Index: ps/trunk/source/gui/ObjectBases/IGUIObject.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/gui/ObjectBases/IGUIObject.cpp (revision 24168) +++ ps/trunk/source/gui/ObjectBases/IGUIObject.cpp (revision 24169) @@ -1,541 +1,541 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "IGUIObject.h" #include "gui/CGUI.h" #include "gui/CGUISetting.h" #include "js/Conversions.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "soundmanager/ISoundManager.h" const CStr IGUIObject::EventNameMouseEnter = "MouseEnter"; const CStr IGUIObject::EventNameMouseMove = "MouseMove"; const CStr IGUIObject::EventNameMouseLeave = "MouseLeave"; IGUIObject::IGUIObject(CGUI& pGUI) : m_pGUI(pGUI), m_pParent(), m_MouseHovering(), m_LastClickTime(), m_Enabled(), m_Hidden(), m_Size(), m_Style(), m_Hotkey(), m_Z(), m_Absolute(), m_Ghost(), m_AspectRatio(), m_Tooltip(), m_TooltipStyle() { RegisterSetting("enabled", m_Enabled); RegisterSetting("hidden", m_Hidden); RegisterSetting("size", m_Size); RegisterSetting("style", m_Style); RegisterSetting("hotkey", m_Hotkey); RegisterSetting("z", m_Z); RegisterSetting("absolute", m_Absolute); RegisterSetting("ghost", m_Ghost); RegisterSetting("aspectratio", m_AspectRatio); RegisterSetting("tooltip", m_Tooltip); RegisterSetting("tooltip_style", m_TooltipStyle); // Setup important defaults // TODO: Should be in the default style? SetSetting("hidden", false, true); SetSetting("ghost", false, true); SetSetting("enabled", true, true); SetSetting("absolute", true, true); } IGUIObject::~IGUIObject() { for (const std::pair& p : m_Settings) delete p.second; if (!m_ScriptHandlers.empty()) JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetJSRuntime(), Trace, this); // m_Children is deleted along all other GUI Objects in the CGUI destructor } void IGUIObject::AddChild(IGUIObject& pChild) { pChild.SetParent(this); m_Children.push_back(&pChild); } template void IGUIObject::RegisterSetting(const CStr& Name, T& Value) { if (SettingExists(Name)) LOGERROR("The setting '%s' already exists on the object '%s'!", Name.c_str(), GetPresentableName().c_str()); else m_Settings.emplace(Name, new CGUISetting(*this, Name, Value)); } bool IGUIObject::SettingExists(const CStr& Setting) const { return m_Settings.find(Setting) != m_Settings.end(); } template T& IGUIObject::GetSetting(const CStr& Setting) { return static_cast* >(>m_pSetting; } template const T& IGUIObject::GetSetting(const CStr& Setting) const { return static_cast* >(>m_pSetting; } bool IGUIObject::SetSettingFromString(const CStr& Setting, const CStrW& Value, const bool SendMessage) { const std::map::iterator it = m_Settings.find(Setting); if (it == m_Settings.end()) { LOGERROR("GUI object '%s' has no property called '%s', can't set parse and set value '%s'", GetPresentableName().c_str(), Setting.c_str(), Value.ToUTF8().c_str()); return false; } return it->second->FromString(Value, SendMessage); } template void IGUIObject::SetSetting(const CStr& Setting, T& Value, const bool SendMessage) { PreSettingChange(Setting); static_cast* >(>m_pSetting = std::move(Value); SettingChanged(Setting, SendMessage); } template void IGUIObject::SetSetting(const CStr& Setting, const T& Value, const bool SendMessage) { PreSettingChange(Setting); static_cast* >(>m_pSetting = Value; SettingChanged(Setting, SendMessage); } void IGUIObject::PreSettingChange(const CStr& Setting) { if (Setting == "hotkey") m_pGUI.UnsetObjectHotkey(this, GetSetting(Setting)); } void IGUIObject::SettingChanged(const CStr& Setting, const bool SendMessage) { if (Setting == "size") { // If setting was "size", we need to re-cache itself and all children RecurseObject(nullptr, &IGUIObject::UpdateCachedSize); } else if (Setting == "hidden") { // Hiding an object requires us to reset it and all children if (m_Hidden) RecurseObject(nullptr, &IGUIObject::ResetStates); } else if (Setting == "hotkey") m_pGUI.SetObjectHotkey(this, GetSetting(Setting)); if (SendMessage) { SGUIMessage msg(GUIM_SETTINGS_UPDATED, Setting); HandleMessage(msg); } } bool IGUIObject::IsMouseOver() const { return m_CachedActualSize.PointInside(m_pGUI.GetMousePos()); } bool IGUIObject::MouseOverIcon() { return false; } void IGUIObject::UpdateMouseOver(IGUIObject* const& pMouseOver) { if (pMouseOver == this) { if (!m_MouseHovering) SendMouseEvent(GUIM_MOUSE_ENTER,EventNameMouseEnter); m_MouseHovering = true; SendMouseEvent(GUIM_MOUSE_OVER, EventNameMouseMove); } else { if (m_MouseHovering) { m_MouseHovering = false; SendMouseEvent(GUIM_MOUSE_LEAVE, EventNameMouseLeave); } } } void IGUIObject::ChooseMouseOverAndClosest(IGUIObject*& pObject) { if (!IsMouseOver()) return; // Check if we've got competition at all if (pObject == nullptr) { pObject = this; return; } // Or if it's closer if (GetBufferedZ() >= pObject->GetBufferedZ()) { pObject = this; return; } } IGUIObject* IGUIObject::GetParent() const { // Important, we're not using GetParent() for these // checks, that could screw it up if (m_pParent && m_pParent->m_pParent == nullptr) return nullptr; return m_pParent; } void IGUIObject::ResetStates() { // Notify the gui that we aren't hovered anymore UpdateMouseOver(nullptr); } void IGUIObject::UpdateCachedSize() { // If absolute="false" and the object has got a parent, // use its cached size instead of the screen. Notice // it must have just been cached for it to work. if (!m_Absolute && m_pParent && !IsRootObject()) m_CachedActualSize = m_Size.GetSize(m_pParent->m_CachedActualSize); else m_CachedActualSize = m_Size.GetSize(CRect(0.f, 0.f, g_xres / g_GuiScale, g_yres / g_GuiScale)); // In a few cases, GUI objects have to resize to fill the screen // but maintain a constant aspect ratio. // Adjust the size to be the max possible, centered in the original size: if (m_AspectRatio) { if (m_CachedActualSize.GetWidth() > m_CachedActualSize.GetHeight() * m_AspectRatio) { float delta = m_CachedActualSize.GetWidth() - m_CachedActualSize.GetHeight() * m_AspectRatio; m_CachedActualSize.left += delta/2.f; m_CachedActualSize.right -= delta/2.f; } else { float delta = m_CachedActualSize.GetHeight() - m_CachedActualSize.GetWidth() / m_AspectRatio; m_CachedActualSize.bottom -= delta/2.f; += delta/2.f; } } } void IGUIObject::LoadStyle(const CStr& StyleName) { if (!m_pGUI.HasStyle(StyleName)) debug_warn(L"IGUIObject::LoadStyle failed"); // The default style may specify settings for any GUI object. // Other styles are reported if they specify a Setting that does not exist, // so that the XML author is informed and can correct the style. for (const std::pair& p : m_pGUI.GetStyle(StyleName).m_SettingsDefaults) { if (SettingExists(p.first)) SetSettingFromString(p.first, p.second, true); else if (StyleName != "default") LOGWARNING("GUI object has no setting \"%s\", but the style \"%s\" defines it", p.first, StyleName.c_str()); } } float IGUIObject::GetBufferedZ() const { if (m_Absolute) return m_Z; if (GetParent()) return GetParent()->GetBufferedZ() + m_Z; // In philosophy, a parentless object shouldn't be able to have a relative sizing, // but we'll accept it so that absolute can be used as default without a complaint. // Also, you could consider those objects children to the screen resolution. return m_Z; } void IGUIObject::RegisterScriptHandler(const CStr& eventName, const CStr& Code, CGUI& pGUI) { JSContext* cx = pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue globalVal(cx, pGUI.GetGlobalObject()); JS::RootedObject globalObj(cx, &globalVal.toObject()); const int paramCount = 1; const char* paramNames[paramCount] = { "mouse" }; // Location to report errors from CStr CodeName = GetName() + " " + eventName; // Generate a unique name static int x = 0; char buf[64]; sprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), "__eventhandler%d (%s)", x++, eventName.c_str()); JS::CompileOptions options(cx); options.setFileAndLine(CodeName.c_str(), 0); options.setIsRunOnce(false); JS::RootedFunction func(cx); JS::AutoObjectVector emptyScopeChain(cx); if (!JS::CompileFunction(cx, emptyScopeChain, options, buf, paramCount, paramNames, Code.c_str(), Code.length(), &func)) { LOGERROR("RegisterScriptHandler: Failed to compile the script for %s", eventName.c_str()); return; } JS::RootedObject funcObj(cx, JS_GetFunctionObject(func)); SetScriptHandler(eventName, funcObj); } void IGUIObject::SetScriptHandler(const CStr& eventName, JS::HandleObject Function) { if (m_ScriptHandlers.empty()) JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetJSRuntime(), Trace, this); m_ScriptHandlers[eventName] = JS::Heap(Function); } void IGUIObject::UnsetScriptHandler(const CStr& eventName) { std::map >::iterator it = m_ScriptHandlers.find(eventName); if (it == m_ScriptHandlers.end()) return; m_ScriptHandlers.erase(it); if (m_ScriptHandlers.empty()) JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetJSRuntime(), Trace, this); } InReaction IGUIObject::SendEvent(EGUIMessageType type, const CStr& eventName) { PROFILE2_EVENT("gui event"); PROFILE2_ATTR("type: %s", eventName.c_str()); PROFILE2_ATTR("object: %s", m_Name.c_str()); SGUIMessage msg(type); HandleMessage(msg); ScriptEvent(eventName); return msg.skipped ? IN_PASS : IN_HANDLED; } InReaction IGUIObject::SendMouseEvent(EGUIMessageType type, const CStr& eventName) { PROFILE2_EVENT("gui mouse event"); PROFILE2_ATTR("type: %s", eventName.c_str()); PROFILE2_ATTR("object: %s", m_Name.c_str()); SGUIMessage msg(type); HandleMessage(msg); JSContext* cx = m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); // Set up the 'mouse' parameter JS::RootedValue mouse(cx); const CPos& mousePos = m_pGUI.GetMousePos(); ScriptInterface::CreateObject( cx, &mouse, "x", mousePos.x, "y", mousePos.y, "buttons", m_pGUI.GetMouseButtons()); JS::AutoValueVector paramData(cx); paramData.append(mouse); ScriptEvent(eventName, paramData); return msg.skipped ? IN_PASS : IN_HANDLED; } void IGUIObject::ScriptEvent(const CStr& eventName) { ScriptEventWithReturn(eventName); } bool IGUIObject::ScriptEventWithReturn(const CStr& eventName) { if (m_ScriptHandlers.find(eventName) == m_ScriptHandlers.end()) return false; JSContext* cx = m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::AutoValueVector paramData(cx); return ScriptEventWithReturn(eventName, paramData); } void IGUIObject::ScriptEvent(const CStr& eventName, const JS::HandleValueArray& paramData) { ScriptEventWithReturn(eventName, paramData); } bool IGUIObject::ScriptEventWithReturn(const CStr& eventName, const JS::HandleValueArray& paramData) { std::map >::iterator it = m_ScriptHandlers.find(eventName); if (it == m_ScriptHandlers.end()) return false; JSContext* cx = m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, GetJSObject()); JS::RootedValue handlerVal(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*it->second)); JS::RootedValue result(cx); if (!JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, obj, handlerVal, paramData, &result)) { LOGERROR("Errors executing script event \"%s\"", eventName.c_str()); return false; } return JS::ToBoolean(result); } void IGUIObject::CreateJSObject() { JSContext* cx = m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); m_JSObject.init(cx, m_pGUI.GetScriptInterface()->CreateCustomObject("GUIObject")); JS_SetPrivate(m_JSObject.get(), this); RegisterScriptFunctions(); } JSObject* IGUIObject::GetJSObject() { // Cache the object when somebody first asks for it, because otherwise // we end up doing far too much object allocation. if (!m_JSObject.initialized()) CreateJSObject(); return m_JSObject.get(); } bool IGUIObject::IsEnabled() const { return m_Enabled; } bool IGUIObject::IsHidden() const { return m_Hidden; } bool IGUIObject::IsHiddenOrGhost() const { return m_Hidden || m_Ghost; } void IGUIObject::PlaySound(const CStrW& soundPath) const { if (g_SoundManager && !soundPath.empty()) g_SoundManager->PlayAsUI(soundPath.c_str(), false); } CStr IGUIObject::GetPresentableName() const { // __internal(), must be at least 13 letters to be able to be // an internal name if (m_Name.length() <= 12) return m_Name; if (m_Name.substr(0, 10) == "__internal") return CStr("[unnamed object]"); else return m_Name; } void IGUIObject::SetFocus() { m_pGUI.SetFocusedObject(this); } bool IGUIObject::IsFocused() const { return m_pGUI.GetFocusedObject() == this; } bool IGUIObject::IsBaseObject() const { return this == &m_pGUI.GetBaseObject(); } bool IGUIObject::IsRootObject() const { return m_pParent == &m_pGUI.GetBaseObject(); } void IGUIObject::TraceMember(JSTracer* trc) { // Please ensure to adapt the Tracer enabling and disabling in accordance with the GC things traced! for (std::pair>& handler : m_ScriptHandlers) - JS_CallObjectTracer(trc, &handler.second, "IGUIObject::m_ScriptHandlers"); + JS::TraceEdge(trc, &handler.second, "IGUIObject::m_ScriptHandlers"); } // Instantiate templated functions: // These functions avoid copies by working with a reference and move semantics. #define TYPE(T) \ template void IGUIObject::RegisterSetting(const CStr& Name, T& Value); \ template T& IGUIObject::GetSetting(const CStr& Setting); \ template const T& IGUIObject::GetSetting(const CStr& Setting) const; \ template void IGUIObject::SetSetting(const CStr& Setting, T& Value, const bool SendMessage); \ #include "gui/GUISettingTypes.h" #undef TYPE // Copying functions - discouraged except for primitives. #define TYPE(T) \ template void IGUIObject::SetSetting(const CStr& Setting, const T& Value, const bool SendMessage); \ #define GUITYPE_IGNORE_NONCOPYABLE #include "gui/GUISettingTypes.h" #undef GUITYPE_IGNORE_NONCOPYABLE #undef TYPE Index: ps/trunk/source/lobby/XmppClient.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/lobby/XmppClient.cpp (revision 24168) +++ ps/trunk/source/lobby/XmppClient.cpp (revision 24169) @@ -1,1384 +1,1384 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "XmppClient.h" #include "StanzaExtensions.h" #ifdef WIN32 # include #endif #include "i18n/L10n.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "lib/utf8.h" #include "network/NetServer.h" #include "network/StunClient.