Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/random/survivalofthefittest_triggers.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,307 +1,311 @@ /** * If set to true, it will print how many templates would be spawned if the players were not defeated. */ const dryRun = false; /** * If enabled, prints the number of units to the command line output. */ const debugLog = false; /** * Get the number of minutes to pass between spawning new treasures. */ var treasureTime = () => randFloat(3, 5); /** * Get the time in minutes when the first wave of attackers will be spawned. */ var firstWaveTime = () => randFloat(4, 6); /** * Maximum time in minutes between two consecutive waves. */ var maxWaveTime = 4; /** * Get the next attacker wave delay. */ var waveTime = () => randFloat(0.5, 1) * maxWaveTime; /** * Roughly the number of attackers on the first wave. */ var initialAttackers = 5; /** * Increase the number of attackers exponentially, by this percent value per minute. */ var percentPerMinute = 1.05; /** * Greatest amount of attackers that can be spawned. */ var totalAttackerLimit = 200; /** * Least and greatest amount of siege engines per wave. */ var siegeFraction = () => randFloat(0.2, 0.5); /** * Potentially / definitely spawn a gaia hero after this number of minutes. */ var heroTime = () => randFloat(20, 60); /** * The following templates can't be built by any player. */ var disabledTemplates = (civ) => [ // Economic structures "structures/" + civ + "_corral", "structures/" + civ + "_farmstead", "structures/" + civ + "_field", "structures/" + civ + "_storehouse", "structures/" + civ + "_rotarymill", "units/maur_support_elephant", // Expansions "structures/" + civ + "_civil_centre", "structures/" + civ + "_military_colony", // Walls "structures/" + civ + "_wallset_stone", "structures/rome_wallset_siege", "structures/wallset_palisade", // Shoreline "structures/" + civ + "_dock", "structures/brit_crannog", "structures/cart_super_dock", "structures/ptol_lighthouse" ]; /** * Spawn these treasures in regular intervals. */ var treasures = [ "gaia/treasure/food_barrel", "gaia/treasure/food_bin", "gaia/treasure/food_crate", "gaia/treasure/food_jars", "gaia/treasure/metal", "gaia/treasure/stone", "gaia/treasure/wood", "gaia/treasure/wood", "gaia/treasure/wood" ]; /** * An object that maps from civ [f.e. "spart"] to an object * that has the keys "champions", "siege" and "heroes", * which is an array containing all these templates, * trainable from a building or not. */ var attackerUnitTemplates = {}; Trigger.prototype.InitSurvival = function() { this.InitStartingUnits(); this.LoadAttackerTemplates(); this.SetDisableTemplates(); this.PlaceTreasures(); this.InitializeEnemyWaves(); }; Trigger.prototype.debugLog = function(txt) { if (!debugLog) return; print("DEBUG [" + Math.round(TriggerHelper.GetMinutes()) + "] " + txt + "\n"); }; Trigger.prototype.LoadAttackerTemplates = function() { for (let civ of ["gaia", ...Object.keys(loadCivFiles(false))]) attackerUnitTemplates[civ] = { "heroes": TriggerHelper.GetTemplateNamesByClasses("Hero", civ, undefined, true), "champions": TriggerHelper.GetTemplateNamesByClasses("Champion+!Elephant", civ, undefined, true), "siege": TriggerHelper.GetTemplateNamesByClasses("Siege Champion+Elephant", civ, "packed", undefined) }; this.debugLog("Attacker templates:"); this.debugLog(uneval(attackerUnitTemplates)); }; Trigger.prototype.SetDisableTemplates = function() { for (let i = 1; i < TriggerHelper.GetNumberOfPlayers(); ++i) { let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(i); cmpPlayer.SetDisabledTemplates(disabledTemplates(cmpPlayer.GetCiv())); } }; /** * Remember civic centers and make women invincible. */ Trigger.prototype.InitStartingUnits = function() { for (let playerID = 1; playerID < TriggerHelper.GetNumberOfPlayers(); ++playerID) { this.playerCivicCenter[playerID] = TriggerHelper.GetPlayerEntitiesByClass(playerID, "CivilCentre")[0]; this.treasureFemale[playerID] = TriggerHelper.GetPlayerEntitiesByClass(playerID, "FemaleCitizen")[0]; Engine.QueryInterface(this.treasureFemale[playerID], IID_Resistance).SetInvulnerability(true); } }; Trigger.prototype.InitializeEnemyWaves = function() { let time = firstWaveTime() * 60 * 1000; Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface).AddTimeNotification({ "message": markForTranslation("The first wave will start in %(time)s!"), "translateMessage": true }, time); this.DoAfterDelay(time, "StartAnEnemyWave", {}); }; Trigger.prototype.StartAnEnemyWave = function() { let currentMin = TriggerHelper.GetMinutes(); let nextWaveTime = waveTime(); let civ = pickRandom(Object.keys(attackerUnitTemplates)); // Determine total attacker count of the current wave. // Exponential increase with time, capped to the limit and fluctuating proportionally with the current wavetime. let totalAttackers = Math.ceil(Math.min(totalAttackerLimit, initialAttackers * Math.pow(percentPerMinute, currentMin) * nextWaveTime / maxWaveTime)); let siegeRatio = siegeFraction(); this.debugLog("Spawning " + totalAttackers + " attackers, siege ratio " + siegeRatio.toFixed(2)); let attackerCount = TriggerHelper.BalancedTemplateComposition( [ { "templates": attackerUnitTemplates[civ].heroes, "count": currentMin > heroTime() && attackerUnitTemplates[civ].heroes.length ? 1 : 0 }, { "templates": attackerUnitTemplates[civ].siege, "frequency": siegeRatio }, { "templates": attackerUnitTemplates[civ].champions, "frequency": 1 - siegeRatio } ], totalAttackers); this.debugLog("Templates: " + uneval(attackerCount)); // Spawn the templates let spawned = false; for (let point of this.GetTriggerPoints("A")) { if (dryRun) { spawned = true; break; } // Don't spawn attackers for defeated players and players that lost their cc after win - let playerID = QueryOwnerInterface(point, IID_Player).GetPlayerID(); + let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(point, IID_Player); + if (!cmpPlayer) + continue; + + let playerID = cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(); let civicCentre = this.playerCivicCenter[playerID]; if (!civicCentre) continue; // Check if the cc is garrisoned in another building let targetPos = TriggerHelper.GetEntityPosition2D(civicCentre); if (!targetPos) continue; for (let templateName in attackerCount) { let isHero = attackerUnitTemplates[civ].heroes.indexOf(templateName) != -1; // Don't spawn gaia hero if the previous one is still alive if (this.gaiaHeroes[playerID] && isHero) { let cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gaiaHeroes[playerID], IID_Health); if (cmpHealth && cmpHealth.GetHitpoints() != 0) { this.debugLog("Not spawning hero for player " + playerID + " as the previous one is still alive"); continue; } } if (dryRun) continue; let entities = TriggerHelper.SpawnUnits(point, templateName, attackerCount[templateName], 0); ProcessCommand(0, { "type": "attack-walk", "entities": entities, "x": targetPos.x, "z": targetPos.y, "targetClasses": undefined, "allowCapture": false, "queued": true }); if (isHero) this.gaiaHeroes[playerID] = entities[0]; } spawned = true; } if (!spawned) return; Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface).PushNotification({ "message": markForTranslation("An enemy wave is attacking!"), "translateMessage": true }); this.DoAfterDelay(nextWaveTime * 60 * 1000, "StartAnEnemyWave", {}); }; Trigger.prototype.PlaceTreasures = function() { let triggerPoints = this.GetTriggerPoints(pickRandom(["B", "C", "D"])); for (let point of triggerPoints) TriggerHelper.SpawnUnits(point, pickRandom(treasures), 1, 0); this.DoAfterDelay(treasureTime() * 60 * 1000, "PlaceTreasures", {}); }; Trigger.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(data) { if (data.entity == this.playerCivicCenter[data.from]) { this.playerCivicCenter[data.from] = undefined; TriggerHelper.DefeatPlayer( data.from, markForTranslation("%(player)s has been defeated (lost civic center).")); } else if (data.entity == this.treasureFemale[data.from]) { this.treasureFemale[data.from] = undefined; Engine.DestroyEntity(data.entity); } }; { let cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger); cmpTrigger.treasureFemale = []; cmpTrigger.playerCivicCenter = []; cmpTrigger.gaiaHeroes = []; cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnInitGame", "InitSurvival", { "enabled": true }); cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnOwnershipChanged", "OnOwnershipChanged", { "enabled": true }); } Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,190 +1,198 @@ Trigger.prototype.InitCaptureTheRelic = function() { let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let catafalqueTemplates = shuffleArray(cmpTemplateManager.FindAllTemplates(false).filter( name => GetIdentityClasses(cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(name).Identity || {}).indexOf("Relic") != -1)); let potentialSpawnPoints = TriggerHelper.GetLandSpawnPoints(); if (!potentialSpawnPoints.length) { error("No gaia entities found on this map that could be used as spawn points!"); return; } let cmpEndGameManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_EndGameManager); let numSpawnedRelics = cmpEndGameManager.GetGameSettings().relicCount; this.playerRelicsCount = new Array(TriggerHelper.GetNumberOfPlayers()).fill(0, 1); this.playerRelicsCount[0] = numSpawnedRelics; for (let i = 0; i < numSpawnedRelics; ++i) { this.relics[i] = TriggerHelper.SpawnUnits(pickRandom(potentialSpawnPoints), catafalqueTemplates[i], 1, 0)[0]; let cmpResistance = Engine.QueryInterface(this.relics[i], IID_Resistance); cmpResistance.SetInvulnerability(true); let cmpPositionRelic = Engine.QueryInterface(this.relics[i], IID_Position); cmpPositionRelic.SetYRotation(randomAngle()); } }; Trigger.prototype.CheckCaptureTheRelicVictory = function(data) { let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(data.entity, IID_Identity); if (!cmpIdentity || !cmpIdentity.HasClass("Relic") || data.from == INVALID_PLAYER) return; --this.playerRelicsCount[data.from]; if ( == -1) { - warn("Relic entity " + data.entity + " has been destroyed"); + warn("Relic entity " + data.entity + " has been destroyed."); this.relics.splice(this.relics.indexOf(data.entity), 1); } else ++this.playerRelicsCount[]; this.DeleteCaptureTheRelicVictoryMessages(); this.CheckCaptureTheRelicCountdown(); }; /** * Check if a group of mutually allied players have acquired all relics. * The winning players are the relic owners and all players mutually allied to all relic owners. * Reset the countdown if the group of winning players changes or extends. */ Trigger.prototype.CheckCaptureTheRelicCountdown = function() { if (this.playerRelicsCount[0]) { this.DeleteCaptureTheRelicVictoryMessages(); return; } let activePlayers = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager).GetActivePlayers(); let relicOwners = activePlayers.filter(playerID => this.playerRelicsCount[playerID]); if (!relicOwners.length) { this.DeleteCaptureTheRelicVictoryMessages(); return; } let winningPlayers = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_EndGameManager).GetAlliedVictory() ? activePlayers.filter(playerID => relicOwners.every(owner => QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID).IsMutualAlly(owner))) : [relicOwners[0]]; // All relicOwners should be mutually allied if (relicOwners.some(owner => winningPlayers.indexOf(owner) == -1)) { this.DeleteCaptureTheRelicVictoryMessages(); return; } // Reset the timer when playerAndAllies isn't the same as this.relicsVictoryCountdownPlayers if (winningPlayers.length != this.relicsVictoryCountdownPlayers.length || winningPlayers.some(player => this.relicsVictoryCountdownPlayers.indexOf(player) == -1)) { this.relicsVictoryCountdownPlayers = winningPlayers; this.StartCaptureTheRelicCountdown(winningPlayers); } }; Trigger.prototype.DeleteCaptureTheRelicVictoryMessages = function() { if (!this.relicsVictoryTimer) return; Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer).CancelTimer(this.relicsVictoryTimer); this.relicsVictoryTimer = undefined; let cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.DeleteTimeNotification(this.ownRelicsVictoryMessage); cmpGuiInterface.DeleteTimeNotification(this.othersRelicsVictoryMessage); this.relicsVictoryCountdownPlayers = []; }; Trigger.prototype.StartCaptureTheRelicCountdown = function(winningPlayers) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); let cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); if (this.relicsVictoryTimer) { cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.relicsVictoryTimer); cmpGuiInterface.DeleteTimeNotification(this.ownRelicsVictoryMessage); cmpGuiInterface.DeleteTimeNotification(this.othersRelicsVictoryMessage); } if (!this.relics.length) return; let others = [-1]; for (let playerID = 1; playerID < TriggerHelper.GetNumberOfPlayers(); ++playerID) { let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID); if (cmpPlayer.GetState() == "won") return; if (winningPlayers.indexOf(playerID) == -1) others.push(playerID); } let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.relics[0], IID_Player); + if (!cmpPlayer) + { + warn("Relic entity " + this.relics[0] + " has no owner."); + this.relics.splice(0, 1); + + this.CheckCaptureTheRelicCountdown(); + return; + } let cmpEndGameManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_EndGameManager); let captureTheRelicDuration = cmpEndGameManager.GetGameSettings().relicDuration; let isTeam = winningPlayers.length > 1; this.ownRelicsVictoryMessage = cmpGuiInterface.AddTimeNotification({ "message": isTeam ? markForTranslation("%(_player_)s and their allies have captured all relics and will win in %(time)s.") : markForTranslation("%(_player_)s has captured all relics and will win in %(time)s."), "players": others, "parameters": { "_player_": cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID() }, "translateMessage": true, "translateParameters": [] }, captureTheRelicDuration); this.othersRelicsVictoryMessage = cmpGuiInterface.AddTimeNotification({ "message": isTeam ? markForTranslation("You and your allies have captured all relics and will win in %(time)s.") : markForTranslation("You have captured all relics and will win in %(time)s."), "players": winningPlayers, "translateMessage": true }, captureTheRelicDuration); this.relicsVictoryTimer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger, "CaptureTheRelicVictorySetWinner", captureTheRelicDuration, winningPlayers); }; Trigger.prototype.CaptureTheRelicVictorySetWinner = function(winningPlayers) { let cmpEndGameManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_EndGameManager); cmpEndGameManager.MarkPlayersAsWon( winningPlayers, n => markForPluralTranslation( "%(lastPlayer)s has won (Capture the Relic).", "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have won (Capture the Relic).", n), n => markForPluralTranslation( "%(lastPlayer)s has been defeated (Capture the Relic).", "%(players)s and %(lastPlayer)s have been defeated (Capture the Relic).", n)); }; { let cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger); cmpTrigger.relics = []; cmpTrigger.playerRelicsCount = []; cmpTrigger.relicsVictoryTimer = undefined; cmpTrigger.ownRelicsVictoryMessage = undefined; cmpTrigger.othersRelicsVictoryMessage = undefined; cmpTrigger.relicsVictoryCountdownPlayers = []; cmpTrigger.DoAfterDelay(0, "InitCaptureTheRelic", {}); cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnDiplomacyChanged", "CheckCaptureTheRelicCountdown", { "enabled": true }); cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnOwnershipChanged", "CheckCaptureTheRelicVictory", { "enabled": true }); cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnPlayerWon", "DeleteCaptureTheRelicVictoryMessages", { "enabled": true }); cmpTrigger.RegisterTrigger("OnPlayerDefeated", "CheckCaptureTheRelicCountdown", { "enabled": true }); } Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/BuildRestrictions.