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May 17 2020

Krinkle updated the diff for D2649: build-osx-libs: Compare lib version instead of dir mtime.
May 17 2020, 1:25 AM · macOS Developers
Krinkle updated the diff for D2649: build-osx-libs: Compare lib version instead of dir mtime.


May 17 2020, 1:22 AM · macOS Developers

May 16 2020

Vulcan added a comment to D2737: [gameplay] Add a flaming status effect to iber champion cavalry.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 16 2020, 11:39 PM
Stan added a reviewer for D2737: [gameplay] Add a flaming status effect to iber champion cavalry: Restricted Owners Package.
May 16 2020, 11:37 PM
Stan added a comment to D2737: [gameplay] Add a flaming status effect to iber champion cavalry.

{F1391988}Test mod

May 16 2020, 11:37 PM
Stan created D2737: [gameplay] Add a flaming status effect to iber champion cavalry.
May 16 2020, 11:34 PM
elexis added a comment to D2710: DiskPlacer: avoid scanning whole map.

(Whenever seeing this patch I can't stop to ask myself if sqrt(x) for 2*r times or computing x * x for pi/4 * r² times is faster for r < 5, respectively 5 <= r < 25. As in it seeming to be inviting to compute circle / line intersections and only iterating the points on the disk, but I dont know how many points on the wasted effort scale that yields.)

May 16 2020, 11:20 PM
Stan committed rP23674: Rename the Seleucid citizen pikeman to ϕαλαγγίτης phalangitēs / phalangite .
Rename the Seleucid citizen pikeman to ϕαλαγγίτης phalangitēs / phalangite
May 16 2020, 11:15 PM
Stan closed D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.
May 16 2020, 11:15 PM
Stan updated the summary of D2726: AMD Ryzen fix.
May 16 2020, 10:54 PM
Stan accepted D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

Alright with me then. Name is more accurate, Silver shield on a search engine does indeed inform the player if he needs more info. It's some more work for the translators hopefully not too much.

May 16 2020, 10:51 PM
wowgetoffyourcellphone added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

Sounds fine to me.

May 16 2020, 10:17 PM
Nescio added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

Can you define modern literature? :)

How about “anything published since Napoleon”?
For what's it worth, here are two paragraph from The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare (Cambridge 2008) p 334:

and p 427:

Nor did I find occurrences of “pikem” in a few books on the Seleucids I checked, nor on the argyraspides and phalangite Wikipedia articles.

May 16 2020, 9:19 PM
Stan added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

Can you define modern literature? :)

May 16 2020, 9:01 PM
Nescio added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

For comparison, athen_cavalry_swordsman_b.xml:

<GenericName>Greek Cavalry</GenericName>
May 16 2020, 8:54 PM
Nescio added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

Well I always assumed the generic name was to be descriptive for the players, not just a perfect translation. But maybe I'm wrong?

No, you're not wrong; I believe the generic name is supposed to be the broad English equivalent of the specific name. However, I believe they're simply called silver shields and phalangites in modern literature.

May 16 2020, 8:47 PM
Stan added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

Wouldn't that imply that those troops were actually called “pikemen”? (Which is not exactly true.)

May 16 2020, 8:40 PM
Nescio added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

While I'm all for fixing names, I'm wondering whether keeping the generic name as is isn't preferable. I think it makes more sense for the player.

Wouldn't that imply that those troops were actually called “pikemen”? (Which is not exactly true.)

And the initial reference, which if it is wrong must be updated:

Better leave it as is. The design documents are already quite outdated. If one thing is changed, people might assume everything else is correct. I think it's better to view them as what was the original vision for 0 A.D. (i.e. descriptive), not as something 0 A.D. must become (i.e. prescriptive).

May 16 2020, 8:35 PM
Stan added a comment to D2563: NVTT build fixes.

With the fix above

I kept the va_list_change by @Itms so it's just one change + the files.

