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Mace Hero Alexander Aura proposal

Authored by Grugnas on Mar 17 2017, 10:41 PM.
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Restricted Owners Package



Alexander Aura reformuled

Test Plan

While other heroes may have more valuable auras, macedonian players have no hesitation on which hero they are going to train. This rework, might make Alexander The Great a valid alternative to the most popular choice.

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Don't think we have to remove the attack bonus, it's not that significant and only comes in rare situations into play.

do you think that moving the Herocide bonus to Philip II in order to highlighting the promoted offencive strategy would be a better solution? Philip II has one aura effect only, at moment

Why do you want to change all?
I don't see the point of change for change, nor the need for multiple auras.

I guess the intention is to give every hero a good use, so that players actually have a choice between heroes instead of always training the same, most useful hero. Didn't check in this specific case yet. Also don't mind having multiple auras, as long as the bonuses don't stack too much.

I thought there was some kind of policy about the number of aura effects a hero can have, this is the reason why I removed the Herocide bonus. Moving the Herocide bonus from Alexander to Philip was a way to embrace that policy of 2 aura effects per hero.

In D231#8662, @elexis wrote:

I guess the intention is to give every hero a good use, so that players actually have a choice between heroes instead of always training the same, most useful hero. Didn't check in this specific case yet.

Macedonians are not on the top of the stack. Depends also of the sample.

Also don't mind having multiple auras, as long as the bonuses don't stack too much.

Yes. Me neither, but it isn't mandatory. And too much things lead to void :/

Comparing Boudicca to Philip II, she has an aura effect that improves champions under 3 aspects: Attack damage, capture points, and movement speed.
While Philip II improves champions attack damage, capture points. There is something missing.

And too much things lead to void :/

How do you mean?

In D231#8669, @Grugnas wrote:

Comparing Boudicca to Philip II, she has an aura effect that improves champions under 3 aspects: Attack damage, capture points, and movement speed.
While Philip II improves champions attack damage, capture points. There is something missing.

Why that? Please keep difference.

In D231#8669, @Grugnas wrote:

Comparing Boudicca to Philip II, she has an aura effect that improves champions under 3 aspects: Attack damage, capture points, and movement speed.
While Philip II improves champions attack damage, capture points. There is something missing.

Why that? Please keep difference.

Looks like there is no criterion on Heroes auras assignment, despite the influence they may have on the game flow. Some heroes like Boudica have higher influence on the game result than some other heroes like Philip II and this situation create a monotone choice among avaiable champions and different strategies.

Owners added a subscriber: Restricted Owners Package.Mar 27 2017, 12:25 AM

files integrity check (context added)

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As yet said, I am not for that change (I could say "why?" or "why not?"). I am for keeping the herocide bonus (at least for testing code). If you want to buff, put territory effect to 1.25

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Mar 27 2017, 7:24 PM

As mentioned in irc (lobby?) sometime ago, keep that Herocide effect, agree with fb. It doesn't come into play very often, so it's not OP to have the bonus and one or more additional auras.
You might have noticed that your aura files are messed up, because reverting doesn't delete new files.
Also mentioned some time ago in irc, I think making forts cheaper will rather result in more defensive turtle action rather than aggressive expansion.

IMO the nicest approach would be to allow auras and techs to apply to build retrictions, then increae the minimum distance between fortresses (so players can chose to stay defensive and not build the hero, or build the hero and being forced to build the forts more forward).
The auras could then also apply to civic centers, so that it actually relates to the idea of getting into enemy territory.

Considering aura/tech modifications in the build restrictions shoudl be a simple task and would also allow us to add your name to the contributor list (so that we don't have someone unreferenced in all those commit messages).
Needs someone elses approval though that changing the build restriction distances isn't too awkward.

I definitely agree that the hero has currently no use compared to others and we should balance all of them.

