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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/random/neareastern_badlands.js
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/random/neareastern_badlands.js (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/random/neareastern_badlands.js (revision 2763)
@@ -1,280 +1,280 @@
// constants
const SIZE = 208;
const NUM_PLAYERS = 4;
const tSand = "desert_rough";
const tDunes = "desert_wave";
const tFineSand = "desert_sahara";
const tCliff = "cliff_desert";
-const tForest = "grass_sand_75|flora/wrld_palm_b.xml";
+const tForest = "grass_sand_75|flora/trees/palm_b.xml";
const tGrassSand75 = "grass_sand_75";
const tGrassSand50 = "grass_sand_50";
const tGrassSand25 = "grass_sand_25_2";
const tDirt = "dirt_hard";
const tDirtCracks = "dirt_cracks";
const tShore = "sand";
const tWater = "water_2";
const tWaterDeep = "water_3";
-const oTree = "flora/wrld_palm_b.xml";
+const oTree = "flora/trees/palm_b.xml";
const oBerryBush = "wrld_flora_berrybush";
-const oBush = "foliage/bush_dry_a.xml";
+const oBush = "props/flora/bush_dry_a.xml";
const oSheep = "wrld_fauna_sheep";
const oDeer = "wrld_fauna_deer";
const oMine = "wrld_rock_light";
-const oDecorativeRock = "geology/rock_gray1.xml";
+const oDecorativeRock = "geology/gray1.xml";
// some utility functions to save typing
function paintClass(cl) {
return new TileClassPainter(cl);
function avoidClasses(/*class1, dist1, class2, dist2, etc*/) {
var ar = new Array(arguments.length/2);
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length/2; i++) {
ar[i] = new AvoidTileClassConstraint(arguments[2*i], arguments[2*i+1]);
return ar;
// initialize map
println("Initializing map...");
init(SIZE, tSand, 10);
// create tile classes
clPlayer = createTileClass();
clHill1 = createTileClass();
clHill2 = createTileClass();
clHill3 = createTileClass();
clForest = createTileClass();
clWater = createTileClass();
clPatch = createTileClass();
clRock = createTileClass();
clFood = createTileClass();
clBaseResource = createTileClass();
// place players
playerX = new Array(NUM_PLAYERS);
playerY = new Array(NUM_PLAYERS);
playerAngle = new Array(NUM_PLAYERS);
startAngle = randFloat() * 2 * PI;
for(i=0; i<NUM_PLAYERS; i++) {
playerAngle[i] = startAngle + i*2*PI/NUM_PLAYERS;
playerX[i] = 0.5 + 0.39*cos(playerAngle[i]);
playerY[i] = 0.5 + 0.39*sin(playerAngle[i]);
for(i=0; i<NUM_PLAYERS; i++) {
println("Creating base for player " + i + "...");
// some constants
radius = 20;
cliffRadius = 2;
elevation = 30;
// get the x and y in tiles
fx = fractionToTiles(playerX[i]);
fy = fractionToTiles(playerY[i]);
ix = round(fx);
iy = round(fy);
// calculate size based on the radius
size = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
placer = new ClumpPlacer(size, 0.9, 0.5, 0, ix, iy);
createArea(placer, paintClass(clPlayer), null);
// create the central road patch
placer = new ClumpPlacer(PI*2*2, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, ix, iy);
painter = new TerrainPainter(tDirt);
createArea(placer, painter, null);
// create the TC and the villies
group = new SimpleGroup(
[ // elements (type, count, distance)
new SimpleObject("hele_cc", 1,1, 0,0),
new SimpleObject("hele_isp_b", 3,3, 5,5)
true, null, ix, iy
createObjectGroup(group, i);
// create berry bushes
bbAngle = randFloat()*2*PI;
bbDist = 10;
bbX = round(fx + bbDist * cos(bbAngle));
bbY = round(fy + bbDist * sin(bbAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oSheep, 5,5, 0,2)],
true, clBaseResource, bbX, bbY
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create mines
mAngle = bbAngle;
while(abs(mAngle - bbAngle) < PI/3) {
mAngle = randFloat()*2*PI;
mDist = 12;
mX = round(fx + mDist * cos(mAngle));
mY = round(fy + mDist * sin(mAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oMine, 3,3, 0,2)],
true, clBaseResource, mX, mY
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create starting straggler trees
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oTree, 2,2, 6,12)],
true, null, ix, iy
createObjectGroup(group, 0, avoidClasses(clBaseResource,1));
// create patches
println("Creating sand patches...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(30, 0.2, 0.1, 0);
painter = new LayeredPainter([1], [[tSand, tFineSand], tFineSand]);
createAreas(placer, [painter, paintClass(clPatch)],
avoidClasses(clPatch, 5),
println("Creating dirt patches...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(10, 0.2, 0.1, 0);
painter = new TerrainPainter([tSand, tDirt]);
createAreas(placer, [painter, paintClass(clPatch)],
avoidClasses(clPatch, 5),
// create the oasis
println("Creating water...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(1200, 0.6, 0.1, 0, SIZE/2, SIZE/2);
painter = new LayeredPainter([6,1], [[tSand, tForest], tShore, tWaterDeep]);
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, -10, 5);
createArea(placer, [painter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clForest)], null);
// create hills
println("Creating level 1 hills...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(150, 0.25, 0.1, 0.3);
terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[1], // widths
[tCliff, tSand] // terrains
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, 16, 1);
createAreas(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clHill1)],
avoidClasses(clForest, 2, clPlayer, 0, clHill1, 16),
(SIZE*SIZE)/3800, 100
println("Creating small level 1 hills...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(60, 0.25, 0.1, 0.3);
terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[1], // widths
[tCliff, tSand] // terrains
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, 16, 1);
createAreas(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clHill1)],
avoidClasses(clForest, 2, clPlayer, 0, clHill1, 3),
(SIZE*SIZE)/2800, 100
println("Creating level 2 hills...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(60, 0.2, 0.1, 0.9);
terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[1], // widths
[tCliff, tSand] // terrains
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, 16, 1);
createAreas(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clHill2)],
[avoidClasses(clHill2, 1), new StayInTileClassConstraint(clHill1, 0)],
(SIZE*SIZE)/2800, 200
println("Creating level 3 hills...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(25, 0.2, 0.1, 0.9);
terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[1], // widths
[tCliff, tSand] // terrains
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, 16, 1);
createAreas(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clHill3)],
[avoidClasses(clHill3, 1), new StayInTileClassConstraint(clHill2, 0)],
(SIZE*SIZE)/9000, 300
// create forests
println("Creating forests...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(25, 0.15, 0.1, 0.3);
painter = new TerrainPainter([tSand, tForest]);
createAreas(placer, [painter, paintClass(clForest)],
avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clPlayer, 1, clForest, 20, clHill1, 0),
(SIZE*SIZE)/4000, 50
// create mines
println("Creating mines...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oMine, 4,6, 0,2)], true, clRock);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 2, clForest, 2, clPlayer, 0, clRock, 13),
new BorderTileClassConstraint(clHill1, 0, 4)],
(SIZE*SIZE)/4000, 100
// create decorative rocks for hills
println("Creating decorative rocks...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oDecorativeRock, 1,1, 0,0)], true);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
new BorderTileClassConstraint(clHill1, 0, 3),
(SIZE*SIZE)/2000, 100
// create deer
println("Creating deer...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oDeer, 5,7, 0,4)], true, clFood);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clHill1, 0, clFood, 25),
(SIZE*SIZE)/5000, 50
// create sheep
println("Creating sheep...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oSheep, 1,3, 0,2)], true, clFood);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clHill1, 0, clFood, 15),
(SIZE*SIZE)/5000, 50
// create straggler trees
println("Creating straggler trees...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oTree, 1,1, 0,0)], true);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clHill1, 0, clPlayer, 0),
// create bushes
println("Creating bushes...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oBush, 2,3, 0,2)]);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clHill1, 0, clPlayer, 0, clForest, 0),
// create bushes
println("Creating more decorative rocks...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oDecorativeRock, 1,2, 0,2)]);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clHill1, 0, clPlayer, 0, clForest, 0),
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/random/cantabrian_highlands.js
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/random/cantabrian_highlands.js (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/random/cantabrian_highlands.js (revision 2763)
@@ -1,272 +1,272 @@
// constants
const SIZE = 208;
const NUM_PLAYERS = 4;
const tGrass = "grass1_a";
const tCliff = "cliff_mountain";
const tForest = "grass_forest_floor_oak|wrld_flora_oak";
const tGrassDirt75 = "grass dirt 75";
const tGrassDirt50 = "grass dirt 50";
const tGrassDirt25 = "grass dirt 25";
const tDirt = "dirt_brown_b";
const tShore = "sand";
const tShoreBlend = "grass_sand_50";
const tWater = "water_2";
const tWaterDeep = "water_3";
const oTree = "wrld_flora_oak";
const oBerryBush = "wrld_flora_berrybush";
const oSheep = "wrld_fauna_sheep";
const oDeer = "wrld_fauna_deer";
const oMine = "wrld_rock_light";
-const oGrass = "foliage/grass_tufts_a.xml";
-const oReeds = "foliage/reeds_a.xml";
-const oDecorativeRock = "geology/rock_gray1.xml";
+const oGrass = "props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml";
+const oReeds = "props/flora/reeds_a.xml";
+const oDecorativeRock = "geology/gray1.xml";
// some utility functions to save typing
function paintClass(cl) {
return new TileClassPainter(cl);
function avoidClasses(/*class1, dist1, class2, dist2, etc*/) {
var ar = new Array(arguments.length/2);
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length/2; i++) {
ar[i] = new AvoidTileClassConstraint(arguments[2*i], arguments[2*i+1]);
return ar;
// initialize map
println("Initializing map...");
init(SIZE, tGrass, 10);
// create tile classes
clPlayer = createTileClass();
clHill = createTileClass();
clForest = createTileClass();
clWater = createTileClass();
clDirt = createTileClass();
clRock = createTileClass();
clFood = createTileClass();
clBaseResource = createTileClass();
// place players
playerX = new Array(NUM_PLAYERS);
playerY = new Array(NUM_PLAYERS);
playerAngle = new Array(NUM_PLAYERS);
startAngle = randFloat() * 2 * PI;
for(i=0; i<NUM_PLAYERS; i++) {
playerAngle[i] = startAngle + i*2*PI/NUM_PLAYERS;
playerX[i] = 0.5 + 0.35*cos(playerAngle[i]);
playerY[i] = 0.5 + 0.35*sin(playerAngle[i]);
for(i=0; i<NUM_PLAYERS; i++) {
println("Creating base for player " + i + "...");
// some constants
radius = 17;
cliffRadius = 2;
elevation = 30;
// get the x and y in tiles
fx = fractionToTiles(playerX[i]);
fy = fractionToTiles(playerY[i]);
ix = round(fx);
iy = round(fy);
// calculate size based on the radius
size = PI * radius * radius;
// create the hill
placer = new ClumpPlacer(size, 0.9, 0.5, 0, ix, iy);
terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[cliffRadius+1], // widths
[tCliff, tGrass] // terrains
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(
elevation, // elevation
cliffRadius // blend radius
createArea(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clPlayer)], null);
// create the ramp
rampAngle = playerAngle[i] + PI + (2*randFloat()-1)*PI/8;
rampDist = radius - 1;
rampX = round(fx + rampDist * cos(rampAngle));
rampY = round(fy + rampDist * sin(rampAngle));
placer = new ClumpPlacer(80, 0.9, 0.5, 0, rampX, rampY);
painter = [new TerrainPainter(tGrass), new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_SET, (elevation-10)/3+10, 5)];
createArea(placer, painter, null);
// create the central dirt patch
placer = new ClumpPlacer(PI*4*4, 0.3, 0.1, 0, ix, iy);
painter = new LayeredPainter(
[1,1,1], // widths
[tGrassDirt75, tGrassDirt50, tGrassDirt25, tDirt] // terrains
createArea(placer, painter, null);
// create the TC and the villies
group = new SimpleGroup(
[ // elements (type, count, distance)
new SimpleObject("hele_cc", 1,1, 0,0),
new SimpleObject("hele_isp_b", 3,3, 5,5)
true, null, ix, iy
createObjectGroup(group, i);
// create berry bushes
bbAngle = randFloat()*2*PI;
bbDist = 9;
bbX = round(fx + bbDist * cos(bbAngle));
bbY = round(fy + bbDist * sin(bbAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oBerryBush, 5,5, 0,2)],
true, clBaseResource, bbX, bbY
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create mines
mAngle = bbAngle;
while(abs(mAngle - bbAngle) < PI/3) {
mAngle = randFloat()*2*PI;
mDist = 9;
mX = round(fx + mDist * cos(mAngle));
mY = round(fy + mDist * sin(mAngle));
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oMine, 3,3, 0,2)],
true, clBaseResource, mX, mY
createObjectGroup(group, 0);
// create starting straggler trees
group = new SimpleGroup(
[new SimpleObject(oTree, 3,3, 6,12)],
true, null, ix, iy
createObjectGroup(group, 0, avoidClasses(clBaseResource,1));
// create lakes
println("Creating lakes...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(170, 0.6, 0.1, 0);
terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[1,1], // widths
[tShoreBlend, tShore, tWaterDeep] // terrains
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_SET, 5, 2);
createAreas(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clWater)],
avoidClasses(clPlayer, 2, clWater, 13),
round(1.5 * NUM_PLAYERS)
// create bumps
println("Creating bumps...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(10, 0.3, 0.06, 0);
painter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_MODIFY, 3, 2);
createAreas(placer, painter,
avoidClasses(clWater, 2),
// create hills
println("Creating hills...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(30, 0.2, 0.1, 0);
terrainPainter = new LayeredPainter(
[2], // widths
[tCliff, tGrass] // terrains
elevationPainter = new SmoothElevationPainter(ELEVATION_SET, 25, 2);
createAreas(placer, [terrainPainter, elevationPainter, paintClass(clHill)],
avoidClasses(clPlayer, 2, clWater, 5, clHill, 15),
// create forests
println("Creating forests...");
placer = new ClumpPlacer(25, 0.2, 0.05, 0);
painter = new LayeredPainter([2], [[tGrass, tForest], tForest]);
createAreas(placer, [painter, paintClass(clForest)],
avoidClasses(clPlayer, 1, clWater, 3, clForest, 10, clHill, 0),
// create dirt patches
println("Creating dirt patches...");
var sizes = [20,40,60];
for(i=0; i<sizes.length; i++) {
placer = new ClumpPlacer(sizes[i], 0.3, 0.06, 0);
painter = new LayeredPainter([1,1], [tGrassDirt75,tGrassDirt50,tGrassDirt25]);
createAreas(placer, [painter, paintClass(clDirt)],
avoidClasses(clWater, 1, clForest, 0, clHill, 0, clDirt, 5, clPlayer, 0),
// create mines
println("Creating mines...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oMine, 4,6, 0,2)], true, clRock);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
[avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clRock, 13),
new BorderTileClassConstraint(clHill, 0, 4)],
3 * NUM_PLAYERS, 100
// create decorative rocks for hills
println("Creating decorative rocks...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oDecorativeRock, 1,1, 0,0)], true);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
new BorderTileClassConstraint(clHill, 0, 2),
5 * NUM_PLAYERS, 100
// create deer
println("Creating deer...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oDeer, 5,7, 0,4)], true, clFood);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clHill, 0, clFood, 15),
// create sheep
println("Creating sheep...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oSheep, 2,3, 0,2)], true, clFood);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 0, clForest, 0, clPlayer, 0, clHill, 0, clFood, 15),
// create straggler trees
println("Creating straggler trees...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oTree, 1,1, 0,0)], true);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 1, clForest, 0, clHill, 0, clPlayer, 0),
// create grass tufts
println("Creating grass tufts...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oGrass, 6,10, 0,2)]);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
avoidClasses(clWater, 3, clForest, 0, clHill, 0, clPlayer, 0, clDirt, 0),
// create reeds
println("Creating reeds...");
group = new SimpleGroup([new SimpleObject(oReeds, 2,3, 0,2)]);
createObjectGroups(group, 0,
new BorderTileClassConstraint(clWater, 1, 2),
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_deer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_deer.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_deer.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_fauna">
- <Actor>fauna/temp_deer1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/old/randomactor.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/old/randomactor.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/old/randomactor.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,3264 +1,3264 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
-<!DOCTYPE Scenario SYSTEM "/maps/scenario.dtd">
- <Entities>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="2" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="4" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="6" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="8" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="10" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="12" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="14" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="16" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="18" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="20" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="22" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="24" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="26" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="28" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
- <Position x="2" y="0" z="30" />
- <Orientation angle="3.1415" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
- <Template>test_dude</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
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+ <Actor>structures/celts/fortress_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="20.2053" y="44.8" z="89.1997" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="48.2229" y="44.8" z="9.98854" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="61.5327" y="44.8" z="8.06255" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="75.2186" y="44.8" z="8.84512" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="43.3263" y="44.8" z="201.299" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="48.5518" y="44.8" z="193.459" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="79.9423" y="44.8" z="157.695" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="97.8131" y="44.8" z="138.249" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="125.028" y="44.8" z="116.855" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="173.201" y="44.8" z="60.2068" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="51.4191" y="44.8" z="494.809" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="25.933" y="44.8002" z="523.05" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="20.9852" y="44.8" z="510.34" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="20.291" y="44.8" z="498.058" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="11.8151" y="44.8" z="458.997" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="78.6665" y="44.8002" z="444.028" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="41.0605" y="44.7999" z="428.411" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="561.789" y="44.8" z="510.649" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="558.03" y="44.8" z="462.689" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="568.993" y="44.8" z="458.116" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="589.389" y="44.8" z="460.04" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14131" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="617.672" y="44.8" z="457.943" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70016" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="638.441" y="44.8" z="472.697" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66315" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="624.742" y="44.8002" z="492.333" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="602.207" y="44.8" z="506.866" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="609.588" y="44.8" z="523.63" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63918" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="618.646" y="44.8" z="532.689" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.55883" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="637.507" y="44.8" z="523.538" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.58147" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="653.619" y="44.7999" z="509.018" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63901" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="653.67" y="44.8" z="496.957" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.6436" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.975" y="44.8" z="491.884" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14126" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="568.149" y="44.8" z="488.474" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72066" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="575.156" y="44.8" z="517.638" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14093" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="574.085" y="44.8" z="538.988" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14128" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="568.641" y="44.8" z="546.476" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67891" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.532" y="44.8" z="539.091" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66522" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.369" y="44.8002" z="513.496" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.59998" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="547.566" y="44.8" z="496.426" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65001" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="591.859" y="44.8002" z="487.181" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.69132" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="615.433" y="44.8" z="473.872" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14135" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="649.308" y="44.8" z="477.568" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.13978" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="673.822" y="44.8" z="448.992" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="627.422" y="44.8" z="434.851" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="604.192" y="44.8" z="453.525" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14121" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="590.514" y="44.8" z="455.05" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63542" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="608.007" y="44.8" z="436.267" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="636.737" y="44.8" z="441.209" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.5886" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="646.543" y="44.8" z="445.117" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14131" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="653.821" y="44.8" z="461.249" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="657.195" y="44.8" z="479.478" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.64976" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="653.594" y="44.7999" z="515.078" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65462" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="117.857" y="44.8" z="533.648" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66419" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="100.921" y="44.8" z="545.169" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="74.5028" y="44.8" z="560.074" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14095" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="76.7941" y="44.8" z="537.475" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="108.755" y="44.8" z="528.588" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14131" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="153.778" y="44.8" z="537.51" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="180.568" y="44.8" z="548.453" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="197.848" y="44.8" z="149.906" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="143.925" y="44.8" z="147.893" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="117.053" y="44.8" z="164.266" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="78.3727" y="44.8002" z="176.719" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14124" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="71.1703" y="44.8" z="229.131" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.1414" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="79.366" y="44.7999" z="212.561" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="136.323" y="44.8" z="190.277" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="166.534" y="44.8" z="157.391" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="226.932" y="44.8" z="125.36" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="192.294" y="44.8002" z="106.336" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.1414" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="208.865" y="44.8" z="76.456" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14135" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="251.564" y="44.8" z="91.8359" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14141" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_sheep.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_sheep.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_sheep.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_fauna">
- <Actor>fauna/temp_sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_tempe_la.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_la.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_berrybush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_berrybush.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_berrybush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush_berry">
- <Actor>foliage/wrld_foliagebush.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/foliagebush.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_sm.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la_lush.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_la_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_la_lush.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_oak.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_oak.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_oak.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_tree_oak">
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/oak.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/cantabrian_generated.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/cantabrian_generated.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/cantabrian_generated.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,12151 +1,12151 @@
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="210.98" y="27.5922" z="406.197" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.86611" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="212.963" y="27.6671" z="406.754" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.20854" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="198.519" y="28.9336" z="415.467" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.20854" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="193.354" y="29.9482" z="420.698" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.20854" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="180.433" y="28.6783" z="380.449" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.01062" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="181.31" y="28.6058" z="379.16" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.9635" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="182.195" y="28.4143" z="379.907" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.60124" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="220.001" y="25.5389" z="383.335" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.9635" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="222.983" y="25.3907" z="380.664" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.5708" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="222.793" y="25.871" z="379.345" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.11115" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="217.01" y="19.138" z="365.71" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.91323" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="190.773" y="20.003" z="363.221" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.20854" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="186.251" y="20.1043" z="362.92" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.76872" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="188.307" y="19.8544" z="361.907" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.01062" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="217.847" y="18.6548" z="364.806" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.60124" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="220.119" y="18.1173" z="363.865" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.20854" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="217.386" y="18.1393" z="363.09" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30593" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="174.664" y="30.6075" z="419.658" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30593" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="175.855" y="30.3557" z="419.325" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.50385" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="174.776" y="30.576" z="417.243" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.16142" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="173.963" y="30.4707" z="422.68" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.60438" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="173.075" y="31.007" z="420.018" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84628" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="193.712" y="29.5978" z="419.504" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.6515" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="194.769" y="29.5839" z="420.343" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.40332" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="196.194" y="29.1984" z="418.567" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.60438" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="215.179" y="27.2503" z="404.567" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.40332" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="215.989" y="27.0105" z="403.019" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30593" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="169.622" y="30.7019" z="410.816" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.5708" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="168.99" y="30.0478" z="383.963" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.9635" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="247.066" y="26.1439" z="402.76" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.835664" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="247.975" y="25.6184" z="385.176" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.15827" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="202.256" y="28.1013" z="406.049" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.5708" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="179.354" y="20.3017" z="363.64" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30907" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="170.279" y="32.0064" z="425.812" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.76874" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.43" y="5.72228" z="478.211" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94579" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.449" y="5.55688" z="471.609" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92314" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.293" y="7.74332" z="518.23" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.81632" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.824" y="5.87681" z="503.563" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8986" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.749" y="5.41636" z="487.124" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.68427" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_2_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.812" y="7.89065" z="525.327" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.62638" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/snow1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.617" y="7.14377" z="525.049" />
+ <Orientation angle="3.10846" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="483.094" y="6.80563" z="490.253" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="490.522" y="7.88548" z="504.504" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.164417" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="492.027" y="7.56855" z="502.178" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95894" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="492.941" y="8.6489" z="508.924" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7497" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="496.101" y="7.86318" z="505.3" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.196" y="8.26801" z="533.795" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87965" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.263" y="6.12909" z="500.495" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.976" y="5.89056" z="474.695" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9556" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="483.859" y="6.75444" z="488.102" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84941" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="487.49" y="9.13207" z="510.583" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89562" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="496.703" y="7.43976" z="501.259" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96955" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="495.879" y="6.92522" z="489.425" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.60945" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="495.028" y="7.05318" z="494.174" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.76112" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="492.181" y="6.72135" z="490.45" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91391" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="497.743" y="6.98666" z="486.847" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.783715" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.483" y="5.59307" z="486.757" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90638" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.209" y="9.28623" z="519.93" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.281869" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.112" y="6.46478" z="509.331" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.81739" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="453.392" y="9.03884" z="538.972" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.1234" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="487.696" y="7.84617" z="505.283" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82473" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.805" y="7.55708" z="511.984" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72719" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.531" y="7.29346" z="502.629" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.812" y="5.95042" z="492.493" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63047" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.126" y="9.45853" z="499.862" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88377" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.802" y="7.31162" z="518.438" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7958" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.15" y="9.20347" z="495.842" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.097" y="9.20851" z="514.972" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.97377" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.47" y="12.9028" z="504.476" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.218905" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.024" y="12.0229" z="543.814" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="467.008" y="12.3046" z="542.51" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.356" y="5.56385" z="486.147" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/celts/megalith_b1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.332" y="6.20919" z="462.57" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/celts/megalith_b2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.309" y="5.83862" z="465.395" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/celts/tartan_c.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/celts/tartan_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.23" y="5.53716" z="478.703" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.229" y="5.65593" z="495.613" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.128" y="6.45103" z="467.95" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.389" y="5.43745" z="500.775" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="476.323" y="4.84443" z="483.931" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.789" y="5.55205" z="482.595" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.014" y="7.05834" z="517.217" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.518" y="7.41532" z="519.556" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.203" y="7.88578" z="522.893" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="477.773" y="9.25152" z="512.346" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="477.271" y="9.94239" z="514.429" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.4195" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.485" y="6.00546" z="475.938" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.535" y="5.49174" z="483.879" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.744" y="6.7468" z="505.185" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.315" y="6.16521" z="506.921" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.237" y="6.57401" z="509.407" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="433.744" y="6.07246" z="508.455" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.434" y="5.81063" z="491.503" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.762" y="5.94058" z="469.963" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="658.784" y="68.3213" z="609.933" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="648.487" y="82.7226" z="592.3" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.554" y="5.59998" z="502.47" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.813" y="5.60565" z="502.365" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.908" y="5.78375" z="489.759" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.12" y="5.8854" z="478.315" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.642" y="5.96368" z="477.106" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.821" y="9.54259" z="521.492" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95969" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.378" y="9.00802" z="520.603" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.858" y="6.15042" z="468.783" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.77194" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="490.289" y="7.1702" z="502.174" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78717" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="492.23" y="7.72466" z="506.097" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96441" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass13.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="493.181" y="6.84263" z="491.454" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05285" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass16.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="487.627" y="7.36856" z="504.073" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96441" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="495.701" y="7.69888" z="505.721" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05299" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="484.511" y="6.15742" z="489.517" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05285" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.724" y="6.01323" z="490.638" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96433" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.525" y="6.63499" z="514.361" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05307" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.352" y="6.92641" z="516.096" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05033" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.578" y="9.29211" z="528.013" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05016" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom13.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.925" y="5.89424" z="503.61" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05042" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.995" y="5.95385" z="505.242" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05024" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.456" y="5.80787" z="501.879" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0502" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="463.706" y="8.04286" z="517.523" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95892" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom9.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.287" y="11.2325" z="542.465" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.86744" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="465.062" y="12.3715" z="545.433" />
+ <Orientation angle="3.07261" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.944" y="12.4988" z="544.592" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.55371" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.106" y="6.58118" z="514.08" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95041" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.202" y="7.47811" z="520.339" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.37781" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="463.609" y="10.9252" z="541.74" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.00043" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.427" y="5.65909" z="472.199" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7693" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.406" y="5.85594" z="486.215" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0486" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="630.928" y="78.7539" z="588.602" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.34561" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.498" y="8.66863" z="510.613" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95592" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.067" y="6.02917" z="472.086" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.04846" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.727" y="5.54175" z="502.134" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95535" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.046" y="6.34956" z="486.382" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8679" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="398.331" y="6.96208" z="493.406" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.6796" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="399.899" y="6.10127" z="482.858" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.58406" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.731" y="6.68671" z="486.526" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.57593" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.543" y="6.09029" z="475.102" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.57715" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.707" y="6.29569" z="492.229" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95067" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.677" y="13.1752" z="542.813" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9695" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.376" y="12.2536" z="537.608" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.481317" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.034" y="10.3643" z="539.271" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.81435" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.188" y="11.0209" z="545.272" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.874917" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/just abit of romans.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/just abit of romans.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/just abit of romans.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,488 +1,488 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
-<!DOCTYPE Scenario SYSTEM "/maps/scenario.dtd">
- <Entities />
- <Nonentities>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/rome_mc.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="375.784" y="44.8" z="183.794" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.0309" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/rome_mc.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="406.951" y="44.8" z="194.458" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.37819" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/rome_mc.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="426.408" y="44.8" z="210.817" />
- <Orientation angle="1.15597" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/rome_mc.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/rome_mc.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="436.15" y="44.8" z="272.603" />
- <Orientation angle="1.33507" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="408.536" y="44.8" z="249.277" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.40615" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="413.462" y="44.8" z="251.263" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.58798" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- <Actor>foliage/vine_b.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/vines_1_a.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/vines_1_b.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/vine_b.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/vines_1_a.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="429.389" y="44.8" z="309.235" />
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+ <Position x="431.038" y="44.8" z="305.224" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="444.965" y="44.8" z="312.521" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="438.289" y="44.8" z="315.46" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/block_sandstone.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="428.985" y="44.8" z="303.992" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.943" y="44.8" z="305.639" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.355" y="44.8" z="302.977" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.148" y="44.8" z="302.674" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.105" y="44.8" z="302.473" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/scrubbattles.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/scrubbattles.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/scrubbattles.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,2991 +1,2991 @@
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.117" y="44.8" z="255.077" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="478.554" y="44.8" z="255.691" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.90849" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="477.782" y="44.8" z="257.057" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95333" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="475.981" y="44.8" z="256.541" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.74643" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="474.9" y="44.8" z="254.626" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14133" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="478.889" y="44.8" z="253.189" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.89728" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="482.493" y="44.8" z="254.61" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.76991" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="483.82" y="44.8" z="254.939" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.452" y="44.8" z="254.699" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.16822" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.336" y="44.8" z="252.664" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.17085" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="467.698" y="44.8" z="248.106" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.77009" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.226" y="44.8" z="255.859" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.56847" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.646" y="44.8" z="258.818" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.52229" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.505" y="44.8" z="257.479" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95602" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.769" y="44.8" z="256.313" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.75751" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.785" y="44.8" z="255.019" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.57747" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.196" y="44.8" z="256.849" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.57448" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.071" y="44.8" z="257.711" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95353" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="453.474" y="44.8" z="257.577" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.76046" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.745" y="44.8" z="256.962" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.57477" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.932" y="44.8" z="255.608" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.88329" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.783" y="44.8" z="252.977" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94973" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.528" y="44.8" z="253.592" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="460.385" y="44.8" z="252.644" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.45761" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.339" y="44.8" z="270.897" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.37566" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.28" y="44.8" z="269.933" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.397" y="44.8" z="268.791" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.16832" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.801" y="44.8" z="271.552" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.56439" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="467.348" y="44.8" z="271.678" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.75749" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.383" y="44.8" z="265.636" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.48789" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.523" y="44.8" z="268.524" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95262" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.838" y="44.8" z="271.396" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94972" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="473.282" y="44.8" z="270.516" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="477.801" y="44.8" z="264.823" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="474.551" y="44.8" z="265.057" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="473.594" y="44.8" z="263.238" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.76086" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="478.105" y="44.8" z="264.668" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.978" y="44.8" z="258.019" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.311" y="44.8" z="259.633" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="463.203" y="44.8" z="253.71" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="475.532" y="44.8" z="242.09" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="475.199" y="44.8" z="243.301" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="478.952" y="44.8" z="244.889" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.419" y="44.8" z="245.334" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="484.537" y="44.8" z="249.317" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="484.921" y="44.8" z="248.363" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="484.691" y="44.8" z="247.278" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="446.64" y="44.8" z="262.385" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.325" y="44.8" z="261.641" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.068" y="44.8" z="260.653" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="449.411" y="44.8" z="261.725" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.636" y="44.8" z="260.215" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.277" y="44.8" z="263.248" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="465.82" y="44.8" z="254.23" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="473.341" y="44.8" z="272.495" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.531" y="44.8" z="277.659" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.482" y="44.8" z="211.418" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="493.429" y="44.8" z="187.339" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.29" y="44.8" z="309.093" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.356" y="44.8" z="251.761" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.395" y="44.8" z="246.766" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="535.072" y="44.8" z="245.792" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.386" y="44.8" z="246.848" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.662" y="44.8" z="252.259" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.374" y="44.8" z="250.967" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.101" y="44.8" z="251.94" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.332" y="44.8" z="245.586" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.255" y="44.8" z="251.958" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.598" y="44.8" z="248.453" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.873" y="44.8" z="247.277" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.479" y="44.8" z="249.967" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.065" y="44.8" z="249.879" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.303" y="44.8" z="249.591" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.355" y="44.8" z="249.355" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.693" y="44.8" z="249.507" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="468.694" y="44.8" z="278.056" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.685" y="44.8" z="276.112" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="469.325" y="44.8" z="247.291" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="433.654" y="44.8" z="210.934" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.336" y="44.8" z="208.741" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.816" y="44.8" z="209.227" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.32823" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="508.704" y="44.8" z="249.076" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.623136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.121" y="44.8" z="304.976" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87405" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.075" y="44.8" z="270.963" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.54958" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.536" y="44.8" z="275.016" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.34457" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.452" y="44.8" z="271.796" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8772" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.962" y="44.8" z="273.55" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87085" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.39" y="44.8" z="273.87" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87735" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.611" y="44.8" z="272.933" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.448" y="44.8" z="271.567" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87396" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.84" y="44.8" z="272.584" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.672" y="44.8" z="233.132" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.86148" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.928" y="44.8" z="232.625" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.065" y="44.8" z="231.568" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.076" y="44.8" z="231.933" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.193" y="44.8" z="234.147" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.989" y="44.8" z="232.846" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.375" y="44.8" z="234.165" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="423.018" y="44.8" z="233.845" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.998" y="44.8" z="244.312" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.437" y="44.8" z="207.94" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.389" y="44.8" z="207.891" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="490.825" y="44.8" z="207.468" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="490.197" y="44.8" z="207.166" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="490.306" y="44.8" z="206.653" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="490.903" y="44.8" z="206.052" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="279.41" y="44.8" z="519.303" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="250.605" y="44.8" z="524.23" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="307.538" y="44.8" z="546.151" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="224.458" y="44.8" z="525.029" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="217.219" y="44.8" z="534.153" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="218.456" y="44.8" z="540.515" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="225.825" y="44.8" z="544.555" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="318.484" y="44.8" z="546.187" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="315.475" y="44.8" z="531.122" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="273.86" y="44.8" z="475.231" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="274.842" y="44.8" z="477.132" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="275.463" y="44.8" z="479.966" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="275.406" y="44.8" z="482.045" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="276.16" y="44.8" z="484.611" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="276.028" y="44.8" z="487.562" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="277" y="44.8" z="493.644" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="261.95" y="44.8" z="533.458" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="262.265" y="44.8" z="535.262" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/combattest.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/combattest.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/combattest.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,897 +1,897 @@
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+ <Position x="117.821" y="44.8" z="238.358" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/fortress_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="60.4113" y="44.8" z="435.521" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.224" y="44.8" z="428.6" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.238" y="44.8" z="414.192" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89655" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/pers_ho_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="243.401" y="44.8" z="389.105" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/farmstead.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="141.719" y="44.8" z="342.433" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/barracks.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.619" y="44.8" z="299.957" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94367" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/sunsetcombat.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/sunsetcombat.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/sunsetcombat.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,2145 +1,2145 @@
