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Introduce subfolders for geology templates.


Introduce subfolders for geology templates.

This moves:

  • geology_metal_*.xml -> ore/*_small.xml
  • geology_metal_*_slabs.xml -> ore/*_large.xml
  • geology_stone_*.xml -> rock/*_small.xml
  • geology_stonemine_*_quarry.xml -> rock/*_large.xml

To have folders per resource subtype as was already the case for fish, treasures and ruins.

Patch by: @Nescio.
Differential Revision: D1010

Event Timeline

I'm tempted to raise a concern but that's a bit dramatic -> https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/37781-stone-and-metal-not-in-atlas/?tab=comments#comment-422139

IMO rock should be "stone_rock" and ore "metal_ore" (after all, our metal mines are currently large rocks, which is confusing). Ore is more specific, but we could imagine having several metal types & then we'd need to specify.
Part of the original diff justification was " making it easier for map makers to figure out which entity they want", but arguably removing the resource from the name does not help.

Treasures are no longer a resource type, the reasoning doesn't apply. Not sure ruins ever were. Fish, Fruit & Tree could be likewise extended if we want consistency.