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User Since
Jan 15 2021, 12:54 AM (184 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 1 2023

Langbart added a comment to rP27910: [Art][Gameplay] A slightly larger chicken model to improve gameplay.

Animation became noticeably out of sync with movement speed

Nov 1 2023, 11:01 AM

Apr 6 2023

Langbart added a comment to rP27552: Implements framebuffer readback for Vulkan to allow screenshots..
  • Just a change in window size when hidpi is set to true.
    • hidpi is not officially supported yet, but I note it here
Apr 6 2023, 12:02 AM

Apr 5 2023

Langbart accepted D4976: Allow to set the biome with the autostart command..

@Langbart added the option to the CLI.

@wraitii wrote it, just copied from D4117

Apr 5 2023, 7:02 PM
Langbart accepted D4975: Allow starting by command with sandbox AI..

The demand to sync was added with rP15761. Having binaries/system/readme.txt with all command line options is great, why it also needs to be in GameSetup.cpp is not clear. I would delete that part and just refer to binaries/system/readme.txt, other cli option examples such as archivebuild, writableRoot, ... aren't sync either. But there's no harm in continuing something a man wrote ~10 years ago.

Apr 5 2023, 6:55 PM

Mar 10 2023

Langbart accepted D4968: Fixes grass with normal and specular textures.

Fixes the referenced problem, no more black spots on the fields.

Mar 10 2023, 7:59 PM

Mar 9 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4947: Switches VMA to Vulkan 1.1.

Apply the patch and compile the game (release and debug)

Yes for release and debug

Run the game (release and debug)

Yes for pyrogenesis and pyrogenesis_dbg with -conf=rendererbackend:vulkan -mod=public -mod=0ad-spirv

Mar 9 2023, 12:11 AM

Mar 8 2023

Langbart added a comment to rP27571: Fix a bug introduced in Phab:rP18938..

Fix a bug introduced in Phab:rP18938.

How did u end up in rP18938, instead of rP18758 ?

Mar 8 2023, 11:47 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4961: Adjust batch modifier from upgraded Han CC.
Mar 8 2023, 11:30 PM · Balancing
Langbart added a comment to D4962: Converge catapult/ heavy warship stats and get their range closer to A23 values .
  • Units derived from template_unit_ship_heavy.xml still fire infinitely when ordered directly to attack a structure that is just enough in range.
    • Ref: rP25341 (templates/template_unit_ship_quinquereme.xml was renamed to template/template_unit_ship_warship_heavy.xml in rP27341)
Mar 8 2023, 11:15 PM · Balancing
Langbart added a comment to D4963: improve messages of unmet requirements.

Looks promising, let's wait what @Freagarach says about:

Mar 8 2023, 11:06 PM

Mar 3 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4960: Another change to the autocontinue logic..
Mar 3 2023, 6:59 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4960: Another change to the autocontinue logic..

The order to build a field has always led them to start farming the field, and now they are looking for other construction orders that have nothing to do with fields. I don't want them to finish any construction that is in their immediate vicinity that is not a field.

Mar 3 2023, 6:10 PM

Feb 28 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4952: Give Chandragupta Maurya Hero two auras.

Sounds good, I'll try to commit today. :)

Feb 28 2023, 12:08 PM

Feb 24 2023

Langbart accepted D4954: Fix units idling after unable to garrison while there are rally points..

mimo Nov 11 2013, 17:29 rP14146 : fix tag 14144 which had unwanted changes

Feb 24 2023, 7:11 AM

Feb 21 2023

Langbart accepted D4951: Don't subtract lifestock from used/gathered resources..

solves the issue

Feb 21 2023, 7:30 PM

Feb 16 2023

Langbart added a comment to rP27544: Fix AI tasking catafalques to the center of the CC..

note: the gameState.getEntityById(... was superfluous ... works also without it. 😶

Feb 16 2023, 12:35 AM

Feb 15 2023

Langbart accepted D4939: Fix batch not stopped when using the spawn cheat..
Feb 15 2023, 11:16 PM

Feb 10 2023

Langbart accepted D4931: Fix Han catafalque..
Feb 10 2023, 8:27 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4934: Fix units idling nigh capturable entity..

