Index: ps/trunk/build/workspaces/ =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/build/workspaces/ (revision 21930) +++ ps/trunk/build/workspaces/ (revision 21931) @@ -1,220 +1,220 @@ #!/bin/sh # # This script will build an OS X app bundle for 0 A.D. # # App bundles are intended to be self-contained and portable. # An SDK is required, usually included with Xcode. The SDK ensures # that only those system libraries are used which are available on # the chosen target and compatible systems. # # Steps to build a 0 A.D. bundle are: # 1. confirm ARCH is set to desired target architecture # 2. confirm SYSROOT points to the correct target SDK # 3. confirm MIN_OSX_VERSION matches the target OS X version # 4. update BUNDLE_VERSION to match current 0 A.D. version # 5. run this script # # Force build architecture, as sometimes environment is broken. # For a universal fat binary, the approach would be to build every # library with both archs and combine them with lipo, then do the # same thing with the game itself. # Choices are "x86_64" or "i386" (ppc and ppc64 not supported) export ARCH=${ARCH:="x86_64"} OSX_VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion | grep -Eo "^\d+.\d+"` # Set SDK and mimimum required OS X version export SYSROOT=${SYSROOT:="/Applications/$OSX_VERSION.sdk"} export MIN_OSX_VERSION=${MIN_OSX_VERSION:="10.7"} # 0 A.D. release version, e.g. Alpha 21 is 0.0.21 BUNDLE_VERSION=${BUNDLE_VERSION:="0.0.X"} # Define compiler as "clang", this is all Mavericks supports. # gcc symlinks may still exist, but they are simply clang with # slightly different config, which confuses build scripts. # llvm-gcc and gcc 4.2 are no longer supported by SpiderMonkey. export CC=${CC:="clang"} CXX=${CXX:="clang++"} # Unique identifier string for this bundle (reverse-DNS style) BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER=${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER:="com.wildfiregames.0ad"} # Minimum version of OS X on which the bundle will run BUNDLE_MIN_OSX_VERSION="${MIN_OSX_VERSION}.0" die() { echo ERROR: $* exit 1 } # Check that we're actually on OS X if [ "`uname -s`" != "Darwin" ]; then die "This script is intended for OS X only" fi # Check SDK exists if [ ! -d "$SYSROOT" ]; then die "$SYSROOT does not exist! You probably need to install Xcode" fi cd "$(dirname $0)" # Now in build/workspaces/ (where we assume this script resides) JOBS=${JOBS:="-j5"} build_release=false build_path="$HOME/0ad-export" # TODO: proper logging of all output, but show errors in terminal too build_log="$(pwd)/bundle-build.log" # Parse command-line options: for i in "$@" do case $i in -j* ) JOBS=$i ;; --release ) build_release=true ;; esac done rm -f $build_log # For release, export an SVN copy if [ "$build_release" = "true" ]; then echo "\nExporting SVN and preparing release\n" BUNDLE_OUTPUT="$build_path/" SVN_REV=`svnversion -n ../..` rm -rf $build_path svn export ../.. $build_path >> $build_log 2>&1 || die "Error exporting SVN working directory" cd $build_path rm -f binaries/data/config/dev.cfg # Only include translations for a subset of languages . source/tools/dist/ $build_path/binaries/data || die "Error excluding translations" echo L\"${SVN_REV}-release\" > build/svn_revision/svn_revision.txt cd build/workspaces fi BUNDLE_OUTPUT=${BUNDLE_OUTPUT:="$(pwd)/"} BUNDLE_CONTENTS=$BUNDLE_OUTPUT/Contents BUNDLE_BIN=$BUNDLE_CONTENTS/MacOS BUNDLE_RESOURCES=$BUNDLE_CONTENTS/Resources BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS=$BUNDLE_CONTENTS/Frameworks BUNDLE_PLUGINS=$BUNDLE_CONTENTS/PlugIns BUNDLE_SHAREDSUPPORT=$BUNDLE_CONTENTS/SharedSupport # TODO: Do we really want to regenerate everything? (consider if one task fails) # Build libraries against SDK echo "\nBuilding libraries\n" pushd ../../libraries/osx > /dev/null ./ $JOBS --force-rebuild >> $build_log 2>&1 || die "Libraries build script failed" popd > /dev/null # Clean and update workspaces echo "\nGenerating workspaces\n" # Pass OS X options through to Premake (./ && SYSROOT="$SYSROOT" MIN_OSX_VERSION="$MIN_OSX_VERSION" ./ --macosx-bundle="$BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" --sysroot="$SYSROOT" --macosx-version-min="$MIN_OSX_VERSION") >> $build_log 2>&1 || die " failed!" pushd gcc > /dev/null echo "\nBuilding game\n" (make clean && CC="$CC -arch $ARCH" CXX="$CXX -arch $ARCH" make ${JOBS}) >> $build_log 2>&1 || die "Game build failed!" popd > /dev/null # Run test to confirm all is OK # TODO: tests are currently broken on OS X (see #pushd ../../binaries/system > /dev/null #echo "\nRunning tests\n" #./test || die "Post-build testing failed!" #popd > /dev/null # Create bundle structure echo "\nCreating bundle directories\n" rm -rf ${BUNDLE_OUTPUT} mkdir -p ${BUNDLE_BIN} mkdir -p ${BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS} mkdir -p ${BUNDLE_PLUGINS} mkdir -p ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES} mkdir -p ${BUNDLE_SHAREDSUPPORT} # Build archive(s) - don't archive the _test.