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Fixes values of clip planes in PostProcManager

Authored by vladislavbelov on Aug 20 2019, 2:02 AM.



Uses correct values of clip planes instead of config ones (as camera settings might differ).

Test Plan
  1. Apply the patch and compile the game
  2. Run tests and make sure that all are passed
  3. Run the game and atlas and make sure that everything works as before

Diff Detail

rP 0 A.D. Public Repository
Lint Skipped
Unit Tests Skipped
Build Status
Buildable 8981
Build 14716: Vulcan BuildJenkins

Event Timeline

vladislavbelov created this revision.Aug 20 2019, 2:02 AM

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

Linter detected issues:
Executing section Source...

|  24| class·CPostprocManager
|    | [MAJOR] CPPCheckBear (syntaxError):
|    | Code 'classCPostprocManager{' is invalid C code. Use --std or --language to configure the language.
Executing section JS...
Executing section cli...

Link to build:

Stan added a subscriber: Stan.Aug 20 2019, 7:29 AM
Stan added inline comments.

Missing UNUSED ?

Looks alright, but calling it a 'refactoring' is a bit misleading imo, I'd avoid it in the commit message :)

Looks alright, but calling it a 'refactoring' is a bit misleading imo, I'd avoid it in the commit message :)

I can't say that it's a bug fix or a cleanup. What's about "Uses correct clip planes values in PostProcManager"?

elexis added a subscriber: elexis.Aug 20 2019, 2:13 PM
elexis added inline comments.

(The reordering could be in the commit that doesnt change code behavior too)


I'd recommend to split the moving of lines of code that doesnt change behavior from the part that does, so that it's easier to audit.
You can consider this hunk and the yellow lines above reviewed if you want.

Stan added inline comments.Aug 20 2019, 2:20 PM

@elexis according to your previous message on D2197#inline-42980 shouldn't that inline be removed too ?

Looks alright, but calling it a 'refactoring' is a bit misleading imo, I'd avoid it in the commit message :)

I can't say that it's a bug fix or a cleanup.

What's about "Uses correct clip planes values in PostProcManager"?

This suggests that it used incorrect clip planes previously, i.e. implying it to be a bugfix.

If it's just a new setter function, then it's more of a feature, something like "Support doing foo foo"...


Do we know the function to differ for both cases or could one define it outside of the macro and assume to be equal? I don't mind


i.e. GetFarPlane());

Also notice that this increases the number of function calls, but perhaps just setting the two members directly reduces the stack by 1-3 function calls (so as to optimize even with non-optimized compilers). (It's called each RendererSubmit, so not outlandish to consider.)?

vladislavbelov added inline comments.Aug 20 2019, 3:29 PM

Can I commit the movement separately without making a diff?


-\n seems ok to me, probably we need to pin in CC.

It costs mostly nothing and it's called only once per frame.

elexis added inline comments.Aug 20 2019, 3:32 PM

That's what I meant with the last sentence.


What value is it adding if one could also get away with less cycles? (Not that I object, but if it seems avoidable why not avoid it)

Committed cleanups separately in rP22738.

vladislavbelov retitled this revision from Refactoring of PostProcManager to Fixes values of clip planes in PostProcManager.Aug 20 2019, 11:38 PM
vladislavbelov edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

Link to build:

Patch looks a lot cleaner already, doesn't it? The committed one as well.

So the idea is that it should use m_ViewCamera (from rP3405) instead of g_Game->GetView().
It's currently always identical but if someone was to come along and change the camera projection, it would read the value from the wrong place?

I wonder if one could even avoid the call each frame by calling SetDepthBufferClipPlanes when m_ViewCamera changes?
(Not only for performance, but might also be cleaner code-wise to set a value that depends on another value only if and only if that other value changes)
That would be SetViewCamera, because those m_ViewCamera = normalCamera assignments are just temporary back and forth?

Otherwise I won't object to you committing this if you are certain that you know what you are doing (and I can't complain about a commit if there is no reason to complain in the commit).


(-\n if you don't mind)

In D2196#91706, @elexis wrote:

So the idea is that it should use m_ViewCamera (from rP3405) instead of g_Game->GetView().

Not quite right, m_ViewCamera is the current camera of Renderer (which can be changed during frame rendering, currently for shadow maps), but here we need exact values used for the final frame before postprocessing.

I wonder if one could even avoid the call each frame by calling SetDepthBufferClipPlanes when m_ViewCamera changes?

Nope, m_ViewCamera isn't what we exactly need.

wraitii accepted this revision.Sep 18 2019, 9:02 PM

Change is positive and this works on my machine -> Accept.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 18 2019, 9:02 PM
This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Sep 20 2019, 9:54 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
elexis added inline comments.Sep 20 2019, 1:15 PM

(For scopes it makes sense to put it on a separate line, for JS arrays and JS Objects too, but I didn't see the reason why the \n should be on a separate line rather than after the last argument for function calls. It leaves the impression of a scope or object being created. One can also count the occurrences of the two styles. I used this \n style for few commits too, but I quickly reverted my opinion.)