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Handle modifications of technologies and auras in a system component

Authored by wraitii on Mar 29 2017, 5:36 PM.


Group Reviewers
Restricted Owners Package(Owns No Changed Paths)
Restricted Owners Package(Owns No Changed Paths)
rP22767: Add a system component to handle stat modifiers, make technologies and auras…

Technologies, auras (global ones in particular) and some cheats (e.g. i am too busy) have very similar effects: they modify existing template stats. However, they all use different systems.

This revision centralises these effects in a modifications manager, which handles global (tech/global aura) modifiers, applied for all entities of a player, and per-entity modifiers.

This makes it easy for scripts to add modifiers, enabling more advanced scenarios such as CBAs without having to rely on mods.

Test Plan

Test for odd behaviours, review code.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes
elexis retitled this revision from Handle modifications of technologies and auras in a centralized system component. to Handle modifications of technologies and auras in a system component.Jan 6 2019, 4:14 PM
wraitii updated this revision to Diff 7911.May 5 2019, 6:07 PM

Rebased, cleaned up, fixed (I had a possible conflict between player IDs and entities). More tests added.

Needs to be checked for performance (empirically) - haven't tested whether this iteration changes hashes though it doesn't handle technologies in exactly the same way so I think it could.

Requires D1858 and D1859 first.

Also I need to check if SVN is actually keeping technologies of the original owner when entities change owner, because I don't think so.

Vulcan added a comment.May 5 2019, 6:13 PM

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...
Executing section JS...
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  32|  32| 			continue;
|  33|  33| 		if (propName in this)
|  34|  34| 			continue;
|  35|    |-		this[propName.replace('Item','Modif')] = ((propName) => () => this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage, arguments))(propName);
|    |  35|+		this[propName.replace('Item', 'Modif')] = ((propName) => () => this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage, arguments))(propName);
|  36|  36| 	}
|  37|  37| }
|  38|  38| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  34|  34| 			continue;
|  35|  35| 		this[propName.replace('Item','Modif')] = ((propName) => () => this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage, arguments))(propName);
|  36|  36| 	}
|  37|    |-}
|    |  37|+};
|  38|  38| 
|  39|  39| ModificationsManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
|  40|  40| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifsStorage' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  44|  44| 	let players = [];
|  45|  45| 	this.playerEntitiesCached.forEach((_, player) => players.push(player));
|  46|  46| 	return {
|  47|    |-		modifsStorage: this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|    |  47|+		"modifsStorage": this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|  48|  48| 		players: players
|  49|  49| 	};
|  50|  50| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'players' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  45|  45| 	this.playerEntitiesCached.forEach((_, player) => players.push(player));
|  46|  46| 	return {
|  47|  47| 		modifsStorage: this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|  48|    |-		players: players
|    |  48|+		"players": players
|  49|  49| 	};
|  50|  50| }
|  51|  51| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  47|  47| 		modifsStorage: this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|  48|  48| 		players: players
|  49|  49| 	};
|  50|    |-}
|    |  50|+};
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| ModificationsManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
|  53|  53| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  54|  54| 	this.Init();
|  55|  55| 	this.modifsStorage.Deserialize(data.modifsStorage);
|  56|  56| 	data.players.forEach(player => this.playerEntitiesCached.set(player, new Map()));
|  57|    |-}
|    |  57|+};
|  58|  58| 
|  59|  59| /**
|  60|  60|  * Inform entities that we have changed possibly all values affected by that property.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  70|  70| 		this.SendPlayerModificationMessages(propertyName, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID());
|  71|  71| 	else
|  72|  72| 		this.SendEntityModificationMessages(propertyName, entity);
|  73|    |-}
|    |  73|+};
|  74|  74| 
|  75|  75| ModificationsManager.prototype.SendEntityModificationMessages = function(propertyName, entity)
|  76|  76| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  76|  76| {
|  77|  77| 	// TODO: if this is slow, it might be more efficient to keep track of who wants our info and post them directly
|  78|  78| 	Engine.BroadcastMessage(MT_ValueModification, { "entities": [entity], "component": propertyName.split("/")[0], "valueNames": [propertyName] });
|  79|    |-}
|    |  79|+};
|  80|  80| 
|  81|  81| ModificationsManager.prototype.SendPlayerModificationMessages = function(propertyName, player)
|  82|  82| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
| 104| 104| 	let entsMap = this.playerEntitiesCached.get(entity).get(propertyName);
| 105| 105| 	entsMap.forEach(ent => this.cachedValues.get(propertyName).delete(ent));
| 106| 106| 	entsMap.clear();
| 107|    |-}
|    | 107|+};
| 108| 108| 
| 109| 109| ModificationsManager.prototype.InvalidateCache = function(propertyName, entity)
| 110| 110| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
| 188| 188| 		return undefined;
| 189| 189| 	}
| 190| 190| 
| 191|    |-	let newValue = this.GetCached(propertyName, originalValue, entity)
|    | 191|+	let newValue = this.GetCached(propertyName, originalValue, entity);
| 192| 192| 	if (newValue !== null)
| 193| 193| 		return newValue;
| 194| 194| 

|  35| »   »   this[propName.replace('Item','Modif')]·=·((propName)·=>·()·=>·this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage,·arguments))(propName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'propName' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  37| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  50| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  57| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  73| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  79| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

| 107| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

| 191| »   let·newValue·=·this.GetCached(propertyName,·originalValue,·entity)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| 		// Note: this is not yet implemented but I leave it commented to highlight it's easy
|  99|  99| 		// If anyone ever adds handicap.
| 100|    |-		//if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
|    | 100|+		// if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
| 101| 101| 		//	cmpPlayer.SetGatherRateMultiplier(getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier"));
| 102| 102| 
| 103| 103| 		if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "PopulationLimit") !== undefined)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'for' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 136| 136| 
| 137| 137| 			// Set all but self as enemies as SetTeam takes care of allies
| 138| 138| 			for (var j = 0; j < numPlayers; ++j)
| 139|    |-			{
|    | 139|+			
| 140| 140| 				if (i == j)
| 141| 141| 					cmpPlayer.SetAlly(j);
| 142| 142| 				else
| 143| 143| 					cmpPlayer.SetEnemy(j);
| 144|    |-			}
|    | 144|+			
| 145| 145| 			cmpPlayer.SetTeam(myTeam === undefined ? -1 : myTeam);
| 146| 146| 		}
| 147| 147| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 328| 328| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsMutualAlly");
| 329| 329| }
| 330| 330| 
| 331|    |-function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player,target)
|    | 331|+function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, target)
| 332| 332| {
| 333| 333| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsNeutral");
| 334| 334| }

|  78| »   »   let·cmpPlayer·=·QueryPlayerIDInterface(i);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'cmpPlayer' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 160| »   »   for·(let·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'i' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  67| »   »   var·entID·=·cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(i);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'entID' is already defined.

|  76| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 138| »   »   »   for·(var·j·=·0;·j·<·numPlayers;·++j)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'j' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-spaces):
|    | Multiple spaces found before 'name'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  15|  15| };
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|    |-	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|    |  18|+	"GetTemplate": (name) => name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|    |-	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|    |  19|+		({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|    |  20|+			"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  21|+		: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | ':' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  20|+		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } }) :
|    |  21|+	({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 0.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  62|  62| });
|  63|  63| Engine.PostMessage = function(id, iid, message)
|  64|  64| {
|  65|    |-TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|    |  65|+	TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|  66|  66| };
|  67|  67| cmpVisionSharing.CheckVisionSharings();
|  68|  68| TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpVisionSharing.shared, new Set([1]));

| 124| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 136| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 157| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·25·*·1000)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 171| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·15·*·1000·*·60·/·48)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 112| 112| TS_ASSERT(cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_3", PLAYER_ENTITY_ID));
| 113| 113| TS_ASSERT(!cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_2", 5));
| 114| 114| 
| 115|    |-//////////////////////////////////////////
|    | 115|+// ////////////////////////////////////////
| 116| 116| // Test that entities keep local modifications but not global ones when changing owner.
| 117| 117| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager, {
| 118| 118| 	"GetPlayerByID": (a) => a == PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST ? PLAYER_ENTITY_ID : PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 129| 129| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 131| 131| 
| 132|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 132|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 129| 129| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 131| 131| 
| 132|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 132|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 129| 129| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 131| 131| 
| 132|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 132|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 131| 131| 
| 132| 132| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
| 136| 136| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 131| 131| 
| 132| 132| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
| 136| 136| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 131| 131| 
| 132| 132| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
| 136| 136| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'entity' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
| 136|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 136|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ "entity": 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 137| 137| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 16);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
| 136|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 136|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, "from": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 137| 137| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 16);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 134| 134| 
| 135| 135| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 25);
| 136|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 136|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "to": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 137| 137| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 5, 10), 16);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| 	let cmpDamage = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Damage");
|  25|  25| 	let cmpTimer = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Timer");
|  26|    |-	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    |  26|+	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
|  27|  27| 	let attacker = 11;
|  28|  28| 	let atkPlayerEntity = 1;
|  29|  29| 	let attackerOwner = 6;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  61|  61| 		"position": targetPos,
|  62|  62| 		"isSplash": false,
|  63|  63| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  64|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  64|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 0,0)
|  65|  65| 	};
|  66|  66| 
|  67|  67| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  61|  61| 		"position": targetPos,
|  62|  62| 		"isSplash": false,
|  63|  63| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  64|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  64|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0, 0)
|  65|  65| 	};
|  66|  66| 
|  67|  67| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 112| 112| 
| 113| 113| 	function TestDamage()
| 114| 114| 	{
| 115|    |-		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    | 115|+		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
| 116| 116| 		TS_ASSERT(damageTaken);
| 117| 117| 		damageTaken = false;
| 118| 118| 	}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 154| 154| 		"origin": origin,
| 155| 155| 		"radius": 10,
| 156| 156| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 157|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 157|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 158| 158| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 159| 159| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 160| 160| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 154| 154| 		"origin": origin,
| 155| 155| 		"radius": 10,
| 156| 156| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 157|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 157|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 158| 158| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 159| 159| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 160| 160| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 161| 161| 		"attackerOwner": attackerOwner
| 162| 162| 	};
| 163| 163| 
| 164|    |-	let fallOff = function(x,y)
|    | 164|+	let fallOff = function(x, y)
| 165| 165| 	{
| 166| 166| 		return (1 - x * x / (data.radius * data.radius)) * (1 - 25 * y * y / (data.radius * data.radius));
| 167| 167| 	};
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 313| 313| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 314| 314| 		"radius": radius,
| 315| 315| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 316|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 316|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 317| 317| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 318| 318| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 319| 319| 		"attackerOwner": 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 313| 313| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 314| 314| 		"radius": radius,
| 315| 315| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 316|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 316|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 317| 317| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 318| 318| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 319| 319| 		"attackerOwner": 1

| 123| »   type·=·data.type·=·"Ranged";
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-assign):
|    | Unexpected chained assignment.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  39|  39| 	for (let key of this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs)
|  40|  40| 	{
|  41|  41| 		let tech = TechnologyTemplates.Get(key);
|  42|    |-		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|  43|    |-			|| ( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    |  42|+		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key)) ||
|    |  43|+			( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|  44|  44| 		{
|  45|  45| 			this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs.delete(key);
|  46|  46| 			this.ResearchTechnology(key);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  50|  50| };
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| // Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
|  53|    |-TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
|    |  53|+TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function(templateName)
|  54|  54| {
|  55|  55| 	var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
|  56|  56| 	var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 168| 168| 		var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
| 169| 169| 		// don't use foundations for the class counts but check if techs apply (e.g. health increase)
| 170| 170| 		if (!Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Foundation))
| 171|    |-		{
|    | 171|+		
| 172| 172| 			for (let cls of classes)
| 173| 173| 			{
| 174| 174| 				this.classCounts[cls] = this.classCounts[cls] || 0;
| 178| 178| 				this.typeCountsByClass[cls][template] = this.typeCountsByClass[cls][template] || 0;
| 179| 179| 				this.typeCountsByClass[cls][template] += 1;
| 180| 180| 			}
| 181|    |-		}
|    | 181|+		
| 182| 182| 	}
| 183| 183| 	if (msg.from == playerID)
| 184| 184| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 227| 227| 	}
| 228| 228| 
| 229| 229| 	if (template.replaces && template.replaces.length > 0)
| 230|    |-	{
|    | 230|+	
| 231| 231| 		for (var i of template.replaces)
| 232| 232| 		{
| 233| 233| 			if (!i || this.IsTechnologyResearched(i))
| 245| 245| 					cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(i);
| 246| 246| 			}
| 247| 247| 		}
| 248|    |-	}
|    | 248|+	
| 249| 249| 
| 250| 250| 	this.UpdateAutoResearch();
| 251| 251| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, { "player": playerID, "tech": tech});
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech });
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 334| 334|  */
| 335| 335| TechnologyManager.prototype.GetResearcher = function(tech)
| 336| 336| {
| 337|    |-	return this.researchQueued.get(tech)
|    | 337|+	return this.researchQueued.get(tech);
| 338| 338| };
| 339| 339| 
| 340| 340| /**

| 125| »   »   »   switch·(type)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 140| »   switch·(entity.check)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  43| »   »   »   ||·(·&&·(this.IsTechnologyResearched(·||·this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.