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,325 +1,326 @@ function BuildRestrictions() {} BuildRestrictions.prototype.Schema = "Specifies building placement restrictions as they relate to terrain, territories, and distance." + "" + "" + "land" + "own" + "Special" + "" + "CivilCentre" + "40" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "land" + "shore" + "land-shore"+ "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "own" + "ally" + "neutral" + "enemy" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; BuildRestrictions.prototype.Init = function() { this.territories = this.template.Territory.split(/\s+/); }; /** * Checks whether building placement is valid * 1. Visibility is not hidden (may be fogged or visible) * 2. Check foundation * a. Doesn't obstruct foundation-blocking entities * b. On valid terrain, based on passability class * 3. Territory type is allowed (see note below) * 4. Dock is on shoreline and facing into water * 5. Distance constraints satisfied * * Returns result object: * { * "success": true iff the placement is valid, else false * "message": message to display in UI for invalid placement, else "" * "parameters": parameters to use in the GUI message * "translateMessage": always true * "translateParameters": list of parameters to translate * "pluralMessage": we might return a plural translation instead (optional) * "pluralCount": plural translation argument (optional) * } * * Note: The entity which is used to check this should be a preview entity * (template name should be "preview|"+templateName), as otherwise territory * checks for buildings with territory influence will not work as expected. */ BuildRestrictions.prototype.CheckPlacement = function() { var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity); var name = cmpIdentity ? cmpIdentity.GetGenericName() : "Building"; var result = { "success": false, "message": markForTranslation("%(name)s cannot be built due to unknown error"), "parameters": { "name": name, }, "translateMessage": true, "translateParameters": ["name"], }; - // TODO: AI has no visibility info var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); + if (!cmpPlayer) + return result; // Fail + + // TODO: AI has no visibility info if (!cmpPlayer.IsAI()) { // Check whether it's in a visible or fogged region var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpRangeManager || !cmpOwnership) return result; // Fail var explored = (cmpRangeManager.GetLosVisibility(this.entity, cmpOwnership.GetOwner()) != "hidden"); if (!explored) { result.message = markForTranslation("%(name)s cannot be built in unexplored area"); return result; // Fail } } // Check obstructions and terrain passability var passClassName = ""; switch (this.template.PlacementType) { case "shore": passClassName = "building-shore"; break; case "land-shore": // 'default-terrain-only' is everywhere a normal unit can go, ignoring // obstructions (i.e. on passable land, and not too deep in the water) passClassName = "default-terrain-only"; break; case "land": default: passClassName = "building-land"; } var cmpObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Obstruction); if (!cmpObstruction) return result; // Fail if (this.template.Category == "Wall") { // for walls, only test the center point var ret = cmpObstruction.CheckFoundation(passClassName, true); } else { var ret = cmpObstruction.CheckFoundation(passClassName, false); } if (ret != "success") { switch (ret) { case "fail_error": case "fail_no_obstruction": error("CheckPlacement: Error returned from CheckFoundation"); break; case "fail_obstructs_foundation": result.message = markForTranslation("%(name)s cannot be built on another building or resource"); break; case "fail_terrain_class": // TODO: be more specific and/or list valid terrain? result.message = markForTranslation("%(name)s cannot be built on invalid terrain"); } return result; // Fail } // Check territory restrictions var cmpTerritoryManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TerritoryManager); - var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); - if (!(cmpTerritoryManager && cmpPlayer && cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld())) + if (!cmpTerritoryManager || !cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return result; // Fail var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); var tileOwner = cmpTerritoryManager.GetOwner(pos.x, pos.y); var isConnected = !cmpTerritoryManager.IsTerritoryBlinking(pos.x, pos.y); var isOwn = tileOwner == cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(); var isMutualAlly = cmpPlayer.IsExclusiveMutualAlly(tileOwner); var isNeutral = tileOwner == 0; var invalidTerritory = ""; if (isOwn) { if (!this.HasTerritory("own")) // Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the form: "House cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". invalidTerritory = markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type", "own"); else if (!isConnected && !this.HasTerritory("neutral")) // Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the form: "House cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". invalidTerritory = markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type", "unconnected own"); } else if (isMutualAlly) { if (!this.HasTerritory("ally")) // Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the form: "House cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". invalidTerritory = markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type", "allied"); else if (!isConnected && !this.HasTerritory("neutral")) // Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the form: "House cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". invalidTerritory = markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type", "unconnected allied"); } else if (isNeutral) { if (!this.HasTerritory("neutral")) // Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the form: "House cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". invalidTerritory = markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type", "neutral"); } else { // consider everything else enemy territory if (!this.HasTerritory("enemy")) // Translation: territoryType being displayed in a translated sentence in the form: "House cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory.". invalidTerritory = markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type", "enemy"); } if (invalidTerritory) { result.message = markForTranslation("%(name)s cannot be built in %(territoryType)s territory. Valid territories: %(validTerritories)s"); result.translateParameters.push("territoryType"); result.translateParameters.push("validTerritories"); result.parameters.territoryType = {"context": "Territory type", "message": invalidTerritory}; // gui code will join this array to a string result.parameters.validTerritories = {"context": "Territory type list", "list": this.GetTerritories()}; return result; // Fail } // Check special requirements if (this.template.PlacementType == "shore") { if (!cmpObstruction.CheckShorePlacement()) { result.message = markForTranslation("%(name)s must be built on a valid shoreline"); return result; // Fail } } let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let templateName = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(this.entity); let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(removeFiltersFromTemplateName(templateName)); // Check distance restriction if (this.template.Distance) { var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); - var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); var cat = this.template.Distance.FromClass; var filter = function(id) { var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(id, IID_Identity); return cmpIdentity.GetClassesList().indexOf(cat) > -1; }; if (this.template.Distance.MinDistance !== undefined) { let minDistance = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate("BuildRestrictions/Distance/MinDistance", +this.template.Distance.MinDistance, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), template); if (cmpRangeManager.ExecuteQuery(this.entity, 0, minDistance, [cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID()], IID_BuildRestrictions).some(filter)) { let result = markForPluralTranslation( "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meter away", "%(name)s too close to a %(category)s, must be at least %(distance)s meters away", minDistance); result.success = false; result.translateMessage = true; result.parameters = { "name": name, "category": cat, "distance": minDistance }; result.translateParameters = ["name", "category"]; return result; // Fail } } if (this.template.Distance.MaxDistance !== undefined) { let maxDistance = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate("BuildRestrictions/Distance/MaxDistance", +this.template.Distance.MaxDistance, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), template); if (!cmpRangeManager.ExecuteQuery(this.entity, 0, maxDistance, [cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID()], IID_BuildRestrictions).some(filter)) { let result = markForPluralTranslation( "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meter", "%(name)s too far from a %(category)s, must be within %(distance)s meters", maxDistance); result.success = false; result.translateMessage = true; result.parameters = { "name": name, "category": cat, "distance": maxDistance }; result.translateParameters = ["name", "category"]; return result; // Fail } } } // Success result.success = true; result.message = ""; return result; }; BuildRestrictions.prototype.GetCategory = function() { return this.template.Category; }; BuildRestrictions.prototype.GetTerritories = function() { return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("BuildRestrictions/Territory", this.territories, this.entity); }; BuildRestrictions.prototype.HasTerritory = function(territory) { return (this.GetTerritories().indexOf(territory) != -1); }; // Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid territories: own, ally". markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type list", "own"); // Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid territories: own, ally". markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type list", "ally"); // Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid territories: own, ally". markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type list", "neutral"); // Translation: Territory types being displayed as part of a list like "Valid territories: own, ally". markForTranslationWithContext("Territory type list", "enemy"); Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_BuildRestrictions, "BuildRestrictions", BuildRestrictions); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Looter.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Looter.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Looter.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,45 +1,46 @@ function Looter() {} Looter.prototype.Schema = ""; Looter.prototype.Serialize = null; // We have no dynamic state to save /** * Try to collect loot from target entity */ Looter.prototype.Collect = function(targetEntity) { var cmpLoot = Engine.QueryInterface(targetEntity, IID_Loot); if (!cmpLoot) return; // Collect resources carried by workers and traders var cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(targetEntity, IID_ResourceGatherer); var cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(targetEntity, IID_Trader); let resourcesCarried = calculateCarriedResources( cmpResourceGatherer && cmpResourceGatherer.GetCarryingStatus(), cmpTrader && cmpTrader.GetGoods() ); // Loot resources as defined in the templates let lootTemplate = cmpLoot.GetResources(); let resources = {}; for (let type of Resources.GetCodes()) resources[type] = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity( "Looter/Resource/"+type, lootTemplate[type] || 0, this.entity) + (resourcesCarried[type] || 0); // Transfer resources var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); - cmpPlayer.AddResources(resources); + if (cmpPlayer) + cmpPlayer.AddResources(resources); // Update statistics var cmpStatisticsTracker = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_StatisticsTracker); if (cmpStatisticsTracker) cmpStatisticsTracker.IncreaseLootCollectedCounter(resources); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Looter, "Looter", Looter); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,957 +1,972 @@ function ProductionQueue() {} ProductionQueue.prototype.Schema = "Allows the building to train new units and research technologies" + "" + "0.7" + "" + "\n units/{civ}_support_female_citizen\n units/{native}_support_trader\n units/athen_infantry_spearman_b\n " + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "tokens" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "tokens" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + Resources.BuildSchema("nonNegativeDecimal", ["time"]) + ""; ProductionQueue.prototype.ProgressInterval = 1000; ProductionQueue.prototype.MaxQueueSize = 16; ProductionQueue.prototype.Init = function() { this.nextID = 1; this.queue = []; // Queue items are: // { // "id": 1, // "player": 1, // who paid for this batch; we need this to cope with refunds cleanly // "unitTemplate": "units/example", // "count": 10, // "neededSlots": 3, // number of population slots missing for production to begin // "resources": { "wood": 100, ... }, // resources per unit, multiply by count to get total // "population": 1, // population per unit, multiply by count to get total // "productionStarted": false, // true iff we have reserved population // "timeTotal": 15000, // msecs // "timeRemaining": 10000, // msecs // } // // { // "id": 1, // "player": 1, // who paid for this research; we need this to cope with refunds cleanly // "technologyTemplate": "example_tech", // "resources": { "wood": 100, ... }, // resources needed for research // "productionStarted": false, // true iff production has started // "timeTotal": 15000, // msecs // "timeRemaining": 10000, // msecs // } this.timer = undefined; // this.ProgressInterval msec timer, active while the queue is non-empty this.paused = false; this.entityCache = []; this.spawnNotified = false; }; /* * Returns list of entities that can be trained by this building. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.GetEntitiesList = function() { return Array.from(this.entitiesMap.values()); }; /** * Calculate the new list of producible entities * and update any entities currently being produced. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.CalculateEntitiesMap = function() { // Don't reset the map, it's used below to update entities. if (!this.entitiesMap) this.entitiesMap = new Map(); if (!this.template.Entities) return; let string = this.template.Entities._string; // Tokens can be added -> process an empty list to get them. let addedTokens = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ProductionQueue/Entities/_string", "", this.entity); if (!addedTokens && !string) return; addedTokens = addedTokens == "" ? [] : addedTokens.split(/\s+/); let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity); let disabledEntities = cmpPlayer ? cmpPlayer.GetDisabledTemplates() : {}; /** * Process tokens: * - process token modifiers (this is a bit tricky). * - replace the "{civ}" and "{native}" codes with the owner's civ ID and entity's civ ID * - remove disabled entities * - upgrade templates where necessary * This also updates currently queued production (it's more convenient to do it here). */ let removeAllQueuedTemplate = (token) => { let queue = clone(this.queue); let template = this.entitiesMap.get(token); for (let item of queue) if (item.unitTemplate && item.unitTemplate === template) this.RemoveBatch(; }; let updateAllQueuedTemplate = (token, updateTo) => { let template = this.entitiesMap.get(token); for (let item of this.queue) if (item.unitTemplate && item.unitTemplate === template) item.unitTemplate = updateTo; }; let toks = string.split(/\s+/); for (let tok of addedTokens) toks.push(tok); let addedDict = addedTokens.reduce((out, token) => { out[token] = true; return out; }, {}); this.entitiesMap = toks.reduce((entMap, token) => { let rawToken = token; if (!(token in addedDict)) { // This is a bit wasteful but I can't think of a simpler/better way. // The list of token is unlikely to be a performance bottleneck anyways. token = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ProductionQueue/Entities/_string", token, this.entity); token = token.split(/\s+/); if (token.every(tok => addedTokens.indexOf(tok) !== -1)) { removeAllQueuedTemplate(rawToken); return entMap; } token = token[0]; } // Replace the "{civ}" and "{native}" codes with the owner's civ ID and entity's civ ID. if (cmpIdentity) token = token.replace(/\{native\}/g, cmpIdentity.GetCiv()); if (cmpPlayer) token = token.replace(/\{civ\}/g, cmpPlayer.GetCiv()); // Filter out disabled and invalid entities. if (disabledEntities[token] || !cmpTemplateManager.TemplateExists(token)) { removeAllQueuedTemplate(rawToken); return entMap; } token = this.GetUpgradedTemplate(token); entMap.set(rawToken, token); updateAllQueuedTemplate(rawToken, token); return entMap; }, new Map()); }; /* * Returns the upgraded template name if necessary. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.GetUpgradedTemplate = function(templateName) { let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (!cmpPlayer) return templateName; let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(templateName); while (template && template.Promotion !== undefined) { let requiredXp = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate( "Promotion/RequiredXp", +template.Promotion.RequiredXp, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), template); if (requiredXp > 0) break; templateName = template.Promotion.Entity; template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(templateName); } return templateName; }; /* * Returns list of technologies that can be researched by this building. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.GetTechnologiesList = function() { if (!this.template.Technologies) return []; let string = this.template.Technologies._string; string = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ProductionQueue/Technologies/_string", string, this.entity); if (!string) return []; let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); if (!cmpTechnologyManager) return []; let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (!cmpPlayer) return []; let techs = string.split(/\s+/); // Replace the civ specific technologies. for (let i = 0; i < techs.length; ++i) { let tech = techs[i]; if (tech.indexOf("{civ}") == -1) continue; let civTech = tech.replace("{civ}", cmpPlayer.GetCiv()); techs[i] = TechnologyTemplates.Has(civTech) ? civTech : tech.replace("{civ}", "generic"); } // Remove any technologies that can't be researched by this civ. techs = techs.filter(tech => cmpTechnologyManager.CheckTechnologyRequirements( DeriveTechnologyRequirements(TechnologyTemplates.Get(tech), cmpPlayer.GetCiv()), true)); let techList = []; // Stores the tech which supersedes the key. let superseded = {}; let disabledTechnologies = cmpPlayer.GetDisabledTechnologies(); // Add any top level technologies to an array which corresponds to the displayed icons. // Also store what technology is superseded in the superseded object { "tech1":"techWhichSupercedesTech1", ... }. for (let tech of techs) { if (disabledTechnologies && disabledTechnologies[tech]) continue; let template = TechnologyTemplates.Get(tech); if (!template.supersedes || techs.indexOf(template.supersedes) === -1) techList.push(tech); else superseded[template.supersedes] = tech; } // Now make researched/in progress techs invisible. for (let i in techList) { let tech = techList[i]; while (this.IsTechnologyResearchedOrInProgress(tech)) tech = superseded[tech]; techList[i] = tech; } let ret = []; // This inserts the techs into the correct positions to line up the technology pairs. for (let i = 0; i < techList.length; ++i) { let tech = techList[i]; if (!tech) { ret[i] = undefined; continue; } let template = TechnologyTemplates.Get(tech); if ( ret[i] = { "pair": true, "top":, "bottom": template.bottom }; else ret[i] = tech; } return ret; }; ProductionQueue.prototype.GetTechCostMultiplier = function() { let techCostMultiplier = {}; for (let res in this.template.TechCostMultiplier) techCostMultiplier[res] = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity( "ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/" + res, +this.template.TechCostMultiplier[res], this.entity); return techCostMultiplier; }; ProductionQueue.prototype.IsTechnologyResearchedOrInProgress = function(tech) { if (!tech) return false; let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); + if (!cmpTechnologyManager) + return false; let template = TechnologyTemplates.Get(tech); if ( return cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched( || cmpTechnologyManager.IsInProgress( || cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched(template.bottom) || cmpTechnologyManager.IsInProgress(template.bottom); return cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched(tech) || cmpTechnologyManager.IsInProgress(tech); }; /* * Adds a new batch of identical units to train or a technology to research to the production queue. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.AddBatch = function(templateName, type, count, metadata) { // TODO: there should probably be a limit on the number of queued batches. // TODO: there should be a way for the GUI to determine whether it's going // to be possible to add a batch (based on resource costs and length limits). let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); + if (!cmpPlayer) + return; if (this.queue.length < this.MaxQueueSize) { if (type == "unit") { if (!Number.isInteger(count) || count <= 0) { error("Invalid batch count " + count); return; } // Find the template data so we can determine the build costs. let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(templateName); if (!template) return; if (template.Promotion && !ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate( "Promotion/RequiredXp", +template.Promotion.RequiredXp, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), template)) { this.AddBatch(template.Promotion.Entity, type, count, metadata); return; } // We need the costs after tech modifications. // Obviously we don't have the entities yet, so we must use template data. let costs = {}; let totalCosts = {}; for (let res in template.Cost.Resources) { costs[res] = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate( "Cost/Resources/" + res, +template.Cost.Resources[res], cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), template); totalCosts[res] = Math.floor(count * costs[res]); } // TrySubtractResources should report error to player (they ran out of resources). if (!cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(totalCosts)) return; // Update entity count in the EntityLimits component. if (template.TrainingRestrictions) { let unitCategory = template.TrainingRestrictions.Category; let cmpPlayerEntityLimits = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_EntityLimits); - cmpPlayerEntityLimits.ChangeCount(unitCategory, count); + if (cmpPlayerEntityLimits) + cmpPlayerEntityLimits.ChangeCount(unitCategory, count); } let buildTime = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate( "Cost/BuildTime", +template.Cost.BuildTime, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), template); // Apply a time discount to larger batches. let time = this.GetBatchTime(count) * buildTime * 1000; this.queue.push({ "id": this.nextID++, "player": cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), "unitTemplate": templateName, "count": count, "metadata": metadata, "resources": costs, "population": ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate( "Cost/Population", +template.Cost.Population, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), template), "productionStarted": false, "timeTotal": time, "timeRemaining": time }); // Call the related trigger event. let cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger); cmpTrigger.CallEvent("TrainingQueued", { "playerid": cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), "unitTemplate": templateName, "count": count, "metadata": metadata, "trainerEntity": this.entity }); } else if (type == "technology") { if (!TechnologyTemplates.Has(templateName)) return; if (!this.GetTechnologiesList().some(tech => tech && (tech == templateName || tech.pair && ( == templateName || tech.bottom == templateName)))) { error("This entity cannot research " + templateName); return; } let template = TechnologyTemplates.Get(templateName); let techCostMultiplier = this.GetTechCostMultiplier(); let cost = {}; for (let res in template.cost) cost[res] = Math.floor((techCostMultiplier[res] || 1) * template.cost[res]); // TrySubtractResources should report error to player (they ran out of resources). if (!cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(cost)) return; // Tell the technology manager that we have started researching this so that people can't research the same // thing twice. let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); cmpTechnologyManager.QueuedResearch(templateName, this.entity); if (!this.queue.length) { cmpTechnologyManager.StartedResearch(templateName, false); this.SetAnimation("researching"); } let time = techCostMultiplier.time * template.researchTime * 1000; this.queue.push({ "id": this.nextID++, "player": cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), "count": 1, "technologyTemplate": templateName, "resources": cost, "productionStarted": false, "timeTotal": time, "timeRemaining": time }); // Call the related trigger event. let cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger); cmpTrigger.CallEvent("ResearchQueued", { "playerid": cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), "technologyTemplate": templateName, "researcherEntity": this.entity }); } else { warn("Tried to add invalid item of type \"" + type + "\" and template \"" + templateName + "\" to a production queue"); return; } Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, {}); // If this is the first item in the queue, start the timer. if (!this.timer) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.timer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_ProductionQueue, "ProgressTimeout", this.ProgressInterval, {}); } } else { let cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "players": [cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID()], "message": markForTranslation("The production queue is full."), "translateMessage": true, }); } }; /* * Removes an existing batch of units from the production queue. * Refunds resource costs and population reservations. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.RemoveBatch = function(id) { // Destroy any cached entities (those which didn't spawn for some reason). for (let ent of this.entityCache) Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); this.entityCache = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.queue.length; ++i) { let item = this.queue[i]; if ( != id) continue; // Now we've found the item to remove. let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(item.player); // Update entity count in the EntityLimits component. if (item.unitTemplate) { let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(item.unitTemplate); if (template.TrainingRestrictions) { let cmpPlayerEntityLimits = QueryPlayerIDInterface(item.player, IID_EntityLimits); cmpPlayerEntityLimits.ChangeCount(template.TrainingRestrictions.Category, -item.count); } } // Refund the resource cost for this batch. let totalCosts = {}; let cmpStatisticsTracker = QueryPlayerIDInterface(item.player, IID_StatisticsTracker); for (let r in item.resources) { totalCosts[r] = Math.floor(item.count * item.resources[r]); if (cmpStatisticsTracker) cmpStatisticsTracker.IncreaseResourceUsedCounter(r, -totalCosts[r]); } cmpPlayer.AddResources(totalCosts); // Remove reserved population slots if necessary. if (item.productionStarted && item.unitTemplate) cmpPlayer.UnReservePopulationSlots(item.population * item.count); // Mark the research as stopped if we cancel it. if (item.technologyTemplate) { // item.player is used as this.entity's owner may be invalid (deletion, etc.) let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryPlayerIDInterface(item.player, IID_TechnologyManager); cmpTechnologyManager.StoppedResearch(item.technologyTemplate, true); this.SetAnimation("idle"); } // Remove from the queue. // (We don't need to remove the timer - it'll expire if it discovers the queue is empty.) this.queue.splice(i, 1); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, {}); return; } }; ProductionQueue.prototype.SetAnimation = function(name) { let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual); if (cmpVisual) cmpVisual.SelectAnimation(name, false, 1); }; /* * Returns basic data from all batches in the production queue. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.GetQueue = function() { return => ({ "id":, "unitTemplate": item.unitTemplate, "technologyTemplate": item.technologyTemplate, "count": item.count, "neededSlots": item.neededSlots, "progress": 1 - (item.timeRemaining / (item.timeTotal || 1)), "timeRemaining": item.timeRemaining, "metadata": item.metadata })); }; /* * Removes all existing batches from the queue. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.ResetQueue = function() { // Empty the production queue and refund all the resource costs // to the player. (This is to avoid players having to micromanage their // buildings' queues when they're about to be destroyed or captured.) while (this.queue.length) this.RemoveBatch(this.queue[0].id); }; /* * Returns batch build time. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.GetBatchTime = function(batchSize) { // TODO: work out what equation we should use here. return Math.pow(batchSize, ApplyValueModificationsToEntity( "ProductionQueue/BatchTimeModifier", +this.template.BatchTimeModifier, this.entity)); }; ProductionQueue.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { if (msg.from != INVALID_PLAYER) { // Unset flag that previous owner's training may be blocked. let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(msg.from); if (cmpPlayer && this.queue.length) cmpPlayer.UnBlockTraining(); } if ( != INVALID_PLAYER) this.CalculateEntitiesMap(); // Reset the production queue whenever the owner changes. // (This should prevent players getting surprised when they capture // an enemy building, and then loads of the enemy's civ's soldiers get // created from it. Also it means we don't have to worry about // updating the reserved pop slots.) this.ResetQueue(); }; ProductionQueue.prototype.OnCivChanged = function() { this.CalculateEntitiesMap(); }; ProductionQueue.prototype.OnDestroy = function() { // Reset the queue to refund any resources. this.ResetQueue(); if (this.timer) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.timer); } }; /* * This function creates the entities and places them in world if possible * and returns the number of successfully created entities. * (some of these entities may be garrisoned directly if autogarrison, the others are spawned). */ ProductionQueue.prototype.SpawnUnits = function(templateName, count, metadata) { let cmpFootprint = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Footprint); let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); let cmpRallyPoint = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_RallyPoint); let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); let cmpPlayerEntityLimits = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_EntityLimits); let cmpPlayerStatisticsTracker = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_StatisticsTracker); let createdEnts = []; let spawnedEnts = []; // We need entities to test spawning, but we don't want to waste resources, // so only create them once and use as needed. if (!this.entityCache.length) for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) this.entityCache.push(Engine.AddEntity(templateName)); let cmpAutoGarrison; if (cmpRallyPoint) { let data = cmpRallyPoint.GetData()[0]; if (data && && == this.entity && data.command == "garrison") cmpAutoGarrison = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_GarrisonHolder); } for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { let ent = this.entityCache[0]; let cmpNewOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Ownership); let garrisoned = false; if (cmpAutoGarrison) { // Temporary owner affectation needed for GarrisonHolder checks. cmpNewOwnership.SetOwnerQuiet(cmpOwnership.GetOwner()); garrisoned = cmpAutoGarrison.Garrison(ent); cmpNewOwnership.SetOwnerQuiet(INVALID_PLAYER); } if (garrisoned) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) cmpUnitAI.Autogarrison(this.entity); } else { let pos = cmpFootprint.PickSpawnPoint(ent); if (pos.y < 0) break; let cmpNewPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); cmpNewPosition.JumpTo(pos.x, pos.z); if (cmpPosition) cmpNewPosition.SetYRotation(cmpPosition.GetPosition().horizAngleTo(pos)); spawnedEnts.push(ent); } // Decrement entity count in the EntityLimits component // since it will be increased by EntityLimits.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged function, // i.e. we replace a 'trained' entity by 'alive' one. // Must be done after spawn check so EntityLimits decrements only if unit spawns. - let cmpTrainingRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_TrainingRestrictions); - if (cmpTrainingRestrictions) + if (cmpPlayerEntityLimits) { - let unitCategory = cmpTrainingRestrictions.GetCategory(); - cmpPlayerEntityLimits.ChangeCount(unitCategory, -1); + let cmpTrainingRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_TrainingRestrictions); + if (cmpTrainingRestrictions) + cmpPlayerEntityLimits.ChangeCount(cmpTrainingRestrictions.GetCategory(), -1); } - cmpNewOwnership.SetOwner(cmpOwnership.GetOwner()); if (cmpPlayerStatisticsTracker) cmpPlayerStatisticsTracker.IncreaseTrainedUnitsCounter(ent); // Play a sound, but only for the first in the batch (to avoid nasty phasing effects). if (!createdEnts.length) PlaySound("trained", ent); this.entityCache.shift(); createdEnts.push(ent); } if (spawnedEnts.length && !cmpAutoGarrison) { // If a rally point is set, walk towards it (in formation) using a suitable command based on where the // rally point is placed. if (cmpRallyPoint) { let rallyPos = cmpRallyPoint.GetPositions()[0]; if (rallyPos) { let commands = GetRallyPointCommands(cmpRallyPoint, spawnedEnts); for (let com of commands) ProcessCommand(cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), com); } } } if (createdEnts.length) Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_TrainingFinished, { "entities": createdEnts, "owner": cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), "metadata": metadata }); return createdEnts.length; }; /* * Increments progress on the first batch in the production queue, and blocks the * queue if population limit is reached or some units failed to spawn. */ ProductionQueue.prototype.ProgressTimeout = function(data) { // Check if the production is paused (eg the entity is garrisoned) if (this.paused) return; + + let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); + if (!cmpPlayer) + return; + // Allocate available time to as many queue items as it takes // until we've used up all the time (so that we work accurately // with items that take fractions of a second). let time = this.ProgressInterval; - let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); while (time > 0 && this.queue.length) { let item = this.queue[0]; if (!item.productionStarted) { // If the item is a unit then do population checks. if (item.unitTemplate) { // If something change population cost. let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(item.unitTemplate); item.population = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate( "Cost/Population", +template.Cost.Population, item.player, template); // Batch's training hasn't started yet. // Try to reserve the necessary population slots. item.neededSlots = cmpPlayer.TryReservePopulationSlots(item.population * item.count); if (item.neededSlots) { // Not enough slots available - don't train this batch now // (we'll try again on the next timeout). cmpPlayer.BlockTraining(); break; } cmpPlayer.UnBlockTraining(); } if (item.technologyTemplate) { // Mark the research as started. let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); - cmpTechnologyManager.StartedResearch(item.technologyTemplate, true); + if (cmpTechnologyManager) + cmpTechnologyManager.StartedResearch(item.technologyTemplate, true); + else + warn("Failed to start researching " + item.technologyTemplate + ": No TechnologyManager available."); + this.SetAnimation("researching"); } item.productionStarted = true; if (item.unitTemplate) Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_TrainingStarted, { "entity": this.entity }); } // If we won't finish the batch now, just update its timer. if (item.timeRemaining > time) { item.timeRemaining -= time; // send a message for the AIs. Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, {}); break; } if (item.unitTemplate) { let numSpawned = this.SpawnUnits(item.unitTemplate, item.count, item.metadata); if (numSpawned == item.count) { // All entities spawned, this batch finished. cmpPlayer.UnReservePopulationSlots(item.population * numSpawned); time -= item.timeRemaining; this.queue.shift(); // Unset flag that training is blocked. cmpPlayer.UnBlockTraining(); this.spawnNotified = false; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, {}); } else { if (numSpawned > 0) { // Training is only partially finished. cmpPlayer.UnReservePopulationSlots(item.population * numSpawned); item.count -= numSpawned; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, {}); } // Some entities failed to spawn. // Set flag that training is blocked. cmpPlayer.BlockTraining(); if (!this.spawnNotified) { let cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "players": [cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID()], "message": markForTranslation("Can't find free space to spawn trained units"), "translateMessage": true }); this.spawnNotified = true; } break; } } else if (item.technologyTemplate) { let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); - cmpTechnologyManager.ResearchTechnology(item.technologyTemplate); + if (cmpTechnologyManager) + cmpTechnologyManager.ResearchTechnology(item.technologyTemplate); + else + warn("Failed to stop researching " + item.technologyTemplate + ": No TechnologyManager available."); + this.SetAnimation("idle"); let template = TechnologyTemplates.Get(item.technologyTemplate); if (template && template.soundComplete) { let cmpSoundManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_SoundManager); - if (cmpSoundManager) cmpSoundManager.PlaySoundGroup(template.soundComplete, this.entity); } time -= item.timeRemaining; this.queue.shift(); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ProductionQueueChanged, {}); } } // If the queue's empty, delete the timer, else repeat it. if (!this.queue.length) { this.timer = undefined; // Unset flag that training is blocked. // (This might happen when the player unqueues all batches.) cmpPlayer.UnBlockTraining(); } else { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.timer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_ProductionQueue, "ProgressTimeout", this.ProgressInterval, data); } }; ProductionQueue.prototype.PauseProduction = function() { this.timer = undefined; this.paused = true; }; ProductionQueue.prototype.UnpauseProduction = function() { this.paused = false; let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.timer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_ProductionQueue, "ProgressTimeout", this.ProgressInterval, {}); }; ProductionQueue.prototype.OnValueModification = function(msg) { // If the promotion requirements of units is changed, // update the entities list so that automatically promoted units are shown // appropriately in the list. if (msg.component != "Promotion" && (msg.component != "ProductionQueue" || !msg.valueNames.some(val => val.startsWith("ProductionQueue/Entities/")))) return; if (msg.entities.indexOf(this.entity) === -1) return; // This also updates the queued production if necessary. this.CalculateEntitiesMap(); // Inform the GUI that it'll need to recompute the selection panel. // TODO: it would be better to only send the message if something actually changing // for the current production queue. let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (cmpPlayer) Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface).SetSelectionDirty(cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID()); }; ProductionQueue.prototype.OnDisabledTemplatesChanged = function(msg) { // If the disabled templates of the player is changed, // update the entities list so that this is reflected there. this.CalculateEntitiesMap(); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_ProductionQueue, "ProductionQueue", ProductionQueue); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Promotion.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Promotion.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Promotion.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,134 +1,138 @@ function Promotion() {} Promotion.prototype.Schema = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; Promotion.prototype.Init = function() { this.currentXp = 0; this.ComputeTrickleRate(); }; Promotion.prototype.GetRequiredXp = function() { return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Promotion/RequiredXp", +this.template.RequiredXp, this.entity); }; Promotion.prototype.GetCurrentXp = function() { return this.currentXp; }; Promotion.prototype.GetPromotedTemplateName = function() { return this.template.Entity; }; Promotion.prototype.Promote = function(promotedTemplateName) { // If the unit is dead, don't promote it let cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Health); if (cmpHealth && cmpHealth.GetHitpoints() == 0) { this.promotedUnitEntity = INVALID_ENTITY; return; } // Save the entity id. this.promotedUnitEntity = ChangeEntityTemplate(this.entity, promotedTemplateName); }; Promotion.prototype.IncreaseXp = function(amount) { // if the unit was already promoted, but is waiting for the engine to be destroyed // transfer the gained xp to the promoted unit if applicable if (this.promotedUnitEntity) { let cmpPromotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.promotedUnitEntity, IID_Promotion); if (cmpPromotion) cmpPromotion.IncreaseXp(amount); return; } - this.currentXp += +(amount); - var requiredXp = this.GetRequiredXp(); + this.currentXp += +amount; + let requiredXp = this.GetRequiredXp(); if (this.currentXp >= requiredXp) { - var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); - var playerID = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player).GetPlayerID(); + let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); + let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); + if (!cmpPlayer) + return; + + let playerID = cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(); this.currentXp -= requiredXp; - var promotedTemplateName = this.GetPromotedTemplateName(); + let promotedTemplateName = this.GetPromotedTemplateName(); // check if we can upgrade a second time (or even more) while (true) { - var template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(promotedTemplateName); + let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(promotedTemplateName); if (!template.Promotion) break; requiredXp = ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate("Promotion/RequiredXp", +template.Promotion.RequiredXp, playerID, template); // compare the current xp to the required xp of the promoted entity if (this.currentXp < requiredXp) break; this.currentXp -= requiredXp; promotedTemplateName = template.Promotion.Entity; } this.Promote(promotedTemplateName); let cmpPromotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.promotedUnitEntity, IID_Promotion); if (cmpPromotion) cmpPromotion.IncreaseXp(this.currentXp); } Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ExperienceChanged, {}); }; Promotion.prototype.ComputeTrickleRate = function() { this.trickleRate = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Promotion/TrickleRate", +(this.template.TrickleRate || 0), this.entity); this.CheckTrickleTimer(); }; Promotion.prototype.CheckTrickleTimer = function() { if (!this.trickleRate) { if (this.trickleTimer) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.trickleTimer); delete this.trickleTimer; } return; } if (this.trickleTimer) return; let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.trickleTimer = cmpTimer.SetInterval(this.entity, IID_Promotion, "TrickleTick", 1000, 1000, null); }; Promotion.prototype.TrickleTick = function() { this.IncreaseXp(this.trickleRate); }; Promotion.prototype.OnValueModification = function(msg) { if (msg.component != "Promotion") return; this.ComputeTrickleRate(); this.IncreaseXp(0); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Promotion, "Promotion", Promotion); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,365 +1,366 @@ function ResourceGatherer() {} ResourceGatherer.prototype.Schema = "Lets the unit gather resources from entities that have the ResourceSupply component." + "" + "2.0" + "1.0" + "" + "1" + "3" + "3" + "2" + "" + "" + "10" + "10" + "10" + "10" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + Resources.BuildSchema("positiveDecimal", ["treasure"], true) + "" + "" + Resources.BuildSchema("positiveDecimal") + ""; ResourceGatherer.prototype.Init = function() { this.carrying = {}; // { generic type: integer amount currently carried } // (Note that this component supports carrying multiple types of resources, // each with an independent capacity, but the rest of the game currently // ensures and assumes we'll only be carrying one type at once) // The last exact type gathered, so we can render appropriate props this.lastCarriedType = undefined; // { generic, specific } }; /** * Returns data about what resources the unit is currently carrying, * in the form [ {"type":"wood", "amount":7, "max":10} ] */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetCarryingStatus = function() { let ret = []; for (let type in this.carrying) { ret.push({ "type": type, "amount": this.carrying[type], "max": +this.GetCapacity(type) }); } return ret; }; /** * Used to instantly give resources to unit * @param resources The same structure as returned form GetCarryingStatus */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.GiveResources = function(resources) { for (let resource of resources) this.carrying[resource.type] = +resource.amount; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResourceCarryingChanged, { "to": this.GetCarryingStatus() }); }; /** * Returns the generic type of one particular resource this unit is * currently carrying, or undefined if none. */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetMainCarryingType = function() { // Return the first key, if any for (let type in this.carrying) return type; return undefined; }; /** * Returns the exact resource type we last picked up, as long as * we're still carrying something similar enough, in the form * { generic, specific } */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetLastCarriedType = function() { if (this.lastCarriedType && this.lastCarriedType.generic in this.carrying) return this.lastCarriedType; return undefined; }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.SetLastCarriedType = function(lastCarriedType) { this.lastCarriedType = lastCarriedType; }; // Since this code is very performancecritical and applying technologies quite slow, cache it. ResourceGatherer.prototype.RecalculateGatherRatesAndCapacities = function() { this.baseSpeed = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed", +this.template.BaseSpeed, this.entity); this.rates = {}; for (let r in this.template.Rates) { let type = r.split("."); if (type[0] != "treasure" && type.length > 1 && !Resources.GetResource(type[0]).subtypes[type[1]]) { error("Resource subtype not found: " + type[0] + "." + type[1]); continue; } let rate = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ResourceGatherer/Rates/" + r, +this.template.Rates[r], this.entity); this.rates[r] = rate * this.baseSpeed; } this.capacities = {}; for (let r in this.template.Capacities) this.capacities[r] = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ResourceGatherer/Capacities/" + r, +this.template.Capacities[r], this.entity); }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetGatherRates = function() { return this.rates; }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetGatherRate = function(resourceType) { if (!this.template.Rates[resourceType]) return 0; return this.rates[resourceType]; }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetCapacity = function(resourceType) { if(!this.template.Capacities[resourceType]) return 0; return this.capacities[resourceType]; }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetRange = function() { return { "max": +this.template.MaxDistance, "min": 0 }; // maybe this should depend on the unit or target or something? }; /** * Try to gather treasure * @return 'true' if treasure is successfully gathered, otherwise 'false' */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.TryInstantGather = function(target) { let cmpResourceSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_ResourceSupply); let type = cmpResourceSupply.GetType(); if (type.generic != "treasure") return false; let status = cmpResourceSupply.TakeResources(cmpResourceSupply.GetCurrentAmount()); let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); if (cmpPlayer) cmpPlayer.AddResource(type.specific, status.amount); let cmpStatisticsTracker = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_StatisticsTracker); if (cmpStatisticsTracker) cmpStatisticsTracker.IncreaseTreasuresCollectedCounter(); let cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger); if (cmpTrigger && cmpPlayer) cmpTrigger.CallEvent("TreasureCollected", { "player": cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), "type": type.specific, "amount": status.amount }); return true; }; /** * Gather from the target entity. This should only be called after a successful range check, * and if the target has a compatible ResourceSupply. * Call interval will be determined by gather rate, so always gather 1 amount when called. */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.PerformGather = function(target) { if (!this.GetTargetGatherRate(target)) return { "exhausted": true }; let gatherAmount = 1; let cmpResourceSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_ResourceSupply); let type = cmpResourceSupply.GetType(); // Initialise the carried count if necessary if (!this.carrying[type.generic]) this.carrying[type.generic] = 0; // Find the maximum so we won't exceed our capacity let maxGathered = this.GetCapacity(type.generic) - this.carrying[type.generic]; let status = cmpResourceSupply.TakeResources(Math.min(gatherAmount, maxGathered)); this.carrying[type.generic] += status.amount; this.lastCarriedType = type; // Update stats of how much the player collected. // (We have to do it here rather than at the dropsite, because we // need to know what subtype it was) let cmpStatisticsTracker = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_StatisticsTracker); if (cmpStatisticsTracker) cmpStatisticsTracker.IncreaseResourceGatheredCounter(type.generic, status.amount, type.specific); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResourceCarryingChanged, { "to": this.GetCarryingStatus() }); return { "amount": status.amount, "exhausted": status.exhausted, "filled": this.carrying[type.generic] >= this.GetCapacity(type.generic) }; }; /** * Compute the amount of resources collected per second from the target. * Returns 0 if resources cannot be collected (e.g. the target doesn't * exist, or is the wrong type). */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.GetTargetGatherRate = function(target) { let cmpResourceSupply = QueryMiragedInterface(target, IID_ResourceSupply); if (!cmpResourceSupply) return 0; let type = cmpResourceSupply.GetType(); let rate = 0; if (type.specific) rate = this.GetGatherRate(type.generic+"."+type.specific); if (rate == 0 && type.generic) rate = this.GetGatherRate(type.generic); if ("Mirages" in cmpResourceSupply) return rate; // Apply diminishing returns with more gatherers, for e.g. infinite farms. For most resources this has no effect // (GetDiminishingReturns will return null). We can assume that for resources that are miraged this is the case // (else just add the diminishing returns data to the mirage data and remove the early return above) let diminishingReturns = cmpResourceSupply.GetDiminishingReturns(); if (diminishingReturns) rate *= diminishingReturns; return rate; }; /** * Returns whether this unit can carry more of the given type of resource. * (This ignores whether the unit is actually able to gather that * resource type or not.) */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.CanCarryMore = function(type) { let amount = this.carrying[type] || 0; return amount < this.GetCapacity(type); }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.IsCarrying = function(type) { let amount = this.carrying[type] || 0; return amount > 0; }; /** * Returns whether this unit is carrying any resources of a type that is * not the requested type. (This is to support cases where the unit is * only meant to be able to carry one type at once.) */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.IsCarryingAnythingExcept = function(exceptedType) { for (let type in this.carrying) if (type != exceptedType) return true; return false; }; /** * Transfer our carried resources to our owner immediately. * Only resources of the appropriate types will be transferred. * (This should typically be called after reaching a dropsite.) * * @param {number} target - The target entity ID to drop resources at. */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.CommitResources = function(target) { let cmpResourceDropsite = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_ResourceDropsite); if (!cmpResourceDropsite) return; let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (!cmpPlayer) return; let changed = false; for (let type in this.carrying) if (cmpResourceDropsite.AcceptsType(type)) { cmpPlayer.AddResource(type, this.carrying[type]); delete this.carrying[type]; changed = true; } if (changed) Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResourceCarryingChanged, { "to": this.GetCarryingStatus() }); }; /** * Drop all currently-carried resources. * (Currently they just vanish after being dropped - we don't bother depositing * them onto the ground.) */ ResourceGatherer.prototype.DropResources = function() { this.carrying = {}; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResourceCarryingChanged, { "to": this.GetCarryingStatus() }); }; // Since we cache gather rates, we need to make sure we update them when tech changes. // and when our owner change because owners can had different techs. ResourceGatherer.prototype.OnValueModification = function(msg) { if (msg.component != "ResourceGatherer") return; this.RecalculateGatherRatesAndCapacities(); }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { if ( == INVALID_PLAYER) return; this.RecalculateGatherRatesAndCapacities(); }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.OnGlobalInitGame = function(msg) { this.RecalculateGatherRatesAndCapacities(); }; ResourceGatherer.prototype.OnMultiplierChanged = function(msg) { - if (msg.player == QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player).GetPlayerID()) + let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); + if (cmpPlayer && msg.player == cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID()) this.RecalculateGatherRatesAndCapacities(); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_ResourceGatherer, "ResourceGatherer", ResourceGatherer); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/SkirmishReplacer.