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[RFC] Print out the state and message name in Fsm error warnings
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by Imarok on May 22 2018, 10:53 AM.


Group Reviewers
Restricted Owners Package(Owns No Changed Paths)

Only done exemplaric for the server state. If we agree it is good and the right approach I'll also do it for the messages and the client states.

Test Plan

comment out some of the first server transitions and try it.

Diff Detail

rP 0 A.D. Public Repository
Lint OK
No Unit Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 6130
Build 10205: Vulcan BuildJenkins
Build 10204: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

Imarok created this revision.May 22 2018, 10:53 AM
Vulcan added a subscriber: Vulcan.May 22 2018, 10:59 AM

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Link to build:

Stan added a reviewer: Restricted Owners Package.May 22 2018, 11:13 AM
Stan added a subscriber: Stan.

More debug information seems like a good idea. Though I'm wondering, doesn't that slow things down to print debug information? (There shouldn't be any errors in the first place)

elexis added a subscriber: elexis.May 22 2018, 11:15 AM

Benefits of the patch:

  • less error-prone debugging: It is easy to mix up things when debugging as you pointed out in this trac ticket today.
  • less time-consuming: One also has to either use an IDE that displays the enum values or compute them manually. There is a number of state variables with similar names which can mislead debugging developers.
  • simple code: Since the map is directly below the enum, it seems to be hard to forget the // Keep this in sync with foo part.

Disadvantages of the patch:

  • more error-prone code: It's feasible to mismatch string with enums when maintaining.
  • slightly more maintenance work, more hunks in patches, more code to learn before comprehending it for beginners

So it seems like a tradeoff of limited advantages and disadvantages.
Given the time that I already spent on matching the numbers with enum constants,
chosing the code strategy where one should optimize the code for progressive revisioning,
maybe this could be considered doable if you want to spend the time on this rather than other things.
But do we really benefit from paying the cost or is it sufficient if we debug correctly when we debug?


seems ok




An alternative would be to use a macro, for example
But it seems more convincing to keep the states in the actual c++ code as in this iteration of the diff.

In D1517#61919, @elexis wrote:

Benefits of the patch:

  • less error-prone debugging: It is easy to mix up things when debugging as you pointed out in this trac ticket today.
  • less time-consuming: One also has to either use an IDE that displays the enum values or compute them manually. There is a number of state variables with similar names which can mislead debugging developers.
  • simple code: Since the map is directly below the enum, it seems to be hard to forget the // Keep this in sync with foo part.

Disadvantages of the patch:

  • more error-prone code: It's feasible to mismatch string with enums when maintaining.
  • slightly more maintenance work, more hunks in patches, more code to learn before comprehending it for beginners

So it seems like a tradeoff of limited advantages and disadvantages.
Given the time that I already spent on matching the numbers with enum constants,
chosing the code strategy where one should optimize the code for progressive revisioning,
maybe this could be considered doable if you want to spend the time on this rather than other things.
But do we really benefit from paying the cost or is it sufficient if we debug correctly when we debug?

Good analysis.

In D1517#61919, @elexis wrote:
  • more error-prone code: It's feasible to mismatch string with enums when maintaining.

There will happen nothing bad if someone forgets to add a now enum member to the stringmap.

Imarok updated this revision to Diff 6623.May 23 2018, 12:24 AM

Maybe nicer approach fro creating the map, by using a macro

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Link to build:

So do I get a "yes" for the approach?

elexis added a comment.Jun 3 2018, 1:01 PM

There will happen nothing bad if someone forgets to add a now enum member to the stringmap.

If one entry was renamed but the map wasn't updated that doesn't throw errors, but it's still a bug.
It were really better to keep the single-source-of-truth pattern and just derive the strings from the primary source (perhaps deriving the enum from that primary source too).

It should be possible to have something like this:

// Comment 1
// Comment 2

and the macro would then create the enum and the std::map.

Then the try-catch block can be removed, the LOGERROR dupe can be removed, the slightly increased maintenance and errorproneness were avoided.

The macro in NetMessages.h apparently does something similar to what we want here, resulting in the C++ variable names in the mainlog.html file:
<p>Net client: Received message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 12, m_Message: Logged in } of size 29 from server</p>

Imarok added a comment.Mar 3 2019, 4:31 PM
In D1517#63044, @elexis wrote:

The macro in NetMessages.h apparently does something similar to what we want here, resulting in the C++ variable names in the mainlog.html file:
<p>Net client: Received message CAuthenticateResultMessage { m_Code: 0, m_HostID: 12, m_Message: Logged in } of size 29 from server</p>

Yeah, but that only works by putting every state list in its on file.

Currently I see only 3 possibilities:

  • But then the state names wouldn't be C++ code
  • Same as in NetMessages.h, but then we'd need one extra file for each enum
  • Current solution, but there we have duplication
elexis added a comment.Mar 3 2019, 5:37 PM

implicit conversions are outdated by convention afaik, in preference of specific casts such as static_cast.
Casting to the enum type seems not to trigger undefined behavior here


.count() can be used instead of try/catch


(if this isn't rewritten, it can be a static external of the class, so it wouldn't be a stray global, but a member of the class that is the FSM)

Imarok added a comment.Mar 3 2019, 5:45 PM
In D1517#72556, @elexis wrote:

That's more or less the same as my first bullet point.

(There also are D492 / D1578 doing things to the network FSM code)

As far as I can see they don't change anything with the enums, except that the MessageTypes are moved into a separate file.

@elexis Do you have any preferred solution?
I'd like to have this feature but don't care too much about its way of implementation.


True, that makes sense.

Stan added a reviewer: phosit.May 22 2024, 3:18 PM