Index: ps/trunk/source/gui/GUIManager.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/gui/GUIManager.cpp (revision 22845) +++ ps/trunk/source/gui/GUIManager.cpp (revision 22846) @@ -1,423 +1,423 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "GUIManager.h" #include "gui/CGUI.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptRuntime.h" CGUIManager* g_GUI = NULL; // General TODOs: // // A lot of the CGUI data could (and should) be shared between // multiple pages, instead of treating them as completely independent, to save // memory and loading time. // called from main loop when (input) events are received. // event is passed to other handlers if false is returned. // trampoline: we don't want to make the HandleEvent implementation static InReaction gui_handler(const SDL_Event_* ev) { PROFILE("GUI event handler"); return g_GUI->HandleEvent(ev); } static Status ReloadChangedFileCB(void* param, const VfsPath& path) { return static_cast(param)->ReloadChangedFile(path); } CGUIManager::CGUIManager() { m_ScriptRuntime = g_ScriptRuntime; m_ScriptInterface.reset(new ScriptInterface("Engine", "GUIManager", m_ScriptRuntime)); m_ScriptInterface->SetCallbackData(this); m_ScriptInterface->LoadGlobalScripts(); if (!CXeromyces::AddValidator(g_VFS, "gui_page", "gui/gui_page.rng")) LOGERROR("CGUIManager: failed to load GUI page grammar file 'gui/gui_page.rng'"); if (!CXeromyces::AddValidator(g_VFS, "gui", "gui/gui.rng")) LOGERROR("CGUIManager: failed to load GUI XML grammar file 'gui/gui.rng'"); RegisterFileReloadFunc(ReloadChangedFileCB, this); } CGUIManager::~CGUIManager() { UnregisterFileReloadFunc(ReloadChangedFileCB, this); } -bool CGUIManager::HasPages() +size_t CGUIManager::GetPageCount() const { - return !m_PageStack.empty(); + return m_PageStack.size(); } void CGUIManager::SwitchPage(const CStrW& pageName, ScriptInterface* srcScriptInterface, JS::HandleValue initData) { // The page stack is cleared (including the script context where initData came from), // therefore we have to clone initData. shared_ptr initDataClone; if (!initData.isUndefined()) initDataClone = srcScriptInterface->WriteStructuredClone(initData); m_PageStack.clear(); PushPage(pageName, initDataClone, JS::UndefinedHandleValue); } void CGUIManager::PushPage(const CStrW& pageName, shared_ptr initData, JS::HandleValue callbackFunction) { // Store the callback handler in the current GUI page before opening the new one if (!m_PageStack.empty() && !callbackFunction.isUndefined()) m_PageStack.back().SetCallbackFunction(*m_ScriptInterface, callbackFunction); // Push the page prior to loading its contents, because that may push // another GUI page on init which should be pushed on top of this new page. m_PageStack.emplace_back(pageName, initData); m_PageStack.back().LoadPage(m_ScriptRuntime); ResetCursor(); } void CGUIManager::PopPage(shared_ptr args) { if (m_PageStack.size() < 2) { debug_warn(L"Tried to pop GUI page when there's < 2 in the stack"); return; } m_PageStack.pop_back(); m_PageStack.back().PerformCallbackFunction(args); } CGUIManager::SGUIPage::SGUIPage(const CStrW& pageName, const shared_ptr initData) : name(pageName), initData(initData), inputs(), gui(), callbackFunction() { } void CGUIManager::SGUIPage::LoadPage(shared_ptr scriptRuntime) { // If we're hotloading then try to grab some data from the previous page shared_ptr hotloadData; if (gui) { shared_ptr scriptInterface = gui->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, scriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); JS::RootedValue hotloadDataVal(cx); scriptInterface->CallFunction(global, "getHotloadData", &hotloadDataVal); hotloadData = scriptInterface->WriteStructuredClone(hotloadDataVal); } inputs.clear(); gui.reset(new CGUI(scriptRuntime)); gui->Initialize(); VfsPath path = VfsPath("gui") / name; inputs.insert(path); CXeromyces xero; if (xero.Load(g_VFS, path, "gui_page") != PSRETURN_OK) // Fail silently (Xeromyces reported the error) return; int elmt_page = xero.GetElementID("page"); int elmt_include = xero.GetElementID("include"); XMBElement root = xero.GetRoot(); if (root.GetNodeName() != elmt_page) { LOGERROR("GUI page '%s' must have root element ", utf8_from_wstring(name)); return; } XERO_ITER_EL(root, node) { if (node.GetNodeName() != elmt_include) { LOGERROR("GUI page '%s' must only have elements inside ", utf8_from_wstring(name)); continue; } std::string name = node.GetText(); CStrW nameW (node.GetText().FromUTF8()); PROFILE2("load gui xml"); PROFILE2_ATTR("name: %s", name.c_str()); TIMER(nameW.c_str()); if (name.back() == '/') { VfsPath directory = VfsPath("gui") / nameW; VfsPaths pathnames; vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, directory, L"*.xml", pathnames); for (const VfsPath& path : pathnames) gui->LoadXmlFile(path, inputs); } else { VfsPath path = VfsPath("gui") / nameW; gui->LoadXmlFile(path, inputs); } } gui->SendEventToAll("load"); shared_ptr scriptInterface = gui->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue initDataVal(cx); JS::RootedValue hotloadDataVal(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, scriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); if (initData) scriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(initData, &initDataVal); if (hotloadData) scriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(hotloadData, &hotloadDataVal); if (scriptInterface->HasProperty(global, "init") && !scriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(global, "init", initDataVal, hotloadDataVal)) LOGERROR("GUI page '%s': Failed to call init() function", utf8_from_wstring(name)); } void CGUIManager::SGUIPage::SetCallbackFunction(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::HandleValue callbackFunc) { if (!callbackFunc.isObject()) { LOGERROR("Given callback handler is not an object!"); return; } // Does not require JSAutoRequest if (!JS_ObjectIsFunction(scriptInterface.GetContext(), &callbackFunc.toObject())) { LOGERROR("Given callback handler is not a function!"); return; } callbackFunction = std::make_shared(scriptInterface.GetJSRuntime(), callbackFunc); } void CGUIManager::SGUIPage::PerformCallbackFunction(shared_ptr args) { if (!callbackFunction) return; shared_ptr scriptInterface = gui->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedObject globalObj(cx, &scriptInterface->GetGlobalObject().toObject()); JS::RootedValue funcVal(cx, *callbackFunction); // Delete the callback function, so that it is not called again callbackFunction.reset(); JS::RootedValue argVal(cx); if (args) scriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(args, &argVal); JS::AutoValueVector paramData(cx); paramData.append(argVal); JS::RootedValue result(cx); JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, globalObj, funcVal, paramData, &result); } Status CGUIManager::ReloadChangedFile(const VfsPath& path) { for (SGUIPage& p : m_PageStack) if (p.inputs.count(path)) { LOGMESSAGE("GUI file '%s' changed - reloading page '%s'", path.string8(), utf8_from_wstring(; p.LoadPage(m_ScriptRuntime); // TODO: this can crash if LoadPage runs an init script which modifies the page stack and breaks our iterators } return INFO::OK; } Status CGUIManager::ReloadAllPages() { // TODO: this can crash if LoadPage runs an init script which modifies the page stack and breaks our iterators for (SGUIPage& p : m_PageStack) p.LoadPage(m_ScriptRuntime); return INFO::OK; } void CGUIManager::ResetCursor() { g_CursorName = g_DefaultCursor; } std::string CGUIManager::GetSavedGameData() { shared_ptr scriptInterface = top()->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue data(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, top()->GetGlobalObject()); scriptInterface->CallFunction(global, "getSavedGameData", &data); return scriptInterface->StringifyJSON(&data, false); } void CGUIManager::RestoreSavedGameData(const std::string& jsonData) { shared_ptr scriptInterface = top()->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, top()->GetGlobalObject()); JS::RootedValue dataVal(cx); scriptInterface->ParseJSON(jsonData, &dataVal); scriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(global, "restoreSavedGameData", dataVal); } InReaction CGUIManager::HandleEvent(const SDL_Event_* ev) { // We want scripts to have access to the raw input events, so they can do complex // processing when necessary (e.g. for unit selection and camera movement). // Sometimes they'll want to be layered behind the GUI widgets (e.g. to detect mousedowns on the // visible game area), sometimes they'll want to intercepts events before the GUI (e.g. // to capture all mouse events until a mouseup after dragging). // So we call two separate handler functions: bool handled = false; { PROFILE("handleInputBeforeGui"); JSContext* cx = top()->GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, top()->GetGlobalObject()); if (top()->GetScriptInterface()->CallFunction(global, "handleInputBeforeGui", handled, *ev, top()->FindObjectUnderMouse())) if (handled) return IN_HANDLED; } { PROFILE("handle event in native GUI"); InReaction r = top()->HandleEvent(ev); if (r != IN_PASS) return r; } { // We can't take the following lines out of this scope because top() may be another gui page than it was when calling handleInputBeforeGui! JSContext* cx = top()->GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, top()->GetGlobalObject()); PROFILE("handleInputAfterGui"); if (top()->GetScriptInterface()->CallFunction(global, "handleInputAfterGui", handled, *ev)) if (handled) return IN_HANDLED; } return IN_PASS; } void CGUIManager::SendEventToAll(const CStr& eventName) const { top()->SendEventToAll(eventName); } void CGUIManager::SendEventToAll(const CStr& eventName, JS::HandleValueArray paramData) const { top()->SendEventToAll(eventName, paramData); } void CGUIManager::TickObjects() { PROFILE3("gui tick"); // We share the script runtime with everything else that runs in the same thread. // This call makes sure we trigger GC regularly even if the simulation is not running. m_ScriptInterface->GetRuntime()->MaybeIncrementalGC(1.0f); // Save an immutable copy so iterators aren't invalidated by tick handlers PageStackType pageStack = m_PageStack; for (const SGUIPage& p : pageStack) p.gui->TickObjects(); } void CGUIManager::Draw() const { PROFILE3_GPU("gui"); for (const SGUIPage& p : m_PageStack) p.gui->Draw(); } void CGUIManager::UpdateResolution() { // Save an immutable copy so iterators aren't invalidated by event handlers PageStackType pageStack = m_PageStack; for (const SGUIPage& p : pageStack) { p.gui->UpdateResolution(); p.gui->SendEventToAll("WindowResized"); } } bool CGUIManager::TemplateExists(const std::string& templateName) const { return m_TemplateLoader.TemplateExists(templateName); } const CParamNode& CGUIManager::GetTemplate(const std::string& templateName) { const CParamNode& templateRoot = m_TemplateLoader.GetTemplateFileData(templateName).GetChild("Entity"); if (!templateRoot.IsOk()) LOGERROR("Invalid template found for '%s'", templateName.c_str()); return templateRoot; } // This returns a shared_ptr to make sure the CGUI doesn't get deallocated // while we're in the middle of calling a function on it (e.g. if a GUI script // calls SwitchPage) shared_ptr CGUIManager::top() const { ENSURE(m_PageStack.size()); return m_PageStack.back().gui; } Index: ps/trunk/source/gui/GUIManager.h =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/gui/GUIManager.h (revision 22845) +++ ps/trunk/source/gui/GUIManager.h (revision 22846) @@ -1,196 +1,196 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_GUIMANAGER #define INCLUDED_GUIMANAGER #include #include #include "lib/input.h" #include "lib/file/vfs/vfs_path.