* mods pushd ../../binaries/data/mods > /dev/null archives="" for modname in [a-zA-Z0-9]* do archives="${archives} ${modname}" done popd > /dev/null pushd ../../binaries/system > /dev/null for modname in $archives do echo "\nBuilding archive for '${modname}'\n" ARCHIVEBUILD_INPUT="$(pwd)/../data/mods/${modname}" ARCHIVEBUILD_OUTPUT="${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/mods/${modname}" # For some reason the output directory has to exist? mkdir -p ${ARCHIVEBUILD_OUTPUT} (./pyrogenesis -archivebuild=${ARCHIVEBUILD_INPUT} -archivebuild-output=${ARCHIVEBUILD_OUTPUT}/${modname}.zip) >> $build_log 2>&1 || die "Archive build for '${modname}' failed!" done # Copy binaries echo "\nCopying binaries\n" # Only pyrogenesis for now, until we find a way to load # multiple binaries from one app bundle # TODO: Would be nicer if we could set this path in premake cp pyrogenesis ${BUNDLE_BIN} # Copy libs echo "\nCopying libs\n" # TODO: Would be nicer if we could set this path in premake cp -v libAtlasUI.dylib ${BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS} cp -v libCollada.dylib ${BUNDLE_FRAMEWORKS} popd > /dev/null # Copy data echo "\nCopying non-archived game data\n" pushd ../../binaries/data > /dev/null if [ "$build_release" = "false" ]; then mv config/dev.cfg config/dev.bak fi cp -R -v config ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/ cp -R -v l10n ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/ cp -R -v tools ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/data/ if [ "$build_release" = "false" ]; then mv config/dev.bak config/dev.cfg fi popd > /dev/null cp -v ../resources/0ad.icns ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES} # Copy license/readmes # TODO: Also want copies in the DMG - decide on layout echo "\nCopying readmes\n" cp -v ../../*.txt ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES} cp -v ../../libraries/LICENSE.txt ${BUNDLE_RESOURCES}/LIB_LICENSE.txt # Create Info.plist echo "\nCreating Info.plist\n" alias PlistBuddy=/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy INFO_PLIST="${BUNDLE_CONTENTS}/Info.plist" PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleName string 0 A.D." ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleIdentifier string ${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleVersion string ${BUNDLE_VERSION}" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundlePackageType string APPL" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleSignature string none" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleExecutable string pyrogenesis" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleShortVersionString string ${BUNDLE_VERSION}" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleDevelopmentRegion string English" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion string 6.0" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :CFBundleIconFile string 0ad" ${INFO_PLIST} PlistBuddy -c "Add :LSMinimumSystemVersion string ${BUNDLE_MIN_OSX_VERSION}" ${INFO_PLIST} -PlistBuddy -c "Add :NSHumanReadableCopyright string Copyright © 2015 Wildfire Games" ${INFO_PLIST} +PlistBuddy -c "Add :NSHumanReadableCopyright string Copyright © $(date +%Y) Wildfire Games" ${INFO_PLIST} # TODO: Automatically create compressed DMG with hdiutil? # (this is a bit complicated so I do it manually for now) # (also we need to have good icon placement, background image, etc) echo "\nBundle complete! Located in ${BUNDLE_OUTPUT}" Index: ps/trunk/libraries/osx/ =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/libraries/osx/ (revision 21930) +++ ps/trunk/libraries/osx/ (revision 21931) @@ -1,783 +1,783 @@ #!/bin/bash # # Script for acquiring and building OS X dependencies for 0 A.D. # # The script checks whether a source tarball exists for each # dependency, if not it will download the correct version from # the project's website, then it removes previous build files, # extracts the tarball, configures and builds the lib. The script # should die on any errors to ease troubleshooting. # # make install is used to copy the compiled libs to each specific # directory and also the config tools (e.g. sdl-config). Because # of this, OS X developers must run this script at least once, # to configure the correct lib directories. It must be run again # if the libraries are moved. # # Building against an SDK is an option, though not required, # as not all build environments contain the Developer SDKs # (Xcode