Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/summary/layout.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/summary/layout.js (revision 22281) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/summary/layout.js (revision 22282) @@ -1,384 +1,384 @@ var getScorePanelsData = () => ({ "score": { "caption": translate("Score"), "headings": [ { "identifier": "playername", "caption": translate("Player name"), "yStart": 26, "width": 200 }, { "identifier": "totalScore", "caption": translate("Total score"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, { "identifier": "economyScore", "caption": translate("Economy score"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, { "identifier": "militaryScore", "caption": translate("Military score"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, { "identifier": "explorationScore", "caption": translate("Exploration score"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 } ], "titleHeadings": [], "counters": [ { "width": 100, "fn": calculateScoreTotal, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateEconomyScore, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateMilitaryScore, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateExplorationScore, "verticalOffset": 12 } ], "teamCounterFn": calculateScoreTeam }, "buildings": { "caption": translate("Buildings"), "headings": [ { "identifier": "playername", "caption": translate("Player name"), "yStart": 26, "width": 200 }, { "identifier": "total", "caption": translate("Total"), "yStart": 34, "width": 105 }, { "identifier": "House", "caption": translate("Houses"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Economic", "caption": translate("Economic"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Outpost", "caption": translate("Outposts"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Military", "caption": translate("Military"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Fortress", "caption": translate("Fortresses"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "CivCentre", "caption": translate("Civ centers"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Wonder", "caption": translate("Wonders"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 } ], "titleHeadings": [ { "caption": sprintf(translate("Buildings Statistics (%(constructed)s / %(destroyed)s / %(captured)s / %(lost)s)"), { "constructed": getColoredTypeTranslation("constructed"), "destroyed": getColoredTypeTranslation("destroyed"), "captured": getColoredTypeTranslation("captured"), "lost": getColoredTypeTranslation("lost") }), "yStart": 16, "width": 85 * 7 + 105 }, // width = 700 ], "counters": [ { "width": 105, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateBuildings, "verticalOffset": 3 } ], "teamCounterFn": calculateBuildingsTeam }, "units": { "caption": translate("Units"), "headings": [ { "identifier": "playername", "caption": translate("Player name"), "yStart": 26, "width": 200 }, { "identifier": "total", "caption": translate("Total"), "yStart": 34, "width": 105 }, { "identifier": "Infantry", "caption": translate("Infantry"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Worker", "caption": translate("Worker"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Cavalry", "caption": translate("Cavalry"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Champion", "caption": translate("Champion"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Hero", "caption": translate("Heroes"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Siege", "caption": translate("Siege"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Ship", "caption": translate("Navy"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "Trader", "caption": translate("Traders"), "yStart": 34, "width": 85 } ], "titleHeadings": [ { "caption": sprintf(translate("Units Statistics (%(trained)s / %(killed)s / %(captured)s / %(lost)s)"), { "trained": getColoredTypeTranslation("trained"), "killed": getColoredTypeTranslation("killed"), "captured": getColoredTypeTranslation("captured"), "lost": getColoredTypeTranslation("lost") }), "yStart": 