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.209" y="44.8" z="523.868" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.38572" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.126" y="44.8" z="524.159" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88904" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.893" y="44.8" z="521.466" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63724" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.781" y="44.8" z="519.967" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.12343" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.51" y="44.8" z="522.689" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.62416" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.253" y="44.8" z="521.852" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8879" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.188" y="44.8" z="523.28" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.13053" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.908" y="44.8" z="521.281" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.38284" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.072" y="44.8" z="522.887" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88937" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.58" y="44.8" z="523.43" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.40973" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.507" y="44.8" z="521.804" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.91977" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.671" y="44.8" z="521.52" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65261" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.107" y="44.8" z="523.497" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89796" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.326" y="44.8" z="520.757" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.775" y="44.8" z="497.569" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.484" y="44.8" z="495.72" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.706" y="44.8" z="497.407" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="423.229" y="44.8" z="497.102" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.431" y="44.8" z="495.482" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.668" y="44.8" z="478.535" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.472" y="44.8" z="479.48" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.667" y="44.8" z="480.737" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.385" y="44.8" z="477.774" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="449.709" y="44.8" z="479.203" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.213" y="44.8" z="485.803" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.206" y="44.8" z="486.409" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.462" y="44.8" z="484.972" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.727" y="44.8" z="486.985" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.034" y="44.8" z="486.21" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.91" y="44.8" z="484.768" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.742" y="44.8" z="483.958" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.343" y="44.8" z="518.591" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="484.033" y="44.8" z="518.159" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.949" y="44.8" z="488.194" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="482.307" y="47.2884" z="550.786" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="481.935" y="44.8702" z="544.842" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="441.036" y="54.3869" z="562.922" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.294" y="54.2395" z="562.408" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.617" y="44.8" z="475.469" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.228" y="45.0611" z="473.317" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.731" y="44.8349" z="475.557" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.85" y="46.146" z="531.632" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.646" y="46.5432" z="534.149" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.94" y="47.3835" z="539.94" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.966" y="47.354" z="541.307" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.558" y="56.0636" z="579.989" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="419.586" y="46.5432" z="529.205" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.688" y="45.7734" z="522.234" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.043" y="54.8194" z="562.404" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="439.759" y="54.6411" z="564.91" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.574" y="55.1168" z="567.602" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.036" y="54.9438" z="566.348" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.772" y="55.1238" z="566.623" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.112" y="55.6225" z="560.304" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.319" y="54.6442" z="564.605" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.804" y="53.9526" z="565.104" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.319" y="54.3942" z="563.488" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.399" y="56.7806" z="597.228" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="460.81" y="56.5885" z="593.559" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.232" y="56.507" z="591.799" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.665" y="44.8" z="496.212" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.92431" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.543" y="44.8" z="495.304" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.10143" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.892" y="45.9288" z="522.59" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.97792" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.448" y="46.5432" z="535.839" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.26799" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.565" y="45.5658" z="521.757" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.68491" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.223" y="46.4337" z="525.989" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.26782" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="423.703" y="46.5432" z="525.322" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.26774" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.665" y="46.5294" z="524.25" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.227124" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.637" y="46.4585" z="525.538" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14122" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.747" y="46.2946" z="523.43" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.55682" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.8" y="46.4441" z="525.898" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84984" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.322" y="46.4688" z="525.352" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.97149" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.74" y="46.6447" z="537.129" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.67897" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.752" y="46.8278" z="538.257" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.97118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.24" y="45.202" z="520.922" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.55667" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/reeds_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.979" y="45.0779" z="520.638" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84886" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="94.9369" y="44.8" z="718.645" />
+ <Orientation angle="3.05956" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="86.9786" y="44.8" z="723.185" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.927137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="86.5102" y="44.8" z="725.383" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="88.2987" y="44.8" z="725.754" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90644" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="89.6606" y="44.8" z="725.662" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="90.8824" y="44.8" z="726.271" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="92.1502" y="44.8" z="725.804" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="93.7374" y="44.8" z="726.867" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="87.1563" y="44.8" z="721.139" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="441.542" y="46.7151" z="537.889" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.02252" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.844" y="44.8" z="472.541" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.55529" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.206" y="44.8" z="469.362" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="493.998" y="44.8" z="520.48" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="493.794" y="44.8" z="520.929" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.292" y="44.8" z="521.008" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.013" y="44.8" z="537.129" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="479.529" y="44.8" z="516.065" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.296" y="44.8" z="499.668" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="508.281" y="44.8" z="488.181" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.553641" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.968" y="44.8" z="534.382" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.11" y="44.8" z="499.319" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/table1_short.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="479.457" y="44.8" z="533.354" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.665" y="44.8" z="518.98" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_water.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.811" y="44.8" z="518.978" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.086" y="44.8" z="522.773" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wood_sm_pile_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.969" y="44.8" z="539.817" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.581" y="55.3081" z="553.819" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="441.391" y="54.9306" z="559.186" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.955" y="46.1268" z="528.822" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.954" y="46.1642" z="532.338" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="473.318" y="44.8" z="489.152" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.933" y="44.8" z="488.971" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.083" y="45.0751" z="473.942" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/animal_pen.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.958" y="54.8292" z="576.023" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="494.266" y="44.8" z="476.187" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.123" y="44.8" z="481.974" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="487.884" y="44.8" z="494.044" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="494.234" y="44.8" z="500.25" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="500.223" y="44.8" z="482.258" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="500.082" y="44.8" z="494.378" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="501.753" y="44.8" z="486.572" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.365" y="44.8" z="518.686" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.867" y="54.2158" z="559.318" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.079" y="44.8" z="493.87" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="511.045" y="44.8" z="493.89" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1_broken.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="479.673" y="44.8" z="543.221" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/eyecandy/waterbin a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/eyecandy/waterbin a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="496.571" y="44.8" z="486.736" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="496.936" y="44.8" z="488.248" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="511.718" y="44.8" z="526.948" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="513.132" y="44.8" z="527.51" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="506.213" y="44.8" z="536.237" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="504.143" y="44.8" z="539.265" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="501.213" y="44.8" z="541.023" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="499.497" y="44.8" z="543.145" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="516.921" y="44.8" z="525.591" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="513.783" y="44.8" z="529.159" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="493.119" y="44.8" z="542.952" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.853" y="44.8" z="543.728" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="489.035" y="44.8" z="546.603" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="489.865" y="44.8" z="547.57" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="524.005" y="44.8" z="515.431" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.694" y="44.8" z="518.375" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.696" y="53.2686" z="562.747" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="463.594" y="53.286" z="557.097" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="463.803" y="54.2109" z="561.542" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/celts/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/michael_celts_06102004.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/michael_celts_06102004.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/michael_celts_06102004.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,943 +1,943 @@
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+ <Orientation angle="-3.08857" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/hellenes/hellenes_civilisation_center_prop.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="397.316" y="44.8" z="537.852" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92642" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/units/heads/dude_head.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.675" y="44.8" z="523.882" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92432" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/units/heads/dude_head.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.376" y="44.8" z="523.75" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92413" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.077" y="44.8" z="523.684" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.97333" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.179" y="44.8" z="524.081" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.97386" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.473" y="44.8079" z="527.841" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09064" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.704" y="45.0144" z="531.599" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9249" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_1_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="378.496" y="45.113" z="520.222" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09081" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/stlm_hele.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.357" y="44.8" z="551.153" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.03203" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/deciduous_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="370.516" y="46.8018" z="515.089" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14145" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/deciduous_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.426" y="46.2009" z="556.613" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.17698" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="385.611" y="44.8432" z="527.687" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.45263" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="398.322" y="45.8123" z="498.479" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.44673" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.023" y="45.1321" z="505.318" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.33739" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.141" y="45.8269" z="500.984" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94924" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.448" y="45.9896" z="499.973" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95939" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.707" y="45.5891" z="502.452" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95947" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.326" y="45.7194" z="501.106" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.79861" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/celts/tartan_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="385.722" y="44.8511" z="525.65" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93304" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/celts/tartan_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.775" y="44.8466" z="520.394" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.02904" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_1_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="382.322" y="48.5801" z="538.394" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.08362" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_1_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="360.636" y="47.7294" z="513.931" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0839" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_3_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="376.037" y="45.287" z="517.834" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89405" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="397.563" y="45.6503" z="560.72" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.995423" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="379.1" y="45.0454" z="516.574" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0919" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="383.774" y="45.5385" z="499.553" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.13941" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.856" y="44.8685" z="512.166" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.472183" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="423.988" y="44.8" z="518.639" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.08214" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.163" y="44.9635" z="508.782" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.08286" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.969" y="46.1102" z="498.969" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.40812" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.251" y="44.8011" z="560.055" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.4071" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.008" y="44.8634" z="523.139" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84819" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.858" y="44.9794" z="526.338" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.993775" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.4" y="44.9065" z="534.778" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.60125" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="385.146" y="51.6936" z="548.206" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.841992" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.991" y="46.0257" z="565.739" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.82617" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.106" y="48.391" z="574.422" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.07169" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.443" y="46.3863" z="560.346" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94456" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.595" y="45.6509" z="565.131" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.86853" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.277" y="45.0794" z="527.698" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.38567" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="443.471" y="45.5127" z="535.892" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.54396" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="446.452" y="45.0829" z="529.63" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.75472" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.504" y="44.801" z="514.987" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.65367" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.968" y="44.8" z="538.011" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.62299" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="444.275" y="44.8" z="508.735" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88443" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.903" y="44.8" z="516.612" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8843" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.765" y="44.8" z="522.558" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88845" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.743" y="44.8" z="527.074" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="453.764" y="44.8" z="532.063" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89019" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.062" y="44.8" z="532.063" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="449.18" y="44.8067" z="520.934" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88634" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.633" y="44.8" z="515.666" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.69413" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.132" y="44.8045" z="520.601" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.12635" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.129" y="44.8" z="525.718" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.24394" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.464" y="44.8" z="532.354" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.677" y="44.8" z="514.965" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14119" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="441.59" y="44.8" z="509.09" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.08268" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="453.66" y="44.8" z="516.532" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.11151" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.931" y="44.8" z="506.159" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09351" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="449.202" y="45.2985" z="541.288" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.85042" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="438.067" y="45.2219" z="529.918" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.07998" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.966" y="45.3305" z="488.76" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90536" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.982" y="44.8246" z="480.114" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90525" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.94" y="44.8" z="488.755" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.69759" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="453.917" y="44.8" z="495.565" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.11401" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.431" y="45.2663" z="493.572" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.51748" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.749" y="44.8" z="478.602" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.01558" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.841" y="44.8" z="508.234" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.20323" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.123" y="45.0159" z="508.584" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66535" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="388.072" y="45.9018" z="500.269" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.20058" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.805" y="45.2811" z="591.709" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.69449" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.206" y="44.8" z="602.883" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90187" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.287" y="45.1877" z="597.965" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.11787" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.85" y="48.8233" z="587.506" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88265" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.1" y="49.2379" z="588.842" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91291" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.993" y="44.8" z="582.121" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.43672" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="433.887" y="45.858" z="577.346" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.49292" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.36" y="45.1559" z="596.264" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.03126" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.387" y="45.1486" z="531.031" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/woodcord.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.978" y="44.8007" z="518.805" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="404.756" y="44.7393" z="539.642" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.07532" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.382" y="44.8251" z="514.935" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0932" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.521" y="44.8024" z="531.859" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10829" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.912" y="44.7577" z="542.208" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87876" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="379.544" y="45.1133" z="529.69" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09483" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="411.404" y="45.1394" z="564.361" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0917" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.787" y="45.8867" z="492.078" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.83227" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.218" y="46.4635" z="494.758" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88924" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="364.079" y="44.8" z="489.153" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89053" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.104" y="48.7031" z="479.042" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09586" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="371.279" y="45.352" z="485.988" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89573" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="366.457" y="44.8" z="491.911" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88631" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.605" y="45.6895" z="471.602" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.80221" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.957" y="47.4909" z="468.514" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.51694" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="389.835" y="49.3083" z="585.488" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.122" y="44.8447" z="599.875" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.709" y="44.8" z="603.357" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="396.599" y="44.8" z="607.802" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="387.003" y="44.8729" z="603.065" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.94" y="45.7129" z="592.568" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.698" y="44.8" z="600.119" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="396.28" y="44.8" z="602.63" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.521" y="45.2922" z="479.375" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.202" y="45.1132" z="472.459" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.79176" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.372" y="44.8" z="471.478" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.148" y="44.8313" z="464.408" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mediterannean.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mediterannean.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mediterannean.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,1646 +1,1646 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/snowPR3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/snowPR3.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/snowPR3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,692 +1,692 @@
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="323.698" y="10.7778" z="94.62" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.25492" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="267.96" y="10.018" z="128.042" />
- <Orientation angle="-1.18339" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Orientation angle="-3.14149" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>geology/rock_snow1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="321.307" y="12.7563" z="105.385" />
- <Orientation angle="0.183861" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>geology/rock_snow2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/hele_barracks_w.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="357.482" y="24.4538" z="125.219" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.58985" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="326.683" y="16.0913" z="164.957" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14147" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="313.888" y="14.1311" z="172.643" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.924578" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/snow_pine1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="307.82" y="14.0308" z="166.283" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.43988" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="330.797" y="16.9595" z="174.799" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84625" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="286.663" y="12.9297" z="107.839" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.924055" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1_snow.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="312.334" y="12.6242" z="104.694" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94778" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1_snow.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="310.735" y="14.0903" z="169.402" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95714" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1_snow.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="282.514" y="17.8606" z="141.45" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78459" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="344.371" y="19.2197" z="122.472" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.21953" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="314.431" y="11.8651" z="100.358" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.40267" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="283.78" y="13.2125" z="119.149" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95708" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="319.832" y="14.9988" z="159.65" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95711" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="315.772" y="14.3539" z="156.953" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95543" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="323.487" y="15.4509" z="147.851" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95696" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="324.278" y="15.5338" z="146.344" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95698" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="323.038" y="15.3355" z="146.581" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14146" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="325.059" y="15.617" z="144.127" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14146" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="321.612" y="15.2627" z="153.281" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14144" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="314.964" y="14.1412" z="169.447" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14145" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="321.404" y="15.0418" z="167.9" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14145" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="309.163" y="14.1034" z="173.577" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14143" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="310.641" y="14.0806" z="165.885" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9571" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass15.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="297.542" y="14.5281" z="129.045" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95728" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="270.139" y="10.788" z="126.424" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95698" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="316.311" y="14.2226" z="174.649" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14144" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="318.585" y="14.6147" z="168.98" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.77241" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/snow1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="312.609" y="14.1257" z="166.016" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14142" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/snow2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="320.924" y="15.021" z="147.064" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14146" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/snow1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="320.965" y="15.1068" z="150.062" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.957" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/snow1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="292.489" y="15.1092" z="132.856" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96944" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="297.348" y="14.0493" z="170.092" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.80726" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="335.354" y="17.4984" z="126.418" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95701" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="334.766" y="17.134" z="123.791" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95683" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/CantabrianHighlands.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/CantabrianHighlands.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/CantabrianHighlands.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,10665 +1,10665 @@
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- <Player>1</Player>
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- <Entity>
- <Template>hele_cc</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
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- <Entity>
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- <Entity>
- <Template>pers_cc</Template>
- <Player>1</Player>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="242.655" y="54.5769" z="124.617" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="339.519" y="54.2832" z="142.699" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="373.182" y="52.6562" z="698.58" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="374.06" y="52.7501" z="697.44" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="371.634" y="52.59" z="698.002" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="417.017" y="68.5285" z="627.247" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="414.806" y="68.1803" z="627.82" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="417.041" y="68.8539" z="625.506" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="806.286" y="44.8" z="86.1453" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="341.171" y="49.5162" z="724.545" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="406.736" y="44.9752" z="790.712" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.286" y="46.704" z="750.56" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.341" y="49.0485" z="735.241" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="416.451" y="45.005" z="777.13" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="121.258" y="45.0782" z="391.366" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92353" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="119.68" y="45.2286" z="394.883" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14138" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.174" y="45.3361" z="395.33" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14128" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.948" y="45.2827" z="394.255" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92289" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="119.993" y="45.0164" z="390.186" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91988" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="125.517" y="45.2714" z="393.447" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92125" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="121.336" y="45.2742" z="395.025" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="120.108" y="45.2328" z="394.821" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70165" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="125.487" y="45.1747" z="392.12" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14123" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.557" y="45.1065" z="391.236" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92158" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.95" y="45.5028" z="397.323" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14128" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="117.66" y="45.3153" z="397.124" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92135" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.175" y="46.035" z="401.714" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91664" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="116.918" y="45.3359" z="397.822" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92533" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.684" y="45.9693" z="401.773" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70225" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="113.968" y="45.3677" z="400.253" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91612" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.613" y="45.5798" z="398.33" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14128" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="118.447" y="45.2564" z="396.041" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92168" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="118.994" y="45.5224" z="399.637" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="120.628" y="45.3923" z="397.06" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14123" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="119.224" y="45.6647" z="401.14" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92253" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="125.088" y="45.6273" z="398.289" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9183" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.503" y="45.3349" z="395.625" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92582" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.762" y="46.0401" z="400.074" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70234" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.823" y="45.3243" z="393.352" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14128" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="129.428" y="45.3477" z="393.452" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92328" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.364" y="45.7398" z="400.285" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9184" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.416" y="45.619" z="397.701" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92149" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="127.144" y="45.3072" z="393.596" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14123" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.269" y="45.7402" z="397.182" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92004" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.587" y="45.3344" z="393.577" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91293" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.46" y="45.765" z="397.339" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93056" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.983" y="45.6804" z="398.184" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7022" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.304" y="45.2961" z="391.818" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14129" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="127.619" y="44.9853" z="385.081" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92191" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="135.111" y="44.9581" z="379.721" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14129" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.224" y="44.8695" z="371.741" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92527" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="137.284" y="44.8538" z="368.606" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.515" y="44.9418" z="379.792" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.385" y="45.1628" z="391.608" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="139.3" y="45.1472" z="388.682" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="137.628" y="45.8499" z="396.737" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.606" y="45.2142" z="393.487" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="133.219" y="45.0217" z="384.145" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.588" y="45.001" z="383.081" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="136.187" y="45.183" z="389.668" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.94" y="45.0827" z="390.272" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.988" y="45.23" z="391.057" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="125.05" y="44.9696" z="385.812" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="136.783" y="45.4618" z="393.143" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.095" y="44.9817" z="386.84" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.05" y="45.025" z="387.527" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="129.045" y="45.054" z="388.754" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.058" y="45.1737" z="391.373" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14117" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.765" y="45.0353" z="386.905" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.076" y="45.0179" z="386.167" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.15" y="44.9546" z="381.934" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.171" y="44.9368" z="379.455" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="133.024" y="44.9006" z="375.444" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.547" y="44.8855" z="373.386" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="137.328" y="44.9153" z="375.681" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.562" y="44.9225" z="376.954" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="135.15" y="44.91" z="375.754" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="133.036" y="44.9406" z="379.032" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.751" y="44.9407" z="379.572" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="131.299" y="44.9292" z="378.678" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="127.588" y="44.9911" z="386.444" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="120.769" y="45.0872" z="391.825" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="108.833" y="44.9481" z="393.73" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="105.168" y="44.8487" z="393.679" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.201" y="45.0936" z="390.096" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.101" y="45.2297" z="391.513" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.394" y="45.2141" z="390.952" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="129.999" y="45.0878" z="389.194" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="132.523" y="45.071" z="388.473" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="135.479" y="45.044" z="384.996" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="135.739" y="44.9788" z="380.776" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="136.212" y="44.9539" z="379.015" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="133.305" y="44.9729" z="381.085" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="130.538" y="44.9921" z="383.347" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.258" y="44.9634" z="382.494" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="130.3" y="44.9935" z="383.57" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="129.844" y="45.3495" z="393.393" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="130.302" y="45.4574" z="394.651" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="117.107" y="45.0663" z="392.535" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="121.705" y="45.3009" z="395.357" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.623" y="45.3598" z="394.433" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="123.95" y="45.5028" z="397.323" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="118.239" y="45.4547" z="398.977" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="101.443" y="44.8" z="396.041" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="108.665" y="44.8921" z="391.174" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="116.752" y="44.9079" z="386.135" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.575" y="44.9024" z="378.119" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="112.339" y="44.8907" z="388.496" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="119.256" y="44.9299" z="387.175" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.04249" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="111.804" y="45.0495" z="395.077" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70201" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="118.85" y="44.9856" z="389.565" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14119" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="119.338" y="44.973" z="389.111" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92445" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.288" y="45.0666" z="388.642" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92141" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.555" y="44.9948" z="385.538" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.69816" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.738" y="45.1152" z="391.404" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14119" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.278" y="45.0264" z="389.212" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14128" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.319" y="44.9543" z="387.35" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="121.81" y="45.0561" z="390.513" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14138" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.258" y="45.0139" z="389.158" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.539" y="45.2203" z="393.017" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92349" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="126.884" y="45.0031" z="388.213" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.88552" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.089" y="45.0001" z="387.64" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98768" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="127.827" y="45.0543" z="389.074" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98171" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="127.233" y="45.0732" z="389.537" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98783" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="125.195" y="45.0145" z="388.698" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82725" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.614" y="45.2328" z="392.221" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92291" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="130.388" y="45.1738" z="390.64" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.193" y="45.1587" z="390.232" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.198" y="45.1289" z="389.549" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="129.005" y="45.1557" z="390.722" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.985" y="45.0078" z="387.647" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="129.909" y="45.0084" z="385.997" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="130.213" y="45.0047" z="384.967" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.114" y="45.0078" z="384.384" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.333" y="45.0225" z="385.337" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="133.18" y="45.0341" z="386.087" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.389" y="45.0451" z="386.232" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="133.495" y="45.0691" z="388.319" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.879" y="45.13" z="389.375" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="133.246" y="45.201" z="390.487" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.02" y="45.2358" z="390.866" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="132.73" y="45.3397" z="392.63" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.691" y="45.3474" z="393.008" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="130.943" y="45.4018" z="393.811" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="131.285" y="45.5123" z="395.081" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="121.528" y="45.1969" z="393.474" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.511" y="45.1193" z="391.973" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.281" y="45.1082" z="391.762" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.813" y="45.0646" z="390.404" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.015" y="45.0069" z="389.22" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.647" y="44.9635" z="388.106" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.718" y="44.9711" z="386.914" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.902" y="44.9628" z="386.385" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="122.341" y="44.951" z="386.226" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="120.712" y="44.9382" z="386.214" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="117.827" y="44.9212" z="387.834" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="116.703" y="44.9858" z="390.371" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="116.158" y="45.0174" z="391.771" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="115.357" y="45.069" z="393.359" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="118.299" y="45.0546" z="391.947" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.178" y="45.1651" z="392.279" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="123.195" y="45.2507" z="393.928" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="117.106" y="45.1908" z="395.316" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="118.242" y="45.1846" z="394.508" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="136.067" y="44.8906" z="373.539" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="135.895" y="44.8679" z="370.955" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="137.452" y="44.87" z="370.946" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="138.05" y="44.8607" z="369.467" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="137.935" y="44.8555" z="368.728" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="137.18" y="44.865" z="370.274" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="136.397" y="44.8653" z="370.47" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="136.085" y="44.885" z="372.969" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="135.535" y="44.8825" z="372.849" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="249.432" y="45.5052" z="388.095" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="119.712" y="61.5739" z="510.546" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="113.601" y="61.1706" z="504.037" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.6745" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="59.3319" y="52.0746" z="491.947" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67043" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="39.3104" y="51.182" z="482.139" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="36.649" y="50.7906" z="471.738" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="52.4321" y="49.5139" z="462.51" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="75.2819" y="51.3439" z="459.855" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67271" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="116.847" y="61.0194" z="514.549" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="147.397" y="60.966" z="534.748" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="58.5759" y="44.8795" z="753.673" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="49.8843" y="44.8" z="737.461" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="59.1217" y="44.8" z="722.397" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="72.7599" y="44.8314" z="799.329" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="102.062" y="45.012" z="795.307" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="117.799" y="46.0026" z="784.361" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="255.263" y="65.9011" z="644.855" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="244.179" y="65.3608" z="631.321" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="287.857" y="49.439" z="714.708" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="693.471" y="73.5911" z="115.506" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/foliagebush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="406.749" y="45.0189" z="399.967" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="185.585" y="69.8513" z="145.496" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67058" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="179.315" y="68.4361" z="150.416" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92309" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="182.082" y="69.7371" z="147.511" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92196" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="183.294" y="69.9296" z="146.796" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70406" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="181.844" y="69.8343" z="145.971" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8902" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="182.165" y="69.8989" z="145.503" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92192" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="183.597" y="70.1034" z="144.568" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92179" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="185.703" y="70.2516" z="144.006" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92202" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="186.878" y="70.2547" z="143.456" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89067" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="188.501" y="70.2384" z="144.043" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70243" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="188.794" y="70.0569" z="145.094" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92169" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="188.473" y="69.6734" z="146.546" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.0155" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="189.362" y="70.0546" z="143.543" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92188" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="187.032" y="70.2233" z="143.027" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92172" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="182.353" y="69.9391" z="145.173" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92185" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="171.047" y="69.3538" z="150.252" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.539" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="170.881" y="72.7692" z="142.294" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.45085" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="174.244" y="73.1127" z="140.151" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92261" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="172.232" y="72.1473" z="144.187" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92158" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="169.67" y="71.2276" z="147.743" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="172.081" y="71.4091" z="146.214" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="173.739" y="72.1723" z="142.863" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="174.502" y="72.8986" z="139.247" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="172.933" y="72.0092" z="136.931" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="173.788" y="72.1476" z="134.86" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="171.275" y="71.8603" z="135.113" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="170.836" y="71.9361" z="134.751" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="167.353" y="72.6349" z="136.024" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="166.833" y="73.2166" z="136.655" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="165.778" y="74.4144" z="138.321" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="124.856" y="44.8" z="16.7687" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="120.732" y="45.2648" z="27.326" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="128.223" y="44.8" z="13.9414" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="120.562" y="44.8" z="15.3059" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="121.118" y="45.2648" z="31.5622" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="134.452" y="44.8854" z="20.7349" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="136.522" y="44.8" z="12.3862" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.155" y="45.2648" z="25.271" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="170.282" y="63.8466" z="118.518" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="124.236" y="45.3398" z="620.151" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="129.607" y="45.8529" z="615.427" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.745" y="66.7528" z="565.404" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/MayScreenshot01.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/MayScreenshot01.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/MayScreenshot01.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,3522 +1,3522 @@