May 16 2020, 8:34 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2726: AMD Ryzen fix.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 16 2020, 8:25 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2726: AMD Ryzen fix.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 16 2020, 8:25 PM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B11688: Diff 11884 for D2726: AMD Ryzen fix!
May 16 2020, 8:24 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2726: AMD Ryzen fix.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 16 2020, 8:24 PM
Stan updated the summary of D2726: AMD Ryzen fix.
May 16 2020, 8:23 PM
Stan updated the diff for D2726: AMD Ryzen fix.

Add the linux fix. Diff will fail to build because arc is stupid, but this is only for backup

May 16 2020, 8:23 PM
Stan added inline comments to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.
May 16 2020, 7:57 PM
Stan updated subscribers of D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

For the record in DE since @wowgetoffyourcellphone mentionned it

May 16 2020, 7:51 PM
elexis added a comment to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Inline comments for two versions of the patch, I suppose not much changed.
I did not perform dynamic analysis.
To be clear, I do not request any change or commit, only try to offer anecdotes of experience, inspiration and technical backgrounds where noticeable.

May 16 2020, 7:49 PM
Stan committed rP23673: Cleanup Timer.js.
Cleanup Timer.js
May 16 2020, 7:41 PM
Stan closed D1776: Cleanup Timer.js and update documentation.
May 16 2020, 7:41 PM
s0600204 updated the diff for D759: Adapt civinfo page to load relevant info from templates..

Massive update and rebase.

May 16 2020, 6:35 PM
bb accepted D1776: Cleanup Timer.js and update documentation.

linter happy, bb happy

May 16 2020, 6:28 PM
bb added inline comments to D2662: Gather using ResourceGatherer instead of UnitAI..
May 16 2020, 6:10 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 16 2020, 4:44 PM
s0600204 updated the diff for D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Apply linting suggestions from ESLintBear/JSHintBear

May 16 2020, 4:40 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 16 2020, 4:28 PM
s0600204 updated the diff for D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Rebase to include the "History" -> "Civilization Overview" string change

May 16 2020, 4:24 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 16 2020, 4:21 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2337: Internationalise Damage Types and Status Effects using (optional) JSON files..

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 16 2020, 4:16 PM
Nescio created D2736: bronze shield pikeman → phalangite.
May 16 2020, 4:16 PM
bb added a comment to D2735: Trigger an exit-reentry when the target entity of an order is renamed.

This patch is correct by default if the design is that sets a state depending on the given order and state.enter checks if the state is possible and if it fails we simply go to the next order.

May 16 2020, 4:16 PM
wraitii updated the diff for D2337: Internationalise Damage Types and Status Effects using (optional) JSON files..

Fix the status effects not being used (I plan to commit this regardless of D2296).

May 16 2020, 4:12 PM
wraitii commandeered D2337: Internationalise Damage Types and Status Effects using (optional) JSON files..
May 16 2020, 4:11 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2735: Trigger an exit-reentry when the target entity of an order is renamed.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 16 2020, 3:37 PM
wraitii updated the diff for D2735: Trigger an exit-reentry when the target entity of an order is renamed.

Only do this for the current order, as an optimisation.

May 16 2020, 3:32 PM
wraitii added a comment to D2735: Trigger an exit-reentry when the target entity of an order is renamed.

As an addendum, some thoughts I had while debugging this:

May 16 2020, 3:15 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D2735: Trigger an exit-reentry when the target entity of an order is renamed.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 16 2020, 3:14 PM
wraitii created D2735: Trigger an exit-reentry when the target entity of an order is renamed.
May 16 2020, 3:06 PM
Imarok awarded D2476: Remove obsolete GetVideoMode platform-specifics a Love token.
May 16 2020, 12:38 PM
wraitii accepted D2563: NVTT build fixes.

I further confirm that this fixes the issue on OSX. Can't test the AArch64 fix though.

