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May 19 2017, 1:46 PM (375 w, 12 h)

Recent Activity

Apr 10 2018

mapkoc accepted D1436: Fix build with icu 61.

Thanks. No errors

Apr 10 2018, 7:10 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D1436: Fix build with icu 61.

I got an unrelated error
../../../source/third_party/encryption/pkcs5_pbkdf2.h:26:10: fatal error: sodium.h: No such file or directory
so can't confirm

Apr 10 2018, 6:56 PM

Apr 8 2018

mapkoc added a comment to D1436: Fix build with icu 61.

Thanks. Still no workie. Errors in forums.

Apr 8 2018, 6:56 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D1436: Fix build with icu 61.

What was the command to apply a patch?

Apr 8 2018, 7:31 AM

Jan 15 2018

mapkoc added a comment to D791: Lobby reconnect dialog on disconnected.

I don't know if legit.
That's how some players access lobby while playing a game.
I open a second 0ad when replacing by ip to copy credntials before leaving as spec (sometimes I have forgotten and enter lobby with second client).
As mod I may need to check someone's host while playing (I don't think I can see that otherwise).

Jan 15 2018, 10:10 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D791: Lobby reconnect dialog on disconnected.

Dunedan, I see a problem with that. If you open a second window and join multiplayer, both windows would fight to auto reconnect. Maybe it's best to give the user the decision.

Jan 15 2018, 8:06 PM

Jan 14 2018

mapkoc added a comment to D799: Optional highlight user and buddies in lobby.

Now the colors are nice. Thanks

Jan 14 2018, 1:17 AM

Jan 4 2018

mapkoc added a comment to D1153: Optional lobby chat presence brightness and dot, player ratings.

If you enable this, do you see all changes in status for all users? If so, I imagine that would fill a window quickly with non chat messages.
The last info seems nice for everybody to see, except in rated games (redundant).

Jan 4 2018, 12:34 AM

Jan 3 2018

mapkoc added a comment to D813: Go back to previous gui page hotkey or exit ingame or exit game (or continue).

If I change "back" to "Escape"

cancel = Escape ; Close or cancel the current dialog box/popup
back = "Escape" ; Go back to previous gui page (or ask quit 0 A. D. or in-game)
cancel = Esc ; Un-select all units and cancel building placement
(Notice how that file uses or not quotes and abbreviation. Also the comments are not aligned with monospace font)

then I see what you mean with that Esc backs up 2 layers with host/more options
but still doesn't work to quit game.
I was just too lazy to use shift esc.
I guess one shouldn't use same key for different things.

Jan 3 2018, 4:48 AM
elexis awarded D1191: Tributes break in diplomacy dialog if more than one resource is clicked while holding shift. a Dat Boi token.
Jan 3 2018, 1:52 AM

Jan 2 2018

mapkoc created D1191: Tributes break in diplomacy dialog if more than one resource is clicked while holding shift..
Jan 2 2018, 11:30 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D813: Go back to previous gui page hotkey or exit ingame or exit game (or continue).

I did change default.cfg so instead of shift-esc the hotkey be Esc.
All gui pages now exit with esc, except the main window.
Now you can get exit dialog with keys only mouse.

Jan 2 2018, 8:16 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D797: New order categories in options.

Maybe update images here?

Jan 2 2018, 8:10 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D799: Optional highlight user and buddies in lobby.

It is very hard to read dark blue on dark background (our own nick)

Jan 2 2018, 7:58 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D813: Go back to previous gui page hotkey or exit ingame or exit game (or continue).
  1. I changed key bind to Escape, now ESC quits host window and lobby but it doesn't quit main window like Shift ESC did.
  2. Is it possible to make the quit confirmation dialog respond yes with Enter and no with Esc?
  3. First time i joined lobby i got a notification window from system saying 'test'. Don't know if related to this of one of Dunedan's tests.
Jan 2 2018, 7:47 PM

Jan 1 2018

mapkoc added a comment to D1113: Order players by resource or population tooltip numbers.

Works perfect. I find this very useful for tributes and to manage team.
How does a spec see this? can he order stats?

Jan 1 2018, 3:28 AM

Dec 25 2017

mapkoc added a comment to D846: Button for quick change between civilization history and structure tree page.

Maybe messaging the player of the team bonus (s)he gets is better so they can be seen later in chat log. I guess some people dont know to press ` or F9 to get dev overlay.

Dec 25 2017, 2:53 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D1172: Lobby chat spam filter.

Maybe something in this code could be of use

Dec 25 2017, 2:48 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D791: Lobby reconnect dialog on disconnected.

Seems like all chat activity remains after reconnecting
(can't test with no activity happening in svn)
which to me it would be the greatest use of the pach.
I see someone fixed a bug that bothered me so much,
before now when you used widowed mode and opened a second lobby, the option got wiped from config file and next time you started the game it started in full screen and the options page started with unsaved values. Glad that's fixed.

Dec 25 2017, 2:40 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D799: Optional highlight user and buddies in lobby.

OK. Sorry i had no way to test dropping of anyone's game and see list sorted (since svn lobby empty.)

