Index: ps/trunk/source/tools/entity/ =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/tools/entity/ (revision 23519) +++ ps/trunk/source/tools/entity/ (revision 23520) @@ -1,692 +1,704 @@ use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use File::Find; use XML::Simple; use JSON; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use lib "."; use Entity; GetOptions ( '--check-unused' => \(my $checkUnused = 0), '--check-map-xml' => \(my $checkMapXml = 0), '--validate-templates' => \(my $validateTemplates = 0), '--mod-to-check=s' => \(my $modToCheck = "public") ); my @files; my @roots; my @deps; # Force and checkMapXml if checkUnused is enabled to avoid false positives. $checkMapXml |= $checkUnused; my $vfsroot = '../../../binaries/data/mods'; my $supportedTextureFormats = 'dds|png'; my $mods = get_mod_dependencies_string($modToCheck); my $mod_list_string = $modToCheck; if ($mods ne "") { $mod_list_string = $mod_list_string."|$mods"; } $mod_list_string = $mod_list_string."|mod"; print("Checking $modToCheck\'s integrity. \n"); print("The following mod(s) will be loaded: $mod_list_string. \n"); my @mods_list = split(/\|/, "$mod_list_string"); sub get_mod_dependencies { my ($mod) = @_; my $modjson = parse_json_file_full_path("$vfsroot/$mod/mod.json"); my $modjsondeps = $modjson->{'dependencies'}; for my $dep (@{$modjsondeps}) { # 0ad's folder isn't named like the mod. if(index($dep, "0ad") != -1) { $dep = "public"; } } return $modjsondeps; } sub get_mod_dependencies_string { my ($mod) = @_; return join( '|',@{get_mod_dependencies($mod)}); } sub vfs_to_physical { my ($vfsPath) = @_; my $fn = vfs_to_relative_to_mods($vfsPath); return "$vfsroot/$fn"; } sub vfs_to_relative_to_mods { my ($vfsPath) = @_; for my $dep (@mods_list) { my $fn = "$dep/$vfsPath"; if (-e "$vfsroot/$fn") { return $fn; } } } sub find_files { my ($vfsPath, $extn) = @_; my @files; my $find_process = sub { return $File::Find::prune = 1 if $_ eq '.svn'; my $n = $File::Find::name; return if /~$/; return unless -f $_; return unless /\.($extn)$/; $n =~ s~\Q$vfsroot\E/($mod_list_string)/~~; push @files, $n; }; for my $dep (@mods_list) { find({ wanted => $find_process },"$vfsroot/$dep/$vfsPath") if -d "$vfsroot/$dep/$vfsPath"; } return @files; } sub parse_json_file_full_path { my ($vfspath) = @_; open my $fh, $vfspath or die "Failed to open '$vfspath': $!"; # decode_json expects a UTF-8 string and doesn't handle BOMs, so we strip those # (see return decode_json(do { local $/; my $file = <$fh>; $file =~ s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//; $file }); } sub parse_json_file { my ($vfspath) = @_; return parse_json_file_full_path(vfs_to_physical($vfspath)) } sub add_entities { print "Loading entities...\n"; my @entfiles = find_files('simulation/templates', 'xml'); s~^simulation/templates/(.*)\.xml$~$1~ for @entfiles; for my $f (sort @entfiles) { my $path = "simulation/templates/$f.xml"; push @files, $path; my $ent = Entity::load_inherited($f, "$mod_list_string"); push @deps, [ $path, "simulation/templates/" . $ent->{Entity}{'@parent'}{' content'} . ".xml" ] if $ent->{Entity}{'@parent'}; if ($f !~ /^template_/) { push @roots, $path; if ($ent->{Entity}{VisualActor} and $ent->{Entity}{VisualActor}{Actor}) { my $phenotypes = $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Phenotype}{' content'} || "default"; my @phenotypes = split /\s/,$phenotypes; for my $phenotype (@phenotypes) { # See simulation2/components/CCmpVisualActor.cpp and Identity.js for explanation. my $actorPath = $ent->{Entity}{VisualActor}{Actor}{' content'}; $actorPath =~ s/{phenotype}/$phenotype/g; push @deps, [ $path, "art/actors/" . $actorPath ]; } push @deps, [ $path, "art/actors/" . $ent->{Entity}{VisualActor}{FoundationActor}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{VisualActor}{FoundationActor}; } if ($ent->{Entity}{Sound}) { my $phenotypes = $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Phenotype}{' content'} || "default"; my $lang = $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Lang}{' content'} || "greek"; my @phenotypes = split /\s/,$phenotypes; for my $phenotype (@phenotypes) { for (grep ref($_), values %{$ent->{Entity}{Sound}{SoundGroups}}) { # see simulation/components/Sound.js and Identity.js for explanation my $soundPath = $_->{' content'}; $soundPath =~ s/{phenotype}/$phenotype/g; $soundPath =~ s/{lang}/$lang/g; push @deps, [ $path, "audio/" . $soundPath ]; } } } if ($ent->{Entity}{Identity}) { push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/ui/session/portraits/" . $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon} and $ent->{Entity}{Identity}{Icon}{' content'} ne ''; } + if ($ent->{Entity}{Heal} and $ent->{Entity}{Heal}{RangeOverlay}) + { + push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/selection/" . $ent->{Entity}{Heal}{RangeOverlay}{LineTexture}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Heal}{RangeOverlay}{LineTexture} and $ent->{Entity}{Heal}{RangeOverlay}{LineTexture}{' content'} ne ''; + push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/selection/" . $ent->{Entity}{Heal}{RangeOverlay}{LineTextureMask}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Heal}{RangeOverlay}{LineTextureMask} and $ent->{Entity}{Heal}{RangeOverlay}{LineTextureMask}{' content'} ne ''; + } + + if ($ent->{Entity}{Selectable} and $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay} and $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay}{Texture}) + { + push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/selection/" . $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay}{Texture}{MainTexture}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay}{Texture}{MainTexture} and $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay}{Texture}{MainTexture}{' content'} ne ''; + push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/selection/" . $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay}{Texture}{MainTextureMask}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay}{Texture}{MainTextureMask} and $ent->{Entity}{Selectable}{Overlay}{Texture}{MainTextureMask}{' content'} ne ''; + } + if ($ent->{Entity}{Formation}) { push @deps, [ $path, "art/textures/ui/session/icons/" . $ent->{Entity}{Formation}{Icon}{' content'} ] if $ent->{Entity}{Formation}{Icon} and $ent->{Entity}{Formation}{Icon}{' content'} ne ''; } } } } sub push_variant_dependencies { my ($variant, $f) = @_; push @deps, [ $f, "art/variants/$variant->{file}" ] if $variant->{file}; push @deps, [ $f, "art/meshes/$variant->{mesh}" ] if $variant->{mesh}; push @deps, [ $f, "art/particles/$variant->{particles}{file}" ] if $variant->{particles}{file}; for my $tex (@{$variant->{textures}{texture}}) { push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/skins/$tex->{file}" ] if $tex->{file}; } for my $prop (@{$variant->{props}{prop}}) { push @deps, [ $f, "art/actors/$prop->{actor}" ] if $prop->{actor}; } for my $anim (@{$variant->{animations}{animation}}) { push @deps, [ $f, "art/animation/$anim->{file}" ] if $anim->{file}; } } sub add_actors { print "Loading actors...\n"; my @actorfiles = find_files('art/actors', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @actorfiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $actor = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(group variant texture prop animation)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!"; for my $group (@{$actor->{group}}) { for my $variant (@{$group->{variant}}) { push_variant_dependencies($variant, $f); } } push @deps, [ $f, "art/materials/$actor->{material}" ] if $actor->{material}; } } sub add_variants { print "Loading variants...\n"; my @variantfiles = find_files('art/variants', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @variantfiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $variant = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(texture prop animation)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!"; push_variant_dependencies($variant, $f); } } sub add_art { print "Loading art files...\n"; push @files, find_files('art/textures/particles', $supportedTextureFormats); push @files, find_files('art/textures/terrain', $supportedTextureFormats); push @files, find_files('art/textures/skins', $supportedTextureFormats); push @files, find_files('art/meshes', 'pmd|dae'); push @files, find_files('art/animation', 'psa|dae'); } sub add_materials { print "Loading materials...\n"; my @materialfiles = find_files('art/materials', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @materialfiles) { push @files, $f; my $material = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(alternative)], KeyAttr => []); for my $alternative (@{$material->{alternative}}) { push @deps, [ $f, "art/materials/$alternative->{material}" ] if $alternative->{material}; } } } sub add_particles { print "Loading particles...