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+ <Orientation angle="-2.27055" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.996" y="44.1589" z="259.157" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63139" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.092" y="44.1996" z="260.528" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9656" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.547" y="44.3184" z="284.894" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.25038" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.402" y="44.5138" z="288.794" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.75309" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.11" y="44.5955" z="287.79" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.07781" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.975" y="44.1162" z="282.653" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.25295" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.838" y="44.3965" z="286.954" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.5943" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.439" y="44.2493" z="284.503" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.63375" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.103" y="44.4116" z="283.865" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.23433" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.525" y="44.1489" z="283.293" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14133" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.393" y="44.377" z="286.447" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.4248" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.644" y="44.4532" z="287.737" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.97186" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="438.001" y="44.5417" z="287.283" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.27191" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.523" y="44.1666" z="282.958" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14135" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="441.856" y="44.2054" z="284.659" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.90612" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="475.023" y="44.1918" z="256.44" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.35484" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.241" y="44.1357" z="265.351" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.38652" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.726" y="44.1871" z="255.543" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.836758" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_la_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.16" y="43.4755" z="253.25" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.74687" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.538" y="43.3639" z="254.086" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.57262" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.847" y="43.3426" z="262.158" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.292" y="43.6709" z="264.924" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.0494" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.232" y="43.4065" z="251.119" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.10926" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.45" y="43.487" z="275.271" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="463.689" y="43.5866" z="271.783" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.593" y="43.5235" z="242.985" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.9249" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="474.744" y="44.1736" z="251.821" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96847" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="475.159" y="44.2124" z="257.39" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.71462" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="483.437" y="44.8" z="285.688" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.0860912" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.914" y="44.5044" z="221.303" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.048" y="44.4622" z="224.263" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.554" y="44.7519" z="213.92" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="465.393" y="44.8" z="315.104" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.197" y="44.7999" z="307.836" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.204" y="44.8" z="321.449" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.485" y="44.8" z="317.695" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="402.674" y="44.8" z="305.716" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="399.557" y="44.799" z="296.623" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.582" y="44.8" z="322.318" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="395.317" y="44.796" z="279.646" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.099" y="44.3619" z="263.377" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.951" y="44.8" z="218.682" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="400.26" y="45.2277" z="225.11" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.352" y="49.1782" z="232.468" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.267" y="46.7543" z="251.329" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="383.435" y="46.5311" z="238.681" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="410.538" y="45.8761" z="245.347" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_la_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="402.533" y="47.0569" z="255.722" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.566" y="46.0845" z="227.62" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="411.638" y="44.9852" z="241.746" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="411.016" y="45.5517" z="243.412" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.594" y="45.6147" z="248.935" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="402.899" y="50.4108" z="235.187" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="408.977" y="47.9379" z="232.706" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.45" y="47.4468" z="234.252" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.804" y="47.0033" z="237.957" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="408.559" y="48.3722" z="235.524" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.631" y="47.2459" z="236.329" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="410.436" y="46.424" z="235.509" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="402.998" y="48.2631" z="252.279" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.602" y="44.4479" z="244.948" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.93" y="44.2755" z="250.855" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.855" y="44.2794" z="255.262" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.393" y="44.1822" z="254.359" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="409.254" y="47.6503" z="235.433" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="406.565" y="46.1289" z="254.481" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="449.86" y="44.425" z="223.498" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.064" y="44.799" z="276.991" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.194" y="44.8" z="293.51" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.10768" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="389.634" y="44.8" z="295.545" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.59332" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="395.153" y="44.799" z="288.95" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.865" y="44.8" z="292.778" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.369" y="44.8" z="297.285" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="396.573" y="44.7998" z="292.289" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="397.473" y="44.7987" z="289.806" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.252" y="44.8" z="270.292" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="406.758" y="44.8" z="274.021" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/reeds_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.419" y="44.7238" z="271.994" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.998" y="44.8" z="279.768" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="399.654" y="44.7971" z="281.444" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.911" y="44.3646" z="267.389" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.074" y="44.7877" z="282.069" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="423.876" y="44.776" z="283.958" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.086" y="44.7855" z="288.393" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="419.534" y="44.7896" z="288.321" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="415.071" y="44.8" z="276.238" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="364.252" y="44.8" z="277.119" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.23657" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="375.888" y="44.8" z="286.851" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66947" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="363.591" y="44.8" z="306.36" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66952" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="373.456" y="44.8" z="314.155" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.68646" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="377.999" y="44.8" z="323.568" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.369335" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.609" y="44.8" z="323.022" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="385.864" y="44.8" z="336.262" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="382.684" y="44.8" z="350.416" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67281" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="360.803" y="44.8" z="332.375" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="369.973" y="44.8" z="327.958" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="408.028" y="44.7973" z="299.621" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="404.311" y="44.8" z="316.761" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.103" y="44.8" z="310.629" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.712" y="44.8" z="314.078" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.814" y="44.8" z="311.973" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.531" y="44.8" z="329.1" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.687" y="44.8" z="314.137" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.00419203" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="438.007" y="44.8" z="354.502" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.162" y="44.8" z="368.068" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="509.788" y="44.8" z="230.853" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="512.081" y="44.8" z="243.153" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="498.371" y="44.8" z="245.59" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.063" y="44.8" z="219.087" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="481.801" y="44.8" z="218.048" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="478.955" y="44.8" z="229.655" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="470.968" y="44.3543" z="235.464" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="478.261" y="44.8" z="207.348" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="458.797" y="44.8" z="205.156" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="465.863" y="44.8" z="213.391" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="483.481" y="44.8" z="207.814" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="479.578" y="44.8" z="211.781" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="482.628" y="44.8" z="211.699" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="511.043" y="44.8" z="228.823" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="512.13" y="44.8" z="243.945" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="512.501" y="44.8" z="242.375" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="494.846" y="44.8" z="286.731" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="499.82" y="44.8" z="283.324" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="486.402" y="44.8" z="281.123" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="482.512" y="44.8" z="296.824" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="487.881" y="44.8" z="307.85" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="498.228" y="44.8" z="292.392" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="508.618" y="44.8" z="262.802" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="507.31" y="44.8" z="264.567" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="419.14" y="44.8201" z="237.812" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="417.485" y="44.8" z="221.86" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="420.206" y="44.7956" z="220.657" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="491.693" y="44.8" z="225.053" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="431.712" y="44.7974" z="304.138" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="433.913" y="44.7972" z="302.653" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14124" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.624" y="44.7959" z="301.577" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.635" y="44.7987" z="303.652" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.41616" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="435.065" y="44.7994" z="306.06" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="438.62" y="44.7977" z="302.639" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.16" y="44.7968" z="302.111" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14127" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="433.394" y="44.7983" z="305.532" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.42874" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.043" y="44.799" z="306.465" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14078" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.882" y="44.7992" z="305.594" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14124" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.224" y="43.5563" z="271.32" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.87226" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.064" y="43.63" z="272.445" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14135" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="460.782" y="44.8" z="210.614" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.82462" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="479.442" y="44.8" z="216.122" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.48143" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.165" y="44.7998" z="290.59" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.268" y="44.8" z="307.561" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14133" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.968" y="44.8" z="300.576" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.59741" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="376.172" y="44.8" z="281.392" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.1484" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="376.334" y="44.8" z="303.335" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.59375" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="410.216" y="44.8" z="305.899" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="402.642" y="44.7973" z="286.942" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.99487" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="411.851" y="44.8" z="326.148" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.15129" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.765" y="44.8" z="324.08" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.157988" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="419.248" y="44.8" z="311.632" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.823993" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.292" y="44.8" z="317.051" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="341.404" y="44.8" z="305.125" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.41724" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/neareastern_generated.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/neareastern_generated.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/neareastern_generated.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,7956 +1,7956 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/celtic_corrals.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/celtic_corrals.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/celtic_corrals.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,1071 +1,1071 @@
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="373.785" y="8.32361" z="504.705" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88747" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="366.05" y="8.81024" z="504.882" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.37221" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="365.6" y="8.78979" z="499.775" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.52461" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="363.404" y="9.00024" z="508.166" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.13072" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="359.651" y="9.09453" z="518.043" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.58082" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="361.22" y="9.2038" z="501.405" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.0797" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.274" y="8.33215" z="545.096" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.38664" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="351.65" y="11.2816" z="430.341" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87723" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg9.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.62" y="14.9998" z="515.645" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.36963" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.329" y="7.78244" z="532.475" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.75074" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="419.542" y="7.86311" z="500.657" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.304153" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.407" y="7.28464" z="497.24" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.47386" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.132" y="7.07771" z="498.158" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.36903" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.555" y="6.0714" z="492.343" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.21615" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.989" y="6.50059" z="495.416" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0071" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="365.473" y="8.84244" z="502.786" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93846" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="360.5" y="9.34336" z="507.482" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98904" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="408.654" y="7.43911" z="496.592" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.47007" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="360.779" y="9.33527" z="506.187" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9436" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="389.89" y="6.44488" z="476.076" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0303" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.026" y="6.87241" z="478.134" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8396" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass15.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.014" y="6.68803" z="474.501" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09127" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass13.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="377.381" y="7.61182" z="480.764" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93989" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.579" y="6.84088" z="496.408" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.89113" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.444" y="7.65857" z="499.647" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0412" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="406.714" y="9.47925" z="507.235" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93982" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.806" y="10.6469" z="515.936" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.04087" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="374.064" y="8.25595" z="503.024" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88967" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="372.066" y="8.43268" z="505.127" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93943" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.282" y="7.93141" z="505.209" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93959" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.128" y="7.15666" z="494.879" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99017" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass9.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.532" y="7.2617" z="497.848" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="389.705" y="7.25189" z="497.211" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99127" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass16.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="388.062" y="7.22564" z="496.057" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94105" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="387.781" y="7.35313" z="503.261" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93973" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.391" y="6.93118" z="492.069" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.04052" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="373.235" y="7.92713" z="493.937" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.04074" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="374.034" y="7.93594" z="495.524" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99051" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="370.985" y="8.28819" z="498.195" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99116" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="370.429" y="8.19551" z="494.669" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99092" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass13.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="370.405" y="8.38254" z="499.616" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94075" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass13.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="366.726" y="8.6416" z="484.93" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99152" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="369.002" y="7.97182" z="479.535" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98903" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="364.001" y="8.89477" z="483.498" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88862" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="364.136" y="8.29295" z="478.959" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93947" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="364.731" y="8.39911" z="481.38" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.58516" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="361.029" y="8.98111" z="483.425" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.06562" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="361.198" y="8.58009" z="478.287" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.07729" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="353.783" y="10.7609" z="483.607" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.4836" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="356.39" y="9.34648" z="473.582" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.963877" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="360.794" y="8.71904" z="475.588" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.58447" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="354.141" y="9.76054" z="477.772" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.4847" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="360.535" y="8.77214" z="468.853" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.33023" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="368.541" y="8.34912" z="484.185" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.57592" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="368.485" y="8.00784" z="476.224" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67783" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="364.618" y="9.00233" z="486.448" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.70189" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.045" y="8.5103" z="542.239" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.777" y="8.70473" z="542.187" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.646218" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.362" y="8.97372" z="547.125" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.203959" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.152" y="9.1328" z="546.993" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.576129" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="433.48" y="8.68871" z="542.87" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66019" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.644" y="10.0789" z="554.765" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.825" y="9.47583" z="548.155" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.85255" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="425.678" y="9.56322" z="554.481" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.80392" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.425" y="9.82732" z="551.352" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.80409" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.261" y="9.18338" z="546.664" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.6575" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.171" y="9.44455" z="551.165" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.0525684" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.034" y="9.97253" z="551.429" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.755398" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.12" y="10.1141" z="558.483" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.574" y="11.7007" z="559.85" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.86" y="11.0856" z="553.776" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.208" y="10.4347" z="569.936" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.259" y="14.714" z="566.375" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.90676" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.183" y="7.15235" z="457.766" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="363.482" y="8.29428" z="472.337" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="356.576" y="9.52118" z="483.847" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="354.156" y="9.75941" z="480.23" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.093" y="8.93105" z="546.12" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.18" y="11.2877" z="556.8" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.629" y="9.16682" z="562.335" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.897" y="7.94926" z="536.635" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="398.695" y="7.86539" z="560.18" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="368.74" y="8.44852" z="497.841" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="388.938" y="7.23936" z="497.61" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.281" y="7.26283" z="496.173" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.238" y="6.03933" z="486.626" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.213" y="6.50828" z="474.908" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.622" y="6.32729" z="472.931" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.055" y="6.27232" z="470.363" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.562" y="6.35282" z="473.445" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.955" y="6.3504" z="467.407" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.162" y="6.0705" z="490.179" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="428.233" y="5.90504" z="492.727" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="443.472" y="7.61012" z="503.201" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="443.187" y="6.24409" z="498.782" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="446.737" y="6.20657" z="494.443" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="438.631" y="9.62713" z="506.769" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.66" y="6.47688" z="500.602" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.192" y="6.11784" z="490.893" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/ph2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/ph2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/ph2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,1234 +1,1234 @@
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+ <Position x="95.29" y="44.8" z="211.122" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="152.724" y="44.8" z="117.767" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/pine.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/iberianstest.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/iberianstest.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/iberianstest.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,2417 +1,2417 @@
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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+ <Orientation angle="-2.90236" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="649.715" y="44.8" z="230.961" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.52111" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="612.386" y="44.8" z="232.271" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.77475" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="618.684" y="44.8" z="248.648" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="618.912" y="44.8" z="247.212" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.59319" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="664.387" y="44.8" z="244.297" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78509" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="633.947" y="44.8" z="210.78" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.83095" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="674.134" y="44.8" z="206.047" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.00773" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="674.554" y="44.8" z="215.289" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.46049" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="686.528" y="44.8" z="223.343" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.31908" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_1_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="677.072" y="44.8" z="207.52" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.32236" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_3_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="660.465" y="44.8" z="269.458" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.0866" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_3_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="594.444" y="44.8" z="251.982" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.62393" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_4_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="596.983" y="44.8" z="253.885" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.0337249" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="688.376" y="44.8" z="225.968" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.86308" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="635.377" y="44.8" z="295.456" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.04104" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="638.909" y="44.8" z="295.433" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.40558" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="638.131" y="44.8" z="302.04" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.67608" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="637.885" y="44.8" z="291.113" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.80658" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="657.377" y="44.8" z="187.312" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.61394" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="627.479" y="44.8" z="205.715" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.55707" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="598.856" y="44.8" z="224.906" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70517" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="637.299" y="44.8" z="294.569" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66255" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="596.167" y="44.8" z="251.041" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.64961" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="651.392" y="44.8" z="229.679" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.56549" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="595.79" y="44.8" z="270.078" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.33199" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="612.068" y="44.8" z="269.12" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.496944" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="619.562" y="44.8" z="251.139" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.18032" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="606.435" y="44.8" z="269.264" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.57384" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="601.119" y="44.8" z="268.388" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.73834" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="667.861" y="44.8" z="260.103" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.22627" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="671.923" y="44.8" z="259.686" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72992" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="668.478" y="44.8" z="263.105" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.65745" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="668.119" y="44.8" z="257.835" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.804312" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="661.973" y="44.8" z="259.591" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.1745" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="666.422" y="44.8" z="256.854" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.13071" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="630.57" y="44.8" z="191.458" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.0380696" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="608.341" y="44.8" z="211.254" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.395368" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="606.828" y="44.8" z="214.484" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.50099" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="631.747" y="44.8" z="224.285" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66688" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="614.911" y="44.8" z="261.78" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.45684" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="642.455" y="44.8" z="284.548" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="691.713" y="44.8" z="226.944" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.219513" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="619.613" y="44.8" z="214.276" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.48881" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="637.494" y="44.8" z="192.082" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="638.46" y="44.8" z="192.727" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.8699" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="578.536" y="44.8" z="252.845" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="586.472" y="44.8" z="249.866" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.323" y="44.8" z="261.403" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="586.387" y="44.8" z="274.687" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.12943" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.205" y="44.8" z="245.531" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="578.993" y="44.8" z="233.677" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="565.69" y="44.8" z="252.975" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="578.533" y="44.8" z="239.586" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="573.159" y="44.8" z="252.595" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="573.869" y="44.8" z="257.99" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="573.521" y="44.8" z="268.619" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.482" y="44.8" z="275.876" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.311" y="44.8" z="267.422" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="577.91" y="44.8" z="261.375" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="588.229" y="44.8" z="245.392" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90512" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="589.792" y="44.8" z="254.585" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="585.596" y="44.8" z="267.434" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.24723" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="577.93" y="44.8" z="244.426" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="574.376" y="44.8" z="263.699" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.892" y="44.8" z="280.351" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.711" y="44.8" z="258.325" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="576.796" y="44.8" z="235.82" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.384" y="44.8" z="238.607" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="581.705" y="44.8" z="242.621" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="590.077" y="44.8" z="248.063" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="581.878" y="44.8" z="260.697" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.458" y="44.8" z="247.972" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.495" y="44.8" z="244.179" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.476" y="44.8" z="242.421" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="578.17" y="44.8" z="237.816" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="579.782" y="44.8" z="234.356" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.079" y="44.8" z="238.627" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.7" y="44.8" z="244.544" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.558" y="44.8" z="236.066" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.353" y="44.8" z="242.508" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="581.682" y="44.8" z="252.679" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="585.315" y="44.8" z="243.592" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.686" y="44.8" z="247.548" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.429" y="44.8" z="274.003" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="579.655" y="44.8" z="276.444" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="577.17" y="44.8" z="233.338" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.881" y="44.8" z="251.447" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="585.141" y="44.8" z="254.694" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.756" y="44.8" z="252.669" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_c_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.245" y="44.8" z="276.162" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="616.272" y="44.8" z="252.503" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="593.234" y="44.8" z="248.448" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="683.491" y="44.8" z="263.795" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="683.494" y="44.8" z="267.89" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="696.389" y="44.8" z="231.673" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="632.346" y="44.8" z="202.696" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="588.3" y="45.762" z="282.391" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.245" y="49.4604" z="305.837" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="572.616" y="45.0173" z="277.865" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="564.56" y="44.8" z="271.281" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="568.608" y="44.8" z="233.146" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="570.101" y="44.8" z="244.106" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="586.482" y="44.8" z="233.621" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="622.627" y="44.8" z="312.206" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="672.249" y="44.8" z="300.63" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_4_light.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="657.062" y="44.8642" z="311.263" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="658.398" y="44.9396" z="307.706" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.39814" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="657.823" y="44.8" z="313.853" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84294" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="659.585" y="44.8362" z="308.88" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84836" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="658.724" y="44.9112" z="309.028" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84112" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="656.476" y="45.0557" z="309.067" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84425" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="654.794" y="44.8" z="315.245" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.09471" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="705.803" y="44.8" z="257.533" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.92742" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="690.129" y="44.8" z="174.135" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.28055" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="668.917" y="44.8" z="184.983" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.14072" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="696.376" y="44.8" z="194.921" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.27761" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="672.367" y="44.8" z="179.703" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.84649" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="680.267" y="44.8" z="179.525" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.258079" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="676.398" y="44.8" z="178.543" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.98549" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="672.489" y="44.8" z="181.15" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.4265" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="670.218" y="44.8" z="183.514" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.26903" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="668.299" y="44.8" z="181.596" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.41931" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="679.022" y="44.8" z="175.975" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.85066" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="683.322" y="44.8" z="175.943" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.70622" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="673.662" y="44.8" z="183.469" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.47236" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="674.862" y="44.8" z="180.696" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84794" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="673.47" y="44.8" z="182.513" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.71003" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="673.638" y="44.8" z="181.351" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.519077" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="678.329" y="44.8" z="178.663" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.966942" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="615.93" y="44.8" z="233.929" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.22179" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="677.64" y="44.8" z="260.999" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.47157" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="600.8" y="46.109" z="314.026" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.76159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="592.349" y="45.9137" z="312.603" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30653" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="585.616" y="48.9139" z="307.493" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66826" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="575.213" y="52.8465" z="304.915" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.29426" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="607.088" y="46.0146" z="315.93" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.865905" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="607.402" y="44.9791" z="308.925" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.676752" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="572.863" y="48.3136" z="287.589" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.92988" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>special/proptest.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="329.969" y="44.8" z="10.2352" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.80984" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>special/proptest.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="338.679" y="44.8" z="13.3773" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.59849" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="703.133" y="44.8" z="9.61468" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.0371849" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="700.671" y="44.8" z="12.9703" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78161" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude_propped.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="696.043" y="44.8" z="9.1492" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.56967" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="692.663" y="44.8" z="6.91406" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.0373" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="617.31" y="44.8" z="279.442" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.62725" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="672.555" y="44.8" z="233.254" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="673.597" y="44.8" z="235.677" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="619.413" y="44.8" z="238.729" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="619.568" y="44.8" z="234.986" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="610.188" y="44.8" z="230.742" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="662.448" y="44.8" z="256.983" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="667.875" y="44.8" z="271.673" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="615.956" y="44.8" z="281.577" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.75298" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="695.954" y="44.8" z="14.4671" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.52897" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="603.918" y="45.2541" z="312.863" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.36863" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="614.995" y="44.8" z="302.941" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="554.119" y="44.8" z="269.374" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.65165" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.082" y="44.8" z="260.755" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="538.934" y="44.8" z="274.974" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="540.822" y="46.3171" z="282.061" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.71" y="45.4848" z="285.335" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.707" y="44.8" z="275.684" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="544.483" y="44.8" z="267.386" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="548.024" y="44.8" z="263.748" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="548.595" y="44.8" z="274.442" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="543.474" y="44.8" z="254.486" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.982" y="44.8" z="266.143" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="552.264" y="44.8" z="275.085" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="552.136" y="45.8013" z="280.286" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="548.386" y="44.8" z="269.821" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.0311731" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="542.889" y="44.8" z="260.939" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="538.15" y="45.2385" z="278.52" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="545.456" y="44.8" z="269.426" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="598.966" y="45.5241" z="307.519" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="577.941" y="47.423" z="289.542" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="578.008" y="47.4635" z="289.747" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="665.992" y="44.8" z="192.614" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/pig1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="602.177" y="44.8" z="258.823" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="605.88" y="44.8" z="257.87" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="617.512" y="44.8" z="264.719" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="625.06" y="44.8" z="265.134" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="623.388" y="44.8" z="267.455" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="621.812" y="44.8" z="267.548" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="617.003" y="44.8" z="267.337" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="623.902" y="44.8" z="275.421" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="626.513" y="44.8" z="275.445" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="624.261" y="44.8" z="278.192" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/celt_screenshot_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/celt_screenshot_2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/celt_screenshot_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,1106 +1,1106 @@
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_e.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.789" y="5.55205" z="482.595" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.014" y="7.05834" z="517.217" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.518" y="7.41532" z="519.556" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.203" y="7.88578" z="522.893" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="477.773" y="9.25152" z="512.346" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.37405" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="477.271" y="9.94239" z="514.429" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.485" y="6.00546" z="475.938" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.236" y="5.63568" z="492.889" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.535" y="5.49174" z="483.879" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.733" y="7.75849" z="522.847" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="432.106" y="6.22583" z="511.682" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="428.744" y="6.7468" z="505.185" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="431.315" y="6.16521" z="506.921" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="430.237" y="6.57401" z="509.407" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="433.744" y="6.07246" z="508.455" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.434" y="5.81063" z="491.503" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.762" y="5.94058" z="469.963" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="658.784" y="68.3213" z="609.933" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="648.487" y="82.7226" z="592.3" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.554" y="5.59998" z="502.47" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.813" y="5.60565" z="502.365" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="457.12" y="5.8854" z="478.315" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.119" y="5.91664" z="479.252" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.642" y="5.96368" z="477.106" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.821" y="9.54259" z="521.492" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.378" y="9.00802" z="520.603" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.341" y="6.22188" z="466.874" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.574" y="6.2089" z="468.223" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="457.858" y="6.15042" z="468.783" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="490.289" y="7.1702" z="502.174" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass13.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="493.181" y="6.84263" z="491.454" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass16.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="484.511" y="6.15742" z="489.517" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.724" y="6.01323" z="490.638" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.525" y="6.63499" z="514.361" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="432.352" y="6.92641" z="516.096" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="427.578" y="9.29211" z="528.013" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom13.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass8.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.202" y="7.47811" z="520.339" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_mushroom3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mountains_galore.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mountains_galore.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mountains_galore.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,10873 +1,10873 @@
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- <Position x="638.086" y="9.82198" z="125.815" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.82842" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="645.522" y="13.7968" z="139.896" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.30469" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="621.945" y="14.507" z="136.557" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.51402" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="589.687" y="17.5012" z="137.657" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="650.718" y="10.414" z="132.671" />
- <Orientation angle="-0.210227" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="354.693" y="0" z="9.6669" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="310.073" y="4.32744" z="35.7935" />
- <Orientation angle="1.66453" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="326.035" y="0.676308" z="9.62775" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="328.579" y="0.202888" z="22.7664" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Orientation angle="-2.82798" />
- </Nonentity>
