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Only have capturing entities contribute to the capture regenrate.
Concern RaisedrP27142


Only have capturing entities contribute to the capture regenrate.

Only entities which have capture attack themselves will contribute to the regen-rate of a structure.
The garrisonRegenRate is now a multiplier how much each unit contributes their strength.

Quite some gameplay change, but we can experiment with this.

Differential revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4679
Comments by: @chrstgtr, @marder, @wraitii

Event Timeline

Silier added a subscriber: Silier.Oct 11 2022, 11:40 AM

Ai has some computations around capturin as well, are those affected?

The PetraAI uses it indeed, see D4799.

real_tabasco_sauce raised a concern with this commit.Jan 11 2024, 7:24 AM

That sounds like good play then? And reckless play from the defender? There are walls to fend off these kind of raids?

While I would +1 that this makes sense, it might lead to big gameplay changes

We can experiment with this in the next alpha.

Yeah, I suspect it will cause some pretty big meta changes in late game (after the initial two mines are depleted and men are no longer standing right next to the CC). Namely, I think it is going to create a pretty big turtling incentive and make players do those gimmick attacks much more often.

That doesn't sound good at all. Possible solutions: increase regen rate per age, increase CC capture points, add diminishing returns to entities being captured, let women defend from capture attacks.

This commit now has outstanding concerns.Jan 11 2024, 7:24 AM