Index: ps/trunk/source/graphics/TerrainTextureEntry.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/graphics/TerrainTextureEntry.cpp (revision 28013) +++ ps/trunk/source/graphics/TerrainTextureEntry.cpp (revision 28014) @@ -1,186 +1,186 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 2022 Wildfire Games. +/* Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "TerrainTextureEntry.h" #include "graphics/MaterialManager.h" #include "graphics/Terrain.h" #include "graphics/TerrainProperties.h" #include "graphics/TerrainTextureManager.h" #include "graphics/TextureManager.h" #include "lib/utf8.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/CStrInternStatic.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" #include "renderer/Renderer.h" #include "renderer/SceneRenderer.h" #include CTerrainTextureEntry::CTerrainTextureEntry(CTerrainPropertiesPtr properties, const VfsPath& path): m_pProperties(properties), m_BaseColor(0), m_BaseColorValid(false) { ENSURE(properties); CXeromyces XeroFile; if (XeroFile.Load(g_VFS, path, "terrain_texture") != PSRETURN_OK) { LOGERROR("Terrain xml not found (%s)", path.string8()); return; } #define EL(x) int el_##x = XeroFile.GetElementID(#x) #define AT(x) int at_##x = XeroFile.GetAttributeID(#x) EL(tag); EL(terrain); EL(texture); EL(textures); EL(material); EL(props); EL(alphamap); AT(file); AT(name); #undef AT #undef EL XMBElement root = XeroFile.GetRoot(); if (root.GetNodeName() != el_terrain) { LOGERROR("Invalid terrain format (unrecognised root element '%s')", XeroFile.GetElementString(root.GetNodeName())); return; } std::vector > samplers; VfsPath alphamap("standard"); m_Tag = utf8_from_wstring(path.Basename().string()); XERO_ITER_EL(root, child) { int child_name = child.GetNodeName(); if (child_name == el_textures) { XERO_ITER_EL(child, textures_element) { ENSURE(textures_element.GetNodeName() == el_texture); CStr name; VfsPath terrainTexturePath; XERO_ITER_ATTR(textures_element, relativePath) { if (relativePath.Name == at_file) terrainTexturePath = VfsPath("art/textures/terrain") / relativePath.Value.FromUTF8(); else if (relativePath.Name == at_name) name = relativePath.Value; } samplers.emplace_back(name, terrainTexturePath); if (name == str_baseTex.string()) m_DiffuseTexturePath = terrainTexturePath; } } else if (child_name == el_material) { VfsPath mat = VfsPath("art/materials") / child.GetText().FromUTF8(); if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) m_Material = g_Renderer.GetSceneRenderer().GetMaterialManager().LoadMaterial(mat); } else if (child_name == el_alphamap) { alphamap = child.GetText().FromUTF8(); } else if (child_name == el_props) { CTerrainPropertiesPtr ret (new CTerrainProperties(properties)); ret->LoadXml(child, &XeroFile, path); - if (ret) m_pProperties = ret; + m_pProperties = ret; } else if (child_name == el_tag) { m_Tag = child.GetText(); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < samplers.size(); ++i) { CTextureProperties texture(samplers[i].second); texture.SetAddressMode(Renderer::Backend::Sampler::AddressMode::REPEAT); texture.SetAnisotropicFilter(true); if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) { CTexturePtr texptr = g_Renderer.GetTextureManager().CreateTexture(texture); m_Material.AddSampler(CMaterial::TextureSampler(samplers[i].first, texptr)); } } if (CRenderer::IsInitialised()) m_TerrainAlpha = g_TexMan.LoadAlphaMap(alphamap); float texAngle = 0.f; float texSize = 1.f; if (m_pProperties) { m_Groups = m_pProperties->GetGroups(); texAngle = m_pProperties->GetTextureAngle(); texSize = m_pProperties->GetTextureSize(); } m_TextureMatrix.SetZero(); m_TextureMatrix._11 = cosf(texAngle) / texSize; m_TextureMatrix._13 = -sinf(texAngle) / texSize; m_TextureMatrix._21 = -sinf(texAngle) / texSize; m_TextureMatrix._23 = -cosf(texAngle) / texSize; m_TextureMatrix._44 = 1.f; GroupVector::iterator it=m_Groups.begin(); for (;it!