Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js (revision 26892) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js (revision 26893) @@ -1,1060 +1,1060 @@ function Formation() {} Formation.prototype.Schema = "" + "" + ""+ "2"+ ""+ "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; // Distance at which we'll switch between column/box formations. var g_ColumnDistanceThreshold = 128; // Distance under which the formation will not try to turn towards the target position. var g_RotateDistanceThreshold = 1; Formation.prototype.variablesToSerialize = [ "lastOrderVariant", "members", "memberPositions", "maxRowsUsed", "maxColumnsUsed", "finishedEntities", "idleEntities", "columnar", "rearrange", "formationMembersWithAura", "width", "depth", "twinFormations", "formationSeparation", "offsets" ]; Formation.prototype.Init = function(deserialized = false) { this.maxTurningAngle = +this.template.MaxTurningAngle; this.sortingClasses = this.template.SortingClasses.split(/\s+/g); this.shiftRows = this.template.ShiftRows == "true"; this.separationMultiplier = { "width": +this.template.UnitSeparationWidthMultiplier, "depth": +this.template.UnitSeparationDepthMultiplier }; this.sloppiness = +this.template.Sloppiness; this.widthDepthRatio = +this.template.WidthDepthRatio; this.minColumns = +(this.template.MinColumns || 0); this.maxColumns = +(this.template.MaxColumns || 0); this.maxRows = +(this.template.MaxRows || 0); this.centerGap = +(this.template.CenterGap || 0); if (this.template.AnimationVariants) { this.animationvariants = []; let differentAnimationVariants = this.template.AnimationVariants.split(/\s*;\s*/); // Loop over the different rectangulars that will map to different animation variants. for (let rectAnimationVariant of differentAnimationVariants) { let rect, replacementAnimationVariant; [rect, replacementAnimationVariant] = rectAnimationVariant.split(/\s*:\s*/); let rows, columns; [rows, columns] = rect.split(/\s*,\s*/); let minRow, maxRow, minColumn, maxColumn; [minRow, maxRow] = rows.split(/\s*\.\.\s*/); [minColumn, maxColumn] = columns.split(/\s*\.\.\s*/); this.animationvariants.push({ "minRow": +minRow, "maxRow": +maxRow, "minColumn": +minColumn, "maxColumn": +maxColumn, "name": replacementAnimationVariant }); } } this.lastOrderVariant = undefined; // Entity IDs currently belonging to this formation. this.members = []; this.memberPositions = {}; this.maxRowsUsed = 0; this.maxColumnsUsed = []; // Entities that have finished the original task. this.finishedEntities = new Set(); this.idleEntities = new Set(); // Whether we're travelling in column (vs box) formation. this.columnar = false; // Whether we should rearrange all formation members. this.rearrange = true; // Members with a formation aura. this.formationMembersWithAura = []; this.width = 0; this.depth = 0; this.twinFormations = []; // Distance from which two twin formations will merge into one. this.formationSeparation = 0; if (deserialized) return; Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer) .SetInterval(this.entity, IID_Formation, "ShapeUpdate", 1000, 1000, null); }; Formation.prototype.Serialize = function() { let result = {}; for (let key of this.variablesToSerialize) result[key] = this[key]; return result; }; Formation.prototype.Deserialize = function(data) { this.Init(true); for (let key in data) this[key] = data[key]; }; /** * Set the value from which two twin formations will become one. */ Formation.prototype.SetFormationSeparation = function(value) { this.formationSeparation = value; }; Formation.prototype.GetSize = function() { return { "width": this.width, "depth": this.depth }; }; Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function() { return +this.template.SpeedMultiplier; }; Formation.prototype.GetMemberCount = function() { return this.members.length; }; Formation.prototype.GetMembers = function() { return this.members; }; Formation.prototype.GetClosestMember = function(ent, filter) { let cmpEntPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); if (!cmpEntPosition || !cmpEntPosition.IsInWorld()) return INVALID_ENTITY; let entPosition = cmpEntPosition.GetPosition2D(); let closestMember = INVALID_ENTITY; let closestDistance = Infinity; for (let member of this.members) { if (filter && !filter(ent)) continue; let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(member, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) continue; let pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); let dist = entPosition.distanceToSquared(pos); if (dist < closestDistance) { closestMember = member; closestDistance = dist; } } return closestMember; }; /** * Returns the 'primary' member of this formation (typically the most * important unit type), for e.g. playing a representative sound. * Returns undefined if no members. * TODO: Actually implement something like that. Currently this just returns * the arbitrary first one. */ Formation.prototype.GetPrimaryMember = function() { return this.members[0]; }; /** * Get the formation animation variant for a certain member of this formation. * @param entity The entity ID to get the animation for. * @return The name of the animation variant as defined in the template, * e.g. "testudo_front" or undefined if does not exist. */ Formation.prototype.GetFormationAnimationVariant = function(entity) { if (!this.animationvariants || !this.animationvariants.length || this.columnar || !this.memberPositions[entity]) return undefined; let row = this.memberPositions[entity].row; let column = this.memberPositions[entity].column; for (let i = 0; i < this.animationvariants.length; ++i) { let minRow = this.animationvariants[i].minRow; if (minRow < 0) minRow += this.maxRowsUsed + 1; if (row < minRow) continue; let maxRow = this.animationvariants[i].maxRow; if (maxRow < 0) maxRow += this.maxRowsUsed + 1; if (row > maxRow) continue; let minColumn = this.animationvariants[i].minColumn; if (minColumn < 0) minColumn += this.maxColumnsUsed[row] + 1; if (column < minColumn) continue; let maxColumn = this.animationvariants[i].maxColumn; if (maxColumn < 0) maxColumn += this.maxColumnsUsed[row] + 1; if (column > maxColumn) continue; return this.animationvariants[i].name; } return undefined; }; Formation.prototype.SetFinishedEntity = function(ent) { // Rotate the entity to the correct angle. const cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); const cmpEntPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); if (cmpEntPosition && cmpEntPosition.IsInWorld() && cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) cmpEntPosition.TurnTo(cmpPosition.GetRotation().y); this.finishedEntities.add(ent); }; Formation.prototype.UnsetFinishedEntity = function(ent) { this.finishedEntities.delete(ent); }; Formation.prototype.ResetFinishedEntities = function() { this.finishedEntities.clear(); }; Formation.prototype.AreAllMembersFinished = function() { return this.finishedEntities.size === this.members.length; }; Formation.prototype.SetIdleEntity = function(ent) { this.idleEntities.add(ent); }; Formation.prototype.UnsetIdleEntity = function(ent) { this.idleEntities.delete(ent); }; Formation.prototype.ResetIdleEntities = function() { this.idleEntities.clear(); }; Formation.prototype.AreAllMembersIdle = function() { return this.idleEntities.size === this.members.length; }; /** * Set whether we are allowed to rearrange formation members. */ Formation.prototype.SetRearrange = function(rearrange) { this.rearrange = rearrange; }; /** * Initialize the members of this formation. * Must only be called once. * All members must implement UnitAI. */ Formation.prototype.SetMembers = function(ents) { this.members = ents; for (let ent of this.members) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); cmpUnitAI.SetFormationController(this.entity); let cmpAuras = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Auras); if (cmpAuras && cmpAuras.HasFormationAura()) { this.formationMembersWithAura.push(ent); cmpAuras.ApplyFormationAura(ents); } } this.offsets = undefined; // Locate this formation controller in the middle of its members. this.MoveToMembersCenter(); // Compute the speed etc. of the formation. this.ComputeMotionParameters(); }; /** * Remove the given list of entities. * The entities must already be members of this formation. * @param {boolean} rename - Whether the removal was part of an entity rename (prevents disbanding of the formation when under the member limit). */ Formation.prototype.RemoveMembers = function(ents, renamed = false) { this.offsets = undefined; this.members = this.members.filter(ent => ents.indexOf(ent) === -1); for (let ent of ents) { this.finishedEntities.delete(ent); let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); cmpUnitAI.UpdateWorkOrders(); cmpUnitAI.SetFormationController(INVALID_ENTITY); } for (let ent of this.formationMembersWithAura) { let cmpAuras = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Auras); cmpAuras.RemoveFormationAura(ents); // The unit with the aura is also removed from the formation. if (ents.indexOf(ent) !