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,96 +1,99 @@ function SkirmishReplacer() {} SkirmishReplacer.prototype.Schema = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; SkirmishReplacer.prototype.Init = function() { }; SkirmishReplacer.prototype.Serialize = null; // We have no dynamic state to save function getReplacementEntities(civ) { return Engine.ReadJSONFile("simulation/data/civs/" + civ + ".json").SkirmishReplacements; } SkirmishReplacer.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { if ( == 0) warn("Skirmish map elements can only be owned by regular players. Please delete entity "+this.entity+" or change the ownership to a non-gaia player."); }; SkirmishReplacer.prototype.ReplaceEntities = function() { var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); + if (!cmpPlayer) + return; + var civ = cmpPlayer.GetCiv(); var replacementEntities = getReplacementEntities(civ); var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); var templateName = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(this.entity); let specialFilters = templateName.substr(0, templateName.lastIndexOf("|") + 1); templateName = removeFiltersFromTemplateName(templateName); if (templateName in replacementEntities) templateName = replacementEntities[templateName]; else if (this.template && "general" in this.template) templateName = this.template.general; else templateName = ""; if (!templateName || civ == "gaia") { Engine.DestroyEntity(this.entity); return; } templateName = specialFilters + templateName.replace(/\{civ\}/g, civ); var cmpCurPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); var replacement = Engine.AddEntity(templateName); if (!replacement) { Engine.DestroyEntity(this.entity); return; } var cmpReplacementPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(replacement, IID_Position); var pos = cmpCurPosition.GetPosition2D(); cmpReplacementPosition.JumpTo(pos.x, pos.y); var rot = cmpCurPosition.GetRotation(); cmpReplacementPosition.SetYRotation(rot.y); var cmpCurOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); var cmpReplacementOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(replacement, IID_Ownership); cmpReplacementOwnership.SetOwner(cmpCurOwnership.GetOwner()); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_EntityRenamed, { "entity": this.entity, "newentity": replacement }); Engine.DestroyEntity(this.entity); }; /** * Replace this entity with a civ-specific entity * Message is sent right before InitGame() is called, in InitGame.js * Replacement needs to happen early on real games to not confuse the AI */ SkirmishReplacer.prototype.OnSkirmishReplace = function(msg) { this.ReplaceEntities(); }; /** * Replace this entity with a civ-specific entity * This is needed for Atlas, when the entity isn't replaced before the game starts, * so it needs to be replaced on the first turn. */ SkirmishReplacer.prototype.OnUpdate = function(msg) { this.ReplaceEntities(); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_SkirmishReplacer, "SkirmishReplacer", SkirmishReplacer); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Trader.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Trader.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Trader.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,311 +1,311 @@ // See helpers/TraderGain.js for the CalculateTaderGain() function which works out how many // resources a trader gets function Trader() {} Trader.prototype.Schema = "Lets the unit generate resouces while moving between markets (or docks in case of water trading)." + "" + "0.75" + "0.2" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; Trader.prototype.Init = function() { = []; this.index = -1; this.goods = { "type": null, "amount": null, "origin": null }; }; Trader.prototype.CalculateGain = function(currentMarket, nextMarket) { let gain = CalculateTraderGain(currentMarket, nextMarket, this.template, this.entity); if (!gain) // One of our markets must have been destroyed return null; // For garrisonable unit increase gain for each garrisoned trader // Calculate this here to save passing unnecessary stuff into the CalculateTraderGain function let garrisonGainMultiplier = this.GetGarrisonGainMultiplier(); if (garrisonGainMultiplier === undefined) return gain; let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder) return gain; let garrisonMultiplier = 1; let garrisonedTradersCount = 0; for (let entity of cmpGarrisonHolder.GetEntities()) { let cmpGarrisonedUnitTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(entity, IID_Trader); if (cmpGarrisonedUnitTrader) ++garrisonedTradersCount; } garrisonMultiplier *= 1 + garrisonGainMultiplier * garrisonedTradersCount; if (gain.traderGain) gain.traderGain = Math.round(garrisonMultiplier * gain.traderGain); if (gain.market1Gain) gain.market1Gain = Math.round(garrisonMultiplier * gain.market1Gain); if (gain.market2Gain) gain.market2Gain = Math.round(garrisonMultiplier * gain.market2Gain); return gain; }; /** * Remove market from trade route iff only first market is set. * @param {number} id of market to be removed. * @return {boolean} true iff removal was successful. */ Trader.prototype.RemoveTargetMarket = function(target) { if ( != 1 ||[0] != target) return false; let cmpTargetMarket = QueryMiragedInterface(target, IID_Market); if (!cmpTargetMarket) return false; cmpTargetMarket.RemoveTrader(this.entity); this.index = -1; = []; return true; -} +}; // Set target as target market. // Return true if at least one of markets was changed. Trader.prototype.SetTargetMarket = function(target, source) { let cmpTargetMarket = QueryMiragedInterface(target, IID_Market); if (!cmpTargetMarket) return false; if (source) { // Establish a trade route with both markets in one go. let cmpSourceMarket = QueryMiragedInterface(source, IID_Market); if (!cmpSourceMarket) return false; = [source]; } if ( >= 2) { // If we already have both markets - drop them // and use the target as first market for (let market of { let cmpMarket = QueryMiragedInterface(market, IID_Market); if (cmpMarket) cmpMarket.RemoveTrader(this.entity); } this.index = 0; = [target]; cmpTargetMarket.AddTrader(this.entity); } else if ( == 1) { // If we have only one market and target is different from it, // set the target as second one if (target ==[0]) return false; this.index = 0;; cmpTargetMarket.AddTrader(this.entity); this.goods.amount = this.CalculateGain([0],[1]); } else { // Else we don't have target markets at all, // set the target as first market this.index = 0; = [target]; cmpTargetMarket.AddTrader(this.entity); } // Drop carried goods if markets were changed this.goods.amount = null; return true; }; Trader.prototype.GetFirstMarket = function() { return[0] || null; }; Trader.prototype.GetSecondMarket = function() { return[1] || null; }; Trader.prototype.GetTraderGainMultiplier = function() { return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Trader/GainMultiplier", +this.template.GainMultiplier, this.entity); }; Trader.prototype.GetGarrisonGainMultiplier = function() { if (this.template.GarrisonGainMultiplier === undefined) return undefined; return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Trader/GarrisonGainMultiplier", +this.template.GarrisonGainMultiplier, this.entity); }; Trader.prototype.HasBothMarkets = function() { return >= 2; }; Trader.prototype.CanTrade = function(target) { let cmpTraderIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity); let cmpTargetMarket = QueryMiragedInterface(target, IID_Market); if (!cmpTargetMarket) return false; let cmpTargetFoundation = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Foundation); if (cmpTargetFoundation) return false; if (!(cmpTraderIdentity.HasClass("Organic") && cmpTargetMarket.HasType("land")) && !(cmpTraderIdentity.HasClass("Ship") && cmpTargetMarket.HasType("naval"))) return false; let cmpTraderPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); let cmpTargetPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(target, IID_Player); - return !cmpTraderPlayer.IsEnemy(cmpTargetPlayer.GetPlayerID()); + return cmpTraderPlayer && cmpTargetPlayer && !cmpTraderPlayer.IsEnemy(cmpTargetPlayer.GetPlayerID()); }; Trader.prototype.AddResources = function(ent, gain) { let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(ent); if (cmpPlayer) cmpPlayer.AddResource(this.goods.type, gain); let cmpStatisticsTracker = QueryOwnerInterface(ent, IID_StatisticsTracker); if (cmpStatisticsTracker) cmpStatisticsTracker.IncreaseTradeIncomeCounter(gain); }; Trader.prototype.GenerateResources = function(currentMarket, nextMarket) { this.AddResources(this.entity, this.goods.amount.traderGain); if (this.goods.amount.market1Gain) this.AddResources(currentMarket, this.goods.amount.market1Gain); if (this.goods.amount.market2Gain) this.AddResources(nextMarket, this.goods.amount.market2Gain); }; Trader.prototype.PerformTrade = function(currentMarket) { let previousMarket =[this.index]; if (previousMarket != currentMarket) // Inconsistent markets { this.goods.amount = null; return INVALID_ENTITY; } this.index = ++this.index %; let nextMarket =[this.index]; if (this.goods.amount && this.goods.amount.traderGain) this.GenerateResources(previousMarket, nextMarket); let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (!cmpPlayer) return INVALID_ENTITY; this.goods.type = cmpPlayer.GetNextTradingGoods(); this.goods.amount = this.CalculateGain(currentMarket, nextMarket); this.goods.origin = currentMarket; return nextMarket; }; Trader.prototype.GetGoods = function() { return this.goods; }; /** * Returns true if the trader has the given market (can be either a market or a mirage) */ Trader.prototype.HasMarket = function(market) { return != -1; }; /** * Remove a market when this trader can no longer trade with it */ Trader.prototype.RemoveMarket = function(market) { let index =; if (index == -1) return;, 1); let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) cmpUnitAI.MarketRemoved(market); }; /** * Switch between a market and its mirage according to visibility */ Trader.prototype.SwitchMarket = function(oldMarket, newMarket) { let index =; if (index == -1) return;[index] = newMarket; let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) cmpUnitAI.SwitchMarketOrder(oldMarket, newMarket); }; Trader.prototype.StopTrading = function() { for (let market of { let cmpMarket = QueryMiragedInterface(market, IID_Market); if (cmpMarket) cmpMarket.RemoveTrader(this.entity); } this.index = -1; = []; this.goods.amount = null; = []; }; // Get range in which deals with market are available, // i.e. trader should be in no more than MaxDistance from market // to be able to trade with it. Trader.prototype.GetRange = function() { let cmpObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Obstruction); let max = 1; if (cmpObstruction) max += cmpObstruction.GetSize() * 1.5; return { "min": 0, "max": max }; }; Trader.prototype.OnGarrisonedUnitsChanged = function() { if (this.HasBothMarkets()) this.goods.amount = this.CalculateGain([0],[1]); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Trader, "Trader", Trader); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Upgrade.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Upgrade.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Upgrade.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,348 +1,348 @@ function Upgrade() {} const UPGRADING_PROGRESS_INTERVAL = 250; Upgrade.prototype.Schema = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + Resources.BuildSchema("nonNegativeInteger") + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; Upgrade.prototype.Init = function() { this.upgrading = false; this.completed = false; this.elapsedTime = 0; this.timer = undefined; this.expendedResources = {}; this.upgradeTemplates = {}; for (let choice in this.template) { let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity); let name = this.template[choice].Entity; if (cmpIdentity) name = name.replace(/\{civ\}/g, cmpIdentity.GetCiv()); if ( warn("Upgrade Component: entity " + this.entity + " has two upgrades to the same entity, only the last will be used."); this.upgradeTemplates[name] = choice; } }; // This will also deal with the "OnDestroy" case. Upgrade.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { if (!this.completed) this.CancelUpgrade(msg.from); if ( != INVALID_PLAYER) this.owner =; }; Upgrade.prototype.ChangeUpgradedEntityCount = function(amount) { if (!this.IsUpgrading()) return; let cmpTempMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let template = cmpTempMan.GetTemplate(this.upgrading); let categoryTo; if (template.TrainingRestrictions) categoryTo = template.TrainingRestrictions.Category; else if (template.BuildRestrictions) categoryTo = template.BuildRestrictions.Category; if (!categoryTo) return; let categoryFrom; let cmpTrainingRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_TrainingRestrictions); let cmpBuildRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_BuildRestrictions); if (cmpTrainingRestrictions) categoryFrom = cmpTrainingRestrictions.GetCategory(); else if (cmpBuildRestrictions) categoryFrom = cmpBuildRestrictions.GetCategory(); if (categoryTo == categoryFrom) return; let cmpEntityLimits = QueryPlayerIDInterface(this.owner, IID_EntityLimits); cmpEntityLimits.ChangeCount(categoryTo, amount); }; Upgrade.prototype.CanUpgradeTo = function(template) { return this.upgradeTemplates[template] !== undefined; }; Upgrade.prototype.GetUpgrades = function() { let ret = []; let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity); for (let option in this.template) { let choice = this.template[option]; let templateName = cmpIdentity ? choice.Entity.replace(/\{civ\}/g, cmpIdentity.GetCiv()) : choice.Entity; let cost = {}; if (choice.Cost) cost = this.GetResourceCosts(templateName); if (choice.Time) cost.time = this.GetUpgradeTime(templateName); let hasCost = choice.Cost || choice.Time; ret.push({ "entity": templateName, "icon": choice.Icon || undefined, "cost": hasCost ? cost : undefined, "tooltip": choice.Tooltip || undefined, "requiredTechnology": this.GetRequiredTechnology(option), }); } return ret; }; Upgrade.prototype.CancelTimer = function() { if (!this.timer) return; let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.timer); this.timer = undefined; }; Upgrade.prototype.IsUpgrading = function() { return !!this.upgrading; }; Upgrade.prototype.GetUpgradingTo = function() { return this.upgrading; }; Upgrade.prototype.WillCheckPlacementRestrictions = function(template) { if (!this.upgradeTemplates[template]) return undefined; // is undefined by default so use X in Y return "CheckPlacementRestrictions" in this.template[this.upgradeTemplates[template]]; }; Upgrade.prototype.GetRequiredTechnology = function(templateArg) { let choice = this.upgradeTemplates[templateArg] || templateArg; if (this.template[choice].RequiredTechnology) return this.template[choice].RequiredTechnology; if (!("RequiredTechnology" in this.template[choice])) return undefined; let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity); let entType = this.template[choice].Entity; if (cmpIdentity) entType = entType.replace(/\{civ\}/g, cmpIdentity.GetCiv()); let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(entType); return template.Identity.RequiredTechnology || undefined; }; Upgrade.prototype.GetResourceCosts = function(template) { if (!this.upgradeTemplates[template]) return undefined; if (this.IsUpgrading() && template == this.GetUpgradingTo()) return clone(this.expendedResources); let choice = this.upgradeTemplates[template]; if (!this.template[choice].Cost) return {}; let costs = {}; for (let r in this.template[choice].Cost) costs[r] = ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Upgrade/Cost/"+r, +this.template[choice].Cost[r], this.entity); return costs; }; Upgrade.prototype.Upgrade = function(template) { if (this.IsUpgrading() || !this.upgradeTemplates[template]) return false; let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player); this.expendedResources = this.GetResourceCosts(template); - if (!cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(this.expendedResources)) + if (!cmpPlayer || !cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(this.expendedResources)) { this.expendedResources = {}; return false; } this.upgrading = template; this.SetUpgradeAnimationVariant(); // Prevent cheating this.ChangeUpgradedEntityCount(1); if (this.GetUpgradeTime(template) !