Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js (revision 24952) @@ -1,51 +1,51 @@ // TODO: Remove these globals by rewriting gamedescription.js const g_MapSizes = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.MapSizes); const g_MapTypes = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.MapTypes); const g_PopulationCapacities = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.PopulationCapacities); const g_WorldPopulationCapacities = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.WorldPopulationCapacities); const g_StartingResources = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.StartingResources); const g_VictoryConditions = g_Settings && g_Settings.VictoryConditions; /** * Offer users to select playable civs only. * Load unselectable civs as they could appear in scenario maps. */ const g_CivData = loadCivData(false, false); /** * Whether this is a single- or multiplayer match. */ const g_IsNetworked = Engine.HasNetClient(); /** * Is this user in control of game settings (i.e. is a network server, or offline player). */ -const g_IsController = !g_IsNetworked || Engine.HasNetServer(); +const g_IsController = !g_IsNetworked || Engine.IsNetController(); /** * Central data storing all settings relevant to the map generation and simulation. */ var g_GameAttributes = {}; /** * Remembers which clients are assigned to which player slots and whether they are ready. * The keys are GUIDs or "local" in single-player. */ var g_PlayerAssignments = {}; /** * This instance owns all handlers that control the two synchronized states g_GameAttributes and g_PlayerAssignments. */ var g_SetupWindow; // TODO: Remove these two global functions by specifying the JS class name in the XML of the GUI page. function init(initData, hotloadData) { g_SetupWindow = new SetupWindow(initData, hotloadData); } function getHotloadData() { return g_SetupWindow.getHotloadData(); } Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/message_box/QuitConfirmationDefeat.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/message_box/QuitConfirmationDefeat.js (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/message_box/QuitConfirmationDefeat.js (revision 24952) @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ /** * This class will spawn a dialog asking to exit the game in case the user was an assigned player who has been defeated. */ class QuitConfirmationDefeat extends QuitConfirmation { constructor() { super(); if (Engine.IsAtlasRunning()) return; this.confirmHandler = undefined; registerPlayersFinishedHandler(this.onPlayersFinished.bind(this)); } onPlayersFinished(players, won) { if (players.indexOf(Engine.GetPlayerID()) == -1) return; // Defer simulation result until // 1. the loading screen finished for all networked clients (g_IsNetworkedActive) // 2. all messages modifying g_Players victory state were processed (next turn) this.confirmHandler = this.confirmExit.bind(this, won); registerSimulationUpdateHandler(this.confirmHandler); } confirmExit(won) { if (g_IsNetworked && !g_IsNetworkedActive) return; unregisterSimulationUpdateHandler(this.confirmHandler); - // Don't ask for exit if other humans are still playing. + // Don't invite the host to exit if other humans are still playing. let askExit = !Engine.HasNetServer() || g_Players.every((player, i) => i == 0 || player.state != "active" || g_GameAttributes.settings.PlayerData[i].AI != ""); this.Title = won ? this.TitleVictory : this.TitleDefeated; this.Caption = g_PlayerStateMessages[won ? "won" : "defeated"] + (askExit ? "\n" + this.Question : ""); this.Buttons = askExit ? super.Buttons : undefined; this.display(); } } QuitConfirmationDefeat.prototype.TitleVictory = translate("VICTORIOUS!"); QuitConfirmationDefeat.prototype.TitleDefeated = translate("DEFEATED!"); QuitConfirmationDefeat.prototype.Question = translate("Do you want to quit?"); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/session.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/session.js (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/session.js (revision 24952) @@ -1,815 +1,815 @@ const g_IsReplay = Engine.IsVisualReplay(); const g_CivData = loadCivData(false, true); const g_MapSizes = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.MapSizes); const g_MapTypes = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.MapTypes); const g_PopulationCapacities = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.PopulationCapacities); const g_WorldPopulationCapacities = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.WorldPopulationCapacities); const g_StartingResources = prepareForDropdown(g_Settings && g_Settings.StartingResources); const g_VictoryConditions = g_Settings && g_Settings.VictoryConditions; var g_Ambient; var g_AutoFormation; var g_Chat; var g_Cheats; var g_DeveloperOverlay; var g_DiplomacyColors; var g_DiplomacyDialog; var g_GameSpeedControl; var g_Menu; var g_MiniMapPanel; var g_NetworkStatusOverlay; var g_ObjectivesDialog; var g_OutOfSyncNetwork; var g_OutOfSyncReplay; var g_PanelEntityManager; var g_PauseControl; var g_PauseOverlay; var g_PlayerViewControl; var g_QuitConfirmationDefeat; var g_QuitConfirmationReplay; var g_RangeOverlayManager; var g_ResearchProgress; var g_TimeNotificationOverlay; var g_TopPanel; var g_TradeDialog; /** * Map, player and match settings set in game setup. */ const g_GameAttributes = deepfreeze(Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetInitAttributes")); /** * True if this is a multiplayer game. */ const g_IsNetworked = Engine.HasNetClient(); /** * Is this user in control of game settings (i.e. is a network server, or offline player). */ -var g_IsController = !g_IsNetworked || Engine.HasNetServer(); +var g_IsController = !g_IsNetworked || Engine.IsNetController(); /** * Whether we have finished the synchronization and * can start showing simulation related message boxes. */ var g_IsNetworkedActive = false; /** * True if the connection to the server has been lost. */ var g_Disconnected = false; /** * True if the current user has observer capabilities. */ var g_IsObserver = false; /** * True if the current user has rejoined (or joined the game after it started). */ var g_HasRejoined = false; /** * The playerID selected in the change perspective tool. */ var g_ViewedPlayer = Engine.GetPlayerID(); /** * True if the camera should focus on attacks and player commands * and select the affected units. */ var g_FollowPlayer = false; /** * Cache the basic player data (name, civ, color). */ var g_Players = []; /** * Last time when onTick was called(). * Used for animating the main menu. */ var g_LastTickTime =; /** * Recalculate which units have their status bars shown with this frequency in milliseconds. */ var g_StatusBarUpdate = 200; /** * For restoring selection, order and filters when returning to the replay menu */ var g_ReplaySelectionData; /** * Remembers which clients are assigned to which player slots. * The keys are GUIDs or "local" in single-player. */ var g_PlayerAssignments; /** * Whether the entire UI should be hidden (useful for promotional screenshots). * Can be toggled with a hotkey. */ var g_ShowGUI = true; /** * Whether status bars should be shown for all of the player's units. */ var g_ShowAllStatusBars = false; /** * Cache of simulation state and template data (apart from TechnologyData, updated on every simulation update). */ var g_SimState; var g_EntityStates = {}; var g_TemplateData = {}; var g_TechnologyData = {}; var g_ResourceData = new Resources(); /** * These handlers are called each time a new turn was simulated. * Use this as sparely as possible. */ var g_SimulationUpdateHandlers = new Set(); /** * These handlers are called after the player states have been initialized. */ var g_PlayersInitHandlers = new Set(); /** * These handlers are called when a player has been defeated or won the game. */ var g_PlayerFinishedHandlers = new Set(); /** * These events are fired whenever the player added or removed entities from the selection. */ var g_EntitySelectionChangeHandlers = new Set(); /** * These events are fired when the user has performed a hotkey assignment change. * Currently only fired on init, but to be fired from any hotkey editor dialog. */ var g_HotkeyChangeHandlers = new Set(); /** * List of additional entities to highlight. */ var g_ShowGuarding = false; var g_ShowGuarded = false; var g_AdditionalHighlight = []; /** * Order in which the panel entities are shown. */ var g_PanelEntityOrder = ["Hero", "Relic"]; /** * Unit classes to be checked for the idle-worker-hotkey. */ var g_WorkerTypes = ["FemaleCitizen", "Trader", "FishingBoat", "Citizen"]; /** * Unit classes to be checked for the military-only-selection modifier and for the idle-warrior-hotkey. */ var g_MilitaryTypes = ["Melee", "Ranged"]; function GetSimState() { if (!g_SimState) g_SimState = deepfreeze(Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState")); return g_SimState; } function GetMultipleEntityStates(ents) { if (!ents.length) return null; let entityStates = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetMultipleEntityStates", ents); for (let item of entityStates) g_EntityStates[item.entId] = item.state && deepfreeze(item.state); return entityStates; } function GetEntityState(entId) { if (!g_EntityStates[entId]) { let entityState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", entId); g_EntityStates[entId] = entityState && deepfreeze(entityState); } return g_EntityStates[entId]; } /** * Returns template data calling GetTemplateData defined in GuiInterface.js * and deepfreezing returned object. * @param {string} templateName - Data of this template will be returned. * @param {number|undefined} player - Modifications of this player will be applied to the template. * If undefined, id of player calling this method will be used. */ function GetTemplateData(templateName, player) { if (!(templateName in g_TemplateData)) { let template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTemplateData", { "templateName": templateName, "player": player }); translateObjectKeys(template, ["specific", "generic", "tooltip"]); g_TemplateData[templateName] = deepfreeze(template); } return g_TemplateData[templateName]; } function GetTechnologyData(technologyName, civ) { if (!g_TechnologyData[civ]) g_TechnologyData[civ] = {}; if (!(technologyName in g_TechnologyData[civ])) { let template = GetTechnologyDataHelper(TechnologyTemplates.Get(technologyName), civ, g_ResourceData); translateObjectKeys(template, ["specific", "generic", "description", "tooltip", "requirementsTooltip"]); g_TechnologyData[civ][technologyName] = deepfreeze(template); } return g_TechnologyData[civ][technologyName]; } function init(initData, hotloadData) { if (!g_Settings) { Engine.EndGame(); Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_pregame.xml"); return; } // Fallback used by atlas g_PlayerAssignments = initData ? initData.playerAssignments : { "local": { "player": 1 } }; // Fallback used by atlas and autostart games if (g_PlayerAssignments.local && ! = singleplayerName(); if (initData) { g_ReplaySelectionData = initData.replaySelectionData; g_HasRejoined = initData.isRejoining; if (initData.savedGUIData) restoreSavedGameData(initData.savedGUIData); } let mapCache = new MapCache(); g_Cheats = new Cheats(); g_DiplomacyColors = new DiplomacyColors(); g_PlayerViewControl = new PlayerViewControl(); g_PlayerViewControl.registerViewedPlayerChangeHandler(g_DiplomacyColors.updateDisplayedPlayerColors.bind(g_DiplomacyColors)); g_DiplomacyColors.registerDiplomacyColorsChangeHandler(g_PlayerViewControl.rebuild.bind(g_PlayerViewControl)); g_DiplomacyColors.registerDiplomacyColorsChangeHandler(updateGUIObjects); g_PauseControl = new PauseControl(); g_PlayerViewControl.registerPreViewedPlayerChangeHandler(removeStatusBarDisplay); g_PlayerViewControl.registerViewedPlayerChangeHandler(resetTemplates); g_Ambient = new Ambient(); g_AutoFormation = new AutoFormation(); g_Chat = new Chat(g_PlayerViewControl, g_Cheats); g_DeveloperOverlay = new DeveloperOverlay(g_PlayerViewControl, g_Selection); g_DiplomacyDialog = new DiplomacyDialog(g_PlayerViewControl, g_DiplomacyColors); g_GameSpeedControl = new GameSpeedControl(g_PlayerViewControl); g_Menu = new Menu(g_PauseControl, g_PlayerViewControl, g_Chat); g_MiniMapPanel = new MiniMapPanel(g_PlayerViewControl, g_DiplomacyColors, g_WorkerTypes); g_NetworkStatusOverlay = new NetworkStatusOverlay(); g_ObjectivesDialog = new ObjectivesDialog(g_PlayerViewControl, mapCache); g_OutOfSyncNetwork = new OutOfSyncNetwork(); g_OutOfSyncReplay = new OutOfSyncReplay(); g_PanelEntityManager = new PanelEntityManager(g_PlayerViewControl, g_Selection, g_PanelEntityOrder); g_PauseOverlay = new PauseOverlay(g_PauseControl); g_QuitConfirmationDefeat = new QuitConfirmationDefeat(); g_QuitConfirmationReplay = new QuitConfirmationReplay(); g_RangeOverlayManager = new RangeOverlayManager(g_Selection); g_ResearchProgress = new ResearchProgress(g_PlayerViewControl, g_Selection); g_TradeDialog = new TradeDialog(g_PlayerViewControl); g_TopPanel = new TopPanel(g_PlayerViewControl, g_DiplomacyDialog, g_TradeDialog, g_ObjectivesDialog, g_GameSpeedControl); g_TimeNotificationOverlay = new TimeNotificationOverlay(g_PlayerViewControl); initBatchTrain(); initSelectionPanels(); LoadModificationTemplates(); updatePlayerData(); initializeMusic(); // before changing the perspective Engine.SetBoundingBoxDebugOverlay(false); for (let handler of g_PlayersInitHandlers) handler(); for (let handler of g_HotkeyChangeHandlers) handler(); if (hotloadData) { g_Selection.selected = hotloadData.selection; g_PlayerAssignments = hotloadData.playerAssignments; g_Players = hotloadData.player; } // TODO: use event instead onSimulationUpdate(); setTimeout(displayGamestateNotifications, 1000); } function registerPlayersInitHandler(handler) { g_PlayersInitHandlers.add(handler); } function registerPlayersFinishedHandler(handler) { g_PlayerFinishedHandlers.add(handler); } function registerSimulationUpdateHandler(handler) { g_SimulationUpdateHandlers.add(handler); } function unregisterSimulationUpdateHandler(handler) { g_SimulationUpdateHandlers.delete(handler); } function registerEntitySelectionChangeHandler(handler) { g_EntitySelectionChangeHandlers.add(handler); } function unregisterEntitySelectionChangeHandler(handler) { g_EntitySelectionChangeHandlers.delete(handler); } function registerHotkeyChangeHandler(handler) { g_HotkeyChangeHandlers.add(handler); } function updatePlayerData() { let simState = GetSimState(); if (!simState) return; let playerData = []; for (let i = 0; i < simState.players.length; ++i) { let playerState = simState.players[i]; playerData.push({ "name":, "civ": playerState.civ, "color": { "r": playerState.color.r * 255, "g": playerState.color.g * 255, "b": playerState.color.b * 255, "a": playerState.color.a * 255 }, "team":, "teamsLocked": playerState.teamsLocked, "cheatsEnabled": playerState.cheatsEnabled, "state": playerState.state, "isAlly": playerState.isAlly, "isMutualAlly": playerState.isMutualAlly, "isNeutral": playerState.isNeutral, "isEnemy": playerState.isEnemy, "guid": undefined, // network guid for players controlled by hosts "offline": g_Players[i] && !!g_Players[i].offline }); } for (let guid in g_PlayerAssignments) { let playerID = g_PlayerAssignments[guid].player; if (!playerData[playerID]) continue; playerData[playerID].guid = guid; playerData[playerID].name = g_PlayerAssignments[guid].name; } g_Players = playerData; } /** * @param {number} ent - The entity to get its ID for. * @return {number} - The entity ID of the entity or of its garrisonHolder. */ function getEntityOrHolder(ent) { let entState = GetEntityState(ent); if (entState && !entState.position && entState.garrisonable && entState.garrisonable.holder != INVALID_ENTITY) return getEntityOrHolder(entState.garrisonable.holder); return ent; } function initializeMusic() { initMusic(); if (g_ViewedPlayer != -1 && g_CivData[g_Players[g_ViewedPlayer].civ].Music)[g_Players[g_ViewedPlayer].civ].Music);; } function resetTemplates() { // Update GUI and clear player-dependent cache g_TemplateData = {}; Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("ResetTemplateModified"); // TODO: do this more selectively onSimulationUpdate(); } /** * Returns true if the player with that ID is in observermode. */ function isPlayerObserver(playerID) { let playerStates = GetSimState().players; return !playerStates[playerID] || playerStates[playerID].state != "active"; } /** * Returns true if the current user can issue commands for that player. */ function controlsPlayer(playerID) { let playerStates = GetSimState().players; return !!playerStates[Engine.GetPlayerID()] && playerStates[Engine.GetPlayerID()].controlsAll || Engine.GetPlayerID() == playerID && !!playerStates[playerID] && playerStates[playerID].state != "defeated"; } /** * Called when one or more players have won or were defeated. * * @param {array} - IDs of the players who have won or were defeated. * @param {Object} - a plural string stating the victory reason. * @param {boolean} - whether these players have won or lost. */ function playersFinished(players, victoryString, won) { addChatMessage({ "type": "playerstate", "message": victoryString, "players": players }); updatePlayerData(); // TODO: The other calls in this function should move too for (let handler of g_PlayerFinishedHandlers) handler(players, won); if (players.indexOf(Engine.GetPlayerID()) == -1 || Engine.IsAtlasRunning()) return; won ? : ); } function resumeGame() { g_PauseControl.implicitResume(); } function closeOpenDialogs() { g_Menu.close(); g_Chat.closePage(); g_DiplomacyDialog.close(); g_ObjectivesDialog.close(); g_TradeDialog.close(); } function endGame() { // Before ending the game let replayDirectory = Engine.GetCurrentReplayDirectory(); let simData = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetReplayMetadata"); let playerID = Engine.GetPlayerID(); Engine.EndGame(); // After the replay file was closed in EndGame // Done here to keep EndGame small if (!g_IsReplay) Engine.AddReplayToCache(replayDirectory); if (g_IsController && Engine.HasXmppClient()) Engine.SendUnregisterGame(); Engine.SwitchGuiPage("page_summary.xml", { "sim": simData, "gui": { "dialog": false, "assignedPlayer": playerID, "disconnected": g_Disconnected, "isReplay": g_IsReplay, "replayDirectory": !g_HasRejoined && replayDirectory, "replaySelectionData": g_ReplaySelectionData } }); } // Return some data that we'll use when hotloading this file after changes function getHotloadData() { return { "selection": g_Selection.selected, "playerAssignments": g_PlayerAssignments, "player": g_Players, }; } function getSavedGameData() { return { "groups": g_Groups.groups }; } function restoreSavedGameData(data) { // Restore camera if any if ( Engine.SetCameraData(,,,,,; // Clear selection when loading a game g_Selection.reset(); // Restore control groups for (let groupNumber in data.groups) { g_Groups.groups[groupNumber].groups = data.groups[groupNumber].groups; g_Groups.groups[groupNumber].ents = data.groups[groupNumber].ents; } updateGroups(); } /** * Called every frame. */ function onTick() { if (!g_Settings) return; let now =; let tickLength = now - g_LastTickTime; g_LastTickTime = now; handleNetMessages(); updateCursorAndTooltip(); if (g_Selection.dirty) { g_Selection.dirty = false; // When selection changed, get the entityStates of new entities GetMultipleEntityStates(g_Selection.toList().filter(entId => !g_EntityStates[entId])); for (let handler of g_EntitySelectionChangeHandlers) handler(); updateGUIObjects(); // Display rally points for selected structures. if (Engine.GetPlayerID() != -1) Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": g_Selection.toList() }); } else if (g_ShowAllStatusBars && now % g_StatusBarUpdate <= tickLength) recalculateStatusBarDisplay(); updateTimers(); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("ClearRenamedEntities"); } function onSimulationUpdate() { // Templates change depending on technologies and auras, so they have to be reloaded after such a change. // g_TechnologyData data never changes, so it shouldn't be deleted. g_EntityStates = {}; if (Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("IsTemplateModified")) { g_TemplateData = {}; Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("ResetTemplateModified"); } g_SimState = undefined; // Some changes may require re-rendering the selection. if (Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("IsSelectionDirty")) { g_Selection.onChange(); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("ResetSelectionDirty"); } if (!GetSimState()) return; GetMultipleEntityStates(g_Selection.toList()); for (let handler of g_SimulationUpdateHandlers) handler(); // TODO: Move to handlers updateCinemaPath(); handleNotifications(); updateGUIObjects(); } function toggleGUI() { g_ShowGUI = !g_ShowGUI; updateCinemaPath(); } function updateCinemaPath() { let isPlayingCinemaPath = GetSimState().cinemaPlaying && !g_Disconnected; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("session").hidden = !g_ShowGUI || isPlayingCinemaPath; Engine.ConfigDB_CreateValue("user", "silhouettes", !isPlayingCinemaPath && Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "silhouettes") == "true" ? "true" : "false"); } // TODO: Use event subscription onSimulationUpdate, onEntitySelectionChange, onPlayerViewChange, ... instead function updateGUIObjects() { g_Selection.update(); if (g_ShowAllStatusBars) recalculateStatusBarDisplay(); if (g_ShowGuarding || g_ShowGuarded) updateAdditionalHighlight(); updateGroups(); updateSelectionDetails(); updateBuildingPlacementPreview(); if (!g_IsObserver) { // Update music state on basis of battle state. let battleState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetBattleState", g_ViewedPlayer); if (battleState)[battleState]); } } function updateGroups() { g_Groups.update(); // Determine the sum of the costs of a given template let getCostSum = (ent) => { let cost = GetTemplateData(GetEntityState(ent).template).cost; return cost ? Object.keys(cost).map(key => cost[key]).reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur) : 0; }; for (let i in Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("unitGroupPanel").children) { Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("unitGroupLabel[" + i + "]").caption = i; let button = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("unitGroupButton[" + i + "]"); button.hidden = g_Groups.groups[i].getTotalCount() == 0; button.onPress = (function(i) { return function() { performGroup((Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("selection.add") ? "add" : "select"), i); }; })(i); button.onDoublePress = (function(i) { return function() { performGroup("snap", i); }; })(i); button.onPressRight = (function(i) { return function() { performGroup("breakUp", i); }; })(i); // Choose the icon of the most common template (or the most costly if it's not unique) if (g_Groups.groups[i].getTotalCount() > 0) { let icon = GetTemplateData(GetEntityState(g_Groups.groups[i].getEntsGrouped().reduce((pre, cur) => { if (pre.ents.length == cur.ents.length) return getCostSum(pre.ents[0]) > getCostSum(cur.ents[0]) ? pre : cur; return pre.ents.length > cur.ents.length ? pre : cur; }).ents[0]).template).icon; Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("unitGroupIcon[" + i + "]").sprite = icon ? ("stretched:session/portraits/" + icon) : "groupsIcon"; } setPanelObjectPosition(button, i, 1); } } /** * Toggles the display of status bars for all of the player's entities. * * @param {boolean} remove - Whether to hide all previously shown status bars. */ function recalculateStatusBarDisplay(remove = false) { let entities; if (g_ShowAllStatusBars && !remove) entities = g_ViewedPlayer == -1 ? Engine.PickNonGaiaEntitiesOnScreen() : Engine.PickPlayerEntitiesOnScreen(g_ViewedPlayer); else { let selected = g_Selection.toList(); for (let ent in g_Selection.highlighted) selected.push(g_Selection.highlighted[ent]); // Remove selected entities from the 'all entities' array, // to avoid disabling their status bars. entities = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall( g_ViewedPlayer == -1 ? "GetNonGaiaEntities" : "GetPlayerEntities", { "viewedPlayer": g_ViewedPlayer }).filter(idx => selected.indexOf(idx) == -1); } Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetStatusBars", { "entities": entities, "enabled": g_ShowAllStatusBars && !remove, "showRank": Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "gui.session.rankabovestatusbar") == "true", "showExperience": Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "gui.session.experiencestatusbar") == "true" }); } function removeStatusBarDisplay() { if (g_ShowAllStatusBars) recalculateStatusBarDisplay(true); } /** * Inverts the given configuration boolean and returns the current state. * For example "silhouettes". */ function toggleConfigBool(configName) { let enabled = Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", configName) != "true"; Engine.ConfigDB_CreateAndWriteValueToFile("user", configName, String(enabled), "config/user.cfg"); return enabled; } // Update the additional list of entities to be highlighted. function updateAdditionalHighlight() { let entsAdd = []; // list of entities units to be highlighted let entsRemove = []; let highlighted = g_Selection.toList(); for (let ent in g_Selection.highlighted) highlighted.push(g_Selection.highlighted[ent]); if (g_ShowGuarding) // flag the guarding entities to add in this additional highlight for (let sel in g_Selection.selected) { let state = GetEntityState(g_Selection.selected[sel]); if (!state.guard || !state.guard.entities.length) continue; for (let ent of state.guard.entities) if (highlighted.indexOf(ent) == -1 && entsAdd.indexOf(ent) == -1) entsAdd.push(ent); } if (g_ShowGuarded) // flag the guarded entities to add in this additional highlight for (let sel in g_Selection.selected) { let state = GetEntityState(g_Selection.selected[sel]); if (!state.unitAI || !state.unitAI.isGuarding) continue; let ent = state.unitAI.isGuarding; if (highlighted.indexOf(ent) == -1 && entsAdd.indexOf(ent) == -1) entsAdd.push(ent); } // flag the entities to remove (from the previously added) from this additional highlight for (let ent of g_AdditionalHighlight) if (highlighted.indexOf(ent) == -1 && entsAdd.indexOf(ent) == -1 && entsRemove.indexOf(ent) == -1) entsRemove.push(ent); _setHighlight(entsAdd, g_HighlightedAlpha, true); _setHighlight(entsRemove, 0, false); g_AdditionalHighlight = entsAdd; } Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.cpp (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.cpp (revision 24952) @@ -1,948 +1,954 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "NetClient.h" #include "NetClientTurnManager.h" #include "NetMessage.h" #include "NetSession.h" #include "lib/byte_order.