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Tweaks to Via Augusta

Authored by temple on Feb 24 2018, 2:41 AM.



Change the tree actors into trees so they can be chopped down (and not block silhouettes).

Change the angles of the civic centers so that farms can be easily placed (+/- 3pi/4).

Test Plan


Diff Detail

rP 0 A.D. Public Repository
Lint OK
No Unit Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 5166
Build 8840: Vulcan BuildJenkins
Build 8839: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

temple created this revision.Feb 24 2018, 2:41 AM
temple edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
elexis accepted this revision.Feb 24 2018, 2:44 AM
elexis added a subscriber: elexis.

CC angles are good. Make sure the modified trees are reachable with the grid overlay in atlas.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 24 2018, 2:44 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Owners added a subscriber: Restricted Owners Package.Feb 24 2018, 3:06 AM

Yep, I checked. Thanks for the review.

Vulcan added a subscriber: Vulcan.Feb 24 2018, 3:59 AM

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

Link to build: