Index: ps/trunk/source/main.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/main.cpp (revision 27905) +++ ps/trunk/source/main.cpp (revision 27906) @@ -1,765 +1,759 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2023 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ /* This module drives the game when running without Atlas (our integrated map editor). It receives input and OS messages via SDL and feeds them into the input dispatcher, where they are passed on to the game GUI and simulation. It also contains main(), which either runs the above controller or that of Atlas depending on commandline parameters. */ // not for any PCH effort, but instead for the (common) definitions // included there. #define MINIMAL_PCH 2 #include "lib/precompiled.h" #include "lib/debug.h" #include "lib/status.h" #include "lib/secure_crt.h" #include "lib/frequency_filter.h" #include "lib/input.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "ps/ArchiveBuilder.h" #include "ps/CConsole.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/ConfigDB.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/Game.h" #include "ps/Globals.h" #include "ps/Hotkey.h" #include "ps/Loader.h" #include "ps/Mod.h" #include "ps/ModInstaller.h" #include "ps/Profile.h" #include "ps/Profiler2.h" #include "ps/Pyrogenesis.h" #include "ps/Replay.h" #include "ps/TouchInput.h" #include "ps/UserReport.h" #include "ps/Util.h" #include "ps/VideoMode.h" #include "ps/TaskManager.h" #include "ps/World.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Atlas.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Config.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/CmdLineArgs.h" #include "ps/GameSetup/Paths.h" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" #include "network/NetClient.h" #include "network/NetServer.h" #include "network/NetSession.h" #include "lobby/IXmppClient.h" #include "graphics/Camera.h" #include "graphics/GameView.h" #include "graphics/TextureManager.h" #include "gui/GUIManager.h" #include "renderer/backend/IDevice.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "rlinterface/RLInterface.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptContext.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptEngine.h" #include "scriptinterface/ScriptInterface.h" #include "scriptinterface/JSON.h" #include "simulation2/Simulation2.h" #include "simulation2/system/TurnManager.h" #include "soundmanager/ISoundManager.h" #if OS_UNIX #include #include // geteuid #endif // OS_UNIX #if OS_MACOSX #include "lib/sysdep/os/osx/osx_atlas.h" #endif #if MSC_VERSION #include #define getpid _getpid // Use the non-deprecated function name #endif #if OS_WIN // Forward declarations to avoid including Windows dependent headers. Status waio_Shutdown(); Status wdir_watch_Init(); Status wdir_watch_Shutdown(); Status wutil_Init(); Status wutil_Shutdown(); // We don't want to include Windows.h as it might mess up the rest // of the file so we just define DWORD as done in Windef.h. #ifndef DWORD typedef unsigned long DWORD; #endif // !DWORD // Request the high performance GPU on Windows by default if no system override is specified. // See: // - // - // - extern "C" { __declspec(dllexport) DWORD NvOptimusEnablement = 0x00000001; __declspec(dllexport) DWORD AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 0x00000001; } #endif #include extern CStrW g_UniqueLogPostfix; // Determines the lifetime of the mainloop enum ShutdownType { // The application shall continue the main loop. None, // The process shall terminate as soon as possible. Quit, // The engine should be restarted in the same process, for instance to activate different mods. Restart, // Atlas should be started in the same process. RestartAsAtlas }; static ShutdownType g_Shutdown = ShutdownType::None; // to avoid redundant and/or recursive resizing, we save the new // size after VIDEORESIZE messages and only update the