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "lib/sysdep/sysdep.h" #include "lobby/IXmppClient.h" #include "ps/CConsole.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Compress.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/Threading.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "network/StunClient.h" CNetClient *g_NetClient = NULL; /** * Async task for receiving the initial game state when rejoining an * in-progress network game. */ class CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin : public CNetFileReceiveTask { NONCOPYABLE(CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin); public: CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin(CNetClient& client) : m_Client(client) { } virtual void OnComplete() { // We've received the game state from the server // Save it so we can use it after the map has finished loading m_Client.m_JoinSyncBuffer = m_Buffer; // Pretend the server told us to start the game CGameStartMessage start; m_Client.HandleMessage(&start); } private: CNetClient& m_Client; }; -CNetClient::CNetClient(CGame* game, bool isLocalClient) : +CNetClient::CNetClient(CGame* game) : m_Session(NULL), m_UserName(L"anonymous"), m_HostID((u32)-1), m_ClientTurnManager(NULL), m_Game(game), m_GameAttributes(game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface().GetGeneralJSContext()), - m_IsLocalClient(isLocalClient), m_LastConnectionCheck(0), m_ServerAddress(), m_ServerPort(0), m_Rejoin(false) { m_Game->SetTurnManager(NULL); // delete the old local turn manager so we don't accidentally use it void* context = this; JS_AddExtraGCRootsTracer(GetScriptInterface().GetGeneralJSContext(), CNetClient::Trace, this); // Set up transitions for session AddTransition(NCS_UNCONNECTED, (uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE, NCS_CONNECT, (void*)&OnConnect, context); AddTransition(NCS_CONNECT, (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE, NCS_HANDSHAKE, (void*)&OnHandshake, context); AddTransition(NCS_HANDSHAKE, (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE, NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (void*)&OnHandshakeResponse, context); AddTransition(NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE, NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (void*)&OnAuthenticateRequest, context); AddTransition(NCS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT, NCS_INITIAL_GAMESETUP, (void*)&OnAuthenticate, context); AddTransition(NCS_INITIAL_GAMESETUP, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_READY, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnReady, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_START, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnGameStart, context); AddTransition(NCS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnJoinSyncStart, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_GAME_START, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnGameStart, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnInGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnJoinSyncEndCommandBatch, context); AddTransition(NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnLoadedGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING, NCS_LOADING, (void*)&OnClientsLoading, context); AddTransition(NCS_LOADING, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnLoadedGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_REJOINED, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnRejoined, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnKicked, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientTimeout, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientPerformance, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientsLoading, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientPaused, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnChat, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnPlayerAssignment, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnInGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SYNC_ERROR, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnInGame, context); AddTransition(NCS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NCS_INGAME, (void*)&OnInGame, context); // Set first state SetFirstState(NCS_UNCONNECTED); } CNetClient::~CNetClient() { // Try to flush messages before dying (probably fails). if (m_ClientTurnManager) m_ClientTurnManager->OnDestroyConnection(); DestroyConnection(); JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(GetScriptInterface().GetGeneralJSContext(), CNetClient::Trace, this); } void CNetClient::TraceMember(JSTracer *trc) { for (JS::Heap& guiMessage : m_GuiMessageQueue) JS::TraceEdge(trc, &guiMessage, "m_GuiMessageQueue"); } void CNetClient::SetUserName(const CStrW& username) { ENSURE(!m_Session); // must be called before we start the connection m_UserName = username; } void CNetClient::SetHostingPlayerName(const CStr& hostingPlayerName) { m_HostingPlayerName = hostingPlayerName; } void CNetClient::SetGamePassword(const CStr& hashedPassword) { m_Password = hashedPassword; } +void CNetClient::SetControllerSecret(const std::string& secret) +{ + m_ControllerSecret = secret; +} + + bool CNetClient::SetupConnection(ENetHost* enetClient) { CNetClientSession* session = new CNetClientSession(*this); - bool ok = session->Connect(m_ServerAddress, m_ServerPort, m_IsLocalClient, enetClient); + bool ok = session->Connect(m_ServerAddress, m_ServerPort, enetClient); SetAndOwnSession(session); m_PollingThread = std::thread(Threading::HandleExceptions::Wrapper, m_Session); return ok; } void CNetClient::SetupServerData(CStr address, u16 port, bool stun) { ENSURE(!m_Session); m_ServerAddress = address; m_ServerPort = port; m_UseSTUN = stun; } void CNetClient::HandleGetServerDataFailed(const CStr& error) { if (m_Session) return; PushGuiMessage( "type", "serverdata", "status", "failed", "reason", error ); } bool CNetClient::TryToConnect(const CStr& hostJID) { if (m_Session) return false; if (m_ServerAddress.empty()) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_SERVER_REFUSED)); return false; } ENetHost* enetClient = nullptr; if (g_XmppClient && m_UseSTUN) { // Find an unused port for (int i = 0; i < 5 && !enetClient; ++i) { // Ports below 1024 are privileged on unix u16 port = 1024 + rand() % (UINT16_MAX - 1024); ENetAddress hostAddr{ ENET_HOST_ANY, port }; enetClient = enet_host_create(&hostAddr, 1, 1, 0, 0); ++hostAddr.port; } if (!enetClient) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_STUN_PORT_FAILED)); return false; } StunClient::StunEndpoint stunEndpoint; if (!StunClient::FindStunEndpointJoin(*enetClient, stunEndpoint)) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_STUN_ENDPOINT_FAILED)); return false; } g_XmppClient->SendStunEndpointToHost(stunEndpoint, hostJID); SDL_Delay(1000); StunClient::SendHolePunchingMessages(*enetClient, m_ServerAddress, m_ServerPort); } if (!g_NetClient->SetupConnection(enetClient)) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_UNKNOWN)); return false; } return true; } void CNetClient::SetAndOwnSession(CNetClientSession* session) { delete m_Session; m_Session = session; } void CNetClient::DestroyConnection() { if (m_Session) m_Session->Shutdown(); if (m_PollingThread.joinable()) // Use detach() over join() because we don't want to wait for the session // (which may be polling or trying to send messages). m_PollingThread.detach(); // The polling thread will cleanup the session on its own, // mark it as nullptr here so we know we're done using it. m_Session = nullptr; } void CNetClient::Poll() { if (!m_Session) return; PROFILE3("NetClient::poll"); CheckServerConnection(); m_Session->ProcessPolledMessages(); } void CNetClient::CheckServerConnection() { // Trigger local warnings if the connection to the server is bad. // At most once per second. std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr); if (now <= m_LastConnectionCheck) return; m_LastConnectionCheck = now; // Report if we are losing the connection to the server u32 lastReceived = m_Session->GetLastReceivedTime(); if (lastReceived > NETWORK_WARNING_TIMEOUT) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "server-timeout", "lastReceivedTime", lastReceived); return; } // Report if we have a bad ping to the server u32 meanRTT = m_Session->GetMeanRTT(); if (meanRTT > DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH_MP) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "server-latency", "meanRTT", meanRTT); } } void CNetClient::GuiPoll(JS::MutableHandleValue ret) { if (m_GuiMessageQueue.empty()) { ret.setUndefined(); return; } ret.set(m_GuiMessageQueue.front()); m_GuiMessageQueue.pop_front(); } std::string CNetClient::TestReadGuiMessages() { ScriptRequest rq(GetScriptInterface()); std::string r; JS::RootedValue msg(; while (true) { GuiPoll(&msg); if (msg.isUndefined()) break; r += GetScriptInterface().ToString(&msg) + "\n"; } return r; } const ScriptInterface& CNetClient::GetScriptInterface() { return m_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); } void CNetClient::PostPlayerAssignmentsToScript() { ScriptRequest rq(GetScriptInterface()); JS::RootedValue newAssignments(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &newAssignments); for (const std::pair& p : m_PlayerAssignments) { JS::RootedValue assignment(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &assignment, "name", p.second.m_Name, "player", p.second.m_PlayerID, "status", p.second.m_Status); GetScriptInterface().SetProperty(newAssignments, p.first.c_str(), assignment); } PushGuiMessage( "type", "players", "newAssignments", newAssignments); } bool CNetClient::SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message) { if (!m_Session) return false; return m_Session->SendMessage(message); } void CNetClient::HandleConnect() { Update((uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE, NULL); } void CNetClient::HandleDisconnect(u32 reason) { PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", reason); DestroyConnection(); // Update the state immediately to UNCONNECTED (don't bother with FSM transitions since // we'd need one for every single state, and we don't need to use per-state actions) SetCurrState(NCS_UNCONNECTED); } void CNetClient::SendGameSetupMessage(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs, const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { CGameSetupMessage gameSetup(scriptInterface); gameSetup.m_Data = attrs; SendMessage(&gameSetup); } void CNetClient::SendAssignPlayerMessage(const int playerID, const CStr& guid) { CAssignPlayerMessage assignPlayer; assignPlayer.m_PlayerID = playerID; assignPlayer.m_GUID = guid; SendMessage(&assignPlayer); } void CNetClient::SendChatMessage(const std::wstring& text) { CChatMessage chat; chat.m_Message = text; SendMessage(&chat); } void CNetClient::SendReadyMessage(const int status) { CReadyMessage readyStatus; readyStatus.m_Status = status; SendMessage(&readyStatus); } void CNetClient::SendClearAllReadyMessage() { CClearAllReadyMessage clearAllReady; SendMessage(&clearAllReady); } void CNetClient::SendStartGameMessage() { CGameStartMessage gameStart; SendMessage(&gameStart); } void CNetClient::SendRejoinedMessage() { CRejoinedMessage rejoinedMessage; SendMessage(&rejoinedMessage); } void CNetClient::SendKickPlayerMessage(const CStrW& playerName, bool ban) { CKickedMessage kickPlayer; kickPlayer.m_Name = playerName; kickPlayer.m_Ban = ban; SendMessage(&kickPlayer); } void CNetClient::SendPausedMessage(bool pause) { CClientPausedMessage pausedMessage; pausedMessage.m_Pause = pause; SendMessage(&pausedMessage); } bool CNetClient::HandleMessage(CNetMessage* message) { // Handle non-FSM messages first Status status = m_Session->GetFileTransferer().HandleMessageReceive(*message); if (status == INFO::OK) return true; if (status != INFO::SKIPPED) return false; if (message->GetType() == NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST) { CFileTransferRequestMessage* reqMessage = static_cast(message); // TODO: we should support different transfer request types, instead of assuming // it's always requesting the simulation state std::stringstream stream; LOGMESSAGERENDER("Serializing game at turn %u for rejoining player", m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn()); u32 turn = to_le32(m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn()); stream.write((char*)&turn, sizeof(turn)); bool ok = m_Game->GetSimulation2()->SerializeState(stream); ENSURE(ok); // Compress the content with zlib to save bandwidth // (TODO: if this is still too large, compressing with e.g. LZMA works much better) std::string compressed; CompressZLib(stream.str(), compressed, true); m_Session->GetFileTransferer().StartResponse(reqMessage->m_RequestID, compressed); return true; } // Update FSM bool ok = Update(message->GetType(), message); if (!ok) LOGERROR("Net client: Error running FSM update (type=%d state=%d)", (int)message->GetType(), (int)GetCurrState()); return ok; } void CNetClient::LoadFinished() { if (!m_JoinSyncBuffer.empty()) { // We're rejoining a game, and just finished loading the initial map, // so deserialize the saved game state now std::string state; DecompressZLib(m_JoinSyncBuffer, state, true); std::stringstream stream(state); u32 turn;*)&turn, sizeof(turn)); turn = to_le32(turn); LOGMESSAGE("Rejoining client deserializing state at turn %u\n", turn); bool ok = m_Game->GetSimulation2()->DeserializeState(stream); ENSURE(ok); m_ClientTurnManager->ResetState(turn, turn); PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "join_syncing"); } else { // Connecting at the start of a game, so we'll wait for other players to finish loading PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "waiting_for_players"); } CLoadedGameMessage loaded; loaded.m_CurrentTurn = m_ClientTurnManager->GetCurrentTurn(); SendMessage(&loaded); } void CNetClient::SendAuthenticateMessage() { CAuthenticateMessage authenticate; authenticate.m_Name = m_UserName; authenticate.m_Password = m_Password; - authenticate.m_IsLocalClient = m_IsLocalClient; + authenticate.m_ControllerSecret = m_ControllerSecret; SendMessage(&authenticate); } bool CNetClient::OnConnect(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "connected"); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnHandshake(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CCliHandshakeMessage handshake; handshake.m_MagicResponse = PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC_RESPONSE; handshake.m_ProtocolVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; handshake.m_SoftwareVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; client->SendMessage(&handshake); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnHandshakeResponse(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->m_GUID = message->m_GUID; if (message->m_Flags & PS_NETWORK_FLAG_REQUIRE_LOBBYAUTH) { if (g_XmppClient && !client->m_HostingPlayerName.empty()) g_XmppClient->SendIqLobbyAuth(client->m_HostingPlayerName, client->m_GUID); else { client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "disconnected", "reason", static_cast(NDR_LOBBY_AUTH_FAILED)); LOGMESSAGE("Net client: Couldn't send lobby auth xmpp message"); } return true; } client->SendAuthenticateMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnAuthenticateRequest(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); client->SendAuthenticateMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnAuthenticate(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CAuthenticateResultMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); LOGMESSAGE("Net: Authentication result: host=%u, %s", message->m_HostID, utf8_from_wstring(message->m_Message)); client->m_HostID = message->m_HostID; client->m_Rejoin = message->m_Code == ARC_OK_REJOINING; + client->m_IsController = message->m_IsController; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "authenticated", "rejoining", client->m_Rejoin); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnChat(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CHAT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CChatMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "chat", "guid", message->m_GUID, "text", message->m_Message); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnReady(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_READY); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CReadyMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "ready", "guid", message->m_GUID, "status", message->m_Status); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnGameSetup(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CGameSetupMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->m_GameAttributes = message->m_Data; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "gamesetup", "data", message->m_Data); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnPlayerAssignment(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CPlayerAssignmentMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); // Unpack the message PlayerAssignmentMap newPlayerAssignments; for (size_t i = 0; i < message->m_Hosts.size(); ++i) { PlayerAssignment assignment; assignment.m_Enabled = true; assignment.m_Name = message->m_Hosts[i].m_Name; assignment.m_PlayerID = message->m_Hosts[i].m_PlayerID; assignment.m_Status = message->m_Hosts[i].m_Status; newPlayerAssignments[message->m_Hosts[i].m_GUID] = assignment; } client->m_PlayerAssignments.swap(newPlayerAssignments); client->PostPlayerAssignmentsToScript(); return true; } // This is called either when the host clicks the StartGame button or // if this client rejoins and finishes the download of the simstate. bool CNetClient::OnGameStart(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_START); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); // Find the player assigned to our GUID int player = -1; if (client->m_PlayerAssignments.find(client->m_GUID) != client->m_PlayerAssignments.end()) player = client->m_PlayerAssignments[client->m_GUID].m_PlayerID; client->m_ClientTurnManager = new CNetClientTurnManager( *client->m_Game->GetSimulation2(), *client, client->m_HostID, client->m_Game->GetReplayLogger()); client->m_Game->SetPlayerID(player); client->m_Game->StartGame(&client->m_GameAttributes, ""); client->PushGuiMessage("type", "start"); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnJoinSyncStart(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); // The server wants us to start downloading the game state from it, so do so client->m_Session->GetFileTransferer().StartTask( shared_ptr(new CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin(*client)) ); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnJoinSyncEndCommandBatch(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CEndCommandBatchMessage* endMessage = (CEndCommandBatchMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); client->m_ClientTurnManager->FinishedAllCommands(endMessage->m_Turn, endMessage->m_TurnLength); // Execute all the received commands for the latest turn client->m_ClientTurnManager->UpdateFastForward(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnRejoined(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_REJOINED); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CRejoinedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "rejoined", "guid", message->m_GUID); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnKicked(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_KICKED); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CKickedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "username", message->m_Name, "type", "kicked", "banned", message->m_Ban != 0); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientTimeout(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { // Report the timeout of some other client ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientTimeoutMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "client-timeout", "guid", message->m_GUID, "lastReceivedTime", message->m_LastReceivedTime); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientPerformance(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { // Performance statistics for one or multiple clients ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientPerformanceMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); // Display warnings for other clients with bad ping for (size_t i = 0; i < message->m_Clients.size(); ++i) { if (message->m_Clients[i].m_MeanRTT < DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH_MP || message->m_Clients[i].m_GUID == client->m_GUID) continue; client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netwarn", "warntype", "client-latency", "guid", message->m_Clients[i].m_GUID, "meanRTT", message->m_Clients[i].m_MeanRTT); } return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientsLoading(void *context, CFsmEvent *event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientsLoadingMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); std::vector guids; guids.reserve(message->m_Clients.size()); for (const CClientsLoadingMessage::S_m_Clients& mClient : message->m_Clients) guids.push_back(mClient.m_GUID); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "clients-loading", "guids", guids); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnClientPaused(void *context, CFsmEvent *event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CClientPausedMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "paused", "pause", message->m_Pause != 0, "guid", message->m_GUID); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnLoadedGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME); CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); // All players have loaded the game - start running the turn manager // so that the game begins client->m_Game->SetTurnManager(client->m_ClientTurnManager); client->PushGuiMessage( "type", "netstatus", "status", "active"); // If we have rejoined an in progress game, send the rejoined message to the server. if (client->m_Rejoin) client->SendRejoinedMessage(); return true; } bool CNetClient::OnInGame(void *context, CFsmEvent* event) { // TODO: should split each of these cases into a separate method CNetClient* client = static_cast(context); CNetMessage* message = static_cast(event->GetParamRef()); if (message) { if (message->GetType() == NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND) { CSimulationMessage* simMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->OnSimulationMessage(simMessage); } else if (message->GetType() == NMT_SYNC_ERROR) { CSyncErrorMessage* syncMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->OnSyncError(syncMessage->m_Turn, syncMessage->m_HashExpected, syncMessage->m_PlayerNames); } else if (message->GetType() == NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH) { CEndCommandBatchMessage* endMessage = static_cast (message); client->m_ClientTurnManager->FinishedAllCommands(endMessage->m_Turn, endMessage->m_TurnLength); } } return true; } Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.h =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.h (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetClient.h (revision 24952) @@ -1,345 +1,352 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #ifndef NETCLIENT_H #define NETCLIENT_H #include "network/fsm.h" #include "network/NetFileTransfer.h" #include "network/NetHost.