16, "width": 85 * 8 + 105 }, // width = 785 ], "counters": [ { "width": 105, "fn": calculateUnitsWithCaptured, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnits, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnits, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnits, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnits, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnits, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnitsWithCaptured, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnits, "verticalOffset": 3 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateUnits, "verticalOffset": 3 } ], "teamCounterFn": calculateUnitsTeam }, "resources": { "caption": translate("Resources"), "headings": [ { "identifier": "playername", "caption": translate("Player name"), "yStart": 26, "width": 200 }, { "identifier": "total", "caption": translate("Total"), "yStart": 34, "width": 110 }, ...g_ResourceData.GetResources().map(res => ({ "identifier": res.code, "caption": resourceNameFirstWord(res.code), "yStart": 34, "width": 100 })), { "identifier": "tributes", "caption": translate("Tributes"), "headerCaption": sprintf(translate("Tributes \n(%(sent)s / %(received)s)"), { "sent": getColoredTypeTranslation("sent"), "received": getColoredTypeTranslation("received") }), "yStart": 16, "width": 121 }, { "identifier": "treasuresCollected", "caption": translate("Treasures collected"), "yStart": 16, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "loot", "caption": translate("Loot"), "yStart": 16, "width": 85 }, { "identifier": "livestock", "caption": translate("Livestock bred"), "yStart": 16, "width": 85 } ], "titleHeadings": [ { "caption": sprintf(translate("Resource Statistics (%(gathered)s / %(used)s)"), { "gathered": getColoredTypeTranslation("gathered"), "used": getColoredTypeTranslation("used") }), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 * g_ResourceData.GetCodes().length + 110 }, ], "counters": [ { "width": 110, "fn": calculateTotalResources, "verticalOffset": 12 }, ...g_ResourceData.GetCodes().map(code => ({ "fn": calculateResources, "verticalOffset": 12, "width": 100 })), { "width": 121, "fn": calculateTributeSent, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateTreasureCollected, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateLootCollected, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 85, "fn": calculateLivestockTrained, "verticalOffset": 12 } ], "teamCounterFn": calculateResourcesTeam }, "market": { "caption": translate("Market"), "headings": [ { "identifier": "playername", "caption": translate("Player name"), "yStart": 26, "width": 200 }, { "identifier": "tradeIncome", "caption": translate("Trade income"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, - { "identifier": "barterEfficency", "caption": translate("Barter efficiency"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, + { "identifier": "barterEfficency", "caption": translate("Barter efficiency"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100, "format": "PERCENTAGE" }, ...g_ResourceData.GetResources().map(res => { return { "identifier": res.code, "caption": // Translation: use %(resourceWithinSentence)s if needed sprintf(translate("%(resourceFirstWord)s exchanged"), { "resourceFirstWord": resourceNameFirstWord(res.code), "resourceWithinSentence": resourceNameWithinSentence(res.code) }), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }; }) ], "titleHeadings": [], "counters": [ { "width": 100, "fn": calculateTradeIncome, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateBarterEfficiency, "verticalOffset": 12 }, ...g_ResourceData.GetCodes().map(code => ({ "width": 100, "fn": calculateResourceExchanged, "verticalOffset": 12 })) ], "teamCounterFn": calculateMarketTeam }, "misc": { "caption": translate("Miscellaneous"), "headings": [ { "identifier": "playername", "caption": translate("Player name"), "yStart": 26, "width": 200 }, { "identifier": "killDeath", "caption": translate("Kill / Death ratio"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100, "format": "DECIMAL2" }, - { "identifier": "mapControlPeak", "caption": translate("Map