Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/tooltips.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/tooltips.js (revision 26235) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/common/tooltips.js (revision 26236) @@ -1,1235 +1,1235 @@ var g_TooltipTextFormats = { "unit": { "font": "sans-10", "color": "orange" }, "header": { "font": "sans-bold-13" }, "body": { "font": "sans-13" }, "comma": { "font": "sans-12" }, "namePrimaryBig": { "font": "sans-bold-16" }, "namePrimarySmall": { "font": "sans-bold-12" }, "nameSecondary": { "font": "sans-bold-16" } }; var g_SpecificNamesPrimary = Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "gui.session.howtoshownames") == 0 || Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "gui.session.howtoshownames") == 2; var g_ShowSecondaryNames = Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "gui.session.howtoshownames") == 0 || Engine.ConfigDB_GetValue("user", "gui.session.howtoshownames") == 1; function initDisplayedNames() { registerConfigChangeHandler(changes => { if (changes.has("gui.session.howtoshownames")) updateDisplayedNames(); }); } /** * String of four spaces to be used as indentation in gui strings. */ var g_Indent = " "; var g_DamageTypesMetadata = new DamageTypesMetadata(); var g_StatusEffectsMetadata = new StatusEffectsMetadata(); /** * If true, always shows whether the splash damage deals friendly fire. * Otherwise display the friendly fire tooltip only if it does. */ var g_AlwaysDisplayFriendlyFire = false; function getCostTypes() { return g_ResourceData.GetCodes().concat(["population", "time"]); } function resourceIcon(resource) { return '[icon="icon_' + resource + '"]'; } function resourceNameFirstWord(type) { return translateWithContext("firstWord", g_ResourceData.GetNames()[type]); } function resourceNameWithinSentence(type) { return translateWithContext("withinSentence", g_ResourceData.GetNames()[type]); } /** * Format resource amounts to proper english and translate (for example: "200 food, 100 wood and 300 metal"). */ function getLocalizedResourceAmounts(resources) { let amounts = g_ResourceData.GetCodes() .filter(type => !!resources[type]) .map(type => sprintf(translate("%(amount)s %(resourceType)s"), { "amount": resources[type], "resourceType": resourceNameWithinSentence(type) })); if (amounts.length < 2) return amounts.join(); let lastAmount = amounts.pop(); return sprintf(translate("%(previousAmounts)s and %(lastAmount)s"), { // Translation: This comma is used for separating first to penultimate elements in an enumeration. "previousAmounts": amounts.join(translate(", ")), "lastAmount": lastAmount }); } function bodyFont(text) { return setStringTags(text, g_TooltipTextFormats.body); } function headerFont(text) { return setStringTags(text, g_TooltipTextFormats.header); } function unitFont(text) { return setStringTags(text, g_TooltipTextFormats.unit); } function commaFont(text) { return setStringTags(text, g_TooltipTextFormats.comma); } function getSecondsString(seconds) { return sprintf(translatePlural("%(time)s %(second)s", "%(time)s %(second)s", seconds), { "time": seconds, "second": unitFont(translatePlural("second", "seconds", seconds)) }); } /** * Entity templates have a `Tooltip` tag in the Identity component. * (The contents of which are copied to a `tooltip` attribute in globalscripts.) * * Technologies have a `tooltip` attribute. */ function getEntityTooltip(template) { if (!template.tooltip) return ""; return bodyFont(template.tooltip); } /** * Technologies have a `description` attribute, and Auras have an `auraDescription` * attribute, which becomes `description`. * * (For technologies, this happens in globalscripts.) * * (For auras, this happens either in the Auras component (for session gui) or * reference/common/load.js (for Reference Suite gui)) */ function getDescriptionTooltip(template) { if (!template.description) return ""; return bodyFont(template.description); } /** * Entity templates have a `History` tag in the Identity component. * (The contents of which are copied to a `history` attribute in globalscripts.) */ function getHistoryTooltip(template) { if (!template.history) return ""; return bodyFont(template.history); } function getHealthTooltip(template) { if (! return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Health:")), "details": }); } function getCurrentHealthTooltip(entState, label) { if (!entState.maxHitpoints) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(healthLabel)s %(current)s / %(max)s"), { "healthLabel": headerFont(label || translate("Health:")), "current": Math.round(entState.hitpoints), "max": Math.round(entState.maxHitpoints) }); } function