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Make CFsm a template

Authored by phosit on Mar 21 2024, 9:36 PM.



The context doesn't have to be converted to void* and back.

Likely it takes longer to compile.

Test Plan

Compile it.

Diff Detail

rP 0 A.D. Public Repository
Automatic diff as part of commit; lint not applicable.
Automatic diff as part of commit; unit tests not applicable.

Event Timeline

phosit created this revision.Mar 21 2024, 9:36 PM
phosit published this revision for review.Mar 21 2024, 9:40 PM
This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.May 4 2024, 6:14 PM
This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.
Closed by commit rP28074: Make CFsm a template (authored by phosit). · Explain Why
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.