Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/unit_actions.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/unit_actions.js (revision 24998) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/unit_actions.js (revision 24999) @@ -1,1675 +1,1680 @@ /** * Specifies which template should indicate the target location of a player command, * given a command type. */ var g_TargetMarker = { "move": "special/target_marker" }; /** * Which enemy entity types will be attacked on sight when patroling. */ var g_PatrolTargets = ["Unit"]; const g_DisabledTags = { "color": "255 140 0" }; /** * List of different actions units can execute, * this is mostly used to determine which actions can be executed * * "execute" is meant to send the command to the engine * * The next functions will always return false * in case you have to continue to seek * (i.e. look at the next entity for getActionInfo, the next * possible action for the actionCheck ...) * They will return an object when the searching is finished * * "getActionInfo" is used to determine if the action is possible, * and also give visual feedback to the user (tooltips, cursors, ...) * * "preSelectedActionCheck" is used to select actions when the gui buttons * were used to set them, but still require a target (like the guard button) * * "hotkeyActionCheck" is used to check the possibility of actions when * a hotkey is pressed * * "actionCheck" is used to check the possibilty of actions without specific * command. For that, the specificness variable is used * * "specificness" is used to determine how specific an action is, * The lower the number, the more specific an action is, and the bigger * the chance of selecting that action when multiple actions are possible */ var g_UnitActions = { "move": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "walk", "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getDefault() }); DrawTargetMarker(target); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_walk", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.unitAI) return false; return { "possible": true }; }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.move") && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("move", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "move", "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 12, }, "attack-move": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { let targetClasses; if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.attackmoveUnit")) targetClasses = { "attack": ["Unit"] }; else targetClasses = { "attack": ["Unit", "Structure"] }; Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "attack-walk", "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z, "targetClasses": targetClasses, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); DrawTargetMarker(target); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_walk", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.unitAI) return false; return { "possible": true }; }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return isAttackMovePressed() && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("attack-move", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "attack-move", "cursor": "action-attack-move", "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 30, }, "capture": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "attack", "entities": selection, "target":, "allowCapture": true, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_attack", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.attack || !targetState || !targetState.capturePoints) return false; return { "possible": Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("CanAttack", { "entity":, "target":, "types": ["Capture"] }) }; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("capture", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "capture", "cursor": "action-capture", "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 9, }, "attack": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "attack", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued, "allowCapture": false, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_attack", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.attack || !targetState || !targetState.hitpoints) return false; return { "possible": Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("CanAttack", { "entity":, "target":, "types": ["!Capture"] }) }; }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.attack") && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("attack", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "attack", "cursor": "action-attack", "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 10, }, "patrol": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "patrol", "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z, "target":, "targetClasses": { "attack": g_PatrolTargets }, "queued": queued, "allowCapture": false, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getDefault() }); DrawTargetMarker(target); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_patrol", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.unitAI || !entState.unitAI.canPatrol) return false; return { "possible": true }; }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.patrol") && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "preSelectedActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return preSelectedAction == ACTION_PATROL && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("patrol", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "patrol", "cursor": "action-patrol", "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 37, }, "heal": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "heal", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_heal", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.heal || !targetState || !hasClass(targetState, "Unit") || !targetState.needsHeal || !playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player", "Ally"]) || == // Healers can't heal themselves. return false; let unhealableClasses = entState.heal.unhealableClasses; if (MatchesClassList(targetState.identity.classes, unhealableClasses)) return false; let healableClasses = entState.heal.healableClasses; if (!MatchesClassList(targetState.identity.classes, healableClasses)) return false; return { "possible": true }; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("heal", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "heal", "cursor": "action-heal", "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 7, }, // "Fake" action to check if an entity can be ordered to "construct" // which is handled differently from repair as the target does not exist. "construct": { "preSelectedActionCheck": function(target, selection) { let state = GetEntityState(selection[0]); if (state && state.builder && target && target.constructor && == "PlacementSupport") return { "type": "construct" }; return false; }, "specificness": 0, }, "repair": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "repair", "entities": selection, "target":, "autocontinue": true, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": ? "order_build" : "order_repair", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.builder || !targetState || !targetState.needsRepair && ! || !playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player", "Ally"])) return false; return { "possible": true, "foundation": }; }, "preSelectedActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return preSelectedAction == ACTION_REPAIR && (this.actionCheck(target, selection) || { "type": "none", "cursor": "action-repair-disabled", "target": null }); }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("") && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("repair", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "repair", "cursor": "action-repair", "target": target, "foundation":, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 11, }, "gather": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "gather", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_gather", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.resourceGatherRates || !targetState || !targetState.resourceSupply) return false; let resource; if (entState.resourceGatherRates[targetState.resourceSupply.type.generic + "." + targetState.resourceSupply.type.specific]) resource = targetState.resourceSupply.type.specific; else if (entState.resourceGatherRates[targetState.resourceSupply.type.generic]) resource = targetState.resourceSupply.type.generic; if (!resource) return false; return { "possible": true, "cursor": "action-gather-" + resource }; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("gather", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "gather", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 1, }, "returnresource": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "returnresource", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_gather", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!targetState || !targetState.resourceDropsite) return false; let playerState = GetSimState().players[entState.player]; if (playerState.hasSharedDropsites && targetState.resourceDropsite.shared) { if (!playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player", "MutualAlly"])) return false; } else if (!playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player"])) return false; if (!entState.resourceCarrying || !entState.resourceCarrying.length) return false; let carriedType = entState.resourceCarrying[0].type; if (targetState.resourceDropsite.types.indexOf(carriedType) == -1) return false; return { "possible": true, "cursor": "action-return-" + carriedType }; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("returnresource", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "returnresource", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 2, }, "cancel-setup-trade-route": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "cancel-setup-trade-route", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!targetState || || !entState.trader || ! || playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Enemy"]) || !( && hasClass(entState, "Organic") || && hasClass(entState, "Ship"))) return false; let tradingDetails = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTradingDetails", { "trader":, "target": }); if (!tradingDetails || !tradingDetails.type) return false; if (tradingDetails.type == "is first" && !tradingDetails.hasBothMarkets) return { "possible": true, "tooltip": translate("This is the origin trade market.\nRight-click to cancel trade route.") }; return false; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("cancel-setup-trade-route", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "cancel-setup-trade-route", "cursor": "action-cancel-setup-trade-route", "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip, "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 2, }, "setup-trade-route": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "setup-trade-route", "entities": selection, "target":, "source": null, "route": null, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_trade", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!targetState || || !entState.trader || ! || playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Enemy"]) || !( && hasClass(entState, "Organic") || && hasClass(entState, "Ship"))) return false; let tradingDetails = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTradingDetails", { "trader":, "target": }); if (!tradingDetails) return false; let tooltip; switch (tradingDetails.type) { case "is first": tooltip = translate("Origin trade market.") + "\n"; if (tradingDetails.hasBothMarkets) tooltip += sprintf(translate("Gain: %(gain)s"), { "gain": getTradingTooltip(tradingDetails.gain) }); else return false; break; case "is second": tooltip = translate("Destination trade market.") + "\n" + sprintf(translate("Gain: %(gain)s"), { "gain": getTradingTooltip(tradingDetails.gain) }); break; case "set first": tooltip = translate("Right-click to set as origin trade market"); break; case "set second": if (tradingDetails.gain.traderGain == 0) return { "possible": true, "tooltip": setStringTags(translate("This market is too close to the origin market."), g_DisabledTags), "disabled": true }; tooltip = translate("Right-click to set as destination trade market.") + "\n" + sprintf(translate("Gain: %(gain)s"), { "gain": getTradingTooltip(tradingDetails.gain) }); break; } return { "possible": true, "tooltip": tooltip }; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("setup-trade-route", target, selection); if (actionInfo.disabled) return { "type": "none", "cursor": "action-setup-trade-route-disabled", "target": null, "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip }; return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "setup-trade-route", "cursor": "action-setup-trade-route", "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip, "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 0, }, "garrison": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "garrison", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_garrison", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.garrisonable || !targetState || !targetState.garrisonHolder || !playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player", "MutualAlly"])) return false; let tooltip = sprintf(translate("Current garrison: %(garrisoned)s/%(capacity)s"), { "garrisoned": targetState.garrisonHolder.occupiedSlots, "capacity": targetState.garrisonHolder.capacity }); let extraCount = entState.garrisonable.size; if (entState.garrisonHolder) extraCount += entState.garrisonHolder.occupiedSlots; if (targetState.garrisonHolder.occupiedSlots + extraCount > targetState.garrisonHolder.capacity) tooltip = coloredText(tooltip, "orange"); if (!MatchesClassList(entState.identity.classes, targetState.garrisonHolder.allowedClasses)) return false; return { "possible": true, "tooltip": tooltip }; }, "preSelectedActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return preSelectedAction == ACTION_GARRISON && (this.actionCheck(target, selection) || { "type": "none", "cursor": "action-garrison-disabled", "target": null }); }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.garrison") && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("garrison", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "garrison", "cursor": "action-garrison", "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip, "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 20, }, "guard": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "guard", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_guard", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!targetState || !targetState.guard || == || !playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player", "Ally"]) || !entState.unitAI || !entState.unitAI.canGuard) return false; return { "possible": true }; }, "preSelectedActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return preSelectedAction == ACTION_GUARD && (this.actionCheck(target, selection) || { "type": "none", "cursor": "action-guard-disabled", "target": null }); }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.guard") && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("guard", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "guard", "cursor": "action-guard", "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 40, }, "collect-treasure": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "collect-treasure", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued, + "autocontinue": true, "formation": g_AutoFormation.getNull() }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_collect_treasure", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.treasureCollecter || !targetState || !targetState.treasure) return false; return { "possible": true, "cursor": "action-collect-treasure" }; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("collect-treasure", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "collect-treasure", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "target": target, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 1, }, "remove-guard": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "remove-guard", "entities": selection, "target":, "queued": queued }); Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name": "order_guard", "entity": action.firstAbleEntity }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.unitAI || !entState.unitAI.isGuarding) return false; return { "possible": true }; }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { return Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.guard") && this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("remove-guard", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "remove-guard", "cursor": "action-remove-guard", "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 41, }, "set-rallypoint": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { // if there is a position set in the action then use this so that when setting a // rally point on an entity it is centered on that entity if (action.position) target = action.position; Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "set-rallypoint", "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z, "data":, "queued": queued }); // Display rally point at the new coordinates, to avoid display lag Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": selection, "x": target.x, "z": target.z, "queued": queued }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!entState.rallyPoint) return false; // Don't allow the rally point to be set on any of the currently selected entities (used for unset) // except if the autorallypoint hotkey is pressed and the target can produce entities. if (targetState && (!Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.autorallypoint") || !targetState.production || !targetState.production.entities.length)) for (let ent in g_Selection.selected) if ( == +ent) return false; let tooltip; let disabled = false; // default to walking there (or attack-walking if hotkey pressed) let data = { "command": "walk" }; let cursor = ""; if (isAttackMovePressed()) { let targetClasses; if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.attackmoveUnit")) targetClasses = { "attack": ["Unit"] }; else targetClasses = { "attack": ["Unit", "Structure"] }; data.command = "attack-walk"; data.targetClasses = targetClasses; cursor = "action-attack-move"; } if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("") && targetState && (targetState.needsRepair || && playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player", "Ally"])) { data.command = "repair"; =; cursor = "action-repair"; } else if (targetState && targetState.garrisonHolder && playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Player", "MutualAlly"])) { data.command = "garrison"; =; cursor = "action-garrison"; tooltip = sprintf(translate("Current garrison: %(garrisoned)s/%(capacity)s"), { "garrisoned": targetState.garrisonHolder.occupiedSlots, "capacity": targetState.garrisonHolder.capacity }); if (targetState.garrisonHolder.occupiedSlots >= targetState.garrisonHolder.capacity) tooltip = coloredText(tooltip, "orange"); } else if (targetState && targetState.resourceSupply) { let resourceType = targetState.resourceSupply.type; cursor = "action-gather-" + resourceType.specific; data.command = "gather-near-position"; data.resourceType = resourceType; data.resourceTemplate = targetState.template; if (!targetState.speed) { data.command = "gather"; =; } } else if (targetState && targetState.treasure) { cursor = "action-collect-treasure"; - data.command = "collect-treasure"; - =; + data.command = "collect-treasure-near-position"; + if (!targetState.speed) + { + data.command = "collect-treasure"; + =; + } } else if ( && targetState && && != && (! || && !playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Enemy"])) { // Find a trader (if any) that this structure can train. let trader; if (entState.production && entState.production.entities.length) for (let i = 0; i < entState.production.entities.length; ++i) if ((trader = GetTemplateData(entState.production.entities[i]).trader)) break; let traderData = { "firstMarket":, "secondMarket":, "template": trader }; let gain = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTradingRouteGain", traderData); if (gain) { data.command = "trade"; = traderData.secondMarket; data.source = traderData.firstMarket; cursor = "action-setup-trade-route"; if (gain.traderGain) tooltip = translate("Right-click to establish a default route for new traders.") + "\n" + sprintf( trader ? translate("Gain: %(gain)s") : translate("Expected gain: %(gain)s"), { "gain": getTradingTooltip(gain) }); else { disabled = true; tooltip = setStringTags(translate("This market is too close to the origin market."), g_DisabledTags); cursor = "action-setup-trade-route-disabled"; } } } else if (targetState && (targetState.needsRepair || && playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Ally"])) { data.command = "repair"; =; cursor = "action-repair"; } else if (targetState && playerCheck(entState, targetState, ["Enemy"])) { =; data.command = "attack"; cursor = "action-attack"; } return { "possible": true, "data": data, "position": targetState && targetState.position, "cursor": cursor, "disabled": disabled, "tooltip": tooltip }; }, "hotkeyActionCheck": function(target, selection) { // Hotkeys are checked in the actionInfo. return this.actionCheck(target, selection); }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { // We want commands to units take precedence. if (selection.some(ent => { let entState = GetEntityState(ent); return entState && !!entState.unitAI; })) return false; let actionInfo = getActionInfo("set-rallypoint", target, selection); if (actionInfo.disabled) return { "type": "none", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "target": null, "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip }; return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "set-rallypoint", "cursor": actionInfo.cursor, "data":, "tooltip": actionInfo.tooltip, "position": actionInfo.position, "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 6, }, "unset-rallypoint": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "unset-rallypoint", "entities": selection }); // Remove displayed rally point Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("DisplayRallyPoint", { "entities": [] }); return true; }, "getActionInfo": function(entState, targetState) { if (!targetState || != || entState.unitAI || !entState.rallyPoint || !entState.rallyPoint.position) return false; return { "possible": true }; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { let actionInfo = getActionInfo("unset-rallypoint", target, selection); return actionInfo.possible && { "type": "unset-rallypoint", "cursor": "action-unset-rally", "firstAbleEntity": actionInfo.entity }; }, "specificness": 11, }, // This is a "fake" action to show a failure cursor // when only uncontrollable entities are selected. "uncontrollable": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { return true; }, "actionCheck": function(target, selection) { // Only show this action if all entities are marked uncontrollable. let playerState = g_SimState.players[g_ViewedPlayer]; if (playerState && playerState.controlsAll || selection.some(ent => { let entState = GetEntityState(ent); return entState && entState.identity && entState.identity.controllable; })) return false; return { "type": "none", "cursor": "cursor-no", "tooltip": translatePlural("This entity cannot be controlled.", "These entities cannot be controlled.", selection.length) }; }, "specificness": 100, }, "none": { "execute": function(target, action, selection, queued) { return true; }, "specificness": 100, }, }; var g_UnitActionsSortedKeys = Object.keys(g_UnitActions).sort((a, b) => g_UnitActions[a].specificness - g_UnitActions[b].specificness); /** * Info and actions for the entity commands * Currently displayed in the bottom of the central panel */ var g_EntityCommands = { "unload-all": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { let count = 0; for (let entState of entStates) { if (!entState.garrisonHolder) continue; if (allowedPlayersCheck([entState], ["Player"])) count += entState.garrisonHolder.entities.length; else for (let entity of entState.garrisonHolder.entities) if (allowedPlayersCheck([GetEntityState(entity)], ["Player"])) ++count; } if (!count) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "session.unload") + translate("Unload All."), "icon": "garrison-out.png", "count": count, "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { unloadAll(); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player", "Ally"] }, "delete": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { return entStates.some(entState => !isUndeletable(entState)) ? { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "session.kill") + translate("Destroy the selected units or structures.") + "\n" + colorizeHotkey( translate("Use %(hotkey)s to avoid the confirmation dialog."), "session.noconfirmation" ), "icon": "kill_small.png", "enabled": true } : { // Get all delete reasons and remove duplications "tooltip": => isUndeletable(entState)) .filter((reason, pos, self) => self.indexOf(reason) == pos && reason ).join("\n"), "icon": "kill_small_disabled.png", "enabled": false }; }, "execute": function(entStates) { let entityIDs = entStates.reduce( (ids, entState) => { if (!isUndeletable(entState)) ids.push(; return ids; }, []); if (!entityIDs.length) return; let deleteSelection = () => Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "delete-entities", "entities": entityIDs }); if (Engine.HotkeyIsPressed("session.noconfirmation")) deleteSelection(); else (new DeleteSelectionConfirmation(deleteSelection)).display(); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "stop": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => !entState.unitAI)) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "session.stop") + translate("Abort the current order."), "icon": "stop.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function(entStates) { if (entStates.length) stopUnits( =>; }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "garrison": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => !entState.unitAI || entState.turretParent || false)) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "session.garrison") + translate("Order the selected units to garrison in a structure or unit."), "icon": "garrison.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { inputState = INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION; preSelectedAction = ACTION_GARRISON; }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "unload": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => { if (!entState.unitAI || !entState.turretParent) return true; let parent = GetEntityState(entState.turretParent); return !parent || !parent.garrisonHolder || parent.garrisonHolder.entities.indexOf( == -1; })) return false; return { "tooltip": translate("Unload"), "icon": "garrison-out.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { unloadSelection(); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "repair": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => !entState.builder)) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "") + translate("Order the selected units to repair a structure, ship, or siege engine."), "icon": "repair.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { inputState = INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION; preSelectedAction = ACTION_REPAIR; }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "focus-rally": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => !entState.rallyPoint)) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "camera.rallypointfocus") + translate("Focus on Rally Point."), "icon": "focus-rally.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function(entStates) { // TODO: Would be nicer to cycle between the rallypoints of multiple entities instead of just using the first let focusTarget; for (let entState of entStates) if (entState.rallyPoint && entState.rallyPoint.position) { focusTarget = entState.rallyPoint.position; break; } if (!focusTarget) for (let entState of entStates) if (entState.position) { focusTarget = entState.position; break; } if (focusTarget) Engine.CameraMoveTo(focusTarget.x, focusTarget.z); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player", "Observer"] }, "back-to-work": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => !entState.unitAI || !entState.unitAI.hasWorkOrders)) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "session.backtowork") + translate("Back to Work"), "icon": "back-to-work.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { backToWork(); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "add-guard": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => !entState.unitAI || !entState.unitAI.canGuard || entState.unitAI.isGuarding)) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "session.guard") + translate("Order the selected units to guard a structure or unit."), "icon": "add-guard.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { inputState = INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION; preSelectedAction = ACTION_GUARD; }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "remove-guard": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => !entState.unitAI || !entState.unitAI.isGuarding)) return false; return { "tooltip": translate("Remove guard"), "icon": "remove-guard.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { removeGuard(); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "select-trading-goods": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (entStates.every(entState => ! return false; return { "tooltip": translate("Barter & Trade"), "icon": "economics.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { g_TradeDialog.toggle(); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "patrol": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { if (!entStates.some(entState => entState.unitAI && entState.unitAI.canPatrol)) return false; return { "tooltip": colorizeHotkey("%(hotkey)s" + " ", "session.patrol") + translate("Patrol") + "\n" + translate("Attack all encountered enemy units while avoiding structures."), "icon": "patrol.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function() { inputState = INPUT_PRESELECTEDACTION; preSelectedAction = ACTION_PATROL; }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "share-dropsite": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { let sharableEntities = entStates.filter( entState => entState.resourceDropsite && entState.resourceDropsite.sharable); if (!sharableEntities.length) return false; // Returns if none of the entities belong to a player with a mutual ally. if (entStates.every(entState => !GetSimState().players[entState.player].isMutualAlly.some( (isAlly, playerId) => isAlly && playerId != entState.player))) return false; return sharableEntities.some(entState => !entState.resourceDropsite.shared) ? { "tooltip": translate("Press to allow allies to use this dropsite"), "icon": "locked_small.png", "enabled": true } : { "tooltip": translate("Press to prevent allies from using this dropsite"), "icon": "unlocked_small.png", "enabled": true }; }, "execute": function(entStates) { let sharableEntities = entStates.filter( entState => entState.resourceDropsite && entState.resourceDropsite.sharable); if (sharableEntities) Engine.PostNetworkCommand({ "type": "set-dropsite-sharing", "entities": =>, "shared": sharableEntities.some(entState => !entState.resourceDropsite.shared) }); }, "allowedPlayers": ["Player"] }, "is-dropsite-shared": { "getInfo": function(entStates) { let shareableEntities = entStates.filter( entState => entState.resourceDropsite && entState.resourceDropsite.sharable); if (!shareableEntities.length) return false; let player = Engine.GetPlayerID(); let simState = GetSimState(); if (!g_IsObserver && !simState.players[player].hasSharedDropsites || shareableEntities.every(entState => controlsPlayer(entState.player))) return false; if (!shareableEntities.every(entState => entState.resourceDropsite.shared)) return { "tooltip": translate("The use of this dropsite is prohibited"), "icon": "locked_small.png", "enabled": false }; return { "tooltip": g_IsObserver ? translate("Allies are allowed to use this dropsite.") : translate("You are allowed to use this dropsite"), "icon": "unlocked_small.png", "enabled": false }; }, "execute": function(entState) { // This command button is always disabled. }, "allowedPlayers": ["Ally", "Observer"] } }; function playerCheck(entState, targetState, validPlayers) { let playerState = GetSimState().players[entState.player]; for (let player of validPlayers) if (player == "Gaia" && targetState.player == 0 || player == "Player" && targetState.player == entState.player || playerState["is" + player] && playerState["is" + player][targetState.player]) return true; return false; } /** * Checks whether the entities have the right diplomatic status * with respect to the currently active player. * Also "Observer" can be used. * * @param {Object[]} entStates - An array containing the entity states to check. * @param {string[]} validPlayers - An array containing the diplomatic statuses. * * @return {boolean} - Whether the currently active player is allowed. */ function allowedPlayersCheck(entStates, validPlayers) { // Assume we can only select entities from one player, // or it does not matter (e.g. observer). let targetState = entStates[0]; let playerState = GetSimState().players[Engine.GetPlayerID()]; return validPlayers.some(player => player == "Observer" && g_IsObserver || player == "Player" && controlsPlayer(targetState.player) || playerState && playerState["is" + player] && playerState["is" + player][targetState.player]); } function hasClass(entState, className) { // note: use the functions in globalscripts/Templates.js for more versatile matching return entState.identity && entState.identity.classes.indexOf(className) != -1; } /** * Keep in sync with Commands.js. */ function isUndeletable(entState) { let playerState = g_SimState.players[entState.player]; if (playerState && playerState.controlsAll) return false; if (entState.resourceSupply && entState.resourceSupply.killBeforeGather) return translate("The entity has to be killed before it can be gathered from"); if (entState.capturePoints && entState.capturePoints[entState.player] < entState.maxCapturePoints / 2) return translate("You cannot destroy this entity as you own less than half the capture points"); if (!entState.identity.canDelete) return translate("This entity is undeletable"); return false; } function DrawTargetMarker(target) { Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("AddTargetMarker", { "template": g_TargetMarker.move, "x": target.x, "z": target.z }); } function getCommandInfo(command, entStates) { return entStates && g_EntityCommands[command] && allowedPlayersCheck(entStates, g_EntityCommands[command].allowedPlayers) && g_EntityCommands[command].getInfo(entStates); } function getActionInfo(action, target, selection) { if (!selection || !selection.length || !GetEntityState(selection[0])) return { "possible": false }; // Look at the first targeted entity // (TODO: maybe we eventually want to look at more, and be more context-sensitive? // e.g. prefer to attack an enemy unit, even if some friendly units are closer to the mouse) let targetState = GetEntityState(target); let simState = GetSimState(); let playerState = g_SimState.players[g_ViewedPlayer]; // Check if any entities in the selection can do some of the available actions. for (let entityID of selection) { let entState = GetEntityState(entityID); if (!entState) continue; if (playerState && !playerState.controlsAll && !entState.identity.controllable) continue; if (g_UnitActions[action] && g_UnitActions[action].getActionInfo) { let r = g_UnitActions[action].getActionInfo(entState, targetState, simState); if (r && r.possible) { r.entity = entityID; return r; } } } return { "possible": false }; } Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/common-api/entity.