getCurrentCaptureTooltip(entState, label) { if (!entState.maxCapturePoints) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(captureLabel)s %(current)s / %(max)s"), { "captureLabel": headerFont(label || translate("Capture points:")), "current": Math.round(entState.capturePoints[entState.player]), "max": Math.round(entState.maxCapturePoints) }); } /** * Converts an resistance level into the actual reduction percentage. */ function resistanceLevelToPercentageString(level) { return sprintf(translate("%(percentage)s%%"), { "percentage": (100 - Math.round(Math.pow(0.9, level) * 100)) }); } function getResistanceTooltip(template) { if (!template.resistance) return ""; let details = []; if (template.resistance.Damage) details.push(getDamageResistanceTooltip(template.resistance.Damage)); if (template.resistance.Capture) details.push(getCaptureResistanceTooltip(template.resistance.Capture)); if (template.resistance.ApplyStatus) details.push(getStatusEffectsResistanceTooltip(template.resistance.ApplyStatus)); return details.length ? sprintf(translate("%(label)s\n%(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Resistance:")), "details": g_Indent + details.join("\n" + g_Indent) }) : ""; } function getDamageResistanceTooltip(resistanceTypeTemplate) { if (!resistanceTypeTemplate) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Damage:")), "details": g_DamageTypesMetadata.sort(Object.keys(resistanceTypeTemplate)).map( dmgType => sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(resistancePercentage)s"), { "damage": resistanceTypeTemplate[dmgType].toFixed(1), "damageType": unitFont(translateWithContext("damage type", g_DamageTypesMetadata.getName(dmgType))), "resistancePercentage": '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(resistancePercentage)s)"), { "resistancePercentage": resistanceLevelToPercentageString(resistanceTypeTemplate[dmgType]) }) + '[/font]' }) ).join(commaFont(translate(", "))) }); } function getCaptureResistanceTooltip(resistanceTypeTemplate) { if (!resistanceTypeTemplate) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Capture:")), "details": sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(resistancePercentage)s"), { "damage": resistanceTypeTemplate.toFixed(1), "damageType": unitFont(translateWithContext("damage type", "Capture")), "resistancePercentage": '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(resistancePercentage)s)"), { "resistancePercentage": resistanceLevelToPercentageString(resistanceTypeTemplate) }) + '[/font]' }) }); } function getStatusEffectsResistanceTooltip(resistanceTypeTemplate) { if (!resistanceTypeTemplate) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Status Effects:")), "details": Object.keys(resistanceTypeTemplate).map( statusEffect => { if (resistanceTypeTemplate[statusEffect].blockChance == 1) return sprintf(translate("Blocks %(name)s"), { "name": unitFont(translateWithContext("status effect", g_StatusEffectsMetadata.getName(statusEffect))) }); if (resistanceTypeTemplate[statusEffect].blockChance == 0) return sprintf(translate("%(name)s %(details)s"), { "name": unitFont(translateWithContext("status effect", g_StatusEffectsMetadata.getName(statusEffect))), "details": sprintf(translate("Duration reduction: %(durationReduction)s%%"), { "durationReduction": (100 - resistanceTypeTemplate[statusEffect].duration * 100) }) }); if (resistanceTypeTemplate[statusEffect].duration == 1) return sprintf(translate("%(name)s %(details)s"), { "name": unitFont(translateWithContext("status effect", g_StatusEffectsMetadata.getName(statusEffect))), "details": sprintf(translate("Blocks: %(blockPercentage)s%%"), { "blockPercentage": resistanceTypeTemplate[statusEffect].blockChance * 100 }) }); return sprintf(translate("%(name)s %(details)s"), { "name": unitFont(translateWithContext("status effect", g_StatusEffectsMetadata.getName(statusEffect))), "details": sprintf(translate("Blocks: %(blockPercentage)s%%, Duration reduction: %(durationReduction)s%%"), { "blockPercentage": resistanceTypeTemplate[statusEffect].blockChance * 100, "durationReduction": (100 - resistanceTypeTemplate[statusEffect].duration * 100) }) }); } ).join(commaFont(translate(", "))) }); } function attackRateDetails(interval, projectiles) { if (!interval) return ""; if (projectiles === 0) return translate("Garrison to fire arrows"); let attackRateString = getSecondsString(interval / 1000); let header = headerFont(translate("Interval:")); if (projectiles && +projectiles > 1) { header = headerFont(translate("Rate:")); let projectileString = sprintf(translatePlural("%(projectileCount)s %(projectileName)s", "%(projectileCount)s %(projectileName)s", projectiles), { "projectileCount": projectiles, "projectileName": unitFont(translatePlural("arrow", "arrows", projectiles)) }); attackRateString = sprintf(translate("%(projectileString)s / %(attackRateString)s"), { "projectileString": projectileString, "attackRateString": attackRateString }); } return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": header, "details": attackRateString }); } function rangeDetails(attackTypeTemplate) { if (!attackTypeTemplate.maxRange) return ""; let rangeTooltipString = { "relative": { // Translation: For example: Range: 2 to 10 (+2) meters "minRange": translate("%(rangeLabel)s %(minRange)s to %(maxRange)s (%(relativeRange)s) %(rangeUnit)s"), // Translation: For example: Range: 10 (+2) meters "no-minRange": translate("%(rangeLabel)s %(maxRange)s (%(relativeRange)s) %(rangeUnit)s"), }, "non-relative": { // Translation: For example: Range: 2 to 10 meters "minRange": translate("%(rangeLabel)s %(minRange)s to %(maxRange)s %(rangeUnit)s"), // Translation: For example: Range: 10 meters "no-minRange": translate("%(rangeLabel)s %(maxRange)s %(rangeUnit)s"), } }; let minRange = Math.round(attackTypeTemplate.minRange); let maxRange = Math.round(attackTypeTemplate.maxRange); let realRange = attackTypeTemplate.elevationAdaptedRange; let relativeRange = realRange ? Math.round(realRange - maxRange) : 0; return sprintf(rangeTooltipString[relativeRange ? "relative" : "non-relative"][minRange ? "minRange" : "no-minRange"], { "rangeLabel": headerFont(translate("Range:")), "minRange": minRange, "maxRange": maxRange, "relativeRange": relativeRange > 0 ? sprintf(translate("+%(number)s"), { "number": relativeRange }) : relativeRange, "rangeUnit": unitFont(minRange || relativeRange ? // Translation: For example "0.5 to 1 meters", "1 (+1) meters" or "1 to 2 (+3) meters" translate("meters") : translatePlural("meter", "meters", maxRange)) }); } function damageDetails(damageTemplate) { if (!damageTemplate) return ""; return g_DamageTypesMetadata.sort(Object.keys(damageTemplate).filter(dmgType => damageTemplate[dmgType])).map( dmgType => sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), { "damage": (+damageTemplate[dmgType]).toFixed(1), "damageType": unitFont(translateWithContext("damage type", g_DamageTypesMetadata.getName(dmgType))) })).join(commaFont(translate(", "))); } function captureDetails(captureTemplate) { if (!captureTemplate) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(amount)s %(name)s"), { "amount": (+captureTemplate).toFixed(1), "name": unitFont(translateWithContext("damage type", "Capture")) }); } function splashDetails(splashTemplate) { let splashLabel = sprintf(headerFont(translate("%(splashShape)s Splash")), { "splashShape": translate(splashTemplate.shape) }); let splashDamageTooltip = sprintf(translate("%(label)s: %(effects)s"), { "label": splashLabel, "effects": attackEffectsDetails(splashTemplate) }); if (g_AlwaysDisplayFriendlyFire || splashTemplate.friendlyFire) splashDamageTooltip += commaFont(translate(", ")) + sprintf(translate("Friendly Fire: %(enabled)s"), { "enabled": splashTemplate.friendlyFire ? translate("Yes") : translate("No") }); return splashDamageTooltip; } function applyStatusDetails(applyStatusTemplate) { if (!applyStatusTemplate) return ""; return sprintf(translate("gives %(name)s"), { "name": Object.keys(applyStatusTemplate).map(x => unitFont(translateWithContext("status effect", g_StatusEffectsMetadata.getName(x))) ).join(commaFont(translate(", "))), }); } function attackEffectsDetails(attackTypeTemplate) { if (!attackTypeTemplate) return ""; let effects = [ captureDetails(attackTypeTemplate.Capture || undefined), damageDetails(attackTypeTemplate.Damage || undefined), applyStatusDetails(attackTypeTemplate.ApplyStatus || undefined) ]; return effects.filter(effect => effect).join(commaFont(translate(", "))); } function getAttackTooltip(template) { if (!template.attack) return ""; let tooltips = []; for (let attackType in template.attack) { // Slaughter is used to kill animals, so do not show it. if (attackType == "Slaughter") continue; let attackTypeTemplate = template.attack[attackType]; let attackLabel = sprintf(headerFont(translate("%(attackType)s")), { "attackType": translateWithContext(attackTypeTemplate.attackName.context || "Name of an attack, usually the weapon.", }); let projectiles; // Use either current rate from simulation or default count if the sim is not running. // TODO: This ought to be extended to include units which fire multiple projectiles. if (template.buildingAI) projectiles = template.buildingAI.arrowCount || template.buildingAI.defaultArrowCount; let splashTemplate = attackTypeTemplate.splash; // Show the effects of status effects below. let statusEffectsDetails = []; if (attackTypeTemplate.ApplyStatus) for (let status in attackTypeTemplate.ApplyStatus) statusEffectsDetails.push("\n" + g_Indent + g_Indent + getStatusEffectsTooltip(status, attackTypeTemplate.ApplyStatus[status], true)); statusEffectsDetails = statusEffectsDetails.join(""); tooltips.