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- <Position x="597.203" y="9.52497" z="86.4848" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="303.551" y="18.0033" z="188.421" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="313.352" y="22.0963" z="164.026" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="328.553" y="18.8678" z="157.255" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="331.611" y="11.9982" z="142.617" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="357.74" y="21.7948" z="116.591" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="369.602" y="23.8553" z="122.633" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="398.463" y="11.8068" z="117.427" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.889" y="30.9407" z="135.766" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="425.449" y="32.9226" z="148.307" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="426.772" y="19.7016" z="131.246" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="447.837" y="25.0833" z="134.633" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="461.098" y="30.1645" z="161.064" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="477.714" y="26.6447" z="169.544" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="468.234" y="28.9393" z="138.305" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="488.952" y="23.62" z="173.02" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="482.734" y="41.9702" z="192.56" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="478.691" y="48.0358" z="229.561" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="406.07" y="15.4535" z="292.25" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="342.349" y="19.0667" z="238.704" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.539" y="11.7718" z="321.924" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="398.033" y="9.00008" z="333.445" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="379.488" y="12.1999" z="318.59" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="378.508" y="19.9218" z="283.179" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="367.37" y="15.8344" z="292.733" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="391.684" y="13.7138" z="296.428" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="384.205" y="11.0559" z="317.397" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="408.145" y="11.3721" z="316.469" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="421.675" y="11.1231" z="309.812" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="421.888" y="11.1809" z="304.107" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="412.778" y="10.7264" z="305.118" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="382.265" y="13.883" z="312.034" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="373.046" y="0" z="63.8261" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.11447" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="370.822" y="0" z="54.1438" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.80591" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="395.963" y="0.305153" z="81.8211" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.49212" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.304" y="0.129395" z="79.3871" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.54422" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="383.501" y="0.171463" z="80.9705" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.07823" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/stlm_hele.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.383" y="0" z="52.5325" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.05835" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="324.961" y="5.65924" z="127.011" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.26165" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="360.591" y="-7.62939e-006" z="60.4887" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.48208" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="378.95" y="5.83173" z="97.6339" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.39718" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="284.828" y="0.0925217" z="125.152" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.35507" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="314.074" y="0.288544" z="103.773" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95084" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="494.47" y="3.50505" z="117.021" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.7284" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.06" y="1.23357" z="74.9883" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98482" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="247.067" y="7.62939e-006" z="111.764" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.3565" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="289.079" y="0.0771408" z="120.827" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.1992" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="416.053" y="0" z="43.1091" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.01824" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="378.537" y="0" z="74.0114" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65235" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="381.663" y="0.177902" z="80.662" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.33372" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.597" y="0.111755" z="79.1088" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.34053" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.092" y="0.0686035" z="77.7976" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.29373" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="379.562" y="0" z="75.4448" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65057" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/bench_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.732" y="0.314461" z="76.159" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.929449" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="385.742" y="7.62939e-006" z="49.9173" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_sandstone_pile_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.642" y="-7.62939e-006" z="55.5011" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.17886" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="382.401" y="0.0726776" z="78.8341" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.457" y="0.0781631" z="79.3296" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96295" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="355.383" y="0.0180588" z="63.59" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="310.927" y="0" z="92.1313" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="322.836" y="1.74316" z="54.156" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="331.373" y="1.74316" z="53.2564" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="341.987" y="1.74316" z="49.2415" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="324.49" y="1.74316" z="71.0522" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="368.22" y="0" z="53.7245" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="370.045" y="0" z="58.1346" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="371.431" y="0" z="62.5917" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="281.068" y="0.224319" z="77.2583" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.494" y="15.0142" z="164.069" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="383.11" y="0" z="74.9364" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.322" y="0.578003" z="84.9749" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.536" y="0.376129" z="82.5936" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_b.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/table1_long.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="423.795" y="0.127037" z="82.181" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.11" y="0.222427" z="85.2381" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="552.969" y="11.1404" z="98.9656" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94776" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="486.881" y="0.0215454" z="86.9665" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94776" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="485.445" y="3.64174" z="41.898" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94885" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="346.162" y="3.0244" z="78.1202" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95306" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="320.029" y="0.63208" z="100.177" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.79605" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.08" y="1.70821" z="52.6408" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.79618" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="366.763" y="0" z="41.8689" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9522" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="376.249" y="0" z="50.8316" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="244.758" y="0" z="107.441" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="252.474" y="0" z="89.1357" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="228.082" y="0" z="147.451" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="270.017" y="0" z="138.012" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95329" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="289.886" y="0" z="103.808" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.11058" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="287.239" y="10.1337" z="46.7996" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="328.302" y="0.670563" z="33.1804" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.944" y="0" z="0.278198" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="389.237" y="0.107788" z="26.9084" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.833" y="0" z="15.6964" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.234" y="1.53607" z="41.4456" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.963" y="0.806641" z="12.5585" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="481.411" y="5.35509" z="20.6478" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="500.884" y="0.0367432" z="92.793" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="481.148" y="4.41814" z="114.046" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.965" y="13.0048" z="105.134" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.655" y="3.9507" z="97.6043" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="517.069" y="1.15245" z="45.3965" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="507.044" y="2.23488" z="27.1546" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="486.969" y="0.302765" z="59.567" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="566.499" y="5.63852" z="33.7469" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="592.447" y="13.5951" z="116.508" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.093" y="12.3683" z="150.3" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="526.16" y="5.49135" z="128.791" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.457" y="0.389191" z="20.8469" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.13" y="3.51004" z="65.049" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="550.878" y="7.73042" z="82.3007" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="503.528" y="0.194183" z="85.1402" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="340.733" y="0" z="13.3871" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.201" y="1.74316" z="49.7292" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="300.352" y="1.82732" z="61.577" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="243.799" y="0" z="97.2222" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="242.376" y="0" z="144.438" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="304.011" y="1.63969" z="79.7839" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="355.585" y="9.47501" z="89.3686" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="387.434" y="0" z="21.4414" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="396.363" y="0" z="18.3826" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="386.109" y="0" z="41.2791" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="337.115" y="12.501" z="126.627" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8902" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="339.967" y="14.3629" z="118.986" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10558" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="326.166" y="26.9722" z="167.984" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93266" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="292.954" y="9.94615" z="233.973" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.51377" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.343" y="0.448257" z="71.3726" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.946759" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="333.839" y="1.74316" z="40.4418" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.775269" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="334.995" y="1.74316" z="70.2682" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.31747" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="346.062" y="1.74316" z="41.8849" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.62923" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="344.467" y="1.74316" z="46.249" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.11123" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="335.268" y="1.74316" z="66.8053" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.505599" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="336.679" y="1.74316" z="41.3192" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.630826" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="342.649" y="1.74317" z="41.4242" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95145" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.842" y="1.74316" z="38.9363" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.0226851" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="341.101" y="1.74316" z="39.5519" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.341052" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.985" y="8.2794" z="87.3404" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.85681" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="321.488" y="1.81434" z="86.0175" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78992" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="320.572" y="1.74316" z="37.7715" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.4266" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="314.212" y="1.74316" z="68.7509" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.0575" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="306.406" y="1.74316" z="51.5341" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63407" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="314.008" y="1.74316" z="73.821" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.47799" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="356.308" y="18.6493" z="110.201" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.5527" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="358.68" y="19.1531" z="111.524" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.09573" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.289" y="2.54851" z="12.6927" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_4_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="377.577" y="0" z="28.7576" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_6_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="297.526" y="0" z="98.6861" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.937641" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="490.118" y="0.306091" z="99.5119" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.42136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.854" y="7.62939e-006" z="20.421" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.659" y="0" z="19.8554" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.868" y="7.62939e-006" z="20.2321" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="443.36" y="0" z="20.0435" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.996" y="0.251793" z="19.8011" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.622" y="0.590569" z="19.5687" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.089" y="0.951035" z="19.6894" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="453.62" y="1.35619" z="19.5779" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.324" y="1.64764" z="19.6695" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.103" y="2.15801" z="19.4525" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.322" y="7.62939e-006" z="28.6356" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.109" y="0" z="28.3254" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.997" y="0" z="28.2222" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="446.269" y="0.270615" z="27.7337" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.805" y="1.14202" z="27.3338" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.513" y="1.61292" z="27.5547" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="460.418" y="2.5552" z="28.0952" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.298" y="3.34728" z="28.1719" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="465.274" y="3.53785" z="28.0689" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.902" y="3.88008" z="24.3616" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.304" y="2.80394" z="23.7008" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.56" y="0.845581" z="25.316" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.014" y="0" z="32.2251" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.45" y="4.16202" z="23.18" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94198" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.311" y="3.77113" z="22.7051" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94241" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.332" y="3.40311" z="22.5965" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94255" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.233" y="2.98748" z="22.9246" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94224" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.408" y="-7.62939e-006" z="14.0393" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78464" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.045" y="0" z="14.3915" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94248" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="444.179" y="0.0206985" z="14.3728" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94403" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="446.238" y="0.259315" z="14.6865" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94494" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.443" y="0.506554" z="14.7269" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94174" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.448" y="0.786957" z="14.6477" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94251" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="453.042" y="1.15972" z="14.5717" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78563" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.622" y="1.54461" z="14.0424" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94211" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.396" y="1.8604" z="13.9287" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.943" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.034" y="2.16831" z="13.9092" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94269" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="438.383" y="0" z="15.8152" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.661" y="0.907051" z="39.477" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10031" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.219" y="1.6986" z="31.9788" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09969" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.856" y="2.95444" z="30.3808" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.231" y="1.38636" z="27.5888" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.935" y="1.56948" z="25.1711" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.272" y="1.65373" z="22.6233" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="459.342" y="2.41486" z="22.6316" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.128" y="0.811546" z="19.7305" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.394" y="1.14338" z="19.316" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="444.587" y="0.0624008" z="28.157" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="441.413" y="-7.62939e-006" z="28.2222" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.203" y="0.22551" z="31.4446" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.488" y="3.52649" z="37.4308" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.802" y="3.73498" z="37.2983" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.765" y="3.86356" z="37.3745" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.572" y="2.45456" z="39.2783" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.888" y="-7.62939e-006" z="38.0131" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="408.365" y="0.337395" z="79.0052" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="406.722" y="0.241768" z="76.1118" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.569" y="0.0599136" z="78.4014" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.715" y="0" z="47.3484" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.351" y="0.366997" z="13.938" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="468.294" y="4.1554" z="21.8247" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="474.008" y="4.73347" z="30.058" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.641" y="0" z="20.5598" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="295.666" y="11.6903" z="31.1534" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="280.541" y="17.1942" z="35.9632" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="280.52" y="29.8849" z="0.812168" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="282.905" y="21.3965" z="21.7106" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="298.925" y="13.439" z="17.0324" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="291.676" y="16.6548" z="21.1444" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="289.591" y="23.7549" z="2.92683" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="270.434" y="23.751" z="32.5612" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="212.975" y="41.4779" z="7.53806" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="217.675" y="32.3081" z="35.0545" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="230.606" y="41.0474" z="5.72262" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="224.117" y="36.7174" z="27.967" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Orientation angle="-2.47378" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="239.652" y="41.148" z="5.70506" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.10604" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="233.23" y="42.2423" z="2.57806" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.356985" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="266.293" y="34.2792" z="8.53239" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.51385" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="312.624" y="5.02776" z="23.739" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="342.767" y="-7.62939e-006" z="20.722" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="326.683" y="0.424164" z="24.4999" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="322.095" y="1.76952" z="12.7962" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="329.193" y="0.225647" z="9.91127" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="333.443" y="-7.62939e-006" z="10.1383" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="341.677" y="0" z="16.531" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="325.398" y="0.76268" z="13.2448" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="319.636" y="2.78573" z="12.8338" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="313.982" y="5.1582" z="16.9706" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="314.274" y="5.09547" z="15.6685" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="312.989" y="5.3283" z="5.33582" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="322.361" y="1.34528" z="4.72549" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="334.291" y="-7.62939e-006" z="4.90652" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="340.183" y="0" z="21.9384" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="319.834" y="1.28565" z="29.5835" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="333.926" y="-7.62939e-006" z="23.0579" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="333.012" y="0.0354004" z="29.2944" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="334.778" y="7.62939e-006" z="27.1989" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="320.488" y="2.07637" z="22.9234" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="321.455" y="1.50537" z="26.0006" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="322.68" y="1.14437" z="26.7804" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="308.195" y="7.35284" z="22.1687" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.88" y="0" z="2.17945" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="321.278" y="2.05264" z="17.4706" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="322.982" y="1.42914" z="34.4749" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="344.932" y="0.0100861" z="28.369" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="307.855" y="8.71596" z="3.72305" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="333.885" y="-7.62939e-006" z="14.2475" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="335.772" y="0" z="15.7983" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="344.203" y="0" z="13.431" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="296.212" y="16.7044" z="10.2351" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/barracks.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="643" y="11.1285" z="134.422" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98518" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="615.265" y="11.8205" z="125.56" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98564" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="626.805" y="11.7039" z="132.011" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.88631" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="554.517" y="15.6105" z="150.85" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.944057" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="568.851" y="15.1228" z="137.634" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67107" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="575.683" y="16.901" z="142.479" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.629705" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.536" y="21.6785" z="147.901" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72513" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="599.859" y="15.3235" z="132.689" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93276" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.067" y="15.8404" z="127.855" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93273" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="544.066" y="19.1169" z="162.093" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67126" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="538.15" y="17.8017" z="159.645" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.784021" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="562.407" y="21.5226" z="154.785" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7242" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="630.344" y="10.4824" z="127.802" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.312244" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="638.086" y="9.82198" z="125.815" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82842" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="645.522" y="13.7968" z="139.896" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30469" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="621.945" y="14.507" z="136.557" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.51402" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="589.687" y="17.5012" z="137.657" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93277" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="564.122" y="19.6262" z="151.24" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98509" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="650.718" y="10.414" z="132.671" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.210227" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="354.693" y="0" z="9.6669" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.05003" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="310.073" y="4.32744" z="35.7935" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.66453" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="326.035" y="0.676308" z="9.62775" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98509" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="328.579" y="0.202888" z="22.7664" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.35734" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="322.5" y="1.54065" z="17.4035" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.35681" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="362.986" y="2.30347" z="77.9985" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82798" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="597.203" y="9.52497" z="86.4848" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.04256" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="514.596" y="11.9418" z="157.403" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.51427" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="310.967" y="6.36079" z="19.5914" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98577" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="301.003" y="14.5333" z="3.24394" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98526" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="301.131" y="6.21522" z="41.7383" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.0870224" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="301.498" y="12.8658" z="11.3918" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.46574" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="330.566" y="-7.62939e-006" z="0.842621" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95954" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="350.103" y="7.62939e-006" z="16.7362" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.879891" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="383.206" y="8.29773" z="108.106" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30427" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="429.909" y="14.5183" z="123.881" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.838587" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.518" y="24.6436" z="163.853" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.4712" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="486.793" y="21.4366" z="140.833" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88949" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.851" y="27.9154" z="144.04" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82789" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="344.388" y="33.788" z="190.575" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7237" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="327.63" y="32.1567" z="176.113" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87837" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="329.691" y="33.4156" z="178.925" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.08765" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="296.359" y="17.8525" z="200.815" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66968" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="295.978" y="8.06345" z="242.368" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.137352" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="296.938" y="7.66158" z="241.841" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.499" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="224.911" y="0" z="145.178" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.25088" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="240.601" y="0" z="143.707" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7973" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="259.168" y="1.52789" z="153.022" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.993952" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="213.318" y="0.165489" z="153.005" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.5629" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="205.488" y="1.98863" z="157.901" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.55782" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="202.234" y="1.43639" z="157.745" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88257" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="268.321" y="5.63274" z="161.762" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.484" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="239.752" y="7.62939e-006" z="141.319" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91109" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass_crab4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="262.047" y="0" z="145.565" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.91464" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/farmstead.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.022" y="44.8" z="697.438" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14124" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="505.078" y="44.8" z="703.106" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.57152" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="499.602" y="44.8" z="696.204" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14143" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="499.688" y="44.8" z="685.812" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="506.097" y="44.8" z="680.003" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.57154" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="512.234" y="44.8" z="685.935" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14143" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="502.121" y="44.8" z="702.038" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.1042" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="502.197" y="44.8" z="681.407" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10399" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="501.457" y="44.8" z="683.912" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.3766" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.304" y="44.8" z="692.744" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.31888" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="526.879" y="44.8" z="693.986" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.437269" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="505.259" y="44.8" z="697.743" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.664922" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="501.649" y="44.8" z="700.326" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10386" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="503.046" y="44.8" z="700.496" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.43447" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="502.901" y="44.8" z="684.117" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.00114" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="507.839" y="44.8" z="690.772" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.76944" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="502.002" y="44.8" z="690.524" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10258" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="503.819" y="44.8" z="683.306" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.31672" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="501.425" y="44.8" z="686.539" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10277" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="511.078" y="44.8" z="690.36" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.747451" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.129" y="44.8" z="686.27" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.57154" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="504.086" y="44.8" z="711.003" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.41261" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.95" y="44.8" z="705.714" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.628737" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="497.571" y="44.8" z="678.561" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.35688" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/bush_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="513.698" y="44.8" z="721.024" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.4132" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="487.655" y="44.8" z="688.144" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.04296" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="543.246" y="44.8" z="703.977" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.41286" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.806" y="44.8" z="724.487" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.51387" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="497.121" y="44.8" z="665.265" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.19977" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="512.784" y="44.8" z="668.614" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.57015" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="555.229" y="44.8" z="698.7" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.315062" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="505.575" y="44.8" z="740.571" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.72853" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="512.327" y="44.8" z="738.652" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.41527" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="509.792" y="44.8" z="748.283" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.57138" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="551.251" y="44.8" z="708.979" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.72797" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="549.254" y="44.8" z="663.471" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.19974" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="483.171" y="44.8" z="710.383" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.20012" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.951" y="44.8" z="720.72" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.7861" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="521.77" y="44.8" z="661.349" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.19725" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.124" y="44.8" z="667.157" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.09387" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="506.232" y="44.8" z="656.095" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.786505" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.204" y="44.8" z="650.377" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.51381" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.427" y="44.8" z="655.325" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.44178" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="482.746" y="44.8" z="669.834" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.447468" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="482.418" y="44.8" z="686.153" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.25265" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="494.523" y="44.8" z="697.532" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="492.607" y="44.8" z="679.572" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="540.912" y="44.8" z="696.34" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="512.867" y="44.8" z="733.86" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="502.856" y="44.8" z="719.118" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="501.762" y="44.8" z="671.143" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass13.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="527.478" y="44.8" z="674.691" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass15.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="499.205" y="44.8" z="663.698" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass15.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="544.208" y="44.8" z="671.625" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass15.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="540.574" y="44.8" z="699.849" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66754" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="540.026" y="44.8" z="697.705" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.6667" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="517.531" y="44.8" z="722.682" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.01727" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="489.441" y="44.8" z="703.388" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.44214" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.602" y="44.8" z="681.659" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.75745" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass9.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="492.869" y="44.8" z="681.948" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.28161" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="494.203" y="44.8" z="683.896" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="492.991" y="44.8" z="680.346" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="539.358" y="44.8" z="689.167" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.183" y="44.8" z="675.971" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass15.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.978" y="44.8" z="675.757" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="500.19" y="44.8" z="715.954" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="502.229" y="44.8" z="716.299" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="505.207" y="44.8" z="716.786" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="508.393" y="44.8" z="716.507" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="511.644" y="44.8" z="716.022" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="516.3" y="44.8" z="715.679" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="518.849" y="44.8" z="716.022" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="500.23" y="44.8" z="713.662" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="514.135" y="44.8" z="716.161" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="521.314" y="44.8" z="716.23" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="503.086" y="44.8" z="714.126" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="505.179" y="44.8" z="714.527" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="514.251" y="44.8" z="713.86" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="500.212" y="44.8" z="711.213" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="500.381" y="44.8" z="707.336" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="500.245" y="44.8" z="709.177" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="499.483" y="44.8" z="705.224" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="502.284" y="44.8" z="705.786" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="507.999" y="44.8" z="706.126" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="502.373" y="44.8" z="708.159" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="508.069" y="44.8" z="708.635" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="502.583" y="44.8" z="710.712" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="502.946" y="44.8" z="712.488" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="506.29" y="44.8" z="712.423" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="516.257" y="44.8" z="678.839" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93275" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="514.76" y="44.8" z="679.131" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93435" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.767" y="44.8" z="686.612" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87697" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.376" y="44.8" z="686.815" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.88186" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="524.56" y="44.8" z="686.343" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14102" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="527.488" y="44.8" z="686.075" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87738" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.696" y="44.8" z="685.477" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87747" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.317" y="44.8" z="686.008" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0869" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.827" y="44.8" z="686.545" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.08798" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.619" y="44.8" z="689.309" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87765" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.831" y="44.8" z="688.465" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0872" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="529.375" y="44.8" z="688.956" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87701" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="524.852" y="44.8" z="689.097" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87817" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.709" y="44.8" z="689.38" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.08728" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="520.091" y="44.8" z="689.38" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87753" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.956" y="44.8" z="689.38" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.66826" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.085" y="44.8" z="681.162" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87769" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.371" y="44.8" z="681.529" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87807" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="521.174" y="44.8" z="681.467" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87769" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.01" y="44.8" z="682.27" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0873" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="524.848" y="44.8" z="682.332" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87837" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="527.26" y="44.8" z="682.332" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87872" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="529.579" y="44.8" z="681.898" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14111" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.764" y="44.8" z="681.59" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.357" y="44.8" z="681.836" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14117" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.516" y="44.8" z="684.755" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.397" y="44.8" z="684.885" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.196" y="44.8" z="683.721" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87739" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.2" y="44.8" z="683.466" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.964" y="44.8" z="681.898" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.554" y="44.8" z="685.543" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="520.407" y="44.8" z="686.951" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="514.048" y="44.8" z="688.048" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="516.761" y="44.8" z="686.68" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="520.532" y="44.8" z="684.82" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.989" y="44.8" z="685.477" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="526.057" y="44.8" z="684.82" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.735" y="44.8" z="684.755" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.45" y="44.8" z="684.755" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.953" y="44.8" z="684.624" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.855" y="44.8" z="684.365" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.223" y="44.8" z="685.147" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.339" y="44.8" z="688.048" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.471" y="44.8" z="687.841" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.484" y="44.8" z="687.703" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.028" y="44.8" z="687.497" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.354" y="44.8" z="687.428" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="526.81" y="44.8" z="687.497" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="525.18" y="44.8" z="687.497" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.634" y="44.8" z="687.565" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="521.739" y="44.8" z="687.703" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.542" y="44.8" z="687.772" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.621" y="44.8" z="687.428" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="517.249" y="44.8" z="687.428" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="525.79" y="44.8" z="691.256" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="529.402" y="44.8" z="692.069" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.522" y="44.8" z="692.143" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.411" y="44.8" z="692.367" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.292" y="44.8" z="692.367" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.977" y="44.8" z="692.143" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.916" y="44.8" z="692.143" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.706" y="44.8" z="691.994" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="516.968" y="44.8" z="685.345" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.245" y="44.8" z="685.675" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="514.674" y="44.8" z="686.68" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.664" y="44.8" z="679.484" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.611" y="44.8" z="680.077" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.672" y="44.8" z="681.815" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.29" y="44.8" z="680.611" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="524.552" y="44.8" z="679.649" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="527.797" y="44.8" z="680.239" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.69" y="44.8" z="681.285" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="533.886" y="44.8" z="681.512" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.656" y="44.8" z="683.353" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="524.94" y="44.8" z="683.353" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.461" y="44.8" z="688.112" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Orientation angle="-2.93288" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.454" y="44.8" z="686.134" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93249" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="520.829" y="44.8" z="685.972" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72315" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.104" y="44.8" z="684.61" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93288" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.521" y="44.8" z="684.135" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14106" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.737" y="44.8" z="683.12" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93255" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.683" y="44.8" z="682.81" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72313" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="525.304" y="44.8" z="682.502" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72316" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.619" y="44.8" z="682.579" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93298" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.248" y="44.8" z="683.042" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72313" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="533.479" y="44.8" z="683.275" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72314" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.637" y="44.8" z="679.283" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93242" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="531.155" y="44.8" z="678.919" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93252" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.719" y="44.8" z="679.21" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93266" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="527.35" y="44.8" z="679.429" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72304" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="525.435" y="44.8" z="679.722" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93254" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.712" y="44.8" z="679.87" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93249" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="521.144" y="44.8" z="680.091" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72319" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.563" y="44.8" z="680.165" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93261" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.872" y="44.8" z="680.165" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93255" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.532" y="44.8" z="686.248" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14143" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.611" y="44.8" z="684.791" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14143" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="521.214" y="44.8" z="720.744" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.09538" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="744.359" y="44.8" z="621.418" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="750.326" y="44.8" z="615.98" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="767.965" y="44.8" z="621.251" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="750.259" y="44.8" z="628.028" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="762.109" y="44.8" z="628.028" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="762.5" y="44.8" z="615.995" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="744.102" y="44.8" z="632.777" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/bench_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="765.425" y="44.8" z="626.955" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="757.051" y="44.8" z="632.728" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="750.704" y="44.8" z="630.501" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.668" y="44.8" z="642.663" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="732.978" y="44.8" z="642.592" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="735.327" y="44.8" z="642.379" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="736.305" y="44.8" z="642.521" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="740.44" y="44.8" z="642.238" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.768" y="44.8" z="642.238" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.186" y="44.8" z="642.309" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="747.578" y="44.8" z="642.882" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="750.599" y="44.8" z="642.676" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="751.63" y="44.8" z="642.83" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="753.509" y="44.8" z="643.036" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="754.885" y="44.8" z="642.985" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.267" y="44.8" z="640.806" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="734.937" y="44.8" z="640.516" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="736.679" y="44.8" z="640.516" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="738.297" y="44.8" z="640.69" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.394" y="44.8" z="640.632" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.888" y="44.8" z="640.748" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="732.474" y="44.8" z="640.401" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="746.46" y="44.8" z="640.69" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="748.165" y="44.8" z="640.69" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="751.909" y="44.8" z="640.864" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="753.413" y="44.8" z="640.864" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="754.607" y="44.8" z="648.398" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94166" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.561" y="44.8" z="644.364" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93993" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="732.641" y="44.8" z="644.364" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94047" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="734.687" y="44.8" z="644.167" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.79076" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="735.593" y="44.8" z="644.167" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96624" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="737.892" y="44.8" z="643.906" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94238" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="739.101" y="44.8" z="643.776" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94071" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="740.047" y="44.8" z="643.776" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78269" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.109" y="44.8" z="643.776" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94047" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="743.226" y="44.8" z="643.906" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93302" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="744.817" y="44.8" z="643.841" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.77136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.678" y="44.8" z="643.906" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82866" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="747.698" y="44.8" z="643.841" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94427" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="748.262" y="44.8" z="643.971" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="748.868" y="44.8" z="644.036" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="750.271" y="44.8" z="644.429" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95216" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="751.394" y="44.8" z="644.429" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78321" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="752.653" y="44.8" z="644.495" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93585" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="753.383" y="44.8" z="644.429" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94302" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="754.074" y="44.8" z="644.429" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94064" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="754.749" y="44.8" z="644.693" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09875" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="755.71" y="44.8" z="644.759" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94096" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="735.77" y="44.8" z="651.344" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="751.909" y="44.8" z="651.642" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="755.093" y="44.8" z="651.716" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="748.456" y="44.8" z="651.642" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.885" y="44.8" z="651.866" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="738.219" y="44.8" z="652.016" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="754.918" y="44.8" z="647.677" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="753.647" y="44.8" z="647.887" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="751.596" y="44.8" z="647.887" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="750.081" y="44.8" z="647.887" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="749.148" y="44.8" z="647.957" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="747.894" y="44.8" z="647.817" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="746.025" y="44.8" z="647.887" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="744.732" y="44.8" z="647.817" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="743.707" y="44.8" z="647.747" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.772" y="44.8" z="647.677" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="740.913" y="44.8" z="647.261" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="739.532" y="44.8" z="647.469" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="738.495" y="44.8" z="647.817" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="736.985" y="44.8" z="647.747" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="735.327" y="44.8" z="647.887" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="734.43" y="44.8" z="647.957" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="733.354" y="44.8" z="648.027" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="732.238" y="44.8" z="648.027" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.413" y="44.8" z="648.237" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="733.252" y="44.8" z="640.681" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="739.721" y="44.8" z="640.804" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="741.433" y="44.8" z="640.927" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.857" y="44.8" z="640.743" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="743.986" y="44.8" z="640.743" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="744.571" y="44.8" z="640.743" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.574" y="44.8" z="640.743" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="736.146" y="44.8" z="640.498" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="737.47" y="44.8" z="640.681" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="733.113" y="44.8" z="652.317" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="733.086" y="44.8" z="650.533" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="735.326" y="44.8" z="650.46" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="736.991" y="44.8" z="650.023" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="738.353" y="44.8" z="650.023" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="739.945" y="44.8" z="649.951" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="741.262" y="44.8" z="649.878" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="743.575" y="44.8" z="649.734" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.116" y="44.8" z="649.806" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="746.203" y="44.8" z="649.806" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="747.155" y="44.8" z="649.806" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="748.291" y="44.8" z="649.878" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="749.202" y="44.8" z="649.951" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="750.804" y="44.8" z="650.169" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="752.122" y="44.8" z="650.169" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="752.81" y="44.8" z="650.241" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="754.35" y="44.8" z="650.169" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="755.07" y="44.8" z="650.096" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="755.532" y="44.8" z="650.169" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="734.396" y="44.8" z="642.491" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.039" y="44.8" z="642.555" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/deciduous_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="727.067" y="44.8" z="656.225" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/deciduous_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.404" y="44.8" z="667.445" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="766.328" y="44.8" z="617.422" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.555" y="44.8" z="618.334" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="759.419" y="44.8" z="649.896" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="746.725" y="44.8" z="622.003" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="749.803" y="44.8" z="619.554" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="746.044" y="44.8" z="620.337" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="764.306" y="44.8" z="617.704" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="753.03" y="44.8" z="625.342" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="765.266" y="44.8" z="622.922" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="741.054" y="44.8" z="647.038" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="787.373" y="44.8" z="591.956" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="810.749" y="44.8" z="624.445" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="804.653" y="44.8" z="628.909" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.41414" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="781.684" y="44.8" z="581.803" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="800.591" y="44.8" z="595.024" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="807.241" y="44.8" z="618.358" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="802.163" y="44.8" z="611.149" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="794.012" y="44.8" z="598.875" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="777.833" y="44.8" z="583.571" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="787.111" y="44.8" z="589.22" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="797.183" y="44.8" z="590.721" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="808.312" y="44.8" z="604.162" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="790.473" y="44.8" z="605.112" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="786.177" y="44.8" z="581.724" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="801.548" y="44.8" z="637.942" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="809.764" y="44.8" z="652.628" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="821.786" y="44.8" z="649.687" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="814.081" y="44.8" z="620.241" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="813.5" y="44.8" z="642.099" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="803.305" y="44.8" z="644.436" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="799.095" y="44.8" z="657.354" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="813.863" y="44.8" z="652.764" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="811.221" y="44.8" z="643.553" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="806.97" y="44.8" z="635.686" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="816.64" y="44.8" z="633.221" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="805.528" y="44.8" z="654.69" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="803.855" y="44.8" z="620.009" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="823.072" y="44.8" z="704.677" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.83025" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="820.979" y="44.8" z="725.948" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.01425" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="815.991" y="44.8" z="739.791" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8119" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="812.117" y="44.8" z="767.171" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.80412" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="795.434" y="44.8" z="761.416" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.05103" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="800.53" y="44.8" z="753.717" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.81461" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="789.78" y="44.8" z="730.04" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.0428182" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="821.027" y="44.8" z="732.629" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.471901" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="816.63" y="44.8" z="732.751" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="815.963" y="44.8" z="702.073" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82532" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="818.68" y="44.8" z="677.566" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="811.979" y="44.8" z="684.033" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82653" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="808.399" y="44.8" z="755.249" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="815.031" y="44.8" z="728.459" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="805.536" y="44.8" z="714.943" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="792.334" y="44.8" z="721.509" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="787.127" y="44.8" z="725.514" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="797.26" y="44.8" z="740.172" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="794.811" y="44.8" z="752.704" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="785.85" y="44.8" z="760.295" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="788.588" y="44.8" z="757.096" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="787.999" y="44.8" z="749.15" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="788.864" y="44.8" z="742.65" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="782.55" y="44.8" z="605.557" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="789.599" y="44.8" z="613.946" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="801.204" y="44.8" z="625.699" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="803.069" y="44.8" z="632.724" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="807.261" y="44.8" z="640.712" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="779.935" y="44.8" z="590.982" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="768.81" y="44.8" z="583.003" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="761.188" y="44.8" z="579.695" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="767.961" y="44.8" z="574.276" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="715.037" y="44.8" z="681.935" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="690.617" y="44.8" z="645.673" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="684.079" y="44.8" z="615.357" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="683.724" y="44.8" z="678.894" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.683" y="44.8" z="714.233" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="737.296" y="44.8" z="700.153" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="696.255" y="44.8" z="662.058" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="693.296" y="44.8" z="583.916" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="664.345" y="44.8" z="665.688" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="699.756" y="44.8" z="730.575" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="722.42" y="44.8" z="728.575" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="775.43" y="44.8" z="706.161" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="618.557" y="28.4612" z="679.753" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Actor>geology/rock_5_light.