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/TemplateLoader.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptVal.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" class CGUI; class JSObject; class IGUIObject; struct CGUIColor; struct SGUIIcon; /** * External interface to the GUI system. * * The GUI consists of a set of pages. Each page is constructed from a * series of XML files, and is independent from any other page. * Only one page is active at a time. All events and render requests etc * will go to the active page. This lets the GUI switch between pre-game menu * and in-game UI. */ class CGUIManager { NONCOPYABLE(CGUIManager); public: CGUIManager(); ~CGUIManager(); shared_ptr GetScriptInterface() { return m_ScriptInterface; } shared_ptr GetRuntime() { return m_ScriptRuntime; } shared_ptr GetActiveGUI() { return top(); } /** - * Returns whether there are any current pages. + * Returns the number of currently open GUI pages. */ - bool HasPages(); + size_t GetPageCount() const; /** * Load a new GUI page and make it active. All current pages will be destroyed. */ void SwitchPage(const CStrW& name, ScriptInterface* srcScriptInterface, JS::HandleValue initData); /** * Load a new GUI page and make it active. All current pages will be retained, * and will still be drawn and receive tick events, but will not receive * user inputs. * If given, the callbackHandler function will be executed once this page is closed. */ void PushPage(const CStrW& pageName, shared_ptr initData, JS::HandleValue callbackFunc); /** * Unload the currently active GUI page, and make the previous page active. * (There must be at least two pages when you call this.) */ void PopPage(shared_ptr args); /** * Called when a file has been modified, to hotload changes. */ Status ReloadChangedFile(const VfsPath& path); /** * Sets the default mouse pointer. */ void ResetCursor(); /** * Called when we should reload all pages (e.g. translation hotloading update). */ Status ReloadAllPages(); /** * Pass input events to the currently active GUI page. */ InReaction HandleEvent(const SDL_Event_* ev); /** * See CGUI::SendEventToAll; applies to the currently active page. */ void SendEventToAll(const CStr& eventName) const; void SendEventToAll(const CStr& eventName, JS::HandleValueArray paramData) const; /** * See CGUI::TickObjects; applies to @em all loaded pages. */ void TickObjects(); /** * See CGUI::Draw; applies to @em all loaded pages. */ void Draw() const; /** * See CGUI::UpdateResolution; applies to @em all loaded pages. */ void UpdateResolution(); /** * Calls the current page's script function getSavedGameData() and returns the result. */ std::string GetSavedGameData(); void RestoreSavedGameData(const std::string& jsonData); /** * Check if a template with this name exists */ bool TemplateExists(const std::string& templateName) const; /** * Retrieve the requested template, used for displaying faction specificities. */ const CParamNode& GetTemplate(const std::string& templateName); private: struct SGUIPage { // COPYABLE, because event handlers may invalidate page stack iterators by open or close pages, // and event handlers need to be called for the entire stack. /** * Initializes the data that will be used to create the CGUI page one or multiple times (hotloading). */ SGUIPage(const CStrW& pageName, const shared_ptr initData); /** * Create the CGUI with it's own ScriptInterface. Deletes the previous CGUI if it existed. */ void LoadPage(shared_ptr scriptRuntime); /** * Sets the callback handler when a new page is opened that will be performed when the page is closed. */ void SetCallbackFunction(ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::HandleValue callbackFunc); /** * Execute the stored callback function with the given arguments. */ void PerformCallbackFunction(shared_ptr args); CStrW name; boost::unordered_set inputs; // for hotloading shared_ptr initData; // data to be passed to the init() function shared_ptr gui; // the actual GUI page /** * Function executed by this parent GUI page when the child GUI page it pushed is popped. * Notice that storing it in the SGUIPage instead of CGUI means that it will survive the hotloading CGUI reset. */ shared_ptr callbackFunction; }; shared_ptr top() const; shared_ptr m_ScriptRuntime; shared_ptr m_ScriptInterface; typedef std::vector PageStackType; PageStackType m_PageStack; CTemplateLoader m_TemplateLoader; }; extern CGUIManager* g_GUI; extern InReaction gui_handler(const SDL_Event_* ev); #endif // INCLUDED_GUIMANAGER Index: ps/trunk/source/gui/scripting/JSInterface_GUIManager.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/gui/scripting/JSInterface_GUIManager.cpp (revision 22845) +++ ps/trunk/source/gui/scripting/JSInterface_GUIManager.cpp (revision 22846) @@ -1,88 +1,96 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "JSInterface_GUIManager.h" #include "gui/CGUI.h" #include "gui/GUIManager.h" #include "gui/IGUIObject.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" // Note that the initData argument may only contain clonable data. // Functions aren't supported for example! void JSI_GUIManager::PushGuiPage(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::wstring& name, JS::HandleValue initData, JS::HandleValue callbackFunction) { g_GUI->PushPage(name, pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->WriteStructuredClone(initData), callbackFunction); } void JSI_GUIManager::SwitchGuiPage(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::wstring& name, JS::HandleValue initData) { g_GUI->SwitchPage(name, pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface, initData); } void JSI_GUIManager::PopGuiPage(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, JS::HandleValue args) { + if (g_GUI->GetPageCount() < 2) + { + JSContext* cx = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->GetContext(); + JSAutoRequest rq(cx); + JS_ReportError(cx, "Can't pop GUI pages when less than two pages are opened!"); + return; + } + g_GUI->PopPage(pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface->WriteStructuredClone(args)); } JS::Value JSI_GUIManager::GetGUIObjectByName(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::string& name) { CGUI* guiPage = static_cast(pCxPrivate->pCBData); IGUIObject* guiObj = guiPage->FindObjectByName(name); if (!guiObj) return JS::UndefinedValue(); return JS::ObjectValue(*guiObj->GetJSObject()); } std::wstring JSI_GUIManager::SetCursor(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate), const std::wstring& name) { std::wstring old = g_CursorName; g_CursorName = name; return old; } void JSI_GUIManager::ResetCursor(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate)) { g_GUI->ResetCursor(); } bool JSI_GUIManager::TemplateExists(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate), const std::string& templateName) { return g_GUI->TemplateExists(templateName); } CParamNode JSI_GUIManager::GetTemplate(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate), const std::string& templateName) { return g_GUI->GetTemplate(templateName); } void JSI_GUIManager::RegisterScriptFunctions(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("PushGuiPage"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("SwitchGuiPage"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("PopGuiPage"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("GetGUIObjectByName"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("SetCursor"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("ResetCursor"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("TemplateExists"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("GetTemplate"); } Index: ps/trunk/source/ps/Game.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/ps/Game.cpp (revision 22845) +++ ps/trunk/source/ps/Game.cpp (revision 22846) @@ -1,466 +1,466 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "Game.h" #include "graphics/GameView.h" #include "graphics/LOSTexture.h" #include "graphics/ParticleManager.h" #include "graphics/UnitManager.h" #include "gui/GUIManager.h" #include "gui/CGUI.h" #include "lib/config2.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "network/NetClient.h" #include "network/NetServer.h" #include "ps/CConsole.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/LoaderThunks.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/Replay.h" #include "ps/Shapes.h" #include "ps/World.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "renderer/TimeManager.h" #include "renderer/WaterManager.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayer.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpPlayerManager.h" #include "simulation2/system/ReplayTurnManager.h" #include "soundmanager/ISoundManager.h" #include "tools/atlas/GameInterface/GameLoop.h" extern bool g_GameRestarted; extern GameLoopState* g_AtlasGameLoop; /** * Globally accessible pointer to the CGame object. **/ CGame *g_Game=NULL; /** * Constructor * **/ CGame::CGame(bool replayLog): m_World(new CWorld(this)), m_Simulation2(new CSimulation2(&m_World->GetUnitManager(), g_ScriptRuntime, m_World->GetTerrain())), m_GameView(CRenderer::IsInitialised() ? new CGameView(this) : nullptr), m_GameStarted(false), m_Paused(false), m_SimRate(1.0f), m_PlayerID(-1), m_ViewedPlayerID(-1), m_IsSavedGame(false), m_IsVisualReplay(false), m_ReplayStream(NULL) { // TODO: should use CDummyReplayLogger unless activated by cmd-line arg, perhaps? if (replayLog) m_ReplayLogger = new CReplayLogger(m_Simulation2->GetScriptInterface()); else m_ReplayLogger = new CDummyReplayLogger(); // Need to set the CObjectManager references after various objects have // been initialised, so do it here rather than via the initialisers above. if (m_GameView) m_World->GetUnitManager().SetObjectManager(m_GameView->GetObjectManager()); m_TurnManager = new CLocalTurnManager(*m_Simulation2, GetReplayLogger()); // this will get replaced if we're a net server/client m_Simulation2->LoadDefaultScripts(); } /** * Destructor * **/ CGame::~CGame() { // Again, the in-game call tree is going to be different to the main menu one. if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised()) g_Profiler.StructuralReset(); delete m_TurnManager; delete m_GameView; delete m_Simulation2; delete m_World; delete m_ReplayLogger; delete m_ReplayStream; } void CGame::SetTurnManager(CTurnManager* turnManager) { if (m_TurnManager) delete m_TurnManager; m_TurnManager = turnManager; if (m_TurnManager) m_TurnManager->SetPlayerID(m_PlayerID); } int CGame::LoadVisualReplayData() { ENSURE(m_IsVisualReplay); ENSURE(!m_ReplayPath.empty()); ENSURE(m_ReplayStream); CReplayTurnManager* replayTurnMgr = static_cast(GetTurnManager()); u32 currentTurn = 0; std::string type; while ((*m_ReplayStream >> type).good()) { if (type == "turn") { u32 turn = 0; u32 turnLength = 0; *m_ReplayStream >> turn >> turnLength; ENSURE(turn == currentTurn && "You tried to replay a commands.txt file of a rejoined client. Please use the host's file."); replayTurnMgr->StoreReplayTurnLength(currentTurn, turnLength); } else if (type == "cmd") { player_id_t player; *m_ReplayStream >> player; std::string line; std::getline(*m_ReplayStream, line); replayTurnMgr->StoreReplayCommand(currentTurn, player, line); } else if (type == "hash" || type == "hash-quick") { bool quick = (type == "hash-quick"); std::string replayHash; *m_ReplayStream >> replayHash; replayTurnMgr->StoreReplayHash(currentTurn, replayHash, quick); } else if (type == "end") ++currentTurn; else CancelLoad(L"Failed to load replay data (unrecognized content)"); } SAFE_DELETE(m_ReplayStream); m_FinalReplayTurn = currentTurn > 0 ? currentTurn - 1 : 0; replayTurnMgr->StoreFinalReplayTurn(m_FinalReplayTurn); return 0; } bool CGame::StartVisualReplay(const OsPath& replayPath) { debug_printf("Starting to replay %s\n", replayPath.string8().c_str()); m_IsVisualReplay = true; SetTurnManager(new CReplayTurnManager(*m_Simulation2, GetReplayLogger())); m_ReplayPath = replayPath; m_ReplayStream = new std::ifstream(OsString(replayPath).c_str()); std::string type; ENSURE((*m_ReplayStream >> type).good() && type == "start"); std::string line; std::getline(*m_ReplayStream, line); const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = m_Simulation2->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue attribs(cx); scriptInterface.ParseJSON(line, &attribs); StartGame(&attribs, ""); return true; } /** * Initializes the game with the set of attributes provided. * Makes calls to initialize the game view, world, and simulation objects. * Calls are made to facilitate progress reporting of the initialization. **/ void CGame::RegisterInit(const JS::HandleValue attribs, const std::string& savedState) { const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = m_Simulation2->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); m_InitialSavedState = savedState; m_IsSavedGame = !savedState.empty(); m_Simulation2->SetInitAttributes(attribs); std::string mapType; scriptInterface.GetProperty(attribs, "mapType", mapType); float speed; if (scriptInterface.HasProperty(attribs, "gameSpeed") && scriptInterface.GetProperty(attribs, "gameSpeed", speed)) SetSimRate(speed); LDR_BeginRegistering(); RegMemFun(m_Simulation2, &CSimulation2::ProgressiveLoad, L"Simulation init", 1000); // RC, 040804 - GameView needs to be initialized before World, otherwise GameView initialization // overwrites anything stored in the map file that gets loaded by CWorld::Initialize with default // values. At the minute, it's just lighting settings, but could be extended to store camera position. // Storing lighting settings in the game view seems a little odd, but it's no big deal; maybe move it at // some point to be stored in the world object? if (m_GameView) m_GameView->RegisterInit(); if (mapType == "random") { // Load random map attributes std::wstring scriptFile; JS::RootedValue settings(cx); scriptInterface.GetProperty(attribs, "script", scriptFile); scriptInterface.GetProperty(attribs, "settings", &settings); m_World->RegisterInitRMS(scriptFile, scriptInterface.GetJSRuntime(), settings, m_PlayerID); } else { std::wstring mapFile; JS::RootedValue settings(cx); scriptInterface.GetProperty(attribs, "map", mapFile); scriptInterface.GetProperty(attribs, "settings", &settings); m_World->RegisterInit(mapFile, scriptInterface.GetJSRuntime(), settings, m_PlayerID); } if (m_GameView) RegMemFun(g_Renderer.GetSingletonPtr()->GetWaterManager(), &WaterManager::LoadWaterTextures, L"LoadWaterTextures", 80); if (m_IsSavedGame) RegMemFun(this, &CGame::LoadInitialState, L"Loading game", 1000); if (m_IsVisualReplay) RegMemFun(this, &CGame::LoadVisualReplayData, L"Loading visual replay data", 1000); LDR_EndRegistering(); } int CGame::LoadInitialState() { ENSURE(m_IsSavedGame); ENSURE(!m_InitialSavedState.empty()); std::string state; m_InitialSavedState.swap(state); // deletes the original to save a bit of memory std::stringstream stream(state); bool ok = m_Simulation2->DeserializeState(stream); if (!ok) { CancelLoad(L"Failed to load saved game state. It might have been\nsaved with an incompatible version of the game."); return 0; } return 0; } /** * Game initialization has been completed. Set game started flag and start the session. * * @return PSRETURN 0 **/ PSRETURN CGame::ReallyStartGame() { JSContext* cx = m_Simulation2->GetScriptInterface().GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); // Call the script function InitGame only for new games, not saved games if (!m_IsSavedGame) { // Perform some simulation initializations (replace skirmish entities, explore territories, etc.) // that needs to be done before setting up the AI and shouldn't be done in Atlas if (!g_AtlasGameLoop->running) m_Simulation2->PreInitGame(); m_Simulation2->InitGame(); } // We need to do an initial Interpolate call to set up all the models etc, // because Update might never interpolate (e.g. if the game starts paused) // and we could end up rendering before having set up any models (so they'd // all be invisible) Interpolate(0, 0); m_GameStarted=true; // Render a frame to begin loading assets if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) Render(); if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->LoadFinished(); // Call the reallyStartGame GUI function, but only if it exists - if (g_GUI && g_GUI->HasPages()) + if (g_GUI && g_GUI->GetPageCount()) { JS::RootedValue global(cx, g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetGlobalObject()); if (g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface()->HasProperty(global, "reallyStartGame")) g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface()->CallFunctionVoid(global, "reallyStartGame"); } debug_printf("GAME STARTED, ALL INIT COMPLETE\n"); // The call tree we've built for pregame probably isn't useful in-game. if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised()) g_Profiler.StructuralReset(); g_GameRestarted = true; return 0; } int CGame::GetPlayerID() { return m_PlayerID; } void CGame::SetPlayerID(player_id_t playerID) { m_PlayerID = playerID; m_ViewedPlayerID = playerID; if (m_TurnManager) m_TurnManager->SetPlayerID(m_PlayerID); } int CGame::GetViewedPlayerID() { return m_ViewedPlayerID; } void CGame::SetViewedPlayerID(player_id_t playerID) { m_ViewedPlayerID = playerID; } void CGame::StartGame(JS::MutableHandleValue attribs, const std::string& savedState) { if (m_ReplayLogger) m_ReplayLogger->StartGame(attribs); RegisterInit(attribs, savedState); } // TODO: doInterpolate is optional because Atlas interpolates explicitly, // so that it has more control over the update rate. The game might want to // do the same, and then doInterpolate should be redundant and removed. void CGame::Update(const double deltaRealTime, bool doInterpolate) { if (m_Paused || !m_TurnManager) return; const double deltaSimTime = deltaRealTime * m_SimRate; if (deltaSimTime) { // To avoid confusing the profiler, we need to trigger the new turn // while we're not nested inside any PROFILE blocks if (m_TurnManager->WillUpdate(deltaSimTime)) g_Profiler.Turn(); // At the normal sim rate, we currently want to render at least one // frame per simulation turn, so let maxTurns be 1. But for fast-forward // sim rates we want to allow more, so it's not bounded by framerate, // so just use the sim rate itself as the number of turns per frame. size_t maxTurns = (size_t)m_SimRate; if (m_TurnManager->Update(deltaSimTime, maxTurns)) { { PROFILE3("gui sim update"); g_GUI->SendEventToAll("SimulationUpdate"); } GetView()->GetLOSTexture().MakeDirty(); } if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) g_Renderer.GetTimeManager().Update(deltaSimTime); } if (doInterpolate) m_TurnManager->Interpolate(deltaSimTime, deltaRealTime); } void CGame::Interpolate(float simFrameLength, float realFrameLength) { if (!m_TurnManager) return; m_TurnManager->Interpolate(simFrameLength, realFrameLength); } static CColor BrokenColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); void CGame::CachePlayerColors() { m_PlayerColors.clear(); CmpPtr cmpPlayerManager(*m_Simulation2, SYSTEM_ENTITY); if (!cmpPlayerManager) return; int numPlayers = cmpPlayerManager->GetNumPlayers(); m_PlayerColors.resize(numPlayers); for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { CmpPtr cmpPlayer(*m_Simulation2, cmpPlayerManager->GetPlayerByID(i)); if (!cmpPlayer) m_PlayerColors[i] = BrokenColor; else m_PlayerColors[i] = cmpPlayer->GetDisplayedColor(); } } CColor CGame::GetPlayerColor(player_id_t player) const { if (player < 0 || player >= (int)m_PlayerColors.size()) return BrokenColor; return m_PlayerColors[player]; } bool CGame::IsGameFinished() const { for (const std::pair& p : m_Simulation2->GetEntitiesWithInterface(IID_Player)) { CmpPtr cmpPlayer(*m_Simulation2, p.first); if (cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer->GetState() == "won") return true; } return false; } Index: ps/trunk/source/ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.cpp (revision 22845) +++ ps/trunk/source/ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.cpp (revision 22846) @@ -1,1683 +1,1683 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "lib/app_hooks.h" #include "lib/config2.h" #include "lib/input.h" #include "lib/ogl.