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include #include #include #include class CGame; class CNetClientSession; class CNetClientTurnManager; class CNetServer; class ScriptInterface; typedef struct _ENetHost ENetHost; // NetClient session FSM states enum { NCS_UNCONNECTED, NCS_CONNECT, NCS_HANDSHAKE, NCS_AUTHENTICATE, NCS_INITIAL_GAMESETUP, NCS_PREGAME, NCS_LOADING, NCS_JOIN_SYNCING, NCS_INGAME }; /** * Network client. * This code is run by every player (including the host, if they are not * a dedicated server). * It provides an interface between the GUI, the network (via CNetClientSession), * and the game (via CGame and CNetClientTurnManager). */ class CNetClient : public CFsm { NONCOPYABLE(CNetClient); friend class CNetFileReceiveTask_ClientRejoin; public: /** * Construct a client associated with the given game object. * The game must exist for the lifetime of this object. */ - CNetClient(CGame* game, bool isLocalClient); + CNetClient(CGame* game); virtual ~CNetClient(); /** * We assume that adding a tracing function that's only called * during GC is better for performance than using a * PersistentRooted where each value needs to be added to * the root set. */ static void Trace(JSTracer *trc, void *data) { reinterpret_cast(data)->TraceMember(trc); } void TraceMember(JSTracer *trc); /** * Set the user's name that will be displayed to all players. * This must not be called after the connection setup. */ void SetUserName(const CStrW& username); /** * Set the name of the hosting player. * This is needed for the secure lobby authentication. */ void SetHostingPlayerName(const CStr& hostingPlayerName); + void SetControllerSecret(const std::string& secret); + + bool IsController() const { return m_IsController; } + /** * Set the game password. */ void SetGamePassword(const CStr& hashedPassword); /** * Returns the GUID of the local client. * Used for distinguishing observers. */ CStr GetGUID() const { return m_GUID; } /** * Set connection data to the remote networked server. * @param address IP address or host name to connect to */ void SetupServerData(CStr address, u16 port, bool stun); /** * Set up a connection to the remote networked server. * Must call SetupServerData first. * @return true on success, false on connection failure */ bool SetupConnection(ENetHost* enetClient); /** * Connect to the remote networked server using lobby. * Push netstatus messages on failure. * @return true on success, false on connection failure */ bool TryToConnect(const CStr& hostJID); /** * Destroy the connection to the server. * This client probably cannot be used again. */ void DestroyConnection(); /** * Poll the connection for messages from the server and process them, and send * any queued messages. * This must be called frequently (i.e. once per frame). */ void Poll(); /** * Locally triggers a GUI message if the connection to the server is being lost or has bad latency. */ void CheckServerConnection(); /** * Retrieves the next queued GUI message, and removes it from the queue. * The returned value is in the GetScriptInterface() JS context. * * This is the only mechanism for the networking code to send messages to * the GUI - it is pull-based (instead of push) so the engine code does not * need to know anything about the code structure of the GUI scripts. * * The structure of the messages is { "type": "...", ... }. * The exact types and associated data are not specified anywhere - the * implementation and GUI scripts must make the same assumptions. * * @return next message, or the value 'undefined' if the queue is empty */ void GuiPoll(JS::MutableHandleValue); /** * Add a message to the queue, to be read by GuiPoll. * The script value must be in the GetScriptInterface() JS context. */ template void PushGuiMessage(Args const&... args) { ScriptRequest rq(GetScriptInterface()); JS::RootedValue message(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &message, args...); m_GuiMessageQueue.push_back(JS::Heap(message)); } /** * Return a concatenation of all messages in the GUI queue, * for test cases to easily verify the queue contents. */ std::string TestReadGuiMessages(); /** * Get the script interface associated with this network client, * which is equivalent to the one used by the CGame in the constructor. */ const ScriptInterface& GetScriptInterface(); /** * Send a message to the server. * @param message message to send * @return true on success */ bool SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message); /** * Call when the network connection has been successfully initiated. */ void HandleConnect(); /** * Call when the network connection has been lost. */ void HandleDisconnect(u32 reason); /** * Call when a message has been received from the network. */ bool HandleMessage(CNetMessage* message); /** * Call when the game has started and all data files have been loaded, * to signal to the server that we are ready to begin the game. */ void LoadFinished(); void SendGameSetupMessage(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs, const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface); void SendAssignPlayerMessage(const int playerID, const CStr& guid); void SendChatMessage(const std::wstring& text); void SendReadyMessage(const int status); void SendClearAllReadyMessage(); void SendStartGameMessage(); /** * Call when the client has rejoined a running match and finished * the loading screen. */ void SendRejoinedMessage(); /** * Call to kick/ban a client */ void SendKickPlayerMessage(const CStrW& playerName, bool ban); /** * Call when the client has paused or unpaused the game. */ void SendPausedMessage(bool pause); /** * @return Whether the NetClient is shutting down. */ bool ShouldShutdown() const; /** * Called when fetching connection data from the host failed, to inform JS code. */ void HandleGetServerDataFailed(const CStr& error); private: void SendAuthenticateMessage(); // Net message / FSM transition handlers static bool OnConnect(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnHandshake(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnHandshakeResponse(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnAuthenticateRequest(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnAuthenticate(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnChat(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnReady(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnGameSetup(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnPlayerAssignment(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnInGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnGameStart(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnJoinSyncStart(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnJoinSyncEndCommandBatch(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnRejoined(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnKicked(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnClientTimeout(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnClientPerformance(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnClientsLoading(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnClientPaused(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnLoadedGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); /** * Take ownership of a session object, and use it for all network communication. */ void SetAndOwnSession(CNetClientSession* session); /** * Push a message onto the GUI queue listing the current player assignments. */ void PostPlayerAssignmentsToScript(); CGame *m_Game; CStrW m_UserName; CStr m_HostingPlayerName; CStr m_ServerAddress; u16 m_ServerPort; bool m_UseSTUN; /** * Password to join the game. */ CStr m_Password; + /// The 'secret' used to identify the controller of the game. + std::string m_ControllerSecret; + + /// Note that this is just a "gui hint" with no actual impact on being controller. + bool m_IsController = false; + /// Current network session (or NULL if not connected) CNetClientSession* m_Session; std::thread m_PollingThread; /// Turn manager associated with the current game (or NULL if we haven't started the game yet) CNetClientTurnManager* m_ClientTurnManager; /// Unique-per-game identifier of this client, used to identify the sender of simulation commands u32 m_HostID; /// True if the player is currently rejoining or has already rejoined the game. bool m_Rejoin; - /// Whether to prevent the client of the host from timing out - bool m_IsLocalClient; - /// Latest copy of game setup attributes heard from the server JS::PersistentRootedValue m_GameAttributes; /// Latest copy of player assignments heard from the server PlayerAssignmentMap m_PlayerAssignments; /// Globally unique identifier to distinguish users beyond the lifetime of a single network session CStr m_GUID; /// Queue of messages for GuiPoll std::deque> m_GuiMessageQueue; /// Serialized game state received when joining an in-progress game std::string m_JoinSyncBuffer; /// Time when the server was last checked for timeouts and bad latency std::time_t m_LastConnectionCheck; }; /// Global network client for the standard game extern CNetClient *g_NetClient; #endif // NETCLIENT_H Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetMessages.h =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetMessages.h (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetMessages.h (revision 24952) @@ -1,253 +1,254 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ /** * @file * The list of messages used by the network subsystem. */ #ifndef NETMESSAGES_H #define NETMESSAGES_H #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptTypes.h" #define PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC 0x5073013f // 'P', 's', 0x01, '?' #define PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC_RESPONSE 0x50630121 // 'P', 'c', 0x01, '!' -#define PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x01010016 // Arbitrary protocol +#define PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x01010017 // Arbitrary protocol #define PS_DEFAULT_PORT 0x5073 // 'P', 's' // Set when lobby authentication is required. Used in the SrvHandshakeResponseMessage. #define PS_NETWORK_FLAG_REQUIRE_LOBBYAUTH 0x1 // Defines the list of message types. The order of the list must not change. // The message types having a negative value are used internally and not sent // over the network. The message types used for network communication have // positive values. enum NetMessageType { NMT_CONNECT_COMPLETE = -256, NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NMT_INVALID = 0, NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE, NMT_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE, NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE, NMT_AUTHENTICATE, NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT, NMT_CHAT, NMT_READY, NMT_CLEAR_ALL_READY, NMT_GAME_SETUP, NMT_ASSIGN_PLAYER, NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_RESPONSE, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_DATA, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_ACK, NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START, NMT_REJOINED, NMT_KICKED, NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE, NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING, NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED, NMT_LOADED_GAME, NMT_GAME_START, NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NMT_SYNC_CHECK, // OOS-detection hash checking NMT_SYNC_ERROR, // OOS-detection error NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND }; // Authentication result codes enum AuthenticateResultCode { ARC_OK, ARC_OK_REJOINING, ARC_PASSWORD_INVALID, }; #endif // NETMESSAGES_H #ifdef CREATING_NMT #define ALLNETMSGS_DONT_CREATE_NMTS #define START_NMT_CLASS_(_nm, _message) START_NMT_CLASS(C##_nm##Message, _message) #define DERIVE_NMT_CLASS_(_base, _nm, _message) START_NMT_CLASS_DERIVED(C ## _base ## Message, C ## _nm ## Message, _message) START_NMTS() START_NMT_CLASS_(SrvHandshake, NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Magic, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_ProtocolVersion, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_SoftwareVersion, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(CliHandshake, NMT_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_MagicResponse, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_ProtocolVersion, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_SoftwareVersion, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(SrvHandshakeResponse, NMT_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_UseProtocolVersion, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Flags, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(Authenticate, NMT_AUTHENTICATE) NMT_FIELD(CStrW, m_Name) NMT_FIELD_SECRET(CStr, m_Password) - NMT_FIELD_INT(m_IsLocalClient, u8, 1) + NMT_FIELD_SECRET(CStr, m_ControllerSecret) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(AuthenticateResult, NMT_AUTHENTICATE_RESULT) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Code, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_HostID, u32, 2) + NMT_FIELD_INT(m_IsController, u8, 1) NMT_FIELD(CStrW, m_Message) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(Chat, NMT_CHAT) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) // ignored when client->server, valid when server->client NMT_FIELD(CStrW, m_Message) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(Ready, NMT_READY) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Status, u8, 1) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ClearAllReady, NMT_CLEAR_ALL_READY) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(PlayerAssignment, NMT_PLAYER_ASSIGNMENT) NMT_START_ARRAY(m_Hosts) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) NMT_FIELD(CStrW, m_Name) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_PlayerID, i8, 1) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Status, u8, 1) NMT_END_ARRAY() END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(FileTransferRequest, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_RequestID, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(FileTransferResponse, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_RESPONSE) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_RequestID, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Length, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(FileTransferData, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_DATA) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_RequestID, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_Data) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(FileTransferAck, NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_ACK) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_RequestID, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_NumPackets, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(JoinSyncStart, NMT_JOIN_SYNC_START) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(Rejoined, NMT_REJOINED) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(Kicked, NMT_KICKED) NMT_FIELD(CStrW, m_Name) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Ban, u8, 1) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ClientTimeout, NMT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_LastReceivedTime, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ClientPerformance, NMT_CLIENT_PERFORMANCE) NMT_START_ARRAY(m_Clients) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_MeanRTT, u32, 4) NMT_END_ARRAY() END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ClientsLoading, NMT_CLIENTS_LOADING) NMT_START_ARRAY(m_Clients) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) NMT_END_ARRAY() END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(ClientPaused, NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Pause, u8, 1) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(LoadedGame, NMT_LOADED_GAME) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_CurrentTurn, u32, 4) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(GameStart, NMT_GAME_START) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(EndCommandBatch, NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Turn, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_TurnLength, u32, 2) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(SyncCheck, NMT_SYNC_CHECK) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Turn, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_Hash) END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(SyncError, NMT_SYNC_ERROR) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_Turn, u32, 4) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_HashExpected) NMT_START_ARRAY(m_PlayerNames) NMT_FIELD(CStrW, m_Name) NMT_END_ARRAY() END_NMT_CLASS() START_NMT_CLASS_(AssignPlayer, NMT_ASSIGN_PLAYER) NMT_FIELD_INT(m_PlayerID, i8, 1) NMT_FIELD(CStr, m_GUID) END_NMT_CLASS() END_NMTS() #else #ifndef ALLNETMSGS_DONT_CREATE_NMTS # ifdef ALLNETMSGS_IMPLEMENT # define NMT_CREATOR_IMPLEMENT # endif # define NMT_CREATE_HEADER_NAME "NetMessages.h" # include "NMTCreator.h" #endif // #ifndef ALLNETMSGS_DONT_CREATE_NMTS #endif // #ifdef CREATING_NMT Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetServer.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetServer.cpp (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetServer.cpp (revision 24952) @@ -1,1693 +1,1714 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "NetServer.h" #include "NetClient.h" #include "NetMessage.h" #include "NetSession.h" #include "NetServerTurnManager.h" #include "NetStats.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "lib/types.h" #include "network/StunClient.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/ConfigDB.h" #include "ps/GUID.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/Threading.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptContext.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "simulation2/system/TurnManager.h" #if CONFIG2_MINIUPNPC #include #include #include #include #endif #include /** * Number of peers to allocate for the enet host. * Limited by ENET_PROTOCOL_MAXIMUM_PEER_ID (4096). * * At most 8 players, 32 observers and 1 temporary connection to send the "server full" disconnect-reason. */ #define MAX_CLIENTS 41 #define DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME L"Unnamed Server" constexpr int CHANNEL_COUNT = 1; constexpr int FAILED_PASSWORD_TRIES_BEFORE_BAN = 3; /** * enet_host_service timeout (msecs). * Smaller numbers may hurt performance; larger numbers will * hurt latency responding to messages from game thread. */ static const int HOST_SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 50; CNetServer* g_NetServer = NULL; static CStr DebugName(CNetServerSession* session) { if (session == NULL) return "[unknown host]"; if (session->GetGUID().empty()) return "[unauthed host]"; return "[" + session->GetGUID().substr(0, 8) + "...]"; } /** * Async task for receiving the initial game state to be forwarded to another * client that is rejoining an in-progress network game. */ class CNetFileReceiveTask_ServerRejoin : public CNetFileReceiveTask { NONCOPYABLE(CNetFileReceiveTask_ServerRejoin); public: CNetFileReceiveTask_ServerRejoin(CNetServerWorker& server, u32 hostID) : m_Server(server), m_RejoinerHostID(hostID) { } virtual void OnComplete() { // We've received the game state from an existing player - now // we need to send it onwards to the newly rejoining player // Find the session corresponding to the rejoining host (if any) CNetServerSession* session = NULL; for (CNetServerSession* serverSession : m_Server.m_Sessions) { if (serverSession->GetHostID() == m_RejoinerHostID) { session = serverSession; break; } } if (!session) { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: rejoining client disconnected before we sent to it"); return; } // Store the received state file, and tell the client to start downloading it from us // TODO: this will get kind of confused if there's multiple clients downloading in parallel; // they'll race and get whichever happens to be the latest received by the server, // which should still work but isn't great m_Server.m_JoinSyncFile = m_Buffer; CJoinSyncStartMessage message; session->SendMessage(&message); } private: CNetServerWorker& m_Server; u32 m_RejoinerHostID; }; /* * XXX: We use some non-threadsafe functions from the worker thread. * See */ CNetServerWorker::CNetServerWorker(bool useLobbyAuth, int autostartPlayers) : m_AutostartPlayers(autostartPlayers), m_LobbyAuth(useLobbyAuth), m_Shutdown(false), m_ScriptInterface(NULL), - m_NextHostID(1), m_Host(NULL), m_HostGUID(), m_Stats(NULL), + m_NextHostID(1), m_Host(NULL), m_ControllerGUID(), m_Stats(NULL), m_LastConnectionCheck(0) { m_State = SERVER_STATE_UNCONNECTED; m_ServerTurnManager = NULL; m_ServerName = DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME; } CNetServerWorker::~CNetServerWorker() { if (m_State != SERVER_STATE_UNCONNECTED) { // Tell the thread to shut down { std::lock_guard lock(m_WorkerMutex); m_Shutdown = true; } // Wait for it to shut down cleanly m_WorkerThread.join(); } #if CONFIG2_MINIUPNPC if (m_UPnPThread.joinable()) m_UPnPThread.detach(); #endif // Clean up resources delete m_Stats; for (CNetServerSession* session : m_Sessions) { session->DisconnectNow(NDR_SERVER_SHUTDOWN); delete session; } if (m_Host) enet_host_destroy(m_Host); delete m_ServerTurnManager; } void CNetServerWorker::SetPassword(const CStr& hashedPassword) { m_Password = hashedPassword; } + +void CNetServerWorker::SetControllerSecret(const std::string& secret) +{ + m_ControllerSecret = secret; +} + + bool CNetServerWorker::SetupConnection(const u16 port) { ENSURE(m_State == SERVER_STATE_UNCONNECTED); ENSURE(!m_Host); // Bind to default host ENetAddress addr; = ENET_HOST_ANY; addr.port = port; // Create ENet server m_Host = enet_host_create(&addr, MAX_CLIENTS, CHANNEL_COUNT, 0, 0); if (!m_Host) { LOGERROR("Net server: enet_host_create failed"); return false; } m_Stats = new CNetStatsTable(); if (CProfileViewer::IsInitialised()) g_ProfileViewer.AddRootTable(m_Stats); m_State = SERVER_STATE_PREGAME; // Launch the worker thread m_WorkerThread = std::thread(Threading::HandleExceptions::Wrapper, this); #if CONFIG2_MINIUPNPC // Launch the UPnP thread m_UPnPThread = std::thread(Threading::HandleExceptions::Wrapper); #endif return true; } #if CONFIG2_MINIUPNPC void CNetServerWorker::SetupUPnP() { debug_SetThreadName("UPnP"); // Values we want to set. char psPort[6]; sprintf_s(psPort, ARRAY_SIZE(psPort), "%d", PS_DEFAULT_PORT); const char* leaseDuration = "0"; // Indefinite/permanent lease duration. const char* description = "0AD Multiplayer"; const char* protocall = "UDP"; char internalIPAddress[64]; char externalIPAddress[40]; // Variables to hold the values that actually get set. char intClient[40]; char intPort[6]; char duration[16]; // Intermediate variables. bool allocatedUrls = false; struct UPNPUrls urls; struct IGDdatas data; struct UPNPDev* devlist = NULL; // Make sure everything is properly freed. std::function freeUPnP = [&allocatedUrls, &urls, &devlist]() { if (allocatedUrls) FreeUPNPUrls(&urls); freeUPNPDevlist(devlist); // IGDdatas does not need to be freed according to UPNP_GetIGDFromUrl }; // Cached root descriptor URL. std::string rootDescURL; CFG_GET_VAL("network.upnprootdescurl", rootDescURL); if (!rootDescURL.empty()) LOGMESSAGE("Net server: attempting to use cached root descriptor URL: %s", rootDescURL.c_str()); int ret = 0; // Try a cached URL first if (!rootDescURL.empty() && UPNP_GetIGDFromUrl(rootDescURL.c_str(), &urls, &data, internalIPAddress, sizeof(internalIPAddress))) { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: using cached IGD = %s", urls.controlURL); ret = 1; } // No cached URL, or it did not respond. Try getting a valid UPnP device for 10 seconds. #if defined(MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION) && MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION >= 14 else if ((devlist = upnpDiscover(10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0)) != NULL) #else else if ((devlist = upnpDiscover(10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) != NULL) #endif { ret = UPNP_GetValidIGD(devlist, &urls, &data, internalIPAddress, sizeof(internalIPAddress)); allocatedUrls = ret != 0; // urls is allocated on non-zero return values } else { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: upnpDiscover failed and no working cached URL."); freeUPnP(); return; } switch (ret) { case 0: LOGMESSAGE("Net server: No IGD found"); break; case 1: LOGMESSAGE("Net server: found valid IGD = %s", urls.controlURL); break; case 2: LOGMESSAGE("Net server: found a valid, not connected IGD = %s, will try to continue anyway", urls.controlURL); break; case 3: LOGMESSAGE("Net server: found a UPnP device unrecognized as IGD = %s, will try to continue anyway", urls.controlURL); break; default: debug_warn(L"Unrecognized return value from UPNP_GetValidIGD"); } // Try getting our external/internet facing IP. TODO: Display this on the game-setup page for conviniance. ret = UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress(urls.controlURL, data.first.servicetype, externalIPAddress); if (ret != UPNPCOMMAND_SUCCESS) { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: GetExternalIPAddress failed with code %d (%s)", ret, strupnperror(ret)); freeUPnP(); return; } LOGMESSAGE("Net server: ExternalIPAddress = %s", externalIPAddress); // Try to setup port forwarding. ret = UPNP_AddPortMapping(urls.controlURL, data.first.servicetype, psPort, psPort, internalIPAddress, description, protocall, 0, leaseDuration); if (ret != UPNPCOMMAND_SUCCESS) { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: AddPortMapping(%s, %s, %s) failed with code %d (%s)", psPort, psPort, internalIPAddress, ret, strupnperror(ret)); freeUPnP(); return; } // Check that the port was actually forwarded. ret = UPNP_GetSpecificPortMappingEntry(urls.controlURL, data.first.servicetype, psPort, protocall, #if defined(MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION) && MINIUPNPC_API_VERSION >= 10 NULL/*remoteHost*/, #endif intClient, intPort, NULL/*desc*/, NULL/*enabled*/, duration); if (ret != UPNPCOMMAND_SUCCESS) { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: GetSpecificPortMappingEntry() failed with code %d (%s)", ret, strupnperror(ret)); freeUPnP(); return; } LOGMESSAGE("Net server: External %s:%s %s is redirected to internal %s:%s (duration=%s)", externalIPAddress, psPort, protocall, intClient, intPort, duration); // Cache root descriptor URL to try to avoid discovery next time. g_ConfigDB.SetValueString(CFG_USER, "network.upnprootdescurl", urls.controlURL); g_ConfigDB.WriteValueToFile(CFG_USER, "network.upnprootdescurl", urls.controlURL); LOGMESSAGE("Net server: cached UPnP root descriptor URL as %s", urls.controlURL); freeUPnP(); } #endif // CONFIG2_MINIUPNPC bool CNetServerWorker::SendMessage(ENetPeer* peer, const CNetMessage* message) { ENSURE(m_Host); CNetServerSession* session = static_cast(peer->data); return CNetHost::SendMessage(message, peer, DebugName(session).c_str()); } bool CNetServerWorker::Broadcast(const CNetMessage* message, const std::vector& targetStates) { ENSURE(m_Host); bool ok = true; // TODO: this does lots of repeated message serialisation if we have lots // of remote peers; could do it more efficiently if that's a real problem for (CNetServerSession* session : m_Sessions) if (std::find(targetStates.begin(), targetStates.end(), static_cast(session->GetCurrState())) != targetStates.end() && !session->SendMessage(message)) ok = false; return ok; } void CNetServerWorker::RunThread(CNetServerWorker* data) { debug_SetThreadName("NetServer"); data->Run(); } void CNetServerWorker::Run() { // The script context uses the profiler and therefore the thread must be registered before the context is created g_Profiler2.RegisterCurrentThread("Net server"); // We create a new ScriptContext for this network thread, with a single ScriptInterface. shared_ptr netServerContext = ScriptContext::CreateContext(); m_ScriptInterface = new ScriptInterface("Engine", "Net server", netServerContext); m_GameAttributes.init(m_ScriptInterface->GetGeneralJSContext(), JS::UndefinedValue()); while (true) { if (!RunStep()) break; // Implement autostart mode if (m_State == SERVER_STATE_PREGAME && (int)m_PlayerAssignments.size() == m_AutostartPlayers) StartGame(); // Update profiler stats m_Stats->LatchHostState(m_Host); } // Clear roots before deleting their context m_SavedCommands.clear(); SAFE_DELETE(m_ScriptInterface); } bool CNetServerWorker::RunStep() { // Check for messages from the game thread. // (Do as little work as possible while the mutex is held open, // to avoid performance problems and deadlocks.) m_ScriptInterface->GetContext()->MaybeIncrementalGC(0.5f); ScriptRequest rq(m_ScriptInterface); std::vector newStartGame; std::vector newGameAttributes; std::vector> newLobbyAuths; std::vector newTurnLength; { std::lock_guard lock(m_WorkerMutex); if (m_Shutdown) return false; newStartGame.swap(m_StartGameQueue); newGameAttributes.swap(m_GameAttributesQueue); newLobbyAuths.swap(m_LobbyAuthQueue); newTurnLength.swap(m_TurnLengthQueue); } if (!newGameAttributes.empty()) { JS::RootedValue