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/common-api/entity.js (revision 24998) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/ai/common-api/entity.js (revision 24999) @@ -1,1021 +1,1022 @@ var API3 = function(m) { // defines a template. m.Template = m.Class({ "_init": function(sharedAI, templateName, template) { this._templateName = templateName; this._template = template; // save a reference to the template tech modifications if (!sharedAI._templatesModifications[this._templateName]) sharedAI._templatesModifications[this._templateName] = {}; this._templateModif = sharedAI._templatesModifications[this._templateName]; this._tpCache = new Map(); }, // Helper function to return a template value, adjusting for tech. "get": function(string) { let value = this._template; if (this._entityModif && this._entityModif.has(string)) return this._entityModif.get(string); else if (this._templateModif) { let owner = this._entity ? this._entity.owner : PlayerID; if (this._templateModif[owner] && this._templateModif[owner].has(string)) return this._templateModif[owner].get(string); } if (!this._tpCache.has(string)) { let args = string.split("/"); for (let arg of args) { if (value[arg] != undefined) value = value[arg]; else { value = undefined; break; } } this._tpCache.set(string, value); } return this._tpCache.get(string); }, "templateName": function() { return this._templateName; }, "genericName": function() { return this.get("Identity/GenericName"); }, "civ": function() { return this.get("Identity/Civ"); }, "matchLimit": function() { if (!this.get("TrainingRestrictions")) return undefined; return this.get("TrainingRestrictions/MatchLimit"); }, "classes": function() { let template = this.get("Identity"); if (!template) return undefined; return GetIdentityClasses(template); }, "hasClass": function(name) { if (!this._classes) this._classes = this.classes(); let classes = this._classes; return classes && classes.indexOf(name) != -1; }, "hasClasses": function(array) { if (!this._classes) this._classes = this.classes(); let classes = this._classes; if (!classes) return false; for (let cls of array) if (classes.indexOf(cls) == -1) return false; return true; }, "requiredTech": function() { return this.get("Identity/RequiredTechnology"); }, "available": function(gameState) { let techRequired = this.requiredTech(); if (!techRequired) return true; return gameState.isResearched(techRequired); }, // specifically "phase": function() { let techRequired = this.requiredTech(); if (!techRequired) return 0; if (techRequired == "phase_village") return 1; if (techRequired == "phase_town") return 2; if (techRequired == "phase_city") return 3; if (techRequired.startsWith("phase_")) return 4; return 0; }, "cost": function(productionQueue) { if (!this.get("Cost")) return {}; let ret = {}; for (let type in this.get("Cost/Resources")) ret[type] = +this.get("Cost/Resources/" + type); return ret; }, "costSum": function(productionQueue) { let cost = this.cost(productionQueue); if (!cost) return 0; let ret = 0; for (let type in cost) ret += cost[type]; return ret; }, "techCostMultiplier": function(type) { return +(this.get("ProductionQueue/TechCostMultiplier/"+type) || 1); }, /** * Returns { "max": max, "min": min } or undefined if no obstruction. * max: radius of the outer circle surrounding this entity's obstruction shape * min: radius of the inner circle */ "obstructionRadius": function() { if (!this.get("Obstruction")) return undefined; if (this.get("Obstruction/Static")) { let w = +this.get("Obstruction/Static/@width"); let h = +this.get("Obstruction/Static/@depth"); return { "max": Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h) / 2, "min": Math.min(h, w) / 2 }; } if (this.get("Obstruction/Unit")) { let r = +this.get("Obstruction/Unit/@radius"); return { "max": r, "min": r }; } let right = this.get("Obstruction/Obstructions/Right"); let left = this.get("Obstruction/Obstructions/Left"); if (left && right) { let w = +right["@x"] + right["@width"]/2 - left["@x"] + left["@width"]/2; let h = Math.max(+right["@z"] + right["@depth"]/2, +left["@z"] + left["@depth"]/2) - Math.min(+right["@z"] - right["@depth"]/2, +left["@z"] - left["@depth"]/2); return { "max": Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h) / 2, "min": Math.min(h, w) / 2 }; } return { "max": 0, "min": 0 }; // Units have currently no obstructions }, /** * Returns the radius of a circle surrounding this entity's footprint. */ "footprintRadius": function() { if (!this.get("Footprint")) return undefined; if (this.get("Footprint/Square")) { let w = +this.get("Footprint/Square/@width"); let h = +this.get("Footprint/Square/@depth"); return Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h) / 2; } if (this.get("Footprint/Circle")) return +this.get("Footprint/Circle/@radius"); return 0; // this should never happen }, "maxHitpoints": function() { return +(this.get("Health/Max") || 0); }, "isHealable": function() { if (this.get("Health") !== undefined) return this.get("Health/Unhealable") !== "true"; return false; }, "isRepairable": function() { return this.get("Repairable") !== undefined; }, "getPopulationBonus": function() { if (!this.get("Population")) return 0; return +this.get("Population/Bonus"); }, "resistanceStrengths": function() { let resistanceTypes = this.get("Resistance"); if (!resistanceTypes || !resistanceTypes.Entity) return undefined; let resistance = {}; if (resistanceTypes.Entity.Capture) resistance.Capture = +this.get("Resistance/Entity/Capture"); if (resistanceTypes.Entity.Damage) { resistance.Damage = {}; for (let damageType in resistanceTypes.Entity.Damage) resistance.Damage[damageType] = +this.get("Resistance/Entity/Damage/" + damageType); } // ToDo: Resistance to StatusEffects. return resistance; }, "attackTypes": function() { if (!this.get("Attack")) return undefined; let ret = []; for (let type in this.get("Attack")) ret.push(type); return ret; }, "attackRange": function(type) { if (!this.get("Attack/" + type +"")) return undefined; return { "max": +this.get("Attack/" + type +"/MaxRange"), "min": +(this.get("Attack/" + type +"/MinRange") || 0) }; }, "attackStrengths": function(type) { let attackDamageTypes = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Damage"); if (!attackDamageTypes) return undefined; let damage = {}; for (let damageType in attackDamageTypes) damage[damageType] = +attackDamageTypes[damageType]; return damage; }, "captureStrength": function() { if (!this.get("Attack/Capture")) return undefined; return +this.get("Attack/Capture/Capture") || 0; }, "attackTimes": function(type) { if (!this.get("Attack/" + type +"")) return undefined; return { "prepare": +(this.get("Attack/" + type + "/PrepareTime") || 0), "repeat": +(this.get("Attack/" + type + "/RepeatTime") || 1000) }; }, // returns the classes this templates counters: // Return type is [ [-neededClasses- , multiplier], … ]. "getCounteredClasses": function() { if (!this.get("Attack")) return undefined; let Classes = []; for (let type in this.get("Attack")) { let bonuses = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses"); if (!bonuses) continue; for (let b in bonuses) { let bonusClasses = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses/" + b + "/Classes"); if (bonusClasses) Classes.push([bonusClasses.split(" "), +this.get("Attack/" + type +"/Bonuses/" + b +"/Multiplier")]); } } return Classes; }, // returns true if the entity counters those classes. // TODO: refine using the multiplier "countersClasses": function(classes) { if (!this.get("Attack")) return false; let mcounter = []; for (let type in this.get("Attack")) { let bonuses = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses"); if (!bonuses) continue; for (let b in bonuses) { let bonusClasses = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses/" + b + "/Classes"); if (bonusClasses) mcounter.concat(bonusClasses.split(" ")); } } for (let i in classes) if (mcounter.indexOf(classes[i]) != -1) return true; return false; }, // returns, if it exists, the multiplier from each attack against a given class "getMultiplierAgainst": function(type, againstClass) { if (!this.get("Attack/" + type +"")) return undefined; if (this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses")) { for (let b in this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses")) { let bonusClasses = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses/" + b + "/Classes"); if (!bonusClasses) continue; for (let bcl of bonusClasses.split(" ")) if (bcl == againstClass) return +this.get("Attack/" + type + "/Bonuses/" + b + "/Multiplier"); } } return 1; }, "buildableEntities": function(civ) { let templates = this.get("Builder/Entities/_string"); if (!templates) return []; return templates.replace(/\{native\}/g, this.civ()).replace(/\{civ\}/g, civ).split(/\s+/); }, "trainableEntities": function(civ) { let templates = this.get("ProductionQueue/Entities/_string"); if (!templates) return undefined; return templates.replace(/\{native\}/g, this.civ()).replace(/\{civ\}/g, civ).split(/\s+/); }, "researchableTechs": function(gameState, civ) { let templates = this.get("ProductionQueue/Technologies/_string"); if (!templates) return undefined; let techs = templates.split(/\s+/); for (let i = 0; i < techs.length; ++i) { let tech = techs[i]; if (tech.indexOf("{civ}") == -1) continue; let civTech = tech.replace("{civ}", civ); techs[i] = TechnologyTemplates.Has(civTech) ? civTech : tech.replace("{civ}", "generic"); } return techs; }, "resourceSupplyType": function() { if (!this.get("ResourceSupply")) return undefined; let [type, subtype] = this.get("ResourceSupply/Type").split('.'); return { "generic": type, "specific": subtype }; }, "getResourceType": function() { if (!this.get("ResourceSupply")) return undefined; return this.get("ResourceSupply/Type").split('.')[0]; }, "getDiminishingReturns": function() { return +(this.get("ResourceSupply/DiminishingReturns") || 1); }, "resourceSupplyMax": function() { return +this.get("ResourceSupply/Max"); }, "maxGatherers": function() { return +(this.get("ResourceSupply/MaxGatherers") || 0); }, "resourceGatherRates": function() { if (!this.get("ResourceGatherer")) return undefined; let ret = {}; let baseSpeed = +this.get("ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed"); for (let r in this.get("ResourceGatherer/Rates")) ret[r] = +this.get("ResourceGatherer/Rates/" + r) * baseSpeed; return ret; }, "resourceDropsiteTypes": function() { if (!this.get("ResourceDropsite")) return undefined; let types = this.get("ResourceDropsite/Types"); return types ? types.split(/\s+/) : []; }, "isTreasure": function() { return this.get("Treasure") !== undefined; }, "treasureResources": function() { if (!this.get("Treasure")) return undefined; let ret = {}; for (let r in this.get("Treasure/Resources")) ret[r] = +this.get("Treasure/Resources/" + r); return ret; }, "garrisonableClasses": function() { return this.get("GarrisonHolder/List/_string"); }, "garrisonMax": function() { return this.get("GarrisonHolder/Max"); }, "garrisonSize": function() { return this.get("Garrisonable/Size"); }, "garrisonEjectHealth": function() { return +this.get("GarrisonHolder/EjectHealth"); }, "getDefaultArrow": function() { return +this.get("BuildingAI/DefaultArrowCount"); }, "getArrowMultiplier": function() { return +this.get("BuildingAI/GarrisonArrowMultiplier"); }, "getGarrisonArrowClasses": function() { if (!this.get("BuildingAI")) return undefined; return this.get("BuildingAI/GarrisonArrowClasses").split(/\s+/); }, "buffHeal": function() { return +this.get("GarrisonHolder/BuffHeal"); }, "promotion": function() { return this.get("Promotion/Entity"); }, "isPackable": function() { return this.get("Pack") != undefined; }, "isHuntable": function() { // Do not hunt retaliating animals (dead animals can be used). // Assume entities which can attack, will attack. return this.get("ResourceSupply/KillBeforeGather") && (!this.get("Health") || !this.get("Attack")); }, "walkSpeed": function() { return +this.get("UnitMotion/WalkSpeed"); }, "trainingCategory": function() { return this.get("TrainingRestrictions/Category"); }, "buildTime": function(productionQueue) { let time = +this.get("Cost/BuildTime"); if (productionQueue) time *= productionQueue.techCostMultiplier("time"); return time; }, "buildCategory": function() { return this.get("BuildRestrictions/Category"); }, "buildDistance": function() { let distance = this.get("BuildRestrictions/Distance"); if (!distance) return undefined; let ret = {}; for (let key in distance) ret[key] = this.get("BuildRestrictions/Distance/" + key); return ret; }, "buildPlacementType": function() { return this.get("BuildRestrictions/PlacementType"); }, "buildTerritories": function() { if (!this.get("BuildRestrictions") || !this.get("BuildRestrictions/Territory")) return undefined; return this.get("BuildRestrictions/Territory").split(/\s+/); }, "hasBuildTerritory": function(territory) { let territories = this.buildTerritories(); return territories && territories.indexOf(territory) != -1; }, "hasTerritoryInfluence": function() { return this.get("TerritoryInfluence") !== undefined; }, "hasDefensiveFire": function() { if (!this.get("Attack/Ranged")) return false; return this.getDefaultArrow() || this.getArrowMultiplier(); }, "territoryInfluenceRadius": function() { if (this.get("TerritoryInfluence") !== undefined) return +this.get("TerritoryInfluence/Radius"); return -1; }, "territoryInfluenceWeight": function() { if (this.get("TerritoryInfluence") !== undefined) return +this.get("TerritoryInfluence/Weight"); return -1; }, "territoryDecayRate": function() { return +(this.get("TerritoryDecay/DecayRate") || 0); }, "defaultRegenRate": function() { return +(this.get("Capturable/RegenRate") || 0); }, "garrisonRegenRate": function() { return +(this.get("Capturable/GarrisonRegenRate") || 0); }, "visionRange": function() { return +this.get("Vision/Range"); }, "gainMultiplier": function() { return +this.get("Trader/GainMultiplier"); }, "isBuilder": function() { return this.get("Builder") !== undefined; }, "isGatherer": function() { return this.get("ResourceGatherer") !== undefined; }, "canGather": function(type) { let gatherRates = this.get("ResourceGatherer/Rates"); if (!gatherRates) return false; for (let r in gatherRates) if (r.split('.')[0] === type) return true; return false; }, "isGarrisonHolder": function() { return this.get("GarrisonHolder") !== undefined; }, /** * returns true if the tempalte can capture the given target entity * if no target is given, returns true if the template has the Capture attack */ "canCapture": function(target) { if (!this.get("Attack/Capture")) return false; if (!target) return true; if (!target.get("Capturable")) return false; let restrictedClasses = this.get("Attack/Capture/RestrictedClasses/_string"); return !restrictedClasses || !MatchesClassList(target.classes(), restrictedClasses); }, "isCapturable": function() { return this.get("Capturable") !== undefined; }, "canGuard": function() { return this.get("UnitAI/CanGuard") === "true"; }, "canGarrison": function() { return "Garrisonable" in this._template; }, "isTreasureCollecter": function() { return this.get("TreasureCollecter") !== undefined; }, }); // defines an entity, with a super Template. // also redefines several of the template functions where the only change is applying aura and tech modifications. m.Entity = m.Class({ "_super": m.Template, "_init": function(sharedAI, entity) {, sharedAI, entity.template, sharedAI.GetTemplate(entity.template)); this._entity = entity; this._ai = sharedAI; // save a reference to the template tech modifications if (!sharedAI._templatesModifications[this._templateName]) sharedAI._templatesModifications[this._templateName] = {}; this._templateModif = sharedAI._templatesModifications[this._templateName]; // save a reference to the entity tech/aura modifications if (!sharedAI._entitiesModifications.has( sharedAI._entitiesModifications.set(, new Map()); this._entityModif = sharedAI._entitiesModifications.get(; }, "toString": function() { return "[Entity " + + " " + this.templateName() + "]"; }, "id": function() { return; }, /** * Returns extra data that the AI scripts have associated with this entity, * for arbitrary local annotations. * (This data should not be shared with any other AI scripts.) */ "getMetadata": function(player, key) { return this._ai.getMetadata(player, this, key); }, /** * Sets extra data to be associated with this entity. */ "setMetadata": function(player, key, value) { this._ai.setMetadata(player, this, key, value); }, "deleteAllMetadata": function(player) { delete this._ai._entityMetadata[player][]; }, "deleteMetadata": function(player, key) { this._ai.deleteMetadata(player, this, key); }, "position": function() { return this._entity.position; }, "angle": function() { return this._entity.angle; }, "isIdle": function() { if (typeof this._entity.idle === "undefined") return undefined; return this._entity.idle; }, "getStance": function() { return this._entity.stance !== undefined ? this._entity.stance : undefined; }, "unitAIState": function() { return this._entity.unitAIState !== undefined ? this._entity.unitAIState : undefined; }, "unitAIOrderData": function() { return this._entity.unitAIOrderData !== undefined ? this._entity.unitAIOrderData : undefined; }, "hitpoints": function() { return this._entity.hitpoints !== undefined ? this._entity.hitpoints : undefined; }, "isHurt": function() { return this.hitpoints() < this.maxHitpoints(); }, "healthLevel": function() { return this.hitpoints() / this.maxHitpoints(); }, "needsHeal": function() { return this.isHurt() && this.isHealable(); }, "needsRepair": function() { return this.isHurt() && this.isRepairable(); }, "decaying": function() { return this._entity.decaying !== undefined ? this._entity.decaying : undefined; }, "capturePoints": function() {return this._entity.capturePoints !== undefined ? this._entity.capturePoints : undefined; }, "isInvulnerable": function() { return this._entity.invulnerability || false; }, "isSharedDropsite": function() { return this._entity.sharedDropsite === true; }, /** * Returns the current training queue state, of the form * [ { "id": 0, "template": "...", "count": 1, "progress": 0.5, "metadata": ... }, ... ] */ "trainingQueue": function() { let queue = this._entity.trainingQueue; return queue; }, "trainingQueueTime": function() { let queue = this._entity.trainingQueue; if (!queue) return undefined; let time = 0; for (let item of queue) time += item.timeRemaining; return time/1000; }, "foundationProgress": function() { if (this._entity.foundationProgress === undefined) return undefined; return this._entity.foundationProgress; }, "getBuilders": function() { if (this._entity.foundationProgress === undefined) return undefined; if (this._entity.foundationBuilders === undefined) return []; return this._entity.foundationBuilders; }, "getBuildersNb": function() { if (this._entity.foundationProgress === undefined) return undefined; if (this._entity.foundationBuilders === undefined) return 0; return this._entity.foundationBuilders.length; }, "owner": function() { return this._entity.owner; }, "isOwn": function(player) { if (typeof this._entity.owner === "undefined") return false; return this._entity.owner === player; }, "resourceSupplyAmount": function() { if (this._entity.resourceSupplyAmount === undefined) return undefined; return this._entity.resourceSupplyAmount; }, "resourceSupplyNumGatherers": function() { if (this._entity.resourceSupplyNumGatherers !== undefined) return this._entity.resourceSupplyNumGatherers; return undefined; }, "isFull": function() { if (this._entity.resourceSupplyNumGatherers !== undefined) return this.maxGatherers() === this._entity.resourceSupplyNumGatherers; return undefined; }, "resourceCarrying": function() { if (this._entity.resourceCarrying === undefined) return undefined; return this._entity.resourceCarrying; }, "currentGatherRate": function() { // returns the gather rate for the current target if applicable. if (!this.get("ResourceGatherer")) return undefined; if (this.unitAIOrderData().length && (this.unitAIState().split(".")[1] == "GATHER" || this.unitAIState().split(".")[1] == "RETURNRESOURCE")) { let res; // this is an abuse of "_ai" but it works. if (this.unitAIState().split(".")[1] == "GATHER" && this.unitAIOrderData()[0].target !== undefined) res = this._ai._entities.get(this.unitAIOrderData()[0].target); else if (this.unitAIOrderData()[1] !== undefined && this.unitAIOrderData()[1].target !== undefined) res = this._ai._entities.get(this.unitAIOrderData()[1].target); if (!res) return 0; let type = res.resourceSupplyType(); if (!type) return 0; let tstring = type.generic + "." + type.specific; let rate = +this.get("ResourceGatherer/BaseSpeed"); rate *= +this.get("ResourceGatherer/Rates/" +tstring); if (rate) return rate; return 0; } return undefined; }, "garrisoned": function() { return this._entity.garrisoned; }, "garrisonedSlots": function() { let count = 0; if (this._entity.garrisoned) for (let ent of this._entity.garrisoned) count += +this._ai._entities.get(ent).garrisonSize(); return count; }, "canGarrisonInside": function() { return this.garrisonedSlots() < this.garrisonMax(); }, /** * returns true if the entity can attack (including capture) the given class. */ "canAttackClass": function(aClass) { if (!this.get("Attack")) return false; for (let type in this.get("Attack")) { if (type == "Slaughter") continue; let restrictedClasses = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/RestrictedClasses/_string"); if (!restrictedClasses || !MatchesClassList([aClass], restrictedClasses)) return true; } return false; }, /** * Derived from Attack.js' similary named function. * @return {boolean} - Whether an entity can attack a given target. */ "canAttackTarget": function(target, allowCapture) { let attackTypes = this.get("Attack"); if (!attackTypes) return false; let canCapture = allowCapture && this.canCapture(target); let health = target.get("Health"); if (!health) return canCapture; for (let type in attackTypes) { if (type == "Capture" ? !canCapture : target.isInvulnerable()) continue; let restrictedClasses = this.get("Attack/" + type + "/RestrictedClasses/_string"); if (!restrictedClasses || !MatchesClassList(target.classes(), restrictedClasses)) return true; } return false; }, "move": function(x, z, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "walk", "entities": [], "x": x, "z": z, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "moveToRange": function(x, z, min, max, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "walk-to-range", "entities": [], "x": x, "z": z, "min": min, "max": max, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "attackMove": function(x, z, targetClasses, allowCapture = true, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "attack-walk", "entities": [], "x": x, "z": z, "targetClasses": targetClasses, "allowCapture": allowCapture, "queued": queued }); return this; }, // violent, aggressive, defensive, passive, standground "setStance": function(stance, queued = false) { if (this.getStance() === undefined) return undefined; Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "stance", "entities": [], "name": stance, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "stopMoving": function() { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "stop", "entities": [], "queued": false }); }, "unload": function(id) { if (!this.get("GarrisonHolder")) return undefined; Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "unload", "garrisonHolder":, "entities": [id] }); return this; }, // Unloads all owned units, don't unload allies "unloadAll": function() { if (!this.get("GarrisonHolder")) return undefined; Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "unload-all-by-owner", "garrisonHolders": [] }); return this; }, "garrison": function(target, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "garrison", "entities": [], "target":, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "attack": function(unitId, allowCapture = true, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "attack", "entities": [], "target": unitId, "allowCapture": allowCapture, "queued": queued }); return this; }, - "collectTreasure": function(target, queued = false) { + "collectTreasure": function(target, autocontinue = false, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "collect-treasure", "entities": [], "target":, + "autocontinue": autocontinue, "queued": queued }); return this; }, // moveApart from a point in the opposite direction with a distance dist "moveApart": function(point, dist) { if (this.position() !== undefined) { let direction = [this.position()[0] - point[0], this.position()[1] - point[1]]; let norm = m.VectorDistance(point, this.position()); if (norm === 0) direction = [1, 0]; else { direction[0] /= norm; direction[1] /= norm; } Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "walk", "entities": [], "x": this.position()[0] + direction[0]*dist, "z": this.position()[1] + direction[1]*dist, "queued": false }); } return this; }, // Flees from a unit in the opposite direction. "flee": function(unitToFleeFrom) { if (this.position() !== undefined && unitToFleeFrom.position() !== undefined) { let FleeDirection = [this.position()[0] - unitToFleeFrom.position()[0], this.position()[1] - unitToFleeFrom.position()[1]]; let dist = m.VectorDistance(unitToFleeFrom.position(), this.position()); FleeDirection[0] = 40 * FleeDirection[0]/dist; FleeDirection[1] = 40 * FleeDirection[1]/dist; Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "walk", "entities": [], "x": this.position()[0] + FleeDirection[0], "z": this.position()[1] + FleeDirection[1], "queued": false }); } return this; }, "gather": function(target, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "gather", "entities": [], "target":, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "repair": function(target, autocontinue = false, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "repair", "entities": [], "target":, "autocontinue": autocontinue, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "returnResources": function(target, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "returnresource", "entities": [], "target":, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "destroy": function() { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "delete-entities", "entities": [] }); return this; }, "barter": function(buyType, sellType, amount) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "barter", "sell": sellType, "buy": buyType, "amount": amount }); return this; }, "tradeRoute": function(target, source) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "setup-trade-route", "entities": [], "target":, "source":, "route": undefined, "queued": false }); return this; }, "setRallyPoint": function(target, command) { let data = { "command": command, "target": }; Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "set-rallypoint", "entities": [], "x": target.position()[0], "z": target.position()[1], "data": data }); return this; }, "unsetRallyPoint": function() { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "unset-rallypoint", "entities": [] }); return this; }, "train": function(civ, type, count, metadata, promotedTypes) { let trainable = this.trainableEntities(civ); if (!trainable) { error("Called train("+type+", "+count+") on non-training entity "+this); return this; } if (trainable.indexOf(type) == -1) { error("Called train("+type+", "+count+") on entity "+this+" which can't train that"); return this; } Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "train", "entities": [], "template": type, "count": count, "metadata": metadata, "promoted": promotedTypes }); return this; }, "construct": function(template, x, z, angle, metadata) { // TODO: verify this unit can construct this, just for internal // sanity-checking and error reporting Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "construct", "entities": [], "template": template, "x": x, "z": z, "angle": angle, "autorepair": false, "autocontinue": false, "queued": false, "metadata": metadata // can be undefined }); return this; }, "research": function(template) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "research", "entity":, "template": template }); return this; }, "stopProduction": function(id) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "stop-production", "entity":, "id": id }); return this; }, "stopAllProduction": function(percentToStopAt) { let queue = this._entity.trainingQueue; if (!queue) return true; // no queue, so technically we stopped all production. for (let item of queue) if (item.progress < percentToStopAt) Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "stop-production", "entity":, "id": }); return this; }, "guard": function(target, queued = false) { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "guard", "entities": [], "target":, "queued": queued }); return this; }, "removeGuard": function() { Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID, { "type": "remove-guard", "entities": [] }); return this; } }); return m; }(API3); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js (revision 24998) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js (revision 24999) @@ -1,6590 +1,6660 @@ function UnitAI() {} UnitAI.prototype.Schema = "Controls the unit's movement, attacks, etc, in response to commands from the player." + "" + "" + "" + "violent" + "aggressive" + "defensive" + "passive" + "standground" + "skittish" + "passive-defensive" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""+ "" + ""; // Unit stances. // There some targeting options: // targetVisibleEnemies: anything in vision range is a viable target // targetAttackersAlways: anything that hurts us is a viable target, // possibly overriding user orders! // There are some response options, triggered when targets are detected: // respondFlee: run away // respondFleeOnSight: run away when an enemy is sighted // respondChase: start chasing after the enemy // respondChaseBeyondVision: start chasing, and don't stop even if it's out // of this unit's vision range (though still visible to the player) // respondStandGround: attack enemy but don't move at all // respondHoldGround: attack enemy but don't move far from current position // TODO: maybe add targetAggressiveEnemies (don't worry about lone scouts, // do worry around armies slaughtering the guy standing next to you), etc. var g_Stances = { "violent": { "targetVisibleEnemies": true, "targetAttackersAlways": true, "respondFlee": false, "respondFleeOnSight": false, "respondChase": true, "respondChaseBeyondVision": true, "respondStandGround": false, "respondHoldGround": false, "selectable": true }, "aggressive": { "targetVisibleEnemies": true, "targetAttackersAlways": false, "respondFlee": false, "respondFleeOnSight": false, "respondChase": true, "respondChaseBeyondVision": false, "respondStandGround": false, "respondHoldGround": false, "selectable": true }, "defensive": { "targetVisibleEnemies": true, "targetAttackersAlways": false, "respondFlee": false, "respondFleeOnSight": false, "respondChase": false, "respondChaseBeyondVision": false, "respondStandGround": false, "respondHoldGround": true, "selectable": true }, "passive": { "targetVisibleEnemies": false, "targetAttackersAlways": false, "respondFlee": true, "respondFleeOnSight": false, "respondChase": false, "respondChaseBeyondVision": false, "respondStandGround": false, "respondHoldGround": false, "selectable": true }, "standground": { "targetVisibleEnemies": true, "targetAttackersAlways": false, "respondFlee": false, "respondFleeOnSight": false, "respondChase": false, "respondChaseBeyondVision": false, "respondStandGround": true, "respondHoldGround": false, "selectable": true }, "skittish": { "targetVisibleEnemies": false, "targetAttackersAlways": false, "respondFlee": true, "respondFleeOnSight": true, "respondChase": false, "respondChaseBeyondVision": false, "respondStandGround": false, "respondHoldGround": false, "selectable": false }, "passive-defensive": { "targetVisibleEnemies": false, "targetAttackersAlways": false, "respondFlee": false, "respondFleeOnSight": false, "respondChase": false, "respondChaseBeyondVision": false, "respondStandGround": false, "respondHoldGround": true, "selectable": false }, "none": { // Only to be used by AI or trigger scripts "targetVisibleEnemies": false, "targetAttackersAlways": false, "respondFlee": false, "respondFleeOnSight": false, "respondChase": false, "respondChaseBeyondVision": false, "respondStandGround": false, "respondHoldGround": false, "selectable": false } }; // These orders always require a packed unit, so if a unit that is unpacking is given one of these orders, // it will immediately cancel unpacking. var g_OrdersCancelUnpacking = new Set([ "FormationWalk", "Walk", "WalkAndFight", "WalkToTarget", "Patrol", "Garrison" ]); // When leaving a foundation, we want to be clear of it by this distance. var g_LeaveFoundationRange = 4; UnitAI.prototype.notifyToCheerInRange = 30; // To reject an order, use 'return this.FinishOrder();' const ACCEPT_ORDER = true; // See ../helpers/FSM.js for some documentation of this FSM specification syntax UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec = { // Default event handlers: "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // ignore spurious movement messages // (these can happen when stopping moving at the same time // as switching states) }, "ConstructionFinished": function(msg) { // ignore uninteresting construction messages }, "LosRangeUpdate": function(msg) { // Ignore newly-seen units by default. }, "LosHealRangeUpdate": function(msg) { // Ignore newly-seen injured units by default. }, "LosAttackRangeUpdate": function(msg) { // Ignore newly-seen enemy units by default. }, "Attacked": function(msg) { // ignore attacker }, "PackFinished": function(msg) { // ignore }, "PickupCanceled": function(msg) { // ignore }, "TradingCanceled": function(msg) { // ignore }, "GuardedAttacked": function(msg) { // ignore }, "OrderTargetRenamed": function() { // By default, trigger an exit-reenter // so that state preconditions are checked against the new entity // (there is no reason to assume the target is still valid). this.SetNextState(this.GetCurrentState()); }, // Formation handlers: "FormationLeave": function(msg) { // Overloaded by FORMATIONMEMBER // We end up here if LeaveFormation was called when the entity // was executing an order in an individual state, so we must // discard the order now that it has been executed. if (this.order && this.order.type === "LeaveFormation") this.FinishOrder(); }, // Called when being told to walk as part of a formation "Order.FormationWalk": function(msg) { if (!this.AbleToMove()) return this.FinishOrder(); if (this.CanPack()) { // If the controller is IDLE, this is just the regular reformation timer. // In that case we don't actually want to move, as that would unpack us. let cmpControllerAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.GetFormationController(), IID_UnitAI); if (cmpControllerAI.IsIdle()) return this.FinishOrder(); this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); } else this.SetNextState("FORMATIONMEMBER.WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, // Special orders: // (these will be overridden by various states) "Order.LeaveFoundation": function(msg) { if (!this.WillMoveFromFoundation( return this.FinishOrder(); = g_LeaveFoundationRange; this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, // Individual orders: "Order.LeaveFormation": function() { if (!this.IsFormationMember()) return this.FinishOrder(); let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) { cmpFormation.SetRearrange(false); // Triggers FormationLeave, which ultimately will FinishOrder, // discarding this order. cmpFormation.RemoveMembers([this.entity]); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); } return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Stop": function(msg) { this.FinishOrder(); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Walk": function(msg) { if (!this.AbleToMove()) return this.FinishOrder(); if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } this.SetHeldPosition(,; = true; this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.WalkAndFight": function(msg) { if (!this.AbleToMove()) return this.FinishOrder(); if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } this.SetHeldPosition(,; = true; this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.WALKINGANDFIGHTING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.WalkToTarget": function(msg) { if (!this.AbleToMove()) return this.FinishOrder(); if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } if (this.CheckRange( return this.FinishOrder(); = true; this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.PickupUnit": function(msg) { let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || cmpGarrisonHolder.IsFull()) return this.FinishOrder(); let range = cmpGarrisonHolder.GetLoadingRange(); = range.min; = range.max; if (this.CheckRange( return this.FinishOrder(); // Check if we need to move // If the target can reach us and we are reasonably close, don't move. // TODO: it would be slightly more optimal to check for real, not bird-flight distance. let cmpPassengerMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_UnitMotion); if (cmpPassengerMotion && cmpPassengerMotion.IsTargetRangeReachable(this.entity, range.min, range.max) && PositionHelper.DistanceBetweenEntities(this.entity, < 200) this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.PICKUP.LOADING"); else this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.PICKUP.