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "lib/file/common/file_stats.h" #include "lib/res/h_mgr.h" #include "lib/res/graphics/cursor.h" #include "lib/sysdep/cursor.h" #include "graphics/CinemaManager.h" #include "graphics/FontMetrics.h" #include "graphics/GameView.h" #include "graphics/LightEnv.h" #include "graphics/MapReader.h" #include "graphics/MaterialManager.h" #include "graphics/TerrainTextureManager.h" #include "gui/GUI.h" #include "gui/GUIManager.h" #include "i18n/L10n.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "network/NetServer.h" #include "network/NetClient.h" #include "network/NetMessage.h" #include "network/NetMessages.h" #include "ps/CConsole.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/ConfigDB.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Atlas.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Paths.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/CmdLineArgs.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/HWDetect.h" #include "ps/Globals.h" #include "ps/Hotkey.h" #include "ps/Joystick.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/Mod.h" #include "ps/ModIo.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/ProfileViewer.h" #include "ps/Profiler2.h" #include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h" // psSetLogDir #include "ps/scripting/JSInterface_Console.h" #include "ps/TouchInput.h" #include "ps/UserReport.h" #include "ps/Util.h" #include "ps/VideoMode.h" #include "ps/VisualReplay.h" #include "ps/World.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "renderer/VertexBufferManager.h" #include "renderer/ModelRenderer.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptStats.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptConversions.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptRuntime.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "lobby/IXmppClient.h" #include "soundmanager/scripting/JSInterface_Sound.h" #include "soundmanager/ISoundManager.h" #include "tools/atlas/GameInterface/GameLoop.h" #include "tools/atlas/GameInterface/View.h" #if !(OS_WIN || OS_MACOSX || OS_ANDROID) // assume all other platforms use X11 for wxWidgets #define MUST_INIT_X11 1 #include #else #define MUST_INIT_X11 0 #endif extern void RestartEngine(); #include #include #include ERROR_GROUP(System); ERROR_TYPE(System, SDLInitFailed); ERROR_TYPE(System, VmodeFailed); ERROR_TYPE(System, RequiredExtensionsMissing); bool g_DoRenderGui = true; bool g_DoRenderLogger = true; bool g_DoRenderCursor = true; shared_ptr g_ScriptRuntime; static const int SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT = 5; // keep in sync with code bool g_InDevelopmentCopy; bool g_CheckedIfInDevelopmentCopy = false; static void SetTextureQuality(int quality) { int q_flags; GLint filter; retry: // keep this in sync with SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT switch(quality) { // worst quality case 0: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_RES|OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_NEAREST; break; // [perf] add bilinear filtering case 1: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_RES|OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_LINEAR; break; // [vmem] no longer reduce resolution case 2: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_LINEAR; break; // [vmem] add mipmaps case 3: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // [perf] better filtering case 4: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // [vmem] no longer reduce bpp case SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT: q_flags = OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; filter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // [perf] add anisotropy case 6: // TODO: add anisotropic filtering q_flags = OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; filter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // invalid default: debug_warn(L"SetTextureQuality: invalid quality"); quality = SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT; // careful: recursion doesn't work and we don't want to duplicate // the "sane" default values. goto retry; } ogl_tex_set_defaults(q_flags, filter); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GUI integration //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // display progress / description in loading screen void GUI_DisplayLoadProgress(int percent, const wchar_t* pending_task) { const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = *(g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface()); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::AutoValueVector paramData(cx); paramData.append(JS::NumberValue(percent)); JS::RootedValue valPendingTask(cx); scriptInterface.ToJSVal(cx, &valPendingTask, pending_task); paramData.append(valPendingTask); g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->SendEventToAll("GameLoadProgress", paramData); } bool ShouldRender() { return !g_app_minimized && (g_app_has_focus || !g_VideoMode.IsInFullscreen()); } void Render() { // Do not render if not focused while in fullscreen or minimised, // as that triggers a difficult-to-reproduce crash on some graphic cards. if (!ShouldRender()) return; PROFILE3("render"); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler2.RecordGPUFrameStart(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // prepare before starting the renderer frame if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->BeginFrame(); if (g_Game) g_Renderer.SetSimulation(g_Game->GetSimulation2()); // start new frame g_Renderer.BeginFrame(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Renderer.RenderTextOverlays(); // If we're in Atlas game view, render special tools if (g_AtlasGameLoop && g_AtlasGameLoop->view) { g_AtlasGameLoop->view->DrawCinemaPathTool(); ogl_WarnIfError(); } if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->GetCinema()->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_DoRenderGui) g_GUI->Draw(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // If we're in Atlas game view, render special overlays (e.g. editor bandbox) if (g_AtlasGameLoop && g_AtlasGameLoop->view) { g_AtlasGameLoop->view->DrawOverlays(); ogl_WarnIfError(); } // Text: glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); g_Console->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_DoRenderLogger) g_Logger->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Profile information g_ProfileViewer.RenderProfile(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Draw the cursor (or set the Windows cursor, on Windows) if (g_DoRenderCursor) { PROFILE3_GPU("cursor"); CStrW cursorName = g_CursorName; if (cursorName.empty()) { cursor_draw(g_VFS, NULL, g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, g_GuiScale, false); } else { bool forceGL = false; CFG_GET_VAL("nohwcursor", forceGL); #if CONFIG2_GLES #warning TODO: implement cursors for GLES #else // set up transform for GL cursor glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); CMatrix3D transform; transform.SetOrtho(0.f, (float)g_xres, 0.f, (float)g_yres, -1.f, 1000.f); glLoadMatrixf(&transform._11); #endif #if OS_ANDROID #warning TODO: cursors for Android #else if (cursor_draw(g_VFS, cursorName.c_str(), g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, g_GuiScale, forceGL) < 0) LOGWARNING("Failed to draw cursor '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(cursorName)); #endif #if CONFIG2_GLES #warning TODO: implement cursors for GLES #else // restore transform glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); #endif } } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); g_Renderer.EndFrame(); PROFILE2_ATTR("draw calls: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_DrawCalls); PROFILE2_ATTR("terrain tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_TerrainTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("water tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_WaterTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("model tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_ModelTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("overlay tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_OverlayTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("blend splats: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_BlendSplats); PROFILE2_ATTR("particles: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_Particles); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler2.RecordGPUFrameEnd(); ogl_WarnIfError(); } ErrorReactionInternal psDisplayError(const wchar_t* UNUSED(text), size_t UNUSED(flags)) { // If we're fullscreen, then sometimes (at least on some particular drivers on Linux) // displaying the error dialog hangs the desktop since the dialog box is behind the // fullscreen window. So we just force the game to windowed mode before displaying the dialog. // (But only if we're in the main thread, and not if we're being reentrant.) if (ThreadUtil::IsMainThread()) { static bool reentering = false; if (!reentering) { reentering = true; g_VideoMode.SetFullscreen(false); reentering = false; } } // We don't actually implement the error display here, so return appropriately return ERI_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } const std::vector& GetMods(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags) { const bool init_mods = (flags & INIT_MODS) == INIT_MODS; const bool add_user = !InDevelopmentCopy() && !args.Has("noUserMod"); const bool add_public = (flags & INIT_MODS_PUBLIC) == INIT_MODS_PUBLIC; if (!init_mods) { // Add the user mod if it should be present if (add_user && (g_modsLoaded.empty() || g_modsLoaded.back() != "user")) g_modsLoaded.push_back("user"); return g_modsLoaded; } g_modsLoaded = args.GetMultiple("mod"); if (add_public) g_modsLoaded.insert(g_modsLoaded.begin(), "public"); g_modsLoaded.insert(g_modsLoaded.begin(), "mod"); // Add the user mod if not explicitly disabled or we have a dev copy so // that saved files end up in version control and not in the user mod. if (add_user) g_modsLoaded.push_back("user"); return g_modsLoaded; } void MountMods(const Paths& paths, const std::vector& mods) { OsPath modPath = paths.RData()/"mods"; OsPath modUserPath = paths.UserData()/"mods"; for (size_t i = 0; i < mods.size(); ++i) { size_t priority = (i+1)*2; // mods are higher priority than regular mountings, which default to priority 0 size_t userFlags = VFS_MOUNT_WATCH|VFS_MOUNT_ARCHIVABLE|VFS_MOUNT_REPLACEABLE; size_t baseFlags = userFlags|VFS_MOUNT_MUST_EXIST; OsPath modName(mods[i]); if (InDevelopmentCopy()) { // We are running a dev copy, so only mount mods in the user mod path // if the mod does not exist in the data path. if (DirectoryExists(modPath / modName/"")) g_VFS->Mount(L"", modPath / modName/"", baseFlags, priority); else g_VFS->Mount(L"", modUserPath / modName/"", userFlags, priority); } else { g_VFS->Mount(L"", modPath / modName/"", baseFlags, priority); // Ensure that user modified files are loaded, if they are present g_VFS->Mount(L"", modUserPath / modName/"", userFlags, priority+1); } } } static void InitVfs(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags) { TIMER(L"InitVfs"); const bool setup_error = (flags & INIT_HAVE_DISPLAY_ERROR) == 0; const Paths paths(args); OsPath logs(paths.Logs()); CreateDirectories(logs, 0700); psSetLogDir(logs); // desired location for crashlog is now known. update AppHooks ASAP // (particularly before the following error-prone operations): AppHooks hooks = {0}; hooks.bundle_logs = psBundleLogs; hooks.get_log_dir = psLogDir; if (setup_error) hooks.display_error = psDisplayError; app_hooks_update(&hooks); g_VFS = CreateVfs(); const OsPath readonlyConfig = paths.RData()/"config"/""; g_VFS->Mount(L"config/", readonlyConfig); // Engine localization files. g_VFS->Mount(L"l10n/", paths.RData()/"l10n"/""); MountMods(paths, GetMods(args, flags)); // We mount these dirs last as otherwise writing could result in files being placed in a mod's dir. g_VFS->Mount(L"screenshots/", paths.UserData()/"screenshots"/""); g_VFS->Mount(L"saves/", paths.UserData()/"saves"/"", VFS_MOUNT_WATCH); // Mounting with highest priority, so that a mod supplied user.cfg is harmless g_VFS->Mount(L"config/", readonlyConfig, 0, (size_t)-1); if(readonlyConfig != paths.Config()) g_VFS->Mount(L"config/", paths.Config(), 0, (size_t)-1); g_VFS->Mount(L"cache/", paths.Cache(), VFS_MOUNT_ARCHIVABLE); // (adding XMBs to archive speeds up subsequent reads) // note: don't bother with g_VFS->TextRepresentation - directories // haven't yet been populated and are empty. } static void InitPs(bool setup_gui, const CStrW& gui_page, ScriptInterface* srcScriptInterface, JS::HandleValue initData) { { // console TIMER(L"ps_console"); g_Console->UpdateScreenSize(g_xres, g_yres); // Calculate and store the line spacing CFontMetrics font(CStrIntern(CONSOLE_FONT)); g_Console->m_iFontHeight = font.GetLineSpacing(); g_Console->m_iFontWidth = font.GetCharacterWidth(L'C'); g_Console->m_charsPerPage = (size_t)(g_xres / g_Console->m_iFontWidth); // Offset by an arbitrary amount, to make it fit more nicely g_Console->m_iFontOffset = 7; double blinkRate = 0.5; CFG_GET_VAL("gui.cursorblinkrate", blinkRate); g_Console->SetCursorBlinkRate(blinkRate); } // hotkeys { TIMER(L"ps_lang_hotkeys"); LoadHotkeys(); } if (!setup_gui) { // We do actually need *some* kind of GUI loaded, so use the // (currently empty) Atlas one g_GUI->SwitchPage(L"page_atlas.xml", srcScriptInterface, initData); return; } // GUI uses VFS, so this must come after VFS init. g_GUI->SwitchPage(gui_page, srcScriptInterface, initData); } void InitPsAutostart(bool networked, JS::HandleValue attrs) { // The GUI has not been initialized yet, so use the simulation scriptinterface for this variable ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue playerAssignments(cx); scriptInterface.CreateObject(&playerAssignments); if (!networked) { JS::RootedValue localPlayer(cx); scriptInterface.CreateObject(&localPlayer, "player", g_Game->GetPlayerID()); scriptInterface.SetProperty(playerAssignments, "local", localPlayer); } JS::RootedValue sessionInitData(cx); scriptInterface.CreateObject( &sessionInitData, "attribs", attrs, "playerAssignments", playerAssignments); InitPs(true, L"page_loading.xml", &scriptInterface, sessionInitData); } static void InitInput() { g_Joystick.Initialise(); // register input handlers // This stack is constructed so the first added, will be the last // one called. This is important, because each of the handlers // has the potential to block events to go further down // in the chain. I.e. the last one in the list added, is the // only handler that can block all messages before they are // processed. in_add_handler(game_view_handler); in_add_handler(CProfileViewer::InputThunk); in_add_handler(conInputHandler); in_add_handler(HotkeyInputHandler); // gui_handler needs to be registered after (i.e. called before!) the // hotkey handler so that input boxes can be typed in without // setting off hotkeys. in_add_handler(gui_handler); in_add_handler(touch_input_handler); // must be registered after (called before) the GUI which relies on these globals in_add_handler(GlobalsInputHandler); } static void ShutdownPs() { SAFE_DELETE(g_GUI); UnloadHotkeys(); // disable the special Windows cursor, or free textures for OGL cursors cursor_draw(g_VFS, 0, g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, 1.0, false); } static void InitRenderer() { TIMER(L"InitRenderer"); if(g_NoGLS3TC) ogl_tex_override(OGL_TEX_S3TC, OGL_TEX_DISABLE); if(g_NoGLAutoMipmap) ogl_tex_override(OGL_TEX_AUTO_MIPMAP_GEN, OGL_TEX_DISABLE); // create renderer new CRenderer; g_RenderingOptions.ReadConfig(); // set renderer options from command line options - NOVBO must be set before opening the renderer // and init them in the ConfigDB when needed g_RenderingOptions.SetNoVBO(g_NoGLVBO); g_RenderingOptions.SetShadows(g_Shadows); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "shadows", g_Shadows); g_RenderingOptions.SetWaterEffects(g_WaterEffects); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "watereffects", g_WaterEffects); g_RenderingOptions.SetWaterFancyEffects(g_WaterFancyEffects); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "waterfancyeffects", g_WaterFancyEffects); g_RenderingOptions.SetWaterRealDepth(g_WaterRealDepth); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "waterrealdepth", g_WaterRealDepth); g_RenderingOptions.SetWaterReflection(g_WaterReflection); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "waterreflection", g_WaterReflection); g_RenderingOptions.SetWaterRefraction(g_WaterRefraction); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "waterrefraction", g_WaterRefraction); g_RenderingOptions.SetWaterShadows(g_WaterShadows); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "watershadows", g_WaterShadows); g_RenderingOptions.SetRenderPath(RenderPathEnum::FromString(g_RenderPath)); g_RenderingOptions.SetShadowPCF(g_ShadowPCF); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "shadowpcf", g_ShadowPCF); g_RenderingOptions.SetParticles(g_Particles); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "particles", g_Particles); g_RenderingOptions.SetFog(g_Fog); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "fog", g_Fog); g_RenderingOptions.SetSilhouettes(g_Silhouettes); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "silhouettes", g_Silhouettes); g_RenderingOptions.SetShowSky(g_ShowSky); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "showsky", g_ShowSky); g_RenderingOptions.SetPreferGLSL(g_PreferGLSL); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "preferglsl", g_PreferGLSL); g_RenderingOptions.SetPostProc(g_PostProc); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "postproc", g_PostProc); g_RenderingOptions.SetSmoothLOS(g_SmoothLOS); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_SYSTEM, "smoothlos", g_SmoothLOS); // create terrain related stuff new CTerrainTextureManager; g_Renderer.Open(g_xres, g_yres); // Setup lighting environment. Since the Renderer accesses the // lighting environment through a pointer, this has to be done before // the first Frame. g_Renderer.SetLightEnv(&g_LightEnv); // I haven't seen the camera affecting GUI rendering and such, but the // viewport has to be updated according to the video mode SViewPort vp; vp.m_X = 0; vp.m_Y = 0; vp.m_Width = g_xres; vp.m_Height = g_yres; g_Renderer.SetViewport(vp); ColorActivateFastImpl(); ModelRenderer::Init(); } static void InitSDL() { #if OS_LINUX // In fullscreen mode when SDL is compiled with DGA support, the mouse // sensitivity often appears to be unusably wrong (typically too low). // (This seems to be reported almost exclusively on Ubuntu, but can be // reproduced on Gentoo after explicitly enabling DGA.) // Disabling the DGA mouse appears to fix that problem, and doesn't // have any obvious negative effects. setenv("SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE", "0", 0); #endif if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) < 0) { LOGERROR("SDL library initialization failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); throw PSERROR_System_SDLInitFailed(); } atexit(SDL_Quit); // Text input is active by default, disable it until it is actually needed. SDL_StopTextInput(); #if OS_MACOSX // Some Mac mice only have one button, so they can't right-click // but SDL2 can emulate that with Ctrl+Click bool macMouse = false; CFG_GET_VAL("macmouse", macMouse); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MAC_CTRL_CLICK_EMULATE_RIGHT_CLICK, macMouse ? "1" : "0"); #endif } static void ShutdownSDL() { SDL_Quit(); sys_cursor_reset(); } void EndGame() { if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted() && !g_Game->IsVisualReplay() && g_AtlasGameLoop && !g_AtlasGameLoop->running && CRenderer::IsInitialised()) VisualReplay::SaveReplayMetadata(g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface().get()); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetClient); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetServer); SAFE_DELETE(g_Game); if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) { ISoundManager::CloseGame(); g_Renderer.ResetState(); } } void Shutdown(int flags) { const bool hasRenderer = CRenderer::IsInitialised(); if ((flags & SHUTDOWN_FROM_CONFIG)) goto from_config; EndGame(); SAFE_DELETE(g_XmppClient); SAFE_DELETE(g_ModIo); ShutdownPs(); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown TexMan"); delete &g_TexMan; TIMER_END(L"shutdown TexMan"); if (hasRenderer) { TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown Renderer"); g_Renderer.