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historic_bruno (Ben Brian)


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User Since
Jul 8 2019, 3:30 PM (263 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 26 2019

historic_bruno added a comment to rP22511: Fix the -Wclass-memaccess compiler warning in the pathfinders Grid.h, refs….

Sure it was this commit? As I understand it's the placement new in rP22545 that is not supported by VS2013?

(01:20:33 AM) historicbruno: sorry, it's the default initialization of the array that is the issue
(01:21:24 AM) historicbruno: new T*[size](); fails on VS2013 with optimizations, for whatever reason
(01:23:06 AM) historicbruno: but as wraitii pointed out, the bug report links have all died
(01:23:14 AM) historicbruno: they even removed them from :/

-> D2125

Jul 26 2019, 6:07 AM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2125: VS2013 Grid.h memset fallback.

Here's the observed behavior in VS2013:

  • pre-rP22511: builds and can play matches (tested last week when I was still using VS2013).
  • rP22511: builds, but instant crashes on match start (I didn't tested this as I had switched to VS2015... was not reported either). Also introduced memleak.
    • This is important because we hadn't introduced placement-new to fix the memleak. That's evidence that it can be ruled out as the problem. More later.
  • rP22545: builds, fixes memleak, but crashes on match start (I also didn't test this on VS2013... but gameboy and Angen did, and reported the crash).
    • Suspicion falls on placement-new, as one might expect, it was all that changed in this commit.
    • I tested after the report from Angen and confirmed the crash. Also suspected placement-new, but while testing things, found that rP22511 crashes too.

So it must be something in rP22511. Three candidates by process of elimination, basically.

  • The following diff builds, but crashes:
Index: Grid.h
--- Grid.h	(revision 22551)
+++ Grid.h	(working copy)
@@ -217,8 +217,7 @@
 		for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)(m_BW*m_BH); ++i)
 			delete[] m_Data[i];
Jul 26 2019, 6:06 AM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2102: Fix gcc 7 ModIo.cpp compile warning - aligned-new / extended alignment 64.
Jul 26 2019, 12:54 AM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D1929: Clean up renderer options.
Jul 26 2019, 12:33 AM

Jul 25 2019

historic_bruno added a comment to rP22511: Fix the -Wclass-memaccess compiler warning in the pathfinders Grid.h, refs….

I guess that's what we get for not testing the VS2013 build. I already switched to VS2015 in anticipation of #5379...

Jul 25 2019, 9:42 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D1929: Clean up renderer options.
Jul 25 2019, 8:15 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D1929: Clean up renderer options.
Jul 25 2019, 8:56 AM
historic_bruno committed rP22551: Removes clipboard debug logging on X11, fixes #5535.
Removes clipboard debug logging on X11, fixes #5535
Jul 25 2019, 7:34 AM
historic_bruno committed rP22549: Fixes missing Engine.DisplayErrorDialog in hwdetect.js (lost in r14496)..
Fixes missing Engine.DisplayErrorDialog in hwdetect.js (lost in r14496).
Jul 25 2019, 7:22 AM
historic_bruno closed D2123: Register JSI_Debug script functions for hwdetect.js.
Jul 25 2019, 7:21 AM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2123: Register JSI_Debug script functions for hwdetect.js.
In D2123#88693, @elexis wrote:

The idea is that one can switch into the debugger if some JS conditions are met?

JSI_Debug::Crash still seems gruesome to me, but whatever.

Jul 25 2019, 6:33 AM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2102: Fix gcc 7 ModIo.cpp compile warning - aligned-new / extended alignment 64.
Jul 25 2019, 6:30 AM

Jul 24 2019

historic_bruno added a comment to D2123: Register JSI_Debug script functions for hwdetect.js.

It was added to GUI scripts because it was envisioned it might be useful elsewhere besides hwdetect (remember this is when "GUI scripts" was a global scriptinterface and applied to hwdetect too).

Jul 24 2019, 10:02 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2123: Register JSI_Debug script functions for hwdetect.js.
In D2123#88689, @elexis wrote:
Crash, DebugWarn nothing uses that, shall we delete?
DisplayErrorDialog only hwdetect.js uses it
GetBuildDate, GetBuildRevision - displayed in UI menu
GetBuildTimestamp - unused, possibly useful
GetMicroseconds - I added that for occasional UI performance debugging replacing janwas "cheezy" custom UI profiler. Later (a24) added for MapGenerator too but always used there.
Jul 24 2019, 9:30 PM
historic_bruno updated the summary of D2123: Register JSI_Debug script functions for hwdetect.js.
Jul 24 2019, 8:46 PM
historic_bruno raised a concern with rP14496: Removes g_ScriptingHost and implements global to compartment 1 to 1 relation..
Jul 24 2019, 8:45 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2123: Register JSI_Debug script functions for hwdetect.js.