control (peak)"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, - { "identifier": "mapControl", "caption": translate("Map control (finish)"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, - { "identifier": "mapExploration", "caption": translate("Map exploration"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, - { "identifier": "vegetarianRatio", "caption": translate("Vegetarian ratio"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, - { "identifier": "feminization", "caption": translate("Feminization"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100 }, + { "identifier": "mapControlPeak", "caption": translate("Map control (peak)"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100, "format": "PERCENTAGE" }, + { "identifier": "mapControl", "caption": translate("Map control (finish)"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100, "format": "PERCENTAGE" }, + { "identifier": "mapExploration", "caption": translate("Map exploration"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100, "format": "PERCENTAGE" }, + { "identifier": "vegetarianRatio", "caption": translate("Vegetarian ratio"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100, "format": "PERCENTAGE" }, + { "identifier": "feminization", "caption": translate("Feminization"), "yStart": 16, "width": 100, "format": "PERCENTAGE" }, { "identifier": "bribes", "caption": translate("Bribes"), "headerCaption": sprintf(translate("Bribes\n(%(succeeded)s / %(failed)s)"), { "succeeded": getColoredTypeTranslation("succeeded"), "failed": getColoredTypeTranslation("failed") }), "yStart": 16, "width": 139 } ], "titleHeadings": [], "counters": [ { "width": 100, "fn": calculateKillDeathRatio, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateMapPeakControl, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateMapFinalControl, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateMapExploration, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateVegetarianRatio, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 100, "fn": calculateFeminization, "verticalOffset": 12 }, { "width": 139, "fn": calculateBribes, "verticalOffset": 12 } ], "teamCounterFn": calculateMiscellaneousTeam } }); function getColoredTypeTranslation(type) { return g_SummaryTypes[type].color ? coloredText(g_SummaryTypes[type].caption, g_SummaryTypes[type].color) : g_SummaryTypes[type].caption; } function resetGeneralPanel() { for (let h = 0; h < g_MaxHeadingTitle; ++h) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("titleHeading[" + h + "]").hidden = true; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("Heading[" + h + "]").hidden = true; for (let p = 0; p < g_MaxPlayers; ++p) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("valueData[" + p + "][" + h + "]").hidden = true; for (let t = 0; t < g_MaxTeams; ++t) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("valueDataTeam[" + t + "][" + p + "][" + h + "]").hidden = true; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("valueDataTeam[" + t + "][" + h + "]").hidden = true; } } } } function updateGeneralPanelHeadings(headings) { let left = 50; for (let h in headings) { let headerGUIName = "playerNameHeading"; if (h > 0) headerGUIName = "Heading[" + (h - 1) + "]"; let headerGUI = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(headerGUIName); headerGUI.caption = headings[h].headerCaption || headings[h].caption; headerGUI.size = left + " " + headings[h].yStart + " " + (left + headings[h].width) + " 100%"; headerGUI.hidden = false; if (headings[h].width < g_LongHeadingWidth) left += headings[h].width; } } function updateGeneralPanelTitles(titleHeadings) { let left = 250; for (let th in titleHeadings) { if (th >= g_MaxHeadingTitle) break; if (titleHeadings[th].xOffset) left += titleHeadings[th].xOffset; let headerGUI = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("titleHeading[" + th + "]"); headerGUI.caption = titleHeadings[th].caption; headerGUI.size = left + " " + titleHeadings[th].yStart + " " + (left + titleHeadings[th].width) + " 100%"; headerGUI.hidden = false; if (titleHeadings[th].width < g_LongHeadingWidth) left += titleHeadings[th].width; } } function updateGeneralPanelCounter(counters) { let rowPlayerObjectWidth = 0; let left = 0; for (let p = 0; p < g_MaxPlayers; ++p) { left = 240; let counterObject; for (let w in counters) { counterObject = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("valueData[" + p + "][" + w + "]"); counterObject.size = left + " " + counters[w].verticalOffset + " " + (left + counters[w].width) + " 100%"; counterObject.hidden = false; left += counters[w].width; } if (rowPlayerObjectWidth == 0) rowPlayerObjectWidth = left; let counterTotalObject; for (let t = 0; t < g_MaxTeams; ++t) { left = 240; for (let w in counters) { counterObject = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("valueDataTeam[" + t + "][" + p + "][" + w + "]"); counterObject.size = left + " " + counters[w].verticalOffset + " " + (left + counters[w].width) + " 100%"; counterObject.hidden = false; if (g_Teams[t]) { let yStart = 25 + g_Teams[t].length * (g_PlayerBoxYSize + g_PlayerBoxGap) + 3 + counters[w].verticalOffset; counterTotalObject = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("valueDataTeam[" + t + "][" + w + "]"); counterTotalObject.size = (left + 20) + " " + yStart + " " + (left + counters[w].width) + " 100%"; counterTotalObject.hidden = false; } left += counters[w].width; } } } return rowPlayerObjectWidth; } function updateGeneralPanelTeams() { let withoutTeam = !g_Teams[-1] ? 0 : g_Teams[-1].length; if (!g_Teams || withoutTeam > 0) Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("noTeamsBox").hidden = false; if (!g_Teams) return; let yStart = g_TeamsBoxYStart + withoutTeam * (g_PlayerBoxYSize + g_PlayerBoxGap) + (withoutTeam ? 30 : 0); for (let i in g_Teams) { if (i == -1) continue; let teamBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("teamBoxt["+i+"]"); teamBox.hidden = false; let teamBoxSize = teamBox.size; = yStart; teamBox.size = teamBoxSize; yStart += 30 + g_Teams[i].length * (g_PlayerBoxYSize + g_PlayerBoxGap) + 32; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("teamNameHeadingt[" + i + "]").caption = "Team " + (+i + 1); let teamHeading = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("teamHeadingt[" + i + "]"); let yStartTotal = 30 + g_Teams[i].length * (g_PlayerBoxYSize + g_PlayerBoxGap) + 10; teamHeading.size = "50 " + yStartTotal + " 100% " + (yStartTotal + 20); teamHeading.caption = translate("Team total"); } // If there are no players without team, hide "player name" heading if (!withoutTeam) Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playerNameHeading").caption = ""; } function initPlayerBoxPositions() { for (let h = 0; h < g_MaxPlayers; ++h) { let playerBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playerBox[" + h + "]"); let boxSize = playerBox.size; += h * (g_PlayerBoxYSize + g_PlayerBoxGap); boxSize.bottom = + g_PlayerBoxYSize; playerBox.size = boxSize; for (let i = 0; i < g_MaxTeams; ++i) { let playerBoxt = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("playerBoxt[" + i + "][" + h + "]"); boxSize = playerBoxt.size; += h * (g_PlayerBoxYSize + g_PlayerBoxGap); boxSize.bottom = + g_PlayerBoxYSize; playerBoxt.size = boxSize; } } } Index: ps/trunk/source/gui/CChart.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/gui/CChart.cpp (revision 22281) +++ ps/trunk/source/gui/CChart.cpp (revision 22282) @@ -1,323 +1,329 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 2018 Wildfire Games. +/* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "CChart.h" #include "graphics/ShaderManager.h" #include "i18n/L10n.h" #include "lib/ogl.