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Guard": function(msg) { if (!this.AddGuard( return this.FinishOrder(); if (!this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(this.isGuardOf, 0, this.guardRange)) this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GUARD.ESCORTING"); else this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GUARD.GUARDING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Flee": function(msg) { this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.FLEEING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Attack": function(msg) { let type = this.GetBestAttackAgainst(,; if (!type) return this.FinishOrder(); = type; this.RememberTargetPosition(); if ( && this.orderQueue.length > 1 && this.orderQueue[1].type === "Gather") this.RememberTargetPosition(this.orderQueue[1].data); if (this.CheckTargetAttackRange(, { if (this.CanUnpack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Unpack", { "force": true }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } // Cancel any current packing order. if (this.EnsureCorrectPackStateForAttack(false)) this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.COMBAT.ATTACKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } // If we're hunting, that's a special case where we should continue attacking our target. if (this.GetStance().respondStandGround && ! && ! || !this.AbleToMove()) return this.FinishOrder(); if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } // If we're currently packing/unpacking, make sure we are packed, so we can move. if (this.EnsureCorrectPackStateForAttack(true)) this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.COMBAT.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Patrol": function(msg) { if (!this.AbleToMove()) return this.FinishOrder(); if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } = true; this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.PATROL.PATROLLING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Heal": function(msg) { if (!this.TargetIsAlive( return this.FinishOrder(); // Healers can't heal themselves. if ( == this.entity) return this.FinishOrder(); if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_Heal)) { this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.HEAL.HEALING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } if (this.GetStance().respondStandGround && ! return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.HEAL.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Gather": function(msg) { if (!this.CanGather( { this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } // If the unit is full go to the nearest dropsite instead of trying to gather. let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (cmpResourceGatherer && !cmpResourceGatherer.CanCarryMore( { let nearestDropsite = this.FindNearestDropsite(; if (nearestDropsite) this.PushOrderFront("ReturnResource", { "target": nearestDropsite, "force": false, "type": }); // Players expect the unit to move, so walk to the target instead of trying to gather. else if (!this.FinishOrder()) this.WalkToTarget(, false); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } if (this.MustKillGatherTarget( { // Make sure we can attack the target, else we'll get very stuck if (!this.GetBestAttackAgainst(, false)) { // Oops, we can't attack at all - give up // TODO: should do something so the player knows why this failed return this.FinishOrder(); } // The target was visible when this order was issued, // but could now be invisible again. if (!this.CheckTargetVisible( { if ( === undefined) { = true; this.PushOrderFront("Walk",; } // We couldn't move there, or the target moved away else if (!this.FinishOrder()) this.PushOrderFront("GatherNearPosition", { "x":, "z":, "type":, "template": }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } this.PushOrderFront("Attack", { "target":, "force": !!, "hunting": true, "allowCapture": false }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } this.RememberTargetPosition(); if (! =; if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_ResourceGatherer)) this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.GATHERING"); else this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.GatherNearPosition": function(msg) { this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GATHER.WALKING"); = { 'x':, 'z': }; = true; return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.ReturnResource": function(msg) { let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_ResourceGatherer) && this.CanReturnResource(, true, cmpResourceGatherer)) { cmpResourceGatherer.CommitResources(; this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); // Our next order should always be a Gather, // so just switch back to that order. this.FinishOrder(); } else this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.RETURNRESOURCE.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Trade": function(msg) { // We must check if this trader has both markets in case it was a back-to-work order. let cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); if (!cmpTrader || !cmpTrader.HasBothMarkets()) return this.FinishOrder(); this.waypoints = []; this.SetNextState("TRADE.APPROACHINGMARKET"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Repair": function(msg) { if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_Builder)) this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.REPAIR.REPAIRING"); else this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.REPAIR.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Garrison": function(msg) { if (!this.AbleToMove()) { // Garrisoned turrets (unable to move) go IDLE. this.SetNextState("IDLE"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } if (this.IsGarrisoned()) { this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.GARRISONED"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } // Also pack when we are in range. if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } if (this.CheckGarrisonRange( this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.GARRISONED"); else this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.GARRISON.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Ungarrison": function() { this.FinishOrder(); this.isGarrisoned = false; return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Cheer": function(msg) { return this.FinishOrder(); }, "Order.Pack": function(msg) { if (!this.CanPack()) return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.PACKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Unpack": function(msg) { if (!this.CanUnpack()) return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.UNPACKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.MoveToChasingPoint": function(msg) { // Overriden by the CHASING state. // Can however happen outside of it when renaming... // TODO: don't use an order for that behaviour. return this.FinishOrder(); }, "Order.CollectTreasure": function(msg) { let cmpTreasureCollecter = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_TreasureCollecter); if (!cmpTreasureCollecter || !cmpTreasureCollecter.CanCollect( return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("COLLECTTREASURE"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, + "Order.CollectTreasureNearPosition": function(msg) { + let nearbyTreasure = this.FindNearbyTreasure(,; + if (nearbyTreasure) + this.CollectTreasure(nearbyTreasure, oldData.autocontinue, true); + else + this.SetNextState("COLLECTTREASURE"); + return ACCEPT_ORDER; + }, + // States for the special entity representing a group of units moving in formation: "FORMATIONCONTROLLER": { "Order.Walk": function(msg) { this.CallMemberFunction("SetHeldPosition", [,]); this.SetNextState("WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.WalkAndFight": function(msg) { this.CallMemberFunction("SetHeldPosition", [,]); this.SetNextState("WALKINGANDFIGHTING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.MoveIntoFormation": function(msg) { this.CallMemberFunction("SetHeldPosition", [,]); this.SetNextState("FORMING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, // Only used by other orders to walk there in formation. "Order.WalkToTargetRange": function(msg) { if (this.CheckRange( return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.WalkToTarget": function(msg) { if (this.CheckRange( return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.WalkToPointRange": function(msg) { if (this.CheckRange( return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("WALKING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Patrol": function(msg) { this.CallMemberFunction("SetHeldPosition", [,]); this.SetNextState("PATROL.PATROLLING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Guard": function(msg) { this.CallMemberFunction("Guard", [, false]); Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation).Disband(); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Stop": function(msg) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.ResetOrderVariant(); if (!this.IsAttackingAsFormation()) this.CallMemberFunction("Stop", [false]); this.FinishOrder(); return ACCEPT_ORDER; // Don't move the members back into formation, // as the formation then resets and it looks odd when walk-stopping. // TODO: this should be improved in the formation reshaping code. }, "Order.Attack": function(msg) { let target =; let allowCapture =; let cmpTargetUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpTargetUnitAI && cmpTargetUnitAI.IsFormationMember()) target = cmpTargetUnitAI.GetFormationController(); if (!this.CheckFormationTargetAttackRange(target)) { if (this.CanAttack(target) && this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) { this.SetNextState("COMBAT.APPROACHING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } return this.FinishOrder(); } this.CallMemberFunction("Attack", [target, allowCapture, false]); let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (cmpAttack && cmpAttack.CanAttackAsFormation()) this.SetNextState("COMBAT.ATTACKING"); else this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Garrison": function(msg) { if (!Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_GarrisonHolder)) return this.FinishOrder(); if (!this.CheckGarrisonRange( { if (!this.CheckTargetVisible( return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("GARRISON.APPROACHING"); } else this.SetNextState("GARRISON.GARRISONING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Gather": function(msg) { if (this.MustKillGatherTarget( { // The target was visible when this order was given, // but could now be invisible. if (!this.CheckTargetVisible( { if ( === undefined) { = true; this.PushOrderFront("Walk",; } // We couldn't move there, or the target moved away else { let data =; if (!this.FinishOrder()) this.PushOrderFront("GatherNearPosition", { "x": data.lastPos.x, "z": data.lastPos.z, "type": data.type, "template": data.template }); } return ACCEPT_ORDER; } this.PushOrderFront("Attack", { "target":, "force": !!, "hunting": true, "allowCapture": false, "min": 0, "max": 10 }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } // TODO: on what should we base this range? if (!this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(, 0, 10)) { if (!this.CanGather( || !this.CheckTargetVisible( return this.FinishOrder(); // TODO: Should we issue a gather-near-position order // if the target isn't gatherable/doesn't exist anymore? if (! { = true; this.PushOrderFront("WalkToTargetRange", { "target":, "min": 0, "max": 10 }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } return this.FinishOrder(); } this.CallMemberFunction("Gather", [, false]); this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.GatherNearPosition": function(msg) { // TODO: on what should we base this range? if (!this.CheckPointRangeExplicit(,, 0, 20)) { // Out of range; move there in formation this.PushOrderFront("WalkToPointRange", { "x":, "z":, "min": 0, "max": 20 }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } this.CallMemberFunction("GatherNearPosition", [,,,, false]); this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Heal": function(msg) { // TODO: on what should we base this range? if (!this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(, 0, 10)) { if (!this.TargetIsAlive( || !this.CheckTargetVisible( return this.FinishOrder(); if (! { = true; this.PushOrderFront("WalkToTargetRange", { "target":, "min": 0, "max": 10 }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } return this.FinishOrder(); } this.CallMemberFunction("Heal", [, false]); this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Repair": function(msg) { // TODO: on what should we base this range? if (!this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(, 0, 10)) { if (!this.TargetIsAlive( || !this.CheckTargetVisible( return this.FinishOrder(); if (! { = true; this.PushOrderFront("WalkToTargetRange", { "target":, "min": 0, "max": 10 }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } return this.FinishOrder(); } this.CallMemberFunction("Repair", [,, false]); this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.ReturnResource": function(msg) { // TODO: on what should we base this range? if (!this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(, 0, 10)) { if (!this.CheckTargetVisible( return this.FinishOrder(); if (! { = true; this.PushOrderFront("WalkToTargetRange", { "target":, "min": 0, "max": 10 }); return ACCEPT_ORDER; } return this.FinishOrder(); } this.CallMemberFunction("ReturnResource", [, false]); this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Pack": function(msg) { this.CallMemberFunction("Pack", [false]); this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "Order.Unpack": function(msg) { this.CallMemberFunction("Unpack", [false]); this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "IDLE": { "enter": function(msg) { // Turn rearrange off. Otherwise, if the formation is idle // but individual units go off to fight, // any death will rearrange the formation, which looks odd. // Instead, move idle units in formation on a timer. let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(false); // Start the timer on the next turn to catch up with potential stragglers. this.StartTimer(100, 2000); this.isIdle = true; this.CallMemberFunction("ResetIdle"); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.isIdle = false; this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (!cmpFormation) return; if (this.TestAllMemberFunction("IsIdle")) cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(false, false); }, }, "WALKING": { "enter": function() { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true); if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopTimer(); this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.veryObstructed && !this.timer) { // It's possible that the controller (with large clearance) // is stuck, but not the individual units. // Ask them to move individually for a little while. this.CallMemberFunction("MoveTo", []); this.StartTimer(3000); return; } else if (this.timer) return; if (msg.likelyFailure || this.CheckRange( this.FinishOrder(); }, "Timer": function() { // Reenter to reset the pathfinder state. this.SetNextState("WALKING"); } }, "WALKINGANDFIGHTING": { "enter": function(msg) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true, "combat"); if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } this.StartTimer(0, 1000); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || this.CheckRange( this.FinishOrder(); }, }, "PATROL": { "enter": function() { let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } // Memorize the origin position in case that we want to go back. if (!this.patrolStartPosOrder) { this.patrolStartPosOrder = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); this.patrolStartPosOrder.targetClasses =; this.patrolStartPosOrder.allowCapture =; } this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); return false; }, "leave": function() { delete this.patrolStartPosOrder; this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); }, "PATROLLING": { "enter": function() { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true, "combat"); let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld() || !this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } this.StartTimer(0, 1000); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (!msg.likelyFailure && !msg.likelySuccess && !this.RelaxedMaxRangeCheck(, this.DefaultRelaxedMaxRange)) return; if (this.orderQueue.length == 1) this.PushOrder("Patrol", this.patrolStartPosOrder); this.PushOrder(this.order.type,; this.SetNextState("CHECKINGWAYPOINT"); }, }, "CHECKINGWAYPOINT": { "enter": function() { this.StartTimer(0, 1000); this.stopSurveying = 0; // TODO: pick a proper animation return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopTimer(); delete this.stopSurveying; }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (this.stopSurveying >= +this.template.PatrolWaitTime) { this.FinishOrder(); return; } this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); ++this.stopSurveying; } } }, "GARRISON": { "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true); if (!this.MoveToGarrisonRange( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } // If the garrisonholder should pickup, warn it so it can take needed action. let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (cmpGarrisonHolder && cmpGarrisonHolder.CanPickup(this.entity)) { this.pickup =; // temporary, deleted in "leave" Engine.PostMessage(this.pickup, MT_PickupRequested, { "entity": this.entity }); } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); if (this.pickup) { Engine.PostMessage(this.pickup, MT_PickupCanceled, { "entity": this.entity }); delete this.pickup; } }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.likelySuccess) this.SetNextState("GARRISONING"); }, }, "GARRISONING": { "enter": function() { this.CallMemberFunction("Garrison", [, false]); // We might have been disbanded due to the lack of members. if (Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation).GetMemberCount()) this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); return true; }, }, }, "FORMING": { "enter": function() { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true); if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (!msg.likelyFailure && !this.CheckRange( return; this.FinishOrder(); } }, "COMBAT": { "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true, "combat"); if (!this.MoveFormationToTargetAttackRange( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { let target =; let cmpTargetUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpTargetUnitAI && cmpTargetUnitAI.IsFormationMember()) target = cmpTargetUnitAI.GetFormationController(); let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); this.CallMemberFunction("Attack", [target,, false]); if (cmpAttack.CanAttackAsFormation()) this.SetNextState("COMBAT.ATTACKING"); else this.SetNextState("MEMBER"); }, }, "ATTACKING": { // Wait for individual members to finish "enter": function(msg) { let target =; let allowCapture =; if (!this.CheckFormationTargetAttackRange(target)) { if (this.CanAttack(target) && this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) { this.SetNextState("COMBAT.APPROACHING"); return true; } this.FinishOrder(); return true; } let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); // TODO fix the rearranging while attacking as formation cmpFormation.SetRearrange(!this.IsAttackingAsFormation()); cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(false, false, "combat"); this.StartTimer(200, 200); return false; }, "Timer": function(msg) { let target =; let allowCapture =; if (!this.CheckFormationTargetAttackRange(target)) { if (this.CanAttack(target) && this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) { this.SetNextState("COMBAT.APPROACHING"); return; } this.FinishOrder(); return; } }, "leave": function(msg) { this.StopTimer(); var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.SetRearrange(true); }, }, }, // Wait for individual members to finish "MEMBER": { "OrderTargetRenamed": function(msg) { // In general, don't react - we don't want to send spurious messages to members. // This looks odd for hunting however because we wait for all // entities to have clumped around the dead resource before proceeding // so explicitly handle this case. if (this.order && && && == && this.orderQueue.length > 1) this.FinishOrder(); }, "enter": function(msg) { // Don't rearrange the formation, as that forces all units to stop // what they're doing. let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.SetRearrange(false); // While waiting on members, the formation is more like // a group of unit and does not have a well-defined position, // so move the controller out of the world to enforce that. let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); this.StartTimer(1000, 1000); return false; }, "Timer": function(msg) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation && !cmpFormation.AreAllMembersWaiting()) return; if (this.FinishOrder()) { if (this.IsWalkingAndFighting()) this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); return; } return; }, "leave": function(msg) { this.StopTimer(); // Reform entirely as members might be all over the place now. let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true); // Update the held position so entities respond to orders. let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) { let pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); this.CallMemberFunction("SetHeldPosition", [pos.x, pos.y]); } }, }, }, // States for entities moving as part of a formation: "FORMATIONMEMBER": { "FormationLeave": function(msg) { // Stop moving as soon as the formation disbands // Keep current rotation let facePointAfterMove = this.GetFacePointAfterMove(); this.SetFacePointAfterMove(false); this.StopMoving(); this.SetFacePointAfterMove(facePointAfterMove); // If the controller handled an order but some members rejected it, // they will have no orders and be in the FORMATIONMEMBER.IDLE state. if (this.orderQueue.length) { // We're leaving the formation, so stop our FormationWalk order if (this.FinishOrder()) return; } this.formationAnimationVariant = undefined; this.SetNextState("INDIVIDUAL.IDLE"); }, // Override the LeaveFoundation order since we're not doing // anything more important (and we might be stuck in the WALKING // state forever and need to get out of foundations in that case) "Order.LeaveFoundation": function(msg) { if (!this.WillMoveFromFoundation( return this.FinishOrder(); = g_LeaveFoundationRange; this.SetNextState("WALKINGTOPOINT"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "enter": function() { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) { this.formationAnimationVariant = cmpFormation.GetFormationAnimationVariant(this.entity); if (this.formationAnimationVariant) this.SetAnimationVariant(this.formationAnimationVariant); else this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); this.formationAnimationVariant = undefined; }, "IDLE": "INDIVIDUAL.IDLE", "CHEERING": "INDIVIDUAL.CHEERING", "WALKING": { "enter": function() { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); cmpUnitMotion.MoveToFormationOffset(,,; if ( { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) this.formationAnimationVariant = cmpFormation.GetFormationAnimationVariant(this.entity); } if (this.formationAnimationVariant) this.SetAnimationVariant(this.formationAnimationVariant); else if ( this.SetAnimationVariant(; else this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); return false; }, "leave": function() { // Don't use the logic from unitMotion, as SetInPosition // has already given us a custom rotation // (or we failed to move and thus don't care.) let facePointAfterMove = this.GetFacePointAfterMove(); this.SetFacePointAfterMove(false); this.StopMoving(); this.SetFacePointAfterMove(facePointAfterMove); }, // Occurs when the unit has reached its destination and the controller // is done moving. The controller is notified. "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // When walking in formation, we'll only get notified in case of failure // if the formation controller has stopped walking. // Formations can start lagging a lot if many entities request short path // so prefer to finish order early than retry pathing. // (see // (if the message is likelyFailure of likelySuccess, we also want to stop). this.FinishOrder(); }, }, // Special case used by Order.LeaveFoundation "WALKINGTOPOINT": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function() { if (!this.CheckRange( return; this.FinishOrder(); }, }, }, // States for entities not part of a formation: "INDIVIDUAL": { "Attacked": function(msg) { if (this.GetStance().targetAttackersAlways || !this.order || ! || ! this.RespondToTargetedEntities([]); }, "GuardedAttacked": function(msg) { // do nothing if we have a forced order in queue before the guard order for (var i = 0; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) { if (this.orderQueue[i].type == "Guard") break; if (this.orderQueue[i].data && this.orderQueue[i].data.force) return; } // if we already are targeting another unit still alive, finish with it first if (this.order && (this.order.type == "WalkAndFight" || this.order.type == "Attack")) if ( != && this.CanAttack( return; var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity); var cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.isGuardOf, IID_Health); if (cmpIdentity && cmpIdentity.HasClass("Support") && cmpHealth && cmpHealth.IsInjured()) { if (this.CanHeal(this.isGuardOf)) this.PushOrderFront("Heal", { "target": this.isGuardOf, "force": false }); else if (this.CanRepair(this.isGuardOf)) this.PushOrderFront("Repair", { "target": this.isGuardOf, "autocontinue": false, "force": false }); return; } var cmpBuildingAI = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_BuildingAI); if (cmpBuildingAI && this.CanRepair(this.isGuardOf)) { this.PushOrderFront("Repair", { "target": this.isGuardOf, "autocontinue": false, "force": false }); return; } if (this.CheckTargetVisible( this.PushOrderFront("Attack", { "target":, "force": false, "allowCapture": true }); else { var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return; var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); this.PushOrderFront("WalkAndFight", { "x": pos.x, "z": pos.z, "target":, "force": false }); // if we already had a WalkAndFight, keep only the most recent one in case the target has moved if (this.orderQueue[1] && this.orderQueue[1].type == "WalkAndFight") { this.orderQueue.splice(1, 1); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); } } }, "IDLE": { "Order.Cheer": function() { // Do not cheer if there is no cheering time and we are not idle yet. if (!this.cheeringTime || !this.isIdle) return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("CHEERING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "enter": function() { // Switch back to idle animation to guarantee we won't // get stuck with an incorrect animation this.SelectAnimation("idle"); // Idle is the default state. If units try, from the IDLE.enter sub-state, to // begin another order, and that order fails (calling FinishOrder), they might // end up in an infinite loop. To avoid this, all methods that could put the unit in // a new state are done on the next turn. // This wastes a turn but avoids infinite loops. // Further, the GUI and AI want to know when a unit is idle, // but sending this info in Idle.enter will send spurious messages. // Pick 100 to execute on the next turn in SP and MP. this.StartTimer(100); return false; }, "leave": function() { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.losRangeQuery) cmpRangeManager.DisableActiveQuery(this.losRangeQuery); if (this.losHealRangeQuery) cmpRangeManager.DisableActiveQuery(this.losHealRangeQuery); if (this.losAttackRangeQuery) cmpRangeManager.DisableActiveQuery(this.losAttackRangeQuery); this.StopTimer(); if (this.isIdle) { this.isIdle = false; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitIdleChanged, { "idle": this.isIdle }); } }, "Attacked": function(msg) { if (this.isIdle && (this.GetStance().targetAttackersAlways || !this.order || ! || ! this.RespondToTargetedEntities([]); }, // On the range updates: // We check for idleness to prevent an entity to react only to newly seen entities // when receiving a Los*RangeUpdate on the same turn as the entity becomes idle // since this.FindNew*Targets is called in the timer. "LosRangeUpdate": function(msg) { if (this.isIdle && msg && && && this.RespondToSightedEntities(; }, "LosHealRangeUpdate": function(msg) { if (this.isIdle && msg && && && this.RespondToHealableEntities(; }, "LosAttackRangeUpdate": function(msg) { if (this.isIdle && msg && && && && this.GetStance().targetVisibleEnemies) this.AttackEntitiesByPreference(; }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (this.isGuardOf) { this.Guard(this.isGuardOf, false); return; } // If a unit can heal and attack we first want to heal wounded units, // so check if we are a healer and find whether there's anybody nearby to heal. // (If anyone approaches later it'll be handled via LosHealRangeUpdate.) // If anyone in sight gets hurt that will be handled via LosHealRangeUpdate. if (this.IsHealer() && this.FindNewHealTargets()) return; // If we entered the idle state we must have nothing better to do, // so immediately check whether there's anybody nearby to attack. // (If anyone approaches later, it'll be handled via LosAttackRangeUpdate.) if (this.FindNewTargets()) return; if (this.FindSightedEnemies()) return; if (!this.isIdle) { // Move back to the held position if we drifted away. // (only if not a formation member). if (!this.IsFormationMember() && this.GetStance().respondHoldGround && this.heldPosition && !this.CheckPointRangeExplicit(this.heldPosition.x, this.heldPosition.z, 0, 10) && this.WalkToHeldPosition()) return; if (this.IsFormationMember()) { let cmpFormationAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpFormationAI || !cmpFormationAI.IsIdle()) return; } this.isIdle = true; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitIdleChanged, { "idle": this.isIdle }); } // Go linger first to prevent all roaming entities // to move all at the same time on map init. if (this.template.RoamDistance) this.SetNextState("LINGERING"); }, "ROAMING": { "enter": function() { this.SetFacePointAfterMove(false); this.MoveRandomly(+this.template.RoamDistance); this.StartTimer(randIntInclusive(+this.template.RoamTimeMin, +this.template.RoamTimeMax)); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); this.SetFacePointAfterMove(true); }, "Timer": function(msg) { this.SetNextState("LINGERING"); }, "MovementUpdate": function() { this.MoveRandomly(+this.template.RoamDistance); }, }, "LINGERING": { "enter": function() { // ToDo: rename animations? this.SelectAnimation("feeding"); this.StartTimer(randIntInclusive(+this.template.FeedTimeMin, +this.template.FeedTimeMax)); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.ResetAnimation(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { this.SetNextState("ROAMING"); }, }, }, "WALKING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // If it looks like the path is failing, and we are close enough stop anyways. // This avoids pathing for an unreachable goal and reduces lag considerably. if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.obstructed && this.RelaxedMaxRangeCheck(, this.DefaultRelaxedMaxRange) || this.CheckRange( this.FinishOrder(); }, }, "WALKINGANDFIGHTING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } // Show weapons rather than carried resources. this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); this.StartTimer(0, 1000); return false; }, "Timer": function(msg) { this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); }, "leave": function(msg) { this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // If it looks like the path is failing, and we are close enough stop anyways. // This avoids pathing for an unreachable goal and reduces lag considerably. if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.obstructed && this.RelaxedMaxRangeCheck(, this.DefaultRelaxedMaxRange) || this.CheckRange( this.FinishOrder(); }, }, "PATROL": { "enter": function() { let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } // Memorize the origin position in case that we want to go back. if (!this.patrolStartPosOrder) { this.patrolStartPosOrder = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); this.patrolStartPosOrder.targetClasses =; this.patrolStartPosOrder.allowCapture =; } this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); return false; }, "leave": function() { delete this.patrolStartPosOrder; this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); }, "PATROLLING": { "enter": function() { let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld() || !this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } this.StartTimer(0, 1000); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (!msg.likelyFailure && !msg.likelySuccess && !this.RelaxedMaxRangeCheck(, this.DefaultRelaxedMaxRange)) return; if (this.orderQueue.length == 1) this.PushOrder("Patrol", this.patrolStartPosOrder); this.PushOrder(this.order.type,; this.SetNextState("CHECKINGWAYPOINT"); }, }, "CHECKINGWAYPOINT": { "enter": function() { this.StartTimer(0, 1000); this.stopSurveying = 0; // TODO: pick a proper animation return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopTimer(); delete this.stopSurveying; }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (this.stopSurveying >= +this.template.PatrolWaitTime) { this.FinishOrder(); return; } this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); ++this.stopSurveying; } } }, "GUARD": { "RemoveGuard": function() { this.FinishOrder(); }, "ESCORTING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveToTargetRangeExplicit(this.isGuardOf, 0, this.guardRange)) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } // Show weapons rather than carried resources. this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); this.StartTimer(0, 1000); this.SetHeldPositionOnEntity(this.isGuardOf); return false; }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (!this.ShouldGuard(this.isGuardOf)) { this.FinishOrder(); return; } let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); if (cmpObstructionManager.IsInTargetRange(this.entity, this.isGuardOf, 0, 3 * this.guardRange, false)) this.TryMatchTargetSpeed(this.isGuardOf, false); this.SetHeldPositionOnEntity(this.isGuardOf); }, "leave": function(msg) { this.StopMoving(); this.ResetSpeedMultiplier(); this.StopTimer(); this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(this.isGuardOf, 0, this.guardRange)) this.SetNextState("GUARDING"); }, }, "GUARDING": { "enter": function() { this.StartTimer(1000, 1000); this.SetHeldPositionOnEntity(this.entity); this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); this.FaceTowardsTarget(; return false; }, "LosAttackRangeUpdate": function(msg) { if (this.GetStance().targetVisibleEnemies) this.AttackEntitiesByPreference(; }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (!this.ShouldGuard(this.isGuardOf)) { this.FinishOrder(); return; } // TODO: find out what to do if we cannot move. if (!this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(this.isGuardOf, 0, this.guardRange) && this.MoveToTargetRangeExplicit(this.isGuardOf, 