=m_Groups.end();++it) (*it)->AddTerrain(this); } CTerrainTextureEntry::~CTerrainTextureEntry() { for (GroupVector::iterator it=m_Groups.begin();it!=m_Groups.end();++it) (*it)->RemoveTerrain(this); } // BuildBaseColor: calculate the root color of the texture, used for coloring minimap, and store // in m_BaseColor member void CTerrainTextureEntry::BuildBaseColor() { // Use the explicit properties value if possible if (m_pProperties && m_pProperties->HasBaseColor()) { m_BaseColor=m_pProperties->GetBaseColor(); m_BaseColorValid = true; return; } // Use the texture color if available if (GetTexture()->TryLoad()) { m_BaseColor = GetTexture()->GetBaseColor(); m_BaseColorValid = true; } } Index: ps/trunk/source/soundmanager/SoundManager.cpp =================================================================== --- ps/trunk/source/soundmanager/SoundManager.cpp (revision 28013) +++ ps/trunk/source/soundmanager/SoundManager.cpp (revision 28014) @@ -1,876 +1,876 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games. +/* Copyright (C) 2024 Wildfire Games. * This file is part of 0 A.D. * * 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with 0 A.D. If not, see . */ #include "precompiled.h" #include "ISoundManager.h" #include "SoundManager.h" #include "data/SoundData.h" #include "items/CBufferItem.h" #include "items/CSoundItem.h" #include "items/CStreamItem.h" #include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h" #include "ps/CLogger.h" #include "ps/CStr.h" #include "ps/ConfigDB.h" #include "ps/Filesystem.h" #include "ps/Profiler2.h" #include "ps/Threading.h" #include "ps/XML/Xeromyces.h" #include ISoundManager* g_SoundManager = NULL; #define SOURCE_NUM 64 #if CONFIG2_AUDIO class CSoundManagerWorker { NONCOPYABLE(CSoundManagerWorker); public: CSoundManagerWorker() { m_Items = new ItemsList; m_DeadItems = new ItemsList; m_Shutdown = false; m_WorkerThread = std::thread(Threading::HandleExceptions::Wrapper, this); } ~CSoundManagerWorker() { delete m_Items; CleanupItems(); delete m_DeadItems; } bool Shutdown() { { std::lock_guard lock(m_WorkerMutex); m_Shutdown = true; ItemsList::iterator lstr = m_Items->begin(); while (lstr != m_Items->end()) { delete *lstr; ++lstr; } } m_WorkerThread.join(); return true; } void addItem(ISoundItem* anItem) { std::lock_guard lock(m_WorkerMutex); m_Items->push_back(anItem); } void CleanupItems() { std::lock_guard lock(m_DeadItemsMutex); AL_CHECK; ItemsList::iterator deadItems = m_DeadItems->begin(); while (deadItems != m_DeadItems->end()) { delete *deadItems; ++deadItems; AL_CHECK; } m_DeadItems->clear(); } private: static void RunThread(CSoundManagerWorker* data) { debug_SetThreadName("CSoundManagerWorker"); g_Profiler2.RegisterCurrentThread("soundmanager"); data->Run(); } void Run() { while (true) { // Handle shutdown requests as soon as possible if (GetShutdown()) return; int pauseTime = 500; if (g_SoundManager->InDistress()) pauseTime = 50; { std::lock_guard workerLock(m_WorkerMutex); ItemsList::iterator lstr = m_Items->begin(); ItemsList* nextItemList = new ItemsList; while (lstr != m_Items->end()) { AL_CHECK; if ((*lstr)->IdleTask()) { if ((pauseTime == 