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Only allow numbers and at most 2 periods in mod versions

Authored by elexis on Dec 1 2017, 7:21 PM.



As mentioned in rP20552, _ and - were meant to distinguish rereleases that are compatible. That however is already covered without adding the special characters by using proper version check.
For instance having the third number distinguish version changes that don't modify the GUI. Or just not changing the version number if the contents didn't change relevantly.

Test Plan

Notice the use case is covered without the removed complexity.

Event Timeline

elexis created this revision.Dec 1 2017, 7:21 PM
Vulcan added a subscriber: Vulcan.Dec 1 2017, 7:24 PM

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Updating workspaces...
Build (release)...
Build (debug)...
Running release tests...
Running cxxtest tests (308 tests)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (308 tests)....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Checking XML files...
Vulcan added a comment.Dec 1 2017, 7:24 PM
Executing section Default...
Executing section Source...
Executing section JS...
wraitii accepted this revision.Dec 3 2017, 6:26 PM
wraitii added a subscriber: wraitii.

There's some weird code out there.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 3 2017, 6:26 PM
elexis abandoned this revision.Dec 12 2017, 8:39 PM

Included in D1093 rP20637