May 16 2020, 10:39 AM
wraitii added a comment to D2531: Analysis of unique_range assertion failure on MacOS.
In D2531#108430, @Stan wrote:

I've reproduced that assertion locally on macOS 10.14.6 in debug-mode. I've figured out the reason: it seems that OSAtomicAdd64 doesn't work as expected in debug mode, maybe address was misaligned.

Can it be fixed?


May 16 2020, 9:15 AM · Contributors
wraitii added a comment to D2440: Per-Unit Discrete LOD using actor quality levels.

Good feature, indeed the implementation is relatively straightforward.

May 16 2020, 9:05 AM
wraitii added a comment to D665: Make ship pickup nicer.

Some comments:

  • I think you can use global regions to skip the ReachableRegions logic entirely, which should be faster.
  • It seems you're only checking the borders of the square? I'm assuming it's for optimisation purposes, and because that likely is sufficient in the usual case?
  • I don't see any assumption that the unit is a ship, contrary to what the comment suggest. Your function is basically checking if there is a Navcell of possibility B in range x of unit A.
May 16 2020, 9:02 AM
Stan awarded D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles a Pterodactyl token.
May 16 2020, 9:01 AM
wraitii added inline comments to D14: Thread the pathfinder computations.
May 16 2020, 8:43 AM
wraitii added a comment to D14: Thread the pathfinder computations.
In D14#114479, @Kuba386 wrote:

Unfortunately, it's an issue with pathfinder.
What caused the crash here is reading grid.m_W variable.
I guess something causes pathfinder workers to start computing paths before grid is initialised.

May 16 2020, 8:41 AM
wackyserious committed rP23672: Add missing file reported in:
Add missing file reported in:
May 16 2020, 8:24 AM
s0600204 planned changes to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

D'oh! Forgot the "History" -> "Civilization Overview" text change, didn't I? *sigh*

May 16 2020, 12:56 AM
Vulcan added a comment to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 16 2020, 12:52 AM
Vulcan added a comment to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 16 2020, 12:51 AM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B11677: Diff 11873 for D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles!
May 16 2020, 12:50 AM
Vulcan added a comment to D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 16 2020, 12:50 AM
s0600204 created D2734: Rewrite Structure Tree and Template Viewer to use OOP principles.
May 16 2020, 12:50 AM

May 15 2020

bb added a comment to D2722: [gui] rename “History” to “Civilization Overview”.

JS gui rejected it once and didn't accept again

May 15 2020, 11:33 PM
s0600204 added a comment to D2722: [gui] rename “History” to “Civilization Overview”.
In D2722#115471, @Stan wrote:

Have you tried the longtext language?

May 15 2020, 11:32 PM
s0600204 committed rP23671: Rename civinfo page from "History" to "Civilization Overview".
Rename civinfo page from "History" to "Civilization Overview"
May 15 2020, 11:28 PM
s0600204 closed D2722: [gui] rename “History” to “Civilization Overview”.
May 15 2020, 11:27 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 15 2020, 10:14 PM
bb added inline comments to D2731: Create function to match a target's speed..
May 15 2020, 10:14 PM
bb updated the diff for D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.

Rename to Keydown and years

May 15 2020, 10:04 PM
Stan added inline comments to D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.
May 15 2020, 9:40 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.

Successful build - Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.

May 15 2020, 9:29 PM
bb updated the diff for D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.

Fix TODO's

May 15 2020, 9:15 PM
bb updated the summary of D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.
May 15 2020, 9:14 PM
FeXoR resigned from D1637: BoolArray array wrapper..

This is not really related to random maps and should IMO go to global scripts ;)

May 15 2020, 7:36 PM
elexis added a comment to rP22207: Actually add the test file for rP22205..

Can't compile this test file on gcc 10 and clang 10, see #5756. (I assume it is this commit since it introduced the test and it wasn't changed much later, but I didn't compare the function signatures.)

May 15 2020, 7:14 PM
Imarok added a comment to D1849: Add a "Mac Mouse" option.
In D1849#87712, @elexis wrote:

Precisely because they have no idea how to fix this, the one line in options.json is the right fix isn't it?