== 0) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.timer = cmpTimer.SetInterval(this.entity, IID_Upgrade, "UpgradeProgress", 0, UPGRADING_PROGRESS_INTERVAL, { "upgrading": template }); } else this.UpgradeProgress(); return true; }; Upgrade.prototype.CancelUpgrade = function(owner) { if (!this.IsUpgrading()) return; let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(owner, IID_Player); if (cmpPlayer) cmpPlayer.AddResources(this.expendedResources); this.expendedResources = {}; this.ChangeUpgradedEntityCount(-1); // Do not update visual actor if the animation didn't change. let choice = this.upgradeTemplates[this.upgrading]; if (choice && this.template[choice].Variant) { let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual); if (cmpVisual) cmpVisual.SelectAnimation("idle", false, 1.0); } this.upgrading = false; this.CancelTimer(); this.SetElapsedTime(0); }; Upgrade.prototype.GetUpgradeTime = function(templateArg) { let template = this.upgrading || templateArg; let choice = this.upgradeTemplates[template]; if (!choice) return undefined; if (!this.template[choice].Time) return 0; return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Upgrade/Time", +this.template[choice].Time, this.entity); }; Upgrade.prototype.GetElapsedTime = function() { return this.elapsedTime; }; Upgrade.prototype.GetProgress = function() { if (!this.IsUpgrading()) return undefined; return this.GetUpgradeTime() == 0 ? 1 : Math.min(this.elapsedTime / 1000.0 / this.GetUpgradeTime(), 1.0); }; Upgrade.prototype.SetElapsedTime = function(time) { this.elapsedTime = time; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UpgradeProgressUpdate, null); }; Upgrade.prototype.SetUpgradeAnimationVariant = function() { let choice = this.upgradeTemplates[this.upgrading]; if (!choice || !this.template[choice].Variant) return; let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual); if (!cmpVisual) return; cmpVisual.SelectAnimation(this.template[choice].Variant, false, 1.0); }; Upgrade.prototype.UpgradeProgress = function(data, lateness) { if (this.elapsedTime/1000.0 < this.GetUpgradeTime()) { this.SetElapsedTime(this.GetElapsedTime() + UPGRADING_PROGRESS_INTERVAL + lateness); return; } this.CancelTimer(); this.completed = true; this.ChangeUpgradedEntityCount(-1); this.expendedResources = {}; let newEntity = ChangeEntityTemplate(this.entity, this.upgrading); if (newEntity) PlaySound("upgraded", newEntity); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Upgrade, "Upgrade", Upgrade); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js (revision 24049) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js (revision 24050) @@ -1,1727 +1,1727 @@ // Setting this to true will display some warnings when commands // are likely to fail, which may be useful for debugging AIs var g_DebugCommands = false; function ProcessCommand(player, cmd) { let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player); if (!cmpPlayer) return; let data = { "cmpPlayer": cmpPlayer, "controlAllUnits": cmpPlayer.CanControlAllUnits() }; if (cmd.entities) data.entities = FilterEntityList(cmd.entities, player, data.controlAllUnits); // Allow focusing the camera on recent commands let commandData = { "type": "playercommand", "players": [player], "cmd": cmd }; // Save the position, since the GUI event is received after the unit died if (cmd.type == "delete-entities") { let cmpPosition = cmd.entities[0] && Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.entities[0], IID_Position); commandData.position = cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld() && cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); } let cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification(commandData); // Note: checks of UnitAI targets are not robust enough here, as ownership // can change after the order is issued, they should be checked by UnitAI // when the specific behavior (e.g. attack, garrison) is performed. // (Also it's not ideal if a command silently fails, it's nicer if UnitAI // moves the entities closer to the target before giving up.) // Now handle various commands if (g_Commands[cmd.type]) { var cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger); cmpTrigger.CallEvent("PlayerCommand", { "player": player, "cmd": cmd }); g_Commands[cmd.type](player, cmd, data); } else error("Invalid command: unknown command type: "+uneval(cmd)); } var g_Commands = { "aichat": function(player, cmd, data) { var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); var notification = { "players": [player] }; for (var key in cmd) notification[key] = cmd[key]; cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification(notification); }, "cheat": function(player, cmd, data) { Cheat(cmd); }, "diplomacy": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpCeasefireManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_CeasefireManager); if (data.cmpPlayer.GetLockTeams() || cmpCeasefireManager && cmpCeasefireManager.IsCeasefireActive()) return; switch( { case "ally": data.cmpPlayer.SetAlly(cmd.player); break; case "neutral": data.cmpPlayer.SetNeutral(cmd.player); break; case "enemy": data.cmpPlayer.SetEnemy(cmd.player); break; default: warn("Invalid command: Could not set "+player+" diplomacy status of player "+cmd.player+" to "; } var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "diplomacy", "players": [player], "targetPlayer": cmd.player, "status": }); }, "tribute": function(player, cmd, data) { data.cmpPlayer.TributeResource(cmd.player, cmd.amounts); }, "control-all": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!data.cmpPlayer.GetCheatsEnabled()) return; var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("(Cheat - control all units)") }); data.cmpPlayer.SetControlAllUnits(cmd.flag); }, "reveal-map": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!data.cmpPlayer.GetCheatsEnabled()) return; var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("(Cheat - reveal map)") }); // Reveal the map for all players, not just the current player, // primarily to make it obvious to everyone that the player is cheating var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); cmpRangeManager.SetLosRevealAll(-1, cmd.enable); }, "walk": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Walk(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.queued); }); }, "walk-custom": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent in data.entities) GetFormationUnitAIs([data.entities[ent]], player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Walk(cmd.targetPositions[ent].x, cmd.targetPositions[ent].y, cmd.queued); }); }, "walk-to-range": function(player, cmd, data) { // Only used by the AI for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) cmpUnitAI.WalkToPointRange(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.min, cmd.max, cmd.queued); } }, "attack-walk": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.WalkAndFight(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.targetClasses, allowCapture, cmd.queued); }); }, "attack-walk-custom": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; for (let ent in data.entities) GetFormationUnitAIs([data.entities[ent]], player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.WalkAndFight(cmd.targetPositions[ent].x, cmd.targetPositions[ent].y, cmd.targetClasses, allowCapture, cmd.queued); }); }, "attack": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; if (g_DebugCommands && !allowCapture && !(IsOwnedByEnemyOfPlayer(player, || IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: attack target is not owned by enemy of player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Attack(, allowCapture, cmd.queued); }); }, "patrol": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => cmpUnitAI.Patrol(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.targetClasses, allowCapture, cmd.queued) ); }, "heal": function(player, cmd, data) { if (g_DebugCommands && !(IsOwnedByPlayer(player, || IsOwnedByAllyOfPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: heal target is not owned by player "+player+" or their ally: "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Heal(, cmd.queued); }); }, "repair": function(player, cmd, data) { // This covers both repairing damaged buildings, and constructing unfinished foundations if (g_DebugCommands && !IsOwnedByAllyOfPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: repair target is not owned by ally of player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Repair(, cmd.autocontinue, cmd.queued); }); }, "gather": function(player, cmd, data) { if (g_DebugCommands && !(IsOwnedByPlayer(player, || IsOwnedByGaia( warn("Invalid command: resource is not owned by gaia or player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Gather(, cmd.queued); }); }, "gather-near-position": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.GatherNearPosition(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.resourceType, cmd.resourceTemplate, cmd.queued); }); }, "returnresource": function(player, cmd, data) { if (g_DebugCommands && !IsOwnedByPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: dropsite is not owned by player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.ReturnResource(, cmd.queued); }); }, "back-to-work": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if(!cmpUnitAI || !cmpUnitAI.BackToWork()) notifyBackToWorkFailure(player); } }, "remove-guard": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) cmpUnitAI.RemoveGuard(); } }, "train": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!Number.isInteger(cmd.count) || cmd.count <= 0) { warn("Invalid command: can't train " + uneval(cmd.count) + " units"); return; } // Check entity limits var template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate(cmd.template); var unitCategory = null; if (template.TrainingRestrictions) unitCategory = template.TrainingRestrictions.Category; // Verify that the building(s) can be controlled by the player if (data.entities.length <= 0) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: training building(s) cannot be controlled by player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); return; } for (let ent of data.entities) { if (unitCategory) { var cmpPlayerEntityLimits = QueryOwnerInterface(ent, IID_EntityLimits); - if (!cmpPlayerEntityLimits.AllowedToTrain(unitCategory, cmd.count)) + if (cmpPlayerEntityLimits && !cmpPlayerEntityLimits.AllowedToTrain(unitCategory, cmd.count)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn(unitCategory + " train limit is reached: " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } } var cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(ent, IID_TechnologyManager); - if (!cmpTechnologyManager.CanProduce(cmd.template)) + if (cmpTechnologyManager && !cmpTechnologyManager.CanProduce(cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: training requires unresearched technology: " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } var queue = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ProductionQueue); // Check if the building can train the unit // TODO: the AI API does not take promotion technologies into account for the list // of trainable units (taken directly from the unit template). Here is a temporary fix. if (queue && data.cmpPlayer.IsAI()) { var list = queue.GetEntitiesList(); if (list.indexOf(cmd.template) === -1 && cmd.promoted) { for (var promoted of cmd.promoted) { if (list.indexOf(promoted) === -1) continue; cmd.template = promoted; break; } } } if (queue && queue.GetEntitiesList().indexOf(cmd.template) != -1) if ("metadata" in cmd) queue.AddBatch(cmd.template, "unit", +cmd.count, cmd.metadata); else queue.AddBatch(cmd.template, "unit", +cmd.count); } }, "research": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!CanControlUnit(cmd.entity, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: research building cannot be controlled by player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); return; } var cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(cmd.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); - if (!cmpTechnologyManager.CanResearch(cmd.template)) + if (cmpTechnologyManager && !cmpTechnologyManager.CanResearch(cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: Requirements to research technology are not met: " + uneval(cmd)); return; } var queue = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.entity, IID_ProductionQueue); if (queue) queue.AddBatch(cmd.template, "technology"); }, "stop-production": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!CanControlUnit(cmd.entity, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: production building cannot be controlled by player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); return; } var queue = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.entity, IID_ProductionQueue); if (queue) queue.RemoveBatch(; }, "construct": function(player, cmd, data) { TryConstructBuilding(player, data.cmpPlayer, data.controlAllUnits, cmd); }, "construct-wall": function(player, cmd, data) { TryConstructWall(player, data.cmpPlayer, data.controlAllUnits, cmd); }, "delete-entities": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { if (!data.controlAllUnits) { let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity); if (cmpIdentity && cmpIdentity.IsUndeletable()) continue; let cmpCapturable = QueryMiragedInterface(ent, IID_Capturable); if (cmpCapturable && cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints()[player] < cmpCapturable.GetMaxCapturePoints() / 2) continue; let cmpResourceSupply = QueryMiragedInterface(ent, IID_ResourceSupply); if (cmpResourceSupply && cmpResourceSupply.GetKillBeforeGather()) continue; } let cmpMirage = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Mirage); if (cmpMirage) { let cmpMiragedHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(cmpMirage.parent, IID_Health); if (cmpMiragedHealth) cmpMiragedHealth.Kill(); else Engine.DestroyEntity(cmpMirage.parent); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); continue; } let cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Health); if (cmpHealth) cmpHealth.Kill(); else Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); } }, "set-rallypoint": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpRallyPoint = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_RallyPoint); if (cmpRallyPoint) { if (!cmd.queued) cmpRallyPoint.Unset(); cmpRallyPoint.AddPosition(cmd.x, cmd.z); cmpRallyPoint.AddData(clone(; } } }, "unset-rallypoint": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpRallyPoint = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_RallyPoint); if (cmpRallyPoint) cmpRallyPoint.Reset(); } }, "resign": function(player, cmd, data) { data.cmpPlayer.SetState("defeated", markForTranslation("%(player)s has resigned.")); }, "garrison": function(player, cmd, data) { // Verify that the building can be controlled by the player or is mutualAlly if (!CanControlUnitOrIsAlly(, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: garrison target cannot be controlled by player "+player+" (or ally): "+uneval(cmd)); return; } GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Garrison(, cmd.queued); }); }, "guard": function(player, cmd, data) { // Verify that the target can be controlled by the player or is mutualAlly if (!CanControlUnitOrIsAlly(, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: guard/escort target cannot be controlled by player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); return; } GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Guard(, cmd.queued); }); }, "stop": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Stop(cmd.queued); }); }, "unload": function(player, cmd, data) { // Verify that the building can be controlled by the player or is mutualAlly if (!CanControlUnitOrIsAlly(cmd.garrisonHolder, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: unload target cannot be controlled by player "+player+" (or ally): "+uneval(cmd)); return; } var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); var notUngarrisoned = 0; // The owner can ungarrison every garrisoned unit if (IsOwnedByPlayer(player, cmd.garrisonHolder)) data.entities = cmd.entities; for (let ent of data.entities) if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || !cmpGarrisonHolder.Unload(ent)) ++notUngarrisoned; if (notUngarrisoned != 0) notifyUnloadFailure(player, cmd.garrisonHolder); }, "unload-template": function(player, cmd, data) { var entities = FilterEntityListWithAllies(cmd.garrisonHolders, player, data.controlAllUnits); for (let garrisonHolder of entities) { var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (cmpGarrisonHolder) { // Only the owner of the garrisonHolder may unload entities from any owners if (!IsOwnedByPlayer(player, garrisonHolder) && !data.controlAllUnits && player != +cmd.owner) continue; if (!cmpGarrisonHolder.UnloadTemplate(cmd.template, cmd.owner, cmd.all)) notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder); } } }, "unload-all-by-owner": function(player, cmd, data) { var entities = FilterEntityListWithAllies(cmd.garrisonHolders, player, data.controlAllUnits); for (let garrisonHolder of entities) { var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || !cmpGarrisonHolder.UnloadAllByOwner(player)) notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder); } }, "unload-all": function(player, cmd, data) { var entities = FilterEntityList(cmd.garrisonHolders, player, data.controlAllUnits); for (let garrisonHolder of entities) { var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || !cmpGarrisonHolder.UnloadAll()) notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder); } }, "alert-raise": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpAlertRaiser = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_AlertRaiser); if (cmpAlertRaiser) cmpAlertRaiser.RaiseAlert(); } }, "alert-end": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpAlertRaiser = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_AlertRaiser); if (cmpAlertRaiser) cmpAlertRaiser.EndOfAlert(); } }, "formation": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, => { cmpUnitAI.MoveIntoFormation(cmd); }); }, "promote": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!data.cmpPlayer.GetCheatsEnabled()) return; var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("(Cheat - promoted units)"), "translateMessage": true }); for (let ent of