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User Since
Jun 23 2021, 7:26 AM (153 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Sep 29 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4117: [hack] Hack for making a map preview.

Can we run batch/shell scripts in the console? Can such a script be passed to pyrogenesis via a parameter? Thus, we could create thumbs in a row at least for standard sized circle maps. Or am I overseeing something else?

Sep 29 2021, 10:59 AM

Sep 17 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4117: [hack] Hack for making a map preview.

'screenshot0001.png' was successfully taken after I rebuilt 0ad with your patch applied. Is there currently anything more I could help you with? Like anything with Python?
BTW, can I use this patched & rebuilt version for further testing also of other stuff, or should I then rather revert your patch (i.e. back to latest svn and rebuild/compile)?

Sep 17 2021, 6:25 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4117: [hack] Hack for making a map preview.
In D4117#182026, @Ceres wrote:

@wraitii In the summary, you started with "Compile with this". While this might be obvious for you and other devs/experts, I am not sure whether I have to really compile (again). I did not compile again, as I have a working svn version of 0ad already.

You do have to compile again, after you applied the patch. Then it should work.

Sep 17 2021, 4:28 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4117: [hack] Hack for making a map preview.

@wraitii In the summary, you started with "Compile with this". While this might be obvious for you and other devs/experts, I am not sure whether I have to really compile (again). I did not compile again, as I have a working svn version of 0ad already. So I only did 'svn up', then applied your patch, and continued with the commands your provided for the console. All went fine until the map got tilted (by SetCameraData), so one can see it nicely from high above. However, the next command to take the screenshot failed. I took one manually that also shows the error message in the console.

Sep 17 2021, 2:28 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4117: [hack] Hack for making a map preview.

@Freagarach Oh my bad - I was really stupid! Sorry to you and @wraitii that I used the wrong patch to report here. I need to pay more attention... sigh

Sep 17 2021, 12:40 PM

Sep 16 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4117: [hack] Hack for making a map preview.

Ah, this implies code changes? Well, then I'm lost. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Sep 16 2021, 6:58 PM
Ceres updated subscribers of D4117: [hack] Hack for making a map preview.

@marder @wraitii
I have some warning messages about hunks when trying to apply this patch to me freshly up'ed svn:

Sep 16 2021, 6:23 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

@marder Ok, thank you!

Sep 16 2021, 6:19 PM
Ceres added a comment to rP25789: Update some MR map previews..

Could a map thumbnail be automatically generated in the game? Or is it possible to have thumbs automatically generated whenever a map/texture is updated in the repo?

Both are possible futures, but at the moment there is really no convenient way to do it. You must go through at least one manual step, which makes this annoying.

Which manual step do you mean?

Sep 16 2021, 5:13 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4272: Use Transform for changing a formation template..

You also have the ability of foresight! ;) I don't know if I'm supposed to review your patch, but let me tell you that for me it works very nicely. Thank you! :)

Sep 16 2021, 4:57 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Well, for the time being, I would like to keep it as it is. In fact, I realised that changing the look of the tooltip itself would not help. One would need to change the area where a tooltip is to be expected, e.g. by a different background colour or something eye-catchy; this should be consistently used throughout the game, though, I guess, else it would not be nice. Further suggestions are very welcome. AFAIK it, I can later further edit this patch in this regard, i.e. also after it has been implemented, right? Or should I then better start a new one - to have the implemeted one as basis for a new diff?

Sep 16 2021, 4:52 PM
Ceres added a comment to rP25789: Update some MR map previews..

Could a map thumbnail be automatically generated in the game? Or is it possible to have thumbs automatically generated whenever a map/texture is updated in the repo?

Sep 16 2021, 4:47 PM

Sep 14 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Maybe I could add another tooltip style, so users immediately see that there is a tooltip. That could be used elsewhere, too. However, I don't know if this finds support and how a better visibility of this (and maybe other not obvious) tooltip could be best achieved: background colour? text contour?

Sep 14 2021, 9:18 PM
Ceres added reviewers for D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods: bb, marder, Stan.

@bb Thanks for your hint and proposal, which I have both addressed.

Sep 14 2021, 6:30 PM
Ceres updated the diff for D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Deleted redundant line and amended last sentence of tooltip

Sep 14 2021, 6:28 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4272: Use Transform for changing a formation template..

This is very cool! How did you do this in such a short time? ;) I tested it - see my post in the forum with screenshots. From my point of view, this is a nice amendment, and the formations work, even between obstacles, which I also tested.

Sep 14 2021, 6:03 PM
Ceres updated the test plan for D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.
Sep 14 2021, 1:04 PM
Ceres updated the diff for D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Added a tooltip for "Enabled Mods" about loading from top to bottom etc.

Sep 14 2021, 12:59 PM

Sep 13 2021

Ceres added a comment to rP25789: Update some MR map previews..

Maybe it's too late now to ask: I wonder if more arts for other bioms for (all?) maps could be added? Even if not possible automatically from within the game, maybe it was enough to create them by screenshots or so? I would help with it, if deemed feasible. As far as I understand, there was not just one map where the biom can be changed. However, when I read previous comments, I (mis-)understand them that there was just one map. Assuming that the biom can be changed for more, then maybe adding arts (outside the game) would indeed be nice. Nothing prio, of course. What are your thoughts about this?

Sep 13 2021, 4:10 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4271: Civ backgrounds for minimap..

Could we use these civ icons?