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="746.425" y="35.2512" z="538.694" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="815.297" y="37.6253" z="544.703" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="814.774" y="39.7581" z="564.204" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="820.397" y="44.8" z="578.298" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="821.427" y="34.0886" z="520.545" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="818.966" y="44.8" z="611.566" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="811.371" y="44.8" z="601.67" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="778.885" y="42.4339" z="565.762" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="825.972" y="35.0253" z="514.715" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.79501" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="822.239" y="38.7884" z="538.32" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82298" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="805.746" y="36.0634" z="548.679" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95079" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="804.43" y="44.8" z="576.148" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92366" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="803.605" y="44.745" z="575.425" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92199" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="819.062" y="44.4691" z="574.915" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92706" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="809.098" y="44.8" z="599.809" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14099" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="806.996" y="44.8" z="599.25" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92472" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="828.591" y="44.8" z="640.848" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93603" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="827.081" y="44.8" z="645.185" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93398" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="824.704" y="44.8" z="613.497" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9421" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="824.398" y="44.8" z="592.891" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9462" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="825.205" y="44.8" z="586.314" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92999" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="788.676" y="44.8" z="578.618" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="793.566" y="44.8" z="575.183" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="786.542" y="36.8422" z="559.002" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93714" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="779.731" y="29.4474" z="525.075" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92745" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="781.395" y="30.5093" z="513.715" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="807.874" y="33.3118" z="526.953" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="826.075" y="39.717" z="550.374" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="821.76" y="44.1987" z="574.028" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="807.464" y="44.4433" z="574.83" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="799.321" y="39.4877" z="563.577" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93074" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="768.844" y="30.3495" z="534.87" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="773.931" y="37.1971" z="558.179" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="787.143" y="44.8" z="577.854" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="817.162" y="44.8" z="583.526" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="822.904" y="44.8" z="596.793" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="823.108" y="44.8" z="611.901" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="826.857" y="44.8" z="613.365" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="826.15" y="44.8" z="635.525" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="826.342" y="44.8" z="625.248" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="822.679" y="44.8" z="598.024" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="806.244" y="44.8" z="580.132" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="791.562" y="44.8" z="575.803" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="795.647" y="44.8" z="589.065" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="808.227" y="44.8" z="590.965" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="737.86" y="32.9962" z="526.039" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93483" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="762.828" y="32.6693" z="514.472" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="779.626" y="29.5512" z="525.453" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93631" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="799.171" y="35.6305" z="530.42" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="779.099" y="33.9056" z="538.793" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="764.227" y="30.8357" z="532.226" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93198" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="753.873" y="31.6594" z="532.962" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="745.638" y="32.6761" z="533.646" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="805.158" y="31.302" z="513.292" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="801.045" y="35.1256" z="506.873" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="818.104" y="35.9983" z="501.571" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="829.782" y="36.7688" z="506.186" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="826.663" y="37.4128" z="466.849" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="828.943" y="33.0721" z="452.152" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="809.555" y="29.3759" z="452.869" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="826.287" y="38.2332" z="529.918" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.67588" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="815.184" y="36.0845" z="529.921" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="789.852" y="40.5642" z="500.556" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="814.361" y="40.1276" z="564.837" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="812.046" y="43.7349" z="572.507" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.52832" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="793.035" y="44.1638" z="569.371" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.36529" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="829.272" y="44.8" z="597.87" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.3911" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="830.494" y="44.8" z="607.069" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.260401" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="828.416" y="44.8" z="576.831" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14141" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="820.561" y="43.339" z="571.002" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.83441" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="810.349" y="36.7901" z="553.786" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.57956" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="783.907" y="36.2361" z="557.333" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.11853" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="782.128" y="44.8" z="575.743" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.11457" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="749.655" y="39.8255" z="555.741" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.83349" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.353" y="41.173" z="547.36" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.35587" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="710.935" y="40.1979" z="542.932" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.61096" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="698.296" y="41.8302" z="532.214" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.09408" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="708.389" y="39.3489" z="530.915" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="737.497" y="40.5856" z="548.795" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="742.567" y="40.6358" z="554.72" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.62792" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="763.185" y="44.8" z="570.492" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.31104" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="758.082" y="38.1063" z="547.222" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.61774" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="744.317" y="32.6092" z="532.276" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="748.078" y="36.8156" z="509.542" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="756.726" y="35.036" z="510.81" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="810.539" y="38.7775" z="563.718" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="812.075" y="44.8" z="611.213" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="811.64" y="44.8" z="634.72" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="814.328" y="32.7827" z="514.245" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72531" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="815.322" y="28.2286" z="482.19" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.96072" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="816.44" y="31.6503" z="462.737" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93178" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="813.838" y="29.4877" z="456.401" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9405" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="807.817" y="35.0834" z="496.438" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.94549" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="801.501" y="30.8451" z="483.616" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="826.94" y="30.1146" z="483.702" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="829.887" y="37.4873" z="464.255" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.25136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="831.357" y="33.3171" z="431.026" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="817.559" y="32.9626" z="412.84" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="757.136" y="38.7798" z="555.293" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.872" y="39.3187" z="543.64" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="722.164" y="36.9096" z="539.299" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="710.645" y="45.904" z="512.763" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="720.064" y="42.8834" z="509.252" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/construction/corner_post_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="732.005" y="44.8" z="616.191" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/construction/corner_post_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="732.04" y="44.8" z="639.627" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/construction/corner_post_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="743.924" y="44.8" z="616.119" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/construction/corner_post_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="743.766" y="44.8" z="639.404" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/structures/construction/fence_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="731.95" y="44.8" z="627.119" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14142" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mountains_night.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mountains_night.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/mountains_night.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5882 +1,5882 @@
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-<!DOCTYPE Scenario SYSTEM "/maps/scenario.dtd">
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- <Player>0</Player>
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- <Orientation angle="-2.49484" />
- </Entity>
- <Entity>
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- <Player>0</Player>
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- </Entity>
- <Entity>
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- <Player>0</Player>
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- <Orientation angle="-0.922587" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="511.241" y="16.7704" z="225.285" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="460.738" y="13.5215" z="283.098" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="461.555" y="15.0096" z="275.068" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="428.922" y="12.8975" z="301.131" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="372.474" y="27.5029" z="267.332" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="384.006" y="15.0963" z="298.418" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="331.646" y="8.17261" z="267.492" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="319.462" y="14.4668" z="213.047" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="332.671" y="15.5614" z="229.811" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="318.174" y="22.4765" z="195.646" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="323.48" y="7.78583" z="245.312" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="410.182" y="12.5497" z="118.976" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="403.074" y="11.1506" z="116.748" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="410.268" y="20.1992" z="128.584" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.623" y="25.3355" z="137.695" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.139" y="28.3385" z="139.632" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="465.45" y="30.8732" z="144.266" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.979" y="24.346" z="136.945" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="476.275" y="29.0798" z="145.758" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="486.157" y="29.9642" z="177.091" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="502.189" y="21.0564" z="197.827" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.162" y="11.0442" z="240.204" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.75" y="13.2347" z="222.461" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.589" y="20.1258" z="287.731" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.719" y="13.9077" z="295.999" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.571" y="15.666" z="288.702" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.452" y="21.7099" z="295.006" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.56" y="27.1282" z="289.136" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.902" y="19.2723" z="265.875" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.269" y="25.6511" z="257.703" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="446.701" y="12.5126" z="295.383" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.515" y="21.1575" z="284.329" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="335.742" y="11.5734" z="126.908" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.382" y="19.705" z="124.727" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="389.326" y="8.93892" z="111.749" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="419.585" y="10.1224" z="115.921" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="437.284" y="14.8727" z="124.586" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="465.458" y="26.5159" z="130.458" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="483.333" y="26.1256" z="280.055" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.936" y="11.444" z="324.252" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="378.385" y="16.2381" z="299.481" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="404.368" y="7.49396" z="110.904" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="324.49" y="1.74316" z="71.0522" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="331.633" y="1.74316" z="69.9998" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="340.978" y="1.74316" z="65.5994" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="368.22" y="0" z="53.7245" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_potted_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="370.045" y="0" z="58.1346" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="371.431" y="0" z="62.5917" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="371.098" y="7.62939e-006" z="69.0318" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="281.068" y="0.224319" z="77.2583" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.808" y="6.64336" z="97.8573" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.562" y="5.65771" z="113.19" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/cypress_small.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="522.494" y="15.0142" z="164.069" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="402.801" y="0.0475311" z="58.0452" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="383.11" y="0" z="74.9364" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.489" y="1.04085" z="94.8661" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.42" y="0.583939" z="92.0343" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.233" y="1.62401" z="92.5658" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.891" y="1.12807" z="89.4283" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.322" y="0.578003" z="84.9749" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="392.536" y="0.376129" z="82.5936" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="396.721" y="0.816833" z="87.3635" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="412.853" y="0.368286" z="73.4717" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="423.795" y="0.127037" z="82.181" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.11" y="0.222427" z="85.2381" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="312.684" y="13.8834" z="150.794" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="301.238" y="17.9333" z="177.58" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="408.518" y="5.20185" z="106.423" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="433.448" y="3.34962" z="100.373" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands1.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.457" y="0.389191" z="20.8469" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14146" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.13" y="3.51004" z="65.049" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0945" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="550.878" y="7.73042" z="82.3007" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="503.528" y="0.194183" z="85.1402" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="340.733" y="0" z="13.3871" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="350.586" y="0" z="12.3283" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.201" y="1.74316" z="49.7292" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="300.352" y="1.82732" z="61.577" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="243.799" y="0" z="97.2222" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="242.376" y="0" z="144.438" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="304.011" y="1.63969" z="79.7839" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="355.585" y="9.47501" z="89.3686" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.719" y="1.49244" z="68.6627" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="334.654" y="1.74316" z="47.2974" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.73" y="1.74316" z="39.693" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="381.514" y="0" z="56.2931" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="398.231" y="7.62939e-006" z="37.8699" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.108" y="-7.62939e-006" z="45.2886" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="433.304" y="0" z="21.7846" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.3" y="0" z="8.23253" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="443.388" y="0" z="36.3199" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="275.211" y="0" z="131.207" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="260.659" y="0" z="111.647" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="254.774" y="0" z="127.03" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="342.018" y="1.07578" z="34.3661" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="552.636" y="9.45178" z="90.0718" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="523.61" y="5.74377" z="133.23" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.858" y="3.49634" z="123.43" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.713" y="5.29492" z="22.2673" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.324" y="0.21698" z="49.9066" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.279" y="3.4649" z="88.5125" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass10.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass12.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass14.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_highlands3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass9.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass9.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass9.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="472.777" y="8.25195" z="109.944" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="481.633" y="9.64153" z="123.359" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="472.859" y="17.8873" z="124.987" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="480.435" y="12.2762" z="126.449" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="476.314" y="7.27889" z="116.34" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="466.097" y="9.09684" z="102.342" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.448" y="8.32505" z="99.1343" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.261" y="10.7077" z="102.788" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="443.577" y="10.6176" z="104.765" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.985" y="7.76557" z="99.4663" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.907" y="9.57813" z="99.8789" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="461.262" y="12.3564" z="106.431" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.326" y="8.01167" z="99.7805" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.548" y="7.83313" z="98.029" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="472.806" y="8.46998" z="110.338" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="472.64" y="11.5546" z="116.943" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="467.991" y="10.4264" z="109.644" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.291" y="10.8973" z="102.766" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.209" y="13.317" z="105.535" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.234" y="13.8283" z="108.788" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.326" y="-7.62939e-006" z="34.4739" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="371.84" y="0" z="4.49577" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="327.806" y="1.74316" z="71.3187" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_grass6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="331.418" y="7.21169" z="100.817" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="306.451" y="0" z="110.1" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.166" y="-7.62939e-006" z="16.5326" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="385.786" y="0" z="68.6712" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="392.567" y="0.017807" z="74.0682" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="395.011" y="0.035553" z="76.0459" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.587" y="2.55477" z="81.5354" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="300.467" y="7.42868" z="232.564" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg9.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_lg9.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm8.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.012" y="12.0841" z="105.169" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="359.108" y="0" z="59.725" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_fol_plant_sm7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="378.778" y="12.177" z="111.017" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.134" y="10.1244" z="108.417" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="326.166" y="26.9722" z="167.984" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_dry_a1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="292.954" y="9.94615" z="233.973" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="356.308" y="18.6493" z="110.201" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_4_light.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/rock_6_light.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.089" y="0.951035" z="19.6894" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="453.62" y="1.35619" z="19.5779" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.324" y="1.64764" z="19.6695" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="458.103" y="2.15801" z="19.4525" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.322" y="7.62939e-006" z="28.6356" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="440.109" y="0" z="28.3254" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.997" y="0" z="28.2222" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="446.269" y="0.270615" z="27.7337" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="448.928" y="0.596245" z="27.8037" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="452.805" y="1.14202" z="27.3338" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="455.513" y="1.61292" z="27.5547" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="460.418" y="2.5552" z="28.0952" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.298" y="3.34728" z="28.1719" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="465.274" y="3.53785" z="28.0689" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="468.136" y="4.08054" z="27.9963" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="466.902" y="3.88008" z="24.3616" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="461.304" y="2.80394" z="23.7008" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="458.567" y="2.25804" z="24.7589" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="456.543" y="1.87144" z="24.7601" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="453.176" y="1.26558" z="25.0846" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="450.56" y="0.845581" z="25.316" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="437.014" y="0" z="32.2251" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="460.35" y="0.88903" z="45.7361" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.532" y="1.2057" z="45.5917" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="464.069" y="1.51196" z="45.2124" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="465.439" y="1.76386" z="44.7775" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.439" y="0" z="48.2185" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="451.114" y="0" z="47.9655" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.382" y="0" z="48.2185" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.701" y="0.0595398" z="48.6515" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.545" y="0.960632" z="47.6465" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="471.067" y="4.51884" z="26.4958" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="470.018" y="4.36649" z="26.3549" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.081" y="4.08305" z="26.3545" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="464.35" y="3.38029" z="26.5978" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="462.743" y="3.06342" z="26.5284" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="461.003" y="2.70286" z="26.7077" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="458.969" y="2.29774" z="26.8311" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="457.277" y="1.96502" z="26.8767" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="465.253" y="3.58511" z="19.9226" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="458.337" y="2.21786" z="20.8099" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="456.15" y="1.79839" z="20.5598" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="454.165" y="1.45737" z="20.5161" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="451.344" y="0.991463" z="20.7834" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="435.3" y="0" z="22.7204" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tall1.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.888" y="-7.62939e-006" z="38.0131" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.589094" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="408.365" y="0.337395" z="79.0052" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.135121" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="406.722" y="0.241768" z="76.1118" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92453" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.569" y="0.0599136" z="78.4014" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.778935" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="442.715" y="0" z="47.3484" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.31834" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.351" y="0.366997" z="13.938" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="468.294" y="4.1554" z="21.8247" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.181" y="0.439064" z="57.4963" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="448.919" y="0.165375" z="54.1847" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.294" y="1.65178" z="13.9103" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="474.008" y="4.73347" z="30.058" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.10099" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.641" y="0" z="20.5598" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="445.81" y="0.22979" z="20.8488" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="452.513" y="1.1762" z="20.6761" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="456.606" y="1.88595" z="20.7568" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.908" y="0" z="32.6968" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="447.616" y="0.254639" z="31.6625" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="455.48" y="1.32138" z="32.4313" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_flower_bright4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="249.12" y="1.26468" z="156.743" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="262.288" y="2.60727" z="154.567" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="251.402" y="3.99187" z="158.393" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="218.557" y="11.8305" z="161.738" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="217.447" y="7.54169" z="159.56" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="234.542" y="5.88785" z="160.503" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="215.507" y="4.83043" z="158.332" />
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="269.306" y="1.52588e-005" z="139.294" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="255.09" y="0" z="131.254" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="344.203" y="0" z="13.431" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="304.168" y="9.79724" z="19.9544" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/wrld_plants_med3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="296.212" y="16.7044" z="10.2351" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
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+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="282.86" y="25.6866" z="8.82621" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="335.921" y="0" z="25.8345" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="316.856" y="3.39577" z="7.18023" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="338.826" y="0" z="12.9244" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="322.136" y="1.60401" z="21.7732" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="258.147" y="38.1531" z="16.0755" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="441.33" y="0" z="51.602" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/barracks.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="280.838" y="0.206795" z="138.44" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="533.226" y="14.1431" z="154.563" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="562.914" y="14.3559" z="121.533" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="570.554" y="7.74888" z="45.1701" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="606.29" y="11.2906" z="66.0279" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="513.307" y="0.883751" z="49.9819" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/l_oak_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="602.646" y="12.7962" z="122.891" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="643.388" y="9.46391" z="126.753" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="559.38" y="16.7495" z="149.652" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.509" y="18.7145" z="169.635" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_11.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="617.82" y="13.7127" z="133.587" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="572.618" y="17.1904" z="144.1" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.13" y="19.4058" z="165.038" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="549.766" y="15.4151" z="153.557" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="561.782" y="14.8148" z="141.896" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="615.975" y="10.6806" z="122.251" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="650.952" y="11.6915" z="136.518" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="543.164" y="15.3566" z="155.417" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="579.343" y="16.1283" z="134.405" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="211.631" y="6.37738" z="808.725" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_3.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_4.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_6.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine_7.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_5.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/ph.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/ph.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/ph.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,1313 +1,1313 @@
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="85.0368" y="44.8" z="35.2728" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.85939" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="86.9685" y="44.8" z="35.6843" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14088" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="54.5666" y="44.8" z="25.5472" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14034" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="57.6867" y="44.8" z="25.808" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.1404" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="60.761" y="44.8" z="26.224" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0435" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="62.9187" y="44.8" z="26.5416" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.03701" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_slinger_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="64.6998" y="44.8" z="26.7064" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.04071" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_slinger_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="66.3263" y="44.8" z="26.9271" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99671" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="68.5753" y="44.8" z="27.035" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.03693" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="70.6567" y="44.8" z="27.3685" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.03588" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="72.8336" y="44.8" z="27.5222" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14084" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="74.7067" y="44.8" z="27.898" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14088" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/iberianspromo.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/iberianspromo.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/iberianspromo.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,828 +1,828 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
-<!DOCTYPE Scenario SYSTEM "/maps/scenario.dtd">
- <Entities />
- <Nonentities>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="333.054" y="48.0331" z="186.057" />
- <Orientation angle="-0.283379" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="351.423" y="50.1662" z="239.509" />
- <Orientation angle="-0.981093" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="334.229" y="47.1583" z="186.647" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.32874" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="338.464" y="49.5258" z="200.24" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.70954" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="332.097" y="57.4243" z="207.101" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.07701" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="332.527" y="52.2688" z="199.805" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.66083" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="341.105" y="46.9202" z="170.881" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.3544" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="342.465" y="51.1348" z="211.525" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.28886" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="340.717" y="45.8459" z="183.297" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.78904" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="346.37" y="49.9939" z="204.162" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.58732" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="343.815" y="51.0458" z="138.625" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.2042" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="344.346" y="45.8921" z="123.208" />
- <Orientation angle="-1.84864" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="336.934" y="50.1872" z="120.427" />
- <Orientation angle="1.44099" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="337.061" y="50.0684" z="120.308" />
- <Orientation angle="2.43367" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="349.562" y="47.5304" z="138.735" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.95383" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="349.066" y="48.8354" z="154.382" />
- <Orientation angle="0.569869" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="347.625" y="46.8915" z="194.666" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.46933" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_deci_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="346.496" y="50.0203" z="204.551" />
- <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="326.588" y="52.5703" z="192.678" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="338.72" y="46.0993" z="180.503" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
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- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_2.xml</Actor>
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- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/cypress2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/cypress1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/cypress1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_a_4.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_b_2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_b_3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush_b_3.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_cc.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_ho_b.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_ho_a.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_ho_b.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_mc.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_rc.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_st.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_st.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_st.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_st.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_ho_b.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_ho_c.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/iber_ho_a.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>scenario/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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- <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="351.494" y="46.073" z="158.119" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.54475" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="351.804" y="45.7198" z="152.807" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.33749" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="336.081" y="45.6137" z="190.664" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.62618" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="345.674" y="45.586" z="189.308" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.93149" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="347.981" y="50.1684" z="206.678" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.61978" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="349.848" y="48.7019" z="231.474" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67526" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.741" y="49.3414" z="230.858" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.87492" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="349.078" y="49.7188" z="228.939" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.59695" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="350.724" y="46.9491" z="156.549" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.44159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.814" y="49.3108" z="158.972" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.43954" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="349.882" y="47.9602" z="158.486" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.20772" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="350.854" y="46.8015" z="154.889" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.50657" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="351.914" y="45.5957" z="155.279" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.27513" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_b_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.576" y="45.8262" z="188.226" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.20602" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="373.494" y="44.8" z="185.062" />
+ <Orientation angle="3.11364" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/farmstead.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.735" y="44.8" z="141.9" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14129" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/temple.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="372.599" y="44.8" z="158.79" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.81519" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="387.077" y="44.8" z="180.134" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14133" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="387.315" y="44.8" z="187.615" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="363.695" y="45.4409" z="214.171" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.1718" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="372.447" y="44.8" z="217.616" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14132" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/barracks.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="395.016" y="44.8" z="210.473" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.40278" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/mill.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="351.451" y="44.8957" z="181.796" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.76995" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="373.831" y="44.8" z="145.469" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.01807" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="362.605" y="45.7121" z="226.223" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.2234" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="404.339" y="44.8" z="220.532" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.22912" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.858" y="44.8" z="169.532" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.03216" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="420.855" y="44.8" z="202.086" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.19081" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/market.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.148" y="44.8" z="193.473" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.986587" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="383.556" y="44.8" z="154.923" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.76242" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.56" y="44.8" z="145.773" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.18431" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="354.408" y="47.0259" z="201.019" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14133" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.176" y="44.8" z="148.595" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.58747" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.069" y="44.8" z="154.941" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7975" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="398.073" y="44.8" z="160.179" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.075" y="44.8" z="153.731" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="408.087" y="44.8" z="160.498" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.535" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.722" y="44.8" z="159.99" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.412" y="44.8" z="153.418" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14126" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.462" y="44.8" z="141.51" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.98" y="44.8" z="136.629" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.06" y="44.8" z="141.861" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14139" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="396.159" y="44.8" z="155.122" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.012" y="44.8" z="156.763" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="403.282" y="44.8" z="151.875" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.36312" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="386.332" y="44.8" z="159.386" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.27056" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="352.611" y="45.4973" z="166.063" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.59515" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="346.268" y="45.3125" z="175.926" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.95545" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="348.661" y="52.011" z="223.346" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.30056" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="343.689" y="51.8593" z="222.537" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.47071" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak_3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="333.247" y="47.89" z="186.245" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.58931" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.735" y="44.8" z="160.732" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.59087" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="388.163" y="44.8" z="205.31" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.89286" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.139" y="44.8" z="174.871" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.63907" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="353.989" y="45.4973" z="161.894" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.54199" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_c.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.727" y="44.8" z="187.035" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.56118" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>temp/animal_pen.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="380.75" y="44.8" z="214.992" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.159716" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="387.095" y="44.8" z="174.65" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="388.643" y="44.8" z="175.038" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="407.67" y="44.8" z="184.686" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.49499" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.442" y="44.8" z="185.197" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.00837" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="391.083" y="44.8" z="188.472" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="350.416" y="44.9381" z="178.373" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.367" y="44.8" z="160.558" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.43461" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.191" y="44.8" z="174.6" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.678" y="44.8" z="190.81" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="377.478" y="44.8" z="141" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.5297" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="398.169" y="44.8" z="162.402" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1_broken.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="355.621" y="45.2889" z="173.195" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.483214" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.279" y="44.8" z="139.005" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.224" y="44.8" z="177.348" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14138" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/eyecandy/waterbin a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="394.437" y="44.8" z="158.95" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/eyecandy/waterbin a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="390.108" y="44.8" z="151.063" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="494.096" y="44.8" z="158.905" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="498.661" y="44.8" z="159.623" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.59806" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.55" y="44.8" z="156.147" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.30879" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.919" y="44.8" z="140.075" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.98889" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.68" y="44.8" z="154.983" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.845" y="44.8" z="153.93" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.775" y="44.8" z="152.52" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.984091" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.028" y="44.8" z="141.105" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.48236" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="382.927" y="44.8" z="215.966" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.87334" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="384.768" y="44.8" z="212.475" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.68642" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="381.438" y="44.8" z="210.294" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.684665" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="827.136" y="44.8" z="163.44" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14105" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="389.542" y="44.8" z="181.974" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.96565" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.284" y="44.8" z="181.735" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="376.471" y="44.8" z="169.41" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.47805" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="400.505" y="44.8" z="163.121" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="395.945" y="44.8" z="164.717" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.78478" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.45" y="44.8" z="185.849" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.475944" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dude4.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="410.307" y="44.8" z="188.892" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.79721" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="404.799" y="44.8" z="170.529" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.23876" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="388.417" y="44.8" z="196.107" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.16437" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>units/dudette.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="373.762" y="44.8" z="170.144" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.08857" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="827.735" y="44.8" z="144.014" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.745274" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="827.231" y="44.8" z="139.05" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="400.506" y="44.8" z="173.576" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/well_water.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="400.694" y="44.8" z="174.034" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09123" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="357.712" y="45.841" z="201.683" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="358.161" y="45.8745" z="202.615" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="356.959" y="45.6454" z="198.098" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="358.124" y="45.2784" z="198.081" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="358.722" y="45.9604" z="204.199" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="355.415" y="46.0365" z="196.69" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="359.122" y="45.6547" z="203.063" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="358.683" y="45.8789" z="203.516" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="358.085" y="46.1675" z="204.597" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/bush_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.93" y="44.8" z="174.644" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="393.31" y="44.8" z="175.577" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>foliage/grass_tufts_a_1.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="355.709" y="45.4973" z="162.231" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/battlefield.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/battlefield.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/battlefield.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,2482 +1,2482 @@
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- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/temp_deer2.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="503.115" y="44.8" z="115.061" />
- <Orientation angle="0.0554911" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/temp_deer3.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="500.751" y="45.0275" z="70.1411" />
- <Orientation angle="-3.14138" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/temp_rabbit1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="555.512" y="44.8" z="119.227" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.13717" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/temp_rabbit1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="554.242" y="44.8" z="119.556" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.9985" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/temp_rabbit1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="583.584" y="44.8" z="90.9436" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.23111" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="585.032" y="44.8075" z="80.0822" />
- <Orientation angle="0.101872" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="584.312" y="44.8" z="81.4213" />
- <Orientation angle="-1.82116" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="585.157" y="44.8004" z="81.101" />
- <Orientation angle="-3.02014" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="584.022" y="44.8" z="80.4882" />
- <Orientation angle="-0.771459" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="584.548" y="44.8" z="81.0143" />
- <Orientation angle="-3.01606" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="584.536" y="44.8" z="80.5386" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.15425" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="582.967" y="44.8" z="79.5889" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.44033" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="584.013" y="44.8001" z="79.7354" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.90687" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="585.695" y="44.81" z="80.4249" />
- <Orientation angle="-0.297316" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="525.921" y="47.2338" z="50.6317" />
- <Orientation angle="-2.52751" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="515.146" y="48.7386" z="56.3716" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>structures/rome_fc.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="410.928" y="44.8" z="382.273" />
- <Orientation angle="-3.0313" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>geology/rock_highland3.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="413.072" y="44.8" z="336.425" />
- <Orientation angle="1.74612" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="421.543" y="44.8" z="332.715" />
- <Orientation angle="-0.531935" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="422.707" y="44.8" z="334.77" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="419.641" y="44.8" z="335.2" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="417.833" y="44.8" z="331.546" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="417.672" y="44.8" z="334.666" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="422.698" y="44.8" z="338.067" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>foliage/bush.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="423.787" y="44.8" z="331.9" />
- <Orientation angle="-3.04236" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Orientation angle="0.236794" />
- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="406.506" y="44.8" z="318.066" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="401.564" y="44.8" z="311.255" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="392.99" y="44.8" z="328.196" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- <Position x="414.188" y="44.8" z="320.847" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_grass_1.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="412.345" y="44.8" z="319.746" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="365.004" y="44.8" z="309.213" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_pine.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>flora/wrld_flora_oak.xml</Actor>
- <Position x="358.724" y="44.8" z="321.373" />
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/temp_sheep1.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
- <Actor>fauna/temp_sheep2.xml</Actor>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
- <Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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- </Nonentity>