| 185| »   »   var·cmpTemplateManager·=·Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY,·IID_TemplateManager);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpTemplateManager' is already defined.

| 186| »   »   var·template·=·cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'template' is already defined.

| 191| »   »   »   var·cmpIdentity·=·Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity,·IID_Identity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpIdentity' is already defined.

| 194| »   »   »   »   var·classes·=·cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'classes' is already defined.

| 337| »   return·this.researchQueued.get(tech)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| // Tests if the message is sent when capture points change
|  99|  99| testCapturable(testData, cmpCapturable => {
| 100|    |-	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0 , 1000]);
|    | 100|+	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 101| 101| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints(), [0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 102| 102| 	Engine.PostMessage = function(ent, iid, message)
| 103| 103| 	{

|  24| function·testCapturable(testData,·test_function)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 131| function·testRegen(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut,·regenerating)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 156| function·testDecay(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 175| function·testReduce(testData,·amount,·player,·taken)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  92| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template,·player)·=>·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  44| »   "SetInterval":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·repeattime,·data)·=>·{·timerActivated·=·true;·return·7;·}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }

|  21| »   »   let·template·=·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Melee'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  43|  43| 	});
|  44|  44| 
|  45|  45| 	let cmpAttack = ConstructComponent(attacker, "Attack", {
|  46|    |-		"Melee" : {
|    |  46|+		"Melee": {
|  47|  47| 			"Hack": 11,
|  48|  48| 			"Pierce": 5,
|  49|  49| 			"Crush": 0,
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Ranged'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  63|  63| 				}
|  64|  64| 			}
|  65|  65| 		},
|  66|    |-		"Ranged" : {
|    |  66|+		"Ranged": {
|  67|  67| 			"Hack": 0,
|  68|  68| 			"Pierce": 10,
|  69|  69| 			"Crush": 0,
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Splash'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  82|  82| 			"RestrictedClasses": {
|  83|  83| 				"_string": "Elephant"
|  84|  84| 			},
|  85|    |-			"Splash" : {
|    |  85|+			"Splash": {
|  86|  86| 				"Shape": "Circular",
|  87|  87| 				"Range": 10,
|  88|  88| 				"FriendlyFire": "false",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Capture'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  97|  97| 				}
|  98|  98| 			}
|  99|  99| 		},
| 100|    |-		"Capture" : {
|    | 100|+		"Capture": {
| 101| 101| 			"Value": 8,
| 102| 102| 			"MaxRange": 10,
| 103| 103| 		},
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
| 128| 128| }
| 129| 129| 
| 130| 130| // Validate template getter functions
| 131|    |-attackComponentTest(undefined, true ,(attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
|    | 131|+attackComponentTest(undefined, true,(attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes(), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
| 134| 134| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes([]), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
| 128| 128| }
| 129| 129| 
| 130| 130| // Validate template getter functions
| 131|    |-attackComponentTest(undefined, true ,(attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
|    | 131|+attackComponentTest(undefined, true , (attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes(), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
| 134| 134| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes([]), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-trailing-spaces):
|    | Trailing spaces not allowed.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
| 151| 151| 		"Pierce": 10,
| 152| 152| 		"Crush": 0
| 153| 153| 	});
| 154|    |-	
|    | 154|+
| 155| 155| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackStrengths("Ranged.Splash"), {
| 156| 156| 		"Hack": 0.0,
| 157| 157| 		"Pierce": 15.0,
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 338| 338| 		return;
| 339| 339| 
| 340| 340| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 341|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 341|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 342| 342| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 343| 343| 	});
| 344| 344| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 339| 339| 
| 340| 340| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 341| 341| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 342|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 342|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 343| 343| 	});
| 344| 344| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 345| 345| 	let cmpPlayerManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 369| 369| 		return;
| 370| 370| 
| 371| 371| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 372|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 372|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 373| 373| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 374| 374| 	});
| 375| 375| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 370| 370| 
| 371| 371| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 372| 372| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 373|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 373|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 374| 374| 	});
| 375| 375| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 376| 376| 	let cmpPlayerManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 392| 392| 		return;
| 393| 393| 
| 394| 394| 	// update status bars if this has an icon
| 395|    |-	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) {
|    | 395|+	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) 
| 396| 396| 		for (let ent of validEnts)
| 397| 397| 		{
| 398| 398| 			let cmpStatusBars = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_StatusBars);
| 399| 399| 			if (cmpStatusBars)
| 400| 400| 				cmpStatusBars.AddAuraSource(this.entity, name);
| 401| 401| 		}
| 402|    |-	}
|    | 402|+	
| 403| 403| 
| 404| 404| 	// Global aura modifications are handled at the player level by the modification manager.
| 405| 405| 	if (this.IsGlobalAura(name))
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 408| 408| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 409| 409| 
| 410| 410| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 411|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 411|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 412| 412| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 413| 413| 	});
| 414| 414| 	for (let ent of validEnts)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 409| 409| 
| 410| 410| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 411| 411| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 412|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 412|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 413| 413| 	});
| 414| 414| 	for (let ent of validEnts)
| 415| 415| 		for (let modifierPath in derivedModifiers)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 430| 430| 		return;
| 431| 431| 
| 432| 432| 	// update status bars if this has an icon
| 433|    |-	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) {
|    | 433|+	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) 
| 434| 434| 		for (let ent of validEnts)
| 435| 435| 		{
| 436| 436| 			let cmpStatusBars = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_StatusBars);
| 437| 437| 			if (cmpStatusBars)
| 438| 438| 				cmpStatusBars.RemoveAuraSource(this.entity, name);
| 439| 439| 		}
| 440|    |-	}
|    | 440|+	
| 441| 441| 
| 442| 442| 	// Global aura modifications are handled at the player level by the modification manager.
| 443| 443| 	if (this.IsGlobalAura(name))
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 446| 446| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 447| 447| 
| 448| 448| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 449|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 449|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 450| 450| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 451| 451| 	});
| 452| 452| 	for (let ent of ents)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 447| 447| 
| 448| 448| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 449| 449| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 450|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 450|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 451| 451| 	});
| 452| 452| 	for (let ent of ents)
| 453| 453| 		for (let modifierPath in derivedModifiers)

| 395| »   if·(this.GetOverlayIcon(name))·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (brace-rules/brace-on-same-line):
|    | Opening curly brace appears on the same line as controlling statement.

| 433| »   if·(this.GetOverlayIcon(name))·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (brace-rules/brace-on-same-line):
|    | Opening curly brace appears on the same line as controlling statement.
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 7914.May 5 2019, 7:26 PM

Fix tests as I didn't realise I had broken components test earlier.
I can confirm that this does change hashes, I might be able to fix that with a better simulation of tech's messaging.

Vulcan added a comment.May 5 2019, 7:28 PM

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...
Executing section JS...
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 113| 113| TS_ASSERT(cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_3", PLAYER_ENTITY_ID));
| 114| 114| TS_ASSERT(!cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_2", 5));
| 115| 115| 
| 116|    |-//////////////////////////////////////////
|    | 116|+// ////////////////////////////////////////
| 117| 117| // Test that entities keep local modifications but not global ones when changing owner.
| 118| 118| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager, {
| 119| 119| 	"GetPlayerByID": (a) => a == PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST ? PLAYER_ENTITY_ID : PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'entity' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ "entity": 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, "from": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "to": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-spaces):
|    | Multiple spaces found before 'name'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  15|  15| };
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|    |-	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|    |  18|+	"GetTemplate": (name) => name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|    |-	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|    |  19|+		({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|    |  20|+			"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  21|+		: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | ':' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  20|+		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } }) :
|    |  21|+	({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 0.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  62|  62| });
|  63|  63| Engine.PostMessage = function(id, iid, message)
|  64|  64| {
|  65|    |-TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|    |  65|+	TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|  66|  66| };
|  67|  67| cmpVisionSharing.CheckVisionSharings();
|  68|  68| TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpVisionSharing.shared, new Set([1]));

| 124| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 136| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 157| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·25·*·1000)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 171| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·15·*·1000·*·60·/·48)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Melee'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  43|  43| 	});
|  44|  44| 
|  45|  45| 	let cmpAttack = ConstructComponent(attacker, "Attack", {
|  46|    |-		"Melee" : {
|    |  46|+		"Melee": {
|  47|  47| 			"Hack": 11,
|  48|  48| 			"Pierce": 5,
|  49|  49| 			"Crush": 0,
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Ranged'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  63|  63| 				}
|  64|  64| 			}
|  65|  65| 		},
|  66|    |-		"Ranged" : {
|    |  66|+		"Ranged": {
|  67|  67| 			"Hack": 0,
|  68|  68| 			"Pierce": 10,
|  69|  69| 			"Crush": 0,
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Splash'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  82|  82| 			"RestrictedClasses": {
|  83|  83| 				"_string": "Elephant"
|  84|  84| 			},
|  85|    |-			"Splash" : {
|    |  85|+			"Splash": {
|  86|  86| 				"Shape": "Circular",
|  87|  87| 				"Range": 10,
|  88|  88| 				"FriendlyFire": "false",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'Capture'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|  97|  97| 				}
|  98|  98| 			}
|  99|  99| 		},
| 100|    |-		"Capture" : {
|    | 100|+		"Capture": {
| 101| 101| 			"Value": 8,
| 102| 102| 			"MaxRange": 10,
| 103| 103| 		},
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
| 128| 128| }
| 129| 129| 
| 130| 130| // Validate template getter functions
| 131|    |-attackComponentTest(undefined, true ,(attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
|    | 131|+attackComponentTest(undefined, true,(attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes(), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
| 134| 134| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes([]), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
| 128| 128| }
| 129| 129| 
| 130| 130| // Validate template getter functions
| 131|    |-attackComponentTest(undefined, true ,(attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
|    | 131|+attackComponentTest(undefined, true , (attacker, cmpAttack, defender) => {
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes(), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
| 134| 134| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackTypes([]), ["Melee", "Ranged", "Capture"]);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-trailing-spaces):
|    | Trailing spaces not allowed.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Attack.js
| 151| 151| 		"Pierce": 10,
| 152| 152| 		"Crush": 0
| 153| 153| 	});
| 154|    |-	
|    | 154|+
| 155| 155| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpAttack.GetAttackStrengths("Ranged.Splash"), {
| 156| 156| 		"Hack": 0.0,
| 157| 157| 		"Pierce": 15.0,
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ "player": playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }

|  21| »   »   let·template·=·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 338| 338| 		return;
| 339| 339| 
| 340| 340| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 341|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 341|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 342| 342| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 343| 343| 	});
| 344| 344| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 339| 339| 
| 340| 340| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 341| 341| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 342|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 342|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 343| 343| 	});
| 344| 344| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 345| 345| 	let cmpPlayerManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 369| 369| 		return;
| 370| 370| 
| 371| 371| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 372|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 372|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 373| 373| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 374| 374| 	});
| 375| 375| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 370| 370| 
| 371| 371| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 372| 372| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 373|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 373|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 374| 374| 	});
| 375| 375| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 376| 376| 	let cmpPlayerManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 392| 392| 		return;
| 393| 393| 
| 394| 394| 	// update status bars if this has an icon
| 395|    |-	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) {
|    | 395|+	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) 
| 396| 396| 		for (let ent of validEnts)
| 397| 397| 		{
| 398| 398| 			let cmpStatusBars = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_StatusBars);
| 399| 399| 			if (cmpStatusBars)
| 400| 400| 				cmpStatusBars.AddAuraSource(this.entity, name);
| 401| 401| 		}
| 402|    |-	}
|    | 402|+	
| 403| 403| 
| 404| 404| 	// Global aura modifications are handled at the player level by the modification manager.
| 405| 405| 	if (this.IsGlobalAura(name))
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 408| 408| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 409| 409| 
| 410| 410| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 411|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 411|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 412| 412| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 413| 413| 	});
| 414| 414| 	for (let ent of validEnts)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 409| 409| 
| 410| 410| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 411| 411| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 412|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 412|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 413| 413| 	});
| 414| 414| 	for (let ent of validEnts)
| 415| 415| 		for (let modifierPath in derivedModifiers)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 430| 430| 		return;
| 431| 431| 
| 432| 432| 	// update status bars if this has an icon
| 433|    |-	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) {
|    | 433|+	if (this.GetOverlayIcon(name)) 
| 434| 434| 		for (let ent of validEnts)
| 435| 435| 		{
| 436| 436| 			let cmpStatusBars = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_StatusBars);
| 437| 437| 			if (cmpStatusBars)
| 438| 438| 				cmpStatusBars.RemoveAuraSource(this.entity, name);
| 439| 439| 		}
| 440|    |-	}
|    | 440|+	
| 441| 441| 
| 442| 442| 	// Global aura modifications are handled at the player level by the modification manager.
| 443| 443| 	if (this.IsGlobalAura(name))
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifications' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 446| 446| 	let cmpModificationsManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_ModificationsManager);
| 447| 447| 
| 448| 448| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 449|    |-		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
|    | 449|+		"modifications": this.GetModifications(name),
| 450| 450| 		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
| 451| 451| 	});
| 452| 452| 	for (let ent of ents)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'affects' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Auras.js
| 447| 447| 
| 448| 448| 	let derivedModifiers = DeriveModificationsFromTech({
| 449| 449| 		modifications: this.GetModifications(name),
| 450|    |-		affects: this.GetClasses(name)
|    | 450|+		"affects": this.GetClasses(name)
| 451| 451| 	});
| 452| 452| 	for (let ent of ents)
| 453| 453| 		for (let modifierPath in derivedModifiers)

| 395| »   if·(this.GetOverlayIcon(name))·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (brace-rules/brace-on-same-line):
|    | Opening curly brace appears on the same line as controlling statement.

| 433| »   if·(this.GetOverlayIcon(name))·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (brace-rules/brace-on-same-line):
|    | Opening curly brace appears on the same line as controlling statement.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| 		// Note: this is not yet implemented but I leave it commented to highlight it's easy
|  99|  99| 		// If anyone ever adds handicap.
| 100|    |-		//if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
|    | 100|+		// if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
| 101| 101| 		//	cmpPlayer.SetGatherRateMultiplier(getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier"));
| 102| 102| 
| 103| 103| 		if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "PopulationLimit") !== undefined)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'for' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 136| 136| 
| 137| 137| 			// Set all but self as enemies as SetTeam takes care of allies
| 138| 138| 			for (var j = 0; j < numPlayers; ++j)
| 139|    |-			{
|    | 139|+			
| 140| 140| 				if (i == j)
| 141| 141| 					cmpPlayer.SetAlly(j);
| 142| 142| 				else
| 143| 143| 					cmpPlayer.SetEnemy(j);
| 144|    |-			}
|    | 144|+			
| 145| 145| 			cmpPlayer.SetTeam(myTeam === undefined ? -1 : myTeam);
| 146| 146| 		}
| 147| 147| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 328| 328| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsMutualAlly");
| 329| 329| }
| 330| 330| 
| 331|    |-function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player,target)
|    | 331|+function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, target)
| 332| 332| {
| 333| 333| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsNeutral");
| 334| 334| }

|  78| »   »   let·cmpPlayer·=·QueryPlayerIDInterface(i);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'cmpPlayer' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 160| »   »   for·(let·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'i' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  67| »   »   var·entID·=·cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(i);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'entID' is already defined.

|  76| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 138| »   »   »   for·(var·j·=·0;·j·<·numPlayers;·++j)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'j' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| 	let cmpDamage = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Damage");
|  25|  25| 	let cmpTimer = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Timer");
|  26|    |-	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    |  26|+	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
|  27|  27| 	let attacker = 11;
|  28|  28| 	let atkPlayerEntity = 1;
|  29|  29| 	let attackerOwner = 6;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  61|  61| 		"position": targetPos,
|  62|  62| 		"isSplash": false,
|  63|  63| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  64|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  64|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 0,0)
|  65|  65| 	};
|  66|  66| 
|  67|  67| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  61|  61| 		"position": targetPos,
|  62|  62| 		"isSplash": false,
|  63|  63| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  64|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  64|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0, 0)
|  65|  65| 	};
|  66|  66| 
|  67|  67| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 112| 112| 
| 113| 113| 	function TestDamage()
| 114| 114| 	{
| 115|    |-		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    | 115|+		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
| 116| 116| 		TS_ASSERT(damageTaken);
| 117| 117| 		damageTaken = false;
| 118| 118| 	}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 154| 154| 		"origin": origin,
| 155| 155| 		"radius": 10,
| 156| 156| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 157|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 157|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 158| 158| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 159| 159| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 160| 160| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 154| 154| 		"origin": origin,
| 155| 155| 		"radius": 10,
| 156| 156| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 157|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 157|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 158| 158| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 159| 159| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 160| 160| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 161| 161| 		"attackerOwner": attackerOwner
| 162| 162| 	};
| 163| 163| 
| 164|    |-	let fallOff = function(x,y)
|    | 164|+	let fallOff = function(x, y)
| 165| 165| 	{
| 166| 166| 		return (1 - x * x / (data.radius * data.radius)) * (1 - 25 * y * y / (data.radius * data.radius));
| 167| 167| 	};
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 313| 313| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 314| 314| 		"radius": radius,
| 315| 315| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 316|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 316|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 317| 317| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 318| 318| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 319| 319| 		"attackerOwner": 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 313| 313| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 314| 314| 		"radius": radius,
| 315| 315| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 316|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 316|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 317| 317| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 318| 318| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 319| 319| 		"attackerOwner": 1

| 123| »   type·=·data.type·=·"Ranged";
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-assign):
|    | Unexpected chained assignment.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| // Tests if the message is sent when capture points change
|  99|  99| testCapturable(testData, cmpCapturable => {
| 100|    |-	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0 , 1000]);
|    | 100|+	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 101| 101| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints(), [0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 102| 102| 	Engine.PostMessage = function(ent, iid, message)
| 103| 103| 	{

|  24| function·testCapturable(testData,·test_function)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 131| function·testRegen(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut,·regenerating)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 156| function·testDecay(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 175| function·testReduce(testData,·amount,·player,·taken)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  92| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template,·player)·=>·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  44| »   "SetInterval":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·repeattime,·data)·=>·{·timerActivated·=·true;·return·7;·}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  32|  32| 			continue;
|  33|  33| 		if (propName in this)
|  34|  34| 			continue;
|  35|    |-		this[propName.replace('Item','Modif')] = ((propName) => () => this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage, arguments))(propName);
|    |  35|+		this[propName.replace('Item', 'Modif')] = ((propName) => () => this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage, arguments))(propName);
|  36|  36| 	}
|  37|  37| }
|  38|  38| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  34|  34| 			continue;
|  35|  35| 		this[propName.replace('Item','Modif')] = ((propName) => () => this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage, arguments))(propName);
|  36|  36| 	}
|  37|    |-}
|    |  37|+};
|  38|  38| 
|  39|  39| ModificationsManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
|  40|  40| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'modifsStorage' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  44|  44| 	let players = [];
|  45|  45| 	this.playerEntitiesCached.forEach((_, player) => players.push(player));
|  46|  46| 	return {
|  47|    |-		modifsStorage: this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|    |  47|+		"modifsStorage": this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|  48|  48| 		players: players
|  49|  49| 	};
|  50|  50| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'players' found.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  45|  45| 	this.playerEntitiesCached.forEach((_, player) => players.push(player));
|  46|  46| 	return {
|  47|  47| 		modifsStorage: this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|  48|    |-		players: players
|    |  48|+		"players": players
|  49|  49| 	};
|  50|  50| }
|  51|  51| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  47|  47| 		modifsStorage: this.modifsStorage.Serialize(),
|  48|  48| 		players: players
|  49|  49| 	};
|  50|    |-}
|    |  50|+};
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| ModificationsManager.prototype.Deserialize = function(data)
|  53|  53| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  54|  54| 	this.Init();
|  55|  55| 	this.modifsStorage.Deserialize(data.modifsStorage);
|  56|  56| 	data.players.forEach(player => this.playerEntitiesCached.set(player, new Map()));
|  57|    |-}
|    |  57|+};
|  58|  58| 
|  59|  59| /**
|  60|  60|  * Inform entities that we have changed possibly all values affected by that property.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  70|  70| 		this.SendPlayerModificationMessages(propertyName, cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID());
|  71|  71| 	else
|  72|  72| 		this.SendEntityModificationMessages(propertyName, entity);
|  73|    |-}
|    |  73|+};
|  74|  74| 
|  75|  75| ModificationsManager.prototype.SendEntityModificationMessages = function(propertyName, entity)
|  76|  76| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|  76|  76| {
|  77|  77| 	// TODO: if this is slow, it might be more efficient to keep track of who wants our info and post them directly
|  78|  78| 	Engine.BroadcastMessage(MT_ValueModification, { "entities": [entity], "component": propertyName.split("/")[0], "valueNames": [propertyName] });
|  79|    |-}
|    |  79|+};
|  80|  80| 
|  81|  81| ModificationsManager.prototype.SendPlayerModificationMessages = function(propertyName, player)
|  82|  82| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
| 104| 104| 	let entsMap = this.playerEntitiesCached.get(entity).get(propertyName);
| 105| 105| 	entsMap.forEach(ent => this.cachedValues.get(propertyName).delete(ent));
| 106| 106| 	entsMap.clear();
| 107|    |-}
|    | 107|+};
| 108| 108| 
| 109| 109| ModificationsManager.prototype.InvalidateCache = function(propertyName, entity)
| 110| 110| {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ModificationsManager.js
| 188| 188| 		return undefined;
| 189| 189| 	}
| 190| 190| 
| 191|    |-	let newValue = this.GetCached(propertyName, originalValue, entity)
|    | 191|+	let newValue = this.GetCached(propertyName, originalValue, entity);
| 192| 192| 	if (newValue !== null)
| 193| 193| 		return newValue;
| 194| 194| 

|  35| »   »   this[propName.replace('Item','Modif')]·=·((propName)·=>·()·=>·this.modifsStorage[propName].apply(this.modifsStorage,·arguments))(propName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'propName' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  37| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  50| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  57| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  73| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

|  79| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

| 107| }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.