I have played a few games and everything is running fine. Some problems I have encountered have been documented. I believe they are most likely not due to this change:

Feb 10 2023, 7:41 AM
Langbart accepted D4933: Fix rally points cursor and capturing from spawn..
Feb 10 2023, 6:07 AM

Feb 9 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4933: Fix rally points cursor and capturing from spawn..

solves the issue for the user, the AI remains dissatisfied.

Feb 9 2023, 10:42 AM

Feb 8 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4930: Don't error out on complex requirements without tooltip..

The message is shown every turn, alternatively reduce the interval to 2000ms. (10turns)

(Should be some kind of option/feature of the warn function.)

Feb 8 2023, 12:30 AM

Feb 7 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4931: Fix Han catafalque..

The text was simply copied from Wikipedia - Music Bureau. I don`t see how the description fits the aura modifications at all. If Wu liked the arts, the capture could be modified. The empire became more culturally attractive, converting enemies became easier.

Feb 7 2023, 2:28 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4931: Fix Han catafalque..

EDIT: see Possessive Apostrophe for the usage of the extra Apostrophe (see data/technologies/unlock_spies.json for an example within 0 A.D.)

Feb 7 2023, 2:05 PM

Feb 6 2023

Langbart accepted D4930: Don't error out on complex requirements without tooltip..

This works and satisfies the wiki/Coding_Conventions#JavaScript.

Feb 6 2023, 4:47 PM

Feb 1 2023

Langbart accepted D4918: Fix missing translation.

Thank you for solving the problem. 😃

Feb 1 2023, 10:07 AM

Jan 31 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4918: Fix missing translation.

It reads as "Invalid Mod: Invalid mod signature"

Jan 31 2023, 1:36 PM

Jan 26 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4911: Fix 10K process crash on MacOS.

You mean you still get thousands of processes, or is the spindump thing a separate bug?

Thous are separate bugs: D4905 (the small pyrogenesis processes) is fixed by passing an environment variable and #6699 (the spindump thing) can be solved by using SDK 10.12.

Jan 26 2023, 1:27 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.

During playtesting with Vulcan a few errors occurred. It happened while playing as Britons building their structures: forge and crannog

Jan 26 2023, 7:17 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
In D4905#209769, @Stan wrote:

I didn't quite understand your performance test, is it slower or faster for you? The results seems to say GL is faster in your case.

I can try my "low" graphics game setup.

Jan 26 2023, 2:26 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
In D4905#209769, @Stan wrote:

I didn't quite understand your performance test, is it slower or faster for you? The results seems to say GL is faster in your case.

Jan 26 2023, 12:36 AM

Jan 25 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4911: Fix 10K process crash on MacOS.

It seems to solve the problem described in D4905 (the small pyrogenesis processes), but I am still able to trigger all the processes described in #6699. I also noticed that when playing the tutorial (around the 25th minute), an ~18GB memory spindump process amassed in the background, making the PC unusable if not manually killed. How to trigger these processes in a regular game is not clear, the steps to reproduce them remain obscure.

Jan 25 2023, 11:17 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
In D4905#209749, @Stan wrote:
Jan 25 2023, 10:51 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
In D4905#209686, @Stan wrote:

Okay so the difference between the two is that now it actually manages to load Vulkan. Before it would just fail to load the Vulkan Dylib.


@Langbart you seem to have binaries/system in your PATH, which might have the unintended side effect of hiding a bug (dylib failing to load)

Does not make a difference.

So what you're both telling me is that it will spawn massive amounts of processes. But that doesn't happen in Windowed mode?

No, window mode has no influence. I just like to start 0AD with -conf=windowed:true.

Jan 25 2023, 9:05 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.

Compare performance @vladislavbelov

  • I created a map with 5 players (me+4AI's) on a normal sized Lake map. Entered the cheat code gift from the gods and have 80 horses run around the edge of the map..

Procedure (Visual Replay):
  1. default settings applied
  2. add profiler2.autoenable = true to user.cfg file
  3. run the following command:
test with rendererbackend Open GL
pyrogenesis -mod=public -conf=rendererbackend:gl -replay-visual={path_to_replay_file}
Jan 25 2023, 8:29 AM
Langbart added a comment to rP27483: Fix actors changing on transform..

Thanks for solving the issue. 😃

Jan 25 2023, 7:07 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
# this works
MVK_CONFIG_FULL_IMAGE_VIEW_SWIZZLE=1 /Applications/ -mod=public -mod=0ad-spirv -conf=rendererbackend:vulkan -conf=windowed:true
Jan 25 2023, 6:51 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.