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "third_party/cppformat/format.h" #include CChart::CChart() { AddSetting(GUIST_CColor, "axis_color"); AddSetting(GUIST_float, "axis_width"); AddSetting(GUIST_float, "buffer_zone"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "font"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "format_x"); AddSetting(GUIST_CStrW, "format_y"); AddSetting(GUIST_CGUIList, "series_color"); AddSetting(GUIST_CGUISeries, "series"); AddSetting(GUIST_EAlign, "text_align"); GUI::GetSetting(this, "axis_width", m_AxisWidth); GUI::GetSetting(this, "format_x", m_FormatX); GUI::GetSetting(this, "format_y", m_FormatY); } CChart::~CChart() { } void CChart::HandleMessage(SGUIMessage& Message) { // TODO: implement zoom switch (Message.type) { case GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED: { GUI::GetSetting(this, "axis_width", m_AxisWidth); GUI::GetSetting(this, "format_x", m_FormatX); GUI::GetSetting(this, "format_y", m_FormatY); UpdateSeries(); break; } } } void CChart::DrawLine(const CShaderProgramPtr& shader, const CColor& color, const std::vector& vertices) const { shader->Uniform(str_color, color); shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertices[0]); shader->AssertPointersBound(); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glLineWidth(1.1f); if (!g_Renderer.m_SkipSubmit) glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, vertices.size() / 3); glLineWidth(1.0f); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); } void CChart::DrawTriangleStrip(const CShaderProgramPtr& shader, const CColor& color, const std::vector& vertices) const { shader->Uniform(str_color, color); shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &vertices[0]); shader->AssertPointersBound(); if (!g_Renderer.m_SkipSubmit) glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, vertices.size() / 3); } void CChart::DrawAxes(const CShaderProgramPtr& shader) const { const float bz = GetBufferedZ(); CRect rect = GetChartRect(); std::vector vertices; vertices.reserve(30); #define ADD(x, y) vertices.push_back(x); vertices.push_back(y); vertices.push_back(bz + 0.5f); ADD(m_CachedActualSize.right, m_CachedActualSize.bottom); ADD(rect.right + m_AxisWidth, rect.bottom); ADD(m_CachedActualSize.left, m_CachedActualSize.bottom); ADD(rect.left, rect.bottom); ADD(m_CachedActualSize.left,; ADD(rect.left, - m_AxisWidth); #undef ADD CColor axis_color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f); GUI::GetSetting(this, "axis_color", axis_color); DrawTriangleStrip(shader, axis_color, vertices); } void CChart::Draw() { PROFILE3("render chart"); if (!GetGUI()) return; if (m_Series.empty()) return; const float bz = GetBufferedZ(); CRect rect = GetChartRect(); const float width = rect.GetWidth(); const float height = rect.GetHeight(); // Disable depth updates to prevent apparent z-fighting-related issues // with some drivers causing units to get drawn behind the texture. glDepthMask(0); // Setup the render state CMatrix3D transform = GetDefaultGuiMatrix(); CShaderDefines lineDefines; CShaderTechniquePtr tech = g_Renderer.GetShaderManager().LoadEffect(str_gui_solid, g_Renderer.GetSystemShaderDefines(), lineDefines); tech->BeginPass(); CShaderProgramPtr shader = tech->GetShader(); shader->Uniform(str_transform, transform); CVector2D scale(width / (m_RightTop.X - m_LeftBottom.X), height / (m_RightTop.Y - m_LeftBottom.Y)); for (const CChartData& data : m_Series) { if (data.m_Points.empty()) continue; std::vector vertices; for (const CVector2D& point : data.m_Points) { if (fabs(point.X) != std::numeric_limits::infinity() && fabs(point.Y) != std::numeric_limits::infinity()) { vertices.push_back(rect.left + (point.X - m_LeftBottom.X) * scale.X); vertices.push_back(rect.bottom - (point.Y - m_LeftBottom.Y) * scale.Y); vertices.push_back(bz + 0.5f); } else { DrawLine(shader, data.m_Color, vertices); vertices.clear(); } } if (!vertices.empty()) DrawLine(shader, data.m_Color, vertices); } if (m_AxisWidth > 0) DrawAxes(shader); tech->EndPass(); // Reset depth mask glDepthMask(1); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_TextPositions.size(); ++i) DrawText(i, CColor(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f), m_TextPositions[i], bz + 0.5f); } CRect CChart::GetChartRect() const { return CRect( m_CachedActualSize.TopLeft() + CPos(m_AxisWidth, m_AxisWidth), m_CachedActualSize.BottomRight() - CPos(m_AxisWidth, m_AxisWidth) ); } void CChart::UpdateSeries() { CGUISeries* pSeries; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "series", pSeries); CGUIList* pSeriesColor; GUI::GetSettingPointer(this, "series_color", pSeriesColor); m_Series.clear(); m_Series.resize(pSeries->m_Series.