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/ConfigDB.h" #include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include //debug #if 1 #define DbgXMPP(x) #else #define DbgXMPP(x) std::cout << x << std::endl; static std::string tag_xml(const glooxwrapper::IQ& iq) { std::string ret; glooxwrapper::Tag* tag = iq.tag(); ret = tag->xml().to_string(); glooxwrapper::Tag::free(tag); return ret; } #endif static std::string tag_name(const glooxwrapper::IQ& iq) { std::string ret; glooxwrapper::Tag* tag = iq.tag(); ret = tag->name().to_string(); glooxwrapper::Tag::free(tag); return ret; } IXmppClient* IXmppClient::create(const ScriptInterface* scriptInterface, const std::string& sUsername, const std::string& sPassword, const std::string& sRoom, const std::string& sNick, const int historyRequestSize,bool regOpt) { return new XmppClient(scriptInterface, sUsername, sPassword, sRoom, sNick, historyRequestSize, regOpt); } /** * Construct the XMPP client. * * @param scriptInterface - ScriptInterface to be used for storing GUI messages. * Can be left blank for non-visual applications. * @param sUsername Username to login with of register. * @param sPassword Password to login with or register. * @param sRoom MUC room to join. * @param sNick Nick to join with. * @param historyRequestSize Number of stanzas of room history to request. * @param regOpt If we are just registering or not. */ XmppClient::XmppClient(const ScriptInterface* scriptInterface, const std::string& sUsername, const std::string& sPassword, const std::string& sRoom, const std::string& sNick, const int historyRequestSize, bool regOpt) : m_ScriptInterface(scriptInterface), m_client(nullptr), m_mucRoom(nullptr), m_registration(nullptr), m_username(sUsername), m_password(sPassword), m_room(sRoom), m_nick(sNick), m_initialLoadComplete(false), m_isConnected(false), m_sessionManager(nullptr), m_certStatus(gloox::CertStatus::CertOk), m_PlayerMapUpdate(false) { if (m_ScriptInterface) JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(m_ScriptInterface->GetJSRuntime(), XmppClient::Trace, this); // Read lobby configuration from default.cfg std::string sXpartamupp; std::string sEchelon; CFG_GET_VAL("lobby.server", m_server); CFG_GET_VAL("lobby.xpartamupp", sXpartamupp); CFG_GET_VAL("lobby.echelon", sEchelon); m_xpartamuppId = sXpartamupp + "@" + m_server + "/CC"; m_echelonId = sEchelon + "@" + m_server + "/CC"; glooxwrapper::JID clientJid(sUsername + "@" + m_server + "/0ad"); glooxwrapper::JID roomJid(m_room + "@conference." + m_server + "/" + sNick); // If we are connecting, use the full jid and a password // If we are registering, only use the server name if (!regOpt) m_client = new glooxwrapper::Client(clientJid, sPassword); else m_client = new glooxwrapper::Client(m_server); // Optionally join without a TLS certificate, so a local server can be tested quickly. // Security risks from malicious JS mods can be mitigated if this option and also the hostname and login are shielded from JS access. bool tls = true; CFG_GET_VAL("lobby.tls", tls); m_client->setTls(tls ? gloox::TLSRequired : gloox::TLSDisabled); // Disable use of the SASL PLAIN mechanism, to prevent leaking credentials // if the server doesn't list any supported SASL mechanism or the response // has been modified to exclude those. const int mechs = gloox::SaslMechAll ^ gloox::SaslMechPlain; m_client->setSASLMechanisms(mechs); m_client->registerConnectionListener(this); m_client->setPresence(gloox::Presence::Available, -1); m_client->disco()->setVersion("Pyrogenesis", engine_version); m_client->disco()->setIdentity("client", "bot"); m_client->setCompression(false); m_client->registerStanzaExtension(new GameListQuery()); m_client->registerIqHandler(this, EXTGAMELISTQUERY); m_client->registerStanzaExtension(new BoardListQuery()); m_client->registerIqHandler(this, EXTBOARDLISTQUERY); m_client->registerStanzaExtension(new ProfileQuery()); m_client->registerIqHandler(this, EXTPROFILEQUERY); m_client->registerStanzaExtension(new LobbyAuth()); m_client->registerIqHandler(this, EXTLOBBYAUTH); m_client->registerMessageHandler(this); // Uncomment to see the raw stanzas //m_client->getWrapped()->logInstance().registerLogHandler( gloox::LogLevelDebug, gloox::LogAreaAll, this ); if (!regOpt) { // Create a Multi User Chat Room m_mucRoom = new glooxwrapper::MUCRoom(m_client, roomJid, this, 0); // Get room history. m_mucRoom->setRequestHistory(historyRequestSize, gloox::MUCRoom::HistoryMaxStanzas); } else { // Registration m_registration = new glooxwrapper::Registration(m_client); m_registration->registerRegistrationHandler(this); } m_sessionManager = new glooxwrapper::SessionManager(m_client, this); // Register plugins to allow gloox parse them in incoming sessions m_sessionManager->registerPlugins(); } /** * Destroy the xmpp client */ XmppClient::~XmppClient() { DbgXMPP("XmppClient destroyed"); delete m_registration; delete m_mucRoom; delete m_sessionManager; // Workaround for memory leak in gloox 1.0/1.0.1 m_client->removePresenceExtension(gloox::ExtCaps); delete m_client; for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_GameList) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_BoardList) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_Profile) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); if (m_ScriptInterface) JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(m_ScriptInterface->GetJSRuntime(), XmppClient::Trace, this); } void XmppClient::TraceMember(JSTracer* trc) { for (JS::Heap& guiMessage : m_GuiMessageQueue) - JS_CallValueTracer(trc, &guiMessage, "m_GuiMessageQueue"); + JS::TraceEdge(trc, &guiMessage, "m_GuiMessageQueue"); for (JS::Heap& guiMessage : m_HistoricGuiMessages) - JS_CallValueTracer(trc, &guiMessage, "m_HistoricGuiMessages"); + JS::TraceEdge(trc, &guiMessage, "m_HistoricGuiMessages"); } /// Network void XmppClient::connect() { m_initialLoadComplete = false; m_client->connect(false); } void XmppClient::disconnect() { m_client->disconnect(); } bool XmppClient::isConnected() { return m_isConnected; } void XmppClient::recv() { m_client->recv(1); } /** * Log (debug) Handler */ void XmppClient::handleLog(gloox::LogLevel level, gloox::LogArea area, const std::string& message) { std::cout << "log: level: " << level << ", area: " << area << ", message: " << message << std::endl; } /***************************************************** * Connection handlers * *****************************************************/ /** * Handle connection */ void XmppClient::onConnect() { if (m_mucRoom) { m_isConnected = true; CreateGUIMessage("system", "connected", std::time(nullptr)); m_mucRoom->join(); } if (m_registration) m_registration->fetchRegistrationFields(); } /** * Handle disconnection */ void XmppClient::onDisconnect(gloox::ConnectionError error) { // Make sure we properly leave the room so that // everything works if we decide to come back later if (m_mucRoom) m_mucRoom->leave(); // Clear game, board and player lists. for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_GameList) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_BoardList) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_Profile) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); m_BoardList.clear(); m_GameList.clear(); m_PlayerMap.clear(); m_PlayerMapUpdate = true; m_Profile.clear(); m_HistoricGuiMessages.clear(); m_isConnected = false; m_initialLoadComplete = false; CreateGUIMessage( "system", "disconnected", std::time(nullptr), "reason", error, "certificate_status", m_certStatus); } /** * Handle TLS connection. */ bool XmppClient::onTLSConnect(const glooxwrapper::CertInfo& info) { DbgXMPP("onTLSConnect"); DbgXMPP( "status: " << info.status << "\nissuer: " << info.issuer << "\npeer: " << info.server << "\nprotocol: " << info.protocol << "\nmac: " << info.mac << "\ncipher: " << info.cipher << "\ncompression: " << info.compression ); m_certStatus = static_cast(info.status); // Optionally accept invalid certificates, see require_tls option. bool verify_certificate = true; CFG_GET_VAL("lobby.verify_certificate", verify_certificate); return info.status == gloox::CertOk || !verify_certificate; } /** * Handle MUC room errors */ void XmppClient::handleMUCError(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom& UNUSED(room), gloox::StanzaError err) { DbgXMPP("MUC Error " << ": " << StanzaErrorToString(err)); CreateGUIMessage("system", "error", std::time(nullptr), "text", err); } /***************************************************** * Requests to server * *****************************************************/ /** * Request the leaderboard data from the server. */ void XmppClient::SendIqGetBoardList() { glooxwrapper::JID echelonJid(m_echelonId); // Send IQ BoardListQuery* b = new BoardListQuery(); b->m_Command = "getleaderboard"; glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Get, echelonJid, m_client->getID()); iq.addExtension(b); DbgXMPP("SendIqGetBoardList [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); m_client->send(iq); } /** * Request the profile data from the server. */ void XmppClient::SendIqGetProfile(const std::string& player) { glooxwrapper::JID echelonJid(m_echelonId); // Send IQ ProfileQuery* b = new ProfileQuery(); b->m_Command = player; glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Get, echelonJid, m_client->getID()); iq.addExtension(b); DbgXMPP("SendIqGetProfile [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); m_client->send(iq); } /** * Send game report containing numerous game properties to the server. * * @param data A JS array of game statistics */ void XmppClient::SendIqGameReport(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::HandleValue data) { glooxwrapper::JID echelonJid(m_echelonId); // Setup some base stanza attributes GameReport* game = new GameReport(); glooxwrapper::Tag* report = glooxwrapper::Tag::allocate("game"); // Iterate through all the properties reported and add them to the stanza. std::vector properties; scriptInterface.EnumeratePropertyNames(data, true, properties); for (const std::string& p : properties) { std::wstring value; scriptInterface.GetProperty(data, p.c_str(), value); report->addAttribute(p, utf8_from_wstring(value)); } // Add stanza to IQ game->m_GameReport.emplace_back(report); // Send IQ glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Set, echelonJid, m_client->getID()); iq.addExtension(game); DbgXMPP("SendGameReport [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); m_client->send(iq); }; /** * Send a request to register a game to the server. * * @param data A JS array of game attributes */ void XmppClient::SendIqRegisterGame(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::HandleValue data) { glooxwrapper::JID xpartamuppJid(m_xpartamuppId); // Setup some base stanza attributes GameListQuery* g = new GameListQuery(); g->m_Command = "register"; glooxwrapper::Tag* game = glooxwrapper::Tag::allocate("game"); // Add a fake ip which will be overwritten by the ip stamp XMPP module on the server. game->addAttribute("ip", "fake"); // Iterate through all the properties reported and add them to the stanza. std::vector properties; scriptInterface.EnumeratePropertyNames(data, true, properties); for (const std::string& p : properties) { std::wstring value; scriptInterface.GetProperty(data, p.c_str(), value); game->addAttribute(p, utf8_from_wstring(value)); } // Push the stanza onto the IQ g->m_GameList.emplace_back(game); // Send IQ glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Set, xpartamuppJid, m_client->getID()); iq.addExtension(g); DbgXMPP("SendIqRegisterGame [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); m_client->send(iq); } /** * Send a request to unregister a game to the server. */ void XmppClient::SendIqUnregisterGame() { glooxwrapper::JID xpartamuppJid(m_xpartamuppId); // Send IQ GameListQuery* g = new GameListQuery(); g->m_Command = "unregister"; g->m_GameList.emplace_back(glooxwrapper::Tag::allocate("game")); glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Set, xpartamuppJid, m_client->getID()); iq.addExtension(g); DbgXMPP("SendIqUnregisterGame [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); m_client->send(iq); } /** * Send a request to change the state of a registered game on the server. * * A game can either be in the 'running' or 'waiting' state - the server * decides which - but we need to update the current players that are * in-game so the server can make the calculation. */ void XmppClient::SendIqChangeStateGame(const std::string& nbp, const std::string& players) { glooxwrapper::JID xpartamuppJid(m_xpartamuppId); // Send IQ GameListQuery* g = new GameListQuery(); g->m_Command = "changestate"; glooxwrapper::Tag* game = glooxwrapper::Tag::allocate("game"); game->addAttribute("nbp", nbp); game->addAttribute("players", players); g->m_GameList.emplace_back(game); glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Set, xpartamuppJid, m_client->getID()); iq.addExtension(g); DbgXMPP("SendIqChangeStateGame [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); m_client->send(iq); } /***************************************************** * iq to clients * *****************************************************/ /** * Send lobby authentication token. */ void XmppClient::SendIqLobbyAuth(const std::string& to, const std::string& token) { LobbyAuth* auth = new LobbyAuth(); auth->m_Token = token; glooxwrapper::JID clientJid(to + "@" + m_server + "/0ad"); glooxwrapper::IQ iq(gloox::IQ::Set, clientJid, m_client->getID()); iq.addExtension(auth); DbgXMPP("SendIqLobbyAuth [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); m_client->send(iq); } /***************************************************** * Account registration * *****************************************************/ void XmppClient::handleRegistrationFields(const glooxwrapper::JID&, int fields, glooxwrapper::string) { glooxwrapper::RegistrationFields vals; vals.username = m_username; vals.password = m_password; m_registration->createAccount(fields, vals); } void XmppClient::handleRegistrationResult(const glooxwrapper::JID&, gloox::RegistrationResult result) { if (result == gloox::RegistrationSuccess) CreateGUIMessage("system", "registered", std::time(nullptr)); else CreateGUIMessage("system", "error", std::time(nullptr), "text", result); disconnect(); } void XmppClient::handleAlreadyRegistered(const glooxwrapper::JID&) { DbgXMPP("the account already exists"); } void XmppClient::handleDataForm(const glooxwrapper::JID&, const glooxwrapper::DataForm&) { DbgXMPP("dataForm received"); } void XmppClient::handleOOB(const glooxwrapper::JID&, const glooxwrapper::OOB&) { DbgXMPP("OOB registration requested"); } /***************************************************** * Requests from GUI * *****************************************************/ /** * Handle requests from the GUI for the list of players. * * @return A JS array containing all known players and their presences */ void XmppClient::GUIGetPlayerList(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) { JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateArray(cx, ret); int j = 0; for (const std::pair& p : m_PlayerMap) { JS::RootedValue player(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject( cx, &player, "name", p.first, "presence", p.second.m_Presence, "rating", p.second.m_Rating, "role", p.second.m_Role); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(ret, j++, player); } } /** * Handle requests from the GUI for the list of all active games. * * @return A JS array containing all known games */ void XmppClient::GUIGetGameList(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) { JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateArray(cx, ret); int j = 0; const char* stats[] = { "name", "ip", "port", "stunIP", "stunPort", "hostUsername", "state", "nbp", "maxnbp", "players", "mapName", "niceMapName", "mapSize", "mapType", "victoryConditions", "startTime", "mods" }; for(const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_GameList) { JS::RootedValue game(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject(cx, &game); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(stats); ++i) scriptInterface.SetProperty(game, stats[i], t->findAttribute(stats[i])); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(ret, j++, game); } } /** * Handle requests from the GUI for leaderboard data. * * @return A JS array containing all known leaderboard data */ void XmppClient::GUIGetBoardList(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) { JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateArray(cx, ret); int j = 0; const char* attributes[] = { "name", "rank", "rating" }; for(const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_BoardList) { JS::RootedValue board(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject(cx, &board); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(attributes); ++i) scriptInterface.SetProperty(board, attributes[i], t->findAttribute(attributes[i])); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(ret, j++, board); } } /** * Handle requests from the GUI for profile data. * * @return A JS array containing the specific user's profile data */ void XmppClient::GUIGetProfile(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) { JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateArray(cx, ret); int j = 0; const char* stats[] = { "player", "rating", "totalGamesPlayed", "highestRating", "wins", "losses", "rank" }; for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_Profile) { JS::RootedValue profile(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject(cx, &profile); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(stats); ++i) scriptInterface.SetProperty(profile, stats[i], t->findAttribute(stats[i])); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(ret, j++, profile); } } /***************************************************** * Message interfaces * *****************************************************/ void SetGUIMessageProperty(JSContext* UNUSED(cx), JS::HandleObject UNUSED(messageObj)) { } template void SetGUIMessageProperty(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject messageObj, const std::string& propertyName, const T& propertyValue, Args const&... args) { // JSAutoRequest is the responsibility of the caller JS::RootedValue scriptPropertyValue(cx); ScriptInterface::AssignOrToJSVal(cx, &scriptPropertyValue, propertyValue); JS_DefineProperty(cx, messageObj, propertyName.c_str(), scriptPropertyValue, JSPROP_ENUMERATE); SetGUIMessageProperty(cx, messageObj, args...); } template void XmppClient::CreateGUIMessage( const std::string& type, const std::string& level, const std::time_t time, Args const&... args) { if (!m_ScriptInterface) return; JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue message(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject( cx, &message, "type", type, "level", level, "historic", false, "time", static_cast(time)); JS::RootedObject messageObj(cx, message.toObjectOrNull()); SetGUIMessageProperty(cx, messageObj, args...); m_ScriptInterface->FreezeObject(message, true); m_GuiMessageQueue.push_back(JS::Heap(message)); } bool XmppClient::GuiPollHasPlayerListUpdate() { // The initial playerlist will be received in multiple messages // Only inform the GUI after all of these playerlist fragments were received. if (!m_initialLoadComplete) return false; bool hasUpdate = m_PlayerMapUpdate; m_PlayerMapUpdate = false; return hasUpdate; } JS::Value XmppClient::GuiPollNewMessages(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { if ((m_isConnected && !m_initialLoadComplete) || m_GuiMessageQueue.empty()) return JS::UndefinedValue(); JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); // Optimize for batch message processing that is more // performance demanding than processing a lone message. JS::RootedValue messages(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateArray(cx, &messages); int j = 0; for (const JS::Heap& message : m_GuiMessageQueue) { m_ScriptInterface->SetPropertyInt(messages, j++, message); // Store historic chat messages. // Only store relevant messages to minimize memory footprint. JS::RootedValue rootedMessage(cx, message); std::string type; m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(rootedMessage, "type", type); if (type != "chat") continue; std::string level; m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(rootedMessage, "level", level); if (level != "room-message" && level != "private-message") continue; JS::RootedValue historicMessage(cx); if (JS_StructuredClone(cx, rootedMessage, &historicMessage, nullptr, nullptr)) { m_ScriptInterface->SetProperty(historicMessage, "historic", true); m_ScriptInterface->FreezeObject(historicMessage, true); m_HistoricGuiMessages.push_back(JS::Heap(historicMessage)); } else LOGERROR("Could not clone historic lobby GUI message!"); } m_GuiMessageQueue.clear(); // Copy the messages over to the caller script interface. return scriptInterface.CloneValueFromOtherContext(*m_ScriptInterface, messages); } JS::Value XmppClient::GuiPollHistoricMessages(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { if (m_HistoricGuiMessages.empty()) return JS::UndefinedValue(); JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue messages(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateArray(cx, &messages); int j = 0; for (const JS::Heap& message : m_HistoricGuiMessages) m_ScriptInterface->SetPropertyInt(messages, j++, message); // Copy the messages over to the caller script interface. return scriptInterface.CloneValueFromOtherContext(*m_ScriptInterface, messages); } /** * Send a standard MUC textual message. */ void XmppClient::SendMUCMessage(const std::string& message) { m_mucRoom->send(message); } /** * Handle a room message. */ void XmppClient::handleMUCMessage(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom& UNUSED(room), const glooxwrapper::Message& msg, bool priv) { DbgXMPP(msg.from().resource() << " said " << msg.body()); CreateGUIMessage( "chat", priv ? "private-message" : "room-message", ComputeTimestamp(msg), "from", msg.from().resource(), "text", msg.body()); } /** * Handle a private message. */ void XmppClient::handleMessage(const glooxwrapper::Message& msg, glooxwrapper::MessageSession*) { DbgXMPP("type " << msg.subtype() << ", subject " << msg.subject() << ", message " << msg.body() << ", thread id " << msg.thread()); CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "private-message", ComputeTimestamp(msg), "from", msg.from().resource(), "text", msg.body()); } /** * Handle portions of messages containing custom stanza extensions. */ bool XmppClient::handleIq(const glooxwrapper::IQ& iq) { DbgXMPP("handleIq [" << tag_xml(iq) << "]"); if (iq.subtype() == gloox::IQ::Result) { const GameListQuery* gq = iq.findExtension(EXTGAMELISTQUERY); const BoardListQuery* bq = iq.findExtension(EXTBOARDLISTQUERY); const ProfileQuery* pq = iq.findExtension(EXTPROFILEQUERY); if (gq) { for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_GameList) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); m_GameList.clear(); for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : gq->m_GameList) m_GameList.emplace_back(t->clone()); CreateGUIMessage("game", "gamelist", std::time(nullptr)); } if (bq) { if (bq->m_Command == "boardlist") { for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_BoardList) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); m_BoardList.clear(); for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : bq->m_StanzaBoardList) m_BoardList.emplace_back(t->clone()); CreateGUIMessage("game", "leaderboard", std::time(nullptr)); } else if (bq->m_Command == "ratinglist") { for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : bq->m_StanzaBoardList) { const PlayerMap::iterator it = m_PlayerMap.find(t->findAttribute("name")); if (it != m_PlayerMap.end()) { it->second.m_Rating = t->findAttribute("rating"); m_PlayerMapUpdate = true; } } CreateGUIMessage("game", "ratinglist", std::time(nullptr)); } } if (pq) { for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : m_Profile) glooxwrapper::Tag::free(t); m_Profile.clear(); for (const glooxwrapper::Tag* const& t : pq->m_StanzaProfile) m_Profile.emplace_back(t->clone()); CreateGUIMessage("game", "profile", std::time(nullptr)); } } else if (iq.subtype() == gloox::IQ::Set) { const LobbyAuth* lobbyAuth = iq.findExtension(EXTLOBBYAUTH); if (lobbyAuth) { LOGMESSAGE("XmppClient: Received lobby auth: %s from %s", lobbyAuth->m_Token.to_string(), iq.from().username()); glooxwrapper::IQ response(gloox::IQ::Result, iq.from(),; m_client->send(response); if (g_NetServer) g_NetServer->OnLobbyAuth(iq.from().username(), lobbyAuth->m_Token.to_string()); else LOGERROR("Received lobby authentication request, but not hosting currently!"); } } else if (iq.subtype() == gloox::IQ::Error) CreateGUIMessage("system", "error", std::time(nullptr), "text", iq.error_error()); else { CreateGUIMessage("system", "error", std::time(nullptr), "text", wstring_from_utf8(g_L10n.Translate("unknown subtype (see logs)"))); LOGMESSAGE("unknown subtype '%s'", tag_name(iq).c_str()); } return true; } /** * Update local data when a user changes presence. */ void XmppClient::handleMUCParticipantPresence(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom& UNUSED(room), const glooxwrapper::MUCRoomParticipant participant, const glooxwrapper::Presence& presence) { const glooxwrapper::string& nick = participant.nick->resource(); if (presence.presence() == gloox::Presence::Unavailable) { if (!participant.newNick.empty() && (participant.flags & (gloox::UserNickChanged | gloox::UserSelf))) { // we have a nick change if (m_PlayerMap.find(participant.newNick) == m_PlayerMap.end()) m_PlayerMap.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(participant.newNick), std::forward_as_tuple(presence.presence(), participant.role, std::move(; else LOGERROR("Nickname changed to an existing nick!"); DbgXMPP(nick << " is now known as " << participant.newNick); CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "nick", std::time(nullptr), "oldnick", nick, "newnick", participant.newNick); } else if (participant.flags & gloox::UserKicked) { DbgXMPP(nick << " was kicked. Reason: " << participant.reason); CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "kicked", std::time(nullptr), "nick", nick, "reason", participant.reason); } else if (participant.flags & gloox::UserBanned) { DbgXMPP(nick << " was banned. Reason: " << participant.reason); CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "banned", std::time(nullptr), "nick", nick, "reason", participant.reason); } else { DbgXMPP(nick << " left the room (flags " << participant.flags << ")"); CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "leave", std::time(nullptr), "nick", nick); } m_PlayerMap.erase(nick); } else { const PlayerMap::iterator it = m_PlayerMap.find(nick); /* During the initialization process, we receive join messages for everyone * currently in the room. We don't want to display these, so we filter them * out. We will always be the last to join during initialization. */ if (!m_initialLoadComplete) { if (m_mucRoom->nick() == nick) m_initialLoadComplete = true; } else if (it == m_PlayerMap.end()) { CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "join", std::time(nullptr), "nick", nick); } else if (it->second.m_Role != participant.role) { CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "role", std::time(nullptr), "nick", nick, "oldrole", it->second.m_Role, "newrole", participant.role); } else { // Don't create a GUI message for regular presence changes, because // several hundreds of them accumulate during a match, impacting performance terribly and // the only way they are used is to determine whether to update the playerlist. } DbgXMPP( nick << " is in the room, " "presence: " << GetPresenceString(presence.presence()) << ", " "role: "<< GetRoleString(participant.role)); if (it == m_PlayerMap.end()) { m_PlayerMap.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(nick), std::forward_as_tuple(presence.presence(), participant.role, std::string())); } else { it->second.m_Presence = presence.presence(); it->second.m_Role = participant.role; } } m_PlayerMapUpdate = true; } /** * Update local cache when subject changes. */ void XmppClient::handleMUCSubject(glooxwrapper::MUCRoom& UNUSED(room), const glooxwrapper::string& nick, const glooxwrapper::string& subject) { m_Subject = wstring_from_utf8(subject.to_string()); CreateGUIMessage( "chat", "subject", std::time(nullptr), "nick", nick, "subject", m_Subject); } /** * Get current subject. */ const std::wstring& XmppClient::GetSubject() { return m_Subject; } /** * Request nick change, real change via mucRoomHandler. * * @param nick Desired nickname */ void XmppClient::SetNick(const std::string& nick) { m_mucRoom->setNick(nick); } /** * Get current nickname. * * @param nick Variable to store the nickname in. */ void XmppClient::GetNick(std::string& nick) { nick = m_mucRoom->nick().to_string(); } /** * Kick a player from the current room. * * @param nick Nickname to be kicked * @param reason Reason the player was kicked */ void XmppClient::kick(const std::string& nick, const std::string& reason) { m_mucRoom->kick(nick, reason); } /** * Ban a player from the current room. * * @param nick Nickname to be banned * @param reason Reason the player was banned */ void XmppClient::ban(const std::string& nick, const std::string& reason) { m_mucRoom->ban(nick, reason); } /** * Change the xmpp presence of the client. * * @param presence A string containing the desired presence */ void XmppClient::SetPresence(const std::string& presence) { #define IF(x,y) if (presence == x) m_mucRoom->setPresence(gloox::Presence::y) IF("available", Available); else IF("chat", Chat); else IF("away", Away); else IF("playing", DND); else IF("offline", Unavailable); // The others are not to be set #undef IF else LOGERROR("Unknown presence '%s'", presence.c_str()); } /** * Get the current xmpp presence of the given nick. */ const char* XmppClient::GetPresence(const std::string& nick) { const PlayerMap::iterator it = m_PlayerMap.find(nick); if (it == m_PlayerMap.end()) return "offline"; return GetPresenceString(it->second.m_Presence); } /** * Get the current xmpp role of the given nick. */ const char* XmppClient::GetRole(const std::string& nick) { const PlayerMap::iterator it = m_PlayerMap.find(nick); if (it == m_PlayerMap.end()) return ""; return GetRoleString(it->second.m_Role); } /** * Get the most recent received rating of the given nick. * Notice that this doesn't request a rating profile if it hasn't been received yet. */ std::wstring XmppClient::GetRating(const std::string& nick) { const PlayerMap::iterator it = m_PlayerMap.find(nick); if (it == m_PlayerMap.end()) return std::wstring(); return wstring_from_utf8(it->second.m_Rating.to_string()); } /***************************************************** * Utilities * *****************************************************/ /** * Parse and return the timestamp of a historic chat message and return the current time for new chat messages. * Historic chat messages are implement as DelayedDelivers as specified in XEP-0203. * Hence, their timestamp MUST be in UTC and conform to the DateTime format XEP-0082. * * @returns Seconds since the epoch. */ std::time_t XmppClient::ComputeTimestamp(const glooxwrapper::Message& msg) { // Only historic messages contain a timestamp! if (!msg.when()) return std::time(nullptr); // The locale is irrelevant, because the XMPP date format doesn't contain written month names for (const std::string& format : std::vector{ "Y-M-d'T'H:m:sZ", "Y-M-d'T'H:m:s.SZ" }) { UDate dateTime = g_L10n.ParseDateTime(msg.when()->stamp().to_string(), format, icu::Locale::getUS()); if (dateTime) return dateTime / 1000.0; } return std::time(nullptr); } /** * Convert a gloox presence type to an untranslated string literal to be used as an identifier by the scripts. */ const char* XmppClient::GetPresenceString(const gloox::Presence::PresenceType presenceType) { switch (presenceType) { #define CASE(X,Y) case gloox::Presence::X: return Y CASE(Available, "available"); CASE(Chat, "chat"); CASE(Away, "away"); CASE(DND, "playing"); CASE(XA, "away"); CASE(Unavailable, "offline"); CASE(Probe, "probe"); CASE(Error, "error"); CASE(Invalid, "invalid"); default: LOGERROR("Unknown presence type '%d'", static_cast(presenceType)); return ""; #undef CASE } } /** * Convert a gloox role type to an untranslated string literal to be used as an identifier by the scripts. */ const char* XmppClient::GetRoleString(const gloox::MUCRoomRole role) { switch (role) { #define CASE(X, Y) case gloox::X: return Y CASE(RoleNone, "none"); CASE(RoleVisitor, "visitor"); CASE(RoleParticipant, "participant"); CASE(RoleModerator, "moderator"); CASE(RoleInvalid, "invalid"); default: LOGERROR("Unknown role type '%d'", static_cast(role)); return ""; #undef CASE } } /** * Translates a gloox certificate error codes, i.e. gloox certificate statuses except CertOk. * Keep in sync with specifications. */ std::string XmppClient::CertificateErrorToString(gloox::CertStatus status) { std::map certificateErrorStrings = { { gloox::CertInvalid, g_L10n.Translate("The certificate is not trusted.") }, { gloox::CertSignerUnknown, g_L10n.Translate("The certificate hasn't got a known issuer.") }, { gloox::CertRevoked, g_L10n.Translate("The certificate has been revoked.") }, { gloox::CertExpired, g_L10n.Translate("The certificate has expired.") }, { gloox::CertNotActive, g_L10n.Translate("The certificate is not yet active.") }, { gloox::CertWrongPeer, g_L10n.Translate("The certificate has not been issued for the peer connected to.") }, { gloox::CertSignerNotCa, g_L10n.Translate("The certificate signer is not a certificate authority.") } }; std::string result; for (std::map::iterator it = certificateErrorStrings.begin(); it != certificateErrorStrings.end(); ++it) if (status & it->first) result += "\n" + it->second; return result; } /** * Convert a gloox stanza error type to string. * Keep in sync with Gloox documentation * * @param err Error to be converted * @return Converted error string */ std::string XmppClient::StanzaErrorToString(gloox::StanzaError err) { #define CASE(X, Y) case gloox::X: return Y #define DEBUG_CASE(X, Y) case gloox::X: return g_L10n.Translate("Error") + " (" + Y + ")" switch (err) { CASE(StanzaErrorUndefined, g_L10n.Translate("No error")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorBadRequest, "Server received malformed XML"); CASE(StanzaErrorConflict, g_L10n.Translate("Player already logged in")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorFeatureNotImplemented, "Server does not implement requested feature"); CASE(StanzaErrorForbidden, g_L10n.Translate("Forbidden")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorGone, "Unable to find message receipiant"); CASE(StanzaErrorInternalServerError, g_L10n.Translate("Internal server error")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorItemNotFound, "Message receipiant does not exist"); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorJidMalformed, "JID (XMPP address) malformed"); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorNotAcceptable, "Receipiant refused message. Possible policy issue"); CASE(StanzaErrorNotAllowed, g_L10n.Translate("Not allowed")); CASE(StanzaErrorNotAuthorized, g_L10n.Translate("Not authorized")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorNotModified, "Requested item has not changed since last request"); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorPaymentRequired, "This server requires payment"); CASE(StanzaErrorRecipientUnavailable, g_L10n.Translate("Recipient temporarily unavailable")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorRedirect, "Request redirected"); CASE(StanzaErrorRegistrationRequired, g_L10n.Translate("Registration required")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorRemoteServerNotFound, "Remote server not found"); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorRemoteServerTimeout, "Remote server timed out"); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorResourceConstraint, "The recipient is unable to process the message due to resource constraints"); CASE(StanzaErrorServiceUnavailable, g_L10n.Translate("Service unavailable")); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorSubscribtionRequired, "Service requires subscription"); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorUnexpectedRequest, "Attempt to send from invalid stanza address"); DEBUG_CASE(StanzaErrorUnknownSender, "Invalid 'from' address"); default: return g_L10n.Translate("Unknown error"); } #undef DEBUG_CASE #undef CASE } /** * Convert a gloox connection error enum to string * Keep in sync with Gloox documentation * * @param err Error to be converted * @return Converted error string */ std::string XmppClient::ConnectionErrorToString(gloox::ConnectionError err) { #define CASE(X, Y) case gloox::X: return Y #define DEBUG_CASE(X, Y) case gloox::X: return g_L10n.Translate("Error") + " (" + Y + ")" switch (err) { CASE(ConnNoError, g_L10n.Translate("No error")); CASE(ConnStreamError, g_L10n.Translate("Stream error")); CASE(ConnStreamVersionError, g_L10n.Translate("The incoming stream version is unsupported")); CASE(ConnStreamClosed, g_L10n.Translate("The stream has been closed by the server")); DEBUG_CASE(ConnProxyAuthRequired, "The HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy requires authentication"); DEBUG_CASE(ConnProxyAuthFailed, "HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy authentication failed"); DEBUG_CASE(ConnProxyNoSupportedAuth, "The HTTP/SOCKS5 proxy requires an unsupported authentication mechanism"); CASE(ConnIoError, g_L10n.Translate("An I/O error occurred")); DEBUG_CASE(ConnParseError, "An XML parse error occurred"); CASE(ConnConnectionRefused, g_L10n.Translate("The connection was refused by the server")); CASE(ConnDnsError, g_L10n.Translate("Resolving the server's hostname failed")); CASE(ConnOutOfMemory, g_L10n.Translate("This system is out of memory")); DEBUG_CASE(ConnNoSupportedAuth, "The authentication mechanisms the server offered are not supported or no authentication mechanisms were available"); CASE(ConnTlsFailed, g_L10n.Translate("The server's certificate could not be verified or the TLS handshake did not complete successfully")); CASE(ConnTlsNotAvailable, g_L10n.Translate("The server did not offer required TLS encryption")); DEBUG_CASE(ConnCompressionFailed, "Negotiation/initializing compression failed"); CASE(ConnAuthenticationFailed, g_L10n.Translate("Authentication failed. Incorrect password or account does not exist")); CASE(ConnUserDisconnected, g_L10n.Translate("The user or system requested a disconnect")); CASE(ConnNotConnected, g_L10n.Translate("There is no active connection")); default: return g_L10n.Translate("Unknown error"); } #undef DEBUG_CASE #undef CASE } /** * Convert a gloox registration result enum to string * Keep in sync with Gloox documentation * * @param err Enum to be converted * @return Converted string */ std::string XmppClient::RegistrationResultToString(gloox::RegistrationResult res) { #define CASE(X, Y) case gloox::X: return Y #define DEBUG_CASE(X, Y) case gloox::X: return g_L10n.Translate("Error") + " (" + Y + ")" switch (res) { CASE(RegistrationSuccess, g_L10n.Translate("Your account has been successfully registered")); CASE(RegistrationNotAcceptable, g_L10n.Translate("Not all necessary information provided")); CASE(RegistrationConflict, g_L10n.Translate("Username already exists")); DEBUG_CASE(RegistrationNotAuthorized, "Account removal timeout or insufficiently secure channel for password change"); DEBUG_CASE(RegistrationBadRequest, "Server received an incomplete request"); DEBUG_CASE(RegistrationForbidden, "Registration forbidden"); DEBUG_CASE(RegistrationRequired, "Account cannot be removed as it does not exist"); DEBUG_CASE(RegistrationUnexpectedRequest, "This client is unregistered with the server"); DEBUG_CASE(RegistrationNotAllowed, "Server does not permit password changes"); default: return ""; } #undef DEBUG_CASE #undef CASE } void XmppClient::SendStunEndpointToHost(const StunClient::StunEndpoint& stunEndpoint, const std::string& hostJIDStr) { DbgXMPP("SendStunEndpointToHost " << hostJIDStr); char ipStr[256] = "(error)"; ENetAddress addr; = ntohl(stunEndpoint.ip); enet_address_get_host_ip(&addr, ipStr, ARRAY_SIZE(ipStr)); glooxwrapper::JID hostJID(hostJIDStr); glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session session = m_sessionManager->createSession(hostJID); session.sessionInitiate(ipStr, stunEndpoint.port); } void XmppClient::handleSessionAction(gloox::Jingle::Action action, glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session& session, const glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session::Jingle& jingle) { if (action == gloox::Jingle::SessionInitiate) handleSessionInitiation(session, jingle); } void XmppClient::handleSessionInitiation(glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session& UNUSED(session), const glooxwrapper::Jingle::Session::Jingle& jingle) { glooxwrapper::Jingle::ICEUDP::Candidate candidate = jingle.getCandidate(); if (candidate.ip.empty()) { LOGERROR("Failed to retrieve Jingle candidate"); return; } if (!g_NetServer) { LOGERROR("Received STUN connection request, but not hosting currently!"); return; } g_NetServer->SendHolePunchingMessage(candidate.ip.to_string(), candidate.port); } Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.cpp (revision 24168) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.cpp (revision 24169) @@ -1,863 +1,863 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "NetClient.h" #include "NetClientTurnManager.h" #include "NetMessage.h" #include "NetSession.h" #include "lib/byte_order.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "lib/sysdep/sysdep.h" #include "lobby/IXmppClient.h" #include "ps/CConsole.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Compress.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" CNetClient *g_NetClient = NULL; /** * Async task for receiving the initial game state when rejoining an * in-progress network game. */ class CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin : public CNetFileReceiveTask { NONCOPYABLE(CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin); public: CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin(CNetClient& client) : m_Client(client) { } virtual void OnComplete() { // We've received the game state from the server // Save it so we can use it after the map has finished loading m_Client.m_JoinSyncBuffer = m_Buffer; // Pretend the server told us to start the game CGameStartMessage start; m_Client.HandleMessage(&start); } private: CNetClient& m_Client; }; CNetClient::CNetClient(CGame* game, bool isLocalClient) : m_Session(NULL), m_UserName(L"anonymous"), m_HostID((u32)-1), m_ClientTurnManager(NULL), m_Game(game), m_GameAttributes(game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface().GetContext()), m_IsLocalClient(isLocalClient), m_LastConnectionCheck(0), m_Rejoin(false) { m_Game->SetTurnManager(NULL); // delete the old local turn manager so we don't accidentally use it void* context = this; JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(GetScriptInterface().GetJSRuntime(), CNetClient::Trace, this); // Set up transitions for session AddTransition(NCS_UNCONNECTED, (uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE, NCS_CONNECT, (void*)&OnConnect, context); AddTransition(NCS_CONNECT, (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE, NCS_HANDSHAKE, (void*)&OnHandshake, context); AddTransition(NCS_HANDSHAKE, (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE, NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (void*)&OnHandshakeResponse, context); AddTransition(NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE, NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (void*)&OnAuthenticateRequest, context); AddTransition(NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT, NCS_INITIAL_GAMESETUP, (void*)&OnAuthenticate, context); AddTransition(NCS_INITIAL_GAMESETUP, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_READY, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnReady, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_START, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnGameStart, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnJoinSyncStart, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_GAME_START, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnGameStart, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnInGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnJoinSyncEndCommandBatch, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnLoadedGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnClientsLoading, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnLoadedGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_REJOINED, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnRejoined, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientsLoading, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientPaused, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnInGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SYNC_ERROR, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnInGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnInGame, context); // Set first state SetFirstState(NCS_UNCONNECTED); } CNetClient::~CNetClient() { DestroyConnection(); JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(GetScriptInterface().GetJSRuntime(), CNetClient::Trace, this); } void CNetClient::TraceMember(JSTracer *trc) { for (JS::Heap& guiMessage : m_GuiMessageQueue) - JS_CallValueTracer(trc, &guiMessage, "m_GuiMessageQueue"); + JS::TraceEdge(trc, &guiMessage, "m_GuiMessageQueue"); } void CNetClient::SetUserName(const CStrW& username) { ENSURE(!m_Session); // must be called before we start the connection m_UserName = username; } void CNetClient::SetHostingPlayerName(const CStr& hostingPlayerName) { m_HostingPlayerName = hostingPlayerName; } bool CNetClient::SetupConnection(const CStr& server, const u16 port, ENetHost* enetClient) { CNetClientSession* session = new CNetClientSession(*this); bool ok = session->Connect(server, port, m_IsLocalClient, enetClient); SetAndOwnSession(session); return ok; } void CNetClient::SetAndOwnSession(CNetClientSession* session) { delete m_Session; m_Session = session; } void CNetClient::DestroyConnection() { // Attempt to send network messages from the current frame before connection is destroyed. if (m_ClientTurnManager) { m_ClientTurnManager->OnDestroyConnection(); Flush(); } SAFE_DELETE(m_Session); } void CNetClient::Poll() { if (!m_Session) return; CheckServerConnection(); m_Session->Poll(); } void CNetClient::CheckServerConnection() { // Trigger local warnings if the connection to the server is bad. // At most once per second. std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr); if (now <= m_LastConnectionCheck) return; m_LastConnectionCheck = now; // Report if we are losing the connection to the server u32 lastReceived = m_Session->GetLastReceivedTime(); if (lastReceived > NETWORK_WARNING_TIMEOUT) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "server-timeout", "lastReceivedTime", lastReceived); return; } // Report if we have a bad ping to the server u32 meanRTT = m_Session->GetMeanRTT(); if (meanRTT > DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH_MP) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "server-latency", "meanRTT", meanRTT); } } void CNetClient::Flush() { if (m_Session) m_Session->Flush(); } void