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sera (Ralph Sennhauser)


User Details

User Since
Aug 21 2021, 5:41 PM (152 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Tue, Jul 23

sera added a comment to D5309: Fix references in portable object templates.

That is indeed horrible.

Tue, Jul 23, 11:43 AM
sera added a comment to D5309: Fix references in portable object templates.
In D5309#226621, @Stan wrote:

If we're looking at filenames with tabs shouldn't we look for any whitespace?

Tue, Jul 23, 8:02 AM

Sun, Jul 21

sera added inline comments to D4894: Don't build premake uselessly.
Sun, Jul 21, 7:52 PM

Sat, Jul 20

sera added a comment to D5307: Fix build with miniupnpc 2.2.8.

Well, the linked upstream commit bumps to 2.2.7 but the tag 2.2.7 doesn't contain this commit, so seems I was mislead.

Sat, Jul 20, 8:45 PM
sera added a comment to D5307: Fix build with miniupnpc 2.2.8.

Should be miniupnpc 2.2.7, right?

Sat, Jul 20, 8:23 PM

Thu, Jul 18

sera added a comment to D5306: Put the ProfileManager on the stack.

I prefer the approach used for the logger, ie put some profiler object on the stack that sets the g_profiler to something usable in the constructor and cleans up in the destructor. Maybe also replace the use of optional with a dummy profiler, similar to the blackhole logger.

Thu, Jul 18, 1:59 PM
sera added a comment to D5286: Refactor main menu structure.

Do we all agree that it's an improvement over the current situation and should land?

Thu, Jul 18, 1:24 PM

Tue, Jul 16

sera added a comment to D5286: Refactor main menu structure.
In D5286#225319, @sera wrote:

For instance single-player and multiplayer replay are the same, just a different default for one filter.

What about removing the replay items from the single-player and multiplayer submenus and add a single new "Game Replays" item to the top-level menu? When opened it would show the list of all games, without the pre-selected filter on the game type. That would also make replays for campaigns easier to find.
The downside of this would be that the main menu would have 9 items then, which feels to me like it's too many items when looking at it and that the "Single-player" submenu would only contain 2 items, which feels too little to warrant a separate submenu.
Does one of you have an idea how to better organize that?

Tue, Jul 16, 3:42 PM

Tue, Jul 2

sera added inline comments to D5297: Enable players to flare after winning.
Tue, Jul 2, 6:03 PM
sera added a comment to D5282: flexible precision sorting for low-precision rangefinding.

droping from 20.78 ms to 23.05 ms per simulation frame.
measured on no-visual combat demo huge.

As it doesn't improve performance. What's the goal of this diff?

Tue, Jul 2, 5:10 PM

Jun 20 2024

sera added a comment to D5293: Remove contrib JS-lexer and use upstream one.
In D5293#225603, @sera wrote:

As for "dotted", whatever that is, is there value to support it on the c++ side?

Here is the Babel issue which caused it to be added:

Jun 20 2024, 4:31 PM
sera added a comment to D5293: Remove contrib JS-lexer and use upstream one.

The summary doesn't say why exactly 2.12 and looking at I don't see an obvious reason either. Can you please clarify?

Jun 20 2024, 11:16 AM

Jun 17 2024

sera added a comment to D5285: Add scope in map generation scripts.
In D5285#225460, @sera wrote:

Went trough all, no accidental code changes spotted.

Thanks a lot


Jun 17 2024, 7:24 PM
sera added a comment to D5287: Renames HWLightingModelRenderer to CPUSkinnedModelRenderer.

CPU skinned? Is this what is commonly known as gpu skinning but the work done on the cpu? isn't that prohibitively expensive?

Jun 17 2024, 3:54 PM
sera added a comment to D5285: Add scope in map generation scripts.

Went trough all, no accidental code changes spotted.

Jun 17 2024, 1:07 PM
sera added a comment to D5254: Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully.

Can't figure how the comments lead to this but as it's the same as my initial take no objections from me.