The x86_64 bundle opened up, but lots of small pyrogenesis process flooded my activity monitor, same as described by @real_tabasco_sauce, when trying to use Vulkan as a rendererbackend, MVK_CONFIG_FULL_IMAGE_VIEW_SWIZZLE=1 had no effect.

Jan 25 2023, 6:39 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
x86_64 bundle
MVK_CONFIG_FULL_IMAGE_VIEW_SWIZZLE=1 /Applications/ -conf=rendererbackend:vulkan -conf=windowed:true
Valid app bundle detected
TIMER| InitVfs: 1.789 ms
FILES| Main log written to '/Users/paria/Library/Application Support/0ad/logs/mainlog.html'
FILES| Interesting log written to '/Users/paria/Library/Application Support/0ad/logs/interestinglog.html'
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 5.223 ms
Valid app bundle detected
Valid app bundle detected
Sound: AlcInit success, using Built-in Output
[mvk-info] MoltenVK version 1.2.1, supporting Vulkan version 1.2.236.
	The following 78 Vulkan extensions are supported:
		VK_KHR_16bit_storage v1
		VK_KHR_8bit_storage v1
		VK_KHR_bind_memory2 v1
		VK_KHR_copy_commands2 v1
		VK_KHR_create_renderpass2 v1
		VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation v3
		VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve v1
		VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template v1
		VK_KHR_device_group v4
		VK_KHR_device_group_creation v1
		VK_KHR_driver_properties v1
		VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering v1
		VK_KHR_external_fence v1
		VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities v1
		VK_KHR_external_memory v1
		VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities v1
		VK_KHR_external_semaphore v1
		VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities v1
		VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric v1
		VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2 v1
		VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 v2
		VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 v1
		VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer v1
		VK_KHR_image_format_list v1
		VK_KHR_maintenance1 v2
		VK_KHR_maintenance2 v1
		VK_KHR_maintenance3 v1
		VK_KHR_multiview v1
		VK_KHR_portability_subset v1
		VK_KHR_push_descriptor v2
		VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout v1
		VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge v3
		VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion v14
		VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts v1
		VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters v1
		VK_KHR_shader_float_controls v4
		VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 v1
		VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types v1
		VK_KHR_spirv_1_4 v1
		VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class v1
		VK_KHR_surface v25
		VK_KHR_swapchain v70
		VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format v1
		VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore v2
		VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout v1
		VK_KHR_variable_pointers v1
		VK_EXT_debug_marker v4
		VK_EXT_debug_report v10
		VK_EXT_debug_utils v2
		VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing v2
		VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock v1
		VK_EXT_hdr_metadata v2
		VK_EXT_host_query_reset v1
		VK_EXT_image_robustness v1
		VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block v1
		VK_EXT_memory_budget v1
		VK_EXT_metal_objects v1
		VK_EXT_metal_surface v1
		VK_EXT_private_data v1
		VK_EXT_robustness2 v1
		VK_EXT_sample_locations v1
		VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout v1
		VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage v1
		VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export v1
		VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer v1
		VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control v2
		VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace v4
		VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment v1
		VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor v3
		VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float v2
		VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height v1
		VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax v1
		VK_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2 v1
		VK_GOOGLE_display_timing v1
		VK_MVK_macos_surface v3
		VK_MVK_moltenvk v36
		VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric v1
		VK_NV_glsl_shader v1
[mvk-info] GPU device:
		model: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
		type: Discrete
		vendorID: 0x10de
		deviceID: 0x0fd5
		pipelineCacheUUID: 000027D9-0A0F-07D1-0000-000000000000
	supports the following Metal Versions, GPU's and Feature Sets:
		Metal Shading Language 2.2
		GPU Family Mac 1
		GPU Family Common 2
		GPU Family Common 1
		macOS GPU Family 1 v4
		macOS GPU Family 1 v3
		macOS GPU Family 1 v2
		macOS GPU Family 1 v1
[mvk-info] GPU device:
		model: Intel HD Graphics 4000
		type: Integrated
		vendorID: 0x8086
		deviceID: 0x0166
		pipelineCacheUUID: 000027D9-0A0F-07D1-0000-000000000000
	supports the following Metal Versions, GPU's and Feature Sets:
		Metal Shading Language 2.2
		GPU Family Mac 1
		GPU Family Common 2
		GPU Family Common 1
		macOS GPU Family 1 v4
		macOS GPU Family 1 v3
		macOS GPU Family 1 v2
		macOS GPU Family 1 v1
[mvk-info] Created VkInstance for Vulkan version 1.1.0, as requested by app, with the following 2 Vulkan extensions enabled:
		VK_KHR_surface v25
		VK_MVK_macos_surface v3
[mvk-info] Vulkan semaphores using Metal implicit guarantees within a single queue.
[mvk-info] Created VkDevice to run on GPU NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M with the following 1 Vulkan extensions enabled:
		VK_KHR_swapchain v70
[mvk-info] Created 3 swapchain images with initial size (1024, 768) and contents scale 1.0 for screen Built-in Display.
FILES| UserReport written to '/Users/paria/Library/Application Support/0ad/logs/userreport_hwdetect.txt'
TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 3.185 ms
FILES| Hardware details written to '/Users/paria/Library/Application Support/0ad/logs/system_info.txt'
TIMER| write_sys_info: 16.656 ms
Assertion failed: "0 && (L"Can't find a usable technique")"
Location: ShaderManager.cpp:269 (LoadTechnique)
Jan 25 2023, 6:31 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
# this works
MVK_CONFIG_FULL_IMAGE_VIEW_SWIZZLE=1 pyrogenesis -mod=public -mod=0ad-spirv -conf=rendererbackend:vulkan
# this also works
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Developer/0ad/binaries/system MVK_CONFIG_FULL_IMAGE_VIEW_SWIZZLE=1 pyrogenesis -mod=public -mod=0ad-spirv -conf=rendererbackend:vulkan
Jan 25 2023, 6:21 AM