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+ <Orientation angle="-0.696076" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="497.462" y="44.8" z="124.941" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.71023" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.559" y="44.8" z="137.15" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.42087" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="506.645" y="44.8" z="140.775" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.84267" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="500.482" y="44.8" z="134.46" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.83147" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="496.04" y="44.8" z="127.763" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.52838" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="505.246" y="44.8" z="135.196" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.47483" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="484.392" y="44.8" z="115.967" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.29495" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="483.392" y="44.8" z="123.591" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.22722" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="479.902" y="44.8" z="97.4599" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.421876" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.385" y="44.8" z="89.7378" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.78522" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="481.9" y="44.8" z="103.627" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.28556" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="471.997" y="44.8" z="115.1" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.116623" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="526.254" y="44.8" z="152.844" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.936648" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.047" y="44.8" z="151.665" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.38209" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="514.405" y="44.8" z="145.169" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="542.823" y="44.8" z="143.028" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.55232" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="542.812" y="44.8" z="158.243" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.17075" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="507.628" y="44.8" z="154.879" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.51286" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="521.266" y="44.8" z="150.04" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72818" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="517.44" y="44.8" z="138.469" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.1414" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="544.723" y="44.8" z="151.983" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.44745" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="548.185" y="44.8" z="155.445" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.71413" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.344" y="44.8" z="82.496" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.3453" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="475.588" y="44.8" z="88.3873" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="495.261" y="44.8" z="78.1051" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.46194" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="469.074" y="44.8" z="144.171" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.7548" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland2_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="550.164" y="44.8" z="108.393" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.0428" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="553.804" y="44.8" z="107.68" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.38429" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="550.273" y="44.8" z="104.72" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="551.399" y="44.8" z="110.669" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.03604" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland_d.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="551.5" y="44.8" z="108.259" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland1_moss.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.298" y="44.8" z="100.144" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.01568" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="503.115" y="44.8" z="115.061" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.0554911" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/deer3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="500.751" y="45.0275" z="70.1411" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14138" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="555.512" y="44.8" z="119.227" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.13717" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="554.242" y="44.8" z="119.556" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9985" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.584" y="44.8" z="90.9436" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.23111" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="585.032" y="44.8075" z="80.0822" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.101872" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.312" y="44.8" z="81.4213" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.82116" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="585.157" y="44.8004" z="81.101" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.02014" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.022" y="44.8" z="80.4882" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.771459" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.548" y="44.8" z="81.0143" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.01606" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.536" y="44.8" z="80.5386" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.15425" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.967" y="44.8" z="79.5889" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.44033" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.013" y="44.8001" z="79.7354" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90687" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="585.695" y="44.81" z="80.4249" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.297316" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="525.921" y="47.2338" z="50.6317" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.52751" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.39" y="46.8646" z="34.907" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.04127" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="488.625" y="46.4641" z="63.5895" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.13295" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="517.7" y="48.8849" z="35.6322" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.39633" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.146" y="48.7386" z="56.3716" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14134" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/farmstead.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="410.928" y="44.8" z="382.273" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.0313" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/highland3.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.072" y="44.8" z="336.425" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.74612" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.543" y="44.8" z="332.715" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.531935" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.707" y="44.8" z="334.77" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.41692" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="419.641" y="44.8" z="335.2" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.977123" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.833" y="44.8" z="331.546" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.07324" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="417.672" y="44.8" z="334.666" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.04535" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="418.534" y="44.8" z="336.982" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.73567" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="421.605" y="44.8" z="329.931" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.98535" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="422.698" y="44.8" z="338.067" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.4599" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="423.787" y="44.8" z="331.9" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.04236" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/dead_a_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.678" y="44.8" z="324.672" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.236794" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/dead_a_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.75" y="44.8" z="329.156" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.9003" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="406.506" y="44.8" z="318.066" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.136167" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_100percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="401.564" y="44.8" z="311.255" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.99516" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="392.99" y="44.8" z="328.196" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.32255" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.188" y="44.8" z="320.847" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.08756" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="415.291" y="44.8" z="322.89" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72815" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="413.371" y="44.8" z="323.481" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.8298" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/grass_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="412.345" y="44.8" z="319.746" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.72218" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/oak.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="365.004" y="44.8" z="309.213" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.09402" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/pine.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="356.543" y="44.8" z="306.01" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65772" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/pine.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="352.821" y="44.8" z="314.738" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.93728" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/oak.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="367.568" y="44.8" z="315.089" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.50952" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/oak.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="358.724" y="44.8" z="321.373" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.468173" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="411.038" y="44.8" z="355.5" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.16227" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.008" y="44.8" z="359.168" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.81502" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/cypress1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="405.909" y="44.8" z="355.746" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.16348" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.09" y="44.8" z="354.023" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.250871" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.196" y="44.8" z="366.379" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.76052" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="450.552" y="44.8" z="366.558" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.52264" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="454.422" y="44.8" z="374.808" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.87641" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="455.835" y="44.8" z="383.146" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.99582" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="439.979" y="44.8" z="388.064" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82319" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="435.441" y="44.8" z="358.902" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.34553" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/sheep2.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="437.686" y="44.8" z="357.655" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.22194" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.601" y="44.8" z="358.464" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.65329" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/horse_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="443.266" y="44.8" z="359.272" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.256962" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>test_dude.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="436.99" y="44.8" z="347.875" />
+ <Orientation angle="3.00916" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="431.759" y="44.8" z="347.078" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.94592" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="426.694" y="44.8" z="357.969" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.70817" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="434.282" y="44.8" z="373.853" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.61674" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.76" y="44.8" z="362.826" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.155097" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="414.948" y="44.8" z="378.776" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.97797" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="409.799" y="44.8" z="339.842" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.29904" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="424.024" y="44.8" z="342.687" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/foliagebush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.591" y="44.8" z="108.655" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.43562" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/foliagebush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="538.43" y="44.8" z="116.826" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.68183" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>geology/gray_rock1.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="513.025" y="44.8" z="73.4357" />
+ <Orientation angle="1.78974" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/plants_healer.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="516.171" y="44.8" z="80.1497" />
+ <Orientation angle="2.21737" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/plant_sm.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.568" y="44.8" z="98.4204" />
+ <Orientation angle="0.0438395" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/plant_lg.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.499" y="44.8" z="101.155" />
+ <Orientation angle="3.02954" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="527.215" y="44.8" z="88.5284" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.89512" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="525.918" y="44.8" z="87.8341" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.1123" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="526.658" y="44.8" z="89.4276" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="533.957" y="44.8" z="108.332" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.08278" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="527.083" y="44.8" z="95.6264" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.44975" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.378" y="44.8" z="96.7171" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.514" y="44.8" z="99.5462" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="538.5" y="44.8" z="98.4555" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.19864" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="538.665" y="44.8" z="100.099" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92817" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="538.515" y="44.8" z="98.1802" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.0643" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.6" y="44.8" z="98.0341" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.92746" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="537.023" y="44.8" z="99.2419" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9235" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="536.312" y="44.8" z="101.215" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.48551" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="526.101" y="44.8" z="89.6765" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.71161" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="528.099" y="44.8" z="95.7333" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.01441" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="550.911" y="44.8" z="105.961" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.44488" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="552.581" y="44.8" z="106.888" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.90953" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="552.635" y="44.8" z="108.773" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.73758" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="551.534" y="44.8" z="109.376" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14137" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="549.166" y="44.8" z="106.921" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.73443" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="552.261" y="44.8" z="105.374" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.02151" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="551.02" y="44.8" z="104.732" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.9014" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.571" y="44.8" z="105.452" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.07429" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.065" y="44.8" z="104.793" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.7804" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="533.903" y="44.8" z="108.166" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.06001" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="535.66" y="44.8" z="107.024" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14126" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="534.858" y="44.8" z="108.198" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.42311" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="533.9" y="44.8" z="107.086" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.41673" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="532.575" y="44.8" z="107.277" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.82641" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.054" y="44.8" z="85.6356" />
+ <Orientation angle="-1.23032" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.314" y="44.8" z="87.9751" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14136" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="581.898" y="44.8" z="91.8121" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.295166" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.96" y="44.8" z="95.6834" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14138" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="592.642" y="45.4917" z="76.9627" />
+ <Orientation angle="-0.777553" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="594.99" y="45.6894" z="76.0532" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.1414" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="594.976" y="45.7523" z="74.4947" />
+ <Orientation angle="-3.14159" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="598.032" y="47.2226" z="70.4565" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.18518" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="596.296" y="45.8991" z="74.5901" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.67064" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.156" y="44.8" z="85.9955" />
+ <Orientation angle="-2.23207" />
+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="583.113" y="44.8" z="81.3101" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.683" y="44.8054" z="78.1014" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.585" y="44.8046" z="78.1477" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.885" y="44.8" z="90.4381" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.125" y="44.8" z="93.5665" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="579.559" y="44.8" z="92.8256" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="575.861" y="44.8" z="95.1361" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.437" y="44.8" z="93.5301" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="582.519" y="44.8" z="95.6988" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.482" y="44.8" z="94.72" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="580.969" y="44.8" z="96.0692" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="588.017" y="45.0049" z="77.5837" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="594.155" y="45.701" z="75.318" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="581.662" y="44.8" z="94.9346" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="584.316" y="44.8" z="93.5716" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="577.382" y="44.8" z="90.9527" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="516.881" y="44.8" z="79.7948" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="520.681" y="44.8" z="84.7131" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="520.37" y="44.8" z="77.533" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="520.2" y="44.8" z="77.6297" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.605" y="44.8" z="79.4863" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="518.034" y="44.8" z="77.9851" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="514.2" y="44.8" z="77.5118" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.48" y="44.8" z="78.4986" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.535" y="44.8" z="79.363" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="517.044" y="44.8" z="81.0943" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="519.826" y="44.8" z="78.4011" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="554.922" y="44.8" z="116.655" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="556.352" y="44.8" z="115.031" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="554.046" y="44.8" z="115.064" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="554.751" y="44.8" z="115.487" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="554.936" y="44.8" z="122.5" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="557.124" y="44.8" z="123.173" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="556.709" y="44.8" z="121.559" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="557.692" y="44.8" z="122.264" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="557.471" y="44.8" z="121.766" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="579.408" y="44.8" z="100.87" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="579.407" y="44.8" z="100.817" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="574.907" y="44.8" z="100.328" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="576.62" y="44.8" z="57.5431" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="577.953" y="44.8" z="57.153" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="520.218" y="44.8" z="101.15" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.146" y="44.8" z="102.537" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="530.014" y="44.8" z="102.404" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="525.064" y="45.839" z="63.8735" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="515.92" y="44.8" z="74.0717" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Position x="527.54" y="44.8" z="91.9694" />
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+ <Position x="603.236" y="44.8" z="87.6471" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="624.115" y="44.8" z="83.0157" />
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+ <Position x="625.039" y="44.8" z="83.4903" />
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+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="500.174" y="44.8" z="74.186" />
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush.xml</Actor>
+ <Position x="512.974" y="44.8" z="96.8351" />
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentity>
+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ <Nonentity>
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+ </Nonentities>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/old/test01.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/old/test01.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/old/test01.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,259 +1,259 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/maps/scenarios/old/sheild.xml
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\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_pig.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_pig.xml (revision 2762)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm.xml (revision 2762)
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+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_sm.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_me.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_me.xml (revision 2762)
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- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_me.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_pine.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_flora_pine.xml (revision 2762)
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@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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+ <Actor>flora/trees/pine.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_me_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_me_dry.xml (revision 2762)
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la_dry.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_la_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_la_dry.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_me_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_me_lush.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_me_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la.xml (revision 2762)
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_la.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_rabbit.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_rabbit.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_fauna_rabbit.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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- <Actor>fauna/temp_rabbit1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>fauna/rabbit1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_rock_light.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_rock_light.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/wrld_rock_light.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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<Entity Parent="template_gaia_geo_rock">
- <Actor>geology/rock_light.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>geology/light.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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<Entity Parent="template_gaia_flora_bush">
- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la_dry.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_medit_la_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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- <Actor>foliage/bush_medit_la_dry.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_medit_la_dry.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/gaia/bush_tempe_me.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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- <Actor>foliage/bush_tempe_me.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>props/flora/bush_tempe_me.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_a.xml (revision 2762)
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- <Actor>units/hele_isp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_a.xml (revision 2762)
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- <Actor>units/iber_csw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_a.xml (revision 2762)
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- <Actor>units/iber_isw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_b.xml (revision 2762)
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@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_ijv">
specific="Iš Kidón Meguyás"
history="While Iberians had often served as mercenaries in earlier times, after Carthage’s conquest of Spain they were often called up as levies. After the Celts they were considered the most expendable of all the troops in the Carthaginian army, used to dull the force of a charging formation. Armed with a javelin that could have a bundle of burning grass attached at the end for torching buildings, the Iberians could also wear light breastplates called pectorals in addition to their distinctive sinew caps."
- <Actor>units/kart_ijv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_su1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_su1.xml (revision 2762)
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@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_siu">
history="The Sacred Band was a group of elite troops dedicated to the service of Tanit, patron goddess of Carthage. Wearing distinctive white linothorax cuirasses and bronze helmets with a black band above the forehead they fought as an elite cavalry formation. In addition to providing crack troops, the unit trained Carthaginians aspiring to command Punic mercenary armies. Specially picked troops carried the unit standard emblazoned with the goddess’ symbols into battle."
- <Actor>units/kart_su_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/super_unit_1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_su1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_su1.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_su1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_siu">
specific="Athenian Gastraphetes"
history="The gastraphetes was a large crossbow braced against the soldier’s stomach, hence the name 'belly-bow'. It was used to launch darts too large for conventional bows and was used mainly in siege situations by either side. Over time it developed into the oxybeles, which is essentially a large version of the gastraphetes on a mount."
- <Actor>units/hele_su_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/super_unit_1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_trd.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_trd.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_trd.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_trd">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
specific="Plebean Merchant"
history="Plebians were the poor class in Roman society, underneath the patricians, often carrying out much local trading and business. While patricians financed large business ventures plebian merchants did the actual work. They traded far and wide, from Iberia to Syria, buying and selling everything from salt to wool to horses to metals to glass to slaves. Rome’s extensive network of roads within Italy, many ports, and central location within the Mediterranean made it an ideal place to do business."
- <Actor>units/rome_trd.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/trader.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_a.xml (revision 2762)
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- <Actor>units/kart_isw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_isl">
specific="Infante Hondero"
history="Iberian slingers were the undisputed masters of the weapon and extracted a high toll of the enemy. Going into combat scantily clad at best, the slinger carried three slings tied around his waist, each of a different length allowing him to attack opponents from all ranges. Unlike other cultures, the Iberian slingers threw rocks instead of specially made lead shot."
- <Actor>units/iber_isl_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_slinger_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_a.xml (revision 2762)
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- <Actor>units/rome_isw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
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- <Actor>units/hele_isp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_csw_a">
- <Actor>units/iber_csw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_isw_a">
- <Actor>units/iber_isw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_csw_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_csw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isp">
specific="Celtaidd Shleiyder"
history="The spear was the main weapon of the Celts, arming the bulk of their forces. The average Celt would only have to take up his long spear and body shield to be ready for battle. While armor was rare the rabid fighting spirit of the Celts more than made up for in vigor what was lost in protection."
- <Actor>units/celt_isp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/infantry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_isl">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
specific="Ballearic Slinger"
history="Slingers were users of one of the simplest weapons in existence, but one that required incredible skill. Capable of punching through armor, the stones hurled from the sling had greater range than even the bow. By the time of the Punic Wars, Roman slingers were either mercenaries or provided by allies."
- <Actor>units/rome_isl_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_slinger_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_csw_a">
- <Actor>units/kart_csw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_cjv_b">
- <Actor>units/celt_cjv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isp">
specific="Infante Carpetano"
history="A long-bladed spear was a chief melee weapon of the Iberian infantry, often used after the javelins had been thrown. Typically carried by infantry know as scutarii for their long oval body shields, the spearmen would close in formation to attack their opponents. Usually lightly armored, they were quick and had a ferocious reputation."
- <Actor>units/iber_isp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_ijv">
specific="Zhupinandaz Frighi"
history="Javelin throwers were an important arm of the Persian infantry, giving added close range punch to the archers and able to close with the enemy if necessary. Many javelinists were recruited from the peoples of Asia Minor, including the Phrygians, who fought with hide shields and what armor they could find. In their day they were rivaled in skill by only the Thracian peltasts."
- <Actor>units/pers_ijv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_fem.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_fem.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_fem.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_fem">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
specific="Matrona Romana"
history="Roman women in the Republic were in a similar state as their Greek counterparts. When a Roman woman married their dowry and property passed to their father-in-law, while she herself became the property of her husband. Their job was to raise the children and helping in farm work or running the family business. It was a sign of affluence when a man’s wife did not have to work."
- <Actor>units/rome_fem.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/female_citizen.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_su1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_su1.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_su1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_siu">
specific="Amrtaka Pars"
history="The Amrtaka (or, as they are more commonly known, Immortals) were the elite of the Persian army, handsomely equipped with armor and weapons, including swords which were rare weapons in the normal ranks. A unit of 10,000 men, their number was always kept to full strength whenever a man was killed or wounded, resulting in their nickname. They were ferocious fighters and well respected."
- <Actor>units/pers_su_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/super_unit_1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_iar">
specific="Kamandar Kappadoki"
history="Archers were the core of the Persian infantry, often going into battle with spearmen equipped with spara, whom they heavily outnumbered. Although powerful, the Persian recurved bow was cursed with light arrows that had trouble piercing the armor of heavily armed opponents. But the huge numbers loosed in each volley were more than enough to alarm even the most armored enemy."
- <Actor>units/pers_iar_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_archer_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_ijv">
specific="Thracian Peltast"
history="Peltasts were javelinists originating in Thrace but their form of combat was widely copied by the Greeks, Macedonians, and Persians. Equipped with a small oval or crescent shield, a peltast would charge at enemy formations whilst hurling his javelins then fall back to avoid close combat. They wore no armor and were at a significant disadvantage against heavy infantry and cavalry, relying on their speed for survival."
- <Actor>units/hele_ijv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csp">
specific="Celtaidd Castog"
history="The Celts used large dogs such as mastiffs or wolfhounds in combat, especially against enemy cavalry. The Romans were very impressed with the strength and ferocity of these dogs. Many were brought back to Rome for the gladiator arena or to serve as guard dogs."
- <Actor>units/celt_csp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_iar">
ranked="Basic (Name)"
history="Archers were used in Hellenistic armies to support the phalanx by splitting up enemy formations. The best Greek archers were from Crete, but mercenaries from Scythia and Asia Minor were sometimes employed. Hellenistic archers wore their quivers on their backs and the more successful ones were able to procure armor."
- <Actor>units/hele_iar_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_archer_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isp">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="The Triarii were the third line of heavy infantry in the Republican Roman army. Made up of the veterans from previous campaigns, they often possessed the most fashionable arms and armor. Armed with a spear and gladius, the Triarii usually did not fight unless the battle was going poorly or enemy forces required the use of a spear to fend them off. In many cases the Tirarii were left at the camp instead of marching out with the rest of the army."
- <Actor>units/rome_isp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="hele_csw_b">
- <Actor>units/hele_csw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_cjv_a">
- <Actor>units/celt_cjv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_isp_a">
- <Actor>units/kart_isp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_isw_a">
- <Actor>units/rome_isw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_ranged_car">
specific="Chaharcharkhe Pars"
history="Chariots were obsolete by the 5th and 4th centuries BC, but they were viewed as symbols of rank and class, hence their continued deployment on the battlefield in extremely limited roles well after their obsolescence. The crew was made up of an archer and a driver who rode in an armored car equipped with scythe-like blades underneath the chassis and the axels themselves sported a pair of the deadly knives."
- <Actor>units/pers_car_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_archer_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_ranged_cjv">
specific="Iš Kidón Rakhúv"
history="The Carthaginians possessed the greatest light cavalry of the ancient world in the Numidians. Tough and hardy like their mounts, the Numidians were famous for their ability to ride bareback and without bridles. Riders controlled their horses through a combination of voice commands, knee pressure, and a rope around the animals’ necks. Used mostly for pursuing defeated opponents, the Numidians’ favored weapon was a javelin that could be used for close combat if necessary."
- <Actor>units/kart_cjv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_csw_b">
- <Actor>units/pers_csw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_su2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_su2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_su2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_scu">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="Decurions each commanded a cavalry squad of ten Equites, three of which made up a turmae. They wore either Greek-style armor or Roman chain mail hauberks split at the thigh to allow for riding. Armed with a spear for throwing or stabbing, they would use a gladius for close combat. A round shield called a parma was a major source of protection once the heavy Roman horseman had closed with their opponents."
- <Actor>units/rome_su_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/super_unit_2.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csp">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="Equites were the elite of Roman society, the added wealth stemming from that position enabling them to obtain horses and therefore serve as cavalry. They were formed into units of 30, known as turmae, armored in chain mail and often wearing fashionable Hellenistic helmets. They used a spear for throwing or over arm stabbing as well as a shield and sword for close combat."
- <Actor>units/rome_csp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_csw_b">
- <Actor>units/kart_csw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_isw_a">
- <Actor>units/kart_isw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="hele_csw_a">
- <Actor>units/hele_csw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_ijv_b">
- <Actor>units/celt_ijv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/infantry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_ijv_a">
- <Actor>units/rome_ijv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_ijv_b">
- <Actor>units/rome_ijv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_fem.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_fem.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_fem.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_fem">
specific="Ciudadana Iberica"
history="Iberian women were privileged members of society, equal in rank to men and superior in some areas. For instance a woman would inherit her father’s wealth and then distribute it among male family members, in addition to finding wives for her brothers. Manual labor was a common activity, including farming and ditch digging, for which women received pay. Marriage and other commitments to individuals were fervently embraced by both genders. Iberian women were also capable of slaying their own children to prevent them from being captured."
- <Actor>units/iber_fem.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/female_citizen.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_su1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_su1.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_su1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_siu">
specific="Briton Cruthni"
history="The Picts were famous for their habit of covering themselves in blue war paint and fighting completely naked long after other peoples had ceased to. While there are serious questions about their origins, the Picts often fought with and against their Briton neighbors armed with primitive crossbows. Their guerilla style of fighting was seen as dishonorable in Celtic eyes but they were renowned for their tenacity."
- <Actor>units/celt_su_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/super_unit_1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_ijv_a">
- <Actor>units/celt_ijv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/infantry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csp">
specific="Aspe Zerehdar Balkhi"
history="Heavily armed lancers later known as cataphracts were first developed by the Sarmatians from Central Asia. The Persians picked up the technique from other eastern peoples like the Massagetae and the Bactrians. Featuring a heavily armored rider armed with a long lance and even an armored horse, the Cataphracts were the first cavalry to physically crash into their opponents, a considerable feat when one knows that they rode without stirrups."
- <Actor>units/pers_csp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isp">
specific="Neyzedar Madi"
history="The Medes were renowned soldiers, creating an empire that predated that of the Achaemenid Persians. In combat they fought with short spears counterweighted with bronze and used large wicker shields known as spara. Secondary weapons ranged from axes known as sagaris to daggers and short swords, but armor was rare, limited to scale or linen when procured."
- <Actor>units/pers_isp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_fem.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_fem.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_fem.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_fem">
specific="Banu Miyanrudani"
history="Persian women were fairly powerful during the reign of the Achaemenids, having substantial control over their future. A husband was not able to pawn his wife off to cover debts, nor was did he have control of her possessions. Persian women owned property and were quite active in their management of it, which could include female-induced divorce. Veiling had a long tradition in ancient Persia although it was only a sign of modesty and wealth among well-to-do women with none of the modern implications."
- <Actor>units/pers_fem.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/female_citizen.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_su2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_su2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_su2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_scu">
specific="Caballero Devotio"
history="'Elite warriors known as The Devoted were adept warriors who could be either infantry or cavalry. Adding to their already considerable skill, The Devoted were renowned for the experience in foreign wars, often in the service of the Carthaginians. Considering that Iberian troops were commonly used as cannon fodder gives some idea of just how good these fierce warriors had to be in order to survive."
- <Actor>units/iber_su_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/super_unit_2.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_ijv_b">
- <Actor>units/pers_ijv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_isp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isp">
history="Hoplites were the very symbol of Hellenistic prestige and citizenship, armed with a spear and a large round, bronze-coated shield known as a hoplon. Armor was heavy, with bronze helmets and a cuirass of either bronze or linen, in addition to greaves. Hoplites fought in a tight formation called a phalanx, guarding each other with their shields while they attacked the enemy with their spear or a short iron sword."
- <Actor>units/hele_isp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_su2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_su2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_su2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_scu">
specific="Pil Jangi Hendi"
history="Elephants were rare sights in Persian armies but they were used and their effect on the battlefield could not be ignored. As their tusks and feet physically attacked the enemy, archers and javelin throwers launched projectiles from atop the animal’s back. While huge, they could be just as much a threat to their own side and could be easily hamstrung. But their ability to stop a full-blown cavalry charge when in a line made up for any questions of effectiveness."
- <Actor>units/pers_su_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/super_unit_2.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_fem.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_fem.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_fem.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_fem">
history="Greek women were kept under tight control by their husbands, rarely leaving the home for anything beyond the necessities of daily life. They could not own anything or be involved in any business or legal transaction. They acted as household cook, nurse, seamstress, and early educator to young children. Spartan women were an exception to the normal code of conduct and enjoyed many freedoms."
- <Actor>units/hele_fem.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/female_citizen.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_ijv_b">
- <Actor>units/kart_ijv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csw">
specific="Usubari Tazi"
history="Camel mounted cavalry were widespread among the Arabs levied into the Persian army, armed with swords and axes to bows and spears. They could move very quickly across all terrain and they were quite effective against traditional horse-mounted cavalry as the horses themselves could not stand the smell of camels. Camels were also seen in Persian armies deployed by the Bactrians from Central Asia, who used them as platforms for archers."
- <Actor>units/pers_csw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_csp_b">
- <Actor>units/celt_csp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_cjv_b">
- <Actor>units/iber_cjv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_ijv_a">
- <Actor>units/iber_ijv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_isl">
history="Levied from the Balearic Islands off Spain, these slingers proved to be the greatest the world ever produced, capable of hurling jagged rocks over distances that archers could not match. It was a Balearic slinger that heavily wounded the Roman consul Paullus at the beginning of the bloody battle at Cannae. Stones flung from slings were able to crush and puncture through armor at long ranges, be it iron or bronze."
- <Actor>units/kart_isl_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_cjv_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_cjv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_fem.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_fem.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_fem.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_fem">
history="Unlike many ancient cities Carthage was found by a woman; Queen Dido, hailing originally from Tyre. Carthaginian women were famous for their beauty and were capable of extremely hard physical work. The records written about the Third Punic War mentioned that all citizens of Carthage, including the women, worked incessantly to manufacture weapons and prepare the city for siege. The women even cut their own hair for use in the springs of artillery pieces."
- <Actor>units/kart_fem.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/female_citizen.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_csw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csw">
specific="Caballero Ilergete"
history="Armed like the light infantry, Iberian cavalry were often pursued as mercenaries, especially by the Carthaginians. Mounted on excellent horses and wielding high-grade swords they were capable of taking on heavy or light cavalry. As with all Iberians armor was scarce, but they wore the ubiquitous sinew caps made famous by the peoples of the peninsula."
- <Actor>units/iber_csw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_iar_b">
- <Actor>units/pers_iar_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_archer_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_iar_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_iar_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_iar_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_archer_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="hele_ijv_b">
- <Actor>units/hele_ijv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_su1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_su1.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_su1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_siu">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="The Centurio was the commander of a century of 80 men, 10 squads or contubernium of 8 men. To attain the position a man would have had to show great personal bravery, initiative, and authority. Republican centurions were armed just as their men, although their armor could be substantially more flamboyant due to their increased social position. Unlike later centurions, in the pre-Marian army they were elected by their fellow soldiers, who considered their past actions."
- <Actor>units/rome_su_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/super_unit_1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_ijv_b">
- <Actor>units/iber_ijv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csp">
specific="Iš Rómah Rakhúv"
history="The Samnites were one of the southern Italian tribes who defected to Hannibal’s army during the Second Punic War. While known for their light infantry, the Samnites produced the greatest horsemen in Italy, armed with light spears that could be thrown or used over arm. Swords were plentiful near the coast, but were not often worn in central Samnium. Armor was plentiful, if light, including the peculiar bronze anklets worn by some Samnite horsemen."
- <Actor>units/kart_csp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isp">
specific="Iš Hanít Arukáh Meguyás"
history="The core of the Carthaginian army was made up of Liby-Phoenicians, Africans with Phoenician ancestors. The wealthy residents of Carthage recruited the non-citizen Liby-Phoenicians as heavy infantry, fighting in the Macedonian phalanx armed with the long sarissa. Armor could range from chain mail hauberks to bronze cuirasses and helmets often included the latest Hellenistic types. Although armed with a shield and a sword, Carthaginian swordsmen were woefully ill-trained compared to their Roman or Iberian counterparts in fencing."
- <Actor>units/kart_isp_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isw">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="The hastati were the first line of heavy infantry in the early Republican Roman army. They used pila and gladii as their main weapons, throwing the former into the enemy formation and then closing with the sword. For defence they used a large shield called a scutum and wore the best armor they could afford. Hastati were recruited from the young men of Rome, a small part of the 700,000 troops Rome could bring to bear against its opponents."
- <Actor>units/rome_isw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_car_b">
- <Actor>units/pers_car_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_archer_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_cjv_b">
- <Actor>units/kart_cjv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_cjv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_cjv_a">
- <Actor>units/kart_cjv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_trd.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_trd.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_trd.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_trd">
specific="Tamkarum Arami"
history="Merchants were the working corps of the Persian economy, moving goods from one end of the vast empire to the other. Commodities included linen, carpets, perfume, cotton, salt, fruit, and even pearls. Thanks to the Aramaeans, the main language of Mesopotamia and in all directions from it was Aramaic, making trade simple. The language was eventually taken on as the official language of the Empire."
- <Actor>units/pers_trd.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/trader.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_su2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_su2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_su2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_scu">
specific="Pil Qrav"
history="By far the most famous of Carthaginian weapons was the small, ugly, and now extinct, North African forest elephants. Going into battle without a war tower carrying only a driver, Carthaginian war elephants were used as terror weapons: horses could not stand their smell, inexperienced troops were frightened, and the havoc they could cause was immense. Yet by the time of the Second Punic War elephants were at the end of their time. Armies had learned the weaknesses of the giant beasts, specifically how to hamstring and confuse them. More often than not a war elephant could be just as dangerous to its own side as the enemy."
- <Actor>units/kart_su_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/super_unit_2.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_cjv_a">
- <Actor>units/iber_cjv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csw">
specific="Celtaidd Marchog"
history="Like a sword, a horse was a sign of nobility and as a result the Celtic cavalry was often better equipped than the infantry. Armor and helmets were common, while weapons consisted of a large bladed spear and a long slashing sword for close combat. Shields could be round, hexagonal, or oval, but the most common was a regular oval body shield with the top and bottom shorn off. Unlike other horseman, the Celts were not afraid to leap off their mount to fight on foot then climb into the saddle again when possible."
- <Actor>units/celt_csw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_cjv_b">
- <Actor>units/pers_cjv_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_ijv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_ijv_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_ijv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_trd.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_trd.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_trd.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_trd">
specific="Comerciante Iberico"
history="Iberian merchants traded among themselves and had access to larger markets through Carthaginian ports such a Cartegena. Using wagons and carts, the traders also plied wares to Carthaginians, Greeks, and Romans who came to the Iberian Peninsula. Oil, wine, slaves, wool, and wheat were all exported by the Iberians, but most prized of all were its fine horses and remarkably pure iron, which made the finest swords of the ancient world."
- <Actor>units/iber_trd.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/trader.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_car_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_car_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_car_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_archer_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isw">
specific="Infante Numantino"
history="The Iberians were master sword-smiths and the falcata was their greatest creation. Wielded by superb swordsmen equipped with light armor and a buckler known as a caetra, they caused untold carnage. Thanks to this Iberian infantry were fast and agile unlike many of their opponents and could bite hard when they attacked. Their skill with sword and buckler were legendary, allowing them to go toe-to-toe with heavy infantry."
- <Actor>units/iber_isw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_ijv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_ijv_a">
- <Actor>units/kart_ijv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ijv_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="hele_ijv_a">
- <Actor>units/hele_ijv_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_su2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_su2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_su2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_ssu">
specific="Athenian Oxybeles"
history="Oxybeles were the logical development of the gastraphetes, a large crossbow mounted on a heavy tripod. It launched heavy bolts using a bow of far greater power than its predecessor, requiring a lever operated winch system to draw it. In accuracy, range, and power it outstripped all other bolt throwers of the time."
- <Actor>units/hele_su_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/super_unit_2.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_isp_a">
- <Actor>units/celt_isp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_isl_b">
- <Actor>units/rome_isl_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_slinger_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_isp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_isp_b">
- <Actor>units/celt_isp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="hele_iar_b">
- <Actor>units/hele_iar_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_archer_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_csp_a">
- <Actor>units/celt_csp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_csp_b">
- <Actor>units/rome_csp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_trd.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_trd.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_trd.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_trd">
history="Of all the merchants of the ancient world, the Carthaginians were the most traveled. Their vast fleet of trading ships went as far as Britain and down the coast of West Africa. Culturally sensitive, the Carthaginians would make allowances for the particular customs of their trading partners, some transactions taking place without direct contact or negotiation. Thanks to the long voyages of Carthaginian merchants much territory was explored and even colonized."
- <Actor>units/kart_trd.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/trader.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isl_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_isl_a">
- <Actor>units/rome_isl_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_slinger_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_melee_isw">
specific="Iš Hérev Sakhír"
history="Hannibal hired Celtic mercenaries when he invaded Italy in 218 BC, recruited from the Gallic tribesmen in the northern third of the country. Fierce and physically imposing thanks to their height the Celtic soldiers attacked their opponents with swords and spears in a solid wave. They were capable of changing formations and despite their usual lack of body armor they were quite capable of hacking down their opponents."