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < pSeries->m_Series.size(); ++i) { CChartData& data = m_Series[i]; if (i < pSeriesColor->m_Items.size() && !GUI::ParseColor(pSeriesColor->m_Items[i].GetOriginalString(), data.m_Color, 0)) LOGWARNING("GUI: Error parsing 'series_color' (\"%s\")", utf8_from_wstring(pSeriesColor->m_Items[i].GetOriginalString())); data.m_Points = pSeries->m_Series[i]; } UpdateBounds(); SetupText(); } void CChart::SetupText() { if (!GetGUI()) return; for (SGUIText* t : m_GeneratedTexts) delete t; m_GeneratedTexts.clear(); m_TextPositions.clear(); if (m_Series.empty()) return; CStrW font; if (GUI::GetSetting(this, "font", font) != PSRETURN_OK || font.empty()) font = L"default"; float buffer_zone = 0.f; GUI::GetSetting(this, "buffer_zone", buffer_zone); // Add Y-axis GUI::GetSetting(this, "format_y", m_FormatY); const float height = GetChartRect().GetHeight(); // TODO: split values depend on the format; if (m_EqualY) { // We don't need to generate many items for equal values AddFormattedValue(m_FormatY, m_RightTop.Y, font, buffer_zone); m_TextPositions.emplace_back(GetChartRect().TopLeft()); } else for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { AddFormattedValue(m_FormatY, m_RightTop.Y - (m_RightTop.Y - m_LeftBottom.Y) / 3.f * i, font, buffer_zone); m_TextPositions.emplace_back(GetChartRect().TopLeft() + CPos(0.f, height / 3.f * i)); } // Add X-axis GUI::GetSetting(this, "format_x", m_FormatX); const float width = GetChartRect().GetWidth(); if (m_EqualX) { CSize text_size = AddFormattedValue(m_FormatX, m_RightTop.X, font, buffer_zone); m_TextPositions.emplace_back(GetChartRect().BottomRight() - text_size); } else for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { CSize text_size = AddFormattedValue(m_FormatX, m_RightTop.X - (m_RightTop.X - m_LeftBottom.X) / 3 * i, font, buffer_zone); m_TextPositions.emplace_back(GetChartRect().BottomRight() - text_size - CPos(width / 3 * i, 0.f)); } } CSize CChart::AddFormattedValue(const CStrW& format, const float value, const CStrW& font, const float buffer_zone) { // TODO: we need to catch cases with equal formatted values. CGUIString gui_str; if (format == L"DECIMAL2") { wchar_t buffer[64]; swprintf(buffer, 64, L"%.2f", value); gui_str.SetValue(buffer); } else if (format == L"INTEGER") { wchar_t buffer[64]; - swprintf(buffer, 64, L"%d", static_cast(value)); + swprintf(buffer, 64, L"%d", std::lround(value)); gui_str.SetValue(buffer); } else if (format == L"DURATION_SHORT") { const int seconds = value; wchar_t buffer[64]; swprintf(buffer, 64, L"%d:%02d", seconds / 60, seconds % 60); gui_str.SetValue(buffer); } + else if (format == L"PERCENTAGE") + { + wchar_t buffer[64]; + swprintf(buffer, 64, L"%d%%", std::lround(value)); + gui_str.SetValue(buffer); + } else { LOGERROR("Unsupported chart format: " + format.EscapeToPrintableASCII()); return CSize(); } SGUIText* text = new SGUIText(); *text = GetGUI()->GenerateText(gui_str, font, 0, buffer_zone, this); AddText(text); return text->m_Size; } void CChart::UpdateBounds() { if (m_Series.empty() || m_Series[0].m_Points.empty()) { m_LeftBottom = m_RightTop = CVector2D(0.f, 0.f); return; } m_LeftBottom = m_RightTop = m_Series[0].m_Points[0]; for (const CChartData& data : m_Series) for (const CVector2D& point : data.m_Points) { if (fabs(point.X) != std::numeric_limits::infinity() && point.X < m_LeftBottom.X) m_LeftBottom.X = point.X; if (fabs(point.Y) != std::numeric_limits::infinity() && point.Y < m_LeftBottom.Y) m_LeftBottom.Y = point.Y; if (fabs(point.X) != std::numeric_limits::infinity() && point.X > m_RightTop.X) m_RightTop.X = point.X; if (fabs(point.Y) != std::numeric_limits::infinity() && point.Y > m_RightTop.Y) m_RightTop.Y = point.Y; } m_EqualY = m_RightTop.Y == m_LeftBottom.Y; if (m_EqualY) m_RightTop.Y += 1; m_EqualX = m_RightTop.X == m_LeftBottom.X; if (m_EqualX) m_RightTop.X += 1; }