Jun 17 2024, 12:04 PM

Jun 15 2024

sera added a comment to D5286: Refactor main menu structure.

Perhaps "Scenario Editor" -> "Atlas Scenario Editor"?

Jun 15 2024, 4:50 PM

Jun 13 2024

sera added a comment to D5285: Add scope in map generation scripts.

Up to northern_lights

Jun 13 2024, 6:25 PM

Jun 12 2024

sera added a comment to D5285: Add scope in map generation scripts.

Checked maps starting with a trough f (up to frontier), no real issue found, will continue another time. Line breaking for code I guess one could do some bike shedding here but I say your changes are ok as-is.

Jun 12 2024, 9:44 PM
sera added inline comments to D5285: Add scope in map generation scripts.
Jun 12 2024, 8:18 PM
sera added inline comments to D5285: Add scope in map generation scripts.
Jun 12 2024, 6:51 PM
sera added a comment to D5258: Adopt the generator based interface by generated maps.

Didn't spot any issues

Jun 12 2024, 6:48 PM
sera added a comment to D5285: Add scope in map generation scripts.

While huge it still can be reviewed after you fixed all linter warnings, so I'd say getting this one in next is fine.

Jun 12 2024, 12:19 PM
sera added a comment to D5286: Refactor main menu structure.

I agree that the current one is a bit unfortunate just that reorganizing leads to people to have to get used to it again. So I suggest to also try to address other issues at the same time. For instance single-player and multiplayer replay are the same, just a different default for one filter. Then the multiplayer vs single-player and the lobby vs lan always felt awkward to me and I'm sure this can be improved.

Jun 12 2024, 12:02 PM

Jun 10 2024

sera added a comment to D5278: Rename the "color" property of olist columns to "textcolor" .
fd xml$ -0 | xargs -0 xmllint --xpath '//column/@color' --quiet
Jun 10 2024, 6:52 PM

Jun 1 2024

sera updated subscribers of D5273: Remove usage of var in map scripts.
Jun 1 2024, 12:00 PM

May 28 2024

sera added a comment to D4982: Update bundled premake5 to version beta2.

Would be nice if it were an upstream tarball that gets extracted during build instead of checking in sources, similar to how sm is handled.

May 28 2024, 7:35 PM
sera added inline comments to D5272: Clean Belgian Uplands code.
May 28 2024, 7:33 PM

May 24 2024

sera added inline comments to D5254: Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully.
May 24 2024, 2:21 PM
sera added a comment to D5252: docs: Improve Doxygen Visuals and Build process..

The global header with the wfg styling I'd only use for global icons and links like forum, web, trac, irc and so forth; don't think reusing the global header style for application headers is a good idea.

May 24 2024, 2:09 PM
sera added a comment to D5258: Adopt the generator based interface by generated maps.

whitespace changes

May 24 2024, 2:00 PM

May 11 2024

sera added a comment to D5267: Update to build with Boost 1.85.

There is code to handle filesystem 2 & 3 implementation, if you want to to require boost filesystem 4 it be best to remove the handling for old versions. V4 is probably around for more then 10 minor boost versions which I'd say is old enough, tho you'd have to check which exact version would be the new minimal version anyway.

May 11 2024, 3:49 PM

Apr 19 2024

sera added inline comments to D5256: Remove Roman numerals from bot names.
Apr 19 2024, 8:00 PM

Apr 8 2024

sera added a comment to D5256: Remove Roman numerals from bot names.

When the AINames are empty or don't exist, the game already throws errors before the step of choosing the names.

Apr 8 2024, 2:03 PM

Apr 7 2024

sera added a comment to D5256: Remove Roman numerals from bot names.

Guess some of those let could be const instead.