Then the next issues comes straight ahead: The user needs to remap attack-move and garrisson.
Yeah, we could change that in the same go, but no idea to what key we should remap that.
(And not the free time to look into it)

May 15 2020, 6:42 PM · macOS Developers
Stan requested changes to D2101: Re-D2013 - Fix incorrect use of setlocale() in cppformat CStr tests.

Needs to be rebased after rP23562 see comments there for what I believe to be the same bug.

May 15 2020, 6:22 PM
Imarok updated the summary of D1751: [WIP] Map flares.
May 15 2020, 6:08 PM
wraitii requested verification of rP22003: Add "mul_round" op to template parsing to support multiplying-then-rounding..
May 15 2020, 1:37 PM
wackyserious committed rP23670: Texture Update: Arab Javelineer and Nabatean Camel Archer.
Texture Update: Arab Javelineer and Nabatean Camel Archer
May 15 2020, 12:19 PM
wackyserious committed rP23669: Texture Update: Seleucid Thorakites (by wowgetoffyourcellphone).
Texture Update: Seleucid Thorakites (by wowgetoffyourcellphone)
May 15 2020, 11:26 AM
wackyserious committed rP23668: Texture Update: New (and updated) Persian Unit Textures.
Texture Update: New (and updated) Persian Unit Textures
May 15 2020, 10:51 AM
wraitii added inline comments to rP22442: Formation animation refactor - use animation variants instead of special move….
May 15 2020, 10:10 AM
wraitii added a comment to D2438: Fix formationmember not leaving walking state if offset cannot be reached.

Thanks for noticing and fixing this Angen, excellent change ?

May 15 2020, 10:06 AM
autobuild committed rP23667: [i18n] Updated POT and PO files..
[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.
May 15 2020, 9:28 AM
Stan added a comment to D2722: [gui] rename “History” to “Civilization Overview”.

Have you tried the longtext language?

May 15 2020, 8:50 AM
Stan added a comment to D2716: build-osx-libs: Update GnuTLS to 3.6.13 (unbreak macOS 10.15).

Tested revision 23664 on macOS Catalina 10.15.4, with patch applied it no longer fail at the GnuTLS stage.

May 15 2020, 8:23 AM
yevgenko added a comment to D2716: build-osx-libs: Update GnuTLS to 3.6.13 (unbreak macOS 10.15).

Tested revision 23664 on macOS Catalina 10.15.4, with patch applied it no longer fail at the GnuTLS stage.

May 15 2020, 5:49 AM
s0600204 accepted D2722: [gui] rename “History” to “Civilization Overview”.

We'll no doubt find out if the button is wide enough for translations when it gets translated.

May 15 2020, 1:56 AM

May 14 2020

Harbormaster failed remote builds in B11668: Diff 11867 for D1206: Absorb duplicated summary tab code to the tab_buttons gui!
May 14 2020, 11:22 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D1206: Absorb duplicated summary tab code to the tab_buttons gui.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 14 2020, 11:22 PM
bb updated the diff for D1206: Absorb duplicated summary tab code to the tab_buttons gui.

Fix GL error

May 14 2020, 11:21 PM
Harbormaster failed to build B11667: rP23666: New macedonian aspis. for rP23666: New macedonian aspis.!
May 14 2020, 10:19 PM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B11666: Diff 11866 for D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating!
May 14 2020, 10:17 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 14 2020, 10:17 PM
Alexandermb committed rP23666: New macedonian aspis..
New macedonian aspis.
May 14 2020, 10:15 PM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B11665: Diff 11865 for D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating!
May 14 2020, 10:14 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.

Build failure - The Moirai have given mortals hearts that can endure.

May 14 2020, 10:14 PM
bb updated the diff for D1398: Fix shiftlag and implement HotkeyDown event, change HotkeyPress event to be non-repeating.

Remove debug code

May 14 2020, 10:09 PM