~CRenderer(); g_VBMan.Shutdown(); TIMER_END(L"shutdown Renderer"); } g_Profiler2.ShutdownGPU(); // Free cursors before shutting down SDL, as they may depend on SDL. cursor_shutdown(); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown SDL"); ShutdownSDL(); TIMER_END(L"shutdown SDL"); if (hasRenderer) g_VideoMode.Shutdown(); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown UserReporter"); g_UserReporter.Deinitialize(); TIMER_END(L"shutdown UserReporter"); // Cleanup curl now that g_ModIo and g_UserReporter have been shutdown. curl_global_cleanup(); delete &g_L10n; from_config: TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown ConfigDB"); delete &g_ConfigDB; TIMER_END(L"shutdown ConfigDB"); SAFE_DELETE(g_Console); // This is needed to ensure that no callbacks from the JSAPI try to use // the profiler when it's already destructed g_ScriptRuntime.reset(); // resource // first shut down all resource owners, and then the handle manager. TIMER_BEGIN(L"resource modules"); ISoundManager::SetEnabled(false); g_VFS.reset(); // this forcibly frees all open handles (thus preventing real leaks), // and makes further access to h_mgr impossible. h_mgr_shutdown(); file_stats_dump(); TIMER_END(L"resource modules"); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown misc"); timer_DisplayClientTotals(); CNetHost::Deinitialize(); // should be last, since the above use them SAFE_DELETE(g_Logger); delete &g_Profiler; delete &g_ProfileViewer; SAFE_DELETE(g_ScriptStatsTable); TIMER_END(L"shutdown misc"); } #if OS_UNIX static void FixLocales() { #if OS_MACOSX || OS_BSD // OS X requires a UTF-8 locale in LC_CTYPE so that *wprintf can handle // wide characters. Peculiarly the string "UTF-8" seems to be acceptable // despite not being a real locale, and it's conveniently language-agnostic, // so use that. setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "UTF-8"); #endif // On misconfigured systems with incorrect locale settings, we'll die // with a C++ exception when some code (e.g. Boost) tries to use locales. // To avoid death, we'll detect the problem here and warn the user and // reset to the default C locale. // For informing the user of the problem, use the list of env vars that // glibc setlocale looks at. (LC_ALL is checked first, and LANG last.) const char* const LocaleEnvVars[] = { "LC_ALL", "LC_COLLATE", "LC_CTYPE", "LC_MONETARY", "LC_NUMERIC", "LC_TIME", "LC_MESSAGES", "LANG" }; try { // this constructor is similar to setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), // but instead of returning NULL, it throws runtime_error // when the first locale env variable found contains an invalid value std::locale(""); } catch (std::runtime_error&) { LOGWARNING("Invalid locale settings"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(LocaleEnvVars); i++) { if (char* envval = getenv(LocaleEnvVars[i])) LOGWARNING(" %s=\"%s\"", LocaleEnvVars[i], envval); else LOGWARNING(" %s=\"(unset)\"", LocaleEnvVars[i]); } // We should set LC_ALL since it overrides LANG if (setenv("LC_ALL", std::locale::classic().name().c_str(), 1)) debug_warn(L"Invalid locale settings, and unable to set LC_ALL env variable."); else LOGWARNING("Setting LC_ALL env variable to: %s", getenv("LC_ALL")); } } #else static void FixLocales() { // Do nothing on Windows } #endif void EarlyInit() { // If you ever want to catch a particular allocation: //_CrtSetBreakAlloc(232647); ThreadUtil::SetMainThread(); debug_SetThreadName("main"); // add all debug_printf "tags" that we are interested in: debug_filter_add("TIMER"); timer_LatchStartTime(); // initialise profiler early so it can profile startup, // but only after LatchStartTime g_Profiler2.Initialise(); FixLocales(); // Because we do GL calls from a secondary thread, Xlib needs to // be told to support multiple threads safely. // This is needed for Atlas, but we have to call it before any other // Xlib functions (e.g. the ones used when drawing the main menu // before launching Atlas) #if MUST_INIT_X11 int status = XInitThreads(); if (status == 0) debug_printf("Error enabling thread-safety via XInitThreads\n"); #endif // Initialise the low-quality rand function srand(time(NULL)); // NOTE: this rand should *not* be used for simulation! } bool Autostart(const CmdLineArgs& args); /** * Returns true if the user has intended to start a visual replay from command line. */ bool AutostartVisualReplay(const std::string& replayFile); bool Init(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags) { h_mgr_init(); // Do this as soon as possible, because it chdirs // and will mess up the error reporting if anything // crashes before the working directory is set. InitVfs(args, flags); // This must come after VFS init, which sets the current directory // (required for finding our output log files). g_Logger = new CLogger; new CProfileViewer; new CProfileManager; // before any script code g_ScriptStatsTable = new CScriptStatsTable; g_ProfileViewer.AddRootTable(g_ScriptStatsTable); // Set up the console early, so that debugging // messages can be logged to it. (The console's size // and fonts are set later in InitPs()) g_Console = new CConsole(); // g_ConfigDB, command line args, globals CONFIG_Init(args); // Using a global object for the runtime is a workaround until Simulation and AI use // their own threads and also their own runtimes. const int runtimeSize = 384 * 1024 * 1024; const int heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger = 20 * 1024 * 1024; g_ScriptRuntime = ScriptInterface::CreateRuntime(shared_ptr(), runtimeSize, heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger); Mod::CacheEnabledModVersions(g_ScriptRuntime); // Special command-line mode to dump the entity schemas instead of running the game. // (This must be done after loading VFS etc, but should be done before wasting time // on anything else.) if (args.Has("dumpSchema")) { CSimulation2 sim(NULL, g_ScriptRuntime, NULL); sim.LoadDefaultScripts(); std::ofstream f("entity.rng", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); f << sim.GenerateSchema(); std::cout << "Generated entity.rng\n"; exit(0); } CNetHost::Initialize(); #if CONFIG2_AUDIO if (!args.Has("autostart-nonvisual")) ISoundManager::CreateSoundManager(); #endif // Check if there are mods specified on the command line, // or if we already set the mods (~INIT_MODS), // else check if there are mods that should be loaded specified // in the config and load those (by aborting init and restarting // the engine). if (!args.Has("mod") && (flags & INIT_MODS) == INIT_MODS) { CStr modstring; CFG_GET_VAL("mod.enabledmods", modstring); if (!modstring.empty()) { std::vector mods; boost::split(mods, modstring, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on); std::swap(g_modsLoaded, mods); // Abort init and restart RestartEngine(); return false; } } new L10n; // Optionally start profiler HTTP output automatically // (By default it's only enabled by a hotkey, for security/performance) bool profilerHTTPEnable = false; CFG_GET_VAL("profiler2.autoenable", profilerHTTPEnable); if (profilerHTTPEnable) g_Profiler2.EnableHTTP(); // Initialise everything except Win32 sockets (because our networking // system already inits those) curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL & ~CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32); if (!g_Quickstart) g_UserReporter.Initialize(); // after config PROFILE2_EVENT("Init finished"); return true; } void InitGraphics(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags, const std::vector& installedMods) { const bool setup_vmode = (flags & INIT_HAVE_VMODE) == 0; if(setup_vmode) { InitSDL(); if (!g_VideoMode.InitSDL()) throw PSERROR_System_VmodeFailed(); // abort startup } RunHardwareDetection(); const int quality = SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT; // TODO: set value from config file SetTextureQuality(quality); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Optionally start profiler GPU timings automatically // (By default it's only enabled by a hotkey, for performance/compatibility) bool profilerGPUEnable = false; CFG_GET_VAL("profiler2.autoenable", profilerGPUEnable); if (profilerGPUEnable) g_Profiler2.EnableGPU(); if(!g_Quickstart) { WriteSystemInfo(); // note: no longer vfs_display here. it's dog-slow due to unbuffered // file output and very rarely needed. } if(g_DisableAudio) ISoundManager::SetEnabled(false); g_GUI = new CGUIManager(); // (must come after SetVideoMode, since it calls ogl_Init) if (ogl_HaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_vertex_program", "GL_ARB_fragment_program", NULL) != 0 // ARB && ogl_HaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_vertex_shader", "GL_ARB_fragment_shader", NULL) != 0) // GLSL { DEBUG_DISPLAY_ERROR( L"Your graphics card doesn't appear to be fully compatible with OpenGL shaders." L" In the future, the game will not support pre-shader graphics cards." L" You are advised to try installing