Apr 7 2024, 4:45 PM

Mar 31 2024

sera added inline comments to D5254: Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully.
Mar 31 2024, 5:21 PM

Mar 30 2024

sera added inline comments to D5254: Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully.
Mar 30 2024, 3:08 PM

Mar 27 2024

sera added inline comments to D5254: Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully.
Mar 27 2024, 10:04 PM
sera added inline comments to D5254: Shutdown mongoose in rl-interface gracefully.
Mar 27 2024, 9:00 PM

Mar 20 2024

sera added a comment to D5222: Don't use a ScriptContext on the server.

However clients have no idea which user issued which command which might be ok-ish or not, you don't need it for basic gameplay but per user stats are of reach for instance.

Mar 20 2024, 9:16 PM
sera added a comment to D5222: Don't use a ScriptContext on the server.

Thinking a bit more about player spoofing, it probably is a bad idea in the first place and extending the command protocol to have both a "user" and "player" id would probably make implementing co-op play a lot cleaner. Sure it's not the intended scope of this patch ...

Mar 20 2024, 8:00 PM

Mar 19 2024

sera added inline comments to D5252: docs: Improve Doxygen Visuals and Build process..
Mar 19 2024, 9:16 AM

Mar 18 2024

sera added inline comments to D5252: docs: Improve Doxygen Visuals and Build process..
Mar 18 2024, 7:35 PM

Mar 17 2024

sera added a comment to D5252: docs: Improve Doxygen Visuals and Build process..

Quick review

Mar 17 2024, 7:56 PM

Mar 14 2024

sera added a comment to D5222: Don't use a ScriptContext on the server.
In D5222#223495, @sera wrote:

IMO The behavior of the server shouldn't dependent on the simulation's init-atributes. Instead the controller should explicitly control the server.

allowCheats is an init-attribute, at least that's my take.

Is that also the case if we call it allowPlayerSpoofing?

Mar 14 2024, 9:44 PM
sera added a comment to D5222: Don't use a ScriptContext on the server.

IMO The behavior of the server shouldn't dependent on the simulation's init-atributes. Instead the controller should explicitly control the server.

Mar 14 2024, 8:37 PM

Mar 9 2024

sera added inline comments to D5250: Combine Frame functions.
Mar 9 2024, 4:52 PM
sera added inline comments to D5250: Combine Frame functions.
Mar 9 2024, 2:42 PM
sera added a comment to D5220: Allow to use a generator as MapGenerator.

That all maps must be migrated more or less immediately to use the new way is a given and doesn't depend on whether to leave a compatibility layer behind.

Mar 9 2024, 2:30 PM

Mar 6 2024

sera added a comment to D5220: Allow to use a generator as MapGenerator.
In D5220#223418, @sera wrote:

So what is the plan?

My plan is to

  1. Learn rmgen
  2. Document the flaws
  3. Come up with a solution
  4. Convince other devs


Mar 6 2024, 8:36 PM
sera added a comment to D5220: Allow to use a generator as MapGenerator.
In D5220#223414, @sera wrote:

Also now that you drive generation from cpp why the need to call export map from js?

You mean calling g_Map.MakeExportable() from C++?
That's a good idea. Do you have a better name for MakeExportable? "finalize" or something...

*shrug, also would be more obvious an improvement if the old way is removed.

Mar 6 2024, 7:40 PM
sera added a comment to D5220: Allow to use a generator as MapGenerator.

Checking the code in pyrogenesis the global object is indeed available under the name "global" in js running in pyrogenesis, my bad, I got tricked to believe you added a property global to the global object :)

Mar 6 2024, 6:18 PM
sera added a comment to D5220: Allow to use a generator as MapGenerator.

Also now that you drive generation from cpp why the need to call export map from js?

Mar 6 2024, 3:28 PM
sera added a comment to D5220: Allow to use a generator as MapGenerator.

global is as good a name as rootedvalue or habakuk.

Mar 6 2024, 3:04 PM
sera added a comment to D5220: Allow to use a generator as MapGenerator.

why not

Mar 6 2024, 2:24 PM

Feb 25 2024

sera added a comment to D5247: improve starting resource placement.