gameAttributesVal(; GetScriptInterface().ParseJSON(newGameAttributes.back(), &gameAttributesVal); UpdateGameAttributes(&gameAttributesVal); } if (!newTurnLength.empty()) SetTurnLength(newTurnLength.back()); // Do StartGame last, so we have the most up-to-date game attributes when we start if (!newStartGame.empty()) StartGame(); while (!newLobbyAuths.empty()) { const std::pair& auth = newLobbyAuths.back(); ProcessLobbyAuth(auth.first, auth.second); newLobbyAuths.pop_back(); } // Perform file transfers for (CNetServerSession* session : m_Sessions) session->GetFileTransferer().Poll(); CheckClientConnections(); // Process network events: ENetEvent event; int status = enet_host_service(m_Host, &event, HOST_SERVICE_TIMEOUT); if (status < 0) { LOGERROR("CNetServerWorker: enet_host_service failed (%d)", status); // TODO: notify game that the server has shut down return false; } if (status == 0) { // Reached timeout with no events - try again return true; } // Process the event: switch (event.type) { case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT: { // Report the client address char hostname[256] = "(error)"; enet_address_get_host_ip(&event.peer->address, hostname, ARRAY_SIZE(hostname)); LOGMESSAGE("Net server: Received connection from %s:%u", hostname, (unsigned int)event.peer->address.port); // Set up a session object for this peer CNetServerSession* session = new CNetServerSession(*this, event.peer); m_Sessions.push_back(session); SetupSession(session); ENSURE(event.peer->data == NULL); event.peer->data = session; HandleConnect(session); break; } case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: { // If there is an active session with this peer, then reset and delete it CNetServerSession* session = static_cast(event.peer->data); if (session) { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: Disconnected %s", DebugName(session).c_str()); // Remove the session first, so we won't send player-update messages to it // when updating the FSM m_Sessions.erase(remove(m_Sessions.begin(), m_Sessions.end(), session), m_Sessions.end()); session->Update((uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NULL); delete session; event.peer->data = NULL; } if (m_State == SERVER_STATE_LOADING) CheckGameLoadStatus(NULL); break; } case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: { // If there is an active session with this peer, then process the message CNetServerSession* session = static_cast(event.peer->data); if (session) { // Create message from raw data CNetMessage* msg = CNetMessageFactory::CreateMessage(event.packet->data, event.packet->dataLength, GetScriptInterface()); if (msg) { LOGMESSAGE("Net server: Received message %s of size %lu from %s", msg->ToString().c_str(), (unsigned long)msg->GetSerializedLength(), DebugName(session).c_str()); HandleMessageReceive(msg, session); delete msg; } } // Done using the packet enet_packet_destroy(event.packet); break; } case ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE: break; } return true; } void CNetServerWorker::CheckClientConnections() { // Send messages at most once per second std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr); if (now <= m_LastConnectionCheck) return; m_LastConnectionCheck = now; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Sessions.size(); ++i) { u32 lastReceived = m_Sessions[i]->GetLastReceivedTime(); u32 meanRTT = m_Sessions[i]->GetMeanRTT(); CNetMessage* message = nullptr; // Report if we didn't hear from the client since few seconds if (lastReceived > NETWORK_WARNING_TIMEOUT) { CClientTimeoutMessage* msg = new CClientTimeoutMessage(); msg->m_GUID = m_Sessions[i]->GetGUID(); msg->m_LastReceivedTime = lastReceived; message = msg; } // Report if the client has bad ping else if (meanRTT > DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH_MP) { CClientPerformanceMessage* msg = new CClientPerformanceMessage(); CClientPerformanceMessage::S_m_Clients client; client.m_GUID = m_Sessions[i]->GetGUID(); client.m_MeanRTT = meanRTT; msg->m_Clients.push_back(client); message = msg; } // Send to all clients except the affected one // (since that will show the locally triggered warning instead). // Also send it to clients that finished the loading screen while // the game is still waiting for other clients to finish the loading screen. if (message) for (size_t j = 0; j < m_Sessions.size(); ++j) { if (i != j && ( (m_Sessions[j]->GetCurrState() == NSS_PREGAME && m_State == SERVER_STATE_PREGAME) || m_Sessions[j]->GetCurrState() == NSS_INGAME)) { m_Sessions[j]->SendMessage(message); } } SAFE_DELETE(message); } } void CNetServerWorker::HandleMessageReceive(const CNetMessage* message, CNetServerSession* session) { // Handle non-FSM messages first Status status = session->GetFileTransferer().HandleMessageReceive(*message); if (status != INFO::SKIPPED) return; if (message->GetType() == NMT_FILE_TRANSFER_REQUEST) { CFileTransferRequestMessage* reqMessage = (CFileTransferRequestMessage*)message; // Rejoining client got our JoinSyncStart after we received the state from // another client, and has now requested that we forward it to them ENSURE(!m_JoinSyncFile.empty()); session->GetFileTransferer().StartResponse(reqMessage->m_RequestID, m_JoinSyncFile); return; } // Update FSM if (!session->Update(message->GetType(), (void*)message)) LOGERROR("Net server: Error running FSM update (type=%d state=%d)", (int)message->GetType(), (int)session->GetCurrState()); } void CNetServerWorker::SetupSession(CNetServerSession* session) { void* context = session; // Set up transitions for session session->AddTransition(NSS_UNCONNECTED, (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NSS_UNCONNECTED); session->AddTransition(NSS_HANDSHAKE, (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NSS_UNCONNECTED); session->AddTransition(NSS_HANDSHAKE, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE, NSS_AUTHENTICATE, (void*)&OnClientHandshake, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_LOBBY_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NSS_UNCONNECTED); session->AddTransition(NSS_LOBBY_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnAuthenticate, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NSS_UNCONNECTED); session->AddTransition(NSS_AUTHENTICATE, (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnAuthenticate, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NSS_UNCONNECTED, (void*)&OnDisconnect, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnChat, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_READY, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnReady, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_CLEAR_ALL_READY, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnClearAllReady, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnGameSetup, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_ASSIGN_PLAYER, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnAssignPlayer, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnKickPlayer, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_GAME_START, NSS_PREGAME, (void*)&OnStartGame, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_PREGAME, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnLoadedGame, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NSS_JOIN_SYNCING, (void*)&OnKickPlayer, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NSS_UNCONNECTED, (void*)&OnDisconnect, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_JOIN_SYNCING, (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnJoinSyncingLoadedGame, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_REJOINED, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnRejoined, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_KICKED, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnKickPlayer, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnClientPaused, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NSS_UNCONNECTED, (void*)&OnDisconnect, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_CHAT, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnChat, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnSimulationCommand, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_SYNC_CHECK, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnSyncCheck, context); session->AddTransition(NSS_INGAME, (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH, NSS_INGAME, (void*)&OnEndCommandBatch, context); // Set first state session->SetFirstState(NSS_HANDSHAKE); } bool CNetServerWorker::HandleConnect(CNetServerSession* session) { if (std::find(m_BannedIPs.begin(), m_BannedIPs.end(), session->GetIPAddress()) != m_BannedIPs.end()) { session->Disconnect(NDR_BANNED); return false; } CSrvHandshakeMessage handshake; handshake.m_Magic = PS_PROTOCOL_MAGIC; handshake.m_ProtocolVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; handshake.m_SoftwareVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; return session->SendMessage(&handshake); } void CNetServerWorker::OnUserJoin(CNetServerSession* session) { AddPlayer(session->GetGUID(), session->GetUserName()); - if (m_HostGUID.empty() && session->IsLocalClient()) - m_HostGUID = session->GetGUID(); - CGameSetupMessage gameSetupMessage(GetScriptInterface()); gameSetupMessage.m_Data = m_GameAttributes; session->SendMessage(&gameSetupMessage); CPlayerAssignmentMessage assignMessage; ConstructPlayerAssignmentMessage(assignMessage); session->SendMessage(&assignMessage); } void CNetServerWorker::OnUserLeave(CNetServerSession* session) { std::vector::iterator pausing = std::find(m_PausingPlayers.begin(), m_PausingPlayers.end(), session->GetGUID()); if (pausing != m_PausingPlayers.end()) m_PausingPlayers.erase(pausing); RemovePlayer(session->GetGUID()); if (m_ServerTurnManager && session->GetCurrState() != NSS_JOIN_SYNCING) m_ServerTurnManager->UninitialiseClient(session->GetHostID()); // TODO: only for non-observers // TODO: ought to switch the player controlled by that client // back to AI control, or something? } void CNetServerWorker::AddPlayer(const CStr& guid, const CStrW& name) { // Find all player IDs in active use; we mustn't give them to a second player (excluding the unassigned ID: -1) std::set usedIDs; for (const std::pair& p : m_PlayerAssignments) if (p.second.m_Enabled && p.second.m_PlayerID != -1) usedIDs.insert(p.second.m_PlayerID); // If the player is rejoining after disconnecting, try to give them // back their old player ID i32 playerID = -1; // Try to match GUID first for (PlayerAssignmentMap::iterator it = m_PlayerAssignments.begin(); it != m_PlayerAssignments.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.m_Enabled && it->first == guid && usedIDs.find(it->second.m_PlayerID) == usedIDs.end()) { playerID = it->second.m_PlayerID; m_PlayerAssignments.erase(it); // delete the old mapping, since we've got a new one now goto found; } } // Try to match username next for (PlayerAssignmentMap::iterator it = m_PlayerAssignments.begin(); it != m_PlayerAssignments.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.m_Enabled && it->second.m_Name == name && usedIDs.find(it->second.m_PlayerID) == usedIDs.end()) { playerID = it->second.m_PlayerID; m_PlayerAssignments.erase(it); // delete the old mapping, since we've got a new one now goto found; } } // Otherwise leave the player ID as -1 (observer) and let gamesetup change it as needed. found: PlayerAssignment assignment; assignment.m_Enabled = true; assignment.m_Name = name; assignment.m_PlayerID = playerID; assignment.m_Status = 0; m_PlayerAssignments[guid] = assignment; // Send the new assignments to all currently active players // (which does not include the one that's just joining) SendPlayerAssignments(); } void CNetServerWorker::RemovePlayer(const CStr& guid) { m_PlayerAssignments[guid].m_Enabled = false; SendPlayerAssignments(); } void CNetServerWorker::ClearAllPlayerReady() { for (std::pair& p : m_PlayerAssignments) if (p.second.m_Status != 2) p.second.m_Status = 0; SendPlayerAssignments(); } void CNetServerWorker::KickPlayer(const CStrW& playerName, const bool ban) { // Find the user with that name std::vector::iterator it = std::find_if(m_Sessions.begin(), m_Sessions.end(), [&](CNetServerSession* session) { return session->GetUserName() == playerName; }); // and return if no one or the host has that name - if (it == m_Sessions.end() || (*it)->GetGUID() == m_HostGUID) + if (it == m_Sessions.end() || (*it)->GetGUID() == m_ControllerGUID) return; if (ban) { // Remember name if (std::find(m_BannedPlayers.begin(), m_BannedPlayers.end(), playerName) == m_BannedPlayers.end()) m_BannedPlayers.push_back(m_LobbyAuth ? CStrW(playerName.substr(0, playerName.find(L" ("))) : playerName); // Remember IP address u32 ipAddress = (*it)->GetIPAddress(); if (std::find(m_BannedIPs.begin(), m_BannedIPs.end(), ipAddress) == m_BannedIPs.end()) m_BannedIPs.push_back(ipAddress); } // Disconnect that user (*it)->Disconnect(ban ? NDR_BANNED : NDR_KICKED); // Send message notifying other clients CKickedMessage kickedMessage; kickedMessage.m_Name = playerName; kickedMessage.m_Ban = ban; Broadcast(&kickedMessage, { NSS_PREGAME, NSS_JOIN_SYNCING, NSS_INGAME }); } void CNetServerWorker::AssignPlayer(int playerID, const CStr& guid) { // Remove anyone who's already assigned to this player for (std::pair& p : m_PlayerAssignments) { if (p.second.m_PlayerID == playerID) p.second.m_PlayerID = -1; } // Update this host's assignment if it exists if (m_PlayerAssignments.find(guid) != m_PlayerAssignments.end()) m_PlayerAssignments[guid].m_PlayerID = playerID; SendPlayerAssignments(); } void CNetServerWorker::ConstructPlayerAssignmentMessage(CPlayerAssignmentMessage& message) { for (const std::pair& p : m_PlayerAssignments) { if (!p.second.m_Enabled) continue; CPlayerAssignmentMessage::S_m_Hosts h; h.m_GUID = p.first; h.m_Name = p.second.m_Name; h.m_PlayerID = p.second.m_PlayerID; h.m_Status = p.second.m_Status; message.m_Hosts.push_back(h); } } void CNetServerWorker::SendPlayerAssignments() { CPlayerAssignmentMessage message; ConstructPlayerAssignmentMessage(message); Broadcast(&message, { NSS_PREGAME, NSS_JOIN_SYNCING, NSS_INGAME }); } const ScriptInterface& CNetServerWorker::GetScriptInterface() { return *m_ScriptInterface; } void CNetServerWorker::SetTurnLength(u32 msecs) { if (m_ServerTurnManager) m_ServerTurnManager->SetTurnLength(msecs); } void CNetServerWorker::ProcessLobbyAuth(const CStr& name, const CStr& token) { LOGMESSAGE("Net Server: Received lobby auth message from %s with %s", name, token); // Find the user with that guid std::vector::iterator it = std::find_if(m_Sessions.begin(), m_Sessions.end(), [&](CNetServerSession* session) { return session->GetGUID() == token; }); if (it == m_Sessions.end()) return; (*it)->SetUserName(name.FromUTF8()); // Send an empty message to request the authentication message from the client // after its identity has been confirmed via the lobby CAuthenticateMessage emptyMessage; (*it)->SendMessage(&emptyMessage); } bool CNetServerWorker::OnClientHandshake(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); CCliHandshakeMessage* message = (CCliHandshakeMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); if (message->m_ProtocolVersion != PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { session->Disconnect(NDR_INCORRECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION); return false; } CStr guid = ps_generate_guid(); int count = 0; // Ensure unique GUID while(std::find_if( server.m_Sessions.begin(), server.m_Sessions.end(), [&guid] (const CNetServerSession* session) { return session->GetGUID() == guid; }) != server.m_Sessions.end()) { if (++count > 100) { session->Disconnect(NDR_GUID_FAILED); return true; } guid = ps_generate_guid(); } session->SetGUID(guid); CSrvHandshakeResponseMessage handshakeResponse; handshakeResponse.m_UseProtocolVersion = PS_PROTOCOL_VERSION; handshakeResponse.m_GUID = guid; handshakeResponse.m_Flags = 0; if (server.m_LobbyAuth) { handshakeResponse.m_Flags |= PS_NETWORK_FLAG_REQUIRE_LOBBYAUTH; session->SetNextState(NSS_LOBBY_AUTHENTICATE); } session->SendMessage(&handshakeResponse); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnAuthenticate(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_AUTHENTICATE); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); // Prohibit joins while the game is loading if (server.m_State == SERVER_STATE_LOADING) { LOGMESSAGE("Refused connection while the game is loading"); session->Disconnect(NDR_SERVER_LOADING); return true; } CAuthenticateMessage* message = (CAuthenticateMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); CStrW username = SanitisePlayerName(message->m_Name); CStrW usernameWithoutRating(username.substr(0, username.find(L" ("))); // Compare the lowercase names as specified by // "[...] comparisons will be made in case-normalized canonical form." if (server.m_LobbyAuth && usernameWithoutRating.LowerCase() != session->GetUserName().LowerCase()) { LOGERROR("Net server: lobby auth: %s tried joining as %s", session->GetUserName().ToUTF8(), usernameWithoutRating.ToUTF8()); session->Disconnect(NDR_LOBBY_AUTH_FAILED); return true; } // Check the password before anything else. if (server.m_Password != message->m_Password) { // Noisy logerror because players are not supposed to be able to get the IP, // so this might be someone targeting the host for some reason // (or TODO a dedicated server and we do want to log anyways) LOGERROR("Net server: user %s tried joining with the wrong password", session->GetUserName().ToUTF8()); session->Disconnect(NDR_SERVER_REFUSED); return true; } // Either deduplicate or prohibit join if name is in use bool duplicatePlayernames = false; CFG_GET_VAL("network.duplicateplayernames", duplicatePlayernames); // If lobby authentication is enabled, the clients playername has already been registered. // There also can't be any duplicated names. if (!server.m_LobbyAuth && duplicatePlayernames) username = server.DeduplicatePlayerName(username); else { std::vector::iterator it = std::find_if( server.m_Sessions.begin(), server.m_Sessions.end(), [&username] (const CNetServerSession* session) { return session->GetUserName() == username; }); if (it != server.m_Sessions.end() && (*it) != session) { session->Disconnect(NDR_PLAYERNAME_IN_USE); return true; } } // Disconnect banned usernames if (std::find(server.m_BannedPlayers.begin(), server.m_BannedPlayers.end(), server.m_LobbyAuth ? usernameWithoutRating : username) != server.m_BannedPlayers.end()) { session->Disconnect(NDR_BANNED); return true; } int maxObservers = 0; CFG_GET_VAL("network.observerlimit", maxObservers); bool isRejoining = false; bool serverFull = false; if (server.m_State == SERVER_STATE_PREGAME) { // Don't check for maxObservers in the gamesetup, as we don't know yet who will be assigned serverFull = server.m_Sessions.size() >= MAX_CLIENTS; } else { bool isObserver = true; int disconnectedPlayers = 0; int connectedPlayers = 0; // (TODO: if GUIDs were stable, we should use them instead) for (const std::pair& p : server.m_PlayerAssignments) { const PlayerAssignment& assignment = p.second; if (!assignment.m_Enabled && assignment.m_Name == username) { isObserver = assignment.m_PlayerID == -1; isRejoining = true; } if (assignment.m_PlayerID == -1) continue; if (assignment.m_Enabled) ++connectedPlayers; else ++disconnectedPlayers; } // Optionally allow everyone or only buddies to join after the game has started if (!isRejoining) { CStr observerLateJoin; CFG_GET_VAL("network.lateobservers", observerLateJoin); if (observerLateJoin == "everyone") { isRejoining = true; } else if (observerLateJoin == "buddies") { CStr buddies; CFG_GET_VAL("lobby.buddies", buddies); std::wstringstream buddiesStream(wstring_from_utf8(buddies)); CStrW buddy; while (std::getline(buddiesStream, buddy, L',')) { if (buddy == usernameWithoutRating) { isRejoining = true; break; } } } } if (!isRejoining) { LOGMESSAGE("Refused connection after game start from not-previously-known user \"%s\"", utf8_from_wstring(username)); session->Disconnect(NDR_SERVER_ALREADY_IN_GAME); return true; } // Ensure all players will be able to rejoin serverFull = isObserver && ( (int) server.m_Sessions.size() - connectedPlayers > maxObservers || (int) server.m_Sessions.size() + disconnectedPlayers >= MAX_CLIENTS); } if (serverFull) { session->Disconnect(NDR_SERVER_FULL); return true; } u32 newHostID = server.m_NextHostID++; session->SetUserName(username); session->SetHostID(newHostID); - session->SetLocalClient(message->m_IsLocalClient); CAuthenticateResultMessage authenticateResult; authenticateResult.m_Code = isRejoining ? ARC_OK_REJOINING : ARC_OK; authenticateResult.m_HostID = newHostID; authenticateResult.m_Message = L"Logged in"; + authenticateResult.m_IsController = 0; + + if (message->m_ControllerSecret == server.m_ControllerSecret) + { + if (server.m_ControllerGUID.empty()) + { + server.m_ControllerGUID = session->GetGUID(); + authenticateResult.m_IsController = 1; + } + // TODO: we could probably handle having several controllers, or swapping? + } + session->SendMessage(&authenticateResult); server.OnUserJoin(session); if (isRejoining) { // Request a copy of the current game state from an existing player, // so we can send it on to the new player // Assume session 0 is most likely the local player, so they're // the most efficient client to request a copy from CNetServerSession* sourceSession =; sourceSession->GetFileTransferer().StartTask( shared_ptr(new CNetFileReceiveTask_ServerRejoin(server, newHostID)) ); session->SetNextState(NSS_JOIN_SYNCING); } return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnSimulationCommand(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SIMULATION_COMMAND); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); CSimulationMessage* message = (CSimulationMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); // Ignore messages sent by one player on behalf of another player // unless cheating is enabled bool cheatsEnabled = false; const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = server.GetScriptInterface(); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); JS::RootedValue settings(; scriptInterface.GetProperty(server.m_GameAttributes, "settings", &settings); if (scriptInterface.HasProperty(settings, "CheatsEnabled")) scriptInterface.GetProperty(settings, "CheatsEnabled", cheatsEnabled); PlayerAssignmentMap::iterator it = server.m_PlayerAssignments.find(session->GetGUID()); // When cheating is disabled, fail if the player the message claims to // represent does not exist or does not match the sender's player name if (!cheatsEnabled && (it == server.m_PlayerAssignments.end() || it->second.m_PlayerID != message->m_Player)) return true; // Send it back to all clients that have finished // the loading screen (and the synchronization when rejoining) server.Broadcast(message, { NSS_INGAME }); // Save all the received commands if (server.m_SavedCommands.size() < message->m_Turn + 1) server.m_SavedCommands.resize(message->m_Turn + 1); server.m_SavedCommands[message->m_Turn].push_back(*message); // TODO: we shouldn't send the message back to the client that first sent it return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnSyncCheck(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_SYNC_CHECK); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); CSyncCheckMessage* message = (CSyncCheckMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); server.m_ServerTurnManager->NotifyFinishedClientUpdate(*session, message->m_Turn, message->m_Hash); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnEndCommandBatch(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_END_COMMAND_BATCH); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); CEndCommandBatchMessage* message = (CEndCommandBatchMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); // The turn-length field is ignored server.m_ServerTurnManager->NotifyFinishedClientCommands(*session, message->m_Turn); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnChat(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CHAT); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); CChatMessage* message = (CChatMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); message->m_GUID = session->GetGUID(); server.Broadcast(message, { NSS_PREGAME, NSS_INGAME }); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnReady(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_READY); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); // Occurs if a client presses not-ready // in the very last moment before the hosts starts the game if (server.m_State == SERVER_STATE_LOADING) return true; CReadyMessage* message = (CReadyMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); message->m_GUID = session->GetGUID(); server.Broadcast(message, { NSS_PREGAME }); server.m_PlayerAssignments[message->m_GUID].m_Status = message->m_Status; return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnClearAllReady(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLEAR_ALL_READY); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); - if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_HostGUID) + if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_ControllerGUID) server.ClearAllPlayerReady(); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnGameSetup(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_SETUP); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); // Changing the settings after gamestart is not implemented and would cause an Out-of-sync error. // This happened when doubleclicking on the startgame button. if (server.m_State != SERVER_STATE_PREGAME) return true; - if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_HostGUID) + if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_ControllerGUID) { CGameSetupMessage* message = (CGameSetupMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); server.UpdateGameAttributes(&(message->m_Data)); } return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnAssignPlayer(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_ASSIGN_PLAYER); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); - if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_HostGUID) + if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_ControllerGUID) { CAssignPlayerMessage* message = (CAssignPlayerMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); server.AssignPlayer(message->m_PlayerID, message->m_GUID); } return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnStartGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_GAME_START); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); - if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_HostGUID) + if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_ControllerGUID) server.StartGame(); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnLoadedGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME); CNetServerSession* loadedSession = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = loadedSession->GetServer(); // We're in the loading state, so wait until every client has loaded // before starting the game ENSURE(server.m_State == SERVER_STATE_LOADING); if (server.CheckGameLoadStatus(loadedSession)) return true; CClientsLoadingMessage message; // We always send all GUIDs of clients in the loading state // so that we don't have to bother about switching GUI pages for (CNetServerSession* session : server.m_Sessions) if (session->GetCurrState() != NSS_INGAME && loadedSession->GetGUID() != session->GetGUID()) { CClientsLoadingMessage::S_m_Clients client; client.m_GUID = session->GetGUID(); message.m_Clients.push_back(client); } // Send to the client who has loaded the game but did not reach the NSS_INGAME state yet loadedSession->SendMessage(&message); server.Broadcast(&message, { NSS_INGAME }); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnJoinSyncingLoadedGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { // A client rejoining an in-progress game has now finished loading the // map and deserialized the initial state. // The simulation may have progressed since then, so send any subsequent // commands to them and set them as an active player so they can participate // in all future turns. // // (TODO: if it takes a long time for them to receive and execute all these // commands, the other players will get frozen for that time and may be unhappy; // we could try repeating this process a few times until the client converges // on the up-to-date state, before setting them as active.) ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_LOADED_GAME); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); CLoadedGameMessage* message = (CLoadedGameMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); u32 turn = message->m_CurrentTurn; u32 readyTurn = server.m_ServerTurnManager->GetReadyTurn(); // Send them all commands received since their saved state, // and turn-ended messages for any turns that have already been processed for (size_t i = turn + 1; i < std::max(readyTurn+1, (u32)server.m_SavedCommands.size()); ++i) { if (i < server.m_SavedCommands.size()) for (size_t j = 0; j < server.m_SavedCommands[i].size(); ++j) session->SendMessage(&server.m_SavedCommands[i][j]); if (i <= readyTurn) { CEndCommandBatchMessage endMessage; endMessage.m_Turn = i; endMessage.m_TurnLength = server.m_ServerTurnManager->GetSavedTurnLength(i); session->SendMessage(&endMessage); } } // Tell the turn manager to expect commands from this new client server.m_ServerTurnManager->InitialiseClient(session->GetHostID(), readyTurn); // Tell the client that everything has finished loading and it should start now CLoadedGameMessage loaded; loaded.m_CurrentTurn = readyTurn; session->SendMessage(&loaded); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnRejoined(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { // A client has finished rejoining and the loading screen disappeared. ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_REJOINED); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); // Inform everyone of the client having rejoined CRejoinedMessage* message = (CRejoinedMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); message->m_GUID = session->GetGUID(); server.Broadcast(message, { NSS_INGAME }); // Send all pausing players to the rejoined client. for (const CStr& guid : server.m_PausingPlayers) { CClientPausedMessage pausedMessage; pausedMessage.m_GUID = guid; pausedMessage.m_Pause = true; session->SendMessage(&pausedMessage); } return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnKickPlayer(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_KICKED); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); - if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_HostGUID) + if (session->GetGUID() == server.m_ControllerGUID) { CKickedMessage* message = (CKickedMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); server.KickPlayer(message->m_Name, message->m_Ban); } return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnDisconnect(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); server.OnUserLeave(session); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::OnClientPaused(void* context, CFsmEvent* event) { ENSURE(event->GetType() == (uint)NMT_CLIENT_PAUSED); CNetServerSession* session = (CNetServerSession*)context; CNetServerWorker& server = session->GetServer(); CClientPausedMessage* message = (CClientPausedMessage*)event->GetParamRef(); message->m_GUID = session->GetGUID(); // Update the list of pausing players. std::vector::iterator player = std::find(server.m_PausingPlayers.begin(), server.m_PausingPlayers.end(), session->GetGUID()); if (message->m_Pause) { if (player != server.m_PausingPlayers.end()) return true; server.m_PausingPlayers.push_back(session->GetGUID()); } else { if (player == server.m_PausingPlayers.end()) return true; server.m_PausingPlayers.erase(player); } // Send messages to clients that are in game, and are not the client who paused. for (CNetServerSession* netSession : server.m_Sessions) if (netSession->GetCurrState() == NSS_INGAME && message->m_GUID != netSession->GetGUID()) netSession->SendMessage(message); return true; } bool CNetServerWorker::CheckGameLoadStatus(CNetServerSession* changedSession) { for (const CNetServerSession* session : m_Sessions) if (session != changedSession && session->GetCurrState() != NSS_INGAME) return false; // Inform clients that everyone has loaded the map and that the game can start CLoadedGameMessage loaded; loaded.m_CurrentTurn = 0; // Notice the changedSession is still in the NSS_PREGAME state Broadcast(&loaded, { NSS_PREGAME, NSS_INGAME }); m_State = SERVER_STATE_INGAME; return true; } void CNetServerWorker::StartGame() { for (std::pair& player : m_PlayerAssignments) if (player.second.m_Enabled && player.second.m_PlayerID != -1 && player.second.m_Status == 0) { LOGERROR("Tried to start the game without player \"%s\" being ready!", utf8_from_wstring(player.second.m_Name).c_str()); return; } m_ServerTurnManager = new CNetServerTurnManager(*this); for (CNetServerSession* session : m_Sessions) m_ServerTurnManager->InitialiseClient(session->GetHostID(), 0); // TODO: only for non-observers m_State = SERVER_STATE_LOADING; // Send the final setup state to all clients UpdateGameAttributes(&m_GameAttributes); // Remove players and observers that are not present when the game starts for (PlayerAssignmentMap::iterator it = m_PlayerAssignments.begin(); it != m_PlayerAssignments.end();) if (it->second.m_Enabled) ++it; else it = m_PlayerAssignments.erase(it); SendPlayerAssignments(); CGameStartMessage gameStart; Broadcast(&gameStart, { NSS_PREGAME }); } void CNetServerWorker::UpdateGameAttributes(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs) { m_GameAttributes = attrs; if (!m_Host) return; CGameSetupMessage gameSetupMessage(GetScriptInterface()); gameSetupMessage.m_Data = m_GameAttributes; Broadcast(&gameSetupMessage, { NSS_PREGAME }); } CStrW CNetServerWorker::SanitisePlayerName(const CStrW& original) { const size_t MAX_LENGTH = 32; CStrW name = original; name.Replace(L"[", L"{"); // remove GUI tags name.Replace(L"]", L"}"); // remove for symmetry // Restrict the length if (name.length() > MAX_LENGTH) name = name.Left(MAX_LENGTH); // Don't allow surrounding whitespace name.Trim(PS_TRIM_BOTH); // Don't allow empty name if (name.empty()) name = L"Anonymous"; return name; } CStrW CNetServerWorker::DeduplicatePlayerName(const CStrW& original) { CStrW name = original; // Try names "Foo", "Foo (2)", "Foo (3)", etc size_t id = 2; while (true) { bool unique = true; for (const CNetServerSession* session : m_Sessions) { if (session->GetUserName() == name) { unique = false; break; } } if (unique) return name; name = original + L" (" + CStrW::FromUInt(id++) + L")"; } } void CNetServerWorker::SendHolePunchingMessage(const CStr& ipStr, u16 port) { if (m_Host) StunClient::SendHolePunchingMessages(*m_Host, ipStr, port); } CNetServer::CNetServer(bool useLobbyAuth, int autostartPlayers) : m_Worker(new CNetServerWorker(useLobbyAuth, autostartPlayers)), m_LobbyAuth(useLobbyAuth), m_UseSTUN(false), m_PublicIp(""), m_PublicPort(20595), m_Password() { } CNetServer::~CNetServer() { delete m_Worker; } bool CNetServer::GetUseSTUN() const { return m_UseSTUN; } bool CNetServer::UseLobbyAuth() const { return m_LobbyAuth; } bool CNetServer::SetupConnection(const u16 port) { return m_Worker->SetupConnection(port); } u16 CNetServer::GetPublicPort() const { return m_PublicPort; } CStr CNetServer::GetPublicIp() const { return m_PublicIp; } void CNetServer::SetConnectionData(const CStr& ip, const u16 port, bool useSTUN) { m_PublicIp = ip; m_PublicPort = port; m_UseSTUN = useSTUN; } bool CNetServer::CheckPasswordAndIncrement(const CStr& password, const std::string& username) { std::unordered_map::iterator it = m_FailedAttempts.find(username); if (m_Password == password) { if (it != m_FailedAttempts.end()) it->second = 0; return true; } if (it == m_FailedAttempts.end()) m_FailedAttempts.emplace(username, 1); else it->second++; return false; } bool CNetServer::IsBanned(const std::string& username) const { std::unordered_map::const_iterator it = m_FailedAttempts.find(username); return it != m_FailedAttempts.end() && it->second >= FAILED_PASSWORD_TRIES_BEFORE_BAN; } void CNetServer::SetPassword(const CStr& password) { m_Password = password; std::lock_guard lock(m_Worker->m_WorkerMutex); m_Worker->SetPassword(password); } +void CNetServer::SetControllerSecret(const std::string& secret) +{ + std::lock_guard lock(m_Worker->m_WorkerMutex); + m_Worker->SetControllerSecret(secret); +} + void CNetServer::StartGame() { std::lock_guard lock(m_Worker->m_WorkerMutex); m_Worker->m_StartGameQueue.push_back(true); } void CNetServer::UpdateGameAttributes(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs, const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { // Pass the attributes as JSON, since that's the easiest safe // cross-thread way of passing script data std::string attrsJSON = scriptInterface.StringifyJSON(attrs, false); std::lock_guard lock(m_Worker->m_WorkerMutex); m_Worker->m_GameAttributesQueue.push_back(attrsJSON); } void CNetServer::OnLobbyAuth(const CStr& name, const CStr& token) { std::lock_guard lock(m_Worker->m_WorkerMutex); m_Worker->m_LobbyAuthQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(name, token)); } void CNetServer::SetTurnLength(u32 msecs) { std::lock_guard lock(m_Worker->m_WorkerMutex); m_Worker->m_TurnLengthQueue.push_back(msecs); } void CNetServer::SendHolePunchingMessage(const CStr& ip, u16 port) { m_Worker->SendHolePunchingMessage(ip, port); } Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetServer.h =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetServer.h (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetServer.h (revision 24952) @@ -1,423 +1,435 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #ifndef NETSERVER_H #define NETSERVER_H #include "NetFileTransfer.h" #include "NetHost.h" #include "lib/config2.h" #include "lib/types.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptTypes.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class CNetServerSession; class CNetServerTurnManager; class CFsmEvent; class ScriptInterface; class CPlayerAssignmentMessage; class CNetStatsTable; class CSimulationMessage; class CNetServerWorker; enum NetServerState { // We haven't opened the port yet, we're just setting some stuff up. // The worker thread has not been started. SERVER_STATE_UNCONNECTED, // The server is open and accepting connections. This is the screen where // rules are set up by the operator and where players join and select civs // and stuff. SERVER_STATE_PREGAME, // All the hosts are connected and are loading the game SERVER_STATE_LOADING, // The one with all the killing ;-) SERVER_STATE_INGAME, // The game is over and someone has won. Players might linger to chat or // download the replay log. SERVER_STATE_POSTGAME }; /** * Server session representation of client state */ enum NetServerSessionState { // The client has disconnected or been disconnected NSS_UNCONNECTED, // The client has just connected and we're waiting for its handshake message, // to agree on the protocol version NSS_HANDSHAKE, // The client has handshook and we're waiting for its lobby authentication message NSS_LOBBY_AUTHENTICATE, // The client has handshook and we're waiting for its authentication message, // to find its name and check its password etc NSS_AUTHENTICATE, // The client has fully joined, and is in the pregame setup stage // or is loading the game. // Server must be in SERVER_STATE_PREGAME or SERVER_STATE_LOADING. NSS_PREGAME, // The client has authenticated but the game was already started, // so it's synchronising with the game state from other clients NSS_JOIN_SYNCING, // The client is running the game. // Server must be in SERVER_STATE_LOADING or SERVER_STATE_INGAME. NSS_INGAME }; /** * Network server interface. Handles all the coordination between players. * One person runs this object, and every player (including the host) connects their CNetClient to it. * * The actual work is performed by CNetServerWorker in a separate thread. */ class CNetServer { NONCOPYABLE(CNetServer); public: /** * Construct a new network server. - * @param autostartPlayers if positive then StartGame will be called automatically + * @param autostartPlayers - if positive then StartGame will be called automatically * once this many players are connected (intended for the command-line testing mode). */ CNetServer(bool useLobbyAuth = false, int autostartPlayers = -1); ~CNetServer(); /** * Begin listening for network connections. * This function is synchronous (it won't return until the connection is established). * @return true on success, false on error (e.g. port already in use) */ bool SetupConnection(const u16 port); /** * Call from the GUI to asynchronously notify all clients that they should start loading the game. */ void StartGame(); /** * Call from the GUI to update the game setup attributes. * This must be called at least once before starting the game. * The changes will be asynchronously propagated to all clients. * @param attrs game attributes, in the script context of scriptInterface */ void UpdateGameAttributes(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs, const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface); /** * Set the turn length to a fixed value. * TODO: we should replace this with some adapative lag-dependent computation. */ void SetTurnLength(u32 msecs); bool UseLobbyAuth() const; void OnLobbyAuth(const CStr& name, const CStr& token); void SendHolePunchingMessage(const CStr& ip, u16 port); void SetConnectionData(const CStr& ip, u16 port, bool useSTUN); bool GetUseSTUN() const; CStr GetPublicIp() const; u16 GetPublicPort() const; /** * Check if password is valid. If is not, increase number of failed attempts of the lobby user. * This is used without established direct session with the client, to prevent brute force attacks * when guessing password trying to get connection data from the host. * @return true iff password is valid */ bool CheckPasswordAndIncrement(const CStr& password, const std::string& username); /** * Check if user reached certain number of failed attempts. * @see m_BanAfterNumberOfTries * @see CheckPasswordAndBan */ bool IsBanned(const std::string& username) const; void SetPassword(const CStr& password); + void SetControllerSecret(const std::string& secret); + private: CNetServerWorker* m_Worker; const bool m_LobbyAuth; bool m_UseSTUN; u16 m_PublicPort; CStr m_PublicIp; CStr m_Password; std::unordered_map m_FailedAttempts; }; /** * Network server worker thread. * (This is run in a thread so that client/server communication is not delayed * by the host player's framerate - the only delay should be the network latency.) * * Thread-safety: * - SetupConnection and constructor/destructor must be called from the main thread. * - The main thread may push commands onto the Queue members, * while holding the m_WorkerMutex lock. * - Public functions (SendMessage, Broadcast) must be called from the network * server thread. */ class CNetServerWorker { NONCOPYABLE(CNetServerWorker); public: // Public functions for CNetSession/CNetServerTurnManager to use: /** * Send a message to the given network peer. */ bool SendMessage(ENetPeer* peer, const CNetMessage* message); /** * Disconnects a player from gamesetup or session. */ void KickPlayer(const CStrW& playerName, const bool ban); /** * Send a message to all clients who match one of the given states. */ bool Broadcast(const CNetMessage* message, const std::vector& targetStates); private: friend class CNetServer; friend class CNetFileReceiveTask_ServerRejoin; CNetServerWorker(bool useLobbyAuth, int autostartPlayers); ~CNetServerWorker(); void SetPassword(const CStr& hashedPassword); + void SetControllerSecret(const std::string& secret); + /** * Begin listening for network connections. * @return true on success, false on error (e.g. port already in use) */ bool SetupConnection(const u16 port); /** * Call from the GUI to update the player assignments. * The given GUID will be (re)assigned to the given player ID. * Any player currently using that ID will be unassigned. * The changes will be propagated to all clients. */ void AssignPlayer(int playerID, const CStr& guid); /** * Call from the GUI to notify all clients that they should start loading the game. */ void StartGame(); /** * Call from the GUI to update the game setup attributes. * This must be called at least once before starting the game. * The changes will be propagated to all clients. * @param attrs game attributes, in the script context of GetScriptInterface() */ void UpdateGameAttributes(JS::MutableHandleValue attrs); /** * Make a player name 'nicer' by limiting the length and removing forbidden characters etc. */ static CStrW SanitisePlayerName(const CStrW& original); /** * Make a player name unique, if it matches any existing session's name. */ CStrW DeduplicatePlayerName(const CStrW& original); /** * Get the script context used for game attributes. */ const ScriptInterface& GetScriptInterface(); /** * Set the turn length to a fixed value. * TODO: we should replace this with some adaptive lag-dependent computation. */ void SetTurnLength(u32 msecs); void ProcessLobbyAuth(const CStr& name, const CStr& token); void AddPlayer(const CStr& guid, const CStrW& name); void RemovePlayer(const CStr& guid); void SendPlayerAssignments(); void ClearAllPlayerReady(); void SetupSession(CNetServerSession* session); bool HandleConnect(CNetServerSession* session); void OnUserJoin(CNetServerSession* session); void OnUserLeave(CNetServerSession* session); static bool OnClientHandshake(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnAuthenticate(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnSimulationCommand(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnSyncCheck(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnEndCommandBatch(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnChat(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnReady(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnClearAllReady(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnGameSetup(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnAssignPlayer(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnStartGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnLoadedGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnJoinSyncingLoadedGame(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnRejoined(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnKickPlayer(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnDisconnect(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); static bool OnClientPaused(void* context, CFsmEvent* event); /** * Checks if all clients have finished loading. * If so informs the clients about that and change the server state. * * Returns if all clients finished loading. */ bool CheckGameLoadStatus(CNetServerSession* changedSession); void ConstructPlayerAssignmentMessage(CPlayerAssignmentMessage& message); void HandleMessageReceive(const CNetMessage* message, CNetServerSession* session); /** * Send a network warning if the connection to a client is being lost or has bad latency. */ void CheckClientConnections(); void SendHolePunchingMessage(const CStr& ip, u16 port); /** * Internal script context for (de)serializing script messages, * and for storing game attributes. * (TODO: we shouldn't bother deserializing (except for debug printing of messages), * we should just forward messages blindly and efficiently.) */ ScriptInterface* m_ScriptInterface; PlayerAssignmentMap m_PlayerAssignments; /** * Stores the most current game attributes. */ JS::PersistentRootedValue m_GameAttributes; int m_AutostartPlayers; /** * Whether this match requires lobby authentication. */ const bool m_LobbyAuth; ENetHost* m_Host; std::vector m_Sessions; CNetStatsTable* m_Stats; NetServerState m_State; CStrW m_ServerName; std::vector m_BannedIPs; std::vector m_BannedPlayers; CStr m_Password; /** * Holds the GUIDs of all currently paused players. */ std::vector m_PausingPlayers; u32 m_NextHostID; CNetServerTurnManager* m_ServerTurnManager; - CStr m_HostGUID; + /** + * The GUID of the client in control of the game (the 'host' from the players' perspective). + */ + CStr m_ControllerGUID; + + /** + * The 'secret' used to identify the controller of the game. + */ + std::string m_ControllerSecret; /** * A copy of all simulation commands received so far, indexed by * turn number, to simplify support for rejoining etc. * TODO: verify this doesn't use too much RAM. */ std::vector> m_SavedCommands; /** * The latest copy of the simulation state, received from an existing * client when a new client has asked to rejoin the game. */ std::string m_JoinSyncFile; /** * Time when the clients connections were last checked for timeouts and latency. */ std::time_t m_LastConnectionCheck; private: // Thread-related stuff: #if CONFIG2_MINIUPNPC /** * Try to find a UPnP root on the network and setup port forwarding. */ static void SetupUPnP(); std::thread m_UPnPThread; #endif static void RunThread(CNetServerWorker* data); void Run(); bool RunStep(); std::thread m_WorkerThread; std::mutex m_WorkerMutex; // protected by m_WorkerMutex bool m_Shutdown; // Queues for messages sent by the game thread (protected by m_WorkerMutex): std::vector m_StartGameQueue; std::vector m_GameAttributesQueue; std::vector> m_LobbyAuthQueue; std::vector m_TurnLengthQueue; }; /// Global network server for the standard game extern CNetServer *g_NetServer; #endif // NETSERVER_H Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetSession.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetSession.cpp (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetSession.cpp (revision 24952) @@ -1,298 +1,284 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2019 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "NetSession.h" #include "NetClient.h" #include "NetMessage.h" #include "NetServer.h" #include "NetStats.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" constexpr int NETCLIENT_POLL_TIMEOUT = 50; constexpr int CHANNEL_COUNT = 1; CNetClientSession::CNetClientSession(CNetClient& client) : m_Client(client), m_FileTransferer(this), m_Host(nullptr), m_Server(nullptr), - m_Stats(nullptr), m_IsLocalClient(false), m_IncomingMessages(16), m_OutgoingMessages(16), + m_Stats(nullptr), m_IncomingMessages(16), m_OutgoingMessages(16), m_LoopRunning(false), m_ShouldShutdown(false), m_MeanRTT(0), m_LastReceivedTime(0) { } CNetClientSession::~CNetClientSession() { ENSURE(!m_LoopRunning); delete m_Stats; if (m_Host && m_Server) { // Disconnect immediately (we can't wait for acks) enet_peer_disconnect_now(m_Server, NDR_SERVER_SHUTDOWN); enet_host_destroy(m_Host); m_Host = NULL; m_Server = NULL; } } -bool CNetClientSession::Connect(const CStr& server, const u16 port, const bool isLocalClient, ENetHost* enetClient) +bool CNetClientSession::Connect(const CStr& server, const u16 port, ENetHost* enetClient) { ENSURE(!m_LoopRunning); ENSURE(!m_Host); ENSURE(!m_Server); // Create ENet host ENetHost* host; if (enetClient != nullptr) host = enetClient; else host = enet_host_create(NULL, 1, CHANNEL_COUNT, 0, 0); if (!host) return false; // Bind to specified host ENetAddress addr; addr.port = port; if (enet_address_set_host(&addr, server.c_str()) < 0) return false; // Initiate connection to server ENetPeer* peer = enet_host_connect(host, &addr, CHANNEL_COUNT, 0); if (!peer) return false; m_Host = host; m_Server = peer; - m_IsLocalClient = isLocalClient; m_Stats = new CNetStatsTable(m_Server); if (CProfileViewer::IsInitialised()) g_ProfileViewer.AddRootTable(m_Stats); return true; } void CNetClientSession::RunNetLoop(CNetClientSession* session) { ENSURE(!session->m_LoopRunning); session->m_LoopRunning = true; debug_SetThreadName("NetClientSession loop"); while (!session->m_ShouldShutdown) { ENSURE(session->m_Host && session->m_Server); session->m_FileTransferer.Poll(); session->Poll(); session->Flush(); session->m_LastReceivedTime = enet_time_get() - session->m_Server->lastReceiveTime; session->m_MeanRTT = session->m_Server->roundTripTime; } session->m_LoopRunning = false; // Deleting the session is handled in this thread as it might outlive the CNetClient. SAFE_DELETE(session); } void CNetClientSession::Shutdown() { m_ShouldShutdown = true; } void CNetClientSession::Poll() { ENetEvent event; // Use the timeout to make the thread wait and save CPU time. if (enet_host_service(m_Host, &event, NETCLIENT_POLL_TIMEOUT) <= 0) return; if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT) { ENSURE(event.peer == m_Server); // Report the server address immediately. char hostname[256] = "(error)"; enet_address_get_host_ip(&event.peer->address, hostname, ARRAY_SIZE(hostname)); LOGMESSAGE("Net client: Connected to %s:%u", hostname, (unsigned int)event.peer->address.port); m_Connected = true; m_IncomingMessages.push(event); } else if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) { ENSURE(event.peer == m_Server); // Report immediately. LOGMESSAGE("Net client: Disconnected"); m_Connected = false; m_IncomingMessages.push(event); } else if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE) m_IncomingMessages.push(event); } void CNetClientSession::Flush() { ENetPacket* packet; while (m_OutgoingMessages.pop(packet)) if (enet_peer_send(m_Server, CNetHost::DEFAULT_CHANNEL, packet) < 0) { // Report the error, but do so silently if we know we are disconnected. if (m_Connected) LOGERROR("NetClient: Failed to send packet to server"); else LOGMESSAGE("NetClient: Failed to send packet to server"); } enet_host_flush(m_Host); } void CNetClientSession::ProcessPolledMessages() { ENetEvent event; while(m_IncomingMessages.pop(event)) { if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT) m_Client.HandleConnect(); else if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) { // This deletes the session, so we must break; m_Client.HandleDisconnect(; break; } else if (event.