It could be argued that hwdetect doesn't need all the JSI_Debug functions, but I also felt it strange to duplicate that function implementation instead of reusing the handy RegisterScriptFunctions.

Jul 24 2019, 8:40 PM
historic_bruno created D2123: Register JSI_Debug script functions for hwdetect.js.
Jul 24 2019, 8:05 PM
historic_bruno requested changes to D1929: Clean up renderer options.

From IRC discussion 20190721, two issues found:

  • Toggling Post processing option in-game causes an error
  • Toggling shadows on Azure Coast 3 scenario products strange artifacts (not present on SVN or A23b):

Jul 24 2019, 7:14 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2102: Fix gcc 7 ModIo.cpp compile warning - aligned-new / extended alignment 64.
Jul 24 2019, 5:25 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2121: Fix memory leak introduced by rP22511 in SparseGrid.

Some profiling results of the old memset code, vs the default-initializers including this diff: P162

Jul 24 2019, 4:01 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2116: Avoid copying CChart m_Points following rP19027.
Jul 24 2019, 4:51 AM

Jul 23 2019

historic_bruno added a comment to D2104: Unify usage of mouse buttons for preselected action and hotkey modifications.

Why not allow both right- and left-click for the command buttons? That way we don't suddenly change the behavior for existing users (people will complain), but those who feel it's more consistent to use right-click in both cases can still do so.

Jul 23 2019, 6:21 AM
historic_bruno added a comment to rP22348: Delete old redistributables for VS 2010, and add new ones for VS 2015. Refs….

Also nspr4.dll depends on msvcr100.dll

Jul 23 2019, 5:07 AM
historic_bruno raised a concern with rP22348: Delete old redistributables for VS 2010, and add new ones for VS 2015. Refs….

nvtt.dll still depends on msvcr100.dll, which causes an error on some systems (particularly, clean installs of XP SP3). Should be rebuilt with VS2015 (vc140_xp toolset)

Jul 23 2019, 2:56 AM

Jul 22 2019

historic_bruno requested changes to D1929: Clean up renderer options.

From IRC discussion 20190721, two issues found:

Jul 22 2019, 9:56 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1510: Update to Spidermonkey 45.0.2.

ROSA applied some other patches to their lib64mozjs45-devel package for fixing arm/aarch64 support:

Jul 22 2019, 7:02 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1510: Update to Spidermonkey 45.0.2.

All tests passed or skipped in release build (some of them timeout in debug build)

Jul 22 2019, 6:44 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1510: Update to Spidermonkey 45.0.2.

Clang build is very noisy, see P155. Most errors are [-Wundefined-var-template]. We could suppress this warning, but it's not available in the oldest compilers we support.

Jul 22 2019, 6:42 PM
historic_bruno changed the visibility for P156 FixTemplateWarnings.diff.
Jul 22 2019, 6:20 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2080: Replace Eval calls with new ScriptInterface CreateObject and CreateArray functions.
Jul 22 2019, 6:17 PM
historic_bruno requested changes to D2080: Replace Eval calls with new ScriptInterface CreateObject and CreateArray functions.
Jul 22 2019, 6:14 PM
historic_bruno updated the title for P156 FixTemplateWarnings.diff from 6c37be9cee51.diff to FixTemplateWarnings.diff.
Jul 22 2019, 5:11 PM
historic_bruno edited P156 FixTemplateWarnings.diff.
Jul 22 2019, 7:14 AM
historic_bruno edited P156 FixTemplateWarnings.diff.
Jul 22 2019, 7:10 AM
historic_bruno edited P157 SM45 update.
Jul 22 2019, 6:25 AM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1510: Update to Spidermonkey 45.0.2. should be patched: P157

Jul 22 2019, 6:09 AM
historic_bruno created P157 SM45 update.
Jul 22 2019, 6:07 AM
historic_bruno changed the visibility for P156 FixTemplateWarnings.diff.
Jul 22 2019, 5:38 AM

Jul 21 2019

historic_bruno added a comment to D2101: Re-D2013 - Fix incorrect use of setlocale() in cppformat CStr tests.

Well it ought to be a common locale, and it makes as much sense as fr_FR given the numeric parsing we do.

Jul 21 2019, 6:12 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2101: Re-D2013 - Fix incorrect use of setlocale() in cppformat CStr tests.
Jul 21 2019, 5:43 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2101: Re-D2013 - Fix incorrect use of setlocale() in cppformat CStr tests.
Jul 21 2019, 5:40 PM

Jul 20 2019

historic_bruno added inline comments to D1698: FCollada: Various compilation fixes for different compilers.
Jul 20 2019, 11:06 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1218: New formation bonus.

Seems it was decided to hold off on this until formation attacks are mechanically practical (I agree, but wasn't sure if this still needed review), since it would be unfair if units can be physically spread apart, but still get formation bonuses.

Jul 20 2019, 10:12 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1849: Add a "Mac Mouse" option.
In D1849#87712, @elexis wrote:

Precisely because they have no idea how to fix this, the one line in options.json is the right fix isn't it?

Jul 20 2019, 9:53 PM · macOS Developers
historic_bruno requested changes to D1929: Clean up renderer options.
Jul 20 2019, 9:43 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1929: Clean up renderer options.

I haven't build- or run-tested this yet, but the diff looks conceptually OK.

Jul 20 2019, 9:43 PM
historic_bruno accepted D2089: Catch PSError MapReader and MapGenerator exceptions.
Jul 20 2019, 9:36 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D1926: Introduce some sort of prop LOD.
Jul 20 2019, 9:36 PM
historic_bruno added a reviewer for D1929: Clean up renderer options: historic_bruno.
Jul 20 2019, 8:26 PM
historic_bruno accepted D1849: Add a "Mac Mouse" option.
Jul 20 2019, 8:09 PM · macOS Developers
historic_bruno added a comment to D1849: Add a "Mac Mouse" option.

Don't see the problem here. Whatever the % of users who are affected, at least some of them do play the game and have no idea how to fix this, as we don't document it anywhere.

Jul 20 2019, 8:08 PM · macOS Developers
historic_bruno added a reviewer for D1510: Update to Spidermonkey 45.0.2: historic_bruno.
Jul 20 2019, 7:14 PM
historic_bruno added a reviewer for D1697: FCollada: Add missing includes in the test suite: historic_bruno.
Jul 20 2019, 7:11 PM
historic_bruno added a reviewer for D1696: FCollada: Add gitignore and Update solution files: historic_bruno.
Jul 20 2019, 7:11 PM
historic_bruno added a reviewer for D1698: FCollada: Various compilation fixes for different compilers: historic_bruno.
Jul 20 2019, 7:10 PM
historic_bruno added a reviewer for D1046: Give Message Box Confirmation Hotkey Binding: historic_bruno.
Jul 20 2019, 7:10 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D1510: Update to Spidermonkey 45.0.2.
Jul 20 2019, 9:22 AM
historic_bruno retitled D1263: Improve lobby UI at default 1024x768 window size from Player list ratings not more completely viewable on 1024x768 lobby to Improve lobby UI at default 1024x768 window size.
Jul 20 2019, 8:28 AM

Jul 19 2019

historic_bruno updated the summary of D1698: FCollada: Various compilation fixes for different compilers.
Jul 19 2019, 6:38 PM
historic_bruno updated the summary of D1697: FCollada: Add missing includes in the test suite.
Jul 19 2019, 6:38 PM
historic_bruno updated the summary of D1696: FCollada: Add gitignore and Update solution files.
Jul 19 2019, 6:37 PM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2089: Catch PSError MapReader and MapGenerator exceptions.
Jul 19 2019, 4:08 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1246: Allow to lock teams in scenarios.
In D1246#53684, @elexis wrote:

I'm reluctant with this. The idea of scenario maps must have been at one point to let the map lock every setting.

Jul 19 2019, 7:14 AM
historic_bruno committed rP22508: Makes wxWidgets 3.0 dependency explicit in the game build..
Makes wxWidgets 3.0 dependency explicit in the game build.
Jul 19 2019, 6:52 AM
historic_bruno closed D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.
Jul 19 2019, 6:52 AM
historic_bruno accepted D2099: Fix Pathfinder Grid.h compiler warning.
Jul 19 2019, 1:41 AM

Jul 18 2019

historic_bruno committed rP22503: Removes deprecated 'register' storage class from mongoose. Refs #3068.
Removes deprecated 'register' storage class from mongoose. Refs #3068
Jul 18 2019, 8:28 AM
historic_bruno updated the diff for D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.

Rebased to latest SVN

Jul 18 2019, 7:22 AM
historic_bruno committed rP22501: Update win32 wxWidgets README for VS 2015..
Update win32 wxWidgets README for VS 2015.
Jul 18 2019, 6:18 AM
historic_bruno closed D2030: Update wxWidgets readme [VS2013 -> VS2015].
Jul 18 2019, 6:18 AM
historic_bruno committed rP22500: Fixes some ambiguous calls of abs()..
Fixes some ambiguous calls of abs().
Jul 18 2019, 12:39 AM
historic_bruno closed D2091: Fix ambiguous uses of abs [-Wabsolute-value] .
Jul 18 2019, 12:39 AM

Jul 17 2019

historic_bruno closed D2057: GnuTLS configure requires pkg-config, breaking macOS build.
Jul 17 2019, 11:12 PM
historic_bruno accepted D2030: Update wxWidgets readme [VS2013 -> VS2015].
Jul 17 2019, 7:04 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2030: Update wxWidgets readme [VS2013 -> VS2015].
In D2030#87141, @Itms wrote:

I used the latest one (probably vc12) with the compiler I wanted to build the game with. Recent versions of visual studio can open slightly older solutions without issue ?