video mode // once per frame. // these values are the latest resize message, and reset to 0 once we've // updated the video mode static int g_ResizedW; static int g_ResizedH; static std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point lastFrameTime; bool IsQuitRequested() { return g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::Quit; } void QuitEngine() { g_Shutdown = ShutdownType::Quit; } void RestartEngine() { g_Shutdown = ShutdownType::Restart; } void StartAtlas() { g_Shutdown = ShutdownType::RestartAsAtlas; } // main app message handler static InReaction MainInputHandler(const SDL_Event_* ev) { switch(ev->ev.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch(ev->ev.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: g_ResizedW = ev->ev.window.data1; g_ResizedH = ev->ev.window.data2; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED: g_VideoMode.UpdatePosition(ev->ev.window.data1, ev->ev.window.data2); } break; case SDL_QUIT: QuitEngine(); break; case SDL_DROPFILE: { char* dropped_filedir = ev->ev.drop.file; const Paths paths(g_CmdLineArgs); CModInstaller installer(paths.UserData() / "mods", paths.Cache()); installer.Install(std::string(dropped_filedir), g_ScriptContext, true); SDL_free(dropped_filedir); if (installer.GetInstalledMods().empty()) LOGERROR("Failed to install mod %s", dropped_filedir); else { LOGMESSAGE("Installed mod %s", installer.GetInstalledMods().front()); ScriptInterface modInterface("Engine", "Mod", g_ScriptContext); g_Mods.UpdateAvailableMods(modInterface); RestartEngine(); } break; } case SDL_HOTKEYPRESS: std::string hotkey = static_cast(ev->ev.user.data1); if (hotkey == "exit") { QuitEngine(); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "screenshot") { g_Renderer.MakeScreenShotOnNextFrame(CRenderer::ScreenShotType::DEFAULT); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "bigscreenshot") { g_Renderer.MakeScreenShotOnNextFrame(CRenderer::ScreenShotType::BIG); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "togglefullscreen") { g_VideoMode.ToggleFullscreen(); return IN_HANDLED; } else if (hotkey == "profile2.toggle") { g_Profiler2.Toggle(); return IN_HANDLED; } break; } return IN_PASS; } // dispatch all pending events to the various receivers. static void PumpEvents() { ScriptRequest rq(g_GUI->GetScriptInterface()); PROFILE3("dispatch events"); SDL_Event_ ev; while (in_poll_event(&ev)) { PROFILE2("event"); if (g_GUI) { JS::RootedValue tmpVal(; Script::ToJSVal(rq, &tmpVal, ev); std::string data = Script::StringifyJSON(rq, &tmpVal); PROFILE2_ATTR("%s", data.c_str()); } in_dispatch_event(&ev); } g_TouchInput.Frame(); } /** * Optionally throttle the render frequency in order to * prevent 100% workload of the currently used CPU core. */ inline static void LimitFPS() { if (g_VideoMode.IsVSyncEnabled()) return; double fpsLimit = 0.0; CFG_GET_VAL(g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted() ? "adaptivefps.session" : "", fpsLimit); // Keep in sync with options.json if (fpsLimit < 20.0 || fpsLimit >= 360.0) return; double wait = 1000.0 / fpsLimit - std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - lastFrameTime).count() / 1000.0; if (wait > 0.0) SDL_Delay(wait); lastFrameTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } static int ProgressiveLoad() { PROFILE3("progressive load"); wchar_t description[100]; int progress_percent; try { Status ret = LDR_ProgressiveLoad(10e-3, description, ARRAY_SIZE(description), &progress_percent); switch(ret) { // no load active => no-op (skip code below) case INFO::OK: return 0; // current task didn't complete. we only care about this insofar as the // load process is therefore not yet finished. case ERR::TIMED_OUT: break; // just finished loading case INFO::ALL_COMPLETE: g_Game->ReallyStartGame(); wcscpy_s(description, ARRAY_SIZE(description), L"Game is starting.."); // LDR_ProgressiveLoad returns L""; set to valid text to // avoid