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s: %(effects)s, %(range)s, %(rate)s%(statusEffects)s%(splash)s"), { "attackLabel": attackLabel, "effects": attackEffectsDetails(attackTypeTemplate), "range": rangeDetails(attackTypeTemplate), "rate": attackRateDetails(attackTypeTemplate.repeatTime, projectiles), "splash": splashTemplate ? "\n" + g_Indent + g_Indent + splashDetails(splashTemplate) : "", "statusEffects": statusEffectsDetails })); } return sprintf(translate("%(label)s\n%(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Attack:")), "details": g_Indent + tooltips.join("\n" + g_Indent) }); } /** * @param applier - if true, return the tooltip for the Applier. If false, Receiver is returned. */ function getStatusEffectsTooltip(statusCode, template, applier) { let tooltipAttributes = []; let statusData = g_StatusEffectsMetadata.getData(statusCode); if (template.Damage || template.Capture) tooltipAttributes.push(attackEffectsDetails(template)); if (template.Interval) tooltipAttributes.push(attackRateDetails(+template.Interval)); if (template.Duration) tooltipAttributes.push(getStatusEffectDurationTooltip(template)); if (applier && statusData.applierTooltip) tooltipAttributes.push(translateWithContext("status effect", statusData.applierTooltip)); else if (!applier && statusData.receiverTooltip) tooltipAttributes.push(translateWithContext("status effect", statusData.receiverTooltip)); if (applier) return sprintf(translate("%(statusName)s: %(statusInfo)s %(stackability)s"), { "statusName": headerFont(translateWithContext("status effect", statusData.statusName)), "statusInfo": tooltipAttributes.join(commaFont(translate(", "))), "stackability": getStatusEffectStackabilityTooltip(template) }); return sprintf(translate("%(statusName)s: %(statusInfo)s"), { "statusName": headerFont(translateWithContext("status effect", statusData.statusName)), "statusInfo": tooltipAttributes.join(commaFont(translate(", "))) }); } function getStatusEffectDurationTooltip(template) { if (!template.Duration) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(durName)s: %(duration)s"), { "durName": headerFont(translate("Duration")), "duration": getSecondsString((template._timeElapsed ? +template.Duration - template._timeElapsed : +template.Duration) / 1000) }); } function getStatusEffectStackabilityTooltip(template) { if (!template.Stackability || template.Stackability == "Ignore") return ""; let stackabilityString = ""; if (template.Stackability === "Extend") stackabilityString = translateWithContext("status effect stackability", "(extends)"); else if (template.Stackability === "Replace") stackabilityString = translateWithContext("status effect stackability", "(replaces)"); else if (template.Stackability === "Stack") stackabilityString = translateWithContext("status effect stackability", "(stacks)"); return sprintf(translate("%(stackability)s"), { "stackability": stackabilityString }); } function getGarrisonTooltip(template) { let tooltips = []; if (template.garrisonHolder) { tooltips.push ( sprintf(translate("%(label)s: %(garrisonLimit)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Garrison Limit")), "garrisonLimit": template.garrisonHolder.capacity }) ); if (template.garrisonHolder.buffHeal) tooltips.push( sprintf(translate("%(healRateLabel)s %(value)s %(health)s / %(second)s"), { "healRateLabel": headerFont(translate("Heal:")), "value": Math.round(template.garrisonHolder.buffHeal), "health": unitFont(translateWithContext("garrison tooltip", "Health")), "second": unitFont(translate("second")), }) ); tooltips.join(commaFont(translate(", "))); } if (template.garrisonable) { let extraSize; if (template.garrisonHolder) extraSize = template.garrisonHolder.occupiedSlots; if (template.garrisonable.size > 1 || extraSize) tooltips.push ( sprintf(translate("%(label)s: %(garrisonSize)s %(extraSize)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Garrison Size")), "garrisonSize": template.garrisonable.size, "extraSize": extraSize ? translateWithContext("nested garrison", "+ ") + extraSize : "" }) ); } return tooltips.join("\n"); } function getTurretsTooltip(template) { if (!template.turretHolder) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s: %(turretsLimit)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Turret Positions")), "turretsLimit": Object.keys(template.turretHolder.turretPoints).length }); } function getProjectilesTooltip(template) { if (!template.garrisonHolder || !template.buildingAI) return ""; let limit = Math.min( template.buildingAI.maxArrowCount || Infinity, template.buildingAI.defaultArrowCount + Math.round(template.buildingAI.garrisonArrowMultiplier * template.garrisonHolder.capacity) ); if (!limit) return ""; return [ sprintf(translate("%(label)s: %(value)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Projectile Limit")), "value": limit }), sprintf(translate("%(label)s: %(value)s"), { "label": headerFont(translateWithContext("projectiles", "Default")), "value": template.buildingAI.defaultArrowCount }), sprintf(translate("%(label)s: %(value)s"), { "label": headerFont(translateWithContext("projectiles", "Per Unit")), "value": +template.buildingAI.garrisonArrowMultiplier.toFixed(2) }) ].join(commaFont(translate(", "))); } function getRepairTimeTooltip(entState) { let result = []; result.push(sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Number of repairers:")), "details": entState.repairable.numBuilders })); if (entState.repairable.numBuilders) { result.push(sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Remaining repair time:")), "details": getSecondsString(Math.floor(entState.repairable.buildTime.timeRemaining)) })); let timeReduction = Math.round(entState.repairable.buildTime.timeRemaining - entState.repairable.buildTime.timeRemainingNew); result.push(sprintf(translatePlural( "Add another worker to speed up the repairs by %(second)s second.", "Add another worker to speed up the repairs by %(second)s seconds.", timeReduction), { "second": timeReduction })); } else result.push(sprintf(translatePlural( "Add a worker to finish the repairs in %(second)s second.", "Add a worker to finish the repairs in %(second)s seconds.", Math.round(entState.repairable.buildTime.timeRemainingNew)), { "second": Math.round(entState.repairable.buildTime.timeRemainingNew) })); return result.join("\n"); } function getBuildTimeTooltip(entState) { let result = []; result.push(sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Number of builders:")), "details": })); if ( { result.push(sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Remaining build time:")), "details": getSecondsString(Math.floor( })); let timeReduction = Math.round( -; result.push(sprintf(translatePlural( "Add another worker to speed up the construction by %(second)s second.", "Add another worker to speed up the construction by %(second)s seconds.", timeReduction), { "second": timeReduction })); } else result.push(sprintf(translatePlural( "Add a worker to finish the construction in %(second)s second.", "Add a worker to finish the construction in %(second)s seconds.", Math.round(, { "second": Math.round( })); return result.join("\n"); } /** * Multiplies the costs for a template by a given batch size. */ function multiplyEntityCosts(template, trainNum) { let totalCosts = {}; for (let r of getCostTypes()) if (template.cost[r]) totalCosts[r] = Math.floor(template.cost[r] * trainNum); return totalCosts; } /** * Helper function for getEntityCostTooltip. */ function getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, entity, buildingsCountToTrainFullBatch = 1, fullBatchSize = 1, remainderBatch = 0) { if (!template.cost) return []; let totalCosts = multiplyEntityCosts(template, buildingsCountToTrainFullBatch * fullBatchSize + remainderBatch); if (template.cost.time) totalCosts.time = Math.ceil(template.cost.time * (entity ? Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetBatchTime", { "entity": entity, "batchSize": buildingsCountToTrainFullBatch > 0 ? fullBatchSize : remainderBatch }) : 1)); let costs = []; for (let type of getCostTypes()) if (totalCosts[type]) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": resourceIcon(type), "cost": totalCosts[type] })); return costs; } function getGatherTooltip(template) { if (!template.resourceGatherRates) return ""; let rates = {}; for (let resource of g_ResourceData.GetResources()) { let types = [resource.code]; for (let subtype in resource.subtypes) { // We ignore ruins as those are not that common if (subtype == "ruins") continue; let rate = template.resourceGatherRates[resource.code + "." + subtype]; if (rate > 0) rates[resource.code + "_" + subtype] = rate; } } if (!Object.keys(rates).length) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Gather Rates:")), "details": Object.keys(rates).map( type => sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(rate)s"), { "resourceIcon": resourceIcon(type), "rate": rates[type].toFixed(2) }) ).join(" ") }); } /** * Returns the resources this entity supplies in the specified entity's tooltip */ function getResourceSupplyTooltip(template) { if (! return ""; let supply =; // Translation: Label in tooltip showing the resource type and quantity of a given resource supply. return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(component)s %(amount)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Resource Supply:")), "component": resourceIcon(supply.type[0]), // Translation: Marks that a resource supply entity has an unending, infinite, supply of its resource. "amount": Number.isFinite(+supply.amount) ? supply.amount : translate("∞") }); } /** * @param {Object} template - The entity's template. * @return {string} - The resources this entity rewards to a collecter. */ function getTreasureTooltip(template) { if (!template.treasure) return ""; let resources = {}; for (let resource of g_ResourceData.GetResources()) { let type = resource.code; if (template.treasure.resources[type]) resources[type] = template.treasure.resources[type]; } let resourceNames = Object.keys(resources); if (!resourceNames.length) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Reward:")), "details": type => sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(reward)s"), { "resourceIcon": resourceIcon(type), "reward": resources[type] }) ).join(" ") }); } function getResourceTrickleTooltip(template) { if (!template.resourceTrickle) return ""; let resCodes = g_ResourceData.GetCodes().filter(res => !!template.resourceTrickle.rates[res]); if (!resCodes.length) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Resource Trickle:")), "details": sprintf(translate("%(resources)s / %(time)s"), { "resources": res => sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(rate)s"), { "resourceIcon": resourceIcon(res), "rate": template.resourceTrickle.rates[res] }) ).join(" "), "time": getSecondsString(template.resourceTrickle.interval / 1000) }) }); } function getUpkeepTooltip(template) { if (!template.upkeep) return ""; let resCodes = g_ResourceData.GetCodes().filter(res => !!template.upkeep.rates[res]); if (!resCodes.length) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Upkeep:")), "details": sprintf(translate("%(resources)s / %(time)s"), { "resources": res => sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(rate)s"), { "resourceIcon": resourceIcon(res), "rate": template.upkeep.rates[res] }) ).join(" "), "time": getSecondsString(template.upkeep.interval / 1000) }) }); } /** * Returns an array of strings for a set of wall pieces. If the pieces share * resource type requirements, output will be of the form '10 to 30 Stone', * otherwise output will be, e.g. '10 Stone, 20 Stone, 30 Stone'. */ function getWallPieceTooltip(wallTypes) { let out = []; let resourceCount = {}; for (let resource of getCostTypes()) if (wallTypes[0].cost[resource]) resourceCount[resource] = [wallTypes[0].cost[resource]]; let sameTypes = true; for (let i = 1; i < wallTypes.length; ++i) { for (let resource in wallTypes[i].cost) // Break out of the same-type mode if this wall requires // resource types that the first didn't. if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource] && !resourceCount[resource]) { sameTypes = false; break; } for (let resource in resourceCount) if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource]) resourceCount[resource].push(wallTypes[i].cost[resource]); else { sameTypes = false; break; } } if (sameTypes) for (let resource in resourceCount) // Translation: This string is part of the resources cost string on // the tooltip for wall structures. out.push(sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(minimum)s to %(resourceIcon)s %(maximum)s"), { "resourceIcon": resourceIcon(resource), "minimum": Math.min.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]), "maximum": Math.max.