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Jan 15 2021

Freagarach added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

I guess D3303 might make it easier, but I don't know for sure.

Yeah, but A25 ;)

Jan 15 2021, 3:47 PM
wraitii added a comment to rP19438: Use per 100 meters spread values. Fix a bit the related help. Change and use….

Only at their max-range, right? At any range shared between the two entities it is the same?

Well, yes, but it leads to the current Archer/Javelin situation where despite the archer having lower nominal Spread, their actual hit rate is really poor.

Jan 15 2021, 3:43 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

elephants don't collect resources, so I don't see a good reason to add food

No food is added, mercenary food cost is reduced, to 40%.
There are currently no elephant mercenaries anyway, so the point is mood. However, they're included in this patch because it's not unlikely they'll be introduced in a future patch (or mod) and having two more lines here is cheap.

Jan 15 2021, 3:41 PM
Freagarach added a comment to rP19438: Use per 100 meters spread values. Fix a bit the related help. Change and use….

This means that units with the same stats (DPS & spread) but different range will have different 'real' DPS.

Only at their max-range, right? At any range shared between the two entities it is the same?

Jan 15 2021, 3:41 PM
Nescio updated subscribers of D3246: [gameplay] increase advanced and elite and lower champion ranged attack damage.

I think the Range bonus is irrelevant, and agree with removing it.

Already done in D3297/rP24539.

Ranged units are supposed to deal damage, I think increasing the resistance makes limited sense. An expert bowman is no more protected against swords than a beginner (the same isn't _quite_ true of melee units).
Reducing ranged champion resistance seems fair to me (more consistent with CS).

See D3369.

Remember that spread is "normal deviation at 100 meters".

Yes, I know, @fatherbushido once explained to me on the forums how spread works.

I don't really have comments on their actual firepower, but spread needs to be reworked IMO. [...]

I fully agree spread values need to be changed, but I'm unsure what would be appropiate values.
Moreover, if a basic javelineer has double the spread of an archer, then a champion javelineer ought to have double the spread of a champion archer, in my opinion.

So something like (D) but with spread reworked.

Do you think it's better to do spread in a separate patch (and update this one afterwards) or do you prefer to include it here, making this one more complicated?

Jan 15 2021, 3:38 PM
borg- added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

elephants don't collect resources, so I don't see a good reason to add food

Jan 15 2021, 3:38 PM
Stan committed rP24629: Prevent the game from playing sounds too often (8 times for a cavalry slaughter….
Prevent the game from playing sounds too often (8 times for a cavalry slaughter…
Jan 15 2021, 3:35 PM
Stan closed D3118: Decorelate the "sound" attribute from the "event" attribute.
Jan 15 2021, 3:35 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

Build is green

Jan 15 2021, 3:31 PM
Nescio updated the diff for D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.
  • mercenaries cost 60% less food than their citizen counterparts
  • their wood, stone, and metal costs are replaced with just metal: infantry 60, cavalry 80, elephants 120
Jan 15 2021, 3:26 PM
borg- added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

As I wrote earlier, getting a combination of two or more resources is easier, so the total cost ought to be somewhat higher than if they would only cost metal.

Jan 15 2021, 3:03 PM
wraitii accepted D3368: Removes useless option for shadows on water.

This makes sense to me. It looks better and it's fairly meaningless in terms of CPU power.

Jan 15 2021, 3:00 PM
vladislavbelov requested review of D3368: Removes useless option for shadows on water.
Jan 15 2021, 2:52 PM
wraitii added a comment to D3355: [gameplay] tweak ptol structures civ bonus again.

A cost discount with a health reduction is fine. (suggested ptol structures)

That would be my preferred option I guess, mirroring gaul/brit but with cost instead of time.

Jan 15 2021, 2:31 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

As I wrote earlier, getting a combination of two or more resources is easier, so the total cost ought to be somewhat higher than if they would only cost metal.

Jan 15 2021, 2:30 PM
wraitii added a comment to D3246: [gameplay] increase advanced and elite and lower champion ranged attack damage.

Ranged units are supposed to deal damage, I think increasing the resistance makes limited sense. An expert bowman is no more protected against swords than a beginner (the same isn't _quite_ true of melee units).
I think the Range bonus is irrelevant, and agree with removing it.