== -1) cmpAuras.RemoveFormationAura(this.members); } this.formationMembersWithAura = this.formationMembersWithAura.filter(function(e) { return ents.indexOf(e) == -1; }); // If there's nobody left, destroy the formation // unless this is a rename where we can have 0 members temporarily. if (this.members.length < +this.template.RequiredMemberCount && !renamed) { this.Disband(); return; } this.ComputeMotionParameters(); if (!this.rearrange) return; // Rearrange the remaining members. this.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true, this.lastOrderVariant); }; Formation.prototype.AddMembers = function(ents) { this.offsets = undefined; for (let ent of this.formationMembersWithAura) { let cmpAuras = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Auras); cmpAuras.ApplyFormationAura(ents); } this.members = this.members.concat(ents); for (let ent of ents) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); cmpUnitAI.SetFormationController(this.entity); if (!cmpUnitAI.GetOrders().length) cmpUnitAI.SetNextState("FORMATIONMEMBER.IDLE"); let cmpAuras = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Auras); if (cmpAuras && cmpAuras.HasFormationAura()) { this.formationMembersWithAura.push(ent); cmpAuras.ApplyFormationAura(this.members); } } this.ComputeMotionParameters(); if (!this.rearrange) return; this.MoveMembersIntoFormation(true, true, this.lastOrderVariant); }; /** * Remove all members and destroy the formation. */ Formation.prototype.Disband = function() { for (let ent of this.members) { let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitAI); cmpUnitAI.SetFormationController(INVALID_ENTITY); } for (let ent of this.formationMembersWithAura) { let cmpAuras = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Auras); cmpAuras.RemoveFormationAura(this.members); } this.members = []; this.finishedEntities.clear(); this.formationMembersWithAura = []; this.offsets = undefined; let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI); // Hack: switch to a clean state to stop timers. cmpUnitAI.UnitFsm.SwitchToNextState(cmpUnitAI, ""); Engine.DestroyEntity(this.entity); }; /** * Set all members to form up into the formation shape. * @param {boolean} moveCenter - The formation center will be reinitialized * to the center of the units. * @param {boolean} force - All individual orders of the formation units are replaced, * otherwise the order to walk into formation is just pushed to the front. * @param {string | undefined} variant - Variant to be passed as order parameter. */ Formation.prototype.MoveMembersIntoFormation = function(moveCenter, force, variant) { if (!this.members.length) return; let active = []; let positions = []; for (let ent of this.members) { let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) continue; active.push(ent); // Query the 2D position as the exact height calculation isn't needed, // but bring the position to the correct coordinates. positions.push(cmpPosition.GetPosition2D()); } const cmpFormationUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI); const cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); // Reposition the formation if we're told to or if we don't already have a position. if (cmpPosition && (moveCenter || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld())) { const avgpos = Vector2D.average(positions); const targetPosition = cmpFormationUnitAI.GetTargetPositions()[0]; const oldRotation = cmpPosition.GetRotation().y; const newRotation = targetPosition !