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]) })); else for (let i = 0; i < wallTypes.length; ++i) out.push(getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(wallTypes[i]).join(", ")); return out; } /** * Returns the cost information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip. */ function getEntityCostTooltip(template, player, entity, buildingsCountToTrainFullBatch, fullBatchSize, remainderBatch) { // Entities with a wallset component are proxies for initiating wall placement and as such do not have a cost of // their own; the individual wall pieces within it do. if (template.wallSet) { let templateLong = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.long, player); let templateMedium = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.medium, player); let templateShort = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.short, player); let templateTower = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.tower, player); let wallCosts = getWallPieceTooltip([templateShort, templateMedium, templateLong]); let towerCosts = getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(templateTower); return sprintf(translate("Walls: %(costs)s"), { "costs": wallCosts.join(" ") }) + "\n" + sprintf(translate("Towers: %(costs)s"), { "costs": towerCosts.join(" ") }); } if (template.cost) { let costs = getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, entity, buildingsCountToTrainFullBatch, fullBatchSize, remainderBatch).join(" "); if (costs) // Translation: Label in tooltip showing cost of a unit, structure or technology. return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(costs)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Cost:")), "costs": costs }); } return ""; } function getRequiredTechnologyTooltip(technologyEnabled, requiredTechnology, civ) { if (technologyEnabled) return ""; return sprintf(translate("Requires %(technology)s"), { "technology": getEntityNames(GetTechnologyData(requiredTechnology, civ)) }); } /** * Returns the population bonus information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip. */ function getPopulationBonusTooltip(template) { if (!template.population || !template.population.bonus) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(bonus)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Population Bonus:")), "bonus": template.population.bonus }); } /** * Returns a message with the amount of each resource needed to create an entity. */ function getNeededResourcesTooltip(resources) { if (!resources) return ""; let formatted = []; for (let resource in resources) formatted.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { "component": '[font="sans-12"]' + resourceIcon(resource) + '[/font]', - "cost": resources[resource] + "cost": Math.ceil(resources[resource]) })); return coloredText( '[font="sans-bold-13"]' + translate("Insufficient resources:") + '[/font]', "red") + " " + formatted.join(" "); } function getSpeedTooltip(template) { if (!template.speed) return ""; const walk = template.speed.walk.toFixed(1); const run =; if (walk == 0 && run == 0) return ""; const acceleration = template.speed.acceleration.toFixed(1); return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(speeds)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Speed:")), "speeds": sprintf(translate("%(speed)s %(movementType)s"), { "speed": walk, "movementType": unitFont(translate("Walk")) }) + commaFont(translate(", ")) + sprintf(translate("%(speed)s %(movementType)s"), { "speed": run, "movementType": unitFont(translate("Run")) }) + commaFont(translate(", ")) + sprintf(translate("%(speed)s %(movementType)s"), { "speed": acceleration, "movementType": unitFont(translate("Acceleration")) }) }); } function getHealerTooltip(template) { if (!template.heal) return ""; let health = +(; let range = +(template.heal.range.toFixed(0)); let interval = +((template.heal.interval / 1000).toFixed(1)); return [ sprintf(translatePlural("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", "%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", health), { "label": headerFont(translate("Heal:")), "val": health, "unit": unitFont(translatePlural("Health", "Health", health)) }), sprintf(translatePlural("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", "%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", range), { "label": headerFont(translate("Range:")), "val": range, "unit": unitFont(translatePlural("meter", "meters", range)) }), sprintf(translatePlural("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", "%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", interval), { "label": headerFont(translate("Interval:")), "val": interval, "unit": unitFont(translatePlural("second", "seconds", interval)) }) ].join(translate(", ")); } function getAurasTooltip(template) { let auras = template.auras || template.wallSet && GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.long).auras; if (!auras) return ""; let tooltips = []; for (let auraID in auras) { let tooltip = sprintf(translate("%(auralabel)s %(aurainfo)s"), { "auralabel": headerFont(sprintf(translate("%(auraname)s:"), { "auraname": getEntityNames(auras[auraID]) })), "aurainfo": bodyFont(translate(auras[auraID].description)) }); let radius = +auras[auraID].radius; if (radius) tooltip += " " + sprintf(translatePlural("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", "%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s", radius), { "label": translateWithContext("aura", "Range:"), "val": radius, "unit": unitFont(translatePlural("meter", "meters", radius)) }); tooltips.push(tooltip); } return tooltips.join("\n"); } function getEntityNames(template) { if (! return; if ( == return; let primaryName = g_SpecificNamesPrimary ? :; let secondaryName; if (g_ShowSecondaryNames) secondaryName = g_SpecificNamesPrimary ? :; if (secondaryName) return sprintf(translate("%(primaryName)s (%(secondaryName)s)"), { "primaryName": primaryName, "secondaryName": secondaryName }); return sprintf(translate("%(primaryName)s"), { "primaryName": primaryName }); } function getEntityNamesFormatted(template) { if (! return setStringTags(, g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimaryBig); let primaryName = g_SpecificNamesPrimary ? :; let secondaryName; if (g_ShowSecondaryNames) secondaryName = g_SpecificNamesPrimary ? :; if (!secondaryName || primaryName == secondaryName) return sprintf(translate("%(primaryName)s"), { "primaryName": setStringTags(primaryName[0], g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimaryBig) + setStringTags(primaryName.slice(1).toUpperCase(), g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimarySmall) }); // Translation: Example: "Epibátēs Athēnaîos [font="sans-bold-16"](Athenian Marine)[/font]" return sprintf(translate("%(primaryName)s (%(secondaryName)s)"), { "primaryName": setStringTags(primaryName[0], g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimaryBig) + setStringTags(primaryName.slice(1).toUpperCase(), g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimarySmall), "secondaryName": setStringTags(secondaryName, g_TooltipTextFormats.nameSecondary) }); } function getEntityPrimaryNameFormatted(template) { let primaryName = g_SpecificNamesPrimary ? :; if (!primaryName) return setStringTags(g_SpecificNamesPrimary ? :, g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimaryBig); return setStringTags(primaryName[0], g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimaryBig) + setStringTags(primaryName.slice(1).toUpperCase(), g_TooltipTextFormats.namePrimarySmall); } function getVisibleEntityClassesFormatted(template) { if (!template.visibleIdentityClasses || !template.visibleIdentityClasses.length) return ""; return headerFont(translate("Classes:")) + ' ' + bodyFont( => translate(c)).join(translate(", "))); } function getLootTooltip(template) { if (!template.loot && !template.resourceCarrying) return ""; let resourcesCarried = []; if (template.resourceCarrying) resourcesCarried = calculateCarriedResources( template.resourceCarrying, template.trader && template.trader.goods ); let lootLabels = []; for (let type of g_ResourceData.GetCodes().concat(["xp"])) { let loot = (template.loot && template.loot[type] || 0) + (resourcesCarried[type] || 0); if (!loot) continue; // Translation: %(component) will be the icon for the loot type and %(loot) will be the value. lootLabels.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(loot)s"), { "component": resourceIcon(type), "loot": loot })); } if (!lootLabels.length) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Loot:")), "details": lootLabels.join(" ") }); } function getResourceDropsiteTooltip(template) { if (!template || !template.resourceDropsite || !template.resourceDropsite.types) return ""; return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(icons)s"), { "label": headerFont(translate("Dropsite for:")), "icons": => resourceIcon(type)).join(" ") }); } function showTemplateViewerOnRightClickTooltip() { // Translation: Appears in a tooltip to indicate that right-clicking the corresponding GUI element will open the Template Details GUI page. return translate("Right-click to view more information."); } function showTemplateViewerOnClickTooltip() { // Translation: Appears in a tooltip to indicate that clicking the corresponding GUI element will open the Template Details GUI page. return translate("Click to view more information."); } /** * @param {number} number - A number to shorten using SI prefix. */ function abbreviateLargeNumbers(number) { if (number >= 1e6) return Math.floor(number / 1e6) + translateWithContext("One letter abbreviation for million", 'M'); if (number >= 1e5) return Math.floor(number / 1e3) + translateWithContext("One letter abbreviation for thousand", 'k'); if (number >= 1e4) return (number / 1e3).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + translateWithContext("One letter abbreviation for thousand", 'k'); return number; }