Jan 15 2021, 2:29 PM
wraitii added a comment to rP19438: Use per 100 meters spread values. Fix a bit the related help. Change and use….

This seemed like a good idea at the time, from what I recall, but I'm not sure it was. This means that units with the same stats (DPS & spread) but different range will have different 'real' DPS.

Jan 15 2021, 2:24 PM
Nescio abandoned D2841: [gameplay] split Celtic civ bonuses.

Britons and Gauls no longer get additional population from ordinary structures (D2950/rP24623) so the current bonus is less problematic and can stay as it is. The Gauls received a number of new things in A24 so they are not as similar as the Britons as they used to. The Britons deserve a little something as well, but that's something for a future patch.

Jan 15 2021, 2:23 PM
borg- added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

Infantry 20 food 50 metal, cavalry 30 food 70 metal, elephant keep only metal.

Jan 15 2021, 2:20 PM
FeXoR accepted D2777: delete maps/scenarios/height*.
Jan 15 2021, 2:18 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

I hope the resource Gatherer rate to 0 thing works?

It did last time I checked (which was at the end of last year).

I'm not sure if collecting treasures is still supposed to be possible? Depending, see inline.

Yes, they're supposed to be still able to collect treasures, hence the large number of lines.
I guess D3303 might make it easier, but I don't know for sure.

Jan 15 2021, 2:16 PM
Vulcan added a comment to D3320: [gameplay] Add a carnyx player for the gauls.

Build is green

Jan 15 2021, 2:11 PM
wraitii added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

Overall I think this looks OK.
We run, again, in the issue of using modifier to affect templates rather fundamentally. This in particular really looks like it should be a "Mercenary" filter applied to templates. This is still impossible.
I guess I'm ok with doing this in techs instead of in the templates given the number of Mercenary we have at the moment.
I hope the resource Gatherer rate to 0 thing works?

Jan 15 2021, 2:10 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3355: [gameplay] tweak ptol structures civ bonus again.

I guess my point is mostly that reducing the cost but increasing build time is essentially playing on the 'same thing', i.e. worker time, but in both directions at once.

That's another way of phrasing what I meant.

This makes it harder to understand what the bonus does. I would favour a straight small wood reduction over a complicated bonus like we have now.

Feel free to replace the time increase with a health reduction.

Jan 15 2021, 2:08 PM
wraitii committed rP24628: Make the Athenian long_walls tech cost stone..
Make the Athenian long_walls tech cost stone.
Jan 15 2021, 2:03 PM
borg- added a comment to D3355: [gameplay] tweak ptol structures civ bonus again.

I think you're right, it's a little bit boring to understand now. I can't make this change in the next few hours, so can someone command this patch?

Jan 15 2021, 2:03 PM
wraitii closed D3356: [gameplay] Changes in long_walls tech.
Jan 15 2021, 2:03 PM
Freagarach added a comment to D2646: Remove special Animal state..

Just a note that I will merge this (soon) after the release. Template values can be tweaked thereafter, but I think the code is (quite) solid.

Jan 15 2021, 2:02 PM
wraitii added a comment to D3355: [gameplay] tweak ptol structures civ bonus again.

I guess my point is mostly that reducing the cost but increasing build time is essentially playing on the 'same thing', i.e. worker time, but in both directions at once. This makes it harder to understand what the bonus does. I would favour a straight small wood reduction over a complicated bonus like we have now.

Jan 15 2021, 1:58 PM
borg- accepted D3320: [gameplay] Add a carnyx player for the gauls.
Jan 15 2021, 1:56 PM
borg- added a comment to D3355: [gameplay] tweak ptol structures civ bonus again.

I agree that adding a proportional loss of health.

Jan 15 2021, 1:54 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3355: [gameplay] tweak ptol structures civ bonus again.

Have to say this is still a pretty weird bonus. Sundiata has a point that they probably should have both faster build time, lower cost and lower HP.

The sun-dried mud bricks need time for the mud to dry in the sun, though.
More importantly, the reason Britons, Gauls, and Ptolemies are by far the most popular civs in multiplayer is fundamentally simple: they have an economic bonus at game start. Being able to develop more quickly early on is a clear advantage. Having both a cost reduction and a time discount (or population bonus) makes things a lot worse, the modifications compound and create a snowball effect. Therefore it's necessary to give civs only one such bonus (hence D2950), and ensure it has some kind of penalty.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure "dried mud" is actually specific enough that it should be a civ bonus at all. Further, Kushites seem like they should benefit too?