CNetClient::GuiPoll(JS::MutableHandleValue ret) { if (m_GuiMessageQueue.empty()) { ret.setUndefined(); return; } ret.set(m_GuiMessageQueue.front()); m_GuiMessageQueue.pop_front(); } std::string CNetClient::TestReadGuiMessages() { JSContext* cx = GetScriptInterface().GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); std::string r; JS::RootedValue msg(cx); while (true) { GuiPoll(&msg); if (msg.isUndefined()) break; r += GetScriptInterface().ToString(&msg) + "\n"; } return r; } const ScriptInterface& CNetClient::GetScriptInterface() { return m_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); } void CNetClient::PostPlayerAssignmentsToScript() { JSContext* cx = GetScriptInterface().GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue newAssignments(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject(cx, &newAssignments); for (const std::pair& p : m_PlayerAssignments) { JS::RootedValue assignment(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject( cx, &assignment, "name", p.second.m_Name, "player", p.second.m_PlayerID, "status", p.second.m_Status); GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(newAssignments, p.first.c_str(), assignment); } PushGuiMessage( "type", "players", "newAssignments", newAssignments); } bool CNetClient::SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message) { if (!m_Session) return false; return m_Session->SendMessage(message); } void CNetClient::HandleConnect() { Update((uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE, NULL); } void CNetClient::HandleDisconnect(u32 reason) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", reason); SAFE_DELETE(m_Session); // Update the state immediately to UNCONNECTED (don't bother with FSM transitions since // we'd need one for every single state, and we don't need to use per-state actions) SetCurrState(NCS_UNCONNECTED); } void CNetClient::SendGameSetupMessage(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs, const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { CGameSetupMessage gameSetup(scriptInterface); gameSetup.m_Data = attrs; SendMessage(&gameSetup); } void CNetClient::SendAssignPlayerMessage(const int playerID, const CStr& guid) { CAssignPlayerMessage assignPlayer; assignPlayer.m_PlayerID = playerID; assignPlayer.m_GUID = guid; SendMessage(&assignPlayer); } void CNetClient::SendChatMessage(const std::wstring& text) { CChatMessage chat; chat.m_Message = text; SendMessage(&chat); } void CNetClient::SendReadyMessage(const int status) { CReadyMessage readyStatus; readyStatus.m_Status = status; SendMessage(&readyStatus); } void CNetClient::SendClearAllReadyMessage() { CClearAllReadyMessage clearAllReady; SendMessage(&clearAllReady); } void CNetClient::SendStartGameMessage() { CGameStartMessage gameStart; SendMessage(&gameStart); } void CNetClient::SendRejoinedMessage() { CRejoinedMessage rejoinedMessage; SendMessage(&rejoinedMessage); } void CNetClient::SendKickPlayerMessage(const CStrW& playerName, bool ban) { CKickedMessage kickPlayer; kickPlayer.m_Name = playerName; kickPlayer.m_Ban = ban; SendMessage(&kickPlayer); } void CNetClient::SendPausedMessage(bool pause) { CClientPausedMessage pausedMessage; pausedMessage.m_Pause = pause; SendMessage(&pausedMessage); } bool CNetClient::HandleMessage(CNetMessage* message) { // Handle non-FSM messages first Status status = m_Session->GetFileTransferer().HandleMessageReceive(*message); if (status == INFO::OK) return true; if (status != INFO::SKIPPED) return false; if (message->GetType() == NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST) { CFileTransferRequestMessage* reqMessage = static_cast(message); // TODO: we should support different transfer request types, instead of assuming // it's always requesting the simulation state std::stringstream stream; LOGMESSAGERENDER("Serializing game at turn %u for rejoining player", m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn()); u32 turn = to_le32(m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn()); stream.write((char*)&turn, sizeof(turn)); bool ok = m_Game->GetSimulation2()->SerializeState(stream); ENSURE(ok); // Compress the content with zlib to save bandwidth // (TODO: if this is still too large, compressing with e.g. LZMA works much better) std::string compressed; CompressZLib(stream.str(), compressed, true); m_Session->GetFileTransferer().StartResponse(reqMessage->m_RequestID, compressed); return true; } // Update FSM bool ok = Update(message->GetType(), message); if (!ok) LOGERROR("Net client: Error running FSM update (type=%d state=%d)", (int)message->GetType(), (int)GetCurrState()); return ok; } void CNetClient::LoadFinished() { if (!m_JoinSyncBuffer.empty()) { // We're rejoining a game, and just finished loading the initial map, // so deserialize the saved game state now std::string state; DecompressZLib(m_JoinSyncBuffer, state, true); std::stringstream stream(state); u32 turn;*)&turn, sizeof(turn)); turn = to_le32(turn); LOGMESSAGE("Rejoining client deserializing state at turn %u\n", turn); bool ok = m_Game->GetSimulation2()->DeserializeState(stream); ENSURE(ok); m_ClientTurnManager->ResetState(turn, turn); PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "join_syncing"); } else { // Connecting at the start of a game, so we'll wait for other players to finish loading PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "waiting_for_players"); } CLoadedGameMessage loaded; loaded.m_CurrentTurn = m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn(); SendMessage(&loaded); } void CNetClient::SendAuthenticateMessage() { CAuthenticateMessage authenticate; authenticate.m_Name = m_UserName; authenticate.m_Password = L""; // TODO authenticate.m_IsLocalClient = m_IsLocalClient; SendMessage(&authenticate); } bool CNetClient::OnConnect(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "connected"); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnHandshake(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CCliHandshakeMessage handshake; handshake.m_MagicResponse = PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC_RESPONSE; handshake.m_ProtocolVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; handshake.m_SoftwareVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; client->SendMessage(&handshake); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnHandshakeResponse(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->m_GUID = message->m_GUID; if (message->m_Flags & PS_NETWORK_FLAG_REQUIRE_LOBBYAUTH) { if (g_XmppClient && !client->m_HostingPlayerName.empty()) g_XmppClient->SendIqLobbyAuth(client->m_HostingPlayerName, client->m_GUID); else { client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_LOBBY_AUTH_FAILED)); LOGMESSAGE("Net client: Couldn't send lobby auth xmpp message"); } return true; } client->SendAuthenticateMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnAuthenticateRequest(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); client->SendAuthenticateMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnAuthenticate(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CAuthenticateResultMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); LOGMESSAGE("Net: Authentication result: host=%u, %s", message->m_HostID, utf8_from_wstring(message->m_Message)); client->m_HostID = message->m_HostID; client->m_Rejoin = message->m_Code == ARC_OK_REJOINING; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "authenticated", "rejoining", client->m_Rejoin); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnChat(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CHAT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CChatMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "chat", "guid", message->m_GUID, "text", message->m_Message); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnReady(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_READY); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CReadyMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "ready", "guid", message->m_GUID, "status", message->m_Status); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnGameSetup(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CGameSetupMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->m_GameAttributes = message->m_Data; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "gamesetup", "data", message->m_Data); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnPlayerAssignment(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CPlayerAssignmentMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); // Unpack the message PlayerAssignmentMap newPlayerAssignments; for (size_t i = 0; i < message->m_Hosts.size(); ++i) { PlayerAssignment assignment; assignment.m_Enabled = true; assignment.m_Name = message->m_Hosts[i].m_Name; assignment.m_PlayerID = message->m_Hosts[i].m_PlayerID; assignment.m_Status = message->m_Hosts[i].m_Status; newPlayerAssignments[message->m_Hosts[i].m_GUID] = assignment; } client->m_PlayerAssignments.swap(newPlayerAssignments); client->PostPlayerAssignmentsToScript(); return true; } // This is called either when the host clicks the StartGame button or // if this client rejoins and finishes the download of the simstate. bool CNetClient::OnGameStart(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_START); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); client->m_Session->SetLongTimeout(true); // Find the player assigned to our GUID int player = -1; if (client->m_PlayerAssignments.find(client->m_GUID) != client->m_PlayerAssignments.end()) player = client->m_PlayerAssignments[client->m_GUID].m_PlayerID; client->m_ClientTurnManager = new CNetClientTurnManager( *client->m_Game->GetSimulation2(), *client, client->m_HostID, client->m_Game->GetReplayLogger()); client->m_Game->SetPlayerID(player); client->m_Game->StartGame(&client->m_GameAttributes, ""); client->PushGuiMessage("type", "start"); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnJoinSyncStart(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); // The server wants us to start downloading the game state from it, so do so client->m_Session->GetFileTransferer().StartTask( shared_ptr(new CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin(*client)) ); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnJoinSyncEndCommandBatch(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CEndCommandBatchMessage* endMessage = (CEndCommandBatchMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); client->m_ClientTurnManager->FinishedAllCommands(endMessage->m_Turn, endMessage->m_TurnLength); // Execute all the received commands for the latest turn client->m_ClientTurnManager->UpdateFastForward(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnRejoined(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_REJOINED); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CRejoinedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "rejoined", "guid", message->m_GUID); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnKicked(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_KICKED); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CKickedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "username", message->m_Name, "type", "kicked", "banned", message->m_Ban != 0); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientTimeout(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { // Report the timeout of some other client ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientTimeoutMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "client-timeout", "guid", message->m_GUID, "lastReceivedTime", message->m_LastReceivedTime); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientPerformance(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { // Performance statistics for one or multiple clients ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientPerformanceMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); // Display warnings for other clients with bad ping for (size_t i = 0; i < message->m_Clients.size(); ++i) { if (message->m_Clients[i].m_MeanRTT < DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH_MP || message->m_Clients[i].m_GUID == client->m_GUID) continue; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "client-latency", "guid", message->m_Clients[i].m_GUID, "meanRTT", message->m_Clients[i].m_MeanRTT); } return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientsLoading(void *context, CFsmEvent *event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientsLoadingMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); bool finished = true; std::vector guids; guids.reserve(message->m_Clients.size()); for (const CClientsLoadingMessage::S_m_Clients& mClient : message->m_Clients) { if (client->m_GUID == mClient.m_GUID) finished = false; guids.push_back(mClient.m_GUID); } // Disable the timeout here after processing the enet message, so as to ensure that the connection isn't currently // timing out (as it is when just leaving the loading screen in LoadFinished). if (finished) client->m_Session->SetLongTimeout(false); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "clients-loading", "guids", guids); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientPaused(void *context, CFsmEvent *event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientPausedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "paused", "pause", message->m_Pause != 0, "guid", message->m_GUID); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnLoadedGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); // All players have loaded the game - start running the turn manager // so that the game begins client->m_Game->SetTurnManager(client->m_ClientTurnManager); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "active"); // If we have rejoined an in progress game, send the rejoined message to the server. if (client->m_Rejoin) client->SendRejoinedMessage(); // The last client to leave the loading screen didn't receive the CClientsLoadingMessage, so disable here. client->m_Session->SetLongTimeout(false); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnInGame(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { // TODO: should split each of these cases into a separate method CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CNetMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); if (message) { if (message->GetType() == NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND) { CSimulationMessage* simMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->OnSimulationMessage(simMessage); } else if (message->GetType() == NMT_SYNC_ERROR) { CSyncErrorMessage* syncMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->OnSyncError(syncMessage->m_Turn, syncMessage->m_HashExpected, syncMessage->m_PlayerNames); } else if (message->GetType() == NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH) { CEndCommandBatchMessage* endMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->FinishedAllCommands(endMessage->m_Turn, endMessage->m_TurnLength); } } return true; } Index: ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/CCmpAIManager.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/CCmpAIManager.cpp (revision 24168) +++ ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/CCmpAIManager.cpp (revision 24169) @@ -1,1174 +1,1174 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "simulation2/system/Component.h" #include "ICmpAIManager.h" #include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h" #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "lib/tex/tex.h" #include "lib/allocators/shared_ptr.