| 191| »   let·newValue·=·this.GetCached(propertyName,·originalValue,·entity)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  39|  39| 	for (let key of this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs)
|  40|  40| 	{
|  41|  41| 		let tech = TechnologyTemplates.Get(key);
|  42|    |-		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|  43|    |-			|| ( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    |  42|+		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key)) ||
|    |  43|+			( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|  44|  44| 		{
|  45|  45| 			this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs.delete(key);
|  46|  46| 			this.ResearchTechnology(key);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  50|  50| };
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| // Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
|  53|    |-TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
|    |  53|+TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function(templateName)
|  54|  54| {
|  55|  55| 	var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
|  56|  56| 	var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 168| 168| 		var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
| 169| 169| 		// don't use foundations for the class counts but check if techs apply (e.g. health increase)
| 170| 170| 		if (!Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Foundation))
| 171|    |-		{
|    | 171|+		
| 172| 172| 			for (let cls of classes)
| 173| 173| 			{
| 174| 174| 				this.classCounts[cls] = this.classCounts[cls] || 0;
| 178| 178| 				this.typeCountsByClass[cls][template] = this.typeCountsByClass[cls][template] || 0;
| 179| 179| 				this.typeCountsByClass[cls][template] += 1;
| 180| 180| 			}
| 181|    |-		}
|    | 181|+		
| 182| 182| 	}
| 183| 183| 	if (msg.from == playerID)
| 184| 184| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (curly):
|    | Unnecessary { after 'if' condition.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 227| 227| 	}
| 228| 228| 
| 229| 229| 	if (template.replaces && template.replaces.length > 0)
| 230|    |-	{
|    | 230|+	
| 231| 231| 		for (var i of template.replaces)
| 232| 232| 		{
| 233| 233| 			if (!i || this.IsTechnologyResearched(i))
| 245| 245| 					cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(i);
| 246| 246| 			}
| 247| 247| 		}
| 248|    |-	}
|    | 248|+	
| 249| 249| 
| 250| 250| 	this.UpdateAutoResearch();
| 251| 251| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, { "player": playerID, "tech": tech});
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech });
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (semi):
|    | Missing semicolon.
|----|    | /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /mnt/data/jenkins-phabricator/workspace/differential/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 334| 334|  */
| 335| 335| TechnologyManager.prototype.GetResearcher = function(tech)
| 336| 336| {
| 337|    |-	return this.researchQueued.get(tech)
|    | 337|+	return this.researchQueued.get(tech);
| 338| 338| };
| 339| 339| 
| 340| 340| /**

| 125| »   »   »   switch·(type)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 140| »   switch·(entity.check)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  43| »   »   »   ||·(·&&·(this.IsTechnologyResearched(·||·this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.

| 185| »   »   var·cmpTemplateManager·=·Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY,·IID_TemplateManager);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpTemplateManager' is already defined.

| 186| »   »   var·template·=·cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'template' is already defined.

| 191| »   »   »   var·cmpIdentity·=·Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity,·IID_Identity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpIdentity' is already defined.

| 194| »   »   »   »   var·classes·=·cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'classes' is already defined.

| 337| »   return·this.researchQueued.get(tech)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Missing semicolon.
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

Ran some perf tests. It seems the cache itself is fairly efficient, but adding/removing is kinda slow because we need to create objects/maps. Might get better with SM45, might need some C++ boost, overall I think it's fast enough for gameplay.

Stan added inline comments.May 26 2019, 5:47 PM
246 ↗(On Diff #7914)

I guess given the name of the function the comment isn't really useful else it should start with a capital

349 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Could maybe save some cycles by calling player manager in the player loop.

372 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Missing quotes around object properties.

380 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Same as above.


Maybe !this[propName] merged with the other if.

Stan added a comment.May 26 2019, 10:25 PM

Some more comments.


Might want to be efficient in the first place, auras have always been a bottleneck.


merge all three, and invert the first ?







Stan added a comment.May 28 2019, 5:36 PM

Some more comments.

380 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Could maybe save some cycles by calling player manager in the player loop.

417 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Could maybe save some cycles by calling this.GetModifierIdentifier(name) out of the loop.

455 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Could maybe save some cycles by calling this.GetModifierIdentifier(name) out of the loop.

495 ↗(On Diff #7914)



let players = this.playerentities.slice() ?


Quotes around object properties.

Stan added a comment.Jun 15 2019, 11:37 AM

Some more comments, maybe it would be nice to add one test or two in attack.js to show how to use it for test purposes.

411 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Missing quotes here as well :)

433 ↗(On Diff #7914)

add a \n

444 ↗(On Diff #7914)

Shouldn't that be at the top of the function then and the icons removed in the player level function handler ?


Early return; to nuke else.


Can't we guess who is gonna really need to be affected to reduce the amount of entities ? Some kind of filter if you will.


I guess you can merge all three.


Profiling for array.foreach, and standard for, also isn't it bad practice to delete in a foreach loop ?


Should we return null or an empty collection ?


Wouldn't it be better to pass [single value] everywhere to remove that need ?

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 9309.Aug 12 2019, 2:52 PM

Ran some more profiling, this seems comparable with svn. I think it's a tad slower as there's slightly more indirection, but that ought to be irrelevant in cost. MultiKeyMap could be switched to C++ I guess for best performance.

Fix formatting.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

Link to build:

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 9349.Aug 15 2019, 7:16 PM

Clean up some of the weirdness.

Merge D1858 back into this so it's somewhat standalone.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...

|   1| /*·Copyright·(C)·2017·Wildfire·Games.
|    | [NORMAL] LicenseYearBear:
|    | License should have "2019" year instead of "2017"

|  22| class·TestComponentScripts·:·public·CxxTest::TestSuite
|    | [MAJOR] CPPCheckBear (syntaxError):
|    | Code 'classTestComponentScripts:' is invalid C code. Use --std or --language to configure the language.
Executing section JS...
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-spaces):
|    | Multiple spaces found before 'name'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  15|  15| };
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|    |-	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|    |  18|+	"GetTemplate": (name) => name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|    |-	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|    |  19|+		({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|    |  20|+			"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  21|+		: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | ':' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  20|+		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } }) :
|    |  21|+	({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 0.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  62|  62| });
|  63|  63| Engine.PostMessage = function(id, iid, message)
|  64|  64| {
|  65|    |-TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|    |  65|+	TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|  66|  66| };
|  67|  67| cmpVisionSharing.CheckVisionSharings();
|  68|  68| TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpVisionSharing.shared, new Set([1]));

| 124| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 136| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 157| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·25·*·1000)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 171| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·15·*·1000·*·60·/·48)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 113| 113| TS_ASSERT(cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_3", PLAYER_ENTITY_ID));
| 114| 114| TS_ASSERT(!cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_2", 5));
| 115| 115| 
| 116|    |-//////////////////////////////////////////
|    | 116|+// ////////////////////////////////////////
| 117| 117| // Test that entities keep local modifications but not global ones when changing owner.
| 118| 118| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager, {
| 119| 119| 	"GetPlayerByID": (a) => a == PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST ? PLAYER_ENTITY_ID : PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'entity' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ "entity": 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, "from": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "to": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });

|  92| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template,·player)·=>·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  44| »   "SetInterval":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·repeattime,·data)·=>·{·timerActivated·=·true;·return·7;·}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  24|  24| 
|  25|  25| 	let cmpDamage = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Damage");
|  26|  26| 	let cmpTimer = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Timer");
|  27|    |-	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    |  27|+	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
|  28|  28| 	let attacker = 11;
|  29|  29| 	let atkPlayerEntity = 1;
|  30|  30| 	let attackerOwner = 6;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  62|  62| 		"position": targetPos,
|  63|  63| 		"isSplash": false,
|  64|  64| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  65|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  65|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 0,0)
|  66|  66| 	};
|  67|  67| 
|  68|  68| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  62|  62| 		"position": targetPos,
|  63|  63| 		"isSplash": false,
|  64|  64| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  65|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  65|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0, 0)
|  66|  66| 	};
|  67|  67| 
|  68|  68| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 113| 113| 
| 114| 114| 	function TestDamage()
| 115| 115| 	{
| 116|    |-		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    | 116|+		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
| 117| 117| 		TS_ASSERT(damageTaken);
| 118| 118| 		damageTaken = false;
| 119| 119| 	}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 155| 155| 		"origin": origin,
| 156| 156| 		"radius": 10,
| 157| 157| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 158|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 158|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 159| 159| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 160| 160| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 161| 161| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 155| 155| 		"origin": origin,
| 156| 156| 		"radius": 10,
| 157| 157| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 158|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 158|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 159| 159| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 160| 160| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 161| 161| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 162| 162| 		"attackerOwner": attackerOwner
| 163| 163| 	};
| 164| 164| 
| 165|    |-	let fallOff = function(x,y)
|    | 165|+	let fallOff = function(x, y)
| 166| 166| 	{
| 167| 167| 		return (1 - x * x / (data.radius * data.radius)) * (1 - 25 * y * y / (data.radius * data.radius));
| 168| 168| 	};
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 314| 314| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 315| 315| 		"radius": radius,
| 316| 316| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 317|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 317|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 318| 318| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 319| 319| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 320| 320| 		"attackerOwner": 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 314| 314| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 315| 315| 		"radius": radius,
| 316| 316| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 317|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 317|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 318| 318| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 319| 319| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 320| 320| 		"attackerOwner": 1

| 124| »   type·=·data.type·=·"Ranged";
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-assign):
|    | Unexpected chained assignment.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-trailing-spaces):
|    | Trailing spaces not allowed.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|  41|  41| 
|  42|  42| /**
|  43|  43|  * Derives modifications (to be applied to entities) from a given technology.
|  44|    |- * 
|    |  44|+ *
|  45|  45|  * @param {Object} techTemplate - The technology template to derive the modifications from.
|  46|  46|  * @return {Object} containing the relevant modifications.
|  47|  47|  */
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-undef-init):
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to undefined.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
| 219| 219| 
| 220| 220| 	case "all":
| 221| 221| 	{
| 222|    |-		let civPermitted = undefined; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
|    | 222|+		let civPermitted; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
| 223| 223| 		for (let subvalue of value)
| 224| 224| 		{
| 225| 225| 			let newOper = Object.keys(subvalue)[0];

| 229| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 303| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  33| »   »   »   warn("GetTechModifiedProperty:·modification·format·not·recognised :·"·+·uneval(modification));
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | This line contains non-breaking spaces:

| 222| »   »   let·civPermitted·=·undefined;·//·tri-state·(undefined,·false,·or·true)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to 'undefined'.

| 245| »   »   »   »   »   return·false;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 255| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 324| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 330| »   »   »   »   civPermitted·=·true;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|  87|  87| 		// If the elements are still strings, split them by space or by '+'
|  88|  88| 		if (typeof sublist == "string")
|  89|  89| 			sublist = sublist.split(/[+\s]+/);
|  90|    |-		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1)
|  91|    |-		                    || (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|    |  90|+		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1) ||
|    |  91|+		                    (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|  92|  92| 			return true;
|  93|  93| 	}
|  94|  94| 

|  91| »   »   ····················||·(c[0]·!=·"!"·&&·classes.indexOf(c)·!=·-1)))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| 		// Note: this is not yet implemented but I leave it commented to highlight it's easy
|  99|  99| 		// If anyone ever adds handicap.
| 100|    |-		//if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
|    | 100|+		// if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
| 101| 101| 		//	cmpPlayer.SetGatherRateMultiplier(getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier"));
| 102| 102| 
| 103| 103| 		if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "PopulationLimit") !== undefined)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 328| 328| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsMutualAlly");
| 329| 329| }
| 330| 330| 
| 331|    |-function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player,target)
|    | 331|+function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, target)
| 332| 332| {
| 333| 333| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsNeutral");
| 334| 334| }

|  78| »   »   let·cmpPlayer·=·QueryPlayerIDInterface(i);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'cmpPlayer' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 160| »   »   for·(let·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'i' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  67| »   »   var·entID·=·cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(i);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'entID' is already defined.