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE) { CNetMessage* msg = CNetMessageFactory::CreateMessage(event.packet->data, event.packet->dataLength, m_Client.GetScriptInterface()); if (msg) { LOGMESSAGE("Net client: Received message %s of size %lu from server", msg->ToString().c_str(), (unsigned long)msg->GetSerializedLength()); m_Client.HandleMessage(msg); } // Thread-safe enet_packet_destroy(event.packet); } } } bool CNetClientSession::SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message) { ENSURE(m_Host && m_Server); // Thread-safe. ENetPacket* packet = CNetHost::CreatePacket(message); if (!packet) return false; if (!m_OutgoingMessages.push(packet)) { LOGERROR("NetClient: Failed to push message on the outgoing queue."); return false; } return true; } u32 CNetClientSession::GetLastReceivedTime() const { if (!m_Server) return 0; return m_LastReceivedTime; } u32 CNetClientSession::GetMeanRTT() const { if (!m_Server) return 0; return m_MeanRTT; } CNetServerSession::CNetServerSession(CNetServerWorker& server, ENetPeer* peer) : - m_Server(server), m_FileTransferer(this), m_Peer(peer), m_IsLocalClient(false), m_HostID(0), m_GUID(), m_UserName() + m_Server(server), m_FileTransferer(this), m_Peer(peer), m_HostID(0), m_GUID(), m_UserName() { } u32 CNetServerSession::GetIPAddress() const { return m_Peer->; } u32 CNetServerSession::GetLastReceivedTime() const { if (!m_Peer) return 0; return enet_time_get() - m_Peer->lastReceiveTime; } u32 CNetServerSession::GetMeanRTT() const { if (!m_Peer) return 0; return m_Peer->roundTripTime; } void CNetServerSession::Disconnect(NetDisconnectReason reason) { if (reason == NDR_UNKNOWN) LOGWARNING("Disconnecting client without communicating the disconnect reason!"); Update((uint)NMT_CONNECTION_LOST, NULL); enet_peer_disconnect(m_Peer, static_cast(reason)); } void CNetServerSession::DisconnectNow(NetDisconnectReason reason) { if (reason == NDR_UNKNOWN) LOGWARNING("Disconnecting client without communicating the disconnect reason!"); enet_peer_disconnect_now(m_Peer, static_cast(reason)); } bool CNetServerSession::SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message) { return m_Server.SendMessage(m_Peer, message); } - -bool CNetServerSession::IsLocalClient() const -{ - return m_IsLocalClient; -} - -void CNetServerSession::SetLocalClient(bool isLocalClient) -{ - m_IsLocalClient = isLocalClient; - - if (!isLocalClient) - return; -} Index: ps/trunk/source/network/NetSession.h =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/NetSession.h (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/NetSession.h (revision 24952) @@ -1,233 +1,219 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #ifndef NETSESSION_H #define NETSESSION_H #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "network/fsm.h" #include "network/NetFileTransfer.h" #include "network/NetHost.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include #include /** * Report the peer if we didn't receive a packet after this time (milliseconds). */ inline constexpr u32 NETWORK_WARNING_TIMEOUT = 2000; class CNetClient; class CNetServerWorker; class CNetStatsTable; typedef struct _ENetHost ENetHost; /** * @file * Network client/server sessions. * * Each session has two classes: CNetClientSession runs on the client, * and CNetServerSession runs on the server. * A client runs one session at once; a server typically runs many. */ /** * Interface for sessions to which messages can be sent. */ class INetSession { public: virtual ~INetSession() {} virtual bool SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message) = 0; }; /** * The client end of a network session. * Provides an abstraction of the network interface, allowing communication with the server. * The NetClientSession is threaded, so all calls to the public interface must be thread-safe. */ class CNetClientSession : public INetSession { NONCOPYABLE(CNetClientSession); public: CNetClientSession(CNetClient& client); ~CNetClientSession(); - bool Connect(const CStr& server, const u16 port, const bool isLocalClient, ENetHost* enetClient); + bool Connect(const CStr& server, const u16 port, ENetHost* enetClient); /** * The client NetSession is threaded to avoid getting timeouts if the main thread hangs. * Call Connect() before starting this loop. */ static void RunNetLoop(CNetClientSession* session); /** * Shut down the net session. */ void Shutdown(); /** * Processes pending messages. */ void ProcessPolledMessages(); /** * Queue up a message to send to the server on the next Loop() call. */ virtual bool SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message) override; /** * Number of milliseconds since the most recent packet of the server was received. */ u32 GetLastReceivedTime() const; /** * Average round trip time to the server. */ u32 GetMeanRTT() const; CNetFileTransferer& GetFileTransferer() { return m_FileTransferer; } private: /** * Process queued incoming messages. */ void Poll(); /** * Flush queued outgoing network messages. */ void Flush(); CNetClient& m_Client; CNetFileTransferer m_FileTransferer; // Net messages received and waiting for fetching. boost::lockfree::queue m_IncomingMessages; // Net messages to send on the next flush() call. boost::lockfree::queue m_OutgoingMessages; // Last know state. If false, flushing errors are silenced. bool m_Connected = false; // Wrapper around enet stats - those are atomic as the code is lock-free. std::atomic m_LastReceivedTime; std::atomic m_MeanRTT; // If this is true, calling Connect() or deleting the session is an error. std::atomic m_LoopRunning; std::atomic m_ShouldShutdown; ENetHost* m_Host; ENetPeer* m_Server; CNetStatsTable* m_Stats; - - bool m_IsLocalClient; }; /** * The server's end of a network session. * Represents an abstraction of the state of the client, storing all the per-client data * needed by the server. * * Thread-safety: * - This is constructed and used by CNetServerWorker in the network server thread. */ class CNetServerSession : public CFsm, public INetSession { NONCOPYABLE(CNetServerSession); public: CNetServerSession(CNetServerWorker& server, ENetPeer* peer); CNetServerWorker& GetServer() { return m_Server; } const CStr& GetGUID() const { return m_GUID; } void SetGUID(const CStr& guid) { m_GUID = guid; } const CStrW& GetUserName() const { return m_UserName; } void SetUserName(const CStrW& name) { m_UserName = name; } u32 GetHostID() const { return m_HostID; } void SetHostID(u32 id) { m_HostID = id; } u32 GetIPAddress() const; /** - * Whether this client is running in the same process as the server. - */ - bool IsLocalClient() const; - - /** * Number of milliseconds since the latest packet of that client was received. */ u32 GetLastReceivedTime() const; /** * Average round trip time to the client. */ u32 GetMeanRTT() const; /** * Sends a disconnection notification to the client, * and sends a NMT_CONNECTION_LOST message to the session FSM. * The server will receive a disconnection notification after a while. * The server will not receive any further messages sent via this session. */ void Disconnect(NetDisconnectReason reason); /** * Sends an unreliable disconnection notification to the client. * The server will not receive any disconnection notification. * The server will not receive any further messages sent via this session. */ void DisconnectNow(NetDisconnectReason reason); /** - * Prevent timeouts for the client running in the same process as the server. - */ - void SetLocalClient(bool isLocalClient); - - /** * Send a message to the client. */ virtual bool SendMessage(const CNetMessage* message); CNetFileTransferer& GetFileTransferer() { return m_FileTransferer; } private: CNetServerWorker& m_Server; CNetFileTransferer m_FileTransferer; ENetPeer* m_Peer; CStr m_GUID; CStrW m_UserName; u32 m_HostID; CStr m_Password; - - bool m_IsLocalClient; }; #endif // NETSESSION_H Index: ps/trunk/source/network/scripting/JSInterface_Network.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/scripting/JSInterface_Network.cpp (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/scripting/JSInterface_Network.cpp (revision 24952) @@ -1,288 +1,300 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "JSInterface_Network.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "lib/types.h" #include "lobby/IXmppClient.h" #include "network/NetClient.h" #include "network/NetMessage.h" #include "network/NetServer.h" #include "network/StunClient.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Game.h" +#include "ps/GUID.h" #include "ps/Util.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "third_party/encryption/pkcs5_pbkdf2.h" u16 JSI_Network::GetDefaultPort(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) { return PS_DEFAULT_PORT; } +bool JSI_Network::IsNetController(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) +{ + return !!g_NetClient && g_NetClient->IsController(); +} + bool JSI_Network::HasNetServer(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) { return !!g_NetServer; } bool JSI_Network::HasNetClient(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) { return !!g_NetClient; } CStr JSI_Network::HashPassword(const CStr& password) { if (password.empty()) return password; ENSURE(sodium_init() >= 0); const int DIGESTSIZE = crypto_hash_sha256_BYTES; constexpr int ITERATIONS = 1737; cassert(DIGESTSIZE == 32); static const unsigned char salt_base[DIGESTSIZE] = { 244, 243, 249, 244, 32, 33, 19, 35, 16, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 32, 33, 244, 224, 127, 129, 130, 140, 153, 88, 123, 234, 123 }; // initialize the salt buffer unsigned char salt_buffer[DIGESTSIZE] = { 0 }; crypto_hash_sha256_state state; crypto_hash_sha256_init(&state); crypto_hash_sha256_update(&state, salt_base, sizeof(salt_base)); crypto_hash_sha256_final(&state, salt_buffer); // PBKDF2 to create the buffer unsigned char encrypted[DIGESTSIZE]; pbkdf2(encrypted, (unsigned char*)password.c_str(), password.length(), salt_buffer, DIGESTSIZE, ITERATIONS); return CStr(Hexify(encrypted, DIGESTSIZE)).UpperCase(); } void JSI_Network::StartNetworkHost(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, const CStrW& playerName, const u16 serverPort, const CStr& hostLobbyName, bool useSTUN, const CStr& password) { ENSURE(!g_NetClient); ENSURE(!g_NetServer); ENSURE(!g_Game); // Always use lobby authentication for lobby matches to prevent impersonation and smurfing, in particular through mods that implemented an UI for arbitrary or other players nicknames. bool hasLobby = !!g_XmppClient; g_NetServer = new CNetServer(hasLobby); // In lobby, we send our public ip and port on request to the players, who want to connect. // In either case we need to know our public IP. If using STUN, we'll use that, // otherwise, the lobby's reponse to the game registration stanza will tell us our public IP. if (hasLobby) { CStr ip; if (!useSTUN) // Don't store IP - the lobby bot will send it later. // (if a client tries to connect before it's setup, they'll be disconnected) g_NetServer->SetConnectionData("", serverPort, false); else { u16 port = serverPort; // This is using port variable to store return value, do not pass serverPort itself. if (!StunClient::FindStunEndpointHost(ip, port)) { ScriptRequest rq(pCmptPrivate->pScriptInterface); ScriptException::Raise(rq, "Failed to host via STUN."); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetServer); return; } g_NetServer->SetConnectionData(ip, port, true); } } if (!g_NetServer->SetupConnection(serverPort)) { ScriptRequest rq(pCmptPrivate->pScriptInterface); ScriptException::Raise(rq, "Failed to start server"); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetServer); return; } + // Generate a secret to identify the host client. + std::string secret = ps_generate_guid(); + // We will get hashed password from clients, so hash it once for server CStr hashedPass = HashPassword(password); g_NetServer->SetPassword(hashedPass); + g_NetServer->SetControllerSecret(secret); g_Game = new CGame(true); - g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game, true); + g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game); g_NetClient->SetUserName(playerName); g_NetClient->SetHostingPlayerName(hostLobbyName); g_NetClient->SetGamePassword(hashedPass); g_NetClient->SetupServerData("", serverPort, false); + g_NetClient->SetControllerSecret(secret); if (!g_NetClient->SetupConnection(nullptr)) { ScriptRequest rq(pCmptPrivate->pScriptInterface); ScriptException::Raise(rq, "Failed to connect to server"); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetClient); SAFE_DELETE(g_Game); } } void JSI_Network::StartNetworkJoin(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, const CStrW& playerName, const CStr& serverAddress, u16 serverPort, bool useSTUN, const CStr& hostJID) { ENSURE(!g_NetClient); ENSURE(!g_NetServer); ENSURE(!g_Game); g_Game = new CGame(true); - g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game, false); + g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game); g_NetClient->SetUserName(playerName); g_NetClient->SetHostingPlayerName(hostJID.substr(0, hostJID.find("@"))); g_NetClient->SetupServerData(serverAddress, serverPort, useSTUN); if (!g_NetClient->SetupConnection(nullptr)) { ScriptRequest rq(pCmptPrivate->pScriptInterface); ScriptException::Raise(rq, "Failed to connect to server"); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetClient); SAFE_DELETE(g_Game); } } void JSI_Network::StartNetworkJoinLobby(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate), const CStrW& playerName, const CStr& hostJID, const CStr& password) { ENSURE(!!g_XmppClient); ENSURE(!g_NetClient); ENSURE(!g_NetServer); ENSURE(!g_Game); CStr hashedPass = HashPassword(password); g_Game = new CGame(true); - g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game, false); + g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game); g_NetClient->SetUserName(playerName); g_NetClient->SetHostingPlayerName(hostJID.substr(0, hostJID.find("@"))); g_NetClient->SetGamePassword(hashedPass); g_XmppClient->SendIqGetConnectionData(hostJID, hashedPass.c_str()); } void JSI_Network::DisconnectNetworkGame(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) { // TODO: we ought to do async reliable disconnections SAFE_DELETE(g_NetServer); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetClient); SAFE_DELETE(g_Game); } CStr JSI_Network::GetPlayerGUID(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) { if (!g_NetClient) return "local"; return g_NetClient->GetGUID(); } JS::Value JSI_Network::PollNetworkClient(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate) { if (!g_NetClient) return JS::UndefinedValue(); // Convert from net client context to GUI script context ScriptRequest rqNet(g_NetClient->GetScriptInterface()); JS::RootedValue pollNet(; g_NetClient->GuiPoll(&pollNet); return pCmptPrivate->pScriptInterface->CloneValueFromOtherCompartment(g_NetClient->GetScriptInterface(), pollNet); } void JSI_Network::SetNetworkGameAttributes(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, JS::HandleValue attribs1) { ENSURE(g_NetClient); // TODO: This is a workaround because we need to pass a MutableHandle to a JSAPI functions somewhere (with no obvious reason). ScriptRequest rq(pCmptPrivate->pScriptInterface); JS::RootedValue attribs(, attribs1); g_NetClient->SendGameSetupMessage(&attribs, *(pCmptPrivate->pScriptInterface)); } void JSI_Network::AssignNetworkPlayer(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate), int playerID, const CStr& guid) { ENSURE(g_NetClient); g_NetClient->SendAssignPlayerMessage(playerID, guid); } void JSI_Network::KickPlayer(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate), const CStrW& playerName, bool ban) { ENSURE(g_NetClient); g_NetClient->SendKickPlayerMessage(playerName, ban); } void JSI_Network::SendNetworkChat(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate), const CStrW& message) { ENSURE(g_NetClient); g_NetClient->SendChatMessage(message); } void JSI_Network::SendNetworkReady(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate), int message) { ENSURE(g_NetClient); g_NetClient->SendReadyMessage(message); } void JSI_Network::ClearAllPlayerReady (ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) { ENSURE(g_NetClient); g_NetClient->SendClearAllReadyMessage(); } void JSI_Network::StartNetworkGame(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate)) { ENSURE(g_NetClient); g_NetClient->SendStartGameMessage(); } void JSI_Network::SetTurnLength(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* UNUSED(pCmptPrivate), int length) { if (g_NetServer) g_NetServer->SetTurnLength(length); else LOGERROR("Only network host can change turn length"); } void JSI_Network::RegisterScriptFunctions(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) { scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("GetDefaultPort"); + scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("IsNetController"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("HasNetServer"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("HasNetClient"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("StartNetworkHost"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("StartNetworkJoin"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("StartNetworkJoinLobby"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("DisconnectNetworkGame"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("GetPlayerGUID"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("PollNetworkClient"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("SetNetworkGameAttributes"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("AssignNetworkPlayer"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("KickPlayer"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("SendNetworkChat"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("SendNetworkReady"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("ClearAllPlayerReady"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("StartNetworkGame"); scriptInterface.RegisterFunction("SetTurnLength"); } Index: ps/trunk/source/network/scripting/JSInterface_Network.h =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/scripting/JSInterface_Network.h (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/scripting/JSInterface_Network.h (revision 24952) @@ -1,54 +1,55 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #ifndef INCLUDED_JSI_NETWORK #define INCLUDED_JSI_NETWORK #include "lib/types.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" namespace JSI_Network { u16 GetDefaultPort(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); + bool IsNetController(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); bool HasNetServer(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); bool HasNetClient(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); void StartNetworkGame(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); void SetNetworkGameAttributes(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, JS::HandleValue attribs1); void StartNetworkHost(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, const CStrW& playerName, const u16 serverPort, const CStr& hostLobbyName, bool useSTUN, const CStr& password); void StartNetworkJoin(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, const CStrW& playerName, const CStr& serverAddress, u16 serverPort, bool useSTUN, const CStr& hostJID); /** * Requires XmppClient to send iq request to the server to get server's ip and port based on passed password. * This is needed to not force server to share it's public ip with all potential clients in the lobby. * XmppClient will also handle logic after receiving the answer. */ void StartNetworkJoinLobby(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, const CStrW& playerName, const CStr& hostJID, const CStr& password); void DisconnectNetworkGame(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); JS::Value PollNetworkClient(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); CStr GetPlayerGUID(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); void KickPlayer(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, const CStrW& playerName, bool ban); void AssignNetworkPlayer(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, int playerID, const CStr& guid); void ClearAllPlayerReady (ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate); void SendNetworkChat(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, const CStrW& message); void SendNetworkReady(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, int message); void SetTurnLength(ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate, int length); CStr HashPassword(const CStr& password); void RegisterScriptFunctions(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface); } #endif // INCLUDED_JSI_NETWORK Index: ps/trunk/source/network/tests/test_Net.h =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/network/tests/test_Net.h (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/network/tests/test_Net.h (revision 24952) @@ -1,384 +1,384 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2020 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "lib/self_test.h" #include "graphics/TerrainTextureManager.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/enet.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "lib/tex/tex.h" #include "network/NetServer.h" #include "network/NetClient.h" #include "network/NetMessage.h" #include "network/NetMessages.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "simulation2/system/TurnManager.h" class TestNetComms : public CxxTest::TestSuite { public: void setUp() { g_VFS = CreateVfs(); TS_ASSERT_OK(g_VFS->Mount(L"", DataDir()/"mods"/"public", VFS_MOUNT_MUST_EXIST)); TS_ASSERT_OK(g_VFS->Mount(L"cache", DataDir()/"_testcache")); CXeromyces::Startup(); // Need some stuff for terrain movement costs: // (TODO: this ought to be independent of any graphics code) new CTerrainTextureManager; g_TexMan.LoadTerrainTextures(); enet_initialize(); } void tearDown() { enet_deinitialize(); delete &g_TexMan; CXeromyces::Terminate(); g_VFS.reset(); DeleteDirectory(DataDir()/"_testcache"); } bool clients_are_all(const std::vector& clients, uint state) { for (size_t j = 0; j < clients.size(); ++j) if (clients[j]->GetCurrState() != state) return false; return true; } void connect(CNetServer& server, const std::vector& clients) { TS_ASSERT(server.SetupConnection(PS_DEFAULT_PORT)); for (CNetClient* client: clients) { client->SetupServerData("", PS_DEFAULT_PORT, false); TS_ASSERT(client->SetupConnection(nullptr)); } for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i) { // debug_printf("."); for (size_t j = 0; j < clients.size(); ++j) clients[j]->Poll(); if (clients_are_all(clients, NCS_PREGAME)) break; if (i > 20) { TS_FAIL("connection timeout"); break; } SDL_Delay(100); } } #if 0 void disconnect(CNetServer& server, const std::vector& clients) { for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i) { // debug_printf("."); server.Poll(); for (size_t j = 0; j < clients.size(); ++j) clients[j]->Poll(); if (server.GetState() == SERVER_STATE_UNCONNECTED && clients_are_all(clients, NCS_UNCONNECTED)) break; if (i > 20) { TS_FAIL("disconnection timeout"); break; } SDL_Delay(100); } } #endif void wait(const std::vector& clients, size_t msecs) { for (size_t i = 0; i < msecs/10; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < clients.size(); ++j) clients[j]->Poll(); SDL_Delay(10); } } void test_basic_DISABLED() { // This doesn't actually test much, it just runs a very quick multiplayer game // and prints a load of debug output so you can see if anything funny's going on ScriptInterface scriptInterface("Engine", "Test", g_ScriptContext); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); TestStdoutLogger logger; std::vector clients; CGame client1Game(false); CGame client2Game(false); CGame client3Game(false); - CNetServer server; + CNetServer server("no_secret"); JS::RootedValue attrs(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &attrs, "mapType", "scenario", "map", "maps/scenarios/Saharan Oases", "mapPath", "maps/scenarios/", "thing", "example"); server.UpdateGameAttributes(&attrs, scriptInterface); - CNetClient client1(&client1Game, false); - CNetClient client2(&client2Game, false); - CNetClient client3(&client3Game, false); + CNetClient client1(&client1Game); + CNetClient client2(&client2Game); + CNetClient client3(&client3Game); clients.push_back(&client1); clients.push_back(&client2); clients.push_back(&client3); connect(server, clients); debug_printf("%s", client1.TestReadGuiMessages().c_str()); server.StartGame(); SDL_Delay(100); for (size_t j = 0; j < clients.size(); ++j) { clients[j]->Poll(); TS_ASSERT_OK(LDR_NonprogressiveLoad()); clients[j]->LoadFinished(); } wait(clients, 100); { JS::RootedValue cmd(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &cmd, "type", "debug-print", "message", "[>>> client1 test sim command]\\n"); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->PostCommand(cmd); } { JS::RootedValue cmd(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &cmd, "type", "debug-print", "message", "[>>> client2 test sim command]\\n"); client2Game.GetTurnManager()->PostCommand(cmd); } wait(clients, 100); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client2Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client3Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); wait(clients, 100); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client2Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client3Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); wait(clients, 100); } void test_rejoin_DISABLED() { ScriptInterface scriptInterface("Engine", "Test", g_ScriptContext); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); TestStdoutLogger logger; std::vector clients; CGame client1Game(false); CGame client2Game(false); CGame client3Game(false); - CNetServer server; + CNetServer server("no_secret"); JS::RootedValue attrs(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &attrs, "mapType", "scenario", "map", "maps/scenarios/Saharan Oases", "mapPath", "maps/scenarios/", "thing", "example"); server.UpdateGameAttributes(&attrs, scriptInterface); - CNetClient client1(&client1Game, false); - CNetClient client2(&client2Game, false); - CNetClient client3(&client3Game, false); + CNetClient client1(&client1Game); + CNetClient client2(&client2Game); + CNetClient client3(&client3Game); client1.SetUserName(L"alice"); client2.SetUserName(L"bob"); client3.SetUserName(L"charlie"); clients.push_back(&client1); clients.push_back(&client2); clients.push_back(&client3); connect(server, clients); debug_printf("%s", client1.TestReadGuiMessages().c_str()); server.StartGame(); SDL_Delay(100); for (size_t j = 0; j < clients.size(); ++j) { clients[j]->Poll(); TS_ASSERT_OK(LDR_NonprogressiveLoad()); clients[j]->LoadFinished(); } wait(clients, 100); { JS::RootedValue cmd(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &cmd, "type", "debug-print", "message", "[>>> client1 test sim command 1]\\n"); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->PostCommand(cmd); } wait(clients, 100); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client2Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client3Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); wait(clients, 100); { JS::RootedValue cmd(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &cmd, "type", "debug-print", "message", "[>>> client1 test sim command 2]\\n"); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->PostCommand(cmd); } debug_printf("==== Disconnecting client 2\n"); client2.DestroyConnection(); clients.erase(clients.begin()+1); debug_printf("==== Connecting client 2B\n"); CGame client2BGame(false); - CNetClient client2B(&client2BGame, false); + CNetClient client2B(&client2BGame); client2B.SetUserName(L"bob"); clients.push_back(&client2B); client2B.SetupServerData("", PS_DEFAULT_PORT, false); TS_ASSERT(client2B.SetupConnection(nullptr)); for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i) { debug_printf("[%u]\n", client2B.GetCurrState()); client2B.Poll(); if (client2B.GetCurrState() == NCS_PREGAME) break; if (client2B.GetCurrState() == NCS_UNCONNECTED) { TS_FAIL("connection rejected"); return; } if (i > 20) { TS_FAIL("connection timeout"); return; } SDL_Delay(100); } wait(clients, 100); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client3Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); wait(clients, 100); server.SetTurnLength(100); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client3Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); wait(clients, 100); // (This SetTurnLength thing doesn't actually detect errors unless you change // CTurnManager::TurnNeedsFullHash to always return true) { JS::RootedValue cmd(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &cmd, "type", "debug-print", "message", "[>>> client1 test sim command 3]\\n"); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->PostCommand(cmd); } clients[2]->Poll(); TS_ASSERT_OK(LDR_NonprogressiveLoad()); clients[2]->LoadFinished(); wait(clients, 100); { JS::RootedValue cmd(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &cmd, "type", "debug-print", "message", "[>>> client1 test sim command 4]\\n"); client1Game.GetTurnManager()->PostCommand(cmd); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { client1Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client2BGame.