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/scripting/JSInterface_VFS.h" #include "ps/TemplateLoader.h" #include "ps/Util.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptRuntime.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpAIInterface.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpCommandQueue.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpObstructionManager.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpRangeManager.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpTemplateManager.h" #include "simulation2/components/ICmpTerritoryManager.h" #include "simulation2/helpers/HierarchicalPathfinder.h" #include "simulation2/helpers/LongPathfinder.h" #include "simulation2/serialization/DebugSerializer.h" #include "simulation2/serialization/StdDeserializer.h" #include "simulation2/serialization/StdSerializer.h" #include "simulation2/serialization/SerializeTemplates.h" extern void QuitEngine(); /** * @file * Player AI interface. * AI is primarily scripted, and the CCmpAIManager component defined here * takes care of managing all the scripts. * * To avoid slow AI scripts causing jerky rendering, they are run in a background * thread (maintained by CAIWorker) so that it's okay if they take a whole simulation * turn before returning their results (though preferably they shouldn't use nearly * that much CPU). * * CCmpAIManager grabs the world state after each turn (making use of AIInterface.js * and AIProxy.js to decide what data to include) then passes it to CAIWorker. * The AI scripts will then run asynchronously and return a list of commands to execute. * Any attempts to read the command list (including indirectly via serialization) * will block until it's actually completed, so the rest of the engine should avoid * reading it for as long as possible. * * JS::Values are passed between the game and AI threads using ScriptInterface::StructuredClone. * * TODO: actually the thread isn't implemented yet, because performance hasn't been * sufficiently problematic to justify the complexity yet, but the CAIWorker interface * is designed to hopefully support threading when we want it. */ /** * Implements worker thread for CCmpAIManager. */ class CAIWorker { private: class CAIPlayer { NONCOPYABLE(CAIPlayer); public: CAIPlayer(CAIWorker& worker, const std::wstring& aiName, player_id_t player, u8 difficulty, const std::wstring& behavior, shared_ptr scriptInterface) : m_Worker(worker), m_AIName(aiName), m_Player(player), m_Difficulty(difficulty), m_Behavior(behavior), m_ScriptInterface(scriptInterface), m_Obj(scriptInterface->GetJSRuntime()) { } bool Initialise() { // LoadScripts will only load each script once even though we call it for each player if (!m_Worker.LoadScripts(m_AIName)) return false; JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); OsPath path = L"simulation/ai/" + m_AIName + L"/data.json"; JS::RootedValue metadata(cx); m_Worker.LoadMetadata(path, &metadata); if (metadata.isUndefined()) { LOGERROR("Failed to create AI player: can't find %s", path.string8()); return false; } // Get the constructor name from the metadata std::string moduleName; std::string constructor; JS::RootedValue objectWithConstructor(cx); // object that should contain the constructor function JS::RootedValue global(cx, m_ScriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); JS::RootedValue ctor(cx); if (!m_ScriptInterface->HasProperty(metadata, "moduleName")) { LOGERROR("Failed to create AI player: %s: missing 'moduleName'", path.string8()); return false; } m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(metadata, "moduleName", moduleName); if (!m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(global, moduleName.c_str(), &objectWithConstructor) || objectWithConstructor.isUndefined()) { LOGERROR("Failed to create AI player: %s: can't find the module that should contain the constructor: '%s'", path.string8(), moduleName); return false; } if (!m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(metadata, "constructor", constructor)) { LOGERROR("Failed to create AI player: %s: missing 'constructor'", path.string8()); return false; } // Get the constructor function from the loaded scripts if (!m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(objectWithConstructor, constructor.c_str(), &ctor) || ctor.isNull()) { LOGERROR("Failed to create AI player: %s: can't find constructor '%s'", path.string8(), constructor); return false; } m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(metadata, "useShared", m_UseSharedComponent); // Set up the data to pass as the constructor argument JS::RootedValue settings(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject( cx, &settings, "player", m_Player, "difficulty", m_Difficulty, "behavior", m_Behavior); if (!m_UseSharedComponent) { ENSURE(m_Worker.m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates); m_ScriptInterface->SetProperty(settings, "templates", m_Worker.m_EntityTemplates, false); } JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx); argv.append(settings.get()); m_ScriptInterface->CallConstructor(ctor, argv, &m_Obj); if (m_Obj.get().isNull()) { LOGERROR("Failed to create AI player: %s: error calling constructor '%s'", path.string8(), constructor); return false; } return true; } void Run(JS::HandleValue state, int playerID) { m_Commands.clear(); m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_Obj, "HandleMessage", state, playerID); } // overloaded with a sharedAI part. // javascript can handle both natively on the same function. void Run(JS::HandleValue state, int playerID, JS::HandleValue SharedAI) { m_Commands.clear(); m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_Obj, "HandleMessage", state, playerID, SharedAI); } void InitAI(JS::HandleValue state, JS::HandleValue SharedAI) { m_Commands.clear(); m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_Obj, "Init", state, m_Player, SharedAI); } CAIWorker& m_Worker; std::wstring m_AIName; player_id_t m_Player; u8 m_Difficulty; std::wstring m_Behavior; bool m_UseSharedComponent; // Take care to keep this declaration before heap rooted members. Destructors of heap rooted // members have to be called before the runtime destructor. shared_ptr m_ScriptInterface; JS::PersistentRootedValue m_Obj; std::vector > m_Commands; }; public: struct SCommandSets { player_id_t player; std::vector > commands; }; CAIWorker() : m_ScriptInterface(new ScriptInterface("Engine", "AI", g_ScriptRuntime)), m_TurnNum(0), m_CommandsComputed(true), m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates(false), m_HasSharedComponent(false), m_EntityTemplates(g_ScriptRuntime->m_rt), m_SharedAIObj(g_ScriptRuntime->m_rt), m_PassabilityMapVal(g_ScriptRuntime->m_rt), m_TerritoryMapVal(g_ScriptRuntime->m_rt) { m_ScriptInterface->ReplaceNondeterministicRNG(m_RNG); m_ScriptInterface->SetCallbackData(static_cast (this)); JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(m_ScriptInterface->GetJSRuntime(), Trace, this); m_ScriptInterface->RegisterFunction("PostCommand"); m_ScriptInterface->RegisterFunction("IncludeModule"); m_ScriptInterface->RegisterFunction("Exit"); m_ScriptInterface->RegisterFunction("ComputePath"); m_ScriptInterface->RegisterFunction, u32, u32, u32, CAIWorker::DumpImage>("DumpImage"); m_ScriptInterface->RegisterFunction("GetTemplate"); JSI_VFS::RegisterScriptFunctions_Simulation(*(m_ScriptInterface.get())); // Globalscripts may use VFS script functions m_ScriptInterface->LoadGlobalScripts(); } ~CAIWorker() { JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(m_ScriptInterface->GetJSRuntime(), Trace, this); } bool HasLoadedEntityTemplates() const { return m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates; } bool LoadScripts(const std::wstring& moduleName) { // Ignore modules that are already loaded if (m_LoadedModules.find(moduleName) != m_LoadedModules.end()) return true; // Mark this as loaded, to prevent it recursively loading itself m_LoadedModules.insert(moduleName); // Load and execute *.js VfsPaths pathnames; if (vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"simulation/ai/" + moduleName + L"/", L"*.js", pathnames) < 0) { LOGERROR("Failed to load AI scripts for module %s", utf8_from_wstring(moduleName)); return false; } for (const VfsPath& path : pathnames) { if (!m_ScriptInterface->LoadGlobalScriptFile(path)) { LOGERROR("Failed to load script %s", path.string8()); return false; } } return true; } static void IncludeModule(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::wstring& name) { ENSURE(pCxPrivate->pCBData); CAIWorker* self = static_cast (pCxPrivate->pCBData); self->LoadScripts(name); } static void PostCommand(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, int playerid, JS::HandleValue cmd) { ENSURE(pCxPrivate->pCBData); CAIWorker* self = static_cast (pCxPrivate->pCBData); self->PostCommand(playerid, cmd); } void PostCommand(int playerid, JS::HandleValue cmd) { for (size_t i=0; im_Player == playerid) { m_Players[i]->m_Commands.push_back(m_ScriptInterface->WriteStructuredClone(cmd)); return; } } LOGERROR("Invalid playerid in PostCommand!"); } static JS::Value ComputePath(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, JS::HandleValue position, JS::HandleValue goal, pass_class_t passClass) { ENSURE(pCxPrivate->pCBData); CAIWorker* self = static_cast (pCxPrivate->pCBData); JSContext* cx(self->m_ScriptInterface->GetContext()); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); CFixedVector2D pos, goalPos; std::vector waypoints; JS::RootedValue retVal(cx); self->m_ScriptInterface->FromJSVal(cx, position, pos); self->m_ScriptInterface->FromJSVal(cx, goal, goalPos); self->ComputePath(pos, goalPos, passClass, waypoints); self->m_ScriptInterface->ToJSVal >(cx, &retVal, waypoints); return retVal; } void ComputePath(const CFixedVector2D& pos, const CFixedVector2D& goal, pass_class_t passClass, std::vector& waypoints) { WaypointPath ret; PathGoal pathGoal = { PathGoal::POINT, goal.X, goal.Y }; m_LongPathfinder.ComputePath(m_HierarchicalPathfinder, pos.X, pos.Y, pathGoal, passClass, ret); for (Waypoint& wp : ret.m_Waypoints) waypoints.emplace_back(wp.x, wp.z); } static CParamNode GetTemplate(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate, const std::string& name) { ENSURE(pCxPrivate->pCBData); CAIWorker* self = static_cast (pCxPrivate->pCBData); return self->GetTemplate(name); } CParamNode GetTemplate(const std::string& name) { if (!m_TemplateLoader.TemplateExists(name)) return CParamNode(false); return m_TemplateLoader.GetTemplateFileData(name).GetChild("Entity"); } static void ExitProgram(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate)) { QuitEngine(); } /** * Debug function for AI scripts to dump 2D array data (e.g. terrain tile weights). */ static void DumpImage(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* UNUSED(pCxPrivate), const std::wstring& name, const std::vector& data, u32 w, u32 h, u32 max) { // TODO: this is totally not threadsafe. VfsPath filename = L"screenshots/aidump/" + name; if (data.size() != w*h) { debug_warn(L"DumpImage: data size doesn't match w*h"); return; } if (max == 0) { debug_warn(L"DumpImage: max must not be 0"); return; } const size_t bpp = 8; int flags = TEX_BOTTOM_UP|TEX_GREY; const size_t img_size = w * h * bpp/8; const size_t hdr_size = tex_hdr_size(filename); shared_ptr buf; AllocateAligned(buf, hdr_size+img_size, maxSectorSize); Tex t; if (t.wrap(w, h, bpp, flags, buf, hdr_size) < 0) return; u8* img = buf.get() + hdr_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) img[i] = (u8)((data[i] * 255) / max); tex_write(&t, filename); } void SetRNGSeed(u32 seed) { m_RNG.seed(seed); } bool TryLoadSharedComponent() { JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); // we don't need to load it. if (!m_HasSharedComponent) return false; // reset the value so it can be used to determine if we actually initialized it. m_HasSharedComponent = false; if (LoadScripts(L"common-api")) m_HasSharedComponent = true; else return false; // mainly here for the error messages OsPath path = L"simulation/ai/common-api/"; // Constructor name is SharedScript, it's in the module API3 // TODO: Hardcoding this is bad, we need a smarter way. JS::RootedValue AIModule(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, m_ScriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); JS::RootedValue ctor(cx); if (!m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(global, "API3", &AIModule) || AIModule.isUndefined()) { LOGERROR("Failed to create shared AI component: %s: can't find module '%s'", path.string8(), "API3"); return false; } if (!m_ScriptInterface->GetProperty(AIModule, "SharedScript", &ctor) || ctor.isUndefined()) { LOGERROR("Failed to create shared AI component: %s: can't find constructor '%s'", path.string8(), "SharedScript"); return false; } // Set up the data to pass as the constructor argument JS::RootedValue playersID(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject(cx, &playersID); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i) { JS::RootedValue val(cx); m_ScriptInterface->ToJSVal(cx, &val, m_Players[i]->m_Player); m_ScriptInterface->SetPropertyInt(playersID, i, val, true); } ENSURE(m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates); JS::RootedValue settings(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject( cx, &settings, "players", playersID, "templates", m_EntityTemplates); JS::AutoValueVector argv(cx); argv.append(settings); m_ScriptInterface->CallConstructor(ctor, argv, &m_SharedAIObj); if (m_SharedAIObj.get().isNull()) { LOGERROR("Failed to create shared AI component: %s: error calling constructor '%s'", path.string8(), "SharedScript"); return false; } return true; } bool AddPlayer(const std::wstring& aiName, player_id_t player, u8 difficulty, const std::wstring& behavior) { shared_ptr ai(new CAIPlayer(*this, aiName, player, difficulty, behavior, m_ScriptInterface)); if (!ai->Initialise()) return false; // this will be set to true if we need to load the shared Component. if (!m_HasSharedComponent) m_HasSharedComponent = ai->m_UseSharedComponent; m_Players.push_back(ai); return true; } bool RunGamestateInit(const shared_ptr& gameState, const Grid& passabilityMap, const Grid& territoryMap, const std::map& nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, const std::map& pathfindingPassClassMasks) { // this will be run last by InitGame.js, passing the full game representation. // For now it will run for the shared Component. // This is NOT run during deserialization. JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue state(cx); m_ScriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(gameState, &state); ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &m_PassabilityMapVal, passabilityMap); ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &m_TerritoryMapVal, territoryMap); m_PassabilityMap = passabilityMap; m_NonPathfindingPassClasses = nonPathfindingPassClassMasks; m_PathfindingPassClasses = pathfindingPassClassMasks; m_LongPathfinder.Reload(&m_PassabilityMap); m_HierarchicalPathfinder.Recompute(&m_PassabilityMap, nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks); if (m_HasSharedComponent) { m_ScriptInterface->SetProperty(state, "passabilityMap", m_PassabilityMapVal, true); m_ScriptInterface->SetProperty(state, "territoryMap", m_TerritoryMapVal, true); m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_SharedAIObj, "init", state); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i) { if (m_HasSharedComponent && m_Players[i]->m_UseSharedComponent) m_Players[i]->InitAI(state, m_SharedAIObj); } } return true; } void UpdateGameState(const shared_ptr& gameState) { ENSURE(m_CommandsComputed); m_GameState = gameState; } void UpdatePathfinder(const Grid& passabilityMap, bool globallyDirty, const Grid& dirtinessGrid, bool justDeserialized, const std::map& nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, const std::map& pathfindingPassClassMasks) { ENSURE(m_CommandsComputed); bool dimensionChange = m_PassabilityMap.m_W != passabilityMap.m_W || m_PassabilityMap.m_H != passabilityMap.m_H; m_PassabilityMap = passabilityMap; if (globallyDirty) { m_LongPathfinder.Reload(&m_PassabilityMap); m_HierarchicalPathfinder.Recompute(&m_PassabilityMap, nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks); } else { m_LongPathfinder.Update(&m_PassabilityMap); m_HierarchicalPathfinder.Update(&m_PassabilityMap, dirtinessGrid); } JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); if (dimensionChange || justDeserialized) ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &m_PassabilityMapVal, m_PassabilityMap); else { // Avoid a useless memory reallocation followed by a garbage collection. JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedObject mapObj(cx, &m_PassabilityMapVal.toObject()); JS::RootedValue mapData(cx); ENSURE(JS_GetProperty(cx, mapObj, "data", &mapData)); JS::RootedObject dataObj(cx, &mapData.toObject()); u32 length = 0; ENSURE(JS_GetArrayLength(cx, dataObj, &length)); u32 nbytes = (u32)(length * sizeof(NavcellData)); bool sharedMemory; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; memcpy((void*)JS_GetUint16ArrayData(dataObj, &sharedMemory, nogc), m_PassabilityMap.m_Data, nbytes); } } void UpdateTerritoryMap(const Grid& territoryMap) { ENSURE(m_CommandsComputed); bool dimensionChange = m_TerritoryMap.m_W != territoryMap.m_W || m_TerritoryMap.m_H != territoryMap.m_H; m_TerritoryMap = territoryMap; JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); if (dimensionChange) ScriptInterface::ToJSVal(cx, &m_TerritoryMapVal, m_TerritoryMap); else { // Avoid a useless memory reallocation followed by a garbage collection. JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedObject mapObj(cx, &m_TerritoryMapVal.toObject()); JS::RootedValue mapData(cx); ENSURE(JS_GetProperty(cx, mapObj, "data", &mapData)); JS::RootedObject dataObj(cx, &mapData.toObject()); u32 length = 0; ENSURE(JS_GetArrayLength(cx, dataObj, &length)); u32 nbytes = (u32)(length * sizeof(u8)); bool sharedMemory; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; memcpy((void*)JS_GetUint8ArrayData(dataObj, &sharedMemory, nogc), m_TerritoryMap.m_Data, nbytes); } } void StartComputation() { m_CommandsComputed = false; } void WaitToFinishComputation() { if (!m_CommandsComputed) { PerformComputation(); m_CommandsComputed = true; } } void GetCommands(std::vector& commands) { WaitToFinishComputation(); commands.clear(); commands.resize(m_Players.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i) { commands[i].player = m_Players[i]->m_Player; commands[i].commands = m_Players[i]->m_Commands; } } void LoadEntityTemplates(const std::vector >& templates) { JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates = true; ScriptInterface::CreateObject(cx, &m_EntityTemplates); JS::RootedValue val(cx); for (size_t i = 0; i < templates.size(); ++i) { templates[i].second->ToJSVal(cx, false, &val); m_ScriptInterface->SetProperty(m_EntityTemplates, templates[i].first.c_str(), val, true); } } void Serialize(std::ostream& stream, bool isDebug) { WaitToFinishComputation(); if (isDebug) { CDebugSerializer serializer(*m_ScriptInterface, stream); serializer.Indent(4); SerializeState(serializer); } else { CStdSerializer serializer(*m_ScriptInterface, stream); SerializeState(serializer); } } void SerializeState(ISerializer& serializer) { if (m_Players.empty()) return; JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); std::stringstream rngStream; rngStream << m_RNG; serializer.StringASCII("rng", rngStream.str(), 0, 32); serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("turn", m_TurnNum); serializer.Bool("useSharedScript", m_HasSharedComponent); if (m_HasSharedComponent) { JS::RootedValue sharedData(cx); if (!m_ScriptInterface->CallFunction(m_SharedAIObj, "Serialize", &sharedData)) LOGERROR("AI shared script Serialize call failed"); serializer.ScriptVal("sharedData", &sharedData); } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i) { serializer.String("name", m_Players[i]->m_AIName, 1, 256); serializer.NumberI32_Unbounded("player", m_Players[i]->m_Player); serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("difficulty", m_Players[i]->m_Difficulty); serializer.String("behavior", m_Players[i]->m_Behavior, 1, 256); serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("num commands", (u32)m_Players[i]->m_Commands.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Players[i]->m_Commands.size(); ++j) { JS::RootedValue val(cx); m_ScriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(m_Players[i]->m_Commands[j], &val); serializer.ScriptVal("command", &val); } bool hasCustomSerialize = m_ScriptInterface->HasProperty(m_Players[i]->m_Obj, "Serialize"); if (hasCustomSerialize) { JS::RootedValue scriptData(cx); if (!m_ScriptInterface->CallFunction(m_Players[i]->m_Obj, "Serialize", &scriptData)) LOGERROR("AI script Serialize call failed"); serializer.ScriptVal("data", &scriptData); } else { serializer.ScriptVal("data", &m_Players[i]->m_Obj); } } // AI pathfinder SerializeMap()(serializer, "non pathfinding pass classes", m_NonPathfindingPassClasses); SerializeMap()(serializer, "pathfinding pass classes", m_PathfindingPassClasses); serializer.NumberU16_Unbounded("pathfinder grid w", m_PassabilityMap.m_W); serializer.NumberU16_Unbounded("pathfinder grid h", m_PassabilityMap.m_H); serializer.RawBytes("pathfinder grid data", (const u8*)m_PassabilityMap.m_Data, m_PassabilityMap.m_W*m_PassabilityMap.m_H*sizeof(NavcellData)); } void Deserialize(std::istream& stream, u32 numAis) { m_PlayerMetadata.clear(); m_Players.clear(); if (numAis == 0) return; JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); ENSURE(m_CommandsComputed); // deserializing while we're still actively computing would be bad CStdDeserializer deserializer(*m_ScriptInterface, stream); std::string rngString; std::stringstream rngStream; deserializer.StringASCII("rng", rngString, 0, 32); rngStream << rngString; rngStream >> m_RNG; deserializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("turn", m_TurnNum); deserializer.Bool("useSharedScript", m_HasSharedComponent); if (m_HasSharedComponent) { TryLoadSharedComponent(); JS::RootedValue sharedData(cx); deserializer.ScriptVal("sharedData", &sharedData); if (!m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_SharedAIObj, "Deserialize", sharedData)) LOGERROR("AI shared script Deserialize call failed"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < numAis; ++i) { std::wstring name; player_id_t player; u8 difficulty; std::wstring behavior; deserializer.String("name", name, 1, 256); deserializer.NumberI32_Unbounded("player", player); deserializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("difficulty",difficulty); deserializer.String("behavior", behavior, 1, 256); if (!AddPlayer(name, player, difficulty, behavior)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError(); u32 numCommands; deserializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("num commands", numCommands); m_Players.back()->m_Commands.reserve(numCommands); for (size_t j = 0; j < numCommands; ++j) { JS::RootedValue val(cx); deserializer.ScriptVal("command", &val); m_Players.back()->m_Commands.push_back(m_ScriptInterface->WriteStructuredClone(val)); } bool hasCustomDeserialize = m_ScriptInterface->HasProperty(m_Players.back()->m_Obj, "Deserialize"); if (hasCustomDeserialize) { JS::RootedValue scriptData(cx); deserializer.ScriptVal("data", &scriptData); if (m_Players[i]->m_UseSharedComponent) { if (!m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_Players.back()->m_Obj, "Deserialize", scriptData, m_SharedAIObj)) LOGERROR("AI script Deserialize call failed"); } else if (!m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_Players.back()->m_Obj, "Deserialize", scriptData)) { LOGERROR("AI script deserialize() call failed"); } } else { deserializer.ScriptVal("data", &m_Players.back()->m_Obj); } } // AI pathfinder SerializeMap()(deserializer, "non pathfinding pass classes", m_NonPathfindingPassClasses); SerializeMap()(deserializer, "pathfinding pass classes", m_PathfindingPassClasses); u16 mapW, mapH; deserializer.NumberU16_Unbounded("pathfinder grid w", mapW); deserializer.NumberU16_Unbounded("pathfinder grid h", mapH); m_PassabilityMap = Grid(mapW, mapH); deserializer.RawBytes("pathfinder grid data", (u8*)m_PassabilityMap.m_Data, mapW*mapH*sizeof(NavcellData)); m_LongPathfinder.Reload(&m_PassabilityMap); m_HierarchicalPathfinder.Recompute(&m_PassabilityMap, m_NonPathfindingPassClasses, m_PathfindingPassClasses); } int getPlayerSize() { return m_Players.size(); } private: static void Trace(JSTracer *trc, void *data) { reinterpret_cast(data)->TraceMember(trc); } void TraceMember(JSTracer *trc) { for (std::pair>& metadata : m_PlayerMetadata) - JS_CallValueTracer(trc, &metadata.second, "CAIWorker::m_PlayerMetadata"); + JS::TraceEdge(trc, &metadata.second, "CAIWorker::m_PlayerMetadata"); } void LoadMetadata(const VfsPath& path, JS::MutableHandleValue out) { if (m_PlayerMetadata.find(path) == m_PlayerMetadata.end()) { // Load and cache the AI player metadata m_ScriptInterface->ReadJSONFile(path, out); m_PlayerMetadata[path] = JS::Heap(out); return; } out.set(m_PlayerMetadata[path].get()); } void PerformComputation() { // Deserialize the game state, to pass to the AI's HandleMessage JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue state(cx); { PROFILE3("AI compute read state"); m_ScriptInterface->ReadStructuredClone(m_GameState, &state); m_ScriptInterface->SetProperty(state, "passabilityMap", m_PassabilityMapVal, true); m_ScriptInterface->SetProperty(state, "territoryMap", m_TerritoryMapVal, true); } // It would be nice to do // m_ScriptInterface->FreezeObject(state.get(), true); // to prevent AI scripts accidentally modifying the state and // affecting other AI scripts they share it with. But the performance // cost is far too high, so we won't do that. // If there is a shared component, run it if (m_HasSharedComponent) { PROFILE3("AI run shared component"); m_ScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(m_SharedAIObj, "onUpdate", state); } for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Players.size(); ++i) { PROFILE3("AI script"); PROFILE2_ATTR("player: %d", m_Players[i]->m_Player); PROFILE2_ATTR("script: %ls", m_Players[i]->m_AIName.c_str()); if (m_HasSharedComponent && m_Players[i]->m_UseSharedComponent) m_Players[i]->Run(state, m_Players[i]->m_Player, m_SharedAIObj); else m_Players[i]->Run(state, m_Players[i]->m_Player); } } // Take care to keep this declaration before heap rooted members. Destructors of heap rooted // members have to be called before the runtime destructor. shared_ptr m_ScriptRuntime; shared_ptr m_ScriptInterface; boost::rand48 m_RNG; u32 m_TurnNum; JS::PersistentRootedValue m_EntityTemplates; bool m_HasLoadedEntityTemplates; std::map > m_PlayerMetadata; std::vector > m_Players; // use shared_ptr just to avoid copying bool m_HasSharedComponent; JS::PersistentRootedValue m_SharedAIObj; std::vector m_Commands; std::set m_LoadedModules; shared_ptr m_GameState; Grid m_PassabilityMap; JS::PersistentRootedValue m_PassabilityMapVal; Grid m_TerritoryMap; JS::PersistentRootedValue m_TerritoryMapVal; std::map m_NonPathfindingPassClasses; std::map m_PathfindingPassClasses; HierarchicalPathfinder m_HierarchicalPathfinder; LongPathfinder m_LongPathfinder; bool m_CommandsComputed; CTemplateLoader m_TemplateLoader; }; /** * Implementation of ICmpAIManager. */ class CCmpAIManager : public ICmpAIManager { public: static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& UNUSED(componentManager)) { } DEFAULT_COMPONENT_ALLOCATOR(AIManager) static std::string GetSchema() { return ""; } virtual void Init(const CParamNode& UNUSED(paramNode)) { m_TerritoriesDirtyID = 0; m_TerritoriesDirtyBlinkingID = 0; m_JustDeserialized = false; } virtual void Deinit() { } virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& serialize) { serialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("num ais", m_Worker.getPlayerSize()); // Because the AI worker uses its own ScriptInterface, we can't use the // ISerializer (which was initialised with the simulation ScriptInterface) // directly. So we'll just grab the ISerializer's stream and write to it // with an independent serializer. m_Worker.Serialize(serialize.GetStream(), serialize.IsDebug()); } virtual void Deserialize(const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& deserialize) { Init(paramNode); u32 numAis; deserialize.NumberU32_Unbounded("num ais", numAis); if (numAis > 0) LoadUsedEntityTemplates(); m_Worker.Deserialize(deserialize.GetStream(), numAis); m_JustDeserialized = true; } virtual void AddPlayer(const std::wstring& id, player_id_t player, u8 difficulty, const std::wstring& behavior) { LoadUsedEntityTemplates(); m_Worker.AddPlayer(id, player, difficulty, behavior); // AI players can cheat and see through FoW/SoD, since that greatly simplifies // their implementation. // (TODO: maybe cleverer AIs should be able to optionally retain FoW/SoD) CmpPtr cmpRangeManager(GetSystemEntity()); if (cmpRangeManager) cmpRangeManager->SetLosRevealAll(player, true); } virtual void SetRNGSeed(u32 seed) { m_Worker.SetRNGSeed(seed); } virtual void TryLoadSharedComponent() { m_Worker.TryLoadSharedComponent(); } virtual void RunGamestateInit() { const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); CmpPtr cmpAIInterface(GetSystemEntity()); ENSURE(cmpAIInterface); // Get the game state from AIInterface // We flush events from the initialization so we get a clean state now. JS::RootedValue state(cx); cmpAIInterface->GetFullRepresentation(&state, true); // Get the passability data Grid dummyGrid; const Grid* passabilityMap = &dummyGrid; CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity()); if (cmpPathfinder) passabilityMap = &cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityGrid(); // Get the territory data // Since getting the territory grid can trigger a recalculation, we check NeedUpdateAI first Grid dummyGrid2; const Grid* territoryMap = &dummyGrid2; CmpPtr cmpTerritoryManager(GetSystemEntity()); if (cmpTerritoryManager && cmpTerritoryManager->NeedUpdateAI(&m_TerritoriesDirtyID, &m_TerritoriesDirtyBlinkingID)) territoryMap = &cmpTerritoryManager->GetTerritoryGrid(); LoadPathfinderClasses(state); std::map nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks; if (cmpPathfinder) cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClasses(nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks); m_Worker.RunGamestateInit(scriptInterface.WriteStructuredClone(state), *passabilityMap, *territoryMap, nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks); } virtual