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[gameplay] new concept for fields
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by mimo on Mar 16 2017, 7:35 PM.
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Group Reviewers

Current field implementation have several drawbacks:

  • it should be disfavored in start game (berries and hunt are to be preferred) while still possible as some maps miss enough other resources.
  • it should be more sensitive to raids (a raid which does not destroy a field but severely damage it should have an effect on its gather rate, while currently it's enough to garrison its gatherers and wait for the end of the storm)

To solve that, i had proposed some changes some time ago (see some discussion of this concept in ) which i've revived here in a working patch. The main ideas are:

  • the gather rate depends on the health of the field (which symbolize their fertility)
  • the fields are now built very quickly (15s build time), but their initial health is only a small fraction of the max health (30% in the patch), and thus the initial gather rate is small (30% of its full value)
  • the field health increases slowly when it is gathered, and decreases when no gatherers (so in case of raid, if we garrison all our farmers, the productivity of the fields will decrease, possibly up to the destruction of the field).
  • the initial increase of health when worked on is relatively slow and the initial decrease of health when unattended relatively large, so that fields are less an interesting source of food at start game, until we have researched the irrigation (available only at town phase) which improves the increase of health when gathered and reduces the decrease when unattended.
Test Plan

Test the changes in game

Diff Detail

rP 0 A.D. Public Repository
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Build Status
Buildable 778
Build 1232: Vulcan BuildJenkins
Build 1231: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

Owners added a subscriber: Restricted Owners Package.Mar 16 2017, 7:35 PM

Would seriouly not add merge conflicts to D215 yet again.
Idea is good, needs gameplay testing and balance finetuning.


I'd invert the check. Also I dont like checks for classes in code logic, why not check for the existance of ResourceSupply and a property thereof? So that modders can use it for things other than fields?

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Running cxxtest tests (302 tests)..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/533/ for more details.

In D227#8448, @elexis wrote:

Would seriouly not add merge conflicts to D215 yet again.

That's something which is currently missing, and which will anyway have to be added at some point to D215 or a following patch.

Idea is good, needs gameplay testing and balance finetuning.


yes, adding a new property (but in Health to signal that the regenRates should be used differently ) would be better. I'll change it.

Good idea, this idea has a lot of potencial.

In D227#8448, @elexis wrote:

Would seriouly not add merge conflicts to D215 yet again.

That very nice that D215 is now commited (thanks for that). But concerning this patch, i've currently no idea how i can do what i need for this patch in this new framework, i.e. take as Max health of the foundation the Initial health of its base entity if it exists, otherwise use the Max of the base entity as is currently done. I'll have to dig into the code to understand it, but if anybody has an idea how to do it, feel free to comment here

Sounds like adding a merge to foundation.xml

In D227#8493, @elexis wrote:

Sounds like adding a merge to foundation.xml

That's what i expected, but not sure it would work as we need to move the "Initial" from base to "Max" of foundation, and only it is exists.

Just keep max health and change the sim?

it should be disfavored in start game (berries and hunt are to be preferred) while still possible as some maps miss enough other resources.

I think thats already the case, though the proposal sounds good anyway.

In D227#8496, @elexis wrote:

Just keep max health and change the sim?

Yep, i think i'll have to do it in the sim. It was more elegant to have it in the template, and better visually as otherwise the construction will stop when it reaches 30%, which may leave some players perplexe.

Just brainstorming, changing the Foundation code to use the initial health instead of the max health?

and if its inevitable, you can still add a new C+++ function doing that

Even more elegant than extending hardcoded c++ template interpretation would be implementing a copy_from= attribute

updated version with answers to elexis comments and a temporary hack following D215 which broke the previous patch (to allow tests of the feature).

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Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!
Running debug tests...
Running cxxtest tests (305 tests).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................OK!

http://jw:8080/job/phabricator/552/ for more details.

(If I understand #2951#comment:28 correctly, the transformation shouldn't be done in C++ nor a special filter)

"...currently it's enough to garrison its gatherers and wait for the end of the storm." is already damaging the economy of the attacked player.

IMO keep it simple. Either make building efficiency depend on "health" for all buildings or none. Not mix it (like it is sadly done already for e.g. maximum numbers of buildings of a specific type...).

Otherwise I agree with this changes (and yes, that means fields are different to other buildings in some aspects ^^).

Another completely different concept for fields, based on the concept of seasons, which would discourage early use.

The farms would need to be built(the crops sown), and then they would take time to grow, they would use the Resource Change feature that is being considered for livestock "fattening". The farms could either have a short timer, say, 1 food every 1 seconds(a more arcade mechanic), or a longer timer, it could suddenly get 300 food after 3 minutes(a more realistic mechanic).

Farms would be utilized less in early game because of the sow time(build time), and that you do not get to harvest the crops till later, when the crops have matured. The actual harvest rate could be increased, quite dramatically, even 5 food per second . The limiting factor to farms would be a) farmland defensibility, b) The time for return on investment.

Raiding farms, and destroying them, could be especially damaging for "that years crops" if you, for example, destroy all the fields before the 3 minute mark(or whenever the crops "mature").

Raiding farms immediately before the harvest is ready would become meta strategy, for either stealing the resources from the farms(which could be gathered quite quickly, (maybe)), or at least destroying your opponents expected food supply.

@myou5e: While I like the idea it would result in a considerable amount of micro. Players having to replant farms continuously and keep checking for which ones are full, to harvest. Something less micro-intensive would be to use a very long build time (200 s @ DelendaEst?) and use that as your "growing season".

@myou5e: While I like the idea it would result in a considerable amount of micro. Players having to replant farms continuously and keep checking for which ones are full, to harvest. Something less micro-intensive would be to use a very long build time (200 s @ DelendaEst?) and use that as your "growing season".

You don't need Micro if the farms don't get exhaused, and regen over time. There would be no rebuilding. The management difference is that you would probably need to have more farms, and more space, and they would potentially be ready in bursts, and the harvesters would move over a larger area as each area became ready for harvest. Borg has already implemented Fattening, and I understand there is already a diff ready for review? I have experimented using this in my own mod for farms and it works fine. To stop the farms from exhausting I only needed to add a "Renewable" option to the Resource Supply schema, and an "if" condition so that "if" renewable, the entity will not be destroyed upon reaching 0 resources.

Once I get my mod up and running I will let some people test it to see what they think!

Nescio retitled this revision from New concept for fields to [gameplay] new concept for fields.Apr 19 2021, 6:39 PM