problems in converting to JSString break; // error! default: WARN_RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(ret); // can't do this above due to legit ERR::TIMED_OUT break; } } catch (PSERROR_Game_World_MapLoadFailed& e) { // Map loading failed // Call script function to do the actual work // (delete game data, switch GUI page, show error, etc.) CancelLoad(CStr(e.what()).FromUTF8()); } g_GUI->DisplayLoadProgress(progress_percent, description); return 0; } static void RendererIncrementalLoad() { PROFILE3("renderer incremental load"); const double maxTime = 0.1f; double startTime = timer_Time(); bool more; do { more = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().MakeProgress(); } while (more && timer_Time() - startTime < maxTime); } static void Frame() { g_Profiler2.RecordFrameStart(); PROFILE2("frame"); g_Profiler2.IncrementFrameNumber(); PROFILE2_ATTR("%d", g_Profiler2.GetFrameNumber()); // get elapsed time const double time = timer_Time(); g_frequencyFilter->Update(time); // .. old method - "exact" but contains jumps #if 0 static double last_time; const double time = timer_Time(); const float TimeSinceLastFrame = (float)(time-last_time); last_time = time; ONCE(return); // first call: set last_time and return // .. new method - filtered and more smooth, but errors may accumulate #else const float realTimeSinceLastFrame = 1.0 / g_frequencyFilter->SmoothedFrequency(); #endif ENSURE(realTimeSinceLastFrame > 0.0f); // Decide if update is necessary const bool needUpdate{g_app_has_focus || g_NetClient || !g_PauseOnFocusLoss}; // If we are not running a multiplayer game, disable updates when the game is // minimized or out of focus and relinquish the CPU a bit, in order to make // debugging easier. if (!needUpdate) { PROFILE3("non-focus delay"); // don't use SDL_WaitEvent: don't want the main loop to freeze until app focus is restored SDL_Delay(10); } // this scans for changed files/directories and reloads them, thus // allowing hotloading (changes are immediately assimilated in-game). ReloadChangedFiles(); ProgressiveLoad(); RendererIncrementalLoad(); PumpEvents(); // if the user quit by closing the window, the GL context will be broken and // may crash when we call Render() on some drivers, so leave this loop // before rendering if (g_Shutdown != ShutdownType::None) return; // respond to pumped resize events if (g_ResizedW || g_ResizedH) { g_VideoMode.ResizeWindow(g_ResizedW, g_ResizedH); g_ResizedW = g_ResizedH = 0; } if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->Poll(); g_GUI->TickObjects(); if (g_RLInterface) g_RLInterface->TryApplyMessage(); if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted() && needUpdate) { if (!g_RLInterface) g_Game->Update(realTimeSinceLastFrame); g_Game->GetView()->Update(float(realTimeSinceLastFrame)); } // Keep us connected to any XMPP servers if (g_XmppClient) g_XmppClient->recv(); g_UserReporter.Update(); g_Console->Update(realTimeSinceLastFrame); if (g_SoundManager) g_SoundManager->IdleTask(); g_Renderer.RenderFrame(true); g_Profiler.Frame(); LimitFPS(); } static void NonVisualFrame() { g_Profiler2.RecordFrameStart(); PROFILE2("frame"); g_Profiler2.IncrementFrameNumber(); PROFILE2_ATTR("%d", g_Profiler2.GetFrameNumber()); if (g_NetClient) g_NetClient->Poll(); static u32 turn = 0; if (g_Game && g_Game->IsGameStarted() && g_Game->GetTurnManager()) if (g_Game->GetTurnManager()->Update(DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH, 1)) debug_printf("Turn %u (%u)...