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Speed up citizen rotation & differentiate ranged infantry unit move speed


Speed up citizen rotation & differentiate ranged infantry unit move speed

Refs rP24415, rP24533, refs #5106

The introduction of "turn time" in A24 has been pointed out as a gameplay change that made rushing less viable, and made the game more turtley overall. Combined with other changes in the same direction, this was seen by several top MP players as a step back.
Increasing turn times to 14 for infantry makes them somewhat irrelevant, and a value of 10 for cavalry makes them noticeably more reactive while keeping a little speed debuff.

Champions have a lower value, and heroes keep their lower values still to prevent a reintroduction of 'dancing'.

Patch by: Valihrant

Reviewed By: wraitii

Differential Revision: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3971