|  76| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 138| »   »   »   for·(var·j·=·0;·j·<·numPlayers;·++j)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'j' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = { "sin": 0, "cos": 0};
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0 };
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return { "width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth };
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return { "width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'width'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width": 1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width":1, "depth": 1 };
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = { "width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0 };
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 582| 582| 	separation.depth *= this.separationMultiplier.depth;
| 583| 583| 
| 584| 584| 	if (this.columnar)
| 585|    |-		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry","Infantry"];
|    | 585|+		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry", "Infantry"];
| 586| 586| 	else
| 587| 587| 		var sortingClasses = this.sortingClasses.slice();
| 588| 588| 	sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (dot-notation):
|    | ["Unknown"] is better written in dot notation.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types.Unknown.push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 626| 626| 	if (this.columnar)
| 627| 627| 	{
| 628| 628| 		shape = "square";
| 629|    |-		cols = Math.min(count,3);
|    | 629|+		cols = Math.min(count, 3);
| 630| 630| 		shiftRows = false;
| 631| 631| 		centerGap = 0;
| 632| 632| 		sortingOrder = null;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 721| 721| 	// calculating offset distances without a zero average makes no sense, as the formation
| 722| 722| 	// will jump to a different position any time
| 723| 723| 	var avgoffset = Vector2D.average(offsets);
| 724|    |-	offsets.forEach(function (o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
|    | 724|+	offsets.forEach(function(o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
| 725| 725| 
| 726| 726| 	// sort the available places in certain ways
| 727| 727| 	// the places first in the list will contain the heaviest units as defined by the order
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = { "row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'column'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column": offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column };
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var { sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var {sin, cos } = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = { "sin": 0, "cos": 1};
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1 };
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 889| 889| 		cmpOtherFormation.RemoveMembers(otherMembers);
| 890| 890| 		this.AddMembers(otherMembers);
| 891| 891| 		Engine.DestroyEntity(this.twinFormations[i]);
| 892|    |-		this.twinFormations.splice(i,1);
|    | 892|+		this.twinFormations.splice(i, 1);
| 893| 893| 	}
| 894| 894| 	// Switch between column and box if necessary
| 895| 895| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);

| 326| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 413| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 459| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 500| »   »   var·cmpUnitAI·=·Engine.QueryInterface(offset.ent,·IID_UnitAI);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitAI' is already defined.

| 535| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 587| »   »   var·sortingClasses·=·this.sortingClasses.slice();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' is already defined.

| 596| »   for·(var·i·in·active)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 611| »   »   »   types["Unknown"].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | ['Unknown'] is better written in dot notation.

| 651| »   »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·count;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 685| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 687| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·*·2·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'c' is already defined.

| 698| »   »   »   »   »   var·x·=·side·*·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·separation.width;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' is already defined.

| 701| »   »   »   »   »   if·(x·==·0)·//·don't·use·the·center·position·with·a·center·gap
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 703| »   »   »   »   »   x·+=·side·*·centerGap·/·2;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 709| »   »   »   »   offsets.push(new·Vector2D(x·+·r1,·z·+·r2));
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 689| »   »   »   if·(!shiftRows·&&·n·>·left)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 690| »   »   »   »   n·=·left;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 695| »   »   »   »   if·(n%2·==·0)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 705| »   »   »   »   var·column·=·Math.ceil(n/2)·+·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·side;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 715| »   »   »   this.maxColumnsUsed[r]·=·n;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 588| »   sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 593| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·sortingClasses.length;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 594| »   »   types[sortingClasses[i]]·=·[];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 601| »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·sortingClasses.length;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 603| »   »   »   if·(classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c])·>·-1)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 605| »   »   »   »   types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 746| »   »   var·t·=·types[sortingClasses[i-1]];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 851| »   var·cmpUnitMotion·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_UnitMotion);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitMotion' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }

|  21| »   »   let·template·=·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  39|  39| 	for (let key of this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs)
|  40|  40| 	{
|  41|  41| 		let tech = TechnologyTemplates.Get(key);
|  42|    |-		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|  43|    |-			|| ( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    |  42|+		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key)) ||
|    |  43|+			( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|  44|  44| 		{
|  45|  45| 			this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs.delete(key);
|  46|  46| 			this.ResearchTechnology(key);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  50|  50| };
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| // Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
|  53|    |-TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
|    |  53|+TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function(templateName)
|  54|  54| {
|  55|  55| 	var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
|  56|  56| 	var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, { "player": playerID, "tech": tech});
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech });
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**

| 125| »   »   »   switch·(type)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 140| »   switch·(entity.check)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  43| »   »   »   ||·(·&&·(this.IsTechnologyResearched(·||·this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.

| 185| »   »   var·cmpTemplateManager·=·Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY,·IID_TemplateManager);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpTemplateManager' is already defined.

| 186| »   »   var·template·=·cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'template' is already defined.

| 191| »   »   »   var·cmpIdentity·=·Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity,·IID_Identity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpIdentity' is already defined.

| 194| »   »   »   »   var·classes·=·cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'classes' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| // Tests if the message is sent when capture points change
|  99|  99| testCapturable(testData, cmpCapturable => {
| 100|    |-	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0 , 1000]);
|    | 100|+	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 101| 101| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints(), [0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 102| 102| 	Engine.PostMessage = function(ent, iid, message)
| 103| 103| 	{

|  24| function·testCapturable(testData,·test_function)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 131| function·testRegen(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut,·regenerating)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 156| function·testDecay(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 175| function·testReduce(testData,·amount,·player,·taken)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

Stan added inline comments.Aug 15 2019, 7:47 PM
495 ↗(On Diff #7914)


25 ↗(On Diff #9349)

missing / ?

350 ↗(On Diff #9349)

Invalid player check ?

387 ↗(On Diff #9349)

Same here

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 9371.Aug 18 2019, 9:41 AM

Optimised after some profiling. I'm now rather confident that this is generally as fast as SVN, and much faster for global auras.

Also merge D1859 back in.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...

|   1| /*·Copyright·(C)·2017·Wildfire·Games.
|    | [NORMAL] LicenseYearBear:
|    | License should have "2019" year instead of "2017"

|  22| class·TestComponentScripts·:·public·CxxTest::TestSuite
|    | [MAJOR] CPPCheckBear (syntaxError):
|    | Code 'classTestComponentScripts:' is invalid C code. Use --std or --language to configure the language.
Executing section JS...

|  44| »   "SetInterval":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·repeattime,·data)·=>·{·timerActivated·=·true;·return·7;·}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|  87|  87| 		// If the elements are still strings, split them by space or by '+'
|  88|  88| 		if (typeof sublist == "string")
|  89|  89| 			sublist = sublist.split(/[+\s]+/);
|  90|    |-		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1)
|  91|    |-		                    || (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|    |  90|+		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1) ||
|    |  91|+		                    (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|  92|  92| 			return true;
|  93|  93| 	}
|  94|  94| 

|  91| »   »   ····················||·(c[0]·!=·"!"·&&·classes.indexOf(c)·!=·-1)))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = { "sin": 0, "cos": 0};
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0 };
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return { "width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth };
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return { "width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'width'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width": 1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width":1, "depth": 1 };
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = { "width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0 };
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 582| 582| 	separation.depth *= this.separationMultiplier.depth;
| 583| 583| 
| 584| 584| 	if (this.columnar)
| 585|    |-		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry","Infantry"];
|    | 585|+		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry", "Infantry"];
| 586| 586| 	else
| 587| 587| 		var sortingClasses = this.sortingClasses.slice();
| 588| 588| 	sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (dot-notation):
|    | ["Unknown"] is better written in dot notation.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types.Unknown.push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 626| 626| 	if (this.columnar)
| 627| 627| 	{
| 628| 628| 		shape = "square";
| 629|    |-		cols = Math.min(count,3);
|    | 629|+		cols = Math.min(count, 3);
| 630| 630| 		shiftRows = false;
| 631| 631| 		centerGap = 0;
| 632| 632| 		sortingOrder = null;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 721| 721| 	// calculating offset distances without a zero average makes no sense, as the formation
| 722| 722| 	// will jump to a different position any time
| 723| 723| 	var avgoffset = Vector2D.average(offsets);
| 724|    |-	offsets.forEach(function (o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
|    | 724|+	offsets.forEach(function(o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
| 725| 725| 
| 726| 726| 	// sort the available places in certain ways
| 727| 727| 	// the places first in the list will contain the heaviest units as defined by the order
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = { "row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'column'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column": offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column };
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var { sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var {sin, cos } = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = { "sin": 0, "cos": 1};
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1 };
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 889| 889| 		cmpOtherFormation.RemoveMembers(otherMembers);
| 890| 890| 		this.AddMembers(otherMembers);
| 891| 891| 		Engine.DestroyEntity(this.twinFormations[i]);
| 892|    |-		this.twinFormations.splice(i,1);
|    | 892|+		this.twinFormations.splice(i, 1);
| 893| 893| 	}
| 894| 894| 	// Switch between column and box if necessary
| 895| 895| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);

| 326| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 413| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 459| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 500| »   »   var·cmpUnitAI·=·Engine.QueryInterface(offset.ent,·IID_UnitAI);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitAI' is already defined.

| 535| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 587| »   »   var·sortingClasses·=·this.sortingClasses.slice();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' is already defined.

| 596| »   for·(var·i·in·active)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 611| »   »   »   types["Unknown"].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | ['Unknown'] is better written in dot notation.

| 651| »   »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·count;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 685| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 687| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·*·2·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'c' is already defined.

| 698| »   »   »   »   »   var·x·=·side·*·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·separation.width;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' is already defined.

| 701| »   »   »   »   »   if·(x·==·0)·//·don't·use·the·center·position·with·a·center·gap
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 703| »   »   »   »   »   x·+=·side·*·centerGap·/·2;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 709| »   »   »   »   offsets.push(new·Vector2D(x·+·r1,·z·+·r2));
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 689| »   »   »   if·(!shiftRows·&&·n·>·left)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 690| »   »   »   »   n·=·left;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 695| »   »   »   »   if·(n%2·==·0)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 705| »   »   »   »   var·column·=·Math.ceil(n/2)·+·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·side;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 715| »   »   »   this.maxColumnsUsed[r]·=·n;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 588| »   sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 593| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·sortingClasses.length;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 594| »   »   types[sortingClasses[i]]·=·[];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 601| »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·sortingClasses.length;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 603| »   »   »   if·(classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c])·>·-1)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 605| »   »   »   »   types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 746| »   »   var·t·=·types[sortingClasses[i-1]];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 851| »   var·cmpUnitMotion·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_UnitMotion);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitMotion' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-trailing-spaces):
|    | Trailing spaces not allowed.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|  41|  41| 
|  42|  42| /**
|  43|  43|  * Derives modifications (to be applied to entities) from a given technology.
|  44|    |- * 
|    |  44|+ *
|  45|  45|  * @param {Object} techTemplate - The technology template to derive the modifications from.
|  46|  46|  * @return {Object} containing the relevant modifications.
|  47|  47|  */
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-undef-init):
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to undefined.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
| 219| 219| 
| 220| 220| 	case "all":
| 221| 221| 	{
| 222|    |-		let civPermitted = undefined; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
|    | 222|+		let civPermitted; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
| 223| 223| 		for (let subvalue of value)
| 224| 224| 		{
| 225| 225| 			let newOper = Object.keys(subvalue)[0];

| 229| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 303| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  33| »   »   »   warn("GetTechModifiedProperty:·modification·format·not·recognised :·"·+·uneval(modification));
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | This line contains non-breaking spaces:

| 222| »   »   let·civPermitted·=·undefined;·//·tri-state·(undefined,·false,·or·true)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to 'undefined'.