The reason of the Herocide removal is done by a policy hopefully shared by all the heroes aswell, not because of its "Opness".
Maximum 3 aura effects per hero.
If an aura has 2 or more effects, the aura "weight" is greater and, as conseguence, it is heavier for any extra effect it has (f.e. in this proposal, the Conquerore Aura has 2 effects).
Auras affecting a specific target:

1 template only ( like the Conqueror Aura which affects fortresses only)
1 specific resource gather only

Those listed and range limited auras (f.e. gather rate / build rate in a range of 60 mt) could have higher effect than global auras.
A hero with a global aura is less vulnerable than others and the effect is still active while the hero is garrisoned.

I am neutral for the building restriction on fortress min distance (when a player builds a fortress on his territory border he is able to build a new fortress on the extended territory border. Since the hero increases territory influence aswell, an eventual min distance increase won't change that.)

Applying the aura to civic center too can be reasonable (it fits with the conqueror concept which incentivate expansion), but I'm far from the idea to include both the civic center and the Herocide bonus.

elexis requested changes to this revision.Mar 29 2017, 12:30 PM

It'd be 3 bonuses, two of which are directly related and be considered a single effect, and the other one being that attack bonus which is a nice unique thing which rarely comes into play. So have all three things.

If fatherbushido agrees, you should try to do the BuildRestrictions extension in a separate diff in a separate proposal beforehand (only adding ApplyValueModificationsToEntity to BuildRestrictions.js should do the trick in the simulation, the GUI looks like it doesn't need to be changed)

Grugnas edited edge metadata.

uploaded file fix

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Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/632/ for more details.

Civic Centers included to the aura

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Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/637/ for more details.

You need to do something of the previous json file.

3 ↗(On Diff #1003)

CivilCentre seems indeed better than CivCentre.
I don't really like the mix of those two types of buildings.

9 ↗(On Diff #1003)

((missing space))

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Mar 30 2017, 12:54 PM
8 ↗(On Diff #1003)

there are multiple territory effects, we change only the radius

3 ↗(On Diff #1003)

Dunno, the idea was that with the hero, buildings will be built towards enemy territory, conquering that land

13 ↗(On Diff #1003)
  • minimum distance -> between them <- (or something to that effect)
  • would also add an "but also" to pronounce that it's a malus, not a bonus
3 ↗(On Diff #1003)

Agree with elexis, in that way the new minimum distance of Civic Centers and Fortresses will respect the land gained in proportion to the territory influence increase.

13 ↗(On Diff #1003)

take care, last time we used "malus" we got two pages in the forum

Grugnas edited edge metadata.

description grammar fix

You need to do something of the previous json file.


You need to delete the previous json file

fatherbushido added inline comments.
3 ↗(On Diff #1003)

Take care as that guy is known to have captured and built many cities, it's a bit weird that he is not allowed to build them close.

removed the minimum distance increase and slightly decreased the price multiplier.

Build is green

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Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/685/ for more details.

Build is green

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Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/686/ for more details.

fatherbushido added inline comments.
3 ↗(On Diff #1003)

Despite the comment, I didn't request changes. Else continue, it increases my weekly report counter.

  • I am still not for adding a second aura. If you find the effect not powerfull enough, increase it.
  • Else I would choose between cc and fortress.
  • Or better instead reduce enemmy cc garrison regen rate. To make him a city taker (he was perhaps more a city taker than a city builder, even if all that is just conceptual in the game).

Build is green

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Running cxxtest tests (306 tests)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (306 tests)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/1228/ for more details.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.May 16 2017, 6:39 PM
Grugnas edited edge metadata.

This time i went back to the original concept, a Hero able to consolidate own territory by building defensive structures.
The reason why i am pushing for an additional aura, is that a 1.1 influence radius isn't simply enough because territory borders are always subject to modifications due buildings lose or opponent expansion.

Build is green

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Running cxxtest tests (306 tests)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (306 tests)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/1283/ for more details.