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); client3Game.GetTurnManager()->Update(1.0f, 1); wait(clients, 100); } } }; Index: ps/trunk/source/ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.cpp (revision 24951) +++ ps/trunk/source/ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.cpp (revision 24952) @@ -1,1647 +1,1652 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "lib/app_hooks.h" #include "lib/config2.h" #include "lib/input.h" #include "lib/ogl.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "lib/file/common/file_stats.h" #include "lib/res/h_mgr.h" #include "lib/res/graphics/cursor.h" #include "graphics/CinemaManager.h" #include "graphics/Color.h" #include "graphics/FontMetrics.h" #include "graphics/GameView.h" #include "graphics/LightEnv.h" #include "graphics/MapReader.h" #include "graphics/ModelDef.h" #include "graphics/MaterialManager.h" #include "graphics/TerrainTextureManager.h" #include "gui/CGUI.h" #include "gui/GUIManager.h" #include "i18n/L10n.h" #include "maths/MathUtil.h" #include "network/NetServer.h" #include "network/NetClient.h" #include "network/NetMessage.h" #include "network/NetMessages.h" #include "ps/CConsole.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/ConfigDB.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Atlas.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Paths.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/CmdLineArgs.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/HWDetect.h" #include "ps/Globals.h" +#include "ps/GUID.h" #include "ps/Hotkey.h" #include "ps/Joystick.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/Mod.h" #include "ps/ModIo.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/ProfileViewer.h" #include "ps/Profiler2.h" #include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h" // psSetLogDir #include "ps/scripting/JSInterface_Console.h" #include "ps/TouchInput.h" #include "ps/UserReport.h" #include "ps/Util.h" #include "ps/VideoMode.h" #include "ps/VisualReplay.h" #include "ps/World.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "renderer/VertexBufferManager.h" #include "renderer/ModelRenderer.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptStats.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptContext.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptConversions.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "lobby/IXmppClient.h" #include "soundmanager/scripting/JSInterface_Sound.h" #include "soundmanager/ISoundManager.h" #include "tools/atlas/GameInterface/GameLoop.h" #include "tools/atlas/GameInterface/View.h" #if !(OS_WIN || OS_MACOSX || OS_ANDROID) // assume all other platforms use X11 for wxWidgets #define MUST_INIT_X11 1 #include #else #define MUST_INIT_X11 0 #endif extern void RestartEngine(); #include #include #include ERROR_GROUP(System); ERROR_TYPE(System, SDLInitFailed); ERROR_TYPE(System, VmodeFailed); ERROR_TYPE(System, RequiredExtensionsMissing); bool g_DoRenderGui = true; bool g_DoRenderLogger = true; bool g_DoRenderCursor = true; thread_local shared_ptr g_ScriptContext; static const int SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT = 5; // keep in sync with code static const CStr g_EventNameGameLoadProgress = "GameLoadProgress"; bool g_InDevelopmentCopy; bool g_CheckedIfInDevelopmentCopy = false; static void SetTextureQuality(int quality) { int q_flags; GLint filter; retry: // keep this in sync with SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT switch(quality) { // worst quality case 0: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_RES|OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_NEAREST; break; // [perf] add bilinear filtering case 1: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_RES|OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_LINEAR; break; // [vmem] no longer reduce resolution case 2: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_LINEAR; break; // [vmem] add mipmaps case 3: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // [perf] better filtering case 4: q_flags = OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP; filter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // [vmem] no longer reduce bpp case SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT: q_flags = OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; filter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // [perf] add anisotropy case 6: // TODO: add anisotropic filtering q_flags = OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; filter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; break; // invalid default: debug_warn(L"SetTextureQuality: invalid quality"); quality = SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT; // careful: recursion doesn't work and we don't want to duplicate // the "sane" default values. goto retry; } ogl_tex_set_defaults(q_flags, filter); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GUI integration //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // display progress / description in loading screen void GUI_DisplayLoadProgress(int percent, const wchar_t* pending_task) { const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = *(g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface()); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); JS::RootedValueVector paramData(; ignore_result(paramData.append(JS::NumberValue(percent))); JS::RootedValue valPendingTask(; scriptInterface.ToJSVal(rq, &valPendingTask, pending_task); ignore_result(paramData.append(valPendingTask)); g_GUI->SendEventToAll(g_EventNameGameLoadProgress, paramData); } bool ShouldRender() { return !g_app_minimized && (g_app_has_focus || !g_VideoMode.IsInFullscreen()); } void Render() { // Do not render if not focused while in fullscreen or minimised, // as that triggers a difficult-to-reproduce crash on some graphic cards. if (!ShouldRender()) return; PROFILE3("render"); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler2.RecordGPUFrameStart(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // prepare before starting the renderer frame if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->BeginFrame(); if (g_Game) g_Renderer.SetSimulation(g_Game->GetSimulation2()); // start new frame g_Renderer.BeginFrame(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Renderer.RenderTextOverlays(); // If we're in Atlas game view, render special tools if (g_AtlasGameLoop && g_AtlasGameLoop->view) { g_AtlasGameLoop->view->DrawCinemaPathTool(); ogl_WarnIfError(); } if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted()) g_Game->GetView()->GetCinema()->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_DoRenderGui) g_GUI->Draw(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // If we're in Atlas game view, render special overlays (e.g. editor bandbox) if (g_AtlasGameLoop && g_AtlasGameLoop->view) { g_AtlasGameLoop->view->DrawOverlays(); ogl_WarnIfError(); } // Text: glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); g_Console->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); if (g_DoRenderLogger) g_Logger->Render(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Profile information g_ProfileViewer.RenderProfile(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Draw the cursor (or set the Windows cursor, on Windows) if (g_DoRenderCursor) { PROFILE3_GPU("cursor"); CStrW cursorName = g_CursorName; if (cursorName.empty()) { cursor_draw(g_VFS, NULL, g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, g_GuiScale, false); } else { bool forceGL = false; CFG_GET_VAL("nohwcursor", forceGL); #if CONFIG2_GLES #warning TODO: implement cursors for GLES #else // set up transform for GL cursor glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); CMatrix3D transform; transform.SetOrtho(0.f, (float)g_xres, 0.f, (float)g_yres, -1.f, 1000.f); glLoadMatrixf(&transform._11); #endif #if OS_ANDROID #warning TODO: cursors for Android #else if (cursor_draw(g_VFS, cursorName.c_str(), g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, g_GuiScale, forceGL) < 0) LOGWARNING("Failed to draw cursor '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(cursorName)); #endif #if CONFIG2_GLES #warning TODO: implement cursors for GLES #else // restore transform glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); #endif } } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); g_Renderer.EndFrame(); PROFILE2_ATTR("draw calls: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_DrawCalls); PROFILE2_ATTR("terrain tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_TerrainTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("water tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_WaterTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("model tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_ModelTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("overlay tris: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_OverlayTris); PROFILE2_ATTR("blend splats: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_BlendSplats); PROFILE2_ATTR("particles: %d", (int)g_Renderer.GetStats().m_Particles); ogl_WarnIfError(); g_Profiler2.RecordGPUFrameEnd(); ogl_WarnIfError(); } ErrorReactionInternal psDisplayError(const wchar_t* UNUSED(text), size_t UNUSED(flags)) { // If we're fullscreen, then sometimes (at least on some particular drivers on Linux) // displaying the error dialog hangs the desktop since the dialog box is behind the // fullscreen window. So we just force the game to windowed mode before displaying the dialog. // (But only if we're in the main thread, and not if we're being reentrant.) if (Threading::IsMainThread()) { static bool reentering = false; if (!reentering) { reentering = true; g_VideoMode.SetFullscreen(false); reentering = false; } } // We don't actually implement the error display here, so return appropriately return ERI_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } const std::vector& GetMods(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags) { const bool init_mods = (flags & INIT_MODS) == INIT_MODS; const bool add_user = !InDevelopmentCopy() && !args.Has("noUserMod"); const bool add_public = (flags & INIT_MODS_PUBLIC) == INIT_MODS_PUBLIC; if (!init_mods) { // Add the user mod if it should be present if (add_user && (g_modsLoaded.empty() || g_modsLoaded.back() != "user")) g_modsLoaded.push_back("user"); return g_modsLoaded; } g_modsLoaded = args.GetMultiple("mod"); if (add_public) g_modsLoaded.insert(g_modsLoaded.begin(), "public"); g_modsLoaded.insert(g_modsLoaded.begin(), "mod"); // Add the user mod if not explicitly disabled or we have a dev copy so // that saved files end up in version control and not in the user mod. if (add_user) g_modsLoaded.push_back("user"); return g_modsLoaded; } void MountMods(const Paths& paths, const std::vector& mods) { OsPath modPath = paths.RData()/"mods"; OsPath modUserPath = paths.UserData()/"mods"; for (size_t i = 0; i < mods.size(); ++i) { size_t priority = (i+1)*2; // mods are higher priority than regular mountings, which default to priority 0 size_t userFlags = VFS_MOUNT_WATCH|VFS_MOUNT_ARCHIVABLE|VFS_MOUNT_REPLACEABLE; size_t baseFlags = userFlags|VFS_MOUNT_MUST_EXIST; OsPath modName(mods[i]); if (InDevelopmentCopy()) { // We are running a dev copy, so only mount mods in the user mod path // if the mod does not exist in the data path. if (DirectoryExists(modPath / modName/"")) g_VFS->Mount(L"", modPath / modName/"", baseFlags, priority); else g_VFS->Mount(L"", modUserPath / modName/"", userFlags, priority); } else { g_VFS->Mount(L"", modPath / modName/"", baseFlags, priority); // Ensure that user modified files are loaded, if they are present g_VFS->Mount(L"", modUserPath / modName/"", userFlags, priority+1); } } } static void InitVfs(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags) { TIMER(L"InitVfs"); const bool setup_error = (flags & INIT_HAVE_DISPLAY_ERROR) == 0; const Paths paths(args); OsPath logs(paths.Logs()); CreateDirectories(logs, 0700); psSetLogDir(logs); // desired location for crashlog is now known. update AppHooks ASAP // (particularly before the following error-prone operations): AppHooks hooks = {0}; hooks.bundle_logs = psBundleLogs; hooks.get_log_dir = psLogDir; if (setup_error) hooks.display_error = psDisplayError; app_hooks_update(&hooks); g_VFS = CreateVfs(); const OsPath readonlyConfig = paths.RData()/"config"/""; g_VFS->Mount(L"config/", readonlyConfig); // Engine localization files. g_VFS->Mount(L"l10n/", paths.RData()/"l10n"/""); MountMods(paths, GetMods(args, flags)); // We mount these dirs last as otherwise writing could result in files being placed in a mod's dir. g_VFS->Mount(L"screenshots/", paths.UserData()/"screenshots"/""); g_VFS->Mount(L"saves/", paths.UserData()/"saves"/"", VFS_MOUNT_WATCH); // Mounting with highest priority, so that a mod supplied user.cfg is harmless g_VFS->Mount(L"config/", readonlyConfig, 0, (size_t)-1); if(readonlyConfig != paths.Config()) g_VFS->Mount(L"config/", paths.Config(), 0, (size_t)-1); g_VFS->Mount(L"cache/", paths.Cache(), VFS_MOUNT_ARCHIVABLE); // (adding XMBs to archive speeds up subsequent reads) // note: don't bother with g_VFS->TextRepresentation - directories // haven't yet been populated and are empty. } static void InitPs(bool setup_gui, const CStrW& gui_page, ScriptInterface* srcScriptInterface, JS::HandleValue initData) { { // console TIMER(L"ps_console"); g_Console->UpdateScreenSize(g_xres, g_yres); // Calculate and store the line spacing CFontMetrics font(CStrIntern(CONSOLE_FONT)); g_Console->m_iFontHeight = font.GetLineSpacing(); g_Console->m_iFontWidth = font.GetCharacterWidth(L'C'); g_Console->m_charsPerPage = (size_t)(g_xres / g_Console->m_iFontWidth); // Offset by an arbitrary amount, to make it fit more nicely g_Console->m_iFontOffset = 7; double blinkRate = 0.5; CFG_GET_VAL("gui.cursorblinkrate", blinkRate); g_Console->SetCursorBlinkRate(blinkRate); } // hotkeys { TIMER(L"ps_lang_hotkeys"); LoadHotkeys(g_ConfigDB); } if (!setup_gui) { // We do actually need *some* kind of GUI loaded, so use the // (currently empty) Atlas one g_GUI->SwitchPage(L"page_atlas.xml", srcScriptInterface, initData); return; } // GUI uses VFS, so this must come after VFS init. g_GUI->SwitchPage(gui_page, srcScriptInterface, initData); } void InitPsAutostart(bool networked, JS::HandleValue attrs) { // The GUI has not been initialized yet, so use the simulation scriptinterface for this variable ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); JS::RootedValue playerAssignments(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &playerAssignments); if (!networked) { JS::RootedValue localPlayer(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &localPlayer, "player", g_Game->GetPlayerID()); scriptInterface.SetProperty(playerAssignments, "local", localPlayer); } JS::RootedValue sessionInitData(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject( rq, &sessionInitData, "attribs", attrs, "playerAssignments", playerAssignments); InitPs(true, L"page_loading.xml", &scriptInterface, sessionInitData); } void InitInput() { g_Joystick.Initialise(); // register input handlers // This stack is constructed so the first added, will be the last // one called. This is important, because each of the handlers // has the potential to block events to go further down // in the chain. I.e. the last one in the list added, is the // only handler that can block all messages before they are // processed. in_add_handler(game_view_handler); in_add_handler(CProfileViewer::InputThunk); in_add_handler(conInputHandler); in_add_handler(HotkeyInputHandler); // gui_handler needs to be registered after (i.e. called before!) the // hotkey handler so that input boxes can be typed in without // setting off hotkeys. in_add_handler(gui_handler); in_add_handler(touch_input_handler); // must be registered after (called before) the GUI which relies on these globals in_add_handler(GlobalsInputHandler); // Should be called first, this updates our hotkey press state // so that js calls to HotkeyIsPressed are synched with events. in_add_handler(HotkeyStateChange); } static void ShutdownPs() { SAFE_DELETE(g_GUI); UnloadHotkeys(); // disable the special Windows cursor, or free textures for OGL cursors cursor_draw(g_VFS, 0, g_mouse_x, g_yres-g_mouse_y, 1.0, false); } static void InitRenderer() { TIMER(L"InitRenderer"); // create renderer new CRenderer; // create terrain related stuff new CTerrainTextureManager; g_Renderer.Open(g_xres, g_yres); // Setup lighting environment. Since the Renderer accesses the // lighting environment through a pointer, this has to be done before // the first Frame. g_Renderer.SetLightEnv(&g_LightEnv); // I haven't seen the camera affecting GUI rendering and such, but the // viewport has to be updated according to the video mode SViewPort vp; vp.m_X = 0; vp.m_Y = 0; vp.m_Width = g_xres; vp.m_Height = g_yres; g_Renderer.SetViewport(vp); ModelDefActivateFastImpl(); ColorActivateFastImpl(); ModelRenderer::Init(); } static void InitSDL() { #if OS_LINUX // In fullscreen mode when SDL is compiled with DGA support, the mouse // sensitivity often appears to be unusably wrong (typically too low). // (This seems to be reported almost exclusively on Ubuntu, but can be // reproduced on Gentoo after explicitly enabling DGA.) // Disabling the DGA mouse appears to fix that problem, and doesn't // have any obvious negative effects. setenv("SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE", "0", 0); #endif if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) < 0) { LOGERROR("SDL library initialization failed: %s", SDL_GetError()); throw PSERROR_System_SDLInitFailed(); } atexit(SDL_Quit); // Text input is active by default, disable it until it is actually needed. SDL_StopTextInput(); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 9) // SDL2 >= 2.0.9 defaults to 32 pixels (to support touch screens) but that can break our double-clicking. SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_RADIUS, "1"); #endif #if OS_MACOSX // Some Mac mice only have one button, so they can't right-click // but SDL2 can emulate that with Ctrl+Click bool macMouse = false; CFG_GET_VAL("macmouse", macMouse); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MAC_CTRL_CLICK_EMULATE_RIGHT_CLICK, macMouse ? "1" : "0"); #endif } static void ShutdownSDL() { SDL_Quit(); } void EndGame() { SAFE_DELETE(g_NetClient); SAFE_DELETE(g_NetServer); SAFE_DELETE(g_Game); if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) { ISoundManager::CloseGame(); g_Renderer.ResetState(); } } void Shutdown(int flags) { const bool hasRenderer = CRenderer::IsInitialised(); if ((flags & SHUTDOWN_FROM_CONFIG)) goto from_config; EndGame(); SAFE_DELETE(g_XmppClient); SAFE_DELETE(g_ModIo); ShutdownPs(); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown TexMan"); delete &g_TexMan; TIMER_END(L"shutdown TexMan"); if (hasRenderer) { TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown Renderer"); g_Renderer.