\n"; my @particlefiles = find_files('art/particles', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @particlefiles) { push @files, $f; my $particle = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f)); push @deps, [ $f, "$particle->{texture}" ] if $particle->{texture}; } } sub add_maps_xml { print "Loading maps XML...\n"; my @mapfiles = find_files('maps/scenarios', 'xml'); push @mapfiles, find_files('maps/skirmishes', 'xml'); push @mapfiles, find_files('maps/tutorials', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @mapfiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $map = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(Entity)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!"; my %used; for my $entity (@{$map->{Entities}{Entity}}) { $used{$entity->{Template}} = 1; } for my $template (keys %used) { if ($template =~ /^actor\|(.*)$/) { # Handle special 'actor|' case push @deps, [ $f, "art/actors/$1" ]; } else { if ($template =~ /^resource\|(.*)$/) { # Handle special 'resource|' case $template = $1; } push @deps, [ $f, "simulation/templates/$template.xml" ]; } } # Map previews my $settings = decode_json($map->{ScriptSettings}); push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/session/icons/mappreview/" . $settings->{Preview} ] if $settings->{Preview}; } } sub add_maps_pmp { print "Loading maps PMP...\n"; # Need to generate terrain texture filename=>path lookup first my %terrains; for my $f (find_files('art/terrains', 'xml')) { $f =~ /([^\/]+)\.xml/ or die; # ignore terrains.xml if ($f !~ /terrains.xml$/) { warn "Duplicate terrain name '$1' (from '$terrains{$1}' and '$f')\n" if $terrains{$1}; $terrains{$1} = $f; } } my @mapfiles = find_files('maps/scenarios', 'pmp'); push @mapfiles, find_files('maps/skirmishes', 'pmp'); for my $f (sort @mapfiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; open my $fh, vfs_to_physical($f) or die "Failed to open '$f': $!"; binmode $fh; my $buf; read $fh, $buf, 4; die "Invalid PMP header ($buf) in '$f'" unless $buf eq "PSMP"; read $fh, $buf, 4; my $version = unpack 'V', $buf; die "Invalid PMP version ($version) in '$f'" unless $version == 6; read $fh, $buf, 4; my $datasize = unpack 'V', $buf; read $fh, $buf, 4; my $mapsize = unpack 'V', $buf; seek $fh, 2 * ($mapsize*16+1)*($mapsize*16+1), 1; # heightmap read $fh, $buf, 4; my $numtexs = unpack 'V', $buf; for (0..$numtexs-1) { read $fh, $buf, 4; my $len = unpack 'V', $buf; my $str; read $fh, $str, $len; push @deps, [ $f, $terrains{$str} || "art/terrains/(unknown)/$str" ]; } # ignore patches data } } sub add_soundgroups { print "Loading sound groups...\n"; my @soundfiles = find_files('audio', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @soundfiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $sound = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(Sound)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!"; my $path = $sound->{Path}; $path =~ s/\/$//; # strip optional trailing slash for (@{$sound->{Sound}}) { push @deps, [$f, "$path/$_" ]; } } } sub add_audio { print "Loading audio files...\n"; push @files, find_files('audio', 'ogg'); } sub add_gui_xml { print "Loading GUI XML...\n"; my @guifiles = find_files('gui', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @guifiles) { push @files, $f; if ($f =~ /^gui\/page_/) { push @roots, $f; my $xml = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(include)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!"; for my $include (@{$xml->{include}}) { # If including an entire directory, find all the *.xml files if ($include =~ /\/$/) { push @deps, [ $f, $_ ] for find_files("gui/$include", 'xml'); } else { push @deps, [ $f, "gui/$include" ]; } } } else { my $xml = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(object script action sprite image)], KeyAttr => [], KeepRoot => 1) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!"; my $name = (keys %$xml)[0]; if ($name eq 'objects' or $name eq 'object') { for (grep ref $_ , @{$xml->{objects}{script}}) { push @deps, [ $f, $_->{file} ] if $_->{file}; if ($_->{directory}) { # If including an entire directory, find all the *.js files push @deps, [ $f, $_ ] for find_files($_->{directory}, 'js') } } my $add_objects; $add_objects = sub { my ($parent) = @_; for my $obj (@{$parent->{object}}) { # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc $add_objects->($obj); } }; $add_objects->($xml->{objects}); } elsif ($name eq 'setup') { # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc } elsif ($name eq 'styles') { # TODO: look at sprites, styles, etc } elsif ($name eq 'sprites') { for my $sprite (@{$xml->{sprites}{sprite}}) { for my $image (@{$sprite->{image}}) { push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/$image->{texture}" ] if $image->{texture}; } } } else { print "Unexpected GUI XML root element '$name':\n" . Dumper $xml; exit; } } } } sub add_gui_data { print "Loading GUI data...