Jan 24 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
In D4905#209644, @Stan wrote:

Can you upload the terminal log without the DYLD thingy?

Jan 24 2023, 12:23 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
In D4905#209634, @Stan wrote:

Also upload the terminal output if you can. Maybe something will lie there.

Jan 24 2023, 12:01 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.
In D4905#209624, @Stan wrote:

@Langbart thanks for testing can you try to xattr -cr binaries/system/libMoltenVK.dylib (after it's been moved)

Jan 24 2023, 10:06 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4905: Molten VK Support.

Compile on macOS

  • patch applied
  • get MoltenVK ./libraries/osx/
  • compile

Install the SPIR-V mod from


Run the game with ./pyrogenesis -mod=public -mod=0ad-spirv


Jan 24 2023, 2:06 AM

Jan 20 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4896: Improving corral tooltips / info.

Checking patches on users without commit access is time-consuming and leads to no results.

Jan 20 2023, 9:25 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4899: consistent style (red, bold) for tooltips on unmet requirements.
  • better call it more general
    • warning and warningFont, then it can be used for:
      • selection_panels_helpers.js line 179
      • and more occurrences of coloredText(..., "red") in selection_panels.js
Jan 20 2023, 1:05 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4896: Improving corral tooltips / info.
Jan 20 2023, 12:53 AM

Jan 19 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4898: Fix SDK dissonance on the CI.

After applying the patch, the part in the red box in the image below is no longer displayed.
The game opens without any side effect occurring.

Jan 19 2023, 11:23 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4900: Crash atlas in relation to Terrain.cpp CalcPosition.

it solves the problem described in the ticket. Thanks, but I do not know if it is the "right" solution, hence the change of reviewer.

Jan 19 2023, 9:35 AM
Langbart edited reviewers for D4900: Crash atlas in relation to Terrain.cpp CalcPosition, added: vladislavbelov; removed: Langbart.
Jan 19 2023, 9:33 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4896: Improving corral tooltips / info.

It also maybe seems a bit out of scope for this patch to do all the garrisonHolder stuff, could be a seperate 'nice to have' patch after FF? Since it's also not just about corals in that case anymore. This is just an improvement to tooltips i guess. (or an attempt)

Jan 19 2023, 2:34 AM
Langbart accepted D4897: Translate resources in PetraAI's tribute demands..
Jan 19 2023, 12:28 AM

Jan 17 2023

Langbart added a comment to D4896: Improving corral tooltips / info.
<!-- Possible XML code for template_unit_fauna_herd_domestic_cattle -->
Jan 17 2023, 10:34 PM
Langbart updated subscribers of D4896: Improving corral tooltips / info.

any kind of patch making the trickle rate to the player more clear is good

Jan 17 2023, 10:04 PM

Jan 16 2023

Langbart added a comment to rP27448: Art | Add garrison flags to all Corrals, since they can now garrison animals.
  • speedrun execution

  • everything works fine, good commit
Jan 16 2023, 10:57 AM
Langbart updated the Trac tickets for D4123: Fix some gaia units having incorrect players.
Jan 16 2023, 10:54 AM

Jan 13 2023

Langbart accepted D4884: Fixes creating window on macOS in case of missing Vulkan driver.

game window opens, fixing the issue.