~CRenderer(); g_VBMan.Shutdown(); TIMER_END(L"shutdown Renderer"); } g_RenderingOptions.ClearHooks(); g_Profiler2.ShutdownGPU(); // Free cursors before shutting down SDL, as they may depend on SDL. cursor_shutdown(); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown SDL"); ShutdownSDL(); TIMER_END(L"shutdown SDL"); if (hasRenderer) g_VideoMode.Shutdown(); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown UserReporter"); g_UserReporter.Deinitialize(); TIMER_END(L"shutdown UserReporter"); // Cleanup curl now that g_ModIo and g_UserReporter have been shutdown. curl_global_cleanup(); delete &g_L10n; from_config: TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown ConfigDB"); delete &g_ConfigDB; TIMER_END(L"shutdown ConfigDB"); SAFE_DELETE(g_Console); // This is needed to ensure that no callbacks from the JSAPI try to use // the profiler when it's already destructed g_ScriptContext.reset(); // resource // first shut down all resource owners, and then the handle manager. TIMER_BEGIN(L"resource modules"); ISoundManager::SetEnabled(false); g_VFS.reset(); // this forcibly frees all open handles (thus preventing real leaks), // and makes further access to h_mgr impossible. h_mgr_shutdown(); file_stats_dump(); TIMER_END(L"resource modules"); TIMER_BEGIN(L"shutdown misc"); timer_DisplayClientTotals(); CNetHost::Deinitialize(); // should be last, since the above use them SAFE_DELETE(g_Logger); delete &g_Profiler; delete &g_ProfileViewer; SAFE_DELETE(g_ScriptStatsTable); TIMER_END(L"shutdown misc"); } #if OS_UNIX static void FixLocales() { #if OS_MACOSX || OS_BSD // OS X requires a UTF-8 locale in LC_CTYPE so that *wprintf can handle // wide characters. Peculiarly the string "UTF-8" seems to be acceptable // despite not being a real locale, and it's conveniently language-agnostic, // so use that. setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "UTF-8"); #endif // On misconfigured systems with incorrect locale settings, we'll die // with a C++ exception when some code (e.g. Boost) tries to use locales. // To avoid death, we'll detect the problem here and warn the user and // reset to the default C locale. // For informing the user of the problem, use the list of env vars that // glibc setlocale looks at. (LC_ALL is checked first, and LANG last.) const char* const LocaleEnvVars[] = { "LC_ALL", "LC_COLLATE", "LC_CTYPE", "LC_MONETARY", "LC_NUMERIC", "LC_TIME", "LC_MESSAGES", "LANG" }; try { // this constructor is similar to setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), // but instead of returning NULL, it throws runtime_error // when the first locale env variable found contains an invalid value std::locale(""); } catch (std::runtime_error&) { LOGWARNING("Invalid locale settings"); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(LocaleEnvVars); i++) { if (char* envval = getenv(LocaleEnvVars[i])) LOGWARNING(" %s=\"%s\"", LocaleEnvVars[i], envval); else LOGWARNING(" %s=\"(unset)\"", LocaleEnvVars[i]); } // We should set LC_ALL since it overrides LANG if (setenv("LC_ALL", std::locale::classic().name().c_str(), 1)) debug_warn(L"Invalid locale settings, and unable to set LC_ALL env variable."); else LOGWARNING("Setting LC_ALL env variable to: %s", getenv("LC_ALL")); } } #else static void FixLocales() { // Do nothing on Windows } #endif void EarlyInit() { // If you ever want to catch a particular allocation: //_CrtSetBreakAlloc(232647); Threading::SetMainThread(); debug_SetThreadName("main"); // add all debug_printf "tags" that we are interested in: debug_filter_add("TIMER"); timer_Init(); // initialise profiler early so it can profile startup, // but only after LatchStartTime g_Profiler2.Initialise(); FixLocales(); // Because we do GL calls from a secondary thread, Xlib needs to // be told to support multiple threads safely. // This is needed for Atlas, but we have to call it before any other // Xlib functions (e.g. the ones used when drawing the main menu // before launching Atlas) #if MUST_INIT_X11 int status = XInitThreads(); if (status == 0) debug_printf("Error enabling thread-safety via XInitThreads\n"); #endif // Initialise the low-quality rand function srand(time(NULL)); // NOTE: this rand should *not* be used for simulation! } bool Autostart(const CmdLineArgs& args); /** * Returns true if the user has intended to start a visual replay from command line. */ bool AutostartVisualReplay(const std::string& replayFile); bool Init(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags) { h_mgr_init(); // Do this as soon as possible, because it chdirs // and will mess up the error reporting if anything // crashes before the working directory is set. InitVfs(args, flags); // This must come after VFS init, which sets the current directory // (required for finding our output log files). g_Logger = new CLogger; new CProfileViewer; new CProfileManager; // before any script code g_ScriptStatsTable = new CScriptStatsTable; g_ProfileViewer.AddRootTable(g_ScriptStatsTable); // Set up the console early, so that debugging // messages can be logged to it. (The console's size // and fonts are set later in InitPs()) g_Console = new CConsole(); // g_ConfigDB, command line args, globals CONFIG_Init(args); // Using a global object for the context is a workaround until Simulation and AI use // their own threads and also their own contexts. const int contextSize = 384 * 1024 * 1024; const int heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger = 20 * 1024 * 1024; g_ScriptContext = ScriptContext::CreateContext(contextSize, heapGrowthBytesGCTrigger); Mod::CacheEnabledModVersions(g_ScriptContext); // Special command-line mode to dump the entity schemas instead of running the game. // (This must be done after loading VFS etc, but should be done before wasting time // on anything else.) if (args.Has("dumpSchema")) { CSimulation2 sim(NULL, g_ScriptContext, NULL); sim.LoadDefaultScripts(); std::ofstream f("entity.rng", std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); f << sim.GenerateSchema(); std::cout << "Generated entity.rng\n"; exit(0); } CNetHost::Initialize(); #if CONFIG2_AUDIO if (!args.Has("autostart-nonvisual") && !g_DisableAudio) ISoundManager::CreateSoundManager(); #endif // Check if there are mods specified on the command line, // or if we already set the mods (~INIT_MODS), // else check if there are mods that should be loaded specified // in the config and load those (by aborting init and restarting // the engine). if (!args.Has("mod") && (flags & INIT_MODS) == INIT_MODS) { CStr modstring; CFG_GET_VAL("mod.enabledmods", modstring); if (!modstring.empty()) { std::vector mods; boost::split(mods, modstring, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on); std::swap(g_modsLoaded, mods); // Abort init and restart RestartEngine(); return false; } } new L10n; // Optionally start profiler HTTP output automatically // (By default it's only enabled by a hotkey, for security/performance) bool profilerHTTPEnable = false; CFG_GET_VAL("profiler2.autoenable", profilerHTTPEnable); if (profilerHTTPEnable) g_Profiler2.EnableHTTP(); // Initialise everything except Win32 sockets (because our networking // system already inits those) curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL & ~CURL_GLOBAL_WIN32); if (!g_Quickstart) g_UserReporter.Initialize(); // after config PROFILE2_EVENT("Init finished"); return true; } void InitGraphics(const CmdLineArgs& args, int flags, const std::vector& installedMods) { const bool setup_vmode = (flags & INIT_HAVE_VMODE) == 0; if(setup_vmode) { InitSDL(); if (!g_VideoMode.InitSDL()) throw PSERROR_System_VmodeFailed(); // abort startup } RunHardwareDetection(); const int quality = SANE_TEX_QUALITY_DEFAULT; // TODO: set value from config file SetTextureQuality(quality); ogl_WarnIfError(); // Optionally start profiler GPU timings automatically // (By default it's only enabled by a hotkey, for performance/compatibility) bool profilerGPUEnable = false; CFG_GET_VAL("profiler2.autoenable", profilerGPUEnable); if (profilerGPUEnable) g_Profiler2.EnableGPU(); if(!g_Quickstart) { WriteSystemInfo(); // note: no longer vfs_display here. it's dog-slow due to unbuffered // file output and very rarely needed. } if(g_DisableAudio) ISoundManager::SetEnabled(false); g_GUI = new CGUIManager(); // (must come after SetVideoMode, since it calls ogl_Init) CStr8 renderPath = "default"; CFG_GET_VAL("renderpath", renderPath); if ((ogl_HaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_vertex_program", "GL_ARB_fragment_program", NULL) != 0 // ARB && ogl_HaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_vertex_shader", "GL_ARB_fragment_shader", NULL) != 0) // GLSL || RenderPathEnum::FromString(renderPath) == FIXED) { // It doesn't make sense to continue working here, because we're not // able to display anything. DEBUG_DISPLAY_FATAL_ERROR( L"Your graphics card doesn't appear to be fully compatible with OpenGL shaders." L" The game does not support pre-shader graphics cards." L" You are advised to try installing newer drivers and/or upgrade your graphics card." L" For more information, please see" ); } const char* missing = ogl_HaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_multitexture", "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements", "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine", "GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3", NULL); if(missing) { wchar_t buf[500]; swprintf_s(buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), L"The %hs extension doesn't appear to be available on your computer." L" The game may still work, though - you are welcome to try at your own risk." L" If not or it doesn't look right, upgrade your graphics card.", missing ); DEBUG_DISPLAY_ERROR(buf); // TODO: i18n } if (!ogl_HaveExtension("GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar")) { DEBUG_DISPLAY_ERROR( L"The GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar extension doesn't appear to be available on your computer." L" Shadows are not available and overall graphics quality might suffer." L" You are advised to try installing newer drivers and/or upgrade your graphics card."); g_ConfigDB.SetValueBool(CFG_HWDETECT, "shadows", false); } ogl_WarnIfError(); g_RenderingOptions.ReadConfigAndSetupHooks(); InitRenderer(); InitInput(); ogl_WarnIfError(); // TODO: Is this the best place for this? if (VfsDirectoryExists(L"maps/")) CXeromyces::AddValidator(g_VFS, "map", "maps/scenario.rng"); try { if (!AutostartVisualReplay(args.Get("replay-visual")) && !Autostart(args)) { const bool setup_gui = ((flags & INIT_NO_GUI) == 0); // We only want to display the splash screen at startup shared_ptr scriptInterface = g_GUI->GetScriptInterface(); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); JS::RootedValue data(; if (g_GUI) { ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &data, "isStartup", true); if (!installedMods.empty()) scriptInterface->SetProperty(data, "installedMods", installedMods); } InitPs(setup_gui, installedMods.empty() ? L"page_pregame.xml" : L"page_modmod.xml", g_GUI->GetScriptInterface().get(), data); } } catch (PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed& e) { // Map Loading failed // Start the engine so we have a GUI InitPs(true, L"page_pregame.xml", NULL, JS::UndefinedHandleValue); // Call script function to do the actual work // (delete game data, switch GUI page, show error, etc.) CancelLoad(CStr(e.what()).FromUTF8()); } } void InitNonVisual(const CmdLineArgs& args) { // Need some stuff for terrain movement costs: // (TODO: this ought to be independent of any graphics code) new CTerrainTextureManager; g_TexMan.LoadTerrainTextures(); Autostart(args); } void RenderGui(bool RenderingState) { g_DoRenderGui = RenderingState; } void RenderLogger(bool RenderingState) { g_DoRenderLogger = RenderingState; } void RenderCursor(bool RenderingState) { g_DoRenderCursor = RenderingState; } /** * Temporarily loads a scenario map and retrieves the "ScriptSettings" JSON * data from it. * The scenario map format is used for scenario and skirmish map types (random * games do not use a "map" (format) but a small JavaScript program which * creates a map on the fly). It contains a section to initialize the game * setup screen. * @param mapPath Absolute path (from VFS root) to the map file to peek in. * @return ScriptSettings in JSON format extracted from the map. */ CStr8 LoadSettingsOfScenarioMap(const VfsPath &mapPath) { CXeromyces mapFile; const char *pathToSettings[] = { "Scenario", "ScriptSettings", "" // Path to JSON data in map }; Status loadResult = mapFile.Load(g_VFS, mapPath); if (INFO::OK != loadResult) { LOGERROR("LoadSettingsOfScenarioMap: Unable to load map file '%s'", mapPath.string8()); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Unable to load map file, check the path for typos."); } XMBElement mapElement = mapFile.GetRoot(); // Select the ScriptSettings node in the map file... for (int i = 0; pathToSettings[i][0]; ++i) { int childId = mapFile.GetElementID(pathToSettings[i]); XMBElementList nodes = mapElement.GetChildNodes(); auto it = std::find_if(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&childId](const XMBElement& child) { return child.GetNodeName() == childId; }); if (it != nodes.end()) mapElement = *it; } // ... they contain a JSON document to initialize the game setup // screen return mapElement.GetText(); } /* * Command line options for autostart * (keep synchronized with binaries/system/readme.txt): * * -autostart="TYPEDIR/MAPNAME" enables autostart and sets MAPNAME; * TYPEDIR is skirmishes, scenarios, or random * -autostart-seed=SEED sets randomization seed value (default 0, use -1 for random) * -autostart-ai=PLAYER:AI sets the AI for PLAYER (e.g. 2:petra) * -autostart-aidiff=PLAYER:DIFF sets the DIFFiculty of PLAYER's AI * (0: sandbox, 5: very hard) * -autostart-aiseed=AISEED sets the seed used for the AI random * generator (default 0, use -1 for random) * -autostart-player=NUMBER sets the playerID in non-networked games (default 1, use -1 for observer) * -autostart-civ=PLAYER:CIV sets PLAYER's civilisation to CIV * (skirmish and random maps only) * -autostart-team=PLAYER:TEAM sets the team for PLAYER (e.g. 2:2). * -autostart-ceasefire=NUM sets a ceasefire duration NUM * (default 0 minutes) * -autostart-nonvisual disable any graphics and sounds * -autostart-victory=SCRIPTNAME sets the victory conditions with SCRIPTNAME * located in simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/ * (default conquest). When the first given SCRIPTNAME is * "endless", no victory conditions will apply. * -autostart-wonderduration=NUM sets the victory duration NUM for wonder victory condition * (default 10 minutes) * -autostart-relicduration=NUM sets the victory duration NUM for relic victory condition * (default 10 minutes) * -autostart-reliccount=NUM sets the number of relics for relic victory condition * (default 2 relics) * -autostart-disable-replay disable saving of replays * * Multiplayer: * -autostart-playername=NAME sets local player NAME (default 'anonymous') * -autostart-host sets multiplayer host mode * -autostart-host-players=NUMBER sets NUMBER of human players for multiplayer * game (default 2) * -autostart-client=IP sets multiplayer client to join host at * given IP address * Random maps only: * -autostart-size=TILES sets random map size in TILES (default 192) * -autostart-players=NUMBER sets NUMBER of players on random map * (default 2) * * Examples: * 1) "Bob" will host a 2 player game on the Arcadia map: * -autostart="scenarios/Arcadia" -autostart-host -autostart-host-players=2 -autostart-playername="Bob" * "Alice" joins the match as player 2: * -autostart="scenarios/Arcadia" -autostart-client= -autostart-playername="Alice" * The players use the developer overlay to control players. * * 2) Load Alpine Lakes random map with random seed, 2 players (Athens and Britons), and player 2 is PetraBot: * -autostart="random/alpine_lakes" -autostart-seed=-1 -autostart-players=2 -autostart-civ=1:athen -autostart-civ=2:brit -autostart-ai=2:petra * * 3) Observe the PetraBot on a triggerscript map: * -autostart="random/jebel_barkal" -autostart-seed=-1 -autostart-players=2 -autostart-civ=1:athen -autostart-civ=2:brit -autostart-ai=1:petra -autostart-ai=2:petra -autostart-player=-1 */ bool Autostart(const CmdLineArgs& args) { CStr autoStartName = args.Get("autostart"); if (autoStartName.empty()) return false; g_Game = new CGame(!args.Has("autostart-disable-replay")); ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); JS::RootedValue attrs(; JS::RootedValue settings(; JS::RootedValue playerData(; ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &attrs); ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &settings); ScriptInterface::CreateArray(rq, &playerData); // The directory in front of the actual map name indicates which type // of map is being loaded. Drawback of this approach is the association // of map types and folders is hard-coded, but benefits are: // - No need to pass the map type via command line separately // - Prevents mixing up of scenarios and skirmish maps to some degree Path mapPath = Path(autoStartName); std::wstring mapDirectory = mapPath.Parent().Filename().string(); std::string mapType; if (mapDirectory == L"random") { // Random map definition will be loaded from JSON file, so we need to parse it std::wstring scriptPath = L"maps/" + autoStartName.FromUTF8() + L".json"; JS::RootedValue scriptData(; scriptInterface.ReadJSONFile(scriptPath, &scriptData); if (!scriptData.isUndefined() && scriptInterface.GetProperty(scriptData, "settings", &settings)) { // JSON loaded ok - copy script name over to game attributes std::wstring scriptFile; scriptInterface.GetProperty(settings, "Script", scriptFile); scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "script", scriptFile); // RMS filename } else { // Problem with JSON file LOGERROR("Autostart: Error reading random map script '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(scriptPath)); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Error reading random map script.\nCheck application log for details."); } // Get optional map size argument (default 192) uint mapSize = 192; if (args.Has("autostart-size")) { CStr size = args.Get("autostart-size"); mapSize = size.ToUInt(); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "Size", mapSize); // Random map size (in patches) // Get optional number of players (default 2) size_t numPlayers = 2; if (args.Has("autostart-players")) { CStr num = args.Get("autostart-players"); numPlayers = num.ToUInt(); } // Set up player data for (size_t i = 0; i < numPlayers; ++i) { JS::RootedValue player(; // We could load player_defaults.json here, but that would complicate the logic // even more and autostart is only intended for developers anyway ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, &player, "Civ", "athen"); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, i, player); } mapType = "random"; } else if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios" || mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // Initialize general settings from the map data so some values // (e.g. name of map) are always present, even when autostart is // partially configured CStr8 mapSettingsJSON = LoadSettingsOfScenarioMap("maps/" + autoStartName + ".xml"); scriptInterface.ParseJSON(mapSettingsJSON, &settings); // Initialize the playerData array being modified by autostart // with the real map data, so sensible values are present: scriptInterface.GetProperty(settings, "PlayerData", &playerData); if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios") mapType = "scenario"; else mapType = "skirmish"; } else { LOGERROR("Autostart: Unrecognized map type '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(mapDirectory)); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Unrecognized map type.\nConsult readme.txt for the currently supported types."); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "mapType", mapType); scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "map", "maps/" + autoStartName); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "mapType", mapType); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "CheatsEnabled", true); // The seed is used for both random map generation and simulation u32 seed = 0; if (args.Has("autostart-seed")) { CStr seedArg = args.Get("autostart-seed"); if (seedArg == "-1") seed = rand(); else seed = seedArg.ToULong(); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "Seed", seed); // Set seed for AIs u32 aiseed = 0; if (args.Has("autostart-aiseed")) { CStr seedArg = args.Get("autostart-aiseed"); if (seedArg == "-1") aiseed = rand(); else aiseed = seedArg.ToULong(); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "AISeed", aiseed); // Set player data for AIs // attrs.settings = { PlayerData: [ { AI: ... }, ... ] } // or = { PlayerData: [ null, { AI: ... }, ... ] } when gaia set int offset = 1; JS::RootedValue player(; if (scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, 0, &player) && player.isNull()) offset = 0; // Set teams if (args.Has("autostart-team")) { std::vector civArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-team"); for (size_t i = 0; i < civArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = civArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue currentPlayer(; if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, ¤tPlayer) || currentPlayer.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-team option", playerID); continue; } ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, ¤tPlayer); } int teamID = civArgs[i].AfterFirst(":").ToInt() - 1; scriptInterface.SetProperty(currentPlayer, "Team", teamID); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, currentPlayer); } } int ceasefire = 0; if (args.Has("autostart-ceasefire")) ceasefire = args.Get("autostart-ceasefire").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "Ceasefire", ceasefire); if (args.Has("autostart-ai")) { std::vector aiArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-ai"); for (size_t i = 0; i < aiArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = aiArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue currentPlayer(; if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, ¤tPlayer) || currentPlayer.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios" || mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-ai option", playerID); continue; } ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, ¤tPlayer); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(currentPlayer, "AI", aiArgs[i].AfterFirst(":")); scriptInterface.SetProperty(currentPlayer, "AIDiff", 3); scriptInterface.SetProperty(currentPlayer, "AIBehavior", "balanced"); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, currentPlayer); } } // Set AI difficulty if (args.Has("autostart-aidiff")) { std::vector civArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-aidiff"); for (size_t i = 0; i < civArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = civArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue currentPlayer(; if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, ¤tPlayer) || currentPlayer.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"scenarios" || mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-aidiff option", playerID); continue; } ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, ¤tPlayer); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(currentPlayer, "AIDiff", civArgs[i].AfterFirst(":").ToInt()); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, currentPlayer); } } // Set player data for Civs if (args.Has("autostart-civ")) { if (mapDirectory != L"scenarios") { std::vector civArgs = args.GetMultiple("autostart-civ"); for (size_t i = 0; i < civArgs.size(); ++i) { int playerID = civArgs[i].BeforeFirst(":").ToInt(); // Instead of overwriting existing player data, modify the array JS::RootedValue currentPlayer(; if (!scriptInterface.GetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, ¤tPlayer) || currentPlayer.isUndefined()) { if (mapDirectory == L"skirmishes") { // playerID is certainly bigger than this map player number LOGWARNING("Autostart: Invalid player %d in autostart-civ option", playerID); continue; } ScriptInterface::CreateObject(rq, ¤tPlayer); } scriptInterface.SetProperty(currentPlayer, "Civ", civArgs[i].AfterFirst(":")); scriptInterface.SetPropertyInt(playerData, playerID-offset, currentPlayer); } } else LOGWARNING("Autostart: Option 'autostart-civ' is invalid for scenarios"); } // Add player data to map settings scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "PlayerData", playerData); // Add map settings to game attributes scriptInterface.SetProperty(attrs, "settings", settings); // Get optional playername CStrW userName = L"anonymous"; if (args.Has("autostart-playername")) userName = args.Get("autostart-playername").FromUTF8(); // Add additional scripts to the TriggerScripts property std::vector triggerScriptsVector; JS::RootedValue triggerScripts(; if (scriptInterface.HasProperty(settings, "TriggerScripts")) { scriptInterface.GetProperty(settings, "TriggerScripts", &triggerScripts); FromJSVal_vector(rq, triggerScripts, triggerScriptsVector); } if (!CRenderer::IsInitialised()) { CStr nonVisualScript = "scripts/NonVisualTrigger.js"; triggerScriptsVector.push_back(nonVisualScript.FromUTF8()); } std::vector victoryConditions(1, "conquest"); if (args.Has("autostart-victory")) victoryConditions = args.GetMultiple("autostart-victory"); if (victoryConditions.size() == 1 && victoryConditions[0] == "endless") victoryConditions.clear(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "VictoryConditions", victoryConditions); for (const CStr& victory : victoryConditions) { JS::RootedValue scriptData(; JS::RootedValue data(; JS::RootedValue victoryScripts(; CStrW scriptPath = L"simulation/data/settings/victory_conditions/" + victory.FromUTF8() + L".json"; scriptInterface.ReadJSONFile(scriptPath, &scriptData); if (!scriptData.isUndefined() && scriptInterface.GetProperty(scriptData, "Data", &data) && !data.isUndefined() && scriptInterface.GetProperty(data, "Scripts", &victoryScripts) && !victoryScripts.isUndefined()) { std::vector victoryScriptsVector; FromJSVal_vector(rq, victoryScripts, victoryScriptsVector); triggerScriptsVector.insert(triggerScriptsVector.end(), victoryScriptsVector.begin(), victoryScriptsVector.end()); } else { LOGERROR("Autostart: Error reading victory script '%s'", utf8_from_wstring(scriptPath)); throw PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed("Error reading victory script.\nCheck application log for details."); } } ToJSVal_vector(rq, &triggerScripts, triggerScriptsVector); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "TriggerScripts", triggerScripts); int wonderDuration = 10; if (args.Has("autostart-wonderduration")) wonderDuration = args.Get("autostart-wonderduration").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "WonderDuration", wonderDuration); int relicDuration = 10; if (args.Has("autostart-relicduration")) relicDuration = args.Get("autostart-relicduration").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "RelicDuration", relicDuration); int relicCount = 2; if (args.Has("autostart-reliccount")) relicCount = args.Get("autostart-reliccount").ToInt(); scriptInterface.SetProperty(settings, "RelicCount", relicCount); if (args.Has("autostart-host")) { InitPsAutostart(true, attrs); size_t maxPlayers = 2; if (args.Has("autostart-host-players")) maxPlayers = args.Get("autostart-host-players").ToUInt(); - g_NetServer = new CNetServer(false, maxPlayers); + // Generate a secret to identify the host client. + std::string secret = ps_generate_guid(); + g_NetServer = new CNetServer(false, maxPlayers); + g_NetServer->SetControllerSecret(secret); g_NetServer->UpdateGameAttributes(&attrs, scriptInterface); bool ok = g_NetServer->SetupConnection(PS_DEFAULT_PORT); ENSURE(ok); - g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game, true); + g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game); g_NetClient->SetUserName(userName); g_NetClient->SetupServerData("", PS_DEFAULT_PORT, false); + g_NetClient->SetControllerSecret(secret); g_NetClient->SetupConnection(nullptr); } else if (args.Has("autostart-client")) { InitPsAutostart(true, attrs); - g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game, false); + g_NetClient = new CNetClient(g_Game); g_NetClient->SetUserName(userName); CStr ip = args.Get("autostart-client"); if (ip.empty()) ip = ""; g_NetClient->SetupServerData(ip, PS_DEFAULT_PORT, false); ENSURE(g_NetClient->SetupConnection(nullptr)); } else { g_Game->SetPlayerID(args.Has("autostart-player") ? args.Get("autostart-player").ToInt() : 1); g_Game->StartGame(&attrs, ""); if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) { InitPsAutostart(false, attrs); } else { // TODO: Non progressive load can fail - need a decent way to handle this LDR_NonprogressiveLoad(); ENSURE(g_Game->ReallyStartGame() == PSRETURN_OK); } } return true; } bool AutostartVisualReplay(const std::string& replayFile) { if (!FileExists(OsPath(replayFile))) return false; g_Game = new CGame(false); g_Game->SetPlayerID(-1); g_Game->StartVisualReplay(replayFile); ScriptInterface& scriptInterface = g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetScriptInterface(); ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface); JS::RootedValue attrs(, g_Game->GetSimulation2()->GetInitAttributes()); InitPsAutostart(false, attrs); return true; } void CancelLoad(const CStrW& message) { shared_ptr pScriptInterface = g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface(); ScriptRequest rq(pScriptInterface); JS::RootedValue global(, rq.globalValue()); LDR_Cancel(); if (g_GUI && g_GUI->GetPageCount() && pScriptInterface->HasProperty(global, "cancelOnLoadGameError")) pScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(global, "cancelOnLoadGameError", message); } bool InDevelopmentCopy() { if (!g_CheckedIfInDevelopmentCopy) { g_InDevelopmentCopy = (g_VFS->GetFileInfo(L"config/dev.cfg", NULL) == INFO::OK); g_CheckedIfInDevelopmentCopy = true; } return g_InDevelopmentCopy; }