void StartComputation() { PROFILE("AI setup"); const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); if (m_Worker.getPlayerSize() == 0) return; CmpPtr cmpAIInterface(GetSystemEntity()); ENSURE(cmpAIInterface); // Get the game state from AIInterface JS::RootedValue state(cx); if (m_JustDeserialized) cmpAIInterface->GetFullRepresentation(&state, false); else cmpAIInterface->GetRepresentation(&state); LoadPathfinderClasses(state); // add the pathfinding classes to it // Update the game state m_Worker.UpdateGameState(scriptInterface.WriteStructuredClone(state)); // Update the pathfinding data CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity()); if (cmpPathfinder) { const GridUpdateInformation& dirtinessInformations = cmpPathfinder->GetAIPathfinderDirtinessInformation(); if (dirtinessInformations.dirty || m_JustDeserialized) { const Grid& passabilityMap = cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityGrid(); std::map nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks; cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClasses(nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks); m_Worker.UpdatePathfinder(passabilityMap, dirtinessInformations.globallyDirty, dirtinessInformations.dirtinessGrid, m_JustDeserialized, nonPathfindingPassClassMasks, pathfindingPassClassMasks); } cmpPathfinder->FlushAIPathfinderDirtinessInformation(); } // Update the territory data // Since getting the territory grid can trigger a recalculation, we check NeedUpdateAI first CmpPtr cmpTerritoryManager(GetSystemEntity()); if (cmpTerritoryManager && (cmpTerritoryManager->NeedUpdateAI(&m_TerritoriesDirtyID, &m_TerritoriesDirtyBlinkingID) || m_JustDeserialized)) { const Grid& territoryMap = cmpTerritoryManager->GetTerritoryGrid(); m_Worker.UpdateTerritoryMap(territoryMap); } m_Worker.StartComputation(); m_JustDeserialized = false; } virtual void PushCommands() { std::vector commands; m_Worker.GetCommands(commands); CmpPtr cmpCommandQueue(GetSystemEntity()); if (!cmpCommandQueue) return; const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue clonedCommandVal(cx); for (size_t i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < commands[i].commands.size(); ++j) { scriptInterface.ReadStructuredClone(commands[i].commands[j], &clonedCommandVal); cmpCommandQueue->PushLocalCommand(commands[i].player, clonedCommandVal); } } } private: size_t m_TerritoriesDirtyID; size_t m_TerritoriesDirtyBlinkingID; bool m_JustDeserialized; /** * Load the templates of all entities on the map (called when adding a new AI player for a new game * or when deserializing) */ void LoadUsedEntityTemplates() { if (m_Worker.HasLoadedEntityTemplates()) return; CmpPtr cmpTemplateManager(GetSystemEntity()); ENSURE(cmpTemplateManager); std::vector templateNames = cmpTemplateManager->FindUsedTemplates(); std::vector > usedTemplates; usedTemplates.reserve(templateNames.size()); for (const std::string& name : templateNames) { const CParamNode* node = cmpTemplateManager->GetTemplateWithoutValidation(name); if (node) usedTemplates.emplace_back(name, node); } // Send the data to the worker m_Worker.LoadEntityTemplates(usedTemplates); } void LoadPathfinderClasses(JS::HandleValue state) { CmpPtr cmpPathfinder(GetSystemEntity()); if (!cmpPathfinder) return; const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = GetSimContext().GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue classesVal(cx); ScriptInterface::CreateObject(cx, &classesVal); std::map classes; cmpPathfinder->GetPassabilityClasses(classes); for (std::map::iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); ++it) scriptInterface.SetProperty(classesVal, it->first.c_str(), it->second, true); scriptInterface.SetProperty(state, "passabilityClasses", classesVal, true); } CAIWorker m_Worker; }; REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE(AIManager) Index: ps/trunk/source/simulation2/serialization/StdDeserializer.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/simulation2/serialization/StdDeserializer.cpp (revision 24168) +++ ps/trunk/source/simulation2/serialization/StdDeserializer.cpp (revision 24169) @@ -1,449 +1,449 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "StdDeserializer.h" #include "SerializedScriptTypes.h" #include "StdSerializer.h" // for DEBUG_SERIALIZER_ANNOTATE #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptExtraHeaders.h" // for typed arrays #include "lib/byte_order.h" CStdDeserializer::CStdDeserializer(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, std::istream& stream) : m_ScriptInterface(scriptInterface), m_Stream(stream) { JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(m_ScriptInterface.GetJSRuntime(), CStdDeserializer::Trace, this); } CStdDeserializer::~CStdDeserializer() { JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(m_ScriptInterface.GetJSRuntime(), CStdDeserializer::Trace, this); } void CStdDeserializer::Trace(JSTracer *trc, void *data) { reinterpret_cast(data)->TraceMember(trc); } void CStdDeserializer::TraceMember(JSTracer *trc) { - for (size_t i=0; i& backref : m_ScriptBackrefs) + JS::TraceEdge(trc, &backref, "StdDeserializer::m_ScriptBackrefs"); } void CStdDeserializer::Get(const char* name, u8* data, size_t len) { #if DEBUG_SERIALIZER_ANNOTATE std::string strName; char c = m_Stream.get(); ENSURE(c == '<'); while (1) { c = m_Stream.get(); if (c == '>') break; else strName += c; } ENSURE(strName == name); #else UNUSED2(name); #endif*)data, (std::streamsize)len); if (!m_Stream.good()) { // hit eof before len, or other errors // NOTE: older libc++ versions incorrectly set eofbit on the last char; test gcount as a workaround // see if (m_Stream.bad() || || (m_Stream.eof() && m_Stream.gcount() != (std::streamsize)len)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ReadFailed(); } } std::istream& CStdDeserializer::GetStream() { return m_Stream; } void CStdDeserializer::RequireBytesInStream(size_t numBytes) { // It would be nice to do: // if (numBytes > (size_t)m_Stream.rdbuf()->in_avail()) // throw PSERROR_Deserialize_OutOfBounds("RequireBytesInStream"); // but that doesn't work (at least on MSVC) since in_avail isn't // guaranteed to return the actual number of bytes available; see e.g. // // Instead we'll just verify that it's not an extremely large number: if (numBytes > 64*MiB) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_OutOfBounds("RequireBytesInStream"); } void CStdDeserializer::AddScriptBackref(JS::HandleObject obj) { m_ScriptBackrefs.push_back(JS::Heap(obj)); } void CStdDeserializer::GetScriptBackref(size_t tag, JS::MutableHandleObject ret) { ENSURE(m_ScriptBackrefs.size() > tag); ret.set(m_ScriptBackrefs[tag]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// JS::Value CStdDeserializer::ReadScriptVal(const char* UNUSED(name), JS::HandleObject appendParent) { JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); uint8_t type; NumberU8_Unbounded("type", type); switch (type) { case SCRIPT_TYPE_VOID: return JS::UndefinedValue(); case SCRIPT_TYPE_NULL: return JS::NullValue(); case SCRIPT_TYPE_ARRAY: case SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT: { JS::RootedObject obj(cx); if (appendParent) { obj.set(appendParent); } else if (type == SCRIPT_TYPE_ARRAY) { u32 length; NumberU32_Unbounded("array length", length); obj.set(JS_NewArrayObject(cx, length)); } else // SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT { obj.set(JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); } if (!obj) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("Deserializer failed to create new object"); AddScriptBackref(obj); uint32_t numProps; NumberU32_Unbounded("num props", numProps); bool isLatin1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numProps; ++i) { Bool("isLatin1", isLatin1); if (isLatin1) { std::vector propname; ReadStringLatin1("prop name", propname); JS::RootedValue propval(cx, ReadScriptVal("prop value", nullptr)); utf16string prp(propname.begin(), propname.end());; // TODO: Should ask upstream about getting a variant of JS_SetProperty with a length param. if (!JS_SetUCProperty(cx, obj, (const char16_t*), prp.length(), propval)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError(); } else { utf16string propname; ReadStringUTF16("prop name", propname); JS::RootedValue propval(cx, ReadScriptVal("prop value", nullptr)); if (!JS_SetUCProperty(cx, obj, (const char16_t*), propname.length(), propval)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError(); } } return JS::ObjectValue(*obj); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_STRING: { JS::RootedString str(cx); ScriptString("string", &str); return JS::StringValue(str); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_INT: { int32_t value; NumberI32("value", value, JSVAL_INT_MIN, JSVAL_INT_MAX); return JS::NumberValue(value); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_DOUBLE: { double value; NumberDouble_Unbounded("value", value); JS::RootedValue rval(cx, JS::NumberValue(value)); if (rval.isNull()) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_NewNumberValue failed"); return rval; } case SCRIPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN: { uint8_t value; NumberU8("value", value, 0, 1); return JS::BooleanValue(value ? true : false); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_BACKREF: { i32 tag; NumberI32("tag", tag, 0, JSVAL_INT_MAX); JS::RootedObject obj(cx); GetScriptBackref(tag, &obj); if (!obj) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("Invalid backref tag"); return JS::ObjectValue(*obj); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_NUMBER: { double value; NumberDouble_Unbounded("value", value); JS::RootedValue val(cx, JS::NumberValue(value)); JS::RootedObject ctorobj(cx); if (!JS_GetClassObject(cx, JSProto_Number, &ctorobj)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_GetClassObject failed"); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_New(cx, ctorobj, JS::HandleValueArray(val))); if (!obj) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_New failed"); AddScriptBackref(obj); return JS::ObjectValue(*obj); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_STRING: { JS::RootedString str(cx); ScriptString("value", &str); if (!str) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError(); JS::RootedValue val(cx, JS::StringValue(str)); JS::RootedObject ctorobj(cx); if (!JS_GetClassObject(cx, JSProto_String, &ctorobj)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_GetClassObject failed"); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_New(cx, ctorobj, JS::HandleValueArray(val))); if (!obj) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_New failed"); AddScriptBackref(obj); return JS::ObjectValue(*obj); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_BOOLEAN: { bool value; Bool("value", value); JS::RootedValue val(cx, JS::BooleanValue(value)); JS::RootedObject ctorobj(cx); if (!JS_GetClassObject(cx, JSProto_Boolean, &ctorobj)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_GetClassObject failed"); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_New(cx, ctorobj, JS::HandleValueArray(val))); if (!obj) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_New failed"); AddScriptBackref(obj); return JS::ObjectValue(*obj); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_TYPED_ARRAY: { u8 arrayType; u32 byteOffset, length; NumberU8_Unbounded("array type", arrayType); NumberU32_Unbounded("byte offset", byteOffset); NumberU32_Unbounded("length", length); // To match the serializer order, we reserve the typed array's backref tag here JS::RootedObject arrayObj(cx); AddScriptBackref(arrayObj); // Get buffer object JS::RootedValue bufferVal(cx, ReadScriptVal("buffer", nullptr)); if (!bufferVal.isObject()) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError(); JS::RootedObject bufferObj(cx, &bufferVal.toObject()); if (!JS_IsArrayBufferObject(bufferObj)) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("js_IsArrayBuffer failed"); switch(arrayType) { case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_INT8: arrayObj = JS_NewInt8ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_UINT8: arrayObj = JS_NewUint8ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_INT16: arrayObj = JS_NewInt16ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_UINT16: arrayObj = JS_NewUint16ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_INT32: arrayObj = JS_NewInt32ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_UINT32: arrayObj = JS_NewUint32ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_FLOAT32: arrayObj = JS_NewFloat32ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_FLOAT64: arrayObj = JS_NewFloat64ArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; case SCRIPT_TYPED_ARRAY_UINT8_CLAMPED: arrayObj = JS_NewUint8ClampedArrayWithBuffer(cx, bufferObj, byteOffset, length); break; default: throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("Failed to deserialize unrecognized typed array view"); } if (!arrayObj) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("js_CreateTypedArrayWithBuffer failed"); return JS::ObjectValue(*arrayObj); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_ARRAY_BUFFER: { u32 length; NumberU32_Unbounded("buffer length", length); #if BYTE_ORDER != LITTLE_ENDIAN #error TODO: need to convert JS ArrayBuffer data from little-endian #endif void* contents = malloc(length); ENSURE(contents); RawBytes("buffer data", (u8*)contents, length); JS::RootedObject bufferObj(cx, JS_NewArrayBufferWithContents(cx, length, contents)); AddScriptBackref(bufferObj); return JS::ObjectValue(*bufferObj); } case SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_MAP: { JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS::NewMapObject(cx)); AddScriptBackref(obj); u32 mapSize; NumberU32_Unbounded("map size", mapSize); for (u32 i=0; i& str) { uint32_t len; NumberU32_Unbounded("string length", len); RequireBytesInStream(len); str.resize(len); Get(name, (u8*), len); } void CStdDeserializer::ReadStringUTF16(const char* name, utf16string& str) { uint32_t len; NumberU32_Unbounded("string length", len); RequireBytesInStream(len*2); str.resize(len); Get(name, (u8*), len*2); } void CStdDeserializer::ScriptString(const char* name, JS::MutableHandleString out) { #if BYTE_ORDER != LITTLE_ENDIAN #error TODO: probably need to convert JS strings from little-endian #endif JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); bool isLatin1; Bool("isLatin1", isLatin1); if (isLatin1) { std::vector str; ReadStringLatin1(name, str); out.set(JS_NewStringCopyN(cx, (const char*), str.size())); if (!out) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_NewStringCopyN failed"); } else { utf16string str; ReadStringUTF16(name, str); out.set(JS_NewUCStringCopyN(cx, (const char16_t*), str.length())); if (!out) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError("JS_NewUCStringCopyN failed"); } } void CStdDeserializer::ScriptVal(const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out) { out.set(ReadScriptVal(name, nullptr)); } void CStdDeserializer::ScriptObjectAppend(const char* name, JS::HandleValue objVal) { JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); if (!objVal.isObject()) throw PSERROR_Deserialize_ScriptError(); JS::RootedObject obj(cx, &objVal.toObject()); ReadScriptVal(name, obj); }