- <Actor>units/kart_isw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_cjv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_ranged_cjv">
specific="Celtaidd March Milwr"
history="The Celts were extremely proficient horsemen and created excellent tack for their mounts. This included an early form of saddle with horns at each corner, giving them a huge edge in terms or control over their counterparts. Since the cavalry was made up of rich nobles armor and fine weapons were in great supply, making them formidable opponents."
- <Actor>units/celt_cjv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ship.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ship.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_ship.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_fem">
specific="Temporary Ship"
history="This is a 'female' temporary ship, feel free to delete/tweak this entity file at any time."
<Footprint radius="5.0" height="5.0"/>
- <Actor>special/ship.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>temp/ship.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_su2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_su2.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_su2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_scu">
specific="Briton Cerbyd"
history="The Britons were one of the last European peoples to use two-horse chariots in combat. They had two iron-rimmed wheels and a flat riding platform that typically carried a driver and a warrior. Useless as shock weapons against tightly packed troops, they were useful for running down individual soldiers and as a stable mount to launch javelins from. The heads of defeated opponents often adorned the chassis to show the warrior’s prowess."
- <Actor>units/celt_su_2.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/super_unit_2.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_isp_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_isp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_csp_b">
- <Actor>units/kart_csp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_csp_a">
- <Actor>units/kart_csp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_mc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_mc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_mc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_mc">
history="The Carthaginians incorporated stables and barracks into their city walls."
- <Actor>structures/kart_mc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_isp_b">
- <Actor>units/rome_isp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_isp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="rome_isp_a">
- <Actor>units/rome_isp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_csw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csw">
history="Cavalry were made up of the upper class since they were the only ones who could afford horses. Initially they were missile troops who avoided close combat, throwing javelins and spears at enemy troops. Later on thanks to developments by the Macedonians they began to close with enemy troops to use their swords. As with all ancient horsemen the hyppikon did not have stirrups or a saddle."
- <Actor>units/hele_csw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_ijv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_ijv">
specific="Celtaidd Gaesata"
history="Gesatae were young men who devoted themselves to war, often serving as mercenaries for other tribes. They were the last Celts to fight stark naked to show their courage, often carrying only a shield with several javelins and a regular Celtic spear. More often than not they were covered in geometric designs painted in woad, a blue dye."
- <Actor>units/celt_ijv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/infantry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_csp_b">
- <Actor>units/pers_csp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_cjv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_ranged_cjv">
specific="Caballero Turdetano"
history="While not differing greatly from the other Iberian cavalry, the javelinists gave the horsemen the added sting of long-range attack coupled with brutal close combat. They did not use stirrups or saddles and were renowned for their horsemanship. They were highly sought after as mercenaries, albeit expendable ones."
- <Actor>units/iber_cjv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_csw_b">
- <Actor>units/celt_csw_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_su1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_su1.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_su1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_superunit_siu">
specific="Infante Devotio"
history="The Devoted were war-hardened veterans of Iberian mercenaries hired out by foreign powers to fight in far-off conflicts. Fighting with and against diverse types of opponents, these men were deeply knowledgeable about various fighting styles and tactics. Once they had returned home from combat they were lavishly taken care of, rising to important positions in society."
- <Actor>units/iber_su_1.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/super_unit_1.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_isl_a">
- <Actor>units/kart_isl_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_iar_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="hele_iar_a">
- <Actor>units/hele_iar_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/infantry_archer_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_fem.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_fem.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_fem.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_fem">
specific="Celtaidd Merch"
history="Celtic women enjoyed many freedoms, especially compared to their Greek and Roman counterparts. Although they did not fight in battle as some believe Gallic women were quite large and very strong compared to most men. They were able to own property and were capable of gaining considerable wealth. Some noblewomen took over power when their husband’s died, such as Boudicca of the Iceni. In addition, family trees were drawn up along female lines, men claiming their ancestry through female ancestors."
- <Actor>units/celt_fem.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/female_citizen.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_isl_b">
- <Actor>units/iber_isl_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_slinger_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_isp_b">
- <Actor>units/iber_isp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_ijv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_ijv">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="The principi were the second line of heavy infantry in the Republican Roman army. Exactly identical in equipment and fighting methods to the hastati, they differed only in age, being slightly older. As a result they could often afford slightly better arms, including chain mail hauberks known as lorica hamata. Like all Roman heavy infantry they decorated their helmets with feathers and horsehair crests in the Italian fashion."
- <Actor>units/rome_ijv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/romans/infantry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_isp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_isp_b">
- <Actor>units/pers_isp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_trd.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_trd.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_trd.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_trd">
specific="Celtaidd Cyfnewidiwr"
history="Celtic traders were known for trafficking in many different goods. These could range from metal work and iron objects to slaves. Indeed, Britain proved to be a steady supply of slaves for the Romans. In trade the Celts often received Roman weapons, armor, and tools. Celtic traders were usually land bound, traveling on foot or by animal."
- <Actor>units/celt_trd.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/trader.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isl_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_isl_b">
- <Actor>units/kart_isl_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_a.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_isp_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="kart_isp_b">
- <Actor>units/kart_isp_a.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_a.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/rome_csp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_csp_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_csp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/kart_csw_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_melee_csw">
specific="Iš Hérev Rakhúv Meguyás"
history="Along with the Gauls, Iberians formed the Carthaginian heavy cavalry, closing with their opponents at every opportunity. Armed with long-bladed spears and short curved sabers known as falcata, the Iberians were no strangers to fighting on horseback. On many occasions they routed opposing cavalry but usually did not pursue them, preferring to remain close to the main army."
- <Actor>units/kart_csw_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_trd.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_trd.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/hele_trd.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_support_trd">
history="Traders were private merchants who traveled from place to place buying and selling goods. Italy, Carthage, Egypt, Cyprus, Scythia, Phoenicia, and Asia Minor were all major ports of call for Hellenistic merchants. There they bought everything from grain and dates to rugs, pottery, spices, gems, and wool, even elephants from India and slaves from Scythia."
- <Actor>units/hele_trd.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/hellenes/trader.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isl_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_isl_a">
- <Actor>units/iber_isl_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_slinger_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_isp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="iber_isp_a">
- <Actor>units/iber_isp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_csp_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="pers_csp_a">
- <Actor>units/pers_csp_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/iber_ijv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_ijv">
specific="Infante Lusitano"
history="In accordance with the mobile warfare practiced by the Iberians, javelins were extremely popular, in particular an example known as the falarica. Specifically made to deliver a clump of burning grass or cloth and pitch attached to the weapon, it was used to ignite buildings or vegetation, and could be used against enemy infantry if necessary. It was later used in the Roman army for a similar purpose."
- <Actor>units/iber_ijv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_e.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/celt_csw_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="celt_csw_a">
- <Actor>units/celt_csw_e.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_b.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/units/pers_cjv_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_unit_cavalry_ranged_cjv">
specific="Asabari Madi"
history="Just as the archers were the rock of the Persian infantry, the Persian cavalry was formed around the light cavalryman, or Asabari. Armed with javelins for long-ranged combat or close-quarter fighting, Asabari were also equipped with swords and axes. Since they were recruited from the upper classes many wore armor and helmets and their horses could also be fitted with light armor."
- <Actor>units/pers_cjv_b.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml</Actor>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_fc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_fc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_fc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_resource_economic_fc">
history="Farming probably originated in the lands of Mesopotamia circa 8000 BC. The arable lands of Sumer and Akkad, well irrigated by the Tigris and Euphrates, accounted for food surpluses, which were in turn stored in granaries present in every town. The Persians, who were originally shepherds and hunters, probably began farming under the influence of the nearby Elamites."
- <Actor>structures/pers_fc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/farmstead.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_rc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_rc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_rc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_rc">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="(Insert History Here)"
- <Actor>structures/rome_rc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/mill.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_cc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_cc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_cc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_cc">
history="The Oppidum, plural Oppida (oh-PEE-dah), has a long history in the Iberian Peninsula. They were walled towns, dating back to even before the time period of the game and expanding greatly during it. They were usually built upon heights for better defensive purposes but sometimes right out on the plains, especially in the east where there may not have been heights at desirable locations near meandering rivers. This concept drawing is derived from an actual archeological site that has been excavated in the northeast of Spain having belonged to the Ilergete (ee-layer-HAY-tay) tribe as shown in the figure below and from the virtual reconstruction of the site at the museum located adjacent to it."
- <Actor>structures/iber_cc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_fc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_fc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_fc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_resource_economic_fc">
history=" Farming typically revolved around small hamlets and farmsteads with enclosed rectilinear fields - each having areas of pasture, farmland and wood. Ploughing became more efficient with the arrival of the iron share (plough point – courtesy of our Celts) and a two field rotation was introduced; crops one year followed by a fallow that was grazed by livestock. This lead to surprisingly high yields and fuelled population growth. The image of a farmstead would most likely be a house with some out-buildings. Storage of crops was either in pits or in raised stores and harvest was over several months - weeds, grain and then straw."
- <Actor>structures/celt_fc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/farmstead.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_ff.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_ff.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_ff.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_ff">
history="The Susa Chateau was a fortress in the administrative capital of Susa, which was reconstructed by a French archaeologist in 1890 with the use of original building material."
- <Actor>structures/pers_ff.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/fortress.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_rc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_rc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_rc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_rc">
history="The Persian kings kept the huge annual tribute received by their subject nations in specific buildings in Persepolis and Susa. In the provinces, the satraps were responsible for the establishment of similar foundations, where local taxes and public funds were kept."
- <Actor>structures/pers_rc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/mill.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_mc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_mc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_mc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_mc">
history="The Strategion was the main military headquarters, where important decisions were taken and plans for battles discussed by the Strategoi."
- <Actor>structures/hele_mc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/barracks.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_cc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_cc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_cc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_cc">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="(Insert History Here)"
- <Actor>structures/rome_cc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_cc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_cc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_cc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_cc">
history="Possibly of Median origin, the word 'satrapy' means province. Soon after coming to the throne, Darius the Great carried out a vast administrative reform, dividing the huge empire into 20 satrapies governed by satraps."
- <Actor>structures/pers_cc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_hc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_hc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_hc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_hc">
history="The Iberian tribes did not typically worship their gods at temples, but there has been a single instance in which the remains of an ancient Tartessian temple has been unearthed in Andalusia in southern Spain. The Iberians for the most part worshipped their gods at small household votive altars in their homes or sometimes at smallish monuments to them in the outdoors. Their two principal gods (though they are also known to have had many others) were Endovelico, as the male represented by a boar, and Ataecina, the female counterpart as represented by a goat."
- <Actor>structures/iber_hc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/temple.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_cc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_cc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_cc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_cc">
history="(Insert History Here)"
- <Actor>structures/kart_cc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_hc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_hc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_hc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_hc">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="(Insert History Here)"
- <Actor>structures/rome_hc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/temple.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_ho.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_ho.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_ho.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_ho">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="The early Atrium initially included one big room with a fireplace in the middle. A garden by the house was later included under Hellenistic influence."
- <Actor>structures/rome_ho.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/house.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_tc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_tc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_tc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_tc">
history="Traders from all distant parts of the huge empire met, exchanged and sold goods in the huge bazaars present in almost every big city. Babylon and Susa were the largest and most frequented trade centres."
- <Actor>structures/pers_tc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/market.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_tf.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_tf.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_tf.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_tf">
history="The narrow entrance into mountainous Cilicia was protected by wooden fortifications which made any foreign intrusions extremely difficult."
- <Actor>structures/pers_st.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_ho.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_ho.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_ho.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_ho">
history="Celts generally lived in round stone or wattle and daub walled structures with thatched roof."
- <Actor>structures/celt_ho.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/house.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_ho.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_ho.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_ho.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_ho">
history="Housing was generally built of ‘adobe’ or sandstone then plastered with stucco. Flat roofs predominate, few windows, arched doorways in evidence, kind of a blend of Achaemenian and Mediterranean styles with some tiled roofs. In the biggest cities, especially Carthage and such as Utica, housing was in flat-roofed structures rising as high as 6 and 7 stories (two-storied would be sufficient)."
- <Actor>structures/kart_ho.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/house.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_ff.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_ff.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_ff.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_ff">
history="The Carthaginians built a number of rather ‘monolithic’ blockhouse forts sited at critical locations in North Africa, sometimes also in conjunction with long lengths of wall intended to keep the wilder people of the desert to the south from freely ranging into the ‘civilised’ territories under their direct control."
- <Actor>structures/kart_ff.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_ff.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_ff.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_ff.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_ff">
history="The Akropolis was usually a fortified citadel in the upper part of the city. The Athenian Akropolis was renowned for its marvellous temples, among which was the Parthenon, while the Acro-Corinthus was highly prized by the Macedonians for its strategic location and good defences."
- <Actor>structures/hele_ff.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/fortress.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_pc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_pc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_pc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_pc">
history="No one really knows how ancient 1st millennium Iberian Peninsular docks or ports looked, though they were probably pretty simple affairs having but a short pier, if even that. However, for the purposes of creating a structure in the game and because the Phoenicians / Carthaginians had such broad influence on the peninsula for a half millennium before the timeframe of the game, we have chosen to model something similar to the inner port centre at Carthage, with typical Iberians architectural applications applied to it. The largest port that was strictly Iberian, though said to have been founded by the Greeks (defaulting to the resident Iberians when Greek merchants were blocked by Carthage from further trading into the western Mediterranean), was probably only that of Saguntum (and possibly Emporion) on the eastern coast of Spain referred to as the Spanish Levant."
- <Actor>structures/iber_pc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/dock.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_tf.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_tf.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_tf.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_tf">
specific="Torre Iberica"
history="These towers were quite large, high and monolithic stonework; being cylindrical lent them added strength. They were initially built at mountain passes to control access through them or on high places to provide overview and defense of surrounding terrain. They may have also been used as 'toll stations' along trading routes. Sometimes they were even built 'right out in the middle of nowhere' on the flatlands, but always with the idea of defensively controlling terrain."
- <Actor>structures/iber_st.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_pc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_pc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_pc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_pc">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="Being an inland city, Rome was still connected to the port of Ostia through means of the Tiber. Merchant ships from all over the Mediterranean arrived at Ostia, bringing all kinds of luxurious goods. The construction of a reliable harbour was planned by Julius Caesar and carried out by Claudius."
- <Actor>structures/rome_pc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/dock.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_tf.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_tf.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_tf.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_tf">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
specific="Turris Lignea"
history="Used in camps built by the Roman army."
- <Actor>structures/rome_st.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_hc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_hc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_hc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_hc">
history="Classical Historians gave account to gruesome sacrifices done in dark forest groves. Trees were of great importance to the Celts. The word Druid is closely related to the word for oak. The image of the Gaul’s temple will be a circular oak grove. The image of the Briton’s temple will be a stone megalith, or would that be too cliché?"
- <Actor>structures/celt_hc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/temple.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_tc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_tc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_tc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_tc">
history=" Efficient farming led to food surpluses and a developing social hierarchy through the period with administration and power centred on the hill forts. Trade would have been buoyant with Europe; exported corn, cattle hides, tin, gold and iron in exchange for wine and olive oil. The first coins appeared although they were more items of wealth and status than trade. There is evidence too of standardised pottery and this suggests that weights and measures were controlled to provide consistency in trade."
- <Actor>structures/celt_tc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/market.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_tc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_tc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_tc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_tc">
history="Carthaginian markets were probably just big sheds or structures surrounding a ‘market’ area or in a wharf area of a port."
- <Actor>structures/kart_tc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/market.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_rc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_rc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_rc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_rc">
history=" In southern parts of the country, most of the wildwood had been cleared and given way to farming or coppice management. In northern parts, or where the ground was particularly unsuitable for agriculture, wildwood remained, but under constant threat. Land around the farmsteads was usually enclosed by hazel fencing or hedging."
- <Actor>structures/celt_rc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/mill.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_fc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_fc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_fc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_resource_economic_fc">
history="Grain wasn't plentiful in Hellas, which is why it was carefully stored in granaries, some of it being reserved for times of siege."
- <Actor>structures/hele_fc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_rc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_rc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_rc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_rc">
history="Resources and building materials were kept in warehouses."
- <Actor>structures/hele_rc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/mill.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_ho.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_ho.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_ho.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_ho">
history="Iberians structures of the time were typically built either entirely of stone or with stone stub walls with 'adobe' raising them on up to the roof lines above them. Roofs were then, depending on the economic status of individuals, covered with a composite of mud and binding vegetable and waterproofing asphaltic materials, or slate stone, or in many cases in the region, with so-called Spanish roofing tiles. Some house roofs were constructed at an angle to allow any rainfall to run right over the occupant's front door. The adobe walls would have been plastered and 'whitewashed' for all but the most humble or neglected of abode."
- <Actor>structures/iber_ho.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/house.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_hc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_hc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_hc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_hc">
history="(Insert History Here)"
- <Actor>structures/pers_hc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/temple.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_pc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_pc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_pc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_pc">
history="Situated on the Mediterranean coast, all Phoenician cities had excellent docks and harbours, the oustanding example being Tyre, which was situated on an island close to the shore."
- <Actor>structures/pers_pc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/dock.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_mc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_mc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_mc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_mc">
history="To the best of our knowledge, the Iberians did not have standing armies in the sense that we know of them elsewhere or of today, it is doubtful that they had specific structures designated as military centres; however as a game construct we show a modest structure wherein military related activities take place."
- <Actor>structures/iber_mc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/barracks.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_hc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_hc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_hc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_hc">
history="Quite a few temples and altars were scattered about Carthinginians territory, given up to the worship of various gods in a pantheon that, regrettably, is mostly lost to time and destruction. The structure shown is one found just west of the Bagradas River on a tributary that was dedicated to a pantheon of gods ranging from traditional Phoencicio-Carthaginian to Egyptian and Hellenic. It was actually built of a golden-hued marble (some others from a pink-hued marble also famously quarried in the Carthaginian homeland). Note that Tanit and Baal-Haamon were the were the two principal gods worshipped by a population that was quite religious, therefore their ‘effigies’ should also appear on the façade of the temple or as statuary in front of it, perhaps flanking the entrance."
- <Actor>structures/kart_hc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/temple.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_pc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_pc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_pc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_pc">
history="The structure is based upon the centre ‘island’ of skidways and sheds (including shops and admiral’s headquarters) of the inner harbour constructed to house the war fleet of the Carthaginian navy at Carthage."
- <Actor>structures/kart_pc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/dock.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_mc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_mc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_mc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_mc">
history="The vassal and subject peoples sent representatives to deliver annual tribute to the Great King in Persepolis; the King accepted them in the Apadana ('Audience Hall')."
- <Actor>structures/pers_mc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/barracks.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_fc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_fc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_fc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_resource_economic_fc">
history="Although there must have been many small farms as well, when the Carthaginians expanded into the hinterland, most farms and orchardist establishments were created by the wealthy segment of society that became known as the landowners, and the resulting estates were mostly worked by ‘almost enslaved’ Liby-Phoenicians, Numidians, and whomever they could get."
- <Actor>structures/kart_fc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_rc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_rc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_rc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_rc">
history="(Insert History Here)"
- <Actor>structures/kart_rc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/mill.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_cc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_cc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_cc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_cc">
history=" This would be the center of the town. It would be a ‘great hall’ where the clan leader resided. All political matters were probably performed inside such a structure."
- <Actor>structures/celt_cc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_tc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_tc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_tc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_tc">
history="The trade centres or marketplaces of the Iberians may have in fact been no more than folks gathering about in a plaza during certain days of the week or month in order to exchange goods. As a game construct we show a modest building where trading and purchasing goods for sale may take place."
- <Actor>structures/iber_tc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/market.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_cc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_cc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_cc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_cc">
history="During the Great Colonisation, the Hellenes built numerous colonies all over the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, which became miniature versions of Greece on foreign soil."
- <Actor>structures/hele_cc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_tc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_tc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_tc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_tc">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="The Forum was the most important place in Rome, for it was there that important speeches were held and decisions taken. Starting with Julius Caesar, the great emperors Vespasian, Nerva and Trajan built their magnificent forums."
- <Actor>structures/rome_tc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/market.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_ho.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_ho.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/pers_ho.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_ho">
history="Apart from the Great King and his close relatives, the satraps resided in splendid spacious residences, which included palaces, pavilions and gardens."
- <Actor>structures/pers_ho.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/persians/house.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_pc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_pc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_pc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_pc">
history=" I could not find any evidence of a celtic port, but I’m giving them one for gameplay reasons."
- <Actor>structures/celt_pc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/dock.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_tf.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_tf.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_tf.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_tf">
history="I could not find any evidence of a celtic tower, but I’m giving them one for gameplay reasons."
- <Actor>structures/celt_st.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_hc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_hc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_hc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_hc">
history="The Hellenes built marvelous temples in order to honour their polytheistic pantheon. While all gods were venerated, a specific patron deity was supposed to watch over each polis."
- <Actor>structures/hele_hc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/temple.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_tf.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_tf.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/kart_tf.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_tf">
history="Possibly used as outposts."
- <Actor>structures/kart_st.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_tc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_tc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_tc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_tc">
history="The most important place in most Classical Greek polises, the Agora served many purposes - it was a stage for public speeches and debates, as well as a market."
- <Actor>structures/hele_tc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/market.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_fc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_fc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_fc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_resource_economic_fc">
history="The Hacienda is adopted as being a farm centre that would typically house more than a single family, or an extended family, involved in all manner of agricultural pursuit required of the times."
- <Actor>structures/iber_fc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/farmstead.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_ho.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_ho.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_ho.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_civic_ho">
history="Hellenic houses from the Classical Age were generally humble yet stylish. During the Hellenistic Age, however, luxurious palaces and estates became commonplace in the rich Hellenistic metropolises like Antioch, Alexandria and Seleucia."
- <Actor>structures/hele_ho.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/house.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_pc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_pc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/hele_pc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_pc">
history="Greece is a sea country, which is why some of the greatest Hellenic and Hellenistic cities like Ephesus, Corinth, Alexandria and Antioch were built by the sea. It should also be noted that all colonies during the Great Colonisation were thriving port centres, which traded with the local population."
- <Actor>structures/hele_pc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/hellenes/dock.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_ff.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_ff.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_ff.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_ff">
history="The Castro can be likened to a more strongly fortified town centre than that of the common Oppidum which were also fortified places of habitation. As such it was widely and normally constructed upon a height, and almost always had some sort of an acropolis built at the highest point within its towered walls. In the archeological record of the Iberian Peninsula, the remnants of as many as a thousand fortified places identifiable as Castros can be found in modern day Portugal alone."
- <Actor>structures/iber_ff.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/fortress.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_rc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_rc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/iber_rc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_economic_rc">
specific="Centro de Recursos"
history="There was no such thing as an Iberians resource centre during the time frame although there may have been camps. However as a game construct we show one to serve purpose of supporting lumbering and mining operations."
- <Actor>structures/iber_rc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/iberians/mill.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_ff.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_ff.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/rome_ff.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_ff">
civ="Pre-Imperial Romans"
history="Fortified city."
- <Actor>structures/rome_ff.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/romans/fortress.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_mc.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_mc.xml (revision 2762)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/entities/structures/celt_mc.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<Entity Parent="template_structure_norm_military_mc">
history=" I could not find any evidence of a central military structure, but I’m giving them one for gameplay reasons. Their training would have been performed in an open area, and on the battle field. They would have been housed in their home. The blacksmith would probably have been a part of the blacksmith’s home. The men were responsible for making or scavengering their own weapons."
- <Actor>structures/celt_mc.xml</Actor>
+ <Actor>structures/celts/barracks.xml</Actor>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_rome.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_rome.png
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_rome.png (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_rome.png (revision 2763)
Property changes on: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_rome.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_pers.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_pers.png
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_pers.png (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_pers.png (revision 2763)
Property changes on: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_pers.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_iber.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_iber.png
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_iber.png (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_iber.png (revision 2763)
Property changes on: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_iber.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_hele.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_hele.png
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_hele.png (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_hele.png (revision 2763)
Property changes on: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_hele.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_idle_spear.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/walk_spearshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_hele_h.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hele_round_a.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_long.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_idle_spear.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/walk_spearshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_hele_b.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hele_round_b.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_long.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_b.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_hele_b.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/xiphos.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_celt.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_celt.png
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_celt.png (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_celt.png (revision 2763)
Property changes on: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_celt.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_kart.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_kart.png
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_kart.png (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_kart.png (revision 2763)
Property changes on: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/textures/skins/temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_kart.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.86" file="biped/inf_arch_atk_a.psa" load="0.16" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/quiver.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml" attachpoint="loaded-r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hele_pelta_e.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/spar_u1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/spar_u1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/spar_u1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="1"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/dude.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/prop_hele_helm_1.xml" attachpoint="PropHead"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/rome_sm_4.xml" attachpoint="PropShield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_long.xml" attachpoint="PropRHand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/super_unit_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/super_unit_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/super_unit_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit2.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor=""/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/super_unit_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/super_unit_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/super_unit_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/gladus.xml" attachpoint="PropRHand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/f_dress.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/rome_sign_female_citizen.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="0"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/dude.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/dude_head.xml" attachpoint="PropHead"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/rome_sm_6.xml" attachpoint="PropShield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="PropRHand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hele_pelta_b.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/super_unit_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/super_unit_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/super_unit_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit1.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.86" file="biped/inf_arch_atk_a.psa" load="0.16" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_hele_b.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/quiver.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml" attachpoint="loaded-r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sling_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/sling.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/super_unit_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/super_unit_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/super_unit_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/rome_sign_super_unit1.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="1"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="0"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_trader.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/hele_cav_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_hele_e.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/xiphos.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/infantry_archer_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.86" file="biped/inf_arch_atk_a.psa" load="0.16" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_hele_a.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml" attachpoint="loaded-r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/hellenes/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_hele_a.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/xiphos.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/rome_sign_trader.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/pillum.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/gladus.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/romans/infantry_slinger_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sling_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/sling.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="1"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/gladus.xml" attachpoint="PropRHand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_ball.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/akin.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_archer_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_death_c.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_death_e.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_archer_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_ball.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/f_dress.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/pers_sign_female_citizen.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/rich's_man.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/rich's_man.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/rich's_man.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/rich_man.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>skeletal/null.png</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/super_unit_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/super_unit_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/super_unit_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit1.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude_propped.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude_propped.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dude_propped.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/r_glove.xml" attachpoint="r_forearm"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/r_shoulder.xml" attachpoint="r_shoulder"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/r_sheath.xml" attachpoint="r_hip"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/pers_sign_trader.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/akin.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_archer_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
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+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_archer_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_ball.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/super_unit_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/super_unit_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/super_unit_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit2.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="biped/rider_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_round_b.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <variant>
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+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/celt_sign_trader.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_idle_spear.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/walk_spearshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation event="0.35" file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_helmet_b.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_scutum_e.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="2">
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_idle_spear.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/walk_spearshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation event="0.35" file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_scutum_b.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <group>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" load="0" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="loaded-r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_lime.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_scutum.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/persians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/mastiff_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/mastiff_run.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/mastiff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_b.xml" attachpoint="collar"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="1" name="brown">
+ <colour>255 149 79</colour>
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+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/mastiff_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/mastiff_run.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/mastiff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_a.xml" attachpoint="collar"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="1" name="brown">
+ <colour>255 149 79</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="1" name="taupe">
+ <colour>255 224 151</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="tawny">
+ <colour>255 179 59</colour>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" load="0" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_b.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_lime.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <variant name="1">
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="1">
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" load="0" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tights.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_helmet_b.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="2">
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_scutum.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <variant>
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+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_scutum.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
+ </props>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="2">
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_2_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_2_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_2_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_hex.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="2">
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="biped/rider_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_lime.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/celt_round_a.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <group>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
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+ <group>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <colour>248 132 86</colour>
+ </variant>
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+ <colour>242 219 164</colour>
+ </variant>
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+ <colour>172 95 68</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="brown">
+ <colour>255 148 89</colour>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
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+ <group>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="chocolate">
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="chestnut">
+ <colour>248 132 86</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="roan">
+ <colour>242 219 164</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="liver">
+ <colour>172 95 68</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="brown">
+ <colour>255 148 89</colour>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="biped/rider_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="300"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="300"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_lime.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
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+ <variant name="1">
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="biped/rider_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_helmet_b.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="biped/rider_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/super_unit_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/celts/super_unit_2_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
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+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="7" name="feet">
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="black">
+ <colour>81 81 85</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="chocolate">
+ <colour>98 68 58</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="chestnut">
+ <colour>248 132 86</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="roan">
+ <colour>242 219 164</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="liver">
+ <colour>172 95 68</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="brown">
+ <colour>255 148 89</colour>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/persians/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear_ball.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/rider_dude.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/rider_dude.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/rider_dude.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="1"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/dude.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/dude_head.xml" attachpoint="PropHead"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/rome_sm_6.xml" attachpoint="PropShield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword_a.xml" attachpoint="PropRHand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_idle_spear.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/walk_spearshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation event="0.35" file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_lime.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="biped/rider_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/head_celt.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/csword.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <animation file="quadraped/mastiff_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/mastiff_run.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/mastiff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_a.xml" attachpoint="collar"/>
+ </props>
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+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="1" name="brown">
+ <colour>255 149 79</colour>
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+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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+ <group>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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+ <group>
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+ <colour>81 81 85</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="chocolate">
+ <colour>98 68 58</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="chestnut">
+ <colour>248 132 86</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="roan">
+ <colour>242 219 164</colour>
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+ <variant frequency="2" name="liver">
+ <colour>172 95 68</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="2" name="brown">
+ <colour>255 148 89</colour>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/celts/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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+ <colour>255 148 89</colour>
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+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/celts/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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+ <colour>172 95 68</colour>
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+ <colour>255 148 89</colour>
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+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/celts/female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/celt_sign_female_citizen.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sling_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/sling.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/jav.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/super_unit_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/super_unit_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/super_unit_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+ <prop actor="units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_b_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_slinger_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_archer_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/cavalry_spearman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/super_unit_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/super_unit_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/super_unit_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_spear_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/spear.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sling_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/sling.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sling_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_1_snow.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_1_snow.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_1_snow.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_b_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/carthaginians/female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_slinger_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sling_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/sling.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_jav_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/infantry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="17"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_e_r.xml" attachpoint="rider"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/super_unit_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/super_unit_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/super_unit_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit1.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/saunion.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/f_dress.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_female_citizen.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_swordsman_a_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="0"/>
+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_a.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/falcata.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/snow_pine2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_50percent.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/pine.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/pine.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/pine.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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+ <mesh>gaia/pine1.pmd</mesh>
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+ <mesh>gaia/pine2.pmd</mesh>
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+ <mesh>gaia/pine3.pmd</mesh>
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+ <mesh>gaia/pine4.pmd</mesh>
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+ <mesh>gaia/pine5.pmd</mesh>
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+ <mesh>gaia/pine10.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
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+ <mesh>gaia/pine11.pmd</mesh>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/cypress1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/cypress1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/cypress1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/dead_a_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/dead_a_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/dead_a_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_pitchfork.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_pitchfork.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_pitchfork.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_scythe.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_scythe.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_scythe.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animations/>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/cypress2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/cypress2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/cypress2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_shovel_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_shovel_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_shovel_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_spade.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_spade.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_spade.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_rome.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/dude_head.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/cavalry_javelinist_e_r.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/cavalryidle.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation event="0.5" file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/weapons/saunion.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
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+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dudette.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dudette.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/dudette.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/dudette.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml" attachpoint="PropHead"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>gaia/palm_d.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_100percent.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_100percent.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/deci_100percent.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/oak.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/oak.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/oak.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <mesh>gaia/oak1.pmd</mesh>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/oak3.pmd</mesh>
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+ <mesh>gaia/oak4.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <mesh>gaia/oak5.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_shovel_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_shovel_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_shovel_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/tool_shovel_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_handscythe.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_handscythe.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_handscythe.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/tool_handscythe.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_helmet_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_helmet_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_helmet_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="a1">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="a2">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="b1">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="d1">
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+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="e1">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_e.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_lime.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_lime.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_lime.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="1">
+ <mesh>props/head_lime.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_hele.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/dude_head.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/collar_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/dude_head.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/dude_head.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/dude_head.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/dude_head.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/head_beard_small.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="dark brown">
+ <colour>184 151 98</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brown">
+ <colour>255 205 125</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brown black">
+ <colour>153 145 129</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="blue black">
+ <colour>129 152 153</colour>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_hele_kart.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/head_beard.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/rome_helmet_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/rome_helmet_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/rome_helmet_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>temp/plac_helmet_e.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_pers.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/head_goatee.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_mastiff_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/collar_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_d.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_e.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="h">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_h.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="small">
+ <mesh>props/head_beard_small.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="large">
+ <mesh>props/head_beard_large.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="wide">
+ <mesh>props/head_beard_wide.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="dark brown">
+ <colour>184 151 98</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brown">
+ <colour>255 205 125</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brown black">
+ <colour>153 145 129</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="blue black">
+ <colour>129 152 153</colour>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/super_unit_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/super_unit_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/units/iberians/super_unit_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudewalk_swordshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudeattack1.psa" name="Attack" speed="100"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_tunic_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit2.xml" attachpoint="head_extra"/>
+ <prop actor="props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
+ <prop actor="props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_bush_2.pmd</mesh>
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+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_2_snow.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_2_snow.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/bush_2_snow.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_bush_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/palm_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/palm_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/grass_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/grass_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/grass_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_grass_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/l_oak_3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/l_oak3.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/dead_a_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/dead_a_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/flora/trees/dead_a_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/tree_dead_a_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/handaxe.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/handaxe.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/handaxe.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/prop_axe_basic.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_mallet.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_mallet.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/tools/prop_mallet.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/prop_mallet.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_helmet_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_helmet_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/celt_helmet_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="h1">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_h.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="i1">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/celt_helmet_i.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
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+ <variant name="dark brown">
+ <colour>184 151 98</colour>
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+ <variant name="brown">
+ <colour>255 205 125</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brown black">
+ <colour>153 145 129</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="blue black">
+ <colour>129 152 153</colour>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/rome_helmet_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/rome_helmet_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/rome_helmet_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/helmet/rome_helmet_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/prop_hele_helm_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/prop_hele_helm_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/prop_hele_helm_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/hele_prop_helm_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_lime.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_lime.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_lime.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="1">
+ <mesh>props/head_lime.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="dark brown">
+ <colour>75 61 38</colour>
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+ <variant name="brown">
+ <colour>99 82 53</colour>
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+ <colour>138 110 61</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="dark blonde">
+ <colour>186 154 92</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="blonde">
+ <colour>255 194 78</colour>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/dudette_head.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/dudette_head.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/dip_a_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/scutum_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/scutum_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/scutum_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/scutum_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_hoplite_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="m">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_m.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <variant name="n">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_n.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
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+ <variant name="o">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_o.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="r">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_r.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_celt.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_celt.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_celt.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/dude_head.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_hex.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_hex.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_hex.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="A">
+ <mesh>props/shield/hex_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="B">
+ <mesh>props/shield/hex_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="C">
+ <mesh>props/shield/hex_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="D">
+ <mesh>props/shield/hex_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="E">
+ <mesh>props/shield/hex_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/round_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="A">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="B">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="D">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="N">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/pelta_a_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/pelta_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="H">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="J">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="K">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_h.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_h.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_hele_h.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/head_helmet_face.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="dark brown">
+ <colour>184 151 98</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brown">
+ <colour>255 205 125</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brown black">
+ <colour>153 145 129</colour>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="blue black">
+ <colour>129 152 153</colour>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_cav_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_cav_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/hele_cav_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="t">
+ <mesh>props/helmet/hele_helmet_u.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/helmet/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_a_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_a_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_a_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/shield/pelta_a_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/round_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="E">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="G">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="K">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="M">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_round_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/round_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="F">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="H">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="I">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="J">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_11.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_11.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_11.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/shld_rome_sm_11.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/shld_rome_sm_01.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_h_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hele_round_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="D">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="I">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="L">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="P">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_6.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_6.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_6.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/shld_rome_sm_06.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/scutum_c_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/scutum_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ </variant>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="A">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <variant name="B">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <variant name="C">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <variant name="D">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="E">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/scutum_c_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/scutum_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <group>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant name="K">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ </variant>
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+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_5.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_5.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_5.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hele_round_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_9.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_9.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_9.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/placeholder_head_iber.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_celt.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_celt.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_celt.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>props/head_longhair.pmd</mesh>
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+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
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+ <texture>props/head/</texture>
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+ <colour>255 194 78</colour>
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+ <material>objectcolor.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_dip.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_dip.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_dip.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <mesh>props/shield/dip_a_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="B">
+ <mesh>props/shield/dip_a_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="C">
+ <mesh>props/shield/dip_a_f.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="D">
+ <mesh>props/shield/dip_a_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="E">
+ <mesh>props/shield/dip_a_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/dip_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/prop_hele_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/prop_hele_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/prop_hele_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/hele_prop_shld_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_10.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_10.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_10.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_pelta_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <mesh>props/shield/pelta_a_f.pmd</mesh>
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+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <variant name="L">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/oval_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/oval_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/oval_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/oval_s_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_scutum_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/scutum_c_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/scutum_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <group>
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+ </variant>
+ <variant name="H">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="J">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="L">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_8.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_8.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_8.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_h_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_oval.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_oval.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/celt_oval.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="A">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/oval_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="B">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/oval_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="C">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/oval_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="D">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/oval_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_7.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_7.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_7.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/round_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/round_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/round_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_s_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hex_a_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/hex_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/hele_round_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="base">
+ <mesh>props/shield/round_h_f.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/hele_round_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
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+ <group>
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+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <variant name="U">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="X">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="Y">
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_7.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_7.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_sm_7.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/test_towershield.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
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+ <prop actor="props/units/shields/pelta_a_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>props/shield/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <mesh>props/shld_rome_la_02.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_6.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_6.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_6.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_9.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_9.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_9.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <mesh>props/weap_jav_a.pmd</mesh>
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+ <mesh>props/weap_jav_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="light">
+ <mesh>props/weap_jav_c.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="med">
+ <mesh>props/weap_jav_d.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="dark">
+ <mesh>props/weap_jav_e.pmd</mesh>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_long_iron.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_long_iron.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_long_iron.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_long_e.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_long.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_long.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_long.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <variant name="med2">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_long_c.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="medgrip">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_long_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/weap_arrow_front.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav_iron.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav_iron.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav_iron.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="iron">
+ <mesh>props/weap_jav_g.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>props/weap_arrow_back.pmd</mesh>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spatha.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spatha.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spatha.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="blood">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_a.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="plain">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_a.pmd</mesh>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav_gold.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav_gold.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/jav_gold.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="gold">
+ <mesh>props/weap_jav_f.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/pillum.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/pillum.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/pillum.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <group>
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+ <mesh>props/weap_pillum_c.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="light">
+ <mesh>props/weap_pillum_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_long.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_long.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_long.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <group>
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+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_d.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="dark">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_e.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="light">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_f.pmd</mesh>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/pillum_weight.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/pillum_weight.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/pillum_weight.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <group>
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+ <mesh>props/weap_pillum_a.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="light">
+ <mesh>props/weap_pillum_b.pmd</mesh>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/saunion.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/saunion.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/saunion.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_5.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_5.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_5.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/shld_rome_la_05.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_8.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_8.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_8.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_10.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_10.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/shields/rome_la_10.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="med">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_g.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="light">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_h.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="dark">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_i.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/falcata.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/falcata.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/falcata.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="cobalt">
+ <mesh>props/weap_falcata_a.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="bronze">
+ <mesh>props/weap_falcata_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="cooper">
+ <mesh>props/weap_falcata_c.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="steel">
+ <mesh>props/weap_falcata_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="brass">
+ <mesh>props/weap_falcata_e.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_ball.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_ball.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear_ball.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="darkgold">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_a.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="darksilver">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="lightgold">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_c.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="medsilver">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="medgold">
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_e.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/axe_double.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/axe_double.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/axe_double.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="med">
+ <mesh>props/weap_axe_c.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="light">
+ <mesh>props/weap_axe_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/spear.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_a.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_spear_e.pmd</mesh>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/sling.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/sling.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/sling.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>props/weap_sling_a.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="b">
+ <mesh>props/weap_sling_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_tufts_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grasscluster_a_2.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grasscluster_a_3.pmd</mesh>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="G">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_7.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_small.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_small.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_small.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_cypress_sm.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Small">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Tempe Small">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Tempe Large Lush">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="G">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_7.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Tempe Medium Lush">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_dry_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_dry_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_dry_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_bush_dry1.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_bush_dry2.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_bush_dry3.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Medium Dry">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/akin.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/akin.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/akin.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_akin_a.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_akin_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_akin_c.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant>
+ <mesh>props/weap_akin_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/csword.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/csword.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/csword.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="a">
+ <mesh>props/weap_csword_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="b">
+ <mesh>props/weap_csword_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="c">
+ <mesh>props/weap_csword_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="med">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_a.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="dark">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>props/weap_bow_c.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/verutum.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/verutum.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/verutum.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="dark">
+ <mesh>props/weap_pillum_e.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="light">
+ <mesh>props/weap_pillum_f.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/xiphos.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/xiphos.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/xiphos.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="goldgrip">
+ <mesh>props/weap_xiphos_a.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="gold">
+ <mesh>props/weap_xiphos_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="steelgrip">
+ <mesh>props/weap_xiphos_c.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="steel">
+ <mesh>props/weap_xiphos_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="goldgrip2">
+ <mesh>props/weap_xiphos_e.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="steelgrip2">
+ <mesh>props/weap_xiphos_f.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/gladus.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/gladus.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/gladus.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="plain">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_c.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="blood">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_d.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="curve">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_e.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="curveblood">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_f.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="pommelblood">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_g.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="pommel">
+ <mesh>props/weap_gladus_h.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plant_lg.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plant_lg.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plant_lg.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_plant_lg.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="h">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="i">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_crab.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_crab.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_crab.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_sprite.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="h">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_sprite.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="h">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="i">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="j">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="k">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="l">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="m">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="n">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="o">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="p">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_highlands.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_highlands.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_highlands.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_highland_1.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_highland_2.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_highland_3.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_highland_4.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_highland_5.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_highland_6.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_highland_7.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la_lush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Large Lush">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="G">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_7.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Small Dry">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_potted_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_cypress_potted_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/foliagebush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/foliagebush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/foliagebush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_foragebush_a.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="red">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="blue">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Medium Lush">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/reeds_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/reeds_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/reeds_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grasscluster_a_1.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grasscluster_a_2.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grasscluster_a_3.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/axe_single.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/axe_single.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/units/weapons/axe_single.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="med">
+ <mesh>props/weap_axe_a.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="dark">
+ <mesh>props/weap_axe_b.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/flower_bright.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/flower_bright.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/flower_bright.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_flower_bright.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_me.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Medium">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Tempe Small Dry">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plants_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plants_healer.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plants_healer.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_med1.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_med2.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_med3.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_med4.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_med5.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_med6.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_plant_med7.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_sm_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Tempe Small Lush">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_tall.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_tall.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/grass_tall.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grass_tall1.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grass_tall2.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grass_tall3.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_grass_tall4.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base1">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_bush_generic_1.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="Base2">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_bush_generic_2.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="Base3">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_bush_generic_3.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="Base4">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_bush_generic_4.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_potted_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_potted_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_potted_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_cypress_potted_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la_dry.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Large Dry">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="G">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_7.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_ho_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/farmstead_hay.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/farmstead_hay.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/farmstead_hay.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_fc_hay.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/scout_tower.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/scout_tower.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/scout_tower.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_st.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_A.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_5.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_5.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_5.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_A.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_me.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Tempe Medium">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_me_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_row_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_row_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_row_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_cypress_row_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_ho_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_hc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_rc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_A.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_A.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la_dry.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la_dry.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_tempe_la_dry.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Tempe Large Dry">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="G">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_7.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_la.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Large">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="G">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_la_7.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_large.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_large.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/cypress_large.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_cypress_la.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/mushroom.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/mushroom.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/mushroom.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_mushroom.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
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+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="e">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="h">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="i">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="j">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="k">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="l">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="m">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="n">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plant_sm.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plant_sm.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/plant_sm.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="Base">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fol_plant_sm.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="b">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="c">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="e">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
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+ <variant name="f">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="h">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="i">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_tc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/door_2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/door_2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/door_2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_A.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/house3_vines.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/house3_vines.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/house3_vines.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_A.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/pers_ho_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/pers_ho_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/temple_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/temple_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/temple_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/pers_hc_fancy.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/pers_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/market_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/market_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/market_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/pers_tc_fancy.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/civil_centre_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/civil_centre_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/civil_centre_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/pers_cc_fancy.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/flora/bush_medit_sm_lush.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Bush Medit Small Lush">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="B">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="C">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="D">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_4.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="E">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_5.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="F">
+ <mesh>gaia/bush_sm_6.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>basic_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/house_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_ho_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_cc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/fortress.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/fortress.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/hellenes/fortress.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>props/hele_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/door_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/door_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/door_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_A.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_6.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_6.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_6.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/market_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/market_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/market_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/civcentre_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/civcentre_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/civcentre_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tradecentre_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tradecentre_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tradecentre_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/militarycentre_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/militarycentre_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/militarycentre_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house3_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house3_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house3_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_c.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/1x1_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/1x1_t.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/romans/window_barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/house_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/fortress_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/persians/fortress_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/farmcentre_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/farmcentre_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/farmcentre_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/tartan_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house2_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house2_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house2_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/5x5.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/5x5.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/5x5.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/4x4_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/4x4_t.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/3x3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/3x3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/3x3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/market.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/3x3_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/3x3_t.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/2x2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/2x2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/2x2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/portcentre_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/portcentre_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/portcentre_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house1_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house1_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/house1_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/celts/megalith_b2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/fence_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/post_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/5x5_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/5x5_t.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/5x5_t.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/4x4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/4x4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/4x4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <mesh>props/kart_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/farmstead_hay.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/farmstead_hay.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/farmstead_hay.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <mesh>props/kart_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/temple_fancy.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/temple_fancy.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/temple_fancy.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/corner_post_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/1x1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/1x1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/construction/1x1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead_hay.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead_hay.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead_hay.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <mesh>props/kart_st.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/house_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_hero3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_hero3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_hero3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_hero2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_hero2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_15.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_15.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_15.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_super_unit2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_super_unit2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_super_unit2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_healer.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_healer.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/house_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/temple.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/carthaginians/mill.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_sheath.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_sheath.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_sheath.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit3.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_hero3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_hero3.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <texture>temp/ui_portrait_sheet_civ_kart.png</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_24.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_24.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack1" speed="400"/>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/structures/iberians/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_11.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_11.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_19.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_19.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_glove.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_glove.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_20.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_20.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/placeholder_helmet_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/placeholder_helmet_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_trader.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_shoulder.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_shoulder.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_hero1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_hero1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_super_unit2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_super_unit2.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_07.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_07.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_03.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_03.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_super_unit3.xml
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_super_unit3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_super_unit3.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_trader.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_12.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_12.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_12.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_hero1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_hero1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_super_unit2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_super_unit2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_25.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_25.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_super_unit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_super_unit1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/placeholder_helmet_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_hero1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_hero1.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_boot.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_boot.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_hero3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_hero3.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_16.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_16.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_trader.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_21.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_21.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_hero2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_hero2.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_hero1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_hero1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_super_unit3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_super_unit3.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_hero2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_hero2.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit3.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_13.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_13.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_healer.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_healer.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_hero1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_hero1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_hero2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_hero2.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_super_unit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_super_unit1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_super_unit1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_super_unit3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_super_unit3.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/eyecandy/well_woodbit.xml" attachpoint="woodbit"/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_healer.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_hero1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_hero1.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_22.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_22.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_hero2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_hero2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/eyecandy/well_woodbit.xml" attachpoint="woodbit"/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_04.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_04.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_08.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_08.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/breastplate.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/breastplate.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_17.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_17.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_17.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_26.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_26.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_26.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_healer.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_hero3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_hero3.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_1_d.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_granite_pile_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_granite_pile_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_granite_pile_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_granite_pile_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_granite_pile_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/waterbin_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_d.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/bench_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/bench_1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_limestone.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_limestone.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/woodcord.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/woodcord.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_limestone_pile_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_limestone_pile_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_limestone_pile_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_limestone_pile_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_limestone_pile_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_limestone_pile_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_small.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_small.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_small.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_barrel_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_small_1_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_celt_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/table1_short.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/table1_short.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/table1_short.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_woodbit.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_woodbit.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_woodbit.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/sack_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/sack_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/sack_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wheel_laying.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_wheel_laying.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_basket_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_basket_D.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_large.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_hay_la.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/crate_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <mesh>props/wrld_crate_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/wrld_wood_pile_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/table1_long.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/table1_long.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/table1_long.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/produce_bin_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_rome_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1_broken.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1_broken.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1_broken.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <castshadow/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_sandstone.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_sandstone.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_sandstone.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_iber_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_sm_pile_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_sm_pile_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_sm_pile_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <castshadow/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_pile_1_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_water.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_water.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/well_water.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_large.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_large.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_large.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_sandstone_pile_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_sandstone_pile_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_sandstone_pile_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/anvil.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/anvil.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/anvil.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/hay_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_sandstone_pile_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_sandstone_pile_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/blocks_sandstone_pile_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_sm_pile_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_sm_pile_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_sm_pile_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/rome_basket_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/sack_1_rough.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/sack_1_rough.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/sack_1_rough.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_small.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_small.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_small.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/wood_1_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/block_granite.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_potted_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_potted_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_potted_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <group>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_row_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_row_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_row_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_01.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_01.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_05.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_05.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_hero3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_hero3.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_f.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/vase_rome_f.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/dummy_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/dummy_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_potted_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/cypress_potted_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_d.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_super_unit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_super_unit1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/quiver.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/quiver.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_healer.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_healer.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_10.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_10.xml (nonexistent)
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack1" speed="400"/>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_14.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_14.xml (nonexistent)
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack1" speed="400"/>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/eyecandy/basket_hele_c.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_female_citizen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_female_citizen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_female_citizen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_09.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_09.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_hero2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_hero2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_hero1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_hero1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_infantry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_23.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_23.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_slinger_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_hero3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_hero3.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_cavalry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_18.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_18.xml (nonexistent)
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_glove.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_glove.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_super_unit2.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_spearman_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_spearman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_super_unit2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_super_unit2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/pers_sign_super_unit2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_trader.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/cape.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/cape.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_hero2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_hero2.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_trader.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_javelinist_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_boot.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_boot.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_cavalry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/kart_sign_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_swordsman_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_sheath.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/l_sheath.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_slinger_a.xml (nonexistent)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_archer_a.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_infantry_archer_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house2_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house2_prop.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_super_unit1.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_02.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_02.xml (nonexistent)
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_health_center_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_health_center_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_health_center_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_spearman_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_infantry_slinger_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_trader.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_trader.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/celt_sign_trader.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/hele_sign_cavalry_swordsman_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_healer.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_healer.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_healer.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/common/waypoint_flag.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/common/waypoint_flag.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/common/waypoint_flag.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_hero3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_hero3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_hero3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/iber_sign_cavalry_archer_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house1_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house1_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house1_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_fortress_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_fortress_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_fortress_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_civilisation_center_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_civilisation_center_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_civilisation_center_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_1x1_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_1x1_t.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_1x1_t.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/market_a.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/market_b.xml" attachpoint="props_fancy"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/fortress.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/fortress.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/fortress.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/fortress_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
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+ <texture>structural/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_5x5.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_5x5.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_5x5.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+ <texture>structural/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_military_center_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_military_center_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_military_center_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_3x3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_3x3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_3x3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/house.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/house.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/house.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <item actor="props/persians/pers_ho_a.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
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+ <item actor="props/persians/pers_ho_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="House D">
+ <mesh>structural/pers_ho_d.pmd</mesh>
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+ <item actor="props/persians/pers_ho_d.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/temple_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
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+ <texture>structural/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/scout_tower.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/scout_tower.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/scout_tower.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/rome_sign_infantry_javelinist_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_super_unit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_super_unit1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/sign_super_unit1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_shoulder.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_shoulder.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/r_shoulder.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <texture>props/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_06.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_06.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/temp/shield_dock_test_06.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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+ <animation file="biped/dudeidle.psa" name="Idle" speed="200"/>
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+ <animation file="biped/dudebuild.psa" name="Build" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudechop.psa" name="Chop" speed="150"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedeath_sword.psa" name="Death" speed="200"/>
+ <animation file="biped/dudedecay_sword.psa" name="Decay" speed="100"/>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_a.psa" name="Attack" speed="400"/>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_b.psa" name="Attack1" speed="400"/>
+ <animation file="biped/inf_sword_shield_atk_c.psa" name="Attack2" speed="400"/>
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+ <mesh>skeletal/m_pants_b.pmd</mesh>
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+ <prop actor="props/temp/l_sheath.xml" attachpoint="l_hip"/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house3_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house3_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_house3_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_trade_center_prop.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_trade_center_prop.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/props/winter/hellenes_trade_center_prop.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
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+ <props/>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_4x4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_4x4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_4x4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/civil_centre_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
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+ <texture>structural/</texture>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <mesh>structural/pers_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/barracks.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_3x3_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_3x3_t.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_3x3_t.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_3x3_t.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_ho_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/house_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_hc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/temple.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/temple_fancy.xml" attachpoint="props_fancy"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/scout_tower.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_st.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_tc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/market.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_5x5_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_5x5_t.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_5x5_t.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_5x5_t.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_tc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/market.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/farmstead.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/farmstead_hay.xml" attachpoint="hay"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_rc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/mill.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/house.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/house.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/house.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant name="House A">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_ho_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/house_a.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="House B">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_ho_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/house_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="House C">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_ho_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/house_c.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_2x2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_2x2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_2x2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <autoflatten/>
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_bld_f2x2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/pers_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/dock.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/pers_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/farmstead.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/persians/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/pers_rc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/persians/mill.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_4x4_t.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_4x4_t.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_4x4_t.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_4x4_t.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_ho_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/house_a.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_cc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/civil_centre.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/barracks.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/dock.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/farmstead.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/farmstead_hay.xml" attachpoint="props_hay"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/fortress.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/fortress.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/fortress.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/fortress.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/house.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/house.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/house.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="House A">
+ <mesh>structural/rome_ho_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="House B">
+ <mesh>structural/rome_ho_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="House C">
+ <mesh>structural/rome_ho_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_hc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/rome_rc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_2x2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_2x2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_2x2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_2x2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_hc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/temple.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/rome_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/rome_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/sp_forumbuilding_1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/sp_forumbuilding_1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/sp_forumbuilding_1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/rome_sp_forumbuilding_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/mill2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/mill2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/mill2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/rome_rc2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House A">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_ho_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/house_a.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
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+ <variant frequency="10" name="House B">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_ho_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/house_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House C">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_ho_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/house_c.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/house_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/iber_ho_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/iberians/house_c.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/fortress.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/fortress.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/iberians/fortress.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_1x1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_1x1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_1x1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_1x1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
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+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_cc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/civil_centre.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/barracks.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_tc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/fortress.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/fortress.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/fortress.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
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+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/scout_tower.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/scout_tower.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/scout_tower.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_st.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_3x3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_3x3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_3x3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_3x3.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/celt_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/celts/portcentre_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/celt_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/celts/farmcentre_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/fortress_b.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/fortress_b.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/fortress_b.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/house.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/house.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/house.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House A">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_ho_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/house_a.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House B">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_ho_b.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/house_b.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House C">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_ho_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/house_c.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_hc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/temple.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_5x5.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_5x5.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_5x5.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_5x5.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/celt_cc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/celts/civcentre_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/celt_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/celts/militarycentre_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/dock.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/dock.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/dock.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/dock.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_fc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/farmstead_hay.xml" attachpoint="hay"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/hellenes/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/hele_rc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/hellenes/mill.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/rome_cc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/rome_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/sp_pantheon.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/sp_pantheon.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/romans/sp_pantheon.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/rome_sp_pantheon.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_4x4.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_4x4.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/cnst_4x4.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_scaf_4x4.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_st.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/scout_tower.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_highland2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_snow2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/light.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/light.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/light.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <variant name="a">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_1.pmd</mesh>
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+ <variant name="b">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_2.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="c">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_3.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="d">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_4.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="e">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_5.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="f">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_6.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="g">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_7.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
+ <variant name="h">
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_8.pmd</mesh>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/test_poly.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/test_poly.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/test_poly.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
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+ <animations/>
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+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
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Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_rc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/mill.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland1_moss.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland1_moss.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland1_moss.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_highland1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland2_moss.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland2_moss.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland2_moss.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_highland2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/gray1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/gray1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/gray1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_snow1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_highland1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/house.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/house.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/house.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House A">
+ <mesh>structural/celt_ho_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <item actor="props/celts/celt_house1_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House B">
+ <mesh>structural/celt_ho_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <item actor="props/celts/celt_house2_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ <variant frequency="10" name="House C">
+ <mesh>structural/celt_ho_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <item actor="props/celts/celt_house3_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/temple.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/temple.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/temple.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/celt_hc.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/mill.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/mill.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/mill.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_rc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_tc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/market.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/fortress.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/stlm_hele.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/stlm_hele.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/stlm_hele.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_settlement_he_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_c.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_c.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_c.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_highland_c.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_d.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_d.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_d.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_highland_d.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/snow1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/snow1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/snow1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_snow1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/test_trans.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/test_trans.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/test_trans.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>props/trans.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>props/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_civil_centre_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_civil_centre_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_civil_centre_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_cc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/winter/hellenes_civilisation_center_prop.xml" attachpoint="prop1"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_dock_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_dock_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_dock_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_pc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_b_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_b_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_b_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_ho_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/winter/hellenes_house2_prop.xml" attachpoint="prop1"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/fence_wood_long_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fence_wood_long_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/ship.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/ship.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/ship.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="simple/ship_idle.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="simple/ship_move.psa" name="Walk" speed="20"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>temp/ship.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_a_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_a_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_a_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_ho_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/winter/hellenes_house1_prop.xml" attachpoint="prop1"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_ws_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_ws_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_ws_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_wc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/temp_deer_1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer3.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer3.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer3.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/temp_deer_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_scout_tower_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_scout_tower_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_scout_tower_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_wt.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/animal_pen.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/animal_pen.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/animal_pen.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_sp_animalpen_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_c_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_c_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_house_c_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_ho_3.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/winter/hellenes_house3_prop.xml" attachpoint="prop1"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/horse_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/horse_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/horse_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_idle_a.psa" name="Idle" speed="50"/>
+ <animation file="quadraped/horse_gallop.psa" name="Walk" speed="700"/>
+ </animations>
+ <mesh>skeletal/horse.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>skeletal/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/rabbit1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/rabbit1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/rabbit1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/temprabbit.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/deer2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/temp_deer_2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/sheep2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/sheep2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/sheep2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/temp_sheep2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/market.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/market.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/market.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/celt_tc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/celts/tradecentre_prop.xml" attachpoint="PropCandyA"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/fortress_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/fortress_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/fortress_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/plac_ff.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/scout_tower.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/scout_tower.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/celts/scout_tower.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/celt_tf.pmd</mesh>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_cc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/civil_centre.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <mesh>structural/kart_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/structures/carthaginians/barracks.xml" attachpoint="props_main"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
+ <material>player_trans.xml</material>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_1x1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_1x1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/structures/fndn_1x1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <autoflatten/>
+ <castshadow/>
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/wrld_bld_f1x1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/gray_rock1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/gray_rock1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/gray_rock1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_snow2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_e.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_e.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/highland_e.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_highland_e.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/snow2.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/snow2.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/geology/snow2.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_rock_snow2.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/fence_wood_short_a.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/wrld_fence_wood_short_a.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/global.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/global.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/global.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>test/globaltest.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_market_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_market_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_market_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_tc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/winter/hellenes_trade_center_prop.xml" attachpoint="prop1"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_barracks_w.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_barracks_w.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/temp/hele_barracks_w.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>structural/hele_mc.pmd</mesh>
+ <props>
+ <prop actor="props/winter/hellenes_military_center_prop.xml" attachpoint="prop1"/>
+ </props>
+ <texture>structural/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/pig1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/pig1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/pig1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/temppig.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>
Index: ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/sheep1.xml
--- ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/sheep1.xml (nonexistent)
+++ ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/official/art/actors/fauna/sheep1.xml (revision 2763)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
+<actor version="1">
+ <group>
+ <variant frequency="100" name="Base">
+ <animations/>
+ <mesh>gaia/temp_sheep1.pmd</mesh>
+ <props/>
+ <texture>gaia/</texture>
+ </variant>
+ </group>

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, May 7, 10:37 PM (1 d, 23 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Storage Handle

Event Timeline