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Hellas random map script.


Hellas random map script.

Picks a random area of a digital elevation model of Greece that has a certain amount of land.
Comes with different biomes depending on height, athenian artifacts, docks, a temple and oxybeles.
Smoothens the map iteratively until the maximum amount of cliffs is reached.
Uses mushrooms from rP21099.

Map-description by Hannibal Barca

Event Timeline

I terribly failed to display a link to openstreetmap

const wgs84_lonLat = new Vector2D(23, 37);
const wgs84_width = 7;

var osmURL = latLon => "https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=" + latLon.y + "&mlon=" + latLon.x + "#map=7/" + latLon.y + "/" + latLon.x;

var hellasCenter = wgs84_lonLat;
var hellasTopLeft = Vector2D.add(hellasCenter, new Vector2D(-1, 1).mult(wgs84_width / 2));
var hellasBottomRight = Vector2D.add(hellasCenter, new Vector2D(1, -1).mult(wgs84_width / 2));
// that works ^

var meh = new Vector2D(subAreaTopLeft.x, -subAreaTopLeft.y).mult(wgs84_width / heightmapHellas.length);
var imageTopLeft = Vector2D.add(hellasTopLeft, meh);
var imageBottomRight = Vector2D.add(imageTopLeft, new Vector2D(subAreaSize, subAreaSize).mult(wgs84_width / heightmapHellas.length));

g_Map.log(osmURL(imageTopLeft) + "\n");
g_Map.log(osmURL(imageBottomRight) + "\n");

Dock placement is annoying, as there are tiny lakes in front of the shoreline sometimes which are algorithmically not distinguishable from lakes interesting to the player, until we have some kind of flood-fill algorithm.
Nor did I become fully happy with the Mountain texturing.

lyv added a subscriber: lyv.EditedMar 9 2018, 7:37 AM

About the mushroom thing, on a tiny map I found 2 mushrooms, screenshot taken at default zoom.

So if those were to be noticeable, it should be clustered together.

Maybe their size can be increased