Jan 13 2023, 3:30 AM

Jan 12 2023

Langbart accepted D4880: Update after r27245 / rP27245..
Jan 12 2023, 1:07 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4880: Update after r27245 / rP27245..

it finds all unused technologies and auras when modifying the technology templates and fixes the referenced ticket.

Jan 12 2023, 1:07 PM

Nov 24 2022

Langbart accepted D4832: Fix elephant mixins..

similar issue solved in rP25245

Nov 24 2022, 10:31 AM
Langbart added a comment to rP27241: Don't (mis)use technologies to differentiate elephants..

replace op="mul" with op="mul_round" ?

Nov 24 2022, 10:28 AM
Langbart added a comment to rP27241: Don't (mis)use technologies to differentiate elephants..

#6659, but I'm a bit lost why,,, It works fine for mercenaries.

Nov 24 2022, 9:55 AM

Aug 16 2022

Langbart resigned from rP26015: Some fixes after the ProductionQueue split..
Aug 16 2022, 4:43 PM
Langbart added a comment to D4765: Fix Mod.json issues..

after applying the patch, the problem from the ticket is no longer reproducible. The issue is fixed .

Aug 16 2022, 4:42 PM

Aug 6 2022

Langbart abandoned D4748: Remove redundant references to deleted .dtd files.
Aug 6 2022, 7:37 PM
Langbart abandoned D4329: Copy/Open button for file path in replay window.
Aug 6 2022, 7:37 PM
Langbart abandoned D4256: Adjusting the placeholder text for inputs.
Aug 6 2022, 7:36 PM
Langbart abandoned D4749: Apply stylesheet to template files.


Aug 6 2022, 7:36 PM
Langbart abandoned D3544: Regroup members at most once when formation and its members get idle.
Aug 6 2022, 7:35 PM
Langbart removed a reviewer for D4750: possible hotfix for wrong tech tooltips and structure tree: Langbart.
Aug 6 2022, 7:35 PM
Langbart resigned from rP26170: Performs texture uploads via DeviceCommandContext interface..


Aug 6 2022, 7:10 PM
Langbart resigned from rP26859: Fixes dynamic GL buffer orphaning forgotten in rP26406. Fixes #6533.
Aug 6 2022, 7:09 PM
Langbart resigned from rP26991: Add techs and auras to the list of possibly missing files..
Aug 6 2022, 7:09 PM

Aug 4 2022

Langbart updated subscribers of D4750: possible hotfix for wrong tech tooltips and structure tree.

P277 complains as well. (There should be more template files listed, but after the first entry it stops.)

Production Queue Validator
❯ python3 -v -r .
INFO - Launching 0.A.D with the following command binaries/system/pyrogenesis -mod="mod" -mod="public" --rl-interface="" --autostart-nonvisual --autostart="skirmishes/acropolis_bay_2p"
INFO - Calling to get data
INFO - Killing 0 A.D.
INFO - Looking for templates with missing production queue.
ERROR - structures/generic_field has no production queue.
Aug 4 2022, 6:48 AM

Aug 3 2022

Langbart resigned from rP27009: [Gameplay] Han unit roster restructure and other balancing adjustments.
Aug 3 2022, 6:02 PM
Langbart resigned from rP27012: Use the new crossbow for han champion units..
Aug 3 2022, 5:47 PM
Langbart resigned from rP27011: New crossbow model for the han champion units..
Aug 3 2022, 5:46 PM
Langbart added a comment to P265 Fix D4514..
  • The execution of the script from the public folder worked.
    • Testing if comments will be removed from the .xml file.
  • The comment was still there after running the script.
  • The only negative side effect is that the comment did not move with the renamed component.
Aug 3 2022, 5:15 PM
Langbart raised a concern with rP27009: [Gameplay] Han unit roster restructure and other balancing adjustments.
  • Try to start the sandbox map from the Han, many errors.
  • Bisecting lead to this commit.
Aug 3 2022, 4:28 PM
Langbart raised a concern with rP27012: Use the new crossbow for han champion units..
python3 -a
INFO - Collecting actors...
INFO - Validating textures...
WARNING - "public/art/actors/units/han/infantry_crossbowman_c.xml": actor contains unnecessary texture(s) "specTex" from "player_trans.xml"
Aug 3 2022, 4:16 PM
Langbart raised a concern with rP27011: New crossbow model for the han champion units..
Aug 3 2022, 4:11 PM
Langbart added a comment to P238 A23 to A24 components.

Only bad side effect is the comments are thrown under the bus.

Aug 3 2022, 3:41 PM
Langbart added a comment to P238 A23 to A24 components.

i was missing lxml

Aug 3 2022, 3:29 PM
Langbart added a comment to P238 A23 to A24 components.

I could not get it to work.

Aug 3 2022, 2:59 PM
Langbart updated the summary of D4749: Apply stylesheet to template files.
Aug 3 2022, 7:49 AM

Aug 2 2022

Langbart requested review of D4749: Apply stylesheet to template files.
Aug 2 2022, 3:15 PM
Langbart updated the diff for D4748: Remove redundant references to deleted .dtd files.

Restore catalog.xml

Aug 2 2022, 12:39 PM
Langbart updated the summary of D4748: Remove redundant references to deleted .dtd files.
Aug 2 2022, 6:30 AM
Langbart requested review of D4748: Remove redundant references to deleted .dtd files.
Aug 2 2022, 6:20 AM

Aug 1 2022

Langbart accepted D4746: Smaller adjustments to the building order.

It fixes all the problems referenced in the ticket.

Aug 1 2022, 8:35 AM
Langbart added a comment to D4736: [Gameplay] Differentiating Sparta.

Thank you @borg- for making this.

Good pointing it out from you. 👏 a lot of time needed to make gameplay patches.

Aug 1 2022, 8:33 AM · Balancing

Jul 30 2022

Langbart added a comment to D4736: [Gameplay] Differentiating Sparta.

grammatical errors;

Jul 30 2022, 6:11 PM · Balancing

Jul 29 2022

Langbart added a comment to D4511: [gameplay] make catapult / stonethrower more useful.

Maybe even more vision, I can't see the progress on bombing the house unless I move closer.

Jul 29 2022, 6:58 AM

Jul 24 2022

Langbart added a comment to D4743: Ignore broken symlinks.

make a dangling symlink ...

❯ ln -s ~/ThisFolderDoesNotExist ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/ThisFolderDoesNotExist
❯ ls -la ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/ | grep ThisFolderDoesNotExist
lrwxr-xr-x   1 paria  staff     35 Jul 24 22:55 ThisFolderDoesNotExist -> /Users/paria/ThisFolderDoesNotExist

start 0ad

Jul 24 2022, 11:54 PM

Jul 23 2022

Langbart updated the diff for D3544: Regroup members at most once when formation and its members get idle.


Jul 23 2022, 5:49 PM
Langbart commandeered D3544: Regroup members at most once when formation and its members get idle.


Jul 23 2022, 5:48 PM
Langbart updated subscribers of P281 Applying patches with Arcanist that contain empty files.

Mostly arc patch gets the job done, if not I use one of @wraitii's formulae:

However, they also do not filter out empty files.

Jul 23 2022, 3:03 PM
Langbart updated subscribers of P281 Applying patches with Arcanist that contain empty files.
In D4735#201575, @lyv wrote:

the files are always empty and not deleted

If you are applying with patch, you can use the -E flag. I generate patches using git diff which has a slightly different format (even phab shows those files as just deleted while this revision shows the files cleared). If you are using arc patch I have no idea what to do.

Jul 23 2022, 1:38 AM
Langbart created P281 Applying patches with Arcanist that contain empty files.
Jul 23 2022, 1:31 AM

Jul 22 2022

Langbart added a comment to D4735: Move all buildings to the builder mixin.

I think the problem is I don't use arcanist to upload the patch to phabricator since it is stupidly annoying to setup on windows.


  • vlad is on windows also does not use arcanist and on his patches it works. (D4434)
  • works for smiley too (D4611)
Jul 22 2022, 3:15 PM