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Lower Forge technology costs, introduce a 3rd level.


Lower Forge technology costs, introduce a 3rd level.

Follows rP24604 / rP24725.
Forge technologies are cheaper in A24, but still too expensive to use directly, making the forge not immediately useful.
This changes the technologies from 2 levels to 3, and further decreases costs.
Instead of 600/400 then 900/600, costs are 200/100, 350/250 then 500/400. This makes the Town Phase techs immediately accessible, and lengthens impact of City Phase with stronger late techs.

Iberians and Mauryas had a special "wootz steel" tech that gave swordsmen +20% damage, this is folded into the 3rd level. I have not changed the effect because the tech was cheap, but we shall see.

Patch by: Nescio

Comments by: borg-, Valihrant

Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3679

Event Timeline

Stan added subscribers: Edwarf, Stan.Jun 8 2021, 11:29 PM

@Edwarf reported the number techs give the impression that it's on a wrong phase.

In rP25726#52946, @Stan wrote:

@Edwarf reported the number techs give the impression that it's on a wrong phase.

Don't feel that way, it already exists in A24 for the eco upgrades from the storehouse, I would either extend it to the reset of the forge upgrades but not remove it.

Edwarf added a comment.Jun 9 2021, 5:55 PM
In rP25726#52946, @Stan wrote:

@Edwarf reported the number techs give the impression that it's on a wrong phase.

Don't feel that way, it already exists in A24 for the eco upgrades from the storehouse, I would either extend it to the reset of the forge upgrades but not remove it.

Yes i see your point but for Eco tech, there is 1 tech per phase, here it is not the case that's why i got confused

Yes, I can see how this would be confusing. I don't really have a good fix, I think once you know how it works it's OK.