0, this.guardRange)) this.SetNextState("ESCORTING"); else { this.FaceTowardsTarget(; var cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.isGuardOf, IID_Health); if (cmpHealth && cmpHealth.IsInjured()) { if (this.CanHeal(this.isGuardOf)) this.PushOrderFront("Heal", { "target": this.isGuardOf, "force": false }); else if (this.CanRepair(this.isGuardOf)) this.PushOrderFront("Repair", { "target": this.isGuardOf, "autocontinue": false, "force": false }); } } }, "leave": function(msg) { this.StopTimer(); this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); }, }, }, "FLEEING": { "enter": function() { // We use the distance between the entities to account for ranged attacks = PositionHelper.DistanceBetweenEntities(this.entity, + (+this.template.FleeDistance); let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); // Use unit motion directly to ignore the visibility check. TODO: change this if we add LOS to fauna. if (this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(,, -1) || !cmpUnitMotion || !cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(,, -1)) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } this.PlaySound("panic"); this.SetSpeedMultiplier(this.GetRunMultiplier()); return false; }, "OrderTargetRenamed": function(msg) { // To avoid replaying the panic sound, handle this explicitly. let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(,, -1) || !cmpUnitMotion || !cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(,, -1)) this.FinishOrder(); }, "Attacked": function(msg) { if ( == return; let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); if (cmpObstructionManager.DistanceToTarget(this.entity, > cmpObstructionManager.DistanceToTarget(this.entity, return; if (this.GetStance().targetAttackersAlways || !this.order || ! || ! this.RespondToTargetedEntities([]); }, "leave": function() { this.ResetSpeedMultiplier(); this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(,, -1)) this.FinishOrder(); }, }, "COMBAT": { "Order.LeaveFoundation": function(msg) { // Ignore the order as we're busy. return this.FinishOrder(); }, "Attacked": function(msg) { // If we're already in combat mode, ignore anyone else who's attacking us // unless it's a melee attack since they may be blocking our way to the target if ( == "Melee" && (this.GetStance().targetAttackersAlways || ! this.RespondToTargetedEntities([]); }, "leave": function() { if (!this.formationAnimationVariant) this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); }, "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveToTargetAttackRange(, { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } if (!this.formationAnimationVariant) this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); this.StartTimer(1000, 1000); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (this.ShouldAbandonChase(,, IID_Attack, { this.FinishOrder(); if (this.GetStance().respondHoldGround) this.WalkToHeldPosition(); } else { this.RememberTargetPosition(); if ( && this.orderQueue.length > 1 && this.orderQueue[1].type === "Gather") this.RememberTargetPosition(this.orderQueue[1].data); } }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure) { // This also handles hunting. if (this.orderQueue.length > 1) { this.FinishOrder(); return; } else if (! || ! { this.SetNextState("COMBAT.FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return; } // If the order was forced, try moving to the target position, // under the assumption that this is desirable if the target // was somewhat far away - we'll likely end up closer to where // the player hoped we would. let lastPos =; this.PushOrder("WalkAndFight", { "x": lastPos.x, "z": lastPos.z, "force": false, // Force to true - otherwise structures might be attacked instead of captured, // which is generally not expected (attacking units usually has allowCapture false). "allowCapture": true }); return; } if (this.CheckTargetAttackRange(, { if (this.CanUnpack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Unpack", { "force": true }); return; } this.SetNextState("ATTACKING"); } else if (msg.likelySuccess) // Try moving again, // attack range uses a height-related formula and our actual max range might have changed. if (!this.MoveToTargetAttackRange(, this.FinishOrder(); }, }, "ATTACKING": { "enter": function() { let target =; let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) { = target; target = cmpFormation.GetClosestMember(this.entity); = target; } this.shouldCheer = false; if (!this.CanAttack(target)) { this.SetNextState("COMBAT.FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } if (!this.CheckTargetAttackRange(target, { if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return true; } this.SetNextState("COMBAT.APPROACHING"); return true; } let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); this.attackTimers = cmpAttack.GetTimers(; // If the repeat time since the last attack hasn't elapsed, // delay this attack to avoid attacking too fast. let prepare = this.attackTimers.prepare; if (this.lastAttacked) { let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); let repeatLeft = this.lastAttacked + this.attackTimers.repeat - cmpTimer.GetTime(); prepare = Math.max(prepare, repeatLeft); } if (!this.formationAnimationVariant) this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); this.oldAttackType =; this.SelectAnimation("attack_" +; this.SetAnimationSync(prepare, this.attackTimers.repeat); this.StartTimer(prepare, this.attackTimers.repeat); // TODO: we should probably only bother syncing projectile attacks, not melee // If using a non-default prepare time, re-sync the animation when the timer runs. this.resyncAnimation = prepare != this.attackTimers.prepare; this.FaceTowardsTarget(; let cmpBuildingAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_BuildingAI); if (cmpBuildingAI) { cmpBuildingAI.SetUnitAITarget(; return false; } let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_UnitAI); // Units with no cheering time do not cheer. this.shouldCheer = cmpUnitAI && (!cmpUnitAI.IsAnimal() || cmpUnitAI.IsDangerousAnimal()) && this.cheeringTime > 0; return false; }, "leave": function() { let cmpBuildingAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_BuildingAI); if (cmpBuildingAI) cmpBuildingAI.SetUnitAITarget(0); this.StopTimer(); this.ResetAnimation(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { let target =; let attackType =; if (!this.CanAttack(target)) { this.SetNextState("COMBAT.FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return; } this.RememberTargetPosition(); if ( && this.orderQueue.length > 1 && this.orderQueue[1].type === "Gather") this.RememberTargetPosition(this.orderQueue[1].data); let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.lastAttacked = cmpTimer.GetTime() - msg.lateness; this.FaceTowardsTarget(target); // BuildingAI has it's own attack-routine let cmpBuildingAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_BuildingAI); if (!cmpBuildingAI) { let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); cmpAttack.PerformAttack(attackType, target); } // PerformAttack might have triggered messages that moved us to another state. // (use 'ends with' to handle formation members copying our state). if (!this.GetCurrentState().endsWith("COMBAT.ATTACKING")) return; // Check we can still reach the target for the next attack if (this.CheckTargetAttackRange(target, attackType)) { if (this.resyncAnimation) { this.SetAnimationSync(this.attackTimers.repeat, this.attackTimers.repeat); this.resyncAnimation = false; } return; } if (this.ShouldChaseTargetedEntity(target, { if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return; } this.SetNextState("COMBAT.CHASING"); return; } this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); }, // TODO: respond to target deaths immediately, rather than waiting // until the next Timer event "Attacked": function(msg) { if ( == "Capture" && (this.GetStance().targetAttackersAlways || ! && != && this.GetBestAttackAgainst(, true) != "Capture") this.RespondToTargetedEntities([]); }, }, "FINDINGNEWTARGET": { "Order.Cheer": function() { if (!this.cheeringTime) return this.FinishOrder(); this.SetNextState("CHEERING"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "enter": function() { // Try to find the formation the target was a part of. let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_Formation); if (!cmpFormation) cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface( || INVALID_ENTITY, IID_Formation); // If the target is a formation, pick closest member. if (cmpFormation) { let filter = (t) => this.CanAttack(t); =; let target = cmpFormation.GetClosestMember(this.entity, filter); = target; this.SetNextState("COMBAT.ATTACKING"); return true; } // Can't reach it, no longer owned by enemy, or it doesn't exist any more - give up // except if in WalkAndFight mode where we look for more enemies around before moving again. if (this.FinishOrder()) { if (this.IsWalkingAndFighting()) this.FindWalkAndFightTargets(); return true; } if (this.FindNewTargets()) return true; if (this.GetStance().respondHoldGround) this.WalkToHeldPosition(); if (this.shouldCheer) { this.Cheer(); this.CallPlayerOwnedEntitiesFunctionInRange("Cheer", [], this.notifyToCheerInRange); } return true; }, }, "CHASING": { "Order.MoveToChasingPoint": function(msg) { if (this.CheckPointRangeExplicit(,, 0, return this.FinishOrder(); = true; this.StopTimer(); this.SetNextState("MOVINGTOPOINT"); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveToTargetAttackRange(, { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } if (!this.formationAnimationVariant) this.SetAnimationVariant("combat"); var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI && cmpUnitAI.IsFleeing()) this.SetSpeedMultiplier(this.GetRunMultiplier()); this.StartTimer(1000, 1000); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.ResetSpeedMultiplier(); this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (this.ShouldAbandonChase(,, IID_Attack, { this.FinishOrder(); if (this.GetStance().respondHoldGround) this.WalkToHeldPosition(); } else { this.RememberTargetPosition(); if ( && this.orderQueue.length > 1 && this.orderQueue[1].type === "Gather") this.RememberTargetPosition(this.orderQueue[1].data); } }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure) { // This also handles hunting. if (this.orderQueue.length > 1) { this.FinishOrder(); return; } else if (! { this.SetNextState("COMBAT.FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return; } else if ( { let lastPos =; let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); this.PushOrder("MoveToChasingPoint", { "x": lastPos.x, "z": lastPos.z, "max": cmpAttack.GetRange(, "force": true }); return; } } if (this.CheckTargetAttackRange(, { if (this.CanUnpack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Unpack", { "force": true }); return; } this.SetNextState("ATTACKING"); } else if (msg.likelySuccess) // Try moving again, // attack range uses a height-related formula and our actual max range might have changed. if (!this.MoveToTargetAttackRange(, this.FinishOrder(); }, "MOVINGTOPOINT": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // If it looks like the path is failing, and we are close enough from wanted range // stop anyways. This avoids pathing for an unreachable goal and reduces lag considerably. if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.obstructed && this.RelaxedMaxRangeCheck(, + this.DefaultRelaxedMaxRange) || !msg.obstructed && this.CheckRange( this.FinishOrder(); }, }, }, }, "GATHER": { "leave": function() { // Show the carried resource, if we've gathered anything. this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); }, "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { this.gatheringTarget =; // temporary, deleted in "leave". let cmpSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceSupply); let cmpMirage = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatheringTarget, IID_Mirage); if ((!cmpMirage || !cmpMirage.Mirages(IID_ResourceSupply)) && (!cmpSupply || !cmpSupply.AddGatherer(this.entity)) || !this.MoveTo(, IID_ResourceGatherer)) { // If the target's last known position is in FOW, try going there // and hope that we might find it then. let lastPos =; if (this.gatheringTarget != INVALID_ENTITY && lastPos && !this.CheckPositionVisible(lastPos.x, lastPos.z)) { this.PushOrderFront("Walk", { "x": lastPos.x, "z": lastPos.z, "force": }); return true; } this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } this.SetAnimationVariant("approach_" +; let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (cmpResourceGatherer) cmpResourceGatherer.AddToPlayerCounter(; return false; }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // The GATHERING timer will handle finding a valid resource. if (msg.likelyFailure) this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); else if (this.CheckRange(, IID_ResourceGatherer)) this.SetNextState("GATHERING"); }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); if (!this.gatheringTarget) return; // don't use ownership because this is called after a conversion/resignation // and the ownership would be invalid then. let cmpSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceSupply); if (cmpSupply) cmpSupply.RemoveGatherer(this.entity); let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (cmpResourceGatherer) cmpResourceGatherer.RemoveFromPlayerCounter(); delete this.gatheringTarget; }, }, // Walking to a good place to gather resources near, used by GatherNearPosition "WALKING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } this.SetAnimationVariant("approach_" +; return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // If we failed, the GATHERING timer will handle finding a valid resource. if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.obstructed && this.RelaxedMaxRangeCheck(, this.DefaultRelaxedMaxRange) || this.CheckRange( this.SetNextState("GATHERING"); }, }, "GATHERING": { "enter": function() { this.gatheringTarget = || INVALID_ENTITY; // deleted in "leave". // Check if the resource is full. // Will only be added if we're not already in. let cmpSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceSupply); if (!cmpSupply || !cmpSupply.AddActiveGatherer(this.entity)) { this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } // If this order was forced, the player probably gave it, but now we've reached the target // switch to an unforced order (can be interrupted by attacks) = false; = true; // Calculate timing based on gather rates // This allows the gather rate to control how often we gather, instead of how much. let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); let rate = cmpResourceGatherer.GetTargetGatherRate(this.gatheringTarget); if (!rate) { // Try to find another target if the current one stopped existing if (!Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatheringTarget, IID_Identity)) { this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } // No rate, give up on gathering this.FinishOrder(); return true; } // Scale timing interval based on rate, and start timer // The offset should be at least as long as the repeat time so we use the same value for both. let offset = 1000 / rate; this.StartTimer(offset, offset); // We want to start the gather animation as soon as possible, // but only if we're actually at the target and it's still alive // (else it'll look like we're chopping empty air). // (If it's not alive, the Timer handler will deal with sending us // off to a different target.) if (this.CheckTargetRange(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceGatherer)) { this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); this.FaceTowardsTarget(; this.SelectAnimation("gather_" +; cmpResourceGatherer.AddToPlayerCounter(; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopTimer(); // Don't use ownership because this is called after a conversion/resignation // and the ownership would be invalid then. let cmpSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceSupply); if (cmpSupply) cmpSupply.RemoveGatherer(this.entity); let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (cmpResourceGatherer) cmpResourceGatherer.RemoveFromPlayerCounter(); delete this.gatheringTarget; this.ResetAnimation(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { let resourceTemplate =; let resourceType =; // TODO: we are leaking information here - if the target died in FOW, we'll know it's dead // straight away. // Seems one would have to listen to ownership changed messages to make it work correctly // but that's likely prohibitively expansive performance wise. let cmpSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceSupply); // If we can't gather from the target, find a new one. if (!cmpSupply || !cmpSupply.IsAvailableTo(this.entity) || !this.CanGather(this.gatheringTarget)) { this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return; } if (!this.CheckTargetRange(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceGatherer)) { // Try to follow the target if (this.MoveToTargetRange(this.gatheringTarget, IID_ResourceGatherer)) this.SetNextState("APPROACHING"); // Our target is no longer visible - go to its last known position first // and then hopefully it will become visible. else if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(this.gatheringTarget) && this.PushOrderFront("Walk", { "x":, "z":, "force": }); else this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return; } let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); // If we've already got some resources but they're the wrong type, // drop them first to ensure we're only ever carrying one type if (cmpResourceGatherer.IsCarryingAnythingExcept(resourceType.generic)) cmpResourceGatherer.DropResources(); this.FaceTowardsTarget(; let status = cmpResourceGatherer.PerformGather(this.gatheringTarget); if (status.filled) { let nearestDropsite = this.FindNearestDropsite(resourceType.generic); if (nearestDropsite) { // (Keep this Gather order on the stack so we'll // continue gathering after returning) // However mark our target as invalid if it's exhausted, so we don't waste time // trying to gather from it. if (status.exhausted) = INVALID_ENTITY; this.PushOrderFront("ReturnResource", { "target": nearestDropsite, "force": false }); return; } // Oh no, couldn't find any drop sites. Give up on gathering. this.FinishOrder(); return; } if (status.exhausted) this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); }, }, "FINDINGNEWTARGET": { "enter": function() { let previousTarget =; let resourceTemplate =; let resourceType =; // Give up on this order and try our next queued order // but first check what is our next order and, if needed, insert a returnResource order let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (cmpResourceGatherer.IsCarrying(resourceType.generic) && this.orderQueue.length > 1 && this.orderQueue[1] !== "ReturnResource" && (this.orderQueue[1].type !== "Gather" || this.orderQueue[1].data.type.generic !== resourceType.generic)) { let nearestDropsite = this.FindNearestDropsite(resourceType.generic); if (nearestDropsite) this.orderQueue.splice(1, 0, { "type": "ReturnResource", "data": { "target": nearestDropsite, "force": false } }); } // Must go before FinishOrder or this.order will be undefined. let initPos =; if (this.FinishOrder()) return true; // No remaining orders - pick a useful default behaviour // Give up if we're not in the world right now. let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return true; // If we have no known initial position of our target, look around our own position // as a fallback. if (!initPos) { let pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); initPos = { 'x': pos.X, 'z': pos.Z }; } // Try to find a new resource of the same specific type near the initial resource position: // Also don't switch to a different type of huntable animal let nearbyResource = this.FindNearbyResource(new Vector2D(initPos.x, initPos.z), (ent, type, template) => { if (previousTarget == ent) return false; return type.specific == resourceType.specific && (type.specific != "meat" || resourceTemplate == template); }); if (nearbyResource) { this.PerformGather(nearbyResource, false, false); return true; } // Failing that, try to move there and se if we are more lucky: maybe there are resources in FOW. // Only move if we are some distance away (TODO: pick the distance better?) if (!this.CheckPointRangeExplicit(initPos.x, initPos.z, 0, 10)) { this.GatherNearPosition(initPos.x, initPos.z, resourceType, resourceTemplate); return true; } // Nothing else to gather - if we're carrying anything then we should // drop it off, and if not then we might as well head to the dropsite // anyway because that's a nice enough place to congregate and idle let nearestDropsite = this.FindNearestDropsite(resourceType.generic); if (nearestDropsite) { this.PushOrderFront("ReturnResource", { "target": nearestDropsite, "force": false }); return true; } // No dropsites - just give up. return true; }, }, }, "HEAL": { "Attacked": function(msg) { if (!this.GetStance().respondStandGround && ! this.Flee(, false); }, "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { if (this.CheckRange(, IID_Heal)) { this.SetNextState("HEALING"); return true; } if (!this.MoveTo(, IID_Heal)) { this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } this.StartTimer(1000, 1000); return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (this.ShouldAbandonChase(,, IID_Heal, null)) this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || this.CheckRange(, IID_Heal)) this.SetNextState("HEALING"); }, }, "HEALING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.CheckRange(, IID_Heal)) { this.SetNextState("APPROACHING"); return true; } if (!this.TargetIsAlive( || !this.CanHeal( { this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } let cmpHeal = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Heal); this.healTimers = cmpHeal.GetTimers(); // If the repeat time since the last heal hasn't elapsed, // delay the action to avoid healing too fast. var prepare = this.healTimers.prepare; if (this.lastHealed) { var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); var repeatLeft = this.lastHealed + this.healTimers.repeat - cmpTimer.GetTime(); prepare = Math.max(prepare, repeatLeft); } this.SelectAnimation("heal"); this.SetAnimationSync(prepare, this.healTimers.repeat); this.StartTimer(prepare, this.healTimers.repeat); // If using a non-default prepare time, re-sync the animation when the timer runs. this.resyncAnimation = prepare != this.healTimers.prepare; this.FaceTowardsTarget(; return false; }, "leave": function() { this.ResetAnimation(); this.StopTimer(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { let target =; if (!this.TargetIsAlive(target) || !this.CanHeal(target)) { this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return; } if (!this.CheckRange(, IID_Heal)) { if (this.ShouldChaseTargetedEntity(target, { if (this.CanPack()) { this.PushOrderFront("Pack", { "force": true }); return; } this.SetNextState("HEAL.APPROACHING"); } else this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return; } let cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); this.lastHealed = cmpTimer.GetTime() - msg.lateness; this.FaceTowardsTarget(target); let cmpHeal = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Heal); cmpHeal.PerformHeal(target); if (this.resyncAnimation) { this.SetAnimationSync(this.healTimers.repeat, this.healTimers.repeat); this.resyncAnimation = false; } }, }, "FINDINGNEWTARGET": { "enter": function() { // If we have another order, do that instead. if (this.FinishOrder()) return true; if (this.FindNewHealTargets()) return true; if (this.GetStance().respondHoldGround) this.WalkToHeldPosition(); // We quit this state right away. return true; }, }, }, // Returning to dropsite "RETURNRESOURCE": { "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo(, IID_ResourceGatherer)) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { // Check the dropsite is in range and we can return our resource there // (we didn't get stopped before reaching it) let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_ResourceGatherer) && this.CanReturnResource(, true, cmpResourceGatherer)) { cmpResourceGatherer.CommitResources(; // Stop showing the carried resource animation. this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); // Our next order should always be a Gather, // so just switch back to that order. this.FinishOrder(); return; } if (msg.obstructed) return; // If we are here: we are in range but not carrying the right resources (or resources at all), // the dropsite was destroyed, or we couldn't reach it, or ownership changed. // Look for a new one. let genericType = cmpResourceGatherer.GetMainCarryingType(); let nearby = this.FindNearestDropsite(genericType); if (nearby) { this.FinishOrder(); this.PushOrderFront("ReturnResource", { "target": nearby, "force": false }); return; } // Oh no, couldn't find any drop sites. Give up on returning. this.FinishOrder(); }, }, }, "COLLECTTREASURE": { "enter": function() { let cmpTreasureCollecter = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_TreasureCollecter); if (!cmpTreasureCollecter || !cmpTreasureCollecter.CanCollect( { - this.FinishOrder(); + this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_TreasureCollecter)) this.SetNextState("COLLECTING"); else this.SetNextState("APPROACHING"); return true; }, "leave": function() { }, "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveToTargetRange(, IID_TreasureCollecter)) { - this.FinishOrder(); + this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_TreasureCollecter)) this.SetNextState("COLLECTING"); else if (msg.likelyFailure) - this.FinishOrder(); + this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); }, }, "COLLECTING": { "enter": function() { let cmpTreasureCollecter = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_TreasureCollecter); if (!cmpTreasureCollecter.StartCollecting(, IID_UnitAI)) { this.ProcessMessage("TargetInvalidated"); return true; } this.FaceTowardsTarget(; this.SelectAnimation("collecting_treasure"); return false; }, "leave": function() { let cmpTreasureCollecter = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_TreasureCollecter); if (cmpTreasureCollecter) cmpTreasureCollecter.StopCollecting(); this.ResetAnimation(); }, "OutOfRange": function(msg) { this.SetNextState("APPROACHING"); }, "TargetInvalidated": function(msg) { - this.FinishOrder(); + this.SetNextState("FINDINGNEWTARGET"); + }, + }, + + "FINDINGNEWTARGET": { + "enter": function() { + let oldData =; + + // Switch to the next order (if any). + if (this.FinishOrder()) + return true; + + // If autocontinue explicitly disabled (e.g. by AI) + // then do nothing automatically. + if (!oldData.autocontinue) + return false; + + let nearbyTreasure = this.FindNearbyTreasure(this.TargetPosOrEntPos(; + if (nearbyTreasure) + this.CollectTreasure(nearbyTreasure, oldData.autocontinue, true); + + return true; }, }, }, "TRADE": { "Attacked": function(msg) { // Ignore attack // TODO: Inform player }, "APPROACHINGMARKET": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveToMarket( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (!msg.likelyFailure && !this.CheckRange(, IID_Trader)) return; if (this.waypoints && this.waypoints.length) { if (!this.MoveToMarket( this.StopTrading(); } else this.PerformTradeAndMoveToNextMarket(; }, }, "TradingCanceled": function(msg) { if ( != return; let cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); let otherMarket = cmpTrader && cmpTrader.GetFirstMarket(); this.StopTrading(); if (otherMarket) this.WalkToTarget(otherMarket); }, }, "REPAIR": { "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo(, IID_Builder)) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.likelySuccess) this.SetNextState("REPAIRING"); }, }, "REPAIRING": { "enter": function() { // If this order was forced, the player probably gave it, but now we've reached the target // switch to an unforced order (can be interrupted by attacks) if ( = true; = false; // Needed to remove the entity from the builder list when leaving this state. this.repairTarget =; if (!this.CanRepair(this.repairTarget)) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } if (!this.CheckTargetRange(this.repairTarget, IID_Builder)) { this.SetNextState("APPROACHING"); return true; } let cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.repairTarget, IID_Health); if (cmpHealth && cmpHealth.GetHitpoints() >= cmpHealth.GetMaxHitpoints()) { // The building was already finished/fully repaired before we arrived; // let the ConstructionFinished handler handle this. this.ConstructionFinished({ "entity": this.repairTarget, "newentity": this.repairTarget }); return true; } let cmpBuilderList = QueryBuilderListInterface(this.repairTarget); if (cmpBuilderList) cmpBuilderList.AddBuilder(this.entity); this.FaceTowardsTarget(this.repairTarget); this.SelectAnimation("build"); this.StartTimer(1000, 1000); return false; }, "leave": function() { let cmpBuilderList = QueryBuilderListInterface(this.repairTarget); if (cmpBuilderList) cmpBuilderList.RemoveBuilder(this.entity); delete this.repairTarget; this.StopTimer(); this.ResetAnimation(); }, "Timer": function(msg) { if (!this.CanRepair(this.repairTarget)) { this.FinishOrder(); return; } this.FaceTowardsTarget(this.repairTarget); let cmpBuilder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Builder); cmpBuilder.PerformBuilding(this.repairTarget); // If the building is completed, the leave() function will be called // by the ConstructionFinished message. // In that case, the repairTarget is deleted, and we can just return. if (!this.repairTarget) return; if (!this.CheckTargetRange(this.repairTarget, IID_Builder)) this.SetNextState("APPROACHING"); }, }, "ConstructionFinished": function(msg) { if ( != return; // ignore other buildings let oldData =; // Save the current state so we can continue walking if necessary // FinishOrder() below will switch to IDLE if there's no order, which sets the idle animation. // Idle animation while moving towards finished construction looks weird (ghosty). let oldState = this.GetCurrentState(); let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); let canReturnResources = this.CanReturnResource(, true, cmpResourceGatherer); if (this.CheckTargetRange(, IID_Builder) && canReturnResources) { cmpResourceGatherer.CommitResources(; this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); } // Switch to the next order (if any) if (this.FinishOrder()) { if (canReturnResources) { // We aren't in range, but we can still return resources there: always do so. this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); this.PushOrderFront("ReturnResource", { "target":, "force": false }); } return; } if (canReturnResources) { // We aren't in range, but we can still return resources there: always do so. this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); this.PushOrderFront("ReturnResource", { "target":, "force": false }); } // No remaining orders - pick a useful default behaviour // If autocontinue explicitly disabled (e.g. by AI) then // do nothing automatically if (!oldData.autocontinue) return; // If this building was e.g. a farm of ours, the entities that received // the build command should start gathering from it if ((oldData.force || oldData.autoharvest) && this.CanGather( { this.PerformGather(, true, false); return; } // If this building was e.g. a farmstead of ours, entities that received // the build command should look for nearby resources to gather if ((oldData.force || oldData.autoharvest) && this.CanReturnResource(, false, cmpResourceGatherer)) { let cmpResourceDropsite = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_ResourceDropsite); let types = cmpResourceDropsite.GetTypes(); // TODO: Slightly undefined behavior here, we don't know what type of resource will be collected, // may cause problems for AIs (especially hunting fast animals), but avoid ugly hacks to fix that! let nearby = this.FindNearbyResource(this.TargetPosOrEntPos(, (ent, type, template) => types.indexOf(type.generic) != -1); if (nearby) { this.PerformGather(nearby, true, false); return; } } let nearbyFoundation = this.FindNearbyFoundation(this.TargetPosOrEntPos(; if (nearbyFoundation) { this.AddOrder("Repair", { "target": nearbyFoundation, "autocontinue": oldData.autocontinue, "force": false }, true); return; } // Unit was approaching and there's nothing to do now, so switch to walking if (oldState.endsWith("REPAIR.APPROACHING")) // We're already walking to the given point, so add this as a order. this.WalkToTarget(, true); }, }, "GARRISON": { "leave": function() { if (this.pickup) { Engine.PostMessage(this.pickup, MT_PickupCanceled, { "entity": this.entity }); delete this.pickup; } return false; }, "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveToGarrisonRange( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } if (this.pickup) Engine.PostMessage(this.pickup, MT_PickupCanceled, { "entity": this.entity }); let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (cmpGarrisonHolder && cmpGarrisonHolder.CanPickup(this.entity)) { this.pickup =; // temporary, deleted in "leave" Engine.PostMessage(this.pickup, MT_PickupRequested, { "entity": this.entity }); } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.likelySuccess) this.SetNextState("GARRISONED"); }, }, "GARRISONED": { "enter": function() { let target =; if (!target) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } // Called when autogarrisoning. if (this.isGarrisoned) { this.SetImmobile(true); if (this.IsTurret()) { this.SetNextState("IDLE"); return true; } return false; } if (this.CanGarrison(target)) if (this.CheckGarrisonRange(target)) { let cmpGarrisonable = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Garrisonable); if (cmpGarrisonable.Garrison(target)) { this.isGarrisoned = true; this.SetImmobile(true); if (this.formationController) { var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) { var rearrange = cmpFormation.rearrange; cmpFormation.SetRearrange(false); cmpFormation.RemoveMembers([this.entity]); cmpFormation.SetRearrange(rearrange); } } let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (this.CanReturnResource(target, true, cmpResourceGatherer)) { cmpResourceGatherer.CommitResources(target); this.SetDefaultAnimationVariant(); } if (this.pickup) { Engine.PostMessage(this.pickup, MT_PickupCanceled, { "entity": this.entity }); delete this.pickup; } if (this.IsTurret()) { this.SetNextState("IDLE"); return true; } return false; } } else { // Unable to reach the target, try again (or follow if it is a moving target) // except if the does not exits anymore or its orders have changed if (this.pickup) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.pickup, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI || (!cmpUnitAI.HasPickupOrder(this.entity) && !cmpUnitAI.IsIdle())) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } } this.SetNextState("APPROACHING"); return true; } this.FinishOrder(); return true; }, "leave": function() { } }, }, "CHEERING": { "enter": function() { this.SelectAnimation("promotion"); this.StartTimer(this.cheeringTime); return false; }, "leave": function() { // PushOrderFront preserves the cheering order, // which can lead to very bad behaviour, so make // sure to delete any queued ones. for (let i = 1; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) if (this.orderQueue[i].type == "Cheer") this.orderQueue.splice(i--, 1); this.StopTimer(); this.ResetAnimation(); }, "LosRangeUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg && && && this.RespondToSightedEntities(; }, "LosHealRangeUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg && && && this.RespondToHealableEntities(; }, "LosAttackRangeUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg && && && && this.GetStance().targetVisibleEnemies) this.AttackEntitiesByPreference(; }, "Timer": function(msg) { this.FinishOrder(); }, }, "PACKING": { "enter": function() { let cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); cmpPack.Pack(); return false; }, "Order.CancelPack": function(msg) { this.FinishOrder(); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "PackFinished": function(msg) { this.FinishOrder(); }, "leave": function() { let cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); cmpPack.CancelPack(); }, "Attacked": function(msg) { // Ignore attacks while packing }, }, "UNPACKING": { "enter": function() { let cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); cmpPack.Unpack(); return false; }, "Order.CancelUnpack": function(msg) { this.FinishOrder(); return ACCEPT_ORDER; }, "PackFinished": function(msg) { this.FinishOrder(); }, "leave": function() { let cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); cmpPack.CancelPack(); }, "Attacked": function(msg) { // Ignore attacks while unpacking }, }, "PICKUP": { "APPROACHING": { "enter": function() { if (!this.MoveTo( { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "leave": function() { this.StopMoving(); }, "MovementUpdate": function(msg) { if (msg.likelyFailure || msg.likelySuccess) this.SetNextState("LOADING"); }, "PickupCanceled": function() { this.FinishOrder(); }, }, "LOADING": { "enter": function() { let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || cmpGarrisonHolder.IsFull()) { this.FinishOrder(); return true; } return false; }, "PickupCanceled": function() { this.FinishOrder(); }, }, }, }, }; UnitAI.prototype.Init = function() { this.orderQueue = []; // current order is at the front of the list this.order = undefined; // always == this.orderQueue[0] this.formationController = INVALID_ENTITY; // entity with IID_Formation that we belong to this.isGarrisoned = false; this.isIdle = false; this.isImmobile = false; // True if the unit is currently unable to move (garrisoned,...) this.heldPosition = undefined; // Queue of remembered works this.workOrders = []; this.isGuardOf = undefined; // For preventing increased action rate due to Stop orders or target death. this.lastAttacked = undefined; this.lastHealed = undefined; this.formationAnimationVariant = undefined; this.cheeringTime = +(this.template.CheeringTime || 0); this.SetStance(this.template.DefaultStance); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsTurret = function() { let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); return cmpPosition && cmpPosition.GetTurretParent() != INVALID_ENTITY; }; UnitAI.prototype.IsFormationController = function() { return (this.template.FormationController == "true"); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsFormationMember = function() { return (this.formationController != INVALID_ENTITY); }; /** * For now, entities with a RoamDistance are animals. */ UnitAI.prototype.IsAnimal = function() { return !!this.template.RoamDistance; }; /** * ToDo: Make this not needed by fixing gaia * range queries in BuildingAI and UnitAI regarding * animals and other gaia entities. */ UnitAI.prototype.IsDangerousAnimal = function() { return this.IsAnimal() && this.GetStance().targetVisibleEnemies && !!Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsHealer = function() { return Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Heal); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsIdle = function() { return this.isIdle; }; /** * Used by formation controllers to toggle the idleness of their members. */ UnitAI.prototype.ResetIdle = function() { let shouldBeIdle = this.GetCurrentState().endsWith(".IDLE"); if (this.isIdle == shouldBeIdle) return; this.isIdle = shouldBeIdle; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitIdleChanged, { "idle": this.isIdle }); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsGarrisoned = function() { return this.isGarrisoned; }; UnitAI.prototype.SetGarrisoned = function() { this.isGarrisoned = true; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetGarrisonHolder = function() { if (!this.isGarrisoned) return INVALID_ENTITY; let cmpGarrisonable = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Garrisonable); return cmpGarrisonable ? cmpGarrisonable.HolderID() : INVALID_ENTITY; }; UnitAI.prototype.ShouldRespondToEndOfAlert = function() { return !this.orderQueue.length || this.orderQueue[0].type == "Garrison"; }; UnitAI.prototype.SetImmobile = function(immobile) { this.isImmobile = immobile; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAbleToMoveChanged, { "entity": this.entity, "ableToMove": this.AbleToMove() }); }; /** * @param cmpUnitMotion - optionally pass unitMotion to avoid querying it here * @returns true if the entity can move, i.e. has UnitMotion and isn't immobile. */ UnitAI.prototype.AbleToMove = function(cmpUnitMotion) { if (this.isImmobile || this.IsTurret()) return false; if (!cmpUnitMotion) cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return !!cmpUnitMotion; }; UnitAI.prototype.IsFleeing = function() { var state = this.GetCurrentState().split(".").pop(); return (state == "FLEEING"); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsWalking = function() { var state = this.GetCurrentState().split(".").pop(); return (state == "WALKING"); }; /** * Return true if the current order is WalkAndFight or Patrol. */ UnitAI.prototype.IsWalkingAndFighting = function() { if (this.IsFormationMember()) return false; return this.orderQueue.length > 0 && (this.orderQueue[0].type == "WalkAndFight" || this.orderQueue[0].type == "Patrol"); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnCreate = function() { if (this.IsFormationController()) this.UnitFsm.Init(this, "FORMATIONCONTROLLER.IDLE"); else this.UnitFsm.Init(this, "INDIVIDUAL.IDLE"); this.isIdle = true; }; UnitAI.prototype.OnDiplomacyChanged = function(msg) { let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (cmpOwnership && cmpOwnership.GetOwner() == msg.player) this.SetupRangeQueries(); if (this.isGuardOf && !IsOwnedByMutualAllyOfEntity(this.entity, this.isGuardOf)) this.RemoveGuard(); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { this.SetupRangeQueries(); if (this.isGuardOf && ( == INVALID_PLAYER || !IsOwnedByMutualAllyOfEntity(this.entity, this.isGuardOf))) this.RemoveGuard(); // If the unit isn't being created or dying, reset stance and clear orders if ( != INVALID_PLAYER && msg.from != INVALID_PLAYER) { // Switch to a virgin state to let states execute their leave handlers. // Except if garrisoned or (un)packing, in which case we only clear the order queue. if (this.isGarrisoned || this.IsPacking()) { this.orderQueue.length = Math.min(this.orderQueue.length, 1); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); } else { let index = this.GetCurrentState().indexOf("."); if (index != -1) this.UnitFsm.SwitchToNextState(this, this.GetCurrentState().slice(0,index)); this.Stop(false); } this.workOrders = []; let cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); if (cmpTrader) cmpTrader.StopTrading(); this.SetStance(this.template.DefaultStance); if (this.IsTurret()) this.SetTurretStance(); } }; UnitAI.prototype.OnDestroy = function() { // Switch to an empty state to let states execute their leave handlers. this.UnitFsm.SwitchToNextState(this, ""); let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.losRangeQuery) cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.losRangeQuery); if (this.losHealRangeQuery) cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.losHealRangeQuery); if (this.losAttackRangeQuery) cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.losAttackRangeQuery); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnVisionRangeChanged = function(msg) { if (this.entity == msg.entity) this.SetupRangeQueries(); }; UnitAI.prototype.HasPickupOrder = function(entity) { return this.orderQueue.some(order => order.type == "PickupUnit" && == entity); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnPickupRequested = function(msg) { if (this.HasPickupOrder(msg.entity)) return; this.PushOrderAfterForced("PickupUnit", { "target": msg.entity }); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnPickupCanceled = function(msg) { for (let i = 0; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) { if (this.orderQueue[i].type != "PickupUnit" || this.orderQueue[i] != msg.entity) continue; if (i == 0) this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, {"type": "PickupCanceled", "data": msg}); else this.orderQueue.splice(i, 1); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); break; } }; /** * Wrapper function that sets up the LOS, healer and attack range queries. * This should be called whenever our ownership changes. */ UnitAI.prototype.SetupRangeQueries = function() { if (this.GetStance().respondFleeOnSight) this.SetupLOSRangeQuery(); if (this.IsHealer()) this.SetupHealRangeQuery(); if (Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack)) this.SetupAttackRangeQuery(); }; UnitAI.prototype.UpdateRangeQueries = function() { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.losRangeQuery) this.SetupLOSRangeQuery(cmpRangeManager.IsActiveQueryEnabled(this.losRangeQuery)); if (this.losHealRangeQuery) this.SetupHealRangeQuery(cmpRangeManager.IsActiveQueryEnabled(this.losHealRangeQuery)); if (this.losAttackRangeQuery) this.SetupAttackRangeQuery(cmpRangeManager.IsActiveQueryEnabled(this.losAttackRangeQuery)); }; /** * Set up a range query for all enemy units within LOS range. * @param {boolean} enable - Optional parameter whether to enable the query. */ UnitAI.prototype.SetupLOSRangeQuery = function(enable = true) { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.losRangeQuery) { cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.losRangeQuery); this.losRangeQuery = undefined; } let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); // If we are being destructed (owner == -1), creating a range query is pointless. if (!cmpPlayer) return; let players = cmpPlayer.GetEnemies(); if (!players.length) return; let range = this.GetQueryRange(IID_Vision); // Do not compensate for entity sizes: LOS doesn't, and UnitAI relies on that. this.losRangeQuery = cmpRangeManager.CreateActiveQuery(this.entity, range.min, range.max, players, IID_Identity, cmpRangeManager.GetEntityFlagMask("normal"), false); if (enable) cmpRangeManager.EnableActiveQuery(this.losRangeQuery); }; /** * Set up a range query for all own or ally units within LOS range * which can be healed. * @param {boolean} enable - Optional parameter whether to enable the query. */ UnitAI.prototype.SetupHealRangeQuery = function(enable = true) { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.losHealRangeQuery) { cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.losHealRangeQuery); this.losHealRangeQuery = undefined; } let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); // If we are being destructed (owner == -1), creating a range query is pointless. if (!cmpPlayer) return; let players = cmpPlayer.GetAllies(); let range = this.GetQueryRange(IID_Heal); // Do not compensate for entity sizes: LOS doesn't, and UnitAI relies on that. this.losHealRangeQuery = cmpRangeManager.CreateActiveQuery(this.entity, range.min, range.max, players, IID_Health, cmpRangeManager.GetEntityFlagMask("injured"), false); if (enable) cmpRangeManager.EnableActiveQuery(this.losHealRangeQuery); }; /** * Set up a range query for all enemy and gaia units within range * which can be attacked. * @param {boolean} enable - Optional parameter whether to enable the query. */ UnitAI.prototype.SetupAttackRangeQuery = function(enable = true) { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (this.losAttackRangeQuery) { cmpRangeManager.DestroyActiveQuery(this.losAttackRangeQuery); this.losAttackRangeQuery = undefined; } let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); // If we are being destructed (owner == -1), creating a range query is pointless. if (!cmpPlayer) return; // TODO: How to handle neutral players - Special query to attack military only? let players = cmpPlayer.GetEnemies(); if (!players.length) return; let range = this.GetQueryRange(IID_Attack); // Do not compensate for entity sizes: LOS doesn't, and UnitAI relies on that. this.losAttackRangeQuery = cmpRangeManager.CreateActiveQuery(this.entity, range.min, range.max, players, IID_Resistance, cmpRangeManager.GetEntityFlagMask("normal"), false); if (enable) cmpRangeManager.EnableActiveQuery(this.losAttackRangeQuery); }; //// FSM linkage functions //// // Setting the next state to the current state will leave/re-enter the top-most substate. // Must be called from inside the FSM. UnitAI.prototype.SetNextState = function(state) { this.UnitFsm.SetNextState(this, state); }; // Must be called from inside the FSM. UnitAI.prototype.DeferMessage = function(msg) { this.UnitFsm.DeferMessage(this, msg); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetCurrentState = function() { return this.UnitFsm.GetCurrentState(this); }; UnitAI.prototype.FsmStateNameChanged = function(state) { Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIStateChanged, { "to": state }); }; /** * Call when the current order has been completed (or failed). * Removes the current order from the queue, and processes the * next one (if any). Returns false and defaults to IDLE * if there are no remaining orders or if the unit is not * inWorld and not garrisoned (thus usually waiting to be destroyed). * Must be called from inside the FSM. */ UnitAI.prototype.FinishOrder = function() { if (!this.orderQueue.length) { let stack = new Error().stack.trimRight().replace(/^/mg, ' '); // indent each line let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(this.entity); error("FinishOrder called for entity " + this.entity + " (" + template + ") when order queue is empty\n" + stack); } this.orderQueue.shift(); this.order = this.orderQueue[0]; let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (this.orderQueue.length && (this.IsGarrisoned() || this.IsFormationController() || cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld())) { let ret = this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "Order."+this.order.type, "data": } ); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); return ret; } this.orderQueue = []; this.order = undefined; // Switch to IDLE as a default state. this.SetNextState("IDLE"); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); // Check if there are queued formation orders if (this.IsFormationMember()) { this.SetNextState("FORMATIONMEMBER.IDLE"); let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) { // Inform the formation controller that we finished this task let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_Formation); cmpFormation.SetWaitingOnController(this.entity); // We don't want to carry out the default order // if there are still queued formation orders left if (cmpUnitAI.GetOrders().length > 1) return true; } } return false; }; /** * Add an order onto the back of the queue, * and execute it if we didn't already have an order. */ UnitAI.prototype.PushOrder = function(type, data) { var order = { "type": type, "data": data }; this.orderQueue.push(order); if (this.orderQueue.length == 1) { this.order = order; this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "Order."+this.order.type, "data": } ); } Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); }; /** * Add an order onto the front of the queue, * and execute it immediately. */ UnitAI.prototype.PushOrderFront = function(type, data, ignorePacking = false) { var order = { "type": type, "data": data }; // If current order is packing/unpacking then add new order after it. if (!ignorePacking && this.order && this.IsPacking()) { var packingOrder = this.orderQueue.shift(); this.orderQueue.unshift(packingOrder, order); } else { this.orderQueue.unshift(order); this.order = order; this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "Order."+this.order.type, "data": } ); } Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); }; /** * Insert an order after the last forced order onto the queue * and after the other orders of the same type */ UnitAI.prototype.PushOrderAfterForced = function(type, data) { if (!this.order || ((! || ! && this.order.type != type)) this.PushOrderFront(type, data); else { for (let i = 1; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) { if (this.orderQueue[i].data && this.orderQueue[i].data.force) continue; if (this.orderQueue[i].type == type) continue; this.orderQueue.splice(i, 0, {"type": type, "data": data}); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); return; } this.PushOrder(type, data); } Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); }; /** * For a unit that is packing and trying to attack something, * either cancel packing or continue with packing, as appropriate. * Precondition: if the unit is packing/unpacking, then orderQueue * should have the Attack order at index 0, * and the Pack/Unpack order at index 1. * This precondition holds because if we are packing while processing "Order.Attack", * then we must have come from ReplaceOrder, which guarantees it. * * @param {boolean} requirePacked - true if the unit needs to be packed to continue attacking, * false if it needs to be unpacked. * @return {boolean} true if the unit can attack now, false if it must continue packing (or unpacking) first. */ UnitAI.prototype.EnsureCorrectPackStateForAttack = function(requirePacked) { let cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); if (!cmpPack || !cmpPack.IsPacking() || this.orderQueue.length != 2 || this.orderQueue[0].type != "Attack" || this.orderQueue[1].type != "Pack" && this.orderQueue[1].type != "Unpack") return true; if (cmpPack.IsPacked() == requirePacked) { // The unit is already in the packed/unpacked state we want. // Delete the packing order. this.orderQueue.splice(1, 1); cmpPack.CancelPack(); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); // Continue with the attack order. return true; } // Move the attack order behind the unpacking order, to continue unpacking. let tmp = this.orderQueue[0]; this.orderQueue[0] = this.orderQueue[1]; this.orderQueue[1] = tmp; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); return false; }; UnitAI.prototype.WillMoveFromFoundation = function(target, checkPacking = true) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_UnitAI); if (!IsOwnedByAllyOfEntity(this.entity, target) && cmpUnitAI && !cmpUnitAI.IsAnimal() && !Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_CeasefireManager).IsCeasefireActive() || checkPacking && this.IsPacking() || this.CanPack() || !this.AbleToMove()) return false; return !this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(target, g_LeaveFoundationRange, -1); }; UnitAI.prototype.ReplaceOrder = function(type, data) { // Remember the previous work orders to be able to go back to them later if required if (data && data.force) { if (this.IsFormationController()) this.CallMemberFunction("UpdateWorkOrders", [type]); else this.UpdateWorkOrders(type); } let garrisonHolder = this.IsGarrisoned() && type != "Ungarrison" ? this.GetGarrisonHolder() : null; // Do not replace packing/unpacking unless it is cancel order. // TODO: maybe a better way of doing this would be to use priority levels if (this.IsPacking() && type != "CancelPack" && type != "CancelUnpack" && type != "Stop") { var order = { "type": type, "data": data }; var packingOrder = this.orderQueue.shift(); if (type == "Attack") { // The Attack order is able to handle a packing unit, while other orders can't. this.orderQueue = [packingOrder]; this.PushOrderFront(type, data, true); } else if (packingOrder.type == "Unpack" && g_OrdersCancelUnpacking.has(type)) { // Immediately cancel unpacking before processing an order that demands a packed unit. let cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); cmpPack.CancelPack(); this.orderQueue = []; this.PushOrder(type, data); } else this.orderQueue = [packingOrder, order]; } else if (this.IsFormationMember()) { // Don't replace orders after a LeaveFormation order // (this is needed to support queued no-formation orders). let idx = this.orderQueue.findIndex(o => o.type == "LeaveFormation"); if (idx === -1) { this.orderQueue = []; this.order = undefined; } else this.orderQueue.splice(0, idx); this.PushOrderFront(type, data); } else { this.orderQueue = []; this.PushOrder(type, data); } if (garrisonHolder) this.PushOrder("Garrison", { "target": garrisonHolder }); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetOrders = function() { return this.orderQueue.slice(); }; UnitAI.prototype.AddOrders = function(orders) { orders.forEach(order => this.PushOrder(order.type,; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetOrderData = function() { var orders = []; for (let order of this.orderQueue) if ( orders.push(clone(; return orders; }; UnitAI.prototype.UpdateWorkOrders = function(type) { var isWorkType = type => type == "Gather" || type == "Trade" || type == "Repair" || type == "ReturnResource"; if (isWorkType(type)) { this.workOrders = []; return; } if (this.workOrders.length) return; if (this.IsFormationMember()) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) { for (var i = 0; i < cmpUnitAI.orderQueue.length; ++i) { if (isWorkType(cmpUnitAI.orderQueue[i].type)) { this.workOrders = cmpUnitAI.orderQueue.slice(i); return; } } } } // If nothing found, take the unit orders for (var i = 0; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) { if (isWorkType(this.orderQueue[i].type)) { this.workOrders = this.orderQueue.slice(i); return; } } }; UnitAI.prototype.BackToWork = function() { if (this.workOrders.length == 0) return false; if (this.IsGarrisoned()) { let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.GetGarrisonHolder(), IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || !cmpGarrisonHolder.PerformEject([this.entity], false)) return false; } this.orderQueue = []; this.AddOrders(this.workOrders); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); if (this.IsFormationMember()) { var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.RemoveMembers([this.entity]); } this.workOrders = []; return true; }; UnitAI.prototype.HasWorkOrders = function() { return this.workOrders.length > 0; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetWorkOrders = function() { return this.workOrders; }; UnitAI.prototype.SetWorkOrders = function(orders) { this.workOrders = orders; }; UnitAI.prototype.TimerHandler = function(data, lateness) { // Reset the timer if (data.timerRepeat === undefined) this.timer = undefined; this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, {"type": "Timer", "data": data, "lateness": lateness}); }; /** * Set up the UnitAI timer to run after 'offset' msecs, and then * every 'repeat' msecs until StopTimer is called. A "Timer" message * will be sent each time the timer runs. */ UnitAI.prototype.StartTimer = function(offset, repeat) { if (this.timer) error("Called StartTimer when there's already an active timer"); var data = { "timerRepeat": repeat }; var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); if (repeat === undefined) this.timer = cmpTimer.SetTimeout(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "TimerHandler", offset, data); else this.timer = cmpTimer.SetInterval(this.entity, IID_UnitAI, "TimerHandler", offset, repeat, data); }; /** * Stop the current UnitAI timer. */ UnitAI.prototype.StopTimer = function() { if (!this.timer) return; var cmpTimer = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer); cmpTimer.CancelTimer(this.timer); this.timer = undefined; }; UnitAI.prototype.OnMotionUpdate = function(msg) { if (msg.veryObstructed) msg.obstructed = true; this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, Object.assign({ "type": "MovementUpdate" }, msg)); }; /** * Called directly by cmpFoundation and cmpRepairable to * inform builders that repairing has finished. * This not done by listening to a global message due to performance. */ UnitAI.prototype.ConstructionFinished = function(msg) { this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "ConstructionFinished", "data": msg }); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnGlobalEntityRenamed = function(msg) { let changed = false; let currentOrderChanged = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) { let order = this.orderQueue[i]; if ( && && == msg.entity) { changed = true; if (i == 0) currentOrderChanged = true; = msg.newentity; } if ( && && == msg.entity) { changed = true; if (i == 0) currentOrderChanged = true; = msg.newentity; } } if (!changed) return; if (currentOrderChanged) this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "OrderTargetRenamed", "data": msg }); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnAttacked = function(msg) { if (msg.fromStatusEffect) return; this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, {"type": "Attacked", "data": msg}); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnGuardedAttacked = function(msg) { this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, {"type": "GuardedAttacked", "data":}); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnRangeUpdate = function(msg) { if (msg.tag == this.losRangeQuery) this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "LosRangeUpdate", "data": msg }); else if (msg.tag == this.losHealRangeQuery) this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "LosHealRangeUpdate", "data": msg }); else if (msg.tag == this.losAttackRangeQuery) this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "LosAttackRangeUpdate", "data": msg }); }; UnitAI.prototype.OnPackFinished = function(msg) { this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, {"type": "PackFinished", "packed": msg.packed}); }; /** * A general function to process messages sent from components. * @param {string} type - The type of message to process. * @param {Object} msg - Optionally extra data to use. */ UnitAI.prototype.ProcessMessage = function(type, msg) { this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": type, "data": msg }); }; //// Helper functions to be called by the FSM //// UnitAI.prototype.GetWalkSpeed = function() { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (!cmpUnitMotion) return 0; return cmpUnitMotion.GetWalkSpeed(); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetRunMultiplier = function() { var cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (!cmpUnitMotion) return 0; return cmpUnitMotion.GetRunMultiplier(); }; /** * Returns true if the target exists and has non-zero hitpoints. */ UnitAI.prototype.TargetIsAlive = function(ent) { var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) return true; var cmpHealth = QueryMiragedInterface(ent, IID_Health); return cmpHealth && cmpHealth.GetHitpoints() != 0; }; /** * Returns true if the target exists and needs to be killed before * beginning to gather resources from it. */ UnitAI.prototype.MustKillGatherTarget = function(ent) { var cmpResourceSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ResourceSupply); if (!cmpResourceSupply) return false; if (!cmpResourceSupply.GetKillBeforeGather()) return false; return this.TargetIsAlive(ent); }; /** * Returns the position of target or, if there is none, * the entity's position, or undefined. */ UnitAI.prototype.TargetPosOrEntPos = function(target) { let cmpTargetPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Position); if (cmpTargetPosition && cmpTargetPosition.IsInWorld()) return cmpTargetPosition.GetPosition2D(); let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); return undefined; }; /** * Returns the entity ID of the nearest resource supply where the given * filter returns true, or undefined if none can be found. * "Nearest" is nearest from @param position. * TODO: extend this to exclude resources that already have lots of gatherers. */ UnitAI.prototype.FindNearbyResource = function(position, filter) { if (!position) return undefined; // We accept resources owned by Gaia or any player let players = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager).GetAllPlayers(); let range = 64; // TODO: what's a sensible number? let cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); // Don't account for entity size, we need to match LOS visibility. let nearby = cmpRangeManager.ExecuteQueryAroundPos(position, 0, range, players, IID_ResourceSupply, false); return nearby.find(ent => { if (!this.CanGather(ent) || !this.CheckTargetVisible(ent)) return false; let cmpResourceSupply = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ResourceSupply); let type = cmpResourceSupply.GetType(); let amount = cmpResourceSupply.GetCurrentAmount(); let template = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(ent); if (template.indexOf("resource|") != -1) template = template.slice(9); return amount > 0 && cmpResourceSupply.IsAvailableTo(this.entity) && filter(ent, type, template); }); }; /** * Returns the entity ID of the nearest resource dropsite that accepts * the given type, or undefined if none can be found. */ UnitAI.prototype.FindNearestDropsite = function(genericType) { let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpOwnership || cmpOwnership.GetOwner() == INVALID_PLAYER) return undefined; let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return undefined; let pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); let bestDropsite; let bestDist = Infinity; // Maximum distance a point on an obstruction can be from the center of the obstruction. let maxDifference = 40; let owner = cmpOwnership.GetOwner(); let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); let players = cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer.HasSharedDropsites() ? cmpPlayer.GetMutualAllies() : [owner]; let nearestDropsites = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager).ExecuteQuery(this.entity, 0, -1, players, IID_ResourceDropsite, false); let isShip = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity).HasClass("Ship"); let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); for (let dropsite of nearestDropsites) { // Ships are unable to reach land dropsites and shouldn't attempt to do so. if (isShip && !Engine.QueryInterface(dropsite, IID_Identity).HasClass("Naval")) continue; let cmpResourceDropsite = Engine.QueryInterface(dropsite, IID_ResourceDropsite); if (!cmpResourceDropsite.AcceptsType(genericType) || !this.CheckTargetVisible(dropsite)) continue; if (Engine.QueryInterface(dropsite, IID_Ownership).GetOwner() != owner && !cmpResourceDropsite.IsShared()) continue; // The range manager sorts entities by the distance to their center, // but we want the distance to the point where resources will be dropped off. let dist = cmpObstructionManager.DistanceToPoint(dropsite, pos.x, pos.y); if (dist == -1) continue; if (dist < bestDist) { bestDropsite = dropsite; bestDist = dist; } else if (dist > bestDist + maxDifference) break; } return bestDropsite; }; /** * Returns the entity ID of the nearest building that needs to be constructed. * "Nearest" is nearest from @param position. */ UnitAI.prototype.FindNearbyFoundation = function(position) { if (!position) return undefined; let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpOwnership || cmpOwnership.GetOwner() == INVALID_PLAYER) return undefined; let players = [cmpOwnership.GetOwner()]; let range = 64; // TODO: what's a sensible number? let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); // Don't account for entity size, we need to match LOS visibility. let nearby = cmpRangeManager.ExecuteQueryAroundPos(position, 0, range, players, IID_Foundation, false); // Skip foundations that are already complete. (This matters since // we process the ConstructionFinished message before the foundation // we're working on has been deleted.) return nearby.find(ent => !Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Foundation).IsFinished()); }; /** + * Returns the entity ID of the nearest treasure. + * "Nearest" is nearest from @param position. + */ +UnitAI.prototype.FindNearbyTreasure = function(position) +{ + if (!position) + return undefined; + + let cmpTreasureCollecter = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_TreasureCollecter); + if (!cmpTreasureCollecter) + return undefined; + + let players = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager).GetAllPlayers(); + + let range = 64; // TODO: what's a sensible number? + let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); + // Don't account for entity size, we need to match LOS visibility. + let nearby = cmpRangeManager.ExecuteQueryAroundPos(position, 0, range, players, IID_Treasure, false); + return nearby.find(ent => cmpTreasureCollecter.CanCollect(ent)); +}; + +/** * Play a sound appropriate to the current entity. */ UnitAI.prototype.PlaySound = function(name) { if (this.IsFormationController()) { var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); var member = cmpFormation.GetPrimaryMember(); if (member) PlaySound(name, member); } else { PlaySound(name, this.entity); } }; /* * Set a visualActor animation variant. * By changing the animation variant, you can change animations based on unitAI state. * If there are no specific variants or the variant doesn't exist in the actor, * the actor fallbacks to any existing animation. * @param type if present, switch to a specific animation variant. */ UnitAI.prototype.SetAnimationVariant = function(type) { let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual); if (!cmpVisual) return; cmpVisual.SetVariant("animationVariant", type); }; /* * Reset the animation variant to default behavior. * Default behavior is to pick a resource-carrying variant if resources are being carried. * Otherwise pick nothing in particular. */ UnitAI.prototype.SetDefaultAnimationVariant = function() { let cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (cmpResourceGatherer) { let type = cmpResourceGatherer.GetLastCarriedType(); if (type) { let typename = "carry_" + type.generic; if (type.specific == "meat") typename = "carry_" + type.specific; this.SetAnimationVariant(typename); return; } } this.SetAnimationVariant(""); }; UnitAI.prototype.ResetAnimation = function() { let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual); if (!cmpVisual) return; cmpVisual.SelectAnimation("idle", false, 1.0); }; UnitAI.prototype.SelectAnimation = function(name, once = false, speed = 1.0) { let cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual); if (!cmpVisual) return; cmpVisual.SelectAnimation(name, once, speed); }; UnitAI.prototype.SetAnimationSync = function(actiontime, repeattime) { var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual); if (!cmpVisual) return; cmpVisual.SetAnimationSyncRepeat(repeattime); cmpVisual.SetAnimationSyncOffset(actiontime); }; UnitAI.prototype.StopMoving = function() { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (cmpUnitMotion) cmpUnitMotion.StopMoving(); }; /** * Generic dispatcher for other MoveTo functions. * @param iid - Interface ID (optional) implementing GetRange * @param type - Range type for the interface call * @returns whether the move succeeded or failed. */ UnitAI.prototype.MoveTo = function(data, iid, type) { if ( { if (data.min || data.max) return this.MoveToTargetRangeExplicit(, data.min || -1, data.max || -1); else if (!iid) return this.MoveToTarget(; return this.MoveToTargetRange(, iid, type); } else if (data.min || data.max) return this.MoveToPointRange(data.x, data.z, data.min || -1, data.max || -1); return this.MoveToPoint(data.x, data.z); }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveToPoint = function(x, z) { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion) && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToPointRange(x, z, 0, 0); // For point goals, allow a max range of 0. }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveToPointRange = function(x, z, rangeMin, rangeMax) { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion) && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToPointRange(x, z, rangeMin, rangeMax); }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveToTarget = function(target) { if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) return false; let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion) && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(target, 0, 1); }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveToTargetRange = function(target, iid, type) { if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) return false; let range = this.GetRange(iid, type); if (!range) return false; let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion) && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(target, range.min, range.max); }; /** * Move unit so we hope the target is in the attack range * for melee attacks, this goes straight to the default range checks * for ranged attacks, the parabolic range is used */ UnitAI.prototype.MoveToTargetAttackRange = function(target, type) { // for formation members, the formation will take care of the range check if (this.IsFormationMember()) { let cmpFormationUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpFormationUnitAI && cmpFormationUnitAI.IsAttackingAsFormation()) return false; } let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (!this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion)) return false; let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) target = cmpFormation.GetClosestMember(this.entity); if (type != "Ranged") return this.MoveToTargetRange(target, IID_Attack, type); if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) return false; let range = this.GetRange(IID_Attack, type); if (!range) return false; let thisCmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!thisCmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return false; let s = thisCmpPosition.GetPosition(); let targetCmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Position); if (!targetCmpPosition || !targetCmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return false; // Parabolic range compuation is the same as in BuildingAI's FireArrows. let t = targetCmpPosition.GetPosition(); // h is positive when I'm higher than the target let h = s.y - t.y + range.elevationBonus; let parabolicMaxRange = Math.sqrt(Math.square(range.max) + 2 * range.max * h); // No negative roots please if (h <= -range.max / 2) // return false? Or hope you come close enough? parabolicMaxRange = 0; // The parabole changes while walking so be cautious: let guessedMaxRange = parabolicMaxRange > range.max ? (range.max + parabolicMaxRange) / 2 : parabolicMaxRange; return cmpUnitMotion && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(target, range.min, guessedMaxRange); }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveToTargetRangeExplicit = function(target, min, max) { if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) return false; let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion) && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(target, min, max); }; /** * Move unit so we hope the target is in the attack range of the formation. * * @param {number} target - The target entity ID to attack. * @return {boolean} - Whether the order to move has succeeded. */ UnitAI.prototype.MoveFormationToTargetAttackRange = function(target) { let cmpTargetFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Formation); if (cmpTargetFormation) target = cmpTargetFormation.GetClosestMember(this.entity); if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) return false; let cmpFormationAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpFormationAttack) return false; let range = cmpFormationAttack.GetRange(target); let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion) && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(target, range.min, range.max); }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveToGarrisonRange = function(target) { if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) return false; var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder) return false; var range = cmpGarrisonHolder.GetLoadingRange(); let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return this.AbleToMove(cmpUnitMotion) && cmpUnitMotion.MoveToTargetRange(target, range.min, range.max); }; /** * Generic dispatcher for other Check...Range functions. * @param iid - Interface ID (optional) implementing GetRange * @param type - Range type for the interface call */ UnitAI.prototype.CheckRange = function(data, iid, type) { if ( { if (data.min || data.max) return this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(, data.min || -1, data.max || -1); else if (!iid) return this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(, 0, 1); return this.CheckTargetRange(, iid, type); } else if (data.min || data.max) return this.CheckPointRangeExplicit(data.x, data.z, data.min || -1, data.max || -1); return this.CheckPointRangeExplicit(data.x, data.z, 0, 0); }; UnitAI.prototype.CheckPointRangeExplicit = function(x, z, min, max) { let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); return cmpObstructionManager.IsInPointRange(this.entity, x, z, min, max, false); }; UnitAI.prototype.CheckTargetRange = function(target, iid, type) { let range = this.GetRange(iid, type); if (!range) return false; let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); return cmpObstructionManager.IsInTargetRange(this.entity, target, range.min, range.max, false); }; /** * Check if the target is inside the attack range * For melee attacks, this goes straigt to the regular range calculation * For ranged attacks, the parabolic formula is used to accout for bigger ranges * when the target is lower, and smaller ranges when the target is higher */ UnitAI.prototype.CheckTargetAttackRange = function(target, type) { // for formation members, the formation will take care of the range check if (this.IsFormationMember()) { let cmpFormationUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.formationController, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpFormationUnitAI && cmpFormationUnitAI.IsAttackingAsFormation() && == target) return true; } let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) target = cmpFormation.GetClosestMember(this.entity); if (type != "Ranged") return this.CheckTargetRange(target, IID_Attack, type); let targetCmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Position); if (!targetCmpPosition || !targetCmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return false; let range = this.GetRange(IID_Attack, type); if (!range) return false; let thisCmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!thisCmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return false; let s = thisCmpPosition.GetPosition(); let t = targetCmpPosition.GetPosition(); let h = s.y - t.y + range.elevationBonus; let maxRange = Math.sqrt(Math.square(range.max) + 2 * range.max * h); if (maxRange < 0) return false; let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); return cmpObstructionManager.IsInTargetRange(this.entity, target, range.min, maxRange, false); }; UnitAI.prototype.CheckTargetRangeExplicit = function(target, min, max) { let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); return cmpObstructionManager.IsInTargetRange(this.entity, target, min, max, false); }; /** * Check if the target is inside the attack range of the formation. * * @param {number} target - The target entity ID to attack. * @return {boolean} - Whether the entity is within attacking distance. */ UnitAI.prototype.CheckFormationTargetAttackRange = function(target) { let cmpTargetFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Formation); if (cmpTargetFormation) target = cmpTargetFormation.GetClosestMember(this.entity); let cmpFormationAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpFormationAttack) return false; let range = cmpFormationAttack.GetRange(target); let cmpObstructionManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ObstructionManager); return cmpObstructionManager.IsInTargetRange(this.entity, target, range.min, range.max, false); }; UnitAI.prototype.CheckGarrisonRange = function(target) { let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder) return false; let range = cmpGarrisonHolder.GetLoadingRange(); return this.CheckTargetRangeExplicit(target, range.min, range.max); }; /** * Returns true if the target entity is visible through the FoW/SoD. */ UnitAI.prototype.CheckTargetVisible = function(target) { var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpOwnership) return false; var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (!cmpRangeManager) return false; // Entities that are hidden and miraged are considered visible var cmpFogging = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Fogging); if (cmpFogging && cmpFogging.IsMiraged(cmpOwnership.GetOwner())) return true; if (cmpRangeManager.GetLosVisibility(target, cmpOwnership.GetOwner()) == "hidden") return false; // Either visible directly, or visible in fog return true; }; /** * Returns true if the given position is currentl visible (not in FoW/SoD). */ UnitAI.prototype.CheckPositionVisible = function(x, z) { let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpOwnership) return false; let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); if (!cmpRangeManager) return false; return cmpRangeManager.GetLosVisibilityPosition(x, z, cmpOwnership.GetOwner()) == "visible"; }; /** * How close to our goal do we consider it's OK to stop if the goal appears unreachable. * Currently 3 terrain tiles as that's relatively close but helps pathfinding. */ UnitAI.prototype.DefaultRelaxedMaxRange = 12; /** * @returns true if the unit is in the relaxed-range from the target. */ UnitAI.prototype.RelaxedMaxRangeCheck = function(data, relaxedRange) { if (!data.relaxed) return false; let ndata = data; ndata.min = 0; ndata.max = relaxedRange; return this.CheckRange(ndata); }; /** * Let an entity face its target. * @param {number} target - The entity-ID of the target. */ UnitAI.prototype.FaceTowardsTarget = function(target) { let cmpTargetPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Position); if (!cmpTargetPosition || !cmpTargetPosition.IsInWorld()) return; let targetPosition = cmpTargetPosition.GetPosition2D(); // Use cmpUnitMotion for units that support that, otherwise try cmpPosition (e.g. turrets) let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (cmpUnitMotion) { cmpUnitMotion.FaceTowardsPoint(targetPosition.x, targetPosition.y); return; } let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) cmpPosition.TurnTo(cmpPosition.GetPosition2D().angleTo(targetPosition)); }; UnitAI.prototype.CheckTargetDistanceFromHeldPosition = function(target, iid, type) { let range = this.GetRange(iid, type); if (!range) return false; let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return false; let cmpVision = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Vision); if (!cmpVision) return false; let halfvision = cmpVision.GetRange() / 2; let pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); let heldPosition = this.heldPosition; if (heldPosition === undefined) heldPosition = { "x": pos.x, "z": pos.z }; return Math.euclidDistance2D(pos.x, pos.z, heldPosition.x, heldPosition.z) < halfvision + range.max; }; UnitAI.prototype.CheckTargetIsInVisionRange = function(target) { let cmpVision = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Vision); if (!cmpVision) return false; let range = cmpVision.GetRange(); let distance = PositionHelper.DistanceBetweenEntities(this.entity, target); return distance < range; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetBestAttackAgainst = function(target, allowCapture) { var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return undefined; return cmpAttack.GetBestAttackAgainst(target, allowCapture); }; /** * Try to find one of the given entities which can be attacked, * and start attacking it. * Returns true if it found something to attack. */ UnitAI.prototype.AttackVisibleEntity = function(ents) { var target = ents.find(target => this.CanAttack(target)); if (!target) return false; this.PushOrderFront("Attack", { "target": target, "force": false, "allowCapture": true }); return true; }; /** * Try to find one of the given entities which can be attacked * and which is close to the hold position, and start attacking it. * Returns true if it found something to attack. */ UnitAI.prototype.AttackEntityInZone = function(ents) { var target = ents.find(target => this.CanAttack(target) && this.CheckTargetDistanceFromHeldPosition(target, IID_Attack, this.GetBestAttackAgainst(target, true)) && (this.GetStance().respondChaseBeyondVision || this.CheckTargetIsInVisionRange(target)) ); if (!target) return false; this.PushOrderFront("Attack", { "target": target, "force": false, "allowCapture": true }); return true; }; /** * Try to respond appropriately given our current stance, * given a list of entities that match our stance's target criteria. * Returns true if it responded. */ UnitAI.prototype.RespondToTargetedEntities = function(ents) { if (!ents.length) return false; if (this.GetStance().respondChase) return this.AttackVisibleEntity(ents); if (this.GetStance().respondStandGround) return this.AttackVisibleEntity(ents); if (this.GetStance().respondHoldGround) return this.AttackEntityInZone(ents); if (this.GetStance().respondFlee) { if (this.order && this.order.type == "Flee") this.orderQueue.shift(); this.PushOrderFront("Flee", { "target": ents[0], "force": false }); return true; } return false; }; /** * @param {number} ents - An array of the IDs of the spotted entities. * @return {boolean} - Whether we responded. */ UnitAI.prototype.RespondToSightedEntities = function(ents) { if (!ents || !ents.length) return false; if (this.GetStance().respondFleeOnSight) { this.Flee(ents[0], false); return true; } return false; }; /** * Try to respond to healable entities. * Returns true if it responded. */ UnitAI.prototype.RespondToHealableEntities = function(ents) { let ent = ents.find(ent => this.CanHeal(ent)); if (!ent) return false; this.PushOrderFront("Heal", { "target": ent, "force": false }); return true; }; /** * Returns true if we should stop following the target entity. */ UnitAI.prototype.ShouldAbandonChase = function(target, force, iid, type) { if (!this.CheckTargetVisible(target)) return true; // Forced orders shouldn't be interrupted. if (force) return false; // If we are guarding/escorting, don't abandon as long as the guarded unit is in target range of the attacker if (this.isGuardOf) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_UnitAI); let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Attack); if (cmpUnitAI && cmpAttack && cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes().some(type => cmpUnitAI.CheckTargetAttackRange(this.isGuardOf, type))) return false; } if (this.GetStance().respondHoldGround) if (!this.CheckTargetDistanceFromHeldPosition(target, iid, type)) return true; // Stop if it's left our vision range, unless we're especially persistent. if (!this.GetStance().respondChaseBeyondVision) if (!this.CheckTargetIsInVisionRange(target)) return true; return false; }; /* * Returns whether we should chase the targeted entity, * given our current stance. */ UnitAI.prototype.ShouldChaseTargetedEntity = function(target, force) { if (!this.AbleToMove()) return false; if (this.GetStance().respondChase) return true; // If we are guarding/escorting, chase at least as long as the guarded unit is in target range of the attacker if (this.isGuardOf) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_UnitAI); let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Attack); if (cmpUnitAI && cmpAttack && cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes().some(type => cmpUnitAI.CheckTargetAttackRange(this.isGuardOf, type))) return true; } return force; }; //// External interface functions //// /** * Order a unit to leave the formation it is in. * Used to handle queued no-formation orders for units in formation. */ UnitAI.prototype.LeaveFormation = function(queued = true) { // If queued, add the order even if we're not in formation, // maybe we will be later. if (!queued && !this.IsFormationMember()) return; if (queued) this.AddOrder("LeaveFormation", { "force": true }, queued); else this.PushOrderFront("LeaveFormation", { "force": true }); }; UnitAI.prototype.SetFormationController = function(ent) { this.formationController = ent; // Set obstruction group, so we can walk through members // of our own formation (or ourself if not in formation) var cmpObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Obstruction); if (cmpObstruction) { if (ent == INVALID_ENTITY) cmpObstruction.SetControlGroup(this.entity); else cmpObstruction.SetControlGroup(ent); } // If we were removed from a formation, let the FSM switch back to INDIVIDUAL if (ent == INVALID_ENTITY) this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "FormationLeave" }); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetFormationController = function() { return this.formationController; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetFormationTemplate = function() { return Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetCurrentTemplateName(this.formationController) || NULL_FORMATION; }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveIntoFormation = function(cmd) { var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (!cmpFormation) return; var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return; var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); this.PushOrderFront("MoveIntoFormation", { "x": pos.x, "z": pos.z, "force": true }); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetTargetPositions = function() { var targetPositions = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) { var order = this.orderQueue[i]; switch (order.type) { case "Walk": case "WalkAndFight": case "WalkToPointRange": case "MoveIntoFormation": case "GatherNearPosition": case "Patrol": targetPositions.push(new Vector2D(,; break; // and continue the loop case "WalkToTarget": case "WalkToTargetRange": // This doesn't move to the target (just into range), but a later order will. case "Guard": case "Flee": case "LeaveFoundation": case "Attack": case "Heal": case "Gather": case "ReturnResource": case "Repair": case "Garrison": var cmpTargetPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_Position); if (!cmpTargetPosition || !cmpTargetPosition.IsInWorld()) return targetPositions; targetPositions.push(cmpTargetPosition.GetPosition2D()); return targetPositions; case "Stop": return []; default: error("GetTargetPositions: Unrecognised order type '"+order.type+"'"); return []; } } return targetPositions; }; /** * Returns the estimated distance that this unit will travel before either * finishing all of its orders, or reaching a non-walk target (attack, gather, etc). * Intended for Formation to switch to column layout on long walks. */ UnitAI.prototype.ComputeWalkingDistance = function() { var distance = 0; var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return 0; // Keep track of the position at the start of each order var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); var targetPositions = this.GetTargetPositions(); for (var i = 0; i < targetPositions.length; ++i) { distance += pos.distanceTo(targetPositions[i]); // Remember this as the start position for the next order pos = targetPositions[i]; } return distance; }; UnitAI.prototype.AddOrder = function(type, data, queued) { if (this.expectedRoute) this.expectedRoute = undefined; if (queued) this.PushOrder(type, data); else { // May happen if an order arrives on the same turn the unit is garrisoned // in that case, just forget the order as this will lead to an infinite loop if (this.IsGarrisoned() && !this.IsTurret() && type != "Ungarrison") return; this.ReplaceOrder(type, data); } }; /** * Adds guard/escort order to the queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.Guard = function(target, queued) { if (!this.CanGuard()) { this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } if (target === this.entity) return; if (this.isGuardOf) { if (this.isGuardOf == target && this.order && this.order.type == "Guard") return; else this.RemoveGuard(); } this.AddOrder("Guard", { "target": target, "force": false }, queued); }; /** * @return {boolean} - Whether it makes sense to guard the given entity. */ UnitAI.prototype.ShouldGuard = function(target) { return this.TargetIsAlive(target) || Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Capturable) || Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_StatusEffectsReceiver); }; UnitAI.prototype.AddGuard = function(target) { if (!this.CanGuard()) return false; var cmpGuard = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Guard); if (!cmpGuard) return false; this.isGuardOf = target; this.guardRange = cmpGuard.GetRange(this.entity); cmpGuard.AddGuard(this.entity); return true; }; UnitAI.prototype.RemoveGuard = function() { if (!this.isGuardOf) return; let cmpGuard = Engine.QueryInterface(this.isGuardOf, IID_Guard); if (cmpGuard) cmpGuard.RemoveGuard(this.entity); this.guardRange = undefined; this.isGuardOf = undefined; if (!this.order) return; if (this.order.type == "Guard") this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "RemoveGuard" }); else for (let i = 1; i < this.orderQueue.length; ++i) if (this.orderQueue[i].type == "Guard") this.orderQueue.splice(i, 1); Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitAIOrderDataChanged, { "to": this.GetOrderData() }); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsGuardOf = function() { return this.isGuardOf; }; UnitAI.prototype.SetGuardOf = function(entity) { // entity may be undefined this.isGuardOf = entity; }; UnitAI.prototype.CanGuard = function() { // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; return this.template.CanGuard == "true"; }; UnitAI.prototype.CanPatrol = function() { // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) return this.IsFormationController() || this.template.CanPatrol == "true"; }; /** * Adds walk order to queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.Walk = function(x, z, queued) { if (this.expectedRoute && queued) this.expectedRoute.push({ "x": x, "z": z }); else this.AddOrder("Walk", { "x": x, "z": z, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds walk to point range order to queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.WalkToPointRange = function(x, z, min, max, queued) { this.AddOrder("Walk", { "x": x, "z": z, "min": min, "max": max, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds stop order to queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.Stop = function(queued) { this.AddOrder("Stop", { "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds walk-to-target order to queue, this only occurs in response * to a player order, and so is forced. */ UnitAI.prototype.WalkToTarget = function(target, queued) { this.AddOrder("WalkToTarget", { "target": target, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds walk-and-fight order to queue, this only occurs in response * to a player order, and so is forced. * If targetClasses is given, only entities matching the targetClasses can be attacked. */ UnitAI.prototype.WalkAndFight = function(x, z, targetClasses, allowCapture = true, queued = false) { this.AddOrder("WalkAndFight", { "x": x, "z": z, "targetClasses": targetClasses, "allowCapture": allowCapture, "force": true }, queued); }; UnitAI.prototype.Patrol = function(x, z, targetClasses, allowCapture = true, queued = false) { if (!this.CanPatrol()) { this.Walk(x, z, queued); return; } this.AddOrder("Patrol", { "x": x, "z": z, "targetClasses": targetClasses, "allowCapture": allowCapture, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds leave foundation order to queue, treated as forced. */ UnitAI.prototype.LeaveFoundation = function(target) { // If we're already being told to leave a foundation, then // ignore this new request so we don't end up being too indecisive // to ever actually move anywhere. if (this.order && (this.order.type == "LeaveFoundation" || (this.order.type == "Flee" && == target))) return; if (this.orderQueue.length && this.orderQueue[0].type == "Unpack" && this.WillMoveFromFoundation(target, false)) { let cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); if (cmpPack) cmpPack.CancelPack(); } if (this.IsPacking()) return; this.PushOrderFront("LeaveFoundation", { "target": target, "force": true }); }; /** * Adds attack order to the queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.Attack = function(target, allowCapture = true, queued = false) { if (!this.CanAttack(target)) { // We don't want to let healers walk to the target unit so they can be easily killed. // Instead we just let them get into healing range. if (this.IsHealer()) this.MoveToTargetRange(target, IID_Heal); else this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } let order = { "target": target, "force": true, "allowCapture": allowCapture, }; this.RememberTargetPosition(order); if (this.order && this.order.type == "Attack" && && === && === order.allowCapture) { = order.lastPos; = order.force; return; } this.AddOrder("Attack", order, queued); }; /** * Adds garrison order to the queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.Garrison = function(target, queued) { if (target == this.entity) return; if (!this.CanGarrison(target)) { this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } this.AddOrder("Garrison", { "target": target, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds ungarrison order to the queue. */ UnitAI.prototype.Ungarrison = function() { if (this.IsGarrisoned()) { this.SetImmobile(false); this.AddOrder("Ungarrison", null, false); } }; /** * Adds a garrison order for units that are already garrisoned in the garrison holder. */ UnitAI.prototype.Autogarrison = function(target) { this.isGarrisoned = true; this.PushOrderFront("Garrison", { "target": target }); }; /** * Adds gather order to the queue, forced by the player * until the target is reached */ UnitAI.prototype.Gather = function(target, queued) { this.PerformGather(target, queued, true); }; /** * Internal function to abstract the force parameter. */ UnitAI.prototype.PerformGather = function(target, queued, force) { if (!this.CanGather(target)) { this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } // Save the resource type now, so if the resource gets destroyed // before we process the order then we still know what resource // type to look for more of var type; var cmpResourceSupply = QueryMiragedInterface(target, IID_ResourceSupply); if (cmpResourceSupply) type = cmpResourceSupply.GetType(); else error("CanGather allowed gathering from invalid entity"); // Also save the target entity's template, so that if it's an animal, // we won't go from hunting slow safe animals to dangerous fast ones var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager); var template = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(target); if (template.indexOf("resource|") != -1) template = template.slice(9); let order = { "target": target, "type": type, "template": template, "force": force, }; this.RememberTargetPosition(order); order.initPos = order.lastPos; if (this.order && (this.order.type == "Gather" || this.order.type == "Attack") && && === { = order.lastPos; = order.force; return; } this.AddOrder("Gather", order, queued); }; /** * Adds gather-near-position order to the queue, not forced, so it can be * interrupted by attacks. */ UnitAI.prototype.GatherNearPosition = function(x, z, type, template, queued) { if (template.indexOf("resource|") != -1) template = template.slice(9); if (this.IsFormationController() || Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer)) this.AddOrder("GatherNearPosition", { "type": type, "template": template, "x": x, "z": z, "force": false }, queued); else this.AddOrder("Walk", { "x": x, "z": z, "force": false }, queued); }; /** * Adds heal order to the queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.Heal = function(target, queued) { if (!this.CanHeal(target)) { this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } if (this.order && this.order.type == "Heal" && && === target) { = true; return; } this.AddOrder("Heal", { "target": target, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds return resource order to the queue, forced by the player. */ UnitAI.prototype.ReturnResource = function(target, queued) { if (!this.CanReturnResource(target, true)) { this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } this.AddOrder("ReturnResource", { "target": target, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds order to collect a treasure to queue, forced by the player. */ -UnitAI.prototype.CollectTreasure = function(target, queued) +UnitAI.prototype.CollectTreasure = function(target, autocontinue, queued) +{ + this.AddOrder("CollectTreasure", { + "target": target, + "autocontinue": autocontinue, + "force": true + }, queued); +}; + +/** + * Adds order to collect a treasure to queue, forced by the player. + */ +UnitAI.prototype.CollectTreasureNearPosition = function(posX, posZ, autocontinue, queued) { - this.AddOrder("CollectTreasure", { "target": target, "force": true }, queued); + this.AddOrder("CollectTreasureNearPosition", { + "x": posX, + "z": posZ, + "target": target, + "autocontinue": autocontinue, + "force": false + }, queued); }; UnitAI.prototype.CancelSetupTradeRoute = function(target) { let cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); if (!cmpTrader) return; cmpTrader.RemoveTargetMarket(target); if (this.IsFormationController()) this.CallMemberFunction("CancelSetupTradeRoute", [target]); }; /** * Adds trade order to the queue. Either walk to the first market, or * start a new route. Not forced, so it can be interrupted by attacks. * The possible route may be given directly as a SetupTradeRoute argument * if coming from a RallyPoint, or through this.expectedRoute if a user command. */ UnitAI.prototype.SetupTradeRoute = function(target, source, route, queued) { if (!this.CanTrade(target)) { this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } // AI has currently no access to BackToWork let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); if (cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer.IsAI() && !this.IsFormationController() && this.workOrders.length && this.workOrders[0].type == "Trade") { let cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); if (cmpTrader.HasBothMarkets() && (cmpTrader.GetFirstMarket() == target && cmpTrader.GetSecondMarket() == source || cmpTrader.GetFirstMarket() == source && cmpTrader.GetSecondMarket() == target)) { this.BackToWork(); return; } } var marketsChanged = this.SetTargetMarket(target, source); if (!marketsChanged) return; var cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); if (cmpTrader.HasBothMarkets()) { let data = { "target": cmpTrader.GetFirstMarket(), "route": route, "force": false }; if (this.expectedRoute) { if (!route && this.expectedRoute.length) data.route = this.expectedRoute.slice(); this.expectedRoute = undefined; } if (this.IsFormationController()) { this.CallMemberFunction("AddOrder", ["Trade", data, queued]); let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.Disband(); } else this.AddOrder("Trade", data, queued); } else { if (this.IsFormationController()) this.CallMemberFunction("WalkToTarget", [cmpTrader.GetFirstMarket(), queued]); else this.WalkToTarget(cmpTrader.GetFirstMarket(), queued); this.expectedRoute = []; } }; UnitAI.prototype.SetTargetMarket = function(target, source) { var cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); if (!cmpTrader) return false; var marketsChanged = cmpTrader.SetTargetMarket(target, source); if (this.IsFormationController()) this.CallMemberFunction("SetTargetMarket", [target, source]); return marketsChanged; }; UnitAI.prototype.SwitchMarketOrder = function(oldMarket, newMarket) { if (this.order && && && == oldMarket) = newMarket; }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveToMarket = function(targetMarket) { let nextTarget; if (this.waypoints && this.waypoints.length >= 1) nextTarget = this.waypoints.pop(); else nextTarget = { "target": targetMarket }; = nextTarget; return this.MoveTo(, IID_Trader); }; UnitAI.prototype.PerformTradeAndMoveToNextMarket = function(currentMarket) { if (!this.CanTrade(currentMarket)) { this.StopTrading(); return; } if (!this.CheckTargetRange(currentMarket, IID_Trader)) { if (!this.MoveToMarket(currentMarket)) // If the current market is not reached try again this.StopTrading(); return; } let cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); let nextMarket = cmpTrader.PerformTrade(currentMarket); let amount = cmpTrader.GetGoods().amount; if (!nextMarket || !amount || !amount.traderGain) { this.StopTrading(); return; } = nextMarket; if ( && { this.waypoints =; if ( == cmpTrader.GetSecondMarket()) this.waypoints.reverse(); } this.SetNextState("APPROACHINGMARKET"); }; UnitAI.prototype.MarketRemoved = function(market) { if (this.order && && && == market) this.UnitFsm.ProcessMessage(this, { "type": "TradingCanceled", "market": market }); }; UnitAI.prototype.StopTrading = function() { this.FinishOrder(); var cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); cmpTrader.StopTrading(); }; /** * Adds repair/build order to the queue, forced by the player * until the target is reached */ UnitAI.prototype.Repair = function(target, autocontinue, queued) { if (!this.CanRepair(target)) { this.WalkToTarget(target, queued); return; } if (this.order && this.order.type == "Repair" && && === target && === autocontinue) { = true; return; } this.AddOrder("Repair", { "target": target, "autocontinue": autocontinue, "force": true }, queued); }; /** * Adds flee order to the queue, not forced, so it can be * interrupted by attacks. */ UnitAI.prototype.Flee = function(target, queued) { this.AddOrder("Flee", { "target": target, "force": false }, queued); }; UnitAI.prototype.Cheer = function() { this.PushOrderFront("Cheer", { "force": false }); }; UnitAI.prototype.Pack = function(queued) { if (this.CanPack()) this.AddOrder("Pack", { "force": true }, queued); }; UnitAI.prototype.Unpack = function(queued) { if (this.CanUnpack()) this.AddOrder("Unpack", { "force": true }, queued); }; UnitAI.prototype.CancelPack = function(queued) { var cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); if (cmpPack && cmpPack.IsPacking() && !cmpPack.IsPacked()) this.AddOrder("CancelPack", { "force": true }, queued); }; UnitAI.prototype.CancelUnpack = function(queued) { var cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); if (cmpPack && cmpPack.IsPacking() && cmpPack.IsPacked()) this.AddOrder("CancelUnpack", { "force": true }, queued); }; UnitAI.prototype.SetStance = function(stance) { if (g_Stances[stance]) { this.stance = stance; Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_UnitStanceChanged, { "to": this.stance }); } else error("UnitAI: Setting to invalid stance '"+stance+"'"); }; UnitAI.prototype.SwitchToStance = function(stance) { var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return; var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); this.SetHeldPosition(pos.x, pos.z); this.SetStance(stance); // Reset the range queries, since the range depends on stance. this.SetupRangeQueries(); }; UnitAI.prototype.SetTurretStance = function() { this.previousStance = undefined; if (this.GetStance().respondStandGround) return; for (let stance in g_Stances) { if (!g_Stances[stance].respondStandGround) continue; this.previousStance = this.GetStanceName(); this.SwitchToStance(stance); return; } }; UnitAI.prototype.ResetTurretStance = function() { if (!this.previousStance) return; this.SwitchToStance(this.previousStance); this.previousStance = undefined; }; /** * Resets the losRangeQuery. * @return {boolean} - Whether there are targets in range that we ought to react upon. */ UnitAI.prototype.FindSightedEnemies = function() { if (!this.losRangeQuery) return false; let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); return this.RespondToSightedEntities(cmpRangeManager.ResetActiveQuery(this.losRangeQuery)); }; /** * Resets losHealRangeQuery, and if there are some targets in range that we can heal * then we start healing and this returns true; otherwise, returns false. */ UnitAI.prototype.FindNewHealTargets = function() { if (!this.losHealRangeQuery) return false; let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); return this.RespondToHealableEntities(cmpRangeManager.ResetActiveQuery(this.losHealRangeQuery)); }; /** * Resets losAttackRangeQuery, and if there are some targets in range that we can * attack then we start attacking and this returns true; otherwise, returns false. */ UnitAI.prototype.FindNewTargets = function() { if (!this.losAttackRangeQuery) return false; if (!this.GetStance().targetVisibleEnemies) return false; let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); return this.AttackEntitiesByPreference(cmpRangeManager.ResetActiveQuery(this.losAttackRangeQuery)); }; UnitAI.prototype.FindWalkAndFightTargets = function() { if (this.IsFormationController()) { var cmpUnitAI; var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); for (var ent of cmpFormation.members) { if (!(cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI))) continue; var targets = cmpUnitAI.GetTargetsFromUnit(); for (var targ of targets) { if (!cmpUnitAI.CanAttack(targ)) continue; if ( { var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(targ, IID_Identity); var targetClasses =; if (targetClasses.attack && cmpIdentity && !MatchesClassList(cmpIdentity.GetClassesList(), targetClasses.attack)) continue; if (targetClasses.avoid && cmpIdentity && MatchesClassList(cmpIdentity.GetClassesList(), targetClasses.avoid)) continue; // Only used by the AIs to prevent some choices of targets if (targetClasses.vetoEntities && targetClasses.vetoEntities[targ]) continue; } this.PushOrderFront("Attack", { "target": targ, "force": false, "allowCapture": }); return true; } } return false; } var targets = this.GetTargetsFromUnit(); for (var targ of targets) { if (!this.CanAttack(targ)) continue; if ( { var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(targ, IID_Identity); var targetClasses =; if (cmpIdentity && targetClasses.attack && !MatchesClassList(cmpIdentity.GetClassesList(), targetClasses.attack)) continue; if (cmpIdentity && targetClasses.avoid && MatchesClassList(cmpIdentity.GetClassesList(), targetClasses.avoid)) continue; // Only used by the AIs to prevent some choices of targets if (targetClasses.vetoEntities && targetClasses.vetoEntities[targ]) continue; } this.PushOrderFront("Attack", { "target": targ, "force": false, "allowCapture": }); return true; } // healers on a walk-and-fight order should heal injured units if (this.IsHealer()) return this.FindNewHealTargets(); return false; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetTargetsFromUnit = function() { if (!this.losAttackRangeQuery) return []; if (!this.GetStance().targetVisibleEnemies) return []; let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return []; let attackfilter = function(e) { if (!cmpAttack.CanAttack(e)) return false; let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(e, IID_Ownership); if (cmpOwnership && cmpOwnership.GetOwner() > 0) return true; let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(e, IID_UnitAI); return cmpUnitAI && (!cmpUnitAI.IsAnimal() || cmpUnitAI.IsDangerousAnimal()); }; let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); let entities = cmpRangeManager.ResetActiveQuery(this.losAttackRangeQuery); let targets = entities.filter(attackfilter).sort(function(a, b) { return cmpAttack.CompareEntitiesByPreference(a, b); }); return targets; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetQueryRange = function(iid) { let ret = { "min": 0, "max": 0 }; let cmpVision = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Vision); if (!cmpVision) return ret; let visionRange = cmpVision.GetRange(); if (iid === IID_Vision) { ret.max = visionRange; return ret; } if (this.GetStance().respondStandGround) { let range = this.GetRange(iid); if (!range) return ret; ret.min = range.min; ret.max = Math.min(range.max, visionRange); } else if (this.GetStance().respondChase) ret.max = visionRange; else if (this.GetStance().respondHoldGround) { let range = this.GetRange(iid); if (!range) return ret; ret.max = Math.min(range.max + visionRange / 2, visionRange); } // We probably have stance 'passive' and we wouldn't have a range, // but as it is the default for healers we need to set it to something sane. else if (iid === IID_Heal) ret.max = visionRange; return ret; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetStance = function() { return g_Stances[this.stance]; }; UnitAI.prototype.GetSelectableStances = function() { if (this.IsTurret()) return []; return Object.keys(g_Stances).filter(key => g_Stances[key].selectable); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetStanceName = function() { return this.stance; }; /* * Make the unit walk at its normal pace. */ UnitAI.prototype.ResetSpeedMultiplier = function() { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (cmpUnitMotion) cmpUnitMotion.SetSpeedMultiplier(1); }; UnitAI.prototype.SetSpeedMultiplier = function(speed) { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (cmpUnitMotion) cmpUnitMotion.SetSpeedMultiplier(speed); }; /** * Try to match the targets current movement speed. * * @param {number} target - The entity ID of the target to match. * @param {boolean} mayRun - Whether the entity is allowed to run to match the speed. */ UnitAI.prototype.TryMatchTargetSpeed = function(target, mayRun = true) { let cmpUnitMotionTarget = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_UnitMotion); if (cmpUnitMotionTarget) { let targetSpeed = cmpUnitMotionTarget.GetCurrentSpeed(); if (targetSpeed) this.SetSpeedMultiplier(Math.min(mayRun ? this.GetRunMultiplier() : 1, targetSpeed / this.GetWalkSpeed())); } }; /* * Remember the position of the target (in lastPos), if any, in case it disappears later * and we want to head to its last known position. * @param orderData - The order data to set this on. Defaults to */ UnitAI.prototype.RememberTargetPosition = function(orderData) { if (!orderData) orderData =; let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(, IID_Position); if (cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) orderData.lastPos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); }; UnitAI.prototype.SetHeldPosition = function(x, z) { this.heldPosition = {"x": x, "z": z}; }; UnitAI.prototype.SetHeldPositionOnEntity = function(entity) { var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) return; var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); this.SetHeldPosition(pos.x, pos.z); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetHeldPosition = function() { return this.heldPosition; }; UnitAI.prototype.WalkToHeldPosition = function() { if (this.heldPosition) { this.AddOrder("Walk", { "x": this.heldPosition.x, "z": this.heldPosition.z, "force": false }, false); return true; } return false; }; //// Helper functions //// /** * General getter for ranges. * * @param {number} iid * @param {string} type - [Optional] * @return {Object | undefined} - The range in the form * { "min": number, "max": number } * Object."elevationBonus": number may be present when iid == IID_Attack. * Returns undefined when the entity does not have the requested component. */ UnitAI.prototype.GetRange = function(iid, type) { let component = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, iid); if (!component) return undefined; return component.GetRange(type); } UnitAI.prototype.CanAttack = function(target) { // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); return cmpAttack && cmpAttack.CanAttack(target); }; UnitAI.prototype.CanGarrison = function(target) { // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; let cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder) return false; let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpOwnership || !(IsOwnedByPlayer(cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), target) || IsOwnedByMutualAllyOfPlayer(cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), target))) return false; return true; }; UnitAI.prototype.CanGather = function(target) { if (this.IsTurret()) return false; var cmpResourceSupply = QueryMiragedInterface(target, IID_ResourceSupply); if (!cmpResourceSupply) return false; // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; var cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (!cmpResourceGatherer) return false; if (!cmpResourceGatherer.GetTargetGatherRate(target)) return false; // No need to verify ownership as we should be able to gather from // a target regardless of ownership. // No need to call "cmpResourceSupply.IsAvailable()" either because that // would cause units to walk to full entities instead of choosing another one // nearby to gather from, which is undesirable. return true; }; UnitAI.prototype.CanHeal = function(target) { // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; let cmpHeal = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Heal); return cmpHeal && cmpHeal.CanHeal(target); }; /** * Check if the entity can return carried resources at @param target * @param checkCarriedResource check we are carrying resources * @param cmpResourceGatherer if present, use this directly instead of re-querying. */ UnitAI.prototype.CanReturnResource = function(target, checkCarriedResource, cmpResourceGatherer = undefined) { if (this.IsTurret()) return false; // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; if (!cmpResourceGatherer) { cmpResourceGatherer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_ResourceGatherer); if (!cmpResourceGatherer) return false; } let cmpResourceDropsite = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_ResourceDropsite); if (!cmpResourceDropsite) return false; if (checkCarriedResource) { let type = cmpResourceGatherer.GetMainCarryingType(); if (!type || !cmpResourceDropsite.AcceptsType(type)) return false; } let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (cmpOwnership && IsOwnedByPlayer(cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), target)) return true; let cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity); return cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer.HasSharedDropsites() && cmpResourceDropsite.IsShared() && cmpOwnership && IsOwnedByMutualAllyOfPlayer(cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), target); }; UnitAI.prototype.CanTrade = function(target) { if (this.IsTurret()) return false; // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; var cmpTrader = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Trader); return cmpTrader && cmpTrader.CanTrade(target); }; UnitAI.prototype.CanRepair = function(target) { if (this.IsTurret()) return false; // Formation controllers should always respond to commands // (then the individual units can make up their own minds) if (this.IsFormationController()) return true; // Verify that we're able to respond to Repair (Builder) commands var cmpBuilder = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Builder); if (!cmpBuilder) return false; var cmpFoundation = QueryMiragedInterface(target, IID_Foundation); var cmpRepairable = Engine.QueryInterface(target, IID_Repairable); if (!cmpFoundation && !cmpRepairable) return false; var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); return cmpOwnership && IsOwnedByAllyOfPlayer(cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), target); }; UnitAI.prototype.CanPack = function() { var cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); return cmpPack && !cmpPack.IsPacking() && !cmpPack.IsPacked(); }; UnitAI.prototype.CanUnpack = function() { var cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); return cmpPack && !cmpPack.IsPacking() && cmpPack.IsPacked(); }; UnitAI.prototype.IsPacking = function() { var cmpPack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Pack); return cmpPack && cmpPack.IsPacking(); }; //// Formation specific functions //// UnitAI.prototype.IsAttackingAsFormation = function() { var cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); return cmpAttack && cmpAttack.CanAttackAsFormation() && this.GetCurrentState() == "FORMATIONCONTROLLER.COMBAT.ATTACKING"; }; UnitAI.prototype.MoveRandomly = function(distance) { // To minimize drift all across the map, describe circles // approximated by polygons. // And to avoid getting stuck in obstacles or narrow spaces, each side // of the polygon is obtained by trying to go away from a point situated // half a meter backwards of the current position, after rotation. // We also add a fluctuation on the length of each side of the polygon (dist) // which, in addition to making the move more random, helps escaping narrow spaces // with bigger values of dist. let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld() || !cmpUnitMotion) return; let pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition(); let ang = cmpPosition.GetRotation().y; if (!this.roamAngle) { this.roamAngle = (randBool() ? 1 : -1) * Math.PI / 6; ang -= this.roamAngle / 2; this.startAngle = ang; } else if (Math.abs((ang - this.startAngle + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI) < Math.abs(this.roamAngle / 2)) this.roamAngle *= randBool() ? 1 : -1; let halfDelta = randFloat(this.roamAngle / 4, this.roamAngle * 3 / 4); // First half rotation to decrease the impression of immediate rotation ang += halfDelta; cmpUnitMotion.FaceTowardsPoint(pos.x + 0.5 * Math.sin(ang), pos.z + 0.5 * Math.cos(ang)); // Then second half of the rotation ang += halfDelta; let dist = randFloat(0.5, 1.5) * distance; cmpUnitMotion.MoveToPointRange(pos.x - 0.5 * Math.sin(ang), pos.z - 0.5 * Math.cos(ang), dist, -1); }; UnitAI.prototype.SetFacePointAfterMove = function(val) { var cmpMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); if (cmpMotion) cmpMotion.SetFacePointAfterMove(val); }; UnitAI.prototype.GetFacePointAfterMove = function() { let cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); return cmpUnitMotion && cmpUnitMotion.GetFacePointAfterMove(); } UnitAI.prototype.AttackEntitiesByPreference = function(ents) { if (!ents.length) return false; let cmpAttack = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Attack); if (!cmpAttack) return false; let attackfilter = function(e) { if (!cmpAttack.CanAttack(e)) return false; let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(e, IID_Ownership); if (cmpOwnership && cmpOwnership.GetOwner() > 0) return true; let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(e, IID_UnitAI); return cmpUnitAI && (!cmpUnitAI.IsAnimal() || cmpUnitAI.IsDangerousAnimal()); }; let entsByPreferences = {}; let preferences = []; let entsWithoutPref = []; for (let ent of ents) { if (!attackfilter(ent)) continue; let pref = cmpAttack.GetPreference(ent); if (pref === null || pref === undefined) entsWithoutPref.push(ent); else if (!entsByPreferences[pref]) { preferences.push(pref); entsByPreferences[pref] = [ent]; } else entsByPreferences[pref].push(ent); } if (preferences.length) { preferences.sort((a, b) => a - b); for (let pref of preferences) if (this.RespondToTargetedEntities(entsByPreferences[pref])) return true; } return this.RespondToTargetedEntities(entsWithoutPref); }; /** * Call UnitAI.funcname(args) on all formation members. * @param resetWaitingEntities - If true, call ResetWaitingEntities first. * If the controller wants to wait on its members to finish their order, * this needs to be reset before sending new orders (in case they instafail) * so it makes sense to do it here. * Only set this to false if you're sure it's safe. */ UnitAI.prototype.CallMemberFunction = function(funcname, args, resetWaitingEntities = true) { var cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); if (!cmpFormation) return; if (resetWaitingEntities) cmpFormation.ResetWaitingEntities(); cmpFormation.GetMembers().forEach(ent => { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); cmpUnitAI[funcname].apply(cmpUnitAI, args); }); }; /** * Call obj.funcname(args) on UnitAI components owned by player in given range. */ UnitAI.prototype.CallPlayerOwnedEntitiesFunctionInRange = function(funcname, args, range) { let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership); if (!cmpOwnership) return; let owner = cmpOwnership.GetOwner(); if (owner == INVALID_PLAYER) return; let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); let nearby = cmpRangeManager.ExecuteQuery(this.entity, 0, range, [owner], IID_UnitAI, true); for (let i = 0; i < nearby.length; ++i) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(nearby[i], IID_UnitAI); cmpUnitAI[funcname].apply(cmpUnitAI, args); } }; /** * Call obj.functname(args) on UnitAI components of all formation members, * and return true if all calls return true. */ UnitAI.prototype.TestAllMemberFunction = function(funcname, args) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Formation); return cmpFormation && cmpFormation.GetMembers().every(ent => { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); return cmpUnitAI[funcname].apply(cmpUnitAI, args); }); }; UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsm = new FSM(UnitAI.prototype.UnitFsmSpec); Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_UnitAI, "UnitAI", UnitAI); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js (revision 24998) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Commands.js (revision 24999) @@ -1,1769 +1,1776 @@ // Setting this to true will display some warnings when commands // are likely to fail, which may be useful for debugging AIs var g_DebugCommands = false; function ProcessCommand(player, cmd) { let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player); if (!cmpPlayer) return; let data = { "cmpPlayer": cmpPlayer, "controlAllUnits": cmpPlayer.CanControlAllUnits() }; if (cmd.entities) data.entities = FilterEntityList(cmd.entities, player, data.controlAllUnits); // TODO: queuing order and forcing formations doesn't really work. // To play nice, we'll still no-formation queued order if units are in formation // but the opposite perhaps ought to be implemented. if (!cmd.queued || cmd.formation == NULL_FORMATION) data.formation = cmd.formation || undefined; // Allow focusing the camera on recent commands let commandData = { "type": "playercommand", "players": [player], "cmd": cmd }; // Save the position, since the GUI event is received after the unit died if (cmd.type == "delete-entities") { let cmpPosition = cmd.entities[0] && Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.entities[0], IID_Position); commandData.position = cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld() && cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); } let cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification(commandData); // Note: checks of UnitAI targets are not robust enough here, as ownership // can change after the order is issued, they should be checked by UnitAI // when the specific behavior (e.g. attack, garrison) is performed. // (Also it's not ideal if a command silently fails, it's nicer if UnitAI // moves the entities closer to the target before giving up.) // Now handle various commands if (g_Commands[cmd.type]) { var cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger); cmpTrigger.CallEvent("PlayerCommand", { "player": player, "cmd": cmd }); g_Commands[cmd.type](player, cmd, data); } else error("Invalid command: unknown command type: "+uneval(cmd)); } var g_Commands = { "aichat": function(player, cmd, data) { var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); var notification = { "players": [player] }; for (var key in cmd) notification[key] = cmd[key]; cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification(notification); }, "cheat": function(player, cmd, data) { Cheat(cmd); }, "collect-treasure": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { - cmpUnitAI.CollectTreasure(, cmd.queued); + cmpUnitAI.CollectTreasure(, cmd.autocontinue, cmd.queued); + }); + }, + + "collect-treasure-near-position": function(player, cmd, data) + { + GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { + cmpUnitAI.CollectTreasureNearPosition(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.autocontinue, cmd.queued); }); }, "diplomacy": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpCeasefireManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_CeasefireManager); if (data.cmpPlayer.GetLockTeams() || cmpCeasefireManager && cmpCeasefireManager.IsCeasefireActive()) return; switch( { case "ally": data.cmpPlayer.SetAlly(cmd.player); break; case "neutral": data.cmpPlayer.SetNeutral(cmd.player); break; case "enemy": data.cmpPlayer.SetEnemy(cmd.player); break; default: warn("Invalid command: Could not set "+player+" diplomacy status of player "+cmd.player+" to "; } var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "diplomacy", "players": [player], "targetPlayer": cmd.player, "status": }); }, "tribute": function(player, cmd, data) { data.cmpPlayer.TributeResource(cmd.player, cmd.amounts); }, "control-all": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!data.cmpPlayer.GetCheatsEnabled()) return; var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("(Cheat - control all units)") }); data.cmpPlayer.SetControlAllUnits(cmd.flag); }, "reveal-map": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!data.cmpPlayer.GetCheatsEnabled()) return; var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("(Cheat - reveal map)") }); // Reveal the map for all players, not just the current player, // primarily to make it obvious to everyone that the player is cheating var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); cmpRangeManager.SetLosRevealAll(-1, cmd.enable); }, "walk": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Walk(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.queued); }); }, "walk-custom": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent in data.entities) GetFormationUnitAIs([data.entities[ent]], player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Walk(cmd.targetPositions[ent].x, cmd.targetPositions[ent].y, cmd.queued); }); }, "walk-to-range": function(player, cmd, data) { // Only used by the AI for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) cmpUnitAI.WalkToPointRange(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.min, cmd.max, cmd.queued); } }, "attack-walk": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.WalkAndFight(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.targetClasses, allowCapture, cmd.queued); }); }, "attack-walk-custom": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; for (let ent in data.entities) GetFormationUnitAIs([data.entities[ent]], player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.WalkAndFight(cmd.targetPositions[ent].x, cmd.targetPositions[ent].y, cmd.targetClasses, allowCapture, cmd.queued); }); }, "attack": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; if (g_DebugCommands && !allowCapture && !(IsOwnedByEnemyOfPlayer(player, || IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: attack target is not owned by enemy of player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Attack(, allowCapture, cmd.queued); }); }, "patrol": function(player, cmd, data) { let allowCapture = cmd.allowCapture || cmd.allowCapture == null; GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => cmpUnitAI.Patrol(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.targetClasses, allowCapture, cmd.queued) ); }, "heal": function(player, cmd, data) { if (g_DebugCommands && !(IsOwnedByPlayer(player, || IsOwnedByAllyOfPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: heal target is not owned by player "+player+" or their ally: "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Heal(, cmd.queued); }); }, "repair": function(player, cmd, data) { // This covers both repairing damaged buildings, and constructing unfinished foundations if (g_DebugCommands && !IsOwnedByAllyOfPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: repair target is not owned by ally of player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Repair(, cmd.autocontinue, cmd.queued); }); }, "gather": function(player, cmd, data) { if (g_DebugCommands && !(IsOwnedByPlayer(player, || IsOwnedByGaia( warn("Invalid command: resource is not owned by gaia or player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Gather(, cmd.queued); }); }, "gather-near-position": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.GatherNearPosition(cmd.x, cmd.z, cmd.resourceType, cmd.resourceTemplate, cmd.queued); }); }, "returnresource": function(player, cmd, data) { if (g_DebugCommands && !IsOwnedByPlayer(player, warn("Invalid command: dropsite is not owned by player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.ReturnResource(, cmd.queued); }); }, "back-to-work": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if(!cmpUnitAI || !cmpUnitAI.BackToWork()) notifyBackToWorkFailure(player); } }, "remove-guard": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI) cmpUnitAI.RemoveGuard(); } }, "train": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!Number.isInteger(cmd.count) || cmd.count <= 0) { warn("Invalid command: can't train " + uneval(cmd.count) + " units"); return; } // Check entity limits var template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate(cmd.template); var unitCategory = null; if (template.TrainingRestrictions) unitCategory = template.TrainingRestrictions.Category; // Verify that the building(s) can be controlled by the player if (data.entities.length <= 0) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: training building(s) cannot be controlled by player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); return; } for (let ent of data.entities) { if (unitCategory) { var cmpPlayerEntityLimits = QueryOwnerInterface(ent, IID_EntityLimits); if (cmpPlayerEntityLimits && !cmpPlayerEntityLimits.AllowedToTrain(unitCategory, cmd.count, cmd.template, template.TrainingRestrictions.MatchLimit)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn(unitCategory + " train limit is reached: " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } } var cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(ent, IID_TechnologyManager); if (cmpTechnologyManager && !cmpTechnologyManager.CanProduce(cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: training requires unresearched technology: " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } var queue = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ProductionQueue); // Check if the building can train the unit // TODO: the AI API does not take promotion technologies into account for the list // of trainable units (taken directly from the unit template). Here is a temporary fix. if (queue && data.cmpPlayer.IsAI()) { var list = queue.GetEntitiesList(); if (list.indexOf(cmd.template) === -1 && cmd.promoted) { for (var promoted of cmd.promoted) { if (list.indexOf(promoted) === -1) continue; cmd.template = promoted; break; } } } if (queue && queue.GetEntitiesList().indexOf(cmd.template) != -1) if ("metadata" in cmd) queue.AddBatch(cmd.template, "unit", +cmd.count, cmd.metadata); else queue.AddBatch(cmd.template, "unit", +cmd.count); } }, "research": function(player, cmd, data) { var cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(cmd.entity, IID_TechnologyManager); if (cmpTechnologyManager && !cmpTechnologyManager.CanResearch(cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: Requirements to research technology are not met: " + uneval(cmd)); return; } var queue = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.entity, IID_ProductionQueue); if (queue) queue.AddBatch(cmd.template, "technology"); }, "stop-production": function(player, cmd, data) { var queue = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.entity, IID_ProductionQueue); if (queue) queue.RemoveBatch(; }, "construct": function(player, cmd, data) { TryConstructBuilding(player, data.cmpPlayer, data.controlAllUnits, cmd); }, "construct-wall": function(player, cmd, data) { TryConstructWall(player, data.cmpPlayer, data.controlAllUnits, cmd); }, "delete-entities": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { if (!data.controlAllUnits) { let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity); if (cmpIdentity && cmpIdentity.IsUndeletable()) continue; let cmpCapturable = QueryMiragedInterface(ent, IID_Capturable); if (cmpCapturable && cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints()[player] < cmpCapturable.GetMaxCapturePoints() / 2) continue; let cmpResourceSupply = QueryMiragedInterface(ent, IID_ResourceSupply); if (cmpResourceSupply && cmpResourceSupply.GetKillBeforeGather()) continue; } let cmpMirage = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Mirage); if (cmpMirage) { let cmpMiragedHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(cmpMirage.parent, IID_Health); if (cmpMiragedHealth) cmpMiragedHealth.Kill(); else Engine.DestroyEntity(cmpMirage.parent); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); continue; } let cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Health); if (cmpHealth) cmpHealth.Kill(); else Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); } }, "set-rallypoint": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpRallyPoint = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_RallyPoint); if (cmpRallyPoint) { if (!cmd.queued) cmpRallyPoint.Unset(); cmpRallyPoint.AddPosition(cmd.x, cmd.z); cmpRallyPoint.AddData(clone(; } } }, "unset-rallypoint": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpRallyPoint = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_RallyPoint); if (cmpRallyPoint) cmpRallyPoint.Reset(); } }, "resign": function(player, cmd, data) { data.cmpPlayer.SetState("defeated", markForTranslation("%(player)s has resigned.")); }, "garrison": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!CanPlayerOrAllyControlUnit(, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: garrison target cannot be controlled by player "+player+" (or ally): "+uneval(cmd)); return; } GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Garrison(, cmd.queued); }); }, "guard": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!IsOwnedByPlayerOrMutualAlly(, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: Guard/escort target is not owned by player " + player + " or ally thereof: " + uneval(cmd)); return; } GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Guard(, cmd.queued); }); }, "stop": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.Stop(cmd.queued); }); }, "unload": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!CanPlayerOrAllyControlUnit(cmd.garrisonHolder, player, data.controlAllUnits)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: unload target cannot be controlled by player "+player+" (or ally): "+uneval(cmd)); return; } var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); var notUngarrisoned = 0; // The owner can ungarrison every garrisoned unit if (IsOwnedByPlayer(player, cmd.garrisonHolder)) data.entities = cmd.entities; for (let ent of data.entities) if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || !cmpGarrisonHolder.Unload(ent)) ++notUngarrisoned; if (notUngarrisoned != 0) notifyUnloadFailure(player, cmd.garrisonHolder); }, "unload-template": function(player, cmd, data) { var entities = FilterEntityListWithAllies(cmd.garrisonHolders, player, data.controlAllUnits); for (let garrisonHolder of entities) { var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (cmpGarrisonHolder) { // Only the owner of the garrisonHolder may unload entities from any owners if (!IsOwnedByPlayer(player, garrisonHolder) && !data.controlAllUnits && player != +cmd.owner) continue; if (!cmpGarrisonHolder.UnloadTemplate(cmd.template, cmd.owner, cmd.all)) notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder); } } }, "unload-all-by-owner": function(player, cmd, data) { var entities = FilterEntityListWithAllies(cmd.garrisonHolders, player, data.controlAllUnits); for (let garrisonHolder of entities) { var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || !cmpGarrisonHolder.UnloadAllByOwner(player)) notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder); } }, "unload-all": function(player, cmd, data) { var entities = FilterEntityList(cmd.garrisonHolders, player, data.controlAllUnits); for (let garrisonHolder of entities) { var cmpGarrisonHolder = Engine.QueryInterface(garrisonHolder, IID_GarrisonHolder); if (!cmpGarrisonHolder || !cmpGarrisonHolder.UnloadAll()) notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder); } }, "alert-raise": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpAlertRaiser = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_AlertRaiser); if (cmpAlertRaiser) cmpAlertRaiser.RaiseAlert(); } }, "alert-end": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpAlertRaiser = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_AlertRaiser); if (cmpAlertRaiser) cmpAlertRaiser.EndOfAlert(); } }, "formation": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation, true).