Sep 13 2021, 3:58 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4271: Civ backgrounds for minimap..

Wouldn't a rotated background (even if dimmed) look a bit awkward? I just think about this great dog with his legs in the air. ;)

Sep 13 2021, 1:12 PM

Sep 12 2021

Ceres added a comment to rP25916: Fix translation of "%(unit)s can't be controlled'.

Sorry, I was away. As I wrote before, credits belong to @nwtour . If you want to add me, too, I don't disagree, though. ;) But please without my email address (nick is enough). If that is not possible, I don't care. Mostly, I am here to help and to learn - if mentioned or not, is not so important for me. :) Cheers!

Sep 12 2021, 5:32 PM

Sep 11 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Thank you, I agree with you - and will try to add the longer text as a tooltip.

Sep 11 2021, 9:42 AM
Ceres updated the diff for D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Updated object sizes under "Enabled Mods Wrapper"

Sep 11 2021, 9:21 AM
Ceres added a comment to D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

@marder @Stan
Instead of trying something with additional mouse hover tooltips, I added the proposed text but made the room for it larger to fit. The window resolution is 1024x768. I'm not sure if the result can still be considered "nice" (admittedly, I have some doubts), but I just wanted to ask you for your thoughts. Should this be discussed in the forum, too (so others can also share their ideas)? I would create a new thread. Under "Game Development & Technical Discussion"? I know that this is of very low prio and likely of minor interest, so please regard this also as an exercise for me to learn. Thanks for your patience and your time. ;) And have a nice weekend! :)

PS: Interesting for me is that some changes (object size/position) only take effect after 0 A.D. has been restarted, whereas others (text editions) are immediately visible.

Sep 11 2021, 9:15 AM

Sep 9 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

This patch shows as "Accepted". Is there anything more for me to do? Like "Close Revision" or something else? Thank you! :)

Sep 9 2021, 10:34 AM

Sep 6 2021

Ceres updated the diff for D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

Yet another (hopefully my last ;-)) update on this diff, now adding two spaces that are needed according to lint. But I have learnt again something new. Thanks @Stan and others who are so patient with me. :)

Sep 6 2021, 6:31 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

PS: Currently, I use 'Mousepad' under Debian for editing JS files and is set to highlight JS syntax. Is there another Debian editor you could recommend that would show the missing spaces to be added?

Sep 6 2021, 11:47 AM
Ceres added a comment to D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

@Angen Let me do it, so the commiter has less trouble. Am I correct that such even small changes cannot be done from within Phab but rather by changing the file in the svn tree and then applying another patch?

Sep 6 2021, 11:41 AM
Ceres added a comment to D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

@Angen @Freagarach @Stan
Is there anything more I need to do about this patch? Thanks! :)

Sep 6 2021, 11:02 AM

Sep 5 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

Admittedly, I don'tunderstand anything from your recent comment, sorry! ๐Ÿ˜Š Is it ok what I did? Besides, now I see Lint comments which weren't there before, despite I have not changed anything. Do I have todo something about those comments? The missing spaces are well understood, but the others about g_Commands I have no clue. I see that they concern code that was not touched by this patch, so maybe it doesn't matter, or does it?

Sep 5 2021, 3:18 PM
Ceres updated the diff for D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

@Angen @Freagarach @Stan
I created again the diff (svn diff -x -U5000 > Commands.js.patch) after a fresh svn (svn revert -R .) from the root svn folder. The path does not look incomplete to me, but I'm no expert at all, just apprentice. ;) Is it ok now? If not, please let me know what exactly is wrong. Thank you so much for your help! :)

Sep 5 2021, 2:51 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".

I created the patch from my checked out SVN root folder named 0ad. Let me check later if I did something wrong and how to do it correctly. I will update the patch. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Sep 5 2021, 11:01 AM
Ceres requested review of D4254: Added translatability of message "%(unit)s can't be controlled.".
Sep 5 2021, 8:06 AM

Sep 4 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Oh, ok. I have no clue yet about hover actions etc. Is this C++ or JS? Where would I find some (example) code?

Sep 4 2021, 8:32 PM
Ceres added a comment to D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.

Thank you! :)

Sep 4 2021, 6:49 PM
Ceres updated the summary of D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.
Sep 4 2021, 3:02 PM
Ceres requested review of D4252: GUI Enabled Mods - short explanatory note added about later mods overwriting earlier installed mods.
Sep 4 2021, 3:01 PM

Jun 30 2021

Ceres added a comment to D3891: Adjust animals' walking speed.
In D3891#177970, @Stan wrote:

Because animations must sync with walking and running speed to prevent units looking like they are in slow motion or gliding.

Jun 30 2021, 7:50 PM
Ceres added a comment to D3891: Adjust animals' walking speed.

Why are different file paths modified?

Jun 30 2021, 5:05 PM
Ceres added a comment to D3891: Adjust animals' walking speed.

Thanks for the patch :)

  1. You can use the Atlas "Actor viewer" to check out units animations.
  2. Please upload using full context :)
  3. Please correctly set the repository when uploading patches, that allows our linters to run on your differential. (I've set it now for you.)
Jun 30 2021, 4:39 PM

Jun 26 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4179: Don't show turreted entities as idle..

For my personal education: What is RB?

Jun 26 2021, 10:08 AM

Jun 25 2021

Ceres added a comment to D4179: Don't show turreted entities as idle..

Is there anything to be changed with regard to this warning?

Jun 25 2021, 9:34 AM