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Artillery tower master commit, Keep your eyes open for errors, everything's…


Artillery tower master commit, Keep your eyes open for errors, everything's good on my end but my subversion is filthy


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elexis added a subscriber: elexis.Oct 26 2019, 7:26 PM

From the bot:

Error loading ../../../binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_structure_military_siege_tunnel.xml: No such file or directory at Entity.pm line 23.

Forum links to committed work is always appreciated in case someone reads this.

Nescio added a subscriber: Nescio.Dec 17 2019, 8:26 PM

Whilst I'm not opposed to adding new towers per se, I think it's premature to enable them already, partly because not all civilizations have them, and partly because their stats seem to come from out of nowhere.

Stan added a comment.Dec 17 2019, 8:27 PM

Whilst I'm not opposed to adding new towers per se, I think it's premature to enable them already, partly because not all civilizations have them, and partly because their stats seem to come from out of nowhere.

I guess the fact that not all of the civ have them was intended by Lordgood.

Adding new entities (art) is great, but enabling them affects gameplay balance, so probably deserves more discussion and testing.