== undefined && avgpos.distanceToSquared(targetPosition) > g_RotateDistanceThreshold ? avgpos.angleTo(targetPosition) : oldRotation; // When we are out of world or the angle difference is big, trigger repositioning. // Do this before setting up the position, because then we will always be in world. - if (!cmpPosition.IsInWorld() || !this.AreAnglesSimilar(newRotation, oldRotation)) + if (!cmpPosition.IsInWorld() || !this.DoesAngleDifferenceAllowTurning(newRotation, oldRotation)) this.offsets = undefined; this.SetupPositionAndHandleRotation(avgpos.x, avgpos.y, newRotation, true); } // Switch between column and box if necessary. const columnar = cmpFormationUnitAI.ComputeWalkingDistance() > g_ColumnDistanceThreshold; if (columnar != this.columnar) { this.columnar = columnar; this.offsets = undefined; } this.lastOrderVariant = variant; let offsetsChanged = false; if (!this.offsets) { this.offsets = this.ComputeFormationOffsets(active, positions); offsetsChanged = true; } let xMax = 0; let yMax = 0; let xMin = 0; let yMin = 0; if (force) // Reset finishedEntities as FormationWalk is called. this.ResetFinishedEntities(); for (let i = 0; i < this.offsets.length; ++i) { let offset = this.offsets[i]; let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(offset.ent, IID_UnitAI); if (!cmpUnitAI) { warn("Entities without UnitAI in formation are not supported."); continue; } let data = { "target": this.entity, "x": offset.x, "z": offset.y, "offsetsChanged": offsetsChanged, "variant": variant }; cmpUnitAI.AddOrder("FormationWalk", data, !force); xMax = Math.max(xMax, offset.x); yMax = Math.max(yMax, offset.y); xMin = Math.min(xMin, offset.x); yMin = Math.min(yMin, offset.y); } this.width = xMax - xMin; this.depth = yMax - yMin; }; Formation.prototype.MoveToMembersCenter = function() { let positions = []; let rotations = 0; for (let ent of this.members) { let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld()) continue; positions.push(cmpPosition.GetPosition2D()); rotations += cmpPosition.GetRotation().y; } let avgpos = Vector2D.average(positions); this.SetupPositionAndHandleRotation(avgpos.x, avgpos.y, rotations / positions.length, false); }; /** * Set formation position. * If formation is not in world at time this is called, set new rotation and flag * for rangeManager. Also set the rotation if it is forced. */ Formation.prototype.SetupPositionAndHandleRotation = function(x, y, rot, forceRotation) { const cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); if (!cmpPosition) return; const wasInWorld = cmpPosition.IsInWorld(); cmpPosition.JumpTo(x, y); if (!forceRotation && wasInWorld) return; cmpPosition.TurnTo(rot); if (!wasInWorld) Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager).SetEntityFlag(this.entity, "normal", false); }; Formation.prototype.GetAvgFootprint = function(active) { let footprints = []; for (let ent of active) { let cmpFootprint = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Footprint); if (cmpFootprint) footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape()); } if (!footprints.length) return { "width": 1, "depth": 1 }; let r = { "width": 0, "depth": 0 }; for (let shape of footprints) { if (shape.type == "circle") { r.width += shape.radius * 2; r.depth += shape.radius * 2; } else if (shape.type == "square") { r.width += shape.width; r.depth += shape.depth; } } r.width /= footprints.length; r.depth /= footprints.length; return r; }; Formation.prototype.ComputeFormationOffsets = function(active, positions) { let separation = this.GetAvgFootprint(active); separation.width *= this.separationMultiplier.width; separation.depth *= this.separationMultiplier.depth; let sortingClasses; if (this.columnar) sortingClasses = ["Cavalry", "Infantry"]; else sortingClasses = this.sortingClasses.slice(); sortingClasses.push("Unknown"); // The entities will be assigned to positions in the formation in // the same order as the types list is ordered. let types = {}; for (let i = 0; i < sortingClasses.length; ++i) types[sortingClasses[i]] = []; for (let i in active) { let cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(active[i], IID_Identity); let classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList(); let done = false; for (let c = 0; c < sortingClasses.length; ++c) { if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1) { types[sortingClasses[c]].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] }); done = true; break; } } if (!done) types.Unknown.push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] }); } let count = active.length; let shape = this.template.FormationShape; let shiftRows = this.shiftRows; let centerGap = this.centerGap; let sortingOrder = this.template.SortingOrder; let offsets = []; // Choose a sensible size/shape for the various formations, depending on number of units. let cols; if (this.columnar) { shape = "square"; cols = Math.min(count, 3); shiftRows = false; centerGap = 0; sortingOrder = null; } else { let depth = Math.sqrt(count / this.widthDepthRatio); if (this.maxRows && depth > this.maxRows) depth = this.maxRows; cols = Math.ceil(count / Math.ceil(depth) + (this.shiftRows ? 0.5 : 0)); if (cols < this.minColumns) cols = Math.min(count, this.minColumns); if (this.maxColumns && cols > this.maxColumns && this.maxRows != depth) cols = this.maxColumns; } // Define special formations here. if (this.template.FormationShape == "special" && Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity).GetGenericName() == "Scatter") { let width = Math.sqrt(count) * (separation.width + separation.depth) * 2.5; for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) { let obj = new Vector2D(randFloat(0, width), randFloat(0, width)); obj.row = 1; obj.column = i + 1; offsets.push(obj); } } // For non-special formations, calculate the positions based on the number of entities. this.maxColumnsUsed = []; this.maxRowsUsed = 0; if (shape != "special") { offsets = []; let r = 0; let left = count; // While there are units left, start a new row in the formation. while (left > 0) { // Save the position of the row. let z = -r * separation.depth; // Alternate between the left and right side of the center to have a symmetrical distribution. let side = 1; let n; // Determine the number of entities in this row of the formation. if (shape == "square") { n = cols; if (shiftRows) n -= r % 2; } else if (shape == "triangle") { if (shiftRows) n = r + 1; else n = r * 2 + 1; } if (!shiftRows && n > left) n = left; for (let c = 0; c < n && left > 0; ++c) { // Switch sides for the next entity. side *= -1; let x; if (n % 2 == 0) x = side * (Math.floor(c / 2) + 0.5) * separation.width; else x = side * Math.ceil(c / 2) * separation.width; if (centerGap) { // Don't use the center position with a center gap. if (x == 0) continue; x += side * centerGap / 2; } let column = Math.ceil(n / 2) + Math.ceil(c / 2) * side; let r1 = randFloat(-1, 1) * this.sloppiness; let r2 = randFloat(-1, 1) * this.sloppiness; offsets.push(new Vector2D(x + r1, z + r2)); offsets[offsets.length - 1].row = r + 1; offsets[offsets.length - 1].column = column; left--; } ++r; this.maxColumnsUsed[r] = n; } this.maxRowsUsed = r; } // Make sure the average offset is zero, as the formation is centered around that // calculating offset distances without a zero average makes no sense, as the formation // will jump to a different position any time. let avgoffset = Vector2D.average(offsets); offsets.forEach(function(o) {o.sub(avgoffset);}); // Sort the available places in certain ways. // The places first in the list will contain the heaviest units as defined by the order // of the types list. if (sortingOrder == "fillFromTheSides") offsets.sort(function(o1, o2) { return Math.abs(o1.x) < Math.abs(o2.x);}); else if (sortingOrder == "fillToTheCenter") offsets.sort(function(o1, o2) { return Math.max(Math.abs(o1.x), Math.abs(o1.y)) < Math.max(Math.abs(o2.x), Math.abs(o2.y)); }); // Query the 2D position of the formation. const realPositions = this.GetRealOffsetPositions(offsets); // Use realistic place assignment, // every soldier searches the closest available place in the formation. let newOffsets = []; for (const i of sortingClasses.reverse()) { const t = types[i]; if (!t.length) continue; let usedOffsets = offsets.splice(-t.length); let usedRealPositions = realPositions.splice(-t.length); for (let entPos of t) { let closestOffsetId = this.TakeClosestOffset(entPos, usedRealPositions, usedOffsets); usedRealPositions.splice(closestOffsetId, 1); newOffsets.push(usedOffsets.splice(closestOffsetId, 1)[0]); newOffsets[newOffsets.length - 1].ent = entPos.ent; } } return newOffsets; }; /** * Search the closest position in the realPositions list to the given entity. * @param entPos - Object with entity position and entity ID. * @param realPositions - The world coordinates of the available offsets. * @param offsets * @return The index of the closest offset position. */ Formation.prototype.TakeClosestOffset = function(entPos, realPositions, offsets) { let pos = entPos.pos; let closestOffsetId = -1; let offsetDistanceSq = Infinity; for (let i = 0; i < realPositions.length; ++i) { let distSq = pos.distanceToSquared(realPositions[i]); if (distSq < offsetDistanceSq) { offsetDistanceSq = distSq; closestOffsetId = i; } } this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = { "row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column": offsets[closestOffsetId].column }; return closestOffsetId; }; /** * Get the world positions for a list of offsets in this formation. */ Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets) { const cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); const pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); const rot = cmpPosition.GetRotation().y; const sin = Math.sin(rot); const cos = Math.cos(rot); let offsetPositions = []; // Calculate the world positions. for (let o of offsets) offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin)); return offsetPositions; }; /** - * Returns true if the two given angles (in radians) + * Returns true if the difference between two given angles (in radians) * are smaller than the maximum turning angle of the formation and therfore allow * the formation turn without reassigning positions. */ -Formation.prototype.AreAnglesSimilar = function(a1, a2) +Formation.prototype.DoesAngleDifferenceAllowTurning = function(a1, a2) { const d = Math.abs(a1 - a2) % (2 * Math.PI); return d < this.maxTurningAngle || d > 2 * Math.PI - this.maxTurningAngle; }; /** * Set formation controller's speed based on its current members. */ Formation.prototype.ComputeMotionParameters = function() { let minSpeed = Infinity; let minAcceleration = Infinity; let maxClearance = 0; let maxPassClass; const cmpPathfinder = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Pathfinder); for (let ent of this.members) { const cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_UnitMotion); if (!cmpUnitMotion) continue; minSpeed = Math.min(minSpeed, cmpUnitMotion.GetWalkSpeed()); minAcceleration = Math.min(minAcceleration, cmpUnitMotion.GetAcceleration()); const passClass = cmpUnitMotion.GetPassabilityClassName(); const clearance = cmpPathfinder.GetClearance(cmpPathfinder.GetPassabilityClass(passClass)); if (clearance > maxClearance) { maxClearance = clearance; maxPassClass = passClass; } } minSpeed *= this.GetSpeedMultiplier(); const cmpUnitMotion = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitMotion); cmpUnitMotion.SetSpeedMultiplier(minSpeed / cmpUnitMotion.GetWalkSpeed()); cmpUnitMotion.SetAcceleration(minAcceleration); cmpUnitMotion.SetPassabilityClassName(maxPassClass); }; Formation.prototype.ShapeUpdate = function() { if (!this.rearrange) return; // Check the distance to twin formations, and merge if // the formations could collide. for (let i = this.twinFormations.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // Only do the check on one side. if (this.twinFormations[i] <= this.entity) continue; let cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position); let cmpOtherPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.twinFormations[i], IID_Position); let cmpOtherFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(this.twinFormations[i], IID_Formation); if (!cmpPosition || !cmpOtherPosition || !cmpOtherFormation || !cmpPosition.IsInWorld() || !cmpOtherPosition.IsInWorld()) continue; let thisPosition = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D(); let otherPosition = cmpOtherPosition.GetPosition2D(); let dx = thisPosition.x - otherPosition.x; let dy = thisPosition.y - otherPosition.y; let dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); let thisSize = this.GetSize(); let otherSize = cmpOtherFormation.GetSize(); let minDist = Math.max(thisSize.width / 2, thisSize.depth / 2) + Math.max(otherSize.width / 2, otherSize.depth / 2) + this.formationSeparation; if (minDist < dist) continue; // Merge the members from the twin formation into this one // twin formations should always have exactly the same orders. let otherMembers = cmpOtherFormation.members; cmpOtherFormation.RemoveMembers(otherMembers); this.AddMembers(otherMembers); Engine.DestroyEntity(this.twinFormations[i]); this.twinFormations.splice(i, 1); } // Switch between column and box if necessary. let cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI); let walkingDistance = cmpUnitAI.ComputeWalkingDistance(); let columnar = walkingDistance > g_ColumnDistanceThreshold; if (columnar != this.columnar) { this.offsets = undefined; this.columnar = columnar; // Disable moveCenter so we can't get stuck in a loop of switching // shape causing center to change causing shape to switch back. this.MoveMembersIntoFormation(false, true, this.lastOrderVariant); } }; Formation.prototype.ResetOrderVariant = function() { this.lastOrderVariant = undefined; }; Formation.prototype.