Dec 25 2017, 2:06 AM

Dec 24 2017

mapkoc added a comment to D797: New order categories in options.

I really prefer Game play category and options network warnings, gametime overlay and backward pause moved to general tab because that way people can fine tune only options that will help them be more effective in game.

Dec 24 2017, 5:58 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D799: Optional highlight user and buddies in lobby.

Can the blue game (you are offline from) appear first in the list? That would be even more useful.

Dec 24 2017, 5:53 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D893: Hiding profile panel in lobby when it is not required for having a longer playerlist.

This is very nice. Maybe you can add a tooltip on top of profile panel so that people know to press ESC.
Remember to clean lines 617 and 927 :)

Dec 24 2017, 5:21 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D790: Lobby auto away after inactive time or window is in background.

Works as advertised.
Is it the best idea to remember last state when relogging to lobby?
Maybe start in Available every time you log?

Dec 24 2017, 4:43 AM

Dec 23 2017

mapkoc added a comment to D1113: Order players by resource or population tooltip numbers.

Maybe if you could see this stats as observer without having to select a player first.

Dec 23 2017, 1:41 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D790: Lobby auto away after inactive time or window is in background.

Can you color the options (green, red and orange)?
I don't see how away in 5 is any useful.
Background away doesn't seem to work and mods can't use that.

Dec 23 2017, 1:12 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D846: Button for quick change between civilization history and structure tree page.

OMG, please commit. History thing rarely read but this gives access to civ tree from game setup, a must.

Dec 23 2017, 12:56 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D1154: Options button in game setup gui named "Settings".

Isn't it better to rename More options to More settings and keep Options name consistent across game?

Dec 23 2017, 12:45 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D797: New order categories in options.

I like spec options in game setup.
I like very much the game play category but I don't think background pause, gametime overlay and network warning have anything to do with it.
Shouldn't batch size be an integer input box with min=1 and little arrows to increase/decrease?
(like <input type=number min=1 step=1> in html)

Dec 23 2017, 12:39 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D1169: [WIP] Can the language options window be merged into options window?.

To me this seems useful.
Scenario 1. Someone has the game in spanish and asks you about "arrietes" or any building or unit but you are not familiar with these words related to war in your own language because you have the game in english.
Scenario 2. Someone wants to post screenshots or questions in forums and could use a quick language switch to comunicate easily.

Dec 23 2017, 12:22 AM

Dec 22 2017

mapkoc added a comment to D1055: More buttons for lobby.

user1 and me wanted some way to show the Terms of Use. Maybe a button on top of Host game.

Dec 22 2017, 11:57 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D1148: Optional lobby connect on startup.

I love this, once new buttons get to lobby (should there be a button for mod selection and join by ip? :) ).
But needs quitting game when leaving lobby. :)
Its good for hardcore MP players. Not sure how devs feel about us skipping main window.
If its a command line option I'm glad too, thats how i run game anyway.

Dec 22 2017, 6:14 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D1055: More buttons for lobby.

What's not to like here? An unobstructive auto hidable row of buttons that can be disabled if u don't like it.
If u try to disable it and save settings, an error message pops up "some settings values are invalid"
I can apply this patch by itself but not together with D854 or D1154.

Dec 22 2017, 5:50 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D854: Toggle summary of last multiplayer game in lobby.

I agree with this idea. Some people go back immediately to lobby fearing they'd miss the next big game. But if they stay in lobby it's nice to check summary. I wonder how it works if u join as spec late. Temple showed me that partial replay is actually stored with metadata and all.
Couldn't apply, conflicts.

Dec 22 2017, 5:36 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D1154: Options button in game setup gui named "Settings".

Tested, works. Very useful: new people always asking how to set batch size and maybe other options. Needed here and in lobby (D1055). D1055 conflicts with this patch if D1055 applied first.

Dec 22 2017, 5:29 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D797: New order categories in options.

this needs rebase or something, options.json conflicts

Dec 22 2017, 5:21 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D797: New order categories in options.

I like the idea of a game play category with the options that can give you an edge when playing,
like Detailed tooltips, all visual auras, wounded units, batch size, ceasefire time (maybe) and Unit slihouettes (not sure anyone uses this for performance).
The chat timestamp seems good in Lobby together with backlog and next to chat notifications tab.
FPS overlay maybe next to fps throttling (?)
I feel like the observers stuff should be separated, ppl always ask how to modify that.

Dec 22 2017, 5:17 AM
mapkoc added a comment to D816: Make Options Dialog hotkey toggleable in gamesetup, lobby, mainmenu and ingame.

O + drag is already a hotkey for selecting wounded units (not implemented i think)

Dec 22 2017, 4:54 AM

May 20 2017

mapkoc accepted D218: Show full games by default, change it to "Filter open games".
May 20 2017, 6:56 PM
mapkoc added a comment to D218: Show full games by default, change it to "Filter open games".

I tested this patch and it works as expected.
By default it shows all games when you join the lobby.
When you check the "Show only open games" filter, it hides all games already started plus all full games still in setup.

May 20 2017, 6:35 PM