500) && (*lstr)->IsFading()) pauseTime = 100; nextItemList->push_back(*lstr); } else { std::lock_guard deadItemsLock(m_DeadItemsMutex); m_DeadItems->push_back(*lstr); } ++lstr; AL_CHECK; } delete m_Items; m_Items = nextItemList; AL_CHECK; } SDL_Delay(pauseTime); } } bool GetShutdown() { std::lock_guard lock(m_WorkerMutex); return m_Shutdown; } private: // Thread-related members: std::thread m_WorkerThread; std::mutex m_WorkerMutex; std::mutex m_DeadItemsMutex; // Shared by main thread and worker thread: // These variables are all protected by a mutexes ItemsList* m_Items; ItemsList* m_DeadItems; bool m_Shutdown; CSoundManagerWorker(ISoundManager* UNUSED(other)){}; }; void ISoundManager::CreateSoundManager() { if (g_SoundManager) return; ALCdevice* device = alcOpenDevice(nullptr); if (!device) { LOGWARNING("No audio device was found."); return; } g_SoundManager = new CSoundManager(device); g_SoundManager->StartWorker(); } void ISoundManager::SetEnabled(bool doEnable) { if (g_SoundManager && !doEnable) SAFE_DELETE(g_SoundManager); else if (!g_SoundManager && doEnable) ISoundManager::CreateSoundManager(); } void ISoundManager::CloseGame() { if (CSoundManager* aSndMgr = (CSoundManager*)g_SoundManager) aSndMgr->SetAmbientItem(NULL); } void CSoundManager::al_ReportError(ALenum err, const char* caller, int line) { LOGERROR("OpenAL error: %s; called from %s (line %d)\n", alGetString(err), caller, line); } void CSoundManager::al_check(const char* caller, int line) { ALenum err = alGetError(); if (err != AL_NO_ERROR) al_ReportError(err, caller, line); } Status CSoundManager::ReloadChangedFiles(const VfsPath& UNUSED(path)) { // TODO implement sound file hotloading return INFO::OK; } /*static*/ Status CSoundManager::ReloadChangedFileCB(void* param, const VfsPath& path) { return static_cast(param)->ReloadChangedFiles(path); } CSoundManager::CSoundManager(ALCdevice* device) : m_Context(nullptr), m_Device(device), m_ALSourceBuffer(nullptr), m_CurrentTune(nullptr), m_CurrentEnvirons(nullptr), m_Worker(nullptr), m_DistressMutex(), m_PlayListItems(nullptr), m_SoundGroups(), m_Gain(.5f), m_MusicGain(.5f), m_AmbientGain(.5f), m_ActionGain(.5f), m_UIGain(.5f), m_Enabled(false), m_BufferSize(98304), m_BufferCount(50), m_SoundEnabled(true), m_MusicEnabled(true), m_MusicPaused(false), m_AmbientPaused(false), m_ActionPaused(false), m_RunningPlaylist(false), m_PlayingPlaylist(false), m_LoopingPlaylist(false), m_PlaylistGap(0), m_DistressErrCount(0), m_DistressTime(0) { CFG_GET_VAL("sound.mastergain", m_Gain); CFG_GET_VAL("sound.musicgain", m_MusicGain); CFG_GET_VAL("sound.ambientgain", m_AmbientGain); CFG_GET_VAL("sound.actiongain", m_ActionGain); CFG_GET_VAL("sound.uigain", m_UIGain); AlcInit(); if (m_Enabled) { SetMasterGain(m_Gain); InitListener(); m_PlayListItems = new PlayList; } if (!CXeromyces::AddValidator(g_VFS, "sound_group", "audio/sound_group.rng")) LOGERROR("CSoundManager: failed to load grammar file 'audio/sound_group.rng'"); RegisterFileReloadFunc(ReloadChangedFileCB, this); RunHardwareDetection(); } CSoundManager::~CSoundManager() { UnregisterFileReloadFunc(ReloadChangedFileCB, this); if (m_Worker) { AL_CHECK; m_Worker->Shutdown(); AL_CHECK; m_Worker->CleanupItems(); AL_CHECK; delete m_Worker; } AL_CHECK; for (const std::pair& p : m_SoundGroups) delete p.second; m_SoundGroups.clear(); if (m_PlayListItems) delete m_PlayListItems; if (m_ALSourceBuffer != NULL) delete[] m_ALSourceBuffer; if (m_Context) alcDestroyContext(m_Context); if (m_Device) alcCloseDevice(m_Device); } void CSoundManager::StartWorker() { if (m_Enabled) m_Worker = new CSoundManagerWorker(); } Status CSoundManager::AlcInit() { Status ret = INFO::OK; if(!m_Device) m_Device = alcOpenDevice(nullptr); if (m_Device) { ALCint attribs[] = {ALC_STEREO_SOURCES, 16, 0}; m_Context = alcCreateContext(m_Device, &attribs[0]); if (m_Context) { alcMakeContextCurrent(m_Context); m_ALSourceBuffer = new ALSourceHolder[SOURCE_NUM]; ALuint* sourceList = new ALuint[SOURCE_NUM]; alGenSources(SOURCE_NUM, sourceList); ALCenum err = alcGetError(m_Device); if (err == ALC_NO_ERROR) { for (int x = 0; x < SOURCE_NUM; x++) { m_ALSourceBuffer[x].ALSource = sourceList[x]; m_ALSourceBuffer[x].SourceItem = NULL; } m_Enabled = true; } else { LOGERROR("error in gensource = %d", err); } delete[] sourceList; } } // check if init succeeded. // some OpenAL implementations don't indicate failure here correctly; // we need to check if the device and context pointers are actually valid. ALCenum err = alcGetError(m_Device); const char* dev_name = (const char*)alcGetString(m_Device, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); if (err == ALC_NO_ERROR && m_Device && m_Context) debug_printf("Sound: AlcInit success, using %s\n", dev_name); else { LOGERROR("Sound: AlcInit failed, m_Device=%p m_Context=%p dev_name=%s err=%x\n", (void *)m_Device, (void *)m_Context, dev_name, err); // FIXME Hack to get around exclusive access to the sound device #if OS_UNIX ret = INFO::OK; #else ret = ERR::FAIL; #endif // !OS_UNIX } return ret; } bool CSoundManager::InDistress() { std::lock_guard lock(m_DistressMutex); if (m_DistressTime == 0) return false; else if ((timer_Time() - m_DistressTime) > 10) { m_DistressTime = 0; // Coming out of distress mode m_DistressErrCount = 0; return false; } return true; } void CSoundManager::SetDistressThroughShortage() { std::lock_guard lock(m_DistressMutex); // Going into distress for normal reasons m_DistressTime = timer_Time(); } void CSoundManager::SetDistressThroughError() { std::lock_guard lock(m_DistressMutex); // Going into distress due to unknown error m_DistressTime = timer_Time(); m_DistressErrCount++; } ALuint CSoundManager::GetALSource(ISoundItem* anItem) { for (int x = 0; x < SOURCE_NUM; x++) { if (!m_ALSourceBuffer[x].SourceItem) { m_ALSourceBuffer[x].SourceItem = anItem; return m_ALSourceBuffer[x].ALSource; } } SetDistressThroughShortage(); return 0; } void CSoundManager::ReleaseALSource(ALuint theSource) { for (int x = 0; x < SOURCE_NUM; x++) { if (m_ALSourceBuffer[x].ALSource == theSource) { m_ALSourceBuffer[x].SourceItem = NULL; return; } } } long CSoundManager::GetBufferCount() { return m_BufferCount; } long CSoundManager::GetBufferSize() { return m_BufferSize; } void CSoundManager::AddPlayListItem(const VfsPath& itemPath) { if (m_Enabled) m_PlayListItems->push_back(itemPath); } void CSoundManager::ClearPlayListItems() { if (m_Enabled) { if (m_PlayingPlaylist) SetMusicItem(NULL); m_PlayingPlaylist = false; m_LoopingPlaylist = false; m_RunningPlaylist = false; m_PlayListItems->clear(); } } void CSoundManager::StartPlayList(bool doLoop) { if (m_Enabled && m_MusicEnabled) { if (m_PlayListItems->size() > 0) { m_PlayingPlaylist = true; m_LoopingPlaylist = doLoop; m_RunningPlaylist = false; ISoundItem* aSnd = LoadItem((m_PlayListItems->at(0))); if (aSnd) SetMusicItem(aSnd); else SetMusicItem(NULL); } } } void CSoundManager::SetMasterGain(float gain) { if (m_Enabled) { m_Gain = gain; alListenerf(AL_GAIN, m_Gain); AL_CHECK; } } void CSoundManager::SetMusicGain(float gain) { m_MusicGain = gain; if (m_CurrentTune) m_CurrentTune->SetGain(m_MusicGain); } void CSoundManager::SetAmbientGain(float gain) { m_AmbientGain = gain; } void CSoundManager::SetActionGain(float gain) { m_ActionGain = gain; } void CSoundManager::SetUIGain(float gain) { m_UIGain = gain; } ISoundItem* CSoundManager::LoadItem(const VfsPath& itemPath) { AL_CHECK; if (m_Enabled) { CSoundData* itemData = CSoundData::SoundDataFromFile(itemPath); AL_CHECK; if (itemData) return CSoundManager::ItemForData(itemData); } return NULL; } ISoundItem* CSoundManager::ItemForData(CSoundData* itemData) { AL_CHECK; ISoundItem* answer = NULL; AL_CHECK; if (m_Enabled && (itemData != NULL)) { if (itemData->IsOneShot()) { if (itemData->GetBufferCount() == 1) answer = new CSoundItem(itemData); else answer = new CBufferItem(itemData); } else { answer = new CStreamItem(itemData); } - if (answer && m_Worker) + if (m_Worker) m_Worker->addItem(answer); } return answer; } void CSoundManager::IdleTask() { if (m_Enabled) { if (m_CurrentTune) { m_CurrentTune->EnsurePlay(); if (m_PlayingPlaylist && m_RunningPlaylist) { if (m_CurrentTune->Finished()) { if (m_PlaylistGap == 0) { m_PlaylistGap = timer_Time() + 15; } else if (m_PlaylistGap < timer_Time()) { m_PlaylistGap = 0; PlayList::iterator it = find(m_PlayListItems->begin(), m_PlayListItems->end(), m_CurrentTune->GetName()); if (it != m_PlayListItems->end()) { ++it; Path nextPath; if (it == m_PlayListItems->end()) nextPath = m_PlayListItems->at(0); else nextPath = *it; ISoundItem* aSnd = LoadItem(nextPath); if (aSnd) SetMusicItem(aSnd); } } } } } if (m_CurrentEnvirons) m_CurrentEnvirons->EnsurePlay(); if (m_Worker) m_Worker->CleanupItems(); } } ISoundItem* CSoundManager::ItemForEntity(entity_id_t UNUSED(source), CSoundData* sndData) { ISoundItem* currentItem = NULL; if (m_Enabled) currentItem = ItemForData(sndData); return currentItem; } void CSoundManager::InitListener() { ALfloat listenerPos[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; ALfloat listenerVel[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; ALfloat listenerOri[] = {0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; alListenerfv(AL_POSITION, listenerPos); alListenerfv(AL_VELOCITY, listenerVel); alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, listenerOri); alDistanceModel(AL_LINEAR_DISTANCE); } void CSoundManager::PlayGroupItem(ISoundItem* anItem, ALfloat groupGain) { if (anItem) { if (m_Enabled && (m_ActionGain > 0)) { anItem->SetGain(m_ActionGain * groupGain); anItem->PlayAndDelete(); AL_CHECK; } } } void CSoundManager::SetMusicEnabled(bool isEnabled) { if (m_CurrentTune && !isEnabled) { m_CurrentTune->FadeAndDelete(1.00); m_CurrentTune = NULL; } m_MusicEnabled = isEnabled; } void CSoundManager::PlayAsGroup(const VfsPath& groupPath, const CVector3D& sourcePos, entity_id_t source, bool ownedSound) { // Make sure the sound group is loaded CSoundGroup* group; if (m_SoundGroups.find(groupPath.string()) == m_SoundGroups.end()) { group = new CSoundGroup(); if (!group->LoadSoundGroup(L"audio/" + groupPath.string())) { LOGERROR("Failed to load sound group '%s'", groupPath.string8()); delete group; group = NULL; } // Cache the sound group (or the null, if it failed) m_SoundGroups[groupPath.string()] = group; } else { group = m_SoundGroups[groupPath.string()]; } // Failed to load group -> do nothing if (group && (ownedSound || !group->TestFlag(eOwnerOnly))) group->PlayNext(sourcePos, source); } void CSoundManager::PlayAsMusic(const VfsPath& itemPath, bool looping) { if (m_Enabled) { UNUSED2(looping); ISoundItem* aSnd = LoadItem(itemPath); if (aSnd != NULL) SetMusicItem(aSnd); } } void CSoundManager::PlayAsAmbient(const VfsPath& itemPath, bool looping) { if (m_Enabled) { UNUSED2(looping); ISoundItem* aSnd = LoadItem(itemPath); if (aSnd != NULL) SetAmbientItem(aSnd); } } void CSoundManager::PlayAsUI(const VfsPath& itemPath, bool looping) { if (m_Enabled) { IdleTask(); if (ISoundItem* anItem = LoadItem(itemPath)) { if (m_UIGain > 0) { anItem->SetGain(m_UIGain); anItem->SetLooping(looping); anItem->PlayAndDelete(); } } AL_CHECK; } } void CSoundManager::Pause(bool pauseIt) { PauseMusic(pauseIt); PauseAmbient(pauseIt); PauseAction(pauseIt); } void CSoundManager::PauseMusic(bool pauseIt) { if (m_CurrentTune && pauseIt && !m_MusicPaused) { m_CurrentTune->FadeAndPause(1.0); } else if (m_CurrentTune && m_MusicPaused && !pauseIt && m_MusicEnabled) { m_CurrentTune->SetGain(0); m_CurrentTune->Resume(); m_CurrentTune->FadeToIn(m_MusicGain, 1.0); } m_MusicPaused = pauseIt; } void CSoundManager::PauseAmbient(bool pauseIt) { if (m_CurrentEnvirons && pauseIt) m_CurrentEnvirons->Pause(); else if (m_CurrentEnvirons) m_CurrentEnvirons->Resume(); m_AmbientPaused = pauseIt; } void CSoundManager::PauseAction(bool pauseIt) { m_ActionPaused = pauseIt; } void CSoundManager::SetMusicItem(ISoundItem* anItem) { if (m_Enabled) { AL_CHECK; if (m_CurrentTune) { m_CurrentTune->FadeAndDelete(2.00); m_CurrentTune = NULL; } IdleTask(); if (anItem) { if (m_MusicEnabled) { m_CurrentTune = anItem; m_CurrentTune->SetGain(0); if (m_PlayingPlaylist) { m_RunningPlaylist = true; m_CurrentTune->Play(); } else m_CurrentTune->PlayLoop(); m_MusicPaused = false; m_CurrentTune->FadeToIn(m_MusicGain, 1.00); } else { anItem->StopAndDelete(); } } AL_CHECK; } } void CSoundManager::SetAmbientItem(ISoundItem* anItem) { if (m_Enabled) { if (m_CurrentEnvirons) { m_CurrentEnvirons->FadeAndDelete(3.00); m_CurrentEnvirons = NULL; } IdleTask(); if (anItem) { if (m_AmbientGain > 0) { m_CurrentEnvirons = anItem; m_CurrentEnvirons->SetGain(0); m_CurrentEnvirons->PlayLoop(); m_CurrentEnvirons->FadeToIn(m_AmbientGain, 2.00); } } AL_CHECK; } } void CSoundManager::RunHardwareDetection() { // OpenAL alGetString might not return anything interesting on certain platforms // (see for an example). // However our previous code supported only Windows, and alGetString does work on // Windows, so this is an improvement. // Sound cards const ALCchar* devices = nullptr; if (alcIsExtensionPresent(nullptr, "ALC_enumeration_EXT") == AL_TRUE) { if (alcIsExtensionPresent(nullptr, "ALC_enumerate_all_EXT") == AL_TRUE) devices = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER); else devices = alcGetString(nullptr, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER); } WARN_IF_FALSE(devices); m_SoundCardNames.clear(); do { m_SoundCardNames += devices; devices += strlen(devices) + 1; m_SoundCardNames += "; "; } while (*devices); // Driver version const ALCchar* al_version = alGetString(AL_VERSION); if (al_version) m_OpenALVersion = al_version; } CStr8 CSoundManager::GetOpenALVersion() const { return m_OpenALVersion; } CStr8 CSoundManager::GetSoundCardNames() const { return m_SoundCardNames; } #else // CONFIG2_AUDIO void ISoundManager::CreateSoundManager(){} void ISoundManager::SetEnabled(bool UNUSED(doEnable)){} void ISoundManager::CloseGame(){} void ISoundManager::RunHardwareDetection() {} CStr8 ISoundManager::GetSoundCardNames() const { return CStr8(); }; CStr8 ISoundManager::GetOpenALVersion() const { return CStr8(); }; #endif // CONFIG2_AUDIO