only displays RGB colors, we have to convert back. let [h, s, l] = rgbToHsl(hash >> 24 & 0xFF, hash >> 16 & 0xFF, hash >> 8 & 0xFF); return hslToRgb(h, s, Math.max(0.7, l)).join(" "); } /** * Returns the given playername wrapped in an appropriate color-tag. * * @param {string} playername * @param {string} rating */ function colorPlayerName(playername, rating) { return coloredText( (rating ? sprintf( translate("%(nick)s (%(rating)s)"), { "nick": playername, "rating": rating }) : playername ), getPlayerColor(playername.replace(g_ModeratorPrefix, ""))); } function senderFont(text) { return '[font="' + g_SenderFont + '"]' + text + "[/font]"; } function formatWinRate(attr) { if (!attr.totalGamesPlayed) return translateWithContext("Used for an undefined winning rate", "-"); return sprintf(translate("%(percentage)s%%"), { "percentage": (attr.wins / attr.totalGamesPlayed * 100).toFixed(2) }); }