| 245| »   »   »   »   »   return·false;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 255| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 324| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 330| »   »   »   »   civPermitted·=·true;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| // Tests if the message is sent when capture points change
|  99|  99| testCapturable(testData, cmpCapturable => {
| 100|    |-	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0 , 1000]);
|    | 100|+	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 101| 101| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints(), [0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 102| 102| 	Engine.PostMessage = function(ent, iid, message)
| 103| 103| 	{

|  24| function·testCapturable(testData,·test_function)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 131| function·testRegen(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut,·regenerating)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 156| function·testDecay(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 175| function·testReduce(testData,·amount,·player,·taken)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModificationsManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 113| 113| TS_ASSERT(cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_3", PLAYER_ENTITY_ID));
| 114| 114| TS_ASSERT(!cmpModificationsManager.HasModif("Test_C", "Test_C_2", 5));
| 115| 115| 
| 116|    |-//////////////////////////////////////////
|    | 116|+// ////////////////////////////////////////
| 117| 117| // Test that entities keep local modifications but not global ones when changing owner.
| 118| 118| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager, {
| 119| 119| 	"GetPlayerByID": (a) => a == PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST ? PLAYER_ENTITY_ID : PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModificationsManager.AddModif("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'entity' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ "entity": 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, "from": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "to": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  24|  24| 
|  25|  25| 	let cmpDamage = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Damage");
|  26|  26| 	let cmpTimer = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "Timer");
|  27|    |-	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    |  27|+	cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
|  28|  28| 	let attacker = 11;
|  29|  29| 	let atkPlayerEntity = 1;
|  30|  30| 	let attackerOwner = 6;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  62|  62| 		"position": targetPos,
|  63|  63| 		"isSplash": false,
|  64|  64| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  65|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  65|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 0,0)
|  66|  66| 	};
|  67|  67| 
|  68|  68| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|  62|  62| 		"position": targetPos,
|  63|  63| 		"isSplash": false,
|  64|  64| 		"projectileId": 9,
|  65|    |-		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0,0)
|    |  65|+		"direction": new Vector3D(1,0, 0)
|  66|  66| 	};
|  67|  67| 
|  68|  68| 	AddMock(atkPlayerEntity, IID_Player, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'turnLength' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 113| 113| 
| 114| 114| 	function TestDamage()
| 115| 115| 	{
| 116|    |-		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ turnLength: 1 });
|    | 116|+		cmpTimer.OnUpdate({ "turnLength": 1 });
| 117| 117| 		TS_ASSERT(damageTaken);
| 118| 118| 		damageTaken = false;
| 119| 119| 	}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 155| 155| 		"origin": origin,
| 156| 156| 		"radius": 10,
| 157| 157| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 158|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 158|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 159| 159| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 160| 160| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 161| 161| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 155| 155| 		"origin": origin,
| 156| 156| 		"radius": 10,
| 157| 157| 		"shape": "Linear",
| 158|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 158|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 159| 159| 		"direction": new Vector3D(1, 747, 0),
| 160| 160| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 161| 161| 		"type": "Ranged",
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 162| 162| 		"attackerOwner": attackerOwner
| 163| 163| 	};
| 164| 164| 
| 165|    |-	let fallOff = function(x,y)
|    | 165|+	let fallOff = function(x, y)
| 166| 166| 	{
| 167| 167| 		return (1 - x * x / (data.radius * data.radius)) * (1 - 25 * y * y / (data.radius * data.radius));
| 168| 168| 	};
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'hack'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 314| 314| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 315| 315| 		"radius": radius,
| 316| 316| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 317|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 317|+		"strengths": { "hack": 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
| 318| 318| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 319| 319| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 320| 320| 		"attackerOwner": 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Extra space after key 'pierce'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Damage.js
| 314| 314| 		"origin": new Vector2D(3, 4),
| 315| 315| 		"radius": radius,
| 316| 316| 		"shape": "Circular",
| 317|    |-		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce" : 0, "crush": 0 },
|    | 317|+		"strengths": { "hack" : 100, "pierce": 0, "crush": 0 },
| 318| 318| 		"playersToDamage": [2],
| 319| 319| 		"type": "Ranged",
| 320| 320| 		"attackerOwner": 1

| 124| »   type·=·data.type·=·"Ranged";
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-assign):
|    | Unexpected chained assignment.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  39|  39| 	for (let key of this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs)
|  40|  40| 	{
|  41|  41| 		let tech = TechnologyTemplates.Get(key);
|  42|    |-		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|  43|    |-			|| ( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    |  42|+		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key)) ||
|    |  43|+			( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|  44|  44| 		{
|  45|  45| 			this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs.delete(key);
|  46|  46| 			this.ResearchTechnology(key);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  50|  50| };
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| // Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
|  53|    |-TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
|    |  53|+TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function(templateName)
|  54|  54| {
|  55|  55| 	var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
|  56|  56| 	var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, { "player": playerID, "tech": tech});
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech });
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**

| 125| »   »   »   switch·(type)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 140| »   switch·(entity.check)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  43| »   »   »   ||·(·&&·(this.IsTechnologyResearched(·||·this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.

| 185| »   »   var·cmpTemplateManager·=·Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY,·IID_TemplateManager);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpTemplateManager' is already defined.

| 186| »   »   var·template·=·cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'template' is already defined.

| 191| »   »   »   var·cmpIdentity·=·Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity,·IID_Identity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpIdentity' is already defined.

| 194| »   »   »   »   var·classes·=·cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'classes' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-spaces):
|    | Multiple spaces found before 'name'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  15|  15| };
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|    |-	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|    |  18|+	"GetTemplate": (name) => name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|    |-	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|    |  19|+		({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|    |  20|+			"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  21|+		: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | ':' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  20|+		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } }) :
|    |  21|+	({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 0.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  62|  62| });
|  63|  63| Engine.PostMessage = function(id, iid, message)
|  64|  64| {
|  65|    |-TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|    |  65|+	TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|  66|  66| };
|  67|  67| cmpVisionSharing.CheckVisionSharings();
|  68|  68| TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpVisionSharing.shared, new Set([1]));

| 124| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 136| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template)·=>·curValue
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 157| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·25·*·1000)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 171| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·15·*·1000·*·60·/·48)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  92| »   "ApplyModificationsTemplate":·(valueName,·curValue,·template,·player)·=>·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| 		// Note: this is not yet implemented but I leave it commented to highlight it's easy
|  99|  99| 		// If anyone ever adds handicap.
| 100|    |-		//if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
|    | 100|+		// if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
| 101| 101| 		//	cmpPlayer.SetGatherRateMultiplier(getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier"));
| 102| 102| 
| 103| 103| 		if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "PopulationLimit") !== undefined)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 328| 328| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsMutualAlly");
| 329| 329| }
| 330| 330| 
| 331|    |-function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player,target)
|    | 331|+function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, target)
| 332| 332| {
| 333| 333| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsNeutral");
| 334| 334| }

|  78| »   »   let·cmpPlayer·=·QueryPlayerIDInterface(i);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'cmpPlayer' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 160| »   »   for·(let·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'i' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  67| »   »   var·entID·=·cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(i);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'entID' is already defined.

|  76| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 138| »   »   »   for·(var·j·=·0;·j·<·numPlayers;·++j)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'j' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModificationsManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModificationsManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModificationsManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }

|  21| »   »   let·template·=·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

Stan added inline comments.Aug 18 2019, 11:54 AM
33 ↗(On Diff #9371)

Something wrong here ?

39 ↗(On Diff #9371)

Ternary ?

25 ↗(On Diff #9349)

So it it will be aura/aura_name15 ?

223 ↗(On Diff #9371)

Can't that last parameter be checked directly in the function ?

406 ↗(On Diff #9371)

Shouldn't there be braces ?

445 ↗(On Diff #9371)

braces too.


Can't you just do :

let players = this.playerEntitiesCached

Or use


Seems a bit weird at first read isn't it ?

elexis added inline comments.Aug 18 2019, 6:59 PM

(Wondering if one could avoid object construction by somehow creating the message objects to be sent directly instead of using an intermediary object array)


Sounds unneeded if it could also call the functions of that variable directly. Might even help with performance.

wraitii added inline comments.Aug 18 2019, 7:05 PM

It becomes cumbersome to write cmpModificationsManager.modifsStorage.AddItem, but I guess not more so than cmpModificationsManager.addModification, which is why I went with cmpModificationsManager.addModif

Perhaps I should just merge this back with MultiKeyMap.

From profiling, having an intermediary function changes nothing measurable.

wraitii added inline comments.Aug 24 2019, 8:15 AM

This ValueModification message is quite slow too, since the "component" filter means we always send it redundantly to at least 8/9 times too many components, which is rather slow.

I think we're reaching a hard limit of our current messaging system and I think we'll just have to improve it to really improve things.

wraitii added inline comments.Aug 24 2019, 8:27 AM
33 ↗(On Diff #9371)

Think I had a non-breaking space there.

406 ↗(On Diff #9371)

For is just one operation, no need for braces.


Map() isn't behaving nicely.


it's much faster than the alternative.

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 9465.Aug 24 2019, 9:01 AM

Rename ModificationsManger to ModifiersManager, and appropriately use Modifier instead of Modification in places.

The reason for this change is that:

  • a modification is a change in values
  • a modifier is the thing holding the modification.

'modifier' is shorter/less complex and thus easier to read than 'modification', which is nice.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...

|   1| /*·Copyright·(C)·2017·Wildfire·Games.
|    | [NORMAL] LicenseYearBear:
|    | License should have "2019" year instead of "2017"

|  22| class·TestComponentScripts·:·public·CxxTest::TestSuite
|    | [MAJOR] CPPCheckBear (syntaxError):
|    | Code 'classTestComponentScripts:' is invalid C code. Use --std or --language to configure the language.
Executing section JS...

|  92| »   "ApplyTemplateModifiers":·(valueName,·curValue,·template,·player)·=>·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }

|  21| »   »   let·template·=·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|  87|  87| 		// If the elements are still strings, split them by space or by '+'
|  88|  88| 		if (typeof sublist == "string")
|  89|  89| 			sublist = sublist.split(/[+\s]+/);
|  90|    |-		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1)
|  91|    |-		                    || (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|    |  90|+		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1) ||
|    |  91|+		                    (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|  92|  92| 			return true;
|  93|  93| 	}
|  94|  94| 

|  91| »   »   ····················||·(c[0]·!=·"!"·&&·classes.indexOf(c)·!=·-1)))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModifiersManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModifiersManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModifiersManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 113| 113| TS_ASSERT(cmpModifiersManager.HasModifier("Test_C", "Test_C_3", PLAYER_ENTITY_ID));
| 114| 114| TS_ASSERT(!cmpModifiersManager.HasModifier("Test_C", "Test_C_2", 5));
| 115| 115| 
| 116|    |-//////////////////////////////////////////
|    | 116|+// ////////////////////////////////////////
| 117| 117| // Test that entities keep local modifications but not global ones when changing owner.
| 118| 118| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager, {
| 119| 119| 	"GetPlayerByID": (a) => a == PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST ? PLAYER_ENTITY_ID : PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'entity' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ "entity": 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, "from": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "to": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-spaces):
|    | Multiple spaces found before 'name'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  15|  15| };
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|    |-	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|    |  18|+	"GetTemplate": (name) => name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|    |-	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|    |  19|+		({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|    |  20|+			"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  21|+		: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | ':' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  20|+		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } }) :
|    |  21|+	({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 0.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  62|  62| });
|  63|  63| Engine.PostMessage = function(id, iid, message)
|  64|  64| {
|  65|    |-TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|    |  65|+	TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|  66|  66| };
|  67|  67| cmpVisionSharing.CheckVisionSharings();
|  68|  68| TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpVisionSharing.shared, new Set([1]));

| 157| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·25·*·1000)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 171| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·15·*·1000·*·60·/·48)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| 		// Note: this is not yet implemented but I leave it commented to highlight it's easy
|  99|  99| 		// If anyone ever adds handicap.
| 100|    |-		//if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
|    | 100|+		// if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
| 101| 101| 		//	cmpPlayer.SetGatherRateMultiplier(getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier"));
| 102| 102| 
| 103| 103| 		if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "PopulationLimit") !== undefined)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 328| 328| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsMutualAlly");
| 329| 329| }
| 330| 330| 
| 331|    |-function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player,target)
|    | 331|+function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, target)
| 332| 332| {
| 333| 333| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsNeutral");
| 334| 334| }

|  78| »   »   let·cmpPlayer·=·QueryPlayerIDInterface(i);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'cmpPlayer' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 160| »   »   for·(let·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'i' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  67| »   »   var·entID·=·cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(i);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'entID' is already defined.

|  76| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 138| »   »   »   for·(var·j·=·0;·j·<·numPlayers;·++j)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'j' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  39|  39| 	for (let key of this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs)
|  40|  40| 	{
|  41|  41| 		let tech = TechnologyTemplates.Get(key);
|  42|    |-		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|  43|    |-			|| ( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    |  42|+		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key)) ||
|    |  43|+			( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|  44|  44| 		{
|  45|  45| 			this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs.delete(key);
|  46|  46| 			this.ResearchTechnology(key);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  50|  50| };
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| // Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
|  53|    |-TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
|    |  53|+TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function(templateName)
|  54|  54| {
|  55|  55| 	var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
|  56|  56| 	var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, { "player": playerID, "tech": tech});
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech });
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**

| 125| »   »   »   switch·(type)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 140| »   switch·(entity.check)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  43| »   »   »   ||·(·&&·(this.IsTechnologyResearched(·||·this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.

| 185| »   »   var·cmpTemplateManager·=·Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY,·IID_TemplateManager);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpTemplateManager' is already defined.

| 186| »   »   var·template·=·cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'template' is already defined.