In the initial version of D3329 I proposed extending this civ bonus to cart, kush, and pers as well (for comparison, brit and gaul share a structure bonus, as do athen, mace, spart), but @borg- recommended against.

Jan 15 2021, 1:49 PM
borg- added a comment to D3269: [gameplay] differentiate mercenaries.

I would love to see this patch for a24. Three players asked me for it yesterday in the lobby. The only change I would make is to add some food to them, the rest seems good.

Jan 15 2021, 1:49 PM
Freagarach added inline comments to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.
Jan 15 2021, 1:36 PM
Nescio requested changes to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.
Jan 15 2021, 1:33 PM
borg- added a comment to D3365: [gameplay] Purge roman Sibylline Books / cart Exploration techs.

I might actually vote to disable this tech ATM otherwise.

Jan 15 2021, 1:30 PM
Freagarach added inline comments to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.
Jan 15 2021, 1:29 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3365: [gameplay] Purge roman Sibylline Books / cart Exploration techs.

The problem with vision technologies is that entities with already high vision range benefit much more than those with smaller vision ranges (the area is pi times radius square).

I might actually vote to disable this tech ATM otherwise.

That would be my preferred solution too.

Jan 15 2021, 1:28 PM
Nescio updated the diff for D3320: [gameplay] Add a carnyx player for the gauls.
  • changed cost as discussed with @borg- (sorry for the haggling)
Jan 15 2021, 1:25 PM
borg- added a comment to D3320: [gameplay] Add a carnyx player for the gauls.

180 food and 120 metal?

Jan 15 2021, 1:21 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3320: [gameplay] Add a carnyx player for the gauls.

180 food and 120 metal?

Jan 15 2021, 1:20 PM
Nescio added inline comments to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.
Jan 15 2021, 1:18 PM
borg- added a comment to D3320: [gameplay] Add a carnyx player for the gauls.

200 food 100 metal?

Jan 15 2021, 1:18 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3357: [gameplay] tweak market technologies.

Previously: 1.1^3=1.331, i.e. a 33% increase.
Patch: 1.15^3=1.521, i.e. a 52% increase.
I'm fine with increasing the trade gain technologies from +10% to +15%, but please remove the +25% movement speed bonus to compensate, and keep the trade_commercial_treaty.json unchanged.

Jan 15 2021, 1:17 PM
Freagarach added inline comments to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.
Jan 15 2021, 1:16 PM
borg- added a comment to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.

The design is like having more rooms, so I think it’s reasonable to have double pop.

Jan 15 2021, 1:15 PM
Nescio accepted D3356: [gameplay] Changes in long_walls tech.

Fine by me.

Jan 15 2021, 1:12 PM
Nescio added a comment to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.

Was waiting for this to be finished before committing anything :)

Could you commit the icon first, though, like you did with the carnyx-trumpeter?

Jan 15 2021, 1:11 PM
Nescio added a comment to D3320: [gameplay] Add a carnyx player for the gauls.

Here is my reasoning:

  • Reducing enemy attack damage by 10% is equivalent to raising your resistances by one level.
  • Champion infantry costs 80 food, 60 food, 80 metal and the swordsman has 47% more damage per second and two more resistance levels (equivalent to +23% health) than the proposed carnyx-trumpeter.
  • Infantry heroes (e.g. Brennus) cost 200 food, 150 wood, 200 metal, have a lot more health, resistance, and attack damage, and much more powerful auras.

I called 250 food excessive because it's over three times the champion infantry's and even more than the hero's. I think we can agree the cost of this proposed unit ought to be somewhere in between ordinary champion infantry and infantry heroes.
So how about one of the following?

  • 100 food, 200 metal
  • 150 food, 150 metal
  • 100 food, 100 wood, 100 metal

Or just make them cost 50% more than ordinary champion infantry, i.e.:

  • 120 food, 90 wood, 120 metal.

What do you think?

Jan 15 2021, 1:07 PM
Freagarach added inline comments to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.
Jan 15 2021, 12:57 PM
Stan added a comment to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.