\n", turn++, DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH); g_Profiler.Frame(); if (g_Game->IsGameFinished()) QuitEngine(); } static void MainControllerInit() { // add additional input handlers only needed by this controller: // must be registered after gui_handler. Should mayhap even be last. in_add_handler(MainInputHandler); } static void MainControllerShutdown() { in_reset_handlers(); } static void StartRLInterface(CmdLineArgs args) { std::string server_address; CFG_GET_VAL("rlinterface.address", server_address); if (!args.Get("rl-interface").empty()) server_address = args.Get("rl-interface"); g_RLInterface = std::make_unique(server_address.c_str()); debug_printf("RL interface listening on %s\n", server_address.c_str()); } // moved into a helper function to ensure args is destroyed before // exit(), which may result in a memory leak. static void RunGameOrAtlas(const PS::span argv) { const CmdLineArgs args(argv); g_CmdLineArgs = args; if (args.Has("version")) { debug_printf("Pyrogenesis %s\n", engine_version); return; } if (args.Has("autostart-nonvisual") && args.Get("autostart").empty() && !args.Has("rl-interface") && !args.Has("autostart-client")) { LOGERROR("-autostart-nonvisual cant be used alone. A map with -autostart=\"TYPEDIR/MAPNAME\" is needed."); return; } if (args.Has("unique-logs")) g_UniqueLogPostfix = L"_" + std::to_wstring(std::time(nullptr)) + L"_" + std::to_wstring(getpid()); const bool isVisualReplay = args.Has("replay-visual"); const bool isNonVisualReplay = args.Has("replay"); - const bool isNonVisual = args.Has("autostart-nonvisual"); + const bool isVisual = !args.Has("autostart-nonvisual"); const bool isUsingRLInterface = args.Has("rl-interface"); const OsPath replayFile( isVisualReplay ? args.Get("replay-visual") : isNonVisualReplay ? args.Get("replay") : ""); if (isVisualReplay || isNonVisualReplay) { if (!FileExists(replayFile)) { debug_printf("ERROR: The requested replay file '%s' does not exist!\n", replayFile.string8().c_str()); return; } if (DirectoryExists(replayFile)) { debug_printf("ERROR: The requested replay file '%s' is a directory!\n", replayFile.string8().c_str()); return; } } std::vector modsToInstall; for (const CStr& arg : args.GetArgsWithoutName()) { const OsPath modPath(arg); if (!CModInstaller::IsDefaultModExtension(modPath.Extension())) { debug_printf("Skipping file '%s' which does not have a mod file extension.\n", modPath.string8().c_str()); continue; } if (!FileExists(modPath)) { debug_printf("ERROR: The mod file '%s' does not exist!\n", modPath.string8().c_str()); continue; } if (DirectoryExists(modPath)) { debug_printf("ERROR: The mod file '%s' is a directory!\n", modPath.string8().c_str()); continue; } modsToInstall.emplace_back(std::move(modPath)); } // We need to initialize SpiderMonkey and libxml2 in the main thread before // any thread uses them. So initialize them here before we might run Atlas. ScriptEngine scriptEngine; CXeromyces::Startup(); // Initialise the global task manager at this point (JS & Profiler2 are set up). Threading::TaskManager::Initialise(); if (ATLAS_RunIfOnCmdLine(args, false)) { CXeromyces::Terminate(); return; } if (isNonVisualReplay) { Paths paths(args); g_VFS = CreateVfs(); // Mount with highest priority, we don't want mods overwriting this. g_VFS->Mount(L"cache/", paths.Cache(), VFS_MOUNT_ARCHIVABLE, VFS_MAX_PRIORITY); { CReplayPlayer replay; replay.Load(replayFile); replay.Replay( args.Has("serializationtest"), args.Has("rejointest") ? args.Get("rejointest").ToInt() : -1, args.Has("ooslog"), !args.Has("hashtest-full") || args.Get("hashtest-full") == "true", args.Has("hashtest-quick") && args.Get("hashtest-quick") == "true"); } g_VFS.reset(); CXeromyces::Terminate(); return; } // run in archive-building mode if requested if (args.Has("archivebuild")) { Paths paths(args); OsPath mod(args.Get("archivebuild")); OsPath zip; if (args.Has("archivebuild-output")) zip = args.Get("archivebuild-output"); else zip = mod.Filename().ChangeExtension(L".zip"); CArchiveBuilder builder(mod, paths.Cache()); // Add mods provided on the command line // NOTE: We do not handle mods in the user mod path here std::vector mods = args.GetMultiple("mod"); for (size_t i = 0; i < mods.size(); ++i) builder.AddBaseMod(paths.RData()/"mods"/mods[i]); builder.Build(zip, args.Has("archivebuild-compress")); CXeromyces::Terminate(); return; } const