cmd.entities) { var cmpPromotion = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Promotion); if (cmpPromotion) cmpPromotion.IncreaseXp(cmpPromotion.GetRequiredXp() - cmpPromotion.GetCurrentXp()); } }, "stance": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI && !cmpUnitAI.IsTurret()) cmpUnitAI.SwitchToStance(; } }, "lock-gate": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpGate = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Gate); if (!cmpGate) continue; if (cmd.lock) cmpGate.LockGate(); else cmpGate.UnlockGate(); } }, "setup-trade-route": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.SetupTradeRoute(, cmd.source, cmd.route, cmd.queued); }); }, "cancel-setup-trade-route": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.CancelSetupTradeRoute(; }); }, "set-trading-goods": function(player, cmd, data) { data.cmpPlayer.SetTradingGoods(cmd.tradingGoods); }, "barter": function(player, cmd, data) { var cmpBarter = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Barter); cmpBarter.ExchangeResources(player, cmd.sell,, cmd.amount); }, "set-shading-color": function(player, cmd, data) { // Prevent multiplayer abuse if (!data.cmpPlayer.IsAI()) return; // Debug command to make an entity brightly colored for (let ent of cmd.entities) { var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Visual); if (cmpVisual) cmpVisual.SetShadingColor(cmd.rgb[0], cmd.rgb[1], cmd.rgb[2], 0); // alpha isn't used so just send 0 } }, "pack": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) continue; if (cmd.pack) cmpUnitAI.Pack(cmd.queued); else cmpUnitAI.Unpack(cmd.queued); } }, "cancel-pack": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) continue; if (cmd.pack) cmpUnitAI.CancelPack(cmd.queued); else cmpUnitAI.CancelUnpack(cmd.queued); } }, "upgrade": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUpgrade = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Upgrade); if (!cmpUpgrade || !cmpUpgrade.CanUpgradeTo(cmd.template)) continue; if (cmpUpgrade.WillCheckPlacementRestrictions(cmd.template) && ObstructionsBlockingTemplateChange(ent, cmd.template)) { var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("Cannot upgrade as distance requirements are not verified or terrain is obstructed.") }); continue; } if (!CanGarrisonedChangeTemplate(ent, cmd.template)) { var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("Cannot upgrade a garrisoned entity.") }); continue; } // Check entity limits var cmpEntityLimits = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_EntityLimits); if (cmpEntityLimits && !cmpEntityLimits.AllowedToReplace(ent, cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: build limits check failed for player " + player + ": " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(ent, IID_TechnologyManager); let requiredTechnology = cmpUpgrade.GetRequiredTechnology(cmd.template); if (requiredTechnology && (!cmpTechnologyManager || !cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched(requiredTechnology))) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: upgrading is not possible for this player or requires unresearched technology: " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } cmpUpgrade.Upgrade(cmd.template, data.cmpPlayer); } }, "cancel-upgrade": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { let cmpUpgrade = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Upgrade); if (cmpUpgrade) cmpUpgrade.CancelUpgrade(player); } }, "attack-request": function(player, cmd, data) { // Send a chat message to human players var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": "/allies " + markForTranslation("Attack against %(_player_)s requested."), "translateParameters": ["_player_"], "parameters": { "_player_": cmd.player } }); // And send an attackRequest event to the AIs let cmpAIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_AIInterface); if (cmpAIInterface) cmpAIInterface.PushEvent("AttackRequest", cmd); }, "spy-request": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); let ent = pickRandom(cmpRangeManager.GetEntitiesByPlayer(cmd.player).filter(ent => { let cmpVisionSharing = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_VisionSharing); return cmpVisionSharing && cmpVisionSharing.IsBribable() && !cmpVisionSharing.ShareVisionWith(player); })); let cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "spy-response", "players": [player], "target": cmd.player, "entity": ent }); if (ent) Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_VisionSharing).AddSpy(cmd.source); else { let template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate("special/spy"); IncurBribeCost(template, player, cmd.player, true); // update statistics for failed bribes let cmpBribesStatisticsTracker = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_StatisticsTracker); if (cmpBribesStatisticsTracker) cmpBribesStatisticsTracker.IncreaseFailedBribesCounter(); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("There are no bribable units"), "translateMessage": true }); } }, "diplomacy-request": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpAIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_AIInterface); if (cmpAIInterface) cmpAIInterface.PushEvent("DiplomacyRequest", cmd); }, "tribute-request": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpAIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_AIInterface); if (cmpAIInterface) cmpAIInterface.PushEvent("TributeRequest", cmd); }, "dialog-answer": function(player, cmd, data) { // Currently nothing. Triggers can read it anyway, and send this // message to any component you like. }, "set-dropsite-sharing": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { let cmpResourceDropsite = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ResourceDropsite); if (cmpResourceDropsite && cmpResourceDropsite.IsSharable()) cmpResourceDropsite.SetSharing(cmd.shared); } }, }; /** * Sends a GUI notification about unit(s) that failed to ungarrison. */ function notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder) { var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("Unable to ungarrison unit(s)"), "translateMessage": true }); } /** * Sends a GUI notification about worker(s) that failed to go back to work. */ function notifyBackToWorkFailure(player) { var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("Some unit(s) can't go back to work"), "translateMessage": true }); } /** * Get some information about the formations used by entities. * The entities must have a UnitAI component. */ function ExtractFormations(ents) { var entities = []; // subset of ents that have UnitAI var members = {}; // { formationentity: [ent, ent, ...], ... } for (let ent of ents) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); var fid = cmpUnitAI.GetFormationController(); if (fid != INVALID_ENTITY) { if (!members[fid]) members[fid] = []; members[fid].push(ent); } entities.push(ent); } return { "entities": entities, "members": members }; } /** * Tries to find the best angle to put a dock at a given position * Taken from GuiInterface.js */ function GetDockAngle(template, x, z) { var cmpTerrain = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Terrain); var cmpWaterManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_WaterManager); if (!cmpTerrain || !cmpWaterManager) return undefined; // Get footprint size var halfSize = 0; if (template.Footprint.Square) halfSize = Math.max(template.Footprint.Square["@depth"], template.Footprint.Square["@width"])/2; else if (template.Footprint.Circle) halfSize = template.Footprint.Circle["@radius"]; /* Find direction of most open water, algorithm: * 1. Pick points in a circle around dock * 2. If point is in water, add to array * 3. Scan array looking for consecutive points * 4. Find longest sequence of consecutive points * 5. If sequence equals all points, no direction can be determined, * expand search outward and try (1) again * 6. Calculate angle using average of sequence */ const numPoints = 16; for (var dist = 0; dist < 4; ++dist) { var waterPoints = []; for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { var angle = (i/numPoints)*2*Math.PI; var d = halfSize*(dist+1); var nx = x - d*Math.sin(angle); var nz = z + d*Math.cos(angle); if (cmpTerrain.GetGroundLevel(nx, nz) < cmpWaterManager.GetWaterLevel(nx, nz)) waterPoints.push(i); } var consec = []; var length = waterPoints.length; if (!length) continue; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var count = 0; for (let j = 0; j < length - 1; ++j) { if ((waterPoints[(i + j) % length] + 1) % numPoints == waterPoints[(i + j + 1) % length]) ++count; else break; } consec[i] = count; } var start = 0; var count = 0; for (var c in consec) { if (consec[c] > count) { start = c; count = consec[c]; } } // If we've found a shoreline, stop searching if (count != numPoints-1) return -((waterPoints[start] + consec[start]/2) % numPoints) / numPoints * 2 * Math.PI; } return undefined; } /** * Attempts to construct a building using the specified parameters. * Returns true on success, false on failure. */ function TryConstructBuilding(player, cmpPlayer, controlAllUnits, cmd) { // Message structure: // { // "type": "construct", // "entities": [...], // entities that will be ordered to construct the building (if applicable) // "template": "...", // template name of the entity being constructed // "x": ..., // "z": ..., // "angle": ..., // "metadata": "...", // AI metadata of the building // "actorSeed": ..., // "autorepair": true, // whether to automatically start constructing/repairing the new foundation // "autocontinue": true, // whether to automatically gather/build/etc after finishing this // "queued": true, // whether to add the construction/repairing of this foundation to entities' queue (if applicable) // "obstructionControlGroup": ..., // Optional; the obstruction control group ID that should be set for this building prior to obstruction // // testing to determine placement validity. If specified, must be a valid control group ID (> 0). // "obstructionControlGroup2": ..., // Optional; secondary obstruction control group ID that should be set for this building prior to obstruction // // testing to determine placement validity. May be INVALID_ENTITY. // } /* * Construction process: * . Take resources away immediately. * . Create a foundation entity with 1hp, 0% build progress. * . Increase hp and build progress up to 100% when people work on it. * . If it's destroyed, an appropriate fraction of the resource cost is refunded. * . If it's completed, it gets replaced with the real building. */ // Check whether we can control these units var entities = FilterEntityList(cmd.entities, player, controlAllUnits); if (!entities.length) return false; var foundationTemplate = "foundation|" + cmd.template; // Tentatively create the foundation (we might find later that it's a invalid build command) var ent = Engine.AddEntity(foundationTemplate); if (ent == INVALID_ENTITY) { // Error (e.g. invalid template names) error("Error creating foundation entity for '" + cmd.template + "'"); return false; } // If it's a dock, get the right angle. var template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate(cmd.template); var angle = cmd.angle; if (template.BuildRestrictions.PlacementType === "shore") { let angleDock = GetDockAngle(template, cmd.x, cmd.z); if (angleDock !== undefined) angle = angleDock; } // Move the foundation to the right place var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); cmpPosition.JumpTo(cmd.x, cmd.z); cmpPosition.SetYRotation(angle); // Set the obstruction control group if needed if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup || cmd.obstructionControlGroup2) { var cmpObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Obstruction); // primary control group must always be valid if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup) { if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup <= 0) warn("[TryConstructBuilding] Invalid primary obstruction control group " + cmd.obstructionControlGroup + " received; must be > 0"); cmpObstruction.SetControlGroup(cmd.obstructionControlGroup); } if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup2) cmpObstruction.SetControlGroup2(cmd.obstructionControlGroup2); } // Make it owned by the current player var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Ownership); cmpOwnership.SetOwner(player); // Check whether building placement is valid var cmpBuildRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_BuildRestrictions); if (cmpBuildRestrictions) { var ret = cmpBuildRestrictions.CheckPlacement(); if (!ret.success) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: build restrictions check failed with '"+ret.message+"' for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); ret.players = [player]; cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification(ret); // Remove the foundation because the construction was aborted // move it out of world because it's not destroyed immediately. cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); return false; } } else error("cmpBuildRestrictions not defined"); // Check entity limits var cmpEntityLimits = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_EntityLimits); if (cmpEntityLimits && !cmpEntityLimits.AllowedToBuild(cmpBuildRestrictions.GetCategory())) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: build limits check failed for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); // Remove the foundation because the construction was aborted cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); return false; } var cmpTechnologyManager = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_TechnologyManager); if (cmpTechnologyManager && !cmpTechnologyManager.CanProduce(cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: required technology check failed for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("The building's technology requirements are not met."), "translateMessage": true }); // Remove the foundation because the construction was aborted cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); } // We need the cost after tech and aura modifications // To calculate this with an entity requires ownership, so use the template instead let cmpCost = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Cost); let costs = cmpCost.GetResourceCosts(player); if (!cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(costs)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: building cost check failed for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); return false; } var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Visual); if (cmpVisual && cmd.actorSeed !== undefined) cmpVisual.SetActorSeed(cmd.actorSeed); // Initialise the foundation var cmpFoundation = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Foundation); cmpFoundation.InitialiseConstruction(player, cmd.template); // send Metadata info if any if (cmd.metadata) Engine.PostMessage(ent, MT_AIMetadata, { "id": ent, "metadata" : cmd.metadata, "owner" : player } ); // Tell the units to start building this new entity if (cmd.autorepair) { ProcessCommand(player, { "type": "repair", "entities": entities, "target": ent, "autocontinue": cmd.autocontinue, "queued": cmd.queued }); } return ent; } function TryConstructWall(player, cmpPlayer, controlAllUnits, cmd) { // 'cmd' message structure: // { // "type": "construct-wall", // "entities": [...], // entities that will be ordered to construct the wall (if applicable) // "pieces": [ // ordered list of information about the pieces making up the wall (towers, wall segments, ...) // { // "template": "...", // one of the templates from the wallset // "x": ..., // "z": ..., // "angle": ..., // }, // ... // ], // "wallSet": { // "templates": { // "tower": // tower template name // "long": // long wall segment template name // ... // etc. // }, // "maxTowerOverlap": ..., // "minTowerOverlap": ..., // }, // "startSnappedEntity": // optional; entity ID of tower being snapped to at the starting side of the wall // "endSnappedEntity": // optional; entity ID of tower being snapped to at the ending side of the wall // "autorepair": true, // whether to automatically start constructing/repairing the new foundation // "autocontinue": true, // whether to automatically gather/build/etc after finishing this // "queued": true, // whether to add the construction/repairing of this wall's pieces to entities' queue (if applicable) // } if (cmd.pieces.length <= 0) return; if (cmd.startSnappedEntity && cmd.pieces[0].template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { error("[TryConstructWall] Starting wall piece cannot be a tower (" + cmd.wallSet.templates.tower + ") when snapping at the starting side"); return; } if (cmd.endSnappedEntity && cmd.pieces[cmd.pieces.length - 1].template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { error("[TryConstructWall] Ending wall piece cannot be a tower (" + cmd.wallSet.templates.tower + ") when snapping at the ending side"); return; } // Assign obstruction control groups to allow the wall pieces to mutually overlap during foundation placement // and during construction. The scheme here is that whatever wall pieces are inbetween two towers inherit the control // groups of both of the towers they are connected to (either newly constructed ones as part of the wall, or existing // towers in the case of snapping). The towers themselves all keep their default unique control groups. // To support this, every non-tower piece registers the entity ID of the towers (or foundations thereof) that neighbour // it on either side. Specifically, each non-tower wall piece has its primary control group set equal to that of the // first tower encountered towards the starting side of the wall, and its secondary control group set equal to that of // the first tower encountered towards the ending