Was waiting for this to be finished before committing anything :)

Jan 15 2021, 12:55 PM
Nescio added inline comments to D2917: [gameplay] enable cart apartment.
Jan 15 2021, 12:54 PM
Freagarach added inline comments to D3118: Decorelate the "sound" attribute from the "event" attribute.
Jan 15 2021, 12:32 PM
Stan resigned from rP24553: Adds #include directive support to shaders.
Jan 15 2021, 12:23 PM
vladislavbelov requested verification of rP24553: Adds #include directive support to shaders.
Jan 15 2021, 12:22 PM
vladislavbelov committed rP24627: Fixes PCH and removes unused warnings after rP24553..
Fixes PCH and removes unused warnings after rP24553.
Jan 15 2021, 12:21 PM
Stan raised a concern with rP24553: Adds #include directive support to shaders.

This commit broke --without-pch. While at it, please fix the warnings.

Jan 15 2021, 11:59 AM
Freagarach added inline comments to D3118: Decorelate the "sound" attribute from the "event" attribute.
Jan 15 2021, 11:45 AM
Vulcan added a comment to D3118: Decorelate the "sound" attribute from the "event" attribute.

Build is green

Jan 15 2021, 11:38 AM
Stan updated the diff for D3118: Decorelate the "sound" attribute from the "event" attribute.

Years, fix notes

Jan 15 2021, 11:22 AM
wraitii added a comment to D3355: [gameplay] tweak ptol structures civ bonus again.

Intuitively, the wood cost is 75, which is about 100 seconds at start rate to gather. The build time is 30 seconds. This would lower gathering time by around 30s, while increasing build time by around 15s. So overall a net gain. If you add the storehouse (40s build time), things might become more complex.
However it becomes a net loss if one must put two units to build vs one for other civ at the starts. I'm not entirely sure, but I have a hunch that this 'bonus' comes out about equal right now.

Jan 15 2021, 11:18 AM
Stan committed rP24626: Use arrow sounds instead of flesh sounds for javelins..
Use arrow sounds instead of flesh sounds for javelins.
Jan 15 2021, 11:09 AM
vladislavbelov committed rP24625: Replaces UNICODE characters in the code by consistent ASCII characters..
Replaces UNICODE characters in the code by consistent ASCII characters.
Jan 15 2021, 11:07 AM
wraitii requested review of D3367: Enable SM compilation with MacOs 11 SDK..
Jan 15 2021, 11:03 AM
wraitii committed rP24624: Make foundations not ConquestCritical.
Make foundations not ConquestCritical
Jan 15 2021, 11:02 AM
wraitii closed D2674: [gameplay] make foundations not ConquestCritical.
Jan 15 2021, 11:02 AM
bb planned changes to D3225: Stop dodging arrows by spamclicking or patrol: Change the targetting code to account for "end of path".

Formations need fixing.

Jan 15 2021, 11:00 AM
wraitii accepted D2939: [gameplay] delete armor_hero_01 technology.

I think a tech for one unit is a bit odd in the current gameplay. IMO heroes already come with better armour and HP and that should be enough, particularly since they unlock in City phase already. I don't think our gameplay is hero-centric enough that they warrant further upgrades.

Jan 15 2021, 10:58 AM
Freagarach added a comment to D2950: [gameplay] keep population for houses.

Their structures already have lower wood costs

Where do I find that? ;P

Jan 15 2021, 10:47 AM
wraitii accepted D3356: [gameplay] Changes in long_walls tech.

Makes sense to me, and as a unique tech I guess a 'weird' cost structure is fine.

Jan 15 2021, 10:40 AM
Freagarach added a comment to D3365: [gameplay] Purge roman Sibylline Books / cart Exploration techs.

Or a reduction in bribe cost?

Jan 15 2021, 10:39 AM
wraitii added a comment to D3357: [gameplay] tweak market technologies.

What's the reason to bump the city-phase tech even more? 20% trade increase is substantial, and we had Diffs in the past to avoid the 'snowball' effect from going to City Phase.

Jan 15 2021, 10:38 AM
wraitii added a comment to D3365: [gameplay] Purge roman Sibylline Books / cart Exploration techs.

I think exploration is fine.