double res = timer_Resolution(); g_frequencyFilter = CreateFrequencyFilter(res, 30.0); // run the game int flags = INIT_MODS; do { g_Shutdown = ShutdownType::None; if (!Init(args, flags)) { flags &= ~INIT_MODS; Shutdown(SHUTDOWN_FROM_CONFIG); continue; } std::vector installedMods; if (!modsToInstall.empty()) { Paths paths(args); CModInstaller installer(paths.UserData() / "mods", paths.Cache()); // Install the mods without deleting the pyromod files for (const OsPath& modPath : modsToInstall) { CModInstaller::ModInstallationResult result = installer.Install(modPath, g_ScriptContext, true); if (result != CModInstaller::ModInstallationResult::SUCCESS) LOGERROR("Failed to install '%s'", modPath.string8().c_str()); } installedMods = installer.GetInstalledMods(); ScriptInterface modInterface("Engine", "Mod", g_ScriptContext); g_Mods.UpdateAvailableMods(modInterface); } - if (isNonVisual) - { - if (!InitNonVisual(args)) - g_Shutdown = ShutdownType::Quit; - else if (isUsingRLInterface) - StartRLInterface(args); - - while (g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::None) - { - if (isUsingRLInterface) - g_RLInterface->TryApplyMessage(); - else - NonVisualFrame(); - } - } - else + if (isVisual) { InitGraphics(args, 0, installedMods); MainControllerInit(); - if (isUsingRLInterface) - StartRLInterface(args); - while (g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::None) - Frame(); } + else if (!InitNonVisual(args)) + g_Shutdown = ShutdownType::Quit; + + if (isUsingRLInterface && g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::None) + StartRLInterface(args); + + while (g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::None) + if (isVisual) + Frame(); + else if(isUsingRLInterface) + g_RLInterface->TryApplyMessage(); + else + NonVisualFrame(); // Do not install mods again in case of restart (typically from the mod selector) modsToInstall.clear(); Shutdown(0); MainControllerShutdown(); flags &= ~INIT_MODS; } while (g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::Restart); #if OS_MACOSX if (g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::RestartAsAtlas) startNewAtlasProcess(g_Mods.GetEnabledMods()); #else if (g_Shutdown == ShutdownType::RestartAsAtlas) ATLAS_RunIfOnCmdLine(args, true); #endif Threading::TaskManager::Instance().ClearQueue(); CXeromyces::Terminate(); } #if OS_ANDROID // In Android we compile the engine as a shared library, not an executable, // so rename main() to a different symbol that the wrapper library can load #undef main #define main pyrogenesis_main extern "C" __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) int main(int argc, char* argv[]); #endif extern "C" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #if OS_UNIX // Don't allow people to run the game with root permissions, // because bad things can happen, check before we do anything if (geteuid() == 0) { std::cerr << "********************************************************\n" << "WARNING: Attempted to run the game with root permission!\n" << "This is not allowed because it can alter home directory \n" << "permissions and opens your system to vulnerabilities. \n" << "(You received this message because you were either \n" <<" logged in as root or used e.g. the 'sudo' command.) \n" << "********************************************************\n\n"; return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif // OS_UNIX #if OS_WIN wutil_Init(); wdir_watch_Init(); #endif EarlyInit(); // must come at beginning of main // static_cast is ok, argc is never negative. RunGameOrAtlas({argv, static_cast(argc)}); // Shut down profiler initialised by EarlyInit g_Profiler2.Shutdown(); #if OS_WIN // All calls to Windows specific functions have to happen before the following // shutdowns. wdir_watch_Shutdown(); waio_Shutdown(); wutil_Shutdown(); #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }