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Domesticated animals shouldn't be visible in FOW

Authored by Imarok on Sep 8 2017, 6:45 PM.

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Event Timeline

Imarok created this revision.Sep 8 2017, 6:45 PM
elexis added a subscriber: elexis.Sep 8 2017, 6:50 PM

(Too bad that there aren't help tags in the schema of Visbility that define RetainInFog)

Imarok edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Sep 8 2017, 6:56 PM
Imarok edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
Vulcan added a subscriber: Vulcan.Sep 8 2017, 7:20 PM
Executing section Default...
Executing section Source...
Executing section JS...
Executing section XML GUI...
Executing section Python...
Executing section Perl...

http://jenkins-master:8080/job/phabricator_lint/506/ for more details.

Stan accepted this revision.Sep 8 2017, 7:40 PM

The patch is good and works as expected

I think animals were retained in fog so that you could see them when attacking them.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 8 2017, 7:40 PM
Vulcan added a comment.Sep 8 2017, 9:44 PM

Build is green

Updating workspaces.
Build (release)...
Build (debug)...
Running release tests...
Running cxxtest tests (306 tests)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (306 tests)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Checking XML files...

http://jenkins-master:8080/job/phabricator/1998/ for more details.

elexis updated the Trac tickets for this revision.Sep 9 2017, 2:20 PM
Imarok added a comment.Sep 9 2017, 3:18 PM
In D891#34747, @Stan wrote:

The patch is good and works as expected

I think animals were retained in fog so that you could see them when attacking them.

Are you sure, the right tag was modified?

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.