Jan 15 2021, 10:31 AM
wraitii accepted D3350: [gameplay] tweak mace, ptol, sele specific structures.

I agree with these overall. The Pool lighthouse bonus always seemed rather weird to me, and the code is annoying as hell and rather slow. I would like to remove it.

Jan 15 2021, 10:23 AM
vladislavbelov added inline comments to rP24215: Let players remap hotkeys in-game, fix default hotkeys being qwerty-specific..
Jan 15 2021, 10:23 AM
wraitii committed rP24623: Remove population bonus from most non-house buildings..
Remove population bonus from most non-house buildings.
Jan 15 2021, 10:19 AM
wraitii closed D2950: [gameplay] keep population for houses.
Jan 15 2021, 10:19 AM
autobuild committed rP24622: [i18n] Updated POT and PO files..
[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.
Jan 15 2021, 10:07 AM
Freagarach committed rP24621: Avoid GUI errors for captured structures with paired tech of different civ..
Avoid GUI errors for captured structures with paired tech of different civ.
Jan 15 2021, 9:55 AM
Freagarach closed D2171: Avoid GUI errors for captured buildings with paired techs of a different civ.
Jan 15 2021, 9:55 AM
wraitii accepted D2493: [gameplay] make siege engines uncapturable.

My understanding here is that siege engines are more easily destroyed than captured, so pro-players prefer to destroy them.
The unfortunate problem is that we don't have a good way to define "preferred attacks" against target, so it defaults to Capture. We have patches that might change that in the future, but none right now.

Jan 15 2021, 9:51 AM
Freagarach committed rP24620: Building snapping loading screen tip..
Building snapping loading screen tip.
Jan 15 2021, 9:48 AM
Freagarach closed D2545: Building snapping loading screen tip.
Jan 15 2021, 9:47 AM
Vulcan added a comment to D2947: Address concerns in rP23917.

Build is green

Jan 15 2021, 9:44 AM
Freagarach updated subscribers of rP24619: Add loading screen tip for heroes..

Image from Delenda Est (@wowgetoffyourcellphone).

Jan 15 2021, 9:38 AM
Freagarach committed rP24619: Add loading screen tip for heroes..
Add loading screen tip for heroes.
Jan 15 2021, 9:38 AM
Freagarach closed D3294: Loading screen tip for heroes..
Jan 15 2021, 9:37 AM
wraitii updated the diff for D2947: Address concerns in rP23917.

This should compile. Will run a docker noPCH build to make sure there's no issues.

Jan 15 2021, 9:35 AM
Vulcan added a comment to D3361: Fix lag on OOS with AIs.

Build is green

Jan 15 2021, 9:24 AM
wraitii updated the diff for D3361: Fix lag on OOS with AIs.

Fix tests.

Jan 15 2021, 9:13 AM
wraitii committed rP24618: Allow hotkeys/config settings to be empty..
Allow hotkeys/config settings to be empty.
Jan 15 2021, 9:05 AM
wraitii closed D3307: Allow hotkeys to be undefined..
Jan 15 2021, 9:05 AM
Freagarach committed rP24617: Fix Jebel Barkal giant..
Fix Jebel Barkal giant.
Jan 15 2021, 9:00 AM
Freagarach closed D3299: Fix Jebel Barkal giant..
Jan 15 2021, 8:59 AM
wraitii committed rP24616: NetClient: don't LOGERROR when flushing messages while disconnected..
NetClient: don't LOGERROR when flushing messages while disconnected.
Jan 15 2021, 8:55 AM
wraitii closed D3352: NetClient: don't LOGERROR when flushing messages while disconnected..
Jan 15 2021, 8:55 AM
Vulcan added a comment to D3364: Fix AI's handling of buildRestriction distances following rP24217.

Build is green

Jan 15 2021, 8:52 AM
Freagarach committed rP24615: [Gameplay A24] - Adjust elephant temlate values..
[Gameplay A24] - Adjust elephant temlate values.
Jan 15 2021, 8:50 AM
Freagarach closed D2853: [gameplay] adjust elephant template values.
Jan 15 2021, 8:50 AM
wraitii committed rP24614: Fix gamesetup map size not updating for clients..
Fix gamesetup map size not updating for clients.
Jan 15 2021, 8:49 AM