does, but the Command Line Tools package does not) # # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Library versions for ease of updating: ZLIB_VERSION="zlib-1.2.11" CURL_VERSION="curl-7.59.0" ICONV_VERSION="libiconv-1.15" XML2_VERSION="libxml2-2.9.8" SDL2_VERSION="SDL2-2.0.5" BOOST_VERSION="boost_1_64_0" # NOTE: remember to also update LIB_URL below when changing version WXWIDGETS_VERSION="wxWidgets-" # libpng was included as part of X11 but that's removed from Mountain Lion # (also the Snow Leopard version was ancient 1.2) PNG_VERSION="libpng-1.6.34" OGG_VERSION="libogg-1.3.3" VORBIS_VERSION="libvorbis-1.3.6" # gloox is necessary for multiplayer lobby GLOOX_VERSION="gloox-1.0.20" # NSPR is necessary for threadsafe Spidermonkey NSPR_VERSION="4.15" # OS X only includes part of ICU, and only the dylib # NOTE: remember to also update LIB_URL below when changing version ICU_VERSION="icu4c-59_1" ENET_VERSION="enet-1.3.13" MINIUPNPC_VERSION="miniupnpc-2.0.20180222" SODIUM_VERSION="libsodium-1.0.16" # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Bundled with the game: # * SpiderMonkey 38 # * NVTT # * FCollada # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Provided by OS X: # * OpenAL # * OpenGL # -------------------------------------------------------------- # Force build architecture, as sometimes environment is broken. # For a universal fat binary, the approach would be to build every # dependency with both archs and combine them with lipo, then do the # same thing with the game itself. # Choices are "x86_64" or "i386" (ppc and ppc64 not supported) ARCH=${ARCH:="x86_64"} # Define compiler as "clang", this is all Mavericks supports. # gcc symlinks may still exist, but they are simply clang with # slightly different config, which confuses build scripts. # llvm-gcc and gcc 4.2 are no longer supported by SpiderMonkey. export CC=${CC:="clang"} CXX=${CXX:="clang++"} export MIN_OSX_VERSION=${MIN_OSX_VERSION:="10.9"} # The various libs offer inconsistent configure options, some allow # setting sysroot and OS X-specific options, others don't. Adding to # the confusion, Apple moved /Developer/SDKs into the Xcode app bundle # so the path can't be guessed by clever build tools (like Boost.Build). # Sometimes configure gets it wrong anyway, especially on cross compiles. # This is why we prefer using (OBJ)CFLAGS, (OBJ)CXXFLAGS, and LDFLAGS. # Check if SYSROOT is set and not empty if [[ $SYSROOT && ${SYSROOT-_} ]]; then C_FLAGS="-isysroot $SYSROOT" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-syslibroot,$SYSROOT" fi # Check if MIN_OSX_VERSION is set and not empty if [[ $MIN_OSX_VERSION && ${MIN_OSX_VERSION-_} ]]; then C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS -mmacosx-version-min=$MIN_OSX_VERSION" # clang and llvm-gcc look at mmacosx-version-min to determine link target # and CRT version, and use it to set the macosx_version_min linker flag LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -mmacosx-version-min=$MIN_OSX_VERSION" fi # Force using libc++ since it has better C++11 support required by the game # but pre-Mavericks still use libstdc++ by default # Also enable c++0x for consistency with the game build C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS -arch $ARCH -fvisibility=hidden" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -arch $ARCH -stdlib=libc++" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $C_FLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $C_FLAGS -stdlib=libc++ -std=c++0x" OBJCFLAGS="$OBJCFLAGS $C_FLAGS" OBJCXXFLAGS="$OBJCXXFLAGS $C_FLAGS" JOBS=${JOBS:="-j2"} set -e die() { echo ERROR: $* exit 1 } download_lib() { local url=$1 local filename=$2 if [ ! -e $filename ]; then echo "Downloading $filename" curl -L -o ${filename} ${url}${filename} || die "Download of $url$filename failed" fi } already_built() { echo -e "Skipping - already built (use --force-rebuild to override)" } # Check that we're actually on OS X if [ "`uname -s`" != "Darwin" ]; then die "This script is intended for OS X only" fi # Parse command-line options: force_rebuild=false for i in "$@" do case $i in --force-rebuild ) force_rebuild=true;; -j* ) JOBS=$i ;; esac done cd "$(dirname $0)" # Now in libraries/osx/ (where we assume this script resides) # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building zlib..." LIB_VERSION="${ZLIB_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY=$LIB_VERSION LIB_URL="" mkdir -p zlib pushd zlib > /dev/null ZLIB_DIR="$(pwd)" if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY # patch zlib's configure script to use our CFLAGS and LDFLAGS (patch -p0 -i ../../patches/zlib_flags.diff && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" ./configure --prefix="$ZLIB_DIR" --static && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "zlib build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building libcurl..." LIB_VERSION="${CURL_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.bz2" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p libcurl pushd libcurl > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY - (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" --enable-ipv6 --with-darwinssl --without-gssapi --without-libmetalink --without-librtmp --without-libssh2 --without-nss --without-polarssl --without-spnego --disable-ares --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps --without-libidn2 --with-zlib="${ZLIB_DIR}" --enable-shared=no && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "libcurl build failed" + (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" --enable-ipv6 --with-darwinssl --without-gssapi --without-libmetalink --without-libpsl --without-librtmp --without-libssh2 --without-nss --without-polarssl --without-spnego --disable-ares --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps --without-libidn2 --with-zlib="${ZLIB_DIR}" --enable-shared=no && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "libcurl build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building libiconv..." LIB_VERSION="${ICONV_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p iconv pushd iconv > /dev/null ICONV_DIR="$(pwd)" if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix="$ICONV_DIR" --without-libiconv-prefix --without-libintl-prefix --disable-nls --enable-shared=no && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "libiconv build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building libxml2..." LIB_VERSION="${XML2_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p libxml2 pushd libxml2 > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" --without-lzma --without-python --with-iconv="${ICONV_DIR}" --with-zlib="${ZLIB_DIR}" --enable-shared=no && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "libxml2 build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building SDL2..." LIB_VERSION="${SDL2_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY=$LIB_VERSION LIB_URL="" mkdir -p sdl2 pushd sdl2 > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY # We don't want SDL2 to pull in system iconv, force it to detect ours with flags. # Don't use X11 - we don't need it and Mountain Lion removed it (./configure CPPFLAGS="-I${ICONV_DIR}/include" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${ICONV_DIR}/lib" --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" --disable-video-x11 --without-x --enable-shared=no && make $JOBS && make install) || die "SDL2 build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building Boost..." LIB_VERSION="${BOOST_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.bz2" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p boost pushd boost > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY include lib tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY # Can't use macosx-version, see above comment. (./ --with-libraries=filesystem,system --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR && ./b2 cflags="$CFLAGS" toolset=clang cxxflags="$CXXFLAGS" linkflags="$LDFLAGS" ${JOBS} -d2 --layout=tagged --debug-configuration link=static threading=multi variant=release,debug install) || die "Boost build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: This build takes ages, anything we can exclude? echo -e "Building wxWidgets..." LIB_VERSION="${WXWIDGETS_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.bz2" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p wxwidgets pushd wxwidgets > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY mkdir -p build-release pushd build-release CONF_OPTS="--prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --disable-shared --enable-macosx_arch=$ARCH --enable-unicode --with-cocoa --with-opengl --with-libiconv-prefix=${ICONV_DIR} --with-expat=builtin --with-png=builtin --without-libtiff --without-sdl --without-x --disable-webview --disable-webkit --disable-webviewwebkit --disable-webviewie" # wxWidgets configure now defaults to targeting 10.5, if not specified, # but that conflicts with our flags if [[ $MIN_OSX_VERSION && ${MIN_OSX_VERSION-_} ]]; then CONF_OPTS="$CONF_OPTS --with-macosx-version-min=$MIN_OSX_VERSION" fi (../configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="-stdlib=libc++ -D__ASSERT_MACROS_DEFINE_VERSIONS_WITHOUT_UNDERSCORES=1" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" $CONF_OPTS && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "wxWidgets build failed" popd popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building libpng..." LIB_VERSION="${PNG_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p libpng pushd libpng > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --enable-shared=no && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "libpng build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building libogg..." LIB_VERSION="${OGG_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" # Dependency of vorbis # we can install them in the same directory for convenience mkdir -p libogg mkdir -p vorbis pushd libogg > /dev/null OGG_DIR="$(pwd)" if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix=$OGG_DIR --enable-shared=no && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "libogg build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building libvorbis..." LIB_VERSION="${VORBIS_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" pushd vorbis > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" --enable-shared=no --with-ogg="$OGG_DIR" && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "libvorbis build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building gloox..." LIB_VERSION="${GLOOX_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.bz2" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p gloox pushd gloox > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY # TODO: pulls in libresolv dependency from /usr/lib # TODO: if we ever use SSL/TLS, that will add yet another dependency... (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix="$INSTALL_DIR" --enable-shared=no --with-zlib="${ZLIB_DIR}" --without-libidn --without-gnutls --without-openssl --without-tests --without-examples && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "gloox build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building NSPR..." LIB_VERSION="${NSPR_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="nspr-$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="nspr-$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="$LIB_VERSION/src/" mkdir -p nspr pushd nspr > /dev/null NSPR_DIR="$(pwd)" if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY/nspr - (CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" ./configure --prefix="$NSPR_DIR" && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "NSPR build failed" + (CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" ./configure --prefix="$NSPR_DIR" --enable-64bit && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "NSPR build failed" popd # TODO: how can we not build the dylibs? rm -f lib/*.dylib touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building ICU..." LIB_VERSION="${ICU_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION-src.tgz" LIB_DIRECTORY="icu" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p icu pushd icu > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib sbin share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY mkdir -p source/build pushd source/build (CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" ../runConfigureICU MacOSX --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-samples --enable-extras --enable-icuio --enable-tools && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "ICU build failed" popd popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building ENet..." LIB_VERSION="${ENET_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p enet pushd enet > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib sbin share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix=${INSTALL_DIR} --enable-shared=no && make clean && make ${JOBS} && make install) || die "ENet build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building MiniUPnPc..." LIB_VERSION="${MINIUPNPC_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p miniupnpc pushd miniupnpc > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY bin include lib share tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (make clean && CFLAGS=$CFLAGS LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS make ${JOBS} && INSTALLPREFIX="$INSTALL_DIR" make install) || die "MiniUPnPc build failed" popd # TODO: how can we not build the dylibs? rm -f lib/*.dylib touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building libsodium..." LIB_VERSION="${SODIUM_VERSION}" LIB_ARCHIVE="$SODIUM_VERSION.tar.gz" LIB_DIRECTORY="$LIB_VERSION" LIB_URL="" mkdir -p libsodium pushd libsodium > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" rm -f .already-built download_lib $LIB_URL $LIB_ARCHIVE rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY include lib tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY (./configure CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" --prefix=${INSTALL_DIR} --enable-shared=no && make clean && CFLAGS=$CFLAGS LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS make ${JOBS} && make check && INSTALLPREFIX="$INSTALL_DIR" make install) || die "libsodium build failed" popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following libraries are shared on different OSes and may # be customized, so we build and install them from bundled sources # -------------------------------------------------------------------- echo -e "Building Spidermonkey..." LIB_VERSION="mozjs-38.2.1" LIB_ARCHIVE="$LIB_VERSION.rc0.tar.bz2" LIB_DIRECTORY="mozjs-38.0.0" pushd ../source/spidermonkey/ > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] || [[ .already-built -ot $LIB_DIRECTORY ]] || [[ .already-built -ot README.txt ]] then INSTALL_DIR="$(pwd)" INCLUDE_DIR_DEBUG=$INSTALL_DIR/include-unix-debug INCLUDE_DIR_RELEASE=$INSTALL_DIR/include-unix-release rm -f .already-built rm -f lib/*.a rm -rf $LIB_DIRECTORY $INCLUDE_DIR_DEBUG $INCLUDE_DIR_RELEASE tar -xf $LIB_ARCHIVE # Apply patches pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY . ../ popd pushd $LIB_DIRECTORY/js/src # We want separate debug/release versions of the library, so change their install name in the Makefile perl -i.bak -pe 's/(^STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME\s+=).*/$1'\''mozjs38-ps-debug'\''/' CONF_OPTS="--target=$ARCH-apple-darwin --prefix=${INSTALL_DIR} --with-system-nspr --with-nspr-prefix=${NSPR_DIR} --with-system-zlib=${ZLIB_DIR} --disable-tests --disable-shared-js" # Change the default location where the tracelogger should store its output, which is /tmp/ on OSX. TLCXXFLAGS='-DTRACE_LOG_DIR="\"../../source/tools/tracelogger/\""' # Uncomment this line for 32-bit 10.5 cross compile: #CONF_OPTS="$CONF_OPTS --target=i386-apple-darwin9.0.0" if [[ $MIN_OSX_VERSION && ${MIN_OSX_VERSION-_} ]]; then CONF_OPTS="$CONF_OPTS --enable-macos-target=$MIN_OSX_VERSION" fi if [[ $SYSROOT && ${SYSROOT-_} ]]; then CONF_OPTS="$CONF_OPTS --with-macosx-sdk=$SYSROOT" fi mkdir -p build-debug pushd build-debug (CC="clang" CXX="clang++" CXXFLAGS="${TLCXXFLAGS}" AR=ar CROSS_COMPILE=1 ../configure $CONF_OPTS --enable-debug --disable-optimize --enable-js-diagnostics --enable-gczeal && make ${JOBS}) || die "Spidermonkey build failed" # js-config.h is different for debug and release builds, so we need different include directories for both mkdir -p $INCLUDE_DIR_DEBUG cp -R -L dist/include/* $INCLUDE_DIR_DEBUG/ cp dist/lib/*.a $INSTALL_DIR/lib popd mv perl -i.bak -pe 's/(^STATIC_LIBRARY_NAME\s+=).*/$1'\''mozjs38-ps-release'\''/' mkdir -p build-release pushd build-release (CC="clang" CXX="clang++" CXXFLAGS="${TLCXXFLAGS}" AR=ar CROSS_COMPILE=1 ../configure $CONF_OPTS --enable-optimize && make ${JOBS}) || die "Spidermonkey build failed" # js-config.h is different for debug and release builds, so we need different include directories for both mkdir -p $INCLUDE_DIR_RELEASE cp -R -L dist/include/* $INCLUDE_DIR_RELEASE/ cp dist/lib/*.a $INSTALL_DIR/lib popd mv popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- # NVTT - no install echo -e "Building NVTT..." pushd ../source/nvtt > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] then rm -f .already-built rm -f lib/*.a pushd src rm -rf build mkdir -p build pushd build # Could use CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET and CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT # but they're not as flexible for cross-compiling # Disable optional libs that we don't need (avoids some conflicts with MacPorts) (cmake .. -DCMAKE_LINK_FLAGS="$LDFLAGS" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="$CFLAGS" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBINDIR=bin -DLIBDIR=lib -DGLUT=0 -DGLEW=0 -DCG=0 -DCUDA=0 -DOPENEXR=0 -DJPEG=0 -DPNG=0 -DTIFF=0 -G "Unix Makefiles" && make clean && make nvtt ${JOBS}) || die "NVTT build failed" popd mkdir -p ../lib cp build/src/nv*/libnv*.a ../lib/ cp build/src/nvtt/squish/libsquish.a ../lib/ popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null # -------------------------------------------------------------- # FCollada - no install echo -e "Building FCollada..." pushd ../source/fcollada > /dev/null if [[ "$force_rebuild" = "true" ]] || [[ ! -e .already-built ]] then rm -f .already-built rm -f lib/*.a pushd src rm -rf output mkdir -p ../lib # The Makefile refers to pkg-config for libxml2, but we # don't have that (replace with xml2-config instead) sed -i.bak -e 's/pkg-config libxml-2.0/xml2-config/' Makefile (make clean && CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS make ${JOBS}) || die "FCollada build failed" # Undo Makefile change mv Makefile.bak Makefile popd touch .already-built else already_built fi popd > /dev/null