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Correct transliteration of A24 name


Correct transliteration of A24 name

The last vowel is long.
(SF has been accidentally broken this morning).

Reported by: Nescio

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Nescio raised a concern with this commit.Jan 29 2021, 12:34 PM
Nescio added a subscriber: Nescio.

Could you make it Xšayāršā, for consistency with the name used by the hero?
I've also expanded https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SpecificNames#OldPersian to list the cuneiform and transliteration.
Moreover, you should do a sed in the *.pot and *.po files.

This commit now has outstanding concerns.Jan 29 2021, 12:34 PM
Stan added a subscriber: Stan.Jan 29 2021, 12:37 PM
Could you make it Xšayāršā, for consistency with the name used by the hero?
I've also expanded https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SpecificNames#OldPersian to list the cuneiform and transliteration.
Moreover, you should do a sed in the *.pot and *.po files.

I suppose since we accidentally broke translation freeze earlier today (because of a script bug) that it can be fixed, would have been nice to suggest that in the original concern :S
As for the pot files, they are generated automatically;

would have been nice to suggest that in the original concern :S

Didn't I?

Stan added a comment.Jan 29 2021, 12:41 PM

Nope you just asked to fix the last a.

Didn't I?

You wrote:

While in xšāyaϑiya (king) the final a is short, in Xšayaṛšā (Xerxes) the last a is long: ā. Please correct.
Couldn't you just use the specific name string from the hero_xerxes_i.xml template?
(Also, the "AINames" in the pers.json file are an inconsistent mess. Something for the next alpha.)

This suggest changing the Hero name, not the release name.
Anyway, I don't particularly want to deal with this, so I won't.

Where is the concern for? If it is the po-files: rP24807.

You wrote:

While in xšāyaϑiya (king) the final a is short, in Xšayaṛšā (Xerxes) the last a is long: ā. Please correct.

While it is true different transliteration conventions exist (e.g. x, kh, ch, ḥ, or h for 𐎧; or ā, â, å, or aa for 𐎠), the Old Persian cuneiform is quite clear, the last vowel is explicitly long:
Xšayaṛšā (or Xšayaạršā or Xšayāršā, depending on how you want to render the vocalic r)

Couldn't you just use the specific name string from the hero_xerxes_i.xml template?

[...] Xšayāršā [...]

(There is a typo in Xerxes' name, though, the s ought to be a š.)

No, I meant the first s in the transliteration, it has Xsayāršā [sic] instead of Xšayāršā.

Anyway, I don't particularly want to deal with this, so I won't.

Here you go: D3498.

Where is the concern for?

That currently two spellings are used for this name: Xšayaṛšā and Xšayāršā.

If it is the po-files: rP24807.

The autobuild scripts have to run more than once before a string is prompted for translation. This is what's on transifex right now:

As you can see, this is the previous string.

Stan added a comment.Jan 29 2021, 2:53 PM

If it is the po-files: rP24807.

The autobuild scripts have to run more than once before a string is prompted for translation. This is what's on transifex right now:

As you can see, this is the previous string.

There is something else at play

  • We update the string
  • We update the pot file
  • Sometime during the day transifex pulls it. < If that's not done then old string appears.
This commit no longer requires audit.Jan 29 2021, 3:42 PM