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged = function(msg) { // When an entity is captured or destroyed, it should no longer be // controlled by this formation. if (this.members.indexOf(msg.entity) != -1) this.RemoveMembers([msg.entity]); if (msg.entity === this.entity && !== INVALID_PLAYER) Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Visual)?.SetVariant("animationVariant", QueryPlayerIDInterface(, IID_Identity).GetCiv()); }; Formation.prototype.OnGlobalEntityRenamed = function(msg) { if (this.members.indexOf(msg.entity) === -1) return; if (this.finishedEntities.delete(msg.entity)) this.finishedEntities.add(msg.newentity); // Save rearranging to temporarily set it to false. let temp = this.rearrange; this.rearrange = false; // First remove the old member to be able to reuse its position. this.RemoveMembers([msg.entity], true); this.AddMembers([msg.newentity]); this.memberPositions[msg.newentity] = this.memberPositions[msg.entity]; this.rearrange = temp; }; Formation.prototype.RegisterTwinFormation = function(entity) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(entity, IID_Formation); if (!cmpFormation) return; this.twinFormations.push(entity); cmpFormation.twinFormations.push(this.entity); }; Formation.prototype.DeleteTwinFormations = function() { for (let ent of this.twinFormations) { let cmpFormation = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Formation); if (cmpFormation) cmpFormation.twinFormations.splice(cmpFormation.twinFormations.indexOf(this.entity), 1); } this.twinFormations = []; }; Formation.prototype.LoadFormation = function(newTemplate) { const newFormation = ChangeEntityTemplate(this.entity, newTemplate); return Engine.QueryInterface(newFormation, IID_UnitAI); }; Formation.prototype.OnEntityRenamed = function(msg) { const members = clone(this.members); this.Disband(); Engine.QueryInterface(msg.newentity, IID_Formation).SetMembers(members); }; Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_Formation, "Formation", Formation); Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Formation.js =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Formation.js (revision 26892) +++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Formation.js (revision 26893) @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ Engine.LoadComponentScript("interfaces/Timer.js"); Engine.LoadComponentScript("interfaces/Formation.js"); Engine.LoadComponentScript("Formation.js"); const entity_id = 5; AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Timer, { "SetInterval": () => {}, "SetTimeout": () => {}, }); const formationTemplate = { "RequiredMemberCount": 2, "DisabledTooltip": "", "SpeedMultiplier": 1, "FormationShape": "square", "MaxTurningAngle": 0, "SortingClasses": "Hero Champion Cavalry Melee Ranged", "SortingOrder": "fillToTheCenter", "ShiftRows": false, "UnitSeparationWidthMultiplier": 1, "UnitSeparationDepthMultiplier": 1, "WidthDepthRatio": 1, "Sloppiness": 0 }; const cmpFormation = ConstructComponent(entity_id, "Formation", formationTemplate); const testingAngles = []; for (let i = 0; i < 179; i++) testingAngles.push(i * Math.PI / 180); -TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => !cmpFormation.AreAnglesSimilar(0, x))); -TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => !cmpFormation.AreAnglesSimilar(0, -x))); +TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => !cmpFormation.DoesAngleDifferenceAllowTurning(0, x))); +TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => !cmpFormation.DoesAngleDifferenceAllowTurning(0, -x))); cmpFormation.maxTurningAngle = Math.PI; -TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => cmpFormation.AreAnglesSimilar(0, x))); -TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => cmpFormation.AreAnglesSimilar(0, -x))); +TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => cmpFormation.DoesAngleDifferenceAllowTurning(0, x))); +TS_ASSERT(testingAngles.every(x => cmpFormation.DoesAngleDifferenceAllowTurning(0, -x)));