| 191| »   »   »   var·cmpIdentity·=·Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity,·IID_Identity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpIdentity' is already defined.

| 194| »   »   »   »   var·classes·=·cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'classes' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| // Tests if the message is sent when capture points change
|  99|  99| testCapturable(testData, cmpCapturable => {
| 100|    |-	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0 , 1000]);
|    | 100|+	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 101| 101| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints(), [0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 102| 102| 	Engine.PostMessage = function(ent, iid, message)
| 103| 103| 	{

|  24| function·testCapturable(testData,·test_function)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 131| function·testRegen(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut,·regenerating)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 156| function·testDecay(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 175| function·testReduce(testData,·amount,·player,·taken)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = { "sin": 0, "cos": 0};
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0 };
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return { "width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth };
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return { "width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'width'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width": 1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width":1, "depth": 1 };
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = { "width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0 };
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 582| 582| 	separation.depth *= this.separationMultiplier.depth;
| 583| 583| 
| 584| 584| 	if (this.columnar)
| 585|    |-		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry","Infantry"];
|    | 585|+		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry", "Infantry"];
| 586| 586| 	else
| 587| 587| 		var sortingClasses = this.sortingClasses.slice();
| 588| 588| 	sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (dot-notation):
|    | ["Unknown"] is better written in dot notation.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types.Unknown.push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 626| 626| 	if (this.columnar)
| 627| 627| 	{
| 628| 628| 		shape = "square";
| 629|    |-		cols = Math.min(count,3);
|    | 629|+		cols = Math.min(count, 3);
| 630| 630| 		shiftRows = false;
| 631| 631| 		centerGap = 0;
| 632| 632| 		sortingOrder = null;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 721| 721| 	// calculating offset distances without a zero average makes no sense, as the formation
| 722| 722| 	// will jump to a different position any time
| 723| 723| 	var avgoffset = Vector2D.average(offsets);
| 724|    |-	offsets.forEach(function (o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
|    | 724|+	offsets.forEach(function(o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
| 725| 725| 
| 726| 726| 	// sort the available places in certain ways
| 727| 727| 	// the places first in the list will contain the heaviest units as defined by the order
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = { "row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'column'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column": offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column };
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var { sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var {sin, cos } = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = { "sin": 0, "cos": 1};
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1 };
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 889| 889| 		cmpOtherFormation.RemoveMembers(otherMembers);
| 890| 890| 		this.AddMembers(otherMembers);
| 891| 891| 		Engine.DestroyEntity(this.twinFormations[i]);
| 892|    |-		this.twinFormations.splice(i,1);
|    | 892|+		this.twinFormations.splice(i, 1);
| 893| 893| 	}
| 894| 894| 	// Switch between column and box if necessary
| 895| 895| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);

| 326| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 413| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 459| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 500| »   »   var·cmpUnitAI·=·Engine.QueryInterface(offset.ent,·IID_UnitAI);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitAI' is already defined.

| 535| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 587| »   »   var·sortingClasses·=·this.sortingClasses.slice();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' is already defined.

| 596| »   for·(var·i·in·active)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 611| »   »   »   types["Unknown"].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | ['Unknown'] is better written in dot notation.

| 651| »   »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·count;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 685| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 687| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·*·2·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'c' is already defined.

| 698| »   »   »   »   »   var·x·=·side·*·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·separation.width;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' is already defined.

| 701| »   »   »   »   »   if·(x·==·0)·//·don't·use·the·center·position·with·a·center·gap
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 703| »   »   »   »   »   x·+=·side·*·centerGap·/·2;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 709| »   »   »   »   offsets.push(new·Vector2D(x·+·r1,·z·+·r2));
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 689| »   »   »   if·(!shiftRows·&&·n·>·left)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 690| »   »   »   »   n·=·left;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 695| »   »   »   »   if·(n%2·==·0)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 705| »   »   »   »   var·column·=·Math.ceil(n/2)·+·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·side;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 715| »   »   »   this.maxColumnsUsed[r]·=·n;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 588| »   sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 593| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·sortingClasses.length;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 594| »   »   types[sortingClasses[i]]·=·[];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 601| »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·sortingClasses.length;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 603| »   »   »   if·(classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c])·>·-1)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 605| »   »   »   »   types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 746| »   »   var·t·=·types[sortingClasses[i-1]];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 851| »   var·cmpUnitMotion·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_UnitMotion);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitMotion' is already defined.

|  46| »   "SetInterval":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·repeattime,·data)·=>·{·timerActivated·=·true;·return·7;·}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-trailing-spaces):
|    | Trailing spaces not allowed.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|  41|  41| 
|  42|  42| /**
|  43|  43|  * Derives modifications (to be applied to entities) from a given technology.
|  44|    |- * 
|    |  44|+ *
|  45|  45|  * @param {Object} techTemplate - The technology template to derive the modifications from.
|  46|  46|  * @return {Object} containing the relevant modifications.
|  47|  47|  */
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-undef-init):
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to undefined.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
| 219| 219| 
| 220| 220| 	case "all":
| 221| 221| 	{
| 222|    |-		let civPermitted = undefined; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
|    | 222|+		let civPermitted; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
| 223| 223| 		for (let subvalue of value)
| 224| 224| 		{
| 225| 225| 			let newOper = Object.keys(subvalue)[0];

| 229| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 303| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 222| »   »   let·civPermitted·=·undefined;·//·tri-state·(undefined,·false,·or·true)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to 'undefined'.

| 245| »   »   »   »   »   return·false;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 255| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 324| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 330| »   »   »   »   civPermitted·=·true;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

wraitii updated this revision to Diff 9466.Aug 24 2019, 9:07 AM

Forgot to revert the ApplyAura skipModifications parameter change, I like it more this way.

Did a few rejoin tests and things are working.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...

|   1| /*·Copyright·(C)·2017·Wildfire·Games.
|    | [NORMAL] LicenseYearBear:
|    | License should have "2019" year instead of "2017"

|  22| class·TestComponentScripts·:·public·CxxTest::TestSuite
|    | [MAJOR] CPPCheckBear (syntaxError):
|    | Code 'classTestComponentScripts:' is invalid C code. Use --std or --language to configure the language.
Executing section JS...
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Templates.js
|  87|  87| 		// If the elements are still strings, split them by space or by '+'
|  88|  88| 		if (typeof sublist == "string")
|  89|  89| 			sublist = sublist.split(/[+\s]+/);
|  90|    |-		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1)
|  91|    |-		                    || (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|    |  90|+		if (sublist.every(c => (c[0] == "!" && classes.indexOf(c.substr(1)) == -1) ||
|    |  91|+		                    (c[0] != "!" && classes.indexOf(c) != -1)))
|  92|  92| 			return true;
|  93|  93| 	}
|  94|  94| 

|  91| »   »   ····················||·(c[0]·!=·"!"·&&·classes.indexOf(c)·!=·-1)))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.

|  92| »   "ApplyTemplateModifiers":·(valueName,·curValue,·template,·player)·=>·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  46| »   "SetInterval":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·repeattime,·data)·=>·{·timerActivated·=·true;·return·7;·}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = { "sin": 0, "cos": 0};
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 119| 119| 	this.formationMembersWithAura = []; // Members with a formation aura
| 120| 120| 	this.width = 0;
| 121| 121| 	this.depth = 0;
| 122|    |-	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0};
|    | 122|+	this.oldOrientation = {"sin": 0, "cos": 0 };
| 123| 123| 	this.twinFormations = [];
| 124| 124| 	// distance from which two twin formations will merge into one.
| 125| 125| 	this.formationSeparation = 0;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return { "width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 137| 137| 
| 138| 138| Formation.prototype.GetSize = function()
| 139| 139| {
| 140|    |-	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth};
|    | 140|+	return {"width": this.width, "depth": this.depth };
| 141| 141| };
| 142| 142| 
| 143| 143| Formation.prototype.GetSpeedMultiplier = function()
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return { "width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'width'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width": 1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 554| 554| 			footprints.push(cmpFootprint.GetShape());
| 555| 555| 	}
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557|    |-		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
|    | 557|+		return {"width":1, "depth": 1 };
| 558| 558| 
| 559| 559| 	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = { "width": 0, "depth": 0};
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 556| 556| 	if (!footprints.length)
| 557| 557| 		return {"width":1, "depth": 1};
| 558| 558| 
| 559|    |-	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0};
|    | 559|+	var r = {"width": 0, "depth": 0 };
| 560| 560| 	for (var shape of footprints)
| 561| 561| 	{
| 562| 562| 		if (shape.type == "circle")
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 582| 582| 	separation.depth *= this.separationMultiplier.depth;
| 583| 583| 
| 584| 584| 	if (this.columnar)
| 585|    |-		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry","Infantry"];
|    | 585|+		var sortingClasses = ["Cavalry", "Infantry"];
| 586| 586| 	else
| 587| 587| 		var sortingClasses = this.sortingClasses.slice();
| 588| 588| 	sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 602| 602| 		{
| 603| 603| 			if (classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c]) > -1)
| 604| 604| 			{
| 605|    |-				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 605|+				types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 606| 606| 				done = true;
| 607| 607| 				break;
| 608| 608| 			}
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (dot-notation):
|    | ["Unknown"] is better written in dot notation.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types.Unknown.push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({ "ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 608| 608| 			}
| 609| 609| 		}
| 610| 610| 		if (!done)
| 611|    |-			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i]});
|    | 611|+			types["Unknown"].push({"ent": active[i], "pos": positions[i] });
| 612| 612| 	}
| 613| 613| 
| 614| 614| 	var count = active.length;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 626| 626| 	if (this.columnar)
| 627| 627| 	{
| 628| 628| 		shape = "square";
| 629|    |-		cols = Math.min(count,3);
|    | 629|+		cols = Math.min(count, 3);
| 630| 630| 		shiftRows = false;
| 631| 631| 		centerGap = 0;
| 632| 632| 		sortingOrder = null;
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 721| 721| 	// calculating offset distances without a zero average makes no sense, as the formation
| 722| 722| 	// will jump to a different position any time
| 723| 723| 	var avgoffset = Vector2D.average(offsets);
| 724|    |-	offsets.forEach(function (o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
|    | 724|+	offsets.forEach(function(o) {o.sub(avgoffset);});
| 725| 725| 
| 726| 726| 	// sort the available places in certain ways
| 727| 727| 	// the places first in the list will contain the heaviest units as defined by the order
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = { "row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (key-spacing):
|    | Missing space before value for key 'column'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column": offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 780| 780| 			closestOffsetId = i;
| 781| 781| 		}
| 782| 782| 	}
| 783|    |-	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column};
|    | 783|+	this.memberPositions[entPos.ent] = {"row": offsets[closestOffsetId].row, "column":offsets[closestOffsetId].column };
| 784| 784| 	return closestOffsetId;
| 785| 785| };
| 786| 786| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var { sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 790| 790| Formation.prototype.GetRealOffsetPositions = function(offsets, pos)
| 791| 791| {
| 792| 792| 	var offsetPositions = [];
| 793|    |-	var {sin, cos} = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
|    | 793|+	var {sin, cos } = this.GetEstimatedOrientation(pos);
| 794| 794| 	// calculate the world positions
| 795| 795| 	for (var o of offsets)
| 796| 796| 		offsetPositions.push(new Vector2D(pos.x + o.y * sin + o.x * cos, pos.y + o.y * cos - o.x * sin));
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = { "sin": 0, "cos": 1};
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 807| 807| Formation.prototype.GetEstimatedOrientation = function(pos)
| 808| 808| {
| 809| 809| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);
| 810|    |-	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1};
|    | 810|+	var r = {"sin": 0, "cos": 1 };
| 811| 811| 	var unitAIState = cmpUnitAI.GetCurrentState();
| 813| 813| 	{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Formation.js
| 889| 889| 		cmpOtherFormation.RemoveMembers(otherMembers);
| 890| 890| 		this.AddMembers(otherMembers);
| 891| 891| 		Engine.DestroyEntity(this.twinFormations[i]);
| 892|    |-		this.twinFormations.splice(i,1);
|    | 892|+		this.twinFormations.splice(i, 1);
| 893| 893| 	}
| 894| 894| 	// Switch between column and box if necessary
| 895| 895| 	var cmpUnitAI = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_UnitAI);

| 326| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 413| »   for·(var·ent·of·this.formationMembersWithAura)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'ent' is already defined.

