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Improve js glue code in D1839/rP22909 (hotkey state fix) and deal with rebase issues.

Authored by wraitii on Sep 15 2019, 4:35 PM.



As pointed out by elexis on rP22909 (D1839), the test code could be improved by using better practices and new code.

Further, a more recent patch re-introduced the issue that was originally fixed.

This fixes these issues.

Test Plan

Notice that the new code is cleaner and that D2260 still works.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

wraitii created this revision.Sep 15 2019, 4:35 PM
wraitii edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...

|  29| class·TestGuiManager·:·public·CxxTest::TestSuite
|    | [MAJOR] CPPCheckBear (syntaxError):
|    | Code 'classTestGuiManager:' is invalid C code. Use --std or --language to configure the language.
Executing section JS...
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 9844.Sep 18 2019, 8:49 PM

Add missing autorequests.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

Link to build:

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Link to build:

elexis accepted this revision.Sep 19 2019, 4:53 AM
elexis added a subscriber: elexis.

Sorry that I was too lazy to review the original patch, one needs to know the circumstances of the hotkey code which takes some time to get back into again.
For the audit in rP22909 I looked all of that up again and the committed code indeed looks better than the previous code which called one event handler from the other handler.

I don't remember seeing a function with requests for two contexts in one scope, but it shouldn't make a difference (since it should be compiled to the same code if one of them is in a separate function, aside from closing the context sooner).

Moving hotkey.js hotkey.xml into a new hotkey folder would allow future GUI test pages to be distinguished, like we have in public/gui/ and mod/gui/. (Current directory contents gui_page.rng gui.rng hotkey.js hotkey.xml page_hotkey.xml)
(So I would recommend to do that but I dont insist)

Tested the patch with the barter dialog, and the new global hotkey method from the mainmenu (history / civ icon hotkeys), and ./binaries/system/test. So in case its broken too at least I tried.


Correct to keep the ret assignment, if the program enters this scop there is definitely a handler performed.




JSContext* cx = scriptInterface.GetContext();


(should be(come) possible to pass an empty shared_ptr?)


JSContext* cxPage = pageScriptInterface.GetContext();

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 19 2019, 4:53 AM
In D2295#96153, @elexis wrote:

Sorry that I was too lazy to review the original patch, one needs to know the circumstances of the hotkey code which takes some time to get back into again.

TBH that's fine. Your time, like mine, is limited. You'll never have the time to really look at everything in advance, but if you look at what gets committed that optimises your time and the code still gets to where it needs to be.
Indeed this patch was fairly tricky, I too had to dive deep again before committing because I'd forgotten why it worked.

Moving hotkey.js hotkey.xml into a new hotkey folder would allow future GUI test pages to be distinguished, like we have in public/gui/ and mod/gui/. (Current directory contents gui_page.rng gui.rng hotkey.js hotkey.xml page_hotkey.xml)

Ah, I think I understand why - you mean that we can have different schemas then, correct?
I'll do that anyways, I just forgot til now.

Thanks for the comments :)

In D2295#96153, @elexis wrote:

Moving hotkey.js hotkey.xml into a new hotkey folder would allow future GUI test pages to be distinguished, like we have in public/gui/ and mod/gui/. (Current directory contents gui_page.rng gui.rng hotkey.js hotkey.xml page_hotkey.xml)

Ah, I think I understand why - you mean that we can have different schemas then, correct?

I dont know whether you want a different schema per test, but certainly we want different JS and XML files per test, so each test contains multiple files and we dont want the folder to store multiple files per test and multiple tests per folder.

A ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/_test.gui/gui/gui.rng
A ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/_test.gui/gui/gui_page.rng
A ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/_test.gui/gui/hotkey.js
A ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/_test.gui/gui/hotkey.xml
A ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/_test.gui/gui/page_hotkey.xml

Consider adding one test for every current GUI page we have, how the folder would look like if there wasn't a subfolder per test compared to how it would look like if there was one.

For example if public/gui/ didn't have these subfolders:

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 9898.Sep 22 2019, 9:13 AM

Move files into a folder, final cleanups.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Link to build:

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...

|  29| class·TestGuiManager·:·public·CxxTest::TestSuite
|    | [MAJOR] CPPCheckBear (syntaxError):
|    | Code 'classTestGuiManager:' is invalid C code. Use --std or --language to configure the language.
Executing section JS...

|   4| function·handleInputBeforeGui(ev)·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (brace-rules/brace-on-same-line):
|    | Opening curly brace appears on the same line as controlling statement.

|  10| function·handleInputAfterGui(ev)·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (brace-rules/brace-on-same-line):
|    | Opening curly brace appears on the same line as controlling statement.
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

It seems the diff uploaded to here was correct, as it includes above diff, but not the one committed?

Indeed, that appears to be what I've done. I generally download the latest patch from Phabricator when committing, but I must have messed sphere, perhaps because my last downloaded file was already this diff but in an earlier version.

Sorry about the mess.