\n"; push @files, find_files('gui', 'js'); push @files, find_files('art/textures/ui', $supportedTextureFormats); push @files, find_files('art/textures/selection', $supportedTextureFormats); } sub add_civs { print "Loading civs...\n"; my @civfiles = find_files('simulation/data/civs', 'json'); for my $f (sort @civfiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $civ = parse_json_file($f); push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/" . $civ->{Emblem} ] if $civ->{Emblem}; push @deps, [ $f, "audio/music/" . $_->{File} ] for @{$civ->{Music}}; } } sub add_rms { print "Loading random maps...\n"; push @files, find_files('maps/random', 'js'); my @rmsdefs = find_files('maps/random', 'json'); for my $f (sort @rmsdefs) { next if $f =~ /^maps\/random\/rmbiome/; push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $rms = parse_json_file($f); push @deps, [ $f, "maps/random/" . $rms->{settings}{Script} ] if $rms->{settings}{Script}; # Map previews push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/session/icons/mappreview/" . $rms->{settings}{Preview} ] if $rms->{settings}{Preview}; } } sub add_techs { print "Loading techs...\n"; my @techfiles = find_files('simulation/data/technologies', 'json'); for my $f (sort @techfiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $tech = parse_json_file($f); push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/ui/session/portraits/technologies/" . $tech->{icon} ] if $tech->{icon}; push @deps, [ $f, "simulation/data/technologies/" . $tech->{supersedes} . ".json" ] if $tech->{supersedes}; } } sub add_auras { print "Loading auras...\n"; my @aurafiles = find_files('simulation/data/auras', 'json'); for my $f (sort @aurafiles) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $aura = parse_json_file($f); push @deps, [ $f, $aura->{overlayIcon} ] if $aura->{overlayIcon}; if($aura->{rangeOverlay}) { push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/selection/" . $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTexture} ] if $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTexture}; push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/selection/" . $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTextureMask} ] if $aura->{rangeOverlay}{lineTextureMask}; } } } sub add_terrains { print "Loading terrains...\n"; my @terrains = find_files('art/terrains', 'xml'); for my $f (sort @terrains) { # ignore terrains.xml if ($f !~ /terrains.xml$/) { push @files, $f; push @roots, $f; my $terrain = XMLin(vfs_to_physical($f), ForceArray => [qw(texture)], KeyAttr => []) or die "Failed to parse '$f': $!"; for my $texture (@{$terrain->{textures}{texture}}) { push @deps, [ $f, "art/textures/terrain/$texture->{file}" ] if $texture->{file}; } push @deps, [ $f, "art/materials/$terrain->{material}" ] if $terrain->{material}; } } } sub check_deps { my %files; @files{@files} = (); my %lcfiles; @lcfiles{map lc($_), @files} = @files; my %revdeps; for my $d (@deps) { push @{$revdeps{$d->[1]}}, $d->[0]; } for my $f (sort keys %revdeps) { next if exists $files{$f}; warn "Missing file '$f' referenced by: " . (join ', ', map "'$_'", map vfs_to_relative_to_mods($_), sort @{$revdeps{$f}}) . "\n"; if (exists $lcfiles{lc $f}) { warn "### Case-insensitive match (found '$lcfiles{lc $f}')\n"; } } } sub check_unused { my %reachable; @reachable{@roots} = (); my %deps; for my $d (@deps) { push @{$deps{$d->[0]}}, $d->[1]; } while (1) { my @newreachable; for my $r (keys %reachable) { push @newreachable, grep { not exists $reachable{$_} } @{$deps{$r}}; } last if @newreachable == 0; @reachable{@newreachable} = (); } for my $f (sort @files) { next if exists $reachable{$f} || index($f, "art/terrains/") != -1 || index($f, "maps/random/") != -1 || index($f, "art/materials/") != -1; warn "Unused file '" . vfs_to_relative_to_mods($f) . "'\n"; } } add_maps_xml() if $checkMapXml; add_maps_pmp(); add_entities(); add_actors(); add_variants(); add_art(); add_materials(); add_particles(); add_soundgroups(); add_audio(); add_gui_xml(); add_gui_data(); add_civs(); add_rms(); add_techs(); add_terrains(); add_auras(); check_deps(); check_unused() if $checkUnused; print "\n" if $checkUnused; system("perl ../xmlvalidator/") if $validateTemplates;