Ok, now that we have established that for sufficiently small deviation in radius this approach is acceptable let's continue getting the patch into shape.

Feb 25 2024, 1:13 PM

Feb 23 2024

sera added a comment to D5247: improve starting resource placement.

Depending on how it's done it could have an impact for competitive gameplay.

Feb 23 2024, 7:15 PM
sera updated subscribers of D5247: improve starting resource placement.

@Baelish , not sure I follow you. To find a solution one must exist, the code you touch doesn't guarantee such at all. What the ticket suggest is to make the radius variable to some extent to increase the probability such a solution exist in the first place. Ofc there is a tradeoff that now possible minor imbalance is introduced, like one players chickens are on average one tile further away than the other players or the like. The change from random angle to iterative angle in practice should be less impactful.

Feb 23 2024, 11:33 AM

Feb 22 2024

sera added a comment to D5247: improve starting resource placement.

Thanks for the rational, tho the idea was to update the summary at the top of this web page. The summary is what the commit message should be based on.

Feb 22 2024, 11:22 PM
sera added a comment to D5247: improve starting resource placement.

I did not remove old parts, so i took them as comments

Feb 22 2024, 6:37 PM
sera added inline comments to D5240: Atlas Actor Viewer Toggle 3d.
Feb 22 2024, 10:32 AM

Feb 19 2024

sera added inline comments to D5246: WIP Refactor playerPlacement functions (another approach).
Feb 19 2024, 1:34 PM
sera added a comment to D5246: WIP Refactor playerPlacement functions (another approach).

at least from a simple test (just object creation and setting a value) the performance looks equal. Not sure what happens in complex scenarios tho.

Feb 19 2024, 1:05 PM

Feb 18 2024

sera added inline comments to D5246: WIP Refactor playerPlacement functions (another approach).
Feb 18 2024, 10:10 PM
sera added inline comments to D5246: WIP Refactor playerPlacement functions (another approach).
Feb 18 2024, 9:29 PM
sera added a comment to D5244: Adds a hack to detect missing SPIR-V mod for SVN.

I suggest to add a shaders not found error message and maybe give a hint as for the possible cause and solution, otherwise LGTM apart from the obvious linter warning.

Feb 18 2024, 4:54 PM
sera added a comment to D5242: Deprecates OpenGL ARB backend.
In D5242#223121, @sera wrote:

About atlas, wx itself uses gl but that doesn't mean you can't use vulkan for the viewport, anyway mostly a non issue and certainly low prio.

Vulkan can't access the viewport without interacting with wx.

Feb 18 2024, 4:51 PM

Feb 17 2024

sera added a comment to D5242: Deprecates OpenGL ARB backend.

If selecting vulkan can break the game then it shouldn't be exposed in the gui in the first place, even less be recommended. At least as long as reinstalling can't fix the issue. So before a release this needs to be addressed anyway.

Feb 17 2024, 1:56 PM
sera added a comment to D5242: Deprecates OpenGL ARB backend.

Vulkan being _highly recommended_ but not the default is a contradiction, the note about drivers could be read as don't try unless you are sure it works because you will lock yourself out if not. Graceful degradation from vulkan to gl if something goes wrong is a must have.

Feb 17 2024, 12:44 PM
sera added a comment to D5242: Deprecates OpenGL ARB backend.
In D5242#223095, @Stan wrote:

Which is really a pain

Feb 17 2024, 7:19 AM

Feb 16 2024

sera added a comment to D5242: Deprecates OpenGL ARB backend.

Well, I'd say gl is supposed to be labeled legacy. So I'd use stronger language and move vulkan to the top of the list and make it default in default.cfg

Feb 16 2024, 10:45 PM

Feb 11 2024

sera added inline comments to D5214: rmgen: var -> let -> const.
Feb 11 2024, 4:42 PM
sera added a comment to D5240: Atlas Actor Viewer Toggle 3d.
In D5240#222967, @Stan wrote:

How about using ProjectionType from source/graphics
/Camera.h ?