| 459| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 500| »   »   var·cmpUnitAI·=·Engine.QueryInterface(offset.ent,·IID_UnitAI);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitAI' is already defined.

| 535| »   var·cmpPosition·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_Position);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpPosition' is already defined.

| 587| »   »   var·sortingClasses·=·this.sortingClasses.slice();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' is already defined.

| 596| »   for·(var·i·in·active)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 611| »   »   »   types["Unknown"].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | ['Unknown'] is better written in dot notation.

| 651| »   »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·count;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 685| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 687| »   »   »   »   »   var·n·=·r·*·2·+·1;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' is already defined.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'c' is already defined.

| 698| »   »   »   »   »   var·x·=·side·*·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·separation.width;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' is already defined.

| 701| »   »   »   »   »   if·(x·==·0)·//·don't·use·the·center·position·with·a·center·gap
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 703| »   »   »   »   »   x·+=·side·*·centerGap·/·2;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 709| »   »   »   »   offsets.push(new·Vector2D(x·+·r1,·z·+·r2));
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'x' used out of scope.

| 689| »   »   »   if·(!shiftRows·&&·n·>·left)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 690| »   »   »   »   n·=·left;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 691| »   »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·n·&&·left·>·0;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 695| »   »   »   »   if·(n%2·==·0)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 705| »   »   »   »   var·column·=·Math.ceil(n/2)·+·Math.ceil(c/2)·*·side;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 715| »   »   »   this.maxColumnsUsed[r]·=·n;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'n' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 588| »   sortingClasses.push("Unknown");
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 593| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·sortingClasses.length;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 594| »   »   types[sortingClasses[i]]·=·[];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 601| »   »   for·(var·c·=·0;·c·<·sortingClasses.length;·++c)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 603| »   »   »   if·(classes.indexOf(sortingClasses[c])·>·-1)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 605| »   »   »   »   types[sortingClasses[c]].push({"ent":·active[i],·"pos":·positions[i]});
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 744| »   for·(var·i·=·sortingClasses.length;·i;·--i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 746| »   »   var·t·=·types[sortingClasses[i-1]];
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'sortingClasses' used out of scope.

| 851| »   var·cmpUnitMotion·=·Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity,·IID_UnitMotion);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpUnitMotion' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-trailing-spaces):
|    | Trailing spaces not allowed.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|  41|  41| 
|  42|  42| /**
|  43|  43|  * Derives modifications (to be applied to entities) from a given technology.
|  44|    |- * 
|    |  44|+ *
|  45|  45|  * @param {Object} techTemplate - The technology template to derive the modifications from.
|  46|  46|  * @return {Object} containing the relevant modifications.
|  47|  47|  */
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-undef-init):
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to undefined.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/globalscripts/Technologies.js
| 219| 219| 
| 220| 220| 	case "all":
| 221| 221| 	{
| 222|    |-		let civPermitted = undefined; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
|    | 222|+		let civPermitted; // tri-state (undefined, false, or true)
| 223| 223| 		for (let subvalue of value)
| 224| 224| 		{
| 225| 225| 			let newOper = Object.keys(subvalue)[0];

| 229| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 303| »   »   »   switch·(newOper)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 222| »   »   let·civPermitted·=·undefined;·//·tri-state·(undefined,·false,·or·true)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | It's not necessary to initialize 'civPermitted' to 'undefined'.

| 245| »   »   »   »   »   return·false;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 255| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 324| »   »   »   »   }
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.

| 330| »   »   »   »   civPermitted·=·true;
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | There should be no space before ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Capturable.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| // Tests if the message is sent when capture points change
|  99|  99| testCapturable(testData, cmpCapturable => {
| 100|    |-	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0 , 1000]);
|    | 100|+	cmpCapturable.SetCapturePoints([0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 101| 101| 	TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpCapturable.GetCapturePoints(), [0, 2000, 0, 1000]);
| 102| 102| 	Engine.PostMessage = function(ent, iid, message)
| 103| 103| 	{

|  24| function·testCapturable(testData,·test_function)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 131| function·testRegen(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut,·regenerating)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 156| function·testDecay(testData,·cpIn,·cpOut)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 175| function·testReduce(testData,·amount,·player,·taken)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'testData' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModifiersManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModifiersManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|  50|  50| 	cmpModifiersManager.Deserialize(data);
|  51|  51| }
|  52|  52| 
|  53|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    |  53|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|  54|  54| 
|  55|  55| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_A", "Test_A_0", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 10 }, 10, "testLol");
|  56|  56| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 113| 113| TS_ASSERT(cmpModifiersManager.HasModifier("Test_C", "Test_C_3", PLAYER_ENTITY_ID));
| 114| 114| TS_ASSERT(!cmpModifiersManager.HasModifier("Test_C", "Test_C_2", 5));
| 115| 115| 
| 116|    |-//////////////////////////////////////////
|    | 116|+// ////////////////////////////////////////
| 117| 117| // Test that entities keep local modifications but not global ones when changing owner.
| 118| 118| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_PlayerManager, {
| 119| 119| 	"GetPlayerByID": (a) => a == PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST ? PLAYER_ENTITY_ID : PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 130| 130| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_1", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 1 }, PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1);
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
|    | 133|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, "from": -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 131| 131| cmpModifiersManager.AddModifier("Test_D", "Test_D_2", { "affects": ["Structure"], "add": 5 }, 5);
| 132| 132| 
| 133| 133| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID });
| 134|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
|    | 134|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, "to": PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137| 137| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'entity' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ "entity": 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, "from": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_ModificationsManager.js
| 134| 134| cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1, from: -1, to: PLAYER_ENTITY_ID + 1 });
| 135| 135| 
| 136| 136| TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("Test_D", 10, 5), 25);
| 137|    |-cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, to: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
|    | 137|+cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged({ entity: 5, from: PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST, "to": PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1 });
| 138| 138| AddMock(5, IID_Ownership, {
| 139| 139| 	"GetOwner": () => PLAYER_ID_FOR_TEST + 1
| 140| 140| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-multi-spaces):
|    | Multiple spaces found before 'name'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  15|  15| };
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|    |-	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|    |  18|+	"GetTemplate": (name) => name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  16|  16| 
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|    |-	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|    |  19|+		({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 3 tabs but found 2.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|    |  20|+			"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|  21| 	: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 2 tabs but found 1.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|  20| 		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  21|+		: ({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | ':' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  17|  17| AddMock(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager, {
|  18|  18| 	"GetTemplate": (name) =>  name == "special/spy" ?
|  19|  19| 	({ "Cost": { "Resources": { "wood": 1000 } },
|  20|    |-		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } })
|  21|    |-	: ({})
|    |  20|+		"VisionSharing": { "Duration": 15 } }) :
|    |  21|+	({})
|  22|  22| });
|  23|  23| 
|  24|  24| AddMock(ent, IID_GarrisonHolder, {
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (indent):
|    | Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 0.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_VisionSharing.js
|  62|  62| });
|  63|  63| Engine.PostMessage = function(id, iid, message)
|  64|  64| {
|  65|    |-TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|    |  65|+	TS_ASSERT(false); // One doesn't send message
|  66|  66| };
|  67|  67| cmpVisionSharing.CheckVisionSharings();
|  68|  68| TS_ASSERT_UNEVAL_EQUALS(cmpVisionSharing.shared, new Set([1]));

| 157| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·25·*·1000)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 171| »   "SetTimeout":·(ent,·iid,·funcname,·time,·data)·=>·TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(time,·15·*·1000·*·60·/·48)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'ent' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (operator-linebreak):
|    | '||' should be placed at the end of the line.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  39|  39| 	for (let key of this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs)
|  40|  40| 	{
|  41|  41| 		let tech = TechnologyTemplates.Get(key);
|  42|    |-		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|  43|    |-			|| ( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    |  42|+		if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key)) ||
|    |  43|+			( && (this.IsTechnologyResearched( || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|  44|  44| 		{
|  45|  45| 			this.unresearchedAutoResearchTechs.delete(key);
|  46|  46| 			this.ResearchTechnology(key);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (space-before-function-paren):
|    | Unexpected space before function parentheses.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|  50|  50| };
|  51|  51| 
|  52|  52| // Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
|  53|    |-TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
|    |  53|+TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function(templateName)
|  54|  54| {
|  55|  55| 	var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
|  56|  56| 	var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required after '{'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, { "player": playerID, "tech": tech});
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (object-curly-spacing):
|    | A space is required before '}'.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TechnologyManager.js
| 263| 263| 		cmpPlayerEntityLimits.UpdateLimitsFromTech(tech);
| 264| 264| 
| 265| 265| 	// always send research finished message
| 266|    |-	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
|    | 266|+	Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResearchFinished, {"player": playerID, "tech": tech });
| 267| 267| };
| 268| 268| 
| 269| 269| /**

| 125| »   »   »   switch·(type)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

| 140| »   switch·(entity.check)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (default-case):
|    | Expected a default case.

|  43| »   »   »   ||·(·&&·(this.IsTechnologyResearched(·||·this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | Misleading line break before '||'; readers may interpret this as an expression boundary.

| 185| »   »   var·cmpTemplateManager·=·Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY,·IID_TemplateManager);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpTemplateManager' is already defined.

| 186| »   »   var·template·=·cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'template' is already defined.

| 191| »   »   »   var·cmpIdentity·=·Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity,·IID_Identity);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'cmpIdentity' is already defined.

| 194| »   »   »   »   var·classes·=·cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'classes' is already defined.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  91|  91| 		});
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|    |  94|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[1] });
|  95|  95| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'player' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ "player": playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'from' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], "from": -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (quote-props):
|    | Unquoted property 'to' found.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Auras.js
|  92|  92| 
|  93|  93| 	let cmpModifiersManager = ConstructComponent(SYSTEM_ENTITY, "ModifiersManager", {});
|  94|  94| 	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[1], from: -1, to: playerEnt[1] });
|  95|    |-	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, to: playerEnt[2] });
|    |  95|+	cmpModifiersManager.OnGlobalPlayerEntityChanged({ player: playerID[2], from: -1, "to": playerEnt[2] });
|  96|  96| 	let cmpAuras = ConstructComponent(sourceEnt, "Auras", { "_string": name });
|  97|  97| 	test_function(name, cmpAuras);
|  98|  98| }

|  21| »   »   let·template·=·{
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'template' is already declared in the upper scope.
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (spaced-comment):
|    | Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|  97|  97| 
|  98|  98| 		// Note: this is not yet implemented but I leave it commented to highlight it's easy
|  99|  99| 		// If anyone ever adds handicap.
| 100|    |-		//if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
|    | 100|+		// if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier") !== undefined)
| 101| 101| 		//	cmpPlayer.SetGatherRateMultiplier(getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "GatherRateMultiplier"));
| 102| 102| 
| 103| 103| 		if (getSetting(playerData, playerDefaults, i, "PopulationLimit") !== undefined)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (comma-spacing):
|    | A space is required after ','.
|----|    | /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
|    |++++| /zpool0/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/helpers/Player.js
| 328| 328| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsMutualAlly");
| 329| 329| }
| 330| 330| 
| 331|    |-function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player,target)
|    | 331|+function IsOwnedByNeutralOfPlayer(player, target)
| 332| 332| {
| 333| 333| 	return IsOwnedByHelper(player, target, "IsNeutral");
| 334| 334| }

|  78| »   »   let·cmpPlayer·=·QueryPlayerIDInterface(i);
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'cmpPlayer' is already declared in the upper scope.

| 160| »   »   for·(let·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] ESLintBear (no-shadow):
|    | 'i' is already declared in the upper scope.

|  67| »   »   var·entID·=·cmpPlayerManager.GetPlayerByID(i);
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'entID' is already defined.

|  76| »   for·(var·i·=·0;·i·<·numPlayers;·++i)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'i' is already defined.

| 138| »   »   »   for·(var·j·=·0;·j·<·numPlayers;·++j)
|    | [NORMAL] JSHintBear:
|    | 'j' is already defined.
Executing section cli...

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