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.MoveIntoFormation(cmd); }); }, "promote": function(player, cmd, data) { if (!data.cmpPlayer.GetCheatsEnabled()) return; var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("(Cheat - promoted units)"), "translateMessage": true }); for (let ent of cmd.entities) { var cmpPromotion = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Promotion); if (cmpPromotion) cmpPromotion.IncreaseXp(cmpPromotion.GetRequiredXp() - cmpPromotion.GetCurrentXp()); } }, "stance": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (cmpUnitAI && !cmpUnitAI.IsTurret()) cmpUnitAI.SwitchToStance(; } }, "lock-gate": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpGate = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Gate); if (!cmpGate) continue; if (cmd.lock) cmpGate.LockGate(); else cmpGate.UnlockGate(); } }, "setup-trade-route": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.SetupTradeRoute(, cmd.source, cmd.route, cmd.queued); }); }, "cancel-setup-trade-route": function(player, cmd, data) { GetFormationUnitAIs(data.entities, player, cmd, data.formation).forEach(cmpUnitAI => { cmpUnitAI.CancelSetupTradeRoute(; }); }, "set-trading-goods": function(player, cmd, data) { data.cmpPlayer.SetTradingGoods(cmd.tradingGoods); }, "barter": function(player, cmd, data) { var cmpBarter = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Barter); cmpBarter.ExchangeResources(player, cmd.sell,, cmd.amount); }, "set-shading-color": function(player, cmd, data) { // Prevent multiplayer abuse if (!data.cmpPlayer.IsAI()) return; // Debug command to make an entity brightly colored for (let ent of cmd.entities) { var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Visual); if (cmpVisual) cmpVisual.SetShadingColor(cmd.rgb[0], cmd.rgb[1], cmd.rgb[2], 0); // alpha isn't used so just send 0 } }, "pack": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) continue; if (cmd.pack) cmpUnitAI.Pack(cmd.queued); else cmpUnitAI.Unpack(cmd.queued); } }, "cancel-pack": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) continue; if (cmd.pack) cmpUnitAI.CancelPack(cmd.queued); else cmpUnitAI.CancelUnpack(cmd.queued); } }, "upgrade": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { var cmpUpgrade = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Upgrade); if (!cmpUpgrade || !cmpUpgrade.CanUpgradeTo(cmd.template)) continue; if (cmpUpgrade.WillCheckPlacementRestrictions(cmd.template) && ObstructionsBlockingTemplateChange(ent, cmd.template)) { var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("Cannot upgrade as distance requirements are not verified or terrain is obstructed.") }); continue; } // Check entity limits var cmpEntityLimits = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_EntityLimits); if (cmpEntityLimits && !cmpEntityLimits.AllowedToReplace(ent, cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: build limits check failed for player " + player + ": " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } let cmpTechnologyManager = QueryOwnerInterface(ent, IID_TechnologyManager); let requiredTechnology = cmpUpgrade.GetRequiredTechnology(cmd.template); if (requiredTechnology && (!cmpTechnologyManager || !cmpTechnologyManager.IsTechnologyResearched(requiredTechnology))) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: upgrading is not possible for this player or requires unresearched technology: " + uneval(cmd)); continue; } cmpUpgrade.Upgrade(cmd.template, data.cmpPlayer); } }, "cancel-upgrade": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { let cmpUpgrade = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Upgrade); if (cmpUpgrade) cmpUpgrade.CancelUpgrade(player); } }, "attack-request": function(player, cmd, data) { // Send a chat message to human players var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "aichat", "players": [player], "message": "/allies " + markForTranslation("Attack against %(_player_)s requested."), "translateParameters": ["_player_"], "parameters": { "_player_": cmd.player } }); // And send an attackRequest event to the AIs let cmpAIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_AIInterface); if (cmpAIInterface) cmpAIInterface.PushEvent("AttackRequest", cmd); }, "spy-request": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager); let ent = pickRandom(cmpRangeManager.GetEntitiesByPlayer(cmd.player).filter(ent => { let cmpVisionSharing = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_VisionSharing); return cmpVisionSharing && cmpVisionSharing.IsBribable() && !cmpVisionSharing.ShareVisionWith(player); })); let cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "spy-response", "players": [player], "target": cmd.player, "entity": ent }); if (ent) Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_VisionSharing).AddSpy(cmd.source); else { let template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate("special/spy"); IncurBribeCost(template, player, cmd.player, true); // update statistics for failed bribes let cmpBribesStatisticsTracker = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_StatisticsTracker); if (cmpBribesStatisticsTracker) cmpBribesStatisticsTracker.IncreaseFailedBribesCounter(); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("There are no bribable units"), "translateMessage": true }); } }, "diplomacy-request": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpAIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_AIInterface); if (cmpAIInterface) cmpAIInterface.PushEvent("DiplomacyRequest", cmd); }, "tribute-request": function(player, cmd, data) { let cmpAIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_AIInterface); if (cmpAIInterface) cmpAIInterface.PushEvent("TributeRequest", cmd); }, "dialog-answer": function(player, cmd, data) { // Currently nothing. Triggers can read it anyway, and send this // message to any component you like. }, "set-dropsite-sharing": function(player, cmd, data) { for (let ent of data.entities) { let cmpResourceDropsite = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_ResourceDropsite); if (cmpResourceDropsite && cmpResourceDropsite.IsSharable()) cmpResourceDropsite.SetSharing(cmd.shared); } }, }; /** * Sends a GUI notification about unit(s) that failed to ungarrison. */ function notifyUnloadFailure(player, garrisonHolder) { var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("Unable to ungarrison unit(s)"), "translateMessage": true }); } /** * Sends a GUI notification about worker(s) that failed to go back to work. */ function notifyBackToWorkFailure(player) { var cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("Some unit(s) can't go back to work"), "translateMessage": true }); } /** * Sends a GUI notification about entities that can't be controlled. * @param {number} player - The player-ID of the player that needs to receive this message. */ function notifyOrderFailure(entity, player) { let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(entity, IID_Identity); if (!cmpIdentity) return; let cmpGUIInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGUIInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": sprintf(markForTranslation("%(unit)s can't be controlled."), { "unit": cmpIdentity.GetGenericName() }), "translateMessage": true }); } /** * Get some information about the formations used by entities. */ function ExtractFormations(ents) { let entities = []; // Entities with UnitAI. let members = {}; // { formationentity: [ent, ent, ...], ... } let templates = {}; // { formationentity: template } for (let ent of ents) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) continue; entities.push(ent); let fid = cmpUnitAI.GetFormationController(); if (fid == INVALID_ENTITY) continue; if (!members[fid]) { members[fid] = []; templates[fid] = cmpUnitAI.GetFormationTemplate(); } members[fid].push(ent); } return { "entities": entities, "members": members, "templates": templates }; } /** * Tries to find the best angle to put a dock at a given position * Taken from GuiInterface.js */ function GetDockAngle(template, x, z) { var cmpTerrain = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Terrain); var cmpWaterManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_WaterManager); if (!cmpTerrain || !cmpWaterManager) return undefined; // Get footprint size var halfSize = 0; if (template.Footprint.Square) halfSize = Math.max(template.Footprint.Square["@depth"], template.Footprint.Square["@width"])/2; else if (template.Footprint.Circle) halfSize = template.Footprint.Circle["@radius"]; /* Find direction of most open water, algorithm: * 1. Pick points in a circle around dock * 2. If point is in water, add to array * 3. Scan array looking for consecutive points * 4. Find longest sequence of consecutive points * 5. If sequence equals all points, no direction can be determined, * expand search outward and try (1) again * 6. Calculate angle using average of sequence */ const numPoints = 16; for (var dist = 0; dist < 4; ++dist) { var waterPoints = []; for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { var angle = (i/numPoints)*2*Math.PI; var d = halfSize*(dist+1); var nx = x - d*Math.sin(angle); var nz = z + d*Math.cos(angle); if (cmpTerrain.GetGroundLevel(nx, nz) < cmpWaterManager.GetWaterLevel(nx, nz)) waterPoints.push(i); } var consec = []; var length = waterPoints.length; if (!length) continue; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { var count = 0; for (let j = 0; j < length - 1; ++j) { if ((waterPoints[(i + j) % length] + 1) % numPoints == waterPoints[(i + j + 1) % length]) ++count; else break; } consec[i] = count; } var start = 0; var count = 0; for (var c in consec) { if (consec[c] > count) { start = c; count = consec[c]; } } // If we've found a shoreline, stop searching if (count != numPoints-1) return -((waterPoints[start] + consec[start]/2) % numPoints) / numPoints * 2 * Math.PI; } return undefined; } /** * Attempts to construct a building using the specified parameters. * Returns true on success, false on failure. */ function TryConstructBuilding(player, cmpPlayer, controlAllUnits, cmd) { // Message structure: // { // "type": "construct", // "entities": [...], // entities that will be ordered to construct the building (if applicable) // "template": "...", // template name of the entity being constructed // "x": ..., // "z": ..., // "angle": ..., // "metadata": "...", // AI metadata of the building // "actorSeed": ..., // "autorepair": true, // whether to automatically start constructing/repairing the new foundation // "autocontinue": true, // whether to automatically gather/build/etc after finishing this // "queued": true, // whether to add the construction/repairing of this foundation to entities' queue (if applicable) // "obstructionControlGroup": ..., // Optional; the obstruction control group ID that should be set for this building prior to obstruction // // testing to determine placement validity. If specified, must be a valid control group ID (> 0). // "obstructionControlGroup2": ..., // Optional; secondary obstruction control group ID that should be set for this building prior to obstruction // // testing to determine placement validity. May be INVALID_ENTITY. // } /* * Construction process: * . Take resources away immediately. * . Create a foundation entity with 1hp, 0% build progress. * . Increase hp and build progress up to 100% when people work on it. * . If it's destroyed, an appropriate fraction of the resource cost is refunded. * . If it's completed, it gets replaced with the real building. */ // Check whether we can control these units var entities = FilterEntityList(cmd.entities, player, controlAllUnits); if (!entities.length) return false; var foundationTemplate = "foundation|" + cmd.template; // Tentatively create the foundation (we might find later that it's a invalid build command) var ent = Engine.AddEntity(foundationTemplate); if (ent == INVALID_ENTITY) { // Error (e.g. invalid template names) error("Error creating foundation entity for '" + cmd.template + "'"); return false; } // If it's a dock, get the right angle. var template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate(cmd.template); var angle = cmd.angle; if (template.BuildRestrictions.PlacementType === "shore") { let angleDock = GetDockAngle(template, cmd.x, cmd.z); if (angleDock !== undefined) angle = angleDock; } // Move the foundation to the right place var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); cmpPosition.JumpTo(cmd.x, cmd.z); cmpPosition.SetYRotation(angle); // Set the obstruction control group if needed if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup || cmd.obstructionControlGroup2) { var cmpObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Obstruction); // primary control group must always be valid if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup) { if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup <= 0) warn("[TryConstructBuilding] Invalid primary obstruction control group " + cmd.obstructionControlGroup + " received; must be > 0"); cmpObstruction.SetControlGroup(cmd.obstructionControlGroup); } if (cmd.obstructionControlGroup2) cmpObstruction.SetControlGroup2(cmd.obstructionControlGroup2); } // Make it owned by the current player var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Ownership); cmpOwnership.SetOwner(player); // Check whether building placement is valid var cmpBuildRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_BuildRestrictions); if (cmpBuildRestrictions) { var ret = cmpBuildRestrictions.CheckPlacement(); if (!ret.success) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: build restrictions check failed with '"+ret.message+"' for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); ret.players = [player]; cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification(ret); // Remove the foundation because the construction was aborted // move it out of world because it's not destroyed immediately. cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); return false; } } else error("cmpBuildRestrictions not defined"); // Check entity limits var cmpEntityLimits = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_EntityLimits); if (cmpEntityLimits && !cmpEntityLimits.AllowedToBuild(cmpBuildRestrictions.GetCategory())) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: build limits check failed for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); // Remove the foundation because the construction was aborted cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); return false; } var cmpTechnologyManager = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player, IID_TechnologyManager); if (cmpTechnologyManager && !cmpTechnologyManager.CanProduce(cmd.template)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: required technology check failed for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); var cmpGuiInterface = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_GuiInterface); cmpGuiInterface.PushNotification({ "type": "text", "players": [player], "message": markForTranslation("The building's technology requirements are not met."), "translateMessage": true }); // Remove the foundation because the construction was aborted cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); } // We need the cost after tech and aura modifications // To calculate this with an entity requires ownership, so use the template instead let cmpCost = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Cost); let costs = cmpCost.GetResourceCosts(player); if (!cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(costs)) { if (g_DebugCommands) warn("Invalid command: building cost check failed for player "+player+": "+uneval(cmd)); Engine.DestroyEntity(ent); cmpPosition.MoveOutOfWorld(); return false; } var cmpVisual = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Visual); if (cmpVisual && cmd.actorSeed !== undefined) cmpVisual.SetActorSeed(cmd.actorSeed); // Initialise the foundation var cmpFoundation = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Foundation); cmpFoundation.InitialiseConstruction(player, cmd.template); // send Metadata info if any if (cmd.metadata) Engine.PostMessage(ent, MT_AIMetadata, { "id": ent, "metadata" : cmd.metadata, "owner" : player } ); // Tell the units to start building this new entity if (cmd.autorepair) { ProcessCommand(player, { "type": "repair", "entities": entities, "target": ent, "autocontinue": cmd.autocontinue, "queued": cmd.queued, "formation": cmd.formation || undefined }); } return ent; } function TryConstructWall(player, cmpPlayer, controlAllUnits, cmd) { // 'cmd' message structure: // { // "type": "construct-wall", // "entities": [...], // entities that will be ordered to construct the wall (if applicable) // "pieces": [ // ordered list of information about the pieces making up the wall (towers, wall segments, ...) // { // "template": "...", // one of the templates from the wallset // "x": ..., // "z": ..., // "angle": ..., // }, // ... // ], // "wallSet": { // "templates": { // "tower": // tower template name // "long": // long wall segment template name // ... // etc. // }, // "maxTowerOverlap": ..., // "minTowerOverlap": ..., // }, // "startSnappedEntity": // optional; entity ID of tower being snapped to at the starting side of the wall // "endSnappedEntity": // optional; entity ID of tower being snapped to at the ending side of the wall // "autorepair": true, // whether to automatically start constructing/repairing the new foundation // "autocontinue": true, // whether to automatically gather/build/etc after finishing this // "queued": true, // whether to add the construction/repairing of this wall's pieces to entities' queue (if applicable) // } if (cmd.pieces.length <= 0) return; if (cmd.startSnappedEntity && cmd.pieces[0].template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { error("[TryConstructWall] Starting wall piece cannot be a tower (" + cmd.wallSet.templates.tower + ") when snapping at the starting side"); return; } if (cmd.endSnappedEntity && cmd.pieces[cmd.pieces.length - 1].template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { error("[TryConstructWall] Ending wall piece cannot be a tower (" + cmd.wallSet.templates.tower + ") when snapping at the ending side"); return; } // Assign obstruction control groups to allow the wall pieces to mutually overlap during foundation placement // and during construction. The scheme here is that whatever wall pieces are inbetween two towers inherit the control // groups of both of the towers they are connected to (either newly constructed ones as part of the wall, or existing // towers in the case of snapping). The towers themselves all keep their default unique control groups. // To support this, every non-tower piece registers the entity ID of the towers (or foundations thereof) that neighbour // it on either side. Specifically, each non-tower wall piece has its primary control group set equal to that of the // first tower encountered towards the starting side of the wall, and its secondary control group set equal to that of // the first tower encountered towards the ending side of the wall (if any). // We can't build the whole wall at once by linearly stepping through the wall pieces and build them, because the // wall segments may/will need the entity IDs of towers that come afterwards. So, build it in two passes: // // FIRST PASS: // - Go from start to end and construct wall piece foundations as far as we can without running into a piece that // cannot be built (e.g. because it is obstructed). At each non-tower, set the most recently built tower's ID // as the primary control group, thus allowing it to be built overlapping the previous piece. // - If we encounter a new tower along the way (which will gain its own control group), do the following: // o First build it using temporarily the same control group of the previous (non-tower) piece // o Set the previous piece's secondary control group to the tower's entity ID // o Restore the primary control group of the constructed tower back its original (unique) value. // The temporary control group is necessary to allow the newer tower with its unique control group ID to be able // to be placed while overlapping the previous piece. // // SECOND PASS: // - Go end to start from the last successfully placed wall piece (which might be a tower we backtracked to), this // time registering the right neighbouring tower in each non-tower piece. // first pass; L -> R var lastTowerIndex = -1; // index of the last tower we've encountered in cmd.pieces var lastTowerControlGroup = null; // control group of the last tower we've encountered, to assign to non-tower pieces // If we're snapping to an existing entity at the starting end, set lastTowerControlGroup to its control group ID so that // the first wall piece can be built while overlapping it. if (cmd.startSnappedEntity) { var cmpSnappedStartObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.startSnappedEntity, IID_Obstruction); if (!cmpSnappedStartObstruction) { error("[TryConstructWall] Snapped entity on starting side does not have an obstruction component"); return; } lastTowerControlGroup = cmpSnappedStartObstruction.GetControlGroup(); //warn("setting lastTowerControlGroup to control group of start snapped entity " + cmd.startSnappedEntity + ": " + lastTowerControlGroup); } var i = 0; var queued = cmd.queued; var pieces = clone(cmd.pieces); for (; i < pieces.length; ++i) { var piece = pieces[i]; // All wall pieces after the first must be queued. if (i > 0 && !queued) queued = true; // 'lastTowerControlGroup' must always be defined and valid here, except if we're at the first piece and we didn't do // start position snapping (implying that the first entity we build must be a tower) if (lastTowerControlGroup === null || lastTowerControlGroup == INVALID_ENTITY) { if (!(i == 0 && piece.template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower && !cmd.startSnappedEntity)) { error("[TryConstructWall] Expected last tower control group to be available, none found (1st pass, iteration " + i + ")"); break; } } var constructPieceCmd = { "type": "construct", "entities": cmd.entities, "template": piece.template, "x": piece.x, "z": piece.z, "angle": piece.angle, "autorepair": cmd.autorepair, "autocontinue": cmd.autocontinue, "queued": queued, // Regardless of whether we're building a tower or an intermediate wall piece, it is always (first) constructed // using the control group of the last tower (see comments above). "obstructionControlGroup": lastTowerControlGroup, }; // If we're building the last piece and we're attaching to a snapped entity, we need to add in the snapped entity's // control group directly at construction time (instead of setting it in the second pass) to allow it to be built // while overlapping the snapped entity. if (i == pieces.length - 1 && cmd.endSnappedEntity) { var cmpEndSnappedObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.endSnappedEntity, IID_Obstruction); if (cmpEndSnappedObstruction) constructPieceCmd.obstructionControlGroup2 = cmpEndSnappedObstruction.GetControlGroup(); } var pieceEntityId = TryConstructBuilding(player, cmpPlayer, controlAllUnits, constructPieceCmd); if (pieceEntityId) { // wall piece foundation successfully built, save the entity ID in the piece info object so we can reference it later piece.ent = pieceEntityId; // if we built a tower, do the control group dance (see outline above) and update lastTowerControlGroup and lastTowerIndex if (piece.template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { var cmpTowerObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(pieceEntityId, IID_Obstruction); var newTowerControlGroup = pieceEntityId; if (i > 0) { //warn(" updating previous wall piece's secondary control group to " + newTowerControlGroup); var cmpPreviousObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(pieces[i-1].ent, IID_Obstruction); // TODO: ensure that cmpPreviousObstruction exists // TODO: ensure that the previous obstruction does not yet have a secondary control group set cmpPreviousObstruction.SetControlGroup2(newTowerControlGroup); } // TODO: ensure that cmpTowerObstruction exists cmpTowerObstruction.SetControlGroup(newTowerControlGroup); // give the tower its own unique control group lastTowerIndex = i; lastTowerControlGroup = newTowerControlGroup; } } else // failed to build wall piece, abort break; } var lastBuiltPieceIndex = i - 1; var wallComplete = (lastBuiltPieceIndex == pieces.length - 1); // At this point, 'i' is the index of the last wall piece that was successfully constructed (which may or may not be a tower). // Now do the second pass going right-to-left, registering the control groups of the towers to the right of each piece (if any) // as their secondary control groups. lastTowerControlGroup = null; // control group of the last tower we've encountered, to assign to non-tower pieces // only start off with the ending side's snapped tower's control group if we were able to build the entire wall if (cmd.endSnappedEntity && wallComplete) { var cmpSnappedEndObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(cmd.endSnappedEntity, IID_Obstruction); if (!cmpSnappedEndObstruction) { error("[TryConstructWall] Snapped entity on ending side does not have an obstruction component"); return; } lastTowerControlGroup = cmpSnappedEndObstruction.GetControlGroup(); } for (var j = lastBuiltPieceIndex; j >= 0; --j) { var piece = pieces[j]; if (!piece.ent) { error("[TryConstructWall] No entity ID set for constructed entity of template '" + piece.template + "'"); continue; } var cmpPieceObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(piece.ent, IID_Obstruction); if (!cmpPieceObstruction) { error("[TryConstructWall] Wall piece of template '" + piece.template + "' has no Obstruction component"); continue; } if (piece.template == cmd.wallSet.templates.tower) { // encountered a tower entity, update the last tower control group lastTowerControlGroup = cmpPieceObstruction.GetControlGroup(); } else { // Encountered a non-tower entity, update its secondary control group to 'lastTowerControlGroup'. // Note that the wall piece may already have its secondary control group set to the tower's entity ID from a control group // dance during the first pass, in which case we should validate it against 'lastTowerControlGroup'. var existingSecondaryControlGroup = cmpPieceObstruction.GetControlGroup2(); if (existingSecondaryControlGroup == INVALID_ENTITY) { if (lastTowerControlGroup != null && lastTowerControlGroup != INVALID_ENTITY) { cmpPieceObstruction.SetControlGroup2(lastTowerControlGroup); } } else if (existingSecondaryControlGroup != lastTowerControlGroup) { error("[TryConstructWall] Existing secondary control group of non-tower entity does not match expected value (2nd pass, iteration " + j + ")"); break; } } } } /** * Remove the given list of entities from their current formations. */ function RemoveFromFormation(ents) { let formation = ExtractFormations(ents); for (let fid in formation.members) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(+fid, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.RemoveMembers(formation.members[fid]); } } /** * Returns a list of UnitAI components, each belonging either to a * selected unit or to a formation entity for groups of the selected units. */ function GetFormationUnitAIs(ents, player, cmd, formationTemplate, forceTemplate) { // If an individual was selected, remove it from any formation // and command it individually. if (ents.length == 1) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ents[0], IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) return []; RemoveFromFormation(ents); return [ cmpUnitAI ]; } let formationUnitAIs = []; // Find what formations the selected entities are currently in, // and default to that unless the formation is forced or it's the null formation // (we want that to reset whatever formations units are in). if (formationTemplate != NULL_FORMATION) { let formation = ExtractFormations(ents); let formationIds = Object.keys(formation.members); if (formationIds.length == 1) { // Selected units either belong to this formation or have no formation. let fid = formationIds[0]; let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(+fid, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation && cmpFormation.GetMemberCount() == formation.members[fid].length && cmpFormation.GetMemberCount() == formation.entities.length) { cmpFormation.DeleteTwinFormations(); // The whole formation was selected, so reuse its controller for this command. if (!forceTemplate || formationTemplate == formation.templates[fid]) { formationTemplate = formation.templates[fid]; formationUnitAIs = [Engine.QueryInterface(+fid, IID_UnitAI)]; } else if (formationTemplate && CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(formation.entities, formationTemplate)) formationUnitAIs = [cmpFormation.LoadFormation(formationTemplate)]; } else if (cmpFormation && !forceTemplate) { // Just reuse the template. formationTemplate = formation.templates[fid]; } } else if (formationIds.length) { // Check if all entities share a common formation, if so reuse this template. let template = formation.templates[formationIds[0]]; for (let i = 1; i < formationIds.length; ++i) if (formation.templates[formationIds[i]] != template) { template = null; break; } if (template && !forceTemplate) formationTemplate = template; } } // Separate out the units that don't support the chosen formation. let formedUnits = []; let nonformedUnitAIs = []; for (let ent of ents) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); if (!cmpUnitAI || !cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) continue; let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity); // TODO: We only check if the formation is usable by some units // if we move them to it. We should check if we can use formations // for the other cases. let nullFormation = (formationTemplate || cmpUnitAI.GetFormationTemplate()) == NULL_FORMATION; if (nullFormation || !cmpIdentity || !cmpIdentity.CanUseFormation(formationTemplate || NULL_FORMATION)) { if (nullFormation && cmpUnitAI.GetFormationController()) cmpUnitAI.LeaveFormation(cmd.queued || false); nonformedUnitAIs.push(cmpUnitAI); } else formedUnits.push(ent); } if (nonformedUnitAIs.length == ents.length) { // No units support the formation. return nonformedUnitAIs; } if (!formationUnitAIs.length) { // We need to give the selected units a new formation controller. // TODO replace the fixed 60 with something sensible, based on vision range f.e. let formationSeparation = 60; let clusters = ClusterEntities(formedUnits, formationSeparation); let formationEnts = []; for (let cluster of clusters) { RemoveFromFormation(cluster); if (!formationTemplate || !CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(cluster, formationTemplate)) { for (let ent of cluster) nonformedUnitAIs.push(Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI)); continue; } // Create the new controller. let formationEnt = Engine.AddEntity(formationTemplate); let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(formationEnt, IID_Formation); formationUnitAIs.push(Engine.QueryInterface(formationEnt, IID_UnitAI)); cmpFormation.SetFormationSeparation(formationSeparation); cmpFormation.SetMembers(cluster); for (let ent of formationEnts) cmpFormation.RegisterTwinFormation(ent); formationEnts.push(formationEnt); let cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(formationEnt, IID_Ownership); cmpOwnership.SetOwner(player); } } return nonformedUnitAIs.concat(formationUnitAIs); } /** * Group a list of entities in clusters via single-links */ function ClusterEntities(ents, separationDistance) { let clusters = []; if (!ents.length) return clusters; let distSq = separationDistance * separationDistance; let positions = []; // triangular matrix with the (squared) distances between the different clusters // the other half is not initialised let matrix = []; for (let i = 0; i < ents.length; ++i) { matrix[i] = []; clusters.push([ents[i]]); let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ents[i], IID_Position); positions.push(cmpPosition.GetPosition2D()); for (let j = 0; j < i; ++j) matrix[i][j] = positions[i].distanceToSquared(positions[j]); } while (clusters.length > 1) { // search two clusters that are closer than the required distance let closeClusters = undefined; for (let i = matrix.length - 1; i >= 0 && !closeClusters; --i) for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0 && !closeClusters; --j) if (matrix[i][j] < distSq) closeClusters = [i,j]; // if no more close clusters found, just return all found clusters so far if (!closeClusters) return clusters; // make a new cluster with the entities from the two found clusters let newCluster = clusters[closeClusters[0]].concat(clusters[closeClusters[1]]); // calculate the minimum distance between the new cluster and all other remaining // clusters by taking the minimum of the two distances. let distances = []; for (let i = 0; i < clusters.length; ++i) { let a = closeClusters[1]; let b = closeClusters[0]; if (i == a || i == b) continue; let dist1 = matrix[a][i] !== undefined ? matrix[a][i] : matrix[i][a]; let dist2 = matrix[b][i] !== undefined ? matrix[b][i] : matrix[i][b]; distances.push(Math.min(dist1, dist2)); } // remove the rows and columns in the matrix for the merged clusters, // and the clusters themselves from the cluster list clusters.splice(closeClusters[0],1); clusters.splice(closeClusters[1],1); matrix.splice(closeClusters[0],1); matrix.splice(closeClusters[1],1); for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; ++i) { if (matrix[i].length > closeClusters[0]) matrix[i].splice(closeClusters[0],1); if (matrix[i].length > closeClusters[1]) matrix[i].splice(closeClusters[1],1); } // add a new row of distances to the matrix and the new cluster clusters.push(newCluster); matrix.push(distances); } return clusters; } function GetFormationRequirements(formationTemplate) { var template = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager).GetTemplate(formationTemplate); if (!template.Formation) return false; return { "minCount": +template.Formation.RequiredMemberCount }; } function CanMoveEntsIntoFormation(ents, formationTemplate) { // TODO: should check the player's civ is allowed to use this formation // See simulation/components/Player.js GetFormations() for a list of all allowed formations var requirements = GetFormationRequirements(formationTemplate); if (!requirements) return false; var count = 0; for (let ent of ents) { var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Identity); if (!cmpIdentity || !cmpIdentity.CanUseFormation(formationTemplate)) continue; ++count; } return count >= requirements.minCount; } /** * Check if player can control this entity * returns: true if the entity is owned by the player and controllable * or control all units is activated, else false */ function CanControlUnit(entity, player, controlAll) { let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(entity, IID_Identity); let canBeControlled = IsOwnedByPlayer(player, entity) && (!cmpIdentity || cmpIdentity.IsControllable()) || controlAll; if (!canBeControlled) notifyOrderFailure(entity, player); return canBeControlled; } /** * @param {number} entity - The entityID to verify. * @param {number} player - The playerID to check against. * @return {boolean}. */ function IsOwnedByPlayerOrMutualAlly(entity, player) { return IsOwnedByPlayer(player, entity) || IsOwnedByMutualAllyOfPlayer(player, entity); } /** * Check if player can control this entity * @return {boolean} - True if the entity is valid and controlled by the player * or the entity is owned by an mutualAlly and can be controlled * or control all units is activated, else false. */ function CanPlayerOrAllyControlUnit(entity, player, controlAll) { return CanControlUnit(player, entity, controlAll) || IsOwnedByMutualAllyOfPlayer(player, entity) && CanOwnerControlEntity(entity); } /** * @return {boolean} - Whether the owner of this entity can control the entity. */ function CanOwnerControlEntity(entity) { let cmpOwner = QueryOwnerInterface(entity); return cmpOwner && CanControlUnit(entity, cmpOwner.GetPlayerID()); } /** * Filter entities which the player can control. */ function FilterEntityList(entities, player, controlAll) { return entities.filter(ent => CanControlUnit(ent, player, controlAll)); } /** * Filter entities which the player can control or are mutualAlly */ function FilterEntityListWithAllies(entities, player, controlAll) { return entities.filter(ent => CanPlayerOrAllyControlUnit(ent, player, controlAll)); } /** * Incur the player with the cost of a bribe, optionally multiply the cost with * the additionalMultiplier */ function IncurBribeCost(template, player, playerBribed, failedBribe) { let cmpPlayerBribed = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerBribed); if (!cmpPlayerBribed) return false; let costs = {}; // Additional cost for this owner let multiplier = cmpPlayerBribed.GetSpyCostMultiplier(); if (failedBribe) multiplier *= template.VisionSharing.FailureCostRatio; for (let res in template.Cost.Resources) costs[res] = Math.floor(multiplier * ApplyValueModificationsToTemplate("Cost/Resources/" + res, +template.Cost.Resources[res], player, template)); let cmpPlayer = QueryPlayerIDInterface(player); return cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer.TrySubtractResources(costs); } Engine.RegisterGlobal("GetFormationRequirements", GetFormationRequirements); Engine.RegisterGlobal("CanMoveEntsIntoFormation", CanMoveEntsIntoFormation); Engine.RegisterGlobal("GetDockAngle", GetDockAngle); Engine.RegisterGlobal("ProcessCommand", ProcessCommand); Engine.RegisterGlobal("g_Commands", g_Commands); Engine.RegisterGlobal("IncurBribeCost", IncurBribeCost); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js (revision 24998) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/RallyPointCommands.js (revision 24999) @@ -1,147 +1,165 @@ // Returns an array of commands suitable for ProcessCommand() based on the rally point data. // This assumes that the rally point has a valid position. function GetRallyPointCommands(cmpRallyPoint, spawnedEnts) { let data = cmpRallyPoint.GetData(); let rallyPos = cmpRallyPoint.GetPositions(); let ret = []; for (let i = 0; i < rallyPos.length; ++i) { // Look and see if there is a command in the rally point data, otherwise just walk there. let command = data[i] && data[i].command ? data[i].command : "walk"; // If a target was set and the target no longer exists, or no longer // has a valid position, then just walk to the rally point. if (data[i] && data[i].target) { let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(data[i].target, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) - command = command == "gather" ? "gather-near-position" : "walk"; + { + if (command == "gather") + command = "gather-near-position"; + else if (command == "collect-treasure") + command = "collect-treasure-near-position"; + else + command = "walk"; + } } switch (command) { case "gather": ret.push({ "type": "gather", "entities": spawnedEnts, "target": data[i].target, "queued": true }); break; case "gather-near-position": ret.push({ "type": "gather-near-position", "entities": spawnedEnts, "x": rallyPos[i].x, "z": rallyPos[i].z, "resourceType": data[i].resourceType, "resourceTemplate": data[i].resourceTemplate, "queued": true }); break; case "repair": case "build": ret.push({ "type": "repair", "entities": spawnedEnts, "target": data[i].target, "queued": true, "autocontinue": i == rallyPos.length - 1 }); break; case "garrison": ret.push({ "type": "garrison", "entities": spawnedEnts, "target": data[i].target, "queued": true }); break; case "attack-walk": ret.push({ "type": "attack-walk", "entities": spawnedEnts, "x": rallyPos[i].x, "z": rallyPos[i].z, "targetClasses": data[i].targetClasses, "queued": true }); break; case "patrol": ret.push({ "type": "patrol", "entities": spawnedEnts, "x": rallyPos[i].x, "z": rallyPos[i].z, "target": data[i].target, "targetClasses": data[i].targetClasses, "queued": true }); break; case "attack": ret.push({ "type": "attack", "entities": spawnedEnts, "target": data[i].target, "queued": true, }); break; case "trade": ret.push({ "type": "setup-trade-route", "entities": spawnedEnts, "source": data[i].source, "target": data[i].target, "route": undefined, "queued": true }); break; case "collect-treasure": ret.push({ "type": "collect-treasure", "entities": spawnedEnts, "target": data[i].target, "queued": true, + "autocontinue": i == rallyPos.length - 1 + }); + break; + case "collect-treasure-near-position": + ret.push({ + "type": "collect-treasure-near-position", + "entities": spawnedEnts, + "x": rallyPos[i].x, + "z": rallyPos[i].z, + "queued": true, + "autocontinue": i == rallyPos.length - 1 }); break; default: ret.push({ "type": "walk", "entities": spawnedEnts, "x": rallyPos[i].x, "z": rallyPos[i].z, "queued": true }); break; } } // special case: trade route with waypoints // (we do not modify the RallyPoint before, as we want it to be displayed with all way-points) if (ret.length > 1 && ret[ret.length-1].type == "setup-trade-route") { let route = []; let waypoints = ret.length - 1; for (let i = 0; i < waypoints; ++i) { if (ret[i].type != "walk") { route = undefined; break; } route.push({ "x": ret[i].x, "z": ret[i].z }); } if (route && route.length > 0) { ret.splice(0, waypoints); ret[0].route = route; } } return ret; } Engine.RegisterGlobal("GetRallyPointCommands", GetRallyPointCommands);