Feb 11 2024, 3:15 PM
sera added inline comments to D5214: rmgen: var -> let -> const.
Feb 11 2024, 3:09 PM

Feb 10 2024

sera added a comment to D5240: Atlas Actor Viewer Toggle 3d.

where there should be references to perspective/orthogonal.

Feb 10 2024, 1:51 PM

Feb 9 2024

sera added a comment to D5240: Atlas Actor Viewer Toggle 3d.

Haven't tested so just some comments based on a quick review. First is you are switching between perspective and orthographic projection, not between 2D and 3D (ie if in orthographic mode you can still 3D navigate the viewport, right?), so names should reflect that. Secondly, if you want to log output use the logger infrastructure provided by pyrogenesis, tho I guess the printf are just for the sake of development and therefore should be removed.

Feb 9 2024, 12:25 PM

Jan 20 2024

sera added a comment to D5093: Suppress implicit function declaration error in zip-lib for MacOS.

we could adopt the upstream fix instead found at, but this one looks ok as well.

Jan 20 2024, 5:13 PM
sera added a comment to D5231: [GUI] Improve and Combine in-game HUD panel textures into a texture sheet.

Binary patches are a real pain to test so I skip doing that, always ;)

Jan 20 2024, 12:35 PM

Jan 12 2024

sera added a comment to D5231: [GUI] Improve and Combine in-game HUD panel textures into a texture sheet.

make the textures less blurry

Jan 12 2024, 11:29 AM

Jan 6 2024

sera added inline comments to D5218: Adds compute shaders support and scaling with FSR.
Jan 6 2024, 1:10 PM

Jan 1 2024

sera updated subscribers of D5227: Tentative support for building sm91 with py3.12.

The packaging tarball and the wheels could be hosted as a tarball like the mozjs tarball or bundled with it instead of committed to svn. Actually the mozjs tarball isn't pristine (subset of firefox tarball), @wraitii already runs autoconf first, so just plain updating vendored python packages doesn't seem that big of a leap anymore. Just let us name it mozjs-ps-91.13.1.tar.xz

Jan 1 2024, 1:42 PM

Dec 31 2023

sera added inline comments to D5222: Don't use a ScriptContext on the server.
Dec 31 2023, 6:05 PM

Dec 29 2023

sera added a comment to D5002: [WIP] Upgrade to ESR SM102.

wrt deepfreeze

Dec 29 2023, 11:07 PM
sera added inline comments to D5222: Don't use a ScriptContext on the server.
Dec 29 2023, 10:57 PM

Dec 10 2023

sera added a comment to D5218: Adds compute shaders support and scaling with FSR.
In D5218#221718, @sera wrote:
ERROR: Failed to compile shader 'shaders/glsl/compute_downscale.cs':
0:27(31): error: no function with name 'texture2D'
0:27(2): error: no matching function for call to `imageStore(image2D, ivec2, error)'; candidates are:

Should be fixed with the last update. To reproduce (I wasn't able locally) you need to choose OpenGL backend (restart after that), enable post processing, set scale to 200%.

Dec 10 2023, 10:07 PM
sera added a comment to D5218: Adds compute shaders support and scaling with FSR.

But might have been using opengl, maybe related to enabling postprocessing or some part thereof.

