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Use the @wowgetoffyourcellphone's Uffington Horse as the Briton Wonder…


Use the @wowgetoffyourcellphone's Uffington Horse as the Briton Wonder committed in @enrique's special commit rP19095. As such the building is no longer garrisonable, and no longer gives a population bonus.
Discussed with: @wowgetoffyourcellphone
Thread 1: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20986-civ-britons/&tab=comments#comment-318536
Thread 2: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/17495-task-wonder-britons-stonehenge-and-white-horse/page/6/&tab=comments#comment-298890

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The Uffington White Horse is indeed a nice addition. However, I'm not sure making it the Briton wonder is a good idea. Both Stonehenge and this predate our timeframe. Furthermore, although you disabled the <GarrisonHolder> node, it still has the same capture points, health, and costs as other wonders, which, to me at least, seems inappropiate for something that's not a massive temple structure, but merely a pattern in the ground.

no longer gives a population bonus

In that case you should remove the population auras from it.



My bad in the commit description I meant production queue not population.

I agree with you on the relevance though it's mostly to differentiate Britons from the Gauls :)


Was like that in DE I assumed it had a use.

My bad in the commit description I meant production queue not population.

As it is it means the White Horse gives +10 by default and the full +50 when researching the “Glorious Expansion” technology at a different wonder.

it's mostly to differentiate Britons from the Gauls :)

Stonehenge isn't located in France. Whilst I agree brit, gaul, mace, and pers ought to have new wonders, this patch seems to be a change from something somewhat problematic to something potentially more problematic.


Probably too high.


Should be changed too.


Trees have it.

This commit was to implement a design decision made long ago to make the Uffington White Horse the Briton wonder. Any discussion here should be about technical issues.

elexis added a subscriber: elexis.

This commit was to implement a design decision made long ago to make the Uffington White Horse the Briton wonder.

I suppose it was that https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Britons?action=diff&version=10

Any discussion here should be about technical issues.

I would say the balancing was broken by this commit, the wonder is very expensive and everyone builds it to exclusively to get 50 more population if its not a wonder victory game that wasnt decided before people can afford it.
If you play a 150 or 200 pop multiplayergame, getting 50 more population will give you a greater advantage in the game than any other technology.

Removing this just because the visual actor looks different, maybe, but you can just remove the strongest technology and not compensate for that in the balance.

You can remove the prize to balance the missing return value, but then why is it a wonder if it doesnt provide anything.

This was also reported in svn testgames and in #5622.

And who said that the population bonus comes from the ability to garrison?
I doubt people would have taken shelter at the other wonders either?
Looking at the code, it seems you guys weren't aware of the wonder_pop_2 technology

Making the wonders unqiue per civ sounds good, perhaps one can find a good bonus that is unique to britons, somehow fits the history, is worth the cost and equal but not superior in gameplay value to the player compared to the other wonders.

So the concerns are:

  • removed the use of the wonder in non-wonder-victory condition games
  • high cost for no return value
  • the population bonus auras are present, shown in the tooltips, and enemies capturing gain the bonus, but the player building the entity doesnt get the bonus as he cant research the technology unless having captured enemy wonder
This commit now has outstanding concerns.Oct 17 2019, 1:01 AM
This commit no longer requires audit.Dec 18 2020, 1:07 AM