Sorry, I should have seen this revision earlier.

Jul 17 2019, 6:57 PM
historic_bruno requested changes to D2030: Update wxWidgets readme [VS2013 -> VS2015].
Jul 17 2019, 5:16 PM
historic_bruno committed rP22494: Disables GnuTLS Native Language Support in, refs #5503.
Disables GnuTLS Native Language Support in, refs #5503
Jul 17 2019, 4:52 PM
historic_bruno committed rP22493: Fixes silent download errors in Fixes #5490..
Fixes silent download errors in Fixes #5490.
Jul 17 2019, 4:32 PM
historic_bruno committed rP22492: Cleans up whitespace. Fixes #5486..
Cleans up whitespace. Fixes #5486.
Jul 17 2019, 4:20 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2091: Fix ambiguous uses of abs [-Wabsolute-value] .
In D2091#87068, @elexis wrote:

std::fabs, std::labs?

Jul 17 2019, 3:53 PM
historic_bruno created D2091: Fix ambiguous uses of abs [-Wabsolute-value] .
Jul 17 2019, 6:26 AM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2057: GnuTLS configure requires pkg-config, breaking macOS build.
Jul 17 2019, 6:02 AM
historic_bruno accepted D2084: Remove CMapGeneratorWorker struct AutoFree.
Jul 17 2019, 12:56 AM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2084: Remove CMapGeneratorWorker struct AutoFree.
Jul 17 2019, 12:54 AM
historic_bruno requested changes to D2084: Remove CMapGeneratorWorker struct AutoFree.
Jul 17 2019, 12:15 AM
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2084: Remove CMapGeneratorWorker struct AutoFree.
Jul 17 2019, 12:15 AM

Jul 16 2019

historic_bruno accepted D2084: Remove CMapGeneratorWorker struct AutoFree.
Jul 16 2019, 11:49 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2084: Remove CMapGeneratorWorker struct AutoFree.
In D2084#86963, @elexis wrote:

All I can think of are exceptions. What if an exception is thrown in CMapGeneratorWorker::Run()?

As far as I see there should by design not be any exceptions thrown in the MapGenerator thread.
If there is an error in mapgen stage, it is passed as progress = -1 to the MapReader in CMapReader::GenerateMap.
One could do some effort to pass over the exception string.

Jul 16 2019, 11:43 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2030: Update wxWidgets readme [VS2013 -> VS2015].

Ah, thanks! :) That makes sense then.

Jul 16 2019, 9:08 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2030: Update wxWidgets readme [VS2013 -> VS2015].

Why 3.0.4 in particular? I've built against 3.0.2 and it works (see also #2891, not sure which version the autobuilder currently uses -- it was 3.0.2 back then). We could simply say "the latest stable release", or something like that.

Jul 16 2019, 8:58 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2084: Remove CMapGeneratorWorker struct AutoFree.

All I can think of are exceptions. What if an exception is thrown in CMapGeneratorWorker::Run()?

Jul 16 2019, 8:36 PM
historic_bruno updated the Trac tickets for D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.
Jul 16 2019, 8:07 PM
historic_bruno added a comment to D1784: Fixed assert fails in Actor Editor.
In D1784#75860, @Stan wrote:

For Windows we officially dropped it when we committed #5098. For the rest of the platforms most of the ticket are about being compatible, but there is no clear decision.

What's about 2.9?

Jul 16 2019, 8:02 PM · Windows Developers
historic_bruno added inline comments to D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.
Jul 16 2019, 7:23 PM
historic_bruno requested review of D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.
Jul 16 2019, 3:53 AM
historic_bruno updated the diff for D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.
Jul 16 2019, 3:53 AM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.

source/tools/atlas/AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor/Sections/Player/Player.cpp has some code related to 2.8, I think it should be removed too.
source/tools/atlas/AtlasUI/ScenarioEditor/ScenarioEditor.cpp has some notes about 2.9, should be fixed or removed.

Jul 16 2019, 3:49 AM
historic_bruno added a comment to D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.

What's about Ubuntu 14.04? We still have such audience (judging by feedback statistics).

Jul 16 2019, 2:49 AM
historic_bruno updated the diff for D2076: Make wxWidgets 3.0 build requirement more explicit.

Remove some wxWidgets 2.x checks.

Jul 16 2019, 2:03 AM