Dec 10 2023, 9:06 PM
sera added a comment to D5218: Adds compute shaders support and scaling with FSR.
ERROR: Failed to compile shader 'shaders/glsl/compute_downscale.cs':
0:27(31): error: no function with name 'texture2D'
0:27(2): error: no matching function for call to `imageStore(image2D, ivec2, error)'; candidates are:
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image1D, int, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image2D, ivec2, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image3D, ivec3, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image2DRect, ivec2, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(imageCube, ivec3, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(imageBuffer, int, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image1DArray, ivec2, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image2DArray, ivec3, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(imageCubeArray, ivec3, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image2DMS, ivec2, int, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(image2DMSArray, ivec3, int, vec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage1D, int, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage2D, ivec2, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage3D, ivec3, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage2DRect, ivec2, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimageCube, ivec3, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimageBuffer, int, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage1DArray, ivec2, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage2DArray, ivec3, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimageCubeArray, ivec3, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage2DMS, ivec2, int, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(iimage2DMSArray, ivec3, int, ivec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage1D, int, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage2D, ivec2, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage3D, ivec3, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage2DRect, ivec2, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimageCube, ivec3, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimageBuffer, int, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage1DArray, ivec2, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage2DArray, ivec3, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimageCubeArray, ivec3, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage2DMS, ivec2, int, uvec4)
0:27(2): error:    void imageStore(uimage2DMSArray, ivec3, int, uvec4)

After fiddling a while with this new feature and checking the console after I saw the above, but can't figure out how to reproduce it :)

Dec 10 2023, 4:58 PM
sera added a comment to D5219: Fix build with libxml2 v2.12.1.

LGTM if you fix the linter warnings.

Dec 10 2023, 4:14 PM
sera added a comment to D5218: Adds compute shaders support and scaling with FSR.

How is it supposed to interact with gui.scale?

Dec 10 2023, 2:50 PM

Dec 4 2023

sera added a comment to D5214: rmgen: var -> let -> const.

Should be var -> let, const

Dec 4 2023, 3:17 PM

Nov 22 2023

sera added inline comments to D5195: Use templates instead of macros to restrict access to the VFS.
Nov 22 2023, 1:11 PM

Nov 16 2023

sera added a comment to D5189: Turn the FLOODFILL macro in to a function.
In D5189#220712, @sera wrote:

Seems not easy to describe that function, no wonder the original comment was lousy ...

Propably I should describe it more vivid. Like "The predicate shall return wheiter to expand the wave around that tile." and "The first argument is where the wave came from".

Nov 16 2023, 8:05 PM

Nov 15 2023

sera added a comment to D5189: Turn the FLOODFILL macro in to a function.

Seems not easy to describe that function, no wonder the original comment was lousy ...

Nov 15 2023, 11:08 PM

Nov 14 2023

sera added inline comments to D5189: Turn the FLOODFILL macro in to a function.
Nov 14 2023, 9:03 PM

Nov 7 2023

sera added inline comments to D5167: Introduce CLogger::ScopedReplacement and FileLogger.
Nov 7 2023, 9:09 PM
sera added a comment to D5185: Revert non-ASCII characters from source and configuration files introduced in rP27786.

I generally like it and agree with you.

Nov 7 2023, 3:56 PM

Oct 28 2023

sera added a comment to D5167: Introduce CLogger::ScopedReplacement and FileLogger.

The logger (file) should not know how it's tested. Code only used in tests should be in a test specivic file.

Oct 28 2023, 12:59 PM
sera added a comment to D5167: Introduce CLogger::ScopedReplacement and FileLogger.
In D5167#219802, @sera wrote:

Also might actually be nice to use an StdoutLogger [...] using the same mechanism.

Yes but it's in conflict with the guideline of using initialization over assignement.
Now g_Logger could be a std::reference_wrapper when we implement your idea that's not possible anymore.

Oct 28 2023, 11:39 AM

Oct 26 2023

sera added a comment to D5167: Introduce CLogger::ScopedReplacement and FileLogger.

@sera I named it EngineLogger instead of DefaultLogger ;)

Oct 26 2023, 7:06 PM

Oct 24 2023

sera added a comment to D5167: Introduce CLogger::ScopedReplacement and FileLogger.
In D5167#219748, @sera wrote:

About the patch I'd appreciate if there wasn't the asymmetry in default logger vs TestLogger and TestStdoutLogger, all should be handled the same.

What do you mean by that exactly: "One is declared inside the CLogger and the other in the global namespace", "One is placed inside the object the other on the heap" or "One uses the default constructor and the other provide a stream."? (I guess it's not the last one.)

Oct 24 2023, 5:45 PM