newer drivers and/or upgrade your graphics card." L" For more information, please see" ); // TODO: actually quit once fixed function support is dropped } const char* missing = ogl_HaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_multitexture", "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements", "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine", "GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3", NULL); if(missing) { wchar_t buf[500]; swprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"The %hs extension doesn't appear to be available on your computer." L" The game may still work, though - you are welcome to try at your own risk." L" If not or it doesn't look right, upgrade your graphics card.", missing ); DEBUG_DISPLAY_ERROR(buf); // TODO: i18n } if (!ogl_HaveExtension("GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar")) { DEBUG_DISPLAY_ERROR( L"The GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar extension doesn't appear to be available on your computer." L" Shadows are not available and overall graphics quality might suffer." L" You are advised to try installing newer drivers and/or upgrade your graphics card."); g_Shadows = false; } ogl_WarnIfError(); InitRenderer(); InitInput(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // TODO: Is this the best place for this? if (VfsDirectoryExists(L"maps/")) CXeromyces::AddValidator(g_VFS, "map", "maps/scenario.rng"); try { if (!AutostartVisualReplay(args.Get("replay-visual")) && !Autostart(args)) { const bool setup_gui = ((flags & INIT_NO_GUI) == 0); // We only want to display the splash screen at startup shared_ptr scriptInterface = g_GUI->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue data(cx); if (g_GUI) { scriptInterface->CreateObject(&data); scriptInterface->SetProperty(data, "isStartup", true); if (!installedMods.empty()) scriptInterface->SetProperty(data, "installedMods", installedMods); } InitPs(setup_gui, installedMods.empty() ? L"page_pregame.xml" : L"page_modmod.xml", g_GUI->GetScriptInterface().get(), data); } } catch (PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed& e) { // Map Loading failed // Start the engine so we have a GUI InitPs(true, L"page_pregame.xml", NULL, JS::UndefinedHandleValue); // Call script function to do the actual work // (delete game data, switch GUI page, show error, etc.) CancelLoad(CStr(e.what()).FromUTF8()); } } void InitNonVisual(const CmdLineArgs& args) { // Need some stuff for terrain movement costs: // (TODO: this ought to be independent of any graphics code) new CTerrainTextureManager; g_TexMan.LoadTerrainTextures(); Autostart(args); } void RenderGui(bool RenderingState) { g_DoRenderGui = RenderingState; } void RenderLogger(bool RenderingState) { g_DoRenderLogger = RenderingState; } void RenderCursor(bool RenderingState) { g_DoRenderCursor = RenderingState; } /** * Temporarily loads a scenario map and retrieves the "ScriptSettings" JSON * data from it. * The scenario map format is used for scenario and skirmish map types (random * games do not use a "map" (format) but a small JavaScript program which * creates a map on the fly). It contains a section to initialize the game * setup screen. * @param mapPath Absolute path (from VFS root) to the map file to peek in. * @return ScriptSettings in JSON format extracted from the map. */ CStr8 LoadSettingsOfScenarioMap(const VfsPath &mapPath) { CXeromyces mapFile; const char *pathToSettings[] = { "Scenario", "ScriptSettings", "" // Path to JSON data in map }; Status loadResult = mapFile.Load(g_VFS, mapPath); if (INFO::OK != loadResult) { LOGERROR("LoadSettingsOfScenarioMap: Unable to load map file '%s'", mapPath.string8()); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Unable to load map file, check the path for typos."); } XMBElement mapElement = mapFile.GetRoot(); // Select the ScriptSettings node in the map file... for (int i = 0; pathToSettings[i][0]; ++i) { int childId = mapFile.GetElementID(pathToSettings[i]); XMBElementList nodes = mapElement.GetChildNodes(); auto it = std::find_if(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&childId](const XMBElement& child) { return child.GetNodeName() == childId; }); if (it != nodes.end()) mapElement = *it; } // ... they contain a JSON document to initialize the game setup // screen return mapElement.GetText(); } /* * Command line options for autostart * (keep synchronized with binaries/system/readme.txt): * * -autostart="TYPEDIR/MAPNAME" enables autostart and sets MAPNAME; * TYPEDIR is skirmishes, scenarios, or random * -autostart-seed=SEED sets randomization seed value (default 0, use -1 for random) * -autostart-ai=PLAYER:AI sets the AI for PLAYER (e.g. 2:petra) * -autostart-aidiff=PLAYER:DIFF sets the DIFFiculty of PLAYER's AI * (0: sandbox, 5: very hard) * -autostart-aiseed=AISEED sets the seed used for the AI random * generator (default 0, use -1 for random) * -autostart-player=NUMBER sets the playerID in non-networked games (default 1, use -1 for observer) * -autostart-civ=PLAYER:CIV sets PLAYER's civilisation to CIV * (skirmish and random maps only) * -autostart-team=PLAYER:TEAM sets the team for PLAYER (e.g. 2:2). * -autostart-ceasefire=NUM sets a ceasefire duration NUM * (default 0 minutes) * -autostart-nonvisual disable any graphics and sounds * -autostart-victory=SCRIPTNAME sets the victory conditions with SCRIPTNAME * located in simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/ * (default conquest). When the first given SCRIPTNAME is * "endless", no victory conditions will apply. * -autostart-wonderduration=NUM sets the victory duration NUM for wonder victory condition * (default 10 minutes) * -autostart-relicduration=NUM sets the victory duration NUM for relic victory condition * (default 10 minutes) * -autostart-reliccount=NUM sets the number of relics for relic victory condition * (default 2 relics) * -autostart-disable-replay disable saving of replays * * Multiplayer: * -autostart-playername=NAME sets local player NAME (default 'anonymous') * -autostart-host sets multiplayer host mode * -autostart-host-players=NUMBER sets NUMBER of human players for multiplayer * game (default 2) * -autostart-client=IP sets multiplayer client to join host at * given IP address * Random maps only: * -autostart-size=TILES sets random map size in TILES (default 192) * -autostart-players=NUMBER sets NUMBER of players on random map * (default 2) * * Examples: * 1) "Bob" will host a 2 player game on the Arcadia map: * -autostart="scenarios/Arcadia" -autostart-host -autostart-host-players=2 -autostart-playername="Bob" * "Alice" joins the match as player 2: * -autostart="scenarios/Arcadia" -autostart-client= -autostart-playername="Alice" * The players use the developer overlay to control players. * * 2) Load Alpine Lakes random map with random seed, 2 players (Athens and Britons), and player 2 is PetraBot: * -autostart="random/alpine_lakes" -autostart-seed=-1 -autostart-players=2 -autostart-civ=1:athen -autostart-civ=2:brit -autostart-ai=2:petra * * 3) Observe the PetraBot on a triggerscript map: * -autostart="random/jebel_barkal" -autostart-seed=-1 -autostart-players=2 -autostart-civ=1:athen -autostart-civ=2:brit -autostart-ai=1:petra -autostart-ai=2:petra -autostart-player=-1 */ bool Autostart(const CmdLineArgs& args) { CStr autoStartName = args.Get("autostart"); if (autoStartName.empty()) return false; g_Game = new CGame(!args.Has("autostart-disable-replay")); ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue attrs(cx); JS::RootedValue settings(cx); JS::RootedValue playerData(cx); scriptInterface.CreateObject(&attrs); scriptInterface.CreateObject(&settings); scriptInterface.CreateArray(&playerData); // The directory in front of the actual map name indicates which type // of map is being loaded. Drawback of this approach is the association // of map types and folders is hard-coded, but benefits are: // - No need to pass the map type via command line separately // - Prevents mixing up of scenarios and skirmish maps to some degree Path mapPath = Path(autoStartName); std::wstring mapDirectory = mapPath.Parent().Filename().string(); std::string mapType; if (mapDirectory == L"random") { // Random map definition will be loaded from JSON file, so we need to parse it std::wstring scriptPath = L"maps/" + autoStartName.FromUTF8() + L".json"; JS::RootedValue scriptData(cx); scriptInterface.ReadJSONFile(scriptPath, &scriptData); if (!scriptData.isUndefined() && scriptInterface.GetProperty(scriptData, "settings", &settings)) { // JSON loaded ok - copy script name over to game attributes std::wstring scriptFile; scriptInterface.GetProperty(settings, "Script", scriptFile); scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "script", scriptFile); // RMS filename } else { // Problem with JSON file LOGERROR("Autostart: Error reading random map script '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(scriptPath)); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Error reading random map script.\nCheck application log for details."); } // Get optional map size argument (default 192) uint mapSize = 192; if (args.Has("autostart-size")) { CStr size = args.Get("autostart-size"); mapSize = size.ToUInt(); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "Size", mapSize); // Random map size (in patches) // Get optional number of players (default 2) size_t numPlayers = 2; if (args.Has("autostart-players")) { CStr num = args.Get("autostart-players"); numPlayers = num.ToUInt(); } // Set up player data for (size_t i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { JS::RootedValue player(cx); // We could load player_defaults.json here, but that would complicate the logic // even more and autostart is only intended for developers anyway scriptInterface.CreateObject(&player, "Civ", std::string("athen")); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, i, player); } mapType = "random"; } else if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios" || mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // Initialize general settings from the map data so some values // (e.g. name of map) are always present, even when autostart is // partially configured CStr8 mapSettingsJSON = LoadSettingsOfScenarioMap("maps/" + autoStartName + ".xml"); scriptInterface.ParseJSON(mapSettingsJSON, &settings); // Initialize the playerData array being modified by autostart // with the real map data, so sensible values are present: scriptInterface.GetProperty(settings, "PlayerData", &playerData); if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios") mapType = "scenario"; else mapType = "skirmish"; } else { LOGERROR("Autostart: Unrecognized map type '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(mapDirectory)); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Unrecognized map type.