side of the wall (if any). // We can't build the whole wall at once by linearly stepping through the wall pieces and build them, because the // wall segments may/will need the entity IDs of towers that come afterwards. So, build it in two passes: // // FIRST PASS: // - Go from start to end and construct wall piece foundations as far as we can without running into a piece that // cannot be built (e.g. because it is obstructed). At each non-tower, set the most recently built tower's ID // as the primary control group, thus allowing it to be built overlapping the previous piece. // - If we encounter a new tower along the way (which will gain its own control group), do the following: // o First build it using temporarily the same control group of the previous (non-tower) piece // o Set the previous piece's secondary control group to the tower's entity ID // o Restore the primary control group of the constructed tower back its original (unique) value. // The temporary control group is necessary to allow the newer tower with its unique control group ID to be able // to be placed while overlapping the previous piece. // // SECOND PASS: // - Go end to start from the last successfully placed wall piece (which might be a tower we backtracked to), this // time registering the right neighbouring tower in each non-tower piece. // first pass; L -> R var lastTowerIndex = -1; // index of the last tower we've encountered in cmd.pieces var lastTowerControlGroup = null; // control group of the last tower we've encountered, to assign to non-tower pieces // If we're snapping to an existing entity at the starting end, set lastTowerControlGroup to its control group ID so that // the first wall piece can be built while overlapping it. if (cmd.startSnappedEntity) { var cmpSnappedStartObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.startSnappedEntity, IID_Obstruction); if (!cmpSnappedStartObstruction) { error("[TryConstructWall] Snapped entity on starting side does not have an obstruction component"); return; } lastTowerControlGroup = cmpSnappedStartObstruction.GetControlGroup(); //warn("setting lastTowerControlGroup to control group of start snapped entity " + cmd.startSnappedEntity + ": " + lastTowerControlGroup); } var i = 0; var queued = cmd.queued; var pieces = clone(cmd.pieces); for (; i < pieces.length; ++i) { var piece = pieces[i]; // All wall pieces after the first must be queued. if (i > 0 && !queued) queued = true; // 'lastTowerControlGroup' must always be defined and valid here, except if we're at the first piece and we didn't do // start position snapping (implying that the first entity we build must be a tower) if (lastTowerControlGroup === null || lastTowerControlGroup == INVALID_ENTITY) { if (!(i == 0 && piece.template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower && !cmd.startSnappedEntity)) { error("[TryConstructWall] Expected last tower control group to be available, none found (1st pass, iteration " + i + ")"); break; } } var constructPieceCmd = { "type": "construct", "entities": cmd.entities, "template": piece.template, "x": piece.x, "z": piece.z, "angle": piece.angle, "autorepair": cmd.autorepair, "autocontinue": cmd.autocontinue, "queued": queued, // Regardless of whether we're building a tower or an intermediate wall piece, it is always (first) constructed // using the control group of the last tower (see comments above). "obstructionControlGroup": lastTowerControlGroup, }; // If we're building the last piece and we're attaching to a snapped entity, we need to add in the snapped entity's // control group directly at construction time (instead of setting it in the second pass) to allow it to be built // while overlapping the snapped entity. if (i == pieces.length - 1 && cmd.endSnappedEntity) { var cmpEndSnappedObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.endSnappedEntity, IID_Obstruction); if (cmpEndSnappedObstruction) constructPieceCmd.obstructionControlGroup2 = cmpEndSnappedObstruction.GetControlGroup(); } var pieceEntityId = TryConstructBuilding(player, cmpPlayer, controlAllUnits, constructPieceCmd); if (pieceEntityId) { // wall piece foundation successfully built, save the entity ID in the piece info object so we can reference it later piece.ent = pieceEntityId; // if we built a tower, do the control group dance (see outline above) and update lastTowerControlGroup and lastTowerIndex if (piece.template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { var cmpTowerObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(pieceEntityId, IID_Obstruction); var newTowerControlGroup = pieceEntityId; if (i > 0) { //warn(" updating previous wall piece's secondary control group to " + newTowerControlGroup); var cmpPreviousObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(pieces[i-1].ent, IID_Obstruction); // TODO: ensure that cmpPreviousObstruction exists // TODO: ensure that the previous obstruction does not yet have a secondary control group set cmpPreviousObstruction.SetControlGroup2(newTowerControlGroup); } // TODO: ensure that cmpTowerObstruction exists cmpTowerObstruction.SetControlGroup(newTowerControlGroup); // give the tower its own unique control group lastTowerIndex = i; lastTowerControlGroup = newTowerControlGroup; } } else // failed to build wall piece, abort break; } var lastBuiltPieceIndex = i - 1; var wallComplete = (lastBuiltPieceIndex == pieces.length - 1); // At this point, 'i' is the index of the last wall piece that was successfully constructed (which may or may not be a tower). // Now do the second pass going right-to-left, registering the control groups of the towers to the right of each piece (if any) // as their secondary control groups. lastTowerControlGroup = null; // control group of the last tower we've encountered, to assign to non-tower pieces // only start off with the ending side's snapped tower's control group if we were able to build the entire wall if (cmd.endSnappedEntity && wallComplete) { var cmpSnappedEndObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.endSnappedEntity, IID_Obstruction); if (!cmpSnappedEndObstruction) { error("[TryConstructWall] Snapped entity on ending side does not have an obstruction component"); return; } lastTowerControlGroup = cmpSnappedEndObstruction.GetControlGroup(); } for (var j = lastBuiltPieceIndex; j >= 0; --j) { var piece = pieces[j]; if (!piece.ent) { error("[TryConstructWall] No entity ID set for constructed entity of template '" + piece.template + "'"); continue; } var cmpPieceObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(piece.ent, IID_Obstruction); if (!cmpPieceObstruction) { error("[TryConstructWall] Wall piece of template '" + piece.template + "' has no Obstruction component"); continue; } if (piece.template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { // encountered a tower entity, update the last tower control group lastTowerControlGroup = cmpPieceObstruction.GetControlGroup(); } else { // Encountered a non-tower entity, update its secondary control group to 'lastTowerControlGroup'. // Note that the wall piece may already have its secondary control group set to the tower's entity ID from a control group // dance during the first pass, in which case we should validate it against 'lastTowerControlGroup'. var existingSecondaryControlGroup = cmpPieceObstruction.GetControlGroup2(); if (existingSecondaryControlGroup == INVALID_ENTITY) { if (lastTowerControlGroup != null && lastTowerControlGroup != INVALID_ENTITY) { cmpPieceObstruction.SetControlGroup2(lastTowerControlGroup); } } else if (existingSecondaryControlGroup != lastTowerControlGroup) { error("[TryConstructWall] Existing secondary control group of non-tower entity does not match expected value (2nd pass, iteration " + j + ")"); break; } } } } /** * Remove the given list of entities from their current formations. */ function RemoveFromFormation(ents) { var formation = ExtractFormations(ents); for (var fid in formation.members) { var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(+fid, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.RemoveMembers(formation.members[fid]); } } /** * Returns a list of UnitAI components, each belonging either to a * selected unit or to a formation entity for groups of the selected units. */ function GetFormationUnitAIs(ents, player, formationTemplate) { // If an individual was selected, remove it from any formation // and command it individually if (ents.length == 1) { // Skip unit if it has no UnitAI var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ents[0], IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) return []; RemoveFromFormation(ents); return [ cmpUnitAI ]; } // Separate out the units that don't support the chosen formation var formedEnts = []; var nonformedUnitAIs = []; for (let ent of ents) { // Skip units with no UnitAI or no position var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); if (!cmpUnitAI || !cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) continue; var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity); // TODO: We only check if the formation is usable by some units // if we move them to it. We should check if we can use formations // for the other cases. var nullFormation = (formationTemplate || cmpUnitAI.GetFormationTemplate()) == "special/formations/null"; if (!nullFormation && cmpIdentity && cmpIdentity.CanUseFormation(formationTemplate || "special/formations/null")) formedEnts.push(ent); else { if (nullFormation) RemoveFromFormation([ent]); nonformedUnitAIs.push(cmpUnitAI); } } if (formedEnts.length == 0) { // No units support the formation - return all the others return nonformedUnitAIs; } // Find what formations the formationable selected entities are currently in var formation = ExtractFormations(formedEnts); var formationUnitAIs = []; let formationIds = Object.keys(formation.members); if (formationIds.length == 1) { // Selected units either belong to this formation or have no formation // Check that all its members are selected var fid = formationIds[0]; var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(+fid, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation && cmpFormation.GetMemberCount() == formation.members[fid].length && cmpFormation.GetMemberCount() == formation.entities.length) { cmpFormation.DeleteTwinFormations(); // The whole formation was selected, so reuse its controller for this command formationUnitAIs = [Engine.QueryInterface(+fid, IID_UnitAI)]; if (formationTemplate && CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(formation.entities, formationTemplate)) cmpFormation.LoadFormation(formationTemplate); } } if (!formationUnitAIs.length) { // We need to give the selected units a new formation controller // TODO replace the fixed 60 with something sensible, based on vision range f.e. var formationSeparation = 60; var clusters = ClusterEntities(formation.entities, formationSeparation); var formationEnts = []; for (let cluster of clusters) { if (!formationTemplate || !CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(cluster, formationTemplate)) { // Use the last formation template if everyone was using it var lastFormationTemplate = undefined; for (let ent of cluster) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) { var template = cmpUnitAI.GetFormationTemplate(); if (lastFormationTemplate === undefined) { lastFormationTemplate = template; } else if (lastFormationTemplate != template) { lastFormationTemplate = undefined; break; } } } if (lastFormationTemplate && CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(cluster, lastFormationTemplate)) formationTemplate = lastFormationTemplate; else formationTemplate = "special/formations/null"; } RemoveFromFormation(cluster); if (formationTemplate == "special/formations/null") { for (let ent of cluster) nonformedUnitAIs.push(Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI)); continue; } // Create the new controller var formationEnt = Engine.AddEntity(formationTemplate); var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(formationEnt, IID_Formation); formationUnitAIs.push(Engine.QueryInterface(formationEnt, IID_UnitAI)); cmpFormation.SetFormationSeparation(formationSeparation); cmpFormation.SetMembers(cluster); for (let ent of formationEnts) cmpFormation.RegisterTwinFormation(ent); formationEnts.push(formationEnt); var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(formationEnt, IID_Ownership); cmpOwnership.SetOwner(player); } } return nonformedUnitAIs.concat(formationUnitAIs); } /** * Group a list of entities in clusters via single-links */ function ClusterEntities(ents, separationDistance) { let clusters = []; if (!ents.length) return clusters; let distSq = separationDistance * separationDistance; let positions = []; // triangular matrix with the (squared) distances between the different clusters // the other half is not initialised let matrix = []; for (let i = 0; i < ents.length; ++i) { matrix[i] = []; clusters.push([ents[i]]); let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ents[i], IID_Position); positions.push(cmpPosition.GetPosition2D()); for (let j = 0; j < i; ++j) matrix[i][j] = positions[i].distanceToSquared(positions[j]); } while (clusters.length > 1) { // search two clusters that are closer than the required distance let closeClusters = undefined; for (let i = matrix.length - 1; i >= 0 && !closeClusters; --i) for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0 && !closeClusters; --j) if (matrix[i][j] < distSq) closeClusters = [i,j]; // if no more close clusters found, just return all found clusters so far if (!closeClusters) return clusters; // make a new cluster with the entities from the two found clusters let newCluster = clusters[closeClusters[0]].concat(clusters[closeClusters[1]]); // calculate the minimum distance between the new cluster and all other remaining // clusters by taking the minimum of the two distances. let distances = []; for (let i = 0; i < clusters.length; ++i) { let a = closeClusters[1]; let b = closeClusters[0]; if (i == a || i == b) continue; let dist1 = matrix[a][i] !== undefined ? matrix[a][i] : matrix[i][a]; let dist2 = matrix[b][i] !== undefined ? matrix[b][i] : matrix[i][b]; distances.push(Math.min(dist1, dist2)); } // remove the rows and columns in the matrix for the merged clusters, // and the clusters themselves from the cluster list clusters.splice(closeClusters[0],1); clusters.splice(closeClusters[1],1); matrix.splice(closeClusters[0],1); matrix.splice(closeClusters[1],1); for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; ++i) { if (matrix[i].length > closeClusters[0]) matrix[i].splice(closeClusters[0],1); if (matrix[i].length > closeClusters[1]) matrix[i].splice(closeClusters[1],1); } // add a new row of distances to the matrix and the new cluster clusters.push(newCluster); matrix.push(distances); } return clusters; } function GetFormationRequirements(formationTemplate) { var template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate(formationTemplate); if (!template.Formation) return false; return { "minCount": +template.Formation.RequiredMemberCount }; } function CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(ents, formationTemplate) { // TODO: should check the player's civ is allowed to use this formation // See simulation/components/Player.js GetFormations() for a list of all allowed formations var requirements = GetFormationRequirements(formationTemplate); if (!requirements) return false; var count = 0; for (let ent of ents) { var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity); if (!cmpIdentity || !cmpIdentity.CanUseFormation(formationTemplate)) continue; ++count; } return count >= requirements.minCount; } /** * Check if player can control this entity * returns: true if the entity is valid and owned by the player * or control all units is activated, else false */ function CanControlUnit(entity, player, controlAll) { return IsOwnedByPlayer(player, entity) || controlAll; } /** * Check if player can control this entity * returns: true if the entity is valid and owned by the player * or the entity is owned by an mutualAlly * or control all units is activated, else false */ function CanControlUnitOrIsAlly(entity, player, controlAll) { return IsOwnedByPlayer(player, entity) || IsOwnedByMutualAllyOfPlayer(player, entity) || controlAll; } /** * Filter entities which the player can control */ function FilterEntityList(entities, player, controlAll) { return entities.filter(ent => CanControlUnit(ent, player, controlAll)); } /** * Filter entities which the player can control or are mutualAlly */ function FilterEntityListWithAllies(entities, player, controlAll) { return entities.filter(ent => CanControlUnitOrIsAlly(ent, player, controlAll)); } /** * Incur the player with the cost of a bribe, optionally multiply the cost with * the additionalMultiplier */ function IncurBribeCost(template, player, playerBribed, failedBribe) { let cmpPlayerBribed = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerBribed); if (!cmpPlayerBribed) return false; let costs = {}; // Additional cost for this owner let multiplier = cmpPlayerBribed.GetSpyCostMultiplier(); if (failedBribe) multiplier *= template.VisionSharing.FailureCostRatio; for (let res in template.Cost.Resources) costs[res] = Math.floor(multiplier * ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate("Cost/Resources/" + res, +template.Cost.Resources[res], player, template)); let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player); return cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(costs); } Engine.RegisterGlobal("GetFormationRequirements", GetFormationRequirements); Engine.RegisterGlobal("CanMoveEntsIntoFormation", CanMoveEntsIntoFormation); Engine.RegisterGlobal("GetDockAngle", GetDockAngle); Engine.RegisterGlobal("ProcessCommand", ProcessCommand); Engine.RegisterGlobal("g_Commands", g_Commands); Engine.RegisterGlobal("IncurBribeCost", IncurBribeCost);