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[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.


[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.


autobuildJul 28 2023, 9:23 AM
rP27788: [Windows] Automated build.

Event Timeline

phosit added subscribers: bb, phosit.Aug 10 2023, 8:22 PM

@bb Most changes are because of the non breaking withespace. I think that's a problem since it does "throw away" many correctly translated texts.

bb added a comment.Aug 11 2023, 10:59 AM
  1. The translated strings were not correct since they have a wrong space (though translators might not change the string)
  2. The strings should still be on transifex, so will pop up for the translators as "suggested translations". The translations will come back when translators update the strings.
In rP27789#60968, @bb wrote:
  1. The translated strings were not correct since they have a wrong space (though translators might not change the string)

Sorry I wasn't clear. The translated strings (English) weren't correct. The translations (other language) are correct.

  1. The strings should still be on transifex, so will pop up for the translators as "suggested translations". The translations will come back when translators update the strings.

My consern was that the translators have to do extra work. But yea if the old appear as "suggested translations" it's not that much work.