\nConsult readme.txt for the currently supported types."); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "mapType", mapType); scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "map", std::string("maps/" + autoStartName)); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "mapType", mapType); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "CheatsEnabled", true); // The seed is used for both random map generation and simulation u32 seed = 0; if (args.Has("autostart-seed")) { CStr seedArg = args.Get("autostart-seed"); if (seedArg == "-1") seed = rand(); else seed = seedArg.ToULong(); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "Seed", seed); // Set seed for AIs u32 aiseed = 0; if (args.Has("autostart-aiseed")) { CStr seedArg = args.Get("autostart-aiseed"); if (seedArg == "-1") aiseed = rand(); else aiseed = seedArg.ToULong(); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "AISeed", aiseed); // Set player data for AIs // attrs.settings = { PlayerData: [ { AI: ... }, ... ] } // or = { PlayerData: [ null, { AI: ... }, ... ] } when gaia set int offset = 1; JS::RootedValue player(cx); if (scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, 0, &player) && player.isNull()) offset = 0; // Set teams if (args.Has("autostart-team")) { std::vector civArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-team"); for (size_t i = 0; i < civArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = civArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue player(cx); if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, &player) || player.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-team option", playerID); continue; } scriptInterface.CreateObject(&player); } int teamID = civArgs[i].AfterFirst(":").ToInt() - 1; scriptInterface.SetProperty(player, "Team", teamID); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, player); } } int ceasefire = 0; if (args.Has("autostart-ceasefire")) ceasefire = args.Get("autostart-ceasefire").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "Ceasefire", ceasefire); if (args.Has("autostart-ai")) { std::vector aiArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-ai"); for (size_t i = 0; i < aiArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = aiArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue player(cx); if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, &player) || player.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios" || mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-ai option", playerID); continue; } scriptInterface.CreateObject(&player); } CStr name = aiArgs[i].AfterFirst(":"); scriptInterface.SetProperty(player, "AI", std::string(name)); scriptInterface.SetProperty(player, "AIDiff", 3); scriptInterface.SetProperty(player, "AIBehavior", std::string("balanced")); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, player); } } // Set AI difficulty if (args.Has("autostart-aidiff")) { std::vector civArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-aidiff"); for (size_t i = 0; i < civArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = civArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue player(cx); if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, &player) || player.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios" || mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-aidiff option", playerID); continue; } scriptInterface.CreateObject(&player); } int difficulty = civArgs[i].AfterFirst(":").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(player, "AIDiff", difficulty); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, player); } } // Set player data for Civs if (args.Has("autostart-civ")) { if (mapDirectory != L"scenarios") { std::vector civArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-civ"); for (size_t i = 0; i < civArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = civArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue player(cx); if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, &player) || player.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-civ option", playerID); continue; } scriptInterface.CreateObject(&player); } CStr name = civArgs[i].AfterFirst(":"); scriptInterface.SetProperty(player, "Civ", std::string(name)); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, player); } } else LOGWARNING("Autostart: Option 'autostart-civ' is invalid for scenarios"); } // Add player data to map settings scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "PlayerData", playerData); // Add map settings to game attributes scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "settings", settings); // Get optional playername CStrW userName = L"anonymous"; if (args.Has("autostart-playername")) userName = args.Get("autostart-playername").FromUTF8(); // Add additional scripts to the TriggerScripts property std::vector triggerScriptsVector; JS::RootedValue triggerScripts(cx); if (scriptInterface.HasProperty(settings, "TriggerScripts")) { scriptInterface.GetProperty(settings, "TriggerScripts", &triggerScripts); FromJSVal_vector(cx, triggerScripts, triggerScriptsVector); } if (!CRenderer::IsInitialised()) { CStr nonVisualScript = "scripts/NonVisualTrigger.js"; triggerScriptsVector.push_back(nonVisualScript.FromUTF8()); } std::vector victoryConditions(1, "conquest"); if (args.Has("autostart-victory")) victoryConditions = args.GetMultiple("autostart-victory"); if (victoryConditions.size() == 1 && victoryConditions[0] == "endless") victoryConditions.clear(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "VictoryConditions", victoryConditions); for (const CStr& victory : victoryConditions) { JS::RootedValue scriptData(cx); JS::RootedValue data(cx); JS::RootedValue victoryScripts(cx); CStrW scriptPath = L"simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/" + victory.FromUTF8() + L".json"; scriptInterface.ReadJSONFile(scriptPath, &scriptData); if (!scriptData.isUndefined() && scriptInterface.GetProperty(scriptData, "Data", &data) && !data.isUndefined() && scriptInterface.GetProperty(data, "Scripts", &victoryScripts) && !victoryScripts.isUndefined()) { std::vector victoryScriptsVector; FromJSVal_vector(cx, victoryScripts, victoryScriptsVector); triggerScriptsVector.insert(triggerScriptsVector.end(), victoryScriptsVector.begin(), victoryScriptsVector.end()); } else { LOGERROR("Autostart: Error reading victory script '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(scriptPath)); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Error reading victory script.\nCheck application log for details."); } } ToJSVal_vector(cx, &triggerScripts, triggerScriptsVector); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "TriggerScripts", triggerScripts); int wonderDuration = 10; if (args.Has("autostart-wonderduration")) wonderDuration = args.Get("autostart-wonderduration").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "WonderDuration", wonderDuration); int relicDuration = 10; if (args.Has("autostart-relicduration")) relicDuration = args.Get("autostart-relicduration").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "RelicDuration", relicDuration); int relicCount = 2; if (args.Has("autostart-reliccount")) relicCount = args.Get("autostart-reliccount").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "RelicCount", relicCount); if (args.Has("autostart-host")) { InitPsAutostart(true, attrs); size_t maxPlayers = 2; if (args.Has("autostart-host-players")) maxPlayers = args.Get("autostart-host-players").ToUInt(); g_NetServer = new CNetServer(false, maxPlayers); g_NetServer->UpdateGameAttributes(&attrs, scriptInterface); bool ok = g_NetServer->SetupConnection(PS_DEFAULT_PORT); ENSURE(ok); g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game, true); g_NetClient->SetUserName(userName); g_NetClient->SetupConnection("", PS_DEFAULT_PORT, nullptr); } else if (args.Has("autostart-client")) { InitPsAutostart(true, attrs); g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game, false); g_NetClient->SetUserName(userName); CStr ip = args.Get("autostart-client"); if (ip.empty()) ip = ""; bool ok = g_NetClient->SetupConnection(ip, PS_DEFAULT_PORT, nullptr); ENSURE(ok); } else { g_Game->SetPlayerID(args.Has("autostart-player") ? args.Get("autostart-player").ToInt() : 1); g_Game->StartGame(&attrs, ""); if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) { InitPsAutostart(false, attrs); } else { // TODO: Non progressive load can fail - need a decent way to handle this LDR_NonprogressiveLoad(); ENSURE(g_Game->ReallyStartGame() == PSRETURN_OK); } } return true; } bool AutostartVisualReplay(const std::string& replayFile) { if (!FileExists(OsPath(replayFile))) return false; g_Game = new CGame(false); g_Game->SetPlayerID(-1); g_Game->StartVisualReplay(replayFile); ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue attrs(cx, g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetInitAttributes()); InitPsAutostart(false, attrs); return true; } void CancelLoad(const CStrW& message) { shared_ptr pScriptInterface = g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = pScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, pScriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); LDR_Cancel(); if (g_GUI && - g_GUI->HasPages() && + g_GUI->GetPageCount() && pScriptInterface->HasProperty(global, "cancelOnLoadGameError")) pScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(global, "cancelOnLoadGameError", message); } bool InDevelopmentCopy() { if (!g_CheckedIfInDevelopmentCopy) { g_InDevelopmentCopy = (g_VFS->GetFileInfo(L"config/dev.cfg", NULL) == INFO::OK); g_CheckedIfInDevelopmentCopy = true; } return g_InDevelopmentCopy; }